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Organizational Behavior Textbook by Hellriegel & Slocum

13th Edition
Don Hellriegel
Texas A & M University
John W. Slocum, Jr.
Southern Methodist University
Organizational Behavior,
Thirteenth Edition
Don Hellriegel & John W. Slocum, Jr.
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To Lois (DH)
To Gail (JWS)
Brief Contents
Part 1: Introduction and Ethical Foundations 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Learning about Organizational Behavior 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics 32
Part 2: The Individual in Organizations 67
Understanding Individual Differences 68
Perceptions and Attributions 102
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance 130
Motivating Employees 156
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs 190
Workplace Stress and Aggression 218
Part 3: Leadership and Team Behaviors 251
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations 252
Leadership Effectiveness: Foundations 288
Leadership Effectiveness: New Perspectives 318
Developing and Leading Teams 346
Managing Conflict and Negotiating Effectively 382
Part 4: The Organization 411
Managerial Decision Making 412
Organization Design 444
Cultivating Organizational Culture 476
Managing Organizational Change 508
Part 5: Integrating Cases 541
A Day in the Life of Yolanda Valdez 542
Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford Motor Company 543
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital 545
Bob Knowlton 547
BMW’s Dream Factory and Culture 550
ROWE Program at Best Buy 553
Whole Foods Market 555
The Road to Hell 559
How Personal Can Ethics Get? 562
Appendix: BizFlix A-1
References R-1
Subject and Organizational Index I-1
Author Index I-19
Preface xix
Part 1: Introduction and Ethical Foundations 1
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior 2
Learning from Experience: Indra Nooyi, Chairmain and CEO, PepsiCo 3
Leadership versus Management 4
Learning Framework 5
The Individual in Organizations 6
Leaders and Teams in Organizations 7
The Organization Itself 8
Competencies for Individual, Team, and Organizational Effectiveness 8
Ethics Competency 10
Key Attributes 10
Ethical Dilemmas 10
Ethics Competency: Robert A. Eckert, Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc. 11
Self Competency 12
Key Attributes 12
Self Competency: Indra Nooyi’s Development Journey 12
Career Development 13
Diversity Competency 14
Key Attributes 14
Categories of Diversity 15
Diversity Competency: Aetna’s Diverse Discoveries Program 17
Across Cultures Competency 17
Key Attributes 18
Avoiding Stereotypes 18
Across Cultures Comeptency: Carlos Ghosn, CEO, Nissan-Renault 18
Communication Competency 19
Key Attributes 19
Communication Competency: Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO, Chanel S.A. 20
Teams Competency 21
Key Attributes 21
Teams and Individualism 22
Teams Competency: Grand Reid, President, Mars Drinks 22
Change Competency 23
Key Attributes 23
Change Competency: Indra Nooyi Leads Change at PepsiCo 24
Blur: Constant Change 24
Chapter Summary 25
Key Terms and Concepts 26
Discussion Questions 26
Experiential Exercise and Case 27
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Key Competencies Self-Assessment Test 27
Case: Diversity Competency—Accenture's Work–Life Balance Programs 29
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics 32
Learning from Experience: Anne Mulcahy, Chairman and Former CEO of Xerox,
Commits to Business Ethics 33
Individual Differences and Ethics 34
Stages of Moral Development 34
Moral Intelligence 36
Ethics Competency: Anne Mulcahy’s Ethical Leadership 36
Decision Making and Ethics 37
Ethical Intensity 38
Ethics-Based Principles 39
Concern for Affected Individuals 43
Benefits and Costs 44
Determination of Rights 46
Procedural and Interactional Justice 46
Change Competency: James McNerney, CEO of Boeing 47
Diversity and Ethics 49
Diversity and Ethical Cultures 49
Increasing Diversity as Opportunity 49
Generation Diversity and Ethics 50
Sexual Harassment 52
Diversity Competency: Verizon’s Workplace Diversity 54
Stakeholder Responsibility and Ethics 55
Stakeholder Pressures 56
Ethics Competency: Johnson & Johnson’s Stakeholder Ethics and Principles 57
Sustainable Development 58
Assessing Responsibility to Stakeholders 60
Chapter Summary 62
Key Terms and Concepts 63
Discussion Questions 63
Experiential Exercise and Case 64
Experiential Exercise: Ethics Competency—What Is Your Decision? 64
Case: Diversity Competency—Consensual Relationship Agreements 65
Part 2:
The Individual in Organizations 67
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences 68
Learning from Experience: Steve Jobs at Apple 69
Bases of Personality 70
Heredity 71
Environment 72
Self Competency: David Neeleman of JetBlue 76
Personality and Behavior 77
Big Five Personality Factors 77
Self-Esteem 81
Locus of Control 82
Emotional Intelligence 83
Teams Competency: Why Personality Is Important at Starbucks 84
Work-Related Attitudes 85
Components of Attitudes 86
Attitudes Affecting Job Performance 86
Across Cultures Competency: Mercedes-Benz 90
Diversity Competency: Deloitte & Touche 92
Emotions at Work 93
A Model of Emotions 93
Cross-Cultural Differences 95
Chapter Summary 96
Key Terms and Concepts 97
Discussion Questions 97
Experiential Exercises and Case 97
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—What Are Your Cultural Values? 97
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—What's Your Emotional IQ? 99
Case: Self Competency—Larry Ellison at Oracle Computer 100
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions 102
Learning from Experience: Jim Sinegal, Cofounder and CEO of Costco 103
Perceptual Process 104
Across Cultures Competency: McDonald’s Use of Feng Shui 106
Perceptual Selection 107
External Factors 107
Communication Competency: Hand Gestures 109
Internal Factors 109
Person Perception 111
The Perceived 111
The Perceiver 112
The Situation in Foreign Assignments 112
Self Competency: Doing Business in Arab Countries 114
Perceptual Errors 114
Perceptual Accuracy 114
Perceptual Defense 115
Stereotyping 115
Halo Effect 116
Projection 117
Impression Management 117
Attribution Process 119
Making Attributions 120
Internal versus External Causes of Behavior 120
Ethics Competency: The Gap 123
Attributions of Success and Failure 124
Chapter Summary 126
Key Terms and Concepts 126
Discussion Questions 126
Experiential Exercise and Case 127
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—The Perception Process 127
Case: Self Competency—Joan Murphy 128
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance 130
Learning from Experience: Working at United Parcel Service 131
Learning Through Rewards and Punishments 133
Classical Conditioning 133
Operant Conditioning 134
Contingencies of Reinforcement 135
Positive Reinforcement 136
Self Competency: Coming to Work Today? 138
Organizational Rewards 139
Negative Reinforcement 139
Extinction 140
Punishment 141
Ethics Competency: Time Off for Bad Behavior 143
Insights for Leaders 144
Schedules of Reinforcement 145
Continuous and Intermittent Reinforcement 145
Fixed Interval Schedule 146
Across Cultures Competency: Flowers: A Symbol of Love? 146
Variable Interval Schedule 147
Fixed Ratio Schedule 147
Variable Ratio Schedule 148
Social Learning Theory 149
Symbolizing 149
Forethought 149
Vicarious Learning 150
Self-Control 150
Teams Competency: Steelcase Inc. 151
Self-Efficacy 151
Insights for Leaders 152
Chapter Summary 153
Key Terms and Concepts 154
Discussion Questions 154
Experiential Exercise and Case 154
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—What Is Your Self-Efficacy?
Case: Self Competency—Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern
American 155
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees 156
Learning from Experience: Working at Starbucks 157
Motivational Processes 158
Core Phases 159
Insights for Leaders 160
Satisfying Human Needs 161
Needs Hierarchy Model 161
Learned Needs Model 163
Self Competency: John Schnatter of Papa John’s Pizza 167
Insights for Leaders 168
Designing Jobs 169
Motivator–Hygiene Model 169
Motivator Factors 169
Hygiene Factors 169
Job Characteristics Model 170
Insights for Leaders 173
Teams Competency: SEI Investments 174
Cultural Influences 174
Influencing Performance Expectations 175
Expectancy Model 175
Insights for Leaders 179
Communication Competency: Intuit 180
Ensuring Equity 180
Equity Model: Balancing Inputs and Outcomes 180
Ethics Competency: How Tempted Are You? 182
Procedural Justice: Making Decisions Fairly 183
Insights for Leaders 185
Chapter Summary 185
Key Terms and Concepts 186
Discussion Questions 187
Experiential Exercise and Case 187
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—What Do You Want from
Your Job? 187
Case: Communication Competency—SAS Institute 188
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs 190
Learning from Experience: Enterprise Rent-A-Car 191
Model of Goal Setting and Performance 192
Importance of Goal Setting 192
Challenge 194
Teams Competency: Jeff Gordon’s Rainbow Warriors 196
Moderators 197
Mediators 199
Performance 200
Across Cultures Competency: Hewlett-Packard 200
Rewards 201
Satisfaction 201
Consequences 202
Effects of Goal Setting 202
Conditions for Effective Goal Setting 202
Impact on Performance 203
Diversity Competency: Lockheed Martin MS2 Team 203
Limitations to Goal Setting 204
Insights for Leaders 205
Rewards Programs for Improving Performance 205
Informal Programs 207
Profit-Sharing Programs 207
Change Competency: Nucor’s Profit-Sharing Program 208
Skill-Based Pay Programs 209
Flexible Benefit Programs 209
Insights for Leaders 210
Reward Practices in Different Cultures 212
Chapter Summary 213
Key Terms and Concepts 214
Discussion Questions 214
Experiential Exercise and Case 214
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Goal Setting 214
Case: Diversity Competency—Allstate Insurance Company 215
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression 218
Learning from Experience: Stress and Coping with a Layoff 219
Concept of Stress 221
Fight-or-Flight Response 221
Influences on the Stress Experience 222
Primary Stressors 223
Work-Related Stressors 223
Communication Competency: Workplace Incivility: How Not to Communicate 225
Life Stressors 226
Severe Stress 228
Impacts on Health 228
Impacts on Performance 229
Impacts on Job Burnout 230
Individual Differences and Stress 231
The Type A Personality 232
The Hardy Personality 233
Self Competency: Chesley B. Sullenberger III, Captain of
US Airways Flight 1549 234
Stress Management 235
Insights for Individuals 236
Insights for Leaders 236
Change Competency: Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics’ Wellness Program 238
Workplace Aggression 239
Self-Serving Biases 239
Workplace Bullying 240
Sexual Harassment 243
Workplace Violence 244
Diversity Competency: Darwin Realty 246
Aggression toward the Organization 247
Chapter Summary 247
Key Terms and Concepts 248
Discussion Questions 249
Experiential Exercise and Case 249
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Work-Related Stress Inventory 249
Case: Ethics Competency—Coleen Colombo and Colleagues Resist Mortgage Fraud 250
Part 3: Leadership and Team Behaviors 251
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations 252
Learning from Experience: Julia Stewart, Chairman and CEO of DineEquity 253
Elements of Interpersonal Communication 254
Sender and Receiver 254
Transmitters and Receptors 255
Messages and Channels 255
Media Richness 256
Meaning and Feedback 257
Interpersonal Barriers 258
Ethical Interpersonal Communications 260
Communication Openness 261
Constructive Feedback 262
Appropriate Self-Disclosure 264
Active Listening 264
Change Competency: Susan Powers, Chief Information Officer, Travelport GDS 266
Nonverbal Communication 267
Types of Nonverbal Cues 267
Communication Competency: Poor Nonverbal Signals Prior to Layoffs 269
Status Differences 270
Intercultural Communication 270
Cultural Barriers 270
Across Cultures Competency: Tahir Ayub, Partner, PwC 273
Nonverbal Differences 273
Interpersonal Communication Networks 276
Individual Network 276
Informal Group Network 278
Formal Employee Network 278
Change Competency: Michael Ward’s Reflections on CSX’s One Plan
Redesign 279
Impacts of E-Mail 280
Impacts of Text and Instant Messaging 281
Chapter Summary 282
Key Terms and Concepts 283
Discussion Questions 284
Experiential Exercise and Case 284
Experiential Exercise: Communication Competency—Communication Inventory 284
Case: Communication Competency—Xographics 286
Chapter 10
Leadership Effectiveness: Foundations 288
Learning from Experience: Douglas Conant’s Leadership at Campbell Soup Co. 289
Power and Political Behavior 290
Leaders’ Use of Power 290
Political Behavior in Organizations 293
Insights for Leaders 295
Change Competency: Carol Bartz’s Use of Power to Change Yahoo! 296
Legacy Leadership Models 297
Traits Model of Leadership 297
Theory X and Theory Y Model 298
Behavioral Model of Leadership 300
Self Competency: Colin Powell’s “Lessons in Leadership” 303
Situational Leadership® Model 304
Leadership Styles 304
Situational Contingency 305
Choosing a Leadership Style 306
Communication Competency: Paul Millman, CEO, Chroma Technology 306
Insights for Leaders 307
Vroom–Jago Leadership Model 308
Leadership Styles 308
Situational Variables 308
Solution Matrix 309
Ethics Competency: The Bank CEO 310
Insights for Leaders 311
Chapter Summary 312
Key Terms and Concepts 313
Discussion Questions 313
Experiential Exercise and Case 313
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Personal Power Inventory 313
Case: Diversity Competency—Women on Corporate Boards 315
Chapter 11
Leadership Effectiveness: New Perspectives 318
Learning from Experience: John W. Thompson, Chairman of Symantec 319
Transactional Leadership 320
Core Components 321
Insights for Leaders 321
Change Competency: Mark Hurd, CEO, Hewlett-Packard 322
Leader–Member Exchange 323
Core Components 323
Insights for Leaders 325
Authentic Leadership 326
Core Components 326
Insights for Leaders 328
Self Competency: Lessons for Leading in a Crisis 328
Transformational Leadership 329
Core Components 330
Insights for Leaders 332
Ethics Competency: Ruben Vardanian, CEO of Russia’s Troika Dialog 333
Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness 335
Core Components 336
Insights for Leaders 339
Across Cultures Competency: Culture and Leadership in Mexico 339
Chapter Summary 340
Key Terms and Concepts 341
Discussion Questions 341
Experiential Exercise and Case 342
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—GLOBE Leader Behaviors Instrument 342
Case: Change Competency—Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, Ltd. 344
Chapter 12
Developing and Leading Teams 346
Learning from Experience: Boeing’s Development of Teams and Their Leaders 347
Introduction to Groups and Teams 348
Classifications of Groups 348
Informal Group 348
Team 349
Effective Teams 350
Team Empowerment 350
Teams Competency: Empowered Teams at W. L. Gore & Associates 351
When to Use Teams 352
Stages of Team Development 353
Forming Stage 354
Storming Stage 354
Norming Stage 354
Performing Stage 355
Adjourning Stage 355
Types of Work-Related Teams 355
Functional Team 356
Problem-Solving Team 356
Cross-Functional Team 356
Self-Managed Team 357
Virtual Team 358
Global Team 360
Across Cultures Competency: Alcoa’s Global Virtual Teams 361
Core Influences on Team Effectiveness 362
Context 362
Leadership 364
Ethics Competency: Sanjiv Das’s Leadership at CitiMortgage 364
Goals 365
Team Size 366
Member Roles 367
Member Diversity 369
Diversity Competency: Angela Braly, CEO and President, WellPoint, Inc. 370
Norms 371
Cohesiveness 372
Potential Team Dysfunctions 373
Groupthink 374
Free Riding 375
Bad Apples Effect 376
Absence of Trust 376
Avoidance of Accountability for Results 376
Chapter Summary 377
Key Terms and Concepts 378
Discussion Questions 378
Experiential Exercise and Case 379
Experiential Exercise: Teams Competency—Team Assessment Inventory 379
Case: Teams Competency—Absence of Teamwork 380
Chapter 13
Managing Conflict and Negotiating Effectively 382
Learning from Experience: Cathy McBroom versus Federal Judge Samuel Kent 383
Conflict Levels 385
Intrapersonal Conflict 386
Interpersonal Conflict 386
Intragroup Conflict 387
Intergroup Conflict 388
Teams Competency: IBM’s Cross-Team Workouts 389
Interpersonal Conflict-Handling Styles 390
Collaborating Style 391
Compromising Style 392
Forcing Style 392
Accommodating Style 393
Avoiding Style 394
Insights for Leaders 394
Self Competency: Reflections on Conflict-Avoiding Managers 394
Negotiation in Conflict Management 395
Stages of Negotiation 395
Distributive Negotiations Strategy 396
Integrative Negotiations Strategy 397
Common Influences on Negotiation Strategies 398
Change Competency: GM and UAW Negotiate for Mutual Survival 400
Across Culture Negotiations 402
Differences in Negotiators 402
Cross-Cultural Emotional Intelligence 403
Insights for Leaders 404
Across Cultures Competency: Business Negotiations in Germany and Italy 405
Chapter Summary 406
Key Terms and Concepts 406
Discussion Questions 407
Experiential Exercise and Case 407
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Conflict-Handling Styles 407
Case: Communication Competency—Conflict Style Case Incidents 409
Part 4: The Organization 411
Chapter 14
Managerial Decision Making 412
Learning from Experience: David Hoover, CEO of Ball Corporation 413
Decision-Making Conditions 415
Certainty 415
Risk 416
Uncertainty 417
Change Competency: Shoes For Crews Reduces Risk and Uncertainty 418
Bounded Rationality 419
Satisficing 419
Limited Search 420
Inadequate Information and Control 421
Insights for Leaders 422
Knowledge Management 423
Change Competency: St. Clair Hospital Adopts RFID and Related Technologies 424
Evidence-Based Management 425
Diagnostic Questions 425
Role of Wisdom 426
Insights for Leaders 426
Diversity Competency: Chubb’s Business Case for Diversity 427
Political Decision Making 428
Divergence in Problem Definition 429
Divergence in Goals 429
Divergence in Solutions 430
Insights for Leaders 430
Creative Decision Making 431
Creative Stages 432
De Bono’s Lateral Thinking 433
Osborn’s Creativity Process 434
Teams Competency: IDEO Brainstorms 436
Electronic Brainstorming 437
Insights for Leaders 438
Chapter Summary 438
Key Terms and Concepts 439
Discussion Questions 439
Experiential Exercise and Case 440
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Personal Creativity Inventory 440
Case: Self Competency—A Manager's Dilemma: Who Gets the Project? 441
Chapter 15
Organization Design 444
Learning from Experience: Lowe’s Companies, Inc. 445
Key Factors in Organization Design 446
Environmental Factors 447
Strategic Factors 449
Change Competency: KFC in China 452
Fundamentals of Organizing 453
Differentiation 453
Integration 454
Vertical Organizational Design 456
Hierarchy 456
Span of Control 457
Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability 457
Ethics Competency: Enron 458
Delegation 459
Centralization and Decentralization 460
Across Cultures Competency: Eureka 462
Horizontal Organizational Design 463
Functional Design 463
Product Design 464
Geographical Design 466
Network Design 467
Communication Competency: DreamWorks Animation SKG 469
Chapter Summary 471
Key Terms and Concepts 471
Discussion Questions 472
Experiential Exercise and Case 472
Experiential Exercise: Communication Competency—Analyzing Your
Organization's Design 472
Case: Change Competency—FedEx Office and Print Services, Inc. 474
Chapter 16
Cultivating Organizational Culture 476
Learning from Experience: Zappos 477
Dynamics of Organizational Culture 478
Forming a Culture 481
Across Cultures Competency: Ricardo Semler, CEO of Brazil’s Semco
Manufacturing 483
Sustaining a Culture: Insights for Leaders 484
Changing a Culture 487
Change Competency: Harley-Davidson’s Culture 488
Types of Organizational Culture 489
Bureaucratic Culture 490
Clan Culture 491
Entrepreneurial Culture 492
Communications Competency: Texas Nameplate Company 492
Market Culture 493
Culture–Performance Relationships 493
Insights for Leaders 494
Ethical Behavior and Organizational Culture 494
Impact of Culture 494
Whistle-Blowing 495
Ethics Competency: What Would You Do? 496
Insights for Leaders 496
Fostering Cultural Diversity 497
Challenges 497
Insights for Leaders 498
Socialization of New Employees 499
Organizational Socialization Process 499
Insights for Leaders 502
Chapter Summary 503
Key Terms and Concepts 503
Discussion Questions 504
Experiential Exercise and Case 504
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Assessing the Culture of Your Organization 504
Case: Self Competency—Wegmans 506
Chapter 17
Managing Organizational Change 508
Learning from Experience: José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo of Petrobras 509
Pressures for Change 510
Why Change? 510
Globalization 511
Technology 512
Social Networks 513
Generational Differences 514
Diversity Competency: Managing across Generations 515
Planned Organizational Change 515
Economic Approach 516
Organizational Development Approach 516
Effective Change Programs 517
Insights for Leaders 518
Resistance to Change 519
Individual Resistance 519
Self Competency: Are You Ready to Change? 522
Reducing Resistance through Engagement 523
Reducing Organizational Resistance 523
Force Field Analysis 525
Change Competency: Target 527
Organizational Diagnosis 528
Information Needed 528
Capacity for Change 528
Change Methods 530
Interpersonal Methods 530
Team Methods 533
Organizational Methods 535
Communication Competency: United Technologies’ Diversity Programs 536
Chapter Summary 537
Key Terms and Concepts 538
Discussion Questions 538
Experiential Exercise and Case 538
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency—Assessing an Organization's
Readiness for Change 538
Case: Communication Competency—Carolyn Bivens: Change Agent at the Ladies
Professional Golf Association 539
Part 5: Integrating Cases 541
A Day in the Life of Yolanda Valdez 542
Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford Motor Company 543
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital 545
Bob Knowlton 547
BMW’s Dream Factory and Culture 550
ROWE Program at Best Buy 553
Whole Foods Market 555
The Road to Hell 559
How Personal Can Ethics Get? 562
BizFlix A-1
Chapter 1: In Good Company A-1
Chapter 2: The Emperor's Club A-1
Chapter 3: Because I Said So A-1
Chapter 4: The Breakfast Club A-1
Chapter 5: Take the Lead A-2
Chapter 6: Friday Night Lights (I) A-2
Chapter 7: Gracie A-2
Chapter 8: The Upside of Anger A-3
Chapter 9: Friday Night Lights (II) A-3
Chapter 10: Doomsday A-3
Chapter 11: Hot Fuzz A-4
Chapter 12: Friends with Money A-4
Chapter 13: Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins A-4
Chapter 14: Failure to Launch A-5
Chapter 15: Rendition A-5
Chapter 16: Charlie Wilson's War A-5
Chapter 17: Field of Dreams A-6
References R-1
Subject and Organizational Index I-1
Author Index I-19
As we started to write the 13th edition of this book, many of our friends asked us why
we were revising it. Our answer was that we believe we have the desire and the ability
to help students learn about important issues that they will face as leaders. After all,
we have been writing, teaching, and consulting as a team for a combined total of more
than 80 years. When we published the first edition of this book in 1976, a number of
the topics, concepts, and models presented in this edition were not covered. Of course,
leaders continue to face many of the same challenges they faced during the mid-1970s,
such as attracting, retaining, and motivating employees; forming and leading highperformance teams; managing conflicts; and changing their organizations' processes to
be more effective. However, the complexity of leading people has changed. With the
development of the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other communication
vehicles, issues facing employees and leaders are instantly broadcast around the globe.
At times, the decisions of leaders may impact millions of employees. Just recently, we
have witnessed the failure of General Motors and Chrysler being sold to an Italian
automobile company (Fiat); major changes in the U.S. banking system; the expanded
“reach” of the U.S. government into the management of private firms; leaders of major
institutions, such as Bernie Madoff and Allen Stanford, being convicted of ethical violations; the rise of developing nations, especially India and China, as major players in
almost every industry; and the global recession. This edition presents how employees
and leaders from around the globe have sought to respond to these pressing issues.
Snapshot of What’s New
As employees and leaders conduct business around the world, they face many ethical
challenges. New to this edition is Chapter 2, “Individual and Organizational Ethics.”
This chapter highlights ethical concepts and concerns that are relevant to all employees and leaders. Some of the major concerns that we believe need to be addressed by
employees and leaders include workforce diversity, stakeholder responsibility, outsourcing, and ethical values. The ethical competency is so important that we present
9 NEW ethical competency features. They appear in various chapters throughout
the book. These features enable the reader to consider a variety of ethical situations
and how they were addressed. In addition, ethics-based exercises and cases at the end
of each chapter require the reader to make decisions and choose a course of action.
In addition to this NEW chapter, we have completely revised major portions of each
chapter, especially the leadership, decision making, and organization design chapters.
If the 13th edition is a major revision that reflects the challenges facing today’s
and tomorrow’s leaders, what’s new?
First, all Learning from Experience features are new. A wide variety of organizations
are represented in these chapter-opening features, including Xerox, PepsiCo,
Costco, Lowe’s, and Petrobras. Each chapter-opening feature introduces you to
the major themes developed in the chapter and illustrates some of the challenges
facing employees and leaders.
Second, the Competency features, four per chapter, are virtually all new. These
give you an opportunity to quickly read about an issue and then use the materials
in the chapter to gain a new perspective on the issue.
Third, at the end of select chapters, we have included NEW Experiential
Exercises. We have retained some exercises that you thought were effective and
developed others that are new to this edition.
Fourth, 13 NEW and 4 revised cases appear at the end of the chapters. These cases
serve to reinforce the major concepts developed within the chapter and are based on
real incidents from a variety of organizations. Each case serves to reinforce the major
concepts developed within the chapter and are based on actual organizations.
Fifth, we have added 14 NEW and retained 3 BizFlix videos that we have found
to enrich student learning. These short videos provide keen insights into real-life
challenges facing employees and leaders.
Sixth, we have updated and added new Integrating Cases for those instructors
who wish to have complex cases that span a chapter’s content. A total of 9 integrated cases are included for those instructors who wish to use more comprehensive cases that span the content found in several chapters.
Seventh, we have added new PowerPoints® to reflect our new content. All
PowerPoints have been redesigned based on the recommendations of our users.
Eighth, Susan Leshnower has completely updated the Instructor's Manual to
accompany the text. This valuable resource will help new and practiced professors, providing text notes, enrichment modules, and more.
Lastly, John Hite and Scott Tarcy have developed and tested almost 4,000 true/
false, multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions for this edition.
Snapshot of What Stayed the Same
First, as in all previous editions, we have pursued the goal of presenting core concepts and
foundation principles that are fundamental to individual and organizational effectiveness.
These are highlighted through the use of contemporary examples, issues, and leadership
practices. Second, to actively engage the readers in the learning process and assist them
in developing their individual and management competencies, we have included more
than 30 self-assessment instruments for them to complete. We have found that these
instruments enrich the students’ learning experience and expose them to competencies
that they need to develop to become effective employees and successful leaders. Third,
our approach has also been to develop and integrate a few major concepts well rather
than to expose students to a “laundry list” of concepts without any real-world takeaway.
Therefore, we continue to use real-life examples from a variety of organizations to support student learning. Finally, the Instructor’s Manual has been a continuing source of
strength for many faculty members. We have retained its author, and she has added new
enrichment modules to help faculty members explain each chapter’s content to students.
The Learning Process
Our road map to the learning process starts in Chapter 1. In this chapter, we discuss
differences between leaders and managers, introduce you to the learning framework
for the entire book and illustrate the key attributes of the seven key competencies that
are woven into the text. Based on research and our own experience, we present seven
competencies that we believe all employees and leaders need to master.
Key Competencies
Ethics Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to incorporate values and principles
that distinguish right from wrong when making decisions and choosing behaviors.
Self Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to
assess personal strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and
personal life, and engage in new learning.
Diversity Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to value
unique individual, group, and organizational characteristics, embrace such characteristics as potential sources
of strength, and appreciate the uniqueness of each.
Across Cultures Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to
recognize and embrace similarities and differences
among nations and cultures.
Communication Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all modes of transmitting,
understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and feelings—verbal, listening, nonverbal, and written—for accurately transferring and exchanging information.
Teams Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop, support, and lead groups
to achieve goals.
Change Competency
This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and
implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations in
people, tasks, strategies, structures, or technologies.
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Throughout the book, students are provided with rich opportunities to become actively involved in their own learning.
These opportunities include self-assessment instruments,
experiential exercises, case studies, BizFlix, and discussion
questions. Self-assessment instruments are found in all
chapters and often provide students with benchmarks
against which they can gauge their competencies in
relation to other students and practicing leaders.
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Learning from Experience Feature
This feature introduces the reader to the major themes developed within each chapter.
To do so, we often use leaders and organizations that most students are familiar with,
such as Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo, Jim Sinegal of Costco, Steve Jobs of Apple, and Anne
Mulcahy of Xerox. Fifteen of these features are NEW to this edition. We wrote these
features to illustrate effective or ineffective use of one or more of our seven competencies. Within the chapter, there are flashbacks to how the Learning from Experience
feature illustrates particular concepts or practices.
Insight Feature
Ethics Insight
Senior leaders typically emphasize the
importance of performance and the bottom
line. But if they don’t also emphasize ethical
behavioral messages, then all employees
hear is that it’s all about the numbers. Get
the numbers at all costs, they think—and
that causes some to compromise ethics.
Ronald James, President and CEO, Center for Ethical
Business Cultures
Each chapter has two Insight features that are related to one of our seven competencies. This feature emphasizes a leader’s thinking about an issue. These
are brief and are intended to highlight a particular theme in the text. Some of
the Diversity Insights are from Ronald Parker of PepsiCo, Magda Yrizarry of
Verizon Communications, and David George of United Technologies. Other
leaders included in different Insight features include Jim Sinegal of Costco,
Martin Coles of Starbucks, Stacy Guinn of Sherwin-Williams, Patricia Woertz
of Archer Daniels Midland, and Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo of Nokia.
Competency Features
Following a tradition we started several editions ago, there are 4 competency features
in each chapter. These features aid student learning by reinforcing each chapter’s
content and challenge the student to consider it in relation to a model, concept, or
practice presented in that section of the chapter. These reflect real-world challenges
or issues that have faced employees and leaders. We have 68 competency features
that help students develop their own competencies. Eighty percent are NEW to
this edition. Those that have been retained have been updated and revised. Let’s
briefly highlight some of the organizations and/or leaders that are included in this
Self competency
Indra Nooyi’s Development Journey
Nooyi learned early on to embrace diversity
rather than hide her differences in the corporate
world. Long fascinated by the opportunities and
culture of America, after working for a time in
India, she headed to the United States. Coming
out of Yale in 1980 with a master’s in public and
Across Cultures competency
Carlos Ghosn, CEO, Nissan-Renault
J. Frank Brown, dean of INSEAD, a leading
business school in France, comments:
“Increased globalization is changing the landscape of the business climate and creating a
demand for business leaders who can operate
in and across different cultures. Carlos Ghosn
personifies the essence of a transcultural leader
Communication competency
by recognizing that cultural diversity is an
Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO, Chanel S.A.
In retail, you’ve got to have a strong point of
view and present it effectively. But to lead effectively and achieve real business results as the
head of any enterprise, you have to listen. You’ve
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Teams competency
Whenever I’m in a Chanel boutique, I ask
the store employees what’s selling, how consumers are responding, and what we should be
doing differently. Their observations help me
ht b t th b i
Grant Reid, President, Mars Drinks
My thought process around leadership used
to be that I would make decisions, everyone
would come in, I would give them the charter
for the day, and they would all run off. Now,
i th t it’
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move forward without you there. When you have
teams capable of making decisions, there are a
lot of things you can let go. When I took over
Mars Drinks, we were meeting globally, as a mantt
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Change competency
Indra Nooyi Leads Change at PepsiCo
Since becoming CEO, Nooyi has reorganized
PepsiCo to make it less focused on just the
United States and broadened the top leadership
team. She has hired an Italian native, Massimo
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Name me one other company that took out trans
fats from all its products without increasing the
price of its products—four or five years before
anyone else. We’re doing everything possible to
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Ethics Competency
Of the 10 features, 9 are NEW to this edition and include organizations such as
Johnson & Johnson, Mattel, The Gap, CitiMortgage, and Enron.
Self Competency
Of the 11 features, 7 are NEW to this edition and include leaders such as John
Schnatter of Papa John’s Pizza, Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo, Colin Powell, and Chesley
Sullenberger (Sully) of US Airways.
Diversity Competency
Of the 8 features, 6 are NEW to this edition and include insights from Aetna, Deloitte
& Touche, Lockheed Martin, WellPoint, and Chubb.
Across Cultures Competency
Of the 11 features, 9 are NEW to this edition and include examples of leaders and organizations such as Carlos Ghosn of Nissan-Renault, Tahir Ayub of PricewaterhouseCoopers,
Hewlett-Packard, Alcoa, and Ricardo Semler of Brazil-based Semco.
Communication Competency
All 9 features are NEW to this edition. Included are leaders from Chanel, Intuit,
Chroma Technology, DreamWorks, United Technologies, and Texas Nameplate.
Teams Competency
Of these 8 competency features, 4 are NEW to this edition. Teams from Mars,
Starbucks, SEI Investments, Jeff Gordon’s Rainbow Warriors, Gore & Associates, and
IBM are highlighted.
Change Competency
Eleven of the 13 competency features are NEW to this edition. Leaders
and teams discussed range from PepsiCo to Boeing to Yahoo and
Key Terms and Concepts
Key terms and concepts appear in blue and definitions immediately follow in italics. A list of all terms introduced in the
chapter is given at the end of each chapter, along with the page
on which it is defined.
Discussion Questions
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More than 160 questions are NEW to this edition. In
these end-of-chapter questions, the first question requires
the student to use the Internet to search for an answer. This question is based on the Learning from Experience feature that opens each chapter.
The ethical and diversity discussion questions also require the student to use the
Internet. All questions engage students to use their diagnostic skills and various key
Experiential Exercises and Cases
Each chapter has at least one experiential exercise and one case that are keyed
to one of the seven competencies. These end-of-chapter features provide
additional means for learners to actively participate in the development
of their own competencies. All of these have been class tested and have
proven to stimulate active classroom discussion. Some of the Experiential
Exercises include a foundation competency inventory, ethical decision
making, a creativity inventory, a communication climate inventory, coping with work-related stress, team assessment, conflict handling styles,
and cultural values. A few of the organizations included in cases are
Accenture, Oracle, SAS Institute, Wegmans, Virgin Airlines, Allstate,
and the Ladies Professional Golf Association. At the end of each
case, we pose several questions that have been found to stimulate
learners’ competencies.
Chapter Summary
Every chapter ends with a summary of the chapter’s main
points. These summaries are organized around the chapter’s Learning Goals. Readers can use these summaries to
assess their mastery of the material presented in the chapter.
Assessment Instruments
Throughout the book, we present more than 30 self, team, and organizational assessment instruments. Typically, they focus on one or more
of the key competencies in the chapter. Usually these are
found within the chapter and learners are invited
to complete them as they read the text to enhance
their understanding of the concept being presented.
They are designed to help the individual (1) gain
self-insights, (2) gain knowledge about teams that they
have worked with, (3) gain understanding about organizations that they have worked with or used, (4) more
readily understand the concepts in the text, (5) identify
their own strengths and weaknesses, and (6) gain insights
about how to be a more effective employee and future
leader. Some examples are:
Chapter 1: Competencies Inventory
Chapter 2: Ethical Intensity
Chapter 3: Big Five Personality Inventory
Chapter 4: Impression Management Assessment
Chapter 5: What Is Your Self-Efficacy?
Chapter 6: Designing a Challenging Job
Chapter 7: Goal Commitment Questionnaire
Chapter 8: Workplace Bullying
Chapter 9: Polychronic Attitude Index (How Do You Use Time?)
Chapter 10: Behavioral Leadership Questionnaire
Chapter 11: Globe Leadership Instrument
Chapter 12: Team Assessment Inventory
Chapter 13: Conflict Handling Styles
Chapter 14: Personal Creativity Inventory
Chapter 15: Analyzing Your Organization’s Design
Chapter 16: What Do You Value at Work?
Chapter 17: Diversity Perceptions Scale
Cas grating
Integrating Cases
We have included 9 integrating cases in Part 5. Each cases
poses questions that require learners to draw from a variety
of concepts and models presented in various chapters. The
goal of these cases and questions is to foster the critical and
analytical thinking capabilities of readers. The questions
require the learner to have mastered the materials. We
have posed questions linked to the seven competencies
that have been illustrated throughout the book.
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Learning Framework
The framework for learning about organizational behavior and how learners can
develop their competencies is presented in Chapter 1, pages 5–8. As shown in Figure
1.1 on page 7, our framework starts with a focus on the individual, then moves to leadership and the team level, and concludes with a focus on the organization. We believe
that it is impossible to understand why employees and leaders make certain decisions
without first understanding
something about their ethics,
personality, motivations, leaderPart 2: The Individual in Organizations
ship abilities, and the like.
(Chapters 3–8)
Part 1 of the book presents an introduction to the seven
competencies and a NEW chapter that focuses on individual and
organizational ethics. Given the
Part 3: Leadership
Part 4: The
ethical challenges facing employand Team Behaviors
ees and leaders, we believed that
(Chapters 9–13)
(Chapters 14–17)
a chapter dedicated to ethical
Part 1: Introduction and Ethical
issues early on in the book was
(Chapters 1 and 2)
needed. This chapter focuses
learners’ attention on ethical
issues of individual differences,
decision making, diversity, and
stakeholder responsibility.
Part 2 of the book
(Chapters 3 through 8) focuses
on key aspects of the individPart 5: Integrating Cases; Appendix: BizFlix
ual by discussing personality,
attributions, emotions, learning, motivation, goal setting, reward systems, workplace aggression, cultural values, and much more. These six chapters are full of
examples of how leaders and individuals in global organizations use these concepts
to lead and manage others.
Part 3 of the book (Chapters 9 through 13) moves the learner from a focus on the
individual to the interpersonal processes that influence individual, team, and organizational effectiveness. We start this five-chapter sequence with a focus on interpersonal
communications and how individuals, leaders, and organizations can effectively create
communication channels to increase effectiveness. Communications do not occur in a
vacuum but through people. Therefore, in the next two chapters, we explore how leaders’
behaviors can impact the commitment, performance, and overall effectiveness of both
individuals and teams. Developing and leading teams, the focus of Chapter 12, is a major
part of a leader’s job. Teams must be led in order for them to be successful. At times,
leaders and team members may be in conflict with each other over goals to pursue and
negotiating strategies to use to reach an agreement. Chapter 13 addresses these issues.
Part 4 of the book (Chapters 14 through 17) considers the factors that influence
individual, team, leader, and organizational effectiveness. The part opens with a focus on
factors and processes that influence how individuals and leaders make decisions. Decision
making in many organizations is not orderly because the outcomes are usually not clear.
For leaders to make decisions that will allow the organization to maintain or increase its
effectiveness, however, the organization must be designed properly in order to pursue its
goals. Chapter 15 addresses how the business strategy of an organization affects its choice
of organizational design. This chapter reviews the core vertical and horizontal dimensions of an organization’s structure. Chapter 16 addresses the importance of creating an
organizational culture that supports decision-making processes and the leader’s influence
style. Corporate culture is the “soul” of an organization and, therefore, knowing how to
create, sustain, and change a culture becomes a vital part of any leader’s goals. Finally in
Chapter 17, we conclude with a discussion of how to manage organizational change. This
discussion draws on concepts presented throughout the book in an integrated fashion.
Resources for Instructors
A full range of teaching and learning supplements and resources are available for use
with the 13th edition of Organizational Behavior.
Instructor’s Manual
Written by Professor Susan Leshnower of Midland College, the Instructor’s Manual
contains comprehensive resource materials for lectures, including enrichment modules for enhancing and extending relevant chapter concepts. It includes a variety of
enrichment modules to explore many facets of organizational behavior. This supplement also presents suggested answers to all end-of-chapter discussion questions. It
includes notes on using the end-of-chapter Experiential Exercise and Case features,
including suggested answers to case questions and notes for the integrating cases.
Finally, the Instructor’s Manual contains a guide to the videos available for use with
the text. This manual is available on the Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM and on the
product support website, www.cengage.com/management/hellriegel.
Test Bank
Written by John Hite and Scott Tarcy, the Test Bank contains almost 4,000 questions from which to choose. Each question is tagged to AACSB learning standards to
allow for the assessment of student achievement as it relates to these key measures.
A selection of new and revised true/false, multiple-choice, short answer, and critical
thinking essay questions is provided for each chapter. For this edition, the selection of
short answer questions has been expanded. Each question in the Test Bank is classified
according to type, difficulty level, and learning goal. Cross-references to materials in
the textbook and pages where answers can be found are included. Explanations are
provided for why statements are false in the true/false sections of the test bank. The
Test Bank is available on the Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM and on the product support website, www.cengage.com/management/hellriegel.
Available on the Instructor’s
Resource CD-ROM, ExamView
contains all of the questions in
the printed Test Bank. This program is easy-to-use test creation
software that is compatible with
Microsoft® Windows®. Instructors can add or edit questions, instructions, and
answers, and select questions (randomly or numerically) by previewing them on the
screen. Instructors can also create and administer quizzes online, whether over the
Internet, a local-area network (LAN), or a wide-area network (WAN).
PowerPoint® Presentation Slides
Developed by Argie Butler of Texas A&M University and prepared in conjunction with
the Instructor’s Manual, more than 500 PowerPoint slides are available to supplement
course content, adding structure and a visual dimension to the learning experience.
With a new, improved design, these PowerPoint slides present the dynamic nature of
the materials while also allowing for easy customization. Available on the website (www.
cengage.com/management/hellriegel) and the Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM, all of the
PowerPoint slides include meaningful captions that tie in directly to the concepts in the
book. Material is organized by chapter and can be modified or expanded for individual
classroom use. PowerPoint slides are easily printed to create customized transparency
masters. We want learners to engage with their classroom experience and grow from it.
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM
(ISBN: 0-538-74201-1)
Key instructor ancillaries (Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, ExamView, and PowerPoint
slides) are provided on the Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM. This CD-ROM provides
instructors with the ultimate tool for customizing lectures and presentations.
Reel to Real Video Package DVD
(ISBN: 1-439-07888-2)
A video library is available to users of the 13th edition to show how real organizations
and managers deal with organizational behavior issues. This unique video package is
available on DVD for classroom use.
BizFlix videos use short film scenes from popular Hollywood films, including In
Good Company, Friday Night Lights, and Hot Fuzz, to illustrate organizational behavior concepts from the text. These film scenes help learners synthesize and reflect on
key concepts. Each film clip is associated with a specific text chapter, but many could
be utilized to accompany several chapters. The 17 BizFlix videos—14 NEW and 3
retained—are presented in brief form, along with key questions, in the Appendix at
the end of the text.
Workplace videos are from organizations including Evo and Numi Organic Tea.
They give learners a look inside the situations faced by organizations and the subsequent solution.
Cengage Learning Custom Solutions
and TextChoice.com
Create your perfect text, casebook, or reader with TextChoice from Cengage Learning
Custom Solutions. TextChoice provides the fastest, easiest way for instructors to create
their own learning materials. A list of suggested cases from Harvard Business School
Publishing can be found on the companion website (www.cengage.com/management/
hellriegel), but more than 13,000 cases are available on TextChoices.com through our
Case Net database. Case Net is a collection of business cases from prestigious partners
such as Harvard Business School Publishing, Ivey, and Darden Business Publishing.
Contact your local South-Western/Cengage Learning sales representative for more
information on these additional case resources, or for more information about providing your students a customized edition of this text.
Learner and Instructor
Student Premium Website
New to this edition, this optional premium website features text-specific resources
that enhance student learning by bringing concepts to life. Dynamic interactive learning tools include online quizzes, flash cards, PowerPoint slides, concept tutorials,
learning games, competency assessments, and more. Access to the Hellriegel/Slocum
Premium Student Website is pincode protected. Learn more by adding this text to
your bookshelf at www.cengage.com/login. Ask your local South-Western/Cengage
Learning sales representative about this optional package item.
Enriching Competency Instrument
Through the text’s new student premium website, learners can access a detailed selfassessment competency instrument to use and reuse as their competencies develop.
Individual ratings can be compared with those of practicing professionals and others.
These comparisons give learners feedback on their developmental needs. In addition,
videos, glossaries, and links to other online resources complete this collection of
technology-based tools and content. The Premium Student Website is free when
bundled with a new textbook.
(0-538-49561-8 on WebCT®
or 0-538-49553-7 on BlackBoard®)
WebTutor is an interactive, web-based learner supplement on WebCT and/or BlackBoard that harnesses the
power of the Internet to deliver innovative learning
aids that actively engage learners. Instructors can incorporate WebTutor as an integral part of their course, or
the learners can use it on their own as a study guide.
Benefits to learners include automatic feedback from
quizzes and exams; interactive, multimedia-rich explanation of concepts; online exercises that reinforce what
they have learned; flash cards that include audio support; and greater interaction and involvement through online discussion forums.
Complementary Website
The website at www.cengage.com/management/hellriegel complements and enriches
the text, providing extras for learners and instructors. Resources include interactive
chapter quizzes and flash cards.
The Business & Company Resource Center
The Business & Company Resource Center (BCRC) puts a business library at the learner’s fingertips. The BCRC is a premier online business research tool that allows learners
to seamlessly search thousands of periodicals, journals, references, financial information,
industry reports, company histories, and much more. This all-in-one reference tool is
invaluable to learners, helping them to quickly research their case analysis, presentation,
or business plan. Learners can save time and money by building an online coursepack
using BCRC InfoMarks. It links learners directly to the assigned reading without the
inconvenience of library reserves, permissions, or printed materials.
Contact your local South-Western/Cengage Learning sales representative to
learn more about this powerful tool and how the BCRC can save valuable time for
both instructors and learners.
We express our sincere and grateful appreciation to the following individuals who
provided thoughtful reviews and useful suggestions for improving this edition of
Organizational Behavior. Their insights were critical in making a number of important
Maryann Albrecht, University of
Illinois at Chicago
Barry Bales, University of Texas
Cecily Cooper, University of Miami
Edward Cox, EDS, a HP Company
Thomas Fairchild, University of North
Texas Health Science Center
Sue Hammond, Thin Book Publishing
MaryRose L. Hart, Rogers State University
Howard Johnson, Lowe’s Corporation
William Joyce, Dartmouth College
Any Kohlberg, Kisco Senior Living
Maribeth Kuenzi, Southern Methodist
David Lei, Southern Methodist University
Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska
Antoinette Phillips, Southeastern
Louisiana University
Consuelo M. Ramirez, University of Texas,
San Antonio
William Reisel, St. John’s University
Ralph Sorrentino, Deloitte Consulting
David Stoner, ViewCast
Charlotte Sutton, Auburn University
Paul D. Sweeney, University of Dayton
Bill Wallick, University of Scranton
Ben Welch, Texas A&M University
For their assistance with the previous edition, we would like to thank the following
Eileen Albright, Cinemark Theaters
Lucinda Blue, Strayer University
Alicia Boisnier, State University of New
York at Buffalo
Rupert Campbell, St. Joseph’s College
Robin Cheramie, Kennesaw State
David Ford, University of Texas at Dallas
Lynda Fuller, Wilmington College
Amy Henley, Kennesaw State University
Peter Heslin, Southern Methodist University
Homer Johnson, Loyola University, Chicago
Morgan R. Milner, Eastern Michigan
Padmakuma Nair, University of Texas at
Rhonda Palladi, Georgia State University
Alesia Stanley, Wayland Baptist University
Barbara Thomas, Hewlett-Packard
Roger Volkema, American University
William Walker, University of Houston
For their valuable professional guidance and collegial support, we sincerely thank the
following individuals who served on the team responsible for this edition:
Michele Rhoades, the senior acquisition editor, who supported us in framing the
revisions for this edition
Scott Person, the executive editor, who also offered support in this revision
Erin Guendelsberger, the developmental editor, who demonstrated many competencies on all facets of this edition and also provided a key interface with the
authors of the various supplements
Lorretta Palagi, the copyeditor, who was outstanding in improving the flow and
readability of the manuscript
Emily Nesheim, the content project manager, who so deftly handled the myriad
issues in the production process
Clint Kernen, the marketing manager, who provided the fine leadership in presenting this edition to potential adopters
Tina Potter, John Slocum’s associate at Southern Methodist University, who
superbly supported manuscript preparation
Argie Butler, Don Hellriegel’s long-time associate at Texas A&M University, who
creatively designed and developed the PowerPoint slides for this edition and
superbly supported manuscript preparation
Amanda Zagnoli, the project editor at Elm Street Publishing Services, who
ensured that excellent page proofs were developed and provided on schedule
Patsy Hartmangruber, Don Hellriegel’s associate at Texas A&M University, who
ably assisted him with various tasks.
Don Hellriegel expresses his appreciation to colleagues at Texas A&M University who
collectively create a work environment that nurtures his continued learning and professional development. In particular, the learning environment fostered by Jerry Strawser,
Dean, and Murray Barrick, head of the Management Department, is gratefully acknowledged. They continue the tradition of supporting a positive and learning-based work
John Slocum acknowledges his colleagues at Southern Methodist University, especially Tom (aka “The Lion”) Perkowski, for their constructive input and reviews. Also,
special thanks are extended to Bill Dillon, Associate Dean of the Cox School, for his
intellectual support and warm friendship. To all of the executive MBA students who
listened to countless stories and wrote cases for this book, John is forever grateful.
John also thanks his golfing group at Stonebriar Country Club (Jack Kennedy, Cecil
Ewell, Ed Cox, Wally Schortmann, and Mark Gilbert) for understanding that books
do not get written on the fairways or on putting greens.
Finally, we celebrate the 13th edition, some 35 years after the publication of our
first edition in 1976. We wish to thank many hundred of reviewers, adopters, students,
and our families who have supported the development of these 13 editions for more
than three decades. Moreover, Don and John thank each other for being close friends
since 1962. We met each other in an industrial relations class during our MBA days at
Kent State University in 1962 and are still close and special friends. It’s been a unique
and enriching experience for both of us and well as our wives. Don and Lois have
raised three girls and now have 13 grandchildren. John and Gail raised three boys and
now have seven grandchildren. Most importantly, we are happily married to our wives
for more than 45 years.
Don Hellriegel, Texas A&M University
John W. Slocum, Jr., Southern Methodist University
Author Page
Don Hellriegel
Don Hellriegel is Emeritus Professor of management within the Mays Business
School at Texas A&M University. He received his B.S. and M.B.A. from Kent State
University and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Dr. Hellriegel became
a member of the faculty at Texas A&M in 1975. He has served on the faculties of the
Pennsylvania State University and the University of Colorado.
His research interests include organizational behavior, the effects of organizational environments, managerial cognitive styles, and organizational innovation and
strategic management processes. His research has been published in a number of
leading journals.
Professor Hellriegel served as Vice President and Program Chair of the Academy
of Management (1986), President Elect (1987), President (1988), and Past President
(1989). In September 1999, he was elected to a three-year term as Dean of the
Fellows Group of the Academy of Management. He served a term as Editor of the
Academy of Management Review and served as a member of the Board of Governors
of the Academy of Management (1979–1981 and 1982–1989). Dr. Hellriegel has
performed many other leadership roles, among which include President, Eastern
Academy of Management; Division Chair, Organization and Management Theory
Division; President, Brazos County United Way; Co-Consulting Editor, West Series
in Management, Head (1976–1980 and 1989–1994), Department of Management
(TAMU); Interim Dean, Executive Associate Dean (1995–2000), Mays School of
Business (TAMU); and Interim Executive Vice Chancellor (TAMUS).
He has consulted with a variety of groups and organizations, including 3DI, Sun
Ship Building, Penn Mutual Life Insurance, Texas A&M University System, Ministry
of Industry and Commerce (Nation of Kuwait), Ministry of Agriculture (Nation of
Dominican Republic), AACSB, and Texas Innovation Group.
John W. Slocum, Jr.
John W. Slocum, Jr., is an Emeritus Professor in the Cox School of Business at
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. He has taught on the faculties of the
University of Washington, Penn State, Ohio State, International University of Japan,
and the Amos Tuck School, Dartmouth College. He holds a B.B.A. from Westminster
College, a M.B.A. from Kent State, and a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the
University of Washington.
Professor Slocum is Past President of the Eastern Academy of Management,
the 39th President of the Academy of Management (1983–1984), and Editor of
the Academy of Management Journal (1979–1981). He is a Fellow of the Academy
of Management, Decision Science Institute, and the Pan-Pacific Institute. He has
been awarded the Alumni Citation for Professional Accomplishment by Westminster
College, and the Nicolas Salgo, Rotunda, and Executive MBA Outstanding Teaching
Awards at SMU. Currently, he is serving as Co-Editor of the Journal of World Business
and the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies and Associate Editor of
Organizational Dynamics.
Professor Slocum has served as a consultant to such organizations as ARAMARK,
Baylor Hospital, University of North Texas Health Science Center, LBJ School at
Author Page
the University of Texas, Celanese Chemical Corporation, Pier 1, NASA, and Brakke
Consulting. He is a regular speaker for many senior executive development programs,
including the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, SMU, and Lockheed
Martin. He is currently on the Board of Directors of ViewCast Corporation, Kisco
Senior Living, and GoToLearn.
and Ethical
Learning about Organizational
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Learning about Organizational
After studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
State the core differences between
leadership and management.
Outline the framework for learning
about organizational behavior.
Describe the ethics competency and its
contribution to effective performance.
Describe the self competency and its
contribution to effective performance.
Describe the diversity competency
and its contribution to effective
Describe the across cultures
competency and its contribution to
effective performance.
Describe the communication
competency and its contribution to
effective performance.
Describe the teams competency and its
contribution to effective performance.
Describe the change competency
and its contribution to effective
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo
Leadership versus Management
Learning Framework
Ethics Competency
Ethics Competency
Robert A. Eckert, Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc.
Self Competency
Self Competency
Indra Nooyi’s Development Journey
Diversity Competency
Diversity Competency
Aetna’s Diverse Discoveries Program
Across Cultures Competency
Across Cultures Competency
Carlos Ghosn, CEO, Nissan-Renault
Communication Competency
Communication Competency
Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO, Chanel S.A.
Teams Competency
Teams Competency
Grant Reid, President, Mars Drinks
Change Competency
Change Competency
Indra Nooyi Leads Change at PepsiCo
Experiential Exercise And Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Key Competencies Self-Assessment Inventory
Case: Diversity Competency
Accenture’s Work–Life Balance Programs
Learning from Experience
Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo
To learn more about PepsiCo, go to www.pepsico.com.
I’m wrong in reacting the way I do because this
person is really making an effort.”
Since becoming chairman and CEO, I’ve seen
that one of the ways to inspire people is by having
a vision that everyone can get behind. At PepsiCo,
that vision is “Performance with Purpose.” It’s our
company’s long-term strategy for delivering strong
financial results while responding to the changing
demands of our consumers and the marketplace.
Performance with Purpose rests on three pillars: human sustainability, environmental sustainability, and talent sustainability. For example,
we’re transforming our product portfolio in order
to offer consumers healthier choices—everything
from nourishing beverages and snacks that are
good for you, to healthier, fun-for-you treats. This
is human sustainability. We’re also driving initiatives to sustain the environment where we and
our consumers live and work. And we’re committed to attracting, training, and retaining the best
talent because the ability of PepsiCo to meet
our performance goals and deliver our purpose
agenda rests in the hands of our 185,000 associates around the globe.1
Indra Nooyi became the CEO of PepsiCo in 2006
and was elected to the additional role of chairman of the board in 2007. PepsiCo has 185,000
employees. It manufactures, markets, and sells
hundreds of different snacks and beverages
worldwide. This opening feature provides a few
insights about Indra Nooyi in her own words.
My father was an absolutely wonderful human
being. From him I learned to always assume
positive intent. Whatever anybody says or does,
assume positive intent. You will be amazed at
how your whole approach to a person or problem becomes very different. When you assume
negative intent, you’re angry. If you take away
that anger and assume positive intent, you will
be amazed. Your emotional quotient goes up
because you are no longer almost random in
your response. You don’t get defensive. You
don’t scream. You are trying to understand and
listen because at your basic core you are saying,
“Maybe they are saying something to me that
I’m not hearing.” So “assume positive intent” has
been a huge piece of advice for me.
In business, sometimes in the heat of the
moment, people say things. You can either
misconstrue what they’re saying and assume
they are trying to put you down, or you can say,
“Wait a minute. Let me really get behind what
they are saying to understand whether they’re
reacting because they’re hurt, upset, confused,
or they don’t understand what it is I’ve asked
them to do.” If you react from a negative
perspective—because you didn’t like the way
they reacted—then it just becomes two negatives fighting each other. But when you assume
positive intent, I think often what happens is the
other person says, “Hey, wait a minute, maybe
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Indra Nooyi is a highly competent person and leader, as suggested in her remarks
and confirmed through many forms of recognition by others. This opening feature
suggests just a few of the elements in her rich portfolio of personal competencies. We
will have more to say about these and the other competencies demonstrated by Nooyi
as the chapter unfolds.
The Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management, the leading professional association dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about
management and organizations, identifies the major topics of organizational behavior
as follows:
individual characteristics such as beliefs, values and personality; individual processes
such as perception, motivation, decision making, judgment, commitment and
control; group characteristics such as size, composition and structural properties;
group processes such as decision making and leadership; organizational processes
and practices such as goal setting, appraisal, feedback, rewards, behavioral aspects of
task design; and the influence of all of these on such individual, group, and organizational outcomes as performance, turnover, absenteeism, and stress.2
We address all of these topics and more in this book.
One theme of this book is to demonstrate the importance of organizational
behavior to your own performance. You are or probably will be an employee of an
organization—and in all likelihood of several organizations—during your career. You
may eventually become a team leader, a manager, or an executive. Studying organizational behavior will help you attain the knowledge and competencies needed to
perform effectively in all of these roles. The knowledge and competencies that you
acquire will help you diagnose, understand, explain, and act on what is happening
around you in your job.
In the first section of this chapter, we introduce the elements of leadership versus
management. Our general learning framework for achieving effective performance by
individuals, teams, and organizations is presented next. In the remaining sections of
this chapter, we explain each of the seven key competencies that are woven into the
chapters throughout the book.
Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups within an organizational context, and the study of internal processes and practices as they influence the effectiveness
of individuals, teams, and organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is,
organizational behavior strives to understand and improve people–organization relationships in terms of the individual, team, organization, and broader social system.
Learning Goal
1. State the core differences
between leadership and
Leadership versus Management
Leadership is the process of developing ideas and a vision, living by values that support those
ideas and that vision, influencing others to embrace them in their own behaviors, and making hard decisions about human and other resources. Noel Tichy, who has studied many
outstanding leaders, describes contemporary leadership in these words:
Leadership is accomplishing something through other people that wouldn’t have
happened if you weren’t there. And in today’s world, that’s less and less through
command and control, and more and more through changing people’s mindsets
and hence altering the way they behave. Today, leadership is being able to mobilize ideas and values that energize other people.3
A leader is a person who exhibits the key attributes of leadership—ideas, vision, values,
influencing others, and making tough decisions. Indra Nooyi demonstrates all of these
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
attributes. Throughout this book, you will develop a deep appreciation for the fact
that leadership is like a prism—something new and different appears each time it is
looked at from another angle. Our purpose is to identify and describe diverse leadership issues, ideas, and approaches. In doing so, we present various leadership perspectives, along with their strengths, limitations, and applications. We also wrote the book
to give you personal insights into your own leadership abilities and those that need
further development. Our assumption is simple: Leadership can be learned but not
taught. Learning leadership means that you are actively seeking to develop the competencies and make the personal changes required to become a leader.4
In contrast to leadership, management focuses on looking inward, improving
the present, tight controls, directing, coordinating, efficiency, and the like. Likewise,
in contrast to being a leader, a manager directs, controls, and plans the work of others
and is responsible for results. Effective managers bring a degree of order and consistency to the work for their employees. To be effective, managers need to exhibit the
attributes of leadership and/or management in various situations. Within business
and other types of organizations, all managers are not leaders. Leaders are usually
identified by such titles as manager, executive, supervisor, team leader, and the like. We
often use the generic title of manager to refer to such individuals. Regardless of title,
effective leaders and managers in organizations usually accept three key functions
in their roles:
Authority: the right to make decisions,
Responsibility: assignment for achieving a goal, and
Accountability: acceptance of success or failure.5
Table 1.1 provides an overview of the differences between the essentials of contemporary leadership and management. The pairs of attributes within each category
are presented as contrasts; however, most managers don’t function at these extreme
contrasts. However, patterns that tend toward leadership on the one hand or management on the other hand are likely to emerge as managers develop and utilize their
As you review Table 1.1, think about the relative emphasis placed on leadership
or management by a person for whom you have worked. How would you assess Indra
Nooyi on each of the contrasts in Table 1.1? Managers may lean more heavily toward
either the leadership or management profile at various times as they face different
issues and problems. However, most tend to operate primarily in terms of either the
leadership or the management profile.6
Being a leader in an organization is not limited to a very few. Consider the
remarks by Indra Nooyi: “I believe that each one of PepsiCo’s 185,000 employees is
a leader. There are two reasons for this. First, PepsiCo is a meritocracy. Hard work
gets recognized and small wins are celebrated. Second, PepsiCo has an entrepreneurial culture, so people have the ability to constantly take risks and seek ways to both
improve and grow.”7
Learning Framework
The long-term effectiveness of an organization is determined by its ability to anticipate, manage, and respond to changes in its environment. Shareholders, unions,
employees, financial institutions, and government agencies, among others, exert
numerous and ever-changing pressures, demands, and expectations on the organization. The seven competencies presented in this chapter are linked to the actions of
individuals, teams, and organizations as a whole. Throughout this book, therefore,
we discuss the relationships among these various competencies and organizational
behavior in general.
Learning Goal
2. Outline the framework for
learning about organizational
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
TABLE 1.1 Leadership and Management: A Comparison
Model the Way
• Leads by example
• Aligns values with actions
• Understands your personal
• Imagines exciting
• Appeals to shared aspirations
• Paints big picture of what
we aspire to be
• Takes risks and learns from
• Searches for opportunities
to change, grow, and
• Asks “What can we learn?”
• Fosters collaboration by
building trust
• Shares power and decision
• Actively listens to diverse
points of view
• Recognizes contributions
from others
• Celebrates victories
• Is passionate about helping
others grow
Inspire a Shared Vision
Challenge the Process
Enable Others to Act
Encourage from the Heart
Leads by remote control
Tells people what to do
Focuses on day-to-day
Does things right
Goes by the book
Tight controls
Makes all decisions
Directs and controls
Little recognition of others’
Rewards not aligned with
Source: Adapted from Kouzes, J. M., and Posner, B. Z. The Leadership Challenge, 4th ed., San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2007; Taylor, T., Martin, B. N., Hutchinson, S., and Jinks, M., Examination of leadership
practices of principals identified as servant leaders. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2007, 10,
401–419; Ergeneli, A., Gohar, R., and Temirbekova, Z., Transfer national leadership: Its relationship to
culture value dimensions. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2007, 31, 703–725.
The framework for learning about organizational behavior and improving the
effectiveness of employees, teams, and organizations consists of five basic parts: (1) the
key competencies, with particular emphasis on individual and organizational ethics in
Chapter 2, that underlie and integrate the next four parts; (2) the individual in organizations; (3) leadership and team behaviors in organizations; (4) the organization itself;
and (5) integrating cases at the end of the book, as shown in Figure 1.1. This figure
suggests that these parts are not independent of each other. The relationships among
them are much too dynamic—in terms of variety and change—to define them as laws
or rules. As we discuss each part here and throughout this book, the dynamics and
complexities of organizational behavior will become clear. Most of this chapter focuses
on explaining each of the seven key competencies that are developed and illustrated
throughout the book.
The Individual in Organizations
Each individual makes assumptions about those with whom she or he works or
spends time in leisure activities. To some extent, these assumptions influence a person’s behavior toward others. An effective employee understands what affects her or
his own behavior before attempting to influence the behaviors of others. In Part 2,
Chapters 3 through 8, we focus on the behavior, attitudes, personality, motivations,
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
FIGURE 1.1 Learning Framework for Enhanced Individual, Team, and Organizational Effectiveness
Part 2: The Individual in Organizations
(Chapters 3–8)
Part 4: The
(Chapters 14–17)
Part 1: Introduction and Ethical
(Chapters 1 and 2)
Part 3: Leadership
and Team Behaviors
(Chapters 9–13)
Part 5: Integrating Cases; Appendix : BizFlix
and stressors of each individual. The individual is the starting point of organizational
effectiveness. Understanding the individual is crucial for enhancing individual, team,
and organizational effectiveness. Each person is a physiological system composed of
various subsystems—digestive, nervous, circulatory, and reproductive—and a psychological system composed of various subsystems—attitudes, perceptions, learning
capabilities, personality, needs, feelings, and values. In Part 2, we concentrate on the
individual’s psychological system. Both internal and external factors shape a person’s
behavior on the job. Among others, internal factors include learning ability, motivation, perception, attitudes, personality, and values. Among the external factors that
affect a person’s behavior are the organization’s reward system, groups and teams,
managerial leadership styles, organizational culture, and the organization’s design. We
examine these and other factors in Parts 3 and 4.
Leaders and Teams in Organizations
Being inherently social, an individual generally doesn’t choose to live or work alone.
Most of the individual’s time is spent interacting with others. Each person is born into
a family, worships in groups, works in teams, and plays in groups. A person’s identity
is influenced by the ways in which other people and groups perceive and treat that
person. For these reasons—and because many managers and employees spend considerable amounts of time interacting with others—a variety of competencies are usually
vital to each person, team, and organization as a whole.
Effective organizations have leaders who can integrate customer, employee, and
organizational goals. The ability of organizations to achieve their goals depends on
the degree to which leadership abilities and styles enable managers and team leaders to
plan, organize, control, influence, and act effectively. In Part 3, Chapters 9 through 13,
we examine how leaders influence others and how individuals can develop their leadership competencies. Effective leadership involves developing multiple competencies.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
How employees communicate with superiors, peers, subordinates, and others can help
make them effective team members or lead to low morale, lack of commitment, and
reduced organizational effectiveness. For that reason and because most managers and
professionals spend considerable amounts of time dealing with others, interpersonal
communication is the foundation for this part.
The Organization Itself
In Part 4, Chapters 14 through 17, we consider the factors that influence individual,
team, leader, and organizational effectiveness. Decision making in organizations
isn’t particularly orderly or totally within the control of individuals. We identify and
explore the phases of decision making and core models of decision making.
For effective performance, all employees must clearly understand their jobs and
the organization’s design. We identify factors that influence organization design and
present some typical designs that facilitate organizational effectiveness.
Individuals enter organizations to work, earn money, and pursue career goals. We
discuss how employees learn what is expected of them. Basically, they do so by exposure to the organization’s culture. It is the set of shared assumptions and understandings about how things really work—that is, policies, practices, and norms—that are
important to supporting, or perhaps diminishing, individual, team, or organizational
The management of change involves adapting an organization to the demands
of the environment and modifying the actual behaviors of employees. We explore the
dynamics of organizational change and present several basic strategies for achieving
change to improve organizational effectiveness.
Competencies for Individual, Team,
and Organizational Effectiveness
The first part in Figure 1.1 is competencies for individual, team, and organizational
effectiveness, with special emphasis on ethical foundations. Seven competencies are
the focus of this chapter. With the exception of the self competency, which is inherent to individuals, the other six competencies apply to individuals, teams, and the
organization as a whole. Indra Nooyi has developed a mosaic of individual competencies over time that enables her to be a successful leader at PepsiCo. A competency
is an interrelated cluster of knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an individual, team,
or organization for effective performance. A number of competencies are critical to the
effectiveness and performance of most organizations.8 The seven key competencies
affect the behavior and effectiveness of each individual, team, and organization.
Our emphasis is on the human side of the organization. The competencies apply to
individuals and teams in all functional areas and levels of the organization as well as
the organization as a whole. There are a number of other functional competencies
(marketing, planning, accounting, finance, production, personnel, and so on) as well
as technical competencies that are essential for individual, team, and organizational
The competencies emphasized are important to the effectiveness of virtually all
employees, not just those in managerial and leadership roles. One of the goals of this
book is to define, describe, and illustrate how the seven key competencies can be used
by individuals, teams, and members of the entire organization. These ideas are woven
into the discussion of organizational behavior and effectiveness throughout.
Another goal of this book is to help you to fully understand and further develop
these seven competencies. Before reading further, we invite you to assess yourself
in these seven key competencies. Again, with the exception of the self competency,
these competencies also need to be understood, developed, and applied at the team
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
and organizational levels. They are developed throughout the book. Go to the
end of this chapter and complete the Key Competencies Self-Assessment Inventory on
pages 27–28. Figure 1.2 suggests that these competencies are interrelated and that
drawing rigid boundaries between them isn’t feasible. Moreover, this figure conveys
that the ethics competency plays a foundational role in implementing the other
six competencies. All of the competencies are discussed in considerable depth in
specific chapters.
Many leading organizations use competency frameworks, including the types
of competencies we use. The competencies are used to select, develop, assess, and
promote employees to foster team and organizational effectiveness. A few of these
organizations include PepsiCo, Bank of America, Exxon-Mobil, John Hancock, Merck
& Co., and AT&T.9 Why do they use competency models? For years, many top-level
executives believed that there were two ways to think about identifying successful
individuals. From a selection perspective, the approach was to identify the common
characteristics of effective individuals and try to identify them early in their career.
The other perspective was to identify those employees who management thought
were best able to take advantage of developmental opportunities, if provided. At
the individual level, the competency-based approach identifies employees who can
develop or possess key competencies and provides them with challenging opportunities to learn. Throughout this book, there are opportunities to learn how successful
leaders, employees, teams, and the organization as a whole use these competencies.
One successful outcome of using this book is your further development of the competencies needed to be an effective professional or leader and to understand how they
apply to teams and the organization as a whole.
FIGURE 1.2 Competencies for Individual, Team, and Organizational Effectiveness
Note: These competencies focus on the human side of the organization. They apply to individuals and teams in all functional areas and levels of the
organization as well as the organization as a whole. There are a number of other functional competencies (marketing, planning, accounting, finance,
production, personnel, and so on) as well as technical competencies that are essential for individual, team, and organizational effectiveness.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Learning Goal
3. Describe the ethics
competency and its
contribution to effective
Ethics Competency
The ethics competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to incorporate values
and principles that distinguish right from wrong when making decisions and choosing behaviors. Ethics are the values and principles that distinguish right from wrong.10
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the ethics competency include the knowledge, skills, and abilities
of individuals, teams, and the organization to be effective in doing the following:
Identifying and describing the principles of ethical decision
making and behavior.
Ethics Insight
Assessing the importance of ethical issues in considering alternative courses of action. The decision to shop at
Senior leaders typically emphasize the
Walmart versus Best Buy is not related to any ethical issue of
importance of performance and the bottom
consequence for most individuals. In contrast, when purchasline. But if they don’t also emphasize ethical
ing a new car, some individuals consider the gasoline mileage
behavioral messages, then all employees
an important ethical issue that allows them to make a decihear is that it’s all about the numbers. Get
sion to help reduce air pollution to improve the atmosphere.
the numbers at all costs, they think—and
Applying governmental laws and regulations, as well as the
that causes some to compromise ethics.
employer’s rules of conduct, in making decisions. In general,
Ronald James, President and CEO, Center for Ethical
the greater a person’s level of responsibilities and authority,
Business Cultures
the more the person is likely to face increasingly complex
and ambiguous ethical issues and dilemmas. For example,
an associate at Best Buy does not make decisions about purchasing goods from foreign countries that often involve ethical issues. The associate has no authority and responsibility in this decision-making area at Best Buy.
Demonstrating dignity and respect for others in working relationships, such as
taking action against discriminatory practices as individually feasible and in terms
of a person’s position. The manager at a Walmart store is more able to stop an
employee from showing disrespect to members of a minority group than is a
checkout associate in the store.
Being honest and open in communication, limited only by legal, privacy, and
competitive considerations (e.g., do what you or the organization say and say what
you or the organization do).
Ethical Dilemmas
The ethical issues facing organizations, leaders, and other employees have grown significantly in recent years, fueled by public concern about how business is conducted.
This point is developed through Ethics Competency features throughout the book.
Ethical behavior can be difficult to define, especially in a global economy with its
varied beliefs and practices. Although ethical behavior in organizations clearly has a
legal component, it involves more than that.
Managers, employees, and organizations alike face situations in which there are no
clear right or wrong answers. An ethical dilemma occurs when a decision must be made
that involves multiple values. An ethical dilemma doesn’t always involve choosing right
over wrong because there may be several competing values. Some ethical dilemmas
arise from competitive and time pressures, among other factors.11 Consider these two
real-life examples of ethical dilemmas:
A fellow employee told me that he plans to quit the company in two months and
start a new job that has been guaranteed to him. Meanwhile, my manager told me
that she wasn’t going to give me a new opportunity in our company because she
was going to give it to my fellow employee now. What should I do?
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
The vice president told me that one of my subordinates is among several to be laid off
soon and that I’m not to tell him yet or he might tell the whole organization, which
would soon be in an uproar. Meanwhile, I heard from my subordinate that he plans
to buy braces for his daughter and new carpet for his house. What should I do?12
Top-management leadership, policies and rules, and the prevailing organizational
culture can do much to reduce, guide, and help individuals, teams, and organizations
confront and resolve ethical dilemmas.13
Robert Eckert is the chairman and chief executive officer of Mattel, Inc., which
is headquartered in El Segundo, California. Mattel is a worldwide firm that designs,
manufactures, and markets toys and family products. The firm has 30,000 employees
in 43 countries.14 Several years ago, Mattel had recalls of 18 million toys with potentially harmful tiny magnets and 1.5 million toy railroad sets with impermissible lead
paint levels. Eighty percent of the world’s toys are manufactured in China by outsourcing to approximately 5,000 Chinese contractors.15
How this happened and what Mattel has done to strengthen its safety and testing
standards since this crisis are beyond our scope here; however, the following Ethics
Competency feature focuses on the transparent and assertive ways in which Eckert
strived to ethically address this crisis.16 This feature also reflects the communication
competency of Eckert. It presents a few excerpts of Eckert’s statements on coping
with this crisis.
Ethics competency
When the tough times hit at Mattel, consumers wanted to hear directly from me on how the
company was addressing the issues. In order
to maintain consumer trust in Mattel through
those difficult weeks, I had to be visible. Taking
responsibility was simply the right thing to do.
I had to communicate widely and talk about the
problems we were facing as both a company
and an industry. I had to tell people how we
were fixing things. That communication effort
was very personal to me because it consisted of
some of the most grueling days I’ve experienced
in my professional career—from extremely tough
media interviews to conversations with our business partners, and from testimony at congressional hearings to direct communications with
consumers through videos on our website and
other means.
Employee communications were especially
important during this time. I sent numerous company-wide e-mails as we made our way through
the crisis to keep employees informed about
what was happening, so that they didn’t first
read about it in the morning newspaper. During
Robert A. Eckert, Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc.
Robert A. Eckert, Chairman and CEO of Mattel, Inc.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Mattel’s recalls, we had a crisis team that met
daily in person or by phone and I made it a point
to participate. People, no matter how senior or
how experienced, need leadership during challenging times. As the CEO, I knew it was my
responsibility to set the tone for how the company responded by making the tough calls in full
view of the team.
I believe that in order to solve these challenges, unwavering integrity is one of the most
important characteristics a leader can possess for
effective and ethical crisis management throughout the organization.
Placing blame is not only divisive, but also
wastes valuable time when people should be
working together toward solutions. Leaders need
to empower people and teams to make decisions
and set an ethical tone through example. As an
organization, I believe that Mattel has embraced
a difficult test of our company and found the
opportunity to become better. As an organization, we have been open about the issues we
face and how we are acting to fix those issues.
And we are committed to facing future challenges in the same way: with integrity—out of the
shadows, and on the ethical course.
To learn more about Mattel, go to www.mattel.com.
Learning Goal
4. Describe the self competency
and its contribution to
effective performance.
Self Competency
The self competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess personal strengths
and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life,
and engage in new learning.
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the self competency include the knowledge, skills, and abilities
of individuals to be effective in doing the following:
Understanding one’s own and others’ personality and attitudes.
Perceiving, appraising, and interpreting accurately oneself and others.
Understanding and acting on one’s own and others’ work-related motivations and
Assessing and establishing one’s own developmental, personal (life-related), and
work-related goals.
Taking responsibility for managing oneself and career over time and through
stressful circumstances.
The self competency is the most individual-focused of the seven competencies.
Its achievement creates the underlying personal attributes needed for successfully
developing the other six competencies. For example, it is not possible to develop the
communication competency if the individual is unable to perceive, appraise, and interpret individual differences and attitudes. We continue our discussion of Indra Nooyi’s
journey to understand how her self competency developed.17
Self competency
Indra Nooyi’s Development Journey
Nooyi learned early on to embrace diversity
rather than hide her differences in the corporate
world. Long fascinated by the opportunities and
culture of America, after working for a time in
India, she headed to the United States. Coming
out of Yale in 1980 with a master’s in public and
Chapter 1
private management, Nooyi wore a sari to an
interview at Boston Consulting Group and was
offered the job. She later held corporate strategy posts at Motorola, Inc. and what is now ABB
Group. She was drawn to PepsiCo by the chance
to make a difference in a company that was
At PepsiCo, Nooyi has long been known
for two things: a keen business sense and
an irreverent personal style. The combination became obvious soon after she joined
the company as its chief strategist some years
ago. She pushed Chief Executive Roger Enrico
to spin off Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC in
1997 because she didn’t feel PepsiCo could
add enough value to the fast-food business.
She later was instrumental in the purchase of
Tropicana, the spinoff of Pepsi’s bottling business, and the $13 billion merger with Quaker
Oats Co. Each of these strategic moves has
paid off financially.
“She challenges you,” says Tim Minges, president of the Asia Pacific region. When his team
couldn’t find an inexpensive alternative to palm
oil for its products in Thailand, she kept pushing and pushing, saying, “I hear you, I hear you,
so what’s the right solution?” until they came up
Learning about Organizational Behavior
with one: rice bran oil. Minges continues: “Don’t
try to delegate up, because she will bounce it
right back in your face.”
Nooyi says she wishes she had reacted differently to allegations in India that traces of pesticide had been found in both Pepsi and Coke.
The company denied the claims and did scientific
analysis to support its position. At the time, it
was not her direct responsibility. However, Nooyi
reflects: “I was the face of India. I should have
hopped on a plane right away and said, ‘Guys,
I assure you, these products are the safest.’ At
that point, it didn’t occur to me. That’s the thing
I regret. Now if it happened—man, I would be
there in an instant.”
In a recent speech, Nooyi stated: “We’re
in the midst of transformation done willingly,
voluntarily, and enthusiastically not in response
to legislation or litigation. Our Performance
with a Purpose philosophy includes fostering a
culture where employees feel valued—looking
for ways to advance minorities and women.
The company also gives employees time and
opportunities to volunteer with causes. We want
people to look at this company and think it is
the model for how to conduct business in the
global world.”
To learn more about PepsiCo, go to www.pepsico.com.
Career Development
A career is a sequence of work-related experiences occupied by a person during a lifetime.18
It embraces attitudes and behaviors that are part of ongoing work-related tasks and
experiences. The popular view of a career usually is restricted to the idea of moving
up the ladder in an organization. At times, this opportunity is no longer available to
many people because of downsizing, mergers, and the increasing tendency of managers
to place the responsibility on employees to develop their own competencies. A person
may remain at the same level, acquiring and developing new competencies, and have
a successful career without ever being promoted. A person also can build a career by
moving among various jobs in different fields, such as accounting, management information systems, and marketing, or among organizations such as Toyota, IBM, and
Nike. Thus, a career encompasses not only traditional work experiences but also the
opportunity for career alternatives, individual choices, and individual experiences.19
Let’s briefly consider five aspects of a career:
The nature of a career in itself doesn’t imply success or failure or fast or slow
advancement. Career success or failure is best determined by the individual,
rather than by others.
No absolute standards exist for evaluating a career. Career success or failure is
related to a person’s self-concept, goals, and competencies. An individual should
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
evaluate her own career goals and progress in terms of what is personally meaningful and satisfying. Unfortunately, too often the individual falls into the trap
of comparing his own career progress to that of others. This can undermine the
person’s experience of career success.
An individual should examine a career both subjectively and objectively.
Subjective elements of a career include one’s values, attitudes, personality, and
motivations, which may change over time. Objective elements of a career include
job choices, positions held, income earned, challenges overcome, and competencies developed.
Career development involves making decisions about an occupation and engaging in
activities to attain career goals. The central idea in the career development process
is time. The shape and direction of a person’s career over time are influenced by
many factors (e.g., the economy, availability of jobs, skill acquisition, personal
characteristics, family status, and job history).20
Cultural factors play a role in careers. Cultural norms in countries such as Japan,
the Philippines, and Mexico also influence the direction of a person’s career. By
U.S. standards, women are discriminated against as managers in these cultures. In
India and South Korea, social status and educational background often influence
an individual’s career paths.
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s classic essay “Self-Reliance” offers good advice for a
person’s career: “Trust thyself.” To be successful, the individual needs to commit to a
lifetime of learning, including the development of a career plan. A career plan is the
individual’s choice of occupation, organization, and career path.
Learning Goal
5. Describe the diversity
competency and its
contribution to effective
Diversity Competency
The diversity competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to value unique
individual, group, and organizational characteristics, embrace such characteristics as potential
sources of strength, and appreciate the uniqueness of each.21 This competency includes the
ability to help people work effectively together even if their interests and backgrounds
are different. At PepsiCo, the importance of the diversity competency is illustrated by
Indra Nooyi: “It’s important to create an inclusive culture: a place where people can
‘bring their whole selves to work.’ A place where diverse values, beliefs, and practices
are treated with respect.”22
Diversity Insight
To truly understand the needs of our customers and consumers—and succeed in
the marketplace—PepsiCo must reflect
that diversity in our employees, our suppliers and in everything we do. Offering
a workplace where diversity is valued
helps us build the top-quality workforce
so crucial to our success—by enabling us
to attract and retain great people from a
wide spectrum of backgrounds.
Ronald G. Parker, Chief Diversity and Inclusion
Officer, PepsiCo
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the diversity competency include the
knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals, teams, and the
organization to be effective in doing the following:
• Fostering an environment of inclusion with people who
possess characteristics different from themselves.
• Learning from individuals, teams, or organizations with
different characteristics, experiences, perspectives, and
backgrounds. Diversity of thought and behavior is vital to
stimulating creativity and innovation.
• Embracing and developing personal, team, or organizational tendencies—such as conscientiousness and attitudes
that demonstrate respect for people of other cultures
and races—that support diversity in the workplace and
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
Communicating and personally practicing a commitment to work with individuals
and team members because of their talents and contributions, regardless of their
personal attributes.
Providing leadership—walk the talk—in confronting obvious bias, promoting
inclusion, and seeking win–win or compromise solutions to power struggles and
conflicts that appear to be based on diversity issues.
Applying governmental laws and regulations as well as organizational policies and
regulations concerning diversity.
Categories of Diversity
As suggested in Figure 1.3, diversity includes many categories and characteristics.
Even a single aspect of diversity, such as physical abilities or heredity, contains various characteristics that may affect individual, team, or organizational behaviors. One
challenge for the individual is to determine whether those effects (1) deny opportunity
and are counterproductive, (2) simply reflect a tolerance of differences, or (3) lead
to embracing diversity as a value-added organizational resource. A second challenge
is to assist others in valuing and embracing diversity as a source of creativity and
Figure 1.3 identifies the more common categories of diversity dealt with in
organizations. They are subdivided into primary categories—genetic characteristics
that affect a person’s self-image and socialization—and secondary categories—learned
characteristics that a person acquires and modifies throughout life. As suggested by
FIGURE 1. 3 Selected Categories of Diversity
Primary Categories
Secondary Categories
Work experience
Physical abilities
and qualities
Marital status
Effects on
Religious beliefs
Sexual and
Geographic location
Parental status
Behavioral style
Source: Adapted from Bradford, S. Fourteen dimensions of diversity: Understanding and appreciating differences in the workplace. In J. W. Pfeiffer (ed.),
1996 Annual: Volume 2, Consulting. San Diego: Pfeiffer and Associates, 1996, 9–17.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
the arrows, these categories aren’t independent. For example, a woman (gender) with
children (parental status) is likely to be directly affected by an organization with familyfriendly or family-unfriendly policies and attitudes. An example of a family-unfriendly
attitude would be “Your job must always come first if you are to get ahead in this
Primary Categories
The following are brief explanations of the primary categories of diversity. Individuals
have relatively little influence over these characteristics.
Age: the number of years a person has been alive and the generation into which
the individual was born in the United States [e.g., baby boomers born from 1946
through 1964; Generation X born from 1965 through 1981, or Generation Y
(Millennials) born from 1982 through 2000].
Race: the biological groupings within humankind, representing superficial physical
differences, such as eye shape and skin color. Race accounts for less than 1 percent
of the difference in a person’s genetic heredity.
Ethnicity: identification with a cultural group that has shared traditions and
heritage, including national origin, language, religion, food, and customs. Some
people identify strongly with these cultural roots, others do not.
Gender: biological sex as determined by XX (female) or XY (male)
Physical abilities and qualities: a variety of characteristics, including body type,
physical size, facial features, specific abilities or disabilities, and visible and invisible physical and mental talents or limitations.
Sexual and affectional orientation: feelings of sexual attraction toward members of
the same or opposite gender, such as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
Secondary Categories
The following are brief explanations of the secondary categories of diversity.
Individuals have relatively more influence over them during their lifetimes by making
Education: the individual’s formal and informal learning and training.
Work experience: the employment and volunteer positions the person has held and
the variety of organizations for which the person has worked.
Income: the economic conditions in which people grow up and their current economic status.
Marital status: the person’s situation as never married, married, widowed, or
Religious beliefs: fundamental teachings received about deities and values acquired
from formal or informal religious practices.
Geographic location: the location(s) in which the person was raised or spent a significant part of her life, including types of communities and urban areas versus
rural areas.
Parental status: having or not having children and the circumstances in which the
children are raised, such as single parenting and two-adult parenting.
Behavioral style: tendency of the individual to think, feel, or act in a particular way.
The primary categories of diversity are discussed throughout the book. In the
following feature, a few highlights of the diversity competency for one organization
are provided. Aetna is widely recognized for its Diverse Discoveries Program.23 A few
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
characteristics of their program are presented in the following feature. Aetna, Inc.,
headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, is a major provider of all types of insurance
and pension products. It has over 35,000 employees.24
Diversity competency
Aetna’s Diverse Discoveries Program
Ron Williams, the chairman and CEO of Aetna,
introduces what it means to embrace diversity:
We see diversity as a strategic business
advantage: The simple act of knowing that
what works for some might not work for all
is what makes our commitment to diversity
come to life every day. Our commitment
becomes action when we take our understanding of differences and apply that insight
to everything from how we service customers
and design products to how we communicate
with each other.
Each year, every Aetna employee completes
web-based diversity training. It is designated to
raise awareness of diversity and addresses the
business case for diversity. Diversity in Action
lectures assist employees in thinking about diversity in new and different ways. A Leadership
Development Program focuses on identifying and
developing needed competencies among underrepresented groups. A talent acquisition strategy
aims to attract motivated individuals, including
members of underrepresented groups, and a
commitment to their development. The support
of employee resource groups allows employees
to share their cultures, give back to the communities, network with senior management, and attain
career-building competencies. Three of these
eight resource groups include African American
Resource Group, Hispanic Employee Resource
Group, and Women’s Employee Resource Group.
How have these and other diversity values
and initiatives at Aetna made a difference? A
variety of external groups have recognized Aetna
for its leadership and commitment to diversity,
such as Black Enterprise magazine, the National
Association for Women Executives, DiversityInc,
and CRO magazine. Of approximately 35,000
employees, 76 percent are women and 31 percent
are people of color. Women represent 64 percent
of management/supervisory positions, and people
of color represent 16 percent. Eleven percent of
senior leaders are people of color and 30 percent
are women.
To learn more about Aetna, go to www.aetna.com.
Across Cultures Competency
The across cultures competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize
and embrace similarities and differences among nations and cultures. Culture is the dominant
pattern of living, thinking, feeling, and believing that is developed and transmitted by people,
consciously or unconsciously, to subsequent generations.25 For a culture to exist, it must
be shared by the vast majority of the members of a major group or entire society;
be passed on from generation to generation; and
shape perceptions, judgments, and feelings as well as subsequent decisions and
As discussed further in Chapter 3, a key feature of a culture is its cultural
values—those deeply held beliefs that lead to general preferences and behaviors and views of
what is right and wrong. Cultural values are reflected in a society’s morals, customs, and
established practices.
Learning Goal
6. Describe the across cultures
competency and its contribution
to effective performance.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the across cultures competency include the knowledge, skills,
and abilities of individuals, teams, and the organization to be effective in doing the
Understanding and appreciating the characteristics that make a particular culture
unique and are likely to influence behavior.
Understanding how work-related values, such as individualism and collectivism,
influence the decisions made by individuals and groups.
Understanding, leading, and motivating employees with different values and attitudes. These may range from the more individualistic, Western belief, to paternalistic, non-Western attitudes, to the extreme “the state-will-take-care-of-me”
collectivist mind-set.
Communicating in the language of the host country in which the individual is
working. This ability is crucial for employees who have ongoing communications
with people whose native language is different from their own.
Working with those from foreign countries. This ability applies if the assignment
is abroad or the person has international responsibilities from the home office.
Addressing leadership, organizational, and other issues through a global
mind-set—viewing the environment from a worldwide perspective, always looking
for unexpected trends that may create threats or opportunities for a unit or an entire
organization. Some call this the ability to think globally, act locally.
Avoiding Stereotypes
The development of the across cultures competency is useful for diagnosing, understanding, and relating to individuals with different cultural values. Of course, there
may be wide variations of behavior and values by various individuals and groups
within a given society.
There is a need to be wary of stereotyping others in a particular society by glossing over the nuances and complexities of a culture.27 Furthermore, specific issues and
situations—such as work, family, friends, and recreation—can play a significant role
in understanding the impact of different cultural values on behaviors. For example,
when Japanese businesspeople develop contracts, they want them to be more general
than detailed, as preferred by U.S. managers. They believe that those entering into
an agreement are joined together and share something in common; thus, they should
rely on and trust one another.
Carlos Ghosn is the cochairman, president, and CEO of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
As a result of an alliance between Nissan and Renault in 2005, he also serves as CEO
of Renault.28 The following Across Cultures Competency feature provides several
insights on Ghosn’s across cultures leadership.29
Across Cultures competency
Carlos Ghosn, CEO, Nissan-Renault
J. Frank Brown, dean of INSEAD, a leading
business school in France, comments:
“Increased globalization is changing the landscape of the business climate and creating a
demand for business leaders who can operate
in and across different cultures. Carlos Ghosn
personifies the essence of a transcultural leader
by recognizing that cultural diversity is an
Chapter 1
integral component to his organization’s future
Ghosn notes: “I think one of the basics of
transcultural leadership is empathy and respect.
It is essential for leaders to develop a deeper
understanding of the country and the culture
in which they operate and try to learn about its
strengths. I would say even though the term
today is not very popular, love the country and
love the culture in which you are in. And try to
learn about its strengths, don’t focus on the
weaknesses, and make sure that all the people
you are transferring with you are of the same
opinion. If you have to work and particularly do
something significant in a country, it is much
easier if somehow you connected with the country and you like the country and you respect the
people and you are curious about the culture.”
One of Ghosn’s tasks was to help revive
Nissan, but Ghosn contends the experience
Learning about Organizational Behavior
wasn’t simply about performing a job—it was
about discovering a new culture and it was very
rewarding. He states: “When you have a very
diverse team—people of different backgrounds,
different culture, different gender, different age,
you are going to get a more creative team—
probably getting better solutions, and enforcing
them in a very innovative way and with a very
limited number of preconceived ideas.”
Ghosn says that when he started at Nissan,
only 1 percent of the top management at Nissan
were women. Although that was twice as good as
his competitors, he was determined to increase
the number of women in management still further. Today, the number of women in management is 5 percent, and the goal is to raise that
figure to 10 percent within a few years. Ghosn
says that, although such targets are good, it’s
more important to set a lasting, achievable trend
for women that will prove that diversity delivers.
To learn more about Nissan, go to www.nissan-global.com.
Communication Competency
The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all
the modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and feelings—verbal,
listening, nonverbal, and written—for accurately transferring and exchanging information.30
This competency may be thought of as the circulatory system that nourishes the other
competencies. Just as arteries and veins provide for the movement of blood in a person, communication allows for the exchange of information and feelings.
The communication competency is a strength of Indra Nooyi. Recall her comment in the Learning from Experience feature: “In business, sometimes in the heat of
the moment, people say things. You can either misconstrue what they’re saying and
assume they are trying to put you down, or you can say, ‘Wait a minute. Let me really
get behind what they are saying to understand whether they’re reacting because they’re
hurt, upset, confused, or they don’t understand what it is I’ve asked them to do.’”
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the communication competency include the knowledge, skills,
and abilities of individuals, teams, and the organization to be effective in doing the
Conveying information, ideas, and emotions to others in such a way that they are
received as intended. This ability is strongly influenced by a person’s describing
skill—identifying concrete, specific examples of behavior and its effects. This skill also
includes recognizing that the communicator needs to avoid the tendency to jump
quickly to generalizations and judgments.
Providing constructive feedback to others.
Learning Goal
7. Describe the communication
competency and its contribution
to effective performance.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Engaging in active listening—the process of integrating information and emotions
in a search for shared meaning and understanding. Active listening requires the use
of the questioning skill—the ability to ask for information and opinions in a way
that gets relevant, honest, and appropriate responses. This skill helps to bring relevant
information and emotions into the dialogue and reduce misunderstandings.
Using and interpreting nonverbal communication—facial expressions, body
movements, physical contact, and symbols that are often used to send messages. The
empathizing skill refers to detecting and understanding another person’s values,
motives, and emotions. It is especially important in nonverbal communication and
active listening. The empathizing skill helps to reduce tension and increase trust
and sharing.
Engaging in verbal communication effectively—presenting ideas, information
and emotions to others, either one to one, between teams, or between organizations.
In a recent speech, Indra Nooyi demonstrated this personal ability when she
stated: “It’s vital that people are shown respect by speaking to them with truth
and candor. Give people honest feedback. Let them know where they stand.
Be clear about what they need to do to improve or to reach their career goals.
In this same vein, managers must be approachable. Associates need to feel
that they are able to talk to their leaders informally to address issues and ask
Engaging in written communication effectively—the ability to transfer data, information, ideas, and emotions by means of reports, letters, memos, notes, and e-mail.
Using a variety of computer-based (electronic) resources, such as e-mail and the
Internet. Through an array of computer-based information technologies, the
Internet directly links organizations and their employees to customers, suppliers, information sources, the public, and millions of individuals worldwide. We
help you develop this skill throughout the book by presenting numerous Internet
addresses and encouraging you to learn more about the organizations, issues, and
people discussed.
In the following feature, we provide several examples of the communication
competency, especially active listening, exhibited by Maureen Chiquet, the Global
CEO of Chanel S.A.32 Chanel is a private corporation headquartered in Paris, France.
The firm specializes in luxury goods, handbags, perfumes, and cosmetics. It operates
boutiques across the world.33
Communication competency
Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO, Chanel S.A.
In retail, you’ve got to have a strong point of
view and present it effectively. But to lead effectively and achieve real business results as the
head of any enterprise, you have to listen. You’ve
got to constantly ask questions and seek out
diverse opinions, and remain humble enough to
change your mind—whether about a product or
a person.
Whenever I’m in a Chanel boutique, I ask
the store employees what’s selling, how consumers are responding, and what we should be
doing differently. Their observations help me
refine my own thoughts about the business—
and sometimes change my mind outright about
a piece of merchandise or even a big strategy.
Back in the office, I spend about 75 percent of
my time listening to my direct reports’ insights,
and I make regular dates with our partners
around the world to hear their perspectives, too.
I’m always seeking information from as many
varied sources as possible: I’ll check YouTube,
for example, just to see what people are watching. I keep my ears open and my eyes peeled
for new trends in culture, the arts, film, theater,
and the like.
Listening has its drawback because sometimes
you realize that people are just telling you what
they want you to hear. Yet, ultimately, what’s good
for this business—surrounding myself with talented
teams and relying on their expertise—is good for
me personally, too.
