CSEC SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT AN INVESTIGATION ON THE SELFESTEEM OF THE STUDENTS AT BISHOP’S COLLEGE Candidate Name: ZERICA EMMA R. JOHN Candidate Number: Centre Name: Bishop’s College Centre Number: 080003 Year of Examination: 2023 Teacher: Ms. Leisha Fleary Territory: Grenada TABLE OF CONTENT Contents Acknowledgement ...........................................................................................1 Statement of the problem .................................................................................2 Reason for research..........................................................................................3 Method of investigation ...................................................................................4 Instrument used to collect data ........................................................................5 Procedures used to collect data ........................................................................9 Presentation of data........................................................................................10 Analysis and interpretation of data ................................................................15 Findings .........................................................................................................17 Recommendation ...........................................................................................18 Bibliography ..................................................................................................19 Appendices ....................................................................................................20 Acknowledgement Firstly, I would like to thank the Almighty God for his continuous guidance and protection and for giving me the strength and patience to complete this S.B.A. Secondly, I am grateful to all my loving family members, friends and schoolmates for their greatly appreciated assistances and constant moral support and encouragement. Thirdly, I am very thankful for all the students who took part and answered all the questions in both my printed and online questionnaire. Finally, I want to give a special thanks to my teacher for guiding, instructing, and correcting me so that this assessment can be at its bestcorrecting me so that this assessment . 1 Statement of the problem Are there more students at Bishop’s College with low self-esteem rather than a high selfesteem? Research questions: 1. Do the students of Bishop’s College have a high self-esteem or a low selfesteem? 2. What are the factors that stimulates the students’ of Bishop’s College selfesteem? 3. Do the students of Bishop’s College think their self-esteem affect their academic performance? 4. What strategies can be implemented to prevent students of Bishop’s College from having low self-esteem? 2 Reason for research Self–esteem is how much confidence we have in our own worth or abilities. It is one of the many changes that can influence how an individual behaves and predict outcomes in an individual life, such as academic performance, happiness, satisfaction in relationships, and criminal behavior. The level of a person's self-esteem depends on their opinion and beliefs about themselves and their emotional state; it can either be positive (high) or negative (low). Over the years, society has reformed drastically, which has led to the cause of many changes in numerous individuals’ lives. One of these changes is one’s self-esteem. In this present age, I have realized that instead of increasing, people’s self-esteem is rather decreasing, especially those in their youth, specifically adolescents. Having low self-esteem can be very detrimental in our life since it mostly leads to someone conducting themselves negatively and may also cause them to think negative thoughts like self-harm or suicide. Realizing that more and more individuals each day struggle to have positive selfesteem, especially teenagers at the secondary level, left me with the question: “Are there more students at Bishop’s College with low self-esteem rather than a high self-esteem?” When presented with this Social Studies SBA, I saw the perfect opportunity to find and share the answers to my question. 3 Method of investigation To collect the data from the survey, I decided to use a blended approach between online questionnaires using the system known as Google forms and a printed form. Both questionnaires consisted of twenty (20) questions, all which were closed-ended. A questionnaire was used as my method due to its many advantages, like: 1. It’s inexpensive 2. More accurate 3. Quick to analyze 4. Easy to use for both participants and researcher 4 Instrument used to collect data SURVEY OF FACTORS THAT LEAD STUDENTS AT BISHOP’S COLLEGE TO NOT HAVE HIGH SELF-ESTEEM Belair, Carriacou, Grenada, W.I. 15th September, 2022 Dear student, This is a survey being carried out in the secondary school, Bishop’s College, Carriacou. It is to determine what may be the factors that lead the students of Bishop’s College to not have high selfesteem. This study is for the Social Studies school base assessment I am currently pursuing. I kindly ask that you answer the following questions honestly and truthfully. Since no name is required, all information will be kept confidential. Remember, this is not a test. There is no right or wrong answer. Answer all questions by selecting a circle like this ◯unless you have other opinions. Use this link to access my online questionnaire: https://forms.gle/c8BcEb8j7uYJS2SEA Thank you. Yours sincerely, Zerica John 5 SELF-ESTEEM QUESTIONNAIRE Zerica's Social