YA SAMPULO KA IMUONON NI UNO (UNO AND HIS 10 CHORES) : AN AUTOMATED INTERVENTION MATERIAL ENHANCING GRADE 1 TAGAKAULO PUPILS’ SKILLS IN IDENTIFYING, READING AND WRITING ORDINAL NUMBERS An Action Research Presented to the District Research Committee CLARK N. ARELLANO TEACHER I MIGSULANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STA.MARIA WEST DISTRICT DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL October 2022 1|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. Title Page 1 II. Abstract 3 III. Acknowledgement 5 IV. Context and Rationale 6 V. Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy 9 VI. Action Research Questions 13 VII. Action Research Methods 13 a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information b.Data Gathering Methods c. Data Analysis 16 VIII. Discussion of Results and Reflection 17 IX. Action Plan 20 X. References 21 XI. Appendices 2|Page 22 STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL II. ABSTRACT This study aims to enhance the skills of the grade one learners in identifying, reading and writing ordinal number during the new normal classroom set-up. The intervention used was the Automated Intervention Material or AIM formerly SIM with the title “ Ya Sampulo ka Imuonon ni Uno (Uno and His 10 Chores)”. This intervention material is tailored-fit in the new normal setting through the application of Microsoft PowerPoint and later on be carried out by in-person home visitation. The participants of the study were the eight (8) learners of grade one lone of Migsulang Elementary School, Sta. Maria West District, Division of Davao Occidental which didn’t get the said desired competencies expected by the end of the lesson. This study maximized the use of the said application, particularly the Microsoft PowerPoint to make the intervention more engaging and effective. After the said intervention, results showed that almost all of the recipient learner showed improvement in their skills especially in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers. The study revealed that the use of the said AIM as intervention in teaching specific competencies really improved the skill of the learners. Generally, findings of this action research suggest that the use of the said AIM as intervention remediation had positive effects since it helps enhance the skills of the Grade one learners learning the lesson with ease. Keywords: Automated Intervention Material, Microsoft PowerPoint, home visitation, competencies, new normal, remediation, skill enhancement 3|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL 4|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL III. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I thank God for letting me through all the difficulties. I have experienced his guidance day by day. The completion of this research study could not have been possible without his guidance. I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest thanks to my co-teachers, Ms. Princess Mae Abellana and Mrs. Christine Jean Suganob and our School Research Coordinator Mr. Robby Jim V. Pacis, who offered their time and effort just to helped me all throughout the conduct of this study. I would also like to thank my School head , Sir Cesar N. Cańedo Jr for his encouragement and support in my research study. My sincere gratitude as well to our District Action Research Coordiantor, Mrs. Eden B. Casco and our Public School District Supervisor, Mrs. Nanet E. Corpus for pushing me to conduct and made this study possible. To the rest of the District Action Research Committee members for sharing their expertise in crafting action research. Their motivations also drive me to conduct an action research. Finally, I would like to thank my family, Mama Bebe, Papa Dodong, Lola Norma and sister Ckirstien Ann for their continuous support and understanding when undertaking my research. Your unconditional love and support was what sustained me this far. 5|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL IV. CONTEXT AND RATIONALE This last two years, the surge of the Covid-19 pandemic affect almost all of the organization around the world including our education system. This challenging days became more serious when it slowly eating out our learner’s academic ability. On the recent news published by The World Bank.org in 2021, one of the article mentioned that despite the best efforts to create a supportive remote learning environment, evidence emerging that school closures have resulted in actual learning losses. When we talked about wasted learner’s academic ability, this means that the basic skill that is essential for them to learn is at risk. The basic skills such as reading and doing simple math problems become more and more challenging because of the force closure of school for the last 2 years. As survey conducted by Brookings.edu in early 2020, they compare relative result from fall 2019 and fall 2020. They found out that in the latter part, survey result is not that convincing and consider more specific ways to address learning gap especially in mathematics subject compared to prepandemic findings. Indeed, As what Shakantula Devi once said “without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.”, Well how can a child enjoy this when he/she can’t do a basic calculation or even understand basic mathematical problem? It may hinder his/her ability to understand more complex mathematical operations in the future. Grade one level is considered to be a very vital stage of a child’s elementary days. It is the level where a child’s is in his/her cornerstone to understand the world. 