Learning about Organizational Behavior
Chapter 1
Chanel store in Paris, France.
To learn more about Chanel S.A., go to www.chanel.com.
Teams Competency
The teams competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop, support,
and lead groups to achieve goals.34 Howard Guttman, author of Great Business Teams, has
studied over 300 executive teams.35 He comments:
Leadership is no longer about one-person rule. Today’s organizations are too
complex and far-flung for the “leader” to make all the decisions. That doesn’t
mean that organizations should be ruled by consensus—that’s dysfunctional,
because it’s virtually impossible to get everyone to agree on every issue. Effective
leaders balance the need for speed and a quality outcome with the need to involve
members of their team.36
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the teams competency include the knowledge, skills, and abilities
of individuals, teams, and the organization to be effective in doing the following:
Determining the circumstances in which a team approach is appropriate and, if
using a team is appropriate, the type of team to use.
Engaging in and/or leading the process of setting clear performance goals for the
Participating in and/or providing the leadership in defining responsibilities and
tasks for the team as a whole, as well as its individual members.
Demonstrating a sense of mutual and personal accountability for the achievement
of team goals, not just an individual’s own goals. That is, the individual doesn’t
approach problems and issues with a mind-set of “That’s not my responsibility
or concern.”
Applying decision-making methods and technologies that are appropriate to the
goals, issues, and tasks confronting the team.
Learning Goal
8. Describe the teams
competency and its contribution
to effective performance.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Resolving personal and task-related conflicts among team members before they
become too disruptive.
Assessing a person’s own performance and that of the team in relating to goals,
including the ability to take corrective action as needed.
Teams and Individualism
People in some countries strongly believe in the importance and centrality of the
individual. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, educational, governmental, and business institutions frequently state that they exist to serve individual
goals. As we discuss further in Chapter 3, two cultural values that strongly affect decisions about whether to use teams and groups in organizations are individualism and
Employees in individualistic cultures are expected to act on the basis of their
personal goals and self-interest. In collectivistic countries, such as China and South
Korea, the use of teams by organizations is a natural extension of their nations’ cultural values. Uneasiness revolves around the relative influence of individuals in teams.
We might characterize the basic difference as “fitting into the team” versus “standing
out from the team.” Even in societies that value individualism, teams are widely used
in such firms as Mattel, PepsiCo, and Hewlett-Packard (HP).
The potential for teams and individuals to have incompatible goals clearly exists,
but these goals need not always be in conflict. In fact, they often are compatible.37 The
potential strengths and weaknesses of teams is captured in the following statements:
(1) teams do exist, and employees need to take them into account; (2) teams mobilize
powerful forces that influence individuals; (3) teams may create both good and bad
results; and (4) teams can be managed to increase the benefits from them.
Grant Reid is the president of Mars Drinks North America, headquartered in
West Chester, Pennsylvania. This firm provides a wide variety of nonalcoholic beverages, coffees, teas, and the like under the Flavia brand. It is a subsidiary of Mars, Inc.,
a privately owned firm. In the following Teams Competency feature, Grant Reid’s
evolving perspective on teams is presented.38
Teams competency
Grant Reid, President, Mars Drinks
My thought process around leadership used
to be that I would make decisions, everyone
would come in, I would give them the charter
for the day, and they would all run off. Now,
I recognize that it’s not about me—it’s about
getting the right team together, with the right
expertise in that particular area, and getting
the best out of that team. No one is as smart as
There are lots of meetings I no longer need
to go to. If you’re command-and-control, you
have to be there to command and control; no
major decision, no major recommendation can
move forward without you there. When you have
teams capable of making decisions, there are a
lot of things you can let go. When I took over
Mars Drinks, we were meeting globally, as a management team, every month. People were flying
in from America and different parts of Europe;
it was very time consuming. Now, we meet four
times a year. We have scheduled telephone conversations with the whole team once a month
so everybody’s clear on what they’re doing, and
then we get on with it.
You can’t keep setting up teams that do
nothing, because the first thing that happens is
that teams sit down and say, “OK, what are we
trying to achieve here?” And if there’s no real
goal, each of the team members will want out.
It’s a self-governing process. Back in the 1980s,
when I was working in Europe, you’d have teams
that were more like bagel clubs—everybody
would come in, have a nice chat. Everybody was
pleasant to each other; nobody really called anybody out; if somebody said something that didn’t
make any sense, it was glossed over. The difference now is that people here ask, “What are we
trying to achieve here?” And if you can’t answer
that question, then chances are that team doesn’t
have a purpose.
Learning about Organizational Behavior
Chapter 1
Teams should meet with a clear goal in mind.
To learn more about Mars, Inc., go to www.mars.com.
Change Competency
The change competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and
implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations in the people, tasks, strategies,
structures, or technologies.39 The challenge of change is well stated by Grant Reid, the
focus of the preceding Teams Competency feature when he adds: “In my experience,
when you bring people together, everybody’s uncomfortable with change to different degrees. Some say, ‘OK, I get this,’ and others say, ‘This is never going to work in
my lifetime.’ Those people frequently self-select and go off and do something else.
For the others, the team will hold them accountable.’”40
Key Attributes
The key attributes of the change competency include the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals, teams, and the organization to be effective in doing the following:
Applying the six previously discussed competencies in the diagnosis, development, and implementation of needed changes.
Providing leadership in the process of planned change. The approaches to change
vary under different conditions.
Diagnosing pressure for and resistance to change in specific situations. These
pressures may be internal—such as the organizational culture—or external—such
as new technologies or competitors.
Applying processes to introduce and achieve organizational change. This includes
the ability to identify key issues and diagnose them by examining the basic factors
of who, what, why, when, where, and how.
Seeking, gaining, sharing, and applying new knowledge in the pursuit of constant
improvement, creativity, and entirely new approaches or goals.41
The following Change Competency feature provides additional insights by Indra
Nooyi. It reveals several aspects of her effectiveness in leading major changes at
PepsiCo.42 Of course, Nooyi is the first to acknowledge that these changes are a result
of many individuals at PepsiCo. Recall the opening Learning from Experience feature
in which we highlighted Nooyi’s Performance with Purpose vision, which rests on three
pillars: human sustainability, environmental sustainability, and talent sustainability.
Learning Goal
9. Describe the change
competency and its contribution
to effective performance.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Change competency
Indra Nooyi Leads Change at PepsiCo
Since becoming CEO, Nooyi has reorganized
PepsiCo to make it less focused on just the
United States and broadened the top leadership
team. She has hired an Italian native, Massimo
d’Amore, to lead the division that includes
the troublesome U.S. soft drink business. She
recruited a former Mayo Clinic endocrinologist to head up the research and development
PepsiCo recently spent $1.3 billion on acquisitions such as Naked Juice, a California maker of
soy drinks and organic juice. According to Nooyi,
it essentially boils down to balancing the profit
motive with making healthier snacks, striving for
a net-zero impact on the environment, and taking care of the workforce. She asserts: “If all you
want is to screw this company down tight and get
double-digit earnings growth and nothing else,
then I’m the wrong person. Companies today
are bigger than many economies. We are little
republics. We are engines of efficiency. If companies don’t do responsible things, who is going
to? Why not start making change now?”
In a speech to the food industry, Nooyi
pushed the group to tackle obesity. She asked:
“Do you remember campaigns like ‘Keep
America Beautiful’? What about ‘Buckle Up’?
I believe we need an approach like this to attack
obesity. Let’s be a good industry that does 100%
of what it possibly can—not grudgingly but willingly. I am extremely proud of our track record.
Name me one other company that took out trans
fats from all its products without increasing the
price of its products—four or five years before
anyone else. We’re doing everything possible to
shift our portfolio to ‘better for you’ or ‘good for
you’ products.”
In an interview, Nooyi notes: “I do market tours all the time. Every weekend I hop in
the car and go somewhere. I listen to kids talk
about what they’re consuming, what they’re
doing, what they’re not doing. I read a range of
things to keep in touch with cultural and lifestyle
trends—the usual business press but also People
and Vanity Fair and anything close to the cutting
edge of the culture. Even the AARP magazine.”
Confronted by high commodity prices, a
downturn in U.S. beverage sales, and other
consequences of the souring economy in 2008
and 2009, Nooyi concluded some bold steps
were necessary. She launched an aggressive
belt-tightening program to generate more than
$1.2 billion in savings by 2011. Nooyi says the
tough measures—including the elimination of
3,300 jobs (much of which will be achieved
through normal turnover) and the closing of some
plants—were necessary to put PepsiCo ahead of
the curve in a fast-changing economic environment. Most of the savings from cost cutting will
be invested in fast-growing emerging markets,
the U.S. beverage business, and accelerating
development of new beverages and snacks.
To learn more about PepsiCo, go to www.pepsico.com.
Blur: Constant Change
New technologies are increasing the need for constant learning, adaptation, and innovation by individuals, teams, and entire organizations.43 In Blur: The Speed of Change
in the Connected Economy, S. Davis and C. Meyer proposed a formula to represent the
rapidly accelerating rate of technological and other changes:
Speed × connectivity × intangibles = blur.
Every aspect of how organizations operate and change in real time.
Everything is becoming electronically connected to everything
else: products, people, companies, countries—everything.
Chapter 1
Learning about Organizational Behavior
Every transaction has both tangible (e.g., monetary) and intangible (e.g., reputational) value. The intangible is growing faster; it
is the increasing role of personal services for many organizations
and the economy as a whole.
The new world in which we will come to live and work.44
The revolution in technologies is a driving force in creating the state of blur and the
need to actively manage change. Throughout this book, we discuss topics from the
human side of the organization that are related to the introduction and use of technology and which, in turn, are affected by it.
The rapid rise in use of the Internet throughout the world is the most obvious
expression of economies and businesses that focus on technology.45 The Internet
seems to bring the entire world to a person’s desktop, laptop, or personal digital
assistant instantaneously and to quickly address any query or curiosity. The everexpanding online World Wide Web is but the most recent indication of a trend during
the past few decades that has brought businesses, customers, and others continually
closer in real time. Technologies have shaped our expectations about acceptable time
frames for communicating, performing tasks, and seeing results.
Chapter Summary
Leadership is the process of developing ideas and a vision, living by values that support
those ideas and that vision, influencing others to embrace them in their own behaviors,
and making hard decisions about human and other resources. Leadership includes the
seven foundation competencies developed throughout this book and more. In contrast,
management focuses on looking inward, improving the present, tight controls, directing, coordinating, efficiency, and the like. Both leaders and managers must accept three
key functions to be effective: authority, responsibility, and accountability.
1. State the core differences
Organizational behavior involves the dynamic interplay among employees, leaders,
teams, and the organization itself. We introduced seven competencies in this chapter
and suggested the dynamic interplay among these competencies.
2. Outline the framework
The ethics competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to incorporate
values and principles that distinguish right from wrong when making decisions and
choosing behaviors. Managers and employees often experience ethical dilemmas—
situations in which a decision must be made that involves multiple values.
3. Describe the ethics
The self competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess a person’s
own strengths and weaknesses; set and pursue professional and personal goals; balance
work and personal life; and engage in new learning—including new or modified skills,
behaviors, and attitudes. This competency is especially inherent to the individual.
Mastering it requires a lifelong process of learning and career management.
4. Describe the self
The diversity competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to value unique
individual and group characteristics, embrace such characteristics as sources of organizational strength, and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual and group.
These characteristics can act as potential sources of organizational strength. The core
components of this competency are related to a framework of six primary categories
of diversity: age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities and qualities, and sexual orientation. These types of diversity are important because they often reflect differences
in perspectives, lifestyles, attitudes, values, and behaviors. How leaders and employees
embrace and respond to diversity influences an organization’s effectiveness.
5. Describe the diversity
between leadership and
for learning about
organizational behavior.
competency and its
contribution to effective
competency and its
contribution to effective
competency and its
contribution to effective
Part 1
6. Describe the across
cultures competency
and its contribution to
effective performance.
7. Describe the
competency and
its contribution to
effective performance.
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
The across cultures competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and embrace similarities and differences among nations and cultures and then
approach key organizational and strategic issues with an open and curious mind.
Individuals’ and groups’ perceptions, communication, decisions, and behaviors are
influenced by their culture. Too often, one’s culture may influence the development
of sweeping negative stereotypes about those from other cultures.
The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to transmit, receive, and understand data, information, thoughts, and emotions—nonverbal,
verbal, written, listening, electronic, and the like—for accurately transferring and
exchanging information and emotions. Core components of this competency are
describing, active listening, questioning, nonverbal communication, empathizing, verbal communication, and written communication. This competency is like the body’s
circulatory system, nourishing and carrying information to other competencies to
enhance individual, team, and organizational effectiveness.
8. Describe the teams
competency and
its contribution to
effective performance.
9. Describe the change
competency and
its contribution to
effective performance.
The teams competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop, support, and lead teams to achieve organizational goals. Recognition of the potential for
individual and team differences is stressed.
The change competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and
implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations. New technologies are
one of the primary sources of change, which creates a state of blur. The Internet is a
primary enabler of increasing organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
Key Terms and Concepts
Across cultures competency, 17
Active listening, 20
Career, 13
Career development, 14
Career plan, 14
Change competency, 23
Communication competency, 19
Competency, 8
Cultural values, 17
Culture, 17
Describing skill, 19
Diversity competency, 14
Empathizing skill, 20
Ethical dilemma, 10
Ethics, 10
Ethics competency, 10
Global mind-set, 18
Leader, 4
Leadership, 4
Manager, 5
Nonverbal communication, 20
Organizational behavior, 4
Questioning skill, 20
Self competency, 12
Teams competency, 21
Verbal communication, 20
Written communication, 20
Discussion Questions
In the Learning from Experience feature, Indra Nooyi
states: “Performance with Purpose rests on three pillars: human sustainability, environmental sustainability,
and talent sustainability.” Go to the PepsiCo website
at www.pepsico.com. Click on “Company” and choose
“PepsiCo Values and Philosophy.” Which attributes of
the ethics competency are illustrated in PepsiCo’s statement of “Guiding Principles”?
Review the Ethics Competency feature entitled “Robert
A. Eckert, Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc.” Which
attributes of the ethics competency are illustrated in this
Review the Diversity Competency feature on “Aetna’s
Diverse Discoveries Program.” Which attributes
of the diversity competency are illustrated in this
Chapter 1
Review the Self Competency feature on “Indra
Nooyi’s Development Journey.” Which attributes
of the self competency are illustrated in this
Review the Across Cultures Competency feature on
“Carlos Ghosn, CEO, Nissan-Renault.” Which attributes of the across cultures competency are illustrated
in this feature?
Review the Communication Competency feature on
“Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO, Chanel S.A.” In addition to active listening, what other attributes of the
Learning about Organizational Behavior
communication competency appear to be illustrated in
this feature?
Review the Teams Competency feature on “Grant Reid,
President, Mars Drinks.” Which attributes of the teams
competency are illustrated in this feature?
Review the Change Competency feature on “Indra
Nooyi Leads Change at PepsiCo.” Which attributes of
the change competency are illustrated in this feature?
What aspect of your life or role that you play reflects
some or all of the variables that go into creating the
state of blur? Explain.
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Key Competencies Self-Assessment Inventory
The statements in this inventory describe specific knowledge/
skills/abilities that are needed to be an effective leader or
professional. This inventory focuses on the individual rather
than teams or the organization as a whole with respect to the
key competencies developed in this book. For each specific
knowledge/skill/ability statement, you are to assess yourself
on a scale from 1 to 10, according to the descriptive statements provided on the scale shown here.
I am outstanding on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am very good on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am good on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am average on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am barely adequate on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am lacking on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am weak on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I am very weak on this knowledge/skill/ability.
I have little relevant experience on this knowledge/skill/
ability, but the experiences I have had are poor.
I have no relevant experience. I have not yet begun to
develop this knowledge/skill/ability.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
_____ 8.
_____ 9.
_____ 10.
_____ 11.
_____ 12.
_____ 13.
_____ 14.
_____ 15.
_____ 16.
_____ 17.
_____ 18.
_____ 19.
_____ 20.
_____ 21.
_____ 22.
Fill in the blank next to each listed specific knowledge/
skill/ability with a number from the preceding scale that you
think is most descriptive of yourself. It is important that you
choose a number that is most descriptive of what you are actually like rather than what you would prefer to be like or how
you would like others to see you.
Statements of Knowledge/Skills/Abilities
_____ 1. Maintains an awareness of own behavior and how
it affects others.
_____ 2. Is able to set priorities and manage time.
_____ 3. Knows own limitations and asks for help when
_____ 4. Assesses and establishes own life- and workrelated goals.
_____ 5. Takes responsibility for decisions and managing self.
_____ 23.
_____ 24.
_____ 25.
_____ 26.
_____ 27.
_____ 28.
_____ 29.
_____ 30.
Perseveres in the face of obstacles or criticism.
Is not self-promoting or arrogant.
Recovers quickly from failure, including learning
from mistakes.
Tries to learn continuously.
Pursues feedback openly and nondefensively.
Organizes and presents ideas effectively.
Detects and understands others’ values, motives,
and emotions.
Presents written materials clearly and concisely.
Listens actively and nonjudgmentally.
Responds appropriately to positive and negative
Is aware of and sensitive to nonverbal messages.
Holds people’s attention when communicating.
Shares information willingly.
Expresses own needs, opinions, and preferences
without offending others.
Uses a variety of computer-based (electronic)
resources to communicate.
Encourages the inclusion of those who are different from self.
Seeks to learn from those with different characteristics and perspectives.
Embraces and demonstrates respect for people of
other cultures and races.
Shows sensitivity to the needs and concerns of
Seeks positive win–win or appropriate compromise
solutions to conflicts based on diversity issues.
Embraces unique individual and group characteristics as potential sources of organizational strength.
Is sensitive to differences among people and seeks
ways to work with them.
Respects the ideas, values, and traditions of
Identifies opportunities to promote diversity.
Invests personal effort in helping people with
attributes different from self to succeed.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
_____ 31. Demonstrates dignity and respect for others in
working relationships.
_____ 32. Is honest and open in communication, limited only by privacy, legal, and competitive
_____ 33. Assesses the right or wrong in own decisions and
_____ 34. Adheres to professional and organizational codes
of conduct.
_____ 35. Resists pressures from others to engage in unethical conduct.
_____ 36. Understands ethical principles and rules.
_____ 37. Is seen by others as a person of integrity.
_____ 38. Sets clear expectations of ethical behavior and regularly reinforces this expectation
with others.
_____ 39. Is sensitive to the rights of others.
_____ 40. Takes responsibility for own decisions and
actions—doesn’t place blame on others to escape
_____ 41. Seeks to understand and appreciate the characteristics that make a particular culture unique.
_____ 42. Treats people from different cultures with respect.
_____ 43. Considers managerial and other issues from a
worldwide perspective, that is, the ability to think
globally, act locally.
_____ 44. Works effectively with members from different
_____ 45. Likes to experience different cultures.
_____ 46. Learns from those with different cultural
_____ 47. Knows which cultures have the expectation that
individuals are to take care of themselves.
_____ 48. Possesses firsthand knowledge that different cultures are risk adverse and use rules to minimize
trying to deal with uncertainty.
_____ 49. Knows how masculinity and femininity in different societies affect interpersonal relationships.
_____ 50. Works effectively with people from different cultures who value unequal distribution of power in
_____ 51. Works effectively in team situations.
_____ 52. Encourages teams to celebrate accomplishments.
_____ 53. Demonstrates mutual and personal responsibility
for achieving team goals.
_____ 54. Observes dynamics when working with groups
and raises relevant issues for discussion.
_____ 55. Promotes teamwork among groups, discourages
“we versus they” thinking.
_____ 56. Supports and praises others for reaching goals
and accomplishing tasks.
_____ 57. Encourages and supports creativity in teams.
_____ 58. Shares credit with others.
_____ 59. Motivates team members to work toward common goals.
_____ 60. Is able to use groupware and related information
technologies to achieve team goals.
_____ 61. Demonstrates the leadership skills to implement
planned change.
_____ 62. Understands how to diagnose pressures for and
resistances to change.
_____ 63. Prepares people to manage change.
_____ 64. Learns, shares, and applies new knowledge
to improve a team, department, or whole
_____ 65. Knows how to diagnose a firm’s culture.
_____ 66. Uses a variety of technologies to achieve successful change.
_____ 67. Understands how various organizational designs
can be used to bring about successful organizational change.
_____ 68. Possesses a positive attitude toward considering
changes and new ideas.
_____ 69. Is able to negotiate and resolve conflicts that are
often part of any significant change.
_____ 70. Understands how organizational cultures influence organizational change.
Scoring and Interpretation
The Key Competencies Self-Assessment Inventory seeks your selfperceptions on characteristics and dimensions that are representative of seven key competencies. Total your responses for
each competency as instructed. The sum of your responses
is your score. The maximum score is 100 points for each
Self Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess your own
strengths and weaknesses; set and pursue professional and
personal goals; balance work and personal life; and engage
in new learning—including new or changed skills, behaviors,
and attitudes.
• Add your responses for items 1 through 10 = _____, which
is your self-assessment on the self competency.
Communication Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all of the
modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas,
thoughts, and feelings—verbal, listening, nonverbal, written, electronic, and the like—for accurately transferring and
exchanging information and emotions.
• Add your responses for items 11 through 20 = _____,
which is your self-assessment on the communication
Diversity Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to value unique
individual, group, and organizational characteristics, embrace
such characteristics as potential sources of strength, and
appreciate the uniqueness of each.
• Add your responses for items 21 through 30 = _____, which
is your self-assessment on the diversity competency.
Ethics Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to incorporate
values and principles that distinguish right from wrong when
making decisions and choosing behaviors.
• Add your responses for items 31 through 40 = _____,
which is your self-assessment on the ethics competency.
Chapter 1
Across Cultures Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and
embrace similarities and differences among nations and cultures
and then approach key issues with an open and curious mind.
• Add your responses for items 41 through 50 = _____, which
is your self-assessment on the across cultures competency.
Teams Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop, support and lead groups to achieve goals.
• Add your responses for 51 through 60 = _____, which is
your self-assessment on the teams competency.
Change Competency:
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize
and implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations in the people, tasks, strategies, structures, or
• Add your responses for items 61 through 70 = _____,
which is your self-assessment on the change competency.
Your Overall Profile and Comparisons
Determine your overall profile of competencies by using the
summary (total) score for each competency. Compare and
contrast your scores with those of two sample populations:
(1) experienced managers and professionals (shown in the
table below) and (2) undergraduate students at colleges and
universities (shown in the table to the right). Mean scores and
standard deviations are based on a sample of more than 300
individuals. One standard deviation from the mean covers 68
percent of the sample population; that is, if your score falls
within one standard deviation of the mean score of either the
managerial or the student sample, your score is similar to the
scores of 68 percent of the students.
Managerial Sample Population
One Standard
From Mean
Across Cultures
Range for 68%
of Population
(High and Low)
Learning about Organizational Behavior
Student Sample Population
One Standard
from Mean
Across Cultures
Range for 68%
of Population
(High and Low)
Overall Interpretations
You see yourself as having little relevant
experience and are deficient on this
You see yourself as generally lacking on
this competency but may be satisfactory or
better on a few of its knowledge/skill/ability
You see yourself as average on this
competency—probably below average on some
of its knowledge/skill/ability components.
You see yourself as generally above average on
this competency and very good on a number of
its knowledge/skill/ability components.
You see yourself as generally outstanding on
this competency.
1. What does your overall profile suggest in relation to your needs for personal and professional
2. Based on the competency most in need of development,
identify three possible actions that you might take to
reduce the gap between your current and desired level
for that competency.
3. Would others who work with you closely or know you
well agree with your self-assessment profile? In what
dimensions might their assessments of you be similar
to your own? Why? In what dimensions might they
differ? Why?
Case: Diversity Competency
Accenture’s Work–Life Balance Programs46
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company. It has over 186,000 employees
with offices and operations in 200 cities within 52 countries.
Accenture is headquartered in New York City.
Time and Flexibility
Internal surveys at Accenture revealed that time is highly
valued among employees—regardless of age—as are daily
and career flexibility. Eighty-one percent of the employees
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
reported that their job satisfaction would increase significantly with additional time and location flexibility. Eightythree percent said the ability to balance work and life
impacts their commitment to stay with Accenture. Sixty-one
percent indicated that sabbaticals (career flexibility) are one
of the top five most-favored resources. Equally between
genders, 32 percent have turned down a new position in the
past several years or considered leaving because of work–
life balance concerns. Seventy-one percent said wellness is
a priority.
Work–Life Initiative at Accenture
As a result of these findings and other considerations,
Accenture developed two dozen work–life initiatives to give
employees more time and flexibility. They range from flexible
work arrangements to programs such as Back-Up Dependent
Care and Lifeworks. In-home or center-based care is available
for any dependent when regular care arrangements break
down. Lifeworks is a free and confidential resource that provides information on a broad range of topics—from online
health coaching to ergonomics assessments. This initiative
also provides access to experts in many areas, including legal
and financial.
Future Leave is among the most successful new programs
at Accenture. It provides Gen X (born 1965–1981) and Gen
Y (born 1982–2000) employees and baby boomers alike the
flexibility to address the personal and family issues they face
at their particular stage of life while preserving promising or
well-established careers. This initiative makes it possible for
employees to take a self-funded sabbatical lasting from one
to three months to teach English in another country, trek
through Alaska, or meet family commitments. Any activity
that employees believe will enrich their lives, their families,
or their communities is eligible for approval. Employees may
take Future Leave after every three years of work. It offers
participants the option of planning ahead and putting aside
savings in a special account at Accenture to fund a future
leave. On average, 50 employees each quarter are away from
their jobs on such sabbaticals. This number is expected to
increase in the future.
Chris Tserng
Chris Tserng, the Human Resources Demand Lead for
Accenture’s insurance practice in North America, supervises
a staff of four in the Cincinnati, Ohio, office. This office
supports executives when they work at client sites across the
country. Ten years into her career at Accenture and eight
months pregnant with her first child, Tserng earned a promotion. As planned, she took eight weeks of maternity leave and
four weeks of accrued vacation time.
Tserng states: “I didn’t know how hard it would be to leave
my baby, Nicholas. I was feeling guilty and nervous. The guilt
was compounded when I learned that the sitter I’d lined up had
a change in plans. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn for
child care. I began to think that my only option was to consider
leaving the company, the job, and the colleagues I loved.”
Future Leave was the answer for Tserng, making it possible for her to add one additional month to her maternity leave
and paid time-off. During that extra time away, she and her
husband located an appropriate day-care facility for Nicholas.
Tserng adds: “It’s the best thing I ever did for my family. It
was only 30 days, but it gave me the time to make important
decisions about Nicholas and about my own future.”
At the end of her leave, Tserng said her colleagues welcomed her back with open arms. She adds, “A lot of our executives, the men especially, recognize that once women become
mothers, they do feel guilty about leaving their child and some
decide not to return to work.”
To learn more about Accenture, go to www.accenture
1. Which key attributes of the diversity competency are
illustrated in this case? Give a specific example of each
attribute identified.
2. Which key attributes of the self competency are illustrated by Chris Tserng in this case? Give a specific
example of each attribute identified.
3. Which key attributes of the change competency are
illustrated in this case? Give a specific example of each
attribute identified.
Individual and Organizational
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Describe the stages of moral
and ethical development.
Explain and apply the core
concepts used by individuals
and organizations to make
ethical decisions.
Describe some ethics-based
initiatives for fostering diversity
in organizations.
Explain the nature of
stakeholder responsibility and its
ethical basis.
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Anne Mulcahy, Chairman and Former CEO of Xerox,
Commits to Business Ethics
Individual Differences and Ethics
Ethics Competency
Anne Mulcahy’s Ethical Leadership
Decision Making and Ethics
Change Competency
James McNerney, CEO of Boeing
Diversity and Ethics
Diversity Competency
Verizon’s Workplace Diversity
Stakeholder Responsibility and Ethics
Ethics Competency
Johnson & Johnson’s Stakeholder Ethics and Principles
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Ethics Competency
What Is Your Decision?
Case: Diversity Competency
Consensual Relationship Agreements
Learning from Experience
Anne Mulcahy, Chairman and Former CEO of Xerox,
Commits to Business Ethics
To learn more about Xerox, go to
the chief financial officer, was barred
for life from serving as an officer or
director of any corporation; Allaire was
barred for five years; Thoman for three
Mulcahy believes in transparency and on October 3, 2000, she
candidly told analysts, “Xerox’s business model is unsustainable.” She
was thanked for her honesty by a
stock sell-off. Rumors of bankruptcy
Anne M. Mulcahy is the chairman and former
CEO of the Xerox Corporation, headquartered in
Norwalk, Connecticut. Xerox is best known for its
copiers, but it also makes printers, scanners, and
fax machines. The company sells document software and copier supplies and also provides consulting and document outsourcing. In this feature
and throughout the chapter, we present a number
of aspects of Anne Mulcahy’s personal commitment to ethics and Xerox’s initiatives for nurturing
an ethically based organization.
When Mulcahy was appointed the CEO in
2001, it was not the best time to be the company’s
leader. On May 11, 2000, Xerox fired CEO Richard
Thoman (later charged with, but not convicted
of, accounting fraud), and promoted Mulcahy to
chief operating officer (COO). Acting CEO Paul
Allaire (also later charged with, but not convicted
of, accounting fraud) made it clear that
Mulcahy was running the show. At the
time, the company was $18 billion in
debt and its stock price tanked. In their
settlements with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission, Barry Romeril,
and takeovers flourished. Things got worse. In
January 2001, word got out that an assistant
treasurer had been fired six months earlier for
reporting to his superiors that accounting irregularities were widespread. This contradicted management’s earlier claims that the problems were
confined to its Mexican operations. Four months
later, Xerox announced it was restating three
years of financials. In late July 2001, the Xerox
board offered Mulcahy the top job. “I had never
been on the board,” Mulcahy remembered.
“I didn’t even know the board.” She had, however, been viewed favorably by outsiders, even
as her peers were being pilloried for their governance failures. “I went about preparing myself
with a vengeance,” Mulcahy said.
Mulcahy has since ensured that Xerox’s
ethics and governance practices and policies are
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
among the best in business today. Business Ethics
magazine, the Ethisphere Institute, and others
consider Xerox among the world’s most ethical
companies. Recently, Mulcahy was selected as
Chief Executive of the Year by Chief Executive
magazine. She is the first woman CEO to be
chosen by her peers for this honor. It is based
on multiple criteria and competencies. Mulcahy
decided to resign as CEO in July 2009 and
continues as chairman.1
Ethical concepts and issues are being increasingly recognized as vital components of
decision making in leading organizations, such as Xerox and Johnson & Johnson. In
the Learning from Experience feature, Anne Mulcahy provides a glimpse into her
efforts to instill and shape an ethical environment. It is the obligation of every organization’s top leaders to model and champion the core values and ethical principles that
employees should use to guide their behaviors and decision making.
The issues, concepts, and processes related to making ethical decisions are the
focus of this chapter. First, we discuss the stages of moral and ethical development.
Second, we discuss core concepts and principles that are fundamental to ethical
decision making and behavior. Next, we describe some ethics-based initiatives for
nurturing diversity in organizations. Then, we conclude with a discussion of several
ethics-based initiatives for fostering stakeholder responsibility.
Learning Goal
1. Describe the stages of moral
and ethical development.
Individual Differences and Ethics
Because of the importance of ethics in organizations, we recognize it throughout this
book in the Ethics Competency features.2 As discussed in Chapter 1, the ethics competency
involves the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by individuals, teams, and organizations to incorporate values and principles that distinguish right from wrong when
making decisions and choosing behaviors. We also noted in Chapter 1 that ethics are
values and principles that help individuals distinguish right from wrong. In the broadest
sense, ethics refers to the study of moral values, principles, and rules, including the
determination of standards of conduct and obligations for individuals and organizations.
Ethical issues in organizations are common and complex. In fact, ethical issues influence
the decisions that employees make daily. Some ethical issues involve factors that blur
individual perceptions between “right” and “wrong.” As a result, some employees may
differ in their opinions about what is ethical or unethical in various situations.3
Stages of Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg probably is the best known scholar in the field of the psychology
of ethical decision making and behavior. Kohlberg’s model of moral development is
useful for exploring questions about how members of an organization regard ethical
dilemmas, including how they determine what is right or wrong in a particular situation.4 Kohlberg held that people develop morally, much as they do physically, from
early childhood to adulthood. As they develop, their ethical criteria and patterns
of moral reasoning go through stages, as suggested in Figure 2.1. Stages of moral
development are stages through which individuals evolve, ranging from the lowest stage (obedience and punishment orientation) to the highest stage (universal ethical principles). Kohlberg
didn’t assume that everyone progresses through all of the stages. For example, an adult
criminal could be stuck in the first stage. Moreover, Kohlberg contended that what
defines a person’s stage of moral development is not the specific ethical choice, but the
person’s ethical reasoning used to justify that choice. For example, individuals may talk
and think at a higher moral level, but may not always behave accordingly. Situational
forces, such as threatening peer pressure or demands from higher management, may
lead to behaviors that the person would not otherwise exhibit.5
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
FIGURE 2 .1 Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Social Contract
Law & Order
Obedience & Punishment
An individual at the obedience and punishment stage does the right thing mainly to avoid
punishment or to obtain approval. In other words, only the immediate consequences of
an action determine whether it’s good or bad. An employee stuck at this stage might
think that the only reason not to steal money from an employer is the certainty of getting
caught and then fired or even arrested. Obviously, organizations don’t want employees
who use such simple reasoning to guide their behavior when faced with ethical issues.
An individual at the instrumental stage becomes aware that others also have needs
and begins to defer to them to get what the individual wants. Proper behavior is what
satisfies the person’s self-interest. At times, self-interest can be satisfied by making
deals or exchanges with other people. An employee at this stage might be willing to
defer to the needs of the employer to reduce absenteeism, but only if the employer
gives something in return.
An individual at the interpersonal stage considers appropriate behavior as that which
pleases or is approved by friends or family. Proper behavior exhibits conformity to conventional expectations, often of the majority. At this stage, being seen as a “good person” with basically good motives is important. An employee at this stage might focus on
the importance of being a loyal employee and colleague who is always friendly and who
avoids or remains calm during conflict. For example, if a work absence creates conflicts
or work overload for other employees, some individuals at this stage might be willing
to reduce their absences even if that meant not using all of their allotted sick days.
An individual at the law and order stage recognizes that ethical behavior consists of
doing a person’s duty, showing respect for authority, and maintaining the social order
for its own sake. Loyalty to the nation and its laws is paramount. The person sees
other people as individuals and also as parts of the larger social system that gives them
their roles and obligations. An employee at this stage might rigidly adhere to organizational rules and regulations and legitimate orders from superiors. The employee is
likely to resist or criticize the efforts of coworkers or superiors to bend or break the
rules. In some organizations, employees commonly take paid sick days even when they
aren’t sick. Employees may even encourage each other to take all of their sick days.
They view these leave days as something the organization owes them. However, the
organization’s policy or union contract may state that sick days are allowed only for
legitimate illnesses. In this situation, employees at the law and order stage might resist
peer pressure to take a day off if they aren’t ill. They would view the organization’s
rules or the union contract as overriding the pressures from their peers. At this stage
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
of moral reasoning, rules are considered to be necessary for the effective functioning
of the entire organization, and they should be followed even when it requires some
self-sacrifices or resisting pressures from peers.
An individual at the social contract stage is aware that others hold a variety of
conflicting personal views that go beyond the letter of the law. An individual at this
stage understands that, although rules and laws may be agreed on and for the most
part must be followed, they can be changed if necessary. Some absolute values, such
as life and liberty, are held regardless of different individuals’ values or even majority
opinion. “The greatest good for the greatest number” is a key characteristic at this
stage. The individual at this stage recognizes that employees are expected to follow
the rules but also accepts the idea of breaking the rules when those rules conflict
with accepted social values. They accept the organization permitting employees to
be absent for only a specified number of days. But if the employee believes that the
absentee rules unduly restrict freedom, he or she might also feel justified in breaking
the rule or working to make it less restrictive.
Finally, an individual at the universal principles stage views appropriate conduct as
determined by a person’s conscience, based on universal ethical principles. Kohlberg
felt that universal principles are founded in justice, the public welfare, the equality of
human rights, and respect for the dignity of individual human beings. In his model,
people at the most advanced stage of ethical reasoning recognize these universal principles and act in accordance with them rather than rules or laws.
Moral Intelligence
The contributions of Kohlberg and others are the foundation for the development of
the concept of moral intelligence, which has been advanced in the field of education,
medicine, and more recently business. It partially overlaps with emotional intelligence
(EQ), which is discussed in Chapter 3.
Moral intelligence is the mental capacity to determine how universal human principles
that cut across the globe should be applied to personal values, goals, and actions.6 The moral
principles in moral intelligence include:
acting consistently with principles, values, and belief; telling the
truth; standing up for what is right; and keeping promises.
Responsibility: taking responsibility for personal choices; admitting mistakes and
failures; embracing responsibility for serving others.
actively caring about others.
letting go of one’s own mistakes; and letting go of others’
Our concept of the ethics competency includes these moral principles. The following provides more insights about Anne Mulcahy, the chairman of Xerox who was
discussed in the chapter-opening feature, as a person who reflects moral intelligence
and champions the ethics competency.8
Ethics competency
Anne Mulcahy’s Ethical Leadership
Each year, Anne Mulcahy distributes a letter to
all Xerox employees on business ethics. It reflects
her personal commitment to ethical principles
and the expectations she has for all employees.
The following paragraphs are excerpts from one
of Mulcahy’s letters.
Chapter 2
In our highly competitive environment, where
the pressure to perform is intense and relentless, we must constantly strive to do more
and do better. Results are important—vital, in
fact—and the pressure to improve results will
always be with us. But, equally important is
the means we use to achieve results. We must
conduct ourselves and our business dealings
with the highest degree of ethical conduct.
This means not only complying with laws, regulations and company policies, but also doing
so in a way that reflects our core values.
When it comes to business ethics, there
is no choice and there can be no change in
our position. Ethic issues are so serious that,
in some instances, violations could result in
serious legal penalties for Xerox Corporation
and for the individual. Furthermore, violations
of our ethics policy could damage the reputation of Xerox, as well as the individual. To
make certain that we protect our reputation
and ensure compliance with applicable laws,
Individual and Organizational Ethics
regulations, company policies and values,
every violation of the ethics policy will be
treated severely by the management of this
Corporation. We must have zero tolerance in
this regard.
We have a duty to assure that Xerox
people understand their ethical obligations.
For this reason, we have a written Xerox
Code of Conduct, available to all employees
in multiple languages, and we cascade a letter like this throughout the company every
year. It is important to rededicate ourselves
periodically to our unwavering commitment
to ethical conduct.
We are committed to an absolute standard of the highest ethical behavior and
unquestionable integrity in our financial
reporting and business activities. For a
Xerox manager, regardless of the division or
the location, compliance with our policies
and code of conduct is a non-negotiable
To learn more about Xerox, go to www.xerox.com.
Decision Making and Ethics
The Ethics Resource Center, headquartered in Washington, D.C., conducts ethical surveys of employees in the United States. In their most recent survey, more than half of the
American employees surveyed observed at least one type of ethical misconduct a year in
their workplace despite an increase in employees’ awareness of formal ethics programs.
The importance of having an ethical culture in organizations cannot be underestimated.
Employees in organizations with a weak ethical culture reported a much higher level
of observing at least one type of misconduct (theft, lying, etc.) than employees in an
organization with a strong ethical culture (52 percent compared to 4 percent, respectively). Employees in organizations with a weak ethical culture were much more likely to
experience pressure to break rules than those in strong ethical culture organizations (18
percent compared to one-half of 1 percent). Culture had a stronger impact on the results
reported by employees than an organization’s formal ethics and compliance programs.
Patricia Harned, the president of the Ethics Resource Center, comments: “Creating a
strong ethical environment should be a top priority of all companies. We know formal
programs are critical and work well initially, but we must now focus greater attention on
building the right culture in which ethics programs operate. This data shows, for example, that leaders needs to behave by example to set an ethical culture throughout the
whole organization.”9 Anne Mulcahy and the other top executives at Xerox show their
commitment to a strong ethical culture by using their own behavior as an example.
In some situations, there are no simple rules for making ethical decisions. Our goal
here is to help you develop your ethics competency. The five key components that comprise the basics of ethical decision making include ethical intensity, ethics-based principles, concern for affected individuals, benefits and costs, and determination of rights.
As suggested in Figure 2.2, these basic components are interrelated and need to be
considered as a whole in order to make ethical decisions and create an ethical culture.
Learning Goal
2. Explain and apply the core
concepts used by individuals
and organizations to make
ethical decisions.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
FIGURE 2 .2 Basic Components for Making Ethical Decisions
of Rights
Concern for
Benefits and
Ethical Intensity
Ethical intensity is the degree of moral importance given to an issue. It is determined by
the combined impact of six factors, which are shown in Figure 2.3 and described as
Magnitude of consequences is the harm or benefits accruing to individuals affected
by a decision or behavior. An action that causes 1,000 people to suffer a particular
injury has greater consequences than an action that causes 20 people to suffer
the same injury. A decision that causes the death of a human being is of greater
consequence than one that causes a sprained wrist.
Probability of effect is the likelihood that if a decision is implemented it will lead to
the harm or benefit predicted. The production of an automobile that would be dangerous to occupants during normal driving has greater probability of harm than
the production of a NASCAR race car that endangers the driver when curves are
taken at high speed. The sale of a gun to a known armed robber has a greater
probability of harm than the sale of a gun to a law-abiding hunter.
Social consensus is the amount of public agreement that a proposed decision is bad
or good. Actively discriminating against minority job candidates is worse than
FIGURE 2 . 3 Determinants of Ethical Intensity
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
not actively seeking out minority job candidates. Bribing a customs official in
the United States or Canada evokes greater public condemnation than bribing
a customs official in a country (e.g., Nigeria or Chad) where such behavior is
an accepted way of doing business. Managers and employees will have difficulty
deciding what is and isn’t ethical if they aren’t guided by a reasonable amount of
public agreement or if the organization’s ethical culture is weak.
Temporal immediacy is the length of time that elapses between making a decision and
when the consequences of that decision are known. A shorter length of time implies
greater immediacy. Assume Merck releases a drug that causes 1 percent of the
people who take it to have acute nervous reactions within one week. This has
greater temporal immediacy than releasing a drug that will cause 1 percent of
those who take it to develop nervous disorders after 25 years of use. A reduction in the retirement benefits of current retirees at GM, Ford, and Chrysler has
greater temporal immediacy than a reduction in the future retirement benefits of
employees who are currently 25 years of age.
Proximity is the sense of closeness (social, cultural, psychological, or physical) that the
decision maker has for victims or beneficiaries of the decision. Recently, Citigroup cut
53,000 jobs. This reduced its labor force to 300,000 employees with more layoffs
anticipated. This action had a greater impact on the remaining employees than the
personal impact the news reporters feel when announcing this layoff. Citigroup
CEO Vikrim Pandit reflected this more personal impact when he addressed the
job cuts at an employee town hall meeting. He stated: “There is nothing easy
about these decisions and the impact on our people. We do this because we must
and not because we want to.”11
Concentration of effect is the inverse function of the number of people affected by
a decision. A change in an insurance policy denying coverage to 40 people with
claims of $50,000 each has a more concentrated effect than a change denying coverage to 4,000 people with claims of $500 each. Cheating an individual or small
group of individuals out of $10,000 has a more concentrated affect than cheating
an organization, such as the IRS, out of the same sum.
Insights for Individuals
The six factors of ethical intensity are influenced by the characteristics of the decision
itself. Ethical intensity rises with increases in one or more of its factors and declines
with reductions in one or more of these factors, assuming that all other conditions
remain constant. However, you may rate the ethical intensity of the same decision differently than another person because you place different values on the principles and
rules of ethics in decision making. Table 2.1 provides a questionnaire for you to take
in rating the ethical intensity of 10 different behaviors.
Ethics-Based Principles
There are no universally accepted principles and rules for resolving all ethical issues.
In addition, individuals and groups differ over what influences ethical and unethical
behaviors and decisions. Numerous principles and rules have been suggested to provide an ethical justification for a person’s decisions and behaviors.12 They range from
those that justify self-serving decisions to those that require careful consideration of
others’ rights and costs. In presenting all of these principles, we recognize that the
individual generally cannot use a principle to justify an act or decision if it is illegal.
Self-Serving Principles
The following three ethical principles are used to justify self-serving decisions and
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
TABLE 2 .1 Ethical Intensity of Selected Behaviors
Instructions: Evaluate each of the 10 behaviors shown in this questionnaire in terms of its
ethical intensity. The overall scale of ethical intensity varies from −5, which indicates highly
unethical behavior, to +5, which indicates a highly acceptable and ethical behavior. Write down the
number on each scale at or near the point that reflects your assessment. What factors were most
important in arriving at your rating of the ethical intensity for each behavior?
_____ 8.
_____ 9.
_____ 10.
Covering up mistakes by coworkers.
Giving a favor to a client out of friendship.
Giving a favor to a client for a bribe.
Discriminating against an employee on the basis of race.
Presenting misleading information to a customer.
Presenting only positive features of your organization’s products to a customer.
Manipulating performance data and indicators to give the appearance of
reaching your goals.
Rewarding people differently based on differences in performance.
Bending the rules to help the organization.
Using an office PC for personal use.
Hedonist principle: You do whatever is in your own self-interest.
Might-equals-right principle: You do whatever you are powerful enough to impose
on others without respect to socially acceptable behaviors.
Organization interests principle: You act on the basis of what is good for the
Some of the statements that might reflect self-serving principles include the following:
(1) “This act really won’t hurt anybody”; (2) “I don’t feel comfortable doing this, but if
this is what it takes to get ahead (via money/work/promotion/prestige), I should probably
do it”; (3) “Everybody else does it, so why shouldn’t I”; (4) “Because _____ is my boss and
told me to do this, I have no choice but to comply”; and (5) “Since this is such a small
matter to most people and it will help our organization, who will notice.”
The large bonuses paid to or requested by top executives at some U.S. financial institutions with huge losses after the near collapse of the financial system and in the face of
a deep recession appear to reflect the hedonist principle and might-equals-right principle. John Thain, the CEO of Merrill Lynch, initially proposed in early December 2008
to the board of directors that he receive a bonus of $10 million for 2008, despite huge
losses and the need to sell the floundering firm to Bank of America to avoid bankruptcy.
His argument: Things would have been worse if he had not orchestrated the sale of the
firm. There were enormous losses for Merrill’s shareholders and major layoffs. Thain
received a $15 million signing bonus when he joined Merrill in December 2007. The
public and media hullabaloo that ensued when his bonus request hit the news presumably led him to withdraw his bonus proposal to the board on December 8, 2008.
We suspect, but do not know, that Thain received a phone call from Kenneth Lewis,
the CEO of Bank of America, to withdraw the bonus proposal. Lewis announced no
bonuses for top executives at Bank of America in 2008. Three weeks later, Lewis fired
Thain over the way he handled billions in losses at Merrill Lynch.13
Balancing Interests Principles
The following three ethical principles are used to justify decisions intended to balance
the interests of multiple individuals or groups14:
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Means–end principle: You act on the basis of whether some overall good justifies a
moral transgression.
Utilitarian principle: You act on the basis of whether the harm from the decision is
outweighed by the good in it—that is, the greatest good for the greatest number.
Professional standards principle: You act on the basis of whether the decision can be
explained before a group of your peers.
These principles provide the ethical foundation for some decisions in organizations.
They create the basis for helping to resolve ethical dilemmas. For example, organizations—Citigroup, General Motors, and others—are able to justify employee layoffs
for the good of the organization. However, they recognize certain responsibilities for
providing career counseling and severance packages to the employees affected.
The Internet, new surveillance technologies, privacy issues,
and governmental legislation in the United States and many
other countries have created major concerns in the attempt to
balance the interests of individuals, organizations, and the public
at large.15 The growing perception is that employees and consumers have lost too much of their privacy to employers, marketers,
and governmental agencies. Although a variety of U.S. laws have
been passed that attempt to protect the privacy of individuals in
their roles as citizens, an employee’s legal right to privacy in the
workplace is quite limited.16
Privacy issues in the workplace pose ethical dilemmas in terms of (1) distribution and use of employee data
from computer-based human resource information systems;
(2) increasing use of paper-and-pencil honesty tests, resulting from polygraph testing being declared illegal in most
situations; (3) procedures and biases for substance abuse and
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) testing; and
(4) genetic testing. The ethical dilemmas in each of these areas
revolve around balancing the rights of the individual, the needs and rights of the
employer, and the interests of the community at large.17
Most employers want to ensure a reasonable degree of employee privacy even when
they are not legally obligated to do so. This perspective is based on the balancing interests ethical principles. There is, however, wide consensus that employers must protect
against the actions of employees who download pornography or copyrighted music,
send harassing e-mail, reveal company secrets, disclose personal information, sell drugs,
or spend too much time surfing the Internet for personal use. New technologies make
it possible for employers to monitor many aspects of their employees’ jobs, especially on
telephones, computer terminals, through electronic and voice mail, and when employees
are using the Internet. Monitoring of employees by employers is virtually unregulated
by the U.S. government. Therefore, unless company policy specifically states otherwise
(and even this is not assured), there are no legal prohibitions against an employer listening, watching, and reading almost all workplace communications by employees.18
Concern-for-Others Principles
The following three ethical principles focus on the need to consider decisions and
behaviors from the perspective of those affected and the public as a whole:
Disclosure principle: You act on the basis of how the general public would likely
respond to the disclosure of the rationale and facts related to the decision.
Distributive justice principle: You act on the basis of treating an individual or group
equitably rather than on arbitrarily defined characteristics (e.g., gender, race, age).
Golden rule principle: You act on the basis of placing yourself in the position of someone affected by the decision and try to determine how that person would feel.
New surveillance technologies
have created concerns in
the attempt to balance the
interests of individuals,
organizations, and the public
at large.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
These three ethical principles are often imposed on certain categories of decisions
through laws, regulations, and court rulings. Governments impose ethical principles
and rules that organizations are expected to follow. For example, U.S. civil rights laws
forbid organizations from considering personal characteristics—such as race, gender,
religion, or national origin—in decisions to recruit, hire, promote, or fire employees.
These laws are based on the ethical principle of distributive justice, which requires the same (or substantially the same) treatment of individuals regardless of age, disability, race, national
Ethics Insight
origin, religion, and sex. The U.S. Equal Pay Act of 1963 asserts
that paying women and men different wages is illegal when
Our system of capitalism is built on investheir jobs in the same organization require substantially equal
tor trust—trust that corporate leaders and
skills, effort, and responsibility and are performed under similar
boards of directors will be good stewards
working conditions. This act applies to organizations with 15
of their investments and provide investors
or more employees. There are limited exceptions for pay difwith a fair return. There is no doubt that
ferentials when an employer can show that
some leaders of corporations have violated that trust.
• the difference is due to a seniority or merit system or
William George, Former Chairman and CEO,
Medtronic, and Author, True North: Discover Your
Authentic Leadership
the difference is due to an employee’s education, training,
and experience.19
The scenario in Table 2.2 lets you choose a course of action
based on the nine ethical principles just described. If you were
Ray, what would you do?
TABLE 2 .2 Ethical Assessment of a Scenario
Ray manages a unit in a company that calls itself a "total quality" organization. Part of the organization's
mission statement says that employees should strive to continually improve their performance. Lately,
Ray's unit has been extremely busy trying to get its work done on several important projects. Ray
asked his vice president for advice about how to meet all of the deadlines, and the VP basically told
him that his unit would have to cut corners on quality in order to get everything done on time. The
VP also told Ray that meeting deadlines is the best way to keep clients off their backs, and that the
clients rarely complain about substandard work because its effects show up much later. However, Ray
knows that doing substandard work for clients will only hurt the company's reputation in the long run.
1. What should Ray do?
2. How would you evaluate the ethics of your decision with respect to the degree to which it
is based on each of the following ethical principles?
Ethical Principle
To what degree is your decision based on this ethical principle:
Organization interests
Professional standards
Distributive justice
Golden rule
Source: Scenario adapted from Loviscky, G. E., Treviño, L. K., and Jacobs, R. R. Assessing managers’ ethical decisionmaking: An objective measure of managerial moral judgment. Journal of Business Ethics, 2007, 73, 263–285.
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Insights for Leaders
As noted previously, no single factor influences the degree to which decisions and
behaviors are likely to be ethical or unethical. However, the following actions can help
integrate ethical decision making into the day-to-day culture of an organization20:
Leaders must demonstrate their commitment to ethical behaviors and decisions
made by other managers and employees. Recall Anne Mulcahy’s commitments to
ethics in the opening feature and her annual letter to all employees in the Ethics
Competency feature. Elsewhere, she has stated, “We all believe we are part of an
ongoing experiment to demonstrate that business success and business ethics are
not mutually exclusive.”21
A clear code of ethics should be promulgated and followed. Xerox has a clear and
well-stated code of ethics titled Code of Conduct: A Handbook for Xerox People. On
the opening page to this document, Anne Mulcahy states, in part: “This handbook
is one of the most important documents you will ever read at Xerox. It summarizes and synthesizes all of our policies relating to business ethics. It’s a document
I hope you will read and internalize. Even more important, I hope you will keep
it and refer to it whenever the slightest question arises as to what is and isn’t ethical behavior.”22
If truly part of the organization’s ethical culture, a code of ethics can clarify
for all parties, internal and external, the principles and standards that govern its
conduct. This helps convey its commitment to responsible practice wherever it
operates. Codes of ethics may serve a variety of other practical purposes. They can
help employees from diverse backgrounds work more effectively across geographic
and cultural boundaries. Recall Mulcahy’s statement in her letter to all employees:
“For a Xerox manager, regardless of division or the location, compliance with our
policies and code of conduct is a non-negotiable requirement.” A code may serve
as a reference point for decision making. A code enables organizations to respond
quickly and uniformly to a crisis. It may even aid in recruitment by helping to attract
individuals who want to work for an organization that advocates world-class principles and standards. A code that is enforced can also help an organization manage
risk by reducing the likelihood of employee misconduct.
A whistle-blowing policy to forbid retaliation against those who report wrong•
doing or other ethical procedures should be established and followed. Xerox
addresses this in a variety of ways. Patricia Nazemetz, the chief ethics officer at
Xerox, sets forth on the firm’s website (www.xerox.com) the nine components of
the Xerox Ethics and Compliance Program.
Managers and employees alike should be involved in the identification of ethical
problems and efforts to solve them. Xerox does this extensively by providing annual
ethics training, an annual ethics certification process, and an Ethics Helpline.
The performance appraisal process should include consideration of ethical issues.
Xerox does this, as suggested in the chapter-opening feature.
The organizational priorities and efforts related to ethical issues should be widely
publicized. Xerox does this in a variety of ways, for example, with the annual ethics letter discussed earlier that is sent to all employees.
Concern for Affected Individuals
The highest form of ethical decision making involves a careful determination of who
will receive benefits or incur costs as a consequence of a decision. For major decisions,
this assessment may include a variety of stakeholders—shareholders, customers, lenders,
suppliers, employees, and governmental agencies, among others.23 The more specific an
individual or group can be about who may benefit and who may incur costs from a particular decision, the more likely it is that ethical implications will be fully considered.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
UN Global Compact
Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact is the largest “corporate citizenship”
initiative in the world.24 This voluntary initiative includes more than 4,700 corporate
participants from 130 countries as well as 700 civil societies, labor organizations, and
academic institutions. This compact represents a partnership between the private sector and other sectors to promote responsible corporate citizenship as one means of
encouraging business to be part of the solution to a more sustainable and inclusive
global economy.
The UN Global Compact works to advance 10 universal principles in the areas
of human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anticorruption. For example,
Principle 1 states: “Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.” The compact provides extensive information,
specific guidelines, and suggestions for implementing this principle. The UN Global
Compact is not a regulatory agency—it does not “police,” enforce, or measure the
behavior or actions of companies. Rather, it relies on public accountability, transparency, and the enlightened self-interest of companies to initiate and share the actions
they take in pursuing the principles on which the UN Global Compact is based.
Employment at Will
Employment at will is an employment relationship in which either party can terminate
the employment relationship at will with no liability if there was not an express contract for
a definite term governing the employment relationship.25 Although employment at will
allows an employee to quit for no reason, it is also used when an employer wants to
fire an employee at any time for any reason or no reason. At-will employment is a
creation of U.S. law.
All 50 states recognize retaliatory discharge as an exception to the at-will rule.
Under the retaliatory discharge exception, an employer may not fire an employee if it
would violate a state or federal statute. For example, an employee who reported illegal
behavior by the organization to a government agency cannot be fired. Most states
also recognize an implied contract as an exception to at-will employment. Implied
employment contracts are most often found when an employer’s personnel policies
or handbooks indicate that an employee will not be fired except for good cause. If
the employer fires the employee in violation of an implied employment contract, the
employer may be found liable for breach of contract.
The employment-at-will doctrine increasingly has been challenged successfully
in alleged wrongful termination cases in the courts. These challenges are based on the
distributive justice principle and the golden rule principle. Before 1980, companies
in the United States were free to fire most nonunion employees “at will.” Employees
were fired for any reason without explanation and rarely went to court to challenge a
termination. The vast majority who did had their suits dismissed. However, the courts
have recently ruled in favor of exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine, especially if questionable termination procedures were followed.26
Benefits and Costs
An assessment of the ethical implications of the benefits and costs of a decision or issue
requires a determination of the interests and values of those affected by the decision(s).
Those affected might be the organization as a whole, all employees or specific groups of
employees, customers, suppliers, a community, society as a whole, and other affected parties. Benefits refer to whatever a party considers desirable. Costs refer to whatever a party
considers undesirable. Benefits and costs can refer to monetary or nonmonetary effects.
A low-cost, coal-burning power plant (monetary effect) that produces high levels of pollution (nonmonetary effect) results in a benefit to the firm and a cost to the public.
The rub comes in considering the implications of the benefits and costs of particular decisions through the interests and “eyes” of those affected. One party’s benefits in a
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
decision may create or be perceived to create costs for one or more other parties. A few
of these potential tensions with ethical implications are briefly noted as follows:
Greater profits for shareholders versus higher wages for employees. Within the United
States, the legally mandated minimum wage for workers was raised in 2008 with
subsequent required increases in 2009. The concern-for-others ethical principles
were presented as the rationale for the minimum wage that should be paid by U.S.
employers, with a few exceptions.
Increased production of electrical energy with lower per unit costs versus the need for lower levels
of pollution. Traditionally, electric utilities used the organization interests principle to
suggest that if greater pollution would lower production costs and increase profits, it
was justifiable. Today, an increasing number of energy companies (e.g., Duke Energy,
TXU) are recognizing the need to proactively address pollution problems and not
simply wait for government regulatory agencies and laws that require them to do so.
This is consistent with the views expressed in the UN Global Compact.
Higher prices needed by suppliers to pay better wages, provide a safer work environment,
and pollute less versus providing lower prices to consumers. The self-serving principles
suggest that firms (e.g., Walmart, Nike, Dell) should seek to obtain products or
services from suppliers at the lowest possible cost with the highest possible quality
from any source in the world.
Survival of the business through layoffs and reduced compensation versus the desires of
employees for greater job security and increased pay. Various combinations of ethical
principles often come into play in such situations, including self-serving, balancing interests, and concern for others.
Care must be taken to guard against assuming that all stakeholders attach the same
importance or ethical principles to the costs versus benefits of particular decisions.
Conflicting assessments can lead to different interpretations of ethical responsibilities.
For example, Greenpeace and other environmental groups emphasize the benefits of
“preservation of nature” and that the costs of doing so are well worth it. Steven Biel,
the Greenpeace USA Global Warming Campaign Director, released a statement prior
to the U.S. car manufacturers being given financial support by the U.S. government in
2008. He stated: “Should Congress bail out the auto companies, they should require
Detroit to make real, significant changes in the way they do business, not just small
tweaks around the edges, like cutting executive salaries and selling corporate jets. At
a minimum, Congress should institute the following changes as a condition of any
bailout: (1) Increase fuel economy standards to at least 50 mpg by 2028; (2) Put one
million plug-in hybrids—cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon—on the road
by 2015; and (3) Establish a national standard for tailpipe global warming emissions
modeled on the California clean cars program.”27
Insights for Leaders
The utilitarian principle is commonly used by leaders to weigh the benefits and costs
of organizational decisions. Utilitarianism emphasizes the greatest good for the greatest number in judging the ethics of a decision. For example, a leader who is guided by
utilitarianism considers the potential effect of alternative actions on affected employees. All else equal, the leader selects the alternative benefiting the greatest number of
employees. The leader accepts the fact that this alternative may harm others. As long
as potentially positive results outweigh potentially negative results, the leader considers the decision to be both good and ethical.
According to some critics, such as Greenpeace, utilitarianism has been misused by
business leaders in U.S. organizations. They suggest that there is too much short-run
maximizing of personal advantage and too much discounting of the long-run costs of
disregarding ethics. Those costs are claimed to include rapidly widening gaps in income
between rich and poor, creation of a permanent underclass with its hopelessness, and harm
done to the environment. These critics believe that too many people and institutions are
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
acquiring wealth for the purpose of personal consumption and power and that the end
of acquiring wealth justifies any means of doing so. As a result, these critics suggest that
trust of leaders and institutions, both public and private, has declined.28 Perhaps individuals such as Anne Mulcahy will help to increase trust in the ethics of business leaders
and institutions. Also, greater transparency in decisions that affect others will enhance a
sense of trust in the leadership of corporations. Of course, a reduction in fraudulent and
unethical decision making by some businesspeople such as Bruce Marlow of AIG and
Richard Fuld, Jr., of Lehman Brothers would help. They and others receive widespread
publicity and shape the public’s general negative stereotype of top business leaders.29
Determination of Rights
The notion of rights also is complex and continually changing. One dimension of
rights focuses on who is entitled to benefit from or participate in decisions. If rights
change, then the mix of benefits and costs changes. Union–management negotiations
frequently involve conflicts and dilemmas over management’s rights to hire, promote,
fire, and reassign union employees and to outsource work. Slavery, racism, gender, and
age discrimination and invasion of privacy often have been challenged by appeals to
values based on concepts of fundamental rights, especially in terms of the distributive
justice and golden rule principles.30
Insights for Leaders
Issues of responsibilities and rights in the workplace are numerous and vary greatly
over time.31 A few examples include unfair and reverse discrimination, sexual harassment, employee rights to continued employment, employer rights to terminate
employment “at will,” employee and corporate free speech, due process, the right to
test for substance abuse and AIDS, and the right to privacy. Some experts believe that
workplace rights and the establishment of trust with employees is a crucial internal
issue facing organizations today.
Procedural and Interactional Justice
Procedural justice refers to the perceived fairness of the rules, guidelines, and processes for
making decisions.32 As you recall, distributive justice focuses on treating an individual or
group equitably rather than on arbitrarily defined characteristics (gender, race, age,
and so on). We are mindful that culture may exert important and wide ranging effects
on justice behaviors—distributive, procedural, and interactional—and often shapes
individuals feelings of injustice or justice.33 The expectation is that fair procedures,
such as a formal and well-developed appeals process, will result in more just decisions
(e.g., distributive justice). For example, Xerox has well-developed procedures in place
for employees to report fraudulent and harassing behaviors.
It is now recognized that procedural justice needs to be accompanied by a sense of
interactional justice. Interactional justice refers to the quality of interpersonal treatment
individuals receive during the use of organizational procedures.34 A few examples of procedural and interactional justice include disciplinary appeals procedures; procedures for
reporting ethical misconduct, such as Boeing’s Ethics Line; procedures for appealing
dismissals or annual performance reviews; and sexual or racial harassment appeal
procedures. Four criteria that typify the presence or absence of interactional justice
include (1) respect (whether decision makers treat individuals politely), (2) propriety
(whether decision makers are free of bias), (3) truthfulness (whether decision makers
are engaged in deceptions), and (4) justification (whether decision makers adequately
explain procedures to individuals).35 Individuals who have high moral intelligence are
likely to find it natural to implement the interactional justice criteria when striving to
implement both procedural justice and distributive justice in their leadership roles.
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Leaders who use procedural and interactional justice believe that employees are
going to be more motivated to perform at a high level when they perceive the procedures and their implementation as fair. In organizations, these two types of justice are
very important to most employees. Reactions to pay raises, for example, are greatly
affected by employees’ perceptions about procedural and interactional fairness issues.
If in the minds of the employees the pay raises were administered fairly, the employees
are usually more satisfied with their increases than if the employees judged the way
the raises were made to be unfair. The perceived fairness of how pay raises were allocated is a better predictor of satisfaction than the absolute amount of pay received.
In both the pay and performance evaluation situations, the individual can’t directly
control the decision but can react to the procedures used to make it. Even when a particular decision has negative outcomes for the individual, procedural and interactional
fairness can help ensure that individuals will feel their interests are being protected.
Procedural and interactional justice have also been found to affect the attitudes of
workers who survive a layoff. When workers are laid off, survivors are often in a good
position to judge the fairness of the layoff in terms of how it was handled. When a
layoff is handled fairly, survivors feel more committed to the organization than when
they believe that the laid-off workers were treated unfairly.
A number of best practices have been identified for implementation in performance reviews that are intended to achieve both procedural and interactional justice.
In brief, five of them are as follows36:
Managers should be given specific and clear instructions on procedures.
Managers should be trained in how to administer the review.
Results should be discussed with employees.
Employee participation should be allowed in the review process (e.g., setting
goals, providing input on performance).
The review should be developmental (e.g., indicate how to improve).
The following Change Competency feature focuses on the leadership of James
McNerney, CEO of Boeing. It reports on some of the ways that he has led the changes
to restore and reinforce the firm’s ethical culture. His selection as CEO followed the
public revelations of a series of unethical and illegal actions by a few of Boeing’s key
leaders and others.37 Prior to becoming CEO, McNerney was the chairman and CEO
of 3M and had served on the board of directors of Boeing, among other organizations.
Boeing is a major aerospace company, maker of commercial jets, and defense contractor. This firm is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and has approximately 160,000
employees with major operations in the Seattle, Washington, region.38
Change competency
James McNerney, CEO of Boeing
The following are excerpts of comments by
James McNerney.
A few years ago, Boeing was stunned to
find itself among the companies that made
headlines for some very high-profile ethical
lapses. Several external reviews found that
Boeing’s ethical breaches were not part of a
systemic problem. But the reviews found that
weaknesses within the corporation’s culture
permitted some employees to look the other
way. Too many people who thought something “didn’t feel right” failed to raise a red
flag for a variety of reasons. They wanted to
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
James McNerney, CEO of Boeing.
win a contract, they feared retaliation, they just
didn’t want to rock the boat, or they lacked
the courage to speak up in a command-andcontrol culture.
Companies doing business with the U.S. government are expected to adhere to the highest
legal and ethical standards. I acknowledge that
Boeing did not live up to those expectations in
the cases addressed by the settlement we’re discussing here today. We take full responsibility for
the wrongful acts of the former employees who
brought dishonor on a great company and caused
harm to the U.S. government and its taxpayers.
Boeing is accountable for what occurred. And we
have cooperated with the government throughout
this process.
To strengthen the ethics of our culture, we are
changing in a number of ways, several of which
• We are getting committed and getting
aligned. For example, every employee, each
year, personally recommits to ethical and
To learn more about Boeing, go to www.boeing.com.
compliant behavior three ways: by going
through a thorough training regimen;
re-signing the Boeing Code of Conduct;
and participating in one of our Ethics
Recommitment stand-downs with his or her
business or function.
Boeing established a new organization—the
Office of Internal Governance (OIG)—which
reports directly to me and has regular, and routine, visibility with our board of directors. OIG’s
role includes: (1) Acting as a strong check
and balance for key functional disciplines. An
example would be monitoring and tracking
such things as potential conflicts of interest
throughout hiring, transfer and proposal processes. (2) Providing significantly greater visibility into—and oversight of—specific ethics
and compliance concerns and cases for our
top leaders. (3) Consolidating, in one organization, our various investigative, audit and
oversight resources. This way, we were able to
identify potential problems and take corrective
actions earlier.
We are opening up the culture. And this is
critical. We are creating a work environment
that encourages people to talk about the
tough issues and to make the right decisions
when they find themselves at the crossroads
between meeting a tough business commitment and doing the right thing. There
simply can be no trade-offs between Boeing’s
values and Boeing’s performance. We want
people to know that it’s OK to question what
happens around them, because that’s what
surfaces problems early. Silence that ignores
the misconduct of fellow workers is not
We are driving ethics and compliance through
our core leadership development model,
not just off to the side of other things we do
every day. At the end of the day, the character of an organization—its culture—comes
down to the behavior of its leaders. I believe
this is key: Ethics and compliance must
be—and must be seen to be—a central part
of the whole system of training and developing leaders, and of the whole process of
evaluating, paying and promoting people.
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Diversity and Ethics
Learning Goal
3. Describe some ethics-based
The diversity competency must be accompanied by an ethical foundation, as suginitiatives for fostering
gested in Chapter 1, to be meaningful.39 Just as importantly, the diversity competency
diversity in organizations.
needs to reflect proactive efforts by organizations and leaders to nurture positive and
constructive diversity that is difficult to achieve in the absence of an ethical culture.40
There are varied and conflicting points of view on diversity.41 Individual employees may view diversity initiatives as
a threat, an opportunity, a blow for justice, harmless fluff, a
learning opportunity, a ploy of the disenfranchised, a source of
Diversity Insight
discomfort, or a cultural learning experience.42
We’re focused on maintaining a culture
In the following section, we address several domains that
of diversity and inclusion, one that benare important to ethics and diversity.
efits our shareholders and customers. It
also allows us to tap into the creativity
and vitality of our workforce and suppliDiversity and Ethical Cultures
ers. . . . We recognize that diversity is about
Cultural diversity in an organization is embedded in its
everyone. So we’re creating an incluculture.
sive culture where the talents of every
employee are maximized and everyone
Role of Organizational Culture
feels respected and valued.
Organizational culture reflects the shared and learned values,
Magda N. Yrzarry, Vice President, Workplace
beliefs, and attitudes of its members.43 In a sense, organizational
Culture, Diversity and Compliance, Verizon
culture is the personality of the organization—difficult to fully
Communications, Inc.
express in words. Yet, most employees in the organization sense
it and know it because it guides their day-to-day behaviors and
decisions. Organizational cultures may vary from having a weak
ethical culture to a strong one. Recall the leadership initiatives of James McNerney,
CEO of Boeing, in the Change Competency feature to strengthen the ethics of the
organization’s culture.
Organizational culture appears to affect ethical behavior and diversity in several
ways. For example, a culture that emphasizes ethical norms provides support for ethical behavior. Top leadership plays a key role in fostering ethical behavior by exhibiting
the correct behavior. A few of the organizations identified as having strong ethical
cultures include Xerox, Canon, Medtronic, and the Mayo Clinic. Top leaders in these
organizations nurture a culture that rewards ethical priorities and influences how
employees behave. If lower level managers observe top-level leaders sexually harassing
others, falsifying expense reports, diverting shipments to preferred customers, misrepresenting the organization’s financial position, and other forms of unethical behavior,
they assume that these behaviors will be acceptable, ignored, or possibly rewarded.
Thus, the presence or absence of ethical behavior in leaders’ actions both influences
and reflects the culture. The organizational culture may promote taking responsibility
for the consequences of actions, thereby increasing the probability that employees will
behave ethically. Alternatively, the culture may diffuse responsibility for the consequences of unethical behavior, thereby making such behavior more likely.44
Increasing Diversity as Opportunity
Organizations have become increasingly diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and
nationality. More than half of the U.S. workforce consists of women, minorities, and
recent immigrants. The growing diversity of employees in many organizations may
bring substantial benefits, such as more successful marketing strategies for different
types of customers, improved decision making, and greater creativity and innovation.
The U.S. Department of Labor forecasts that 60 percent of all new employees entering
the U.S. workforce during the period through 2010 will be women or people of color.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Anne Mulcahy, the chairman of Xerox, comments on diversity as an opportunity:
Diversity is about more than race and gender. It’s about more than numbers. It’s
about inclusion. Diversity means creating an environment where all employees
can grow to their fullest potential. I’m convinced diversity is a key to success.
Experience tells us that the most diverse companies—companies ruled by a hierarchy of imagination and filled with people of all ages, races, and backgrounds—are
the most successful over time. Somehow, diversity breeds creativity. Maybe it’s
because people with different backgrounds challenge each other’s underlying
assumptions, freeing everybody from convention and orthodoxy. We provide a
shining proof point that diversity in all its wonderful manifestations is good for
business . . . good for our country . . . and good for people.45
Mulcahy’s remarks reflect several ethical principles: the organization interests principle, distributive justice principle, and golden rule principle. However, employee
diversity does not automatically foster creativity, market share, or competitive advantage. Left unmanaged and with a weak ethical culture, increased employee diversity
may well damage morale, increase turnover, and cause more communication problems
and interpersonal conflict.46
Insights for Leaders
There are no easy answers to the challenges of fostering a culturally diverse
workforce. There are some common characteristics in organizations, for example,
AT&T, Motorola, and Campbell Soup Co., with an effective diversity culture. These
characteristics include the following helpful insights:
Leaders and employees need to understand that a diverse workforce will have
people with different perspectives and approaches to issues and problems at work
and must truly value a variety of opinions and insights.
Leaders should recognize both the learning opportunities and the challenges that
a culturally diverse workforce presents for the organization.
The organizational culture should create an expectation of high standards of performance and ethics from everyone.
The organizational culture should stimulate personal development and support
openness to ideas.
The organizational culture should make workers feel valued.47
Generation Diversity and Ethics
From a diversity perspective, a generation refers to an identifiable group that shares years
of birth and significant historical and social life events at critical stages of their development.
Most researchers agree that there are four broad categories of generations, as follows:
Mature: born from 1925 through 1944.
Baby boomers: born from 1945 through 1964.
Generation X: born from 1965 through 1981.
Generation Y: born from 1982 through 2000.
There are considerable differences as to the relevance of generation diversity in
general and ethics in particular. In one study published by the Center for Creative
Leadership, the researcher found 10 commonalities among generations that challenge
generational stereotypes. Six of the commonalities are summarized as follows48:
1. All generations have similar values. In fact, they all value family the most. They
also attach importance to integrity, achievement, love, and competence.
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Everyone wants respect; they just define it differently.
Trust matters. Distrust of the organization and in upper management is prevalent
among all age groups.
4. All generations want leaders who are credible and trustworthy. They also want
them to listen, be farsighted and encouraging.
5. Organizational politics are a problem. Employees of all ages know that
political savvy is a critical component in career advancement and upper-level
6. No one really likes change. Resistance to change has nothing to do with age; it is
all about how much one has to gain or lose with the change.
We are not claiming there are no differences between the generations. Rather, on
a number of important workplace issues, the presumed conflicts and differences are
more stereotypes than real. In later chapters, we address some of the differences that
appear to exist among generations. For now, we note several ethics results from the
2008 World of Work report49:
Generation Y respondents think that 22 percent of their Gen Y coworkers as a group
are ethical, 33 percent of Gen X coworkers as a group are ethical, 38 percent of
baby boomer coworkers as a group are ethical, and 44 percent of mature coworkers as a group are ethical. Clearly, the Generation Y respondents did not think
highly of the ethics of their coworkers. In contrast, 58 percent of Gen Y respondents perceived themselves as ethical, which is greater but still troubling.
Generation X respondents think that 36 percent of their coworkers as a group are
ethical, 28 percent of Gen Y coworkers as a group are ethical, 41 percent of baby
boomer coworkers as a group are ethical, and 50 percent of mature coworkers
as a group are ethical. In contrast, 71 percent of Gen X respondents perceived
themselves as ethical. Once again, a significant gap exists between self-perception
of being ethical and the perceptions of coworkers’ ethics in the four generations.
Baby boomer respondents think that 56 percent of baby boomer coworkers as a group
are ethical, 16 percent of Gen Y coworkers as a group are ethical, 29 percent of Gen
X coworkers as a group are ethical, and 61 percent of mature coworkers as a group
are ethical. In contrast, 78 percent of baby boomers describe themselves as ethical.
There is a substantial gap between baby boomers perceiving most (61 percent) of
their coworkers as ethical versus Gen Y coworkers (only 16 percent).
The Gen Y employees, by definition, are newest to their organizations. They
have not had as much opportunity to demonstrate that they are ethical and their peers
may be presumed as unethical because of generation gap stereotypes. Also, consider
the concept of small numbers bias, which refers to the tendency to view a few incidents,
cases, or experiences with individuals as representative of a larger population. For example,
observations of unethical conduct by a few Gen Y coworkers may be seen as applying
to the supermajority of them and fits the popular stereotype of this generation as not
being very ethical as a whole. The contrasting interpretation is that the findings for
Gen Y are accurate, which would be a sobering generality.
A recent study of ethics of U.S. high school students (Gen Y), who will be employees within several years, presents mixed messages. The data were gathered through
a national sample of almost 30,000 respondents in public and private high schools.50
The attitudes and intentions expressed are ethical. In brief, (1) 98 percent said “It’s
important for me to be a person with good character”; (2) 96 percent said, “It’s important to me that people trust me”; (3) 93 percent agreed with the statement “In business and the workplace, trust and honesty are essential”; (4) 91 percent said, “People
should play by the rules even if it means they lose”; and (5) 84 percent affirmed, “It’s
not worth it to lie or cheat because it hurts your character.”
In contrast, a large majority of the high school respondents (Gen Y) admitted
personal behaviors that did match their ethical aspirations and attitudes. Perhaps this
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
is influenced by the 59 percent of respondents who agreed with the following survey
statement: “In the real world, successful people do what they have to do to win, even
if others consider it cheating.”
Most of the users of this text are members of Gen Y. If the data presented are
representative, the vast majority of Gen Y respondents did not characterize their
coworkers as a group to be ethical. In addition, only 28 percent of Gen X respondents
and 16 percent of baby boomer respondents perceived their Gen Y coworkers as a
group to be ethical.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is one of the many categories of harassment that may occur in
the workplace. Harassment refers to verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows
hostility or aversion toward an individual because of that person’s race, skin color, religion,
gender, national origin, age, or disability. Harassment can also occur if conduct is directed
toward a person’s relatives, friends, or associates.51 Harassment does one or more of
the following:
Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work
Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.
Harassment in its more serious and aggressive forms, such as sexual harassment,
reflects (1) the obedience and punishment stage of moral development; (2) the absence of
moral intelligence; (3) the absence or lack of consideration of ethical intensity; (4) the use
of the self-serving hedonist and might-equals-right principles; (5) violation of all balancing
interests principles—means–end, utilitarian, and professional standards; and (6) violation
of all concern-for-others principles—disclosure, distributive justice, and golden rule.
Sexual harassment generally refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.52 Sexual harassment consists
of two types of prohibited conduct in the United States: (1) quid pro quo—in which
submission to harassment is used as the basis for employment decisions, and (2) hostile
environment—in which harassment creates an offensive working environment. Consider
these basic questions from a legal perspective in the United States:
If an employee “voluntarily” has sex with a manager, does this mean that she (or
he) has not been sexually harassed? Not necessarily. If an employee by her or his
conduct shows that sexual advances are unwelcome, it does not matter that she (or
he) eventually “voluntarily” succumbs to the harassment. In deciding whether the
sexual advances are “unwelcome,” the courts will often allow evidence concerning the employee’s dress, behavior, and language as indications of whether the
employee “welcomed” the advances.
Is an employer liable for quid pro quo harassment engaged in by its managers? In
general, an employer is held to be strictly liable when a manager engages in quid
pro quo harassment.
What is hostile environment harassment? A hostile work environment occurs
when an employee is subjected to comments of a sexual nature, offensive sexual materials, or
unwelcome physical contact as a regular part of the work environment. In general, a single
isolated incident will not be considered evidence of hostile environment harassment unless it is extremely outrageous and egregious conduct. The courts look to
see whether the conduct is both serious and frequent. Courts are more likely to find
a hostile work environment as being present when the workplace includes sexual
propositions, pornography, extremely vulgar language, sexual touching, degrading
comments, or embarrassing questions or jokes. Supervisors, managers, coworkers,
and even customers can be responsible for creating a hostile environment.
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Is an employer liable for hostile environment harassment? It depends on who
has created the hostile environment. The employer is liable when supervisors or
managers are responsible for the hostile environment, unless the employer can
prove that it exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct sexually
harassing behavior and that the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage
of any preventive or corrective opportunities provided by the employer.
Any harassment policy, including one on sexual harassment, should contain (1) a
definition of the harassment, (2) a harassment prohibition statement, (3) a description
of the organization’s complaint procedure, (4) a description of disciplinary measures
for such harassment, and (5) a statement of protection against retaliation.53
All individuals need a clear understanding of harassment. California has a fairly
well-developed law on the dimensions that constitute sexual harassment. The law
reflects the ethical concepts and principles we noted previously. Organizations with
strong ethical cultures that embrace diversity incorporate these provisions both formally and informally. The core provisions with examples of unacceptable behaviors
include the following54:
Verbal harassment: epithets, derogatory comments or slurs. Examples: Name-calling,
belittling, sexually explicit or degrading words to describe an individual, sexually explicit jokes, comments about an employee’s anatomy and/or dress, sexually
oriented noises or remarks, questions about a person’s sexual practices, use of patronizing terms or remarks, verbal abuse, graphic verbal commentaries about the body.
Physical harassment: assault, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work or movement, when directed at an individual. Examples:
Touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against or poking another
employee’s body, requiring an employee to wear sexually suggestive clothing.
Visual harassment: derogatory posters, cartoons, or drawings. Examples: Displaying
sexual pictures, writings, or objects, obscene letters or invitations, staring at an
employee’s anatomy, leering, sexually oriented gestures, mooning, unwanted love
letters or notes.
Sexual favors: unwanted sexual advances that condition an employment benefit on
an exchange of sexual favors. Examples: Continued requests for dates, any threats
of demotion, termination, etc., if requested sexual favors are not given, making or
threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances, propositioning
an individual.
Sexual harassment continues to be a problem in the United States.55 In a review
of a number of studies of the incidence of sexual harassment in the United States, it
was found that 58 percent of the women respondents reported having experienced
potentially harassing behaviors, and 24 percent report having experienced sexual
harassment at work.56 Sexual harassment represents a serious form of workplace
aggression. Leaders have a strong responsibility to do everything in their power to
prevent sexual harassment from occurring. When it does occur, it needs to be dealt
with quickly and firmly.57
Insights for Leaders
Diversity programs and initiatives often run into unanticipated problems. Diversity
awareness training programs may backfire if they seem to reinforce stereotypes or
highlight differences that employees have tried to minimize in order to fit into the
organization’s culture. Special diversity programs offered only to some groups may
feed the belief that they are gaining an unfair advantage. Employees assigned to work
in markets that match their individual diversity-based differences may view that as
limiting rather than maximizing the contributions that they can make. Affirmative
action programs implemented with a heavy hand may create a stigma for all members
of groups targeted to benefit. As a result, even the best qualified people are presumed
to have acquired their positions because of their demographic attributes rather than
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
on the basis of merit. Networking or caucus groups may lead to increased segregation
and fragmentation if implemented in ways that focus on their diversity differences
rather than on their common goals.
Leading diversity successfully requires developing a strong organizational and
ethical culture that values individual differences and ensures that the talents of all
employees are used to their fullest extent. Implementing the variety of changes that
may be needed to lead diversity changes effectively takes time in most organizations.
During that time, many challenges will arise along the way. Among the most difficult challenges that leaders face as they attempt to implement these diversity-based
changes are
anticipating and addressing the reactions of members of the dominant culture,
who may think that they are about to lose the influence they previously had;
capturing and synthesizing opinions on diversity initiatives from employees and
using them as input for reaching a shared understanding on them; and
avoiding real and perceived tokenism and quota systems that may help the organization achieve its quantitative diversity goals, but can be destructive to developing
a positive culture.58
Perhaps the biggest challenge to leaders, however, is understanding that diversity
initiatives often have organizational consequences. On the one hand, diversity can
enhance a team’s ability to solve problems creatively. On the other hand, the price of
such creativity may be heightened conflict within the team. Similarly, changing the
mix of men and women in a team or department toward a 50–50 split may improve
the attitudes of the women involved while irritating the men. Leaders shouldn’t expect
diversity-related initiatives to affect members of the organization in uniformly positive ways. They should consider carefully which initiatives are most important for the
organization to achieve, and be prepared for some resistance from employees who do
not gain personally from them.59
Leaders need to recognize that the foundational elements for achieving positive
diversity (1) start with understanding and perhaps changing key aspects of the organization’s culture, (2) proceed to understanding and perhaps changing key aspects
of the ethical dimensions of the organization culture, leadership that models ethical
behaviors, and formal policies and mechanisms to ensure ethical decisions; and (3)
conclude with a portfolio of diversity initiatives, diversity policies, and supportive
diversity practices.
Verizon Communications has been ranked as a corporate leader in diversity by a
number of organizations and magazines, such as Business Week, Fortune, DiversityInc,
Black Enterprise, LATINA Style, and Working Mother. Verizon, headquartered in New
York, is the second largest U.S. telecommunications services provider with operations
in 28 states and approximately 235,000 employees.60
The following Diversity Competency feature provides diversity leadership
insights that are relevant to many organizations.61 You will see that diversity is integrated with Verizon’s culture (core values) and ethics.
Diversity competency
Verizon’s Workplace Diversity
Ivan Seidenberg, the chairman and CEO of
Verizon, set the tone and top-level leadership
expectations through these words (and in many
other ways):
It is imperative that we continue to uphold
the Verizon commitment and core values:
put customers first, act with integrity, treat
people with respect, be accountable, and
Chapter 2
raise our standards of performance. This
means that we also have to do more than
simply follow the law: instead, we have to do
the right thing—and we have to do it every
day. Ethical conduct is the foundation of any
lasting business success. For Verizon to succeed and win in the competitive marketplace,
our brand must stand for integrity, trust and
solid ethical standards. Each of us contributes
to Verizon’s success in unique ways, but we
share a collective responsibility to “do the
right thing” and behave ethically at all times.
Diversity is viewed as an integral part of Verizon’s
business. The extensive discussion of diversity on
its website (www.verizon.com) states: “At Verizon,
diversity means embracing differences and variety
including age, ethnicity, education, sexual orientation, work style, race, gender and more. When
diversity is a part of a company’s culture, as it is
at Verizon, everyone benefits—customers, suppliers and employees. Diversity isn’t just a concept
at Verizon. It’s an integral part of the business.
Diversity drives everything from workforce
development and supplier relationships to economic development, marketing and philanthropy.
Verizon’s Code of Business Conduct clearly
spells out what is expected from employees
when it comes to valuing and respecting the
diversity of others. The commitment to diversity
Individual and Organizational Ethics
begins at the top of the company, and progress
is measured like any other business objective.
Executives are accountable for promoting diversity within their units. They are rewarded for successes through a performance incentive linked to
their short-term compensation.”
Verizon has an explicit diversity strategy. It is
expressed as follows: “The goal of our diversity
strategy is to have an aligned and integrated
workplace where diversity is transparent, and
where Verizon is an inclusive organization that
leverages the diversity of employees, customers
and supplies for increased productivity, profitability and an enhanced reputation.” The components of the strategy include:
• The Inclusion Index—Measures employees’ sense of belonging through an index
developed by our research team based on
responses to our Employee Opinion survey. The survey also measures employee
• Diversity Performance Incentive—A measure
that tracks the workforce composition in each
line of business, as well as the number of hires
and promotions of diverse candidates. Each
line of business has a unique goal, depending
upon their individual unit’s composition.
• Supplier Diversity—Measure derived from the
procurement opportunities and developing
and advocating a diversified supplier base.
To learn more about Verizon, go to www.verizon.com.
Stakeholder Responsibility and Ethics
Stakeholder responsibility holds that leaders and other employees have obligations to identifiable groups that are affected by or can affect the achievement of an organization’s goals.62 Various
ethical principles are used by different parties as a basis for justifying stakeholder responsibility. The organization interests principle suggests that leaders should consider the
desires or demands of different stakeholders for the good of the organization. The utilitarian principle suggests that leaders should act on the basis of the relative harm or good
from their decisions on each stakeholder group. The distributive justice and golden rule
principles suggest that the leaders’ decisions should strive to be equitable and take into
account how each stakeholder group might experience and feel about their decisions.
Stakeholders are individuals or groups that have interests, rights, or ownership in an
organization and its activities. Customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders are
examples of primary stakeholder groups. Each has an interest in how an organization
acts. These stakeholder groups can benefit from an organization’s successes and can be
harmed by its mistakes. Similarly, an organization has an interest in maintaining the
general well-being and effectiveness of stakeholder groups. If one or more stakeholder
Learning Goal
4. Explain the nature of
stakeholder responsibility and
its ethical basis.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
groups were to dissolve their relationships with the organization, the organization
would suffer.63
For any particular organization, some stakeholder groups may be relatively more
important than others. The most important groups—the primary stakeholders—are
those whose concerns the organization must address to ensure its own survival. They
directly impact the financial resources available to the firm. At colleges and universities, these stakeholders include students, parents, faculty members, staff, and suppliers
(e.g., food services, utilities, bookstores). They are directly impacted by various decisions of the top leaders of the colleges and universities. Secondary stakeholders are also
important because they can take actions that can damage or assist the organization.
Secondary stakeholders often include governments (especially through regulatory
agencies), unions, nongovernmental organizations, activists, political action groups,
and the media. During the recent economic crisis in the United States, the federal
government became a primary stakeholder to a number of financial institutions as a
result of providing billions of dollars in financial support to them.64
Stakeholder Pressures
Each stakeholder group has somewhat different expectations of the organization.
Each group cares more about some aspects of an organization’s activities and less
about others. Leaders have to assess the relative importance of primary and secondary
stakeholders, including identification and assessment of the many pressures and issues
that must be considered in their decision making. Table 2.3 provides examples of these
general types of pressures. All of these stakeholders are demanding to be treated ethically with renewed expectations and pressures for truthfulness and fairness.65 In some
situations, there are trade-offs in addressing the preferences of different stakeholders,
such as improved benefits being sought by employees versus higher dividend payouts
being sought by shareholders. Ethical dilemmas occur for leaders who strive to implement a stakeholder responsibility approach in their decision.
TABLE 2 . 3 Examples of Types of Pressures from Primary Stakeholders
Pay and benefits
Safety and health
Rights at work/global labor standards
Fair/ethical treatment in hiring, reviews, promotion, and related areas
Demands for efficiency/profitability
Viability (sustainability)
Growth of investment
Ethical disclosure of financial information
Competitive prices
Quality and safe products
Respect for customers’ privacy
Concern for environment
Truthful/ethical advertising and sales practices
• Meet commitments
• Repeat business
• Fair trade practices/ethical treatment
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Leaders in the same organization may even differ among themselves with
respect to66
the importance they place on various stakeholders,
their beliefs as to the positive/negative consequences that different stakeholders
will enjoy/suffer, and
their beliefs as to the likelihood that certain consequences will occur.
Consider a sample of stakeholder issues that have ethical implications by leaders
within an organization as well as between organizations.67 Some leaders think it is
ethically right to give uniform raises to all employees when raise money is extremely
limited. Others think it is ethically right to continue to give performance-based raises
in such circumstances. Some leaders think it is ethically right to focus only on performance evaluations when conducting layoffs. Others think it is ethically right to
consider employee personal considerations. Some leaders think it is ethically right to
monitor employees’ nonworkplace conduct. Others think it is ethically right to limit
surveillance to workplace conduct such as theft and personal use of the Internet. Some
leaders think it is ethically right to outsource as much work as possible to firms in
foreign countries as a means of cutting labor and other costs to maximize profits for
shareholders. Others think it is ethically right to retain as much work as possible in
house within the home country.
The following Ethics Competency feature reports on the importance of multiple stakeholders to Johnson & Johnson’s in striving to behave ethically as expressed
through its credo.68 Johnson & Johnson (J&J) invents, develops, and produces healthcare products for the consumer, including pharmaceutical, medical devices, and diagnostic markets. J&J is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and has more
than 250 companies operating in 60 countries. The firm has approximately 119,000
employees.69 Over a number of years, Johnson & Johnson has received numerous
awards for “walking the talk” with respect to living stakeholder ethics as expressed
through its credo. Three of the recent ones include (1) rated number one by Barron’s
on their world’s most respected companies list, (2) rated top 10 in Fortune magazine’s
most admired companies, and (3) honored by Boston College’s Center for Corporate
Citizenship as one of the most socially responsible companies.70
Ethics competency
Johnson & Johnson’s Stakeholder Ethics and Principles
William C. Weldon, chairman and CEO, comments
“Johnson & Johnson is governed by the values
set forth in our Credo, created by General Robert
Wood Johnson in 1943. These principles have
guided us for many years and will continue to set
the tone of integrity for the entire Company . . .”
The J&J statement of Our Credo follows:
We believe our first responsibility is to the
doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and
fathers and all others who use our products
and services. In meeting their needs, everything we do must be of high quality. We must
constantly strive to reduce our costs in order
to maintain reasonable prices. Customers’
orders must be serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must
have an opportunity to make a fair profit. We
are responsible to our employees, the men
and women who work with us throughout the
world. Everyone must be considered as an
individual. We must respect their dignity and
recognize their merit. They must have a sense
of security in their jobs. Compensation must
be fair and adequate, and working conditions
clean, orderly and safe. We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their
family responsibilities. Employees must feel
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Robert Wood Johnson, author of Johnson &
Johnson credo.
free to make suggestions and complaints.
There must be equal opportunity for employment, development and advancement for
those qualified. We must provide competent
management, and their actions must be just
and ethical.
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the
world community as well. We must be good
citizens—support good works and charities
and bear our fair share of taxes. We must
encourage civic improvements and better
health and education. We must maintain in
good order the property we are privileged to
use, protecting the environment and natural
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound
profit. We must experiment with new ideas.
Research must be carried on, innovative programs developed and mistakes paid for. New
equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided and new products launched.
Reserves must be created to provide for
adverse times. When we operate according
to these principles, the stockholders should
realize a fair return.
To learn more about Johnson & Johnson, go to www.jnj.com.
Sustainable Development
The protection of the natural environment is a key area of growing commitment
and interest by organizations and stakeholders. Anne Mulcahy, chairman of Xerox,
reflects this perspective in commenting: “Sustainable development is a proven
catalyst for Xerox innovation. Repeated recognition by independent groups affirms
both the economic and social value of our long-standing commitment to corporate
Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that strives to meet current
human needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.72
The issues addressed under the umbrella of sustainable development are wide ranging. For example, the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development identifies 96 core indicators of sustainable development within a framework that contains
14 themes. A few of these themes include atmosphere, consumption and production
patterns, land, freshwater, oceans, seas, and coasts, economic development, and natural
hazards.73 Sustainable development is an area of major interest and increasing commitment by organizations—both private and public. Businesses often make reference
to sustainability rather than sustainable development, a term that dominates the public
and academic sectors.74
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
The ethical rationales used for pursuing sustainability are many and often vary
among business firms and their stakeholders. As one might expect, business firms are
attracted to sustainability initiatives when top management comes to recognize that
these are good for the organization. Sustainability initiatives often require capital
investments with possible positive financial returns in the long run, but until recent
years, were often perceived by top executives as costs incurred at the expense of current profits. At McDonald’s, one of the driving forces for sustainability is increased
energy efficiency. McDonald’s spends more than $1.5 billion a year around the world
to power its restaurants. About 80 percent of an average restaurant’s energy use is
devoted to heating and cooling systems and running cooking appliances. Lighting
is another significant draw. Robert Langert, McDonald’s vice president for corporate responsibility, comments: “Energy is really our No. 1 issue. When you look at
the dollars we spend, and the impact we have on the environment, and the progress
we can make to do better, and use our size and influence to make a difference, it’s
energy.”75 A few of the sustainability initiatives for addressing energy management at
McDonald’s include76:
Pilot projects with a handful of recently built green restaurants. The one com•
pleted in Chicago in 2008 has a green roof, a permeable parking lot, a 20,000gallon underground cistern to capture runoff water, LED lighting outside and a
daylight harvesting system inside. Elsewhere green stores are planned for Brazil,
France, Canada, and Germany.
