PEARSON LIBRARY CUSTOM Cal Poly Pomona ENGINEERING Mechanical Measurements Pearson Learning Solutions New York London Mexico City Toronto Munich Boston Sydney Paris San Francisco Tokyo Cape Town Singapore Madrid Hong Kong Montreal Smior Viu Presidmt, Editorial and Marketing: Patrick Executive Marketing Manager. Nathan Wilbur Smior Acquisition Editor: Debbie Coniglio Droelopment Editor: Christina Martin F. Boles Editorial Assistant: Jeanne Martin Operations Manager: Eric M. 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Permission in writing must be obtained from the publisher before any part of this work may be in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system. reproduced or transmitted Additional copyright informa tion is included, where applicable, as a footnote at the beginning of each cha pter. Printed in the United States of America. Please visit our web site at www.,,.,, Attention bookstores: For permission to return any Pearson Leaming Solutions, 501 Boylston Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company PEARSON ----- unsold stock, contact us at ISBH 10: 0·558·8&468·7 ISBH 13: 978·0·558-88-468·0 Contents 1 The Process of Measurement: An Overview 2 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement 3 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 4 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics 5 The Response of Measuring Systems 6 Sensors Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H.Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwilh/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V 7 Signal Conditioning Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . .. . . . . . ......... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .. . . . . • . . . 9 . . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Techniques in Mechanic al Measurements Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . ....... . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . 145 . 191 . 239 .. . . 301 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 347 10 Measurement of Pressure 11 Measurement of Fluid Flow Thomas G. Beckwilh/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V 12 Temperature Measurements G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas 13 . . Measurement of Motion Thomas 14 . G. Beclcwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 393 . . . . 431 . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 . . .... . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . 563 Appendix: Standards and Conversion Equations Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599 15 Appendix: Theoretical Basis for Fourier Analysis 16 Appendix: Number Systems Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Mara11go11VJoh11 H. Lienhard Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marongo11VJoh11 H. Lienhard V V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 17 Appendix: Some Useful Data 18 Appendix: Stress and Strain Relationships 19 Appendix: Statistical Tests of Least Squares Fits Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Marangoni/John H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. Mara11gonVJohn H. Lienhard V Thomas G. Beckwith/Roy D. MarangonVJohn H. Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lienhard V . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 609 615 621 637 641 The Process of Measu rement: An Overview INTRODUCTION 2 THE SIGNIACANCE OF M ECHANICAL M EASUREMENT 3 FUNDAMENTAL M ETHODS OF MEASUREM ENT 4 THE GENERALIZED MEASURING SYSTEM s 6 7 8 9 10 TYPES OF INPUT QUANTmEs M EASUREMENT STANDARDS CALIBRATION UNCERTAINTY: ACCURACY OF RESULTS REPORTING RESULTS FINAL REMARKS INTRODUCTION It has been said, "Whatever exists, exists in some amount." The detennination of the amount is what measurement is all about. If those things that exist are related 10 the practice of mechanical engineering, then the de!ermination of their amounts conslilutes the subject of mechanical measurements.1 The process or the act of measurement consists of obtaining a quantitative comparison between a predefined standard and a measurand. The word measurand is used to designate the particular physical parameter being observed and quanlified; that is, the input quantity to the measuring process. The act of measurement produces a result (see Fig. I ). The standard of comparison must be of the same character as the measuranid, and usually, bu! not always, is prescribed and defined by a legal or recognized agency or organization-for example, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), fonnerly called the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or the American Naiional Standards Institute (ANSI). The me:ter, for example, is a clearly defined siandard of length. Such quantities as temperature, strain, and the parameters associated with fluid flow, acoustics, and motion, in addiiion to the fundamental quantities of mass, length, time, and so on. arc typical of those within the scope of mechanical measurements. Unavoidably, The 1 Meclumical meantremtnU are not neeessarily accomplished by mechanical means: rather, ii is to the measured quantity itself that the term mtchankal is directed. phrase mtasunmtnl of mechanical quantit1its, or of paramettrJ, would perhaps express more oomp�ly the naning intended. In the interest of brevity, however, the subject is simply called mechanical mecuurY11Un1s. The Process of Measurement An Overview Measurand (input) Processor comparison (measurement) Result (readout) FIGURE I: Fundamental measuring process. the measurement of mechanical quantities also involves consideration of things electrical, since it is often convenient or necessary to change, or transduce, a mechanical measurand into a corresponding electrical quantity. 2 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT Measurement provides quantitative information on the actual state of physical variables and processes that otherwise could only be estimated. As such, measurement is both the vehicle for new understanding of the physical world and the ultimate test of any theory or design. Measurement is the fundamental basis for all research, design, and development, and its role is prominent in many engineering activities. All mechanical design of any complexity involves three clements: experience, the rational element, and the experimental element. The element of experience is based on previous exposure to similar systems and on an engineer's common sense. The rational element relies on quantitative engineering principles, the laws of physics, and so on. The experimental element is based on measurement-that is, on measurement of the various quantities pertaining to the operation and performance of the device or process being devel­ oped. Measurement provides a comparison between what was intended and what was actually achieved. Measurement is also a fundamental element of any control process. The concept of control requires the measured discrepancy between the actual and the desired perfor­ mances. The controlling portion of the system must know the magnitude and direction of the difference in order to react intelligently. In addition, many daily operations require measurement for proper performance. An example is in the central power station. Temperatures, flows, pressures, and vibrational amplitudes must be constantly monitored by measurement to ensure proper performance of the system. Moreover, measurement is vital to commerce. Costs are established on the basis of amounts of materials, power, expenditure of time and labor, and other constraints. To be useful, measurement must be reliable. Having incorrect information is poten­ tially more damaging than having no information. The situation, of course, raises the question of the accuracy or uncertainty of a measurement. Arnold 0. Beckman, founder of Beckman Instruments, once stated, "One thing you learn in science is that there is no perfect 3 The Process of Measurement: An Overview answer, no perfect measure. "2 It is