6|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL Because it teaches children fundamental life skills, math is a crucial component of early learning. Children will learn how to utilize and comprehend shapes, as well as how to measure objects, develop spatial awareness, and solve problems. Our humble school, Migsulang Elementary School is one of upland schools of Sta. Maria West District. Since the school is located in a neighbourhood surrounded by mountains and many of our learners live a long way from the school. They must travel for minutes or hours by foot depending on the weather. As what our beloved division’s motto is saying “PADAYON”, we slowly responded to what is lacking to our pupils academically, gathering all the least mastered skills in each grade level, given that we are in the middle of a health crisis yet still abiding to strict health protocol, we cannot deny the decreasing learning retention of our pupils in our school. One of the Grade levels that we notice that had this kind of scenario is the Grade one, specifically the mathematics subject, to be exact, the learners are struggling in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers. To get to the heart of the problem, I asked some of the parents of 12 Grade one learners enrolled last school year 2021-2022. Some of the parents honestly said to me, “ Wala’y tadung ko kay sir” meaning, they don’t know how to teach the topic themselves while some of the parents said wholeheartedly, “Matadung ako manang tagbi ulo” in layman’s term, they just know a little about the topic. As I check all the modules and summative tests, I figure out that they really need a simple presentation of the topic somehow they can relate to. 7|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL As a prime mover of the educational wheel, I want to really help our learners to learn mathematics the easiest way. I want to give them a good impression about the subject and get rid of the stigma. I want them to learn in the most realistic way. Since we are not allowed to do the remediation at school, I choose to personally conduct a home visitation intervention, the teacher-made powerpoint presentation is one of the interventions that I personally choose to made the intervention possible at home. This automated intervention will tell if it helps improved the skills of my learners in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers and if it helps lessen the numbers of my struggling learners with the topic. With the challenge hurled to us by the COVID-19 pandemic, pupils experience to authentic learning may at stake. I want to ignite a small fire of learning by using all the resources available and may that small fire burn into development and betterment of our dear learners that they can use in their entire life, thus, I strongly suggest that there is a need to perform an immediate action about this concern so that our learners will not be stagnant given that this lesson is pre-requisite to learn the other lessons ahead which is why we really want to conduct this research. 8|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL V. INTERVENTION/INNOVATION/STRATEGY From the very beginning, after tapering off all possible way on how to deal the problem of our Grade one Tagakaulo pupils in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers, from motivational aspect, reward system, additional worksheet that maybe can help them understand the lesson, but out of the blue, I remember something more brilliant aside from the bland cracker-barrel methods, a not so new yet so effective intervention, proven and tested and effective, way before they call it SIM or Strategic Intervention material but now in the new normal, they rebrand it, tweaked a little Automated Intervention Material based on the least mastered competencies. Formerly, Strategic Intervention Material, an instructional material for remediation purposes is one of the solutions employed by the Department of Education to enhance academic achievements of pupils/students field of science and technology but now they broaden its scope and apply it in the field of mathematics. It is a multifaceted approach to help pupils/students to become independent and successful learners. Taking that into consideration, we created our own AIM that really answers the need of Grade 1 Tagakaulo pupils in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers. This AIM is composed of six parts, we call this as cards. The first part of the AIM the title card, this part of the AIM includes the specific chapter or the subject matter covered by the material. The AIM that was used in this study is entitled “ Ya sampulo ka imuonon ni Uno (Uno and his 10 chores)” that covers ordinal numbers 9|Page STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL which is considered least mastered skills in Mathematics 1. The second part is the guide card. This section gives a preview of what pupils will learn. This card should stimulate the interest of the pupils with respect to the topic covered by the automated intervention material. It presents the focus skills mentioned in the learning competencies and must state at least two sub-tasks (activities). This part must also cite prerequisite skills built on prior learning and concrete outcome or product that pupils are expected to demonstrate or produce. The third part of the AIM is the activity card. This section is considered the core of the Automated