Internally, it provides employee education and operates an Energy All-Star recognition program that showcases innovations, best practices and outstanding efforts
on the part of workers.
Externally, the company requires its suppliers to join McDonald’s in working to
improve any aspect of their business operation that affects the environment. The
company does not mandate goals, but does require suppliers to provide annual
measurements to McDonald’s in four environmental areas: energy use, water
consumption, waste and recycling, and air pollution.
Organizations that actively address sustainability issues benefit in a variety of ways.
Most obviously, it often benefits their long-term profitability and, thus, shareholder
interests. They build reputations for being responsible with multiple stakeholders. But
they also develop new and valuable organizational capabilities. They learn to integrate
the concerns of multiple stakeholders when planning and making key decisions. These
organizations further develop abilities to innovate and learn. This is not to suggest
that the leaders of business firms will always perceive sustainability initiatives and
their relative merits as do other stakeholders.77 Yet, the opportunities for win–win
relationships between stakeholders, especially shareholders and others, are increasingly evident in new organizational initiatives.
For example, DuPont seeks to increase its financial prosperity through strategies
that simultaneously produce reductions in the organization’s environmental footprint.
Its strategies for sustainable development include integrated science and knowledge
intensity. DuPont integrated the scientific fields of chemistry and bioengineering to
produce a new line of polymers, called Sorona. This material has most of the desirable characteristics of older materials such as nylon, Dacron, and Lycra. However,
unlike its predecessors, Sorona is produced using fermented corn sugar, a renewable
resource, rather than the petrochemical-derived materials it replaces. Knowledge
intensity is increased by initiatives including the creation of Simplyengineering, which
generates revenue from selling copyrighted engineering guidelines, calculations, and
models, as well as SafeReturns, a DuPont consultancy that helped Texas Instruments
reduce its workplace injuries by 65 percent.
The environmental sustainability attained by DuPont’s integrated science and
knowledge intensity strategies is assessed with a customized metric called the “shareholder value added per pound of production” (SVB/lb). This metric helps DuPont
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
focus on shareholder value creation through increased productivity, waste reduction,
and the development of new services and other sources of revenue generation. At the
same time, it assists DuPont in meeting its goals for decreasing energy consumption
and toxic emissions—all essentially by producing “more value and less stuff.”78
Assessing Responsibility to Stakeholders
With heightened interest in stakeholder responsibility, many organizations are discovering that they can’t avoid having others assess how well they perform in this respect.
Business sources, such as Fortune, Forbes, and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, rate
various aspects of organizational and stakeholder achievements annually. Many stakeholders are pressuring business leaders to abandon the practice of placing their sole
emphasis on short-term shareholder profits and to instead contribute more actively
to other stakeholders. One approach to assessing an organization’s stakeholder and
ethical responsibility is to consider whether it merely reacts to ethical pressures as
they arise or anticipates and addresses ethical concerns proactively. Several themes
found in firms with a proactive commitment to assessing its stakeholder ethics and
responsibility are discussed next.79
The firm is transparent, providing comprehensive stakeholder environmental information to the public. The firm produces reports annually that review its stakeholder and
environmental policies, goals, and achievements as well as financial performance. The
firm often provides stakeholder and environmental information on its company website
or in other published materials, as with McDonald’s, Xerox, and Johnson & Johnson.
A strong corporate responsibility report might use the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) guidelines as a framework for reporting. The GRI is a not-for-profit
organization located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It suggests global standards
that improve the consistency and comparability of reports. Some companies are now
producing “In Accordance with GRI” reports. This is the highest level of disclosure
recognized by the GRI. The organization also provides disclosure of goals and performance for key stakeholder and environmental metrics, such as workplace diversity
data, workplace safety data, and energy consumption data.80
Communication and Engagement
The firm actively seeks to communicate with various groups about its environmental
performance. This allows the organization to present progress made and to learn
from the groups about what future expectations may be. In some cases, such as AT&T,
Xerox, and Walmart, the firm will have established a “road show” through which
it meets with various groups about stakeholder and environmental performance or
development areas of concern. The firm uses advisory committees to solicit regular
input on key issues. Communication is a precursor to action. The firm takes what it
learns from the interaction with stakeholders and strives to ensure that business practices adapt to meet changing needs.
Proactive Management
The firm is committed to going beyond minimum compliance requirements and
integrating stakeholder responsibility into board governance, executive compensation, and management policies. Compliance is no longer enough—if indeed it ever
was. The leaders integrate stakeholder and environmental issues into both day-to-day
operations and into its managerial, executive, and fiduciary governance. This can mean
creating a stand-alone corporate responsibility department and a cross-functional
executive committee. At the board level, the firm has a corporate stakeholder responsibility committee to regularly evaluate and oversee social and environmental issues. It
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
has a formal chain of command to handle these issues—from the board through line
employees—to ensure that progress is not driven solely by crises.
The organization recognizes that these issues will not be led properly unless they
are included in management compensation incentives and reviews. There are ways
to measure stakeholder and environmental progress, determining the proper metrics
and setting up systems to collect relevant data, such as air and water pollution levels,
workforce diversity, employee turnover, employee safety, energy consumption, and
product safety.
Creating Shareholder Value
The organization views stakeholder responsibility as central to its long-term efforts
to create shareholder value. It looks at how stakeholder and environmental issues can
affect sales, costs, and reputation. For example, on the sales side, the firm recognizes
that future sales depend on delivering products that are kinder to the environment,
such as fuel-efficient cars or energy-efficient computers. The well-managed company
recognizes the need for diverse workforces, managers, and boards to relate to the
increasing diversity of its consumer base. From a cost perspective, it recognizes that
proactive leadership of environmental and stakeholder risks can substantially lessen
the uncertainties and liabilities created by changing regulatory requirements and
new knowledge of emerging risks. Top leaders recognize that costs can be reduced
through environmental initiatives, such as reducing energy intensity or minimizing
waste. There is a recognition that its customers, suppliers, employees, and others
would rather do business with a company that is mindful of its power and its ability
to affect people’s lives.
Xerox’s Self Assessment
Xerox is a firm that mirrors these four themes. The 58-page Xerox document titled
Our Commitment to Global Citizenship: The 2008 Report illustrates our point. A few of
the comments by Anne Mulcahy, the chairman of Xerox, suggests the firm’s sense of
stakeholder and environmental responsibility and ethics. She comments81:
Our people take great pride in the culture they have created—a culture that values Xerox both as a profit-making enterprise and as an institution that strives to
be a positive force in the world around us. You will see that philosophy running
throughout this report. It’s organized around five themes that capture the essence
of our citizenship efforts.
Conducting our business with integrity and transparency builds credibility
and attracts investors.
Aligning our resources around customer need provides the revenue stream
that enables investment in innovation and future growth.
Nurturing a greener world through sustainable innovation and development
saves money, creates value and helps develop new markets.
Creating a great workplace for our people strengthens our competitiveness.
Leveraging our resources to make our world better improves the quality of
life for our people and the economic climate for our customers.
A number of specific measures (data) and discussions are presented for each of
these themes. Consider this one example. Xerox is well on the way to achieving the
goal of a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2012. In the five years
between 2002 and 2007, it cut energy consumption by 19 percent and greenhouse gas
emissions worldwide by 21 percent. And in support of customer climate protection
goals, 80 percent of new products introduced in 2007 met the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s tougher ENERGY STAR requirements.
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Chapter Summary
1. Describe the stages
of moral and ethical
2. Explain and apply
the core concepts used
by individuals and
organizations to make
ethical decisions.
3. Describe some ethics-based
initiatives for fostering
diversity in organizations.
4. Explain the nature of
stakeholder responsibility
and its ethical basis.
Stages of moral development are stages through which individuals evolve, ranging
from the lowest stage (obedience and punishment orientation) to the highest stage
(universal ethical principles). These personal phases of moral development focus on
the ethical reasoning used to justify choices in decision situations. The higher stage of
moral development is used by some as an indicator of moral intelligence—the mental
capacity to determine how universal ethical principles that cut across the globe should
be applied to personal values, goals, and actions.
Ethical misconduct in the workplace continues to be demonstrated by some individuals from the top through the lowest levels of the organization. The creation of
a strong ethical culture by leaders makes a major difference in the frequency and
severity of ethical misconduct. Severity of misconduct is illustrated through the six
factors that comprise ethical intensity—the degree of moral importance given to
an issue. Numerous principles and rules have been suggested to provide an ethical
justification for a person’s and organization’s decisions and actions. We highlighted
three self-serving principles, three balancing interests principles, and three concern-for-others principles. The complexity of applying these principles and rules is
often played out in decision-making situations in which the parties assess their relative concern for the affected individuals, the benefits and costs of alternative courses
of action, and determination of who has what rights. The parties’ satisfaction with
how these thorny ethical issues are resolved depends somewhat on the presence of
procedural justice—the perceived fairness of the rules and guidelines used to make
decisions—and interactional justice.
Diversity must be accompanied by an ethical foundation to be meaningful. The implementation of diversity initiatives is typically anchored in one or more of the balancing
interests principles and concern-for-others principles. Positive diversity is very much
influenced by the presence of an ethical culture. We reviewed a profile of organizational characteristics that foster an effective diversity environment. We reviewed the
four broad categories of generation diversity and how each of these generations tends
to view the ethical standards of those in their own generation and those in other generations. Harassment and sexual harassment, in particular, was discussed as an ongoing
challenge in organizations. The legal, ethical, preventive, and corrective dimensions of
sexual harassment were reviewed.
Stakeholder responsibility holds that leaders and other employees have obligations to
identifiable groups that are affected by or can affect the achievement of an organization’s goals. Various stakeholder groups use various ethical principles as a basis for
justifying stakeholder responsibility. Each stakeholder group typically has somewhat
different expectations of the organization. Leaders of organizations are increasingly challenged by stakeholder pressures, each with its own configuration of ethical
justifications, to make decisions and pursue goals consistent with its own interests.
Sustainable development was presented as a domain with ethical underpinnings and
one in which stakeholders may find common grounds for action. Leading for-profit
organizations are increasingly embracing the need to accept and assess responsibility
to multiple stakeholders—not just their shareholders. However, shareholders continue to be the dominant stakeholder group for top executives. Effective means of
accepting responsibility to stakeholders include indicators of (1) disclosure, (2) communication and engagement, (3) proactive management, and (4) creating long-term
shareholder value.
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Key Terms and Concepts
Concentration of effect, 39
Disclosure principle, 41
Distributive justice principle, 41
Employment at will, 44
Ethical intensity, 38
Generation, 50
Golden rule principle, 41
Harassment, 52
Hedonist principle, 40
Hostile work environment, 52
Interactional justice, 46
Magnitude of consequences, 38
Means–end principle, 41
Might-equals-right principle, 40
Moral intelligence, 36
Organization interests principle, 40
Organizational culture, 49
Probability of effect, 38
Procedural justice, 46
Professional standards principle, 41
Proximity, 39
Sexual harassment, 52
Small numbers bias, 51
Social consensus, 38
Stages of moral development, 34
Stakeholder responsibility, 55
Stakeholders, 55
Sustainable development, 58
Temporal immediacy, 39
Utilitarian principle, 41
Discussion Questions
Go to www.xerox.com. In the search box, type in
“corporate governance guidelines.” Open the document
titled “Corporate Governance Guidelines at Xerox.”
Identify at least two of the specific ethical principles
that are reflected in this document. What is a specific provision that illustrates each of the principles
Review the Learning from Experience feature on Anne
Mulcahy, chairman of Xerox, and other discussions of
her leadership in this chapter. How would you evaluate her in relation to each of the six attributes of the
diversity competency presented in Chapter 1? For each
attribute on which Mulcahy is evaluated, identify the
specific statement(s) about her that serve as a basis of
your assessment.
Think of an organization in which you have been
employed (or are currently employed). What are
your assessments of the stage of moral development
and moral intelligence of the manager for whom you
worked? What specific examples of this manager’s
behaviors and decisions serve as the basis for your
What are the similarities and differences between the
organization interests principle and the utilitarian
What are the similarities and differences between the
professional standards principle and the distributive justice principle?
From your personal perspective, what is your assessment of the ethical intensity of the grading system and
practices used by an instructor in a course that you have
completed? Your assessment should include an assessment of each of the six components of ethical intensity.
7. What specific aspects of procedural justice are suggested in the Change Competency feature on James
McNerney, CEO of Boeing?
8. How would you assess Generation Y individuals as a
group with respect to their general pattern of ethical
behaviors and decision making within the work environment? Explain. If a generalization is possible, what is
your overall assessment? Explain.
9. How did (or does) an organization for which you
have worked (or do work) compare with the policies,
practices, and goals of Verizon’s workplace diversity as
presented in the Diversity Competency feature? Give
specific comparisons of similarities and/or differences.
10. What specific ethical principles for guiding decisions
and actions are illustrated in the Ethics Competency
feature titled “Johnson & Johnson’s Stakeholder Ethics
and Principles”? You should relate specific statements in
the code to specific ethical concepts.
11. Sustainable development is discussed as an application
of stakeholder responsibility. Think of an organization
for which you have worked (or currently work). In what
ways did it implement or fail to implement sustainable
development initiatives?
Part 1
Introduction and Ethical Foundations
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Ethics Competency
What Is Your Decision?82
Mark the preferred decision for each of the four incidents
and reply to the two questions that follow each incident. This
exercise may also be undertaken in a small group. The group
members should make their choices individually and then
discuss them with each other. They should attempt to reach a
consensus on the preferred decision for each incident and the
responses to the questions.
Ethical Incidents
Barbara is a sales representative for Global Fashions Inc.
One of her best customers, George, places a large order
for linen jackets for the coming spring season. Barbara
knows that Global has had production and delivery problems with these jackets. She also knows that George’s
order will assure her year-end bonus. Should she:
_____ A Take the order. There’s no guarantee that
Global won’t meet the deadline, and George
is sophisticated enough to know that sometimes problems happen in manufacturing.
_____ B Warn George of the risk and put the sale at
risk before taking the order, if George still
wants to place it.
_____ C Refuse the order, since she’s likely to disappoint a long-time customer by promising
something that may not happen.
1. What ethical principle or principles reflect your
2. How would you assess the ethical intensity in this
Jose is a general manager of a division of Global
Operations. In that capacity, he knows that his company
is planning on making layoffs soon. Juan, a good friend
in another division, tells Jose he is about to buy a new
house that is much more expensive, but he’s confident
that he can make the higher payments, because his
career at Global is going well. Jose doesn’t know if Juan
will be laid off but is concerned. Should he:
_____ A Warn Juan of the upcoming layoffs.
_____ B Encourage Juan to hold off on buying the
house because “something is up” and he
can’t say more.
_____ C Let Juan’s direct supervisor know what Juan
is doing.
_____ D Stay out of the issue. Since Jose doesn’t
know what’s going to happen to Juan, there’s
really nothing to do.
1. What ethical principle or principles reflect your
How would you evaluate the ethical intensity in
this situation?
Don is a sales representative for a local moving company. His friend Adam works as an auto salesman. Adam
informs Don that people who move are surprisingly
likely to buy new cars shortly thereafter because their
commute has now changed. He tells Don, “I’ll tell you
what. Give me the names of people you meet with to
discuss moving, I’ll send them a welcome-to-the-neighborhood note. If any of them buy a car, I’ll give you a
piece of my commission.” Don should:
_____ A Give Adam the names—there’s no harm done.
_____ B Offer to take Adam’s cards and give them to
_____ C Decline the offer.
1. What ethical principle or principles reflect your
2. How would you assess the ethical intensity in this
You’ve been a manager at your company for five years
and have developed an excellent reputation. Your future
looks bright, which is a good thing since you have a
family to support. Yesterday a fellow employee, Kim,
came to you with a problem. Kim, an African-American
woman who used to report to you, had just been turned
down for a promotion. You believe she was very qualified for the position and perfectly capable of doing it
with excellence. The candidate chosen was a white male
with good qualifications but not as much experience or,
in your opinion, ability as Kim. Steve, the manager who
did not select Kim, happens to be a “rising star” whom
you’ve known for years and with whom you get along
pretty well. Steve couldn’t make you CEO and couldn’t
get you fired, but he is in a position to help or hinder
your career. What do you do?
_____ A Encourage Kim to speak to the Human
Resources department and offer to speak to
them as well about your excellent opinion of
_____ B Talk to Steve.
_____ C Tell Kim that many (legitimate) factors go
into a promotion decision and that such a
decision can’t be judged from the outside.
_____ D Talk to Steve’s supervisor.
1. What ethical principle or principles reflect your
2. How would you assess the ethical intensity in this
Chapter 2
Individual and Organizational Ethics
Case: Diversity Competency
Consensual Relationship Agreements83
If you put individuals with common interests together for
40-plus hours per week, office romance is bound to happen. Statistics seem to bear that out: According to a survey
by Valut.com, an online career center, 47 percent of the
1,000 professionals surveyed had been involved in an office
romance, and another 19 percent would consider it. Of those
individuals who had a romance, 11 percent had dated their
managers or another manager.
“This issue is not going away,” says Helaine Olen, coauthor of Office Mate: The Employee Handbook for Finding—and
Managing—Romance on the Job (Adams Media, 2007). It’s crucial, she says, for managers to accept the likelihood of office
romance and have policies and procedures in place to address
it when it occurs. Most experts warn against forbidding office
romance altogether. They see it as futile. “Our experience was
if a company tried to forbid it, more people started dating for
the thrill of it. It was counter-productive,” Olen says. This is
an issue among every employee demographic, not just single
20-somethings, although in her experience members of each
group handle the situation differently. For instance, “The
average 22-year-old wasn’t concerned about who knew what
and when. The older employees were more likely to keep it
quiet. But it was still fairly common,” Olen says.
Seventy-two percent of companies had no policy regarding workplace romance, according to the Society for Human
Resource Management (SHRM) Workplace Romance Poll.
“The vast majority of companies do not have rules around
dating, and they should. Of the few that do, most of them
involve a boss dating a subordinate. If they perceive a conflict
of interest or see the relationship as disruptive or potentially
disruptive, human resources should step in,” asserts Olen.
One type of workplace policy that is being adopted is a
consensual relationship agreement (CRA). A CRA is essentially a written “contract” in which the romantically involved
parties acknowledge the following:
Their relationship is voluntary and consensual.
They agree to abide by the employer’s antidiscrimination, antiharassment, and workplace conduct policies.
They promise to report any perceived harassment to
management, if it occurs.
They agree to behave professionally and not to allow
the relationship to affect their performance.
They agree to avoid behavior that offends others in the
They agree not to engage in favoritism. This is especially an issue if one of the employees is in a higher
management position and has the authority to influence
rewards available to the other employee.
Some individuals believe that the reasons for expecting
employees who are in a relationship to sign a CRA include:
Decreasing sexual harassment litigation risk. After a work•
place romance fails, the employee sometimes claims to
have been pressured into the relationship. A CRA signed
after the relationship has started can effectively refute
such claims because it provides compelling evidence
that the employees entered the relationship voluntarily.
But what if employees refuse to sign? The CRA could
be a condition of employment. Some individuals advise
approaching employees about signing “love” contracts
by showing them how the documents protect them, too,
in the event the relationship turns sour. Even though
an employee wants to keep things private, there’s always
the risk of something going wrong. If there is a helpful,
responsible way of working with the employee in place,
the situation is more like to be normalized.
Reducing perceptions of favoritism. Favoritism—or the
appearance of it—isn’t just poor employee relations. In
some cases, it is a cause for sexual harassment lawsuits.
In a few states, the interpretation of sexual harassment
laws includes third parties. If an employee views a
supervisor as favoring a subordinate due to their relationship, the employee can sue the company—and the
supervisor personally—for sexual harassment.
Creating a forum to discuss professional workplace behavior.
A CRA provides a forum for human resource professionals to talk to dating employees about what is appropriate and inappropriate workplace behavior. They can
remind employees to be sensitive to their coworkers,
especially concerning displays of physical affection, verbal affection, or lovers’ quarrels.
Reminding dating employees of lack of privacy in the workplace. When employees bring their relationships into the
workplace, they don’t have a legal right to privacy. They
are governed by a no-harassment policy. This doesn’t
mean the employer has the right to ask about intimate
details, but when employees are in the workplace, the
employer has the right to set reasonable rules. Dating
employees should not instant message or e-mail each
other about intimate issues. Even an innocuous note
such as “Where do you want to go to dinner tonight?”
can be misconstrued if the relationship goes sour.
Employees in a relationship should only speak privately
and in person about personal issues.
1. Critics of CRAs assert that they are too intrusive, ineffective, and unnecessary and that they can cause as many
problems as they solve. Identify the specific reasons and
examples that might justify these criticisms.
2. How would you assess the ethical intensity of CRAs
from the perspective of the employer? From the perspective of the employees in a consensual relationship?
3. What specific ethical principles might be used to justify
the use of CRAs? Explain.
4. What ethical principles might be used by employees
in consensual relationships to oppose signing such an
agreement? Explain.
5. Do you personally favor or oppose the use of CRAs in
the workplace? Explain.
The Individual
in Organizations
Understanding Individual Differences
Perceptions and Attributions
Learning Concepts to Improve
Motivating Employees
Motivation: Goal Setting
and Reward Programs
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Understanding Individual
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Explain the basic sources of
personality formation.
Identify a set of personality
dimensions that affect
Describe the attitudes that affect
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Steve Jobs at Apple
Bases of Personality
Self Competency
David Neeleman of JetBlue
Personality and Behavior
Teams Competency
Why Personality Is Important at Starbucks
Work-Related Attitudes
Across Cultures Competency
Diversity Competency
Deloitte & Touche
Explain how emotions impact
employees’ performance.
Emotions at Work
Experiential Exercises and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What Are Your Cultural Values?
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What’s Your Emotional IQ?
Case: Self Competency
Larry Ellison at Oracle Computer
Learning from Experience
Steve Jobs at Apple
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he
was remembered as the wonder boy who, with
Steve Wozniak, at the age of 21 founded Apple
Computer in his parents’ garage back in 1976.
Worth more than $300 million by the age of 30,
he was thrown out of Apple in 1985 because of his
“personality” clashes with others. Now more than
two decades later, he has been called by Jack
Welch and others the most successful CEO today.
Jobs is a controversial leader. He publicly
ridicules Apple’s competitors, who he casts as
mediocre, evil, and lacking taste. His subordinates
are geniuses or “bozos,” indispensable or no
longer relevant. Individuals at Apple know they can
flip from one category to another at a moment’s
notice. Jobs doesn’t live with his mistakes; he
simply rationalizes them away and moves on.
Subordinates have been made to cry at meetings
and have been fired during his angry tantrums.
Former Apple public relations executive Laurence
Clavère said that before going into
a meeting with Jobs, she had to
develop a mind-set like a bullfighter
entering the ring—kill or be killed.
According to Jean-Louis Gassée, a
former Apple executive who once
worked with Jobs: “Democracies
don’t make great products. You
need a competent tyrant” and Jobs
fit the bill. When John Sculley led
the fight to ouster Jobs in 1985
and then replaced Jobs at Apple,
Sculley likened Jobs to the Russian
revolutionary Leon Trotsky saying
that he was a zealot with visions so
pure that he couldn’t accommodate
the imperfections of the world.
To learn more about Apple Computer, go to
When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997,
Apple was losing money and market share. Jobs
immediately dug into the details of the business.
He created a sense of urgency that led the company back to profitability. No engineering spec,
no design detail was too small for his scrutiny.
Today, he lists himself as co-inventor on 103
separate Apple patents, everything from the user
interface for the iPod to the support systems for
the glass staircases used in Apple’s retail stores.
He makes his own rules. He drives a Mercedes
without a license plate and parks it in handicapped
spaces. When doctors discovered an abdominal
cancerous tumor in 2003, they told him that surgery was the best decision. Jobs sought treatment with a special diet while launching a lengthy
exploration of alternative approaches instead of
undergoing surgery. Several of the Apple board
members said that this was probably not the
best thing for his health. Jobs was stubborn and
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
resisted surgery for almost a year. After finding
no cure on his own, he had a successful operation in 2004. Jobs only told a few individuals in his
inner circle about the surgery. When he had health
issues in 2009, however, he announced that he was
taking a leave of absence from his role as CEO and
temporarily appointed Tim Cook as CEO. When
Jobs ran Pixar before selling it to Disney, Jobs personally negotiated bonuses with key executives.
He often went to the board meetings saying that
this is what he wanted to do for compensation—he
didn’t wait for input from others.
Unlike Microsoft, Apple has been labeled
one of America’s least philanthropic companies.
Jobs ended all of Apple’s long-standing corporate
philanthropy programs when he returned in 1997
and has not restored any of these. He also has not
shown any interest in handing over the reins to
another person to create a different kind of personal legacy.1
As the Learning from Experience feature indicates, individuals react to how they are
treated by others. You might ask yourself whether you would be willing to work for
Jobs. Depending on your personality, preferences, and goals, your answer might be
either yes or no. As an employee and future leader, you must recognize and appreciate
individual differences in order to understand and respond appropriately to the behavior of individuals in organizations.2
In Part 2 of this book, we cover individual processes in organizations. In this chapter,
we focus first on the individual to help you develop an understanding of organizational
Individual differences are the physical, personality, attitudinal, and emotional
attributes that vary from one person to another. What are some individual differences
about Steve Jobs that stand out for you? What are your individual differences? The
individual differences that characterize you make you unique. Perhaps you have a
dynamic personality and enjoy being the center of attention, whereas others you
know avoid crowds and do not have the same energy level as you. Is that good or bad?
The answer, of course, is that it depends on the situation. Whenever you attempt to
understand individual differences, you must also analyze the situation in which the
behavior occurs. A good starting point in developing this understanding is to appreciate the role of personality in organizations. In this chapter, we discuss individual differences in personality, attitudes, and emotions. We begin by addressing the concept
of personality. Later in the chapter, we explore the role of attitudes and emotions in
organizational behavior.
Learning Goal
1. Explain the basic sources of
personality formation.
Bases of Personality
Behavior always involves a complex interaction between the person and the situation. Events in the surrounding environment (including the presence and behavior
of others) strongly influence the way individuals behave at any particular time; yet
individuals always bring something of themselves to the situation. This “something,” which represents the unique qualities of the individual, is personality.3 No
single definition of personality is accepted universally. However, one key idea is
that personality represents personal characteristics that lead to consistent patterns
of behavior. Individuals quite naturally seek to understand these behavioral patterns in interactions with others.
Personality represents the overall profile or combination of stable psychological attributes that capture the unique nature of a person. Therefore, personality combines a set of
physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks, thinks, acts, and
feels. This definition contains two important ideas.
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
First, theories of personality often describe what individuals have in common
and what sets them apart. To understand the personality of an individual, then, is to
understand both what that individual has in common with others and what makes that
particular individual unique. Thus, each employee in an organization is unique and
may or may not act like someone else will act in a similar situation. This uniqueness
makes managing and working with individuals extremely challenging.
Second, our definition refers to personality as being “stable,” meaning that it
remains somewhat the same through time. Most individuals intuitively recognize
this stability. If your entire personality could change suddenly and dramatically, your
family and friends would confront a stranger. Although significant
changes normally don’t occur suddenly, an individual’s personality
may change over time. Personality development occurs to a cerSelf Insight
tain extent throughout life, but the greatest changes occur in early
If individuals are products of biology, life
How is an individual’s personality determined? Is personalwould have no higher meaning and purity inherited or genetically determined, or is it formed after years
pose. It is personality that gives individuals
of experience? There are no simple answers because too many
meaning and purpose. Personality is what
variables contribute to the development of each individual’s
makes individuals different.
personality. As Figure 3.1 shows, two primary sources shape perSteve Pinker, Author, The Blank Slate
sonality differences: heredity and environment. An examination
of these sources helps explain why individuals are different.
Deeply ingrained in many individuals’ notions of personality is a belief in its genetic
basis. Expressions such as “She is just like her father” or “He gets those irritating
qualities from your side of the family, dear” reflect such beliefs. Genes determine
height, eye color, size of hands, and other basic physical characteristics. Some individuals believe that personality is inherited; others believe that a person’s experiences determine personality. Our thinking is balanced—both heredity (genes) and
environment (experiences) are important. Of course, some personality characteristics may be influenced more by one factor than the other. Some personality traits
FIGURE 3.1 Sources of Personality Difference
• Culture
• Family
• Group Membership
• Life Experiences
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
seem to have a strong genetic component, whereas other traits seem to be largely
learned (based on experiences).4
Heredity sets limits on the range of development of characteristics, and within
this range environmental forces influence personality characteristics. However,
recent research on the personalities of twins who have been raised apart indicates
that genetics may play a larger role than many experts had believed. Some studies of
twins suggest that as much as 50 to 55 percent of personality traits may be inherited.
Further, inherited personality traits seem to explain about 50 percent of the variance
in occupational choice. In other words, you probably inherited some traits that will
influence your career choices. Furthermore, there is not one single gene that determines a person’s personality but a combination of genes.5
Other individuals think that the environment plays a large role in shaping personality; in fact, the environment may have a more important role than inherited
characteristics. That is, beyond what genes are inherited from your parents, the
environment a person experiences as a child has an important role in molding
one’s personality development. How a child is treated by adults and playmates
and others influences the child’s personality. A person growing up in a warm and
nurturing household is much more likely to be a well-adjusted person than a child
growing up in a cold and sterile environment. Aspects of the environment that
influence personality formation include culture, family, group membership, and
life experiences.
Anthropologists have clearly demonstrated the important role that culture plays in
personality development.6 A culture is not a symbolic pattern, but evolves under the
stress of competing goals and other cultures. Cultures do not exist as simply static
differences to be celebrated, but compete with one another as better or worse ways of
getting things done. Individuals born into a particular society are exposed to family
and societal values and to norms of acceptable or unacceptable behavior—the culture of that society. Culture also defines how various roles in that society are to be
performed. For example, U.S. culture generally rewards individuals for being independent and competitive, whereas Japanese culture generally rewards individuals for
being cooperative and group oriented.7
Culture helps determine broad patterns of behavioral similarity among individuals. However, differences in behavior—which at times can be extreme—usually
are seen among individuals within a society. Most societies aren’t homogeneous
(although some are more homogeneous than others). For example, one characteristic of Western cultures is that people often follow a work ethic in which hard
work is valued and an unwillingness to work is sinful. But this value doesn’t influence everyone within Western cultures to the same degree. Although culture has an
impact on the development of employees’ personalities, not all individuals respond
to cultural influences equally. Indeed, one of the most serious errors that leaders
can make is to assume that their subordinates are just like themselves in terms of
societal values, personality, or any other individual characteristic.
Cultural Values. A number of cultural values impact a person’s behavior at work.
We believe that is particularly helpful in understanding individual and societal differences. To determine your cultural value profile, please go to the first Experiential
Exercise at the end of this chapter on page 97 and complete the questionnaire. These
values in combination influence the behaviors and decisions of employees in many
organizations.8 Figure 3.2 shows how the five cultural dimensions covered in the
Experiential Exercise vary between France, the United States, Canada, and Japan.
Let’s explore each of these five cultural dimensions more closely.
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
FIGURE 3.2 Cultural Values in Four Countries
United States
Gender Role
Individualism versus collectivism is a fundamental work-related value that
leaders must thoroughly understand to be effective in today’s global world.
Individualism is the tendency of individuals to look after themselves and their immediate
families. A culture high on individualism emphasizes individual initiative, decision
making, and achievement. Everybody is believed to have the right to privacy and
personal freedom of expression. Individuals in these countries generally do not
believe that they share a common fate with others. They view themselves as independent, unique, and special. They are less likely to conform to the expectations
of others. When group goals conflict with personal goals, individuals commonly
pursue their own goals. In addition, seeking personal identity is highly valued in
individualistic cultures. Personal achievement, pleasure, and competition are all
highly valued. Countries characterized by an emphasis on individualism include the
United States, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
At the other end of the continuum, collectivism is the tendency of individuals
to emphasize their belonging to groups and to look after each other in exchange for loyalty. Groups (relatives, communities, and organizations) focus on their common
welfare. Collectivism usually involves emotional dependence of the individual on
groups, organizations, and institutions. The sense of belonging and “we” versus “I”
in relationships is fundamental. Individuals’ private lives are shaped by the groups
and organizations to which they belong. Group goals are generally thought to be
more important than the individual’s personal goals. Individuals in China, Japan,
Taiwan, and South Korea care about whether their behavior would be considered
shameful by the other members of their groups. They also avoid pointing out other
individuals’ mistakes in public so that the others won’t lose face and harmony is
maintained. Face-saving is important in these cultures because it allows individuals
to retain their dignity and status.
Power distance is the extent to which individuals in a society accept status and
power inequalities as a normal and functional aspect of life. Countries that are “high
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
in power distance” are those whose citizens generally accept status and power
inequalities; those “low in power distance” are those whose citizens generally do
not. Countries that are high in power distance include Argentina, India, Malaysia,
Mexico, the Philippines, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. At the opposite
extreme, countries that are low in power distance include Finland, Israel, Norway,
and Sweden. (The United States is moderately low.)
Individuals who are raised in a high power distance culture behave submissively
with leaders and avoid disagreements with them. High power distance employees
are more likely to take orders without question and follow the instructions of their
leaders. In high power distance societies, subordinates consider bypassing their
leaders to be an act of insubordination. In low power distance countries, employees
are expected to bypass a leader if necessary in order to get their work done. When
negotiating in high power distance countries, companies find it necessary to send
representatives with titles equivalent to or higher than those of their bargaining
partners. Titles, status, and formality are of less importance in low power distance
Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which individuals rely on procedures and organizations (including government) to avoid ambiguity, unpredictability, and risk. With “high”
uncertainty avoidance, individuals seek orderliness, consistency, structure, formalized
procedures, and laws to cover situations in their daily lives. Societies that are high on
uncertainty avoidance, such as Japan, Sweden, and Germany, have a strong tendency
toward orderliness and consistency, structured lifestyles, clear specification of social
expectations, and many rules and laws. In contrast, in countries such as the United
States and Canada and in Hong Kong, there is strong tolerance of ambiguity and
uncertainty. More secure and long-term employment is common in “high” uncertainty avoidance countries. In contrast, job mobility and layoffs are more commonly
accepted in “low” uncertainty avoidance countries.
Gender role orientation is the extent to which a society reinforces, or does not reinforce, traditional notions of masculinity versus femininity. A society is called masculine
when gender roles are clearly distinct. Men are supposed to be assertive, tough,
and focused on material success. Women are supposed to be more modest, tender,
and concerned with the quality of life. In masculine-dominated cultures, gender
roles are clearly distinct. Japan, Austria, Italy, Mexico, and Ireland are a few of the
countries ranked as high in masculinity. Dominant values are material success and
progress and money. A society is called feminine when gender roles overlap: Both
men and women are supposed to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life. In feminine-dominated societies, roles are often merged or overlap for
sexes. A few of the countries ranked high on femininity are Denmark, Costa Rica,
Finland, and Portugal. Dominant values include caring for others, emphasizing the
importance of individuals and relationships, accepting that both men and women
can be gentle, stressing the quality of work life, and resolving conflict by compromise and negotiation.
Long-term orientation is the extent to which the society embraces the virtues oriented
toward future rewards. A long-term orientation ranking indicates that the society
prescribes to the values of sustained commitments, perseverance, and thrift. This is
thought to support a strong work ethic in which long-term rewards are expected as
a result of today’s hard work. A few of the countries with a long-term orientation are
China, Japan, India, and the Netherlands. These countries include characteristics such
as adaptation of traditions to the modern context, respect for tradition and obligation
within limits, thrift (saving resources), perseverance toward slow results, willingness
to subordinate oneself for a purpose, and concern with virtue.
A short-term orientation is seen in those societies that expect and reward quick
results, view leisure time as important, have little respect for old-time traditions, and
reward the risk taking and adaptability required of entrepreneurs. A few of the societies with a short-term orientation include Canada, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Spain,
Understanding Individual Differences
and the United States. From a business perspective, several of the features
of a strong short-term orientation include the following:
The main work values are freedom, individual rights, achievement,
and thinking for oneself.
The focus is on the bottom line with an emphasis on the importance of
this year’s profits.
Leaders and workers view themselves as highly distinct groups.
Personal loyalties vary with business needs (versus investment in lifelong personal networks).9
After reading this section and examining your Experiential Exercise scores
on these five dimensions, some of you are probably questioning whether
you have the ability to work in a foreign setting. We hope that we have
given you some information about how key cultural differences can shape
one’s personality. Understanding the role of culture can make you a better
leader even if you never leave your home country. How do you believe that
the culture of the United States impacted the development of Steve Jobs’
Chapter 3
The primary vehicle for socializing an individual into a particular culture
is the person’s immediate family. Both parents and siblings play important
roles in the personality development of most individuals. Members of an
extended family—grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins—also can influence personality formation. In particular, parents (or a single parent) influence their children’s development in three important ways:
Through their own behaviors, they present situations that bring out
certain behaviors in children.
They serve as role models with which children often strongly identify.
They selectively reward and punish certain behaviors.10
The family’s situation also is an important source of personality differences.
Situational influences include the family’s size, socioeconomic level, race, religion, and
geographic location; birth order within the family; and parents’ educational level. A
firstborn usually has the undivided parental attention for some time without siblings
around. And because they identify with their parents, they tend to grow up more
conservative and conscientious. Laterborns, in contrast, are often more conciliatory
and open to new ideas and experiences. Also, a person raised in a poor family from
China simply has different experiences and opportunities than does a person raised in
a wealthy family. Children do not spend their waking hours trying to become more
like their parents, but are also influenced by the culture in which they were raised.
Cultural norms inform children what it takes to survive in that society.
Group Membership
The first group to which most individuals belong is the family. Individuals also
participate in various groups during their lives, beginning with their childhood
playmates and continuing through teenaged schoolmate groupings and sports
teams to adult work and social groups. The numerous roles and experiences that
individuals have as members of groups represent another important source of personality differences. Although playmates and school groups early in life may have
the strongest influences on personality formation, social and group experiences in
later life continue to influence and shape personality. Understanding someone’s
personality requires understanding the groups to which that person belongs or has
belonged in the past.
Family is the primary vehicle
for socializing an individual
into a particular culture.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Life Experiences
Each person’s life also is unique in terms of specific events and experiences, which can
serve as important bases of personality. For example, the development of self-esteem
(a personality dimension that we discuss shortly) depends on a series of experiences
that include the opportunity to achieve goals and meet expectations, evidence of the
ability to influence others, and a clear sense of being valued by others. A complex
series of life experiences with others helps shape the adult’s level of self-esteem.
As we weave an understanding of personality and other individual differences into
our exploration of a variety of topics in organizational behavior, we hope that you
will come to understand the crucial role that personality plays in explaining behavior.
Individuals clearly pay a great deal of attention to the attributes of the personalities
of the coworkers with whom they interact. The following Self Competency feature
shows how JetBlue’s former CEO David Neeleman’s personality was shaped by various forces and how these affected his leadership at JetBlue.11
Self competency
David Neeleman of JetBlue
If you want to understand the culture of a company that is led by its founder, it helps to understand the personality of that founder. Neeleman
spent the first five years of his life in Brazil where
his father was a journalist. His family moved from
Brazil, but he visited every summer. Brazil is a
country that is divided between the haves and
have-nots. He grew up in the rich part of the
country and enjoyed a big house, a membership
in country clubs, and so forth. During his junior
year in Utah, he decided to return to Brazil to
go on a mission for his church and ended up living in the slums or favelas of Brazil. The slums
are where the desperately poor individuals live
behind barbed wire fences in cardboard shacks.
He was struck by a few things living in the
slums. First, most wealthy individuals have a
sense of entitlement. They thought that they were
better than the individuals in the slums. This bothered him tremendously. Second, most of the poor
individuals were happier than the rich individuals
and they generously shared what little they had.
He experienced enormous pleasures and satisfactions from working with these individuals.
These experiences had a tremendous impact
on the formation of his personality and his drive
to manage JetBlue differently when he was CEO.
When he traveled on a business trip, he flew coach
class. There was no Lincoln Town Car waiting for
him at the airport. At JetBlue, there are no reserved
parking places. The coffee in the kitchen down
the hall from his office was the same brand as that
in the employee lounge at J. F. Kennedy airport.
There is only one class on JetBlue planes. The
seats at the back have slightly more legroom, so
individuals who get off the plane last actually have
roomier seats in-flight. The desk and other furniture
in his office were the same as that used by everyone else. He told pilots: “There are individuals who
make more money at this company than others,
but that doesn’t mean they should flaunt it.”
He was seen frequently on flights from Florida
to New York City. Once the plane settled into its
cruising altitude, Neeleman walked to the front
of the cabin, grabbed the microphone, and introduced himself. He explained that he would be
coming through the cabin serving drinks and snacks
along with the crew. He took out the garbage when
the flight was over just like the cabin attendants.
It was his chance to speak directly to JetBlue’s
customers. JetBlue also started a Crewmember
Crisis fund when he was CEO. Everyone donated
to it and it was used to help employees in crisis. If
someone at JetBlue gets cancer, they have health
benefits, but they might tap the fund to pay a
babysitter while at chemotherapy.
Employees and customers both continue
to like the “touchy-feely” aspect of JetBlue.
Chapter 3
“When you have a leader who’s so friendly, it
makes everybody feel good about what they’re
doing,” says Jim Small, a general manager
for JetBlue in San Juan. JetBlue continues
to be generous with travel vouchers when
Understanding Individual Differences
passengers are inconvenienced. Neeleman
himself once drove an elderly couple from JFK
to Connecticut, where he lives and they were
headed, rather then let them spend $200 on
a taxi.
To learn more about JetBlue, go to www.jetblue.com.
Insights for Leaders
Leaders should realize that their ability to change an individual’s personality is very
limited and almost impossible. The idea that both nature and nurture interact to shape
an individual’s personality is important. Heredity and the environment both play
major roles in shaping personality. Also important is the fact that behavior is embedded in the way leaders think about subordinates.
In an increasingly global market, leaders in every country must think globally. Global
competition is a reality and the number of leaders and others who are taking assignments
in countries other than their own is rapidly increasing. These workers bring aspects of
their own cultures into their organizations, neighborhoods, school systems, and homes.
Personality and Behavior
You don’t see a person’s personality, instead you see behaviors that reflect these
internal characteristics.12 For our purposes, personality describes a person’s most
dominant characteristics—shy, sensitive, reliable, creative, and the like. This meaning
of personality is useful to employees because it contains a profile of characteristics
that tell employees about the behaviors they can expect from their leaders. This profile also serves as a guide for how we might communicate with a manager or fellow
employee. The main reason that we are interested in individual personality in the
study of organizational behavior is because of the link between personality and individuals’ competencies. Most individuals believe that there is a relationship between
personality traits and behavior. Chet Cadieux, CEO of QuikTrip, a $4 billion privately
held firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that operates more than 460 convenience stores in nine
states, put all applicants through a personality assessment. He believes that extroverted salesclerks sell more than introverted ones and that extroverted clerks will like
each other and stay longer in the job than introverts.13
The vast number and variety of specific personality traits or dimensions are
bewildering. The term personality trait refers to the basic components of personality.
Researchers of personality have identified literally thousands of traits over the years.
Trait names simply represent the terms that individuals use to describe each other.
However, a list containing hundreds or thousands of terms isn’t very useful either in
understanding the profile of personality in a scientific sense or in describing individual
differences in a practical sense. To be useful, these terms need to be organized into a
small set of concepts or factors. Recent research has done just that, identifying several
general factors that can be used to describe a personality.14 Before reading any further,
please take time to complete the questionnaire in Table 3.1.
Big Five Personality Factors
The “Big Five” personality factors, as they often are referred to, describe an individual’s emotional stability, agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness.15
As shown in Figure 3.3, each includes a potentially large number and range of specific
Learning Goal
2. Identify a set of personality
dimensions that affect
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 3.1 Assessing Your Personality Using the Big Five
The following questionnaire gives you a chance to gain insights into your Big Five personality
dimensions. Please answer the following 25 statements using the following scale:
5 = Strongly agree
4 = Agree
3 = Moderate
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
am the life of the party.
sympathize with others’ feelings.
get chores done right away.
have frequent mood swings.
have a vivid imagination.
don’t talk a lot. (R)
am not interested in other people’s problems. (R)
often forget to put things back in their proper place. (R)
am relaxed most of the time. (R)
am not interested in abstract ideas. (R)
talk to a lot of different people at parties.
feel others’ emotions.
like order.
get upset easily.
have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. (R)
keep in the background. (R)
am not really interested in others. (R)
make a mess of things. (R)
seldom feel blue. (R)
do not have a good imagination. (R)
don’t mind being the center of attention.
make people feel at ease.
pay attention to details.
am easily disturbed. (R)
am full of ideas.
NOTE: If a statement has an “(R)” at the end of it, the scoring for that statement is reversed. That
is, strongly agree is worth 1 point, agree is worth 2 points, etc.
1. Add your score for statements 1, 6,11,16, and 21: _________. This is your score for extraversion.
The higher the score, the more likely you are to be energetic, outgoing, and gregarious.
2. Add your score for statements 2, 7,12,17, and 22: _________. This is your score for agreeableness.
The higher the score, the more warm, tactful, and considerate you are toward others.
3. Add your score for statements 3,8,13,18, and 23: _________. This is your score for conscientiousness. The higher the score, the more careful, neat, and dependable you are likely to be.
4. Add your score for statements 4,9,14,19, and 24: _________. This is your score for emotional
stability. The higher the score, the more stable, confident, and effective you are likely to be.
5. Add your score for statements 5,10,15,20, and 25: _________. This is your score for openness.
The higher the score, the more imaginative, curious, and original you are likely to be.
traits. That is, each factor is both a collection of related traits and on a continuum as
shown in Figure 3.3.
Researchers have investigated extensively the relationships between the Big Five
personality factors and performance. Their findings indicate that employees who
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
FIGURE 3. 3 The Big Five Personality Factors
Emotional Stability
(Stable, confident, effective)
(Nervous, self-doubting, moody)
(Warm, tactful, considerate)
(Independent, cold, rude)
(Gregarious, energetic, self-dramatizing)
(Shy, unassertive, withdrawn)
(Careful, neat, dependable)
(Impulsive, careless, irresponsible)
(Imaginative, curious, original)
(Dull, unimaginative, literal-minded)
have emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness perform better than
those who lack these (the extremes of the conscientiousness continuum in Figure 3.3).
An individual with a personality at one extreme of the agreeableness factor continuum
might be described as warm and considerate. But with a personality at this factor’s
other extreme, the person would be considered cold or rude. Let’s define the terms
used for the Big Five personality factors and relate these to Steve Jobs.
Emotional stability is the degree to which a person is calm, secure, and free from persistent negative feelings. Individuals who are emotionally stable are relaxed, poised, slow
to show anger, handle crises well, resilient, and secure in their interpersonal dealings
with others. Individuals with less emotional stability are more excitable, insecure in
their dealings with others, reactive, and subject to extreme swings of moods. Teams
composed of emotionally unstable individuals usually come up with relatively fewer
creative ideas than teams composed of emotionally stable individuals. Individuals with
emotional stability handle the stress of managing others better than those who are less
emotionally stable. How would you rate Steve Jobs’ emotional stability?
Agreeableness is a person’s ability to get along with others. Agreeable individuals
value getting along with others. They are considerate, friendly, helpful, and willing
to compromise their interests. Agreeable individuals also have an optimistic view of
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
human nature. They believe individuals are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy.
Individuals who demonstrate low agreeableness are often described as short tempered,
uncooperative, and irritable. They are generally unconcerned with others’ well-being
and are unlikely to extend themselves for other individuals. Highly agreeable individuals are better at developing and maintaining close relationships with others at
work, whereas less agreeable individuals are not likely to have particularly close working relationships with others, including customers and suppliers. How would you rate
Steve Jobs on the agreeableness dimension?
Extraversion is the degree to which a person seeks the company of others. Extraverts
enjoy being with individuals, are full of energy, and often experience positive emotions. Sociable individuals are extraverts. Extraverts are comfortable talking with
others, speak up in a group, and are assertive, talkative, and open to establishing new
interpersonal relationships. Less sociable individuals are labeled introverts. They tend
to be low key, quiet, and deliberate. Their lack of social involvement should not be
interpreted as shyness; the introvert simply needs less stimulation and more time
alone to recharge his batteries. Research has shown that sociable individuals tend to
be higher performing individuals than those who are less sociable. These individuals are also more likely to be attracted to managerial positions that require good
interpersonal skills, such as marketing, sales, and senior management positions. How
would you rate Steve Jobs on the extraversion dimension?
Conscientiousness is concerned with self-discipline, acting responsibly, and directing
our behavior. Individuals who focus on a few key goals are more likely to be organized,
reliable, careful, thorough, responsible, and self-disciplined because they concentrate
on doing a few things well. Individuals who are less conscientious tend to focus on a
wider array of goals and, as a result, tend to be more disorganized and less thorough.
Researchers have found that more conscientious individuals tend to be higher performers than less conscientious individuals, especially in sales. How would you rate
Steve Jobs on this dimension?
Openness describes imagination and creativity. Individuals with high levels of
openness are willing to listen to new ideas, have vivid imaginations, appreciate
art and beauty, prefer variety to routine, and change their own ideas, beliefs, and
assumptions in response to new information. Open individuals tend to have a broad
range of interests and be creative. On the other hand, individuals who demonstrate
low openness tend to be less receptive to new ideas and less willing to change
their minds. They prefer the plain, straightforward, and obvious over the complex,
ambiguous, and subtle. Leaders who are high on openness tend to be better performers because of their ability to adapt to new situations and their willingness to
listen to others who have different points of view. How would you rate Steve Jobs
on openness?
Insights for Leaders
We must caution you that before a link can be established between job performance
and any personality measure, it must satisfy two concerns. One is that the measure
must be reliable. Reliability refers to how consistently a measure gets the same results. If
you get on a scale and its reads 188 pounds, step off and then on again and the scale
reads 170, it is not reliable. For a measure to be reliable, it must be consistent. Second,
a scale must be valid. Validity refers to how important the measure is to other things that
are important, such as job performance. Many of you took the ACT or SAT test prior
to applying for college. Many admissions individuals believe that your test score is a
valid measure of your past achievements and your capacity to compete academically
at their institution.
Although each personality factor represents a collection of related traits, the link
between personality and specific behaviors often is most valid when the focus is on a
single factor rather than all five factors at once. Organizations are using the Big Five
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
as an assessment device for screening new employees as part of their interviewing
process. Nordstrom’s requires sales individuals to be cheerful, energetic, and serve
very demanding customers with a smile. Therefore, individuals are required to show
extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability. Nordstrom’s human resource
managers have found that these are valid measures leading to high performance for
its sales staff. At Outback Steakhouse, the turnover of employees varies between 40
and 60 percent a year. Using the Big Five inventory, Outback managers found that
by recruiting employees who were extraverted and agreeable, they were able to cut
down on turnover and increase customers’ satisfaction with their dining experiences.
Similarly, Outsourcing Solutions, a debt collection firm, found that those employees high in conscientiousness and introversion were able to sit for hours by themselves to make calls regarding past-due accounts and stayed with the organization
longer than those employees who did not demonstrate these traits. New Horizons
Computer Learning Centers also faced high turnover until it discovered that those
employees who were high in conscientiousness and extraversion made the best
employees for them.16
Some individuals question these findings noting that one’s personality traits can
undergo change. We recognize that one’s personality can evolve over time as a person
becomes exposed to new experiences and situations. Graduating from college, breaking away from one’s parents, starting a career, getting married, raising children, and
being managed by various “bosses” can all shape the development of an individual’s
personality. Also by examining our own behavior, we may learn to behave differently
from situation to situation. Have you ever noticed how your behavior at a Super Bowl
party is different than your behavior at work?
Self-esteem is the extent to which an individual believes that he or she is a worthwhile
and deserving individual. In other words, individuals develop, hold, and sometimes
modify opinions of their own behaviors, abilities, appearance, and worth. These
general self-assessments reflect responses to individuals and situations, successes and
failures, and the opinions of others. Such self-evaluations are sufficiently accurate
and stable to be widely regarded as a basic personality dimension. In terms of the
Big Five personality, self-esteem most likely would be part of the emotional stability
dimension (see Figure 3.3).
Self-esteem affects behavior in organizations and other social settings in several
important ways. It influences initial vocational choice. For example, individuals with
high self-esteem are more likely to take risks in job selection, to seek out high-status
occupations (e.g., medicine or law), and to choose unconventional or nontraditional
jobs (e.g., forest ranger or jet pilot) than are individuals with low self-esteem. A study
of college students looking for jobs reported that those with high self-esteem
(1) received more favorable evaluations from recruiters, (2) were more satisfied with
the job search, (3) received more job offers, and (4) were more likely to accept jobs
before graduation than were students with low self-esteem.17
Self-esteem influences numerous behaviors. Employees with low self-esteem are
more easily swayed by the opinions of coworkers than are employees with high selfesteem. Employees with low self-esteem set lower goals for themselves than do those
with high self-esteem. Employees with high self-esteem place more value on actually
attaining their goals than do those with low self-esteem. That is, high self-esteem individuals break down jobs into specific tasks and prioritize their work so they can accomplish their jobs. Employees with low self-esteem are more susceptible than employees
with high self-esteem to procrastinate, suffer stress, conflict, ambiguity, poor supervision, poor working conditions, and the like. In brief, high self-esteem is positively
related to achievement and a willingness to expend effort to accomplish goals. Clearly,
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
self-esteem is an important individual difference in terms of work behavior. Both Steve
Jobs and David Neeleman appear to be individuals with high self-esteem.
Locus of Control
Locus of control is the degree to which individuals believe that they can control events affecting them.18 Individuals who have a high internal locus of control (internals) believe
that their own behavior and actions primarily, but not necessarily totally, determine many of
the events in their lives. On the other hand, individuals who have a high external locus
of control (externals) believe that chance, fate, or other individuals primarily determine
what happens to them. Locus of control typically is considered to be a part of the conscientiousness factor (see Figure 3.3). Table 3.2 contains a measure that you can use to
assess your own locus of control beliefs. What is your locus of control?
Many differences between internals and externals are significant in explaining
aspects of behavior in organizations and other social settings.19 Internals control their
own behavior better, are more active politically and socially, and seek information about
their situations more actively than do externals. Compared to externals, internals are
more likely to try to influence or persuade others and are less likely to be influenced by
others. Internals often are more achievement oriented than are externals. Compared to
internals, externals appear to prefer a more structured, directive style of supervision. As
we pointed out in Chapter 1, the ability to perform effectively in the global environment is increasingly important. Individuals with a high internal locus of control often
adjust more readily to international assignments than do those with a high external
locus of control. What do you think Steve Jobs’ locus of control score is?
Figure 3.4 shows some of the important relationships between locus of control
and job performance.
TABLE 3.2 A Locus of Control Measure
For each of these 10 questions, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree, using the following scale.
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
neither disagree nor agree
5 = slightly agree
6 = agree
7 = strongly agree
When I get what I want it’s usually because I worked hard for it.
When I make plans I am almost certain to make them work.
I prefer games involving some luck over games requiring pure skill.
I can learn almost anything if I set my mind to it.
My major accomplishments are entirely due to my hard work and ability.
I usually don’t set goals, because I have a hard time following through on them.
Competition discourages excellence.
Often people get ahead just by being lucky.
On any sort of exam or competition I like to know how well I do relative to everyone else.
It’s pointless to keep working on something that’s too difficult for me.
To determine your score, reverse the values you selected for questions 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10 (1 = 7, 2 = 6,
3 = 5, 4 = 4, 5 = 3, 6 = 2, 7 = 1). For example, if you strongly disagreed with the statement in
question 3, you would have given it a value of “1.” Change this value to a “7.” Reverse the scores in a
similar manner for questions 6, 7, 8, and 10. Now add the 10 point values together.
Your score: _______
A study of college students found a mean of 51.8 for men and 52.2 for women using this questionnaire.
The higher your score, the higher your internal locus of control. Low scores are associated with
external locus of control.
Source: Adapted from Burger, J. M. Personality: Theory and Research. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1986,
pp. 400–401.
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
FIGURE 3.4 The Effects of Locus of Control on Performance
Information Processing
The work requires complex
information processing and
complex learning
perform better
The work is quite simple
and easy to learn
Internals perform no
better than externals
The work requires initiative
and independent action
perform better
The work requires
compliance and conformity
perform better
The work requires high
motivation and provides
valued rewards in return
for greater effort; incentive
pay for greater productivity
The work does not require
great effort and contingent
rewards are lacking; hourly
pay rates determined by
collective bargaining
perform better
Externals perform
at least as well
as internals
Source: From J. B. Miner, Industrial-Organizational Psychology. McGraw-Hill, 1992, 151.
Emotional Intelligence
Psychologist Daniel Goleman contends that emotional intelligence (EQ) is actually more
crucial than general intelligence (IQ) in terms of career success.20 Emotional intelligence
refers to how well an individual handles oneself and others rather than how smart or how capable
the individual is in terms of technical skills. Goleman suggests that leaders need a high EQ to
be effective in their leadership positions. A high EQ enables a leader to accurately assess
their subordinates’ needs, analyze the situation, and then suggest the proper course of
action. The leader processes this information to tailor her behaviors to fit the situation. To
assess your emotional intelligence, turn to the second Experiential Exercise at the end of
this chapter on page 99 and complete the questionnaire. Emotional intelligence includes
the attributes of self-awareness, social empathy, self-motivation, and social skills:
Self-awareness refers to recognizing one’s emotions, strengths and limitations, and
capabilities and how these affect others. Individuals with high self-awareness know
their emotional state, recognize the links between their feelings and what they
are thinking, are open to feedback from others on how to continuously improve,
and are able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties and pressures. They
are able to show a sense of humor.
Social empathy refers to sensing what others need in order for them to develop.
Individuals who are socially aware of themselves show sensitivity, understand
other individuals’ needs and feelings, challenge bias and intolerance, and act
as trusted advisers to others. They are good at acknowledging an individual’s
strengths, accomplishments, and development. As a mentor, they give timely
coaching advice and offer assignments that challenge a person’s competencies.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Self-motivation refers to being results oriented and pursuing goals beyond what is
required. Highly self-motivated individuals set challenging goals for themselves
and others, seek ways to improve their performance, and readily make personal
sacrifices to meet the organization’s goals. They operate from hope of success
rather than a fear of failure.
Social skills refer to the ability of an individual to influence others. Individuals with effec•
tive social skills are good at persuading others to share their vision; stepping forward
as a leader, regardless of their position in the organization; leading by example; and
dealing with difficult interpersonal situations in a straightforward manner.
Think of EQ as being the social equivalent of IQ. At GM, Ford, AT&T, and other
organizations undergoing rapid change, emotional intelligence may determine who gets
promoted and who gets passed over or who gets laid off and who stays. Studies have consistently shown, for example, that the attributes associated with emotional intelligence
(e.g., the ability to persuade others, the ability to understand others, and so on) are twice
as important for career success as intelligence (IQ) or technical competencies.21 Using all
the dimensions of EQ, evaluate Steve Jobs’ EQ. What aspects of Jobs’ personality seem to
be most important in influencing his behavior(s)? Why was he so successful at Apple?
By any measure, Starbucks is among the most successful retailing companies in
the world. While much has been written about Starbucks’ successes and challenges
during the worldwide recession, the role of the barista’s personality is critical because
he or she is the person who talks to the customers and serves them. In the following
Teams Competency feature, we have put brackets around the personality characteristics so you can identify them as you read.22
Teams competency
Why Personality Is Important at Starbucks
Starbucks’ baristas are important for store success.
Enter any Starbucks and you’ll see baristas (the
associates who take orders and make and serve
coffee and food) at work. They work like a well-oiled
machine with all moves well choreographed to
serve the customer. These baristas work together as
a team and are important for the store’s success.
How does Starbucks train them to work
together as a team? All baristas receive 24 hours
of in-store training in customer service (how to
meet, greet, and serve customers) and basic retail
skills. They also take “Coffee Knowledge” and
“Brewing the Perfect Cup” classes. Baristas are
taught to anticipate the customer’s needs, and to
make eye contact while carefully explaining the
various flavors and blends. They are also trained
in the care and maintenance of the machinery
and how to treat each other.
One of the guiding principles at Starbucks
is to provide a great working environment and
to employ individuals who treat each other with
high respect and dignity (emotional stability).
Chapter 3
A company survey found the top two reasons
individuals want to work for Starbucks are “the
opportunity to work with an enthusiastic team”
and “to work in a place where I feel I have value”
(agreeableness). Therefore, Starbucks looks to hire
individuals with high self-esteem who are sensitive
to the feelings of others and who want participation from and success for all team members.
Understanding Individual Differences
Highly effective baristas are also stable individuals who do not show anxiousness or hostility to
others even under stressful conditions. Finally,
Starbucks wants barista partners who combine
their passion for great coffee and quality customer
service, listen to others, are reliable, organized,
and can focus on completing their tasks.
To learn more about Starbucks, go to www.starbucks.com.
Insights for Leaders
It should be evident by now that the various personality dimensions have important
implications for understanding behavior and improving performance. However, leaders
or groups should not try to change or otherwise directly control employee personality
because being able to do so is generally impossible. Even if such control were possible,
it would be highly unethical. Rather, the challenge for leaders and employees is to
understand the crucial role played by personality in explaining some aspects of human
behavior in the workplace. Knowledge of important individual differences provides
leaders, employees, and students of organizational behavior with valuable insights and
a framework that they can use to diagnose events and situations.
Although understanding differences in personality is important, behavior always
involves an interaction of the person and the situation. Sometimes the demands of the
situation may be so overwhelming that individual differences are relatively unimportant for leaders. For example, if an office building is burning, everyone in it will try to
flee. However, the fact that all employees behaved the same way says nothing about
the personalities of those individuals. In other situations, individual differences may
explain more about behavior.
Under normal working conditions, a person’s personality has a role in determining how that person behaves at work. Just reflect on how Steve Jobs’ personality affects
others at Apple, or the characteristics of baristas that Starbucks looks for when hiring
new employees. We believe that considering both the personality of the individual and
the demands of the job are needed to help leaders understand why individuals behave
as they do in organizations. When an individual’s personality does not fit the demands
of the job, that person will be less satisfied and productive. Job applicants should assess
the fit between their personal characteristics and the demands of the job and organization. However, if all individuals share common characteristics and preferences, leaders
need to recognize that the organization might be more resistant to change. To remain
competitive over the long term, leaders are probably well served to hire some individuals who do not fit the mold. For that reason, this perspective is consistently used
throughout this book. Many of the topics covered in this book, such as leadership,
interpersonal communication, conflict management, stress, and resistance to change,
examine both personal and situational causes for the organizational behavior discussed.
Both interact to determine behavior.
Work-Related Attitudes
It is often very difficult to separate personality and attitudes. You cannot see either
one, but you can see the results of each through a person’s behavior. Attitudes are
another type of individual difference that affects an individual’s behavior in organizations. Attitudes are relatively lasting feelings, thoughts, and behaviors aimed at specific
Learning Goal
3. Describe the attitudes that
affect performance.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
individuals, groups, ideas, issues, or objects.23 Attitudes are influenced by an individual’s
background and experiences. They are formed by a variety of forces, including
their personal values, experiences, and personalities. Attitudes are important for
three reasons. First, attitudes are reasonably stable over time. Unless individuals
have strong reasons to change, they will persist. Individuals who have a favorable
attitude toward buying domestic cars will probably like domestic cars in the future,
unless important reasons occur to change their automobile preferences. Second,
individuals hold attitudes that are directed toward some object—job, supervisor,
company, college. If a barista likes coffee and serving individuals, they probably
won’t have a negative attitude toward working at Starbucks as a barista. Third,
attitudes influence our behavior. That is, individuals tend to behave in ways that
are consistent with their feelings. If we have a specific attitude toward an object
or person, we tend to form other consistent attitudes toward related objects or
individuals. Therefore, to change a person’s attitude, you need to change a person’s
Components of Attitudes
Individuals often think of attitudes as a simple concept. In reality, attitudes and their
effects on behavior are complex. An attitude consists of:
an affective component—the feelings, sentiments, moods, and emotions about
some specific person, idea, event, or object;
a cognitive component—the thoughts, opinions, knowledge, or information held
by the individual about a specific person, idea, event, or object; and
a behavioral component—the predisposition to act on a favorable or unfavorable
evaluation to a specific person, idea, event, or object.
These components don’t exist or function separately. An attitude represents the
interplay of a person’s affective, cognitive, and behavioral tendencies with regard to
something—another person or group, an event, or an issue. For example, suppose
that a college student has a negative attitude about the use
of tobacco. During a job interview with the representative of
the Altria Group, he discovers that Philip Morris, a maker
of cigarettes, is owned by the Altria Group. He might feel a
Diversity Insight
sudden uneasiness during the interview (the affective compoIndividuals working together and respectnent) because a close friend’s parent recently died from lung
ing one another so that they can achieve
cancer. He might form a negative opinion of the interviewer
their common goal is all I want. We need
based on beliefs and opinions about the type of person who
all sorts of individuals to succeed as an
would work for such a company (the cognitive component).
He might even be tempted to make an unkind remark to the
interviewer or suddenly terminate the interview (the behavAlbert Black, CEO, On-Target Supplies and
ioral component). However, the person’s actual behavior may
or may not be easy to predict and will depend on several
factors, including the current state of the job market, that we
will discuss shortly.
Attitudes Affecting Job Performance
Individuals form attitudes about many things. Employees have attitudes about their
manager, pay, working conditions, promotions, where they park, coworkers, and the
like. Some of these attitudes are more important than others because they are more
closely linked to performance. Especially important to job performance are attitudes
of hope, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
Hope involves a person’s mental willpower (determination) and waypower (road map) to
achieve goals.24 Simply wishing for something isn’t enough; a person must have the
means to make it happen. However, all the knowledge and skills needed to solve a
problem won’t help if the person doesn’t have the willpower to do so. Therefore, a
simple definition of hope is
Hope = mental willpower + waypower to achieve goals.
Answering the questions in Table 3.3 will help you understand this definition of
hope. You need to have a high level of both the willpower and the waypower to have a
high level of hope to accomplish your goals. This concept applies to a variety of workrelated attitudes. The high-hope person enjoys the pursuit of challenging goals and
pursues them with a positive attitude. High-hope individuals engage in self-talk, such
as “This should be an interesting task” or “I am ready for this challenge.” High-hope
individuals are attentive and focused on the appropriate behaviors for the situation.
They commit themselves to desired positive work outcomes (e.g., good performance)
and distance themselves from negative outcomes. They possess an internal locus of
control. As such, they need a high degree of autonomy in order to express themselves
and be productive. They can be easily offended and discouraged if micromanaged and
will likely try to search for alternative pathways to regain control. Hopeful employees
tend to be creative and resourceful.
In contrast, low-hope individuals are apprehensive about what is to come.
Their attention is quickly diverted from task-relevant behavior to such thoughts
as “I’m not doing very well.” Low-hope individuals may feel a lot of negative emotions very quickly. Low-hope individuals are especially susceptible to feeling great
amounts of stress in their jobs and becoming easily derailed by issues in their pursuit of goals. With such derailments, low-hope individuals perceive that they are
not going to reach their desired goals. Their natural tendency is to withdraw from
friends and become “loners.” For high-hope individuals, however, the stressor is
TABLE 3. 3 Hope Scale
Read each item carefully. For each item, what number best describes you?
definitely false
mostly false
mostly true
definitely true
I energetically pursue my work (academic) goals.
I can think of many ways to get out of a jam.
My past experiences have prepared me well for my future.
There are lots of ways around any problem.
I’ve been pretty successful in life.
I can think of many ways to get things in life that are most important to me.
I meet the goals (work/academic) that I set for myself.
Even when others get discouraged, I know I can find a way to solve the problem.
Scoring: Total the eight numbers. If you score higher than 24, you are a hopeful person. If you score
less than 24, you probably aren’t hopeful. Items 1, 3, 5, and 7 relate to will power, and items 2, 4, 6, and
8 relate to waypower.
Source: Adapted from Snyder, C. R. Managing for high hope. R&D Innovator, 1995,4(6), 6 –7; Snyder, C. R.,
LaPointe, A. B., Crowson, J. J., and Early, S. Preferences of high- and low-hope people for self-referential
input. Cognition and Emotion, 1998, 12, 807–823.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
seen as a challenge that needs to be worked around. What happens when high-hope
individuals are blocked from reaching their goal? They are not filled with anger,
self-pity, and negative emotions, as is the case for low-hope individuals in similar
circumstances. Rather, high-hope individuals will find another goal that will fulfill
similar needs. This is because high-hope individuals have several goals that can
bring them happiness. Leaders who are hopeful spend more time with employees,
establish open lines of communication with employees and others, and help others
set difficult, but achievable, goals. High-hope individuals tend to be more certain
of their goals, value progress toward achieving those goals, enjoy interacting with
individuals, readily adapt to new relationships, and are less anxious in stressful situations than are low-hope individuals.
Leaders can help employees increase their level of hope by using one or more of
the following management practices.25 First, they can help subordinates set clear and
specific goals that have benchmarks so that the employees can track progress toward
their goals. Vague goals may actually lessen hope because the result sought is unclear
and tracking progress is therefore difficult, if not impossible. Employees who set
performance goals that are slightly higher than previous levels of performance learn
to expand their range of hope. They also learn a great deal about which goals are
best for them. Second, leaders can help employees break overall, long-term goals into
small subgoals or steps. Remember how you learned to ride a bike? Through many falls
and wobbles, you learned that each consecutive subgoal (moving the pedals, balancing, going a block without falling) is a stretch. These small steps provided you with
positive mental maps about how to reach your goal—riding a bike. Third, leaders can
help employees figure out how to motivate themselves to reach their goals.
Job Satisfaction
An attitude of great interest to managers and team leaders is job satisfaction.26 Job
satisfaction reflects the extent to which individuals find fulfillment in their work. Job satisfaction has been linked to employees staying on the job and low job turnover. With the
cost of replacing employees being about 30 to 40 percent of their salary, job turnover
can become quite expensive. Similarly, employees who are highly satisfied with their
jobs come to work regularly and are less likely to take sick days.
Do employees generally like their jobs? Despite what you may hear in the news
about dissatisfied employees going on strike or even acting violently toward their
coworkers and/or managers, they are generally quite satisfied with their jobs. Low job
satisfaction can result in costly turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, and even poor mental
health. Because job satisfaction is important to organizations, we need to look at the
factors that contribute to it.
A popular measure of job satisfaction used by organizations is shown in Table 3.4.
It measures five facets of job satisfaction: pay, security, social, supervisory, and growth
satisfaction. Take time now to complete it. Obviously, you may be satisfied with some
aspects of your job and, at the same time, dissatisfied with others.
The sources of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction vary from person to person.
Some individuals may find that being an animal control officer, mortician, correctional/probation officer, or a used car salesperson might not offer sources of personal
satisfaction. Yet, individuals who perform these jobs often think that they are performing important jobs and derive a great sense of job satisfaction from performing them.
Important sources of satisfaction for many employees include the challenge of the job,
the interest that the work holds for them, the physical activity required, working conditions, rewards available from the organization, the nature of coworkers, and the like.
Table 3.5 lists work factors that often are related to various levels of job satisfaction.
An important implication is that job satisfaction be should considered an outcome of
an individual’s work experience. Thus, high levels of dissatisfaction should indicate to
leaders that problems exist, say, with working conditions, the reward system, or the
employee’s role in the organization.
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
TABLE 3.4 Measuring Job Satisfaction
Think of the job you have now, or a job you’ve had in the past. Indicate how satisfied you are with
each aspect of your job below, using the following scale:
Extremely dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Slightly satisfied
Extremely satisfied
_____ 1.
The amount of job security I have.
_____ 2.
The amount of pay and fringe benefits I receive.
_____ 3.
The amount of personal growth and development I get in doing my job.
_____ 4.
The people I talk to and work with on my job.
_____ 5.
The degree of respect and fair treatment I receive from my boss.
_____ 6.
The feeling of worthwhile accomplishment I get from doing my job.
_____ 7.
The chance to get to know other people while on the job.
_____ 8.
The amount of support and guidance I receive from my supervisor.
_____ 9.
The degree to which I am fairly paid for what I contribute to this organization.
_____ 10. The amount of independent thought and action I can exercise in my job.
_____ 11. How secure things look for me in the future in this organization.
_____ 12. The chance to help other people while at work.
_____ 13. The amount of challenge in my job.
_____ 14. The overall quality of the supervision I receive on my work.
Now, compute your scores for the facets of job satisfaction.
Pay Satisfaction:
Q2 + Q9 = _____ Divided by 2:
Security Satisfaction:
Q1 + Q11 = _____ Divided by 2:
Social Satisfaction:
Q4 + Q7 + Q12 = _____ Divided by 3:
Supervisory Satisfaction:
Q5 + Q8 + Q14 = _____ Divided by 3:
Growth Satisfaction:
Q3 + Q6 + Q10 + Q13 = _____ Divided by 4:
Scores on the facets range from 1 to 7. (Scores lower than 4 suggest there is room for change.) This
questionnaire is an abbreviated version of the Job Diagnostic Survey, a widely used tool for assessing
individuals’ attitudes about their jobs.
Source: J. Richard Hackman & Greg R. Oldham, Work Redesign, © 1980. Reprinted by permission of
Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
A commonsense notion is that job satisfaction leads directly to effective performance. (A happy worker is a good worker.) Yet, numerous studies have shown that a
simple, direct link between job satisfaction and job performance often doesn’t exist.27
Research has shown that job satisfaction and job performance are influenced by one’s
personality. That is, a person’s locus of control and Big Five personality characteristics
affect the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. The difficulty
of relating attitudes to behavior is important. For example, individuals who hold a
positive attitude toward their job but are low in conscientiousness may not necessarily work harder because they end up coming in late to work, fail to show up at all, are
unorganized, and the like. General attitudes best predict general behaviors, and specific attitudes are related most strongly to specific behaviors. These principles explain,
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 3. 5 Effects of Various Work Factors on Job Satisfaction
Work itself
Mentally challenging work that the individual can
successfully accomplish is satisfying.
Physical demands
Tiring work is dissatisfying.
Personal interest
Personally interesting work is satisfying.
Reward structure
Rewards that are equitable and that provide accurate
feedback for performance are satisfying.
Working conditions
Satisfaction depends on the match between working
conditions and physical needs.
Goal attainment
Working conditions that promote goal attainment are
High self-esteem is conducive to job satisfaction.
Others in the organization
Individuals will be satisfied with supervisors, coworkers, or
subordinates who help them attain rewards. Also, individuals
will be more satisfied with colleagues who see things the
same way they do.
Organization and management
Individuals will be satisfied with organizations that have
policies and procedures designed to help them attain
rewards. Individuals will be dissatisfied with conflicting roles
and/or ambiguous roles imposed by the organization.
Fringe benefits
Benefits do not have a strong influence on job satisfaction
for most workers.
Source: Adapted from Landy, F. J. Psychology of Work Behavior, 4th ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.:
Brooks/Cole, 1989, 470.
at least in part, why the expected relationships often don’t exist. Job satisfaction is a
collection of numerous attitudes toward various aspects of the job and represents a
general attitude. Performance of a specific task, such as preparing a particular monthly
report, can’t necessarily be predicted on the basis of a general attitude. However, studies have shown that the level of overall workforce job satisfaction and organizational
performance are linked. That is, organizations with satisfied employees tend to be
more effective than organizations with unsatisfied employees.
Mercedes-Benz leaders learned how to create a high-performing and satisfied
workforce when it developed its M-Class SUV built in Vance, Alabama. Experts from
around the globe met with the leadership of Mercedes-Benz to offer them advice on
how to create this new factory. The following Across Cultures Competency feature
describes how Mercedes-Benz designed the Alabama factory to let workers derive a
sense of high job satisfaction from working in this plant.28
Across Cultures competency
Mercedes-Benz is one of the world’s most widely
recognized brands. It represents quality and
luxury. In Germany, engineers are highly trained
experts who develop their skills by working as
an apprentice to a Meister (master in the profession). Workers accept the authority of the Meister
and don’t expect to be treated as equals to the
Meister. Once they learn the skills they need,
Chapter 3
them. The workers made a change, and that
change saved 2 seconds off the line for all SUVs.
All workers are looking for small changes that
will make their job more satisfying. According
to George Jones, a 38-year-old who inspects
raw materials at the plant, “job satisfaction is all
about having a voice in what goes on.”
they expect to carry out their tasks without close
supervision. This is a sign that they are respected
and can be trusted to do a good job. Strong
norms exist concerning the importance of producing cars and SUVs of superior quality. In many
U.S. automobile plants, managers control workers
through a division of labor and narrow spans of
control. Henry Ford’s assembly-line approach to
motivating workers still dominates many production plants. Employees are driven to get their job
done. Leaders are not concerned with employees
deriving much job satisfaction.
When the Vance plant was built, German
engineers spent two years helping to train
Americans to perform their work as part of
multidisciplinary teams. Each team was autonomous and managed its particular operations.
The teams are accountable for meeting quality
standards, controlling costs, and meeting production schedules. When Jack Duncan, a supervisor,
noticed that workers had to “slant walk” zigzag
style to reach parts in a bin, he called the workers together to find a better arrangement for
Understanding Individual Differences
At Mercedes-Benz, teams are accountable for meeting quality
To learn more about Mercedes-Benz, go to www.mercedesbenz.com.
Take a look at the various work factors in Table 3.5. How many can you identify in
the Mercedes-Benz example? How do these contribute to employee job satisfaction?
Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment influences whether a person stays on the job.
Organizational commitment is the strength of an employee’s involvement in the organization and identification with it.29 Employees who stay with their organization for a long
period of time tend to be more committed to the organization than those who work for
shorter periods of time. For long-time employees, the thought of packing up and moving on is not taken lightly. Strong organizational commitment is characterized by:
a support of and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values,
a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization, and
a desire to remain with the organization.30
Highly committed employees will probably see themselves as dedicated members
of the organization, referring to the organization in personal terms, such as “We
make high-quality products.” They will overlook minor sources of job dissatisfaction. In contrast, less committed employees often view their relationship with the
organization in less personal terms (“They don’t offer quality service”), will express
their dissatisfaction more openly about things, and will have a short tenure with the
Organizational commitment goes beyond loyalty to include an active contribution to accomplishing organizational goals. Organizational commitment represents a
broader work-related attitude than job satisfaction. It applies to the entire organization
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
rather than just to the job. Further, commitment typically is more stable than satisfaction because day-to-day events are less likely to change commitment.
As with job satisfaction, the sources of organizational commitment may vary from
person to person. Employees’ initial commitment to an organization is determined
largely by their individual characteristics (e.g., cultural values, personality, attitudes)
and how well their early job experiences match their expectations. If you have ever
visited Seattle’s Pike Place Fish Market, you probably saw John Yokoyama. John
encourages employees to work hard, have fun, be kind, and develop positive attitudes.
Tossing the fish and joking with customers, practices that may not work at Exxon,
seem to work at Yokoyama’s fish market.
Organizational commitment continues to be influenced by job experiences, with
many of the same factors that lead to job satisfaction also contributing to organizational
commitment or lack of commitment: pay, relationships with supervisors and coworkers, working conditions, opportunities for advancement, and so on. How would you
describe workers’ job commitment in the Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama?
Over time, organizational commitment tends to become stronger because (1) individuals develop deeper ties to the organization and their coworkers as they spend
more time with them, (2) seniority often brings advantages that tend to develop more
positive work attitudes, and (3) opportunities in the job market may decrease with age,
causing employees to become more strongly attached to their current organization.
A highly committed organization is one in which everyone feels equally committed to the organization’s goals. Members of majority and minority groups feel
respected; everyone has an equal chance to express views and influence decisions; and
everyone has equal access to both formal and informal networks within the organization. Scott McQuillan describes how Deloitte & Touche earns its employee commitment in the following Diversity Competency feature.31
Diversity competency
Deloitte & Touche
At the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche,
employment numbers alerted partners to a disturbing trend. Only about 5 percent of the firm’s
partners were women, and the turnover rate
for women throughout the firm was 30 percent.
When Diana O’Brien left Deloitte & Touche to
work for another firm, she was just one of the
many women who did so. Subsequently, partners
at the firm realized that they needed to change
their diversity policy. The changes they made
were so successful that Diana O’Brien decided
to return. “Before I left, I couldn’t have a life and
still do consulting. Now, enough has changed
that I have been able to do that,” she explained.
One of the most significant changes was the
company’s flexible work arrangements, which
includes compressed workweeks, telecommuting,
To learn about Deloitte & Touche, go to www.deloitte.com.
job sharing, and paid child-care leave. For Jeff
McLane, the changes made it possible for him
to have a more balanced personal life, which
included time to train for competing as an
Olympic cyclist. For Scott McQuillan, the firm’s
diversity and inclusion program helped him
win the war for talent at college campuses.
Getting the message out that the firm wanted
applicants to be able to balance work and family was critical for McQuillan’s college recruiting
program success. The firm was also committed
to hiring college seniors with different backgrounds. McQuillan started to recruit earlier and
attend conferences sponsored by the National
Association of Black, Hispanic and Latino
Accountants. Such tactics helped the firm bring in
a variety of diverse individuals.
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
Emotions at Work
Anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, happiness, and relief are all feelings that you have
probably experienced in organizations. These feelings are all part of your emotions.
Emotions are the complex patterns of feelings toward an object or person. We have all
seen how emotions affect workplace attitudes and behaviors. When performing your
job, you experience a variety of emotions during the day. You also know that how
employees and leaders handle their emotions at work has a tremendous impact on
their productivity.32 The more positive emotions we experience while at work, the
more we form positive attitudes toward the organization. Positive emotions, such as
joy, affection, and happiness, serve many purposes. When employees experience these
positive emotions, they tend to think more creatively, seek out new information and
experiences, behave more flexibly, have greater confidence in their competencies, and
be more persistent.
Positive emotions also help individuals bounce back from adversity and live
longer and healthier lives. Individuals who experience positive emotions, especially
during stressful times, tend to tolerate pain better, cope with and recover from illness
faster, and experience less depression. In contrast, negative emotions, such as anger,
disgust, and sadness, tend to narrow an individual’s focus and limit his or her options
to seek alternatives. For example, anger tends to lead to a desire to escape, attack, or
take revenge, and guilt/shame can result in a person’s desire to withdraw from the situation rather than creatively problem solve. Negative emotions also tend to produce
larger, more long-lasting effects than positive emotions. That is, negative emotions
tend to stay with individuals longer than positive ones.
The distinction between positive and negative emotions is shown in Figure 3.5.
Negative emotions are incongruent with the goal you are striving to achieve. For
example, which of the six emotions are you likely to experience if you fail the final
exam for this course, or if you are dismissed from a job? Failing the exam or losing
a job is incongruent with the goal of graduating or being perceived as an accomplished professional. On the other hand, which of the four positive emotions, shown
in Figure 3.5, will you likely experience if you graduate with honors or receive a
promotion? The emotions experienced in these situations are positive because they
are congruent with your goals. Therefore, emotions are goal directed.
Positive emotions have been linked to organizational effectiveness. Leaders who
express positive emotions encourage employees to feel positive emotions as well.
When individuals have positive emotions, they are more likely to set high goals, see
and fix mistakes, feel more competent, and have greater problem-solving capabilities.
In organizations that recently cut staff, such as AT&T and Hewlett-Packard, those
organizations with leaders who displayed positive emotions in such trying times had
significantly higher productivity, higher quality, and lower voluntary employee turnover than those leaders who displayed negative emotions. After the attacks on the Hotel
Oberoi and Taj Mahal in Mumbai, India, in November 2008, employees at a local
restaurant near the hotels were told by their manager that they could leave to protect
their safety. Instead, employees and the store supervisors chose to stay. They literally
pulled stunned individuals passing by into the store, giving them food, drink, shelter,
and emotional support. As one reporter said: “Embedded in a crisis is an opportunity
for employers to build loyalty and wholeheartedly provide positive emotions.”
A Model of Emotions
A model of how emotions affect behavior is shown in Figure 3.6.33 The process starts
with a goal. A goal refers to what an individual is trying to accomplish. That is, a goal
is your purpose or intent. An eye doctor may have a goal of serving 30 patients a
week. Anticipatory emotions refer to the emotions that individuals believe they will feel
Learning Goal
4. Explain how emotions
impact employees’ performance.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 3. 5 Positive and Negative Emotions
Negative Emotions
Positive Emotions
after achievement of or failure to reach their goal. For example, at Sewell Automotive in
Dallas, Texas, a salesperson’s goal is to sell 9 cars a month. If they sell between 9 and
19 cars, they receive special recognition from their manager (e.g., flowers, round of
golf, choice of cars to drive for the next month). If they sell more than 20 cars in any
month, they receive a special letter from Carl Sewell, a weekend package at a local
hotel with all expenses paid, as well as flowers, golf, etc. If they sell fewer than 9 cars
a month, they will receive coaching on their selling tactics. If they sell fewer than 27
cars in three months, they are dismissed.
The key motivational device is to have each salesperson imagine the emotions
she will feel when she reaches her goal. The more desirable the implications are for
achieving the goal, the more intense will be the anticipated emotions from achieving
that goal. Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and other diet organizations ask individuals
to write down the emotions they anticipate they will experience when they reach their
weight goals. Individuals who anticipated positive emotions (e.g., I will feel excited,
delighted, etc.) lost more weight than those who didn’t have such positive anticipatory
If the anticipatory emotions are of sufficient intensity to motivate the individual, the
individual will engage in those behaviors in order to reach his goal. That is, a person will
need to develop a plan, outline the behaviors needed to reach his plan, and exert effort to
exhibit those behaviors. Returning to our diet example, if individuals can imagine strong
positive emotions from achieving their weight goals, they need to behave in ways that
will enable them to reach that positive emotion. That is, they need to start exercising and
dieting. Both of these behaviors are linked to loss of weight. As shown in Figure 3.6, goal
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
FIGURE 3.6 Role of Emotions in Performance
attainment is the next step. Did they reach their goals? Yes or no? If yes, then they would
experience positive emotions; if no, then they would experience negative emotions. In
our dietary plan, researchers found that those individuals who could anticipate positive
emotions from achieving their goal were more likely to diet and exercise and reach their
goal than those individuals who didn’t engage in these behaviors.
Cross-Cultural Differences
There are cross-cultural differences in the display of emotions. Most Japanese managers believe that it is inappropriate to get emotional doing business, compared with
40 percent of Americans, 34 percent of French managers, and 29 percent of Italians.
Italians, for example, are more likely to accept individuals who display their emotions
at work, whereas this would be considered rude in Japan. In the Japanese culture,
hiding one’s emotions is considered a virtue because the lack of expression minimizes
conflict and avoids drawing attention to the individual. Tomoko Yoshida is a customer
relations training expert who works at the Sheraton Hotels in Japan. He teaches hotel
employees never to show emotions while talking with a guest. In particular, even if the
employee is upset, they are instructed never to point with a finger. Pointing is considered rude. Using one’s whole hand shows more effort and is considered more polite
and business-like. Similarly, if a customer is sitting in a restaurant and the waiter raises
his or her voice, it signals to the customer that the waiter wants the guest to leave and
isn’t welcome any longer. Yoshida also instructs bellmen not to use their feet to close
a door or move a customer’s bags or toys even if the bellman is upset. Why? In Japan,
individuals believe that the ground is where they walk in shoes. When they go home,
they take their shoes off because they don’t want to mix the outside ground with the
inside ground. So not using their shoes to move bags—and possibly mixing inside and
outside ground—is a sign of respect Yoshida would like the bellmen to exhibit.
Yoshikihiko Kadokawa, author of The Power of Laughing Face, found that even in
Japan’s culture, the friendliest clerks in some of Japan’s biggest retail stores consistently rang up the highest sales. His research found that smiling salesclerks reported
20 percent more sales than nonsmiling salesclerks. McDonald’s Corporation is using
Kadokawa’s techniques in Japan to screen applicants. The company screens out individuals who are too poker faced. When asked by the company to describe a pleasant
experience, those applicants who don’t smile and indicate that they find pleasure in
what they’re discussing aren’t hired. McDonald’s wants all of their employees to provide the friendly service at the price stated on its menu: “Smiles, 0 yen.”34
Insights for Leaders
Let’s consider six ways by which leaders can create positive emotions in their
Express positive emotions—gratitude, generosity, optimism, trust—regularly at
work. Start meetings with sincere words of appreciation. Remember that positive emotions are contagious, especially when expressed by direct supervisors and
organizational leaders.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
A rule of thumb is that the number of positive communications sent by the leader
should outnumber the number of negative communications by a ratio of 5:1 if the
employee is to have positive emotions at work.
Give unexpected kindness and reach out to others when it is least expected. When
the leader engages in positive emotions and behaviors when it goes against the
norm, the element of surprise and courage becomes a powerful example to others,
both strengthening individuals’ trust in their leader and role-modeling behavior
for others to follow.
Help individuals find positive meaning in their day-to-day work lives. The leader
should assist employees with seeing how their work contributes to a greater good
and whom they are helping through their efforts.
Provide opportunities for employees to help each other and to express appreciation for the help they receive from others.
Celebrate small wins with employees so that they experience ongoing success and
the associated positive emotions.
Chapter Summary
1. Explain the basic
sources of personality
2. Identify a set of
personality dimensions
that affect performance.
3. Describe the attitudes
that affect performance.
4. Explain how emotions
impact employees’
Personality is a person’s set of relatively stable characteristics and traits that account
for consistent patterns of behavior in various situations. Each individual is like other
individuals in some ways and in some ways is unique. An individual’s personality
is determined by inherited genes and the environment. Experiences occur within
the framework of the individual’s biological, physical, and social environment—all
of which are modified by the culture, family, and other groups to which the person belongs. We reviewed five basic cultural values—individualism and collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, gender role orientation, and long-term
orientation—that impact the development of a person’s personality.
An individual’s personality may be described by a set of factors known as the Big
Five personality factors. Specifically, these personality factors describe an individual’s
degree of emotional stability, agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness. We hope that you took the opportunity to assess your own Big Five personality
dimensions in Table 3.1. Many specific personality dimensions, including self-esteem,
locus of control, and emotional intelligence, have important relationships to work
behavior and outcomes. In addition, an understanding of interactions between the
person and the situation is important for comprehending organizational behavior.
Attitudes are patterns of feelings, beliefs, and behavioral tendencies directed toward
specific individuals, groups, ideas, issues, or objects. Attitudes have affective (feelings,
emotions), cognitive (beliefs, knowledge), and behavioral (a predisposition to act in
a particular way) components. The relationship between attitudes and behavior isn’t
always clear, although important relationships exist. We reviewed how the attitudes
of hope, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment affect behavior in many
Employees show a variety of emotions during the day. Some of these are positive and
can lead to more effective performance, whereas others are negative and can lead to
poor performance. We introduced how emotions can influence the productivity of
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
Key Terms and Concepts
Agreeableness, 79
Anticipatory emotions, 93
Attitudes, 85
Collectivism, 73
Conscientiousness, 80
Emotional intelligence, 83
Emotional stability, 79
Emotions, 93
External locus of control, 82
Extraversion, 80
Gender role orientation, 74
Goal, 93
Hope, 87
Individual differences, 70
Individualism, 73
Internal locus of control, 82
Job satisfaction, 88
Locus of control, 82
Long-term orientation, 74
Openness, 80
Organizational commitment, 91
Personality, 70
Personality trait, 77
Power distance, 73
Reliability, 80
Self-awareness, 83
Self-esteem, 81
Self-motivation, 84
Social empathy, 83
Social skills, 84
Uncertainty avoidance, 74
Validity, 80
Discussion Questions
Visit Apple’s website (www.apple.com) and enter “Steve
Jobs” in the search icon. Then click on the feature
showing him deliver a speech. How does this speech
illustrate the factors in the Big Five personality profile?
Atlas Sports Genetics (www.atlasgene.com.) offers to
test parents to determine whether their children have
inherited the genes to be a successful football player,
marathon runner, etc. What are some ethical issues
raised by doing this?
How might the values of a culture impact the development of a person’s personality? What cultural
dimensions seem to have the most influence on this
developmental process?
What influences on personality development seem most
important to you? Why?
Using the Big Five personality factors, describe the personality of (a) a close family member and (b) a person
for whom you have worked. How do these factors affect
your behavior toward them?
6. Can individuals change their attitude without changing
their behavior? Give an example.
7. Describe how you can develop your hope attitude to
improve your performance.
8. Don Tuttle, CEO of Top Gun Ventures, thinks that
satisfied workers are more productive than less satisfied workers. Do you agree or disagree with him?
9. Think of an organization that you have worked for.
What factors seemed to influence your commitment to
this organization?
10. In what ways does the model of emotions affect your
attitude and performance?
Experiential Exercises and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What Are Your Cultural Values?35
In the following questionnaire, we ask you about your perception of your own culture’s values. Please indicate the extent
to which you agree or disagree with each statement. For
example, if you strongly agree with a particular statement, you
would circle the 5 next to that statement.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
_____ 8.
_____ 9.
_____ 10.
_____ 11.
_____ 12.
_____ 13.
_____ 14.
_____ 15.
_____ 16.
_____ 17.
_____ 18.
_____ 19.
_____ 20.
_____ 21.
_____ 22.
_____ 23.
_____ 24.
_____ 25.
It is important to have job requirements and
instructions spelled out in detail so that employees always know what they are expected to do.
1 2 3 4 5
Managers expect employees to follow instructions and procedures closely.
1 2 3 4 5
Rules and regulations are important because they
inform employees about what the organization
expects of them.
1 2 3 4 5
Standard operating procedures are helpful
to employees on the job.
1 2 3 4 5
Instructions for completing job tasks are
important for employees on the job.
1 2 3 4 5
Group welfare is more important than individual
1 2 3 4 5
Group success is more important than individual
1 2 3 4 5
Being accepted by the members of the work
group is very important.
1 2 3 4 5
Employees should only pursue their goals
after considering the welfare of the
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should encourage group loyalty even if
individual goals suffer.
1 2 3 4 5
Individuals should be expected to give up
their goals in order to benefit group
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should make most decisions without
consulting subordinates.
1 2 3 4 5
Managers must often use authority and
power when dealing with subordinates.
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should seldom ask for the opinions of
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should avoid off-the-job social contacts
with employees.
1 2 3 4 5
Employees should not disagree with management
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should not delegate important tasks to
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should help employees with their family problems.
1 2 3 4 5
Management should see to it that workers are
adequately clothed and fed.
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should help employees solve their personal problems.
1 2 3 4 5
Managers should see that health care is provided
to all employees.
1 2 3 4 5
Management should see that children of
employees have an adequate education.
1 2 3 4 5
Management should provide legal assistance for
employees who get in trouble with the law.
1 2 3 4 5
Management should take care of employees as
they would treat their children. 1 2 3 4 5
Meetings are usually run more effectively when
they are chaired by a man.
1 2 3 4 5
_____ 26. It is more important for men to have professional
careers than it is for women to have professional
1 2 3 4 5
_____ 27. Men usually solve problems with logical
analysis; women usually solve problems with
1 2 3 4 5
_____ 28. Solving organizational problems usually
requires an active, forcible approach typical
of men.
1 2 3 4 5
_____ 29. It is preferable to have a man in a high-level
position rather than a woman.
1 2 3 4 5
The questionnaire measures each of the five basic culture
dimensions. Your score can range from 5 to 35. The numbers
in parentheses that follow the title of the value are the question numbers. Add the scores for these questions to arrive at
your total score for each cultural value. The higher your score,
the more you demonstrate the cultural value.
Value 1: Uncertainty Avoidance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Your score
_____. A high score indicates a culture in which individuals
often try to make the future predictable by closely following
rules and regulations. Organizations try to avoid uncertainty by creating rules and rituals that give the illusion of
Value 2: Individualism–Collectivism (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
Your score _____. A high score indicates collectivism, or a
culture in which individuals believe that group success is more
important than individual achievement. Loyalty to the group
comes before all else. Employees are loyal and emotionally
dependent on their organization.
Value 3: Power Distance (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). Your score
_____. A high score indicates a culture in which individuals
believe in the unequal distribution of power among segments
of the culture. Employees fear disagreeing with their bosses
and are seldom asked for their opinions by their bosses.