quite important that engineers interpreting the results of measurement have some basis for evaluating the likely uncertainty. Engineers should never simply read a scale or printout and blindly accept the numbers. They must carefully place realistic tolerances on each of the measured values, and not only should have a doubting mind but also should attempt to quantify their doubts. We will discuss uncertainty in more detail in Section 3 8. FUNDAMENTAL METHODS OF MEASUREMENT ( I ) direct comparison with either a primary indirect comparison through the use of a calibrated system. There are two basic methods of measurement: or a secondary standard and (2) 3.1 Direct Comparison How would you measure the length of a bar of steel? If you were to measurement to within, let us say, be satisfied with a k in. (approximately 3 mm), you would probably use a steel tape measure. You would compare the length of the bar with a standard and would find that the bar is so many inches long because that many inch-units on your standard are the same length as the bar. Thus you would have determined the length by direct comparison. The standard that you have used is called a secondary standard. No doubt you could trace its ancestry back through no more than four generations to the primary length standard, which is related to the speed of light. Although to measure by direct comparison is to strip the measurement process to its barest essentials, the method is not always adequate. The human senses are not equipped In many cases they arc not to make direct comparisons of all quantities with equal facility. sensitive enough. We can make direct comparisons of small distances using a steel rule, with a precision of about 1 mm (approximately 0.04 i n.) . Often we require greater accuracy. Then we must call for additional assistance from some more complex form of system. Measurement by direct comparison is thus less common th a n is measuring measurement by indirect comparison. 3.2 Using a Calibrated System Indirect comparison makes use of some form of transducing device coupled to a chain of connecting apparatus, which we shall call, in toto, the measuring system. This chain of devices converts the basic form of input into an analogous form, which it then processes and presents al the output as a known function of the original input. Such a conversion is often necessary so that the desired information will be intelligible. The human senses arc simply not designed to detect the strain in a machine member, for instance. Assistance is required from a system that senses, converts, and finally presents an analogous output in the form of a displacement on a scale or chart or as a digital readout. Processing of the analogous signal may take many forms. Often it is necessary to an amplitude or a power through some form of amplification. Or in another case it may, be necessary to extract the de.�ired information from a mass of extraneous input increase by a process of filtering. A remote reading or recording may be needed, such as ground recording of a temperature or pressure within a rocket in flight. ln this case the pressure or 2Emphasis added by lhe authon. 4 The Process of Measurement: An Overview temperature measurement must be combined with a radio-frequency signal for transmission to the ground. In each of the various cases requiring amplification, or filtering, or remote record­ ing, electrical methods suggest themselves. In fact, the majority of transducers in use, particularly for dynmrnc mechanical measurements, conven the mechanical input into an analogous electrical fonn for processing. 4 THE GENERALIZED MEASURING SYSTEM Most measuring systems fall within lhc framework of a general arrangement consisting of three phases or stages: Stage 1. A detection-transduction, or sensor-transducer, stage Stage 2. An intermediate stage, which we shall call the signal-conditioning stage Stage 3• . A tenninating, or readou1-recording, stage Each stage consists of a distinct component or group of components that perfonns required and definite steps in the measuremenL These are called basic elements; their scope is detennined by their function rather than by their construction. Figure 2 and Table I outline the significance of each of these stages. 4.1 First. or Sensor-Transducer, Stage The primary function of the first stage is lo detect or to sense the measurand. Al the same time, ideally, this stage should be insensitive to every other possible input For instance, if il is a pressure pickup, it should be insensitive to, say, acceleration; if it is a strain gage, it should be insensitive to temperature; if a linear accelerometer, it should be insensitive lo angular acceleration; and so on. Unfonunately, ii is rare indeed lo find a detecting device that is completely selective. Unwanted sensitivity is a measuring error, called noise when ii varies rapidly and drift when ii varies very slowly. Frequently one finds more than a single transduction (change in signal character) in the first stage, particularly if the first-stage output is electrical. 4.2 Second, or Signal-Conditioning, Stage The purpose of the second stage of the general system is to modify the transduced infonna­ tion so that it is acceptable to the third, or tenninating, stage. In addition, it may perform one or more basic operations, such as selective filtering to remove noise, integration, difCatibration Auxfliary power in�t (not always required) '' '' Measurand "- � ·� Sensor- transducer ....- Auxiliary power (usually required ) signal Transduced (analogous lo Input) Signal conditioner - driving Recorder Computer Analogous signal Indicator � - FIGURE 2: Block diagram of the generalized measuring system. Processor Controller The Process of Measurement: An Overview TABLE 1: Stages of the General Measurement System Stage 1: Sensor-Transducer Senses desired input to exclusion of all others and provides analogous output Stage 2: Signal Conditioning Modifies transduced signal into Provides an indication or fonn usable by recording in form that can be final stage. Usually increases amplitude and/or power, depending on requirement. May also selectively into p ul sed fonn filter unwanted components or Types and Examples Mechanical: Con tacting spindle, spring-mass, elastic devices (e.g .. for force), gyro Bourdon tube for pressure, proving ring · Stage 3: Readout-Recording convert signal Types and Exampks Mechanical: Gearing, cranks, slides, connecting links. cams, etc. evaluated by an unaided human sense or by a control ler. Records data digitally on a computer l)pes and Examples Moving pointer and scale, moving lndiclJ/ors (dispkicement ''pe): scale and index, light beam and beam and sale scale, electron (oscilloscope), liquid column Hydraulic-pneunuuic: Buoyant Hydraulic-pneumatic: Piping. float, orifice, venturi. vane, valving, dashpots, plenum propeller chambers alphanumeric readout Optical: Photographic film. Optical: Mirrors, lenses, optical Recorders: photoelectric diodes and filters, optical fibers. spatial filters (pinhole, slit) pen transistors, phOlomultiplier tubes. holographic plates Electrical: Contacts, resistance. capacitance, inductance, piezoelectric crystals and polymers. thermocouple. semiconductor junction Electrical: Amplifying or filters, te lemetering systems. various special-purpose in tegrated-circ uit devices attenuating systems, bridges, lndicalors (digital type): IDirect Digital printing, inked and chart, direct phot1>graphy. magnetic recording (hard disk) Processors and compUle,,r: Various types or computing systems. either special-pu rpose or general . used to feed readout/recording devices and/or controlling systems Controllers: AU types ferentiation, or telemetering, as may be required. Probably the most common function of the second stage is to increase either a11Dpli tude or power of the s ign al , or both, to the level required to drive the final terminating. device. In addition, the second stage must be designed for proper matching characteristics loetween the first and second and between the second and third stages. 