Intervention Material. It comprises activities that will develop understanding of the pupils related to the given objective of a specific lesson stated in the guide card. It contains also guide questions for the pupils to answer and relate the activity conceptually, that will be developed after completing the main activity. This part also provides the objectives, pupils‘ exercises, activities, and drills with clear directions to develop necessary skills in the three domains and concrete concepts, particularly those drawn from real – life situations. This part also consists of questions that establish relationship between the topic and what pupils already know or familiar to them. The fourth part is the assessment card that is made up of activities and tests concerning what the pupils learned from the previous activities of the AIM. This test measures how much the pupils learned from the given activities in the activity card. It is made up of questions in any different forms such as multiple choice, interpreting graph, identification, and matching type. This section determines the effect of this material as a tool for teaching remediation. 10 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL The fifth part of the AIM is the enrichment card. This section provides practical activities to be done by pupils related to the topic. This involves applications of the topic in their daily life, in industry or in other technologies. The sixth and last part of the AIM is the reference card which includes the title of the books, websites, or any other electronic or printed materials. This part may be used by pupils as reference for additional information concerning the topic covered. Considering that face to face classes is still suspended, we still managed to help our recipient grade level learn the least mastered competency by the means of home visitation. What is this AIM and what are the things that make this intervention unique and timely to our case? Well, AIM (formerly SIM) or Automated Intervention Material refers to a teaching aid introduced into the teaching methods to stimulate the activity of the students and thereby increased their level of understanding (Dy, 2011). The Automated Intervention Material can help the leaners to develop the competencies that they did not master during the regular classes. This AIM focuses only on one particular competency intended for remediation anchored to the objectives of the K-12 Curriculum to give enough emphasis to the least mastered competency (Cordova et.al, 2019) and by that, It is tailored fit to address the need of our Grade one Tagakaulo pupils’ struggles in learning ordinal numbers simply because it’s easy and convenient to use. It also helps our Grade one Tagakaulo pupils experience manipulating technology and the most important reason behind it all is, instructional material plays a very important role in the teaching learning process simply because it enhances the memory level of the 11 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL students and makes the teaching – learning process more interesting (Nicholls, 2000; Raw, 2003). The AIM intervention is incorporated with the home visitation program, prioritizing those Grade 1 Tagakaulo pupils who are struggling or having a low performance in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers. This AIM or automated intervention materials is in a form of a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) to really catch and engage the pupils attention into the lesson. The setting of this intervention is like a tutorial-styled scenario, the teacher together with the material and the pupil together with the parent or guardians. It is necessary that the learner will be accompanied by the guardian so that the MKO (More Knowledgeable Others) can facilitate the learning after the tutorial. Let the pupil manipulate the laptop or computer during quiz or game time, the teacher may also ask follow up questions or give example but make it realistic in real life situation. After the lesson, the teacher may or may not give a separate worksheet to assess if the pupil improve, the teacher can also give a separate copy of the material if the parent or the guardian wishes to for review purposes. 12 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL VI. ACTION RESEARCH QUESTION The main purpose of this action research is to know the effectiveness of using the Automated Intervention Material as an aid for Tagakaulo Grade One Learners’ to enhance their skills in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers. This study sought to answer the question: How can I enhance the basic mathematical skills’ of my Grade One Tagakaulo learners of Migsulang Elementary School in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers. VII. ACTION RESEARCH METHODS a. Participants and Other Sources of Information The participants of this study will be five (5) boys and three (3) girls a total of eight (8) low scoring pupils in Mathematics of Grade One specifically lesson related in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers – Lone in Migsulang Elementary School, Sta.Maria West District, Sta.Maria, Davao Occidental during the school year 2021-2022. They were consider low scoring pupils considering that their SLM assessment score and four (4) summative test scores in the 1st Quarter were below to the passing score of at least 5-10 points. b. Data Gathering Methods Pre-Implementation Stage Before the conduct of the study, the researcher already communicated