Value 4: Long-Term Orientation (18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24). Your score _____. A high score indicates a culture
in which individuals value persistence, thrift, and respect for
tradition. Young employees are expected to follow orders
given to them by their elders and delay gratification of their
material, social, and emotional needs.
Value 5: Gender Role Orientation (25, 26, 27, 28, 29).
Your score _____. A high score indicates masculinity, or a
culture in which individuals value the acquisition of money
and other material things. Successful managers are viewed as
aggressive, tough, and competitive. Earnings, recognition, and
advancement are important. Quality of life and cooperation
are not as highly prized.
According to your perception of your culture, what values are most important in your culture?
How do these values influence the behaviors of
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual Differences
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What’s Your Emotional IQ?36
An individual difference that has recently received a great deal
of interest is emotional intelligence (EQ). You can assess your
EQ by using the following scale.
Using a scale of 1 through 4, where 1 = strongly disagree,
2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = somewhat agree, and
4 = strongly agree, respond to the 32 statements.
_____ 1. I know when to speak about my personal problems to others.
_____ 2. When I’m faced with obstacles, I remember times
I faced similar obstacles and overcame them.
_____ 3. I expect that I will do well on most things.
_____ 4. Other individuals find it easy to confide in me.
_____ 5. I find it easy to understand the nonverbal messages of other individuals.
_____ 6. Some of the major events of my life have led
me to reevaluate what is important and not
_____ 7. When my mood changes, I see new possibilities.
_____ 8. Emotions are one of the things that make life
worth living.
_____ 9. I am aware of my emotions as I experience them.
_____ 10. I expect good things to happen.
_____ 11. I like to share my emotions with other
_____ 12. When I experience a positive emotion, I know
how to make it last.
_____ 13. I arrange events others enjoy.
_____ 14. I seek out activities that make me happy.
_____ 15. I am aware of the nonverbal messages I send to
_____ 16. I present myself in a way that makes a good
impression on others.
_____ 17. When I am in a positive mood, solving problems
is easy for me.
_____ 18. By looking at facial expressions, I can recognize
the emotions that others are feeling.
_____ 19. I know why my emotions change.
_____ 20. When I am in a positive mood, I am able to come
up with new ideas.
_____ 21. I have control over my emotions.
_____ 22. I easily recognize my emotions as I experience
_____ 23. I motivate myself by imagining a good outcome
to the tasks I do.
_____ 24. I compliment others when they have done something well.
_____ 25. I am aware of the nonverbal messages other individuals send.
_____ 26. When another person tells me about an important
event in his or her life, I almost feel as though I
have experienced this event myself.
_____ 27. When I feel a change in emotions, I tend to come
up with new ideas.
_____ 28. When I am faced with a challenge, I usually rise
to the occasion.
_____ 29. I know what other individuals are feeling just by
looking at them.
_____ 30. I help other individuals feel better when they are
_____ 31. I use good moods to help myself keep trying in
the face of obstacles.
_____ 32. I can tell how individuals are feeling by listening
to the tone of their voices.
Add your responses to questions 1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20,
22, 23, and 27. Put this total here_____. This is your selfawareness score.
Add your responses to questions 4, 15, 18, 25, 29, and 32.
Put this total here_____. This is your social empathy score.
Add your responses to questions 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 21, 28,
and 31. Put this total here_____. This is your self-motivation
Add your responses to questions 5, 11, 13, 24, 26, and 30.
Put this total here_____. This is your social skills score.
Discussion and Interpretation
The higher your score is in each of these four areas, the more
emotionally intelligent you are. Individuals who score high
(greater than 36) in self-awareness recognize how their feelings,
beliefs, and behavior affect others. They accurately assess their
strengths and limitations, and have a strong sense of their selfworth and capabilities.
Individuals who score high (greater than 18) in social
empathy are thoughtful and consider others’ feelings when
making decisions and weigh those feelings along with other
factors when making a decision. They are good at understanding others, taking an active interest in their concerns, empathizing with them, and recognizing the needs of others.
Individuals who score high (greater than 24) in selfmotivation can keep their disruptive emotions and impulses
under control, maintain standards of integrity and honesty,
are conscientious, adapt their behaviors to changing situations, and have internal standards of excellence that guide
their behaviors. That is, these individuals always want to do
things better and seek feedback from others about their performance. They are passionate about their work.
Individuals who have high (greater than 18) social skills
sense others’ developmental needs, inspire and lead groups,
send clear and convincing messages, build effective interpersonal relationships, and work well with others to achieve
shared goals. They build effective bonds between individuals.
Often, they appear to be socializing with coworkers, but they
are actually working to build solid relationships at work.
Use EQ to describe a friend. What are this person’s
strengths and weaknesses?
Is EQ genetic or shaped by experience?
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Case: Self Competency
Larry Ellison at Oracle Computer37
Larry Ellison, founder and CEO of Oracle Computer whose
net worth is in the billions, has been the driving force at
Oracle since he started the company more than two decades
ago. He is now the fourth richest man in America with an
annual salary of more than $72 million, a pay package that
is 12 times bigger than the average pay of CEOs in the
technology industry. Addressing his stockholders at Oracle’s
Redwood Shores, California, headquarters in 2008, he delivered a 30-minute profanity-laced speech in which he attacked
his partners, competitors, the government, and most individuals in the room. PeopleSoft CEO Craig Conway called him
the modern-day “Genghis Khan” because of his atrociously
bad corporate behavior. In 2008 when Ellison proposed to
buy PeopleSoft, Conway noted that the takeover was nothing more than a sham intended to disrupt PeopleSoft’s sales.
PeopleSoft employees openly criticized Ellison. Pleasanton
City officials, home of PeopleSoft, questioned the integrity of
a man who would insensitively target thousands of jobs just to
claim a corporate victory. He is known for his corporate ruthlessness, which is outlined in a book by Mike Wilson titled
The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison. Go to Oracle’s
blog (www.oracle.com) and read the blogs from irate customers and employees.
Ellison’s brash disdain for failure and obsession with
reaching the top started as a child when his adoptive father
tried to lower his self-esteem, telling him that he would never
amount to anything. His father fled Russia in the early 1900s,
but was able put together enough money to make down payments on some apartment buildings in Chicago. He then
leveraged those properties to buy more. When the tenants
didn’t pay rent during the Great Depression of the 1930s, he
evicted them. His father was very hard on him also, but that
made Ellison tough and competitive. He dropped out of the
University of Illinois in 1964 because college was holding
him back. He nearly died in a high-profile yachting race off
the coast of Australia in 1998. His boat, named the Sayonara,
ran into a hurricane and nearly sank, but Ellison was able to
win the Sydney-to-Hobart race by his sheer persistence and
determination to win at all costs. One of Ellison’s favorite
quotes is from a Zen proverb: “Your garden is never complete
until there is nothing left to take out of it.” To his competitors,
the message is clear: Ellison will not be satisfied until there is
no more business to take away from competitors.
Ellison runs Oracle without much input from others. He
is famous for firing individuals because he doesn’t like them.
He lost Oracle’s President Raymond Lane and senior executive Gary Bloom and refused to name successors, calling such
a move dumb. He runs a tight ship that rewards employees
who produce and squeezes out those who don’t measure up
to his standards. Individuals stay at Oracle because they are
paid very well and fear recrimination. According to Thomas
Siebel, founder of Siebel Systems, which Oracle bought a
few years ago, “Larry is a control freak. He has the knack for
taking the best and the brightest and trying to destroy them.”
Ellison defectors often end up competing against him. “Larry
Ellison is a silver-backed alpha male gorilla,” says his former
friend and Oracle employee David Roux. “He will respond
only to a direct challenge.” Ellison likes to compete rather
than collaborate. For example, he gave out gold coins as sales
bonuses when Oracle drove Ingres Sybase out of business.
In his bid for PeopleSoft, he said that if he and PeopleSoft
CEO Craig Conway and Conway’s dog were standing next
to each other and Ellison had only one bullet, it wouldn’t be
for the dog.
Ellison might be a nightmare to work for, but his methods have created unimaginable wealth for the company’s
shareholders, managers, and employees. Since its initial stock
offering in 1986, Oracle’s share price has risen by more than
1,000 percent. It began with a staff of 3; today it employees
more than 50,000 worldwide. Oracle’s share of the database
market is 49 percent.
1. Using the Big Five personality factors, describe Ellison’s
personality characteristics. How do these affect others?
2. What’s Ellison EQ? Why do individuals work for him?
Perceptions and Attributions
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Describe the major elements in
the perceptual process.
Identify the main factors that
influence what the individual
Identify the factors that
determine how one person
perceives another.
Describe the primary errors in
perception that people make.
Explain how attributions
influence behavior.
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Jim Sinegal, Cofounder and CEO of Costco
Perceptual Process
Across Cultures Competency
McDonald’s Use of Feng Shui
Perceptual Selection
Communication Competency
Hand Gestures
Person Perception
Self Competency
Doing Business in Arab Countries
Perceptual Errors
Attribution Process
Ethics Competency
The Gap
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
The Perception Process
Case: Self Competency
Joan Murphy
Learning from Experience
Jim Sinegal, Cofounder and CEO of Costco
To learn more about Costco, go to
Jim Sinegal is the cofounder, president, and
CEO of Costco Wholesale, America’s fourth largest retailer, which opened its first warehouse
in 1983. Costco is a leading warehouse-club
operator with 546 warehouses worldwide. The
firm has 142,000 employees, 53 million gold
star members, and 5.6 million business members, each paying $50 per year to join. Revenues
have grown by 70 percent in the last five years
to exceed $72 billion. Costco has an 87 percent membership renewal rate. A typical Costco
store stocks 4,000 types of items, with a limited
number of each type, such as four brands of
Unlike the stereotypical CEO, Sinegal doesn’t
try to distance himself from his employees. He
even wears a name tag—but not one that says
“Jim, the CEO” or “Jim, Costco
Founder.” It just says “Jim.” He
easily could be mistaken for a
stock clerk when he visits warehouses, sometimes up to 12 a
day. On Costco’s website, where
executive officers are listed,
his name appears in alphabetical order—not what you would
expect of a corporate CEO.
His management philosophy
is simple. He states: “We have
said from the very beginning:
‘We’re going to be a company
that’s on a first-name basis with
everyone.’” That also includes
answering his own phone and
doing his own faxes. He continues: “If a customer’s calling
and they have a gripe, don’t you
think they kind of enjoy the fact that I picked up
the phone and talked to them?” Because he listened to customers, Costco started its Kirkland
Signature Wines brand, which has sold very well,
but also had to exit the home-improvement and
magazine businesses. Sinegal believes that customers shop at Costco for quality. Sinegal looks at
a warehouse from the standpoint of a customer.
Does the building have the right goods out? Is
it well stocked, clean, and safe? He believes that
when you have a sloppy building, it’s a sign that
there is pilfering and shoplifting.
Many executives think shareholders are best
served if they do all they can to hold down costs,
including the costs of labor. Costco’s approach is
different, in terms of how employees are treated.
Sinegal says, “[Paying high wages] absolutely
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
makes good business sense. Most people agree
that we’re the lowest-cost provider. Yet we pay
the highest wages. So it must mean we get better
productivity. It’s axiomatic in our business—you
get what you pay for.” He is working on having employees work 10-hour days so they don’t
have to drive to work every day. This could save
employees 20 percent on their gasoline purchases. Sinegal remarks: “Obviously it’s not just
wages that motivate people. How much they are
respected, and whether they feel they can have a
career at a company, are also important.”
One of Sinegal’s cardinal rules is that no
branded item, such as a Xerox printer, can be
marked up by more than 14 percent and no private-label item, such as Costco gasoline, by more
than 15 percent. In contrast, supermarkets generally
mark up merchandise by 25 percent and department stores by 50 percent or more. The secret to
Costco’s profit is simple. Its margin on each item
isn’t very high—but Sinegal says they make it up on
volume. Some Wall Street analysts think Costco is
also overly generous to its customers. One analyst
states: “At Costco, it’s better to be an employee
or a customer than a shareholder.” Another analyst
asserts: “Whatever goes to employees comes out
of the pockets of shareholders.” Sinegal replies:
“On Wall Street, they’re in the business of making
money between now and next Thursday. I don’t say
that with any bitterness, but we can’t take that view.
We want to build a company that will still be here
50 and 60 years from now.” Interestingly, Costco
stock has done very well.
For the past several years, Sinegal has
received a salary of $350,000, plus stock options.
That is low for a CEO of a $72 billion-per-year
business. By comparison, the typical CEO of a
large American company makes more than 430
times the pay of the average worker. Sinegal
states, “I figured that if I was making something
like 12 times more than the typical person working on the floor that was a fair salary.” Of course,
as a cofounder of the company, Sinegal owns a
lot of Costco stock.1
The Learning from Experience feature illustrates the importance of how a leader’s
perceptions of his employees influence employees’ behavior. People base their behaviors on what they perceive, not necessarily on what reality is. In this chapter, we explore
the importance of perception and attribution. First, we describe the perceptual process.
Then, we examine the external and internal factors that influence perception, the ways
that people organize perceptions, the process of person perception, and various errors in
the perceptual process. Finally, we explore the attributions that people make to explain
their behaviors and those of others.
Learning Goal
1. Describe the major
elements in the perceptual
Perceptual Process
As Jim Sinegal discovered, it is the perception of reality—not reality—that influences
behavior. Perception is the process by which the individual selects, organizes, interprets,
and responds to information. Employees are constantly exposed to a variety of information. They know when leaders are being phony. This information is processed in a
person’s mind and organized to form concepts pertaining to what is sensed or experienced. What happens when Tina Potter goes to Costco to buy a bouquet of flowers?
Before buying it, she looks at the types of flowers in the bouquet, looks at the size of
the bouquet and other bouquets that are available in her price range, and smells the
flowers to see if they are fresh. After all of those activities, she decides whether or not
to purchase the bouquet. Her mind processes all of this information to make a decision about whether to buy the bouquet and where it would look nice in her home.
She gathers this information by using her three senses—touch, sight, and smell. This
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
represents the psychological process whereby individuals take information from their
environment and make sense of it.2
The key words in the definition of perception are select and organize. Different
people often perceive a situation differently, both in terms of what they selectively
perceive and how they organize and interpret what is perceived. Figure 4.1 summarizes the basic elements in the perceptual process from initial observation to final
Everyone selectively pays attention to some aspects of the environment and selectively ignores other aspects. For example, when shoppers pull into the gasoline station
at Costco, what objects in their environment are they paying attention to and what do
they ignore? What do they observe? A well-lit station, clean areas to pump gas, fully
stocked paper towel dispensers with squeegees to wipe and clean windshields, etc.,
are objects people notice when they pull into a gas line at Costco. They might ignore
FIGURE 4.1 The Perceptual Process
Objects in the person’s environment
Perceptual Selection
Perceptual Organization
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
signs advertising freshly brewed coffee or the price of Coke. A person’s selection
process involves both external and internal factors. In other words, a complex set of
factors, some internal to the person (attitudes) and some in the external environment,
combine to determine what the person perceives. We discuss this important process
in more detail shortly.
The individual organizes the stimuli selected into meaningful patterns. How
people interpret what they perceive varies considerably. The Experiential Exercise at
the end of this chapter titled The Perception Process permits you to test your current
level of perceptual skills. For example, a wave of the hand may be interpreted as a
friendly gesture or as a threat, depending on the circumstances and the state of mind
of those involved. Leaders and employees need to recognize that perceptions of events
and behaviors may vary among individuals and be inaccurate.
As suggested in Figure 4.1, people’s interpretations of their environments affect
their responses. Everyone selects and organizes things differently, which is one reason
why people behave differently in the same situation. In other words, people often
perceive the same things in different ways, and their behaviors depend, in part, on
their perceptions.
The following Across Cultures Competency feature shows how McDonald’s is
using feng shui to design its restaurants. Feng shui is the belief that space needs to be
in harmony with the environment.3 Literally, feng means “wind” and shui “water.” Feng
shui was developed thousands of years ago in a village in China. Villagers studied the
formations of land and the ways the wind and water worked together to help them
survive. Over time feng shui developed and was used by emperors to ensure their
successes. According to feng shui experts, when a harmonious arrangement is created
between the wind and water, the individual or organization prospers and the quality
of life improves. According to Tan Khoon Yong, a feng shui master, this balance can
be achieved by balancing the magnetic flow in which people live. According to feng
shui, what is being perceived may be subtle and greatly influences perceptions and
Across Cultures competency
McDonald’s Use of Feng Shui
McDonald’s restaurants in the L.A. Asian community
use red accents to symbolize fire, good luck, laughter, and
The only familiar signs at the McDonald’s in the
Asian community in Los Angeles are the golden
arches, the drive-through, and the menu. Gone
are the plastic furniture, Ronald McDonald, and
the red and yellow palette that has symbolized
the world’s largest hamburger chain. Leather
seats, earth tones, bamboo plants, a wood ceiling, and water trickling down glass panels have
taken their place. Red accents are used throughout the restaurant to symbolize fire and “good
luck, laughter and prosperity.” The restaurant
is designed using the principles of feng shui,
which is meant to help diners achieve happiness
and fortune. McDonald’s uses the basic principles of placing the five elements—earth, water,
fire, metal, and wood—around the restaurant to
Chapter 4
increase the flow of chi or energy. The number
4, considered bad luck in some Asian cultures,
is absent in the street address and the phone
number. The walls are curved. The ceiling and
floor tiles are placed at distinctive angles, and
the doors swing open and shut in opposite
directions. There is also a wall displaying three
pieces of brushed aluminum graphic art, one
Perceptions and Attributions
featuring a crane, because it represents fertility;
another featuring a koi fish, representing prosperity; and the third an iguana, a symbol for the
According to Bryan Carmack, the manager,
“We wanted to make the restaurant a little bit
more of a destination. The goal is to bring harmony and a peaceful place to be.”
To learn more about Feng Shui, go to www.fengshuisociety.org.uk.
Perceptual Selection
The phone is ringing, your TV is blaring, a dog is barking outside, your PC is making
a strange noise, and you smell coffee brewing. Which of these events will you ignore?
Which will you pay attention to? Can you predict or explain why one of these events
grabs your attention at a particular time?
Selective screening is the process by which people filter out most information so that
they can deal with the most important matters. Perceptual selection depends on several
factors, some of which are in the external environment and some of which are internal
to the perceiver.
External Factors
As we noted in Chapter 3, a common external force affecting behavior is culture.
Different cultures train people to respond to different cues. Do the French and
Chinese see the world in the same way? No. In fact, no two national groups see
the world in exactly the same way. When Mexican children simultaneously see a
picture of a bullfight and a baseball game, they generally remember only seeing
the bullfight. American children, on the other hand, remember seeing only the
baseball game. Why do the children not remember both pictures? This is the
nature of perception. Perceptual patterns are not absolute. Misperceptions cause
some managers to fail in their international assignments. Many U.S. firms, such
as Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, and PepsiCo, are competing in global markets
where English is not the first language either read or spoken. Therefore, language
is becoming an increasingly important consideration when choosing product names
and slogans.
Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo, is trying to become a dominant supplier of
salty nuts and chips to China’s $450 million market. Frito-Lay’s senior management
believes that China has tremendous growth potential. However, its managers realize
that Chinese consumers have different perceptions of their product depending on
where they live. People in Hong Kong like salty chips, in Beijing they like meaty
ones, and in Xian, they like spicy flavors. Frito-Lay introduced “cool lemon” potato
chips. These yellow, strongly lemon-scented chips are dotted with greenish lime
specks of mint and are sold in a package featuring images of breezy blue skies and
rolling green grass. Why “cool lemon”? Chinese people consider fried foods hot
and therefore do not eat them in the summer months. Cool is better in the summer
What are some other external factors that influence our perceptual process?
What does Jim Sinegal want customers to notice when they arrive at Costco? Factors
present in the warehouse can affect whether customers sense important information
Learning Goal
2. Identify the main factors
that influence what the
individual perceives.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
and these factors can influence whether this information is used in perceptions. Let’s
review some external factors that may affect perception. In each case we present an
example to illustrate the principle.
Size. The larger the object, the more likely it is to be perceived. The size of
the new buildings to be built where the Twin Towers in New York City were
destroyed by terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, will get noticed more than
an alleyway on 42nd street. The new 421-meter (1,368-feet) Jin Mao Tower in
Shanghai’s Pudong District is more likely to be seen than the eight-story Howard
Johnson Hotel in Shanghai.
Intensity. The more intense an external factor (bright lights, loud noises, and the
like), the more likely it is to be perceived. The language in an e-mail message
from a manager to an employee can reflect the intensity principle. For example,
an e-mail message that reads “Please stop by my office at your convenience”
wouldn’t fill you with the same sense of urgency as an e-mail message that reads
“Report to my office immediately!”
Contrast. External factors that stand out against the background or that aren’t
what individuals expect are the most likely to be noticed. In addition, the contrast of objects with others or with their backgrounds may influence how they
are perceived. Salespeople at JCPenney, Macy’s, Saks, and other department
stores are instructed to show men the most expensive suit first. After being
exposed to the most expensive suit, a man sees the price of the less expensive
suit as appearing smaller by comparison. Presenting a least costly suit first and
following with an expensive one makes the expensive one seem even more costly.
Another advantage of this tactic is that when it comes time to buy accessories,
such as ties, shirts, and belts, these things don’t seem that expensive next to the
cost of the suit.
Motion. A moving factor is more likely to be perceived than a stationary factor.
PlayStation games use motion to attract people to play them.
Repetition. A repeated factor is more likely to be noticed than a single factor.
Marketing managers use this principle in trying to get the attention of prospective customers. An advertisement may repeat key ideas. The ad itself may be
presented many times for greater effectiveness. Marketing managers at Nike
developed the Nike “swoosh” symbol that is used consistently worldwide on all
of its products.
Novelty and familiarity. Either a familiar or a novel factor in the environment
can attract attention, depending on the circumstances. A Korean businessman
entered a client’s office in Stockholm and was greeted by a woman sitting
behind a desk. He asked to see the president. The woman responded by saying
that she (the president) would be glad to see him. The Korean was confused
because he assumed that most women are secretaries and not presidents of a
company. The misinterpretation of the situation was caused by a novel situation
for him.6
A combination of these or similar factors may be existing at any time and, hence,
affecting perception. Along with a person’s internal factors, they determine whether
any particular stimulus is more or less likely to be noticed.
Nowadays the visual aspects of nonverbal communications are receiving
increasing attention because of the global markets for organization. Managers
may offend someone in a different culture with hand gestures without ever knowing that these are offensive. For example, thumbs up may signal “okay” in America,
but in parts of the Arab world, it means “Go to hell.” Look at some common
hand gestures in the following Communication Competency feature. Did you
know what you might be communicating across different cultures with your hand
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
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Internal Factors
The perception process is also influenced by several factors that are related to
the perceiver. These are internal factors that influence what the individual sees.
Effective leaders are able to develop more complete and accurate perceptions of
various situations and people with whom they communicate than ineffective leaders. An effective manager knows when people are sincere, honest, and dependable.
These accurate perceptions are crucial to being an effective leader. The powerful
role that internal factors play in perception shows itself in many ways. Let’s review
how personality, learning, and motivation influence the process of perceiving other
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Personality has an interesting influence on what and how individuals perceive things.
Any of the several personality dimensions that we discussed in Chapter 3, along with
numerous other traits, may influence the perceptual process.7 Personality appears
to affect strongly how an individual perceives other people. In Chapter 3, we introduced you to the Big Five personality factors. To illustrate how personality can
influence perception, let’s examine one of the Big Five factors, conscientiousness.
A conscientious person tends to pay more attention to external environmental cues
than does a less conscientious person. On the one hand, less conscientious people
are impulsive, careless, and irresponsible. They see their environment as hectic and
unstable, which affects the way in which they make perceptual selections. On the
other hand, more conscientious people are likely to organize their perceptions into
neat categories, allowing them to retrieve data quickly and in an organized manner.
In brief, this person is more careful, methodical, and disciplined in making perceptual selections.
Another internal factor affecting perceptual selection is learning. Among other
things, learning determines the development of perceptual sets. A perceptual set is
an expectation of a particular interpretation based on the person’s
past experience with the same or a similar object. What do you
see in Figure 4.2? If you see an attractive, elegantly dressed
Ethical Insight
woman, your perception concurs with the majority of firsttime viewers. However, you may agree with a sizable minority
Obey the law means obey the law. There
and see an ugly, old woman. The woman you first see depends,
is no exception. Sloppy behavior is not
in large part, on your perceptual set.
going to be tolerated. We want all our
Leaders’ and employees’ past experiences and learning
employees to be careful and treat cusstrongly
influence their perceptions. Leaders are influenced
tomers with respect.
by their functional backgrounds (e.g., accounting, engineering,
Jim Sinegal, CEO, Costco
marketing, or production) when making decisions. Because
perceptions influence how employees and managers behave
toward one another, it is important to understand a leader’s
perceptual set. What are the factors that influence Jim Sinegal’s perceptions of
Motivation also plays an important role in determining what a person perceives.
A person’s most urgent needs and desires at any particular time can influence perception. For example, imagine that, while taking a shower, you faintly hear what
sounds like the telephone ringing. Do you get out of the shower, dripping wet, to
answer it? Or do you conclude that it is only your imagination? Your behavior in
this situation may depend on factors other than the loudness of the ringing. If you
are expecting an important call, you’re likely to leap from the shower. If you aren’t
expecting a call, you’re more likely to attribute the ringing sound to shower noises.
Your decision is influenced by your expectations and motivations.
In general, the individual perceives things that promise to help satisfy their needs
and that they have found rewarding in the past. The individual tends to ignore mildly
disturbing events (a barking dog), but will react to dangerous events (the house being
on fire). Summarizing an important aspect of the relationship between motivation
and perception is the Pollyanna principle, which states that people process pleasant events
more efficiently and accurately than they do unpleasant events. For example, an employee
who receives both positive and negative feedback during a performance appraisal session may more easily and clearly remember the positive statements than the negative
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
FIGURE 4.2 Test of Perceptual Set
Person Perception
The preceding discussion shows that perceiving others accurately can be challenging.
Because perceptions influence how people behave toward one another, there is a need to
understand the factors that influence both the perceiver and the situation in general.
Person perception is the process by which the individual attributes characteristics or
traits to other people. The person perception process relies on the same general process
of perception shown in Figure 4.1. That is, the process follows the same sequence of
observation, selection, organization, interpretation, and response. However, the object
being perceived is another person. Perceptions of situations, events, and objects are
important, but individual differences in perceptions of other people are crucial at work.
For example, suppose that you meet a new employee. To get acquainted and make him
feel at ease, you invite him to lunch. During lunch, he begins to tell you his life history
and focuses on his accomplishments. Because he talks only about himself (he asks you
no questions about yourself), your first impression is that he is very self-centered.
In general, the factors influencing person perception are the same as those that
influence perceptual selection: Both external and internal factors affect person perception. However, we may usefully categorize factors that influence how a person
perceives another as:
characteristics of the perceived,
characteristics of the perceiver, and
the situation or context within which the perception takes place.
The Perceived
When perceiving someone else, you need to be aware of various cues given by that
person: facial expressions, general appearance, skin color, posture, age, gender, voice
quality, personality traits, behaviors, and the like. Such cues usually provide important
information about the person. Each individual seems to have implicit ideas about the
relationships among physical characteristics, personality traits, and specific behaviors.9
Implicit personality theory is a person’s beliefs about the relationships between another’s
physical characteristics and personality. Table 4.1 illustrates the implicit personality theory
in action. A person may believe that some voice-quality characteristics indicate that
Learning Goal
3. Identify the factors that
determine how one person
perceives another.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 4.1 Personality Judgments on the Basis of Voice Quality
Younger, artistic
Feminine, pretty, petite, shallow
Similar results for both sexes:
Similar results for both sexes:
Cantankerous (old, unyielding)
Masculine, cold, withdrawn
Having many socially undesirable
Young, emotional, high-strung, not
highly intelligent
Source: Adapted from Hinton, P. R. The Psychology of Interpersonal Perception, London: Routledge, 1993, 16.
the speaker has certain personality traits. However, the relationships presented in
Table 4.1 have no scientific basis. Similarly, think about your first contact with someone you met on MySpace, Facebook, or an online dating service. It is not the person’s
voice that you consider, but perhaps the person’s physical appearance. Later, on meeting, did that person look and act as you expected?
The Perceiver
Listening to an employee describe the personality of a coworker may tell you as much
about the personality of the employee doing the describing as it does about that of the
person being described. That shouldn’t surprise you if you recall that factors internal
to the perceiver, including personality, learning, and motivation, influence perception.
A person’s own personality traits, values, attitudes, current mood, and past experience
influence how that person perceives someone else.
Accurately perceiving an individual raised in another culture often is difficult. In
China, for example, the communication style is generally indirect. Chinese may talk
around the point and hedge their speech using words such as maybe or perhaps because
they must protect their social face and respect social roles (e.g., manager, employee).
The Chinese will lose social face if they fail to understand what is being asked or
cannot do what is requested. Therefore, by being vague, Chinese businesspeople save
face and can continue to build and maintain relationships. Rick Linck, CEO of Asia
Pacific for Heineken Brewing Company, learned that when communicating with
beer distributors in China, distributors frequently say “Let me look into this further”
to avoid a direct no or to avoid admitting that they cannot do what he asked. Linck
learned to communicate with distributors by saying “What do you think about this?”
instead of saying “Is this acceptable?”10
Cross-cultural negotiations are an important part of every global manager’s job,
and the dynamics of negotiating reflect each culture’s values and beliefs. In Mexico,
personal qualities and social connections influence the selection of a negotiator,
whereas in the United States, many companies select negotiators on the basis of
position and competence. In U.S.–Chinese negotiations, U.S. companies often prefer
to send a small team or only a single person to represent them, whereas the Chinese
prefer to send a large group. The large group allows them to have representatives
from different areas of the organization present at the negotiations.
The Situation in Foreign Assignments
As more and more employees are asked to take assignments in foreign countries, opportunities for living and working in different countries arise. Siemens, the German electronics firm with headquarters in Munich, Germany, estimates that almost 25 percent
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
of its managers take expatriate assignments. Expatriates are employees who live and work
outside of their home country.11 There are now more than 500,000 U.S. expatriate managers
living around the globe. Because of the high cost of sending employees and their families
to foreign countries for extended periods of time (usually three years), it is important for
this experience to be successful. Unfortunately, some expatriates cannot adapt to the new
situation (culture) and fail in their assignments. Why do people fail? According to Global
Relation Services, the top reasons for expatriate failure are as follows:
Lowered security and safety,
Lower quality of life,
Job doesn’t meet expectations,
Inability to adapt to new situation,
Family concerns, and
Spouse/partner dissatisfaction.12
Running down the list, the reasons for failure are personal and not related to
technical competence. China and India were the two countries that presented
expatriates with the greatest challenge. Why do you think these two countries were
singled out?
What are some characteristics that human resource managers are looking for
in the person who takes a foreign assignment? Patience, flexibility, openness to new
experiences, and tolerance for other beliefs are among the top characteristics.13 Tips
for successfully handling a foreign assignment include making sure that the family
supports the foreign assignment, developing foreign language competencies, getting
strong support from your manager, and making sure that your accomplishments are
widely visible.
Are women more likely to succeed or fail in expatriate assignments? A number
of male leaders still think that women aren’t interested in overseas jobs or won’t
be effective in them. These male managers typically perceive dual career issues,
a presumed heightened risk of sexual harassment, and gender prejudices in many
countries as reasons why their female employees often aren’t seriously considered
for international assignments. In contrast, a recent survey of female expatriates and
their managers revealed that women, on average, are just as interested as men in
foreign assignments and every bit as effective once there.14 Indeed, some of the traits
considered crucial for success overseas—such as knowing when to keep your mouth
shut, being a strong team player, and soliciting a variety of opinions and perspectives
when solving problems—are more often associated with women’s management styles
than with men’s.
Misinterpretation of the situation occurs when an individual gives certain
meaning to observations and their relationships. Interpretation organizes our experience and guides our behavior. Read the following sentence and quickly count the
number of Fs:
Most people who do not speak English see all six Fs. By contrast, many English
speakers see only three Fs; they do not see the Fs in the word of. Why? Because
English-speaking people have learned that the word of is not important for overall
understanding of the sentence. We selectively see those words that are important
according to our cultural upbringing.
A way to understand the norms and values of a culture is to pay attention to the
behaviors that are rewarded in that society. The following Self Competency feature
illustrates a sample of important behaviors that you should be aware of when conducting business in Arab countries.15
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Self competency
Doing Business in Arab Countries
Greeting women. When greeting a female
employee, never greet her with a kiss on the
cheek. If the employee extends her hand to
greet you, you may shake it; otherwise greeting with words is appropriate. Do not compliment your host on the beauty of his wife,
sister, or daughter. Such statements will not
be taken as compliments.
Gift giving. When Arab businesspeople
receive a gift, it is not customary to open it in
front of the giver. Never give alcohol or products made out of pigs.
Face concept. Saving face involves withholding one’s reactions to give the other party
a way to exit the situation with minimal discomfort. It involves compromise, patience,
and sometimes looking the other way to
allow things time to get back to normal.
Pressure sales tactics should be avoided
because the Arab managers will associate
you with an unpleasant experience.
Dress. The majority of men wear a longsleeved, one-piece dress called a thoub that
covers the entire body. This garment allows air
to circulate in hot summer days. Women dress
conservatively in a garment called an abayah.
This is a long black garment that covers a woman’s body from the shoulders down to her feet.
Social duties. Managers perform a variety of
social duties, including greeting an employee
who returns from a trip, visiting an employee
who is ill, bringing a gift to a newly wed couple, and visiting the husband and wife after
the wife has delivered a new baby.
Privacy. Privacy is important in Arabian societies. Therefore, houses and offices are built
with walls that maintain privacy from others.
People are not permitted to enter until the
manager or host extends his right hand with
his palm up saying “Tafaddal,” which means
“Come in.”
Social gatherings. Men and women may meet
in separate rooms in some Arab countries.
Men gather in rooms that are outside the
main entrance of a home, away from the rest
of the house. Women guests meet in a room
inside the house and go through an entrance
specifically assigned to female visitors.
To learn more about Arab countries, go to www.montclair.edu/orgs/aso/arab6.html.
Learning Goal
4. Describe the primary errors
in perception that people
Perceptual Errors
The perceptual process may result in errors in judgment or understanding. An important part of understanding individual differences in perception is knowing the source
of these errors. First, we examine the notion of accuracy of judgment in person perception. Then, we explore five of the most common types of perceptual errors: perceptual
defense, stereotyping, the halo effect, projection, and impression management.
Perceptual Accuracy
How accurate are people in their perceptions of others? This question is important
in organizational behavior. For example, misjudging the characteristics, abilities, or
behaviors of an employee during a performance appraisal review could result in an
inaccurate assessment of the employee’s current and future value to the organization.
Another example of the importance of accurate person perception comes from the
employment interview. Considerable evidence suggests that interviewers can easily
make errors in judgment and perceptions when basing employment decisions on
information gathered in face-to-face interviews. In fact, managers often make a decision about hiring a person within the first 10 minutes of an interview and spend the
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
remainder of the interview just confirming their first impressions.16 After reading the
following types of errors, what are some types of errors that you have committed in
the past few days?
Similarity error. Interviewers tend to be positively predisposed toward job candidates
who are similar to them (in terms of background, interests, hobbies, jobs, and the
like) and may be negatively biased against job candidates who are unlike them.
Contrast error. Interviewers have a tendency to compare job candidates to other
candidates interviewed at about the same time, rather than to some absolute standard. For example, an average candidate might be rated too highly if preceded by
several mediocre candidates. However, an average candidate might be scored too
low if preceded by an outstanding applicant.
Overweighting of negative information. Interviewers tend to overreact to negative
information as though looking for an excuse to disqualify a job candidate.
Race, gender, and age bias. Interviewers may be more or less positive about a candidate on the basis of the candidate’s race, gender, or age.
First-impression error. The primacy effect may play a role in the job interview, because
some interviewers are quick to form impressions that are resistant to change.
There are no easy answers to the general problem of ensuring perceptual accuracy.
Some people accurately judge and assess others, and some people do so poorly. Some
basic guidelines to make more accurate judgments include the following: (1) Avoid generalizing from an observation of a single trait (e.g., tactful) to other traits (e.g., stable, confident, energetic, dependable); (2) avoid assuming that a behavior will be repeated in all
situations; and (3) avoid placing too much reliance on physical appearance. Your accuracy
in person perception can be improved when you understand these potential biases.
Perceptual Defense
Perceptual defense is the tendency for people to protect themselves against ideas, objects, or situations that are threatening. A well-known folk song suggests that we “hear what we want to
hear and disregard the rest.” Once established, an individual’s way of viewing the world
may become highly resistant to change. Sometimes perceptual defense may have negative
consequences. This perceptual error can result in a manager’s inability to perceive the
need to be creative in solving problems. As a result, the manager simply proceeds as in the
past even in the face of evidence that “business as usual” isn’t accomplishing anything.
Stereotyping is the belief that all members of a specific group share similar traits and
behaviors. The use of stereotypes can have powerful effects on the decisions that
managers make. There are many exceptions to any stereotype. In a study of Fortune
magazine’s top 500 CEOs, researchers found that CEOs are mostly white males. The
study also found that on the average, male CEOs were almost six feet tall, which
reflects a kind of implicit stereotype of the height of CEOs. Given that the average
American male is five foot nine, it means that CEOs as a group are about three inches
taller. In the United States, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or taller and 3.9
percent of white males are six foot two or taller. In this sample, almost a third were
six foot two or taller. Furthermore, it was calculated that each inch of height is worth
$789 a year in salary.17 That means an individual who is six feet tall, but otherwise
identical to someone who is five foot five, will make on average $5,525 more per year.
Over a career, the difference is hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In another study, it was found that attractive people earn about 5 percent more
than do average-looking employees, who in turn earn 9 percent more than plainlooking employees. Thus, if an average-looking college graduate starts at $47,000,
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
their good-looking friends start at $49,350, while their least attractive friends start
at $42,770. Plain-looking employees may also receive fewer promotions than those
awarded to their better looking colleagues.18
An interesting challenge for organizations is to determine in what ways female
managers essentially are like their male counterparts. To the extent they are alike, gender differences should be only a marginal concern. Unfortunately, stereotyping exists in
many retailing organizations. A federal judge has granted a class-action lawsuit against
Costco on behalf of more than 700 female department managers. The suit claims the
company has discriminated against women seeking promotion to store manager. A
debate is raging in scientific and management circles around the world with regard
to gender differences in thought, emotions, and information processing styles. Some
research suggests that women are, on average, superior to men in many organizational
roles. Such roles include communicating with customers or clients, facilitating discussions, and smoothing conflicts. With regard to the latter two roles, one study indicated
that female project team leaders were more effective, on average, than males in leading
cross-functional teams designed to foster high rates of innovation.19
Halo Effect
The halo effect occurs when one positive or negative characteristic dominates the way that
person is viewed by others. As we pointed out earlier, the evidence is clear that physical
attractiveness and height are often such characteristics. It is hardly any wonder that
Nordstrom’s, Dillard’s, Kohl’s, and other retail stores like to hire attractive salespeople.
Their sales training programs include grooming hints to make their salespeople more
The halo effect is based on general assessments of the overall person. That is, if the
manager regards the person as “good,” that manager will tend to review that person’s
performance in a positive way. In other words, a halo blinds the perceiver to other
attributes that also should be evaluated to obtain a complete, accurate impression of the
other person. Managers have to guard against the halo effect when rating employee performance. A manager may single out one trait and use it as the basis for judging all other
performance measures. Students have been known to evaluate the overall effectiveness
of a faculty member in just the first two seconds of the first class. The rankings they gave
after these two seconds were almost identical to rankings made after sitting through the
instructor’s course the entire semester. That’s the power of the halo effect.
An important aspect of the halo effect is the self-fulfilling prophecy. The selffulfilling prophecy is the tendency for someone’s expectations about another to cause that
individual to behave in a manner consistent with those expectations.20 Expecting certain things
to happen shapes the behavior of the perceiver in such a way that the expected is more
likely to happen. Self-fulfilling prophecies can take both positive and negative forms. In
the positive case, holding high expectations of another tends to improve the individual’s performance, which is known as the Pygmalion effect. The Pygmalion effect has its roots
in Greek mythology. According to mythology, Pygmalion was a sculptor who hated
women yet fell in love with a statue he carved of a beautiful woman. He became so
infatuated with the statue that he prayed to a goddess to bring her to life. The goddess
granted him his wish. The essence of the Pygmalion effect is that people’s expectations
determine their behavior or performance, thus serving to make their expectations come
true. In other words, we strive to validate our perceptions of reality no matter how faulty
they may be. Subordinates whose managers expect them to perform well do perform
well. Subordinates whose managers expect them to perform poorly do in fact perform
poorly. Obviously, this effect can be quite devastating.21 Some top executives believe
that a manager who puts in long hours and works on Saturday is a better performer than
those who do not put in these hours. Long hour expectations help create and foster a
reward system that uses long hours as one criterion for a manager’s success.
The Golem effect refers to the loss in performance that results from low expectations by
the manager.22 If a manager notices that a subordinate’s sales reports are always late, this
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
leads the manager to doubt whether the employee is committed to being a high achiever.
This results in the manager watching the employee more closely, and the employee
becoming afraid to make suggestions that could improve the sales report for fear of
turning the report in late. The manager then interprets this as a lack of initiative.
How can managers create positive performance expectations? We believe that
managers need to consider three things:
Individuals behave toward others consistent with others’ expectations
of them. Managers who have high expectations of their employees are supportive and generally give employees more training
and challenging jobs. By contrast, managers who have low
expectations of their employees aren’t supportive and generally
won’t give employees training and challenging jobs.
A person’s behavior affects others. Not only will those treated
positively benefit from special opportunities, but these
opportunities will also bolster their self-esteem.
People behave in response to how they are treated. People who
have benefited from special treatment and who have confidence in their abilities are likely to be high performers.
Diversity Insight
We must treasure openness in every
single thing we do, from ideas to
beliefs in people. We need to be positive Pygmalions for all of our diversity
George David, CEO, United Technologies
Projection is the tendency for individuals to see their own traits in other people. That is,
the individual projects his or her own feelings, personality characteristics, attitudes,
or motives onto others. For example, during the recession of 2008 and 2009 when the
automobile and financial industries were in turmoil, people in other industries, such
as education and entertainment, also assessed their jobs to be in more jeopardy than
they actually were. Advertisers love to inform people when a product is the “fastest
growing” or “largest selling” because they don’t have to convince consumers directly
that the product or service is good. They need only to say that many others think so.
Falsely believing that others share one’s beliefs can lead to poor performance.
Projection may be especially strong for undesirable traits that perceivers possess but
fail to recognize in themselves. The individual whose personality traits include stinginess, obstinacy, and disorderliness tends to rate others higher on these traits than does
the individual who doesn’t have these personality traits.
Impression Management
Impression management is an attempt by an individual to manipulate or control the
impressions that others form about them. This includes everything from how people talk
to how they dress, and the hand gestures they use to how they walk.23 In Ecuador, you
can hire a person or groups of people (called lloronas) to come to the funeral of a family member. The job of these people is to cry while the dead person is being buried,
making sure that more people start to cry. Bartenders often put their own money in
their tip jars at the beginning of the evening to give the impression to customers that
others have tipped them. Evangelical preachers are known to seed their audience with
ringers, who are rehearsed to come forward at a specified time to give witness and
Employees in organizations use several impression management tactics to affect
how others perceive them. They are especially likely to use these tactics when talking
with managers who have power over them and on whom they are dependent for raises,
promotions, and good job assignments. Impression management is used by individuals at all organizational levels as they talk with suppliers, coworkers, managers, and
others—and vice versa. To determine how much you rely on impression management
tactics, take a moment to complete the self-assessment questionnaire in Table 4.2.24
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 4.2 Impression Management Assessment
To assess the impression tactics you use, please answer the following 22 questions using the following
How often do you behave this way?
Talk proudly about your experience or education.
Make people aware of your talents.
Let others know how valuable you are to the organization.
Make people aware of your accomplishments.
Compliment your colleagues so they will see you as likable.
Take an interest in your colleagues’ personal lives to show them that you are friendly.
Praise your colleagues for their accomplishments so they will consider you a nice person.
Do personal favors for others to show them that you are friendly.
Be pushy with coworkers when it will help you get your job done.
Let others know you can make things difficult for them if they push you too far.
Deal forcefully with others when they hamper your ability to get the job done.
Deal aggressively with others who interfere in your business.
Use intimidation to get others to behave appropriately.
Act like you know less than you do so people will help you out.
Try to gain sympathy from people by appearing needy in some areas.
Pretend not to understand something to gain someone’s help.
Act like you need assistance so people will help you out.
Pretend to know less than you do so you can avoid an unpleasant assignment.
Stay late so people will know you are working hard.
Try to appear busy, even at times when things are slow.
Arrive early to work to look dedicated.
Come to the office at night or on weekends to show that you are dedicated.
To determine your impression management tactics, please add your answers to decide your score.
This is your self-promotion score. The higher your score, the more likely
you are to use this tactic.
This is your ingratiation score. The higher your score, the more likely you
are to use this tactic.
This is your intimidation score.The higher your score, the more likely you
are to use this tactic.
This is your supplication score.The higher your score, the more likely you
are to use this tactic.
This is your exemplification score. The higher your score, the more likely
you are to use this tactic.
Source: Adapted from Bolino, M. C., and Turnley, W. H. Measuring impression management in organizations:
A scale development based on Jones & Pittman taxonomy. Organizational Research Methods, 1999, 2, 187–206.
Impression management involves the systematic manipulation of the perceptual
process. The CEOs of Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors went to Congress in
2008 and 2009 to ask for financial support of their companies. The first time before
Congress they arrived in separate private jets and were earning millions in salary and
other benefits. These behaviors did not create the impression that their companies
were in dire financial straits.
Table 4.3 describes five common impression management tactics: self-promotion,
ingratiation, intimidation, supplication, and exemplification. These five tactics can
lead to either positive or negative perceptions depending on how the individual uses
them. Individuals who are high in political skills have the ability to create better
managerial impressions when they use these tactics frequently. On the other hand,
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
TABLE 4. 3 Impression Management Tactics
The person tries to present himself
in a positive light
Employee reminds boss about
The person flatters others so they
will see the person as likable
The person lets others know that
she can make life difficult for them if
they push her
The person acts like he needs help
so others will help him
Employee compliments manager on
good customer service after the
manager handled a complaint from
an irate customer
Employee tries to push others to get
things done on schedule or else
Employee asks for help on a task
that he could perform himself
The person stays late so others
know she is working hard
Employee is the last one to leave the
parking lot and the first one to arrive
Source: Harris, K. J., Zivnuska, S., Kacmar, K. M., and Shaw, J. D. The impact of political skill on impression
management effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2007, 92, 278–285.
individuals who use these impression management tactics but have low political skills
are less likely to be viewed favorably and should instead avoid using them. Also, if
superior performance evaluations are used to make key organizational decisions (e.g.,
pay raises, promotions, job assignments), there is a potential for employees to receive
these outcomes because of their ability to use impression management tactics rather
than more job-related criteria.
Attribution Process
A question often asked about others is “Why?” “Why did this engineer use these data
in his report?” or “Why did Jim Sinegal, CEO and founder of Costco, start Costco?”
Such questions are an attempt to get at why a person behaved in a particular way. The
attribution process refers to the ways in which people come to understand the causes of their
own and others’ behaviors.25 In essence, the attribution process reflects the person’s need
to explain events through the deliberate actions of others rather than viewing them
as random events. To maintain the illusion of control, the individual needs to create
causal attributions for events. Attributions also play an important role in perceptions.
Attributions made about the reasons for someone’s behavior may affect judgments
about that individual’s basic characteristics (that is, what that person is really like).
The attributions that employees and managers make concerning the causes of
behavior are important for understanding behavior. For example, a leader who attributes poor performance directly to his subordinates tends to behave more punitively
than does a leader who attributes poor performance to circumstances beyond his subordinates’ control. A manager who believes that an employee failed to perform a task correctly because he lacked proper training might be understanding and give the employee
better instructions or more training. The same manager might be quite angry if she
believed that the subordinate made mistakes simply because he didn’t try very hard.
Responses to the same outcome can be dramatically different, depending on the
attributions made about the reasons for that outcome. Table 4.4 lists some of the
possible differences in managerial behavior when employees are perceived positively
versus when they are perceived negatively. The relationships between attributions and
behavior will become clearer as we examine the attribution process.
Learning Goal
5. Explain how attributions
influence behavior.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 4.4 Possible Results Stemming from Differences in Perceptions of
Discusses project objectives. Gives subordinate
the freedom to choose own approach to
solving problems or reaching goals.
Gives specific directives when discussing tasks
and goals.
Treats mistakes or incorrect judgments as
learning opportunities.
Pays close attention to mistakes and incorrect
judgments. Quick to emphasize what
subordinate is doing wrong.
Is open to subordinate’s suggestions. Solicits
opinions from subordinate.
Pays little attention to subordinate’s
suggestions. Rarely asks subordinate for input.
Gives subordinate interesting and challenging
Gives subordinate routine assignments.
May frequently defer to subordinate’s opinions
in disagreements.
Usually imposes own views in disagreements.
Making Attributions
The individual makes attributions in an attempt to understand why others behave as
they do and to make better sense of their situations. An individual doesn’t consciously
make attributions all the time (although he may do so unconsciously much of the time).26
However, under certain circumstances the individual is likely to make causal attributions
consciously. For example, causal attributions are common in the following situations:
The perceiver has been asked an explicit question about another’s behavior. (Why
did she do that?)
An unexpected event occurs. (I’ve never seen him behave that way. I wonder
what’s going on?)
The perceiver depends on another person for a desired outcome. (I wonder why
my manager made that comment about my expense account?)
The perceiver experiences feelings of failure or loss of control. (I can’t believe I
failed my midterm exam!)
Figure 4.3 presents a model for making attributions. The individual infers “causes”
to behaviors that she observes in others. These interpretations often largely determine
her reactions to those behaviors. The perceived causes of behavior reflect several
antecedents: (1) the amount of information the perceiver has about the people and the
situation and how that information is organized by the perceiver; (2) the perceiver’s
beliefs (implicit personality theories, what other people might do in a similar situation,
and so on); and (3) the motivation of the perceiver (e.g., the importance to the perceiver of making an accurate assessment). Recall our discussion of internal factors that
influence perception—learning, personality, and motivation. These same internal factors influence the attribution process. The perceiver’s information and beliefs depend
on previous experience and are influenced by the perceiver’s personality.
Internal versus External Causes of Behavior
In applying attribution theory, you should be especially concerned with whether
a person’s behavior has been internally or externally caused. Internal causes are
believed to be under an individual’s control—you believe that your website designer’s
performance is poor because she is often late to work. External causes are believed
to be beyond a person’s control—you believe that her performance is poor because
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
FIGURE 4. 3 The Attribution Process
Antecedents — Factors internal
to the perceiver
• Information
• Beliefs
• Motivation
Attributions made by the perceiver
• Perceived causes of
(such as internal versus
external causes)
Consequences for the perceiver
• Behavior
• Feelings
• Expectations
her Windows operating system is old. According to attribution theory, three factors
influence the determination of internal or external cause:
Consistency—the extent to which the person perceived behaves in the same manner on other occasions when faced with the same situation. If your website
designer’s behavior has been poor for several months, you would tend to attribute
it to an internal cause. If her performance is an isolated incident, you would tend
to attribute it to an external cause.
Distinctiveness—the extent to which the person perceived acts in the same manner
in different situations. If your website designer’s performance is poor, regardless
of the computer program with which she’s working, you would tend to make an
internal attribution; if her poor performance is unusual, you would tend to make
an external attribution.
Consensus—the extent to which others, faced with the same situation, behave in
a manner similar to the person perceived. If all the employees in your website
designer’s team perform poorly, you would tend to make an external attribution.
If other members of her team are performing well, you would tend to make an
internal attribution.27
As Figure 4.4 suggests, under conditions of low consistency, high distinctiveness,
and high consensus, the perceiver will tend to attribute the behaviors of the perceived
to external causes. When consensus and distinctiveness are low, but consistency is high,
the perceiver will tend to attribute the behaviors of the perceived to internal causes. For
example, when all employees are performing poorly (high consensus), when the poor
performance occurs on only one of several tasks (high distinctiveness), and the poor
performance occurs only during the last week of the month (low consistency), a manager
may attribute poor performance to an external source, such as peer pressure or an overly
difficult task. In contrast, performance may be attributed to an employee (internal attribution) when only the individual in question is performing poorly (low consensus), when
the inferior performance is found across several tasks (low distinctiveness), and when the
low performance has persisted over time (high consistency). Other combinations of high
and low consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus are possible. Some combinations
may not provide the perceiver with a clear choice between internal and external causes.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 4.4 Example of Attribution Process
With regard to internal versus external causes of behavior, individuals often make
what is known as the fundamental attribution error.28 The fundamental attribution
error is the tendency to underestimate the influence of situational factors and to overestimate
the influence of personal factors in evaluating someone else’s behavior. This error causes
the perceiver to ignore important environmental factors that often significantly
affect another person’s behavior. In organizations, employees may assign blame to
other departments or individuals and fail to recognize the effect of the situation. For
example, a CEO might attribute a high level of political behavior on the part of her
vice presidents to aspects of their personalities, not recognizing that competition for
scarce resources is causing much of the political behavior.
Some cultural differences exist in the fundamental attribution error. For example,
in North America, this type of error would be as just described (underestimating
external causes and overestimating internal causes). In India, however, the more common attribution error is for a manager to overestimate situational or external causes
for the observed behaviors. This difference in attributions may reflect the way that
the individual views personal responsibility or perhaps differences in “average” locus
of control beliefs in the different societies.
The fundamental attribution error isn’t the only bias that can influence judgments
concerning internal versus external causes of behavior. A study of supervisors showed
that they were more likely to attribute effective performance to internal causes for
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
high-status employees. The supervisors were less likely to attribute success to internal
causes for low-status employees. Similarly, supervisors were more likely to attribute
ineffective performance to internal causes for low-status employees and less likely to
attribute failure to internal causes for high-status employees.29
Perceptions of people and their behaviors are subjective. How others perceive
events has important implications as the following Ethics Competency feature illustrates.30 Before reading any further, what is your perception of overseas factories, especially those in China, that manufacture clothing for JCPenney, Macy’s, Levi Strauss,
and the Gap? Are these factories clean and well maintained? Are workers treated well?
Are their products safe? How did you form these perceptions?
The Gap, a $15.7 billion retailer, has issued a 42-page social responsibility report
that spells out some of the problems found in operating garment factories in 60 countries around the world to produce clothes for the Gap, Old Navy, GapBody, GapKids,
and Banana Republic. It found persistent wage, health, and safety violations in many
factories. These violations ranged from failure to provide protective wear to physical
abuse and coercion. The Gap pulled its business from more than 140 factories and
turned down business from hundreds of others when they failed to meet the Gap’s
labor standards.
Ethics competency
High worker turnover (more than 60 percent)
is common in the apparel industry and is a significant contributor to production costs. The
Gap found that good factory practices and better working conditions lead to these results:
(1) Factories that treated their workers better
had significantly lower turnover than those that
treated their workers poorly, (2) factory managers who maintained close relationships and
frequent communications with buyers tended
to have better human resource management
systems and experienced lower management
turnover than those with limited buyer contact,
and (3) a factory’s production efficiency declined
by 16 percent for each 1 percent increase in
monthly turnover.
Armed with these data, the Gap’s vice president for social responsibility, Dan Henkle, took a
variety of actions, three of which are discussed
here. First, the Gap built an elaborate monitoring system with about 90 members who perform
more than 8,500 factory inspections each year.
The inspections have focused on working conditions, such as child or forced labor (prisoners),
unrealistic production cycles, requiring employees to work more than 60 hours a week, and
expecting employees to work unpaid overtime.
The Gap
The Gap discovered that good factory practices and working
conditions lead to positive results.
As a result of the inspections, 136 factories were
found in violation and dropped from the Gap’s
supplier list.
Second, the Gap outlined specific goals
for each of its supplier factories to achieve.
For example, in its Southern China plant,
plant management redefined the role of sewing supervisors to focus on workers’ wages
and operational efficiency as well as output.
The result was a decrease of 99 percent in the
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
missing units from theft, a 9 percent decrease
in worker turnover, a 35 percent reduction in
overtime, and a 50 percent average increase
in workers’ monthly pay. In India, the Gap
added benefits like on-site child care and
health care, as well as free meals. These have
reduced turnover and improved productivity.
Third, Henkle and his staff met with several
labor-advocacy groups in an effort to clarify the
Gap’s labor policies.
To learn more about The Gap, to go www.gap.com.
After reading this competency feature, did your perceptions of the
Gap’s use of foreign manufacturers change?
Attributions of Success and Failure
The attributions that employees and leaders make regarding success or
failure are very important. Leaders may base decisions about rewards and
punishments on their perceptions of why subordinates have succeeded or
failed at some task. In general, individuals often attribute their own and
others’ success or failure to four causal factors—ability, effort, task difficulty, and luck31:
I succeeded (or failed) because I had the competencies to do the task
(or because I did not have the competencies to do the task). Such
statements are ability attributions.
I succeeded (or failed) because I worked hard at the task (or
because I did not work hard at the task). Such statements are effort
I succeeded (or failed) because the task was easy (or because the task
was too hard). Such statements are attributions about task difficulty.
I succeeded (or failed) at the task because I was lucky (or unlucky).
Such statements are attributions about luck or the circumstances surrounding the task.
Causal attributions of ability and effort are internal. Causal
attributions of task difficulty and luck are external. These attributions
about success or failure reflect differences in self-esteem and locus of
control—personality dimensions discussed in Chapter 3. Accordingly,
the self-serving bias refers to individuals attributing their success to internal factors (ability or effort) and attributing their failure to external factors (task difficulty or luck). For
example, an individual with high self-esteem and high internal locus of control is
likely to assess his own performance positively and to attribute his good performance
to internal causes.
The tendency of employees to accept responsibility for good performance but to
deny responsibility for poor performance often presents a serious challenge for managers during performance appraisals.32 A self-serving bias may also create other types of
problems. For example, it prevents individuals from accurately assessing their own performance and abilities and makes it more difficult to determine why a course of action
has failed. The general tendency to blame others for a person’s own failures often is
associated with poor performance and an inability to establish satisfying interpersonal
relationships at work and in other social settings. In general, a version of the self-serving
bias seems to operate when people are asked to compare themselves to others in the
Tiger Woods' key to success
relies on internal attribution
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
work setting. That is, managers and employees often view themselves to be more
ethical, more effective, better performing, and so on, than the “average” other person.
One of the more traumatic events that can occur to anyone is being fired.33 Today
losing a job doesn’t carry the stigma that it once did. But—it still hurts! Inevitably
the person asks herself: What went wrong? What could I have done differently? And,
perhaps most important: What am I going to do now?
For most people, undertaking a job search at any time is always stressful.
Undertaking a job search after suffering the psychological blow of being fired can
be a formidable challenge for anyone. Suppose that you have just been fired. You
can take certain constructive actions to increase your chances of success and even
end up with a more satisfying job. All of these tips assume that you have not been
fired for unethical behaviors, including theft, bullying, sexual harassment, and other
1. Work through the firing psychologically. Emotionally, you might feel like hiding
or taking a sabbatical. Experts suggest, however, that beginning the search for
a new job immediately is crucial. The first contact or two may be hard, but the
sooner you get started and the more people you talk to, the quicker you will
find another position. Of course, reestablishing your normal good spirits may
be either a long or slow process, depending on your ability to bounce back.
Maintaining a sense of humor helps. Hal Lancaster, of the Wall Street Journal,
suggests that “getting fired is nature’s way of telling you that you had the wrong
job in the first place.”
2. Figure out what went wrong. This step is an important part of coming to grips,
psychologically, with the situation. If you don’t understand what led to your being
fired, you’re likely to repeat the same mistakes in the future. Moreover, you need
to talk to your former employer, coworkers, and friends and seek honest feedback
to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Doing so may well be difficult. Many firms’ human resource professionals prefer to say as little as possible
at the time of dismissal in order to minimize lawsuits. If you can’t get insights
from your former employer, experts suggest utilizing a career counselor to help
you make the same evaluation.
3. Work with your former employer to develop an exit statement. If possible, you
should have something in writing from your former employer that will be an
asset in your job search. Specific suggestions include having a paragraph that
describes what you accomplished in your former job followed by a paragraph
that explains why you are no longer with the firm. There are lots of “socially
acceptable” reasons that can be given in such a document: a change in management style, a change in strategy, the desire to pursue interests that no longer fit what the employer wants, and so on. Surprisingly, the fired employee
can often get a former manager or a senior manager to sign such a document.
Managers often want to be helpful, and if such a request is approached in
a constructive, problem-solving manner, many times the former manager
is willing to help create a letter or other document that does not condemn
the company or you. This approach has the advantage of creating a situation
where prospective future employers hear the same “story” from both the former employer and you.
4. Avoid negative attributions as part of your explanation. Experts say that you should
never say anything bad about your former employer. Don’t make excuses, don’t
trash the people you used to work for, and don’t blame everything on others. Focus on the positive aspects of any written understanding that you have
obtained. Accept responsibility for both your failures and successes. Quickly move
the discussion to the future, stressing what you’ve learned from previous jobs and
focusing on what you can do for a new employer.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Chapter Summary
1. Describe the major
elements in the
perceptual process.
2. Identify the main factors
that influence what the
individual perceives.
3. Identify the factors that
determine how one
person perceives another.
4. Describe the primary
errors in perception that
people make.
Perception is the psychological process whereby the individual selects information
from the environment and organizes it to make sense of his world. Environmental
stimuli are observed, selected, organized, interpreted, and responded to as a result of
the perceptual process. Understanding the two major components of this process—
selection and organization—is particularly important.
Perceptual selection is used to filter out less important information in order to focus on
more important environmental cues. Both external factors in the environment and factors
internal to the perceiver influence perceptual selection. External factors (i.e., size, motion)
can be thought of as characteristics of the event. These influence whether the event is
likely to be noticed. Internal factors include personality, learning, and motivation.
How the individual perceives another is particularly important for organizational
behavior. Person perception is a function of the characteristics of the person perceived, the characteristics of the perceiver, and the situation within which the perception takes place. Individuals may go to great lengths to manage the impressions that
others form about them.
The perceptual process may result in errors of judgment or understanding in various ways.
The more important and common perceptual errors include perceptual defense, stereotyping, the halo effect, projection, and impression management. However, through training and experience, individuals can learn to judge or perceive others more accurately.
5. Explain how attributions Attribution deals with the perceived causes of behavior. Individuals infer causes to
influence behavior.
understand the behavior of others. Their perceptions of why certain behaviors occur
influence their own subsequent behaviors and feelings. Whether behavior is internally
caused by the nature of the individual or externally caused by circumstances over which
the individual has little control has important implications for leaders. Individuals also
make attributions concerning task success and failure that have important implications
for organizational behavior.
Key Terms and Concepts
Attribution process, 119
Expatriates, 113
Feng shui, 106
Fundamental attribution error, 122
Golem effect, 116
Halo effect, 116
Implicit personality theory, 111
Impression management, 117
Perception, 104
Perceptual defense, 115
Perceptual set, 110
Person perception, 111
Pollyanna principle, 110
Projection, 117
Pygmalion effect, 116
Selective screening, 107
Self-fulfilling prophecy, 116
Self-serving bias, 124
Stereotyping, 115
Discussion Questions
Go to www.google.com and enter “Jim Sinegal.” Scroll
down until you find “ABC News: Costco CEO Finds
Pro-Worker Means Profitability.” What is your perception of him?
The individual forms perceptions of how ethical
principles are portrayed in organizations through the
behaviors of leaders, advertisements, news stories, and
the like. Go to the Gap’s website (www.gap.com). What
Chapter 4
attributions can you make about their ethical principles
from visiting this website?
Review the Communication Competency feature showing different hand gestures on page 109. Do you use
any of these gestures? How might these be interpreted
by people in different countries?
What are your scores on the Impression Management
Assessment questionnaire in Table 4.2? Based on these,
how might the overuse of any tactic backfire on you and
hurt your career advancement?
If you take an assignment with an organization in a foreign country, what are some of the perceptual errors that
you should avoid to complete the assignment successfully?
Perceptions and Attributions
Give three examples of the halo effect that you have
observed personally.
7. Give an example of a situation in which you attributed
someone’s behavior to internal or external factors. What
influenced your attribution?
8. Describe an important task at which you failed.
Describe a second important task at which you succeeded. Identify the attributions that you made to
explain your failure and your success.
9. Provide two real examples of the Pygmalion effect.
10. Which stereotypes do you believe are most widely held
by leaders in organizations? Why?
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
The Perception Process 34
The Perception Process Questionnaire (PPQ) is designed to help
you evaluate your current level of perceptual skills. If you do
not have experience in a management-level position, consider
a project you have worked on either in the classroom or in
an organization such as a fraternity, sorority, club, church, or
service group. You will find that the statements are applicable
to your own experience even if you are not yet a manager.
Use the following scale to rate the frequency with which
you perform the behaviors described in each statement. Place
the corresponding number (1–7) in the blank space preceding
the statement.
1 Rarely
2 Irregularly
3 Occasionally
4 Usually
5 Frequently
6 Almost Always
7 Consistently
_____ 1. I search for verified facts and observations to support inferences or conclusions.
_____ 2. I examine available information related to my
area of job responsibility.
_____ 3. I note organizational changes and policies that
might affect my information.
_____ 4. I ask others for their opinions and observations to
get access to more information.
_____ 5. I note inconsistencies and seek explanations for
_____ 6. I look at information in terms of similarities and
_____ 7. I generate possible explanations for available
_____ 8. I check for omissions, distortions, or exaggerations in available information.
_____ 9. I verbally summarize data that are not completely
quantified (e.g., trends).
_____ 10. I distinguish facts from opinions.
_____ 11. I am aware of my own style of approaching problems and how this might affect the way I process
_____ 12. I put quantitative information in tables, charts,
and graphs.
_____ 13. I am aware of the personality characteristics of
my peers, colleagues, subordinates, and superiors.
_____ 14. I am aware of my own biases and value systems
that influence the way I see people.
_____ 15. I am aware of patterns of people’s performance and how these patterns might indicate
_____ 16. I recognize differences and similarities among
_____ 17. I actively seek to determine how pieces of information might be related.
_____ 18. I relate current information to past experiences.
_____ 19. I relate my own attitudes and feelings and those
of others to job performance.
_____ 20. I relate work methods to outcomes.
PPQ Evaluation
The PPQ Evaluation (see page 128) shows scoring lines for your
total score and for each behavioral area measured on the PPQ.
Each line shows a continuum from the lowest possible score
to the highest. Place a B (before practice) where your personal
score falls on each of these lines. The score lines in the PPQ
Evaluation show graphically where you stand with regard to five
areas of perception. If you have been honest with yourself, you
now have a better idea of your relative strengths and weaknesses
in the categories of behavior that make up perception skills.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
PPQ Scoring Sheet
Behavioral Area
Searching for information
1, 2, 3, 4
Interpreting and comprehending information
5, 6, 7, 8
Determining essential
9, 10, 11, 12
Recognizing characteristics of people
13, 14, 15, 16
Identifying relationships
17, 18, 19, 20
1. What competencies need to be further developed to
improve your perceptual skills?
2. Have your scores affected your communications with
others? Explain.
Case: Self Competency
Joan Murphy35
Joan Murphy is a computer engineering programmer for
the aerospace division of Lockheed Martin Company. Please
read the case and then identify the causes of her behavior by
answering the questions following the case. Then determine
whether you made an internal or external attribution. After
completing the task, decide on the appropriateness of various
forms of corrective action. A list of potential recommendations has been developed. The list is divided into four categories. Read each action, and evaluate its appropriateness by
using the scale provided. Next, compute a total score for each
of the four categories.
The Case
Joan Murphy, 42, received her baccalaureate degree in
aerospace engineering from a school in the Northeast. She
graduated with a 3.4 GPA and had a minor in international
relations. During the summer between her junior and senior
years, she took an internship with Texas Instruments in
Japan. Immediately upon graduation, she took a permanent
position with Lockheed Martin and was assigned to its Fort
Worth, Texas, jet fighter division. Joan is currently working in the aerospace engineering department as a senior
engineer. During the past year, she has missed 12 days of
work. She seems unmotivated and rarely has her assignments completed on time. Joan is usually given the harder
engineering designs to work on because of her technical
Past records indicate Joan, on average, completes programs classified as “routine” in about 45 hours. Her coworkers, on the other hand, complete “routine” programs in an
average time of 32 hours. Further, she finishes programs
considered “major problems,” on average, in about 115 hours.
Her coworkers, however, finish these same “major problems”
assignments, on average, in about 100 hours. When she has
worked in engineering teams, her peer performance reviews
are generally average to marginal. Her peers have noted she
is not creative in attacking problems and she is difficult to
work with.
The aerospace engineering department recently sent a
questionnaire to all customers to evaluate the usefulness and
accuracy of its designs. The results indicate many departments
are not using its designs because they cannot understand the
reports. It was also determined that many customers found
Joan’s work unorganized and they could not use her work
unless someone redid it.
Causes of Performance
To what extent was each of the following a cause of Joan’s
performance? Use the following scale:
a. High ability
b. Low ability
c. Low effort
d. Difficult job
e. Unproductive
f. Bad luck
Very Little
Very Much
Internal attribution (total score for causes a, b, and c)
External attribution (total score for causes d, e, and f)
Appropriateness of Corrective Action
Evaluate the following courses of action by using the scale
Very Inappropriate
Very Appropriate
Chapter 4
Coercive Actions
a. Reprimand Joan for her performance.
b. Threaten to fire Joan if her performance does not improve.
Change Job
c. Transfer Joan to another job.
d. Demote Joan to a less demanding job.
Coaching Actions
e. Work with her to help her do the job better.
f. Offer her encouragement to help her improve.
No Immediate Actions
g. Do nothing.
h. Promise her a pay raise if she improves.
Perceptions and Attributions
Compute a score for the four categories:
Coercive actions = a + b = _____
Change job = c + d = _____
Coaching actions = e + f = _____
No immediate actions = g + h = _____
1. What is your evaluation of Joan’s performance in terms
of consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus?
2. Do you attribute Joan’s performance to internal or
external causes? What is the rationale for your decision?
3. Which of the four types of corrective actions do you
think is most appropriate? Explain.
Learning Concepts to Improve
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Explain the role of classical and
operant conditioning in fostering
Describe the contingencies of
reinforcement that influence
Explain how positive
reinforcement, negative
reinforcement, punishment, and
extinction affect an individual’s
Describe how social learning
theory can be used by
individuals to improve their
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Working at United Parcel Service
Learning Through Rewards and Punishments
Contingencies of Reinforcement
Self Competency
Coming to Work Today?
Ethics Competency
Time Off for Bad Behavior
Schedules of Reinforcement
Across Cultures Competency
Flowers: A Symbol of Love?
Social Learning Theory
Teams Competency
Steelcase Inc.
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What Is Your Self-Efficacy?
Case: Self Competency
Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American
Learning from Experience
Working at United Parcel Service
With revenues of more than $49.7 billion dollars,
425,300 employees worldwide, and 1,800 locations, UPS is the world’s largest package-delivery
company. UPS transports 16 million packages
and documents per business day throughout the
United States and to more than 200 countries and
territories. Its delivery operations use a fleet of
about 100,000 motor vehicles and nearly 600 aircraft. How does UPS deliver?
Service providers are trained to perform their
tasks over and over again without wasted effort.
Veteran service providers earn $29 per hour and
can earn more with overtime. They are told to
keep the DIAD (Delivery Information Acquisition
Device) under the right arm and the package
under the left. Keys are on the pinky finger. They
are told to look at the package only once to fix
the address in their mind. They walk to the customer’s place of business or home at three feet
a second. The service provider’s left foot should
hit the truck’s first step. They are told to put their
seat belt on with their left hand,
while at the same time turning
on the ignition with their right
hand. During an average day, a
service provider will make about
100 stops to deliver 246 packages and pick up 70 others. Each
service provider participates in
hours and hours of classroom
and on-the-road training during which they learn the Five
Seeing Habits: (1) Look down the
road to uncover traffic patterns,
(2) maintain the proper following distance, (3) constantly keep
your eyes on the road, (4) make
To learn more about UPS, go to
sure that the truck has an escape route, and
(5) communicate in traffic with your horn, lights,
and signals. Those service providers who use
these Five Seeing Habits effectively are rewarded
with T-shirts, free lunches, and the like.
United Parcel Service gives its supervisors
personal digital assistants (PDAs) to use in onroad driver evaluations. The PDAs are equipped
with proprietary software that standardizes the
evaluation process, helping to ensure that each
driver review is as objective as possible. “Our
supervisors do ride-alongs to see if the service
provider is following procedures and adhering
to our health and safety policies,” says Cathy
Callagee, vice president of applications development for UPS’s operations portfolio. “But this was
problematic because supervisors used to have to
write notes on paper, and then bring their notes
back to the office and type them into reports.”
Paper is eliminated with the help of PDAs,
which display a series of checklists for the
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
supervisor to use during the evaluation. The
checklists guide the supervisors through a list of
duties the service provider should be performing.
The supervisor simply checks off each duty as the
service provider completes it. Additionally, the
checklists are uniform across the UPS network, so
each service provider receives the same evaluation, regardless of who is conducting the review.
The PDAs identify training needs to help make
service providers safer and provide better customer service. The PDAs permit the supervisor
to immediately reward an employee for excellent
service with a congratulatory note.
The PDAs also serve as a remote office, allowing supervisors to receive e-mail and check the
status of other activities while they are on the road
with drivers. “Supervisors can now electronically
write how their drivers are doing and [whether]
they are following procedures,” Callagee says.
“If [they’re] not, the supervisor can bring the
applied methods right up on the PDA and walk
the driver through it.”1
Companies in all industries are recognizing the importance of customer satisfaction
and how the quality of frontline customer service providers can make or break a
company. Turnover and competition are pushing organizations to focus on ways to
keep top-quality employees satisfied and motivated. A recent survey conducted by
WorldatWork found that recognition and reward programs remain a top priority
for all managers.2 As you read in the feature on UPS, managers have in place opportunities to recognize and reward good performance. UPS asks service providers, via
surveys and team meetings, what they value most in terms of recognition and rewards
and then designs their motivational program around these employee expectations and
values. UPS also knows that unless there is a consistent way to track and recognize
superior performance, such motivational programs lose their effectiveness.
UPS managerial practices are based on specific principles drawn from an area of
psychology called learning. Learning is a relatively permanent change in knowledge or
observable behavior that results from practice or experience.3 Desirable work behaviors contribute to achievement of organizational goals; conversely, undesirable work behaviors
hinder achievement of these goals. Labeling behavior as desirable or undesirable may
be somewhat subjective and depends on the value systems of the organization (most
often represented by an employee’s leader) and the employee exhibiting the behavior.
For example, a service provider at UPS who returns late from lunch exhibits undesirable behavior from the supervisor’s viewpoint, desirable behavior from the viewpoint
of friends with whom the worker chats during the break, and desirable behavior from
the worker’s viewpoint because of the satisfaction of social needs. Employees quickly
learn whether their behavior is desirable or undesirable based on the leader’s reaction
to the behavior, and also learn how to change an undesirable to a desirable (from the
leader’s viewpoint) behavior.
Usually, however, the work setting and organizational norms provide objective
bases for determining whether a behavior is desirable or undesirable. The more a
behavior deviates from organizational expectations, the more undesirable it is. At UPS,
undesirable behavior includes anything that results in lost packages and late or missed
deliveries. Expectations about behavior vary considerably from one organization to
another. For example, at Microsoft’s research and development laboratory, engineers
and scientists are encouraged to question top management’s directives because innovation and professional judgment are crucial to the organization’s success.
Effective leaders do not try to change employees’ personalities or basic beliefs.
As we pointed out in Chapters 3 and 4, an individual’s personality, emotions, and
perceptual processes influence his behavior and directly influencing those traits
is often difficult, if not impossible. Rather, effective leaders focus on identifying
observable employee behaviors and the environmental conditions that affect these
behaviors. They then attempt to influence external events in order to guide employee
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
behaviors—to help employees learn and exhibit desirable behaviors. In this chapter, we
explore three major concepts of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning,
and social learning theory. Each theory proposes a different way by which people
learn, but focusing on observable behaviors is common to all three.
Learning Through Rewards and Punishments
Employees need to learn and practice productive work behaviors. Learning new work
assignments often depends on many factors. The leader’s task, then, is to provide learning experiences in an environment that will simplify the learning process and promote
the employee behaviors desired by the organization. For learning to occur, some types
of behavioral change are required. In the sterile processing department at Children’s
Hospital in Denver, Colorado, good attendance is critical. Absenteeism impacts the
entire department because the work must get done regardless, so team members have
to pick up the slack for their missing colleagues. To encourage perfect attendance, staff
members who have not missed work in the previous three months are announced at
the department’s meetings. Various rewards are handed out, such as ribbons, perfect
attendance pins, prizes, tote bags, alarm clocks, and the like. As an added incentive, the
individual with the longest record of perfect attendance is allowed to choose first from
the list of “gifts.” In addition, each quarter a list of employees who have not missed
any days of work is posted in the staff lounge along with the length of their perfect
attendance. If the entire department has perfect attendance for a quarter, the whole
department celebrates with events like an ice cream social or root beer float party to
acknowledge everyone’s efforts and accomplishments.4
Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning is the process by which individuals learn to link the information
from a neutral stimulus to a stimulus that causes a response. This response may not be
under an individual’s conscious control.5 In the classical conditioning process, an
unconditioned stimulus (environmental event) brings out a natural response. Then
a neutral environmental event, called a conditioned stimulus, is paired with the unconditioned stimulus that brings out the behavior. Eventually, the conditioned stimulus
alone brings out the behavior, which is called a conditional response.
The individual most frequently associated with classical conditioning is Ivan
Pavlov, the Russian physiologist whose experiments with dogs led to the early formulations of classical conditioning theory. In Pavlov’s famous experiment, the sound
of a metronome (the conditioned stimulus) was paired with food (the unconditioned
stimulus). The dogs eventually exhibited a salivation response (conditioned response)
to the sound of the metronome alone. The classical conditioning process is illustrated
in Figure 5.1.
The classical conditioning process helps explain a variety of behaviors that occur
in everyday organizational life. At Presbyterian Hospital’s emergency room in Plano,
Texas, special lights in the hallway indicate that a patient who needs treatment has just
arrived. Nurses and other hospital staff report that they feel nervous when the lights
go on. In contrast, at a recent luncheon in the dining room at Stonebriar Country
Club in Frisco, Texas, Ralph Sorrentino, a partner at Deloitte Consulting, was thanked
by his friend Jack Kennedy for suggesting a new personnel performance evaluation
system. When Sorrentino dines in the dining room, he remembers that recognition
and feels good.
Some organizations spend millions of dollars on advertising campaigns designed
to link the information value of a stimulus to customers’ purchasing behaviors. In a
TV ad, AFLAC has successfully created a link between its duck and supplemental
Learning Goal
1. Explain the role of classical
and operant conditioning in
fostering learning.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 5.1 Classical Conditioning
insurance. The duck is the unconditioned stimulus, and insurance is the conditioned
stimulus. The positive feelings that buyers have toward the duck are associated with
insurance, which AFLAC hopes will lead people to buy its products.
Classical conditioning isn’t widely used in work settings. Employee behaviors
usually don’t include responses that can be changed with classical conditioning techniques. Instead, there is greater interest in the voluntary behaviors of employees and
how they can be changed via operant conditioning.
Operant Conditioning
The individual most closely linked with operant learning is B. F. Skinner.6 He coined
the term operant conditioning to refer to a process by which individuals learn voluntary
behavior. Voluntary behaviors are called operants because they operate, or have some
influence, on the environment. Learning occurs from the consequences of behaviors,
and many employee work behaviors are operant behaviors. In fact, most behaviors
in everyday life (e.g., talking, walking, reading, or working) are forms of operant
behavior. Leaders are interested in operant behaviors because they can influence the
results of such behaviors. For example, the frequency of an employee behavior can be
increased or decreased by changing the results of that behavior. The crucial aspect of
operant conditioning is what happens as a consequence of the behavior. The strength
and frequency of operantly conditioned behaviors are determined mainly by consequences. Thus, leaders and team members must understand the effects of different
types of consequences on the task behaviors of employees. For example, at Virgin Life
Care in Boston, Massachusetts, the company’s rewards program motivated 40 percent
of its more than 940 employees to establish a habit of walking up stairs instead of
taking the elevator. Thanks to the program, employees reduced their body fat by 68
percent, saving the company money in terms of decreased medical claims and reduced
In operant conditioning, a response is learned because it leads to a particular
consequence (reinforcement), and it is strengthened each time it is reinforced. The
success of Denver’s Children’s Hospital motivational program to encourage perfect
attendance relies on rewarding behavior (perfect attendance) or not rewarding
behavior when individual calls in sick. At school, you’ve probably learned that if you
study hard, you are likely to receive good grades. If you keep up with your reading
throughout the semester, you can more easily cope with the stress of finals week.
Thus, you’ve learned to operate on your environment to achieve your desired goals.
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
Contingencies of Reinforcement
Learning Goal
A contingency of reinforcement is the relationship between a behavior and the preceding
and following environmental events that influence that behavior. A contingency of reinforcement consists of an antecedent, a behavior, and a consequence.
An antecedent precedes and is a stimulus to a behavior. Antecedents are instructions,
rules, goals, and advice from others that help individuals to know which behaviors are
acceptable and which are not and to let them know the consequences of such behaviors. At UPS, service providers are trained on how to deliver a package. Antecedents
play an essential educational role by letting service providers know in advance the
consequences (rewards) of different behaviors.
A consequence is the result of a behavior, which can be either positive or negative in
terms of goal or task accomplishment. A leader’s response to an employee is contingent
on the consequence of the behavior (and sometimes on the behavior itself, regardless
of consequence). The consequence for service providers at UPS is delivering all
their packages on time and going home on time. The consequence for staff members
of the sterile processing department at Children’s Hospital who have perfect
attendance for the quarter is that they receive tote bags, their name is posted in the
break room, etc.
Figure 5.2 shows an example of contingent reinforcement. First, the employee and
leader jointly set a goal (e.g., selling $100,000 worth of equipment next month). Next,
the employee performs tasks to achieve this goal (e.g., calling on four new customers
a week, having regular lunches with current buyers, and attending a two-day training
program on new methods of selling). If the employee reaches the sales goal, the leader
praises the employee—an action contingent on achievement of the goal. If the employee
fails to reach the goal, the leader doesn’t say anything or reprimands the employee.
The contingency of reinforcement concept involves three main types of contingencies. First, an event can be presented (applied) or withdrawn (removed), contingent
on employee behavior. The event also may be positive or aversive. Positive events are
desirable, or pleasing, to the employee. Aversive events are undesirable, or displeasing, to the
employee. Figure 5.3 shows how these events can be combined to produce four types
of contingencies of reinforcement. It shows whether a particular type of contingency
2. Describe the contingencies of
reinforcement that influence
FIGURE 5.2 Examples of Contingent Reinforcement
Manager and
set goal
Manager is silent or
reprimands employee
(precedes the
(result of the
Manager compliments
employee for
on Consequence
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 5. 3 Types of Contingencies of Reinforcement
Event Is Added
Event Is Removed
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
is likely to increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. This figure also is the
basis for the following discussion of contingencies of reinforcement. Reinforcement
is a behavioral contingency that increases the frequency of a particular behavior that it follows.
Whether positive or negative, reinforcement always increases the frequency of the
employee behavior. If you want a behavior to continue, you must make sure that it
is being reinforced. In contrast, extinction and punishment always decrease the frequency of the employee behavior.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement entails presenting a pleasant consequence after the occurrence of a
desired behavior (see Figure 5.3). A leader might reward an employee’s behavior that
is desirable in terms of achieving the organization’s goals. Catherine Collins took a
cup of coffee to Bobbie Watson and then discussed the improved quality of her work.
Bobbie’s work continued to improve (positive reinforcement).
Reward versus Reinforcement
The terms reinforcement and reward are often confused in everyday usage. A reward
is an event that an individual finds desirable or pleasing. An individual’s culture influences whether a reward acts as a reinforcer.8 For example, praise and appreciation
of employees in family-dominated cultures such as Greece, Italy, and South Korea
may mean just as much to the recipient as money. Certain material rewards can
also carry unexpected consequences. In China, for example, cashiers and clerks
at Walmart and Sam’s typically earn between 1500 and 2500 RMB per month
(roughly $200 to $300). This is a competitive wage in China. In addition, Walmart
distributes food to employees as holiday gifts and gives them a housing allowance.
Employees in higher positions get more and better food and housing than lower
level workers.9
To qualify as a reinforcer, a reward must increase the frequency of the behavior
it follows. Money can be regarded as a positive reinforcer for a particular individual
only if the frequency of the desired behavior (in this case, high performance) increases.
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
A reward doesn’t act as a reinforcer if the frequency of the behavior decreases or
remains unchanged.
Primary and Secondary Reinforcers
A primary reinforcer is an event for which the individual already knows the value. Food,
shelter, and water are primary reinforcers. However, primary reinforcers don’t always
act as reinforcers, given a particular situation. For example, food may not be a reinforcer to someone who has just completed a five-course meal.
In organizations, secondary reinforcers influence most behaviors. A secondary
reinforcer is an event that once had neutral value but has taken on some value (positive or
negative) for an individual because of past experience. Money is an obvious example of a
secondary reinforcer. Although it can’t directly satisfy a basic human need, money has
value because an individual can use it to purchase both necessities and discretionary
items. Calvert, a Bethesda, Maryland, financial firm, groups its secondary reinforcers
into three categories:
core benefits, such as life insurance, sick leave, holiday pay, and a retirement savings
optional benefits, such as dental and eye care coverage, and spending accounts for
health and dependent care; and
other benefits, such as tuition reimbursement, car pooling, and career planning.
At Costco, employees are offered challenging jobs and participate in the management of their own jobs. Management teaches employees quality control techniques so
that they can monitor their own behavior, learn to control costs, and assume responsibility for tasks traditionally viewed as managerial prerogatives. Costco also provides employees with health and education benefits, flexible working arrangements,
maternity/paternity leave, and child and elder care. It also sponsors social events for
employees. Does it work? Costco employees, on average, earn $31,000 per year and
receive an additional $7,065 in benefits, whereas the average Sam’s Club employee
earns $24,680 per year with $4,247 in benefits. Yet the labor costs at Costco are
actually lower because Costco’s employees generated roughly twice the revenue ($72
versus $39.7 billion) as did Sam’s Club’s employees—and Costco did it with thousands
of fewer employees. When the costs of turnover, employee theft, and productivity are
considered, it is more efficient for Costco to pay its employees more. For more information on Costco and its leaders, see Chapter 4.10
David Stoner, president of ViewCast Corporation, has
discovered that when people are given a choice of things to
do, whatever they consistently choose can be used as a secondCommunication Insight
ary reinforcer. In fact, you are invited to make a list of all the
tasks that you need to do in the next two days. Rank these from
Encouraging positive behavior takes much
things you most want to do or enjoy doing to the tasks you least
less effort on a leader’s part than having
like to do. Then start working at the bottom of the list. You will
to address poor performance issues. I try
quickly notice that when you start at the bottom, every time
to give out five positive comments for
you finish a task, the next one on the list is more desirable. If
every one negative one to reinforce good
you start at the top of your list, the consequence of completing
that task is that the next one is more undesirable, difficult, or
Jack Gustin, President, Lakewood Hospital
boring. Using this approach, you quit. Starting from the bottom
and working to the top, you don’t want to quit until all tasks
are done.
The nation’s 300 largest employers estimate that
unscheduled absenteeism costs their business more than $760,000 per day in
direct payroll costs and even more when lower productivity, lost revenue, and the
effects of poor morale are considered. The following Self Competency feature
illustrates how JCPenney designed a positive reinforcement system to tackle this
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Self competency
Coming to Work Today?
On any given day, about 1,500 JCPenney
Company employees do not show up for work at
one of the company’s more than 11,000 stores—
with a costly result. And in recessionary times
when profits are slim, that’s a cost that most
leaders do not want to incur. In an effort to cut
down on unscheduled absenteeism, JCPenney
implemented a program that is staffed by a
team of employees to work on this problem. If
an employee is sick and cannot come to work
for more than three days, the employees must
call Penney’s PowerLine team. The team determines the type of benefit, if any, the employee
can receive. The team notifies the leader of the
department where the employee works and
sends the employee the necessary forms to
complete. The PowerLine team follows up with
absent employees until they return to work.
JCPenney has created a PowerLine team to follow up
with absent employees.
Jim Cuva, Penney’s benefit leader, learned that
when individuals check on the person to see how
they are doing, it shows the individual that someone cares and is thinking about them.
The PowerLine team also discovered that
only a third of all absences were related to an
illness. The rest of the times absences were
related to having to be somewhere else or the
individual just didn’t feel like going to work.
They also found that authoritarian leaders who
make employees feel it’s “their way or the highway” created more absences than leaders who
make employees feel important. They recommended leadership development programs for
these leaders in an effort to educate them on
the consequences of their autocratic leadership style. Finally, the PowerLine team, working
with a consultant, designed a survey to find out
whether a job applicant might have a problem
with absences. Some of the questions that they
ask job applicants to either agree or disagree
with include:
• I have asked a friend to punch my time card
when I knew I was going to be late for work.
• It’s okay to say you’re sick and go home if you
don’t feel like working.
• It’s okay to get around rules, as long as you
don’t actually break them.
The PowerLine team uses these and other questions to understand the applicant’s character.
The team has learned that if the individual is not
going to be satisfied at work, they’re more likely
to be absent.
To learn more about JCPenney’s PowerLine, go to www.jcpenney.com.
Concepts of Positive Reinforcement
Several general principles influence the effectiveness of positive reinforcement. The
following general principles help to explain optimum reinforcement conditions12:
The principle of contingent reinforcement states that the reinforcer must be
administered only if the desired behavior is performed. A reinforcer administered when
the desired behavior has not been performed is ineffective.
The principle of immediate reinforcement states that the reinforcer will be most
effective if administered immediately after the desired behavior has occurred. This is
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
what supervisors at UPS do. The more time that elapses after the behavior occurs,
the less effective the reinforcer.
The principle of reinforcement size states that the larger the amount of reinforcer
delivered after the desired behavior, the more effect the reinforcer will have on the
frequency of the desired behavior. The amount, or size, of the reinforcer is relative.
A reinforcer that may be significant to one person may be insignificant to another
person. Thus, the size of the reinforcer must be determined in relation both to
the behavior and the individual. ARAMARK, a supplier of food services to college
campuses, gives T-shirts to workers with perfect attendance for a month and a $50
gift certificate to those with perfect attendance for a semester.
The principle of reinforcement deprivation states that the more an individual is
deprived of the reinforcer, the greater effect it will have on the future occurrence of the
desired behavior. However, if an individual recently has had enough of a reinforcer
and is satisfied, the reinforcer will have less effect.
Organizational Rewards
Material rewards—salary, bonuses, fringe benefits, and the like—are obvious. Most
leaders also offer a wide range of other rewards to reinforce the behaviors they
want. For example, the Dallas Independent School System recently spent more than
$12 million on substitute teachers. The average teacher was absent 10 days during the
school year. The district launched its Staff and Teacher Attendance Reward program
as a financial incentive for teachers to show up for class. According to Marita Hawkins,
the district’s benefits director, if a teacher had only one absence during the school year,
the district matched 100 percent of the teacher’s contribution to a retirement account,
up to $1,000 a year. Teachers out two days got a 75 percent match, up to $700. Those
with three to five absences earned 50 percent match, up to $500 a year. Hawkins hopes
to save the district more than $2 million with this reward system.13
At Toyota’s Camry assembly plant in Georgetown, Kentucky, management
rewards employees for kaizens. A kaizen is a suggestion that results in safety, cost, or
quality improvements.14 The awards are distributed equally among all members of a
team. The awards aren’t cash payments; rather, they are gift certificates redeemable at
local retail stores. Toyota learned that an award that could be shared by the employees’ families was valued more than extra money in the paycheck. These awards instill
pride and encourage other teams to scramble for new ideas in the hope that they, too,
will receive them. In addition, self-administered rewards are important. For example,
self-satisfaction for accomplishing a particularly difficult assignment can be an important personal reinforcer. Table 5.1 contains an extensive list of organizational rewards.
Remember, however, that such rewards will act as reinforcers only if the individuals
receiving them find them desirable or pleasing.
Negative Reinforcement
Negative reinforcement (see Figure 5.3) occurs when an unpleasant event that precedes
the employee behavior is removed when the desired behavior occurs. Negative reinforcement
increases the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur. Negative reinforcement
is sometimes confused with punishment because both use unpleasant events that influence behavior. Negative reinforcement is used to increase the frequency of a desired
behavior. In contrast, punishment is used to decrease the frequency of an undesired
behavior. On NBC’s TV show The Biggest Loser, the station agreed to pay $250,000
to the individual who lost the biggest percentage of his or her body weight. In the
primetime reality show, unless a contestant lost 15 pounds in two months, the show
would air unflattering photos of them on TV. Cynthia Nacson-Schechter explained
that she knew all about the dangers of being overweight and yet these dangers and
the money weren’t enough to scare her into losing weight. What she feared most was
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 5.1 Rewards Used by Organizations
Pay raises
Stock options
Profit sharing
Deferred compensation
Bonuses/bonus plans
Incentive plans
Expense accounts
Company automobiles
Health insurance plans
Pension contributions
Vacation and sick leave
Recreation facilities
Child-care support
Club privileges
Parental leave
Corner offices
Offices with windows
Private restrooms
Developmental feedback
Smiles, pats on the back, and
other nonverbal signals
Requests for suggestions
Invitations to coffee or lunch
Wall plaques
Sense of achievement
Jobs with more responsibility
Job autonomy/self-direction
Performing important tasks
Self-development through
expanded knowledge/skills
Greater sense of self-worth
the possibility that her ex-boyfriend would see her in a bikini on national TV. She lost
weight and then some. It was the fear of being on national TV in a bikini that acted
as a negative reinforcer for her to lose weight.
Leaders and team members frequently use negative reinforcement when an
employee hasn’t done something that is necessary or desired. For example, air-traffic
controllers want the ability to activate a blinking light and a loud buzzer in the cockpits of planes that come too close to each other. Air-traffic controllers wouldn’t shut
these devices off until the planes moved farther apart. This type of procedure is called
escape learning because the pilots quickly learn to move their planes away from each
other to escape the light and buzzer. Escape learning refers to an unpleasant event that
occurs until an employee performs a behavior or terminates it. In most instances, use of
negative reinforcements generates enough behavior to escape or avoid punishment.
Doing “just enough to get by” is typical.
Extinction is the removal of all reinforcing events. Whereas reinforcement increases the
frequency of a desirable behavior, extinction decreases the frequency of an undesirable behavior (see Figure 5.3). Leaders use extinction to reduce undesirable employee
behaviors that prevent achievement of organizational goals. The extinction procedure
consists of three steps:
identifying the behavior to be reduced or eliminated,
identifying the reinforcer that maintains the behavior, and
stopping the reinforcer.
Extinction is a useful technique for reducing and eventually eliminating behaviors
that disrupt normal workflow. For example, a team reinforces the disruptive behavior
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
of a member by laughing at it. When the team stops laughing (the reinforcer), the
disruptive behavior will diminish and ultimately stop.
Extinction can be regarded as a failure to reinforce a behavior positively. In this
sense, the extinction of behaviors may be accidental. If leaders fail to reinforce desirable behaviors, they may be using extinction without recognizing it. As a result, the
frequency of desirable behaviors may inadvertently decrease.
Some leaders think that doing nothing has no effect on performance. When leaders do nothing following a behavior, they change the contingencies of reinforcement.
If employees are taking the initiative to go beyond what is required, those behaviors
will stop if they are not reinforced. If employees are taking shortcuts in areas of safety
and quality and nothing is said, then extinction will cause the undesirable behaviors
to continue.