4.3 Third , or Readout-Recording, Stage The third stage provides the information sought in a form comprehensible to one of the human senses or to a controller. If the output is intended for immediate human recc•gnition, it is, with rare excepti o n , presented in one of the following forms: 1. As a re/alive displacement, such as movement of an indicating hand or displacement of oscilloscope trace The Process of Measurement: An Overview Stem Compression spring Piston Cylinder (a) - - ----- - - ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' : (None) ' ' ' Sensor-transducer Piston/cylinder Input pressure (Pressure lo lorce) Spring (Fon:a lo displacement) - - • Signal concfiUoning ·- - - - - - - .. - - .! Readout (Scale and index) (b) FIGURE 3: (a) Gage for measuring pressure in automobile tires. (b) Block diagram of tire-gage functions. In this example, the spring serves as a secondary transducer. 2. In digital form, as presented by a counter such as an automobile odometer, or by a liquid crystal display (LCD) or light-emitting diode (L_ED) display as on a digital voltmeter To illustrate a very simple measuring system, let us consider the familiar tire gage used for checking automobile tire pressure. Such a device is shown in Fig. 3(a). It consists of a cylinder and piston, a spring resisting the piston movement, and a stem with scale divisions. As the air pressure bears against the piston, the resulting force compresses the spring until the spring and air forces balance. The calibrated stem, which remains in place after the spring returns the piston, indicates the applied pressure. The piston-cylinder combination constitutes a force-summing apparatus, sensing and transducing pressure to force. As a secondary transducer, the spring converts the force to a displacement. Finally, the transduced input is transferred without signal conditioning to the scale and index for readout [see Fig. 3(b)]. The Process of Measurement: An Overview As an example of a more complex system, let us say that a velocity is to be measured, as shown in Fig. 4. The first-stage device, the accelerometer, provides a voltage analogous to acceleration. 3 In addition to a voltage amplifier, the second stage may also include a filter that selectively attenuates unwanted high-frequency noise components. It may also integrate the analog signal with respect to time, thereby p roviding a velocity-time relation, rather than an acceleration-time signal. Finally, the signal voltage will probably need lo be increased to the level necessary to be sensed by the stage, third, or recording and readout, which may consist of a data-acquisition computer and printer. The final record will then be in the form of a computer-generated graph; with the proper c;ilibration. an accurate velocity-versus-time measurement should be the result. 5 5.1 TYPES OF INPUT QUANTITIES Time Dependence Mechanical quantities, in addition to their inherent defining characteristics, also have dis­ tinctive time-amplitude properties, which may be classified as follows : 1. Static-<:<>nstant in time 2. Dynamic-varying in time (a) (b) Steady-state periodic Nonrepetitive or transient i. ii. Single pulse or aperiodic Continuing or random Of course. the unchanging, static mcasurand is the most easily measured. If the system is terminated by some form of meter-type indicator. the meter's pointer has no difficulty in eventually reaching a definite indication. The rapidly changing. dynamic measurand presents the real measurement challenge. Two general forms of dynamic input are possible: steady-stale periodic input and transient input. The steady-stale periodic quantity is one whose magnitude has a definite repeating time cycle, whereas the time variation of a transient quantity docs not repeat . "Sixty-cycle" line voltage is an example of a steady-slate periodic signal. So also are many mechanical vibrations, after a balance has been reached between a constant input exciting energy and energy dissipated by damping. An example of a pulsed transient quantity is the acceleration-lime relationship accom ­ panying an isolated mechanical impact. The magnitude is temporary. being completed in a matter of milliseconds, with the portions of interest existing perhaps for only a few microseconds. The presence of extremely high rates of change, or wavefronts. can place seven: demands on the measuring system. 5.2 Analog and Digital Signals Most measurands of interest vary with time in a continuous manner over a range of magni­ tudes. For instance, the speed of an automobile. as it starts from rest, has some magnitude l Although lhe accelerometer may be susceptible to an analysis of "stages" within i1self, we shall forgo such an analysis in this ex.ample. Stage 2 Signal-conditioning system Stage 1 Sensor-lransducer I i Stage 3 i Recording-readout system I I Integrating circuit Fitter Voltage output from accelerometer with unwanted "noise" Signal with noisa removed Ampllller I I I I Data-acquisition computer Time-integrated 'IOltage analogus tovelocily Tlme,s Computer graph FIGURE 4: Block diagram of a relatively complex measuring system. ·Printer The Process of Measurement: An Overview at every instant during its motion. A sensor that responds to velocity will produce: an output signal having a time variation analogous to the time change in the auto's speed. We refer to such a signal as an analog signal because it is analogous to a continuous physical process. An analog signal has a value at every instant in time, and it usually varies smoothly in magnitude. Some quantities, however, may change in a stepwise manner between two distinct magnitudes: a high and low voltage« on and off, for instance. The revolutions of a shaft could be counted with a cam-actuated electrical switch that is open or closed, depending on the position of the cam. If the switch controls current from a battery, current either flows with a given magnitude or does not flow. The current flow varies discretely bet ween two values, which we could represent as single digits: I (flowing) and 0 (not Hewing). The amplitude of such a signal may thus be called digital. Many electronic circuits store numbers as sets of digits-strings of ls and Os-with each string held in a separate memory register. When digital circuits, such as those in computers, are used to record an analog signal, they do so only at discrete points in time . because they have only a fixed number of memory registers. The analog signal, which has a value at every instant of time, becomes a digital signal A digital signal is a set of discrete numbers, each corresponding to the value of the analog signal at a single specilfic instant of time. Clearly, the digital signal contains no information about the value of tine analog signal at times other than sample times. . Mechanical quantities-such as temperatures, fluid-flow rates, pressure, stress, and strain-normally behave timewise in an analog manner. However, distinct advantages are often obtained in converting an analog signal to an equivalent digital signal for the purposes of signal conditioning and/or readout. Noise problems are reduced or s1Jmetimes eliminated altogether, and data transmission is simpler. Computers are designed to process digital information, and direct numerical display or recording is more easily accomplished by manipulating digital quantities. 6 M EASUREMENT STANDARDS As stated earlier, measurement is a process of comparison. Therefore, regardless of our measurement method, we must employ a basis of comparison-standardized units. The standards must be precisely defined, and, because different systems of units exist, the method of conversion from system to system must be mutually agreed upon. Most importantly, a relationship between the standards and the readout scale of each measuring system must be established through a process known as calibration. 