Growth Mindset Reflection: Overcoming Challenges & Achieving Goals

This week’s session really inspired me a lot because I have never contemplated on
what growth mindset is. Especially when I read the stories of Alex Hannold, I see how
he overcame the frustrations and see the positive aspects when the summit seems
difficult and far-gone. I particularly like what he says about soloing El Cap, “I felt
confident as I looked up the wall. I felt even better as I started climbing.” This is alarming
and quite important since as a professional and experienced extreme climber, I
thought that he always had full confidence and a clear map for climbing. But it
wasn’t. I see that people gets nervous and worried when facing the unknown. Just
like what Professor Carol Dweck said, we should regard things that are incompletely
and unsatisfying done as “not yet”. We have still got chances and time to finish the
hardships. If we can have a growth mindset, we think and live through frustrations
healthily. “Learning a growth mindset transfer the meaning of effort and difficulty.”
I totally agree, and I feel the strengths of these words. Students that were seemed as
dumb can improve themselves by implementing a faith in their heart, which is “
I have chances, and I earn the chances.”
After reading these articles and watching the videos, I feel somehow happier and
less stressful. I am often stuck in loads of tasks, homework, and exams. When I can’t
be well-prepared, I get worried about my grades. When I can’t perform well as I
expected, I will doubt myself if there is really a ceiling there stopping my growth. But
right now, I know that difficulty means “not yet.” I have not yet achieved my goals,
but one day I will. Thanks a lot to these inspiring words!