Punishment (see Figure 5.3) refers to an unpleasant event occurring following a behavior
and decreasing that behavior’s frequency. Remember when you tried to use a PC for the
first time? You may have inadvertently deleted a document you had been working on
for hours (punishment). If that happened, now you probably hit the “Save” option
regularly. As in positive reinforcement, a punishment may include a specific antecedent that cues the employee that a consequence (punisher) will follow a specific behavior. A positive contingency of reinforcement encourages the frequency of a desired
behavior. In contrast, punishment decreases the frequency of an undesired behavior.
To qualify as a punisher, an event must decrease the undesirable behavior. Just because
an event is thought of as unpleasant, it isn’t necessarily a punisher. The event must
actually reduce or stop the undesired behavior before it can be defined as a punisher.
Organizations typically use several types of unpleasant events to punish employees. Material consequences for failure to perform adequately include a cut in pay, a
disciplinary suspension without pay, a demotion, or a transfer to a dead-end job. The
final punishment is the firing of an employee for failure to perform. In general, organizations reserve the use of unpleasant material events, such as demotions, reassignments, dismissals, and the like, for cases of serious behavior problems.
Interpersonal punishers are used extensively. They include a leader’s oral reprimand of an employee for unacceptable behavior and nonverbal punishers such
as frowns, grunts, and aggressive body language. Certain tasks themselves can be
unpleasant. The fatigue that follows hard physical labor can be considered a punisher,
as can harsh or dirty working conditions. However, care must be exercised in labeling
a punisher. In some fields and to some employees, harsh or dirty working conditions
may be considered as just something that goes with the job.
Three of the principles of positive reinforcement discussed earlier have equivalents in punishment. For maximum effectiveness:
a punisher should be directly linked to the undesirable behavior (principle of
contingent punishment);
the punishment should be administered immediately (principle of immediate
punishment); and,
in general, the greater the size of the punisher, the stronger the effect on the
undesirable behavior (principle of punishment size).
Negative Effects of Punishment
A criticism for using punishment is the chance that it will have negative effects,
especially over long or sustained periods of time.15 Punishment stops an undesirable
employee behavior. However, the potential negative consequences may be greater
than the original undesirable behavior. Figure 5.4 illustrates some potential negative
effects of punishment, as discussed next.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 5.4 Potential Negative Effects of Punishment
of undesirable
employee behavior
decrease in
frequency of
Which tends
to reinforce
leads to
Fear of
High turnover
Punishment may cause undesirable emotional reactions. An employee who has
been reprimanded for staying on break too long may react with anger toward the
leader and the organization. Such reactions may lead to behavior detrimental to
the organization. Sabotage, for example, may be a result of a punishment-oriented
management system. Chapter 8 discusses aggressive behavior in the workforce more
Punishment frequently leads only to short-term suppression of the undesirable
behavior, rather than to its elimination. The suppression of an undesirable behavior
over a long period of time usually requires continued and, perhaps, increasingly severe
punishment. Another problem is that control of the undesirable behavior becomes
contingent on the leader’s presence. When the leader isn’t around, the undesirable
employee behavior is likely to recur.
In addition, the punished individual may try to avoid or escape the situation.
From an organizational viewpoint, this reaction may be unacceptable if an employee
avoids a particular, essential task. High absenteeism is a form of avoidance that may
occur when punishment is used frequently. Quitting may be the employee’s final form
of escape. Organizations that depend on punishment are likely to have high rates of
employee turnover. Some turnover is desirable, but excessive turnover is damaging
to an organization. Todd Diener, president of Chili’s at Brinker International based
in Dallas, Texas, says that recruitment and training costs average more than $600 per
employee at Chili’s restaurants.
Punishment suppresses employee initiative and flexibility. Reacting to punishment,
many an employee has said: “I’m going to do just what I’m told and nothing more.”
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
Such an attitude is undesirable because organizations depend on the personal
initiative and creativity that employees bring to their jobs. Overusing punishment
produces apathetic employees who are not an asset to an organization. Sustained
punishment can also lead to lower self-esteem. Lower self-esteem, in turn, undermines the employee’s self-confidence, which is necessary for performing most jobs
(see Chapter 3).
Punishment produces a conditioned fear of management. That is, employees
develop a general fear of punishment-oriented leaders. Such leaders become an environmental cue, indicating to employees the probability that an aversive event will
occur. So if operations require frequent, normal, and positive interaction between
employees and a leader, such a situation can quickly become intolerable. Responses
to fear, such as “hiding” or reluctance to communicate with a leader, may well hinder
employee performance.
A leader may rely on punishment because it can produce fast results in the short
run. In essence, the leader is reinforced for using punishment because the approach
produces an immediate change in an employee’s behavior. Thus, the leader may ignore
punishment’s long-term detrimental effects, which can be cumulative. A few incidents
of punishment may not produce negative effects. The long-term, sustained use of
punishment most often results in negative outcomes for the organization.
Individuals have also learned how to “game” the situation to avoid the punisher
as the following Ethics Competency feature illustrates.16
Ethics competency
Time Off for Bad Behavior
Samuel Waksal, former CEO of the biotech firm
ImClone, was serving time in a federal prison for
insider trading. He was released nine months
early. Why? He was rewarded for participating
in a prison rehab program for substance abusers. The rehab program is a 500-hour program
focusing on behavioral and cognitive treatments,
during which time participants are housed in a
dorm-like unit set apart from the general prison
population. The problem was that he was not a
substance abuser. Waksal told the probation officer and judge that he was a “social drinker” and
that he had never been treated for alcohol addiction. In prison, he learned from his fellow inmates
that in 1994, Congress passed a law offering
up to 12 months off a sentence for nonviolent
offenders if they complete a counseling program
for alcohol addiction. In 1994, only 3,755 inmates
were in the program, but in 2008, there were
more than 18,000 prisoners in the program, with
a waiting list of more than 7,000.
The rehab program is so attractive to prisoners that it is now a big business. For a fee of
up to $5,000, lawyers advise their clients how
to get into the program and how to maximize
their chances of getting a reduction in their
sentence. For example, one lawyer advised his
clients to show up drunk on the day of their
sentencing so they get interviewed right away
about their substance abuse problem. They also
arrange for doctors to testify, for a consulting
fee, that they purportedly treated the individual
for alcohol abuse. Drug-dealer-turned celebrity
chef Jeff Henderson wrote in his book, Cooked,
that even though he never used drugs and
hadn’t been around them since he stopped
selling them, he was admitted to the program.
While the Bureau of Prisons has rigid eligibility requirements designed to keep out fakers,
there are no rigid standards on what constitutes
substance abuse.
Despite its problems, the program has had
some societal benefits. Male inmates who have
participated in the program are 16 percent less
likely to commit another crime and 15 percent
less likely to relapse into future drug abuse.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Effective Use of Punishment
Positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment over the long run, but
effectively used punishment does have an appropriate place in management. The
most common form of punishment in organizations is the oral reprimand. It is
intended to diminish or stop an undesirable employee behavior. An old rule of thumb
is “Praise in public; punish in private.” Private punishment establishes a different type
of contingency of reinforcement than public punishment. A private reprimand can
be constructive and informative. A public reprimand is likely to have negative effects
because the employee has been embarrassed in front of her peers.
Vague and general oral reprimands should not be given about behavior and
especially not about a so-called “bad attitude.” An effective reprimand pinpoints and
specifically describes the undesirable behavior to be avoided in the future. It focuses
on the target behavior and avoids threatening the employee’s self-image. The effective
reprimand punishes specific undesirable behavior, not the employee. Behavior is easier
to change than the employee.
Punishment (by definition) trains an employee in what not to do, not in what to
do. Therefore, a leader must specify an alternative behavior to the employee. When
the employee performs the desired alternative behavior, the leader must then reinforce
that behavior positively. Finally, a leader should strike an appropriate balance between
the use of pleasant and unpleasant events. The absolute number of unpleasant events
isn’t important, but the ratio of pleasant to unpleasant events is. A good rule of thumb is
that this ratio should be 5 to 1: five positive reinforcements to one punishment. When a
leader primarily uses positive reinforcement, an occasional deserved punishment can be
quite effective. However, if a leader never uses positive reinforcement and relies mostly
on punishment, the long-run negative effects are likely to counteract any short-term benefits. Positive management procedures should dominate in any well-run organization.
Insights for Leaders
For a positive reinforcer to cause an employee to repeat a desired behavior, it must have
value to that employee. If the employee is consistently on time, the leader or team leader
positively reinforces this behavior by complimenting the employee. What happens if the
employee has been reprimanded in the past for coming to work late and then reports to
work on time? The leader or team leader uses negative reinforcement and refrains from
saying anything. Why? The employee is expected to come to work on time.
What happens if the employee continues to come to work late? The leader or
team leader can use either extinction or punishment to try to stop this undesirable
behavior. The team leader who chooses extinction doesn’t praise the tardy employee
but simply ignores the employee. The use of punishment may include reprimanding,
fining, or suspending—and ultimately firing—the employee if the behavior persists.
The following guidelines are recommended for using contingencies of reinforcement in the work setting:
Do not reward all employees in the same way.
Carefully examine the consequences of nonactions as well as actions.
Let employees know which behaviors will be reinforced.
Let employees know what they are doing wrong.
Don’t punish employees in front of others.
Make the response equal to the behavior by not cheating workers out of their just
Can global leaders use these guidelines to motivate employees? BMW’s factory
located in Oxford, England, produces one of the company’s new products, its 7 series.18
The factory has seen big changes from a few years ago, when Rover owned the factory.
Then the buildings were crumbling and the plant was often half-empty. After acquiring the Rover factory, the first challenge for BMW was modernizing the facilities.
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
They installed the newest production technology, expanded the parking lot, created
more appealing landscapes, and in other ways created a more pleasant work environment. As employee Bernard Moss explained, “We had an open day for old employees
and they just couldn’t believe the transformation of the plant.”
The improvements were badly needed, but they were costly, too. For the plant to
become profitable, productivity had to improve. BMW relies on the factory workers
themselves to find ways to cut costs and boost output. To motivate their employees
and align their efforts with the needs of BMW, leaders and union leaders designed a
new pay system. It offers all employees an annual bonus of £260 (approximately $400)
for their ideas. To receive the full bonus, each employee must come up with an average
of three ideas, and the ideas must save an average of £800 (about $1,200).
Other changes were also made in the way employees were paid. Under the old
system, when production stopped and employees didn’t come to work, they were paid
anyway. When the plant was extra busy, they earned overtime pay. Now, when the
plant is closed, employees are paid, but there is a new twist. Employees make up the
time by putting in extra hours when needed. When things are busy, employees are
expected to put in longer hours. Instead of overtime pay, they build up an account of
extra time off. Each week quality reports are posted in a plaza that employees pass on
their way to lunch. Employees are made aware of any quality problems.
The employees resented the new pay arrangements at first, but now they like it.
According to Moss, “they [employees] are starting to see the advantages of longer holidays.”
Today the plant is even more productive than BMW leaders had hoped for. Employees
offered more than 10,000 ideas for improvements, saving the company £6 million
($7.79 million). “If people are highly satisfied, they are more likely to be productive. If they
are not satisfied, they are not going to bother [making] suggestions,” says Moss.
Schedules of Reinforcement
Leaders using reinforcement to encourage the learning and performance of desired
behaviors must choose a schedule for applying reinforcers. The schedule of reinforcement often depends on practical considerations (e.g., the nature of the person’s job
and the type of reinforcer being used, deliberately or not). However, reinforcement is
always delivered according to some schedule.
Continuous and Intermittent Reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement means that the behavior is reinforced each time it occurs and is
the simplest schedule of reinforcement. An example of continuous reinforcement is dropping
coins in a soft-drink vending machine. The behavior of inserting coins is reinforced (on a
continuous schedule) by the machine delivering a can of soda (most of the time!). Verbal
recognition and material rewards generally are not delivered on a continuous schedule in
organizations. In organizations such as Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tupperware, and Amway,
salespeople are paid a commission for each sale, usually earning commissions of 25 to 50
percent of sales. Although the reinforcer (money) isn’t paid immediately, the salespeople
track their sales immediately and quickly convert sales into amounts owed them by the
organization. Most leaders, however, supervise employees other than salespeople, and
they seldom have the opportunity to deliver a reinforcer every time their employees demonstrate a desired behavior. Therefore, behavior typically is reinforced intermittently.
Intermittent reinforcement refers to a reinforcer being delivered after some, but not
every, occurrence of the desired behavior. Intermittent reinforcement can be subdivided
into (1) interval and ratio schedules and (2) fixed and variable schedules. In an interval
schedule, reinforcers are delivered after a certain amount of time has passed. In a ratio
schedule, reinforcers are delivered after a certain number of behaviors have been performed.
These two schedules can be further subdivided into fixed (not changing) or variable
(constantly changing) schedules. Figure 5.5 shows these four primary types of intermittent schedules: fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio, and variable ratio.
Learning Goal
3. Explain how positive
reinforcement, negative
reinforcement, punishment,
and extinction affect an
individual’s performance.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 5. 5 Four Types of Intermittent Reinforcement Schedules
Fixed Interval
Fixed Ratio
• reinforcer given after a
given period of time
• reinforcer given after a
number of behaviors
Variable Interval
Variable Ratio
• reinforcer given after a
random number of behaviors
• reinforcer given at
random times
Time based
Behavior based
Fixed Interval Schedule
In a fixed interval schedule, a constant amount of time must pass before a reinforcer is provided. The first desired behavior to occur after the interval has elapsed is reinforced. For
example, in a fixed interval, one-hour schedule, the first desired behavior that occurs
after an hour has elapsed is reinforced. Administering rewards according to this type of
schedule tends to produce an uneven pattern of behavior. Prior to the reinforcement,
the behavior is frequent and energetic. Immediately following the reinforcement, the
behavior becomes less frequent and energetic. Why? Because the individual rather
quickly figures out that another reward won’t immediately follow the last one—a
certain amount of time must pass before it is given again. A common example of
administering rewards on a fixed interval schedule is the payment of employees weekly,
biweekly, or monthly. That is, monetary reinforcement comes regularly at the end of a
specific period of time. Such time intervals, unfortunately, are generally too long to be
an effective form of reinforcement for newly acquired work-related behavior.
Males typically send flowers to their significant other on Valentine’s Day as an
expression of their love, devotion, and appreciation. However, as the following Across
Cultures competency feature illustrates, sending the right flowers is not as easy as it
seems. What color flowers are sent can be seen as either a reward or punisher. Do you
remember what the color was of the flowers you sent on Valentine’s Day last year?19
Across Cultures competency
Flowers: A Symbol of Love?
According to FTD and Interflora Inc., which send
flowers by wire to some 140 countries, the color
red is used to cast spells in Mexico, and a white
bouquet is necessary to lift the spell. In Spain,
red roses are associated more with lust than with
love. In France, a dozen yellow roses are inappropriate—yellow suggests infidelity—and cut flowers by the dozen or any even number are unlucky.
A bouquet of yellow flowers is also inappropriate
in Latin America where yellow is associated with
death rather than infidelity. In Africa, yellow is
associated with disease. In India, sending green
flowers is associated with bad luck. In Italy, roses
serve as tokens of affection when they are sent in
odd numbers to women. In Japan, on the other
hand, men receive flowers from women.
White is an appropriate color for a wedding
gown in the United States, yet white is used
alternatively with black for mourning in India,
Hong Kong, and Japan. Americans see red when
they are angry, but red is a lucky color for the
Chinese. It is customary for the Chinese to put
money in red envelopes as gifts for employees
and children on special occasions, especially on
the Chinese New Year’s Day. White flowers are
used in China as a symbol of mourning.
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
Chapter 5
Although red flowers mean love in U.S. culture, they
have other meanings across the globe.
To learn more about flowers, go to www.teleflora.com.
Variable Interval Schedule
A variable interval schedule represents changes in the amount of time between reinforcers.
Sherry Burnside, head of housekeeping at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Texas, uses a
variable interval schedule to observe and reinforce the behaviors of housekeeping personnel. An individual receives $100 for perfect attendance and a score above 92 percent
on 23 performance indicators (e.g., floor swept, trash baskets emptied, room dusted,
etc.). To observe their behavior, Burnside announced to all housekeeping employees that,
during the month, she would make seven inspections at random times. During the first
week, she observed and recorded the performance of employees on Tuesday between
3:00 and 4:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:30 a.m. The following week, she made
no observations. During the third week, she observed employees on Monday between
10:00 and 11:00 a.m. and Friday from 12:00 to 1:45 p.m. During the fourth week,
she observed employees on Monday between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. and from 11:00 p.m.
to 12:00 a.m. and on Thursday from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. If she didn’t change her schedule,
the employees would anticipate her tours and adjust their behaviors to get a reward.
Fixed Ratio Schedule
In a fixed ratio schedule, the desired behavior must occur a specified number of times before
it is reinforced. Administering rewards under a fixed ratio schedule tends to produce
a high response rate when the time for reinforcement is close, followed by periods
of steady behavior. The employee soon determines that reinforcement is based on
the number of responses and performs the responses as quickly as possible in order
to receive the reward. The individual piece-rate system used in many manufacturing
plants is an example of such a schedule. In the Northern Shipping Company in China,
production workers are paid on the basis of pieces. The firm allocates a number of
hours per job and assigns a unit price to each piece. The number of hours allocated
to each job is reviewed from time to time according to whether production targets
are being met. The workers are paid 9.6 RMB (or US $1.24) per piece. Workers can
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
complete several pieces per hour. If the job is completed on time to the required
quality standard, workers will receive the full amount for the job. The norm for production workers is to work 176 hours per month, but many work up to 250 hours per
month. An average production employee can earn 2,500 to 3,000 RMB per month.20
Variable Ratio Schedule
In a variable ratio schedule, a certain number of desired behaviors must occur before the
reinforcer is delivered, but the number of behaviors varies around some average. Leaders
frequently use a variable ratio schedule with praise and recognition. For example,
team leaders at Alcatel vary the frequency of reinforcement when they give employees
verbal approval for desired behaviors. Gambling casinos, such as Bally’s and Harrah’s,
and state lotteries use this schedule of reinforcement to lure patrons to shoot craps,
play poker, feed slot machines, and buy lottery tickets. Patrons win, but not on any
regular basis. A variable ratio schedule is effective because it creates uncertainty about
when the consequence will occur. The use of this schedule makes sense for giving
praise or auditing the behavior of employees. Employees know that a consequence
will be delivered, but not when. To avoid consequences of either punishment or
extinction, the employee keeps demonstrating the desired behaviors.
Pioneer Telephone Cooperative of Kingfisher, Oklahoma, was facing severe
competition from other telephone and cable companies, such as AT&T, Cingular, and
Time Warner.21 The firm’s leaders had developed the idea of a triple play—high-speed
Internet, phone service, and TV service—all from one company. Pioneer needed its
sales representatives to sell this new service to its customers. The triple play provided
customers with advanced video services, including pay-per-view, high-definition
programming, and gaming.
With only 600 employees and a little more than $100 million in sales, Pioneer is a
small fish in a big pond dominated by major companies. So how does Pioneer get new
subscribers? All employees at Pioneer are salespeople. Employees refer qualified leads
to the company via Pioneer’s intranet. A lead is qualified when employees, on their
own time, recommend the triple play to customers and ask them to contact them at
work. Employees are rewarded for each successful lead; bonuses are deposited in their
company accounts and paid each quarter. Pioneer periodically offers double points
for leads. To ensure that all employees are aware of the triple play, each month they
receive a computer-based learning module. Each topic is designed to be an interactive
experience. Employees read the information and answer 10 questions. Those who correctly answer at least 90 percent of the questions received $5. Pioneer also introduced
an e-billing service. It offered a free T-shirt to the first 100 employees who enrolled
in the program to learn about its e-billing service.
Pioneer used the same type of reinforcement program to get customers
involved in the triple play. Called Take 5–Win $25, this program required customers to read the information in the company’s newsletter, answer five questions, and
send it back to Pioneer with a chance to win $25. Each month, one winner is drawn
from each of Pioneer’s 13 districts. Several thousand customers participated in a
chance to win $25.
Loyd Benson believes that rewarding employees to promote Pioneer achieves four
things: It (1) educates employees about Pioneer’s products and services, (2) increases
sales through solid leads, (3) reduces sales expenses, and (4) makes employees ambassadors for the company.
Table 5.2 summarizes the four types of intermittent reinforcement schedules.
The ratio schedules—fixed or variable—usually lead to better performance than do
interval schedules. The reason is that ratio schedules are more closely related to the
occurrence of desired behaviors than are interval schedules, which are based on the
passage of time. The particular schedule of reinforcement is not as critical as the fact
that reinforcement is based on the performance of desired behaviors.
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
TABLE 5.2 Comparison of Reinforcement Schedules
Fixed interval
Fixed ratio
Variable interval
Variable ratio
Leads to average performance
Leads quickly to high and stable
Leads to moderately high and stable
Leads to very high performance
Monthly paycheck
Piece-rate pay
Occasional praise by team
Random quality checks
with praise for zero defects
Social Learning Theory
Learning Goal
4. Describe how social
Operant conditioning accurately describes some of the major factors that may influlearning theory can be used by
ence learning. Certain aspects of learning, however, are not addressed by operant
individuals to improve their
conditioning. For example, an individual’s feelings and thoughts aren’t considered.
Albert Bandura and others have demonstrated that people can learn new behavior
by watching others in a social situation and then imitating their behavior. Social
learning theory refers to knowledge acquisition through the mental processing of information by observing and imitating others. The social part acknowledges that individuals
learn by being part of a society, and the learning part recognizes that individuals use
thought processes to make decisions. People actively process
information to learn. By watching others perform a task, people
develop mental pictures of how to perform the task. Observers
often learn faster than those who do not observe the behaviors
Change Insight
of others because they don’t need to unlearn behaviors and can
As CEO of ViewCast, a major part of
avoid needless and costly mistakes that often accompany trialmy job is to teach employees how to
and-error learning.
ask interesting questions and pose new
Social learning theory includes five dimensions—symbolizing,
solutions to how we do business.
forethought, vicarious learning, self-control, and self-efficacy—as
shown in Figure 5.6. These five dimensions can help explain why
David Stoner, CEO, ViewCast Corporation
different employees may behave differently when facing the same
Symbolizing is the process of creating a mental image to guide an individual’s behavior. People
imitate parents, friends, teachers, heroes, and others because they can identify with them. If
a golfer observes the swings of Tiger Woods or Anika Sorenstam on their web pages, this
observation creates an image (symbol) in that individual’s mind of what a good golf swing
looks like. Such images or symbols help the person swing a golf club the next time he plays
golf. In a social situation, when those at the head of the table at a formal dinner begin to
eat, their actions let the other diners know that starting to eat now is appropriate.
Forethought refers to the individual planning his or her actions based on the level of performance he or she desires. For example, when a golfer who has watched an instructional
video of Woods or Sorenstam getting out of a sand trap approaches the same type of
shot, she recalls what she learned in the video. As a result, she adjusts her hands, feet,
and body posture to the correct playing position to hit the shot. She anticipates where
the ball will land and mentally plans her next shot.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 5.6 Five Dimensions of Social Cognitive Theory
Vicarious Learning
Employees process
visual experiences
into cognitive
models that serve
to guide their
Employees plan
their actions,
and determine the
levels of desired
observe others’
performance and
the consequences
of their
control their own
performance by
comparing it to
their own
Employees are
confident that
they can do a
Source: Adapted from Stajkovic, A. D., and Luthans, F. Social cognitive theory and self-efficacy. Organizational Dynamics, Spring 1998, 65. Reprinted
with permission.
Vicarious Learning
Vicarious learning refers to the individual observing the behavior of others and the
consequences of that behavior. Individuals learn what works and what doesn’t work by
watching others and studying what happens to them. Employees’ capacity to learn by
observation enables them to obtain accurate information without having to perform
these behaviors through trial and error. All self-help videos rely on vicarious learning.
For vicarious learning to occur, several conditions must be met:
The learner must observe the other person—the model—when the behavior is
being performed.
The learner must accurately perceive the model’s behavior.
The learner must remember the behavior.
The learner must have the competencies necessary to perform the behavior.
The learner must observe that the model receives rewards for the behavior.23
Not everyone is cut out to work as a flight attendant, salesperson, construction
worker, or leader. Many people never apply for particular jobs because what they see
isn’t consistent with their own ideas of the type of job they want. Self-control refers to
the individual selecting his or her own goals and ways of reaching them to learn new behaviors.
Tina Potter, an administrative assistant at Southern Methodist University, had a new
software package for graphics on her desk for a month. She knew that she had to learn
how to use it even though her leader hadn’t put any pressure on her to do so. She
worked Saturdays on her own to learn this new technique. Potter’s goal was to learn to
use the graphics software to produce figures for this book—which she achieved. Her
approach exhibited self-control.
Most people engage in self-control to learn behaviors both on and off the job.
Mundane tasks (e.g., learning how to use e-mail) and more complex tasks (e.g.,
preparing a subordinate’s performance appraisal) can be learned. When an employee
learns through self-control, leaders don’t need to be controlling because the employee
takes responsibility for learning and performing the desired behaviors. In fact, if a
leader exercises control, it may well be redundant and counterproductive.
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
In recent years, the use of teams, especially self-directed teams, has taken the
business world by storm. In many cases, management continues to exert too much
direct control over teams. As a result, members then have few opportunities to apply
self-control to their tasks. For most teams to be effective, leaders must empower their
members to make decisions. Empowerment means giving employees the authority, skills,
and self-control to perform their tasks.24 The following Teams Competency feature highlights how Steelcase Incorporated, a Minnesota manufacturer of business furniture,
empowers teams to improve productivity.25
Teams competency
For 18 years, Jerry Hammond had been a spot
welder, making parts of business furniture without
even knowing the employees in nearby departments by name. Now, he knows his coworkers
because they are a team responsible for deciding how to manufacture a part and for running as
many as six different pieces of equipment. Team
members are cross-trained, as time permits, during their regular shifts. Often team members stay
after their shifts to watch how other employees
perform certain operations.
When Steelcase’s leaders decided to create
teams and empower its employees, it realized
that barriers between workers and leaders would
have to be removed. As a result, only customers
now have reserved parking spaces. A common
cafeteria is used by all employees and only a few
walls remain in the plant.
Whenever new equipment is needed, a team
of employees who are responsible for running the
equipment make the decision about what to buy
and how it should be installed on the shop floor.
A group of employees visits the manufacturer of the
equipment to learn firsthand how to use it. They
are encouraged to watch videotapes provided by
the manufacturer for quality and service guidelines.
Forty-one self-directed production teams and four
support teams tackle day-to-day problems, such as
Steelcase Inc.
Steelcase’s implementation of teams has made workers
45 percent more productive than their competitors’ workers.
waste, scrap, paint quality, shipping, and discipline.
As a result, Steelcase has only one supervisor for
every 33 workers, compared to a ratio of one to 12
for a competitor. Steelcase’s workers are 45 percent
more productive than its competitors, turning a customer’s order into a finished product in three days
instead of three weeks, thus reducing costs. Teams
of employees working with suppliers have cut raw
material inventory by half.
To learn more about Steelcase, go to www.steelcase.com.
Self-efficacy is the individual’s estimate of his or her own ability to perform a specific task
in a particular situation.26 The greater the employee’s perceived ability to perform the
task, the higher the employee’s self-efficacy. Employees with high self-efficacy believe
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
that (1) they have the ability needed, (2) they are capable of the effort required, and
(3) no outside events will keep them from performing at a high level. If employees
have low self-efficacy, they believe that no matter how hard they try, something will
happen to prevent them from reaching the desired level of performance. Self-efficacy
influences people’s choices of tasks and how long they will spend trying to reach their
goals.27 For example, a novice golfer who has taken only a few lessons might shoot
a good round. Under such circumstances, the golfer might attribute the score to
“beginner’s luck” and not to ability. But, after many lessons and hours of practice, an
individual with low self-efficacy who still can’t break 100 may decide that the demands
of the game are too great to justify spending any more time on it. However, a high
self-efficacy individual will try even harder to improve her game. This effort might
include taking more lessons, watching videotapes of the individual’s own swing, and
practicing even harder and longer.
Self-efficacy has an impact on learning in three ways:
It influences the activities and goals that individuals choose for themselves. In a sales
contest at Pioneer Telephone Cooperative in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, employees
with low self-efficacy didn’t set challenging, or “stretch,” goals. These people
weren’t lazy; they simply thought that they would fail to achieve a lofty goal. The
high self-efficacy employees thought that they were capable of achieving highperformance goals—and did so.
It influences the effort that individuals exert on the job. Individuals with high self•
efficacy work hard to learn new tasks and are confident that their efforts will be
rewarded. Low self-efficacy individuals lack confidence in their ability to succeed
and see their extra effort as futile because they are likely to fail anyway.
It affects the persistence with which an individual stays with a complex task. Because high
self-efficacy people are confident that they will perform well, they are likely to persist
in spite of obstacles or in the face of temporary setbacks. At IBM, low-performing
employees were more likely than high-performing employees to dwell on obstacles
hindering their ability to do assigned tasks. When people believe that they aren’t
capable of doing the required work, their motivation to do a task will be low.
To determine your self-efficacy, turn to the Experiential Exercise on page 154 at
the end of this chapter.
Insights for Leaders
Leaders (and fellow team members) can use social learning theory to help employees
learn to believe in themselves. Past experience is the most powerful influence on behavior. At work, the challenge is to create situations in which the employee may respond
successfully to the task(s) required. A leader’s expectations for a subordinate’s performance—as well as the expectations of peers—also can affect a person’s self-efficacy.
If a leader holds high expectations for an employee and provides proper training and
suggestions, the individual’s self-efficacy is likely to increase. Small successes boost
self-efficacy and lead to more substantial accomplishments later. If a leader holds low
expectations for an employee and gives little constructive advice, the employee is likely
to form an impression that he can’t achieve the goal and, as a result, perform poorly.
Guidelines for using social learning theory to influence employee behavior in
organizations include the following28:
Identify the behaviors that will lead to improved performance.
Select the appropriate model for employees to observe.
Be sure that employees are capable of meeting the technical skills required by the
new behaviors.
Create a positive learning situation to increase the likelihood that employees will
learn the new behaviors and act accordingly.
Chapter 5
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
Provide positive consequences (praise, raises, or bonuses) to employees who
perform as desired.
Develop organizational practices that maintain the newly learned behaviors.
The effective use of self-control in learning requires that several conditions be
met. First, the individual must engage in behaviors that she wouldn’t normally want to
perform. This distinguishes performing activities that the individual enjoys from those
involving self-control. Second, the individual must be able to use self-reinforcers,
which are rewards that individuals give themselves. Some self-reinforcers include buying oneself a present, going out to a nice restaurant, playing a round of golf at a resort
course, and the like. Self-reinforcers come simply from a feeling of accomplishment or
achievement. Third, the individual must set goals that determine when self-reinforcers
are to be applied. An individual high in self-control doesn’t randomly reward himself,
but sets goals that determine when to self-reinforce. In doing so, the individual relies
on his own past performance, the performance of others on similar kinds of tasks,
or some standard set by others. For example, one of the authors of this book is an
accomplished golfer with a single-digit handicap. After playing a round in the 70s, he
frequently buys himself a golf shirt as a self-reinforcer for a good round. Finally, the
individual must administer the self-reinforcer only when the goal is achieved: The
author buys himself a golf shirt only when he shoots a round in the 70s.
Chapter Summary
Classical conditioning began with Pavlov’s work. He started a metronome (conditioned
stimulus) at the same time food was placed in a dog’s mouth (unconditioned stimulus). Quickly the sound of the metronome alone caused the dog to salivate. Operant
conditioning focuses on the effects of reinforcement on desirable and undesirable
behaviors. Changes in behavior result from the consequences of previous behavior.
People tend to repeat a behavior that leads to a pleasant result and not to repeat a
behavior that leads to an unpleasant result. In short, when a behavior is reinforced, it
is repeated; when it is punished or not reinforced, it is not repeated.
1. Explain the role of
The two types of reinforcement are (1) positive reinforcement, which increases a
desirable behavior because the individual is provided with a pleasurable outcome after
the behavior has occurred; and (2) negative reinforcement, which also maintains the
desirable behavior by presenting an unpleasant event before the behavior occurs and
stopping the event when the behavior occurs. Both positive and negative reinforcement increase the frequency of a desirable behavior. Conversely, extinction and punishment reduce the frequency of an undesirable behavior. Extinction involves stopping
everything that reinforces the behavior. A punisher is an unpleasant event that follows
the behavior and reduces the probability that the behavior will be repeated.
2. Describe the
There are four schedules of reinforcement. In the fixed interval schedule, the reward
is given on a fixed time basis (e.g., a weekly or monthly paycheck). It is effective for
maintaining a level of behavior. In the variable interval schedule, the reward is given
around some average time during a specific period of time (e.g., the plant leader
walking through the plant an average of five times every week). This schedule of reinforcement can maintain a high level of performance because employees don’t know
when the reinforcer will be delivered. The fixed ratio schedule ties rewards to certain
outputs (e.g., a piece-rate system). This schedule maintains a steady level of behavior once the individual has earned the reinforcer. In the variable ratio schedule, the
reward is given around some mean, but the number of behaviors varies (e.g., a payoff
from a slot machine). This schedule is the most powerful because both the number of
desired behaviors and their frequency change.
3. Explain how positive
classical and operant
conditioning in
fostering learning.
contingencies of
reinforcement that
influence behavior.
negative reinforcement,
punishment, and
extinction affect
an individual’s
Part 2
4. Describe how social
learning theory can
be used by individuals
to improve their
The Individual in Organizations
Social learning theory focuses on people learning new behaviors by observing others
and then modeling their own behaviors on those observed. The five factors emphasized in social learning theory are symbolizing, forethought, vicarious learning, selfcontrol, and self-efficacy.
Key Terms and Concepts
Antecedent, 135
Aversive events, 135
Classical conditioning, 133
Consequence, 135
Contingency of reinforcement, 135
Continuous reinforcement, 145
Empowerment, 151
Escape learning, 140
Extinction, 140
Fixed interval schedule, 146
Fixed ratio schedule, 147
Forethought, 149
Intermittent reinforcement, 145
Interval schedule, 145
Kaizen, 139
Learning, 132
Negative reinforcement, 139
Operant conditioning, 134
Positive events, 135
Positive reinforcement, 136
Primary reinforcer, 137
Principle of contingent reinforcement, 138
Principle of immediate reinforcement, 138
Principle of reinforcement deprivation, 139
Principle of reinforcement size, 139
Punishment, 141
Ratio schedule, 145
Reinforcement, 136
Reward, 136
Secondary reinforcer, 137
Self-control, 150
Self-efficacy, 151
Social learning theory, 149
Symbolizing, 149
Variable interval schedule, 147
Variable ratio schedule, 148
Vicarious learning, 150
Discussion Questions
To understand what behaviors are rewarded at UPS, visit
www.ups.com and in the search bar (upper right hand
corner) enter “careers.” Search under careers. What kinds
of rewards are given to attract and retain people? What
criteria are used by UPS to administer these awards?
In the Ethics Competency feature “Time Off for Bad
Behavior,” what are some ethical dilemmas created by giving prisoners time off if they legitimately enroll in a substance abuse program while in prison? What behavior(s) are
being rewarded? What is the schedule of reinforcement?
Visit either a local health club or diet center and schedule an interview with the leader. What types of rewards
does it give its members who achieve targeted goals?
Does it use punishment?
What are some issues surrounding the use of punishment?
What are some positive and negative reinforcements
that you have experienced either at school or work?
How did these affect your behavior?
6. What schedule(s) of reinforcement did your parent(s)
use with you to reinforce good behavior at school?
7. How do producers of self-help videos use social learning theory to change an individual’s behavior?
8. How can a leader raise an employee’s level of self-efficacy?
9. If you skipped a class or cut out of work to simply take
the day off, what were the consequences of this behavior? How might your teacher or supervisor change your
behavior to encourage attendance?
10. Gambling casino owners in Las Vegas, Reno, and
Atlantic City use a variable ratio reinforcement schedule. Why do people find this schedule so addictive?
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What Is Your Self-Efficacy?29
The following questionnaire gives you a chance to gain
insight into your self-efficacy in terms of achieving academic
excellence. Using the following five-point scale, answer the
following seven questions by circling the number that most
Chapter 5
closely agrees with your thinking. An interpretation of your
score follows the questions.
5 = Strongly agree
4 = Agree
3 = Moderate
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
I am a good student.
It is difficult to maintain a study schedule.
I know the right things to do to improve my academic
I find it difficult to convince my friends who have
different viewpoints on studying than mine.
My temperament is not well suited to studying.
I am good at finding out what teachers want.
It is easy for me to get others to see my point of view.
Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
Add your scores to questions 1, 3, 6, and 7. Enter that score
here _______. For questions, 2, 4, and 5, reverse the scoring
key. That is, if you answered question 2 as strongly agree, give
yourself 1 point, agree is worth 2 points, and so on. Enter
your score here for questions 2, 4, and 5 _______. Enter your
combined score here _______. This is your self-efficacy score
for academic achievement. If you scored between 28 and 35,
you believe that you can achieve academic excellence. Scores
lower than 18 indicate that you believe, no matter how hard
you try to achieve academic excellence, something may prevent you from reaching your desired level of performance.
Scores between 19 and 27 indicate a moderate degree of
self-efficacy. Your self-efficacy may vary with the course you
are taking. In courses in your major, you may have greater
self-efficacy than in those outside of your major.
1. Why does self-efficacy influence an individual’s behavior?
2. What actions can you take to increase your self-efficacy
at either work or school?
Case: Self Competency
Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American30
As president of Great Northern American, Joe Salatino
gauges the success of this 35-year-old company by the
amount of money he pays employees. The firm’s salespeople
will sell more than $20 million in office, promotional, artsand-crafts, and computer supplies to more than 60,000
businesses around the country this year. Great Northern
American sells more than 7 million yards of packaging tape,
8 million paper clips, and 11 million BIC and Papermate pens
and pencils bearing customer logos, along with about 12,000
other products, each year. The head of this Dallas-based
telemarketing company believes that spending money on
commissions and bonuses is necessary to keep his 30-person
sales force motivated, especially in the face of stiff competition from Internet users.
The company’s salesroom features all kinds of motivational devices. On a recent Friday morning, rotating blue
lights signal that a special deal on pens is on. For the next
hour, customers can get two for one on Stars and Stripes
promotional pens. When the blue-light special is off, they’re
back up to 39 cents apiece. When the light goes off, a leader
draws a large snowball on one of the large dry-erase boards
to indicate another sale has ended. The noise and pace is fast
and furious.
Many of Salatino’s salespeople earn more than
$60,000 a year, and top producers earn more than
$100,000. Gary Gieb, aka John Johnson, because it’s
easier to spell and sounds more all-American over the
phone, earned more than $100,000 last year. During a
typical day, he makes 20 to 25 calls per hour. If a customer
places an order, the entire sale takes just under 5 minutes.
He earns commission of between 5 and 12 percent on the
list price, depending on the merchandise. A salesperson
usually needs a year to build up a good account base.
Many employees who can’t handle the self-starting selling
intensity and bedlam usually leave within the first month.
To establish loyal customers, many top-selling salespeople subscribe to their customer’s hometown newspaper so
that they can chat with the customer about local issues,
such as who had a baby and who won the local football
game. Peggy Gordon topped $70,000 last year selling
educational supplies that police and sheriff’s departments
take on visits to schools.
Salatino believes that employees who have established
solid relationships with their customers earn significantly
more money than those who have not been able to foster
good relationships with customers. Therefore, when hiring
telemarketing individuals, he looks for individuals with who
have excellent communications skills (especially listening),
are respectful of customers’ points of view, have an “upbeat”
attitude, and are highly self-motivated. Salatino also knows
that customers rarely show gratitude and his telemarketers
must take personal credit for the positive results as well as
blame when things go bad. Finally, Salatino looks for people
who recognize their own strengths and limitations and who
thrive on taking the initiative without being told what to do
all the time.
1. What kind of reinforcers does Salatino use to motivate
his salespeople?
2. What kind of reinforcement schedule is used by Great
Northern American to pay salespeople?
3. If you were Salatino, how might the concept of selfefficacy help you hire successful salespeople?
Motivating Employees
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Explain basic motivational
Describe two basic human
needs approaches to motivation.
Explain how to design
motivating jobs.
Describe how expectations can
lead to high performance.
Explain how treating individuals
fairly influences their motivation
to work.
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Working at Starbucks
Motivational Processes
Satisfying Human Needs
Self Competency
John Schnatter of Papa John’s Pizza
Designing Jobs
Teams Competency
SEI Investments
Influencing Performance Expectations
Communication Competency
Ensuring Equity
Ethics Competency
How Tempted Are You?
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
What Do You Want from Your Job?
Case: Communication Competency
SAS Institute
Learning from Experience
Working at Starbucks
Starbucks is everywhere. It is the world’s largest
specialty coffee retailer with more than 16,000
shops in more than 35 countries—and that
doesn’t include more than 7,000 shops operated
by franchisees in airports and shopping centers.
The company also owns Seattle’s Best Coffee
and Torrefazione Italia coffee brands. It has about
160,000 employees on its payroll serving more
than 30 million customers a week. Annual sales
exceed $10 billion. Because of recent layoffs
and store closings, Howard Schultz, Starbucks’
founder and CEO, sent a message to all partners
emphasizing the need to reduce costs while paying attention to Starbucks’ culture.
Starbucks has been named one of Fortune
magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work for
in America” for the past several years. Sheri
Southern, vice president of partner resources
for Starbucks, believes that Starbucks’ success
is strongly influenced by its individuals, called
partners. Starbucks doesn’t just sell
coffee, it sells an experience and that
experience is totally dependent on
the attitudes and skills of the partners
who serve customers. According to
Alicia Caceres, a recruiter for Starbucks,
Starbucks really understands Gen Y
partners. Gen Y individuals (born from
1982 through 2000) want a good work/
life balance and ready opportunities for
advancement. They tend to bring value
systems that put relationships first and
quality of life very high on their lists.
Southern knows what kinds of individuals will make good partners: those
who are adaptable, dependable, and
passionate team players. Keeping Gen
To learn more about Starbucks, go to
Y individuals means finding ways to motivate these
individuals. All partners who work a minimum
20 hours a week receive medical and dental coverage, vacation days, and stock options as part of
Starbucks Bean Stock Program. Eligible partners
can choose health coverage from two managed
care plans. Offering comprehensive benefits is a
core value of the company and it takes priority
over other benefits even when Starbucks is facing
difficult economic times.
Because Starbucks partners are young and
healthy, Starbucks has relatively low health-benefit
costs. The company also provides disability and
life insurance, a discounted stock purchase plan,
and a retirement savings plan with company
matching contributions. According to Southern,
these benefits provide a meaningful incentive for
partners, particularly those working part time, to
stay with the company. This reduces Starbucks’
recruiting and training costs.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Caceres observes that Gen Y individuals
are on the go and that their attention span is a
little shorter than other individuals’. Therefore,
Starbucks’ training focuses on being clear and
concise, lasting no more than 30 to 35 minutes at
a time. She has also learned that partners want
rapid gratification. In-store sales competitions
now last no more than a weekend, compared
to the past when they lasted a week. Starbucks
recognizes that its partners tend to be educated,
passionate, philanthropic, and entrepreneurial.
Starbucks provides grants to nonprofit organizations based on the number of hours partners
volunteer on qualified projects. The purpose of
the program is to offer a way to recognize and
support each partner’s personal volunteer efforts.
This means that relationships—professional and
personal—are keyed for partners.
Starbucks’ mentoring program is designed
to give partners the opportunity to learn new
skills and provide them with a clear career path.
Through its internal social networking site,
MyPartnerCareer.Com, partners are encouraged to
create a profile page, network with other partners,
and learn about career opportunities at Starbucks.
Caceres has found that partners respond with
higher commitment and productivity when they
know that they are truly listened to by others.1
Alicia Caceres and other leaders at Starbucks say that their greatest challenge is to
attract, develop, and manage a worldwide workforce. Many Gen Y types don’t like
working for big companies because of their impersonality and size. Caceres and
CEO Howard Schultz believe that Starbucks’ motivational programs enable it to
remain an attractive place to work. Therefore, Starbucks’ motivational programs
include the following features: (1) a list of duties to be performed, (2) the number
of hours an employee is required to work, (3) the pay schedule and timetable for
the distribution of work schedules, (4) current employee benefits, and (5) operational rules, such as limits on switching shifts or cell phone use at work. Even in
tough economic times, attracting and retaining individuals is a major concern of
all managers.2
The question of exactly what it takes to motivate individuals to work has
received a great deal of attention. We begin by exploring the basic elements of
the motivational process. Then, we present four different approaches for motivating employees: (1) meeting basic human needs, (2) designing jobs that motivate
individuals, (3) enhancing the belief that desired rewards can be achieved, and
(4) treating individuals equitably.
Learning Goal
1. Explain basic motivational
Motivational Processes
Motivation represents the forces acting on or within a person that cause the person to behave
in a specific, goal-directed manner.3 Because the motives of employees affect their productivity, one of management’s jobs is to channel employee motivation effectively
toward achieving organizational goals. However, motivation isn’t the same as performance. Even the most highly motivated employees may not be successful in their
jobs, especially if they don’t have the competencies needed to perform the jobs or they
work under unfavorable job conditions. Although job performance involves more than
motivation, motivation is an important factor in achieving high performance.4
Experts also do not agree about everything that motivates employees—and the
effects of working conditions on their careers—but they do agree that an organization
needs to:
attract individuals to the organization and encourage them to remain with it,
allow individuals to perform the tasks for which they were hired, and
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
stimulate individuals to go beyond routine performance and become creative and
innovative in their work.
For an organization to be effective, it must tackle the motivational challenges involved
in arousing individuals’ desires to be productive members of the organization.
Core Phases
A key motivational principle states that performance is a function of a person’s level of
ability and motivation. This principle is often expressed by the following formula:
Performance f (ability motivation).
According to this principle, no task can be performed successfully unless the person
who is to carry it out has the ability to do so. Ability is the person’s natural talent, as
well as learned competencies, for performing goal-related tasks. Regardless of a person’s
competence, however, ability alone isn’t enough to ensure performance at a high
level. The person must also want to achieve a high level of performance. The multiplicative formula suggests that ability and motivation are important. If an employee
is 100 percent motivated and 75 percent able to perform a task, he will probably be
better than average at performing the task. However, if the same individual has only
10 percent ability, no amount of motivation will enable him to perform satisfactorily.
Therefore, motivation represents an employee’s desire and commitment to perform
and is evidenced by his performance.
The motivational process begins with identifying a person’s needs, shown as phase 1
in Figure 6.1. Needs are deficiencies that a person experiences at a particular time (phase 1).
These deficiencies may be psychological (e.g., the need for recognition), physiological
(e.g., the need for water, air, or food), or social (e.g., the need for friendship). Needs often
FIGURE 6.1 Core Phases of the Motivational Process
reassesses need
searches for ways
to satisfy these
receives either
rewards or
Employee selects
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
act as energizers for behavior. That is, needs create tensions within the individual, who
finds them uncomfortable and therefore is likely to make an effort (phase 2) to reduce
or eliminate them.
Motivation is goal directed (phase 3). A goal is a specific result that an individual
wants to achieve. An employee’s goals often are driving forces, and accomplishing
those goals can significantly reduce needs. J. C. Hernandez, a relationship manager
at Wells Fargo Bank, has a strong drive for advancement. He expects that working
long hours on highly visible projects will lead to promotions, raises, greater influence, and job security. His work on major problems facing Wells Fargo is designed
to gain visibility and influence with senior leaders (phase 4). Promotions and raises
are two of the ways in which organizations attempt to maintain desirable behaviors.
They are signals (feedback) to employees that their needs for advancement and recognition and their behaviors are appropriate or inappropriate (phase 5). Once the
employees have received either rewards or punishments, they reassess their needs
(phase 6).
Insights for Leaders
The basic motivational process just described appears simple and straightforward. In
the real world, of course, the process isn’t as clear-cut. The first insight is that motives
can only be inferred; they cannot be seen. Elaine Beecroft, head of project and systems management at Lockheed Martin, observed two employees in her department
who were debugging software programs that estimate service requirements for the
company. She knows that both employees are responsible for the same type of work,
have received similar training, have similar competencies, and have been with the
organization for about five years. One employee is able to spot problems more easily
and quickly than the other. Are these observable differences a result of differences in
ability or motivation? Research has shown that leaders tend to apply more pressure to
a person if they feel the person is deliberately not performing up to their expectations
and not due to external, uncontrollable events. Unfortunately, if the leader’s assessment is incorrect and poor performance is related to ability rather than motivation,
the response of increased pressure will worsen the problem. What happens if poorly
performing employees feel that management is insensitive to their problems, which
the employees attribute to inadequate training or unrealistic time schedules? They
may respond by developing a motivational problem and will decrease their commitment in response to management’s insensitive actions. Therefore, before Elaine
decided what actions to take, she had to deepen her understanding of why one person’s
output is greater than the others.
A second leader insight centers on the dynamic nature of needs.5 As we pointed
out in the Learning from Experience feature, Starbucks has developed numerous programs in its attempts to meet partners’ needs. Doing so is always difficult because, at
any one time, everyone has various needs, desires, and expectations. Moreover, these
factors change over time and may also conflict with each other. Employees who put
in many extra hours at work to fulfill their needs for accomplishment may find that
these extra work hours conflict directly with needs for affiliation and their desires to
be with their families.
A third insight involves the considerable differences in individuals’ motivations
and in the energy with which individuals respond to them. Just as different organizations produce a variety of products and offer a variety of services, different individuals have a variety of motivations. Curtis Harris, an engineer with Texas Instruments
(TI), took an assignment with TI’s plant in Sendai, Japan. He soon joined a group of
American leaders so he could satisfy his need to learn quickly about Japanese management practices. He discovered that Japanese do not bypass formal lines of communication. Seniority and titles are to be respected and honored and bypassing the chain
of command would be a sign of disrespect.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
All of these insights are things that leaders can do something about. Leaders can
determine what motivates employees and use this knowledge to channel employees’
energies toward the achievement of the organization’s goals. With this opportunity
in mind, we devote the rest of the chapter to various approaches to motivation that
leaders can apply.6
Satisfying Human Needs
Learning Goal
2. Describe two basic human
Needs Hierarchy Model
needs approaches to motivation.
The most widely recognized model of motivation is the needs hierarchy model. In
this model, Abraham H. Maslow suggested that individuals have a complex set of exceptionally strong needs, that can be arranged in a hierarchy.7 Underlying this hierarchy are
the following basic assumptions:
Once a need has been satisfied, its motivational role declines in importance.
However, as one need is satisfied, another need gradually emerges to take its
place, so individuals are always striving to satisfy some need.
The needs network for most individuals is very complex, with several needs
affecting behavior at any one time. Clearly, when someone faces an emergency,
such as desperate thirst, that need dominates until it is gratified.
Lower level needs must be satisfied, in general, before higher level needs are
activated sufficiently to drive behavior.
There are more ways of satisfying higher level than lower level needs.
This model states that a person has five types of needs: physiological, security, affiliation, esteem, and self-actualization. Figure 6.2 shows these five needs categories,
arranged in Maslow’s hierarchy.
FIGURE 6.2 Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Physiological Needs
Physiological needs are the desire for food, water, air, and shelter. They are the lowest
level in Maslow’s hierarchy. Individuals concentrate on satisfying these needs before
turning to higher order needs. Leaders should understand that, to the extent employees are motivated by physiological needs, their concerns do not center on the work
they are doing. They will accept any job that meets those needs. Leaders who focus
on physiological needs in trying to motivate subordinates assume that individuals
work primarily for money. Hershey Foods, for example, offers insurance rebates to
employees who live healthy lifestyles (e.g., physically fit nonsmokers) and raises premiums for those at greater risk. In this way, they offer incentives to encourage wellness
Security Needs
Security needs are the desire for safety, stability, and the absence of pain, threat, or illness.
Like physiological needs, unsatisfied security needs cause individuals to be preoccupied with satisfying them. Individuals who are motivated primarily by security needs
value their jobs mainly as defenses against the loss of basic needs satisfaction. During
the recent worldwide economic recession, many individuals felt that their security
needs were threatened because of plant closings, permanent reductions in their company’s workforce, and the outsourcing of many U.S. manufacturing jobs to foreign
lands. Psychological safety is also important. By offering health, life, and disability
insurance, organizations like Starbucks promote their partners’ sense of security and
Affiliation Needs
Affiliation needs are the desire for friendship, love, and a feeling of belonging. When
physiological and security needs have been satisfied, affiliation needs emerge. Leaders
should realize that when affiliation needs are the primary source of motivation, individuals value their work as an opportunity for finding and establishing warm and
friendly interpersonal relationships. Team leaders who believe that employees are
striving primarily to satisfy these needs are likely to act supportively. They emphasize employee acceptance by coworkers, extracurricular activities (e.g., organized
sports programs, cultural events, and company celebrations), and team-based norms.
Starbucks’ volunteer programs are examples of an organization satisfying its employees’ affiliation needs.
Esteem Needs
The desires for feelings of achievement, self-worth, and recognition or respect are all esteem
needs. Individuals with esteem needs want others to accept them for what they are
and to perceive them as competent and able. Leaders who focus on esteem needs
try to motivate employees with public rewards and recognition for achievements.
Such leaders may use lapel pins, articles in the company paper, achievement lists on
the bulletin board, and the like to foster employees’ pride in their work. Mary Kay
Cosmetics rewards top performers with a pink Cadillac. According to the late Mary
Kay Ash, the founder of her company, individuals want recognition and praise more
than money.
Self-Actualization Needs
Self-actualization needs involve individuals realizing their full potential and becoming
all that they can become. Individuals who strive for self-actualization seek to increase
their problem-solving abilities. Leaders who emphasize self-actualization may involve
employees in designing jobs, make special assignments that capitalize on employees’
unique skills, or give employee teams leeway in planning and implementing their
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
work. The self-employed often have strong self-actualization needs. When Mary Kay
Ash founded her firm in 1963, she acted on her belief that, when a woman puts her
priorities in order, she can indeed have it all.
Insights for Leaders
Maslow’s needs hierarchy model also suggests the types of behaviors that will help fulfill various needs. The three lowest categories of needs—physiological, security, and affiliation
(social)—are also known as deficiency needs. According to Maslow, unless these needs
are satisfied, an individual will fail to develop into a healthy person, both physically
and psychologically. In contrast, esteem and self-actualization needs are known as growth
needs. Satisfaction of these needs helps a person grow and develop as a human being.
What needs is Starbucks satisfying for its employees?
The needs hierarchy is based on U.S. cultural values.8 In cultures that value
uncertainty avoidance, such as Japan and Greece, job security and lifelong employment are stronger motivators than self-actualization. Moreover, in Denmark, Sweden,
and Norway, the value and rewards of a high quality of life are more important than
productivity. Thus, social needs are stronger than self-actualization and self-esteem
needs in these countries. In countries such as China, Japan, and Korea that value collectivist and community practices over individual achievements, belonging and security are considerably more important than meeting growth needs. In developing East
African nations that exhibit high uncertainty avoidance, low individualism, and high
power distance, the community dominates. For example, their dances and worship
ceremonies are focused on the community. Clearly the motivation of employees from
more collective cultures differs from that of more individualistic countries. Therefore,
although the needs that Maslow identified may be universal, their importance and the
ways in which they are expressed vary across cultures, as does the rank ordering of
their importance.9
Maslow’s work has received much attention from leaders, as well as psychologists.10 Research has found that individuals are better able to satisfy their esteem
and self-actualization needs than are lower level leaders; part of the reason is that
top leaders have more challenging jobs and opportunities for self-actualization.
Employees who work on a team have been able to satisfy their higher level needs
by making decisions that affect their team and organization. At the Container Store,
groups of employees are trained to perform multiple tasks, including hiring and
training team members—and even firing those who fail to perform adequately. As
team members learn new tasks, they start satisfying their higher level needs. The
fulfillment of needs differs according to the job a person performs, a person’s age and
background, and the size of the company. “Not everyone is motivated in the same
way. You shouldn’t assume that it’s a one-size-fits-all solution. You have to understand individuals’ needs,” says Andy Kohlberg, president of Kisco Senior Living of
Carlsbad, California.
Learned Needs Model
David McClelland proposed a learned needs model of motivation that he believed
to be rooted in culture.11 He argued that everyone has three particularly important
needs: for achievement, power, and affiliation. The need for achievement has been
defined as behavior toward competition with a standard of excellence. In other words, individuals with a high need for achievement want to do things better and more efficiently
than others have done before. The need for power can be defined as the desire to influence individuals and events. According to McClelland, there are two types of power: one
that is directed toward the organization (institutional power) and one that is directed
toward the self (personal power). Individuals who possess a strong power motive take
action that affects the behaviors of others and has a strong emotional appeal. These
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
individuals are concerned with providing status rewards to their followers. The need
for affiliation has been defined as the desire to be liked and to stay on good terms with
others. Individuals who have a strong affiliation motive tend to establish, maintain, and
restore close personal relationships with others. A recent Gallup survey found that
employees who have a best friend at work are more engaged and productive than
those who do not report having a good friend at work.12
McClelland has studied achievement motivation extensively, especially with
regard to entrepreneurship. His achievement motivation model states that individuals are motivated according to the strength of their desire either to perform in terms of a standard of excellence or to succeed in competitive situations. According to McClelland, almost
all individuals believe that they have an “achievement motive,” but probably only
about 10 percent of the U.S. population is strongly motivated to achieve. The amount
of achievement motivation that individuals have depends on their childhood, their
personal and occupational experiences, and the type of organization for which they
work. Table 6.1 shows an application of McClelland’s model to managing others.
According to McClelland’s model, motives are “stored” in the preconscious
mind just below the level of full awareness. They lie between the conscious and
TABLE 6.1 Learned Needs Model
Improve their
performance and
meet or exceed
standards of
Maintain close,
Be strong and
influence others,
making them feel
Help people
feel stronger
and more
Meet or surpass
a self-imposed
Establish, restore,
or maintain warm
Perform powerful
something new
Be liked and
Control, influence, or
persuade people
Plan the long-term
advancement of
your career
Participate in
group activities,
primarily for
social reasons
Impress people
inside or outside the
people inside
or outside the
Try to do things
or set the pace
Worry more
about people
than performance
Be coercive and
Coach and
Express impatience
with poor
Look for ways to
create harmony
Control and
manipulate others
Be democratic
and involve
Give little positive
Avoid giving
negative feedback
Look out for their
own interests and
Be highly
Give few directions
or instructions
Focus on
the team
rather than
Source: Adapted from Spreier, S. W., Fontaine, M. H., and Malloy, R. L. Leadership run amok. Harvard
Business Review, 2006, 84(6), 75.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
the unconscious, in the area of daydreams, where individuals talk to themselves
without quite being aware of it. A basic premise of the model is that the pattern of
these daydreams can be tested and that individuals can be taught to change their
motivation by changing these daydreams.
Measuring Achievement Motivation
McClelland measured the strength of a person’s achievement motivation with the
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The TAT uses unstructured pictures that may
arouse many kinds of reactions in the person being tested. Examples include an inkblot that
a person can perceive as many different objects or a picture that can generate a variety
of stories. There is no right or wrong answer, and the person isn’t given a limited set of
alternatives from which to choose. A major goal of the TAT is to obtain the individual’s
own perception of the world. The TAT is called a projective method because it emphasizes individual perceptions of stimuli, the meaning each individual gives to them, and
how each individual organizes them (recall the discussion of perception in Chapter 4).
One projective test involves looking at the picture shown in Figure 6.3 for 10 to 15
seconds and then writing a short story about it that answers the following questions:
What are individuals doing in this picture?
What is being felt? What is being thought? By whom?
How will it come out? What will happen?
FIGURE 6. 3 Sample Picture Used in a Projective Test
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Write your own story about the picture in 75 to 100 words. Then compare it with
the following story written by Susan Reed, general manager, at Innovative Hospice
The four individuals are working as a team to accomplish the task of getting a
woman over a wall. She probably couldn’t make it without the help of her teammates. They all have duties—pushing, pulling, grabbing—to perform in getting
her over the wall. The woman is excited about accomplishing this task and is
counting on her teammates to help her. After they achieve their goal, they can
relax knowing that they reached their goal of helping a teammate.
What motivational profile did you identify? Does it match this person’s?
Characteristics of High Achievers
Self-motivated high achievers have three main characteristics. First, they like to
set their own goals. Seldom content to drift aimlessly and let life happen to them,
they nearly always are trying to accomplish something. High achievers seek the
challenge of making tough decisions. They are selective about the goals to which
they commit themselves. Hence, they are unlikely to automatically accept goals
that other individuals, including their superiors, attempt to select for them. They
exercise self-control over their behaviors, especially the ways in which they pursue
the goals they select. They tend to seek advice or help only from experts who can
provide needed knowledge or skills. High achievers prefer to be fully responsible
for attaining their goals. If they win, they want the credit; if they lose, they accept
the blame. For example, assume that you are given a choice between rolling dice
with one chance in three of winning, or working on a problem with one chance
in three of solving the problem in the time allotted. Which would you choose?
A high achiever would choose to work on the problem, even though rolling the
dice is obviously less work and the odds of winning are the same. High achievers
prefer to work at a problem rather than leave the outcome to chance or to other
Second, high achievers avoid selecting extremely difficult goals. They prefer
moderate goals that are neither so easy that attaining them provides no satisfaction nor
so difficult that attaining them is more a matter of luck than ability. They gauge what
is possible and then select as difficult a goal as they think they can attain. The game
of ring toss illustrates this point. Most carnivals have ring toss games that require
participants to throw rings over a peg from some minimum distance but specify no
maximum distance. Imagine the same game but with individuals allowed to stand at
any distance they want from the peg. Some will throw more or less randomly, standing close and then far away. Those with high-achievement motivation will seem to
calculate carefully where they should stand to have the greatest chance of winning
a prize and still feel challenged. These individuals seem to stand at a distance that
isn’t so close as to make the task ridiculously easy and isn’t so far away as to make it
impossible. They set a distance moderately far away from which they can potentially
ring a peg. Thus, they set personal challenges and enjoy tasks that will stretch their
Third, high achievers prefer tasks that provide immediate feedback. Because of the
goal’s importance to them, they like to know how well they’re doing. That’s one reason why the high achiever often chooses a professional career, a sales career, or entrepreneurial activities. Golf appeals to most high achievers: Golfers can compare their
scores to par for the course, to their own previous performance on the course, and
to their opponents’ scores; performance is related to both feedback (score) and goal
(par). It also provides immediate feedback because a person earns an individual score
and receives feedback following each shot. There are no teammates to coordinate with
or cover a mistake. The ultimate responsibility for your shot is yours.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
Financial Incentives
Money has a complex effect on high achievers. They usually value their services
highly and place a high price tag on them. High achievers are usually self-confident.
They are aware of their abilities and limitations and thus are confident when they
choose to do a particular job. They are unlikely to remain very long in an organization that doesn’t pay them well. Whether an incentive plan actually increases their
performance is an open question because they normally work at peak efficiency.
They value money as a strong symbol of their achievement and adequacy. A financial incentive may create dissatisfaction if they feel that it inadequately reflects their
When achievement motivation is operating, outstanding performance on a challenging task is likely. However, achievement motivation doesn’t operate when high
achievers are performing routine or boring tasks or when there is no competition
against goals. An example of a high achiever is John Schnatter, founder of Papa John’s
Pizza. Schnatter’s drive is to become number one in the $28 billion dollar pizza
Self competency
As a high school student working at a local pizza
shop in Jeffersonville, Indiana, Schnatter in the
early 1980s realized that there were no national
takeout pizza chains. So in 1984, he knocked out
a broom closet located in the back of his father’s
tavern, sold his prized Z28 Camaro, purchased
$1,600 worth of used restaurant equipment, and
began selling pizzas to the tavern’s customers.
The business grew so fast that he decided to
move next door. He eventually opened his first
Papa John’s restaurant in 1985.
Today, Papa John’s operates the third largest pizza chain behind Pizza Hut and Domino’s
in the delivery and takeout pizza market with
more than 3,000 pizzerias worldwide and sales
of more than $1.1 billion dollars annually. With
27 percent of the market share, Schnatter’s
goal is to take market share away from Pizza
Hut (which has about 38 percent) and Domino’s
(which has about 30 percent) by having better
ingredients, making a better pizza, and expanding internationally especially in the United
Kingdom, Asia, and China. He has achieved
remarkable results by being singularly obsessive about high quality and performance. He
preaches to his employees about pizza in very
passionate terms. He requires all employees
to memorize the company’s Six Core Values,
John Schnatter of Papa John’s Pizza
John Schnatter, founder and president of Papa John’s
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
including stay focused, customer satisfaction
must be superior, and individuals are priority
No. 1 always—and calls on employees during
meetings to stand up and shout them out. He
created a Ten Point Perfect Pizza Scale that measures the quality of pizzas. For example, pieces
of the toppings should not touch, there should
be no “peaks or valleys” along the pizza’s border, all mushrooms should be sliced to a quarter
inch, and no splotchy coloring should appear on
the crust. The employee newsletter carries articles such as “The Papa John’s Black Olive Story”
or “The Papa John’s Tomato Story.” Such articles
inform employees about how special ingredients
are used to make Papa John’s pizza.
At headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky, most
employees (including Schnatter) wear Papa John’s
teal-blue polo shirts, with Pizza Wars embroidered across them. Employees even have their
own clothing embroidered with Papa John’s logo.
Recognizing that international consumers
have different tastes (e.g., baby lobster pizza in
China) and get their pizza delivered by scooters or bicycles, rather than automobile as in
the United States, Schnatter believes that Papa
John’s can grow by 32 percent a year in these
markets. By 2010, Schnatter wants Papa John’s
to be the number one pizza brand in the world
in terms of name recognition and by 2014, the
leader in sales.
To learn more about Papa John’s, go to www.papajohns.com.
Insights for Leaders
McClelland and his associates at McBer and Company have conducted most of the
research supporting the learned needs motivation model.15 They have found that high
needs for institutional power and achievement are critical for high-performing leaders. Individuals with these high needs are particularly good at
increasing morale, creating clear expectations for performance,
and getting others to work for the good of the organization.
Interestingly the need for institutional power is more imporAcross Cultures Insight
tant for managerial success than the need for achievement.
We must be willing to reexamine our interIndividuals high in need for achievement tend to be reluctant to
national partners’ needs and offer them
delegate work to others and to be patient when working toward
more chances to satisfy these at work and
long-term objectives, both of which are behaviors that are often
enhance their lives. Partners in China must
necessary for effective leaders. Individuals with a high need for
be able to deliver unparalleled experiences
achievement are often attracted to organizations that have a payfor our customers for us to be successful.
for-performance reward system because they know that if they
perform, they will be financially rewarded. Finally, their research
Martin Coles, President, Starbucks Coffee
has found that successful CEOs are high in institutional power
and achievement but low in affiliation needs. Why? Senior leaders often make difficult decisions and cannot worry too much
about whether their decisions are liked by others.
The following insights for leaders are recommended to foster achievement motivation in employees:
Arrange tasks so that employees receive periodic feedback on their performance.
Feedback enables employees to modify their behaviors as necessary.
Provide good role models of achievement. Employees should be encouraged to
have heroes to emulate.
Help employees modify their self-images. High-achievement individuals accept
themselves and seek job challenges and responsibilities.
Guide employee aspirations. Employees should think about setting realistic goals
and the ways in which they can attain them.
Make it known that leaders who have been successful are those who are higher in
power motivation than in affiliation motivation.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
One of the main problems with the learned needs motivation model is also its
greatest strengths. The TAT method is valuable because it allows the researcher to tap
the preconscious motives of individuals. This method has some advantages over questionnaires, but the interpretation of a story is more of an art than a science. As a result,
the method’s reliability is open to question. The permanency of the model’s three needs
has also been questioned. Further research is needed to explore the model’s validity.16
Designing Jobs
Learning Goal
3. Explain how to design
Motivator–Hygiene Model
motivating jobs.
In a recent survey, 41 percent of employees were very satisfied with their jobs. What
are the reasons for high job satisfaction? Frederick Herzberg and his associates have
found the answer to this question. They asked individuals to tell them when they felt
exceptionally good about their jobs and when they felt exceptionally bad about their
jobs. As shown in Table 6.2, individuals identified somewhat different things when they
felt good or bad about their jobs. From this study they developed the two-factor theory,
better known as the motivator–hygiene model, which proposes that two sets of factors—
motivators and hygienes—are the primary causes of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.18
Motivator Factors
Motivator factors include the work itself, recognition, advancement, and responsibility.
These factors are related to an individual’s positive feelings about the job and to
the content of the job itself. These positive feelings, in turn, are associated with the
individual’s experiences of achievement, recognition, and responsibility. They reflect
lasting rather than temporary achievement in the work setting. In other words, motivators are intrinsic factors, which are directly related to the job and are largely internal to
the individual. The organization’s policies may have only an indirect impact on them.
But, by defining exceptional performance, for example, an organization may enable
individuals to feel that they have performed their tasks exceptionally well. Look back
at the chapter-opening Learning from Experience feature and identify some of the
motivators that Starbucks uses.
Hygiene Factors
Hygiene factors include company policy and administration, technical supervision, salary,
fringe benefits, working conditions, job security, and interpersonal relations. These factors
are associated with an individual’s negative feelings about the job and are related to
the environment in which the job is performed. Hygiene factors are extrinsic factors,
TABLE 6.2 Sources of Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction
• Achievement
• Advancement
• Autonomy
• Challenge
• Feedback
• Responsibility
• Organizational rules and policies
• Relationships with coworkers
• Relationships with supervisors
• Salary
• Security
• Working conditions
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
or factors external to the job. They serve as rewards for high performance only if the
organization recognizes high performance. Save Mart Supermarkets rewarded three
employees with a Dodge Challenger car for their excellence in customer service. It
believes that giving employees rewards, such as cars, cruises, and consumer electronics, motivates them to drive for service excellence. Do you agree with these types
of rewards for motivating employees? Can you identify the hygiene factors used by
Starbucks to attract new employees?
It is important to note that those factors that lead to job satisfaction are not the
same as those factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Job security, benefits, and feeling
safe cannot increase employee job satisfaction, but if these are not present, they can
lead to job dissatisfaction.
Job Characteristics Model
The job characteristics model is one of the best known approaches to job design.19
The job characteristics model uses Herzberg’s recommendations of adding motivators
to a person’s job and minimizing the use of hygiene factors. Before reading further,
complete the Designing a Challenging Job questionnaire found in Table 6.3.
The job characteristics model involves increasing the amounts of skill variety, task
identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback in a job. The model proposes that the
levels of these job characteristics affect three critical psychological states: (1) experienced meaningfulness of the tasks performed, (2) experienced personal responsibility
for task outcomes, and (3) knowledge of the results of task performance. If all three
TABLE 6. 3 Designing a Challenging Job
The following list contains statements that could be used to describe a job. Please indicate the extent
to which you agree or disagree with each statement as a description of a job you currently hold or
have held, by writing the appropriate number next to the statement. Try to be as objective as you can
in answering.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
This job . . .
_____ 1.
provides much variety.
_____ 2.
permits me to be left on my own to do my work.
_____ 3.
is arranged so that I often have the opportunity to see jobs or projects through to
_____ 4.
provides feedback on how well I am doing as I am working.
_____ 5.
is relatively significant in my organization.
_____ 6.
gives me considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do the work.
_____ 7.
provides different responsibilities.
_____ 8.
enables me to find out how well I am doing.
_____ 9.
is important in the broader scheme of things.
_____ 10. provides an opportunity for independent thought and action.
_____ 11. provides me with a considerable variety of work.
_____ 12. is arranged so that I have the opportunity to complete the work I start.
_____ 13. provides me with the feeling that I know whether I am performing well or poorly.
_____ 14. is arranged so that I have the chance to do a job from the beginning to the end (i.e., a
chance to do the whole job).
_____ 15. is one where a lot of other people can be affected by how well the work gets done.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
For each of the five scales, compute a score by summing the answers to the designated questions.
Skill variety: Sum the points for items 1, 7, and 11.
Task identity: Sum the points for items 3, 12, and 14.
Task significance: Sum the points for items 5, 9, and 15.
Autonomy: Sum the points for items 2, 6, and 10.
Job feedback: Sum the points for items 4, 8, and 13.
Total Score:
Summary Interpretation
A total score of 60-75 suggests that the core job characteristics contribute to an overall positive
psychological state for you and, in turn, lead to desirable personal and work outcomes. A total score of
15-30 suggests the opposite. You can develop your own job profile by using the totals on the scales in
the questionnaire, each of which has a score range of 3-15. You can calculate an overall measure of job
enrichment, called the motivating potential score (MPS), as follows.
MPS skill variety task identity task significance
autonomy feedback
The MPS formula sums the scores for skill variety, task identity, and task significance and divides
the total by 3. Thus, the combination of these three job characteristics has the same weight as
autonomy and job feedback. This is because the job characteristics enrichment model requires that
both experienced responsibility and knowledge of results be present for high internal job motivation. This
outcome can be achieved only if reasonable degrees of autonomy and job feedback are present. The
minimum MPS score is 1, and the maximum possible MPS score is 3,375. A clearly positive MPS score
starts at 1,728, and a purely neutral MPS score is 729 (based on an average score of 9 per scale).
1. Visit any fast-food restaurant. Evaluate the motivating potential score of the order taker. As a
manager, how might you redesign this job to increase its motivating potential score?
2. Why is a high motivating potential score more likely to lead to higher job performance than a low
motivating potential score?
psychological states are positive, a reinforcing cycle of strong work motivation based
on self-generated rewards is activated. A job without meaningfulness, responsibility,
and feedback is incomplete and doesn’t strongly motivate an employee. Figure 6.4
illustrates the elements of the job characteristic model and their relationships.
Job Characteristics
Five job characteristics hold the key to this model. They are defined as follows:
1. Skill variety—the extent to which a job requires a variety of employee competencies to
carry out the work
2. Task identity—the extent to which a job requires an employee to complete a whole
and identifiable piece of work, that is, doing a task from beginning to end with a visible
3. Task significance—the extent to which an employee perceives the job as having a substantial impact on the lives of other individuals, whether those individuals are within or
outside the organization
4. Autonomy—the extent to which the job provides empowerment and discretion to an
employee in scheduling tasks and in determining procedures to be used in carrying out
those tasks
5. Job feedback—the extent to which carrying out job-related tasks provides direct and
clear information about the effectiveness of an employee’s performance.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 6.4 Job Characteristics Enrichment Model
Core Job
Personal and
Work Outcomes
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significance
meaningfulness of
the work
High internal
work motivation
High quality
work performance
Experienced responsibility
for outcomes of the work
High satisfaction
with the work
Job feedback
Knowledge of the actual
results of the work
Low absenteeism
and turnover
Individual Differences
• Knowledge and skill
• Growth-need strength
• Satisfaction with contextual factors
Source: J. Richard Hackman & Greg R. Oldham, Work Redesign (Prentice Hall Organizational Development Series), 1st © 1980. Reproduced by
permission of Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Individual Differences
The individual differences (see Figure 6.4) identified in this model influence how
employees respond to enriched jobs. They include knowledge and skills, strength of
growth needs, and satisfaction with contextual factors. These individual differences
have an impact on the relationship between job characteristics and personal or work
outcomes in several important ways. Leaders, therefore, should consider them when
designing or redesigning jobs.
Employees with the knowledge and skills needed to perform an enriched job effectively
are likely to have positive feelings about the tasks they perform. Employees unable to
perform an enriched job may experience frustration, stress, and job dissatisfaction. These
feelings and attitudes may be especially intense for employees who desire to do a good
job but realize that they are performing poorly because they lack the necessary skills and
knowledge. Accordingly, assessing carefully the competencies of employees whose jobs
are to be enriched is essential. A training and development program may be needed along
with an enrichment program to help such employees attain the needed competencies.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
The extent to which an individual desires the opportunity for self-direction, learning,
and personal accomplishment at work is called growth-need strength. This concept
is essentially the same as Maslow’s esteem and self-actualization needs concepts.
Individuals with high growth needs tend to respond favorably to job enrichment
programs. They experience greater satisfaction from work and are more highly
motivated than individuals who have low growth needs. High growth-need individuals are generally absent less and produce better quality work when their jobs
are enriched.
Contextual factors include cultural values, organizational policies and administration,
technical supervision, salary and benefit programs, interpersonal relations, travel requirements, and work conditions (lighting, heat, safety hazards, and the like). The extent to
which employees are satisfied with contextual factors at work often influences their
willingness or ability to respond positively to enriched jobs. Contextual factors are
similar to hygiene factors. Employees who are extremely dissatisfied with their superiors, salary levels, and safety measures are less likely to respond favorably to enriched
jobs than are employees who are satisfied with these conditions. Other contextual factors (e.g., organizational culture, power and the political process, travel requirements,
and team norms) also can affect employee responses to their jobs.
Insights for Leaders
The two most widely used approaches recommended to leaders for designing enriched
jobs are vertical loading and the formation of natural work teams.
Vertical loading is the delegation to employees of responsibilities and tasks that were
formerly reserved for management or staff specialists. Vertical loading includes the empowerment of employees to:
set schedules, determine work methods, and decide when and how to check on the
quality of the work produced;
make their own decisions about when to start and stop work, when to take breaks,
and how to assign priorities; and
seek solutions to problems on their own, consulting with others only as necessary,
rather than calling immediately for the manager when problems arise.
The formation of natural teams combines individual jobs into a formally recognized unit (e.g., a section, team, or department). The criteria for the groupings are
logical and meaningful to the employee and include the following:
Geographic: Sales individuals or information technology consultants might be
given a particular region of the state or country as their territory.
Types of business: Insurance claims adjusters might be assigned to teams that serve
specific types of businesses, such as utilities, manufacturers, or retailers.
Organizational: Word-processing operators might be given work that originates
in a particular department.
Alphabetic or numeric: File clerks could be made responsible for materials in specified alphabetical groups (A to D, E to H, and so on); library-shelf readers might
check books in a certain range of the library’s cataloging system.
Customer groups: Employees of a public utility or consulting firm might be
assigned to particular industrial or commercial accounts.
Many companies have used job enrichment recommendations to help them
reduce turnover and absenteeism. Scott Kerslake, CEO of Athleta Corporation, a
sports apparel company, tells his 60 employees to put themselves and their personal
needs before jobs. Athleta’s turnover rate is less than 1 percent in an industry that averages 38 percent, and employees are getting their work done because each employee is
cross-trained and can fill in for one another as needed.20
Part 2
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To show the benefits of enriched jobs, the following Teams Competency feature illustrates how SEI Investments uses job enrichment concepts to maintain and
increase productivity at its Oaks, Pennsylvania, headquarters.21 After reading this feature, you should be able to identify the five job characteristics and methods used by
SEI to enrich employees' jobs.
Teams competency
SEI Investments
The first sign that there’s something unusual
about SEI investments, a $1.3 billion financial
company, is the design of its headquarters building. On the outside, it looks like a Playskool
version of a farm. On the inside, it looks like a
beehive. All the furniture is on wheels so that
employees can create their own work area.
Colorful cables spiral down from the ceiling, carrying electricity, Internet access, and telephone
cords. SEI has created a software map to locate
all employees. There are no secretaries, walls,
or organizational charts. Tasks are distributed
among its 98 employees. Some employees work
in self-managed teams, while others do their job
alone. Employees come together to solve a problem and disband when the task is completed.
Different employees work on different financial
models until the task is completed.
All employees know the goals that matter
most: earnings per share and assets under management. SEI leaders establish corporate-level
goals and these then translate into goals for
teams. Alfred West, SEI’s president, explained,
“Our goals are passed out to the teams and they
figure out what they have to do to hit them. Once
the team understands its goal(s), everyone on that
team drives toward that goal.” West and other
leaders do not care how many vacation days
employees take so long as they hit their goals.
To motivate employees to work in teams,
West and other leaders follow this basic principle: Self-management teams need leaders.
Employees must demonstrate certain competencies to be chosen by their coworkers to be team
leaders. Team leaders need communication,
ethical, diversity, and other competencies that
enable them to use a “soft” hand to guide the
team. It’s up to the team leaders to describe the
project in a passionate manner so that others
will want to join the team.
Teamwork is a major part of an individual’s
pay. SEI uses incentive team-based compensation whereby employees can earn anywhere
from 10 to 100 percent of their base pay. “Each
team gets a pot of money,” says West, and then
decides how to distribute it. Some teams have
members vote on each other’s bonuses, while
other teams defer to the team leader.
To learn more about SEI, go to www.seic.com.
Cultural Influences
One of the important themes of this book is recognizing and addressing cultural
diversity in the workforce. As U.S. organizations continue to expand overseas and
foreign organizations establish manufacturing operations in Canada, Mexico, and
the United States, leaders must be aware of cultural differences and how these differences can affect the motivation of employees. Cultural values are a part of the contextual factors with which leaders must deal. In Chapter 3, we noted the five cultural
factors—individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, gender
role orientation, and long-term orientation—that impact individuals’ attitudes. With
the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), leaders and
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
employees in North America began working more closely with others who don’t necessarily share similar cultural values about the motivation to work. It didn’t take U.S.
leaders very long to realize that employees in Mexico have different attitudes toward
work.22 In the United States, workers generally favor taking the initiative, having individual responsibility, and taking failure personally. They are competitive, have high
goals, and live for the future. Workers are comfortable operating in a group, with the
group sharing both successes and failures. They tend to be cooperative, flexible, and
enjoy life as it is now.
In Mexico, employees usually are not willing to speak up and take the initiative.
Employees also prefer a management style that is more authoritarian and do not
like to work in teams because of the emphasis on family rather than work teams.
However, if the work team is seen as part of an individual’s extended family, the
team can be a powerful motivator. Employees’ priorities are family, religion, and
work—in that order. During the year, plant managers host family dinners to celebrate anniversaries of employees who have worked there 5, 10, 15, and 20 years.
Employees may use the company clubhouse for weddings, baptisms, anniversary
parties, and other family celebrations. Organizations also host a family day during
which employees’ families can tour the plant, enjoy entertainment and food, and
participate in soccer, bowling, and other events. It is very important for families to
be invited and involved.
The length of the typical workday in Mexico is similar to the U.S. workday: 8 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m., but there are many differences: Employees are picked up by a company
bus at various locations throughout the city. Employees like to eat their main meal in
the middle of the day, the cost of which is heavily subsidized (as much as 70 percent)
by the company. Interestingly, the leaders serve the employees this meal. They are
mirroring a family setting, in which parents serve their children. This is not only good
for morale, but it also reinforces cultural values.
Influencing Performance Expectations
Besides creating jobs that individuals find challenging and rewarding, individuals are
also motivated by the belief that they can expect to achieve certain rewards by working hard to attain them. Believing that you can get an “A” in this class by expending
enough effort can be a very effective motivator. If you can clearly see a link between
your study behaviors (effort) and your grade (goal), you will be motivated to study. If
you see no link, why study at all? To better understand this approach to motivation,
let’s focus on you as we take a look at the expectancy model and explain how this
model motivates you to choose certain behaviors and not others.
Expectancy Model
The expectancy model states that individuals are motivated to work when they believe
that they can achieve things they want from their jobs. These things might include satisfaction of safety needs, the excitement of doing a challenging task, or the ability to set
and achieve difficult goals. A basic premise of the expectancy model is that you are a
rational person. Think about what you have to do to be rewarded and how much the
rewards mean to you before you perform your job. Four assumptions about the causes
of behavior in organizations provide the basis for this model.
First, a combination of forces in you and the environment determines behavior.
Neither you nor the environment alone determines behavior. You go to work or
attend school with expectations that are based on your needs, motivations, and past
experiences. These factors influence how you will respond to an organization, but they
can and do change over time.
Learning Goal
4. Describe how expectations
can lead to high performance.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Second, you decide your own behavior in organizations, even though many constraints are placed on your individual behavior (e.g., through rules, technology, and
work-group norms). You probably make two kinds of conscious decisions: (1) decisions about coming to work, staying with the same organization, and joining other
organizations (membership decisions); and (2) decisions about how much to produce,
how hard to work, and the quality of workmanship (job-performance decisions).
Third, you and others have different needs and goals. You want particular rewards
from your work, depending on your gender, race, age, and other characteristics. Of
the many rewards that Starbucks offers to its employees, which do you find attractive?
Why? In five years, are these same rewards likely to be attractive to you?
Fourth, you decide among alternatives based on your perceptions of whether
a specific behavior will lead to a desired outcome. You do what you perceive will
lead to desired outcomes and avoid doing what you perceive will lead to undesirable
In general, the expectancy model holds that you have your own needs and ideas
about what you desire from your work (rewards). You act on these needs and ideas
when making decisions about what organization to join and how hard to work. This
model also holds that you are not inherently motivated or unmotivated but rather that
motivation depends on the situations that you face and how your responses to these
situations fit your needs.
To help you understand the expectancy model, we must define its most important
variables and explain how they operate. The variables are first-level and second-level
outcomes, expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
First-Level and Second-Level Outcomes
The results of behaviors associated with doing the job itself are called first-level outcomes.
They include level of performance, amount of absenteeism, and quality of work.
Second-level outcomes are the rewards (either positive or negative) that first-level
outcomes are likely to produce. They include a pay increase, promotion, and acceptance
by coworkers, job security, reprimands, and dismissal.
Expectancy is the belief that a particular level of effort will be followed by a particular level
of performance. An individual’s degree of expectancy can vary from the belief that there
is absolutely no relationship between your effort and performance to the certainty that
a given level of effort will result in a corresponding level of performance. Expectancy
has a value ranging from 0, indicating you see no chance that a first-level outcome
will occur after the behavior, to +1, indicating certainty that a particular first-level
outcome will follow from your behavior. For example, if you believe that you have
no chance of getting a good grade on the next exam by studying this chapter, your
expectancy value would be 0. Having this expectancy, you shouldn’t study this chapter.
Good teachers will do things that help their students believe that hard work will help
them to achieve better grades.
Instrumentality is the relationship between first-level outcomes and second-level outcomes.
It can have values ranging from 1 to 1. A 1 indicates that your attainment of a
second-level outcome is inversely related to the achievement of a first-level outcome.
For example, assume that you are an IBM engineer and want to be accepted as a
member of your work group, but it has a norm for an acceptable level of performance.
If you violate this norm, your work group won’t accept you. Therefore, you limit
your performance so as not to violate the group’s norm. A 1 indicates that the firstlevel outcome is positively related to the second-level outcome. For example, if you
received an A on all your exams, the probability that you would achieve your desired
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
second-level outcome (passing this course) approaches +1. If there were no relationship between your performance on a test and either passing or failing this course, your
instrumentality would be 0.
Valence is an individual’s preference for a particular second-level outcome. Outcomes having a positive valence include being respected by friends and coworkers, performing
meaningful work, having job security, and earning enough money to support a family.
Valence is just not the amount of the reward you receive, but what it means to you
upon receiving it. Outcomes having a negative valence are things that you want to
avoid, such as being laid off, being passed over for a promotion, or being discharged
for sexual harassment. An outcome is positive when it is preferred and negative when
it is not preferred or is to be avoided. An outcome has a valence of 0 when you are
indifferent about receiving it.
Putting It All Together
In brief, the expectancy model holds that work motivation is determined by your
beliefs regarding effort–performance relationships and the desirability of various work
outcomes associated with different performance levels. Simply put, you can remember
the model’s important features by the saying:
I exert work effort to achieve performance that leads to valued work-related outcomes.
The Expectancy Model in Action
The five key variables just defined and discussed lead to a general expectancy model
of motivation, as shown in Figure 6.5. Motivation is the force that causes you to
expend effort, but effort alone isn’t enough. Unless you believe that effort will lead
to some desired performance level (first-level outcome), you won’t make much of an
effort. The effort–performance relationship is based on a perception of the difficulty
of achieving a particular behavior (say, working for an A in this course) and the probability of achieving that behavior. On the one hand, you may have a high expectancy
that, if you attend class, study the book, take good notes, and prepare for exams, you
can achieve an A in this class. That expectancy is likely to translate into making the
effort required on those activities to get an A. On the other hand, you may believe
that, even if you attend class, study the book, take good notes, and prepare for exams,
your chances of getting an A are only 20 percent. That expectancy is likely to keep
you from expending the effort required on these activities to achieve an A.
Performance level is important in obtaining desired second-level outcomes.
Figure 6.5 shows six desirable second-level outcomes: self-confidence, self-esteem,
personal happiness, overall GPA this semester, approval of other individuals, and
respect of other individuals. In general, if you believe that a particular level of performance (A, B, C, D, or F) will lead to these desired outcomes, you are more likely to
try to perform at that level. If you really desire these six second-level outcomes and
you can achieve them only if you get an A in this course, the instrumentality between
receiving an A and these six outcomes will be positive. But, if you believe that getting
an A in this course means that you won’t gain personal happiness and the approval
and respect of other individuals, the instrumentality between an A and these outcomes
will be negative. That is, if the higher the grade, the less likely you are to experience
personal happiness, you might choose not to get an A in this course. Once you have
made this choice, you will lessen your effort and start cutting class, not studying for
exams, and so on.
Researchers are still working on ways to assess how leaders can use this model
to affectively motivate others to achieve high performance. This has presented some
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 6. 5 Expectancy Model in Action
• Attend class
• Study
• Take notes
• Prepare for exams
First-Level Outcomes
Second-Level Outcomes
Performance: Grade in Class
Personal happiness
Overall GPA this
Expectancy: Perceived probability of
successful performance, given effort.
Approval of other
Respect of other
Instrumentality: Perceived probability
of receiving a second-level outcome,
given successful performance.
Source: VandeWalle, D., Cron, W. L., and Slocum, J. W. The role of goal orientation following performance feedback. Journal of Applied Psychology,
2001, 86, 629–640.
problems.24 First, the model tries to predict choice or the amount of effort an individual will expend on one or more tasks. However, there is little agreement about
what constitutes choice or effort for different individuals. Therefore, this important
variable is difficult to measure accurately. Second, the model doesn’t specify which
second-level outcomes are important to a particular individual in a given situation.
Although researchers are addressing this issue, comparison of the limited results
to date is often difficult because each study is unique. Take another look at the
second-level outcomes in Figure 6.5. Would you choose them? What others might
you choose? Third, the model contains an implicit assumption that motivation is a
conscious choice process. That is, the individual consciously calculates the pain or
pleasure that he expects to attain or avoid when making a choice. The expectancy
model says nothing about unconscious motivation or personality characteristics. In
fact, individuals often do not make conscious choices about which outcomes to seek.
Can you recall going through this process concerning your grade while taking this
course? Lastly, the model works best in cultures that emphasize internal attribution.
The expectancy model works best when individuals in a culture believe that they can
control their work environment and their own behavior, such as in the United States,
Canada, and the United Kingdom.25
In cultures where individuals believe the work environment and their own
behavior aren’t completely under their control, such as in Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Iran,
Japan, and China, the assumptions of the model might not be valid. For example, a
Canadian manager in Japan decided to promote one of her young female Japanese
sales representatives to manager (a status and monetary reward). To her surprise,
the promotion diminished the new Japanese manager’s performance. Why? Japanese
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
have a high need for harmony—to fit in with their colleagues. The promotion, an
individualistic reward, separated the new manager from her colleagues, embarrassed
her, and therefore diminished her work motivation.
Insights for Leaders
The expectancy model has some important implications for motivating employees.
These implications can be grouped into a number of suggestions for action.26 We
present five of these here for your consideration:
1. Leaders should try to determine the outcomes that each employee values. Two
ways of doing so are observing employee reactions to different rewards and asking employees about the types of rewards they want from
their jobs. However, leaders must recognize that employees
can and do change their minds about desired outcomes
Self Insight
over time.
2. Leaders should define good, adequate, and poor perHigh performance is not a matter of
formance in terms that are observable and measurable.
chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a
Employees need to understand what is expected of them
thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be
and how these expectations affect performance. When
Johnson & Johnson announced the production of a new
Kevin Elliott, Senior Vice President, Merchandising,
examination table for doctors, its salespeople wanted
to know what behaviors, such as cold-calling on new
accounts or trying to sell the new tables to their existing
accounts, would lead to more sales. To the extent that the
company was able to train its salespeople in selling its new product, it was able
to link salespeople’s efforts with performance.27
Leaders should be sure that the desired levels of performance set for employees can be attained. If employees feel that the level of performance necessary
to get a reward is higher than they can reasonably achieve, their motivation to
perform will be low. For example, Nordstrom tells its employees: “Respond to
Unreasonable Customer Requests.” Employees are urged to keep scrapbooks
that record “heroic” acts, such as hand-delivering items purchased by phone to
the airport for a customer leaving on a last-minute business trip, changing a customer’s flat tire, or paying a customer’s parking ticket when in-store gift wrapping
has taken longer than expected. It is hardly surprising that Nordstrom pays its
employees much more than they could earn at a rival store. For those who love
to sell and can meet its demanding standards, Nordstrom is nirvana.
4. Leaders should directly link the specific performance they desire to the outcomes
desired by employees. Recall the discussion in Chapter 5 of how operant conditioning principles can be applied to improve performance. If an employee has
achieved the desired level of performance for a promotion, the employee should
be promoted as soon as possible. If a high level of motivation is to be created and
maintained, it is extremely important for employees to see clearly and quickly the
reward process at work. Concrete acts must accompany statements of intent in
linking performance to rewards.
5. Leaders should never forget that perceptions, not reality, determine motivation.
Too often, leaders misunderstand the behavior of employees because they tend to
rely on their own perceptions of the situation and forget that employees’ perceptions may be different.
Intuit uses many of these suggested actions to motivate its employees. As described
in the following Communication Competency feature, managers at Intuit understand
that there are many ways besides a simple “thank-you” to communicate how much
they appreciate the efforts of their employees.28
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Communication competency
Headquartered in Mountain View, California,
Intuit is a $3.1 billion maker of well-known software programs, such as Quicken and Turbo-Tax.
With more than 8,000 employees, the company
has offices throughout the United States, United
Kingdom, and Canada.
One of the internal programs that makes
Intuit a great place to work is their Thanks
Program. At each company location, giving out
a small award is a part of every leader’s job. The
company’s philosophy is that awards should only
be given to people who perform well above
what is expected. Getting an award is special—it
is Intuit’s way to recognize excellence and communicate appreciation. Leaders decide the criteria that will be used for giving awards and they
decide what awards to give. Examples of awards
given include gift certificates to restaurants,
movie tickets, handwritten thank-you notes, and
a Night-on-the-Town. Why do employees get
these awards? Some employees get awards for
going beyond the call of duty to help out their
colleagues. Some get awards for making suggestions that save Intuit money. Some get awards for
technical programming achievement or outstanding service to the community. Intuit gives team
leaders the authority to make decisions about
To make sure that team leaders use sound
judgment when giving awards, Intuit developed
a website designed to help team leaders. It
explains the importance of linking the awards
they give to achieving business objectives. It also
helps leaders ensure that awards given out are
valued by individuals. To monitor how employees
feel about the Thanks Program, Intuit includes
a question in the annual employee satisfaction
survey that reads “I am rewarded and recognized
when I do a great job.” As long as employees
continue to agree with this statement, Intuit
senior leaders believe that the Thanks Program is
working and helping Intuit to be named as one
of Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work for in
To learn more about Intuit, go to www.intuit.com.
Learning Goal
5. Explain how treating
individuals fairly influences
their motivation to work.
Ensuring Equity
Feelings of unfairness were among the most frequent sources of job dissatisfaction
reported to Herzberg and his associates. Some researchers have made this desire for
fairness, justice, or equity a central focus of their models. Assume that you just received
a 5 percent raise. Will this raise lead to higher performance, lower performance, or no
change in performance? Are you satisfied with this increase? Would your satisfaction
with this pay increase vary with the consumer price index, with what you expected to
get, or with what others in the organization performing the same job and at the same
performance level received?
Equity Model: Balancing Inputs and Outcomes
The equity model focuses on an individual’s feelings of how fairly she is treated in comparison with others.29 It is based on the belief that individuals are motivated to maintain a
fair, or equitable, relationship between themselves and others and to avoid relationships that are unfair or inequitable. It contains two major assumptions. The first is that
individuals evaluate their interpersonal relationships just as they would evaluate the
buying or selling of a home, shares of stock, or a car. The model views relationships as
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
exchange processes in which individuals make contributions and expect certain results.
