Table 3. Statistical Analysis for Multiple Problems Measurement N Average fitness 共makespan兲 Average CPU run time 共s兲 Average unique schedules Serial schedule generation scheme Parallel schedule generation scheme t score 共p value兲 30 30 — 52.5 53.3 2.65共0.0065兲 14.40 19.88 5.03共0.0000兲 1,747 1,748 0.29共0.3900兲 Fig. 7. Comparison of the average fitness values when possible 共Meyer and Krueger 1998兲. The input parameter values for the Elitist GA were set as follows: the population size, crossover rate, and mutation rate were set to 50, 0.5, and 0.03, respectively. The Elitist GA was terminated when it met 50 generations. T-statistic was used to make an inference on the mean of the population differences with the assumption that the distribution of differences is approximately normal. The point estimate of the mean is the mean of the sample difference. Fig. 7 compares the average fitness values obtained from the Elitist GA according to the scheme. The result indicates that, for most pairs of the average fitness values, those obtained from the parallel scheme had similar values to those obtained from the serial scheme. Only two pairs resulted in lower values obtained from the parallel scheme. Also, the result presents a lot of variation in the average fitness values of the problems. This variation in the values is accounted for by the matched pairs design; each pair is matched by factors that might affect the number of unique schedules. A 95% confidence interval for the difference between mean fitness values was constructed. The point estimate of the true mean difference in the average fitness values is 0.833. With 95% accuracy, the mean difference in the values is between 0.190 and 1.477. The mean difference means that the values obtained from the serial scheme have the average values from 0.190 to 1.477, which are lower than the values obtained from the parallel scheme. The hypotheses to test whether the average fitness values 共1兲 obtained from the serial scheme exceed those 共2兲 obtained from the parallel scheme are Ho: 1 – 2 = 0 and Ha: 1 – 2 ⬎ 0. Table 3 tabulates the statistical results for the average fitness values, total algorithm run time, and the number of unique schedules as a result of scheduling 30-problem instances with 30 activities. The Elitist GA found 52.5 and 53.5 average fitness values for the serial scheme and the parallel scheme, respectively, as they converge to a single point across the number of generations. For the test of the average fitness values, we reject the null hypothesis because the observed significance level or p value of 0.006 5 is less than ␣ = 0.05. Therefore, we have sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean difference is greater than 0 or the mean values for the average fitness values obtained from the parallel scheme exceeds the values obtained from the serial scheme. In other words, the serial scheme produces smaller fitness values than the parallel scheme. The total CPU run times are 8 min. 35 s. and 10 min. 34 s. for the serial scheme and the parallel scheme to solve the problem instances, respectively. For the test of the average CPU run time in seconds, we reject the null hypothesis since the observed significance level or p value of 0.000 0 is less than ␣ = 0.05. There- fore, we have sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean difference is greater than 0 or the mean values for the average CPU run time obtained from the parallel scheme exceeds those obtained from the serial scheme. Finally, the Elitist GA generated 1,747 and 1,748 unique schedules, which amounts to 69.88 and 69.92% of the total schedules of 2,500, respectively. For the test of the number of unique schedules, we do not reject the null hypothesis since the observed significance level or p value of 0.390 0 is greater than ␣ = 0.05. Therefore, we do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean difference is greater than 0 or the mean values for the number of unique schedules obtained from the parallel scheme exceeds those obtained from the serial scheme. The number of unique schedules generated from either the serial scheme or the parallel scheme does not have any difference for the Elitist GA. These findings coincide with several experimental studies which supported that the serial scheme yields better results when a large number of schedules were computed for one project instance 共Kolisch 1996; Hartmann and Kolisch 2000兲. Application Two Schemes into Construction Project A coke bunker construction project 共Willis and Hastings 1976兲 was used to verify the performance and robustness of the Elitist GA, varying two different schedule generation schemes. The warehouse project is to be completed for the purpose of storing coke and loading and dispatching trucks. The main features include a block of bunker, interconnecting conveyors, and weighing facilities. An area of hardstand and an access road have to be laid to the site around the bunkers. The project consists of 29 nondummy activities and each activity has six multiple resources, which include laborers, steel men, concrete men, bricklayers, cranes, and dumpers. The project duration calculated from the critical path method 共CPM兲 with the assumption of the unlimited resources is 33 weeks while the optimal project duration obtained from the branch-and-bound method of Willis and Hastings 共1976兲 is 35 weeks. Fig. 8 shows the performance of the Elitist GA with two different schedule generation schemes for the coke bunker project. The project duration obtained from the Elitist GA is 35 weeks, which is the same as the optimal project duration for the bunker project. The performance result indicates that the series scheme performs better than the parallel scheme in that the serial scheme started to reach the best fitness for the first time relative to the parallel scheme and the fitness values did converge constantly to the optimal solution. The Elitist GA with the serial scheme is a better combination for solving the RCPSP than that with the parallel scheme within a reasonable amount of time. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT © ASCE / FEBRUARY 2010 / 167 Downloaded 19 Jan 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see