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Philosophical Perspectives on the Self: Socrates to Mead

Socrates, a human is composed of body and soul, the first belongs to the physical realm because it
changed, it is imperfect, and it dies, and the latter belongs to ideal realm for it survives the death.
according to Socrates is the immortal and unified entity that is consistent over time.
For example, a human being remains the same person during their childhood to adulthood given
the fact that they undergone developmental changes throughout their lifespan.
Plato introduced the idea of a threepart soul/self that is composed of reason, physical appetite and
spirit or passion.
The Reason enables human to think deeply, make wise choices and achieve a true
understanding of eternal truths. Plato also called this as divine essence.
The physical Appetite is the basic biological needs of human being such as hunger, thirst, and
sexual desire.
And the spirit or passion is the basic emotions of human being such as love, anger, ambition,
aggressiveness and empathy.
These three elements of the self works in every individual inconsistently.
it is always the responsibility of the reason to organize, control, and reestablish harmonious
relationship between these three elements.
Augustine believed that the physical body is different from the immortal soul.
1. God as the source of all reality and truth. Through mystical experience, man is capable of
knowing eternal truths.
2. The sinfulness of man. The cause of sin or evil is an act of mans’ freewill
He also stated that real happiness can only be found in God.
Rene Descartes He explained that in order to gain true knowledge, one must doubt everything even
own existence.
Doubting makes someone aware that they are thinking being thus, they exist.
“cogito, ergo sum—“I think, therefore I exist”
John Locke self is that self is not tied to any particular body or substance. It only exists in
other times and places because of the memory of those experiences.
Consciousness as being aware that we are thinking
David Hume self that is being experienced by an individual is nothing but a kind of fictional self.
self does not exist because all of the experiences that a person may have are just perceptions
and this includes the perception of self.
Sociology presents the self as a product of modern society. It is the science that studies the
development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of human being.
Anthropology is the study of humanity. This broad field takes an interdisciplinary approach to
looking at human culture, both past and present.
George Herbert Mead and the Social Self
individual selves are the products of social interaction and not logical or biological in
self arises in the process of social experience and activity as a result of their relations to
the said process as a whole and to other individuals within that process.
In other words, one cannot experience their self alone, they need other people to
experience their self.