The second assumption is that individuals don’t operate in a vacuum. They compare
their situations to those of the others in the organization to determine fairness. In
other words, what happens to individuals is important when they compare themselves
to similar others (e.g., coworkers, relatives, and neighbors).
General Equity Model
The equity model is based on the comparison of two variables: inputs and outcomes.
Inputs represent what an individual contributes to an exchange; outcomes are what an
individual receives from the exchange. Some typical inputs and outcomes are shown in
Table 6.4. A word of caution: The items in the two lists aren’t paired and don’t represent specific exchanges.
According to the equity model, individuals assign weights to various inputs and
outcomes according to their perceptions of the situation. Because most situations
involve multiple inputs and outcomes, the weighting process isn’t precise. However,
individuals generally can distinguish between important and less important inputs
and outcomes. After they arrive at a ratio of inputs and outcomes for themselves, they
compare it with their perceived ratios of inputs and outcomes of others who are in the
same or a similar situation. These relevant others become the objects of comparison
for individuals in determining whether they feel equitably treated.30
Equity exists whenever the perceived ratio of a person’s outcomes to inputs
equals that for relevant others. For example, an individual may feel properly paid in
terms of what he puts into a job compared to what other workers are getting for their
inputs. Inequity exists when the perceived ratios of outcomes to inputs are unequal.
Jay Loar, a director of program engineering at Lockheed Martin, works harder than
his coworkers, completes all his tasks on time even though others don’t, and puts in
longer hours than others, but receives the same pay raise as the others. What happens? Loar believes that his inputs are greater than those of his coworkers and therefore should merit a greater pay raise. Inequity can also occur when individuals are
overpaid. In this case, the overpaid employees might be motivated by guilt or social
pressure to work harder to reduce the imbalance between their inputs and outcomes
and those of their coworkers.
Consequences of Inequity
Inequity causes tension within and among individuals. Tension isn’t pleasurable, so individuals are motivated to reduce it to a tolerable level, as illustrated in Figure 6.6. To
TABLE 6.4 Examples of Inputs and Outputs in Organizations
Interpersonal skills, communication skills
Job effort (long hours)
Level of education
Past experience
Personal appearance
Social status
Technical skills
Challenging job assignments
Fringe benefits
Job perquisites (parking space or office location)
Job security
Seniority benefits
Status symbols
Working conditions
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 6.6 Inequity as a Motivational Process
Individual wants
to reduce tension
reduce a perceived inequity and the corresponding level of tension, individuals may
choose to act in one or more of the following ways:
Individuals may either increase or decrease their inputs to what they feel to be an
equitable level. For example, individuals who think they are underpaid may reduce the
quantity of their production, work shorter hours, and be absent more frequently.
Individuals may change their outcomes to restore equity. Many union organizers
try to attract nonmembers by pledging to improve working conditions, hours, and
pay without an increase in employee effort (input).
Individuals may distort their own inputs and outcomes. As opposed to actually
changing inputs or outcomes, individuals may mentally distort them to achieve a
more favorable balance. For example, individuals who feel inequitably treated may
distort how hard they work (“This job is a piece of cake”) or attempt to increase the
importance of the job to the organization (“This really is an important job!”).
Individuals may leave the organization or request a transfer to another department. In doing so, they hope to find an equitable balance.
Individuals may shift to a new reference group to reduce the source of the inequity. The star high school athlete who doesn’t get a scholarship to a major university might decide that a smaller school has more advantages, thereby justifying a
need to look at smaller schools when making a selection.
Individuals may distort the inputs or outcomes of others. They may come to
believe that others in a comparison group actually work harder than they do and
therefore deserve greater rewards.
How susceptible are you to the temptation to cheat a little in order to achieve
what you believe is equitable?31 To find out, take a few minutes to consider the situations posed in the following Ethics Competency feature. When individuals feel it
is okay to cheat in order to meet their goals and obtain the rewards offered by their
employer, whose responsibility is it? Are the employees at fault? Is their management
responsible? Or is it just “the system” that is to blame?32
Ethics competency
How Tempted Are You?
Read each situation. Then indicate how tempted
you feel to act in ways that might be viewed as
questionable. Try to be candid. Your answers will
help you recognize tempting situations when
they present themselves.
How Tempted Are You?
Not at All;
Would Not Cheat
Very Tempted;
Probably Would Cheat
Chapter 6
_____ 1. You work in a retail store selling clothes.
Your goal for the week is to sell $4,000
worth of merchandise. Achieving your
goal earns you a red recognition ribbon for your name badge. You have
sold $3,950 with one hour of time left.
A colleague is in a similar situation and
proposes that you each spend $50
to purchase items from each other to
achieve your goals. Do you go along
with your friend’s suggestion?
_____ 2. The situation is almost the same as
#1 above, but the reward is different.
Besides the recognition ribbon, you will
receive a $100 bonus if you meet your
goal. Do you agree to work with your
friend to reach the sales goal?
_____ 3. You work in a call center for a catalog
company. The company monitors calls to
measure service quality and also gives
extra points to employees who process
calls quickly. Your service quality is excellent but your speed is too slow. Your
sister offers to help by posing as a caller.
She’ll keep calling until she gets you,
and then ask a simple question so you
can have a few fast calls. She says she
learned this trick where she works, where
people do it all the time. Do you tell her
to call you?
_____ 4. You clean windows in homes during
the summer to help pay for your college costs. You are paid by the size and
number of windows you clean. You are
Motivating Employees
responsible for counting the number of
windows and estimating the sizes. Most
of the homes you work on have a lot of
windows. You are pretty sure the home
owners don’t really know how many
windows they have. You suspect that
you could easily charge for two extra
windows without being caught. Do you
do it?
_____ 5. You deliver frozen food products to grocery stores. To maximize profits, your
employer sets goals for a variety of performance metrics. One measure used
is fuel efficiency. You find it difficult to
meet the fuel goals, but have figured out
that one solution is to carry more products on each trip. The only space available is the passenger seat, but if you use
that space you cannot keep products
at the lower temperature required by
state food safety regulations. You learn
that other truck drivers bring their own
coolers and use them to carry products
in the passenger seat. They say it is
the only way anyone can meet the fuel
goals. Do you bring a cooler to store
food on the passenger seat?
After answering all of the questions, review
your ratings. Most people admit that they would
be tempted to cheat in some of these situations. In which types of situations were you most
tempted: When the reward was large? When the
degree of cheating seemed minor? When you
believed you wouldn’t get caught?
Procedural Justice: Making Decisions Fairly
Equity theory focuses on the outcomes individuals receive after they have expended
effort, time, or other inputs. It doesn’t deal with how decisions leading to outcomes
were made in the first place. Procedural justice examines the impact of the process used
to make a decision. As we defined in Chapter 2 on page 46, procedural justice refers to
the perceived fairness of the rules, guidelines, and processes for making decisions.33
Procedural justice holds that employees will be more motivated to perform at a high
level when they perceive as fair the procedures used to make decisions about the distribution of outcomes. Procedural justice is important to most employees. They are
often motivated to attain fairness in how decisions are made, as well as in the decisions
Reactions to pay raises, for example, are greatly affected by employees’ perceptions about the fairness of how the raises were determined. If in the minds of the
employees the pay raises were administered fairly, the employees are usually more
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
satisfied with their increases than if the employees judged the
procedures used to make these increases to be unfair. The
perceived fairness of the procedures used to allocate pay raises
is a better predictor of satisfaction than the absolute amount
of pay received. ViewCast Corporation is a digital encoding company that makes equipment that digitizes live programming for transmission over the Internet. David Stoner,
ViewCast’s president, announced that because of the financial
conditions facing the company, all salaries would be frozen.
While employees were not pleased with this announcement,
they understood how the recent recessions had impacted
ViewCast and its industry. Many were grateful just to have a
job and were willing to forgo pay raises in the short term.
In both the pay and evaluation situations, the individual
can’t directly control the decision but can react to the procedures used to make it. Even when a particular decision has
negative outcomes for the individual, fair procedures help
ensure that the individual feels that her interests are being
Employees’ assessments of procedural justice have also been
related to their trust in management, intention to leave the organization, evaluation of their supervisor, employee theft, and job
satisfaction. Consider some of the relatively trivial day-to-day
issues in an organization that are affected by procedural justice:
decisions about who will cover the phones during lunch while others are away from their
desks, the choice of the site of the company picnic, or who gets the latest software for a
personal computer.
Procedural justice has also been found to affect the attitudes of workers who
survive a layoff. During the recent recession when Caterpillar, Bank of America,
Microsoft, and hundreds of other companies laid off thousands of employees, the survivors (those who remain on the job) are often in a good position to judge the fairness
of the layoff in terms of how it was handled. When a layoff is handled fairly, survivors
feel more committed to the organization than when they believe that the laid-off
workers were treated unfairly. In Chapter 8, we discuss how survivors of layoffs also
experience stress and some actions that they can take to relieve it.
Organizational citizenship
behavior may include one
employee helping another with
a computer problem.
Going Beyond the Call of Duty
In many organizations, employees perform tasks that are not formally required.35
Organizational citizenship behavior exceeds formal job duties and is often necessary for
the organization’s survival, including its image and acceptance. Examples of organizational
citizenship behavior include helping coworkers solve problems, making constructive suggestions, and volunteering to perform community service work (e.g., blood
drives, United Way campaigns, and charity work). Although not formally required
by employers, these behaviors are important in all organizations. Helping coworkers
is an especially important form of organizational citizenship behavior when it comes
to computers. Every organization has its computer gurus, but often it’s the secretary
who doesn’t go to lunch who can easily fix a problem and do it without insulting the
struggling user. Leaders often underestimate the amount of this informal helping that
takes place in organizations.
Employees have considerable discretion over whether to engage in organizational
citizenship behaviors. Employees who have been treated fairly and are satisfied are
more likely to do so than employees who feel unfairly treated. Fairly treated employees engage in citizenship behaviors because they want to give something back to the
organization. Most individuals desire to have fair exchanges with coworkers and others in their organization.
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
Barbara Thomas, manufacturing applications sales manager for Hewlett-Packard:
EDS, developed a simple yet innovative method for acknowledging organizational
citizenship behaviors at her office. At the beginning of the year, Thomas gives each of
her 10 employees a jar containing 12 marbles. Throughout the year, employees may
give marbles to others who have helped them in some way or who have provided an
extraordinary service. Employees are recognized throughout the year and are proud
of the number of marbles they accumulate, even though they receive no monetary
reward from Thomas.
Insights for Leaders
Leaders often use the equity model in making a variety of decisions, such as taking disciplinary actions, giving pay raises, allocating office and parking space, and dispensing
other perquisites (perks). The equity model leads to two primary insights for leaders.
First, employees should be treated fairly. When employees believe that they are not
being treated fairly, they will try to correct the situation and reduce tension by means of
one or more of the types of actions identified previously in this section. A sizable inequity increases the probability that individuals will choose more than one type of action
to reduce it. For example, employees may partially withdraw from the organization by
being absent more often, arriving at work late, not completing assignments on time, or
stealing. Leaders may try to reduce the inputs of such employees by assigning them to
monotonous jobs, taking away some perks, and giving them only small pay increases.
Second, employees make decisions concerning equity only after they compare
their inputs and outcomes with those of comparable employees.36 These relevant others may be employees of the same organization or of other organizations. The latter
presents major problems for leaders, who cannot control what other organizations
pay their employees. For example, Ralph Sorrentino, a partner at Deloitte Consulting,
hired a recent business school undergraduate for $54,500, the maximum the company
could pay for the job. The new employee thought that this salary was very good
until she compared it to the $65,250 that fellow graduates were getting at Boston
Consulting, McKinsey, or Bain. She felt that she was being underpaid in comparison
with her former classmates, causing an inequity problem for her (and the company).
The idea that fairness in organizations is determined by more than just money has
received a great deal of attention from leaders. Organizational fairness is influenced
by how rules and procedures are used and how much employees are consulted in decisions that affect them.
Chapter Summary
A six-stage motivational model indicates that individuals behave in certain ways to
satisfy their needs. Leaders have three motivational challenges: Motives can only be
inferred, needs are dynamic, and there are considerable differences in individuals’
1. Explain basic
Two human needs models of motivation are widely recognized. Maslow proposed that
individuals have five types of needs: physiological, security, affiliation, esteem, and
self-actualization, and that when a need is satisfied it no longer motivates a person.
McClelland believed that individuals have three learned needs (achievement, power,
and affiliation) that are rooted in the culture of a society. We focused on the role of
the achievement need and indicated the characteristics associated with high achievers,
including that they like to set their own moderate goals and perform tasks that give
them immediate feedback.
2. Describe two basic
motivational processes.
human needs
approaches to
Part 2
3. Explain how to design
motivating jobs.
4. Describe how
expectations can lead
to high performance.
5. Explain how treating
individuals fairly
influences their
motivation to work.
The Individual in Organizations
Herzberg claimed that two types of factors affect a person’s motivation: motivator
and hygiene factors. Motivators, such as job challenge, lead to job satisfaction but not
to job dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors, such as working conditions, prevent job dissatisfaction but can’t lead to job satisfaction. Leaders need to structure jobs that focus
on motivators because they lead to high job satisfaction and performance. The job
characteristics model focuses on adding five motivators to the job (skill variety, task
identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback). Whether an employee responds
favorably to an enriched job is dependent on her knowledge and skill, growth-need
strength, and contextual factors.
The expectancy model holds that individuals know what they desire from work. They
choose activities only after they decide that the activities will satisfy their needs. The
primary components of this model are first- and second-level outcomes, expectancy,
instrumentality, and valence. An individual must believe that effort expended will
lead (expectancy) to some desired level of performance (first-level outcome) and that
this level of performance will lead (instrumentality) to desired rewards (second-level
outcomes and valences). Otherwise, the individual won’t be motivated to expend the
effort necessary to perform at the desired level.
The equity model focuses on the individual’s perception of how fairly he is treated in
comparison to others in similar situations. To make this judgment, an individual compares his inputs (experience, age) and outcomes (salary) to those of relevant others. If
equity exists, the person isn’t motivated to act. If inequity exists, the person may engage
in any one of six behaviors to reduce this inequity. Both procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior are based on the equity model and have significant implications for employees’ perceptions of equity. Procedural justice examines the impact of
the process (rules and procedures) used to make a decision. Organizational citizenship
behaviors are employee behaviors that go above and beyond their job requirements.
Key Terms and Concepts
Ability, 159
Achievement motivation model, 164
Affiliation needs, 162
Autonomy, 171
Contextual factors, 173
Deficiency needs, 163
Equity model, 180
Esteem needs, 162
Expectancy, 176
Expectancy model, 175
Extrinsic factors, 169
First-level outcomes, 176
Goal, 160
Growth-need strength, 173
Growth needs, 163
Hygiene factors, 169
Inequity, 181
Inputs, 181
Instrumentality, 176
Intrinsic factors, 169
Job characteristics model, 170
Job feedback, 171
Motivating potential score (MPS), 171
Motivation, 158
Motivator factors, 169
Motivator–hygiene model, 169
Need for achievement, 163
Need for affiliation, 164
Need for power, 163
Needs, 159
Needs hierarchy model, 161
Organizational citizenship behavior, 184
Outcomes, 181
Physiological needs, 162
Second-level outcomes, 176
Security needs, 162
Self-actualization needs, 162
Skill variety, 171
Task identity, 171
Task significance, 171
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 165
Valence, 177
Vertical loading, 173
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
Discussion Questions
To explore how Starbucks motivates its partners, go to
www.starbucks.com. On that page, look for “career center.” Click on that. What employee needs is Starbucks
attempting to satisfy for its retail partners?
Go to www.starbucks.com, click on “about us,” then click
on “business ethics & compliance.” Click on the link
that shows all versions of Starbucks Standard of Business
Conduct on the right-hand side of the screen. Scroll down
to resources under which you will find Ethical DecisionMaking Framework. What motivational concepts do you
find Starbucks drawing on in this section?
Phil Jackson, after winning his tenth NBA title as a
coach, said: “I don’t motivate my players. You cannot
motivate someone. All you can do is provide a motivating environment and the players will motivate themselves.” Do you agree or disagree? What’s the reasoning
behind your answer?
Focus on some aspects of your own work in which you
feel your performance is below your own expectations.
Using your answers from Table 6.3, explore some of the
reasons for your level of performance.
5. How has John Schnatter, CEO of Papa John’s,
applied the learned needs model to motivate his
6. What are your own assumptions about motivation?
How do they reflect the culture in which you were
7. Why is job satisfaction not strongly related to job
8. Why are some individuals motivated to cheat?
9. Imagine that you have been selected for an office visit
at SEI Investments for a financial analyst position.
What are leaders looking for in that interview to decide
whether or not to hire you?
10. Imagine that you have just been selected to become a
new sales manager for Dell Computers in Mexico. What
would you do to motivate employees to become high
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency37
What Do You Want from Your Job?
We have listed the 16 most often mentioned characteristics
that individuals want from their jobs in random order. Please
rank them in order of both their importance to you and then
in terms of satisfaction for you. Rank these characteristics 1
(most important), 2 (next most important), and so on, through
16 (least important). Use the same procedure to rank satisfaction. Then compare your answers with those of hundreds of
managers working in a variety of jobs and industries provided
at the end of this exercise.
11. Recognition from team _____
12. Vacation time
13. Regular hours
14. Working close to home
15. Little job stress
16. A job in which I can help _____
Job Characteristics
1. Working independently
2. Chance for promotion
3. Contact with people
4. Flexible time
5. Health insurance & other
6. Interesting work
Answers given by managers
7. Work important to
8. Job security (no layoffs)
For job importance, the rank order of characteristics is 1–6;
2–14; 3–15; 4–16; 5–1; 6–2; 7–13; 8–3; 9–4; 10–11; 11–7;
12–5; 13–8; 14–12; 15–10; 16–9.
For job satisfaction, the rank order of characteristics is 1–3;
2–14; 3–2; 4–16; 5–13; 6–4; 7–9; 8–7; 9–11; 10–12; 11–15;
12–8; 13–5; 14–1; 15–6; 16–10.
9. Opportunity to learn
10. High income
1. What things influenced your ranking? What motivational concepts did you rely on for making your
2. What aspects gave you the most job satisfaction?
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Case: Communication Competency
SAS Institute38
Jim Goodnight founded the SAS Institute in Cary, North
Carolina, in 1976. It is probably the least-well-known, major
privately owned software company in the world. In simplest
terms, SAS writes software that makes it possible to gather
and understand data, to sift through mountains of information
in order to find patterns and meaning.
SAS—which stands for “statistical analysis software”—
started out as a tool for statisticians. Goodnight originally
developed it to analyze agricultural-research data in North
Carolina. These days Marriott Hotels uses the software to
manage a frequent-visitor program; Merck & Co. and Pfizer
Inc. use it to develop new drugs; the U.S. government uses
SAS to calculate the Consumer Price Index. The software is
not cheap. A charge of $50,000 a year for 50 users is typical.
All but 2 of the 100 largest U.S. public companies use it. It
sales exceed $2.2 billion annually. The company employs
more than 11,000 people worldwide. It has been consistently
listed among Fortune magazine’s “100 Best Companies to
Work for in America.” Goodnight believes “If you treat
employees as if they make a difference to the company, they
will make a difference to the company.”
What is unique about SAS is not the software it creates
but the unusual way in which it does business. The freedom
and exuberance associated with the new economy has a dark
side: Work is so demanding, so all-consuming, that is can
become unsatisfying. In that context, SAS may be the world’s
sanest company. Why?
First, there’s the mood of the place. SAS operates in a
competitive arena full of buzzwords—“data mining,” “knowledge management”—and builds cutting-edge products that
set the industry standard. Yet the one word that employees
universally use to describe the company’s work environment
is “relaxed.”
Second, there’s also the stability of the company. It is an
article of faith in the software business that the only way to
attract and keep talented employees is to offer them stock
options, along with extraordinary salaries. SAS, a private
company, offers no stock, and its salaries are no better than
its competition. But SAS treats its employees so well in other
areas—there is no limit on how many sick days they can take;
they can even stay home to care of sick family members—that
employees remain committed to the company. Its employee
turnover rate is low and it has never had a layoff.
Third, there’s the sense of balance between work and
family life found at SAS. At a time when companies are trying
to mix work and family, SAS has the largest on-site day-care
operation in North Carolina. To encourage families to eat
lunch together, the SAS cafeteria supplies baby seats and high
chairs. To encourage families to eat dinner together, the company has adopted a seven-hour workday. Indeed, most people
at SAS keep work hours that are far from typical of the new
economy. They leave the office by 5 p.m.
The history of the company’s benefits is revealing. The
story begins when SAS was still a startup in 1976—a startup
with a number of women working for it. “Our women
employees were two or three years into their careers—at the
top of their talent curve—and they started deciding to stay
home and have kids,” says Jennifer Mann, vice president of
human resources. “We knew and they knew that they’d have
to start from scratch if they stepped out. Jim said, ‘We can’t
lose those people. We’re too small a company.’ So we started
providing day care in the basement. We began with 4 or 5
kids; now we have 528 (including some who attend a nearby
private facility).” SAS was by no means obligated to offer day
care. It couldn’t, however, afford to lose its female employees.
Today 51 percent of SAS managers are women. A group at
the company meets monthly to discuss proposed new benefits,
evaluating them in the context of a three-part test: Would the
benefit accord with SAS’s culture? Would it serve a significant
number of employees? And would it be cost accountable—
that is, would its perceived value be at least as high as it cost?
Every benefit has to pass all three tests. Moreover, Goodnight
points out that it is not just the benefits that keep employees
at SAS, but “it’s the challenge of work.”
The benefits build a foundation of loyalty that supports
the bottom line. The payoff starts with turnover. A typical
software company of SAS’s size loses 1,000 employees per
year. At SAS, the number lost is about 130—which translates
into almost 900 employees per year whom SAS doesn’t have
to replace. The result is a huge reduction in expenses for
recruiting candidates, for flying them in for interviews, and
for moving new hires across the country, as well as a reduction
in the amount of work time lost while jobs remain unfilled.
Two consulting companies—Top Gun and Hewitt—have
estimated that the cost of replacing a worker runs between 1
and 2.5 times the salary of the open job. The more sophisticated the job, the higher the cost. Given a factor of 1.5 and
an average SAS salary of $50,000, the company arguably saves
millions a year, compared with what its competitors spend to
attract new employees.
The informal environment at SAS can be misleading.
This is a company built on accountability. SAS is a decentralized company, but tracks key performance data closely.
From his computer, Goodnight can look up detailed sales
and performance information; he can track data on technical support calls, which are sorted by product and by timeto-resolution; he can monitor bug reports in new software,
noting how quickly testers and developers are eliminating
flaws in products headed for release. The sense of accountability also extends to documentation. Every SAS product
manual includes the names of the developers and testers who
created or updated the software. The sense of accountability
is so ingrained and the lines of reporting are so simple that
the company needs no formal organization chart. As it grows,
SAS tends to get wider—spawning new divisions—rather than
adding more layers of management. Indeed, the company is
so brutally flat that on the Cary campus, many of the several
thousand frontline employees who work there—from housekeepers to coders with Ph.D.s—are just two or three levels in
the corporate hierarchy from Jim Goodnight.
Chapter 6
Larnell Lennon says that what surprised him most when
he arrived at SAS—besides getting his own office—was how
his manager spent his time. “My manager is doing what I’m
doing,” says Lennon. “She is in the trenches, writing code.
Dr. Goodnight was once in the same group that I’m in. At my
last job, my manager was just making sure that everything got
done. Here, we all do that.” Xan Gregg works in John Sall’s
group. Sall has plenty to say “about the details of how code
is written,” says Gregg. “That’s unusual for an executive vice
president. Usually managers are not very technical.” Sall, an
almost impossibly shy and unassuming billionaire, says that
he sees himself primarily as “a statistician and a software
developer—not a businessperson or a manager.” Managers
who understand the work that they oversee can make sure
Motivating Employees
that details don’t slide. At SAS, groups agree on deadlines, and
managers understand what their group does. Unrealistically
optimistic promises about timetables and completion dates
are relatively rare.
1. Go to Fortune magazine, February 2, 2009, and turn to
pages 64–65 or go to www.sas.com and search under
the heading “SAS Family.” Using the criteria on these
pages, evaluate the SAS Institute. Do these criteria
reveal why SAS consistently makes the list of “Best
Companies to Work for in America”?
2. What is motivating Jim Goodnight?
3. Would you like to work for SAS? Why or why not?
Motivation: Goal Setting
and Reward Programs
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Explain how goal setting affects
State the effects of goal setting
on an individual’s behavior.
Describe reward programs for
improving performance.
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Model of Goal Setting and Performance
Teams Competency
Jeff Gordon’s Rainbow Warriors
Across Cultures Competency
Effects of Goal Setting
Diversity Competency
Lockheed Martin MS2 Team
Reward Programs for Improving Performance
Change Competency
Nucor’s Profit Sharing Program
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Goal Setting
Case: Diversity Competency
Allstate Insurance Company
Learning from Experience
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
airports, but instead focused on customers whose
cars were being repaired or who needed a rental
for vacations or other special occasions. So, even
though Enterprise recently acquired Vanguard
Car Rental, a company that manages the Alamo
Rent A Car and National Car Rental brands, which
rent cars mostly at airports, more than 90 percent of Enterprise’s car rental business still comes
from customers in their home cities, as opposed
to travelers. Enterprise has a fleet of more than
714,000 vehicles located at more than 7,000
rental shops and revenues exceeding $13 billion.
The company opens, on average,
one new office every business day
somewhere in the world. Enterprise has
contracts with 70 percent of the body
shops and insurance companies in North
America. It provides body shops with
a website tracking device that enables
these shops to post estimates about
when a customer’s car will be ready.
This saves the body shop mechanics
time because they no longer have to
phone customers and give them estimates about when their cars will be
Enterprise’s success can be traced
to how it manages its employees. All
employees start as trainees just like
was promoted to assistant branch manager and
during the next 12 years was promoted through
the ranks to regional vice president. She assumed
additional responsibilities as her performance
exceeded expectations, including establishing the
first national preferred provider rental agreements
between Enterprise and auto manufacturers.
All Enterprise employees start with a low base
salary and earn a sliding percentage of profits
generated by their office. Thus, they are highly
motivated to push extra services, such as GPS
systems, children’s car seats, collision-damage
insurance, and the like. They are also rewarded
Nicholson did in 1981 after graduating from
the University of Missouri. For nine months, she
washed cars, listened to customers, wrote rental
agreements, and settled customer complaints.
She was taught that if a customer forgets his driver’s license, drive the customer home to pick it up.
If the license has expired, drive the customer to
a state motor vehicle registration department to
obtain a new one. Based on her performance, she
To learn more about Enterprise Rent-A-Car,
go to www.enterprise.com.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car was founded by Jack
Crawford in 1957 and is now run by Pamela
Nicholson, the company’s first female president.
She is ranked by Fortune magazine as the 44th
most powerful woman in the United States. The
company started out as a small auto-leasing
business and moved into car rentals in the 1960s
with a very different business strategy from that
of Hertz, Avis, and Budget. It didn’t rent cars at
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
for steering customers to other Enterprise outlets
that sell preowned cars.
Employee turnover is a problem in the carrental industry. Major car rental companies, such
as Avis, Budget, National, and Hertz, average
more than 30 percent turnover a year, because of
the long hours and stress of handling customer
complaints. Enterprise, however, has turnover of
less than 25 percent. One reason for the lower
turnover is that employees work in teams of
less than 10 people. In these teams, employees
can develop personal relationships with their
Nicholson has set some metrics for how to
measure the company’s performance. Enterprise
has developed a performance management
system that is simple to use and easy for employees to understand. The Enterprise Service Quality
Index asks more than 175,000 customers each
month these questions: (1) How would you rate
your overall experience? and (2) Would you consider renting from Enterprise again? The goal
is to achieve a 90 percent positive response.
Employees get a chance to see how they’re
performing and to respond accordingly. “These
scores drive everything at Enterprise,” Nicholson
explains. “It determines how much money you
make and how you progress in the company. If
the office’s Index is below the mark, no one in
that branch moves. If it’s above, everyone gets
ahead. It’s equitable and it has had a big impact
on teamwork.”1
To survive in today’s competitive global market, setting challenging goals that take
into account the crucial factors of time and quality and providing feedback to employees are no longer options. They must happen!
The motivational practices that produced the achievements at Enterprise are based
on setting goals, developing feedback systems, and providing reward systems that get
individuals to strive to reach those goals. Goals play an important part in motivating
individuals to strive for high performance. The basic concepts in goal setting remain
an important source for motivating employees. Regardless of the nature of their specific achievements, successful people tend to set goals. Their lives are goal oriented.
This is true for politicians, students, and leaders in all sorts of organizations.2
In this chapter, we begin by presenting a model of goal setting and performance
based on the individual. In the next section, we discuss the effects of goal setting on
employees’ behaviors. Finally, we conclude the chapter with a discussion of four commonly used reward programs that reinforce desired behaviors of employees.
Learning Goal
1. Explain how goal setting
affects performance.
Model of Goal Setting and Performance
Goals are future outcomes (results) that individuals and groups desire and strive to achieve.3
An example of an individual goal is “I intend to graduate with a 3.2 grade point average
by the end of the spring semester, 2012.” Goal setting is the process of specifying desired
outcomes toward which individuals, teams, departments, and organizations will strive and is
intended to increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
Importance of Goal Setting
The goal-setting process is no easy task, but the effort is not only worthwhile, it
is also becoming essential for success in today’s highly competitive global business
environment. Just as organizations strive to achieve certain goals, individuals also
are motivated to strive for and attain goals. In fact, the goal-setting process is one of
the most important motivational tools for affecting the performance of employees in
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
organizations. In this section we consider one of the most widely accepted models
of goal setting and indicate how goal-setting techniques can be applied to motivate
individuals and teams.
Figure 7.1 presents a model of individual goal setting and performance.4 According
to this goal-setting model, goal setting has four motivational aspects:
Goals direct attention. That is, they focus an employee’s attention on what is relevant and important. What two goals does Enterprise track?
Goals regulate effort. Not only do goals direct our attention, they motivate us to
act. What motivates employees at Enterprise?
Goals increase persistence. Persistence represents the effort expended on a task over
an extended period of time. Persistent people find ways to overcome obstacles and
avoid making excuses if they fail.
Goals foster strategies and action programs. Goals encourage people to develop strategies and action programs that enable them to achieve their goals. Give an example
of this at Enterprise.
FIGURE 7.1 Motivational Aspects of Goal Setting
Goals motivate
the individual
Encouraging the
development of
strategies or action
Source: E. A. Locke and G. P. Latham, A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990. © 1990. Adapted
and reprinted by permission of the author.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Figure 7.2 presents a version of this model. It shows the key variables and the general
relationships that can lead to high individual performance, some of which we have
discussed in previous chapters. The basic idea behind the model in Figure 7.2 is that
a goal serves as a motivator because it allows people to compare their present performance with that required to achieve the goal. To the extent that people believe they
will fall short of a goal, they will feel dissatisfied and work harder to attain it as long
as they believe that it can be achieved.
Having a goal also may improve performance because the goal makes clear the
type and level of performance expected. At PPG, a Pittsburgh-based paint and glass
manufacturer, employee objectives are called SMART goals, an acronym for “Specific,
Measurable, Agreed-upon by the employee and manager, Realistic, and Timebound.”
Being specific means goals should be stated in precise rather than vague terms.
Measurable refers to assessing the extent to which a goal is accomplished. Goals should
be attainable, challenging, and realistic. Impossible goals reduce motivation because people do not like to fail. Results-oriented goals are needed to support the organization’s
mission. At Enterprise if they get a positive response to their survey questions, which
are results oriented, then the organization’s goal will be achieved. Finally, timebound
means that goals need to specify target dates for completion.
Before the SMART goal system was implemented at PPG, a sales manager
would be told by her boss to increase sales for the next year. Now she might be asked
to develop, by September 30, three new customers in three Southeast regions with
annual sales volume of $250,000 each. Using SMART, sales performance at PPG has
increased by more than 25 percent.5
Performance is likely to be high when (1) challenging goals have been set, (2) the
moderators (ability, goal commitment, feedback, and task complexity) are present, and
(3) the mediators (direction, effort, persistence, and task strategy) are operating (see
Figure 7.2). Stated another way, goal setting is the process of developing, negotiating,
and establishing targets that challenge the individual. Employees with unclear goals or
FIGURE 7.2 Model of Goal Setting
Goal difficulty
Goal clarity
Task strategy
Goal commitment
Task complexity
Source: Adapted from Locke, E. A., and Lantham, G. P. A theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990, 253.
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
no goals are more prone to work slowly, perform poorly, exhibit a lack of interest, and
accomplish less than employees whose goals are clear and challenging. In addition,
employees with clearly defined goals appear to be more energetic and productive.
They get things done on time and then move on to other activities (and goals).
Goals may be implicit or explicit, vague or clearly defined, and self-imposed or
externally imposed. Whatever their form, goals serve to guide the individual’s time
and effort. Two key attributes of challenging goals are particularly important:
Goal difficulty: A goal should be challenging but not impossible to achieve. If it is too
easy, the individual may delay or approach the goal lackadaisically. If it is too difficult, the individual may not really accept the goal and thus not try to meet it.
Goal clarity: A goal must be clear and specific if it is to be useful in directing effort. The
individual thus will know what is expected and not have to guess. For instance,
Enterprise rental agents are expected to answer customers’ calls by the third ring
of the phone.
Clear and challenging goals lead to higher performance than do vague or general
goals. Management by objectives (MBO) is a management system that uses goal difficulty
and goal clarity as its foundation for motivating employees. In essence, this management
system involves managers and employees in jointly setting goals for performance and
personal development, periodically evaluating employees’ progress toward achieving
these goals, and then rewarding employees. One company that has made extensive use
of management by objectives is Cardinal Health, an integrated health-care solutions
provider located in Dublin, Ohio. At the beginning of each year, all 55,000 employees
are asked to identify at least one performance objective that supports one of the four
corporate goals of growth, operational excellence, leadership development, and customer focus. In addition, at the end of the year, managers are asked to rate employees
on a set of core leadership competencies, such as self-management, teamwork, sound
judgment, and relationship building. By combining the ratings from the manager with
those from the employees, Cardinal has been able to show how
MBO leads to both employee satisfaction and profits. Cardinal
managers have found that goals that are difficult but not imposCommunication Insight
sible lead to higher performance than do easy goals. However,
unrealistically high goals may not be accepted or may lead to
The list of things that we tell new
high performance only in the short run.6 Individuals eventually
employees includes an opportunity to
get discouraged and stop trying, as predicted by the expectancy
be a part of something big, respect
model (see Chapter 6).
others, straight talk, open dialogue,
Along with goal difficulty and clarity, a third key factor
good stewardship and a commitment to
that influences the establishment of challenging goals is selflearn from each other.
efficacy. In Chapter 5, we defined self-efficacy as the individual’s
Pamela Nicholson, President, Enterprise Rent-A-Car
estimate of his or her own ability to perform a specific task in a
particular situation. As might be expected, individuals who set
high goals perform at a high level when they also have high selfefficacy. A person’s self-efficacy is dependent on the task. For example, a golfer with
a low handicap has high self-efficacy on the golf course. But the same person might
have low self-efficacy when meeting sales goals for a new piece of equipment that the
company has just introduced.7
With clear and challenging goals, employee behaviors are more likely to be
focused on job-related tasks, high levels of performance, and goal achievement.
Table 7.1 provides a summary of the key links between goal setting and individual
The following Teams Competency feature illustrates how people in teams use
the basic concepts of goal challenge, goal clarity, and self-efficacy to instill teamwork.
In NASCAR racing, it costs $20 million to $25 million a year to keep a driver and
crew in all 36 NASCAR races. Winning is often determined by how well the pit crew
performs tire changes, refueling, and other tasks. Most times, the difference between
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 7.1 Impact of Goals on Performance
Specific and clear
Difficult and challenging
Easy and boring
Set participatively
Set by management (top down)
Accepted by employees
Rejected by employees
Accompanied by rewards
Unrelated to rewards
winning a NASCAR race and placing second is a matter of seconds and these can
either be gained or lost when the driver comes in for a pit stop. Fourteen seconds or
less is a goal for pit crews to make all the needed changes for the driver. For example,
if the crew drops a lug nut when changing a tire, the driver will spend about half a
second longer in the pit, which is equivalent to about 180 feet of track.8
Teams competency
Jeff Gordon’s Rainbow Warriors
The Rainbow Warriors, Jeff Gordon’s pit crew, work as a team with
Gordon to win races.
During his career, Jeff Gordon has driven in 545
NASCAR races and won 67 races, four titles, and
nearly $98 million in prize money. He’s won more
Chase Sprint Cup races than any other NASCAR
driver. Gordon and his Rainbow Warriors, so
named because of their rainbow-striped jumpsuits, decided to go their separate ways after
the 2007 racing season and Gordon did not win
a Chase Sprint Cup race in 2008 for the first
time in his career. In 2009, Steve Letarte, considered by many NASCAR people to be a premier
crew chief, and the Rainbow Warriors rejoined
Gordon’s team. Together, Gordon and Letarte
credit much of their success to the pit crew.
When the Rainbow Warriors crew was assembled, its members decided to do things differently. In the past, mechanics who had worked
on a race car all week also suited up on Sunday
to work as the pit crew. The car was the number
one priority. The crew relied on horsepower and
the driver to win the race. Pit crews didn’t practice and set goals. But Letarte and Gordon knew
that all drivers have essentially the same equipment, so they thought the ingredient that would
separate winning from losing drivers was their
ability to create a team. They decided to have
two crews: The first crew was responsible for the
mechanics of the car (e.g., engine and suspension components); the second—the pit crew—
was responsible for the car during the race.
Under Letarte and Gordon’s leadership, the
team hired a coach to develop the teamwork
competency of the pit crew. Training included
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
rope climbing, scaling walls, wind sprints, guys
carrying each other on their backs, and the like.
All members of the pit crew were trained to
perform all necessary tasks so that they could
rotate tasks among themselves, depending on
race conditions. By analyzing other NASCAR
drivers, Letarte determined that if Gordon’s car
could leave the pit 1 second faster than the
competition’s cars, Gordon would gain 300 feet
on the competition (a car going 200 mph travels nearly 300 feet a second). The pit crew set a
goal of having the car exit the pit in 13 seconds
or less because races are often decided by less
than 1 second between the first and second
place car.
During a race, all crew members listen to each
other on their scanners. They use special code
words to signal whether they are changing two
or four tires when Gordon pulls into the pit. The
crew also determines whether to gas the car fully
or just to put in enough gas to finish the race.
Letarte and his crew also determine when Gordon
should come in for a pit stop. Before the race, all
the Rainbow Warriors sit in a circle to discuss race
strategy. The circle symbolizes that the team is
stronger than any individual. When Gordon wins a
race, signs a personal services contact, or is paid
to sign autographs, all members of both crews
receive a percentage of that money.
To learn more about Jeff Gordon, go to www.jeffgordon.com.
Moderators act like a volume control on a TV set. By increasing or decreasing moderators, the strength between challenge and the mediators changes. Figure 7.2 shows
the four moderators that buffer the relationship between goals and performance: ability, goal commitment, feedback, and task complexity. We begin with ability because it
limits an individual’s capacity to respond to a challenge.
The relation of goal difficulty to performance is curvilinear, not linear. That is, performance
levels off as the limits of a person’s ability are approached. In Chapter 6, we learned that
motivation is an important part of a person’s ability to perform. Some individuals believe
that they have the ability to acquire new competencies and master new situations. They
seek challenging new assignments that open their eyes to new ways of doing tasks. Others
believe that their ability to complete a task is relatively stable and avoid placing themselves
in a situation in which they might receive a negative evaluation.9
Goal Commitment
The second factor, goal commitment, refers to an individual’s determination to reach a
goal, regardless of whether the goal was set by that person or someone else.10 What is your goal
commitment in this class? Take a minute and complete the questionnaire in Table 7.2.
Your commitment to achieve a goal is likely to be stronger if you make it publicly, if
you have a strong need for achievement, and if you believe that you can control the
activities that will help you reach that goal.
The effect of participation on goal commitment is complex. Positive goal commitment is more likely if employees participate in setting their goals, which often leads
to a sense of ownership. In a study by the Corporate Leadership Council of 50,000
employees, the council found that increased commitment can lead to a 57 percent
improvement in discretionary effort—employees’ willingness to exceed the normal
job duties. That effort produces, on the average, a 20 percent individual performance
improvement and an 87 percent reduction in a desire to leave the organization.
Not expecting or wanting to be involved in goal setting reduces the importance of
employee participation in terms of goal commitment. Even when a leader has to assign
goals without employee participation, doing so leads to more focused efforts and better
performance than if no goals are set or if a person is told simply to “do their best.”11
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 7.2 Goal Commitment Questionnaire
1. I am strongly
to achieving a
grade of _____.
2. I am willing to
expend the
effort needed to
achieve this goal.
3. I really care about
achieving this
4. Much personal
satisfaction can be
gained if I achieve
this grade.
5. Revising my
goal, depending
on how other
classes go, isn’t
6. A lot would
have to happen
to abandon my
grade goal.
7. Expecting to
reach my grade
goal in this class
is realistic for me.
Give yourself 5 points for each Strongly Agree response; 4 points for each Agree response; 3 points
for each Undecided response; 2 points for each Disagree response; and 1 point for each Strongly
Disagree response. The higher your total score, the greater is your commitment to achieve your
grade goal in this class.
Source: Adapted from Cron, Wm. L., Slocum, J. W., Jr., VandeWalle, D. and Fu, F. The role of goal
orientation on negative emotions and goal setting when initial performance falls short of one’s performance
goal. Human Performance, 2005, 18(1), 55–80; Hollenbeck, J. R. Williams, C. R., and Klein, H. J. An empirical
examination of the antecedents of commitment to goals. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1989, 74, 18–23.
The expected rewards for achieving goals play an important role in the degree
of goal commitment. The greater the extent to which employees believe that positive
rewards (merit pay raises, bonuses, promotions, opportunities to perform interesting
tasks, and the like) are contingent on achieving goals, the greater is their commitment
to the goals. At Enterprise, it didn’t take long for employees to realize how the goal of
90 percent positive response to the Enterprise Service Quality Index impacted their pay.
Similarly, if employees expect to be punished for not achieving goals, the probability of
goal commitment also is higher. Of course, punishment and the fear of punishment as the
primary means of guiding behavior may create long-term problems (see Chapter 5).
Employees compare expected rewards against rewards actually received. If received
rewards are consistent with expected rewards, the reward system is likely to continue
to support goal commitment. If employees think that the rewards they receive are
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
much less than the rewards they expected, they may perceive inequity. If perceived or
actual inequity exists, employees eventually reduce their goal commitment.
Teamwork and peer pressure are other factors that affect a person’s commitment
to a goal. The Baylor HealthTexas Provider Network has successfully matched organizational goals with those of its employees. Carl Couch and his management team set
five goals, including patient care and managing costs. Why five? Because they wanted
to keep managers focused on a handful of high-priority items that were measurable.
At the beginning of the year, department heads sit down with their employees and
communicate these five goals. They discuss how the employee plans to contribute to
reaching each goal. If the manager of the emergency department needs to reduce his
operating costs by 5 percent, he can log into the hospital intranet to see how costs
are tracking for his department during the year. A person’s pay increase is based on
individual and team performance. If a manager is not reaching her goal, then human
resource managers give her input on how to achieve the goal. According to Ziad
Haydar, director of quality control, “The monitoring system holds managers accountable to motivate their staffs to their highest performance.”12
Feedback makes goal setting and individual responses to goal achievement (performance) a dynamic process. Feedback provides information to the employee about how well
he or she is doing. It enables the individual to relate received rewards to those expected
in terms of actual performance. This comparison, in turn, can influence changes in
the degree of goal commitment.13 However, some organizations are giving employees positive feedback for just showing up. Land’s End, Diamond Fiber Products, and
the Scooter Store teach managers how to give positive feedback to employees using
e-mails, prize packages, and public displays of appreciation. The 1,000-employee
Scooter Store, for instance, has a manager who uses a power wheelchair to wheel
around in while throwing confetti at employees. The manager also passes out 100
to 500 celebratory helium balloons once a week as a way of showing the company’s
appreciation for employees showing up. Such positive feedback, however, rarely
improves performance because it is not targeted at specific goals.
Task Complexity
Task complexity refers to the cognitive processing that is needed by a person to solve a
task. For simple tasks (e.g., answering telephones at Marriott’s reservation center),
the effort encouraged by challenging goals leads directly to high task performance.
For more complex tasks (e.g., studying to achieve a high grade), effort doesn’t lead
directly to effective performance. The individual must also decide where and how to
allocate effort.
Let’s assume that an individual has challenging goals and that the moderating factors
support achievement of these goals. Mediators are links that join challenge and performance. How do the four links shown in Figure 7.2—direction, effort, persistence,
and task strategy—affect performance? Direction of attention focuses behaviors on
activities expected to result in goal achievement and steers the individual away from
activities irrelevant to achieving the goals. At Enterprise, employees direct their attention to the two factors on the Enterprise Service Quality Index. The effort a person
exerts usually depends on the difficulty of the goal. That is, the greater the challenge,
the greater will be the effort expended, assuming that the person is committed to
reaching the goal. Persistence involves a person’s willingness to work at the task over an
extended period of time until the results are achieved. Most sports require participants
to practice long and hard to hone their competencies and maintain them at a high
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
level. Finally, task strategy is the way in which an individual—often through experience
and instruction—decides to tackle a task. That is, what to do first.
As suggested in Figure 7.2, one of the reasons why leaders and employees set goals
is to achieve a level of performance that helps the entire organization achieve its
goal(s). In Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Bernalillo County Parks and Recreation
Department has started a program designed to create a healthy workforce. The
One Step at a Time program was created to encourage employees to seek preventive
medical care. This program awards points to employees who take care of themselves.
The goal was to get 50 percent of its 400 employees to walk 10,000 steps a day by
the end of its 12-week program. To track their performance, the department gave all
employees pedometers to measure how many steps they actually took during the day.
After reaching the desired performance level, employees were given water bottles,
T-shirts, etc.14
Three basic types of quantitative indicators can be used to assess performance:
units of production or quality (amount produced or number of errors), dollars (profits,
costs, income, or sales), and time (attendance and promptness in meeting deadlines).
When such measures are unavailable or inappropriate, qualitative goals (customer satisfaction, teamwork) and indicators may be used. In addition, many organizations have
developed a code of ethics to support employees in setting ethical goals and making
ethical decisions. Creating ethics guidelines has several advantages that the Gap, GE,
and Johnson & Johnson, among others, consider important. Some of the advantages
for setting ethical goals are:
to help employees identify what their organization recognizes as acceptable
to legitimize the consideration of ethics as part of decision making,
to avoid uncertainties among employees about what is right and wrong, and
to avoid inconsistencies in decision making caused by an organizational reward
system that appears to reward unethical behavior.15
Bonnie Nixon-Gardiner works at Hewlett-Packard (HP) and her goal is to
improve the working conditions of employees in HP’s overseas supply factories. As
described in the following Across Cultures Competency feature, she has sought to
create industry-wide changes by setting the standards for her employees and influencing what other companies should do. She understands that change cannot happen in
a day, week, or even a year. If she can stimulate small changes in the way HP does its
business, she feels that she has made a contribution.16
Across Cultures competency
As a program manager for HP’s Supply Chain
Social and Environmental Responsibility department, Bonnie Nixon-Gardiner cares about how
HP treats its employees. She showed up unannounced in Long Hua, China, to inspect the
working conditions at the manufacturing plant of
one of HP’s largest suppliers. When the company
managers tried to steer her into a conference
room, she refused and asked to see the manufacturing operation that employed more than
200,000 workers. She wanted to see the waste
treatment center, the dorm rooms where the
workers live, and the assembly line where products are assembled.
When industries such as technology suppliers
and athletic gear and toy manufacturers began
outsourcing manufacturing to low-wage countries,
she became aware of and concerned about the
sweatshop conditions that had been exposed in
the media. To address those concerns, she began
benchmarking how other companies monitored
their suppliers. Then she set high standards for
HP’s suppliers. HP now has a system of 70 auditors
who inspect more than 200 factories owned by
150 of their suppliers. Nixon-Gardiner also started
a training program to teach Chinese suppliers how
to prevent labor and environmental abuses. This
was her goal: “For consumers to know that when
they touch an HP product, they are guaranteed
that it was made in a socially and environmentally
responsible way.” She also got Dell, IBM, Intel,
and other companies to formulate the Electronic
Industry Code of Conduct. This code bans abuses
such as child labor, forced labor (use of prisoners),
and excessive overtime. It also requires manufacturers to adhere to basic standards for environmental protection and participate in an inspection for
monitoring working conditions in the plants. The
inspection and enforcement of these standards are
the responsibility of each manufacturer.
She has been tracking performance data for
several years now and can see that her efforts
are paying off. After six visits to one plant, the
supplier had finally addressed her concerns
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
Chapter 7
Hewlett-Packard factory.
one by one, which meant that the supplier had
to spend lots of money to reduce employees’
exposure to dangerous equipment and harmful
noise. For example, during one inspection, she
found that the supplier had bought an employee
some flimsy orange earplugs. Not good enough
for her. The plant manager described dealing with her in this way: “Dealing with NixonGardiner is like being kissed and slapped at the
same time. It can make you psychotic—but it
needed to be done.”
To learn more about HP, go to www.hp.com. To learn more about industry-wide standards, go to www.eicc.info.
When an employee attains a high level of performance, rewards are important inducements for individuals to continue performing at that level. Rewards can be external
(bonuses, paid vacations, and the like) or internal (a sense of achievement, pride in
accomplishment, and feelings of success). Enterprise, PPG, and Jeff Gordon’s NASCAR
organization all reward people for high performance. However, what is viewed as a reward
in one culture may not be viewed as a reward in another. For example, doing business
in Vietnam requires the exchange of gifts during the first day of a business meeting.
Although they may be small and relatively inexpensive, gifts with a company logo are
highly valued. The gifts should be wrapped, but white or black paper should not be used
because these colors are associated with death. In contrast, exchanging gifts at a business
meeting in the United States generally is not expected. Praising an individual in public
for achievement in Vietnam will embarrass the individual. Rewards are not to be given in
public. Conversely, public acclaim for achievement in the United States is valued.17
Many factors—including challenging work, interesting coworkers, salary, the opportunity to learn, and good working conditions—influence a person’s satisfaction with
the job (see Chapter 3). However, in the goal-setting model, the primary focus is on
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
the employee’s degree of satisfaction with performance. Employees who set extremely
high, difficult goals may experience less job satisfaction than employees who set lower,
more easily achievable goals. Difficult goals are less frequently achieved, and satisfaction with performance is associated with success. Thus, some compromise on goal
difficulty may be necessary in order to maximize both satisfaction and performance.
However, some level of satisfaction is associated with simply striving for difficult
goals, such as responding to a challenge, making some progress toward reaching the
goals, and the belief that benefits may still be derived from the experience regardless
of the outcome.
The consequences of a person reaching his or her goal include both a willingness to
accept future challenges and to increase his or her commitment to the organization.
If a person reaches a goal, it gives the leader a way to have the person become emotionally attached to achieving even more challenging assignments. For example, one
of the consequences of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech was that it
captured the hearts of millions of people pushing for civil rights justice. For leaders, a
consequence is that employees know what the goal is because their behaviors reflect
the acceptance of the goals. If the outcomes of goal attainment are positive, goal commitment is likely.
Learning Goal
2. State the effects of goal
setting on an individual’s
Effects of Goal Setting
In recent years, leaders have recognized the importance of focusing their
employees’ efforts to achieve high organizational performance. Because leaders are not in the position to change individuals’ personalities, they must try
to motivate employees. As we have pointed out in previous chapters, a major
problem for leaders is that motivation ultimately comes from within individuals
and, therefore, cannot be directly observed. The best that leaders can do is create the conditions that will lead to high levels of performance. As you read about
with Enterprise Rent-A-Car and Hewlett-Packard, goals lay the foundation for
organizational effectiveness. Therefore, what conditions increase or decrease the
benefits of goal setting?
Conditions for Effective Goal Setting
Five conditions must generally come together for managers to gain the benefits of a
goal-setting program18:
1. The employee must have the knowledge and ability to attain the goal. If the goal
is to increase sales by 15 percent within the next 12 months and the employee
lacks the sales competencies needed to attain it, urging them to set “stretch goals”
usually isn’t effective. It can make employees so anxious to reach the goal that they
scramble to discover ways (ethical and unethical) to reach the goal, but do not
learn the behaviors that are needed to be effective.
2. The employee must be committed to the goal, especially if the goal is difficult.
Achieving a difficult goal requires a great deal of effort.
3. People need feedback on their progress toward the goal. Feedback enables
employees to adjust their effort and behavior necessary for goal attainment.
When employees discover that they are not reaching their goals, they typically
increase their efforts because of the pride they have in their performance.
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
Tasks that are complex need to be broken down so that the employee can set
subgoals that can be attained. These subgoals yield information for employees as
to whether their progress is consistent with what is required for them to attain
their goal.
Situational constraints can make goal attainment difficult. One of the primary roles
of a manager is to ensure that employees have the resources necessary to attain
their goals and to remove obstacles in the way of accomplishing those goals.
Impact on Performance
One of the consequences of goal setting is that it motivates individuals to achieve
high performance. There are several reasons for this. First, difficult but achievable
goals prompt employees to concentrate on achievement of the goals. At Enterprise
Rent-A-Car, agents focus on customer satisfaction goals because they know that results
are measured monthly and ranked and that these rankings affect their chances for
advancement. Second, difficult goals motivate employees to spend lots of time and effort
on developing methods for achieving them. At Enterprise, agents communicate with
customers, sometimes at length, so that the agents understand customers’ needs and can
provide the most suitable vehicle to them, whether it is a sedan, convertible, pickup, or
SUV. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are vital to the success of the business. Third,
difficult goals increase employees’ persistence in trying to achieve them. If employees
perceive that goals can be reached by luck or with little effort, they tend to dismiss the
goals as irrelevant and not follow through with the actions needed to reach them.
To sum up, specific, difficult goals affect motivation and performance by:
encouraging individuals to develop action programs to reach these goals,
focusing individual’s attention on these goal-relevant actions,
causing individuals to exert the effort necessary to achieve the goals, and
spurring individuals to persist in the face of obstacles.
One of the many firms that have put these principles into action is Lockheed
Martin. Lockheed Martin is facing a major challenge because many of its 70,000 engineers are expected to retire within the near future. President and CEO Robert Stevens
has emphasized that the company must create a workforce that is more diverse and
inclusive, not only of racial and gender differences but also differences in beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences. The following Diversity Competency feature highlights
how the Lockheed Martin MS2 team developed a program to achieve that goal.19
Diversity competency
Lockheed Martin MS2 Team
The Lockheed Martin MS2 employee communication and design team focused on an innovative
“Embrace Diversity” print campaign. All 13,000
employees in the MS2 program would receive a
series of postcards over four months that would
encourage a discussion of various topics. The
goals were (1) to engage employees’ understanding and acceptance of inclusive behavior
and (2) to set the stage for greater employee
involvement in both diversity communication
and the company’s efforts to create a diverse,
inclusive work environment. The team established
two key goals: (1) to reach at least 75 percent
of employees and (2) to establish a baseline of
employee understanding of what constitutes a
diverse environment.
The team designed 12 different postcards that
explored themes such as generational differences,
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
cultural and religious traditions, and military experience. The intent was to explore the beliefs and
backgrounds that contribute to an inclusive work
environment by presenting realistic scenarios.
The design used “conversation bubbles” similar
to those used in comic strips. The team decided
on the postcard campaign because employees
normally receive very little print material from the
company. The postcard would stand out from the
normal e-mail that people received. Second, with
multiple postcards, the team could explore a wide
variety of issues each month. Third, employees
seated in nearby office or cubicles received different versions of the same theme, encouraging
conversation about the theme.
The team also focused on measurement
and evaluation. By conducting polls of employ-
ees through the intranet and discussions with
employees across various locations, the team
estimated that 70 percent of employees received
the first set of postcards and 90 percent received
the final set. They also learned that
65 percent of employees recalled that they
received the postcards; 43 percent felt the diversity messages were new, different, and made
them think; and 50 percent believed that the
messages would cause them to change their
behavior. Furthermore, more than 85 percent of
employees strongly agreed that MS2 was serious
about its commitment to have a diverse, inclusive work environment, and 84 percent believed
that the benefits of having an inclusive work
environment had been clearly communicated
to them.
To learn more about the program, go to www.lockheedmartin.com.
Limitations to Goal Setting
Goal setting has often been shown to increase performance in a variety of settings.
However, there are three potential limitations.20 First, when employees lack the skills
and abilities needed to perform at a high level, goal setting doesn’t work. Giving an
employee a goal of writing a computer program will not lead to high performance if
the worker doesn’t know how to write such a program. To overcome this limitation,
new hires at the Ritz-Carlton, for example, are required to attend training sessions at
which they are taught how to process requests and complaints, build customer loyalty,
and establish relationships with restaurants, taxi services, golf courses, and others services frequently requested by guests.
Second, successful goal setting takes longer when employees are given complicated tasks that require a considerable amount of learning. Good performance on
complicated tasks also requires that employees be able to direct all of their attention
to the tasks and not be interrupted by side issues. Steve Letarte’s Rainbow Warriors
pit crew is able to perform complicated tasks quickly because they are the only tasks
that the crew is focusing on while the car is in the pit.
Third, goal setting can lead to major problems when it rewards the wrong behaviors. Rod Rodin is the CEO of Marshall Industries, a billion-dollar electronics distributor in Los Angeles that serves more than 30,000 customers who
order more than 700,000 parts a month. He quickly recognized
that the company’s reward program was encouraging behaviors
that led to poor service, dissatisfied customers, and, ultimately,
Change Insight
lower profits. Rodin found that more than 20 percent of each
Why should I pay you to get in the batter’s
month’s sales were shipped to clients during the last three days
box? When you hit the ball, I’ll increase
of the month. Managers were hiding customer returns or openyour pay. Results are paid for; showing up
ing bad credit accounts just to make their monthly sales goals.
doesn’t count for much.
Divisions were hiding products from each other or saying that
Carlos Sepulveda, CEO, Interstate Battery
products had been shipped when they really had none on hand.
Salespeople fought over how to split commissions on revenue
from a customer who did design work in Chicago but made
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
purchases in Cleveland. Employee and team performance were reviewed and ranked
on the basis of numerical criteria, such as receivables outstanding and gross sales dollars. Rodin’s solution was to scrap the incentive compensation program. He declared
that there would be no more contests, prizes, or bonuses for individual achievements.
Everyone at Marshall was put on a salary and shared in a company-wide bonus pool
if the organization as a whole met its goals. It worked.21
Insights for Leaders
As you might expect, individuals who are both satisfied with and committed to an
organization are more likely to stay with and accept the challenges the organization
presents. Turnover and absenteeism rates for satisfied individuals are lower. This
link brings us full circle to the beginning of the goal-setting model. What might
happen if things go badly and an individual who had been satisfied becomes dissatisfied? Individual responses fall into at least six categories: (1) job avoidance (quitting),
(2) work avoidance (absenteeism, arriving late, and leaving early), (3) psychological
defenses (alcohol and/or drug abuse), (4) constructive protest (complaining), (5) defiance (refusing to do what is asked), and (6) aggression (theft or assault). Quitting is
the most common outcome of severe dissatisfaction.22
The goal-setting model has important implications for employees, leaders, and
teams alike. First, it provides an excellent framework to assist the leader or team
in diagnosing the potential problems with low- or average-performing employees.
Diagnostic questions might include these: (1) How were the goals set? (2) Are the
goals challenging? (3) What is affecting goal commitment? and (4) Does the employee
know when he has done a good job? Second, it provides concrete advice to the leader
on how to create a high-performance work environment. Third, it portrays the relationships and interplay among key factors, such as goal difficulty, goal commitment,
feedback, and rewards, to achieve high performance.
Reward Programs for Improving Performance
In Chapters 5 and 6, we discussed types of rewards that organizations make available to employees. From the concepts discussed in those chapters, along with the
concepts presented so far in this chapter, you should by now recognize that one of
the basic goals of leaders should be to motivate employees to perform at their highest
levels. Managers agree that tying rewards to job performance is essential. However,
the actual implementation of programs designed to bring about such a relationship
is often quite difficult. Questions that arise include “Should rewards be tied to the
performance of an individual or team?” Recall that Rod Rodin, CEO of Marshall
Industries, found that rewarding individual performance only created unhealthy competition among employees and destroyed morale. Deciding to reward all employees in
the organization raises another question: Should the rewards be based on cost savings
or profits and be distributed annually or when employees retire or otherwise leave
the organization?
Considerable research has been done on how rewards affect individual and team
performance. According to the Ascent Consulting organization, the ability of rewards
to motivate individuals or teams to high performance was found to depend on six
1. Availability. For rewards to reinforce desired performance, they must be available.
Too little of a desired reward is no reward at all. For example, pay increases are
often highly desired but unavailable. Moreover, pay increases that are below minimally accepted standards may actually produce negative consequences, including
theft, falsifying records, and the like. Organizations spend an average of $850
Learning Goal
3. Describe reward
programs for improving
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
per employee on reward and recognition programs, but there are wide variations. Fifty percent of organizations spend less than $100 per year per employee,
65 percent spend less than $500, and 10 percent spend more than $2,500 per
employee annually.
2. Timeliness. Like performance feedback, rewards should be given in a timely manner. A reward’s motivating potential is reduced to the extent that it is separated in
time from the performance it is intended to reinforce. Most companies use a combination of on-the-spot awards and team/departmental performance. On-thespot rewards are usually in the form of gift cards, dress casual days, time-off, and
the like.
3. Performance contingency. Rewards should be closely linked with particular performances. If a goal is met, the reward is given. The clearer the link between goal
achievement and rewards, the better able rewards are to motivate desired behavior. Forty percent of employees nationwide believe that there is no link between
their performance and rewards, such as bonuses and pay.
4. Durability. Some rewards last longer than others. Intrinsic rewards, such as
increased autonomy, challenge, and accountability, tend to last longer than extrinsic rewards, such as a gift card to a restaurant.
5. Equity. Employees’ motivation to perform is improved when they believe that the
reward policies of their organization are fair and equitable.
6. Visibility. To promote a reward program, leaders must ensure that rewards are visible throughout an organization. Visible rewards, such as assignments to important
committees or promotion to a new job, send signals to employees that rewards are
available, timely, and based on performance.
Many weight-loss programs, such as Jenny Craig and Diet Center, use these factors when helping clients lose weight. In One Small Step Can Change Your Life, author
Robert Maurer challenges participants to “march in place for one minute while
watching television.” One minute of low-intensity exercise then becomes stretched to
two, three, four, etc. As the participant sees his or her weight drop, other stretch goals
can be set. As the participant’s weight drops, tote bags, T-shirts, and other rewards are
given to celebrate pounds and inches lost.24
To the extent that reward programs are used to motivate employees to achieve
higher performance, we discuss four popular ones: informal, profit-sharing, skillbased pay, and flexible benefit programs. The strengths and limitations of each are
summarized in Table 7.3.
TABLE 7. 3 Reward Programs for Improving Performance
Informal reward programs
Cost effective; flexible; timely;
easy to use.
Profit-sharing programs
Reward organizational
Skill-based pay programs
Reward employees with
higher pay for learning new
Flexible benefit programs
Tailored to fit individual
employee needs.
Often ignored by leaders as
trivial; not given for specific
Individuals and teams are not
likely to have an impact on
overall performance.
Labor costs increase as
employees’ skills increase;
employees can “top out” at
the highest skill level.
Not directly linked to
performance; difficult to use
with teams.
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
Informal Programs
Leaders have long underestimated the importance of informal rewards for improving
individuals’ performance.25 At a time when raises and promotions are scarce, the use
of informal rewards by leaders is gaining in popularity. In a recent survey, 81 percent
of employees say that they do not receive any reward for increased productivity, and
60 percent indicate that their compensation will not increase if their performance
improves. Informal rewards refer to those that result from interactions between people.
Informal rewards are designed to encourage continuous improvement. For years, one
of your authors has written a personal note to all students who received an A in his
class and mailed these to the students’ homes. The personal note thanks the students
for their hard work and dedication to the course and adds some personal statements.
Many students show these notes to their fellow students and parents and keep them for
years. Sherry Burnside showed up in the office after graduating 15 years earlier and said
that she still remembers getting the note—in fact, she still has it—and the impact that it
had on her. Now a successful leader of research programs at Presbyterian Hospital, she
uses the same practice with her employees—thanking them for a job well done. Note
that informal rewards are personal and flexible, easy to use, and cost effective.
Characteristics of Informal Rewards
What makes informal rewards effective? Informal rewards are most effective when they:
directly reinforce the desired behavior,
are given immediately,
are delivered personally, and
are valued by the individual.
At Blanchard Training and Development in San Diego, California, leaders have
established the Eagle Award to recognize legendary service to customers—one of
the organization’s goal. The program was announced and explained at a companywide meeting. The program is open to any employee who could submit the name of
another employee who had gone out of his or her way to satisfy a customer request.
The name is submitted with a brief description of the activity, such as staying late
to ship materials, helping a customer find a lost order, resolving a billing problem,
etc. The recognized employee is surprised by a visit from the Eagle Committee. The
employee’s picture is taken holding the award and the photo displayed on the bulletin
board in the company’s lobby with a brief description of the activity that is being recognized. The recipient keeps the eagle statue on his or her desk until it is needed for
the next recipient. At the end of the year, by a vote of prior Eagle Award winners, one
person is awarded an engraved clock at the company’s celebration program.26
Profit-Sharing Programs
Profit-sharing programs provide employees with a portion of the company’s earnings. As
the name suggests, profit-sharing programs distribute profits to employees. Average
profit-sharing figures are difficult to calculate. According to some experts, they
typically range between 4 and 6 percent of a person’s salary. Steve Watson, managing
director at Stanton Chase, an executive-recruiting firm, contends that profit sharing
may have a limited impact because employees may feel that they can do little to influence the organization’s overall profitability. That is, company profits are influenced
by many factors (e.g., competitor’s products, state of the economy, and inflation rate)
that are well beyond the employees’ control. However, profit-sharing programs are
very popular in Japan. For example, at Seiko Instruments many managers and workers
receive bonuses twice a year that equal four or five months’ salary. These bonuses are
based on the company’s overall performance.27
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
What are the characteristics of successful profit-sharing programs? According
to John Semyan, partner at TNS Associates, an executive-recruiting firm, more than
one-third of the companies that use profit sharing do not track the results of such
programs. In addition, 28 percent indicate that their profit-sharing programs do not
meet their goals. To reduce failure, the following recommendations are offered:
Involve line managers and employees in the program’s creation to ensure their
Set clear goals for the program.
Ensure that the employees understand the metrics that the program is measuring.
Tie the program to the company’s strategies.
Give the program time to succeed. It takes two or three years for a program to
change overall company performance.
Provide up-to-date information that allows employees to see how well they are
performing against their goals.28
The following Change Competency feature illustrates how Nucor uses its profitsharing plan to reward employees. When Nucor entered the steel-making business in1986
as a mini-mill, it was an upstart company in a business dominated by large producers, such
as Bethlehem Steel, U.S. Steel, and National Steel. Faced with a successful challenge from
China and other steel-producing nations, many of the steel mills in the United States have
been closed. Nucor, however, survived. Today, Nucor is among the largest steel companies
in the world, employing more than 18,000 and with sales exceeding $16 billion annually.
Until the latest recession, Nucor’s sales had been growing at more than 12 percent a year.
With such growth, Nucor has not laid off any employees since it started production in
1986. One of the reasons for its success is found in its profit-sharing plan.29
Change competency
Nucor’s Profit-Sharing Program
Nucor has developed a profit-sharing plan that
works and is easy to understand. The average
Nucor steelworker earns more than $70,000
per year, but only one-third of that amount is
guaranteed. Jim Coblin, human resources vice
president, believes that paying a low base salary, but paying high bonuses on a weekly basis,
will keep employees focused on Nucor’s goals of
quality and customer satisfaction. The bonuses
are paid based on the quality and tons produced
and shipped by a team. The average base pay
is between $9 and $10 an hour, but with the
bonuses employees can make an additional
$15 to $20 an hour. Nucor’s profit-sharing plan
also has some penalties. If employees catch a
bad load of steel before it is shipped, they lose
their bonus for that shipment. If that bad batch
To learn more about Nucor, go to www.nucor.com.
is shipped to a customer, the team loses three
times its usual bonus.
Nucor’s profit-sharing plan is also based
on employees’ ability to keep the mills running
and discover new ways to improve the quality
and amount of steel produced. For example,
when the electrical grid that feeds its Hickman,
Arkansas, plant failed, it could have shut down
that plant for one week. When three electricians
from other plants heard the news, they drove to
Hickman and within three days got the business
operating. Dan DiMicco, Nucor’s CEO, praised
them for their efforts and thanked them for giving up their weekend, but these three electricians
earned no extra pay for their actions. These three
electricians did what they had to do to make
Nucor successful.
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
Skill-Based Pay Programs
Paying employees according to their value in the labor market makes a great deal
of sense. After all, employees with highly developed skills and those who develop
multiple skills are particularly valuable assets to the organization. As we emphasized
earlier, the communication, team, and change competencies are often based on mastering a number of specific skills. Skill-based pay programs are based on the number
and level of job-related skills that an employee has learned.30 Skill-based pay compensates
employees for the skills they can use in the organization, rather than for the specific
jobs they are performing. Pay changes do not necessarily go along with job changes.
There is also little emphasis on seniority. The underlying assumption is that by
focusing on the individual rather than the job, skill-based reward programs recognize learning and growth. Employees are paid according to the number of different
skills they can perform.
More than 16 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies use skill-based pay programs
to motivate employees. In the United Kingdom, the Norwich and Peterborough
Building Society, a mortgage and banking business, had a 12-level reward program. It
proved to be ineffective in curbing turnover, covered only some of the employees, and
basically confused employees. The new program centers on a 5-level job skills reward
program, such as customer service and relationship management, that are linked to
pay rate changes in the market. Sixty-seven percent of employees now know that
their pay progression is linked to the attainment of these 5-level job skills. As a result,
employee turnover dropped to 17 percent from 25 percent, productivity increased,
and customer satisfaction improved. Employees report that the new pay system is
simple, transparent, and they understand what skills they need to learn to increase
their pay. And managers do not have to answer the question “Why is that person
earning more than I am?”31
Of course, skill-based pay programs have some limitations.32 One major drawback
of skill-based pay is the tendency to “top out.” Topping-out occurs when employees
learn all the skills there are to master and, hence, reach the top end of the pay scale, with
no higher levels to attain. Some organizations, such as GE and United Technologies,
have resolved the topping-out effect by installing a gain-sharing program after most
employees have learned all of the required skills. Other organizations have resolved
this limitation by making skills obsolete, eliminating them, and adding new ones, thus
raising the standards of employee competence. Other limitations include inadequate
management commitment to the program, conflicts between the employees included
in and those excluded from the skill-based pay program, inadequate training of managers, and poor program designs that increase labor costs without providing offsetting
organizational benefits. Skill-based pay programs also require a heavy investment in
training, as well as measurement systems capable of assessing when employees have
learned the new skills.
Flexible Benefit Programs
Flexible benefit programs allow employees to choose the benefits they want, rather than
having management choose for them. Flexible benefit programs often are called cafeteria-style
benefit programs. According to Leslie Ritter, a principal in Sagen Consulting, a human
resource consulting firm located in Addison, Texas, a typical corporation’s benefits program costs between 25 and 30 percent of its total employee compensation package.33
This represents a huge cost, considering that only 3 percent or less is set aside annually
for merit pay increases in most organizations. Under flexible benefit programs, employees decide—beyond a base program—which additional benefits they want, tailoring the
benefits package to their needs. The idea is that employees can make important and
intelligent decisions about their benefits. Some employees take all of their discretionary benefits in cash; others choose additional life insurance, child or elder care, dental
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
In flexible benefit programs,
employees choose the benefits
they want.
insurance, or retirement programs. Extensive benefit options may be highly
attractive to an employee with a family. However, many benefits might be
only minimally attractive to a young, single employee. Older employees
value retirement programs more than younger employees and are willing
to put more money into them. Employees with elderly parents may desire
financial assistance in providing care for them. At Travelers Insurance
Company, employees can choose benefits of up to $5,000 a year for the care
of dependent elderly parents.
Thousands of organizations now offer flexible benefit programs.
They are very popular because they offer three distinct advantages.
First, they allow employees to make important decisions about their
finances and to match their needs with their benefit programs. Second,
such programs help organizations control their costs, especially for
health care. Employers can set the maximum amount of benefit dollars
they will spend on employees’ benefits and avoid automatically absorbing cost increases. Third, such programs highlight the economic value
of many benefits to employees. Most employees have little idea of the
cost of benefits because the organization is willing to pay for them
even though employees might not want some of them or might prefer
Some limitations are associated with flexible benefit programs. First,
because different employees choose different benefit packages, record
keeping becomes more complicated. Sophisticated computer systems are
essential for tracking the details of employees’ records. Second, it is difficult to accurately predict the number of employees that might choose
each benefit. Such uncertainty may affect the firm’s group rates for life and
medical insurance, because the costs of such programs are based on the
number of employees covered.
Insights for Leaders
Improving performance-based reward systems has come under attack, especially during the recent recession. CEOs at JPMorgan Chase, AT&T, and Citigroup, among
others, have been in the news for granting huge bonuses to key employees when
their firms are experiencing major financial losses. Comcast has designed a reward
system that will pay its CEO, Brian Roberts, a $47.5 million bonus if he dies on the
job. Disney has even promised to keep paying CEO Robert Iger’s salary to his heirs
for three years after he dies! Such arrangements have stockholders and others shaking their heads and demanding to know how the company dare pay people who are
dead and not performing.34 While the compensation committees of these companies
defend these deals as a kind of life insurance to maintain talent, President Obama and
members of Congress have called for “anti-greed” proposals to stop such practices.
Although these instances are small in number, the magnitude of these rewards is what
people are disturbed about. Let’s look at some of the more important practices to
improve effectiveness, as shown in Figure 7.3.
First, leaders need to link rewards to performance and set a measurement system in place that measures the behaviors that lead to effectiveness. In Chapter 5,
we discussed how principles of reinforcement theory can be used to channel and
reward employees’ behaviors. In Chapter 6, we discussed how expectancy theory
concepts can be used to reward proper behavior. The foundation for the recommendations using either concept is that good performers should be rewarded
more than poor performers. Leaders can improve the performance–reward linkage
by using objective measures of performance along with subjective ones, such as
leadership, teamwork, and communications. Objectives measures, such as volume,
customer complaints, and machine downtime, need to be established and agreed
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
FIGURE 7. 3 Deciding among Alternative Reward Programs
Are there accurate indicators of individual performance?
Is the performance of one person independent of others?
Are individual performance goals constant?
Is the firm unionized?
Is pay secrecy important?
Team-based Programs
1. Is the cost accounting system
2. Are employees accustomed to
participating in decision making?
3. Will employees accept deferred
Individual-based Programs
1. Can managers measure
performance objectively?
2. Is employee turnover high?
3. Is there a consensus on work
• Profit-sharing programs
• Skill-based pay
• Flexible benefit plans
• Informal reward programs
Source: Adapted from Wagner, J. A., and Hollenbeck, J. K. Organizational Behavior, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Simon & Schuster, 1998, 100.
on by individuals. Both subjective and objective measures need to be related to the
organization’s goals. Organizations also need to reward individuals soon after the
performance occurs and with a sufficient size reward so that individuals experience positive emotions when receiving the rewards. This is one of the reasons why
Nucor’s profit-sharing program has been so successful—workers receive bonuses
on a weekly basis.
Second, leaders need to make sure that rewards are relevant and valued by
employees. Employees need to see a connection between their daily actions and a
reward to be motivated to improve their performance. At Whole Foods Market, each
department within the store is run by a team with a monthly payroll budget. If payroll
money is unspent at the end of a month, the surplus is divided among the members
of that Whole Foods team.
Leaders should ask employees what they value. According to Dave Stoner,
CEO of ViewCast, employees don’t always go for material things. They want
rewards that have value for them. For example, for years, on the Monday before
Thanksgiving, leaders at ViewCast gave turkeys or hams to employees who worked
in the shipping department. But when asked, most of the employees said that they
valued only working a half day on Wednesday, instead of receiving a turkey or ham,
so they could travel to be with their families. They promised that all of their work
would be done prior to noon on Wednesday even if they had to show up early to
achieve the result.
Lastly, leaders need to watch out for unintended consequences. Performancebased reward systems sometimes have undesirable effects on behavior. For example
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
when Domino’s pizza started it advertising campaign “Fifteen minutes or it’s free,”
the program delivered more hot pizzas to customers. However, it also increased the
number of accidents its drivers were involved in because the program unintentionally
rewarded drivers for making the delivery within 15 minutes. To make this deadline,
many drivers had to speed.
Reward Practices in Different Cultures
Organizations in various countries utilize different reward programs. Cultural values
learned in childhood are passed down from one generation to the next and serve to
differentiate one country from another. In Chapter 3, we presented a framework for
examining various feelings, ideas, values, and ways of thinking that differentiate people
of one culture from another.35 We discussed the five dimensions on which cultures can
vary: power distance, individualism–collectivism, gender role orientation, uncertainty
avoidance, and long-term orientation. Please reread pages 72–75 to refresh yourself
with these dimensions and then take a look at the information shown in Table 7.4,
which was taken from several large international studies that examined reward program differences in more than 50 cultures. Using what you’ve learned about the cultural dimensions and Table 7.4, let’s explore how four of these five dimensions impact
differences in reward programs.36
In high power distance cultures, rewards are based on one’s level within the
managerial hierarchy. There are wide salary ranges between the top and lower level
employees. Perquisites and status symbols are popular and expected. Profit sharing
and other forms of variable compensation systems are relied on to motivate employees. Subordinates are motivated by the threat of sanctions.
In individualistic cultures, organizations expect individuals to look out for their
own personal interests. The employee–employer compensation relationship is a business deal based on what the “labor market” will pay. Incentives are given to individuals. Therefore, skill-based programs and MBO programs are popular because they
reward an individual’s achievements. In collective cultures, team-based pay is used to
reinforce the team or group’s achievements. At NSK, a ball-bearing manufacturer, and
Toto, a toilet producer, when business slows down, these Japanese companies permit
all workers to work shorter shifts and receive smaller paychecks.
TABLE 7.4 Cultures and Reward Systems
Power distance
Pay based on individual performance
Status symbols are important
Pay tied to level in the organization’s hierarchy
Stock options to MBO
Pay based on team performance
Profit sharing
Little emphasis on extrinsic rewards
Extensive use of fringe benefits
Gain sharing
Goals set by participation linked to team achievements
Pay equality
Pay focuses on long-term orientation
Seniority is important
Gender role orientation
Uncertainty avoidance
Source: Adapted from Tosi, J. L., and Greckhamer, T. Culture & CEO compensation. Organization Science,
2004, 15, 657–670; and Hofstede, G. Cultures Consequences, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2001.
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
In cultures that do not have a strong gender role orientation, equality among members is stressed. There are fewer differences in pay based on gender differences. Flexible
benefit programs that allow the individual a wide choice of non–work-related benefits
(e.g., child care, sabbatical leaves) are used to motivate employees to perform. For
example, in Sweden, women in management take having families for granted and expect
managers to find creative ways to help them work through this childbearing time.
In high uncertainty avoidance cultures, reward programs emphasize seniority.
There is strong loyalty to the company that leads to long-term employment. Rewards
based on seniority are easy to administer and understand. These programs expose the
employee to little risk because they are based on the performance of the company and
not on individual and/or team efforts. There is high fear of failure. In Japan and other
Asian cultures, employees receive their annual pay raise on their anniversary date (the
day they joined the company). Instead of dismissing an employee for poor performance, managers move people from one department to another or into a “window
seat,” a job with little authority and responsibility. These practices allow the employee
to save face.
Chapter Summary
Goal setting is a process intended to increase efficiency and effectiveness by specifying
the desired outcomes toward which employees, departments, teams, and organizations should work. The goal-setting model emphasizes the challenges provided for
the individual: goal difficulty, goal clarity, and self-efficacy. Setting difficult but clear
and achievable goals for individuals who believe that they have the ability to complete
their tasks leads to high performance. Four moderators—ability, goal commitment,
feedback, and task complexity—influence the strength of the relationship between
challenging goals and performance. If the individual has the ability, is committed to
the goal, and is given feedback on progress toward achievement of the goal—and if the
task is complex—high performance will result. All four moderators must be present
to motivate an employee to achieve goals. Four mediators—direction, effort, persistence, and task strategy—facilitate goal attainment. These four characteristics channel
or focus the employee’s motivational efforts. Performance, rewards, satisfaction, and
consequences complete the model.
1. Explain how goal setting
Goal setting is a key mechanism for increasing job satisfaction and performance
because it permits employees to be self-motivated. Five requirements must be in
place for goal setting to have positive benefits for the employee and organization: the
employee’s knowledge and ability, the employee’s commitment to a goal, feedback
on the task, establishment of subgoals on complex tasks, and a leader who removes
obstacles that prevent employees from reaching their goals.
2. State the effects of goal
Reward programs represent a powerful means for motivating high levels of individual
and team performance. Reward programs, in particular, are designed to enhance performance: informal rewards, profit sharing, skilled-based pay, and flexible benefits.
Informal rewards come about through interactions with others—coworkers, superiors, and customers. Profit sharing gives employees a portion of the department’s or
organization’s profits. Skilled-based pay programs compensate an employee according
to the number and level of job-related skills they have mastered. The value of these
skills is determined by the organization. Flexible benefit programs allow employees to
choose the benefits that are important to them.
3. Describe reward
affects performance.
setting on an individual’s
programs for improving
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Key Terms and Concepts
Cafeteria-style benefit programs, 209
Feedback, 199
Flexible benefit programs, 209
Goal clarity, 195
Goal commitment, 197
Goal difficulty, 195
Goal setting, 192
Goals, 192
Informal rewards, 207
Management by objectives (MBO), 195
Profit-sharing programs, 207
Skill-based pay programs, 209
Task complexity, 199
Discussion Questions
Visit Enterprise at www.enterprise.com. Click on
“Careers,” on “Our Culture,” then on “Our Values.”
How does Enterprise use goal-setting?
What are some ethical problems associated with
performance-based reward programs? What abuses
have you seen? How can leaders correct such abuses?
What factors influenced your level of goal commitment to this course? Did your level of commitment
change after receiving feedback on an assignment or
test? Explain.
Use the goal-setting model found on page 194 to
analyze Steve Letarte’s NASCAR team, the Rainbow
Warriors. Why is the team effective?
Sandra Swann, director of human resources at ViewCast,
said that many times, leaders commit the error of measuring the wrong behaviors with excruciating accuracy.
What implications does this pose for leaders using management by objectives?
Jay Beck, general manager at Benefit Partners, a company that specializes in human resource management,
said: “If you cannot define it and measure it, you are not
going to get it.” What implications does this statement
have for setting goals? For measuring them?
7. What are some of the negative issues associated with
goal-setting programs?
8. Why does the diversity program at Lockheed Martin
9. What are some problems that employees might face in an
organization that has adopted a skill-based pay program?
10. Bella Goren, vice president for Customer Services
Planning in Asia for American Airlines, is transferring
a manager from American Airlines based in Dallas to
Japan. What cultural issues might he encounter when
rewarding employees in Japan?
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency37
Goal Setting
_____ 5.
The following statements refer to a job you currently hold
or have held. Read each statement and then select a response
from the following scale that best describes your view. You
may want to use a separate sheet of paper to record your
responses and compare them with the responses of others.
Almost Never
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
Almost Always
I understand exactly what I am supposed to do on
my job.
I have specific, clear goals to aim for on my job.
The goals I have on this job are challenging.
I understand how my performance is measured on
this job.
I have deadlines for accomplishing my goals on
this job.
_____ 6. If I have more than one goal to accomplish,
I know which are most important and which are
least important.
_____ 7. My goals require my full effort.
_____ 8. My manager tells me the reasons for giving me
the goals I have.
_____ 9. My manager is supportive with respect to encouraging me to reach my goals.
_____ 10. My manager lets me participate in the setting of
my goals.
_____ 11. My manager lets me have some say in
deciding how I will go about implementing my
_____ 12. If I reach my goals, I know that my manager will
be pleased.
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
_____ 13. I get credit and recognition when I attain my goals.
_____ 14. Trying for goals makes my job more fun than it
would be without goals.
_____ 15. I feel proud when I get feedback indicating that
I have reached my goals.
_____ 16. The other people I work with encourage me to
attain my goals.
_____ 17. I sometimes compete with my coworkers to see
who can do the best job in reaching our goals.
_____ 18. If I reach my goals, my job security will be
_____ 19. If I reach my goals, my chances for a pay raise are
_____ 20. If I reach my goals, my chances for a promotion
are increased.
_____ 21. I usually feel that I have a suitable action
program(s) for reaching my goals.
_____ 22. I get regular feedback indicating how I am
performing in relation to my goals.
_____ 23. I feel that my training was good enough so that
I am capable of reaching my goals.
_____ 24. Organization policies help rather than hurt goal
_____ 25. Teams work together in this company to attain
_____ 26. This organization provides sufficient resources
(e.g., time, money, and equipment) to make goal
setting effective.
_____ 27. In performance appraisal sessions, my supervisor stresses problem solving rather than
_____ 28. Goals in this organization are used more to
help you do your job well rather than punish
_____ 29. The pressure to achieve goals here fosters honesty as opposed to cheating and dishonesty.
_____ 30. If my manager makes a mistake that affects my
ability to attain my goals, he or she admits it.
Scoring and Interpretation
Add the points shown for items 1 through 30. Scores of 120
to 150 may indicate a high-performing, highly satisfying work
situation. Your goals are challenging and you are committed
to reaching them. When you achieve your goals, you are
rewarded for your accomplishments. Scores of 80 to 119 may
suggest a highly varied work situation with some motivating
and satisfying features and some frustrating and dissatisfying
features. Scores of 30 to 79 may suggest a low-performing,
dissatisfying work situation.
1. Using the concepts found in the goal-setting model,
how might you increase your performance?
2. Why don’t employees use goal-setting concepts in
their everyday life to control their weight and personal
Case: Diversity Competency
Allstate Insurance Company38
In today’s competitive environment, companies continue
to look for ways to improve their performance and achieve
corporate goals. The task is not easy, but the team of human
resource (HR) executives at Allstate Corporation has found
that its diversity strategy has become one of the company’s
most important competitive weapons. It has long been
Allstate’s position that diversity is about neither political mandates nor legal obligation. Rather, the company’s
vision is stated this way: “Diversity is Allstate’s strategy
for leveraging differences in order to create a competitive
advantage.” This strategy has two major points: one internally focused and the other externally focused. According
to James DeVries, senior vice president of human resources,
the internal diversity focus is about “unlocking the potential
for excellence in all workers by providing them the tools,
resources, and opportunities to succeed.” The external focus
of diversity is about making certain that the workforce
matches the experiences, backgrounds, and sensitivities of
the markets it serves. In this context, Allstate managers view
diversity not as a goal but as a process that is integrated into
the daily life of the company.
Allstate launched its first affirmative action program back
in 1969. In the early days, its commitment to diversity didn’t
always link recruitment, development, and retention strategies to business performance. The company focused more on
affirmative action and diversity awareness through education
and training. Although these initiatives were considered innovative in their day, they were not linked to Allstate’s business
strategy. The director of diversity management notes that the
key question has become “How do you take this workforce of
differences and bring them together in a more powerful way
so that it can impact business results?” Allstate has taken four
specific steps:
Step One: Succession Programming. A diverse slate of candidates is identified and developed for each key position. Allstate’s
management information system enables it to track and measure key drivers of career development and career opportunities for all of its more than 36,000 employees, ensuring that
the company’s future workforce will be diverse at all levels.
Allstate’s succession programming has made a difference that
is easy to measure. Employment of women and minorities has
grown at a rate far surpassing national averages. Today, 50 percent of Allstate’s more than 5,300 executives and managers are
women, and of that percentage, 25 percent are Hispanics or
people of color. Languages other than English, a total of 62,
are spoken in more than 3,200 Allstate agencies. The company
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
has a minority recruitment program that focuses on colleges
and universities with the most diverse enrollments.
Step Two: Development. Through the company’s employee
development process, all employees receive an assessment
of their current job skills and a road map for developing the
critical skills necessary for advancement. Options include
education, coaching and mentoring, and classroom training.
Leaders are provided employee feedback on which they can
base future development programs. In addition, all of Allstate’s
nonagent employees with service of more than one year have
completed mandatory diversity training courses.
Step Three: Measurement. Twice a year the company takes
a snapshot of all 36,000 employees through a survey called
the Diversity Index. As a part of a larger online employee
survey and feedback process called the Quarterly Leadership
Measurement System (QLMS), the Diversity Index asks the
following questions:
1. To what extent does our company deliver quality service to customers regardless of their ethnic background,
gender, age, and so on?
2. To what extent are you treated with respect and dignity
at work? To what extent does your immediate manager/
team leader seek out and utilize the different backgrounds
and perspectives of all employees in your work group?
3. How often do you observe insensitive behavior at work,
for example, inappropriate comments or jokes about
ethnic background, gender, age, and so on?
4. To what extent do you work in an environment of trust
where employees/agents are free to offer different
Management communicates the results of this survey via its
intranet and actively solicits feedback from employees on
creating action programs to solve problems and improve work
Step Four: Accountability and Reward. To link compensation
to the company’s diversity goals, 25 percent of each manager’s
merit pay is based on the Diversity Index and the QLMS.
DeVries believes that this sharpens the focus on the initiative.
“What you measure is what people focus on. This really sends
a clear signal that management of people and doing that well
are really important.”
To help employees maintain a balance between work and
personal life, Allstate has a number of programs in place. For
example, it has an on-site child-care center at its headquarters
in Northbrook, Illinois, and three near-site child-care centers,
all of which offer parents discount programs. It also has on-site
dry cleaning, oil change, and postal and catering services and
allows for flexible work arrangements for its employees. The
Allstate Center for Assistive Technology (ACAT) helps employees with disabilities that include carpal tunnel syndrome,
mobility impairments, and multiple sclerosis. For example,
when one information technology employee began experiencing hearing problems, the ACAT team was deployed to fit him
with a special home phone for use when he was on night call.
1. Using the model found on page 194, evaluate Allstate’s
goal-setting process. How does it work?
2. On pages 202–203, we list some of the dimensions of an
effective goal-setting program. Does Allstate meet these
3. What type of high-performance reward system should
Allstate choose to motivate its employees to reach its
diversity goals?
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Learning Content
After studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
Learning from Experience
Stress and Coping with a Layoff
Concept of Stress
Explain the concept of and
influences on creating stress.
Primary Stressors
Identify the primary sources of
work-related stressors.
State the potential impacts
of severe stress on health,
performance, and job burnout.
Describe how individual
differences influence reactions
to stressful situations.
Apply individual and leader
insights to the management of
workplace stress.
Explain four major types of
workplace aggression.
Communication Competency
Workplace Incivility: How Not to Communicate
Severe Stress
Individual Differences and Stress
Self Competency
Chesley B. Sullenberger III, Captain of US Airways
Flight 1549
Stress Management
Change Competency
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics’ Wellness Program
Workplace Aggression
Diversity Competency
Darwin Realty
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Work-Related Stress Inventory
Case: Ethics Competency
Coleen Colombo and Colleagues Resist Mortgage Fraud
Learning from Experience
Stress and Coping with a Layoff
Job layoffs in the recent recession showed no
mercy. They struck all levels of organizations: from
data entry clerks to department managers, from
new hires to senior employees. This opening feature provides brief examples of the stresses and
coping efforts of five employees and their families
as a result of layoffs.
Charlene Jeter was laid off as vice president
of marketing at SunTrust MidAtlantic, a financial
institution, during a restructuring. Her 28 years
there entitled her to a good severance package.
She’s still looking for a job after a full year. She
states: “Employers can be very picky right now.
There are too many people like me out there.”
She thought her diverse marketing skills would
transfer easily, but she has found that employers want specialists. She has applied for 58 jobs
and had 10 in-person interviews, but nothing has
clicked yet. Adding to the stress, her husband,
Duane, was laid off from his job in
the construction industry. She states:
“He has the kind of skills that he can
hire himself out hourly, if not full time,
almost more easily than I can. In his
world, it seems people need him to
do things but can’t hire him full time.”
With neither of them working full
time, they’ve cut back in little ways.
For Christmas, they didn’t buy big
presents. They don’t eat out often.
They pay more attention to prices.
She feels fortunate they only have
themselves to worry about. Charlene
adds: “I know people that this
happened to and they’re sweating
kids or college. That kind of burden
we don’t have.”
To learn more about stress, go to
Life changed for Thomas and Jennifer
Dodson of Sacramento, California, when he was
laid off by the architecture firm where he worked.
He immediately started his own consulting firm.
Although the work is rewarding and fulfilling,
it continues to be an “immense struggle financially,” he says. He praises his wife for being
“more than great” throughout this experience. He
states: “She has been a rock. Despite the stress
and turmoil this has brought into our life, this
has made us closer than ever. I don’t know how
people do it without the support of their spouse.
Having that other person there whispering in your
ear and telling you you can do it is so powerful.”
Joyce Ellis was phased out of an accounting
position at a construction company. She’s searching for another job but doesn’t expect quick
results. “I’ve been on the other side, so I understand what it’s like to hire someone,” she said. As
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
one of 10 children, she learned to be frugal and
that knowledge has come in handy now and when
she was laid off from another job about seven
years ago. She has always planned her expenses
so she will be okay financially as she searches for
another job. For instance, when she purchased
her house, she bought the house she could
afford, rather than a bigger or fancier house.
Joyce said, “That’s all preplanning, not getting in
over your head when the mortgage company says
you can afford much more.” To save on heating
in her home, she keeps the thermostat low and
wears layers of clothing. She hangs double-layer
curtains to block cold air. Her two children are
grown, so she only has herself to take care of.
Stacy Shiplett of Akron, Ohio, knows all
too well the ill effects of financial stress. The
mother of two has been looking for a job for
months since she lost hers. She was diagnosed
with a lung condition but said she can’t afford
her needed breathing treatments without health
insurance. “I can’t sleep, and now it’s getting to
me,” she said through tears. “I’m not focused
because of the stress level I’m at. Health-wise,
your stomach hurts all the time. It’s mental and
physical.” But she said she’s hopeful things will
improve soon. Shiplett has participated in an
intensive, three-week job search and placement
course at The Job Center in Akron. Stacy states:
“It’s a big help. It takes that stress level down.”
For some individuals, the stresses of dealing
with a layoff and the difficulty of finding a new job
are even bad for their health. Take the cases of
Raymond and Melissa Gibbons. Since Raymond
unexpectedly lost his job as a truck driver when
his employer closed, his blood pressure skyrocketed to 170/107, well above the normal range of
120/80. These days, Melissa often suffers from
headaches. And neither can sleep more than a
couple of hours most nights. They’re too worried about how to pay their bills and provide for
their four children, ranging in age from 11 weeks
to 9 years. Raymond states: “We have young
kids, so they expect Santa Claus to be there. The
trucking industry was not hiring during the deep
The experiences of Charlene and Duane Jeter, Thomas and Jennifer Dodson,
Joyce Ellis, Stacy Shiplett, and Raymond and Melissa Gibbons are snapshots of the
various stress levels and coping mechanisms employed by the millions of individuals laid off in the recent recession. Even for those not laid off, 50 percent of the
respondents in one recent survey indicated they are experiencing stress from financial concerns.2 Layoffs are typically stressful experiences, but the stress is magnified
when alternative and equivalent job opportunities are scarce to none. This opening
feature also illustrates that individuals cope with stressful situations differently. For
example, Thomas Dodson even came to perceive several positive outcomes from
his layoff.
Our focus in this chapter is not simply about the stresses and coping mechanisms
associated with layoffs. Rather, its scope is much broader. We discuss (1) the nature of
stress, (2) the key causes of stress, (3) the effects of stress, (4) the role of personality
differences in handling stress, (5) insights to help manage stress, and (6) core dimensions of workplace aggression.
Beyond the personal stress of a job layoff, on-the-job stress is a common and
costly problem in the workplace, leaving few workers untouched. For example, surveys
of workplace stress and aggression report the following:
Sixty-five percent of respondents said that workplace stress had caused physical
and psychological difficulties, and more than 10 percent described these as having
major effects.
Forty percent of respondents view their jobs as very or extremely stressful.
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Forty-eight percent said that excessive stress makes it hard for them to perform
well on the job.
Fourteen percent of respondents had felt like striking a coworker in the past year,
but didn’t.
Twenty-five percent had felt like screaming or shouting because of job stress;
10 percent are concerned about an individual at work they fear could become
Leaders who ignore employee stress, or assign it a low priority, are likely to see
declines in productivity and morale and increased legal costs. The negative consequences of stress are so dramatic that leaders need to (1) take action to reduce
excessive employee stress in the workplace and (2) assist employees in developing
stress-coping skills.
Concept of Stress
Stress is the excitement, feeling of anxiety, and/or physical tension that occurs when the
demands or stressors placed on an individual are thought to exceed the person’s ability to cope.4
This is the most common view of stress and is often called distress or negative stress.
Stressors can take various forms, but they all have one thing in common: Stressors create stress or the potential for stress when an individual perceives them as representing
a demand that exceeds that person’s ability to respond.
Fight-or-Flight Response
Numerous changes occur in a person’s body during a stress reaction. Breathing and
heart rates increase so that the body can operate with maximum capacity for physical
action. Brain wave activity goes up to allow the brain to function maximally. Hearing
and sight become momentarily more acute, and muscles ready themselves for action.
An animal attacked by a predator in the wild basically has two choices: to fight or to
flee. The animal’s bodily responses to the stressor (the predator) increase its chances
of survival. The fight-or-flight response refers to the biochemical and bodily changes
that represent a natural reaction to an environmental stressor.5 Similarly, cave-dwelling
ancestors benefited from this biological response mechanism. People gathering food
away from their caves would have experienced a great deal of stress upon meeting a
saber-toothed tiger. In dealing with the tiger, they could have run away or stayed and
fought. The biochemical changes in their bodies prepared them for either alternative
and contributed to their ability to survive.
The human nervous system still responds the same way to stressors. This
response continues to have survival value in a true emergency. However, for most
people most of the time, the “tigers” are imaginary rather than real. In work situations, for example, a fight-or-flight response usually isn’t appropriate. If an employee
receives an unpleasant work assignment from a leader, physically assaulting the leader
or storming angrily out of the office obviously is professionally inappropriate. Instead,
the employee is expected to accept the assignment calmly and do the best job possible. Remaining calm and performing effectively may be especially difficult when
the employee perceives an assignment as threatening and the body is prepared to act
Medical researcher Hans Selye first used the word stress to describe the body’s
biological response mechanisms. Selye considered stress to be the nonspecific response
of the human body to any demand made on it.6 However, the body has only a limited
capacity to respond to stressors. The workplace makes a variety of demands on people,
and too much stress over too long a period of time will exhaust their ability to cope
with those stressors.
Learning Goal
1. Explain the concept of and
influences on creating stress.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Influences on the Stress Experience
A variety of factors influence how an individual experiences stress, especially severe
stress. Figure 8.1 identifies four of the primary factors: (1) the person’s perception of
the situation, (2) the person’s past experiences, (3) the presence or absence of social
support, and (4) individual differences in reacting to stress.
In Chapter 4, we defined perception as the process by which people select, organize,
interpret, and respond to information from the world around them. Employee
perceptions of a situation can influence how (or whether) they experience stress. For
example, two employees, Tina and John, have their job responsibilities substantially
changed—a situation likely to be stressful for many people. Tina views the new responsibilities as an opportunity to learn new competencies. She perceives the change to be
a vote of confidence from management in her ability to be flexible and take on new
challenges. In contrast, John perceives the same situation to be extremely threatening.
He concludes that management is unhappy with his performance and is using this as
a tactic to make him fail so that he can be fired. Recall from the opening feature that
when Charlene Jeter was laid off as a vice president from SunTrust MidAtlantic after
28 years, she could not find another job. This experience is highly stressful for her.
Past Experiences
John may perceive a situation as more or less stressful based on how familiar he is
with the situation and his prior experiences with the particular stressors involved. Past
practice or training may allow Tina to deal calmly and competently with stressors that
would greatly intimidate less experienced or inadequately trained employees. The
relationship between experiences and stress is based on reinforcement (see Chapter 5).
Positive reinforcement or previous success in a similar situation can reduce the level
of stress that a person experiences under certain circumstances. In contrast, punishment or past failure under similar conditions can increase stress under the same
Also, recall Joyce Ellis’s past experiences in the opening feature that have helped
her cope with the stresses of being phased out of an accounting position at a construction company. As one of 10 children, Ellis reported that she learned to be frugal and
indicated it came in handy when she was laid off from another job seven years prior
to the current job. Ellis planned her expenses so she would be okay if unemployed.
Remember her quote: “That’s all preplanning, not getting in over your head when the
mortgage company says you can afford much more.” Words of wisdom, indeed!
FIGURE 8 .1 Common Influences on the Stress Experienced by an Individual
Influenced by the
from Work
and the
• Perceptions
• Past experiences
• Social support
• Individual
Level of
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Social Support
The presence or absence of other people influences how
individuals in the workplace experience stress and respond to
stressors.7 The presence of coworkers may increase John’s confidence, allowing him to cope more effectively with stress. For
example, working alongside someone who performs confidently
and competently in a stressful situation may help John behave
similarly. Conversely, the presence of fellow workers may irritate Tina or make her anxious, reducing her ability to cope
with stress. Recall the importance of the social support Jennifer
Dodson gave her spouse Thomas when he was laid off.
Ethics Insight
At some plants, we have six-week unpaid
layoffs on a rolling basis. A big concern
for a lot of employees is “Am I going to
have a job?” This way, it’s a comfort to
them—like having six weeks off, and still
having a job to come back to. We’ve been
doing this for two years now. Employees
feel like they have some sort of control,
and they almost always come back.
Individual Differences
Stacy Guinn, HR Coordinator, Sherwin-Williams
Each person’s motivation, attitudes, personality, and abilities
influence the degree and nature of work stress experienced
and how the individual responds.8 What one person considers a major source of stress, another may hardly notice. Personality characteristics,
in particular, may explain some of the differences in the ways in which an employee
experiences and responds to stress. For example, the Big Five personality factor
that we labeled emotional stability in Chapter 3 seems to be important in individual
responses to various stressors in the work setting. Individuals who are emotionally
stable (described as stable, relaxed, resilient, and confident) are more likely to cope
well with a wide variety of work stressors. In contrast, individuals who are lacking in
emotional stability (described as reactive, nervous, and self-doubting) typically have
greater difficulty coping with the same stressors. We further discuss relationships
between personality and stress in this chapter.
Primary Stressors
Learning Goal
Employees often experience stress in both their personal and work lives.
Understanding these two sources of stress and their possible interaction is important. To consider either source in isolation may give an incomplete picture of the
stress that an employee is experiencing. However, our primary focus is on workrelated stressors.
Work-Related Stressors
Work-related sources of stress take a variety of forms. Figure 8.2
presents a framework for thinking about and diagnosing organizational sources of work-related stress. It identifies seven
principal work-related stressors. This framework shows that
internal individual factors influence the ways in which each
employee experiences these stressors.
For some employees, having too much work to do and not
enough time or resources to do it is a major stressor. Role
overload exists when the demands of the job exceed the capacity of the
individual to meet all of the demands adequately. Some employees
may be in a continuous condition of role overload. Surveys
commonly identify work overload or “having to work too hard”
as a major source of stress.9
2. Identify the primary sources
of work-related stressors.
Having too much work to
do can cause stress for some
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
FIGURE 8 .2 Work-Related Stressors and Experienced Stress
• Workload
• Job conditions
• Role conflict
and ambiguity
• Career
• Interpersonal
• Workplace
Influenced by the
• Perceptions
• Past experiences
• Social support
Level of
• Individual
• Conflict
between work
and life roles
Having too little work to do also may create stress. Have you ever had a job with
so little to do that the workday seemed to never end? If so, you can understand why
employees may find too little work to be stressful. Leaders sometimes are guilty of trying to do their subordinates’ work, or micromanage, when their jobs aren’t challenging
enough. Micromanaging might reduce the manager’s stress caused by boredom,
however, it is likely to increase subordinates’ stress because the superior constantly
watches them or second-guesses their decisions.
Job Conditions
Poor working conditions represent another important set of job stressors. Temperature
extremes, loud noise, too much or too little lighting, radiation, and air pollution are
but a few examples of working conditions that can cause stress in employees. Heavy
travel demands or long-distance commuting are other aspects of jobs that employees
may find stressful. Poor working conditions, excessive travel, and long hours all add
up to increased stress and decreased performance.
Cutting-edge technology, while clearly of great benefit to society in general and many
individuals in particular, nevertheless has created job conditions that may be quite stressful. Many employees are receiving massive volumes of e-mail, text messages, phone calls,
and voice mail messages. It is often easy to perform work anytime, anyplace.10 For some
employees, this makes it difficult to draw mental boundaries between work and home.
Role Conflict and Ambiguity
Role conflict refers to differing expectations of or demands on a person at work that become
excessive. (We discuss role conflict further in Chapter 13.) Role ambiguity occurs
when an employee is uncertain about assigned job duties and responsibilities. Role conflict
and role ambiguity may be particularly significant sources of job-related stress. Many
employees suffer from role conflict and ambiguity because of conflicting expectations
from leaders (e.g., cut prices, yet achieve higher profits). Having responsibility for
the behavior of others and a lack of opportunity to participate in important decisions
affecting their jobs are other aspects of employees’ roles that may be stressful.11
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Career Development
Major stressors related to career planning and development involve job security, promotions, transfers, and developmental opportunities. An employee can feel stress from
underpromotion (failure to advance as rapidly as desired) or overpromotion (promotion to a job that exceeds the individual’s competencies). The current wave of reorganizations and downsizings seriously threatens careers and causes stress. For example,
the Boston Globe newspaper recently announced that it is eliminating 50 full-time
jobs—12 percent of its news and editorial staff. The workforce reduction represents
an effort to save money, be more efficient, and return to profitability. This is the fifth
staff reduction since 2001. In the year prior to this announcement, there was a reduction of 42 Boston Globe managers and team leaders in the advertising, circulation, and
marketing departments.12 When jobs, teams, departments, or entire organizations are
restructured, employees often have numerous career-related concerns: Can I perform
competently in the new situation? Can I advance? Is my new job secure? Typically,
the remaining employees find these concerns very stressful. At the Boston Globe, the
employees not laid off face the stress of thinking more reductions are likely in the
future since there have been so many in recent years and what that might mean for
their careers. In a recent survey of downsizing survivors, two-thirds of the respondents
used the following words to reflect their feelings: guilt, anxiety, and anger. Contrary
to what might be expected, 74 percent of the survivors say their personal output has
declined and 77 percent see more errors and mistakes being made.13
Interpersonal Relations
Teams and groups have a great impact on the behavior of employees. (We explore these
dynamics in Chapter 12.) Good working relationships and interactions with peers,
subordinates, and superiors are crucial aspects of organizational life, helping employees
achieve personal and organizational goals. When relationships are poor, they can become
sources of stress. A high level of political behavior, or “office politics,” may create stress
for leaders and employees. The nature of relationships with others often influences how
employees react to other stressors. In other words, interpersonal relationships can be
either a source of stress or the social support that helps employees cope with stressors.
In a recent survey, 53 percent of employees lost work time worrying about an incident of incivility. Workplace incivility refers to rudeness, lack of regard for one another,
and the violation of workplace norms for mutual respect.14 Forty-six percent contemplated
changing jobs over incivility. In most instances, the manager is reported to be the
instigator of the incivility. In addition, widespread workplace incivility has been found
to negatively impact individual and organizational performance.15 The following
Communication Competency feature reports on communication incidents of several
individuals who were subjected to workplace incivility.16 It presents the violations of
various attributes of the communications competency by instigators of the workplace
incivility. All names have been disguised, but the incidents are real.
Communication competency
Workplace Incivility: How Not to Communicate
Lucy quit her job in university administration after
finding herself routinely ignored and undermined
by a manager. On one occasion, the manager
returned from leave and sent everyone in the
department except Lucy an e-mail thanking them
for their work during her absence. On another,
she told some of Lucy’s peers that Lucy could
not be trusted. Lucy says things rapidly went
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
downhill. “I found it exceptionally rude. It made
me extremely negative towards her. It shut me
down. I felt she was someone I didn’t really want
to get to know or work with. Communication
became very poor, which made the job difficult.”
Bill comments: “One so-called member of
the local management team regularly makes
snide comments by e-mail and presses the
‘Send’ button as he puts on his coat and heads
for home, knowing he won’t see the people he’s
targeting for several days because of their work
Ben reports: “I was pulling off a payoff preparation cycle for a month during December, and I
entered ‘12’ (the calendar month) when I should
have entered ‘6’ (the fiscal month). The payroll
cycle was garbage therefore. The accountant
called me insulting names with my new boss
sitting right next to me. It was humiliating and
unfair. It was my first payroll preparation cycle
with the company, I was new—it was an honest
Argie recalls: “I was making a presentation to
all of the company’s international country managers
and vice presidents. The division president stood
up and shouted, ‘No one is interested in this stuff.’
His comment made me so nervous and upset that
I could barely go on. I had been with this company
for many years; you’d think he could have offered
me a little respect for that alone.”
Richard, a manager, says: “My two bosses,
the company co-founders of an architectural
interior-design firm, rarely converse with their
workers. They treat employees like we’re not
even here. The company often receives gift baskets from vendors and the bosses hoard it in their
offices. They invited only half of their employees
to the holiday office party.”
Susan, a public relations manager, reports: “My
boss called my cell phone while I was sitting in an
airplane on the runway. As the flight attendants
announced that all phones had to be shut off, my
boss said, ‘This isn’t a good fit anymore, so come
by after 5:30 tomorrow to pick up your things.’ ”
Workplace Aggression
A disturbing source of stressors is workplace aggression. We discuss four types of
workplace aggression in the last major part of this chapter: bullying, sexual harassment
(which was also discussed in Chapter 2), workplace violence, and aggression toward
the organization itself.
Conflict between Work and Life Roles
A person has many roles in life (employee, family member, Little League coach,
church volunteer, to name just a few). Only one of these roles is associated with work
(although some individuals may hold more than one job at a time). Work typically
meets only some of a person’s goals and needs. In addition, life goals and needs may
conflict with career goals, presenting a source of stress. For example, employees’ personal desires to spend time with their families or have more leisure time may conflict
with the extra hours they must work to advance their careers. The large number of
dual-career couples with children has brought work and family role conflicts into
sharp focus. For example, when the children are sick, who takes primary responsibility
for taking them to the doctor or staying home with them?
Life Stressors
The distinction between work and nonwork stressors isn’t always clear, although a primary source of stress for many employees clearly is pressures between work and family demands.17 As Figure 8.3 illustrates, both work and family pressures may contribute
to work–family stress because pressures in one area can reduce a person’s ability to
cope with pressures in the other. These incompatible pressures trigger stress, which,
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
FIGURE 8 . 3 Path of Work–Family Pressures, Stress, and Conflict
Possible Results
Work versus
Leads to
on the
• Dissatifaction
• Frustration
• Depression
• Other
in turn, leads to work–family conflicts. These conflicts trigger possible outcomes such
as dissatisfaction, frustration, and depression.
Life stressors are tensions, anxieties, and conflicts that stem from pressures and
demands in people’s personal lives. People must cope with a variety of life stressors; they
deal with these stressors differently because of personality, age, gender, experience,
and other characteristics. However, life stressors that affect almost everyone are those
caused by significant life changes: divorce, marriage, death of a family member, and
the like. People have a limited capacity to respond to stressors. Too much change too
quickly can exhaust the body’s ability to respond and result in negative consequences
for a person’s physical and mental health.
Table 8.1 presents a variety of stressful events that college students may face.
Based on a current social readjustment rating scale, each event is rated on a 100-point
scale,18 with 1 indicating an event that is not stressful and 100 an extremely stressful event. An event labeled “high level of stress” might be assigned 71 to 100 points,
depending on the specific stress experienced by the student. “Moderate level of stress”
for an event might be scored from 31 to 70 points, and a “low level of stress” for an
event may be assigned scores from 1 to 30 points by the student. During the course of
a year, if a student experiences several events in the high level of stress range, there is a
TABLE 8 .1 Stressful Events for College Students
Death of parent
Death of spouse
Flunking out
Unwed pregnancy
Change in eating habits
Change in sleeping habits
Change in social activities
Conflict with instructor
Lower grades than expected
• Academic probation
• Change of major
• Death of close friend
• Failing important course
• Finding a new love interest
• Loss of financial aid
Major injury or illness
Parents’ divorce
Serious arguments with romantic partner
Outstanding achievement
Source: Adapted from Baron, R. A., and Byrne, D. Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction,
6th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1991, 573.
Part 2
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50–50 chance the student will get sick and his or her grades will suffer as a result of the
excessive stress. How many of the events in Table 8.1 did you experience last year?
Recall that stress is the body’s general response to any demand made on it. The
list of stressful events in Table 8.1 contains both unpleasant events, such as failing a
course, and pleasant events, such as finding a new love interest. This dual nature of
life stressors demonstrates that they involve both negative and positive experiences.
For example, vacations and holidays actually may be quite stressful for some people
but very relaxing and refreshing for others. In addition, viewing unpleasant life events
as having only negative effects is incorrect. People often can both cope with and
grow from experiencing unpleasant events. Recall Thomas Dodson from the opening
feature. He experienced severe stress as a result of being laid off by the architecture
firm where he worked. He immediately started his own consulting firm. He has found
the work to be rewarding and challenging, but an “immense struggle financially.” Of
course, people typically enjoy the positive effects and stimulation of pleasurable events,
such as significant accomplishments, vacations, or gaining a new family member.
Learning Goal
3. State the potential impacts
of severe stress on health,
performance, and job burnout.
Severe Stress
High levels of stress can have both positive and negative effects. Our concern with
severe and continuous work stress over time focuses on the negative effects because
of their potential impacts on individual and organizational effectiveness as well as
one’s health. The potential impacts of severe stress levels occur in three main areas:
physiological, emotional, and behavioral.19 Examples of the effects of severe distress
in these areas are as follows:
Physiological effects of severe stress may include increased blood pressure,
increased heart rate, sweating, hot and cold spells, breathing difficulties, muscular
tension, gastrointestinal disorders, and panic attacks.
Emotional effects of severe stress may include anger, anxiety, depression, low selfesteem, poor intellectual functioning (including an inability to concentrate and make
decisions), nervousness, irritability, resentment of supervision, and job dissatisfaction.
Behavioral effects of severe stress may include poor performance, absenteeism,
high accident rates, high turnover rates, alcohol and substance abuse, impulsive
behavior, and difficulties in communication.
The effects of severe work stress have important implications for organizational
behavior and organizational effectiveness. We examine some of these effects in terms
of health, performance, and job burnout.
Impacts on Health
Health problems commonly associated with severe stress include back pain, headaches,
stomach and intestinal problems, upper respiratory infections, and various mental
problems. Although determining the precise role that such stress plays in individual
cases is difficult, some illnesses appear to be stress related.20 Recall the layoff of
Raymond and Melissa Gibbons in the opening feature. His blood pressure skyrocketed
and he couldn’t sleep. Melissa experienced headaches and also couldn’t sleep.
Stress-related illnesses place a considerable burden on people and organizations.
The costs to individuals seem more obvious than the costs to organizations. Let’s
review some of the organizational costs associated with stress-related disease. First,
costs to employers include increased premiums for health insurance, as well as lost
workdays from a serious illness (e.g., ulcers) and less serious illnesses (e.g., headaches).
Estimates are that each employee who suffers from a stress-related illness loses an
average of 16 days of work a year. In addition, it is estimated that health-care costs
are 50 percent higher for employees who report higher levels of stress.21 Second,
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
more than three-fourths of all industrial accidents are caused by a worker’s inability
to cope with stress-related emotional problems. Third, legal problems for employers
grow when they fail to address the intense stress they may be causing. The number
of stress-related worker compensation claims is increasing. The link between the
levels of stress in the workplace and worker compensation claims is clear. When
employees experience severe stress over time, more worker compensation claims are
filed. Studies have shown similar patterns in many different industries.22
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychological disorder brought on, for example, by
horrible experiences in combat during wartime, acts of violence and terrorism, and the like.23
Courts are now recognizing post-traumatic stress disorder as a condition that may justify a damage claim against an employer. Employees have successfully claimed suffering from this disorder as a result of sexual harassment, violence, and other traumatic
circumstances in the workplace. Awards of damages in the millions of dollars have
resulted from court cases involving workplace post-traumatic stress disorder claims.
Impacts on Performance
The positive and negative effects of stress are most apparent in the relationship
between stress and performance. Figure 8.4 depicts the general stress–performance
relationship in the shape of an arch. At low levels of stress, employees may not be sufficiently alert, challenged, or involved to perform at their best. As the curve indicates,
FIGURE 8 .4 Typical Relationship between Performance and Stress Arousal
Good Stress
Ill health
Arousal Stress
Adapted from Nixon, P. Stress: The human function curve. American Institute of Stress. www.stress.org (March 2007).
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The Individual in Organizations
increasing the arousal of stress may improve performance—but
only up to a point. An optimal level of stress probably exists for
most tasks. Beyond that point, performance begins to deteriorate.24 At excessive levels of stress, employees are too agitated,
aroused, or threatened to perform well.
Leaders need to consider the optimum stress points for both
themselves and their subordinates. The causes for these points,
however, are difficult to pin down. For example, an employee may
be absent from work frequently because of boredom (too little
stress) or because of overwork (excessive stress). The curve shown
in Figure 8.4 changes with the situation; that is, it varies for different people and different tasks. Too little stress for one employee
may be just right for another on a particular task. Similarly, the
optimal amount of stress for a specific individual for one task may
be too much or too little for that person’s effective performance
of other tasks.
As a practical matter, leaders should be more concerned
about excessive stress than with how to add to stress. Motivating
individuals to perform better is always important, but attempting
to do so by increasing the level of severe stress is typically shortsighted. Studies of the stress–performance relationships in organizations often show a strong negative association between severe
stress in a team or department and its overall performance. That
is, high levels of employee stress over an extended period of time often lead to lower
productivity. This negative relationship indicates that these work settings are operating on the right-hand side (excessive stress arousal) of the curve shown in Figure 8.4.
Leaders and employees in these situations need to find ways to reduce the number
and magnitude of stressors.
Common indicators of job
burnout include emotional
exhaustion, chronic fatigue,
tiredness, and a sense of being
physically run down.
Impacts on Job Burnout
Job burnout refers to the adverse effects of working conditions under which strong stressors are
perceived as unavoidable and relief from them is interpreted as unavailable. Common indicators of burnout include:
emotional exhaustion, including chronic fatigue, tiredness, and a sense of being
physically run down;
depersonalization of individuals, including cynicism, negativity, and irritability
toward others; and
feelings of low personal accomplishment, including losing interest and motivation
to perform, inability to concentrate, and forgetfulness.25
Depersonalization is the treatment of people as objects. For example, a nurse
might refer to the “broken knee” in room 405, rather than use the patient’s name,
such as Ms. Wiley. Doing so allows the nurse to disassociate from the patient as a
person. The patient just becomes another thing to be treated according to rules and
Most job burnout research has focused on the human services sector of the
economy—sometimes called the “helping professions.” Burnout is thought to be most
prevalent in occupations characterized by continuous direct contact with people in
need of aid. The highest probability of burnout occurs among those individuals who
have both a high frequency and a high intensity of interpersonal contact. This level
of interpersonal contact may lead to emotional exhaustion, a key component of job
burnout.26 Those who may be most vulnerable to job burnout include social workers,
soldiers in war zones, nurses, police officers, and teachers. Burnout also may affect
leaders or shop owners who are under increasing pressure to reduce costs, increase
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
profits, and better serve customers. Individuals who experience job burnout seem to
have some common characteristics. Three characteristics are associated with a high
probability of burnout:
experiencing a great deal of negative stress as a result of job-related stressors,
tending to be idealistic and self-motivating achievers, and
seeking unattainable goals.27
The burnout syndrome represents a combination of certain individual attributes
and the job situation. Individuals who suffer from burnout often have unrealistic
expectations concerning their work and their ability to accomplish desired goals,
given the nature of the situation in which they find themselves. Job burnout is not
something that happens overnight. The entire process typically takes a great deal of
time. The path to job burnout is illustrated by Figure 8.5. One or more of the working conditions listed, coupled with the unrealistic expectations or ambitions of the
individual, can lead eventually to a state of complete physical, mental, and emotional
exhaustion. Under conditions of burnout, the individual can no longer cope with the
demands of the job and willingness to try drops dramatically.
Individual Differences and Stress
Learning Goal
Several individual differences are related to stress, including self-esteem and locus
of control (personality attributes discussed in Chapter 3). Individual differences may
affect how a person will perceive and react to a situation or an event as a stressor.28
For example, an individual with low self-esteem is more likely to experience stress in
highly demanding work situations than is a person with high self-esteem. Individuals
high in self-esteem typically have more confidence in their ability to meet intense job
demands than do those with low self-esteem. Employees with high internal locus of
control may take more effective action, more quickly, in coping with a sudden and
critical emergency (a stressor) than might employees with a high external locus of
control. Individuals high in internal locus of control are likely to believe that they
can moderate the highly stressful situation. Before reading further, please respond to
the statements in Table 8.2. This self-assessment exercise is related to the discussion
that follows.
4. Describe how individual
differences influence reactions
to stressful situations.
FIGURE 8 . 5 The Path to Job Burnout
Working Conditions
Constant Pressure
Economic Problems
Leading to:
Unfulfilled expectations
Lack of meaning
Lack of control
Poor decisions
Culminating in:
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Text not available due to copyright restrictions
The Type A Personality
The Type A personality refers to a person involved in a never-ending struggle to achieve
more and more in less and less time. In contrast, the Type B personality refers to a person
who tends to be easygoing and relaxed, patient, a good listener, and takes a long-range view of
things. Characteristics of the Type A personality include:
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
a chronic sense of urgency about time;
an extremely competitive, almost hostile orientation;
thinking about other things or text messaging while talking to someone;
an impatience with barriers to task accomplishment; and
a sense of guilt when relaxing or taking a vacation.29
Two medical researchers first identified the Type A personality when they noticed
a recurrent personality pattern in their patients who suffered from premature heart
disease.30 In addition to the characteristics just listed, extreme Type A individuals often
speak rapidly, are preoccupied with themselves, and are dissatisfied with life. They tend
to give quick replies to questions with no pause to deliberate before answering the
questions. Type A personalities may give sarcastic, rude, and hostile responses. They
may try to appear to be humorous, but with the underlying intent to be hurtful.
The questionnaire in Table 8.2 measures four sets of behaviors and tendencies
associated with the Type A personality: (1) time urgency, (2) competitiveness and
hostility, (3) polyphasic behavior (trying to do several things at once), and (4) a lack
of planning. Medical researchers have discovered that these behaviors and tendencies
often relate to life and work stress. They tend to cause stress or make stressful situations worse than they otherwise might be.
Current research suggests that the Type A personality description is too broad
to predict adverse health impacts accurately. Rather, research now indicates that only
certain aspects of the Type A personality—particularly anger, hostility, and aggression—may be related to severe stress and health reactions.31 Type A individuals with
these specific attributes appear to be two to three times more likely to develop health
problems than are Type B individuals.
The Hardy Personality
What aspects of personality might protect individuals from the negative health
impacts of stress? Individual traits that seem to counter the effects of severe stress are
known collectively as the hardy personality—the personality of a person with a cluster
of characteristics that includes feeling a sense of commitment, responding to each difficulty as
representing a challenge and an opportunity, and perceiving that one has control over one’s own
life.32 The hardy personality is characterized by:
a sense of personal control over events in one’s life;
a tendency to attribute one’s own behavior to internal as opposed to external
causes (recall the discussion of attribution in Chapter 4);
a strong commitment to work and personal relationships; not detaching oneself
when the going gets tough; and
an ability to view unexpected change or potential threats as challenges and opportunities for growth.33
A high degree of hardiness reduces the negative effects of stressful events. Hardiness
seems to reduce stress by altering the way in which people perceive stressors. An individual having a low level of hardiness perceives some events or situations as stressful;
an individual having a high level of hardiness perceives fewer events or situations as
stressful. A person with a high level of hardiness isn’t overwhelmed by challenging or
difficult situations. Rather, faced with a severe stressor, the hardy personality copes or
responds constructively by trying to find a solution—to control or influence events
and situations. This behavioral response typically reduces stress reactions, moderates
blood pressure increases, and reduces the probability of adverse health impacts.
Through development of the self competency, a person may come to reflect the
attributes of the hardy personality. Recall from Chapter 1 that the self competency
involves the ability to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue
professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new
learning—including new or changed skills, behaviors, and attitudes. Table 8.3 provides
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
TABLE 8 . 3 Assessing Your Sense of Hardiness
Please respond to each of the statements below as truthfully as you can. Use the following scale:
Not like me
When I think
about it
______ 1.
______ 2.
______ 3.
I have a set of things that I would like to accomplish in my life.
I spend quiet time thinking about my life and my world.
When I think about it, I wake up in the morning full of optimism and I look forward to
starting my day.
______ 4. I have a clear picture of what the next phase of my life will look like.
______ 5. I try to learn new things.
______ 6. I sleep well and am able to relax when I have free time.
______ 7. I believe that I have control over most things in my life.
______ 8. I look forward to the changes that happen in my life and view them as challenges.
______ 9. I have goals in life and I am clear on what they are.
______ 10. I am usually an optimistic person when it comes to how I view my future.
______ 11. I am adventuresome, continually pushing to try new things.
______ 12. I would consider myself to be very goal oriented.
Add points for items 1 through 12 = _____.
Possible Interpretations of Your Hardiness Score:
• 0–24 You likely don’t feel that you can control your world and you don’t spend a lot of time
making plans. Your ability to handle stress is not as high as you would like.
• 25–36 You do some planning, but probably wish you did more. You tend to be “other directed”
and not always in control of your life.
• 37–48 You are more self-directed and normally handle stress well. You tend to be goal oriented,
though you could be more focused on setting goals.
• 49–60 You are very goal oriented and know the difference between being stressed and handling
Source: Adapted from Retirement Lifestyle Centers. How hardy is your personality? www.retirementlifestyle
.com (April 2007).
a brief questionnaire for you to reflect on your own sense of hardiness. If you perceive
your sense of hardiness is lacking, the good news is that you can do something about
it. We provide suggestions in this chapter and others for developing your hardiness.
Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III, the pilot of US Airways Flight 1549, which
he safely landed in the Hudson River, appears to reflect the attributes of the hardy
personality. The following Self Competency feature reports on his handling of the
jetliner when both engines were disabled by a large flock of birds shortly after departing La Guardia Airport on January 15, 2009.34
Self competency
Chesley B. Sullenberger III, Captain of US Airways Flight 1549
Some individuals suggest that Sullenberger
spent practically his whole life preparing for
the five-minute nightmare that was US Airways
Flight 1549. He obtained his pilot’s license at
14, was named best aviator in his class at the Air
Force Academy, flew fighter jets, investigated
Chapter 8
air disasters, mastered glider flying, and studied
the psychology of how cockpit crews behave in a
When the ultimate test came on a descent
over the Hudson River, he spoke into the intercom only once and gave perhaps the most terrifying instruction a pilot can give—“Brace for
impact” —with remarkable calm. And as the
150 passengers of Flight 1549 marveled at their
hero pilot’s skills and cool head, they learned
what friends and relatives of Sullenberger say
they had known all along. “This is someone who
has not just spent his life flying airplanes but
has actually dug very deeply into what makes
these things work, and I think he proved it,”
said Robert Bea, a civil engineer who knows
Sullenberger (affectionately known as “Sully”).
Bea adds: “He is, how should I call it, a humble
man. But he is damned smart.”
His wife, Lorraine, called her husband a
“pilot’s pilot” who “loves the art of the airplane.”
She described him, as almost everyone else had,
as controlled and professional. She states: “This
is the Sully I know. I always knew how he would
react. So to me this is not something unusual.
It’s the man I know.” His sister, Mary Margaret
Wilson, said Sully built model airplanes, taking
care to paint even the most minuscule details
on the faces of the pilots. Wilson, recalling her
brother’s childhood crop duster flights at the age
of 15, said she was usually nervous flying in small
planes—but never with him. She said he was
always professional and never cut corners. Wilson
notes: “I think Sully is a very duty-oriented person. He is always looking to get better. He would
be the one person who could land a plane in the
water without any engines.”
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Robert Bea, cofounder of UC Berkeley’s
Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, said
he could think of few pilots as well situated to
bring the plane down safely as Sullenberger. Bea
notes that Sully has been studying the psychology of helping airline crews function even in
the face of a crisis. Bea adds: “When a plane is
getting ready to crash with a lot of people who
trust you, it is a test. Sully proved the end of
the road for that test. He had studied it, he had
rehearsed it, he had taken it to his heart.” David
Love, recently retired, has known Sully since
the 1980s when he was a pilot at US Airways.
Love describes his friend as a well-spoken, welleducated, dedicated pilot who takes his job and
profession very seriously and is an expert on
airline safety. He said Sully would brush off the
notion that he was a hero. “If he were here, Sully
would say that his team functioned flawlessly,”
Love said.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg commented: “The pilot did a masterful job of landing
the plane in the river and then making sure that
everybody got out. He walked the plane twice
after everybody else was off, and tried to verify
that there was nobody else on board, and he
assures us there was not.” As the cabin took on
water, Sully climbed out of the jet only after the
four other crew members and 150 passengers
made their orderly exit. When he reached a raft,
someone on a ferry tossed him a knife, and he
cut away the tether to the jet.
Sullenberger is also a cofounder of the Safety
Reliability Methods company. This firm provides
consulting services in such areas as risk evaluation, improved safety, and creating high-reliability
To learn more about Safety Reliability Methods, go to http://safetyreliability.com.
Stress Management
Individual and leader insights to help employees cope with stress are increasingly
important as stress has become a more widely recognized organizational problem. A
number of insights are available to individuals and leaders for effective stress management and reducing the potential harmful impacts of stress. Stress management refers
to the actions and initiatives that reduce stress by helping the individual understand the stress
response, recognize stressors, and use coping techniques to minimize the negative impacts of
severe experienced stress.35
Learning Goal
5. Apply individual and leader
insights to the management of
workplace stress.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Insights for Individuals
Individuals can use stress management practices that are designed to (1) eliminate or
control the sources of severe stress and (2) make the individual more resistant to or
better able to cope with severe stress. The first step in stress management involves
recognizing the stressors that are affecting the person’s life. Next, the individual needs
to decide what to do about them. Personal goals and values, coupled with practical
stress management skills, can help an individual cope with stressors and reduce negative stress reactions.
Some of the insights for managing severe and ongoing stress by an individual
include the following:
• Plan ahead and practice good time management. Frame
your aspiration (e.g., getting a job) as something you’d really
like to achieve, rather than in absolute terms (e.g., I absolutely
must get a job now).
Change Insight
• Get plenty of exercise, eat a balanced diet, get adequate rest,
The to-do list is infinite. For every big priand generally take care of yourself.
ority you put on the to-do list, you need a
• View the difficulties you encounter as opportunities to learn
corresponding item on the stop-doing list.
and challenges to be tackled, rather than as problems to be
It’s like an accounting balance.
solved or difficulties to overcome.
Jim Collins, Author, Good to Great
• Recognize and minimize the tendency to be a perfectionist.
• Concentrate on balancing your work and personal life.
Always take time to have fun.
Learn relaxation techniques and maintain a sense of humor.
Communicate with those who can provide social support and take action to help
reduce the severe and ongoing stressors.36
An individual can use relaxation techniques during the workday to cope with intense
job demands. For example, a common “relaxation response” to stress is to (1) choose a
comfortable position, (2) close your eyes, (3) relax your muscles, (4) become aware of
your breathing, (5) maintain a passive attitude when thoughts surface, and (6) continue
for a set period of time (e.g., 20 minutes).37
At work, the application of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the communication competency is vital in coping with intense stress. Consider the insights of Steve
Widom, one of the founders and chief technology officer at Chordial Solutions,
a firm that provides enterprise software and services to businesses. It is located in
The Colony, Texas (near Dallas). In information technology (IT) jobs, Widom contends that severe stress is more manageable when you learn to expect the occasional
2:00 a.m. call about a system that’s down. He chuckles: “If systems were perfect, we
would be bored. When we signed up for IT, we knew what we were getting into.”
Because IT is project based, Widom emphasizes that severe stress comes in waves
and smart stress management involves riding those waves skillfully. When those times
come, he works as hard as those employees who report to him. Widom states: “When
they work all night, I’m there with them. My rule of thumb is, for every all-nighter
you pull, you need two days of comp time.”38
Insights for Leaders
Leaders often have the authority to approve organizational stress management programs that are designed to reduce the harmful effects of severe stress (distress) in
one or more of the following ways: (1) Identify and reduce or eliminate intense work
stressors, (2) assist employees in changing their perceptions of the stressors and experienced stress, and (3) assist employees to cope more effectively with the outcomes
from severe stress.
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Reducing Work Stressors
Leader insights aimed at eliminating or modifying work stressors include:
improvements in the physical work environment;
job redesign (see Chapter 6);
changes in workloads and deadlines;
changes in work schedules, more flexible hours, and sabbaticals; and
greater levels of employee participation, particularly in planning changes that
affect them.
Improvements in job responsibilities and accountabilities can be particularly
useful in removing or reducing major role ambiguities and role conflicts—two
main sources of severe stress. When diagnosing stressors in the workplace, leaders should be particularly aware that an employee’s lack of control over the tasks
they perform heightens stress. The greatest stress occurs when jobs are high in
stressors and low in controllability (e.g., police, military in war zones, and disaster
recovery work). Thus, work stress may be reduced through (1) involvement of
employees in organizational changes that will affect them, (2) work redesign that
reduces major uncertainties and increases reasonable control over the pace of work,
and (3) improved clarity and understanding of roles. An important way to provide
employees with more control and less stress is to give individuals more control
over their time.
Larry Sanders is chairman and chief executive of Columbus Regional Healthcare
System, headquartered in Columbus, Georgia. He is the recipient of a number of
awards for his leadership in health-care and civic organizations. Sanders recognizes
the importance of giving employees appropriate control over their work and the need
for effective communication to effectively manage stress—both his own and subordinates. Sanders comments:
My style of management is inclusive, open, and honest. I delegate and then expect those
I left in charge to use their resources and capabilities to fulfill the responsibility. I was
never micromanaged, and I don’t micromanage. I was allowed to use the full range of my
abilities to accomplish tasks, and I expect those who work with me and around me to do the
same thing. Micromanagement kills the morale of an organization faster than anything
else does.39
Modifying Behaviors
Improvements targeted at behaviors and experiences of severe stress include:
team building,
career counseling and other employee assistance programs,
workshops on time management,
workshops on job burnout to help employees understand its nature and symptoms, and
training in relaxation techniques.
Dividing stress management programs into these categories doesn’t mean that
they are not related. In addition, such programs might overlap in terms of their
impact on the three target areas mentioned previously. For example, a workshop
dealing with role problems might clarify job descriptions and duties, reducing the
magnitude of these potential stressors. At the same time, through greater knowledge
and insight into roles and role problems, employees might be able to cope more
effectively with this source of stress. Similarly, career counseling might reduce career
concerns as a source of stress while improving the ability of employees to cope with
career problems.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Wellness Programs
Many organizational wellness
programs focus on preventing
the leading causes of illness
among employees, including
sedentary lifestyles and poor
nutrition habits.
One comprehensive remedy that may be approved by leaders for
improving the ability of employees to cope with severe stress is a wellness
program—a health management initiative that incorporates the components of
disease prevention, medical care, self-care, and health promotion.40 The Wellness
Councils of America (WELCOA) is a nonprofit membership organization
based in Omaha, Nebraska. It is dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles.
Its primary focus is on building Well Workplaces—organizations dedicated
to the health of their employees. The council provides a blueprint to help
organizations create programs that help employees make better lifestyle
choices and that can have a positive impact on the organization’s profits. To
date, more than 700 organizations, such as UPS, SAS, Deloitte Institute,
Microsoft, and Berkshire Hathaway, have met the rigid criteria for the Well
Workplace award and designation. WELCOA and other wellness programs
are driven by, among other factors, the continuous increases in health-care
costs paid by employers and employees. The leading causes of illness are
often preventable. Targets of wellness programs often include tobacco use,
alcohol and substance abuse, sedentary lifestyles, poor nutritional habits,
excessive and unnecessary stressors in the workplace, and inadequate
employee abilities to cope with stress.41 The scope and features of wellness programs among organizations vary widely. With skyrocketing health
insurance premiums for employers and rising copayments for employees,
there has been a surge in the adoption of wellness programs.42
The following Change Competency feature provides an overview of
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics’ wellness program, which is one of the Johnson
& Johnson family of companies.43 It is headquartered in Raritan, New
Jersey, with manufacturing operations in Rochester, New York, and elsewhere. This feature focuses on the Rochester operation. Ortho-Clinical
Diagnostics provides solutions for screening, diagnosing, monitoring, and
confirming diseases early.44
Change competency
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics’ Wellness Program
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics employs multiple strategies for enhancing employee wellness and vitality.
The cornerstone of the company’s program is a
health risk assessment and intervention program.
All of Ortho-Clinical’s 950 Rochester, New York,
employees have completed a health profile detailing their HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, blood pressure, and height,
weight, hip, and waist measurements. After completing the profile, employees receive a confidential
and personalized health assessment with recommendations and tips for improving their health.
By participating in this program, each
employee nets a $500 annual health benefit
savings. A recent Johnson & Johnson survey
indicated that participants have lower medical
expenses than those employees who choose not
to participate. In addition, they have been able to
reduce their cholesterol levels, incidents of hypertension, and cigarette smoking. “The vision of our
company is to have the healthiest employees in the
world,” says Lorraine Cleary, occupational health
nurse and a member of the company’s five-person
health and wellness team. “We want to create a
culture of complete health, ranging from our nutritious food offerings in the company cafeteria to
our outdoor walking trails,” adds Melissa Kraemer,
program manager of health and wellness.
Chapter 8
Employees have many on-site opportunities to improve their personal health. There
is a fitness center that offers 12 weekly group
exercise classes. Other activities include a worksite Weight Watchers group, smoking cessation
classes, health awareness programs and screenings, and connections with community-based
health runs and walks. A stroll through the
cafeteria further underscores a commitment to
employee health. “Roughly 80 percent of our
cafeteria food choices are nutritionally healthy,
with minimal processing,” Kraemer explains.
“Items include a complete salad bar, wholewheat pizza made with low-fat cheese, and veggie burgers on whole-wheat buns topped with
lots of vegetables.” As part of the company’s
Eat Complete campaign, one vending machine
Workplace Stress and Aggression
is dedicated to providing healthy choices, such
as yogurt, trail mix, almonds, pita chips, and
100 percent fruit juice.
In addition, Ortho-Clinical uses plenty of
marketing tools to spread the word about healthy
lifestyles. Initiatives include web-based health
resources and programs, the Healthy People
newsletter, daily e-mail tips on healthy living,
and cafeteria table tents with information on
topics ranging from injury and illness prevention to work–life programs. Outside the building, employees are treated to a relaxing setting,
which includes an extensive walking trail, gazebos, and two serene ponds. Cleary adds: “We
fully embrace Johnson & Johnson’s credo. Part of
it focuses on our responsibility to employees and
their families.”
To learn more about Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., go to www.orthoclinical.com.
Workplace Aggression
Workplace aggression includes behaviors that are intended to have the effect of harming
a person within or directly related to (e.g., customer, service representative, employee) the
organization or the organization itself.45 Aggressive workplace behavior can be grouped
into three broad categories: (1) hostility—abusive verbal or symbolic behavior such
as ‘‘the silent treatment”; (2) obstructionism—behavior that is designed to hamper
the individual’s performance, such as refusing to provide needed resources; and
(3) overt aggression—many types of assault, violence, and destruction of property.46
Recent studies of the overall percentage and estimated number of U.S. employees
who experience psychological and physical aggression show that it is excessive. In one
study, 47 million U.S. employees reported having experienced one or more forms of
psychological aggression during the previous 12 months. In addition, 7 million U.S.
employees experienced one or more forms of workplace violence during the previous
12 months. In another study, nearly 45 percent of the respondents reported that they
had worked for an abusive manager.47
Self-Serving Biases
A variety of self-serving biases have been identified for why some employees engage
in workplace aggression. Some of these biases include48:
Hostile attribution bias—the assumption that people tend to be motivated by the desire
to harm others. This bias is used at times to explain why others behave as they do.
Individuals with a strong motive to aggress may even see friendly acts by others as
being driven by hidden/hostile agendas that are designed to harm them. This type
of attribution enables aggressive persons to rationalize their own hostile behaviors
as acts of self-defense intended to head off physical or verbal attack by others.
Potency bias—the assumption that interactions with others are contests to establish
dominance versus submissiveness. This bias rationalizes the use of aggression to
dominate others as demonstrating strength, bravery, control, and fearlessness.
Learning Goal
6. Explain four major types of
workplace aggression.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
The failure to act aggressively is seen as weakness, fear, and cowardice. Thus,
aggressive individuals see their behaviors as a means of gaining respect from
others and feel that to show weakness is to encourage powerful others to take
advantage of them.
Retribution bias—individuals think that taking revenge (retribution) is more impor•
tant than preserving relationships. There is a tendency to see retaliation as a more
rational behavior than reconciliation. For example, aggression is seen as justifiable if it is thought to restore respect or exact retributions for a perceived wrong.
Retaliation is seen by aggressive individuals as more reasonable than forgiveness,
vindication is seen as more reasonable than reconciliation, and obtaining revenge
is seen as more reasonable than maintaining a relationship. This bias often
underlies justification for aggressions stimulated by wounded pride, reduced selfesteem, and perceived disrespect.
Derogation of target bias—individuals see those they wish to make (or have made)
targets of aggressions as evil, immoral, or untrustworthy. This type of influence
enables them to see the targets of aggression as deserving of it.
Social discounting bias—individuals believe that social customs reflect free will and
the opportunity to satisfy their own needs. They have a disdain for traditional ideals
and conventional beliefs and are often cynical and critical of social customs. They
show a lack of sensitivity, empathy, and concern for social customs. Socially deviant behaviors intended to harm others are justified by claiming that they allow the
aggressive individuals to obtain freedom of expression, relief from the cycles of
social customs, and liberation from social relationships. These and other underlying mechanisms for rationalizing aggression may be seen in incidents of bullying,
sexual harassment, and workplace violence.
In the remainder of this section, we present the core features of four major types
of workplace aggression: bullying, sexual harassment, violence, and aggression toward
the organization. There are potential overlaps and relationships among these types of
workplace aggression. For example, an employee may encounter a variety of bullying
behaviors, some of which may escalate into the category of workplace violence and
destruction or theft of organizational property.
Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying is repeated and persistent negative actions directed toward one or
more individuals that involve a power imbalance and create a hostile work environment.49
Unreasonable behavior refers to acts that a reasonable person, when considering all of
the circumstances, would see as victimizing, humiliating, undermining, or threatening
an employee or group of employees. Bullying often involves a misuse or abuse of power.
For the employees subject to it, they can experience difficulties in defending themselves.
Bullying cuts across race, religion, and gender. It involves offensive behaviors that a reasonable person would see as creating an intimidating, hostile, or abusive work environment. Normally, bullying must involve repeated incidents and a pattern of behavior.
Bullies engage in a variety of behaviors ranging from condescension to rage.
Table 8.4 is a questionnaire that presents 24 negative acts that have been identified as
components of workplace bullying. This questionnaire enables you to assess whether
you have experienced any of these bullying behaviors over the past six months and, if
so, how frequently and with what intensity (i.e., the cumulative number of negative
acts experienced, which can range from 1 act to a maximum of all 24 acts). In brief,
the greater the frequency of a negative act over a six-month period and the greater the
number of negative acts, the more severe the degree of bullying.50
Women as well as men may bully others at work. Women bullies target other women
an overwhelming 84 percent of the time. Men bullies target women in 69 percent of the
cases. Women are most often the targets of bullying.51
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
TABLE 8 .4 Negative Acts Associated with Workplace Bullying
Indicate how often you may have experienced each of the negative acts associated with workplace
bullying during the past six months.
Use the following scale and record your response next to each statement below:
(less than
Had information withheld that affected your performance.
Been exposed to an unmanageable workload.
Ordered to do work below your level of competence.
Given tasks with unreasonable/impossible targets/deadlines.
Had your opinions and views ignored.
Had your work excessively monitored.
Reminded repeatedly of your errors or mistakes.
Humiliated or ridiculed in connection with your work.
Had gossip and rumors spread about you.
Had insulting/offensive remarks made about you.
Been ignored, excluded, or isolated from others.
Received hints or signals from others that you should quit your job.
Been intimidated with threatening behavior.
Experienced persistent criticism of your work and effort.
Been ignored or faced hostile reactions when you approached the person.
Had key tasks removed, replaced with trivial unpleasant tasks.
Had false allegations made against you.
Subjected to excessive teasing and sarcasm.
Been shouted at or targeted with spontaneous anger (or rage).
Pressured into not claiming something to which you were entitled.
Been subjected to demeaning practical jokes.
Received unwanted sexual attention.
Received offensive remarks or behavior related to your race or ethnicity.
Experienced threats of violence or abused/attacked.
Total the number of points assigned. In general, the greater the frequency (never to daily) and the
greater the intensity (none to 24 acts), the greater the degree of bullying experienced. Based on
your responses to this instrument, how do you perceive and interpret the degree of bullying (if
any) experienced by you?
Source: Adapted from Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D., and Cooper, C. L. The concept of bullying at work.
In Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D., and Cooper, C. L. (Eds.). Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace:
International Perspectives in Research and Practice. London: Taylor & Francis, 2003, 3–30; Lutgen-Sandvik, P.,
Tracy, S. J., and Alberts, J. K. Burned by bullying in the American workplace. Journal of Management Studies,
2007, 44, 837–862.
Bullying harms the health of the individual subjected to it. Health concerns from
bullying need to be distinguished from routine office politics, teasing, incivilities, and
somewhat off-color stories/jokes. All of the effects of stress identified previously may
be experienced as a result of bullying. In addition, individuals who report severe forms
of bullying identify experiencing the following major symptoms:
General anxiety disorder—evidenced by anxiety, excessive worry, disruptive sleep,
stress headaches, and racing heart rate.
Clinical depression—evidenced by loss of concentration, disruptive sleep, obsession
over details at work, exhaustion (leading to an inability to function), and diagnosed depression.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Post-traumatic stress disorder—evidenced by feeling edgy or irritable and constantly
on guard, having recurrent nightmares and flashbacks, and needing to avoid the
feelings or thoughts that remind the bullied person of the trauma.52
In addition to the potential terrible effects of bullying on the individual, the
organization has much at stake in preventing or dealing with bullying in a direct way.
A variety of organizational effects have been associated with bullying. These include
(1) high absenteeism resulting from time taken off by the bullied employees, (2) reduced
productivity among bullied workers, (3) stress-related illnesses that increase healthcare costs to the organization, (4) reduced customer service due to bullied employees
feeling less loyalty to the organization because it is not protecting them from bullying,
and (5) increased employee turnover—82 percent of people targeted by a bully quit.53
Insights for Leaders
Many insights have been suggested to address bullying in the workplace. As a start,
leaders should have an anti-bullying workplace aggression policy that defines expectations for interpersonal relationships. Employees should understand what is and is not
acceptable behavior in the workplace. This will serve as one step toward creating a
culture in which people treat each other with courtesy and respect. Leaders need to
create a culture of respect by taking corrective action against those engaged in bullying behaviors. Increasingly, employers are no longer dismissing bullying as simply a
socially acceptable side effect of office politics. In addition to strong sexual harassment
policies, a number of firms are developing policies that address bullying. A few examples include American Express, Burger King, and JCPenney. The failure of leaders to
address bullying has resulted in successful legal action against those firms.54
In addition to the insights reviewed, leaders can do the following: (1) Speak
directly to the bully. Tell the individual that you find his or her behavior unacceptable
and that it needs to stop. Often this is all that is needed. (2) In some cases, the bullying behaviors are not seen by others. Thus, tell a friend or work colleague. You may
soon learn that you are not the only one who has been subject to the person’s bullying.
(3) Keep a diary of the specific behaviors and incidents of bullying and when each
occurred. Many of the incidents in isolation may seem minor, but when put together,
they can establish a serious pattern over time. (4) Discuss the experience of bullying
with the bully. If your manager is the person who is doing the bullying, you may need
to discuss the matter with a person in the human resources department. (5) If these
initial steps are not effective, it may be necessary to file a formal complaint, consistent
with the organization’s policies.55 There is no assurance that these steps will be effective. Unfortunately, too often employees have found it necessary to resign from their
positions or seek a transfer to a different department to remove themselves from the
bullying activity.
A special type of bullying in the workforce is mobbing—the ganging up by coworkers, subordinates, or superiors to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and/or isolation. As with the traditional form of bullying,
mobbing may result in high turnover, low morale, decreased productivity, increased
absenteeism, and a loss of key individuals. It may eventually lead to diminished
teamwork, trust, and a toxic workplace culture. It is estimated that about 5 percent of
employees are targets of mobbing sometime during their working lives.56
The prime targets of mobbers are often high achievers, enthusiastic employees, those of high integrity and ethical standards, those who don’t belong to the
“in-group,” women with family responsibilities, and even those with different
religious or cultural orientations.57 Mobbing is much more difficult for an employee
to deal with than bullying. Why? The employee is not simply dealing with the actions
of another, but rather that of many of his or her coworkers and/or superiors. While
training a work team, one anonymous employee reported about witnessing mobbing:
“I noticed a young man, relatively new to the company, who sat alone. Whenever he
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
spoke, someone hurled a wisecrack his way. If he entered or left the room, jibes from
his ‘teammates’ followed. At a break, I asked if this harassment was typical. ‘Oh,’ he
answered, ‘it’s been like that since I got here. It’s not everybody, just four or five guys.
I guess I have to put up with it because I’m new.’ I offered to address the obnoxious
behavior or get help from his manager, but he refused. ‘Don’t,’ he pleaded. ‘That’ll
only make it worse. I just try to put up with it.’ ”58
The employee subject to mobbing may find that colleagues no longer meet
with her or him. Management may not provide the possibility to communicate, the
employee may be isolated in a work area, perhaps the employee is given meaningless
work assignments, or the employee may be repeatedly left out of the information
loop critical to his or her work. Taken together and repeated over time, these kinds of
actions may be devastating for the employee. In too many cases, the only recourse for
the employee is to seek a transfer within the organization or resign the position.59
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is one of the many categories of harassment that may occur in the
workplace. As discussed in Chapter 2, harassment refers to verbal or physical conduct
that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual because of that person’s race,
skin color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability. Harassment can also
occur if conduct is directed toward a person’s relatives, friends, or associates.60 Please
recall from Chapter 2 that harassment does one or more of the following: (1) has
the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; (2) Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
work performance; or (3) otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment
In Chapter 2, we stated that sexual harassment generally refers to unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature.61 Sexual harassment consists of two types of prohibited conduct in the
United States: (1) quid pro quo—in which submission to harassment is used as the basis
for employment decisions, and (2) hostile environment—in which harassment creates
an offensive working environment. Please see Chapter 2 for a discussion of behaviors
that constitute sexual harassment.
In Chapter 2, we also stated that any harassment policy, including one on sexual
harassment, should contain (1) a definition of the harassment, (2) a harassment
prohibition statement, (3) a description of the organization’s complaint procedure,
(4) a description of disciplinary measures for such harassment, and (5) a statement of
protection against retaliation.62
Stopping Sexual Harassment
A few highlights of the insights for stopping sexual harassment, include63:
Tell the person that his or her behavior is offensive. Firmly refuse all invitations.
If the harassment doesn’t end promptly, write a letter instructing the harasser to
stop and keep a copy.
As soon as the employee experiences the sexual harassment, she or he should start
writing it down, including dates, places, times, and possible witnesses to what
happened. If possible, coworkers should be asked to write down what they saw or
heard, especially if the same thing is happening to them. Remember that others
may (and probably will) read this written record at some point. It is a good idea
for the employee to keep a duplicate record at home or in some other safe place.
The employee should not keep the only record at work.
The employee should tell the manager, human resources representative, or some
other department or person within the organization who has the power to stop
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
the harassment. If possible, tell them in writing. Keep a copy of any written
complaint made to the employer. It is very important that the employee report
the harassment because the employer must know or have reason to know about
the harassment in order to be legally responsible for a coworker’s, client’s, or
customer’s actions. Even if the harasser was the manager, the employee may need
to show that the harassment was reported to the employer or be able to give a
good reason why it wasn’t.
When the employee reports the sexual harassment to the employer, it needs to be
done in writing. Describe the problem and how the employee wants it fixed. This
creates a written record of when the employee complained and what happened in
response to it. Keep copies of everything sent and received from the employer.
Most employers have policies for dealing with sexual harassment complaints. The
employee must attempt to resolve the problem through this process. It is important to follow the employer’s procedures.
An employee in the United States has the right to file a complaint with the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission and/or a state agency. As a last resort, a
lawsuit in federal or state court may be filed.
Sexual harassment continues to be a serious form of workplace aggression because
it may lead to one or more of the discussed reactions outlined for bullying. As with
bullying, leaders have a responsibility to do everything in their power to prevent
sexual harassment from occurring. When it does occur, it needs to be dealt with
quickly and firmly.
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated, or
assaulted and that represents an explicit or implicit challenge to the person’s safety, wellbeing, or health at work.64 A number of behaviors are considered to be forms of workplace violence. These include murder, rape, robbery, wounding, battering, kicking,
throwing objects, biting, hitting, pushing, kicking, spitting, scratching, squeezing or
pinching, stalking, intimidation, threats, leaving offensive messages, rude gestures,
swearing, harassment (including sexual, racial, and other), intense bullying or mobbing, sabotage, theft, property damage, and arson.65 It is generally recognized that
numerous incidents of workplace violence are never officially reported or, if so, never
formally recorded.66
Harm Model
As noted previously, there are potential overlaps in the types of aggressive workplace
behaviors that are considered to constitute bullying, sexual harassment, and workplace violence. These relationships and overlaps are suggested in the harm model of
aggression—a continuum that ranges from harassment to aggression to rage to mayhem.67
The types of conduct related to each level of aggressive or threatening behavior occur
on an ascending scale, as follows:
Harassment. The first level of behavior on the continuum is harassment. This
behavior may or may not cause harm or discomfort to the employee. But, harassment is generally considered unacceptable in the workplace. Examples of harassment include acting in a condescending way to a customer, slamming an office
door, glaring at a colleague, or playing frequent practical and cruel jokes.
Aggression. Aggressive behaviors are those that cause harm to or discomfort for
another employee or for the organization. Such behaviors include shouting at a
customer, spreading damaging rumors about a coworker, or damaging someone’s
personal belongings. Clearly, all of these behaviors are inappropriate for the
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Rage. The third level on the continuum is rage. Rage is seen through intense
behaviors that often cause fear in other employees and which may result in physical or emotional harm to people or damage to property. Rage typically makes the
inappropriate behaviors physical and visible. Examples of rage can range from
pushing a customer to sabotaging a coworker’s presentation or leaving hate statements on someone’s desk.
Mayhem. The final stage is mayhem. This stage represents physical violence
against employees or customers or the violent destruction of property. Activity
in this category can range from punching a customer or ransacking an office to
physically punching a coworker or superior to destroying a facility to shooting a
coworker or superior to death.
Warning Signs
Employees who engage in workplace violence at the rage and mayhem levels frequently
exhibit clear observable warning signs. These warning signs include the following:
(1) violent and threatening behavior—including hostility and approval of the use of violence; (2) “strange” behavior—becoming reclusive, deteriorating personal appearance/
hygiene, and erratic behavior; (3) performance problems—including problems with attendance or tardiness; (4) interpersonal problems—including numerous conflicts, hypersensitivity to comments, and expressions of resentment; and (5) “at the end of his (or her)
rope”—indicators of impending suicide, the expression of an unspecified plan to “solve
all problems” and the like, and statements of access to and familiarity with weapons.68
Triggering Events
There are identifiable sets of triggering events. The triggering event is seen to the
violence-prone individual as the last straw that creates a mind-set of no way out or no
more options. The most common sets of triggering events that lead to rage or mayhem
are (1) being fired, laid off, or suspended or passed over for promotion; (2) disciplinary
action, poor performance review, severe criticism from one’s superior or coworkers;
(3) bank or court action such as foreclosure, restraining orders, or custody hearings;
(4) a benchmark date—the anniversary of the employee at the organization, chronological age, a date of some horrendous event (such as September 11, 2001, or the
aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Ike); or (5) failed or spurned romance or
a personal crisis such as separation, divorce, or death in the family.69 These types of
triggering events are indicators that allow employers to anticipate an employee who
exhibits these warning signs for engaging in rage or mayhem.
Insights for Leaders
There are a number of insights for leaders to help prevent workplace violence.
During the hiring process, careful interviewing and background checks are essential. For the existing workforce, leaders’ application of the foundation competencies
developed throughout this book will minimize the conditions that trigger incidents of
workplace violence. Employee training related to workplace violence is increasingly
seen as essential. When the early warning signs of the potential for an employee to
engage in workplace violence occur, the appropriate use of counseling, employee
assistance program referrals, sound security measures, and preventive disciplinary
actions will be helpful.
A zero-tolerance violence policy that is fairly enforced and consistently communicated is a foundation guideline for minimizing and taking corrective action
with respect to workplace violence.70 First, a formal policy sends a strong signal to
employees that workplace violence will not be tolerated. Second, the severity of the
penalty for violent behavior should further reinforce the message. Third, a policy lets
employees know exactly what conduct is prohibited.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
Coping with violence among employees within the workplace is one challenge;
another is coping with intimate partner violence that enters the workplace directly
(the partner works in the same organization) or indirectly (the partner is not a member of the organization). Intimate partner violence refers to the rage committed by a
spouse, ex-spouse, or current or former boyfriend/girlfriend.71 Typically, it is committed
by a male. This violence is not only traumatic for the victim, but difficult for leaders
and the victim’s peers in knowing how to respond—or if they should even attempt
to respond. Although few in number, an increasing number of organizations are
putting in place programs and policies to assist employees who are victims of intimate partner violence. A few of these organizations include American Express, Liz
Claiborne (an early leader), CIGNA, and Kaiser Permanente. The Corporate Alliance
to End Partner Violence provides information on intimate partner violence as related
to the workplace.72 In a recent study, only 13 percent of executives say organizations should provide formal policies and practices to address domestic violence. In
contrast, 9 out of 10 employees in the study think their employers should assist in
addressing the problem.
As suggested in the following Diversity Competency, the best efforts of leaders
and peers are not always sufficient in helping the employee who is a victim of intimate
partner violence.73 The setting is the Darwin Realty & Development Corporation,
headquartered in suburban Chicago. It is a privately held real estate brokerage, property management, investment, and development firm.74 The president and peers of
Cindy Bischof did all that was possible.
Diversity competency
Darwin Realty
Cindy Bischof was not the kind of woman who
would normally let a boyfriend get in the way of
her career. Motivated and productive, Bischof
was an admired partner at Darwin Realty. She was
a role model to the firm’s young women, a mentor to junior brokers, a 43-year-old high achiever.
Her peers voted her Industrial Broker of the Year.
Bischof was neither submissive nor easily intimidated—which is why what happened to her on
March 7, 2008, is all the more shocking.
For nearly a year, Bischof had been trying to
untangle herself from a soured five-year relationship with an out-of-work salesman named Michael
Giroux. After their breakup in May 2007, the
handsome and charming Giroux turned strange
and dangerous. The day of the breakup, Bischof
changed the locks on her house. That night she
went to stay with her parents. Giroux smashed
the back windows of her house, broke in, and
threw paint all over her furniture, rugs, and appliances. Giroux began calling Bischof incessantly
on her cell phone. He stalked her at her house,
at her parent’s house, even on the golf course.
Bischof’s torment became Darwin Realty’s
nightmare as the firm’s leaders and peers rallied
around her. They helped clean up the damage to
her house, which cost her $70,000, according to
police reports. The head of Bischof’s department
installed a camouflaged infrared deer hunting
camera in the bushes of her backyard to take
pictures of her deck at night.
In August 2007, the camera caught Giroux
there with a rope, making a noose. Darwin’s
president, George Cibula, arranged for Bischof
to move into a rental property 30 miles away in
Plainfield so that Giroux couldn’t find her. Cibula
hired security guards for the company Christmas
party. Sometimes Bischof’s partners walked her
out to her car at night, just in case.
But Bischof was alone that Friday afternoon
in March 2008 as she left her office and headed
to her car. She was looking forward to joining her
parents at her condo in Estero, Florida. Minutes
later, Brian Liston, a Darwin partner working in a
corner office, heard four gunshots behind him.
He turned and there, outside his office window,
Chapter 8
lay Bischof, face down on the parking-lot pavement. Giroux, wearing a baseball cap and a
fake mustache, had been lying in wait at the tire
store next door. He shot and fatally wounded her
before shooting himself in the head.
While police spent hours investigating the
obvious, employees huddled in the hallways
and conference rooms as shock turned to horror and then to unbearable grief. “It’s still not
over,” Cibula said months later, choking up. “All
you can do is endure the shock of it.” As the top
executive, Cibula doesn’t know what he could
have done differently. He couldn’t shield his staff
from the trauma. No amount of security would
Workplace Stress and Aggression
have stopped so determined a killer, he believes.
“Cindy did not want to bring her personal problems to work. But we butted our way in anyway
because she was our friend and colleague.”
Cathy Radek, one of Bischof’s colleagues, recalls:
“She was petrified, and we were petrified for
her. Bischof was doing everything she could to
switch up her routines. I made sure she called me
multiple times a day. Check-ins were required.”
Radek and Darwin president Cibula attended
every court hearing—to give moral support to
Bischof and send Giroux a message to leave her
alone. “It was an emotional roller coaster for
everybody,” Radek states.
To learn more about Darwin Realty, go to www.darwinrealty.com.
Employee attitudes, demographics, and the efforts of an increasing number of
leaders are converging to bring this issue out in the open. With so many women in the
workforce, and with e-mail, text messaging, and cell phones connecting them to the
office around the clock, intimate partner violence comes to work whether executives
like it or not. Employees are well aware of this.
Aggression toward the Organization
Our discussion has focused on three of the types of workplace aggression as they
impact the employee or groups of employees. An employee who feels unjustly treated,
whether for a good cause or self-serving rationalization, may also engage in aggressive
behaviors against the organization. At times, the aggression toward the organization is
seen as a way of retaliating against the employee’s manager or higher levels of leadership. Direct aggression toward management may be seen as resulting in reprisals, such
as disciplinary actions or dismissal. The employee might ignore customers and their
requests or be rude to them, but not to the point that the customers are likely to complain to higher management. Or, the employee might say negative things as a way of
blaming the customers’ problems on higher management.75 As suggested previously,
other forms of aggression against the organization may include (1) theft of equipment,
supplies, or money; (2) damaging or destroying equipment and facilities; and (3) slacking off whenever possible and withholding ideas for improvements.
Chapter Summary
Stress is the excitement, feeling of anxiety, and/or physical tension that occurs when
the demands placed on individuals exceed their ability to cope. The stories of stress
are often about negative stress. An individual’s general biological responses to severe
stressors prepare them to fight or flee—behaviors generally inappropriate in the
workplace. Many factors determine how employees experience severe work stress,
including their perception of the situation, past experiences, the presence or absence
of social support, and a variety of individual differences.
1. Explain the concept of
and influences on creating
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
2. Identify the primary
sources of work-related
3. State the potential impacts
of severe stress on health,
performance, and job
4. Describe how individual
differences influence
reactions to stressful
5. Apply individual and
leader insights to the
management of workplace
6. Explain four major types
of workplace aggression.
Organizational sources of severe stress at work often include (1) workload, (2) job
conditions, (3) role conflict and ambiguity, (4) career development, (5) interpersonal relations, (6) conflict between work and life roles, and (7) workplace aggression, especially bullying, sexual harassment, and violence. In addition, significant
changes or other events in an individual’s personal life may also be sources of severe
Severe stress may affect an individual physiologically, emotionally, and behaviorally.
Severe stress is linked to various health problems. An arch-shaped relationship exists
between stress and performance. In other words, an optimal level of stress probably
exists for any particular task. Less or more stress than that level may lead to reduced
performance. Job burnout is a major result of unrelieved and intense job-related
Several personality characteristics are related to differences in how individuals cope
with severe stress. Individuals with a Type A personality are more prone to stress and
have an increased chance of experiencing physical ailments due to it. Some dimensions of the Type A personality, such as hostility, are particularly important in terms of
stress-related illness. In contrast, the collection of personality traits known as hardiness seems to reduce the effects of severe stress.
Stress is a real issue for both individuals and organizations. Fortunately, various
insights can help leaders and employees manage stress in the workplace. These
insights often focus on identifying and removing workplace stressors as well as helping
employees cope with stress.
Workplace aggression includes a variety of behaviors: psychological acts such as
shouting or intimidating remarks, physical assault, and destruction or theft of property. Four of the more common types of workplace aggression include bullying,
sexual harassment, violence, and aggression toward the organization itself. There
may be overlaps in the behaviors associated with each type, as suggested by the harm
model. This model represents a continuum of levels of violence from harassment to
aggression to rage to mayhem. Mayhem may include murder or the destruction of
organizational property. A variety of guidelines for minimizing and taking corrective action with respect to bullying, sexual harassment, and workplace violence were
Key Terms and Concepts
Depersonalization, 230
Derogation of target bias, 240
Fight-or-flight response, 221
Hardiness, 233
Hardy personality, 233
Harm model of aggression, 244
Hostile attribution bias, 239
Intimate partner violence, 246
Job burnout, 230
Life stressors, 227
Mobbing, 242
Post-traumatic stress disorder, 229
Potency bias, 239
Retribution bias, 240
Role ambiguity, 224
Role conflict, 224
Role overload, 223
Social discounting bias, 240
Stress, 221
Stress management, 235
Type A personality, 232
Type B personality, 232
Wellness program, 238
Workplace aggression, 239
Workplace bullying, 240
Workplace incivility, 225
Workplace violence, 244
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and Aggression
Discussion Questions
Go to www.howtolayoffemployees.com. What suggestions are presented that help to reduce the stresses of
being laid off ?
What are the ethical implications for leaders who
ignore the impacts of severe workplace stress on their
Assume a leader is lacking in the diversity competency.
How does this deficiency link to the severe workplace
stress experienced by some or all employees?
Give an example of your use of the fight-or-flight
response. In that situation, all things considered, was
your response effective or ineffective?
Have you experienced or observed workplace incivility?
If yes, what impacts, if any, did it have on you or others?
Review the Self-Competency feature entitled “Chesley
Sullenberger III, Captain of US Airways Flight 1549.”
Based on the descriptions of Sullenberger, what characteristics of the hardy personality are illustrated?
Tie the specific comments about him to each of the
characteristics identified.
7. Review the Change Competency feature entitled
“Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics’ Wellness Program.”
How does this program help reduce work stressors and
modify behaviors?
8. Identify and list some of the stressors in a job that you
have had. Which were the most difficult to deal with?
9. How would others who know you assess you in
comparison to (a) the Type A personality, (b) the Type B
personality, and (c) the hardy personality? Explain.
10. Have you experienced or witnessed workplace bullying?
If yes, did the organization’s leaders deal with it effectively? Explain.
11. Have you experienced or witnessed workplace violence?
If yes, did the organization’s leaders deal with it effectively? Explain.
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Work-Related Stress Inventory76
_____ 6.
The following statements ask about the availability of various
individuals to provide support when you experience stressful
problems at work or school. Please respond to each item by
recording a number from the rating scale below next to each
statement. Rate the support from your leader, your coworkers,
and your partner/family/friends in helping you with stressful
issues and events.
How much can you rely on others . . .
Instrumental Support
_____ 7. . . . to give you practical assistance when you
experience work-related problems?
_____ 8. . . . to spend time helping you resolve your workrelated problems?
_____ 9. . . . to help when things get tough at work?
Not at all
A little
Emotional Support
_____ 1. . . . to help you feel better when you experience
work-related problems?
_____ 2. . . . to listen to you when you need to talk about
work-related problems?
_____ 3. . . . to be sympathetic and understanding about
your work-related problems?
Informational Support
_____ 4. . . . to suggest ways to find out more about a work
situation that is causing you problems?
_____ 5. . . . to share their experiences of a work problem
similar to yours?
. . . to provide information that helps to clarify
your work-related problems?
Appraisal Support
_____ 10. . . . to reassure you about your ability to deal with
your work-related problems?
_____ 11. . . . to acknowledge your efforts to resolve your
work-related problems?
_____ 12. . . . to help you evaluate your attitudes and feelings about your work-related problems?
Emotional support from others: Sum the points for items
1–3 _____.
Informational support from others: Sum the points for
items 4–6 _____.
Instrumental support from others: Sum the points for
items 7–9 _____.
Appraisal support from others: Sum the totals for items
10–12 _____.
Part 2
The Individual in Organizations
12 to15 points suggest you have much support for that
7 to 11 points suggest you have some support for that
3 to 6 points suggest you are on your own for that
Overall: Sum the points for all 12 items. Total scores of
48 to 60 points suggest a pattern of strong support. Total
scores of 12 to 24 points suggest a pattern of feeling
isolated and alone in dealing with problems that create
work-related stress. Total scores of 25–47 suggest a pattern of some or mixed support.
1. Do your scores suggest that you need to take action to
lower your stress level? If “yes,” what actions do you
think would be most effective?
2. Of the seven competencies discussed in this book (communication, self, diversity, etc.), which three are likely
to be most effective and important to you in managing
your stress level? Explain.
Case: Ethics Competency
Coleen Colombo and Colleagues Resist Mortgage Fraud 77
Coleen Colombo joined the Concord (California) branch
of BNC in 2003. The small office, next to a Mercedes–Benz
dealership and a run-down Kmart, was part of a regional
group that funded some $1.2 billion worth of loans each
month. Colombo initially thrived in her job as a senior underwriter. In a performance review, she received a top rating of
“exceeds expectations,” according to a wrongful termination
and harassment suit filed in California Superior Court on
behalf of Colombo and five other female employees.
The environment turned hostile in 2005 and thereafter, the suit says. At that time, one fellow employee, a male
wholesaler, began bringing Colombo questionable loans with
incorrect salaries, occupations, and home values, she says. In
one instance, she claims in the suit, the wholesaler “tried to
bribe (Colombo) to allow a loan with fraudulent information
to go through.”
The bribes, known as spiffs, were common at the BNC
branch, says Sylvia Vega-Sutfin, a former wholesaler who
left the firm in 2005. The mother of four, who says she made
$16,000 a month during the boom, says that some underwriters demanded spiffs of $1,000 for the first 10 loans and $2,500
for the next 20 loans, whether they approved the mortgages
or not. When she refused to pay them, Vega-Sutfin says, her
loan files started to go missing and the size of her commission checks plummeted. Her bosses “said they would make
an example of me to others: ‘If you complain, this is what will
happen,’” she says.
Colombo says in her lawsuit that she e-mailed the
regional vice president for operations to report the wholesaler
who tried to bribe her. She claims the vice president brushed
off her complaints in a meeting. Colombo “left the office in
tears,” the suit says. After she returned from a short leave of
absence, the branch manager told her a coworker “wanted her
terminated for making the complaints,” Colombo claims.
Meanwhile, the wholesaler who tried to bribe Colombo
started sexually harassing her, according to the suit. The
male colleague made her feel “uncomfortable and fearful”
by “intentionally rubbing his body against hers.” Colombo
resigned from BNC in 2005. “You would have thought he was
the pimp and we were his prostitutes,” says Linda Weekes,
another underwriter who is part of the suit. “It felt like a
dirty place to work.” The case has been on hold since BNC’s
owner, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy on September
15, 2008. “We dispute the allegations made by these former
employees and will be contesting them on the merits in the
pending litigation,” says a Lehman spokesman.
The world came crashing down for wholesalers when
subprime loans started going bad. Wall Street quickly reined
in its mortgage factories, tightening lending standards, pulling
credit lines, and forcing lenders to buy back the same risky
loans it once consumed. For the thousands of wholesalers
swept up in the excitement and excess of a manic market, it
was time to find a new job.
1. Is the “fight-or-flight” response evident in this case?
2. What influences on the stress experience appear to be
3. What were the primary work-related stressors for
Coleen Colombo and Sylvia Vega-Sutfin? Explain.
4. Do you think the lawsuit was warranted? Explain.
5. What defense mechanisms used by individuals to justify
aggressive behaviors are evident? Explain.
Leadership and
Team Behaviors
Interpersonal Communication
in Organizations
Leadership Effectiveness:
Leadership Effectiveness:
New Perspectives
Developing and Leading Teams
Managing Conflict and Negotiating
Interpersonal Communication
in Organizations
Learning Content
After studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
Learning from Experience
Julia Stewart, Chairman and CEO of DineEquity
Describe the core elements of
interpersonal communication.
Explain the factors that foster
ethical communications.
Diagnose nonverbal
communication behaviors.
Understand the importance of
cultural and nonverbal barriers
to communication.
Discuss the role of
communication networks.
Elements of Interpersonal Communication
Ethical Interpersonal Communications
Change Competency
Susan Powers, Chief Information Officer, Travelport GDS
Nonverbal Communication
Communication Competency
Poor Nonverbal Signals Prior to Layoffs
Intercultural Communication
Across Cultures Competency
Tahir Ayub, Partner, PwC
Interpersonal Communication Networks
Change Competency
Michael Ward’s Reflections on CSX’s One Plan Redesign
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Communication Competency
Communication Inventory
Case: Communication Competency
Learning from Experience
Julia Stewart, Chairman and CEO of DineEquity
To learn more about DineEquity, go to www.dineequity.com.
She often finds herself saying, “I thought
of something in the shower. The other day my
general counsel said, ‘You must have the biggest
water bill of anybody here.’ I have a pad I keep in
my bathroom, and when I get an idea, I just start
writing. I bring these little pieces of paper into
the office. Some of the strategies involved with
the Applebee’s [deal] came from shower notes.”
As one of her vice presidents comments,
“She’s big on us all reading books. Recently,
everybody in the company read The Oz Principle.
The Oz Principle is that every human being goes
below the line and says something catty or inappropriate about someone. It’s human nature. And
it’s okay, but you can’t just stay there. You’ve got
to get back up above the line.”
Stewart nurtures relationships with franchisees very carefully. The most important part of
a relationship is communication. “I constantly
talk with franchisees making certain that they
Julia Stewart serves as chairman and chief
executive officer of DineEquity, Inc. DineEquity
franchises and operates a small number of restaurants under the Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill
& Bar and IHOP brands. A franchise is a system
that enables a franchisor (DineEquity) to arrange
for a franchisee to handle specific products
and services under mutually agreed-on conditions. In 2007, Stewart led DineEquity’s acquisition of Applebee’s, which brought together
two restaurant brands and created the largest
full-service restaurant company in the world with
more than 3,300 locations, 99 percent of which
are franchised. DineEquity has approximately
200 franchise groups, each of which operates
multiple restaurants. DineEquity is headquartered
in Glendale, California. Stewart is a recipient of
major industry awards and serves on various
association and charity boards.
She says “I can tell a lot about people by the
way they act toward the food server. So I typically
never hire anyone without going out to eat with
them. It’s a great way to learn about a person.
If you have a conversation with me and never
acknowledge the food server, you are being disrespectful and will never work for me.”
Stewart uses e-mail, but voice mail works
best for her. She comments: “I feel strongly
about returning people’s phone calls and treating them with dignity. Everybody deserves a
return phone call. Employees have to return
franchisee phone calls within 24 hours. That’s
standard procedure.” She finds e-mail sort of
stale and impersonal. Stewart doesn’t allow
BlackBerrys to be used in meetings. “We want
people’s undivided attention to each other,
and I can’t find anything more disruptive than
those,” she says.
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understand our vision, they understand where
leaders want to take the brand, they’re supportive; there’s collaboration, there’s buy-in.
This is an ongoing process.” She doesn’t think
you ever stop that. “At the core of continuing
that re-energizing with Applebee’s franchisees is
the communication and ongoing conversations
with them, because they have to buy in. They’re
doing a lot of the heavy lifting. We’re certainly
doing the strategic part, but they’re doing the
execution day in and day out. So it’s making sure
they feel comfortable.”
Michael Smith, a restaurant analyst, comments:
“I’ve been impressed with how she came up with
a plan to execute franchisees’ desires, and she’s
done a good job of executing. You’d have to give
her an A for that. At one time, I saw IHOP as being
in a box that was going to be hard to get out of,
and she got them out of it.” Stewart is engaged in
leading the same transformation at Applebee’s.1
In the Learning from Experience feature, Julia Stewart demonstrates the importance
of effective interpersonal communications for achieving organizational effectiveness. Her commitment to ethical interpersonal communications is evident through
her practice of using four factors that foster ethical dialogues: communication openness, constructive feedback, appropriate self-disclosure, and active listening. ( These
factors are discussed in detail later in the chapter.) Recall from Chapter 1 that the
communication competency involves the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all the
modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and feelings—
verbal, listening, nonverbal, and written—for accurately transferring and exchanging
This chapter focuses primarily on providing a path for individuals to enhance
their communication competency with an emphasis on interpersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication refers to a limited number of people who (1) are usually in
proximity to each other, (2) use many sensory channels, and (3) are able to provide immediate
feedback.2 First, we discuss the process, types, and patterns of verbal, nonverbal, and
other forms of communication used by employees on the job. Second, we discuss ethical communications in organizations. Third, we examine the nature and importance
of nonverbal communication in interpersonal communication. Fourth, we discuss the
importance of cultural context and differences in communications. Fifth, we review
the role of communication networks in organizations, including the impacts of e-mail
and instant messaging technologies.
Learning Goal
1. Describe the core
elements of interpersonal
Elements of Interpersonal Communication
For accurate interpersonal communication to take place, the sender’s message must be
the same as that interpreted by the receiver. Recall Julia Stewart’s views: “I constantly
talk with franchisees making certain that they understand our vision, they understand
where leaders want to take the brand, they’re supportive; there’s collaboration, there’s
buy-in. This is an ongoing process.”
Figure 9.1 presents the elements of interpersonal communication involving only
two people. This process is not easy, and by considering its components, you can readily see that it becomes increasingly complex as more people participate.
Sender and Receiver
Exchanges between people are an element of interpersonal communication. Labeling
one person as the sender and the other as the receiver is arbitrary. These roles shift
back and forth, depending on where the individuals are in the process. When the
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
FIGURE 9.1 Elements of Interpersonal Communication
receiver responds to the sender, the original receiver becomes the sender and the
initiating sender becomes the receiver.
Transmitters and Receptors
Transmitters (used by the sender) and receptors (used by the receiver) are the means available for sending and receiving messages. They usually involve one or more of the senses:
seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting. Transmission can take place both verbally and nonverbally. Once transmission begins, the communication process moves
beyond the direct control of the sender. A message that has been transmitted cannot
be brought back. How many times have you thought to yourself “I wish I hadn’t said
that” or “Why did I hit send?”
Messages and Channels
Messages include the sent data and the coded symbols that give particular meaning to the
data. By using both verbal and nonverbal symbols, the sender tries to ensure that
messages are interpreted by the receiver as the sender intended. To understand the
difference between an original meaning and a received message, think about an occasion when you tried to convey inner thoughts and feelings of happiness, rage, or fear
to another person. Did you find it difficult or impossible to transmit your true “inner
The greater the difference between the interpreted meaning and the original
message, the poorer will be the communication. Words and nonverbal symbols have
no meaning by themselves. Their meaning is created by the sender, the receiver, and
the situation or context. Recall the importance of context and nonverbal communications to Stewart when interviewing potential employees. She states, “I can tell a lot
about people by the way they act toward the food server. So I typically never hire
anyone without going out to eat with them. It’s a great way to learn about a person.
If you have a complete conversation with me and never acknowledge the food server,
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you are being disrespectful and will never work for me.” In our discussion later in this
chapter of potential interpersonal barriers, we examine why messages aren’t always
interpreted as they were meant to be.3
Channels are the means by which messages travel from sender to receiver. Examples
of channels would be the “air” during person-to-person conversations, e-mail via
the Internet, and the telephone. In the Learning from Experience feature, Stewart
indicated the importance of face-to-face communication with both employees and
franchisees. Recall Stewart’s feelings about e-mail: She finds it stale and impersonal and doesn’t allow BlackBerrys to be used in meetings. “We want people’s
undivided attention to each other, and I can’t find anything more disruptive than
those,” she says.
Media Richness
Media richness is the capacity of a communication approach to transmit cues and provide
feedback.4 As suggested in Figure 9.2, the richness of each medium is a blend of
several factors. One factor is the speed of personalized feedback provided through the
medium. It is shown on the vertical axis as varying from slow to fast. A second factor
is the variety of cues and language provided through the medium. It is shown on the
horizontal axis as varying from single to multiple. A cue is a stimulus, either consciously
or unconsciously perceived, that results in a response by the receiver. Figure 9.2 relates
12 different media to these two factors. A medium may vary somewhat in richness,
depending on its use by sender and receiver. For example, e-mail may be associated
with slower or quicker feedback than indicated in Figure 9.2. The speed depends on
accessibility to e-mail messages and the receiver’s tendency to reply immediately or
later. Messages that require a long time to digest are low in richness. Julia Stewart,
for example, makes a special effort to employ rich media through one-on-one and
FIGURE 9.2 Examples of Media Richness
Face-to-face dialogue
Speed of Personal Feedback
Telephone conversation
Instant messages
Voice mail
Text messages
Organization’s own videos
Organization’s website
Formal written documents
Formal numerical documents
Cues and Language
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
small group meetings and personal phone calls. She comments: “I feel strongly
about returning people’s phone calls and treating them with dignity. Everybody
deserves a return phone call. Employees have to return franchisee phone calls within
24 hours. That’s standard procedure.”
Data are the output of the communication. Face-to-face dialogue is shown as
the highest in richness in Figure 9.2 and formal numerical documents as the lowest. The data become information when they reinforce or change the receivers’
All of the media identified in Figure 9.2 clearly have their place and use.
Moreover, a complex decision, such as DineEquity’s decision to acquire Applebee’s,
requires the use of multiple media—ranging from formal documents prepared for
shareholders and governmental agencies to face-to-face dialogue with executives and
franchisees. The effective processing of a complex decision may start with face-toface dialogue to gain an understanding and agreement on the issues and problems
to be addressed. Then, some of the individuals may be assigned the task of developing formal documents related to the decision. These documents are likely to be the
basis for further face-to-face dialogue. Recall Julia Stewart’s comment that she often
comes up with ideas while taking a shower. She states: “I have a pad I keep in my
bathroom, and when I get an idea, I just start writing. I bring these little pieces of
paper into the office.”
Meaning and Feedback
The sender’s message is transmitted through channels to the receiver’s five senses in
interpersonal communications. As Figure 9.1 suggests, received messages are changed
from their symbolic form (e.g., spoken words) to a form that has meaning. Meaning
represents a person’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes.
Encoding gives personal meaning to messages that are to be sent. Vocabulary and
knowledge play an important role in the sender’s ability to encode. Unfortunately,
some professionals have difficulty communicating with people in general. They use
vocabulary that only other professionals in the same field can understand. Lawyers
often encode (write) contracts that directly affect consumers but use language that
only other lawyers can decode. Consumer groups have pressed to have such contracts written in a language that almost everyone can understand. As a result, many
banks, credit card firms, and other organizations have simplified the language in
their contracts.
Decoding gives personal, interpreted meaning to messages that are received. People
decode messages so that the meanings received are reasonably close to the meanings
transmitted. The accurate decoding of messages is often a major challenge in communicating. Communication accuracy should be evaluated in relation to an ideal state.
This occurs when the sender’s intended meaning and the receiver’s interpretation of
it are the same.5 The transmission of factual data of a nonthreatening nature approximates the ideal state. For example, the sharing of the time, place, and procedures
for a high school or college commencement ceremony generally results in easy and
accurate interpersonal communication.
The interpersonal communication process during a meeting to terminate a
long-term employee due to downsizing is a complex matter. Consider the reflections
of a leader who has had to meet with and terminate employees who were performing well:
If you have done it as long as I have, the challenge is that you focus on the job so much
that is to be done that you ignore the individual and it can become cold. You can just race
through the process. If this is the first time you have done it, you can be so caught up in
the sympathetic role that one must play that you are not able to convey the message. So it
is striking the appropriate balance between the two extremes.6
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Communication Insight
It’s important to listen to what people are
proud of as well as what they think we
should change. You learn so much from
asking the questions of a wide variety of
people in the organization.
Feedback is the receiver’s response to the message. It lets the
sender know whether the message was received as intended.
Interpersonal communication becomes a dynamic, two-way
process through feedback, rather than just a one-way event.
Interpersonal Barriers
Barriers to interpersonal communication are numerous.7 Let’s
review briefly the more important barriers that stem from
Patricia Woertz, Chairman and CEO, Archer Daniels
individual differences and perceptions. Later in the chapter, we
address cultural barriers in interpersonal communications.
Individual personality traits that serve as barriers to communication include low adjustment (nervous, self-doubting, and
moody), low sociability (shy, unassertive, and withdrawn), low conscientiousness (impulsive, careless, and irresponsible), low agreeableness (independent, cold, and rude), and
low intellectual openness (dull, unimaginative, and literal minded). Introverts are likely
to be more quiet and emotionally inexpressive (see Chapter 3) than extroverts.
Individual perceptual errors include perceptual defense (protecting oneself against
ideas, objects, or situations that are threatening), stereotyping (assigning attributions
to someone solely on the basis of a category in which the person has been placed),
halo effect (evaluating another person based solely on one impression, either favorable
or unfavorable), projection (tendency for people to see their own traits in others), and
high expectancy effect (prior expectations serve to bias how events, objects, and people
are actually perceived). Individuals who make the fundamental attribution error of
underestimating the impact of situational or external causes of behavior are not likely
to communicate effectively. This error too readily results in communicating blame or
credit to other individuals for outcomes rather than to oneself. A related attribution
error is the self-serving bias (communicating personal responsibility for good performance but denying responsibility for poor performance). (See Chapter 4.) Executives
at GM and Chrysler blamed unions, the recession, banks, and the government for their
financial problems. They didn’t place any blame on their own decisions to produce cars
that many consumers didn’t want to buy.
In addition to these underlying personal communication barriers, there are direct
barriers, as discussed next. Five of the direct barriers include noise, semantics, language routines, lying, and distortion.
Noise represents any interference with the intended message in the channel. A radio playing
loud music while someone is trying to talk to someone else is an example of noise.
Noise sometimes can be overcome by repeating the message or increasing the intensity (e.g., the volume) of the message.
Semantics is the special meaning assigned to words. Thus, the same words may mean different things to different people.8 Consider the semantics for five words in American
(U.S.) English versus British English vocabularies:
American—a hard road surface; British—footpath, sidewalk.
Table (verb):
American—to remove from discussion; British—to bring to
Tick off (verb): American—to anger; British—to rebuke.
Canceled check: American—a check paid by the bank; British—a check that is
stopped or voided.
American—to convey by boat, train, plane, truck, or other means;
British—to convey only by boat.9
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
Language Routines
A person’s verbal and nonverbal communication patterns that have become habits are known as
language routines. They can be observed by watching how people greet one another.
In many instances, language routines are quite useful because they reduce the amount
of time needed to communicate. They also provide predictability in terms of being
able to anticipate what is going to be said and how it is going to be said. The image
and strategy of Intel is reinforced through language routines, including its slogan:
“Intel Inside.” This slogan is supported by Intel’s saying “Innovations that move the
world forward.” Intel’s slogan reinforces its brand image, namely, “Intel pushes the
boundaries of innovation so our work can make people’s lives more exciting, fulfilling,
and manageable. And our work never stops.”10
Language routines can cause discomfort, offend, and alienate when they put down
or discriminate against others. Many demeaning stereotypes of individuals and groups
are perpetuated through language routines.11
Lying and Distortion
Lying means the sender states something that is believed to be false in order to seriously
mislead one or more receivers.12 During the recent recession and collapse of the stock
market, it was revealed that Bernard Madoff masterminded a Ponzi scheme that
resulted in the largest fraud in history—$50 billion in losses to investors. This and
events related to other distortions shook the public’s trust in financial institutions
and government agencies in the United States.13 Everyday social flattery in conversations may not be completely honest, but it is normally considered acceptable and
rarely regarded as dishonest (lying). Distortion represents a wide range of messages
that a sender may use between the extremes of lying and complete honesty.14 Of course, the
use of vague, ambiguous, or indirect language doesn’t necessarily indicate a sender’s
intent to mislead. This form of language may be viewed as acceptable political behavior. Silence may also be a form of distortion, if not dishonesty. Not wanting to look
incompetent or make his or her manager look bad in a departmental meeting, a subordinate may remain quiet instead of expressing an opinion or asking a question.
As discussed in Chapter 4, personal distortion in interpersonal communications
may occur through impression management, which represents the attempt by individuals to manipulate or control the impressions that others form about them. In Table 4.3
(page 119), we reviewed five impression management tactics: self-promotion, ingratiation, intimidation, supplication, and exemplification. An additional tactic is facesaving. Face-saving often involves (1) apologizing in a way to convince others that
the bad outcome isn’t a fair indication of what the sender is really like as a person;
(2) making excuses to others by admitting that the sender’s behavior in some way
caused a negative outcome, but strongly suggesting that the person isn’t really as
much to blame as it seems (because the outcome wasn’t intentional or there were
extenuating circumstances); or (3) presenting justifications to others by appearing
to accept responsibility for an outcome, but denying that the outcome actually led
to problems. When the opportunity is present, shifting blame for problems or a
failure to meet a goal is a common means of face-saving.15 When Blake Jorgensen
was fired as chief financial officer from Yahoo!, Carol Bartz, Yahoo’s CEO, said the
dismissal was necessary to speed up the decision making and have senior leaders
support her strategy for turning the company around. Yahoo’s two previous CFOs
were removed for similar stated reasons. Do you suspect that the dismissal of the
three CFOs was a form of scapegoating to minimize the acknowledgment of other
Impression management strategies can range from relatively harmless minor forms
of distortion (being courteous to another person even if you don’t like the individual),
to messages that use extreme ingratiation and self-promotion to obtain a better raise or
promotion than others, to intimidation. In brief, the greater the frequency of distortion
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tactics and the more they approach the lying end of the distortion continuum, the more
they will serve as a hurdle to interpersonal communication.16
Learning Goal
2. Explain the factors that
foster ethical communications.
Ethical Interpersonal Communications
In Chapter 2, we discussed the ethical principles and practices that provide the
underlying foundation for ethical interpersonal communications. In this section of
the chapter, we discuss factors that foster ethical interpersonal communications. The
individual is more likely to incorporate values and principles that distinguish right
from wrong in communications through effective dialogue. The barriers to effective
communication—such as noise, confusing semantics, inappropriate language routines,
and lying—will be reduced when effective dialogue takes place.
Dialogue is a process whereby people suspend their defensiveness to enable a free flow of
exploration into their own and others’ assumptions and beliefs. Dialogue includes (1) asking
questions and listening to learn, (2) seeking shared meanings, (3) integrating multiple
perspectives, and (4) uncovering and examining assumptions. As a result, dialogue can
build mutual trust, common ground, and the increased likelihood of ethical interpersonal communication.17 A necessary condition for dialogue is assertive communication.
Assertive communication means confidently expressing what you think, feel, and believe
while respecting the right of others to hold different views. Ethical dialogue requires that interacting individuals demonstrate multiple abilities and behaviors. Figure 9.3 illustrates the
idea that ethical dialogue is characterized by a specific group of interrelated abilities and
behaviors. These include communication openness, constructive feedback, appropriate
self-disclosure, and active listening.
