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iKonek LMS Usability Research at Urdaneta City University

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Contextual Spelling
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Confused words
Incorrect verb forms
Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
Incorrect noun number
Modal verbs
Faulty subject-verb agreement
Wrong or missing prepositions
Punctuation in compound/complex sentences
Comma misuse within clauses
Sentence Structure
Misplaced words or phrases
Incomplete sentences
Passive voice misuse
Wordy sentences
Intricate text
Hard-to-read text
Vocabulary enhancement
Word choice
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Background of the Study
In the Philippines, several higher education institutions
have begun introducing web-based learning/online learning
environments capable of offering online education in a
mixed 1 academic setting for learning. Blended learning,
Unusual word pair
also known as mixed learning approaches, requires both
face-to-face teaching in the classroom and the use of 2
online methods (Prasad, 2015). Researchers unanimously
note that the blended learning strategy helps educational
[the use of]
institutions to adopt a more learner-centered approach to
teaching where space and flexibility are given to learners to
participate in successful learning activities (Alonso et al.,
2005; Hughes, 2007; Roby et al., 2013). A web-enabled
instrument or learning management system (LMS) used 3 to
develop a specific course in asynchronous mode to
incorporate blended learning.
As internet use became more available and widespread,
content became more accessible not only for data
consumption but also for knowledge creation, which
required a change in pedagogy (Bennett, 1999; Cabero,
2006; Kentnor, 2015, Cates, 2020). Entry to software and
resources alone does not equal mastery. In contrast to their
more proficient peers, low literacy and limited literary
abilities often build rifts in distance education for students
(Vazquez & Chiang, 2016; Mansheim, 2017). Students who
struggle in the classroom still need additional resources,
whether materials are online or printed, that may not be
available in distance education (Mansheim, 2017)
During these days, ICTs play a role in education, having a
special significance in the educational component, assisted
by Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as iKonek,
a free, open-source software package that educators use to
[is used]
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build online courses (Borromeo, 2013; Maila et al., 2014)
However, given that they are in their fullness, these
platforms have several capabilities. Some of the potential
activities using learning tools are interaction, feedback,
conversation, and networking, for example.
In addition, they offer a lot of chances to explore new
teaching and learning approaches. In particular, the
Moodle platform adopted by the University of Aveiro (UA)
incorporates several modules that facilitate development,
organization, distribution, communication, collaboration,
and evaluation. IKonek is a web-based technology that
allows faculty members to manage, plan, evaluate, and
deliver content and learning materials for educational
courses. This learning platform has different features that
allow 4 students to access educational resources and help
them get a quality learning experience in distance
Here are some features of iKonek: Modern, easy-touse interface, designed to be responsive and accessible, the
iKonek interface is easy to navigate on both desktop and
mobile devices. Personalized Dashboard, Display current,
past, and future courses, along with tasks due.
Collaborative tools and activities Work and learn together
Repetitive word
in forums, wikis, glossaries, database activities, and much
more. All-in-one calendar, iKonek's calendar tool helps you
keep track of your academic or company calendar, course
deadlines, group meetings, and other personal events.
Convenient file management, Drag and drop files from
cloud storage services including MS OneDrive, Dropbox,
and Google Drive. Simple and intuitive 5 text editor,
Format text, and conveniently add media and images with
an editor that works across all web browsers and devices.
Notifications, when enabled, users can receive automatic
alerts on new assignments and deadlines, forum posts, and
send private messages to one another. Track progress,
Educators and learners can track progress and completion
with various options for tracking individual activities or
resources and at the course level.
Moodle is one of the most used open-source e-learning
systems, allowing only 6 registered students to build a
course website, guaranteeing their access. This platform
Overused word
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facilitates the exchange of information between
geographically separated users through synchronous (chat)
and asynchronous communication mechanisms (discussion
forums). It has easily configurable features from a practical
point of view, allowing the development of student
evaluation processes (quizzes, online assessments, and
surveys) and the management of their assignments with
their timetable, in addition to providing a broad range of
complementary resources to support teaching and learning.
It offers a modular design that makes it easy to add content
that inspires learners and encourages teaching social
Squinting modifier
constructionist pedagogy (Romero et al., 2008).
Several kinds of literature cited the use of Moodle as a
method for administrative tasks of the instructor course
(Perkins and Pfaffman, 2006); enhancing student
investigation and critical thinking abilities (Regueras et al.,
2011); promoting self-directed learning (Woltering et al.,
2009); and promoting group practices (Regueras et al.,
2011) (McLuckie et al., 2009).
The idea of the LMS started with the dissertation of Dr.
Alyssa Ashley Malag, College of Health Sciences
professor. The iKonek was based 7 on the popular
education platform called "Moodle." It has been
developed 8, modified, and improved by the Management
and Information System (MIS) to allow easier access. It is
now adopted 9 as the official LMS of the University.
Urdaneta City University introduced its institutional
Learning Management System (LMS) called "iKonek" in
the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021.
However, even with the many benefits cited, particularly in
higher education institutions, of using Moodle, there are
still factors that need to consider to ensure its successful
implementation. One of the most challenging variables has
to do with determining how the use of Moodle's different
features in the online setting impacts students' overall
course results. Are there use trends that can lead to
improved learning results and a higher level of the course.