Studies SBA 1. Gender? o Male o Female 2. Age? o 11 - 12 o 13 - 14 o 15 - 16 o 17 + 3. Form? o 1 o 2 o 3 o 4 o 5 4. Do you think you have a high or low self-esteem? o High esteem o Low esteem 5. Do you think more negative thoughts or more positive thoughts about yourself? o Negative thoughts o Positive thoughts 6. What may cause you to think these thoughts? o Friends o Family o School o Social media o Other: 6 7. How difficult it is for you to accept yourself? o Very difficult o Moderately difficult o Not difficult 8. What do you think about your appearance? o I like my appearance o Kind of like my appearance o I don't like my appearance 9. How frequently do you compare yourself to others? o Frequently o Sometimes o Not at all 10.Who do you normally compare yourself with? o Friends o Family members o People on social media o No one o Other: 11.How often do wish you were someone else? o Very often o Not so often o Never 12.Does your fear of failure prevent you from doing things you would like to do? o It does o Not really o It doesn’t 13. Do you get embarrassed easily o Yes o No 7 14. How upset do you get when you make mistakes? o Very upset o Kind of upset o Not at all upset 15.Do you think other people talk about you especially when you make these mistakes? o Yes o No 16. How often do you wonder if people like you? o Very often o Not often o Never 17.On a scale from 1 – 15, with 1 being the least, how much do you think self-esteem affects your academic performance? o 1–5 o 6 – 10 o 11 – 15 18.How do you feel about yourself? o I love myself o I'm ok with myself o I hate myself 19. When do you think of harming yourself? o Never o Occacionally o Constantly 20.Which one of these strategies do you think will prevent students from having a low self-esteem? o Praise and acknowledge accomplishments o Be kind to one another o Counselling o Others: 8 Procedures used to collect data The researcher investigated there are 168 students in the school of Bishop’s College, a secondary school located in Carriacou, one of the islands of the tri-island state of Grenada. It was calculated that a sample of 23.8095238% was essential so that the conclusion on if there are more students at Bishop’s College with low self-esteem rather than high self-esteem is precise. (23.8095238% of 168 = 40) The data collection method I used was questionnaires. A questionnaire is a set of questions with a choice of answers devised for a survey or statistical study. I decided to use both printed questionnaires and electronic questionnaires, which were created using Google forms. I choose this method due to the different benefits I can acquire from the different types of questionnaires; electronic questionnaires are quick, cheap, quick to analyze, and easy for researchers and participants, while printed ones generate much higher response rates and are more anonymous. A total of 20 printed questionnaires distributed among the students at Bishop’s College on the 16th of November 2022, and on that same day, 20 questionnaires were sent electronically. Four males and four females were randomly selected from each form. I randomly selected them because it reduce the chance of biasedness, provide randomized results from a larger pool, and are easy to carry out. The questionnaire was then collected on the 18th of November, 2022, since all students were given one day to complete the questionnaire. At the end of the collection, all 40 questionnaires were completed and received back. 9 Presentation of data A total of 40 questionnaires were distributed to the students of Bishop’s College, which all 40 were received back. Out of these responses, 50% were male and 50% were female. 10 Amount of students at Bishop's College who have a high self-esteem and who have low self-esteem 53,00% 52,00% % of students 51,00% 50,00% 49,00% 48,00% 47,00% 46,00% 45,00% High self-esteem Low self-esteem Students' of Bishop's College self-esteem Students with high self-esteem Students with low self-esteem Figure 1: Column showing the amount of students who have a high self-esteem and who have low self-esteem. Figure 1 shows the amount of students who have a high self-esteem and who have low self-esteem. It can be seen that 47.50% have high self-esteem while 52.50% have low self-esteem. 11 Factors that stimulates the students’ at Bishop's College self-esteem 0% 27,50% 40% 12,50% 20% Friends Family School Social media Others Figure 2: Pie Chart showing the factors that stimulates the students’ self-esteem Figure 2 shows the students’ at Bishop’s College opinion on the factors that stimulates the student’s self-esteem. The majority of students (40%) claimed that friends stimulates students’ self-esteem. On the other hand, 20% stated that family stimulates students’ selfesteem while 27.50% thinks social media does. For the factor school, only 12.50% students picked this opinion and finally 0% of students picked others. 12 How much students at Bishop's College think their self-esteem affect their academic performance 45,00% 40,00% % of students 35,00% 30,00% 25,00% 20,00% 15,00% 10,00% 5,00% 0,00% one to five six to ten eleven to fifeteen The amount self-esteem can affect student's academic perfermance one to five six to ten eleveen to fifeteen Figure 3: Histogram showing how much students think their self-esteem affect their academic performance Figure 3 shows the students’ at Bishop’s College opinion on how much they think their self-esteem affect their academic performance. A significant of 22.50% choose one to five on how much they think their self-esteem affect their academic performance, whereas 35% choose six to ten. The most chosen choose was eleven to fifteen since 42.50% of students choose this option. 