7 CALIBRATION At some point during the preparation of a measuring system, known magnitudes of the input quantity must be fed into the sensor-transducer, and the system's output behavior· must be observed. Such a comparison allows the magnitude of the output to be correctly interpreted in terms of the magnitude of the input. This calibration procedure establishes the correct output scale for the measuring system. By performing such a test on an instrument, we both calibrate its scale and prove its ability to measure reliably. In this sense, we sometimes speak ofproving an instrument. Of 10 The Process of Measurement: An Overview course, if the calibration is to be meaningful, the known input must i tsel f be derived from a defined standard. If the output is exactly proportional to the input (output = cons tant x input ), then a single simultaneous observation of input and output will suffice to fix the constant of proponionality. This is called calibrations are used, single-point calibration. M ore often, however, wherein a number of different input values are applied. multipoint Multipoint calibration works when the output is not simply proportional, and, more generally, improves the accu racy of the calibration. If a meas ur ing system will be used to detect a time-varying input, then the calibration should ideally be made using a time-dependent input standard. Such dynamic cal i bration can be di fficult, however, and astatic calibration, using a constant input signal, is frequently substituted. Naturally, this not optimal; the more nearly the calibration standard corresponds to the measurand in all its characteristics, the better the resulting measurements. Occasionally, the nature of the system or one of its components makes the introduc­ tion of a sample of the basic input quantity di ffi cul t OI' impossible. One of the important characteristics of the bonded resistance-type strain gage is the fact that, through quality con­ trol at the time of manufacture, spot calibration may be appl ied to a complete lot of gages. As a result, an indirect calibration of a strain-measuring system may be provided through the gage factor s up p l ied by the manufacturer. Instead of attempting to apply a known unit strain to the gage installed on the test s tructure-which , if possible, would often result in an ambiguous situation-a resistance change is substituted. Through the predetermined gage factor, the system's suain response may thereby be obtained. 8 UNCE RTAINTY: ACCURACY OF RESULTS Error may be defined as the difference between the measured result and the true value of the quantity being measured. While we do know the measured value, we do not know the true value, and so we do not know the error either. If we estimate a likely upper bound on the magnitude of the error, that bound is called the uncertainty: We estimate, with some level of odds, that the error will be no larger than the uncertainty. To estimate the size of errors, we must have some understanding of their causes and classifications. Errors can be of two basic types: or bias, or systematic, error and precisio11, random, error. Should an unscrupulous butcher place a ball of putty under the scale pan, the scale readouts would be consistently in error. The scale would indicate a weight of product too zero offset represents one type of sys tematic error. are used to make patterns for the casting of metals. Cast steel shrinks in great by the weight of the putty. This Shrink rules cooling by about 2%; hence the patterns used for preparing the molds are oversized by the proper percentage amounts. The pattern maker uses a shrink rule on which the dimensional units are increased by that amount. Should a pattern maker's shrink rule for cast steel be inadvenently used for ord inary length measurements, the readouts would be consistently undersized by s\i in one (that is, by 2%). This is an example of scale error. In each of the foregoing examples the errors are cons tant and of a syste matic nature. Such errors cannot be uncovered by statistical analysis. An inexpensive frequency counter may us e the 60-Hz power- l ine frequency as a com­ parison standard. Power-line frequency is held very close to the 60-Hz standard. Although it does wander slowly above and below the average value, over a period of time-say, The Process of Measurement: An Overview day-the average is very close to 60 Hz. The wandering is random and the moment­ precision, or random, error. Randomness may also be introduced by variations in the measurand itself. If a a to-moment error in the frequency meter readout (from this source) is called number of hardness readings is made on a given sample of steel, a range of readings will be obtained. An average hardness may be calculated and presented as the actual hardness. Single readings will deviate from the average, some higher and some lower. Of course, the primary reason for the variations in this case is the nonhomogeneity of the crystalline structure of the test specimen. The deviations will be random and are due to variations in the measurand. Random error may be estimated by statistical methods. 9 REPORTING RESULTS When experimental setups are made and time and effort are expended to obtain results, it normally follows that some form of written record or report is to be made. The purpose of such a reconl will determine its form. In fact, in some cases, several versions will be prepared. Reports may be categorized as follows: 1. Executive summary 2. Laboratory note or tech nical memo 3. Progress report 4. Full technical report S. Technical paper Very briefly, an executive summary is directed at a busy overseer who wants only the key features of the work: what was done and what was concluded, outlined in a few paragraphs. A laboratory note is written to be read by someone thoroughly familiar with the project, such as an immediate supervisor or the experimentalist himself or herself. A full report tells the complete story to one who is interested in the subject but who has not been in direct touch with the specific work-perhaps top officials of a large company or a review committee of a sponsoring agency. A progress report is just that-one of possibly several interim reports describing 1he current status of an ongoing project, which will eventually be incorporated in a full report. Ordinarily, a technical paper is a brief summary of a project, the extent of which must be tailored to fit either a time allotmenl at a meeting or space in a publication. Several factors are common to all the various forms. With each type, the first priority is to make sure that the problem or project that has been tackled is clearly stated. There is nothing quite so frustrating as reading details in a technical report while never being certain of the raison d'etre. It is extremely importanl 10 make certain 1hat the reader is quickly clued in on the before one attempts to explain the and the results. A clearly stated objective can be considered the most important part of the report. The.entire report should be written in simple language. A rule stated by Samuel Clemens is not inappropriate: "Omit unnecessary adverbs and adjectives." why 9.1 how Laboratory Note or Technical Memo The laboratory nole is written for a very limited audience, possibly even only as a memory jogger for the experimenter or, perhaps more often, for the information of an immediate supervisor who is thoroughly familiar with the work. In some cases, a single page may 12 The Process of Measurement: An Overview be sufficient, including a sentence or two statin g the problem . a block diagram of the experimental setup, and some data presented either in tabular form or as a plotted diagram. Any pertinent observations not directly evident from the data should also be included. Sufficient information should be included so that the experimenter can mentally reconstruct the situation and results I year or even years hence. A date and signature should always be included and, if there is a possibility of important developments stemming from the work, such as a patent, a second witnessing signature should be includL'<I and dated. 5 9.2 Full Report 93 Technical Paper 10 FINAL REMARKS The full report must relate all the facts pertinent to the p roj ect . II is even more important in this case to make the purpose of the project comp le tel y clear, for the report will be read by persons not closely assoc iated with the work. The full report should also include enough detail to allow another pro fessional lo repeal the measurements and calculations. One format that has much merit is to make the report proper-<he main body-short and to the point, releg ati ng to appendices the supporting materials, su ch as data, detailed descriptions of equipm ent, review of literature, sample calculations, and so on. Frequent reference to these mate rial s can be made throughout the report proper, but the option to peruse the de tai ls is left to the reader. This scheme also provides a good basis for the technical paper, should it be planned. A primary purpose of a technical paper is to make known (to advertise) the work of the writer. For this reason, two particularly important portions of the writing are the problem statement and the results. Adequately done, these two item s will attract the attenti on of other workers interested in the particular field , who can then make direct contact with the writer{s) for additional details and discussion. Space, number of words, limits on illustrat ions, and perhaps lime are all factors m aking the preparation of a technical paper particularly challe n gin g . Once the problem statement and the p ri mary results have been adeq uately established, the rem aining available space may be used to summarize procedures, test setups, and the like. An attempt has been made in th i s chapter to provide an overall preview of the problems of mechan ical measurement. In conformance with Section 9, we have tried to state the problem as fu lly as possible in only a few pages. PROBLEMS I. 2. 3. Write an executive summary or this chapter. Consider a mercury-in-glass thermome ter as the various stages of this a temperature-measuring system. Discuss measuring system in detail . For the thermometer of Problem 2, specify how practical single point calibration may be obtained. 4. Set up test procedures you would use to estim at e, with the aid only of your present judgment and experience, the magnitudes of the common quant it ies list ed. ( a ) Distanc e between the centerlines or two holes in a machined part 13 The Process of Measurement: An Overview ( b) Weighl of two small objects of differenl densities ( c ) nme intervals ( d) Temperature of waler ( e) Frequency of pure tones 5. Consider the impac1 frame shown in Figure 5. Mass M, which travels along gui�le rails, is raised to an initial height H and released from resl Discuss how you would me:asure the mass velocity just prior to impacl wilh lhe leSI ilem in order to accounl for friction between mass M and lhe guide rails. M I H Test Item FIGURE 5: Impact test frame for Problem 5. Sta ndards and Di mensional U n its of M easurement 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1 INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MEASUREMENT IN THE UNITED STATES THE SI SYSTEM THE STANDARD OF LENGTH THE STANDARD OF MASS TIME AND FREQUENcY STANDARDS TEMPERATURE STANDARDS ELECTRICAL STANDARDS CONVERSIONS BETWEEN SYSTEMS OF UNITS SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The basis of measurement is the comparison between a measurand and a suitable standard. In this article, we will take a clos er look at the establishment of standards. The term dimension connotes the defini ng characteristics of an entity (measurand), and the dimensional unit is the basis for quantification of the entity. For example, a dimension, whereas centimeter is a unit of length; a unit of time. A time is a dimension, length is and the second is dimension is unique; however, a partic ular dim ension--;ay, length-may be measured in various units, such as feet, meters, inches, or miles. Systems of units must be established and agreed to; that is, the systems must be standardized. Because there are various systems, there must also be agreement on the basis for conversion from system to system. It is clear, then, that standards of measurement apply to units, to systems of units, and to unitary conversion between such systems. In general terms, standards are ubiquitous. There are standards governing food prepa­ ration, m arketing , professional behavior, and so on. Many are established and governed by either federal or state laws. So that we may avoid chaos, it is especially important that the basic measurement standards carry the authority of not only federal, but also interna­ tional, laws. In the following sections, we will disc uss those standards, systems of units, and 2 problems of conversion that are fundamental to mechanical measurement. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MEASUREMENT IN THE UNITED STATES The legal au thority to control measurement standards in the United States was assigned by the U.S. Constitution. Quoting from Article I, Section 8, Paragraph S, of the U.S. Prom Mechmiical Measunments, Sixth Edition, Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard V. Copyright 0 2007 by Peanon Education. Inc. Published by Prentice HaU. All rights reserved. 15 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement Constitution: "1be congress shall have power to . . . fix the standard or weights and mea­ sures." Although Congress was given the power, considerable time elapsed before anything was done about it. In 1 832, the Treasury Department introduced a uniform system or weights and measures to assist the customs service; in 1 836, these standards were approved by Congress [ 1 ) . In 1 866, the Revised Statutes or the United States, Section 35 69 , added the stipulation that "It shall be lawful throughout the United States of America to employ the weights and measures of the metric system." This simply makes it clear that the metric system may be used. In addition, this act established the following (and now obsolete) relation for conversion: 1 meter = 39.37 inches An international convention help in Paris in 1 875 resulted in an agreement signed for the United States by the U.S. ambassador to France. The following is quoted therefrom: "The high contracting parties engage to establish and maintain, at their expense, a scien tific and permanent international bureau of weights and measures , the location of which shall be Paris" (2,3 ]. Although this established a central bureau of standards, which set up at Sevres, a suburb of Paris, i t did n ot, of course, bind the United States to make use of or adopt such standards. On April 5, 1893, in all absence of further congressional action, Superintendent Mendenhall of the Coast and Geodetic Survey issued the following order [2,4J: The Office of Weights and Measures with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, will in the future regard the international prototype meter and the kilogram as fundamental standards. and the customary unils, the yard and pound, will be derived therefrom in accordan�-c with the Act of July 28, 1 866. The Mendenhall Order turned out to be a very important action. First, it recogn i zed the meter and the kilogram as bei ng fundamental units on which all other units of length and mass should be based. Second, it tied togeth er the metric and English systems of le n g t h and mass in a definite relationship, thereby making possible international exchange on an exact basis. In response to requests from scientific and industrial sources, and to a great degree influenced by the establishment or like institutions in Great Britain and Germany, 1 Congress on March 3, 1901 passed an act providing that "The Office of Standard Weights and Measures shall hereafter be known as 'The National Bureau of Standards"' [5). Expanded functions of the new bureau were set forth and included development or standards, research basic to standards, and the calibration of standards and devices. The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) was formally established in July 1 9 1 0, and its functi ons were considerably expanded by an amendme nt passed in 1 950. In 1 988, Congress changed the name of the bureau to "The National Institute of Standards and Technology" (NIST) [6]. Commercial standards are largely regulated by state laws; to mainta in uniformity, regular meetings (National Conferences on Weights and Measures) are held by officials of NIST and officers of state governments. Essent i ally all state standards of weighL• and measures are in accordance w i th t he Conference's standards and codes. International uni­ fomtity is maintained through regularly scheduled meetings (held at about 6-ycar intervals), 1 The N11ional Physical laboratory. Teddington. Middlesex and Physikalisch-TL-chnische Reichsanstalt. 8raun­ schweig. 16 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement called the GeMral Conference on Weights and Measures and attended by representatives from most of the industrial countries of the world. In addition, numerous interim meetings are held to consider solutions to more specific problems, for later action by lhe General Conference. 3 3.1 THE SI SYSTEM Establishment of the SI System The International System of Units, or SI System, has its origins in the Decimal Metric System that was introduced at the time of the French Revolution. During the next two centuries, metric systems of measurement continued to evolve, and they came to encompass both mechanical and electrical dimensions. Finally, in 1 960, the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures formally established the SI System, consisting of dimensional standards for length, mass, time, electric curren t, thermodynamic temperature, and luminous inten sity. The Fourteenth General Conference on Weights and Measures ( 1 97 1 ) added the mole as the unit for amount of substance, completing the seven dimensional system in use today (7] . The seven base units of the SI S ystem are listed in Table 1. Other dimensions can be derived from these base units by multiplying or dividing them. A few such derived units are assigned special names; others are not For example, the unit of force, the newton , is obtained from the kilogram, the meter, and the second as 2 I newton = I kg/m . s In contrast, area is simply meters squared (m2 ) . Work and energy are expressed in joules (kg · m 2/s). The term hertz is used for frequency (s- 1 ) and the term pascal is used for pressure (N/m 2 ). Some derived units carrying special names are listed in Table 2. and some without special names are given in Table 3. Note 1hat, whereas those assigned special names that originate from proper names are not capitalized, the corresponding abbreviations are capitalized. It should be clear that all the various derived units can be expressed in terms ofbase units. In certain instances when a unit balance is attempted for a given equation. it may be desirable, or necessary, to convert all vari ab les to base uni1s. TABLE 1: Base Units in the SI System Name Quantity length mass time elcc1ric current temperature amount of substance luminous intensity 17 Unit meter kilogram second ampere kelvin mole candela Symbol m kg s A K mol cd Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement TABLE 2: SI-Derived Unils wilh Special Names and Symbols Q uantity Expressed in Other Unit1a Unit Symbol plane angle radian rad solid angle steradian sr frequency hertz Hz force newton N pressure, stress pascal Pa energy joule power watt electric charge coulomb A · s electric potential difference volt w c v W/A electric capacitance farad electric resistance ohm F 0 VIA magnetic ftux weber Wb magnetic flux density tesla T Wblm2 H Wb/A inductance henry m · m-1 2 2 m . m- s-• kg · mls2 N/m2 N · m J J/s CN v. s To accommodate the writing of very large or very small values, lhe SI S:ystem defines lhe multiplying prefixes shown in Table 4. For example, 2,500,000 Hz may be written as 2 .5 MHz (megahertz), and 0.000 000 000 005 farad as 5 pF (picofarad). Only one prefix should be used with a given dimension; thus, it would be incorrect to write 2.5 lckHz in place of 2 .5 MHz. Likewise, for units of mass, I 000 kg might be written as I Mg (megagram). In lhe following seclions, we discuss lhe SI standards of length, mass, time, and current in greater detail. The standards of luminous intensity and amount of subslance are described in reference [7). TABLE 3: Some SI-Derived Units Derived Quantity Symbol area m2 acceleration mJs2 angular acceleration rad/s 2 angular velocity rad/s density dynamic viscosity heat flux 3 kg/m Pa . s W/m2 moment of force N · m specific heat capacity J/kg . K velocity volume 18 mis m3 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement TABLE 4: Multiplying Factors Mu ltip le 10 1 1 <>2 1<>3 1 1>6 109 1 0 12 101s 10 1 8 1 02 1 1 024 3.2 Prefi x dcka hecto kilo mega giga tera peta exa zetta yotta Symbol Multiple Prefix Symbol da h k M G T 10- 1 10- 2 10-3 10- 6 10-9 10- 1 2 10- I S 10- 18 10- 21 10- 24 deci centi milli micro nano pico . fem to atto zepto yocto d c m p E z y µ, n p f a z y Metric Conversion in the United States In May 1 965, the United States announced its intention of adopting the SI system. In 1968, the passage of Public Law 90-472 authorized the Secretacy of Commerce to make a "U.S. Metric Study" to be reported by August 1 97 1 . After prolonged debates, studies, and public pronouncements of I0-year conversion plans, on December 23, 1 975, the 94th Congress approved Public Law 94- 168, called the Metric Conversion Act of 1975. Its stated purpose wa� as follows: ''To declare a national policy of coordinating the increasing use of the metric system in the United Slates, and to establish.a United States Metric Board to coordinate the voluntary conversion to the metric system." Note especially that the conversion was lo be volu111ary· and that no time limit was set. The Act made clear that, in using the term metric, the SI System of units was intended. In 1 98 1 , the U.S. Metric Board reported lo Congress that it lacked the clear Congres­ sional mandate needed to effectively bring about national conversion lo the metric system; funding for the Board was eliminated after fiscal year 1 982 [8]. Congress subsequently amended the Metric Conversion Act with the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100-4 1 8 (6) . These amendments provided strong incentives for industrial conversion to SI units. The amended act declares that the metric system is "the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce." II further requires that all federal agencies use the metric system i n procurement, grants, and business-related activities; this requirement w as t o be met by the end of fiscal year 1992, except in cases where conversion would harm international competitiveness. Metrication in the United States has progressed, especially in the automotive industry and certain parts of the food and drink industries. Classroom use has increased to the point that most engineer ing courses rely primarily on SI units. Throughout this book, we shall use both the SI system and the English Engineering system, 2 with the hope of encouraging the complete conversion to SI units. 3 2 This term may appear to be incongruous given that the United Kingdom has adopted the SI System. llowe>er. this usage is so well established that the term has outlived its origins. J Attention is dilo<ted to ref..,,nce (9(. which is an excellent guide for applying the metric system. 19 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement 4 THE STANDARD OF LENGTH The meter was originally intended to be one ten-millionth of the earth's quadran t. ln 1 889, the First General Conference on Weights and Measures defined the meter as the length of the International Prototype Meter, the distance between two finely scribed lines on a platinum-iridium bar when subject to certain specified conditions. On October 14, 1 960, the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures adopted a new de fi n i tio n of the meter as 1 ,650,763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of the rad i ati on correspondi ng to the transition between the levels 2p1o and Sds of the kry pton - R6 atom. The Na ti onal Bureau of Standards of the United States also adopted this standard, and the inch hccame 4 1 ,929.398 54 wavelengths of the krypton light. As it turned out, the wavelength of krypton light could only be determined to about 4 parts per billion, limiting the accuracy of the meter to a similar level. During the 1 960s and early 1970s, laser-based measurements of frequency and wavelength evolved to such accuracy that the uncertainly in the meter became the limiti ng u ncertai nty in determining the speed of light ( 1 0, 1 1 ). This limitation was of serious concern in both atomic and cosmological physics, and on October 20, 1 983, the Seventeenth General Conference on Weights and Measures redefined the meter directly in terms of the speed of l i gh t : The meter is the length of the path 11299,792,458 of a second traveUed by light in vacuum during a ti me interval of This definition has the profound effect of defi11ing the speed of light to be 299, 792,458 mis, which had been the accepted experimental value since 1 975 [ 12). 4.1 Relationship of the Meter to the Inch The 1 866 U.S. Statute had specified t hat 1 m = I in. = 2.540 005 08 cm 39.37 inches, resulting in the relationship (approximately) In 1959, the National Bureau of Standards m ade a small adjustment to th is re l ationship to ensure international agreement on the definition of the inch [ 1 3 ] : I in. = 2.54 c m (exac t ly ) This simpler relationship had already been used as an appro xi m at i on by e ng i neers for years . The difference between these two standards may be written as 2.54 005 08/2.54 � - I = 0.000 002 or 0.0002% , which is about in. per mile. We gain a sense of the significance of the difference by con sidering the fo l l owing situation. In 1959, the work of the United States National Geodetic Survey was based on the 39.37 inJm relationship and a coordinate system with its ori g in located in Kansas. Ch ang i ng the relationship from 39.37 inJm (exactly) to 2.54 in .fem (exactly) would have caused discrepancies of almost 1 6 ft at a distance of 1 500 miles. One can only i m ag i ne the confusion over property lines if such a change had been made! This prob lem was resolved by defin i ng separately the U.S. surveyfoot ( 1 2139.37 m) and the i11ternat(o11a/foot ( 1 2 x 2 .54 cm). The survey foot is still used with U.S. geodetic data and U.S. statute miles [ 14). 20 Standards and Dimensional Units 5 of Measurement THE STANDARD OF MASS The kilogram is defined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, a platinum­ iridium weight kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris. Of the basic standards, this remains the only one established by a prototype (by which is meant the original model or pattern, the unique example, to which all others are referred for comparison). Various National Prototype Kilogram masses have been calibrated by n comparison to the International Prototype Kilogram. These 1 asses are in tum used by the standards agencies of various countries to calibrate other standard masses, and so on, until one reaches masses or weights of day-to-day goods and services. Apart from the inconvenience of maintaining this chain of calibration, the definition of the kilogram by an international prototype leads to several very fundamental problems: The prototype can be damaged or destroyed; the mass of the prototype fluctuates by about one part in 108 owing to gas absorption and cleaning; and the prototype ages i n an unknown manner, perhaps having resulted in 50 µ.g of variation during the past century [ 1 5]. In recent years, considerable effort has been given to developing a new mass slandard that can be reproduced in any suitably equipped lab, without the use of a prototype. One approach being considered is to precisely detennine Avogadro 's number by mass and density measurements of silicon crystals. This value of Avogadro's number could then be used with an atomic unit of mass to define the kilogram as the mass of a specific number of atoms [ 1 5 , l 6). An alternative approach, which promises somewhatbetter accuracy, uses a "moving coil wall balance" to compare the mechanical and electrical power exerted on a current­ carrying conductor that moves against gravity in a magnetic field. This technique leads to a definition of the kilogram in terms of fundamental physical quantities [ 1 7, 1 8) . The pound was defined in terms of the kilogram by the Mendenhall Order o f 1 893. In 1 959, the definition was slightly adjusted ( 1 3 ], g iving the relationship still in use today : I pound avoirdupois 6 = 0.453 592 37 kilogram TIME AND FREQUENCY STANDARDS Until 1 956, the second was defined as 1186,400 of the a verage period of revolution of the earth on its axis. Although this seems to be a relatively simple and straightforward definition, problems remained. There is a gradual slowing of the earth's rotation (about 0.001 second per century) ( 1 9), and, in addition, the rotation is irregular. Therefore, in 1 956, an improved standard was agreed on; the second was defined as 1 13 1 ,556,925.9747 of the time required by the earth to orbit the sun in the year 1 900. This is called the ephemeris second. Although the unit is defined with a high degree of exactness, implementation of the definition was dependent on astronomical observation, which was incapable of realizing the implied precision. In the 1 950s, atomic research led to the observation that the frequency of electro­ magnetic radiation associated with certain atomic transitions may be measured with great 21 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement repeatabil ity. One-the hyperfine transition of the cesium atom-was related to t he ephem­ eris second with an estimated accuracy of two parts i n 109. On October 13, 1967, in Paris, the Thirteenth General Co n ference on Weights and Measures offic ially adopted the follow­ i ng definition or the second as the un it ofti me in the SJ System (7): The second is the duration or 9 . 1 92,63 1 .770 periods or lhe radia1ion com:sponding 10 1he lransition belween lhc lwo hyperline levels of lhe ground stale or the ce siu m 1 33 alom. Alomic apparatuses, commonly c a lled "ato mic cloc ks ," are used to produce the fre­ quency of the tra n s i tion (20). In a fountain clock (2 1 ), a gas of cesium atoms is introduced into a vacuum chamber, where a set of laser beams is used to slow the molecular motion, push i ng a gro up of atoms into a ball and coo li ng them to a temperature near absolute zero. Another laser is then used to toss the ball of atoms upward into a microwave cavi ty, where some of the atoms are excited to higher energy levels. When the ball falls again, yet another laser is used to force the emi ss i o n of radi atio n . This radiation is detected, yielding the desired frequency. The be s t cesium standards reprod uce the second to an accuracy better than one part in 1 0 1 s. 7 TEMPERATURE STANDARDS The basic unit of temperature, the kelvin (K), is defi ned as the fraction .11273 . 1 6 of the thermod ynamic temperature of the triple point of water, the temperature at which the solid, liquid , and vapor phases of water coexist in equilibrium. The degree Celsius (0C) is defined by the re l ation ship I = T - 273. 