By looking at the kind of activities that students frequently
participate in. (Kidd and Keengwe, 2010)
Due to the nature of Moodle's architecture, through its log
files, it can regularly collect comprehensive activity data on
Passive voice
Passive voice
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students. Unfortunately, teachers will not agree to examine
them manually due to the inherent difficulties in managing
these enormous log data files created online by students.
On the other hand, conventional evaluation methods do not
have adequate measurements on the type of skills that
students acquire when dealing with the characteristics of
the Moodle community (Macfadyen and Dawson, 2010).
Fortunately, data mining tools have made progress in
collecting and processing large quantities of data in the last
few years (Romero et al., 2008). These techniques used
machine learning and text mining techniques that enabled
researchers to gain unique insights with minimal effort
from amounts of data (Blikstein, 2011).
IKonek serves as a platform not only for students but also
for instructors to make teaching and learning more efficient
since iKonek have features that allow instructors to send
lessons, activities, quizzes as well as the checking of the
attendance of students. Also, this study is not only focusing
on features on iKonek but digital learning material as it
serves as a guide that would sustain and support our
educational learning needs.
Theoretical Framework
Community of Inquiry (CoI)
This model developed by Garrison, Anderson & Archer
(2000) for online learning environments focused on the
idea of three separate "presences": cognitive, social, and
teaching. Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, and Archer (2001)
suggest more study on each component while
acknowledging the overlap and interaction. As active
learning environments or communities based on instructors
and students exchanging ideas, knowledge, and thoughts,
their model supports the design of online and blended
courses. Of note is that' presence' is a social phenomenon
that expresses itself through student and teacher
The research group has become one of the most common
models for online and mixed courses designed to be highly
interactive using discussion boards, blogs, wikis, and video
conferencing among students and faculty.
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Passive voice
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Although few will disagree that they are crucial to
successful learning, it is difficult to achieve the optimal
amount of dialogue and cooperation. Various curricular
criteria need to consider, learner expectations and needs,
institutional capacities, and teaching methods. For
example, for paced and un-paced, and synchronous and
asynchronous learning, Anderson (2003) and Anderson et
al. (2005) note differences in learner preferences. The
expense of promoting dialogue-intensive classes, which are
teacher-dependent (Haughey et al., 2008) and "undeniably
labor-intensive" (Laurillard, 2002, p. 177), is also a crucial
concern for institutions.
This 10 led Anderson (2003) to formulate an interaction
equivalence theorem that states that if one of the three
types of interaction (student-teacher; student-student;
student-content) is high, deep, and 11 substantive formal
learning was assisted 12. Without degrading the educational
experience, the other two were provided at minimal
amounts or even removed. While these activities may not
be as expensive or time-effective as less immersive
learning sequences, high levels of more than one of these
three modes would likely provide a more rewarding
educational experience.
George Siemens (2004), one of the early pioneers of the
MOOC, was the key proponent of connectivism, a
learning 14 that 13 recognizes significant changes in the flow,
development, and information due to vast networks of data
communication 15. Internet technology has transferred
learning 16 to party, culture, and even crowd activities from
internal, individualistic activities.
Siemens recognized Alberto Barabasi's work and the
influence of networks when constructing the theory. He
also cited an article entitled "What Knowledge Tears Apart,
Networks Make Whole," written by Karen Stephensen
(1998), which correctly described how large-scale
networks are invaluable in helping individuals and
organizations handle data and information. Siemens defines
connectivism as the application of concepts discussed by
the theories of disorder, network, and uncertainty, and selforganization [where] learning is a mechanism that occurs
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within nebulous environments of changing core elements-
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Unclear antecedent
not entirely under the individual's control. Learning
(defined as actionable information) may be outside of us
(within an organization or a database), focuses on linking
specialized data sets and links that allow us to learn more
and are more important than our current state of knowledge
Passive voice
(Siemens, 2004).
Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)
Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) is a theory proposed
by Linda Harasim that relies on the Internet's facilities to
provide collaborative and knowledge-building learning
environments. Harasim defines OCL as a modern learning
philosophy that focuses on collaborative learning, the
development of knowledge, and the use of the Internet to
reform formal, non-formal, and informal education for the
Knowledge Age (Harasim, 2012, p. 81).
Harasim, like Siemens, sees the advantages of
transferring teaching and learning to the Internet and
networked education on a large scale. Harasim uses
Alberto Barabasi's stance on the strength of networks in
several respects. Three levels of knowledge building
through dialogue in a community occur in OCL: 1. Idea
generating: the stage of brainstorming in which divergent
ideas were accumulated 17 2. Organization of ideas: which
are contrasted 18, evaluated, 19 and classified by debate and
argument 3. Intellectual convergence: in which intellectual
synthesis and consensus take place, including the
agreement to disagree, usually through a mission, essay, or
other joint workpiece 20 (Harasim, 2012).
OCL also stems from social constructivism, students 21 are
motivated by dialogue collaboratively address issues and
where the teacher plays the role of facilitator and member
of the learning community. It is a significant feature of
OCL, but also of other constructivist theories in which the
instructor is not inherently distinct and separate but an
involved facilitator of knowledge building. OCL is not easy
to scale up because of the significance of the teacher's
position. OCL was better placed 22 in smaller educational
settings, unlike connectivism, which is suitable for largescale teaching. When searching for a commonality between
theories of online education, this last issue becomes
[, a learning that → . This learning]
[ a learning]
Inflated phrase
Repetitive word
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increasingly relevant.
Many institutions and educators have been caught
unprepared for the radical changes forced upon them.
Research into the usability of iKonek and digital learning
materials in the online environment is therefore urgent.
OCL, like many other online teaching models, operated in
an environment that is asynchronous and place
independently. Students are typically free to engage in class
discussions on their own time (up to a point) and log on
anywhere they have internet access. This approach using
technology for teaching is very different from the more
objectivist approaches found in computer-assisted learning,
teaching machines, and artificial intelligence applications
to education, which primarily aim to use computing to
replace at least some of the activities traditionally done by
human teachers. With online collaborative learning, the
aim is not to replace the teacher but to use the technology
primarily to increase and improve communication between
teacher and learners, with a particular approach to learning
based on knowledge construction assisted and developed
through social discourse.
The integration of technology into courses varies from
Passive voice
Passive voice
[evaluated, ]
making use of specific applications to making use of digital
spaces for supplementing course materials and to offering
fully online courses via course management systems like
iKonek in an online learning environment; specific features
of the technology can aid certain behaviors and restrain
others. To illustrate how technology could potentially
Other with singular noun
[, students → ; students]
facilitate elements of the Col framework for online
learners, Thomson et al. (2017) consider a Learning
Management System (LMS), where courses were taught 23.
When using a LMS 24 with 25, students create profiles and
upload biographies that can viewed 26 by other students and
the teachers. These features help to support the social
presence. Teachers can upload lessons, instructions, videos,
and activities into iKonek, thus making possible their
teaching presence. Online discussion forums are another
feature of iKonek. Online discussion forums are used as a
best-practice pedagogical technique to encourage student
interaction and community.
Passive voice
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Conceptual Framework
This study aimed to determine the usability of iKonek,
which is defined to weigh aspects relative to the iKonek.
The significant responses of students toward the level of
usability of iKonek explored 27 through the prepared
The framework of the study utilizes Independent and
Dependent variables to widely understand the outcome of
the said usability of iKonek to the management of
delivering instruction to the students.
According to International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 9241, usability is defined as the
degree to which a particular product was used by users 28 to
accomplish the specific goal with efficiency, effectiveness,
and satisfaction from a precise standpoint used. The
majority of the past studies on the usability of E-learning
systems have been on exploring the usability of the
interface of E-learning systems and the links between
usability features and E-learning success. Usability had
defined differently 29 as specified in components that are
more specific 30, i.e. 31 learnability, memorability, errors,
and efficiency (Nielsen, 1993).
Conceptual Paradigm
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to investigate the Usability of iKonek at
Urdaneta City University. Specifically, it sought to answer
the following questions:
1. What features of iKonek are commonly used by the
2. What is the level of usability of iKonek of the third-year
English major 32 students?
3. What digital learning materials are migrated 33 in the
iKonek along with the following subjects:
a. Stylistic and Discourse Analysis;
b. Masterpieces of World Literature;
c. Speech and Theater Arts;
d. Language Education Research 2;
e. Survey of English and American Literature; and
f. Campus Journalism?
Passive voice
[ a LMS → an LMS]
[be viewed]
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Assumptions of the Study
By the problems raised in the study, the researchers
assumed that the respondents would answer the questions
appropriately based on their experiences and the
researchers also assumed the following:
The levels of usability of iKonek would help the
administration to take action for the betterment of the said
iKonek would intensify both teacher's and student's
motivation in sending and passing instructions.
The usability of iKonek helps students, instructors, and the
institution itself to accomplish a better learning experience.
[were explored]
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The primary goal of this study was to provide
comprehensive information regarding the usability of
iKonek of the students at Urdaneta City University.
Moreover, the researcher has limited the study to 83 thirdyear college English Major Students of Urdaneta City
University this school 34 year 2020-2021. To assure the
accuracy of the collected data, the researchers would create
a questionnaire pertinent to identifying the usability of
Passive voice
Significance of the Study
This study would scrutinize important information about
the usability of iKonek at Urdaneta City University during
distance learning. Specifically, this would be of great
benefit to the following:
Urdaneta City University (UCU). The iKonek would serve
as their source of information to improve iKonek and more
accessible to instructors and students.
School Administrators. The results of this study would lead
them to do actions and developments for better usability of
iKonek. This study would benefit the administration to
serve the fastest way of delivering instructions to students
through iKonek.
Teachers. The results of this study would serve as a
framework to identify the usability of iKonek. This study
would also benefit the teachers, especially 35 if the iKonek
improves; they can easily connect and upload the learning
materials to the iKonek.
Squinting modifier
Wordy phrasing
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Students. This study would benefit the students to
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make them informed about the usability of iKonek.
Overused word
Passive voice
Furthermore, it would benefit 36 them as the Urdaneta City
University takes action to improve the iKonek.
Future Researchers. This study could provide them 37 data
in constant research inquiries concerning problems in
connection to this study.
Educational Institutions. This research study might be
useful to 38 an educational institution in a way that they
would 39 use it as another reference, and they would be
gaining knowledge and ideas. Also, this study might
become a pattern for an educational institution to adopt
such a platform.
Definition of Terms
Ikonek. The online platform learning or study and that 40
can be accessible to every student of Urdaneta City
University enrolled in a different courses 41. Greater
flexibility in achieving their educational goals.
Usability. The extent to which iKonek can utilized 42 by
third-year English majors to achieve goals in a specific
setting with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. It is
also referring to strategies for enhancing the ease of use.
Online Learning. Enables the 3rd year major 43 English
students of Urdaneta City University to set their own
learning pace, and there is the added flexibility of setting a
schedule that fits everyone's action.
Learning effectiveness. The outcome of the learning or
study and that assess 44 by the respondents for further
Activities. The ways students interact with a course, such
as quizzes, forums, and assignments.
Attendance. A record of who is present and the teacher
takes attendance every day to know who is attending class
and students are more likely to succeed in academics when
they attend school consistently.
Dashboard. Every user in iKonek has their page or
personalized customizable page.
Course. A page with documents for one teacher and one
class. It can be available and have started to end dates, and
learners can access it in a few ways, such as enrolling
themselves, being enrolled by their teacher, or by the
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Online Interaction. The connection of the teacher and
student. Communication between/among physically
separated participants in an online learning environment
with the support of educational technology 45 of the 3rd
year students.
This part of the research paper indicates the design of
the study, sources of data, data-gathering tool and
procedure, its ethical considerations, and the tools which
would be utilized 46 to analyze the data gathered. Validity
and reliability tests of the instrument were also included 47.
Research Design
The descriptive design of the research would be used for
Overused word
this analysis. Descriptive research design is a scientific
process, according to Explorable (2019), which involves
analyzing and explaining a subject's actions without
manipulating them in any way. Furthermore, a descriptive
analysis attempts to characterize a population, condition, or
phenomenon accurately and systematically. It can answer
Repetitive word
what, when, where, and how questions, but not why
questions (McCombes, 2019).
[them → the]
The subject of the Study and Sampling Procedure
The respondents of the study 48 are the eighty-three (83)
third-year English Major students of Urdaneta City
University. Twenty-seven (27) respondents of Block one,
Overused word
[in a way that they would → to]
twenty-eight (28) respondents of Block two, and twentyeight (28) respondents of block three. Furthermore, we use
Slovin's formula to determine the number of respondents of
the study. Based on the computed number of respondents,
the researchers randomly selected the students who would
serve as the respondents of this research study.
This study would conduct at Urdaneta City University-
[and that]
Indefinite article with plural noun
College of Teacher Education. Urdaneta City University is
a public university on 3 hectares of land in San Vicente
West, Urdaneta City, Philippines; 49 founded by Dr. Pedro
[utilized → utilize]
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Data Gathering Instruments
The study would gain information from many resources,
including the literature search Google Scholar, the World
Overused word
Wide Web, and Merriam Webster for the definition of
terms. In accomplishing the needed information of the
study, the researchers administered a questionnaire on the
Usability of iKonek at Urdaneta City University. The
Researchers 50 used a questionnaire checklist as the data
gathering instrument. This 51 includes a questionnaire to
[assess → assessed]
gather information about the usability of iKonek at
Urdaneta City University.
Collection of Data
The collection of data needed in the completion of this
study started with the stage of designing a questionnaire on
the usability of iKonek at Urdaneta City University. As part
of the study, the researchers would secure permission from
the dean and research adviser for the approval in
administering 52 the prepared questionnaires of the study 53.
In addition, the researchers would also seek the consent of
the students who would serve as the respondents and
source of information of the study. The respondents
instructed 54 to accomplish the instruments prepared for the
study after having a conversation about the content of the
questionnaires. This 55 would determine the perceptions and
responses of students towards the usability of iKonek.
Responses of the students 56 on the instruments were
tabulated by the researchers and treated with appropriate
statistical tools as conducted by the statistician.
Inflated phrase
Statistical Treatment
To understand the objectives of the study, the data gathered
from the respondents were treated with various statistical
The first specific problem
treated 57 with frequency and percentage since it deals with
the recurrence of iKonek usage. The formula below used:
P- Percentage
f- Frequency
Passive voice
Passive voice
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N- Total number of respondents
Furthermore, the second specific problem of the study
treated 58 with weighted mean, percentage, and frequency
as it shows the responses of the students in the prepared
questionnaires focused on the level of usability of iKonek
experienced by the respondents in distance learning. The
formula below used:
AWM- Average Weighted Mean
f- Number of responses of each category
X- Number of respondents of each category
Inflated phrase
Descriptive Equivalent of the Weighted Mean Values of
Students' Responses on the Usability of iKonek
Point Value
Statistical Limit
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Disagree
On the other hand, the third specific problem treated 59 with
percentage and frequency as it shows the responses of the
students in the prepared questionnaire that deals with the
digital learning materials used by the respondents. The
formula below used:
P- Percentage
f- Frequency
N- Total number of respondents
Descriptive Equivalent of the Weighted Mean Values of
Students' Responses on the digital learning Questionnaire
Point Value
Statistical Limit
Mostly Used
[Philippines; → Philippines,]
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Frequently Used
Moderately Used
Barely Used
Least Used
[Researchers → researchers]
Unclear antecedent
Ethical Considerations of the Study
Several precautions would be taken 60 to protect the rights
of the participants in the current study 61 All the students
were required to obtain written parental consent before the
study participation. Consent forms provided 62 to the
parents with an explanation of the study purpose, as well as
Inflated phrase
the potential risks and benefits associated with
participation. In addition, all students would provide
Repetitive word
written assent 63 to participate in the study before survey
During the data collection, one of the members 64 student
assent form aloud to ensure students understood the risks
[were instructed]
and benefits of their participation 65. Participants would be
provided 66 with a copy of the assent form to contact the
principal investigator if they had any questions after data
Unclear antecedent
collection was complete.
To further ensure respondent's confidentiality, students
Inflated phrase
instructed 67 not to identify information in their survey
form. Students would instead be assigned code numbers;
all data provided by participants were aggregated 68 and
analyzed using this information. Only members would be
provided 69 access to documents linking participant's names
and code numbers.
The researchers would guarantee that if the target
participants do not want to participate would be
respectfully agreed, especially if there are things like
questions or statements that do not fit their beliefs and
perspectives about the chosen research topic.
Confidentiality and Anonymity
The confidentiality and Anonymity of the participants
would be preserved by not revealing their names and
Identity in data collection, analysis, and reporting of the
study findings. A pseudonym used to protect their identity.
[is treated]
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Privacy and confidentiality of the interview environment
[is treated]
were managed 70 carefully during the interview sessions,
data analysis, and dissemination of the findings. The
researchers would ensure that the gathered or collected
person's information from the participants would remain
confidential, such as name, date of birth, age, sex/gender,
address, contact details of family, guardian, etc. On the
other hand, if the participants do not have a personal
relationship with the researchers and decided to be
anonymous, the researchers would allow and respect the
This chapter presented the results and interpretation of
the data gathered throughout the study. Data carefully
analyzed to come up with an accurate presentation,
analysis, and interpretation 71. Data presented using tables
to facilitate an easier understanding of the given problems.
The presentation of tables was aligned and answered with
the sequence of the specific problem stated, namely: The
most used iKonek features, the level of usability of iKonek
of the third-year English major 72 students, and What
Digital Learning Materials are migrated 73 in the iKonek
along with the major 74 subject.
Table 1 showed the indicator, frequency, and percentages
of features of iKonek that are mostly used 76 by third-year
English major 77 students 75. The features of iKonek were
categorized 78 into responsive and accessible, personalized
dashboard, all-in-one calendar, convenient files
management, a simple and intuitive text editor,
notifications, and track progress.
Table 1 revealed that the most used feature of iKonek was
the personalized dashboard (Display current, past, and
future courses, along with tasks due). Thus, 73.17% of the
students used the feature. On the other hand, 57.32% of the
respondents used iKonek to track their progress. The
findings showed that the students were moderately using
some of the features of iKonek.
Further, students' least used feature of iKonek was
[is treated]
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Notifications (32.93%) as identified in the respondents'
responses along with iKonek features.
Like the study of Daniel (2013), Found 79 out that Elearning technologies can support and enhance teaching
and learning activities. E-learning technologies provide a
rich set of features designed to allow participants to learn
Passive voice
by constructing and sharing their knowledge within a
course learning space. Knowing what these features are for
[are provided]
and knowing how to use them can greatly 80 enhance
student learning experiences in an academic environment.
Many of these features are not presently used 81 at Urdaneta
City University. In addition, if both teachers and students
Overly complex wording
have a positive attitude and are teachers 82 are encouraged
to use these platforms, they will begin to use these features
[members → member's]
and benefit from using such a tool in their teaching and
learning environments.
[of their participation]
Passive voice
The indicators about the Usability of iKonek of the thirdyear English major 83 students found 84 to be "moderately
agree" by the respondents as reflected in the overall
weighted mean of 3.49.
Poring through the analysis of the specific data provided in
[were instructed]
the table, the students found out that they were "agree"
using the indicators along with the level of Usability of
iKonek of the third-year English major students, among the
two highest indicators relative to the manner that they are
using iKonek in their daily attendance (W.M=4.66) and
using iKonek to see the uploaded daily lesson. (W.M=
3.70). This finding underscored that students agreed to use
iKonek in their daily attendance and to see the uploaded
daily lesson.
Further analysis of the results showed that the students
moderately agreed to use iKonek to communicate with
Instructors and online classmates (W.M= 2.55), and 85 even
with the slowest internet connection (W.M= 3.71). This
finding revealed that students moderately agreed to use the
iKonek to communicate with instructors and online
classmates, and 86 even with the slowest internet
According to Suksan Suppasetseree and Nootprapa Dennis
(2010), Moodle is a free online course management system
Passive voice
Passive voice
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that is 87 ideal for language education. It is a user-friendly
tool for English teachers to develop E-learning or an online
Passive voice
course. The Moodle system has various features that make
it easier to support and deliver lessons than in a traditional
classroom setting. Moodle is a free online course
management system that is ideal for language education. It
is a user-friendly tool for English teachers to develop Elearning or an online course. The Moodle system has
various features that make it easier to support and deliver
lessons than in a traditional classroom setting. Preparing
lesson plans and managing content for an online course
takes time. It is even more difficult if there are kids in the
same class who have diverse degrees of learning
proficiency. Teachers who utilize Moodle agreed that an
online course allowed students to learn at their own pace
and their level of proficiency 88. Students can download
learning material or practice the exercise given outside the
class to review their studying anytime and anywhere they
want and receive feedback to show their skills immediately.
All the teachers who use Moodle in their teaching were
satisfied with the results after using it. Students also
enjoyed using it to help their learning levels increase.
Repetitive word
Table 3 showed the frequency and percentage of Digital
Learning Materials migrated in the iKonek and the subject
Stylistic and Discourse Analysis. The distance learning
materials categorized 89 into; PowerPoint presentations,
videos, recorded audios, word documents, and Google
Table 3 revealed that the most used distance learning
Overused word
Passive voice
Overused word
materials migrated in Stylistic and Discourse Analysis were
PowerPoint presentations with a percentage of 95.12% of
the students used the PowerPoint. It can also glean from the
table that Word documents were the second-highest
commonly used by the students, which noted 92.67% from
the respondents. The findings showed that the students
most used are the PowerPoint presentation. The result
implied that the students usually used the other distance
learning materials in the subject.
Furthermore, some distance learning materials were least
used 90 by the students in Stylistic and Discourse Analysis;
Passive voice
Overused word
Overused word
Passive voice
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Page 20 of 30
recorded audios (14.63%); and videos (25.61%) as 91
identified from the respondents.
PowerPoint 92 presentation was seen 93 to be most used 94 in
this subject. According to Drouin et Al. 2013, they rated
PowerPoint presentation lectures as highly used rather than
non-slide lectures or discussions. Also, their study was
seen 95 to be similar to the data in this study the students 96
at Urdaneta City University had preferably used advanced
technology in learning, specifically PowerPoint
presentations in Stylistic and Discourse Analysis subject.
[it Found]
Table 4 showed the frequency and percentage of Digital
Learning Materials migrated in the iKonek and the subject
Masterpieces of World Literature. The distance learning
materials were categorized 97 into; PowerPoint
presentations, videos, recorded audios, word documents,
and Google links.
Table 4 revealed that the most used distance learning
Overused word
materials migrated in iKonek and 98 the subject
Masterpieces of World Literature were Word document 99
Passive voice
with a percentage of 89.02%. It gleaned from the table that
PowerPoint presentation was the second-highest commonly
used by the students, which noted 89.02%. The findings
[are teachers]
showed that the students mostly used where the word
document. This 100 implied that the students usually used
the other distance learning materials in the subject.
Furthermore, some of the students in distance learning
materials that were 102 least used 103 in Masterpieces of
World Literature; recorded audios (8.54%); and videos
(23.17. 101
The study of Dr. Hadi & Amiri, 2019 said that the usage of
Word Documents was indeed beneficial to the use of
grammar and improvement of student's writing skills. Also,
according to Graham, 104 S. (2008), using the Word helps
students develop writing and analyzing skills. Similarly, in
this study, the data gathered have shown that Word
document is the highly used online learning material
among the others, help to give growth and assistance to the
subject Masterpieces of World Literature.
Table 5 showed the frequency and percentage of Distance
Overused word
[were found]
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Learning Materials migrated in the iKonek and the subject
Speech and Theater Arts. The distance learning materials
are categorized 105 into; PowerPoint presentations, videos,
recorded audios, word document, and Google link.
Table 5 revealed that the most used distance learning
materials used in Speech and Theater Arts were
PowerPoint presentations with 106 a percentage of 91.46%.
It can also glean from the table that word documents were
the second-highest commonly used by the students, which
noted 81.71%. The findings showed that the student most
used was the powerpoint 107 presentation. This 108 implied
that the students usually used the other distance learning
materials in the subject.
[that is]
Furthermore, some of the students in distance learning
materials that were least used 109 in Speech and Theater
Arts were recorded 110 audios (48.78%); and google link
This study was supported 111 by the results of the earlier
studies of Corbeil (2007), Ilter (2009), Oommen (2012),
and Wang (2011). The study results show that technology
plays a role in language classes; it can used 112 as a tool to
facilitate teaching and learning. As one of the most
important goals of using new ways of teaching language in
secondary schools is to promote students' motivation
towards learning, we can see in this study that using
powerpoint 113 presentations operates as a powerful
pedagogical tool in English classes. This study supports the
effect of the superiority of technology-based lessons as
compared to traditional lessons 114. English teachers should
consider their students' needs and interests, and the
questionnaire results indicate that most of the students
show their positive perceptions towards using technology
in English classes.
Table 6 showed the frequency and percentage of Distance
Learning Materials used in Language Research 2. The
distance learning materials were categorized 115 into;
powerpoint 116 presentations, videos, recorded audio, word
documents, and Google links.
Table 6 revealed that the most used distance learning
materials used in Language Research 2 were word
Repetitive word
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documents with a percentage of 86.59%. It can also glean
from the table that powerpoint 117 presentation was the
second-highest commonly used by the students, which
[are categorized]
noted 75.61% from the respondents. The findings showed
that the student most used was the word document. This 118
implied that the students usually used the other distance
learning materials in the subjects.
Furthermore, some of the students in distance learning
materials that were least used 119 in Language Research 2
were recorded 120 audios (24.39%); and videos (42.68%) as
identified from the respondents.
According to (Brill and Galloway, 2015), nowadays, the
use of powerpoint 121 (a form of multimedia) presentations
(PPT) in classroom instruction has significantly increased
globally without examination of their effects on student
learning and attitudes. In addition to the study of (Navarro,
2013) most lecture classes are conducted using
powerpoint 122 presentations if incorporation of computer
technologies would enhance student learning and sustain
interest in the topic. Many professors are switching from
the traditional form of teaching of chalk 123 and talk to
computer-assisted presentations, and they even attempted
to move to a paperless classroom. Previously, the new
method required the instructor to spend time preparing
Passive voice
[A powerPoint]
Passive voice
Passive voice
slide presentations and organizing them. In recent years,
this method is becoming easier and less costly to use, as
more and more textbooks were packed 124 with computer-
generated slides. Even some administrators are pushing
Passive voice
[the students → . The students]
instructors to use this technology (Carlson, 2002).
Table 7 showed the frequency and percentage of Distance
Learning Materials used in the Survey of English and
Americans. The distance learning materials were
categorized 125 into; powerpoint 126 presentations, videos,
recorded audio, word documents, and Google links.
Table 7 revealed that the most used distance learning
materials used in Survey of English and American
Literature between powerpoint 127 presentation and word
document with the same percentage of 91.46%. It can also
glean from the table that Google forms were the secondhighest commonly used by the students, which noted
Passive voice
Report generated on Tuesday, Jun 29, 2021, 08:35 AM
58.54% from the respondents. The findings showed that the
Page 23 of 30
students mostly used PowerPoint presentations and word
[, and]
[document → documents]
documents. This 128 implied that the students usually used
the other distance learning materials in the subject.
Furthermore, some of the students in distance learning
materials that were least used 129 in Survey of English and
American Literature were: recorded audios (14.63%) and
Unclear antecedent
video (43.90%) as identified from the respondents.
Similar to the study of (Herayanti et al.) stated that learning
management systems are effective digital learning
environments and designed for learning that continues to
Sentence fragment
[that were]
Passive voice
develop. An effective digital-based learning environment
will help students improve their knowledge through an
activity that encourages critical thinking, communication,
collaboration, and creativity, 130 and 131 requires good
planning that was organized 132 so that development can
convey learning objectives thoroughly. It is available in a
[Graham, ]
various 133 options, including online tutors, online classes,
iKonek, Moodle, and others. They are the learning platform
designed to be used by educators, administrators, and
students as a reliable and secure integrated system to
become a learning environment suitable for each user.
Urdaneta City University teachers use the Moodle/iKonek
to convey information, give and listen to assignments,
deliver electronic journals and other learning resources.
Table 8 showed the frequency and percentage of Distance
Learning Materials used on Campus. The distance learning
materials are categorized 134 into; powerpoint 135
Passive voice
presentations, videos, recorded audios 136, word
document 137, and Google link 138.
Table 8 revealed that the most used distance learning
materials used in Campus Journalism are powerpoint 139
presentations. Thus 92.68% of the students used
[, with]
powerpoint 140 presentation 141. It can also glean from the
table that word document was the second-highest generally
used by the students, which noted 86.59%. The findings
showed that the students mostly 142 used powerpoint 143
presentation 144. This 145 implied that the students usually
used the other distance learning materials in the subject.
Furthermore, some of the students in distance learning
materials that were least used 146 in Campus Journalism
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
Unclear antecedent
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were recorded 147 audios (15.85%); and videos (32.93%) as
identified from the respondents.
Passive voice
Passive voice
Similar to the study of Ali and Jaafar (2010) found out that
the study emphasized the ability of Moodle to facilitate
Passive voice
language learning because it makes various available
resources to students such as web content, video, audio,
and file, which allow students to communicate, share files
and collaborate on work. This 148 generally creates a better
[used → be used]
environment for collaborative learning, requiring more
discussions and interaction among students. This 149 was
exactly 151 150 what is 152 needed for an effective language
learning environment because most the languages 153 are
best acquired 154 through verbal interaction. The learning
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
management system gives an insight into the various
facilities that can 155 used 156 in Moodle like blogs, chat,
forums, uploading assignment 158 157, viewing, or
downloading e-content, news, and assessment of students
Repetitive word
through an online quizzes 159, etc.
This work aimed to analyze the usability of iKonek to
selected third-year students of Urdaneta City University
taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in
English for the academic year 2020-2021. The result of the
Likert Scale questionnaire based on the validated survey
Passive voice
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
was collected and recorded. The summary, conclusion, and
recommendations were presented 160 below.
Summary of Findings
Based on the data gathered, analyzed, and interpreted,
the findings are summarized as follows.
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
1.Most used iKonek features.
Based on our survey, the respondents' most used feature of
iKonek was the Personalized Dashboard (Display current,
past, and future courses, along with tasks due). The
respondents' second highest feature 161 of iKonek was
Responsive and Accessible. More than half of the
respondents found that one of the features of iKonek,
which is the Track Progress, was used by them. Also,
Unclear antecedent
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almost half of the respondents found that the other features
Passive voice
of iKonek were the least used. Generally, the features 162 of
iKonek were moderately used 163 by the respondents.
2. The level of usability of the iKonek of the third-year
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
English major 164 students
Based on our survey, the respondents were agreed 165
that they are using iKonek in their daily attendance and to
see their uploaded daily lessons. Also, the respondents
were moderately agreed 167 166 that they are using the
iKonek to communicate with their instructors and online
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
classmates and even with the slowest internet connection.
3. Digital learning materials are migrated in the iKonek
[teaching of chalk → chalk teaching]
along with the following subjects:
3. 1 Based on the data gathered, the findings showed that
the respondents most used learning material that was
migrated 168 along with the subject Stylistics and Discourse
Analysis was the PowerPoint presentation. More than half
of the respondents usually used the other distance learning
material in the said subject. Also, some of the distance
Passive voice
learning materials, which were recorded 169 audios, and
videos, were the least used by the respondents in the
3.2 Based on the data gathered, the findings showed that
the respondents mostly used learning materials that
was 172 170 migrated 171 and 173 the subject Masterpieces of
World Literature was the Word Document. More than half
of the respondents usually used the other distance learning
materials in the said
Passive voice
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
subject. Also, some of the distance learning materials,
which were recorded 174 audios, and videos, were the least
used by the respondents in the subject.
3.3 Based on the data gathered, the findings showed that
the respondents mostly used learning materials that was 176
migrated 175 along with the subject Speech and Theater Arts
was the PowerPoint presentation. The three other learning
materials, which were word documents, videos, and google
links 177 were used 178 by more than half of the respondents
in the said subject. Also, some of the distance learning
materials, which were recorded 179 audios 180 were the least
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
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used by the respondents in the subject.
Unclear antecedent
3.4 Based on the data gathered, the findings showed that
the respondents most used learning material that was
Passive voice
migrated 181 along with the subject Language Research 2
was the Word Document. The other learning materials,
which were PowerPoint Presentation and Google link 182
were used 183 by more than half of the respondents in the
said subject. Also, some of the distance learning materials,
which were video, and recorded audios, were the least used
by the respondents in the subject.
3.5 The findings showed that the respondents mostly used
learning materials that was 185 migrated 184 along with the
subject Survey of English and American Literature was the
PowerPoint presentation and Word Document. The other
learning materials, which are Google link and video, were
used by some of the respondents in the said subject. Also,
few of the respondents were the least used the learning
[creativity, ]
[, and → . It]
Passive voice
[ a various]
materials which 186 was recorded 187 audios.
3.6 The findings showed that the respondents mostly used
learning materials that was 189 migrated 188 along with the
subject Campus Journalism was the PowerPoint
presentation. More than half of the respondents usually
used the other distance learning materials, which were 190
Word Document and Google link in the said subject. Also,
some of the distance learning materials, which are videos
and recorded audio 191 were the least used by the
respondents in the subject.
Based on the results of the study, the researchers
arrived at the following conclusions:
1. The iKonek feature that students most used was the
personalized dashboard which includes the display of
current courses and learning tasks.
2. The respondents in this study concurred that they were
using iKonek in their daily attendance and to see their
Passive voice
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
[audios → audio]
[document → documents]
[link → links]
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
[presentation → presentations]
uploaded daily lessons.
3. Based on this study, the digital learning materials that
were most used by the respondents 192 were powerpoint 193
presentations and word documents.
Overused word
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
[presentation → presentations]
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Unclear antecedent
Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the
following recommendations are suggested 194:
1. Schools should intensify the use of other features of
Passive voice
Passive voice
iKonek, which include notifications, collaborative tools,
and a simple 195 intuitive text editor.
2. It is recommended 196 that Learning Management System
shall allow students to access the different iKonek features
even with the slowest internet connection and to access
iKonek anytime and anywhere.
3. It is recommended 197 that the digital learning materials
used by the respondents, such as powerpoint 198
Unclear antecedent
presentations, word documents, videos, recorded audio,
and google links 199 should be uploaded in the iKonek for
the students of Urdaneta City University to have only one
platform to use.
Unclear antecedent
Overused word
Squinting modifier
[what is]
[the languages]
Passive voice
[that can]
[used → be used]
[an assignment]
[assignment → assignments]
[an online quizzes → an online quiz]
Passive voice
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Repetitive word
Repetitive word
Passive voice
Overused word
Passive voice
Passive voice
Repetitive word
Passive voice
Passive voice
[that was]
Passive voice
[was → were]
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[, and]
Passive voice
Passive voice
[was → were]
Passive voice
Passive voice
Passive voice
Passive voice
Passive voice
[was → were]
[, which]
Passive voice
Passive voice
[was → were]
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[which were]
Passive voice
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]
Passive voice
Passive voice
Passive voice
[powerpoint → PowerPoint]