Through the factors of ethical dialogue and assertive communication, workplace honesty will be more prevalent. Julia Stewart has built a reputation for ethical
dialogue and assertive communication over her career. Among many, consider these
two testimonials.18 Bill Floyd, vice president of operations at Taco Bell and Stewart’s
manager when she was there, comments: “We used to say that an important determinant of success was whether the crew adopted [managers] and saw them as someone
who connected with them and empathized. Julia fit that to a T.” Karen Eadon, senior
FIGURE 9. 3 Factors that Foster Ethical Dialogue
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
vice president of marketing at Applebee’s during Stewart’s tenure there as president,
remembers Stewart as a “strong leader” who often invited opinions before making
strategic decisions. “Julia was very open to divergent points of view and to vigorous
discussion that would allow her to see all sides.”
In reflecting on the importance of dialogue, Stewart states: “People don’t understand, first, that franchising is highly regulated by the U.S. government and, second,
that it’s much harder than running a regular company. I don’t demand or dictate
anything: I influence, I collaborate, I persuade. Franchisors need to be mindful of the
partnership. At the core of being a franchisor, you’d better desire to be a partner. If
you don’t want to be a partner, it will never work.”
Communication Openness
Communication openness may be viewed as a continuum ranging from closed,
guarded, and defensive to open, candid, and supportive.19 Figure 9.4 shows that, at the
extreme left-hand side of the continuum, messages are interpreted through low trust,
hidden agendas, and concealed goals.
Communication occurs on two levels: direct and meta-communication. Metacommunication brings out the (hidden) assumptions, inferences, and interpretations of the
parties that form the basis of open messages. In closed communication, senders and receivers consciously and purposely hide their real agendas and “messages.” Game playing
is rampant. Meta-communication focuses on inferences such as (1) what I think you
think about what I said; (2) what I think you really mean; (3) what I really mean, but
hope you don’t realize what I mean; (4) what you’re saying, but what I think you
really mean; and (5) what I think you’re trying to tell me but aren’t directly telling me
because . . . (you’re afraid of hurting my feelings, you think being totally open could
hurt your chances of promotion, and so on).
At the extreme right-hand side of the continuum in Figure 9.4, communication
is open, candid, and supportive. Messages are interpreted through high trust, shared
agendas, and revealed goals.20 The words and nonverbal cues sent convey an authentic
message that the sender chose without having a hidden agenda.
Breakdowns in communication at the right end of the continuum are due primarily
to honest errors (e.g., the different meanings that people assign to words such as soon
FIGURE 9.4 Elements in Communication Openness
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Leadership and Team Behaviors
or immediately). Communication openness usually is a matter of degree rather than
an absolute. The nature of language, linguistics, and different situations (coworker to
coworker, subordinate to superior, friend to friend, or spouse to spouse) creates situations that allow for degrees of shading, coloring emphasis, and deflection in the use of
words and nonverbal cues as symbols of meaning.
Insights for Individuals
The degree of openness must be considered in relation to the setting. There are
three important factors in a setting. First, the history of the relationship is perhaps
the most significant factor affecting openness. Consider the case of Don and Argie’s
relationship. Has Don violated Argie’s or others’ trust in the past? Has Don been
dishonest and unethical with Argie or others? Has Don provided cues (verbal and/or
nonverbal) soliciting or reinforcing Argie’s attempts to be open and candid? Or has
Don provided cues to the contrary? Has the history of the relationship created a level
of such comfort that both Argie and Don can focus on direct communication, rather
than meta-communication?
Second, if the communication is likely to be partly adversarial or Don is committed to damaging or weakening Argie’s position or gaining at Argie’s expense
through unethical acts, guarded communication is likely. Conversely, if the communication is likely to be friendly and Don is trying to be supportive of Argie,
strengthen her position, or enhance her esteem, guarded communication may be
viewed as irrational.
Third, when Argie communicates with someone of higher status and power, she
is communicating with someone who has some control over her future. That person
may be responsible for appraising her performance, judging her promotability, and
determining the amount of her merit pay increase. The tendency in such a case is to
project a favorable image and to state negative messages with qualifiers.
Constructive Feedback
In giving feedback, people share their thoughts and feelings about others. Feedback
may involve personal feelings or reactions to others’ ideas or proposals. The emotional
impact of feedback varies according to how personally it is focused. When a person
attempts to achieve open communication, feedback should be supportive (reinforcing
ongoing behavior) or corrective (indicating that a change in behavior is appropriate).
Table 9.1 provides a questionnaire that can be used by you and other employees
to diagnose interpersonal feedback practices within an organization. The greater the
frequency of “agree” and “strongly agree” responses to the 15 feedback practices, the
greater the degree of open, and most likely ethical, interpersonal communications you
perceive within the organization. The first four items in Table 9.1 concern corrective
feedback from your superiors and coworkers. Corrective feedback is not necessarily
bad for the person who is receiving it. Its effectiveness is largely determined by how
the feedback is given. The second section in Table 9.1 (items 5 through 8) concerns the
degree to which positive feedback is given to you by your manager. Positive feedback
reinforces and rewards certain behaviors so that you will repeat them in the future.
The third section (items 9 through 12) concerns the degree to which positive feedback
is given by your peers. The first three sections of this questionnaire all concern the
degree to which positive or negative feedback is received from sources external to you.
By contrast, the fourth section (items 13 through 15) focuses on internal feedback, for
example, your self-talk.
This diagnostic questionnaire clearly shows the variety of feedback forms that are
available to employees in organizations. A lack of compatibility among these forms of
feedback for you may indicate serious interpersonal communication problems in your
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
TABLE 9.1 Diagnosis of Feedback Practices
Read each of the following statements and record your perceptions about the feedback practices you
experienced in a previous job. Respond on the continuum that ranges from strongly disagree to strongly
agree, as follows:
1. Your manager lets you know when you make a mistake.
2. You receive a formal report of poor performance.
3. Coworkers tell you that you have done something wrong.
4. You are told when you should be doing something else.
5. You receive thanks after completed jobs.
6. Your manager tells you when you are doing a good job.
7. You have a regular performance review with your manager.
8. The manager treats you as a mature adult.
9. Peers congratulate you for how much you accomplish.
10. Peers compliment you for the quality of your work.
11. You know more people are using the company’s
product or service because of your efforts.
12. Peers like you very much.
13. You know when you have met your goals.
14. You can see the results of finding better ways of doing the job.
15. You know how much you can do without making a mistake.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Insights for Individuals
The following are insights for constructive and ethical feedback that can foster open
It is based on a foundation of trust between sender and receiver. When an organization is characterized by competitiveness, the emphasis is on the use of power
to punish and control, rigid superior–subordinate relationships, and a lack of trust
for constructive and ethical feedback.
It is specific rather than general. Saying “You are a dominating person” isn’t as
useful as saying “Just now when we were deciding the issue, you did not listen to
what others said. I felt I had to accept your argument or face attack from you.”
It is given at a time when the receiver appears to be ready to accept it. When a
person at Dell has just been downsized, that person will probably be angry, upset,
or defensive. This isn’t the time for you to bring up new issues.
It is checked with the receiver to determine whether it seems valid. The sender
can ask the receiver to rephrase and restate the feedback to test whether it
matches the intended message.
It covers behaviors that the receiver may be capable of doing something about.
It doesn’t include more than the receiver can handle at any particular time. When
employees are about to be laid off, they are not ready to hear about everything
they do that annoys you.
Individuals, teams, and organizations all depend on feedback to improve the way
they develop and perform. One approach to obtaining such feedback is through the collection of perceptions from multiple individuals about the behaviors and performance
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of a single individual. For example, 360-degree feedback is a questionnaire-based process
that gathers structured feedback from a number of people about the competencies and behaviors
of an individual or team. Increasingly, this is referred to as multisource feedback. For a
manager, questionnaires on behaviors (e.g., teamwork, leadership, goal setting) might
be completed by oneself, subordinates, peers, superior, and customers. The results are
compiled in a feedback report, with data from each source presented separately. These
data and results are provided to the individual, who then develops a plan for building
strengths and improving personal performance. Normally, this discussion would take
place with the person’s superior or a consultant.
The use and application of 360-degree feedback is controversial. Clearly, there
needs to be an ethical environment of trust and communication openness before the
implementation of a formal 360-degree feedback process. It doesn’t work in a highly
political or bureaucratic organization. It may not work well when the feedback is used
as part of a performance review process unless specific knowledge, skills, and abilities
can be linked to specific performance goals. In general, 360-degree feedback appears
to work best if it is used for coaching and professional development purposes.22
Appropriate Self-Disclosure
Self-disclosure is any information that individuals communicate (verbally or nonverbally)
about themselves to others. People often unconsciously disclose much about themselves
by what they say and how they present themselves to others. The ability to express
yourself to others usually is basic to your career and professional development.23
Nondisclosing individuals may repress their real feelings because to reveal them is
threatening. Conversely, total-disclosure individuals, who expose a great deal about
themselves to anyone they meet, actually may be unable to communicate with others
because they are too self-centered. The presence of appropriate self-disclosure, say,
between superior and subordinate or team members and customers, can facilitate
dialogue and sharing of work-related problems.
Insights for Individuals
A person’s level in an organization often complicates self-disclosure. A person is more
likely to reduce self-disclosure to those having greater formal power because of their
ability to punish. Even when the employee is able and willing to engage in “appropriate” forms of self-disclosure at work, the perception of the manager’s trustworthiness
in not using the revealed information to punish, intimidate, or ridicule is likely to
influence the amount and form of the employee’s self-disclosure.
As discussed in the case at the end of Chapter 2, one of the more sensitive areas of
appropriate self-disclosure relates to dating and romance with coworkers. Of major concern in most organizations is a romantic or dating relationship between a manager and
subordinate. A concern is that the manager will treat the romantic subordinate differently
than other subordinates performing at the same level through better pay raises, promotion opportunities, and assignments. As for keeping an office romance a secret, it’s not
possible. As one business relationship specialist comments: “If you think no one knows,
everyone knows.” Increasingly, organizations require employees who are romantically
involved and work in the same reporting group to disclose their relationship. Such disclosure represents one way to minimize—and, it is hoped, avoid—conflicts of many types.
Active Listening
Active listening is necessary to encourage appropriate levels of ethical feedback and
openness. Active listening involves paying attention, withholding judgment, reflecting,
clarifying, summarizing, and sharing. Listening is effective when the receiver understands the sender’s message as intended.
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
As much as 40 percent of an eight-hour workday for many employees is devoted
to listening. Tests of listening comprehension suggest that people often listen at only
25 percent efficiency. Listening influences the quality of peer, leader–subordinate,
and employee–customer relationships. Employees who dislike a manager may find
it extremely difficult to listen attentively to the manager’s comments during performance review sessions. Moreover, active listening is a necessary condition for learning.
The Greek philosopher Epictetus wisely wrote: “It is impossible for a man to learn
what he thinks he already knows.”
Active listening abilities are interrelated. That is, the individual can’t practice one
without improving the others. Active listening is much easier to read about than to
develop and practice. The more a person practices active listening skills, the more he
is able to enter into effective dialogue. Moreover, the listening insights make clear that
active listening is not feasible without constructive feedback.24
Insights for Individuals
Adapted from the book Active Listening: Improve Your Ability to Listen and Lead, we offer
the following insights to increase active listening skills25:
A primary goal of active listening is to set a comfortable tone and allow time
and opportunity for the other person to think and speak. The individual should
pay attention to one’s frame of mind, body language, and the other person. The
individual should be present, focus on the moment, and operate from a place of
Active listening requires an open mind. As a listener, the individual needs to be
open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new possibilities. Even when good listeners have strong views, they suspend judgment, hold their criticism, and avoid
arguing or selling their point right away. The individual should think: “I’m here
to understand how the other person sees the world. It is not time to judge or give
my view.”
Active listening is first about understanding the other person, then about being
understood. As the individual gains a clearer understanding of the other person’s perspective, she can then introduce her ideas, feelings, and suggestions and
address any concerns. The individual might talk about a similar experience she
had or share an idea that was triggered by a comment made previously in the
Active listening involves the use of questions to double-check any issue that is
ambiguous or unclear, which is a component of constructive feedback. Openended, clarifying, and probing questions are important tools. Open-ended questions draw people out and encourage them to expand their ideas (i.e., “What are
their thoughts on . . . ?” or “What led them to draw this conclusion?”) Clarifying
questions ensure understanding and clear up confusion. Any who, what, where,
when, how, or why questions can be clarifying questions, but those are not the only
possibilities. An employee might say, “I must have missed something. Could you
repeat that?” or “I am not sure that I got what you were saying. Can you explain
it again another way?” By asking questions, he invites reflection and a thoughtful
response instead of telling others what to do. He might ask, for example, “More
specifically, what are some of the things you’ve tried?” or “What is it in your own
style that might be contributing to the trouble with others?
Restating key themes as the conversation proceeds confirms and solidifies the
listener’s grasp of the other person’s point of view. It also helps both the listener
and other person(s) to be clear on mutual responsibilities and follow-up. The
listener should briefly summarize what she understood as she listened (i.e., “It
sounds as if your main concern is . . .” or “These seem to be the key points you
have expressed . . .”). She could also ask the other person to summarize.
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
The following Change Competency feature reports on the use of active listening by Sue Powers, the chief information officer of Travelport GDS.26 In her role,
Powers oversees the global product and development initiatives of the Worldspan,
Apollo, Galileo GDS, and Airlines Services units. These are lines of businesses within
Travelport. Travelport GDS is a major provider of multi-host technology platforms
for airlines worldwide. Each day Travelport GDS processes more than 1 billion transactions. It is a major provider of web-based travel e-commerce and services in the
global travel industry.27 In this feature, Sue Powers focuses on the communication
processes used to achieve an organizational change.
Change competency
Susan Powers, Chief Information Officer, Travelport GDS
Susan Powers relies on a communication process
that she calls socializing an idea to nudge and
encourage her colleagues to consider a new
information technology system or business process. The approach is an active one. It requires
more than simply running an idea up the flagpole. Socializing means practicing active listening
and communication outside formal meetings,
where people are less guarded. Powers finds that
during casual conversations (in the hallway, in
their offices, over lunch), people are more at ease
and more willing to discuss change. They also are
more likely to discuss their objections to an idea,
making it possible to come up with solutions. In
a formal setting, people can feel pushed into an
idea. In informal settings, they feel they can be
more honest.
For example, a few years ago Powers wondered why they couldn’t get the same Internet
access deal she had at home: an inexpensive
DSL connection. At the time, the business, which
operated travel reservation systems, used a fairly
low-band connection linking the company to
its travel agent customers. Powers and David
Lauderdale, the chief technology officer, began
talking with the 650-member technology group
about how much more flexible and efficient a
standard Internet protocol network could be.
The technology group was sold, but they had to
convince the rest of the company. Objections to
the new technology came fast and furious. Some
business managers speculated that travel agents
wouldn’t want to buy their own PCs and Internet
service, preferring to have them provide their
connectivity. Others worried about the technology
transition. Salespeople said they could not get
out of their contracts, which required them to
provide dedicated service and equipment.
Powers and her team spent several weeks
bringing the idea up again and again with
employees and customers during lunch,
after company meetings, at after-hours
get-togethers, at company functions, and during any casual conversation. Powers didn’t
emphasize cost savings at first (although the
new system would ultimately save tens of millions of dollars). Instead, she asked for reactions to the potential benefits of the change
(the new system would be more reliable, easier
to maintain, and simpler to use). Powers says,
“The early feedback caused us to think more
about what was in this for everybody, and we
were able to better think through the benefits
for customers and salespeople. We ended up
with a better plan.”
Powers used the feedback from these informal discussions to write a business case for
the new system, and her plan was immediately
approved. When it came time to rewrite customer contracts, the travel agents were sold on
the added benefits they would get. The company
soon completed its rollout of the DSL network.
Power notes “getting people involved early by
just talking with them [through active listening]
allowed us to address objections and actually
have a better plan. By the time we did the business plan, we had everybody pretty much on
Powers thinks “The next big thing in our
business will be ‘green’ initiatives. This will range
Chapter 9
from providing carbon-tracker information to
corporations and travelers to ensuring that our
company, our employees, and the data center
operate in a ‘green’ fashion.”
She concludes: “The best advice I can give
to future leaders is it’s all about the people,
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
and communication is key. Make sure your
front-line managers understand the strategy,
objectives, metrics, and business drivers. If
you have a committed, well-informed, wellprepared, and motivated staff, you will be
To learn more about Travelport, go to www.travelport.com.
Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication includes the process of sending “wordless” messages by
means such as facial expressions, gestures, postures, emotional tones of voice, grooming,
clothing, colors, and use or type of space.28 Nonverbal cues may contain many direct or
hidden messages and can influence the process and outcome of “words” in communication. Even when individuals are silent, they are sending messages, which may
or may not be the intended messages (including boredom, fear, anger, or depression). Nonverbal signals are a rich source of information for a leader. A person’s
own nonverbal behavior can be useful in responding to others, making stronger
connections with others, and conveying certain impressions about oneself. The
proportion of emotional reactions that are expressed through nonverbal signals may
exceed 90 percent.29
Types of Nonverbal Cues
A framework for considering types of personal nonverbal cues is PERCEIVE, an acronym that stands for the following terms: (1) Proximity, (2) Expressions, (3) Relative
orientation, (4) Contact, (5) Eyes, (6) Individual gestures, (7) Voice, and (8) Existence
of adapters. A brief review of each follows30:
Proximity is the physical distance between individuals. Generally, individuals sit,
stand, and want to be near those they like. Increased proximity is usually an indication of feelings of liking and interest.
Expressions are observed on the face and can last as little as 1/15th of a second.
These very brief expressions occur when people are trying to hide a feeling.
Interestingly, when people begin to experience an emotion, their facial muscles
are triggered. If they suppress the expression, it’s shown for only 1/15th of a second. If they do not suppress it, the expression will appear prominently. The six
universal expressions that most cultures recognize are happiness, sadness, anger,
fear, surprise, and disgust. Smiling can be real or false, interpreted by differences
in the strength and length of the smile, the openness of the eyes, and the symmetry of expression.
Relative orientation is the degree to which individuals face one another. Individuals
sitting side by side is usually an indication that they are interested in and focused
on the other person. As individuals become less interested in another person, they
tend to angle their bodies away. A good way to understand relative orientation is
to observe where a person’s feet are placed. Often individuals will point their feet
in the direction they truly want to go.
Contact refers to physical contact. Generally, the amount and frequency of physical
contact demonstrate closeness, familiarity, and degree of liking. A lot of touching
usually indicates strong liking for another person.
Learning Goal
3. Diagnose nonverbal
communication behaviors.
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Eyes primarily show whom or what people are most interested in or like. One can
gauge liking and interest by the frequency and duration of time spent looking.
Few gestures carry more weight than looking someone in the eyes or face. Eye
and face contact displays your willingness to listen and your acknowledgment of
the other person’s worth. Although eye contact does not indicate truthfulness or
honesty (as some people believe), it does usually show interest in the other person’s idea or point of view. However, prolonged and intense eye contact does not
usually occur unless feelings of hostility, defensiveness, or romantic interest are
present. Lack of interest may be indicated through contractions of the pupils or
wandering eyes.
Individual gestures can convey an image in a person’s mind that is sometimes not
spoken. Some typical gestures are ones that describe an emotion or experience
(e.g., sobbing gesture or frenetic moving of the hands) or gestures that identify
where objects are in relation to one another. Gestures also reveal how people
are feeling. People tend to gesture more when they are enthusiastic, excited,
and energized. People tend to gesture less when they are demoralized, nervous,
or concerned about the impression they are making. For more about nonverbal communication, see the Communication Competency feature in Chapter 4
entitled “Hand Gestures.” The feature addressed the different meanings of three
hand gestures used in the United States and how they would be interpreted in
certain other cultures.
Voice or speech often provides information about the demographics of a speaker
(e.g., gender, age, area of origin, social class). Voice can also reveal emotions,
which are transmitted through the tone of the voice, accentuation of words,
rapidity of speech, and number of speech errors. Typically, speech errors indicate
discomfort and anxiety. A person who begins to produce a lot of speech errors
may be anxious and ill at ease.
Existence of adapters is the last element of PERCEIVE. Adapters are small behaviors
that tend to occur when people are stressed or bored with a situation. Examples
are playing with rings, twirling a pen, or touching one’s hair. As meetings become
too long, an increasing number of adapter behaviors tend to emerge among the
people in the room.
Physical Environment
Some organizations are attempting to influence interpersonal communications
through the physical environment with use of feng shui, which we introduced in
Chapter 4. Feng shui is the belief that space needs to be in harmony with the environment. We noted that the Chinese phrase feng shui means “wind and water” to represent the flow of energy and harmony. Recall the Across Cultures Competency feature
in Chapter 4 entitled “McDonald’s Use of Feng Shui.” A few of the common recommendations for office arrangements related to nonverbal communication based on
feng shui include the following: (1) You should have a full view of the room’s entrance
door by merely looking up from your desk. (2) You should be able to see outside while
sitting at your desk. If the office doesn’t have a window, brighten up the lighting and
use a picture of the outdoors. (3) Your desk should not be placed at the side of the
door. You can place a screen in the space between your desk and the doorway if necessary. (4) You should have a wall at your back while seated. Presumably, it gives you a
“commanding” position.31
Although the ability of feng shui to impact “harmony and energy” has been
questioned, its principles for designing buildings and offices, including the placement
of furniture and objects, are increasingly being used to varying degrees in Western
societies.32 For people in North America who are interested in feng shui, the American
Feng Shui Institute is a good place to start for more details about its concepts and
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
Importance to Verbal Messages
Nonverbal communication is an important complement to verbal communication;
neither is adequate by itself for effective dialogue. A few of the ways in which verbal
and nonverbal cues can be related are as follows:
Repeating, such as when verbal directions to some location are accompanied by
Contradicting, such as when you say “What, me nervous?” while fidgeting and perspiring anxiously before taking a test. This is a good example of how the nonverbal
message might be more believable when verbal and nonverbal signals conflict.
Substituting nonverbal for verbal cues, such as when you return from the manager’s office with a stressful expression that says “I’ve just had a horrible meeting
with my manager”—without a word being spoken.
Complementing the verbal cue through nonverbal “underlining,” such as when
you pound on a table, place a hand on the shoulder of a coworker, use a tone of
voice indicating the great importance attached to the message, or give a gift as a
way of reinforcing an expression of gratitude or respect.
Since the recent downturn and resulting distress in the U.S. and other economies, more and more companies have been downsizing their workforces. Layoffs
at Yahoo!, The New York Times, JPMorgan Chase, and others make daily newscasts.
Therefore, leaders need to learn how to handle laying off employees. The following
Communication Competency feature presents the poor use of nonverbal communications by leaders related to layoffs.34
Communication competency
Poor Nonverbal Signals Prior to Layoffs
Marcia Finberg’s relationship with her CEO had
been cordial during the three years she worked
as vice president of marketing and business
developments for a Phoenix hospital. The CEO
always made small talk and followed up with her
on projects. When this rapport suddenly stopped,
she knew something was up. Three months later
her job was eliminated. Finberg’s CEO went from
being friendly with her to avoiding her and being
curt. She knew the hospital was losing patients
to a new medical center in the area and that her
employer’s financial situation had become precarious. Finberg says her CEO’s cold response
leading up to her being let go could have been
a defense mechanism. “You don’t want to admit
that under your stewardship the finances were
such that you had to let someone from your
executive team go,” she says.
Ron Shewchuk, now a communications consultant, comments that he worked for an organization
that went on a 15-year acquisition binge. This
meant the company was constantly integrating
acquired companies, which always meant consolidation and the job losses that come with it. The
workplace became so cynical that some people
kept “300-day clocks.” They morbidly would count
down the days before the next layoff. Inevitably,
the pink slips would come before the clocks ran
out. The clocks became stark and daily nonverbal
reminders of impending layoffs. Shewchuk notes
that the CEO hadn’t directly communicated with
employees for at least a decade.
When John Boyd was chief intellectual property counsel of a midsize technology company,
he says, the CEO and other executives made him
feel like he wasn’t in the “inner circle.” He says he
was continually left off of e-mail announcements
congratulating teams on projects, even when he
was on those teams. He didn’t wait to see what
his fate might be; instead, Boyd left the company.
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Simma Lieberman, who owns a consulting
firm in Albany, California, reflects on one technology company that hired her to deal with the
aftermath of a layoff. The company laid off more
than 200 people, many of whom were preparing
for retirement. They received no benefits except
outplacement services for one day. Security
guards immediately escorted them out of the
building. Senior management didn’t provide any
explanations or communicate with existing staff
about what had occurred. This turned otherwise
loyal employees against the company. Lieberman
states: “It was horrific what the company had
done. The remaining employees were so demoralized. I couldn’t fix it.” The silence by higher
management in this whole incident became a
powerful and negative nonverbal signal to both
the remaining and laid-off employees.
Status Differences
Nonverbal cues often strongly reveal status differences. The following are only three
of the many relationships between nonverbal cues and organizational status:
Employees of higher status typically have better offices than do employees of
lower status. For example, executive offices are typically more spacious, located on
the top floors of the building, and have finer carpets and furniture than those of
first-line managers. Most senior offices are at the corners, so they have windows
on two sides.
The offices of higher status employees are better “protected” than those of lower
status employees. Protected refers to how much more difficult it would be for you
to, say, arrange to visit the governor of your state than for the governor to arrange
to visit you. Top executive areas are typically least accessible and are often sealed
off from others by several doors and assistants. Of course, having an office with a
door and a secretary who answers the telephone protects even lower level managers and many staff personnel.
The higher the employee’s status, the easier that employee finds it to invade the
territory of lower status employees. A superior typically feels free to walk right in
on subordinates, whereas subordinates are more careful to ask permission or make
an appointment before visiting a superior.35
Insights for Leaders
Carried to excess, these and other nonverbal status cues are likely to create barriers to dialogue, especially from the perspective of the employees with lower formal
status. However, effective leaders often use supportive nonverbal cues when meeting with subordinates, such as (1) lightly touching subordinates on the arm when
they arrive and shaking hands, (2) smiling appropriately, (3) nodding to affirm what
was said, (4) slightly pulling their chairs closer to subordinates and maintaining an
open posture, and (5) engaging in eye contact to further demonstrate listening and
Learning Goal
4. Understand the importance
of cultural and nonverbal
barriers to communication.
Intercultural Communication
Cultural Barriers
Intercultural communication occurs whenever a message sent by a member of one culture is received and understood by a member of another culture.37 The effects of cultural
differences on interpersonal communication can be wide ranging. They depend
on the degrees of difference (or similarity) between people in terms of language,
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
religious beliefs, economic status, social values, physical characteristics, use of nonverbal cues, and the like. The greater the differences,
the more likely it is that there will be barriers to achieving effective
In Iran, there is a concept called taarof, which is a set of social manners that seem polite or deceitful depending on one’s point of view. Taarof is
a form of etiquette intended to harmonize social meetings and communications. It often involves displays of flattery and deference.38 In
interpersonal communications among Iranians, people are expected to
tell you what you want to hear to avoid conflict, or to offer hope when
there is none. Iranians understand such practices and are not offended
by them. Nasair Hadian, a political science professor at the University
of Iran, comments: “You have to guess if people are sincere, you are
never sure. Symbolism and vagueness are inherent in our language.”
Kian Tajbakhsh, a social scientist who lived for many years in England
and the United States before returning to Iran in 1996, continues:
“Speech has a different function than it does in the West. In the West,
80 percent of language is explicit and as stated. In Iran 80 percent
is implied.” Translation: In the West, yes generally means “yes.” In
Iran, yes can mean “yes,” but it often means “maybe” or “no.” In Iran,
“Listeners are expected to understand that words don’t necessarily
mean exactly what they mean.”39
Cultural Context
Chapter 9
The conditions that surround and influence the life of an individual,
group, or organization are its cultural context. Differences in cultural
Differences in cultural context
context may represent a barrier to communication.40 Nations’ cultures vary on a
may represent a hurdle to
communication because lowcontinuum from low context to high context. Figure 9.5 shows the approximate
context countries, such as the
placement of various countries along this continuum.
United States, and high-context
A high-context culture in interpersonal communication is characterized by (1) the
countries, such as Japan, have
establishment of social trust before engaging in work-related discussions, (2) the high value
different communication norms.
placed on personal relationships and goodwill, and (3) the importance of the surrounding
circumstances during an interaction. In a high-context culture such as China, Korea,
and Japan, people rely on paraphrasing, tone of voice, gesture, posture, social status,
history, and social setting to interpret spoken words, all of which require time to
cultivate. Factors such as trust, relationships among friends and family members, personal needs and difficulties, weather, and holidays must be taken into consideration.
For example, Japanese executives—when meeting foreign executives for the first
time—do not immediately “get down to business.” They engage in a period of building trust and getting to know each other that foreign executives
often are impatient with but must conform to.
In contrast, a low-context culture in interpersonal communication is characterized by (1) directly and immediately addressing the
Across Cultures Insight
tasks, issues, or problems at hand; (2) the high value placed on personal
So much of our office jargon in the U.S.
expertise and performance; and (3) the importance of clear, precise, and
is colloquial, and we don’t even realize it.
speedy interactions. Within low-context cultures such as Germany,
Comments like “cover all the bases” or
Switzerland, and the United States, the purpose of communica“three strikes and you’re out” don’t have
tion is to often reveal actual intent, not conceal it. The individuany context value here in India at all.
als often express what they mean and mean what they convey.
People just don’t know what we are talkLeaders motivate employees with statements focusing on posiing about with such phrases.
tive or corrective feedback and goal setting. In a heterogeneous
country, such as the United States, multiple subcultures have
Nina E. Woodward, Director, Business Development,
Strategic Human Resource Management India
their own unique characteristics. In contrast, the cultural context of a homogeneous country, such as South Korea or Japan,
reflects the more uniform characteristics of its people.
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
FIGURE 9. 5 Examples of Cultures on the Cultural Context Continuum
North American
Source: Based on Hall, E. Understanding Cultural Differences. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1989; Munter, M., Guide to Managerial Communication:
Effective Business Writing and Speaking, 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999.
Ethnocentrism occurs when individuals believe that only their culture makes sense, has
the “right” values, and represents the “right” and logical way to behave.41 This may be
the greatest barrier to communication because it involves judging others from our
own cultural point of view. It also involves making false assumptions about the
ways others behave based on our own limited experiences. Individuals are not even
aware that they are being ethnocentric because “we don’t understand that we don’t
understand.” When two highly ethnocentric people from different cultures interact,
there is little chance that they will achieve a common understanding. Ethnocentric
reactions to differing views may be anger, shock, or even amusement. Ethnocentric
people view all others as inferior and may recognize cultural diversity, but only as
a source of problems. Their strategy is to minimize the sources and impacts of cultural diversity. Ethnocentric individuals ignore or deny that cultural diversity can
lead to advantages.
Ethnocentrism is best viewed along a continuum—everyone is, to some extent,
ethnocentric.42 At one end of the continuum, ethnocentrism may be functional when
one’s group or even nation is under attack or threat of attack. It forms the basis
for patriotism and the motivation to sacrifice for one’s group. At the other end, it
results in the tendency for people to see their own way as the only right way. This
can be dangerous and may lead to poor communication that results in prejudice and
All intercultural exchanges are, to a lesser or greater degree, influenced by ethnocentrism. It acts as a perceptual filter (see our discussion of perception and attributions
in Chapter 4) that affects verbal and nonverbal messages and how individuals see their
source. We tend to initiate and continue communication with those to whom we are
attracted. When we interact with someone from another culture, our perception of
the other’s attractiveness is influenced by our degree of ethnocentrism. By definition,
high ethnocentric individuals perceive themselves as very different and superior from
other groups—within the same or other countries. Because of their sense of superiority, high ethnocentric individuals tend to judge other group members as less competent and less trustworthy, which adversely influences intercultural communications.
The following Across Cultures Competency feature reports on Tahir Ayub’s experiences as a participant in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC’s) Ulysses Program.43 Tahir
Ayub is an Audit and Assurance Group partner and the Alberta Private Company
Services leader of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in Canada. As a business adviser, he
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
provides advice and acts as a sounding board to the owners and management of private
companies in the various Canadian industries. The Ulysses Program is a global leadership development program at PwC. It was started in 2001 and has sent 80 partners
from 32 territories on 26 projects. Among other purposes, this program enhances the
participants’ intercultural communication abilities and appreciation for cultural context. PwC has 155,000 employees who work in 150 countries. They provide a variety
of services in the fields of assurance, tax, human resources, performance improvement,
and the like.44
Across Cultures competency
Tahir Ayub, Partner, PwC
Tahir Ayub’s role in the Ulysses Program at
PricewaterhouseCoopers was to help village
leaders in Africa’s Namibian outback grapple
with their community’s growing AIDS crisis.
Faced with language barriers, cultural differences, and limited access to electricity, Ayub
and two colleagues learned that they needed to
garner community support for programs to combat the disease. Ayub learned an important lesson as well: Technology isn’t always the answer.
“You better put your beliefs and biases to one
side and figure out new ways to look at things,”
he said.
PwC arranged for the trip and Ayub’s stay
there as part of their Ulysses Program to develop
global leaders. The partners “go local”—they
are stripped of all the comforts they have grown
to take for granted and given a specific task to
complete. They must rely on their own resourcefulness to succeed. PwC believes such hands-on
experience is essential to developing global
On arrival, Ayub paired up with two other
PwC partners whom he had never met before—
one from the Netherlands and the other from
Mexico. Having grown up in the United Kingdom
and having gone to college in Vancouver, British
Columbia, it was a life-changing experience:
“When you work in a (culturally diverse) place
like Vancouver, you work with people from different backgrounds and you think you are culturally
aware,” he recalls. But working as part of the
Namibia team, he was less sure of his openmindedness. He also learned that “perhaps the
way you see things isn’t necessarily the best
way”—a humbling experience for someone as
successful as a PwC partner.
After returning from Namibia, Ayub says he
can still see the faces of the orphans he met,
whose parents had died from AIDS. PwC says
it can see that Ayub benefited from the experience. Today, he recognizes the importance of
listening to different perspectives before making
decisions. “Before, when I came across an issue
that I thought I knew how to deal with, I would
say that I didn’t have a lot of time to listen to
everyone involved to make sure it was the right
way to go. Now I am much more open to listening and to other people’s points of view,”
he says. In reflecting on the Ulysses Program
and other experiences, Tahir comments: “As a
leader, you have to communicate clearly and
most of all walk the talk; actions really do speak
louder than words.”
To learn more about PwC, go to www.pwc.com.
Nonverbal Differences
Because of the many differences in nonverbal expression, people from different cultures often misunderstand each other. This is a significant barrier to cross-cultural
communication.45 We now review three forms of nonverbal cross-cultural communication: chromatics, chronemics, and body language.
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Chromatics is communication through the use of color. Colors of clothing, products,
packaging, or gifts send intended or unintended messages when people communicate
cross-culturally. For example, in Hong Kong red signifies happiness or good luck. The
traditional bridal dress is red, and at the Chinese New Year luck money is distributed
in hong bao, red envelopes. Men in Hong Kong avoid green because of the Cantonese
expression “He’s wearing a green hat,” which means “His wife is cheating on him.” In
Chile, a gift of yellow roses conveys the message “I don’t like you,” and in the Czech
Republic giving red roses indicates a romantic interest.
In the United States, it is common to wear black when one is mourning, whereas in
some locations in India, people wear white when they are mourning. In Asia, people like
colored shampoos because they like the shampoo to be the color of their hair because they
believe different or lighter colors change the color of their hair. In the United States, shampoos tend to be light colored because people see this as a sign of cleanliness and hygiene.
Chronemics reflects the use of time in a culture.46 Before reading any further, please
complete the instrument in Table 9.2 to determine how you use your personal time.
A monochronic time schedule means that things are done linearly, or one activity at a time.
Time is seen as something that can be controlled or wasted by people. Time schedules
are followed by employees in individualistic cultures, such as those in Northern Europe,
Germany, and the United States. Being a few minutes late for a business appointment
is an insult, so punctuality is extremely important. Keith Hughes is the former CEO
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Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
of Associates First Capital Corporation, a consumer finance company that has been
acquired by Citigroup. He used to lock the doors when a meeting was supposed to start
and didn’t unlock them until the meeting was over.
A polychronic time schedule means that people tend to do several things at the same
time.47 A more fluid approach is taken to scheduling time. Many people may like to drive
and conduct business at the same time (cars and cellular phones) or watch the news and
a ball game at the same time (picture-in-picture TV). Schedules are less important than
personal involvement and the completion of business. In Latin America and the Middle
East (e.g., Saudi Arabia and Egypt), time schedules are less important than personal
involvement. In Ecuador, businesspeople come to a meeting 15 or 20 minutes late and
still consider themselves to be on time.
Polychronic cultures are deeply steeped in tradition rather than in tasks—a clear difference from their monochronic counterparts. They are more focused on relationships,
rather than watching the clock. They have no problem being “late” for an event if they
are with family or friends, because the relationship is what really matters. As a result,
polychronic cultures have a much less formal perception of time. These cultures are much
less focused on the preciseness of accounting for each and every moment. They are not
as ruled by precise calendars and schedules as are monochronic cultures. Rather, they
may even schedule multiple appointments simultaneously such that keeping on schedule
is an impossibility. Many polychronic cultures have a past orientation toward time. The
Chinese, for example, place great significance on the past.
Body Language
Posture, gestures, eye contact, facial expression, touching, voice pitch and volume, and
speaking rate differ from one culture to another.48 As a simple, but potentially disastrous
example, nodding the head up and down in Bulgaria means “no,” not “yes.” You must
avoid using any gestures considered rude or insulting. For instance, in Buddhist cultures,
the head is considered sacred, so you must never touch anyone’s head. In Muslim cultures,
the left hand is considered unclean, so never touch, pass, or receive with the left hand.
Pointing with the index finger is rude in cultures ranging from the Sudan to Venezuela
to Sri Lanka. The American circular “A-OK” gesture carries a vulgar meaning in Brazil,
Paraguay, Singapore, and Russia. Crossing your ankle over your knee is rude in Indonesia,
Thailand, and Syria. Pointing your index finger toward yourself insults the other person
in Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Avoid placing an open hand over a closed
fist in France, saying “tsk tsk” in Kenya, and whistling in India.
Prepare yourself to recognize gestures that have meaning
only in the other culture. Chinese stick out their tongues to
show surprise and scratch their ears and cheeks to show happiness. Japanese suck in air, hissing through their teeth to indicate embarrassment or “no.” Greeks puff air after they receive
a compliment. Hondurans touch a finger to the face below the
eye to indicate caution or disbelief.
Finally, resist applying your own culture’s nonverbal meanings to other cultures. Vietnamese may look at the ground with
their heads down to show respect, not to be “shifty.” Russians
may exhibit less facial expression and Scandinavians fewer gestures than Americans are accustomed to, but that doesn’t mean
that they aren’t enthusiastic. The British may prefer more distant
personal and social space and might consider it rude if you move
too close. Closely related is the concept of touch. Anglos usually
avoid touching each other very much. In studies of touching
behaviors, researchers observed people seated in outdoor cafes in
each of four countries and counted the number of touches during
an hour of conversation. The results were San Juan, Puerto Rico,
180 touches per hour; Paris, 110 per hour; Gainesville, Florida,
1 per hour; and London, 0 per hour.49
Body language, including
gestures, eye contact, facial
expressions, and touching,
varies from one culture to
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Learning Goal
5. Discuss the role of
communication networks.
Interpersonal Communication Networks
An interpersonal communication network is the pattern of communication flows,
relationships, and understandings developed over time among people, rather than focusing on
the individual and whether a specific message is received as intended by the sender. Networks
involve the ongoing flow of verbal, written, and nonverbal messages between two
people or between one person and others. Communication networks can influence
the likelihood of a match between messages as sent and as actually received and interpreted. The more accurately the message moves through the channel, the more clearly
the receiver will understand it.
Individual Network
The elements of interpersonal communication shown earlier in Figure 9.1 are based
on a network of only two people. Obviously, communication often takes place among
many individuals and larger groups. Claudia Gonzales, a telecommunications manager
for Abaco Grupo Financiero in Mexico, normally has ongoing links with many people
both inside and outside her organization. Her communication network extends laterally, vertically, and externally. Vertical networks typically include her immediate superior
and subordinates and the superior’s superiors and the subordinates’ subordinates.
Lateral networks include people in the same department at the same level (peers) and
people in different departments at the same level. External networks include customers,
suppliers, regulatory agencies, pressure groups, professional peers, and friends. Thus,
a person’s communication network can be quite involved.
Size limits the possible communication networks within a team or informal group.
In principle, as the size of a team increases arithmetically, the number of possible communication interrelationships increases exponentially. Accordingly, communication
networks are much more varied and complex in a 12-person team than in a 5-person
team. Although each team member (theoretically) may be able to communicate with all
the others, the direction and number of communication channels often are somewhat
limited. In committee meetings, for example, varying levels of formality influence who
may speak, what may be discussed, and in what order. The relative status or ranking of
team members also may differ. Members having higher status probably will dominate
communications more than those with lower status. Even when an open network is
encouraged, a team member may actually use a limited network arrangement.
A common prescription, especially for college graduates when they join an organization, is to work on developing an individual communication network. At present
or in the future, how might you know if you have developed a strong inside individual
network? If you are able to answer “yes” to most of the following questions, you are
probably on the right track50:
1. Do I know people at more than one level of the organization? Do they know my
name and what I do?
2. Do I know a number of the people whose work relates to mine in any way beyond
my own department?
3. Am I involved in any interdepartmental activities (temporary assignments, committees, task forces, special projects, volunteer activities)?
4. Am I plugged into the grapevine? Do I find out quickly what’s up?
5. Do I take every opportunity to meet face to face to define and discuss complex
problems, shifting priorities, areas of responsibility?
6. Do I know and talk with others about trends that will impact my job in the future
and methods to get the job done today?
7. When I become aware of a problem that involves people from various areas, do
I take the initiative to indicate my willingness to work on it?
8. Do I drop by to see people—even when I don’t need anything—as time permits?
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
Effective individual networking focuses on serving customers, streamlining
internal processes, solving problems, and achieving organizational and unit goals.
Networking that focuses on immediate and apparent self-serving interests and goals is
often counterproductive and even more so when it serves to hurt or take advantage of
others.51 For individual network effectiveness, the individual needs political skill—the
ability to effectively understand others at work, and to use such knowledge to influence others
to act in ways that enhance one’s long-term personal and/or organizational goals.52 Consider
four of the dimensions of political skill53:
Networking ability—the degree to which individuals are adept at developing and using
diverse networks of people. People in these networks tend to have capabilities seen as
valuable and necessary for successful personal and organizational functioning.
Apparent sincerity—the degree to which individuals appear to others as possessing high levels of integrity, authenticity, sincerity, and genuineness. They are, or
appear to be, honest, open, and forthright.
Social astuteness—the degree to which individuals are savvy observers of others and
are keenly attuned to diverse social situations. They understand social interactions
and accurately interpret their behavior, as well as that of others, in social settings.
They have strong powers of discernment and high self-awareness.
Interpersonal influence—the degree to which individuals use a subtle and convincing
personal style that exerts a powerful influence on those around them. Individuals
high on interpersonal influence nonetheless are capable of appropriately adapting and calibrating their behavior to each situation in order to elicit particular
responses from others. Because their actions are not interpreted as manipulative
or coercive, individuals high in apparent sincerity inspire trust and confidence in
and from those around them.
A major study identified the primary causes of managerial failure in changing organizations. More than 1,000 successful U.S. managers participated in this
study.54 Table 9.3 shows the top 10 major themes that were cited as causes of managerial failures. Although a failed manager is likely to be characterized by several
themes, it is apparent that “ineffective communication skills/practices” is cited by
the vast majority (81 percent) of managers. The failed managers typically did not
effectively share critical information with individual employees and/or work teams.
Also, they failed to listen to the concerns of those around them, with potentially
devastating outcomes. In essence, these failed managers were poor networkers and
lacked political skill.
TABLE 9. 3 Themes in Causes of Managerial Failure: Perceptions
of More Than 1,000 Successful Managers
Ineffective communication skills/practices
Poor work relationships/interpersonal skills
Person job mismatch
Fail to clarify direction/performance expectations
Failing to adapt and break old habits quickly
Delegation and empowerment breakdown
Lack of personal integrity and trustworthiness
Unable to develop cooperation/teamwork
Unable to lead/motivate others
Poor planning practices/reactionary behavior
Source: Adapted from Longenecker, C. O., Neubert, M. J., and Fink, L. S. Causes and consequences of
managerial failure in rapidly changing organizations. Business Horizons, 2007, 50, 148.
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Leadership and Team Behaviors
Informal Group Network
An informal group network involves the communication pattern of multiple individual
networks. By informal we mean those communication channels and messages that do
not strictly follow the formal organization paths, such as when the president meets
with or sends all employees an e-mail, or when a manager holds a weekly meeting with
The most common form of informal group network is the grapevine—the unofficial,
and at times confidential, person-to-person or person-to-group chain of verbal, or at times e-mail,
communication.55 The most common messages of the grapevine are rumors—unverified
information, which may be of uncertain origin, that is usually spread by word of mouth
or perhaps e-mail. Rumors are often a result of stress circumstances, like the perceived
threats from major organizational changes. Of course, rumors themselves, especially
when false, can be a source of stress and dissatisfaction. In general, the frequency of
negative rumors is much greater than positive rumors in organizations.56 Four of the
major ways that messages move through grapevines in organizations are as follows57:
Single-strand chain refers to one person telling a rumor to the next, who then tells the
next person, who tells the next, and so on. As such, the rumor is told to one person
at a time and passed on to others. Accuracy is lower in this type of chain than in the
others because of the many alterations the story is subject to with each retelling.
Gossip chain refers to only one person spreading the message, telling the story to
most everyone with which the person comes in contact. This chain is likely to be
the most slow moving.
Probability chain refers to one person randomly contacting several others and telling them the message. Those individuals, in turn, randomly contact several others
and continue to spread it. This chain is not a definite channel because the message
is spread to different people, bypassing others altogether.
Cluster chain refers to one person telling several close contacts who then pass it on
to several people with whom they have close contacts. Regardless, people receive
and transmit the message in terms of their personal biases, which results in the
general theme being maintained but the details potentially being changed. It is
often used to spread rumors and other news in organizations.
Informal group networks, like grapevines, cannot be eliminated by leaders. In
fact, leaders often participate in them. The best approach is to understand grapevines
and develop strategies to use in preventing and combating false or inaccurate rumors
and gossip both internally and externally to the organization.58 In an organization
with low levels of communication openness, it is to be expected that informal group
networks are likely to conflict with the formal employee network established by
senior management. As you will recall from Figure 9.4, low communication openness
is characterized by (1) closed, guarded, and defensive message transmission; (2) low
trust; (3) hidden agendas; and (4) concealed goals. In this situation, it is likely that different informal group networks are likely to conflict with each other and be engaged
in continuous power struggles. In contrast, with high levels of communication openness and other attributes of ethical interpersonal communication, individual networks,
informal group networks, and formal employee networks will more often be mutually
supportive and reasonably consistent with one another, thereby reducing barriers,
inconsistencies, and confusion in communications within the organization.59
Formal Employee Network
A formal employee network is the intended pattern and flows of employee-related communication vertically—between levels—and laterally—between individuals, teams, departments, and divisions. In this chapter, we discussed several of the practices undertaken by
Julia Stewart at DineEquity to shape, develop, and use informal and formal employee
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
networks. Our discussion of Tahir Ayub at PwC emphasized the importance of cultural context in a formal employee network such as the Ulysses Program at PwC. In
our Change Competency feature on Susan Powers at Travelport GDS, she and her
team used individual, informal, and formal employee networks to introduce ideas,
receive feedback, and foster organizational change.
In most chapters throughout this book, we present competency features on how
leaders can foster or hinder the development of effective formal employee networks.
Our discussion of six types of formal teams in Chapter 12—such as self-managed, virtual, and global—are examples of top leaders’ initiatives to form and influence various
lateral and vertical formal employee networks. Also, we discuss the network design as
one of the contemporary organizational designs in Chapter 15, Organization Design.
Insights for Leaders
All types of networks are important for day-to-day communication in organizations.60
No single network is likely to prove effective for a team or organization faced with a
variety of tasks, problems, and goals. The apparently efficient, low-cost, and simple
method of a superior instructing subordinates is likely to be ineffective if used exclusively. Dissatisfaction may become so great that members will leave the team or lose
their motivation to contribute. Individuals and teams that face complex problems
requiring a lot of discussion and coordination may deal with them ineffectively
because of this top-down pattern. Leaders must consider trade-offs or opportunity
costs. The overuse of formal meetings results in members becoming bored and dissatisfied with them. They often simply come to feel that their time is being wasted.
Employees may spend too much time on a problem and its solution with excessive
use of formal meetings. Hence, leaders should use the level of networking that is most
appropriate to the specific goals and tasks.
Major organizational changes typically require the use of all types of networks—
electronic, informal, and formal employee networks. One of the key leadership challenges is in creating vision so that these networks are reasonably consistent with and
reinforce each other. The following Change Competency feature emphasizes the
importance of leadership in creating employee networks and introducing information
technologies to bring about a major turnaround at CSX.61 CSX has a 21,000-routemile rail network that serves 23 states and two Canadian provinces. It operates an
average of 1,200 trains per day with a fleet of 3,800 locomotives and 110,000 freight
cars. CSX is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and has 30,000 employees.62 The
change and communication competencies of Michael J. Ward, the chairman and CEO
of CSX, were key ingredients in the turnaround at CSX. He was recognized for his
leadership by Railway Age as the 2009 Railroader of the Year.
Change competency
Michael Ward’s Reflections on CSX’s One Plan Redesign
Upon becoming CEO, we outlined some real
core values that we had to believe in as a company. They’re very basic to our business and very
appropriate for our company. People make a
difference. It starts with the customer. Safety is a
way of life. Be fact-based. Get the right results
the right way. One of the things I’m actually the
proudest of is our One Plan Redesign, which
looked at our entire scheduled merchandise,
automotive and intermodal networks. We needed
to put consistency into the plan and operate in
a disciplined manner so that we could give our
customers the kind of service they require. When
we first rolled One Plan out, it really worked well
for a couple of quarters. All of our key measures
started improving. The customers were satisfied
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
CSX train.
and we thought, wow, this is really a good program. Then, all of a sudden, we stopped paying
attention. All those great improvements went by
the wayside.
I’m really proud of what we did then.
Traditionally, we would have come out with a
new program. But we said, no, we’re going
to do the One Plan and we are going to do it
right. So we went back and we examined what
some of the issues were. One of them was
that the locomotive plan was not adequately
matched up and networked with the train operating plan. We made those improvements. We
rolled out the One Plan again, and ever since
then, it’s been working well and we continue to
improve it.
On the operating plan itself, we’re actually
doing a redesign, if you will, a rerunning of our
One Plan. It’s a several-month process because
it’s a very complicated computer model that
looks at all the traffic demands and how to best
“build” the trains. It isn’t just a computerized,
headquarters-originated process. We take the
preliminary results and go out to the field personnel. We say, this is what we think you should
or could be able to do; do you agree with this?
Many times the local personnel will have some
refinements. Sometimes they’ll change what
that recommendation is and will improve it and
make it more executable. We want to make sure
it’s not just an exercise in computer modeling. It
needs to be something that people feel like they
can execute on a day-in, day-out basis. It takes a
couple of iterations to get it refined properly, and
we’re in the process of doing that as well.
We recently implemented a new dispatch
system. Before, everything was centrally decided
in Jacksonville, Florida. The new dispatch system
is much more portable and flexible. There’s real
value in having dispatching close to the actual
operations. It’s my view that having the dispatcher
closer to the operations is actually very beneficial.
They get to know the people, they get to know
the territory better. This makes it less of a video
game, realizing that there are physical locations,
there are sidings, and understanding the ebbs
and flows. Having dispatchers closer to the field
operating people is much more effective.
To learn more about CSX, go to www.csx.com.
Impacts of E-Mail
E-mail impacts individuals, informal groups, and formal employee networks as well as
interpersonal communications throughout the organization. Just as face-to-face meetings can be overused and misused in organizations, so too can e-mail. The average
manager receives over 250 e-mails a week. The potential perils of e-mail are greater
than many assume. Research suggests that less than 50 percent of users grasp the tone
or intent of an e-mail. Moreover, most people vastly overestimate their ability to relay
and comprehend e-mail messages accurately. Misinterpretation is highest when the
e-mail comes from the person’s manager.63
E-mail is different from a live conversation in two important ways: First, the individual cannot modify the content of a message based on the nonverbal reactions of the
other party. Second, e-mails are permanent documents. Once sent, an e-mail can’t be
taken back and the sender loses all control over who views the message. Unfortunately,
the permanent nature of e-mail often is forgotten in the hubbub of everyday communications and can come back to haunt the sender in unanticipated ways.
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
Three major challenges have been identified with the use of e-mail: First and foremost, e-mails lacks cues like facial expression and tone of voice. That makes it difficult
for recipients to decode meaning. Second, the prospect of instantaneous communication creates an urgency that pressures e-mailers to think and write quickly, which can
lead to carelessness in grammar, spelling, and tone. Third, the inability to develop
personal rapport over an e-mail makes relationships fragile in the face of conflict.64 In
effect, e-mail cannot adequately convey emotion. When it does, unintended emotions
are often received. The sender may soon wish the message sent could be retrieved or
revised. Recall how Julia Stewart in the opening Learning from Experience feature
felt about e-mail: She uses it, but says voice mail works best for her because she finds
e-mail to be stale and impersonal.
The emotional dimension conveyed thru e-mail has been termed e-body language
by one author.65 E-body language is primarily conveyed in three main areas: tone,
timing, and tension.
How the person structures and phrases e-mails can play a large part in how they are
interpreted. For example, the overuse of personal pronouns—I, me, my—makes the
writer sound parochial or egotistical. Too much use of the words we and they signals a
competitive atmosphere. Overuse of exclamation points, sentences in all caps and bold
font, and messages marked “high importance” when that is not really so are pitfalls
associated with using e-mail. These practices can easily create unintended tones and
related reactions.
Because people open e-mail messages at different times, a person might reply to a
message that has been superseded by another, leading to confusion. Sometimes e-mail
messages arrive with an expected quick reply when the recipient is in an overload
situation. In a recent survey, one-quarter of the 7,800 responding managers reported
being overwhelmed by their daily communications, especially through e-mail.66
Interpersonal conflict may leave a bloody and ugly trail in e-mail communications.
Outbursts of anger via e-mails usually make both parties look foolish, especially when
individuals escalate the conflict into heated exchanges. The way to stop an online battle is to refrain from taking the bait. Don’t respond to the attack in kind. Acknowledge
a difference of opinion, but don’t escalate the situation. Switching to a different form
of communication will help avoid a trail of embarrassing messages.67 Chapter 13
explores approaches for managing conflict and negotiating effectively.
Impacts of Text and Instant Messaging
Text messaging allows short text messages, generally no more than a couple of hundred characters in length, to be sent and received on a mobile phone.68 Most phones and carriers also
allow messages to be sent directly to an e-mail address. Outside of the United States,
text messaging is more commonly known as SMS—short messaging service. Instant
messaging, sometimes called mobile messaging, includes a variety of capabilities—such
as chat, video, web links, streaming content, and file sharing—beyond texting.69
The use of text messaging in the United States began to explode in 2002, but was
well under way in a number of other countries at that time. Text messaging, as many
readers of this book know, started as a communication tool of the younger generation,
but that is changing rapidly.70
A review of the new instant messaging innovations is beyond the scope of this
discussion,71 however, the e-body language issues of e-mail also apply, for the most
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
part, to text messaging. The increasing adoption of instant messaging as a business
communication medium has been driven by employees, rather than through formal
initiatives by the organization. This is changing. To date, the primary functions of
instant messaging in the workplace include (1) quick (brief) questions and clarifications;
(2) coordinating and scheduling day-to-day tasks; (3) coordinating impromptu social
meetings, such as lunch or after-work “happy hours”; and (4) letting friends and family
know of work-related schedule changes, such as being home early or late from work.72
As expected, instant and text messaging have the advantage of being more “real time”
than e-mail.
Gartner, headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, is a leading provider of market research covering the information technology industry. David Smith, a senior
research analyst at Gartner, comments: “Although consumer IM [instant messaging]
use has been predominant, we expect penetration levels for enterprise grade IM to
rise from around 25 percent currently to nearly 100 percent by 2011 or earlier. The
business benefits that IM can bring are considerable. The ability to connect people in
disparate locations by text, voice and video in one application is useful and is equally
well suited to an informal ‘water cooler’ atmosphere as well as more formal group
communications.”73 IM is increasingly being used as a vehicle for rapidly disseminating critical information to the entire enterprise, to groups of users, or to individuals
in cases such as natural disasters, health issues, network outages, or schedule changes.
In some cases, the IM network remains operational when phone or e-mail systems
are down.74
Chapter Summary
1. Describe the core
elements of
2. Explain the factors
that foster ethical
3. Diagnose nonverbal
The basic elements in the communication process—senders, receivers, transmitters, receptors, messages, channels, meaning, encoding, decoding, and feedback—are interrelated.
Face-to-face interpersonal communication has the highest degree of information
richness. An information-rich medium is especially important for performing complex
tasks and resolving social and emotional issues that involve considerable uncertainty
and ambiguity. Important issues usually contain significant amounts of uncertainty,
ambiguity, and people-related (especially social and emotional) problems.
There are many potential challenges to effective interpersonal communication.
Direct barriers include aggressive communication approaches, noise, semantics,
demeaning language, and lying and distortion.
Through mastering the factors that constitute dialogue, the likelihood of engaging in
ethical interpersonal communications is magnified. Dialogue includes communication openness, constructive feedback, appropriate self-disclosure, and active listening.
Dialogue requires senders and receivers to play a dynamic role in the communication
process. In open communication, senders and receivers are able to discuss, disagree,
and search for understanding without resorting to personal attacks or hidden agendas.
Feedback received from others provides motivation for individuals to learn and change
their behaviors. How much individuals are willing to share with others depends on
their ability to disclose information. By being an active listener, the receiver hears the
whole message without interpretation or judgment.
Nonverbal cues play a powerful role in supporting or hindering communications.
There are many types of personal nonverbal cues. They were presented through the
acronym PERCEIVE, which stands for the following terms: proximity, expressions,
relative orientation, contact, eyes, individual gestures, voice, and existence of adapters.
Formal organizational position is often tied to status. Status symbols—office size, the
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
floor on which the office is located, number of windows, location of a secretary, and
access to senior-level employees—all influence communication patterns. We noted
some cautionary comments on the need to avoid simplistic stereotypes as to the meaning of nonverbal cues employed by an individual.
To provide a sense of how much the interpersonal communication process can vary
between cultures, we reviewed the concept of taarof in Iran. The barriers stemming
from cultural differences are always present. They are more likely to be high when
the interaction takes place between individuals from high-context and low-context
cultures. We noted how certain nonverbal messages—the use of color, time, and
gestures—can affect intercultural communications.
4. Understand the
An individual’s communication network extends laterally, vertically, and externally.
The development of a strong inside individual network can be determined by being
able to respond “yes” to most of the eight questions presented in the chapter text, such
as “Do I know a number of the people whose work relates to mine in any way beyond
my own department?” For individual networking effectiveness, the individual needs
political skill. The informal group network involves the pattern of multiple individual
networks. The most common form of informal group network is the grapevine,
which may take the pattern of a single-strand chain, gossip chain, probability chain,
or cluster chain. The formal employee network focuses on the intended pattern of
employee-related communication vertically and laterally. Leaders need to be proactive
in creating an open and ethically based pattern to ensure that individual and employee
group networks are not in conflict with the formal employee network, but are instead,
for the most part, supportive of it. This network may be influenced and supported by
a variety of information technologies.
The potential impacts of e-mail as well as text and instant messaging technologies on interpersonal communication were reviewed. We focused on the overuse and
misuse of e-mail. Of course, despite the limitations, e-mail, text messaging, and instant
messaging are vital in today’s organizations and society.
5. Discuss the role
importance of cultural
and nonverbal barriers
to communication.
of communication
Key Terms and Concepts
Active listening, 264
Assertive communication, 260
Channels, 256
Chromatics, 274
Chronemics, 274
Cue, 256
Cultural context, 271
Decoding, 257
Dialogue, 260
Distortion, 259
Encoding, 257
Ethnocentrism, 272
Feedback, 258
Formal employee network, 278
Grapevine, 278
High-context culture, 271
Impression management, 259
Intercultural communication, 270
Interpersonal communication, 254
Interpersonal communication network, 276
Language routines, 259
Low-context culture, 271
Lying, 259
Meaning, 257
Media richness, 256
Messages, 255
Meta-communication, 261
Monochronic time schedule, 274
Noise, 258
Nonverbal communication, 267
Political skill, 277
Polychronic time schedule, 275
Receptors, 255
Self-disclosure, 264
Semantics, 258
Taarof, 271
Text messaging, 281
360-degree feedback, 264
Transmitters, 255
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Discussion Questions
Visit DineEquity’s home page at www.dineequity.com.
Click on “Corporate Governance,” then “DineEquity
Policies on Business Conduct.” Read Julia Stewart’s
statement and the section on “Conflicts of Interest.” Do
you think these are effective statements on ethical business conduct? Explain.
In what ways do the barriers to interpersonal communication interfere with your development of the diversity
Review the Change Competency on Susan Powers.
What key attributes of the communication competency
were used by Susan Powers and her team to achieve the
changes at Travelport GDS?
How would you assess the level of ethical interpersonal
communication in an organization at which you are or
have been employed? Give concrete examples that serve
as the basis of your assessment.
Based on your diagnosis of feedback practices you
experienced in a current or previous job through the
completion of the instrument in Table 9.1, which
practices are least effective? How might they be
Why is media richness important in interpersonal communication? Do changes need to be made in the pattern
and frequency of use of the various media employed by
the leadership in the organization for which you currently work or have worked? Explain.
7. Describe the common nonverbal cues used by someone you have worked for. Are they usually consistent
or inconsistent with that person’s verbal expressions?
8. Describe your individual communication network at
work or at school. Is it effective? Would you like to
make any changes in it? Why or why not?
9. In what ways can you both agree and disagree with
the following statement: “The Internet, e-mail, text
messaging, and instant messaging are making it easier
to communicate with people from different cultures.”
10. Review the Change Competency feature entitled
“Michael Ward’s Reflections on CSX’s One Plan
Redesign.” What factors that foster effective
communications are illustrated in this feature?
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Communication Competency
Communication Inventory75
The following statements relate to how your current or former manager and you communicate on the job. There are no
right or wrong responses. Respond honestly to each statement
using the following scale:
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
_____ 8.
My manager criticizes my work without allowing
me to explain.
My manager allows me as much creativity as possible in my job.
My manager always judges the actions of his or
her subordinates.
My manager allows flexibility on the job.
My manager criticizes my work in the presence of
My manager is willing to try new ideas and to
accept other points of view.
My manager believes that he or she must control
how I do my work.
My manager understands the problems that
I encounter in my job.
_____ 9.
_____ 10.
_____ 11.
_____ 12.
_____ 13.
_____ 14.
_____ 15.
_____ 16.
_____ 17.
_____ 18.
_____ 19.
_____ 20.
My manager is always trying to change other people’s attitudes and behaviors to suit his or her own.
My manager respects my feelings and values.
My manager always needs to be in charge of the
My manager listens to my problems with interest.
My manager tries to manipulate subordinates to
get what he or she wants or to make himself or
herself look good.
My manager does not try to make me feel
I have to be careful when talking to my manager
so that I will not be misinterpreted.
My manager participates in meetings with
employees without projecting his or her higher
status or power.
I seldom say what really is on my mind because it
might be twisted and distorted by my manager.
My manager treats me with respect.
My manager seldom becomes involved in
employee conflicts.
My manager does not have hidden motives in
dealing with me.
Chapter 9
Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
_____ 21. My manager is not interested in employee
_____ 22. I feel that I can be honest and straightforward
with my manager.
_____ 23. My manager rarely offers moral support during a
personal crisis.
_____ 24. I feel that I can express my opinions and ideas
honestly to my manager.
_____ 25. My manager tries to make me feel inadequate.
_____ 26. My manager defines problems so that they can
be understood but does not insist that his or her
subordinates agree.
_____ 27. My manager makes it clear that he or she is in
_____ 28. I feel free to talk to my manager.
_____ 29. My manager believes that if a job is to be done
right, he or she must oversee it or do it.
_____ 30. My manager defines problems and makes his or
her subordinates aware of them.
_____ 31. My manager cannot admit that he or she makes
_____ 32. My manager tries to describe situations fairly
without labeling them as good or bad.
_____ 33. My manager is dogmatic; it is useless for me to
voice an opposing point of view.
_____ 34. My manager presents his or her feelings and perceptions without implying that a similar response
is expected from me.
_____ 35. My manager thinks that he or she is always
_____ 36. My manager attempts to explain situations clearly
and without personal bias.
Place an X on the scale below to indicate what your perception is of your manager’s communication skills.
18 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Part II: Supportive Scores
A. Provisionalism: Add point values for statements (2) ___ +
(4) ___ + (6) ___ = _____
B. Empathy: Add point values for statements (8) ___ +
(10) ___ + (12) ___ = _____
C. Equality: Add point values for statements (14) ___ +
(16) ___ + (18) ___ = _____
D. Spontaneity: Add point values for statements (20) ___ +
(22) ___ + (24) ___ = _____
E. Problem Orientation: Add point values for statements
(26) ___ + (28) ___ + (30) ___ = _____
F. Description: Add point values for statements (32) ___ +
(34) ___ + (36) ___ = _____
Subtotals for Supportive Scores
A. Provisionalism _____
B. Empathy _____
C. Equality _____
D. Spontaneity _____
E. Problem Orientation _____
F. Description _____
Add subtotals for A thru F = _____
Place an X on the scale below to indicate what your perception is of your manager’s communication skills.
18 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Scoring and Interpretation
Place the numbers that you assigned to each statement in the
appropriate blanks. Now add them to determine a subtotal
for each communication category. Place the subtotals in the
proper blanks and add your scores.
You will note that low defensive scores in Part I indicate a high
degree of defensiveness, whereas low supportive scores in
Part II indicate a high degree of supportiveness.
Part I: Defensive Scores
A. Evaluation: Add point values for statements (1) ___ +
(3) ___ + (5) ___ = _____
B. Control: Add point values for statements (7) ___ +
(9) ___ + (11) ___ = _____
C. Strategy: Add point values for statements (13) ___ +
(15) ___ + (17) ___ = _____
D. Neutrality: Add point values for statements (19) ___ +
(21) ___ + (23) ___ = _____
E. Superiority: Add point values for statements (25) ___ +
(27) ___ + (29) ___ = _____
F. Certainty: Add point values for statements (31) ___ +
(33) ___ + (35) ___ = _____
Subtotals for Defensive Scores
A. Evaluation _____
B. Control _____
C. Strategy _____
D. Neutrality _____
E. Superiority _____
F. Certainty _____
Add subtotals for A thru F = _____
1. Based on the assessment of your manager on the
defensive scores (Part I), what suggestions and
comments would you have for him or her if you
were serving as a communication consultant to this
2. Based on the assessment of your manager on the
supportive scores (Part II), what suggestions and
comments would you have for her or him if you
were serving as a communication consultant to this
3. Using the factors that foster ethical dialogue from
Figure 9.3, what changes would you propose in your
own communications with your manager?
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Case: Communication Competency
Part A
Xographics is a division of a large telecommunications
company. Ellen Bohn, the vice president of production, had
recently moved to Xographics from a firm where she had
been the manager of a large office staff. The three managers
reporting to Bohn at her new job all had 20 or more years
of experience with Xographics. They had seen it go from an
effective production division to one that was badly troubled
with problem workers and poor performance.
Shortly after her arrival, while talking with one of the
managers, Bohn learned that many of them were upset because
of the previous vice president’s insistence that employees
report any machine breakdown to him or one of his assistants
within 15 minutes of the breakdown. They felt that this didn’t
give the employees the opportunity to repair the machine
themselves. The manager told Bohn that the word was that
once an employee had five breakdown reports, he or she was
taken off the machine and given a lower paying job.
1. What should Bohn do?
2. What other problems (unidentified by Bohn) might be
3. What additional steps might the managers take?
Part B
One of the major problems that Bohn faced was that only
about 40 percent of the jobs listed for scheduled maintenance
shutdowns were ever performed. During an informal conversation with Ken Viet, Xographics’ human resources manager,
Bohn learned that the maintenance department was operating
at about 60 percent efficiency. Viet said that the maintenance
employees had recently staged a slowdown in order to force
the company to increase their wages. Viet also told Bohn that
maintenance employees usually quit about an hour early in
order to wash up.
The head of the maintenance department had worked his
way up through the ranks. He started with Xographics immediately after graduation from high school and had been with
the company for 25 years. His reason for the “inefficiency” was
the lack of qualified maintenance people in the area, with the
personnel department sending him individuals not qualified to
maintain the mill’s machines. He didn’t have the time to train
each newly hired employee, assigning this responsibility to
other employees who had been around for a while.
Questions (continued)
4. How might Bohn approach the head of maintenance?
5. Who else should Bohn talk to?
Part C
Two months after Bohn joined Xographics, the company held
its annual picnic at a Six Flags park. Most of the employees
and their families were there. Bohn saw Viet at the picnic and
handed him a soft drink. The following conversation then
took place.
Viet: Hey, Ellen [Bohn], got a minute?
Bohn: Sure, what’s up?
Viet: Well, I was talking with one of your managers that I
know pretty well. You know, an off-the-record chat about
the company.
Bohn: Yeah?
Viet: He told me that the company’s management style is the
mushroom style: Keep them in the dark and feed ’em a
lot of manure. He said that nobody knew you were hired
until you showed up at the plant. We heard that the guard
didn’t even know who you were.
Bohn: Yeah, I guess that’s so.
Viet: This manager said that he has been doing his job for ten
years and has never received any performance appraisal.
His raises are just added into his check. No one has
pointed out his strong and weak points.
Bohn: Yeah, I guess that’s so. But, I’m not totally sure. You
know that I’ve been here only a few months myself.
Viet: Yeah, I know that, but listen to this. Tom Kerr, the new
manager of industrial engineering, hasn’t talked to or
even been introduced to anybody in the paper-machine
area, and Tom has been on the job for three months.
Bohn: Ken [Viet], how widespread do you think this feeling
is about the mushroom style of management?
Viet: I don’t know, Ellen, but I think you ought to find out if
you want this place to produce.
Questions (continued)
6. What steps can Bohn take?
7. What barriers to communication may exist?
8. What role has the company’s informal communication
network played in this situation?
Leadership Effectiveness:
After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Describe the role of power and
political behavior in
the leadership process.
Describe three legacy models
of leadership: traits, Theory X/
Theory Y, and behavioral.
Explain and apply the Situational
Leadership® Model.
Explain and apply the Vroom–
Jago leadership model.
Learning Content
Learning from Experience
Douglas Conant’s Leadership at Campbell Soup Co.
Power and Political Behavior
Change Competency
Carol Bartz’s Use of Power to Change Yahoo!
Legacy Leadership Models
Self Competency
Colin Powell’s “Lessons in Leadership”
Situational Leadership® Model
Communication Competency
Paul Millman, CEO, Chroma Technology
Vroom–Jago Leadership Model
Ethics Competency
The Bank CEO
Experiential Exercise and Case
Experiential Exercise: Self Competency
Personal Power Inventory
Case: Diversity Competency
Women on Corporate Boards
Learning from Experience
Douglas Conant’s Leadership at Campbell Soup Co.
Douglas R. Conant was appointed president
and chief executive officer of Campbell’s Soup
Company in 2001. Campbell’s, headquartered in
Camden, New Jersey, is a global manufacturer
and marketer in 120 countries of simple foods
such as soup, baked foods, frozen foods, and
vegetable-based beverages. The company has
approximately $8 billion in annual sales and a
variety of brands, such as Campbell’s, Pepperidge
Farm, Prego, Swanson, and V8. Its 190,000
employees are in various locations and its principal markets are in North America, Australia,
France, Germany, and Belgium.
Under Conant’s leadership, Campbell’s has
reversed a decline in shareholder value and
employee commitment. The company has made
significant investments to improve product quality
and packaging, strengthen the effectiveness of its
marketing programs, and develop a
strong innovation pipeline. Campbell’s
also has improved its financial profile,
enhanced its relationships with its
customers, and consistently improved
its employee satisfaction and commitment through investments in its organization. Conant did not shake up the
firm through in-your-face control and
domination. He readily gives others
credit and deflects praise.
Conant led the development of a
10-year plan, called the “Campbell’s
Journey,” that is based on the concept
of focused, mission-driven innovation. Broken down into three phases
beginning in 2001, the first was the
Transformation Plan from 2001 to
To learn more about the Campbell
Soup Company, go to
2004, the second was the Quality Growth Plan,
and the last is the Building for Extraordinary
Growth Plan from 2008 to 2010. A process is
under way to develop a revised “Campbell’s
Journey.” The mission is to build “the world’s
most extraordinary food company,” which Conant
equates to “a sustainably good company.”
When Conant first assessed employee commitment, Campbell’s workforce ranked at the
bottom when compared to other firms in a Gallup
Organization sample. Conant set about reinvigorating the employees and firm through a variety
of actions:
• Using a personal touch. Conant has sent out
more than 20,000 handwritten thank-you
notes to employees, from the chief investment officer to the receptionist at headquarters. These notes are often found hanging
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
in people’s offices or above their desks. “In
business, we’re trained to find things that are
wrong, but I try to celebrate what’s right,”
says Conant.
Setting expectations. All leaders must meet
with direct reports each quarter to update
their progress on clearly articulated goals.
However, given the poor state of leadership
at Campbell’s when he arrived, Conant led
the process over a six-year period of replacing
300 of the company’s 350 managers. Half of
the replacements were from within.
Featuring communications. Every six weeks,
Conant has lunch with a group of a dozen or
so employees to listen to problems and get
feedback. Conant knows he doesn’t have all
the answers, admitting mistakes with a simple
but meaningful “I can do better.”
Developing professional opportunities and
learning. Conant encourages movement
among employees and led the creation of
programs to develop a pipeline of talent.
Conant is a serious student of leadershiprelated books. He even started a book club
for top executives.
Stimulating innovation. Conant knows that
Campbell must keep developing new products and ideas to maintain its momentum. So
he has focused on innovation, the lifeblood of
any consumer packaged-goods company.1
The Learning from Experience feature provides a few insights into Douglas Conant’s
effectiveness as a leader and what it means to be a leader. This and the following
chapter further develop and expand on those insights. Leadership embraces the seven
foundation competencies developed throughout this book, but it also goes beyond
them. A team’s or organization’s success is greatly influenced by its leadership. Conant
clearly reflects leadership qualities.
In this chapter, we explore foundation concepts and models of leadership. First,
we review the role of power and political behavior for managers and leaders. Second,
we highlight three legacy leadership models. The third and fourth sections of this
chapter present two recognized contingency models of leadership.
Before reading further, it would be useful to review the section titled “Leadership
versus Management” in Chapter 1. We stated that leadership is the process of developing
ideas and a vision, living by values that support those ideas and that vision, influencing others
to embrace them in their own behaviors, and making hard decisions about human and other
resources. Management, on the other hand, emphasizes planning, control, rules and
procedures, authority relations, and the like. We emphasized that not all managers are
necessarily leaders.
Learning Goal
1. Describe the role of power
and political behavior in the
leadership process.
Power and Political Behavior
All leaders use power and engage in political behaviors to influence others.2
True leaders do so effectively and ethically. Others in managerial roles, but who
do not qualify as effective leaders, use power and political behavior in ways that
are ineffective and counterproductive. We illustrate this in a variety of chapters,
especially Chapter 2.
Leaders’ Use of Power
There are five important interpersonal sources of power—legitimate power, reward
power, coercive power, referent power, and expert power—that leaders and others
use in various situations.3 Leaders use these sources of power to influence followers
Chapter 10
Leadership Effectiveness: Foundations
by appealing to one or more of their needs. Effective leadership depends as much
on the acceptance of influence by the follower as on the leader’s providing it.
Let’s review those sources of power in relation to the roles of leader and you as a
Legitimate Power
Legitimate power is an individual’s ability to influence others’ behaviors because of the
person’s formal position in the organization. You may respond to such influence because
you acknowledge the leader’s legitimate right to tell you what to do. Nonmanagerial
employees also may possess legitimate power. For example, when John Ogden was
a safety inspector at Lockheed Martin Vought’s plant in Camden, Arkansas, he had
the legitimate power to shut down production if there was a safety violation, even if
the plant manager objected and tried to stop him.
Legitimate power is an important concept. Typically, a manager is given the
right to make decisions within a specific area of responsibility, such as customer
service, quality control, marketing, or accounting. This area of responsibility
defines the activities for which the manager (and sometimes other employees) can
expect to exercise legitimate power to influence behavior. The further removed
managers are from their specific areas of responsibility, the weaker their legitimate power becomes. You have a zone of indifference with respect to the exercise
of power by your manager.4 The zone of indifference is an area within which
employees will accept certain directives without questioning the leader’s power. The leader
may have considerable legitimate power to influence your behavior. Outside that
zone, however, legitimate power disappears rapidly. For example, an administrative
assistant (male or female) may keystroke letters, answer the phone,
open the mail, and do similar tasks for a manager (female or male)
without question. However, if the manager asks the administrative
assistant to go out for a drink after work, the assistant may refuse.
The manager’s request clearly falls outside the assistant’s zone of
indifference. The manager has no legitimate right to expect the
assistant to comply.
In the Learning from Experience feature, we reported on Douglas
Conant’s use of legitimate power. As you will recall, over a six-year
period, he replaced 300 of Campbell’s 350 managers. He led and
approved resources for the creation of programs aimed at developing a
pipeline of talent at Campbell’s.
Reward power is an individual’s ability to influence others’ behaviors
by providing them with valued things. To the extent that the employee
values the rewards that the manager can give—praise, promotions,
money, time off, and so on—the employee may comply with requests
and directives. A manager who controls the allocation of merit pay
raises in a department has reward power over employees in that
department. Accordingly, the employees may comply with some
attempts by the manager to influence their behavior because they
expect to be rewarded for this compliance. Conant has sent out more
than 20,000 handwritten thank-you notes to employees. They are
often found hanging in people’s offices or above their desks. Conant
stated: “In business, we’re trained to find things that are wrong, but
I try to celebrate what’s right.” As the CEO, Conant has considerable
reward power; including pay raises or bonuses, many of which he is
permitted to award without approval by the board of directors.
Reward Power
Reward power is an
individual’s ability to
influence others’ behavior
by providing valued talent.
Rewards might include
awards, praise, promotions,
money, or time off.
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Coercive Power
Coercive power is an individual’s ability to influence others’ behaviors by punishing them.
For example, employees may comply with a manager’s directive because they expect
to be punished if they fail to do so. Punishment may take the form of reprimands,
undesirable work assignments, closer supervision, tighter enforcement of work rules,
suspension without pay, and the like.
Recall, however, that punishment can have undesirable side effects (see Chapter 5).
For example, employees who receive an official reprimand for shoddy work may find
ways to avoid punishment, such as by refusing to perform tasks, falsifying performance
reports, or being absent frequently. Coercive power doesn’t necessarily encourage
desired behavior, but it may stop or reduce undesirable behaviors.
At times, leaders do need to exercise coercive power, which is based on their
legitimate power. Demoting or dismissing subordinates for poor performance, unacceptable behaviors (e.g., sexual harassment, bullying, workplace violence), and the
lack of integrity (e.g., lying, deceitful conduct, and the like) may require the use of
coercive power. The 300 managers removed by Conant over a six-year period may
have experienced his action as a form of punishment, but these actions were within
his legitimate power to do so. He made replacements after careful assessment.
Referent Power
Referent power is an individual’s ability to influence others because they respect, admire, or
like the person. For example, subordinates’ identification with a leader often forms the
basis for referent power. This identification may include the desire by subordinates
to be like the leader. A young manager might copy the style of an older, admired,
and more experienced leader. The senior leader, thus, has some referent power to
influence the younger manager’s behavior.
Referent power usually is associated with individuals who possess admired personality characteristics, charisma, or a good reputation. It often is associated with political
leaders, movie stars, sports figures, or other well-known individuals (hence, their use
in advertising to influence consumer behavior). However, leaders and employees in
business firms also may have considerable referent power because of the strength of
their character and competencies. Conant has considerable referent power. Recall that
he did not transform Campbell’s through in-your-face control and domination. He
readily gives others credit and deflects praise. Recall that he has lunch with a group of
a dozen or so employees to listen to problems and get feedback.
Expert Power
Expert power is an individual’s ability to influence others’ behaviors because of recognized
competencies, talents, or specialized knowledge. To the extent that leaders can demonstrate
their competencies, they will acquire expert power. However, expert power often is
relatively narrow in scope. For example, an employee at Overhead Door Company
might carefully follow the advice of the manager about how to program a garage door
opener, yet ignore advice from the manager regarding which of three company health
plans to select. In this instance, the employee recognizes expertise in one area while
resisting influence in another.
A lack of expert power often causes problems for new managers and employees.
A junior accountant might possess a great deal of knowledge about accounting theory
and procedures. This expertise must be correctly demonstrated and applied over time
to be recognized and accepted.
When Conant became the CEO of Campbell’s in 2001, he arrived with 25 years
of food industry experience from three of the world’s leading food companies: General
Mills, Kraft Foods, and Nabisco. Prior to joining Campbell’s, he was president of
Nabisco Foods Co., where he led that firm to five consecutive years of double-digit
Chapter 10
Leadership Effectiveness: Foundations
earnings growth. Upon arrival, he was recognized and accepted throughout Campbell’s
as a person with considerable expertise for the CEO role.5
An effective manager who is also a leader—whether a first-line manager or
top-level executive—uses a variety of sources of power. For successful leaders and
organizations, the emphasis is on reward, referent, and expert power, with less reliance on coercive and legitimate power.
Political Behavior in Organizations
Political behavior involves attempts by individuals to influence the behaviors of others as
a means to protect their self-interests, meet their own needs, and advance their own goals.6
Defined in this way, almost all behavior may be regarded as political. Labeling
behavior as political, however, usually implies that certain people are gaining something at the expense of others or the organization as a whole. However, a balanced
understanding of political behavior and its consequences is needed. People often are
self-centered and biased when labeling actions as political behavior. Employees may
justify their own political behavior as defending legitimate rights or interests. Some
may say it’s “playing politics.”
Organizational Politics
Organizational politics involves actions by individuals, teams, or leaders to acquire,
develop, and use power and other resources in order to obtain preferred outcomes.7 When
people share power but differ about what must be done (e.g., invest in expanding in
North America versus China), many decisions and actions quite naturally will be the
result of a political process.
Employees are often concerned about organizational
politics.8 Many believe that an ideal work setting would be
free from political behavior. Negative attitudes about political
Self Insight
behavior and organizational politics can hinder organizational
Success is to be measured not so much by
effectiveness. Examples of behaviors often seen as political are
the position that one has reached in life as
shown in Table 10.1. Employees tend to assume that politiby the obstacles which the individual has
cal behavior doesn’t yield the best organizational decisions or
overcome while trying to succeed.
outcomes—that somehow, by pushing for their own positions,
they cause inferior actions or decisions to be made. Although
Booker T. Washington, Author, Up from Slavery,
this result can occur, political behavior isn’t always detrimental
and Civil Rights Leader
to an organization. For example, a study involving managers
in 30 organizations indicated that they were able to identify
beneficial, as well as harmful, effects of political behavior.9
Beneficial effects included career advancement, recognition and status for individuals
looking after their legitimate interests, and achievement of organizational goals—
getting the job done—as a result of the normal political process in the organization.
Harmful effects included demotions and loss of jobs for “losers” in the political
process, a misuse of resources, and creation of an ineffective organizational culture.
Organizational politics may arouse anxieties that cause employees to withdraw emotionally from the organization. Their withdrawal makes creating an organization
characterized by high performance and high commitment very difficult.
Political behavior, then, can meet appropriate and legitimate individual and
organizational needs, or it can result in negative outcomes. In any event, leaders
and employees must understand political behavior because it definitely does occur.
Eliminating political behavior isn’t possible—it can only be influenced.
Conant provides strong leadership to minimize the negative aspects of political
behavior. To help bring employees together, he led the creation of a new mission
for Campbell’s that states: “Together we will build the world’s most extraordinary
food company by nourishing people’s lives everywhere, every day.” From this, a
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
TABLE 10.1 Common Political Tactics
Taking counsel
The individual exercises great caution in seeking or giving
The individual maintains flexibility and never completely
commits to any one position or program.
The individual never communicates everything. Instead
information is withheld and/or at times it’s released carefully.
The individual accepts compromise only as a short-term
tactic, while continuing to press ahead with one’s own
Once individuals make a decision, they must always give
the impression of knowing what they are doing, even when
they do not.
Always the boss
An atmosphere of social friendship limits the power of
the leader; thus the leader always maintains a sense of
distance and separation from subordinates.
Source: Adapted from Buchanan, D., and Badham, R. Power, Politics, and Organizational Change. London:
Sage 1999.
“Success Model” was developed that states: “Our Success Model recognizes that to
maximize shareowner value we need to ‘win in the workplace’ in order to ‘win in the
marketplace,’ and we must do both with integrity.” The mission and Success Model
are based on three core values that include statements on character, competence, and
Drivers of Political Behavior
The probability of political behavior occurring typically increases in proportion to
disagreements over goals, different ideas about the organization’s problems, different
information about the situation, the need to allocate scarce resources, and so on.11
If these forces didn’t exist, perhaps political behavior would be minimal or wouldn’t
exist. Results are never certain, resources are never infinite, and people must make
difficult choices between competing goals and methods to attain them. Thus, political
behavior will naturally occur as individuals, teams, and departments attempt to obtain
their preferred outcomes. Leaders shouldn’t try to prevent the inevitable. Rather, they
should try to ensure that these activities do not have negative consequences for the
organization and its employees.
Employees are more likely to act politically when (1) decision-making procedures
and performance measures are uncertain and complex, and (2) competition for scarce
resources is strong. Conversely, in less complex situations where decision-making processes are clear and competitive behavior is not rewarded, excessive political behavior
is unlikely.
Even though individual differences (e.g., attitudes, personality, needs, etc.) may
contribute to political behavior, such behavior is typically more strongly influenced
by aspects of the situation. Managers make political behavior more likely to occur
when they provide a weak vision, mission, and values that reflect their own behaviors, for example, when they fail to “walk the talk.” Conant’s leadership is seen by the
vast majority of employees and other stakeholders as reflecting a person who “walks
the talk” and expects it of others as well. Ambiguous circumstances allow individuals
to define situations in ways that satisfy their own needs and desires. Further, when
employees focus on wanting more resources (e.g., equipment, promotions, pay raises,
or office space) than are available, political behavior may be more likely to occur.
Chapter 10
Leadership Effectiveness: Foundations
Political behavior is greater when managers reward it. A reward system may focus
solely on individual accomplishment and minimize team contributions. When that’s the
case, individuals may be tempted to behave politically to ensure that they receive much
more of the rewards than other team members. If their actions result in more rewards,
employees are even more likely to engage in such political actions in the future. Similarly,
individuals who had avoided political behavior may start behaving politically when they
observe such behavior being rewarded by managers. In sum, the organizational reward
system can be a significant factor in the occurrence of political behavior.
Insights for Leaders
The performance appraisal process provides a good example of a situation in which
managers may encourage political behavior among employees. Performance for
employees in many departments—accounting, human resources, quality control,
legal, information systems, and so on—isn’t easily measured. Thus, the process
used by managers results in the allocation of scarce resources (pay, bonuses, benefits, etc.) based on complex subjective criteria as opposed to objective criteria
(e.g., sales).12
Some managers ignore the existence of politics in the appraisal process or may
assume that the use of a quantitative performance appraisal method (e.g., number
of units sold, downtime, wastes) will minimize it. But political behavior is a fact
of life in the appraisal process. In particular, because of the ambiguous nature of
managerial work, appraisals of managers by higher level leaders are susceptible to
political manipulation. What is the risk, ethical or otherwise, of using performance
appraisal as a political tool? Among other things, political performance appraisals
by managers can
undermine organizational goals and performance,
compromise the link between performance and rewards,
increase political behavior in other organizational processes and decisions, and
expose the organization to litigation if employees are terminated.13
Leaders tend to adopt the following behaviors to help reduce the problem of
politically based performance appraisals:
Develop goals and standards that are as clear and specific as possible.
Link specific actions and performance results to rewards.
Conduct structured, professional reviews, including specific examples of observed
performance and explanations for ratings given.
Offer performance feedback on an ongoing basis, rather than just once a year.
Acknowledge that the potential for politics in performance appraisals
exists and make this topic a focus of ongoing discussions throughout the
The following Change Competency reports on the change efforts of Carol Bartz
to lead Yahoo! out of the internal power struggles and political turmoil that had
become prominent by the time of her appointment as CEO in early 2009.15 This feature provides examples of how Bartz effectively used her power to achieve the desired
results. Bartz serves on several corporate boards and had been a successful chairman,
CEO, and president of Autodesk, Inc., a major provider of design and engineering
software. The success of her use of power and change initiatives at Yahoo! is not likely
to be known for several years.
Yahoo!, which is an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle, is
an online portal that draws more than 400 million to its network of websites and
other services. Yahoo! publishes online content in 20 languages and has approximately 13,000 employees. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.16
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
Change competency
Carol Bartz’s Use of Power to Change Yahoo!
In February 2009, Carol Bartz announced a reorganization of Yahoo! Excerpts from her blog post
A month and a half in the saddle and today
I have the perfect excuse to get blogging.
I’ve been on a whirlwind tour for the last six
weeks, talking with everybody from executive leaders to the guys who configured
my laptop. I’ve been in student mode,
slowly getting smarter about what makes
this place tick. And most recently, I’ve been
gathering information on what it’s going to
take to get Yahoo! to a great place as an
organization—and one that brings you killer
People here have impressed the hell
out of me. They’re smart, dedicated, passionate, driven, and really nice. There’s
so much great energy and frankly lots of
optimism. But there’s also plenty that has
bogged this company down. For starters,
you’d be amazed at how complicated some
things are here. So today, I’m rolling out a
new management structure that I believe
will make Yahoo! a lot faster on its feet. For
us working at Yahoo!, it means everything
gets simpler. We’ll be able to make speedier
decisions, the notorious silos are gone, and
we have a renewed focus on the customer.
For you using Yahoo! every day, it will better
enable us to deliver products that make you
say, “Wow.”
I’ve noticed that a lot of us on the
inside don’t spend enough time looking to the outside. That’s why I’m creating a new Customer Advocacy Group.
After getting a lot of angry calls at my
office from frustrated customers, I realized we could do a better job of listening to and supporting you. Our Customer
Care team does an incredible job with
To learn more about Yahoo!, go to www.yahoo.com.
the amazing number of people who come
to them, but they need better resources.
So we’re investing in that. After all, you
deserve the very best. We’re also leaning
on this team to make sure we’re all hearing
the voice of our customers (consumers and
advertisers). I’m singularly focused on providing you with awesome products. Period.
The kind that gets you so excited, you
have to tell someone about them. Whether
on your desktop, your mobile device, or
even your TV.
The new management organization has
all major executives reporting directly to
Bartz, who lamented in her blog post that
there’s “plenty that has bogged this company down.” “It looks like she isn’t afraid
to go in with a chain saw,” said Kevin Lee,
CEO of search marketing firm Didit. Bartz has
reorganized the company into two regions—
North American and international—compared
to four in the past. People in mobile and
product development now report directly to
Bartz to emphasize their increased level of
A number of people noted that the new
organization is a vast improvement over the previous “matrix management” system that handed
multiple executives oversight over many products and new projects. That led to slow decision
making and little accountability, Yahoo! insiders say. By most accounts, the swing to strong
line authority is the right move for Yahoo! after
so many years of decentralized product groups
around the world, each with their own engineering and other functions. Yahoo! has an “inability
to stop doing good things that don’t fit with
their strategy,” says Robert Sutton, a professor of management science and engineering at
Stanford University. That will change under Bartz’s
Chapter 10
Leadership Effectiveness: Foundations
Legacy Leadership Models
The traits, Theory X/Theory Y, and behavioral models are probably the most basic,
oldest, and well known of the leadership models. The more recent and complex
leadership models often draw on parts of these three models. Thus, these three
models provide an important legacy to the contingency leadership models and the
contemporary leadership literature in general.
Traits Model of Leadership
The traits model of leadership is based on characteristics of many leaders—both successful
and unsuccessful—and is used to predict leadership effectiveness. The resulting lists of traits
are then compared to those of potential managers to assess their likelihood of success
or failure as leaders. There is some support for the notion that successful leaders have
interests and abilities and, perhaps, even personality traits that are different from those
of less effective leaders.
Key Traits
Some evidence suggests that four traits are shared by most (but not all) successful
Intelligence. Successful leaders tend to have somewhat higher intelligence than
their subordinates.
Maturity and breadth. Successful leaders tend to be emotionally mature and have
a broad range of interests.
Achievement drive. Successful leaders are results oriented; when they achieve one
goal, they seek another. They do not depend primarily on employees for their
motivation to achieve goals.
Integrity. Successful leaders, over the long term, usually have integrity. When
individuals in leadership positions state one set of values but practice another set,
followers quickly see them as untrustworthy. Many surveys show that honesty is
the key attribute when employees are asked to rank and comment on the various
traits of successful and unsuccessful leaders. Trust is crucial and translates into the
degree of willingness by employees to follow leaders. Confusion over the leader’s
thinking and values creates negative stress, indecision, and personal politics.17
Insights for Leaders
The traits model of leadership is inadequate for successfully predicting leadership
effectiveness for at least three reasons.18 First, in terms of personality traits, there are
no consistent patterns between specific traits or sets of traits and leadership effectiveness. More than 100 different traits of successful leaders in various managerial positions
have been identified. For example, the traits pattern of successful leaders of salespeople
includes optimism, enthusiasm, and dominance. The traits pattern of successful leaders
of production workers usually includes being progressive, introverted, and cooperative.
These descriptions are simply generalities. Many successful leaders of salespeople and
production workers do not have all, or even some, of these characteristics. There also is
often disagreement over which traits are the most important to be an effective leader.
The second limitation of the traits model is that it often attempts to relate physical
traits—such as height, weight, appearance, physique, energy, and health—to effective
leadership. Most of these factors, however, are related to situational factors that can
have a significant impact on a leader’s effectiveness. For example, people in the military
or law enforcement must be a particular minimum height and weight in order to perform certain tasks well. Although these traits may help an individual rise to a leadership
Learning Goal
2. Describe three legacy
models of leadership: traits,
Theory X/Theory Y, and
Part 3
Leadership and Team Behaviors
position in such organizations, neither height nor weight correlates highly with effective leadership. In business and other organizations, height and weight generally play
no role in performance and, thus, are not requirements for a leadership position.
The third limitation of the traits model is that leadership itself is complex.
A relationship between specific traits and a person’s interest in particular types of
jobs could well exist, which a study relating personality and effectiveness might not
identify. The traits approach paints a somewhat fatalistic picture, suggesting that
some people, merely because of their traits, are destined not to be effective leaders.
Theory X and Theory Y Model
The behavior of managers is often influenced by their assumptions and beliefs about
followers and what motivates their followers. Thus, differences in the behaviors of
managers can be understood by looking at the different assumptions they make.
One of the most widely cited and recognized models for describing differences in
these assumptions was developed by Douglas McGregor in 1957. He coined the
labels “Theory X” and “Theory Y” as a way to contrast two sets of assumptions and
beliefs held by managers. Theory X and Theory Y managers both understand that
they are responsible for the resources in their units—money, materials, equipment,
and people—in the interest of achieving organizational goals. What sets them apart
are their propositions about what motivates their subordinates and what are the best
ways to carry out leadership responsibilities.19 Before proceeding, take a few minutes
to respond to the propositions in Table 10.2.
TABLE 10.2 Theory X/Theory Y Propositions Instrument
Indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with each o