to the parents of the recipient participants and advised them to sign a parent’s consent and a local agreement form to guarantee their full cooperation all throughout the 13 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL duration of the intervention program. Also, since the intervention program is for the selected Grade one Tagakaulo learners, the researcher also asked the permission of the tribal chieftain in regards with the planned intervention program. The researcher also notified the Barangay Captain that the intervention program includes home visitation and promised to still abide the safety health protocol during visitation time. When things are all set, the researcher then asked the permission of the school head about the conduct of the action research and then explained to him its scope. Implementation Stage The researcher also used pre-test and post-test mode of gathering the results of the eight (8) low scoring learners in Mathematics of Grade one specifically lesson related in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers. After the pre-test, implementation of the Automated Intervention Material (SIM) will be carried out and any increase or decrease in the post-test will be assessed to measure the degree of understanding of the delivered lesson and later on interviewed the parents and cater their comments and suggestions for us to be guided always. We also provided a record book that serves as portfolio of our recipient learners for us to see any progress after the implementation of the intervention. Post-Implementation Stage In order to determine the effectiveness of the “Ya sampulo ka imuonon ni Uno (Uno and his 10 chores)“ Automated Intervention Material (AIM) on pupils’ skills in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers. Both pre-test and post-test will be 14 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL assessed. Thus, the researcher conducted first a pre-test about identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers before the second (2nd) summative test of the quarter, on the other hand, post-test is given before the fourth (4th) and final summative test of the quarter. The shift of the scores of the learners are assessed by computing the difference of means between the pre-test and post-test. This section outlines the step-by-step process of gathering the data. Collecting and Narrowing of Least Learned Competencies Crafting of Automated Intervention Material Asking permission and consent to responsible persons and possible recipients Administration of Pre-test Implementation of Automated Intervention Material Record Book Administration of Post-test Parent’s Interview Feedbacking and formulation of Action Plan Figure 1. Presents the flow and data gathering methods and procedure employed in this study. 15 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL c. DATA ANALYSIS The following step by step process are the patterns that the researcher used in analysing the collected data. Firstly, the researcher went over all of the data gathered. Then, separated the pre-test and post-test results. After gathering all the scores, the difference of the post-test among the low scoring pupils in Mathematics of Grade one specifically lesson related in identifying, reading & writing ordinal numbers after making use of the Automated Intervention Material (AIM) and the pre-test without utilization of Automated Intervention Material (AIM) is compared using this formula. Σ𝑥 Mean = 𝑛 Where: Σ𝑥 - is the sum of all scores; 𝑛 - total number of scores The result of the pre-test and post-test was graphed to determine its difference and lastly, the researcher compared the scores of the pupils before and after the implementation of the AIM intervention through graphs. The interview’s comments and responses were evaluated. Crucial details that will offer further insight and support to the intervention's impact will be stressed and highlighted. 16 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL VIII. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND REFLECTION In this study, results showed the positive outcome in the utilization of “Ya Sampulo ka Imuonon ni Uno (Uno and His 10 Chores)” An Automated Intervention Material (AIM) enhancing Grade One Tagakaulos’ skills in identifying, reading and writing ordinal number of Migsulang Elementary School during the School Year 2021-2022. Table 1: Results of the 10-item pre & post-test utilizing the AIM “Ya Sampulo ka Imuonon ni Uno (Uno and His 10 Chores)” and their difference. Learners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pre-test 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 Post-test 7 5 6 3 4 5 4 5 Difference 4 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 Mean 2.13 4.88 2.75 There was a significant difference of 2.75 among the mean scores of the 8 low performing Grade 1 learners in identifying, reading and writing ordinal number. During the pre-test, before the utilization of AIM, it was 2.13, lower compared to 4.88 after utilization of AIM or post-test, which suggest a favourable impact of introducing the AIM “Ya Sampulo ka Imuonon ni Uno (Uno and His 10 Chores)” to the learners. 17 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL Below are the quick comparison of the two data, the pre-test and the post-test conducted. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Learner 1 Learner 2 Learner 3 Learner 4 Learner 5 Learner 6 Learner 7 Learner 8 Pretest 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 Post Test 7 5 6 3 4 5 4 5 Column1 Pretest Post Test Figure 2. Presents the different score distribution and data gathered after pre-test and post-test. The result of this study really showed the advantage of using the Automated Intervention Material, “Ya Sampulo ka Imuonon ni Uno (Uno and His 10 Chores)” most especially for Grade one learners of Migsulang Elementary School in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers. During the pre-test, there was no intervention made, thus learners had low scores and experienced difficulty of the lesson. With this problem, the researcher introduced and facilitated the use of the learning material to intervene the learning of the Grade one learners. After the wideutilization of the material, the results of the post-test really showed a significant difference. Therefore, there is a high and good impact of utilization of the said 18 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL automated intervention material or AIM in enhancing the learners’ skills in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers. Based on the results of the study, the researcher conclude this following reflections: 1. The Automated Intervention Material is really a good strategy if you want your learners to really understand the topic. This AIM “Ya Sampulo ka Imuonon ni Uno (Uno and His 10 Chores)” was found effective in introducing and enhancing the Grade 1 tagakaulo learners’ skills in identifying, reading and writing ordinal numbers compared to the pre-test were in they really are having a hard time digesting the complicated lesson itself. 2. The AIM really helps the recipients learners to be more engaged since it stimulates their interest and also it give them opportunity to learn especially we are still in the middle of a health crises back then. 3. Since this is a tailored-fit intervention material, they may instances where in as a teacher/researcher adjustment of your automated material may necessary to fit the learning needs of your recipient learners. 4. Be open-minded and always keep on mind that educational trends may differ time to time, so as teacher/researcher, keep up the good practice to think out of the box learning strategies for you to keep up to fast changing pace of education and way of learning of your learners. 19 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL IX. ACTION PLAN ACTION PLAN IN THE CONDUCT OF AUTOMATED INTERVENTION MATERIAL FOR GRADE 1 IN IDENTIFYING, READING AND WRITING ORDINAL NUMBERS S.Y. 2021-2022 ACTIVITIES TARGET DATE PRE-RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Making proposal Approval of proposal May PERSON INVOLVED Researcher School Head District Research Committee RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Implementation of the study Tabulation and analysis of data Interpretation of the gathered data Preparation of the research paper June-September Researcher Respondents POST RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Printing of the research report Submission of the research report to the Distric/Division Research Committee for review Submission of the final copy 20 | P a g e November Researcher Schools District/Division Research Committee BERF Committee STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL X. REFERENCES Cordova, R.; Medina, J.G.;Ramos, T.;Alejo, A. 2019.Effectiveness of Competency-Based Strategic Intervention Materials in English 7. De La Salle University: Manila:DLSU Research Congress Dy, J. (2022, May 10). Teaching physics through strategic intervention materials (SIM). HubPages. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from https://discover.hubpages.com/education/TEACHING-PHYSICS-THROUGHSTRATEGIC-INTERVENTION-MATERIALS-SIM Kuhfeld, M., Soland, J., Tarasawa, B., Johnson, A., Ruzek, E., & Lewis, K. (2022, March 3). How is covid-19 affecting student learning? Brookings. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brown-center-chalkboard/2020/12/03/how-iscovid-19-affecting-student-learning/ Robin Donnelly, H. A. P. (2021, April 2). The impact of covid-19 on education – recommendations and opportunities for Ukraine. World Bank. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/opinion/2021/04/02/the-impact-ofcovid-19-on-education-recommendations-and-opportunities-for-ukraine 21 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL XI. FINANCIAL REPORT A. Cost Estimates ACTIVITIES Preparation and printing of research proposal Crafting of the AIM and other related supplemental materials Snacks/meals during interview (If necessary) Printing and binding of completion results Travel Expenses (Submission of proposal and completion report) Publication of research results RESOURCE NEEDED AMOUNT Bond paper Ink Prepaid Load (Internet Connectivity) 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 Reproduction fee 500.00 Food 300.00 Printing and Binding fee 1,000.00 Bus, Van and tricycle 1,000.00 Journal Publication fee TOTAL 500.00 5, 800.00 B. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization The result of the study are shared to fellow teachers during School and District Learning Action Cell sessions for possible adjustments and improvement of the intervention employed. To further disseminate the result of the study, the researcher will present the study in a research conference and if given a chance, will publish it through reliable research journal. 22 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL 23 | P a g e STA. MARIA WEST/ DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL