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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
---------------------------------------------------------------------PRINCIPLES OF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only
one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice
on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.GOOD LUCK.
A times B is represented by A × B or A*B. A raised to the power n is expressed
as A^n. All problems are 1 point each.
Situation 1.
The scissors lift consists of two sets of cross members and two
hydraulic cylinders, DE, symmetrically located on each side of the platform.
The platform has a uniform mass of 60 kg, with a center of gravity at G 1. The
load of 85 kg, with center of gravity at G2, is centrally located between each
side of the platform. Rollers are located at B and D.
Determine the reaction in each of the pins at A for equilibrium, in N.
A. 307.38
C. 403.85
B. 614.76
D. 807.69
Determine the reaction in each of the pins at C for equilibrium, in N.
A. 1,066.9
C. 2,142.4
B. 2,133.8
D. 1,071.2
Determine the force in each of the hydraulic cylinders for equilibrium, in N.
A. 1,066.9
C. 2,142.4
B. 2,133.8
D. 1,071.2
Situation 2.
For the beam loaded as shown, determine the following:
What is the moment at A?
A. 12 k-ft
B. 14 k-ft
C. 16 k-ft
D. 18 k-ft
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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
What is the vertical reaction at B?
A. 12.5 kips
C. 10.5 kips
B. 7.5 kips
D. 5.5 kips
What is the deflection at a point 7-ft from the fixed support
A. 137.59/EI
C. 214.25/EI
B. 183.75/EI
D. 296.76/EI
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Situation 3.
A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300mm and an effective depth
of 520 mm. Use fc’ = 21 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. U = 1.2D + 1.6L.
If the beam will carry a total factored moment of 320 kN -m, determine the required
number of 25 mmØ tension bars.
A. 3
C. 5
B. 4
D. 6
Determine the design flexural strength (kN-m) if it is reinforced for tension only
by 3-20 mmØ bars.
A. 189
C. 170
B. 223
D. 144
Determine the design flexural strength (kN-m) if it is reinforced for tension only
by 4-28 mmØ bars.
A. 434
C. 400
B. 390
D. 351
Situation 4.
Two heavy closely-coiled springs support a load, P.
10. If one spring has a spring constant of 8 kN/m and the other, 10 kN/m, what is the
equivalent spring stiffness, k (in kN/m), if the springs are in parallel?
A. 4.4
C. 9
B. 18
D. 8.9
11. If one spring has a spring constant of 8 kN/m and the other, 10 kN/m, what is the
equivalent spring stiffness, k (in kN/m), if the springs are in series?
A. 4.4
C. 9
B. 18
D. 8.9
12. If both springs have a mean diameter of 150 mm and a wire diameter of 20mm, find
the maximum safe value of P (in kN) considering an allowable shear stress of 138
MPa. Use Wahl’s Formula.
A. 5.40
C. 4.80
B. 2.40
D. 2.70
Situation 5.
A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 250 mm and a total depth of 550
mm. Effective cover of bars is 60mm. Compressive reinforcement (if required) will
be placed at d’ = 60mm.
f’c = 21 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. Follow 2010/2015 NSCP
provision and use 𝜙 = 0.90 for flexure.
Which of the following most nearly gives the
As (mm2), if the beam carries a factored moment
A. 340
B. 414
required area of steel reinforcement,
of 60 kN-m.
C. 464
D. 512
14. Which of the following most nearly gives the required area of steel reinforcement, As
(mm2), if the beam carries a factored moment of 179 kN-m?
A. 414
C. 1,091
B. 828
D. 1,224
15. Which of the following most nearly gives the required area of steel reinforcement, As
(mm2), if the beam carries a factored moment of 264 kN-m?
A. 1,370
C. 1,843
B. 1,680
D. 1,715
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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
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Situation 6.
As shown in the figure, cylinders C and D are attached to the end of
the cable which supports a steel girder with a mass per unit length of 50 kg/m.
If cylinder D has a mass of 600 kg,
16. Determine the required mass of cylinder C, in kg.
A. 478
C. 459
B. 440
D. 450
17. Determine the maximum sag h of the cable, in m.
A. 0.47
C. 0.54
B. 0.62
D. 0.83
18. Determine the total length of the cable between the pulleys A and B, in m.
A. 13.7
C. 13.2
B. 13.4
D. 13.5
Situation 7. A cantilever shaft 76 mm in diameter is subjected to a load, P. Consider
the following allowable stresses:
Compression, FC = 5 MPa
Tension, FT = 7.5 MPa
Shear, Fv = 3 MPa
19. Determine the maximum safe value of P (in kN) if P is a longitudinal load acting
at the free end and is directed towards the fixed end. Assume zero eccentricity.
A. 22.8
C. 22.6
B. 34.2
D. 34.0
20. Determine the maximum safe value of P (in kN) if P is a transverse load acting on
the shaft just before the fixed end. Assume zero eccentricity.
A. 10.2
C. 10.3
B. 13.6
D. 13.7
21. Determine the maximum safe value of P (in kN) if P is a transverse load acting
eccentrically at 100 mm from the axis of the shaft just before the fixed end.
A. 2.3
C. 1.9
B. 2.6
D. 2.1
Situation 8.
The section at support of a 5.5m cantilever beam is shown in Figure
RCB-001. b x h = 300 mm x 500 mm; Clear concrete cover = 50 mm; concrete strength,
f’c = 28 MPa; steel yield strength, f y = 420 MPa; main reinforcement = 25 mm
diameter; stirrups = 12mm diameter. U = 1.2D + 1.6L.
22. Determine the design flexural (kN-m) strength of the section.
A. 291.12
C. 272.94
B. 303.27
D. 147.18
23. Find the total factored uniform load, wu (kN/m), that the beam can support.
A. 72.18
C. 18.04
B. 19.25
D. 9.73
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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
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24. Find the maximum safe uniform service liveload (kN/m) that can be supported by
beam, if it already carries a total factored deadload of 10kN/m.
A. 3.77
C. 5.02
B. 5.78
D. 38.86
Figure RCB-001
Situation 9.
For the structures shown, Determine the classification of the
25. What is the degree of indeterminacy?
A. 1st Degree
B. 2nd Degree
C. 3rd Degree
D. 4th Degree
26. What is the degree of indeterminacy?
A. Unstable
C. Indeterminate to the 5th degree
B. Determinate
D. Indeterminate to the 6th degree
27. What is the degree of indeterminacy?
A. Unstable
C. Indeterminate to the 1st degree
B. Determinate
D. Indeterminate to the 2nd degree
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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
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Situation 10.The truss shown is used to support the sign.
28. Determine the force in member FG, in N.
A. 1,800 N (T)
C. 4,025 N (T)
B. 1,800 N (C)
D. 4,025 N (C)
29. Determine the force in member GC, in N.
A. 1,800 N (T)
C. 3,600 N (T)
B. 1,800 N (C)
D. 3,600 N (C)
30. Determine the force in member CB, in N.
A. 3,600 N (T)
C. 4,025 N (T)
B. 3,600 N (C)
D. 4,025 N (C)
Situation 11.If each one of the ropes will break when it is subjected to a tensile
force of 450 N,
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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Page 6
31. Determine the maximum uplift force F (in N) the balloon can have before one of the
ropes breaks.
A. 843
C. 1,774
B. 1,433
D. 1,216
32. Which of the three ropes will break first?
D. all
33. Determine the tension in rope AD before one of the ropes breaks.
A. 265
C. 214
B. 450
D. 365
Situation 12.
at A.
A car hit a tubular steel post at B. The post is fixed to the ground
Given: Force from the car, P
Section of the post =
Thickness of the post
Modulus of Elasticity
H1 = 1.5m
H2 = 1.0m
= 185 kN
= 15 mm
= 200 GPa
34. How much is the resulting deflection at midlength?
A. 8.97 mm
C. 4.48 mm
B. 1.16 mm
D. 3.37 mm
35. How much is the resulting deflection at c?
A. 8.97 mm
B. 17.94 mm
C. 3.08 mm
D. 6.16 mm
36. To prevent excessive deflection, a spring support is added at the free end. If the
spring deforms 0.12 mm per 1 kN of compressive force, what is the reaction(kN) of
the spring?
A. 74.65 kN
C. 26.53 kN
B. 77.27 kN
D. 38.61 kN
Situation 13.A pressure vessel, 500 mm in diameter is to be fabricated from steel
plates. The tensile strength of the steel material is 414 MPa.
37. The vessel is to be cylindrical and will be subjected to an internal pressure of 4
MPa. Which of the following gives the required thickness (mm) of the plate? Consider
a safety factor of 3.0.
A. 8
C. 7
B. 6
D. 4
38. What is the required plate thickness
and will be subjected to an internal
of 3.0.
A. 8
B. 4
(mm) of the vessel if it is to be spherical
pressure of 4 MPa? Consider a safety factor
C. 6
D. 3
39. Which of the following gives the maximum internal pressure (MPa) that a cylindrical
vessel, 12 mm thick, can be subjected to, if the allowable steel stress is 120 MPa?
A. 5.7
C. 5.8
B. 11.5
D. 11.6
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CIVIL ENGINEERS First Preboard Examination
Sunday, August 13, 2023
3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Situation 14. A 7 m
load of 12 kN/m.
Properties of W 480
A = 10800 mm2
bf = 180 mm
tf = 15 mm
d = 480 mm
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beam fixed at both ends supports a total uniformly distributed
x 86:
Ix = 383.13 x 106 mm4
tw = 12 mm
40. Calculate the maximum moment in the beam in kN-m.
A. 110
C. 32
B. 49
D. 150
41. Calculate the maximum bending stress in the beam in MPa.
A. 30.7
C. 62.3
B. 73.2
D. 20.05
42. Calculate the bending stress (MPa) 100 mm from N.A.
A. 6.6
C. 8.4
B. 9.0
D. 12.8
Situation 15. A wide flange beam the following properties:
d = 300 mm
bf = 250 mm
Ix = 172.12x106 mm4
tw = 12 mm
tf = 15 mm
43. Calculate the maximum shear stress (MPa) if V= 100 kN.
A. 11
C. 32
B. 29
D. 15
44. Calculate the higher shear stress (MPa)
A. 40.7
C. 52.3
B. 43.1
D. 60.1
at A if V= 200 kN.
45. Calculate the lower shear stress (MPa) at A if V= 150 kN.
A. 1.6
C. 1.4
B. 2.0
D. 1.9
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