n o i t a t e r p In t e r Boy, You Got My Heartbeat Runnin' Away An electrocardiogram (ECG aka EKG) reflects the electrical activity of the cardiac cells of the heart. Detects cardiac dysrhythmias, location and extent of myocardial infarction, cardiac hypertrophy, and can also evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac medications. P wave: atrial depolarization PR segment: delay of conduction through the AV node PR interval: impulse travel time through the AV node (0.12 - 0.20 s) QRS complex: ventricular depolarization (0.04 - 0.10 s) ST-segment: the beginning of ventricular repolarization T wave: ventricular repolarization and ventricular diastole U wave: follows T wave; may indicate an electrolyte abnormality Isoelectric line: flat baseline thenursesam.com Can't You Hear That 'Lub Dub' Bass? Electrical Conduction Pathway Normal rate: 60 - 100 bpm Normal rate: 40 - 60 bpm Normal rate: 40 - 60 bpm Normal rate: 20 - 40 bpm SAVe HIS KIN SA Node -> AV Node --> Bundle of HIS --> PurKINje Fibers thenursesam.com 12-lead EKG Placement v1 = 4th intercostal space; right sternum v2 = 4th intercostal space; left sternum v3 = Between v2 and v4 v4 = 5th intercostal space; mid-clavicular line v5 = Anterior axillary line (level with v4) v6 = Mid-axillary line (level with v4 & v5) RA = Right forearm/wrist LA = Left forearm/wrist RL = Right lower leg/proximal ankle LL = Left lower leg/proximal ankle BarbiEKG Tingz 7 Steps to Analyzing EKGs Rate Are the atrial and ventricular rates the same? Bradycardia Tachycardia <60 bpm >60 bpm Rhythm Note the distance between P waves and R waves Regular = no consistent variations Irregular = 1+ consistent variations P wave Is there a P wave before every QRS complex? Yes = rhythm began in the SA node No Do all P waves have the same size and shape? Yes = impulse began in the SA node No PR Interval QRS Complex ST Segment T Wave Are the PR intervals within normal range (0.12 - 0.20 sec)? Yes = no interference in conduction from SA to AV node No Are the QRS complexes within normal range (0.04 - 0.10 sec)? Yes = no interference in conduction No = if > 0.12 sec, delay occurred in ventricles Examine the ST segment: Isoelectric? [flat] Depressed? [dip] Elevated? [bump] Are the T waves rounded and the same size/shape? Yes = rounded shape No = inverted shape thenursesam.com