13 Strategies Praise and acknowledge accomplishments Percentages 32.50% Be kind to one another 22.50% Counselling 30% Others 15% Table 1 showing strategies that can be implemented to prevent students from having low self-esteem Table 1 shows students’ at Bishop’s College choose on strategies that can be implemented to prevent the students from having low self-esteem. It was agreed by 32.50% of students that praise and acknowledge accomplishments can be implemented to prevent students of from having low self-esteem, while 30% decided on counselling. 22.50% of students picked to be kind to one another and 15% choose other options. 14 Analysis and interpretation of data Despite the close proximity, based on information collection it is sad to state that 52.50% students of Bishop’s College have a low self-esteem while 47.50% have high self-esteem, this means that there are more students at Bishop’s College with a low selfesteem rather than high self-esteem. There are numerous factors that stimulates on why students have a low selfesteem. Majority of students of Bishop’s college, approximately 40% have claimed that friends is the main factor, followed by social media with 27.50% of students picking this choose. Family was the next factor that stimulates students’ self-esteem with a counting of 20% and the last factor was school with 12.50% picking this choose. As students, academic performances is highly prioritize. Approximately 42. 50% of students choose eleven to fifteen, which is the highest, as how much they think their self-esteem affect their academic performance. This indicates that majority of students at Bishop’s College believe that their self-esteem highly affects their academic performance. On the other hand, 35% of students choose six to ten and the least amount of students which was 22.50% choose one to five, which means the minimum of students at Bishop’s school believe that their self-esteem doesn’t affect their academic performances. Regardless of more students having low self-esteem, there are many strategies that can be implemented to prevent students from having low self-esteem. The most 15 chosen strategy was praise and acknowledge accomplishments, which was claimed by 32.50% of students. This means that the students at Bishop’s College believes that the best way to increase their self-esteem is by praising and acknowledging their accomplishments. Another great way to prevent students having low self-esteem at Bishop’s College is counselling since 30% of students choose this strategy. The following strategy was to be kind to one another with a total of 22.50% of students. Finally, 15% of students picked others which included strategies like: promoting selflove, having weekly checkup on students’ self-esteem, encouraged students on doing things that makes you happy, encourage students to surround themselves to be around positive people, reduction on teachers being bias and encourage students to take some time for themselves. 16 Findings The survey has revealed that there are more students at Bishop’s College with low selfesteem rather than a high self-esteem. This is supported by these finding: 1. Friends is the main factor that stimulates students’ self-esteem, as claimed by 40% of students. 2. Majority of students at Bishop’s College believe that their self-esteem highly affects their academic performance since 42.50% of students choose eleven to fifteen as the amount they think their self-esteem affect their academic performance. 3. Students at Bishop’s College, approximately 32.50%, believes that praise and acknowledge accomplishments is the best strategy that can be implemented to prevent students from having low self-esteem ` 17 Recommendation The importance of ensuring that students’ self-esteem isn’t low is shouldn’t be taken too lightly. In order to guarantee that all students at Bishop’s College have a high selfesteem, I suggest that: 1. Set rules and punishments in place for any type bullying on students. This will help since it will lessen the chances of students to be criticized and shamed which are all agents of causing low self-esteem. It is also seen that friends are the main factor that stimulates students’ self-esteem so if bullying among friends decrease then students having low self-esteem will most likely decrease. 2. Promote different activities where students can be praise and acknowledge for their good work. Have monthly activities where students can show case their skills, like in sports, academics, arts, theater, dance, etc. Ensure that different students participate and that discrimination and biasness occur. Don’t force students who may not want to engage in activity but listen their opinion on what other activity they may want to take part in. Make sure that no one student feel lesser than another student and ensure they are treated and applauded equally. 18 Bibliography Ramsawak, R. & Umraw, R. R. (2012). Modules in Social Studies with SBA Guide and C.X.C Questions. Trinidad: Caribbean Educational Publishers. Wikipedia. (2022). Self-esteem. Retrieved 9 October 2022 from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-esteem Wikipedia. (2022). Questionnaire. Retrieved 19 November 2022 from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Questionnaire 19 Appendices Physic exam performance of a student who attends Bishop’s College when they had a high self-esteem. Physic exam performance of a student who attends Bishop’s College when they had a low self-esteem. 20