5/1/23, 7:51 PM https://bakerfranke.github.io/codePrint/ busyflyer // On click of the submit button, execute the below statement onEvent("submit", "click", function(){ var userCountry=getText("Country"); // get the user input country var userYear=getNumber("Year"); // get the user input year plotfunction(userCountry,userYear); //call the user defined function to plot the chart }); function plotfunction(userCountry,userYear){ //set chart options var mychartOptions={}; mychartOptions.bars="vertical"; mychartOptions.title="Busiest Airport and Travellers"; mychartOptions.colors=["green", "red"]; mychartOptions.legend={position: "none"}; var airportData={}; //print console log to see if the variable stores the right data console.log("Country:" + userCountry); console.log("Year:" + userYear); // check if user has selected valid country from the drop down list if(userCountry != "Country") { // read all the records from temporary database/list and delete them all readRecords("airportDatadb", {}, function(recordsdel) { console.log("Total Records from airportDatadb:" + recordsdel.length); if (recordsdel.length>0) { for (var i =0; i < recordsdel.length; i++) { console.log("Deleting Records from airportDatadb:" + i); //delete records from temporary database/list airportDatadb deleteRecord("airportDatadb", {id:recordsdel[i].id}); } } else { console.log("There are no records to delete"); } }); // read all the records froom busiest airports database/list for the user input country and ye readRecords("Busiest Airports", {Country:userCountry,Year:userYear}, function(record) { console.log("Total Records from Busiest Airports:" + record.length); // if there are available records for the given country and year then read and store in temporar if (record.length>0) { // loop through all the read records one by one for (var i =0; i < record.length; i++) { // assign the record values to a variable https://bakerfranke.github.io/codePrint/ 1/2 5/1/23, 7:51 PM 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 https://bakerfranke.github.io/codePrint/ airportData.location = record[i].Location; airportData.passengers = record[i].TotalPassengers; airportData.country = record[i].Country; console.log("country:" + record[i].Country + " location:" + record[i].Location + " //create the read record in temporary database/list createRecordSync("airportDatadb", airportData); } } else { write("There are no records to read"); 62 } 63 64 65 // execute the draw chart function and pass the database/list and chart options to drawChartFromRecords("aiportBarchart", "bar", "airportDatadb", ["location", "passengers" 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 }); } else{ //throw error on screen if user picked wrong country code write("Pick a country from the dropdown list"); } } PDF document made with CodePrint using Prism https://bakerfranke.github.io/codePrint/ 2/2