1 5 where I a nd T represe n t temperatures in degrees Celsius and in ke l vi n s, respective l y. In real i ty, lwo te mpe ratu re scales are defined, a thennodyrlamic scale and a practical scale . The latter is 1he . u su al basis for measurement. The thermodynamic te m perature scale is defi ned in terms of e n tropy and the properties of heat e n gi nes [ 22). It can be i mplemented directly only with specialized thermometers that use media havi ng a prec ise ly known equation of state (a c o nstan t volume, ideal gas the rmometer, for ex amp le) . Such thermometers are di fficul t and time consumi ng to use if accuracy is desired, and, as a result, a correspo nding scale w hich is more eas ily realizable is needed [7]. Th us , the 11hennodynamic sc a le is normally approx i m ated using a so-called practical' scale. A prac t ic al scale has two components. The first i s a set of fixed re ference 1emper­ atures, defined by specific states of matter. The second is a procedure for i nterpo lat i ng between those reference poi n ts , for e x am ple, by measuring a temperatu re-dependen t elec­ trical resistance. Using the i n terpolation formulae and fixed points of the practical scale, one can calibrate any other temperature measu r i ng dev ice . The fixed re ference temperalures must correspond to th ermody namic slates that are very accu rate l y reproduci ble. Zero degrees Celsius is the temperature of equilibrium between pure ice and air-salurated pure wate r at normal at mospheric pressure. However, a more precise dal um , i ndepe nde n t of bo1h ambient pressure and poss ible c ontaminants, is lhe triple point te mperatu re of water. As noled above, the value 273. 16 K (or O.O I OO°C) is assig ned to this temperature. Relatively si m pl e apparatus can be used to reproduce 1his temperature fixed point (23). Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement In 1 927, 1he national laboratories of lhe United S1a1es, Great Britain, and Germany proposed a practical temperature slandard lhat became known as lhe International Tem­ perature Scale (ITS-27). This standard, adopted by 31 nations, conformed as closely as possible to the thermodynamic scale lhat had been proposed by Lord Kelvin in 1 854. It was based on six fixed-temperature points dependent on physical properties of cenain maleri­ als, including lhe ice and sleam poinls of water. Several revisions have since been made, nolably in 1948, 1968, and 1 990. The praclical lemperature scale currently in effecl is lhe International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), adopted by the International Committee on Weights and Measures and aulhorized by lhe Eighteenlh General Conference (24). The ITS-90 defines a number of fixed reference temperalures points, some of which are shown in Fig. 1 and Table S. Between these fixed points, elaborate inlerpolation equa­ tions are specified by ITS-90 for use wilh lhe various interpolation slandards. From 0.6S K to S.O K. 1he standard is based on measurement of lhe vapor pressure of helium and use of 1 400 K 'C 'F 1200 .!31L31 _1 �I·�- 1 234.93 _1?_�.g_o_ 660.323 933.473 1 220.581 � 12.�2z 692 .677 g3_! �! 2�·.!!7� 0.010 _g11:!� .!�..:.1! 1 000 -��.:?! 800 600 400 200 0 -200 C!«>.!.d.P��-=1:.91!.'P.!'!�"!..o.!_ �li�ri_!!� �� _ _ _ _ soUd and liquid gold Sliver polnt-TemperalUre of equilibrium between- - - - - - - Soiid-a'-il;QuidSi1V"er - - - - - - - -- Aluminum point-TemperalUre of equilibrium - - - - - - - - betWeen-sOiid &nd 1iquklaluminum - - _7!7.:.1 !9_ �� .e�.!-:.T!llJJ!'!!�e_ot_esu.!!'�'!!."!.b.!'?�i:!.. _ _ _ _ solid IW1d liquid zinc _4i9.:.4?.0_ Tin point-Temperature of equilibrium between ----- 32.018 Soi'"idaii!Aquid �- - - - - - - - - - - - - Triple point of watar-TemperalUre of equilibrium - - - - - - - - - - c.rsOiid. ikiuid. and" ViiPO<phaS8S - of equlibrtum -11!�� .!3..:.8.!!5� -308.81 96 Triple - - -point - - -of-argon-TemperalUre - - - - fsOl -273. 1 5 _ ..9J L FIGURE I : -�52-!7_ Absolute zero --- o<iUid,and 'VaPor phBses- -------- - --- -------- - -- Some of 1hc fixed-point temperatures esiablished by the ITS-90. 23 Standards and Dimensional U nits of Measurement TABLE 5: Defining Fixed Points of the ITS-90 Assigned Values of Temperature Vapor pressure of helium• Triple pointt o f hydrogen Vapor pressure of hydrogen Vapor pressure o f hydrogen Triple point of neon Triple point of oxygen Triple point of argon Triple point of mercury Triple point of water Melting point* of gallium Freezing point* of indium Freezing point of tin Freezing point of zinc Freezing point of aluminum Freez ing point of silver Freezing point of gold Freezing point of copper oc K Equilibrium State 3 to 5 -270. 1 5 to - 268. 1 5 1 3 . 8033 "" 1 7 "" 20.3 24.556 1 54.3584 83.8058 234.3 1 56 273 . 1 6 -259.3467 "" -256. 1 5 "" -252.85 - 248.5939 - 2 1 8.79 1 6 - 1 89.3442 -38.8344 0.0 1 302.9 1 46 29.7646 429.7485 505.078 692 . 67 7 933.473 1234.93 1 337 .33 1357 .77 156.5985 23 1 .928 4 1 9.527 660.323 96 1 .78 1064. 1 8 1084.62 •Temperature is calculaled by substituting measured vapor pressure into an equation or state. t Equilibrium among solid. liquid, and vapor phases. :j: Melting and freezing point tempera!� com:spond to standard 111nOspheric pn:ssure ( 1 01 ,325 Nim ). equations describing the vapor-pressure-versus-temperature relationship of helium. From 3 .0 K to 24.556 1 K (the triple point of neon), a constant-volume helium gas thermometer is used. Ovec the broad range from the triple point of hydrogen ( 1 3.8033 K) to the nor­ mal freezing point of silver ( 1 234.93 K), the standard is defined by means of a platinum resistance thermometer. Complex equations expressing platinum's resistance as a func­ tion of temperature are prescribed, along with calibration procedures for each of several temperature subranges. To calibrate, the resistance of a platinum sensor is measured al several fixed-point temperatures within a given subrange, and these measurements are used to determine unknown constants in the temperature-resistance equations. Finally, above the melting point of silver, temperatures are determined by measure­ ment of the thennal radiation em i tted by a black-body cavity in vacuum and the Planck radiation law: EA (T) exp(C2/ATrer) - I EA (T,.r) = exp(C2/AT) - I 24 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement · where the radiant energy emitted by the black body per unil lime, per unit area, and per unit wavelength al a wavelenglh >., and at a lemperature T or Tref, respeclively The freezing point lemperature of either sil ver ( 1 234.93 K), gold ( 1 337.33 K), or copper ( 1 357.77 Kl 0.0 14388 m · K The radiant energy is typically measured by oplical pyromcuy. The unknown tempcralure is lhen calculaled by comparing the emission of a source al lhe unknown 1emperature to lhal from a source al lhe reference temperature. The International Temperature Scale of 1990 thus establishes means of de1ermining any lemperature from 0.65 K to more lhan 4000 K. In actual applications, lhe slandardiz.ed pyrometer, the standardiz.ed resistance thermometer, or the standardized gas thermometers are used as secondary standards for calibralion of working instruments. Apart from any uncertainties introduced in the calibration procedures, lhe major uncertainlies in ITS-90 arise in realizing lhe fixed points. Al a lu level the uncertainties in lhe fixed-point temper­ alures are ±0.5 to 1.5 mK for temperatures up 10 lhe mel1ing point of gallium, increasing to ±60 mK at the freezing point of copper (25 ]. The temperature units of the English Engineering Sys1em are defined in 1erms of lhe kelvin. Absolute tempera1ure takes units of degrees Rankine (0R). which differ from lhe kelvin by a fac1or of 1 .8: T(0R) = 1 .8 x T(K) The degree Fahrenheit (0F) is defined b y sub1rac1ing 459.67 from 1hc 1empcra1Urc in degrees Rankine: 8 ELECTRICAL STANDARDS T(°F) = T (0 R ) - 459.67 In the SI System, all electrical unils originale from 1he defini1ion of the ampere. One ampere is defined as lhe currenl 1ha1 produces a magnelic force of 2 x I o- 7 Nim on a pair of lhin parallel wires carrying 1hat currenl and separalcd by one meler. The force on an appropriate pair of conduc1ors can be measured direc1ly, using a so-called currenl balance (26). The CUlTCnl may be then calculaled from 1he relalions of eleclromagnetic lheory. The remaining electrical units, such as volts and ohms, can all be derived from the value of lhe ampere and lhe mechanical unils of mass, l englh, and time, again usi ng the results of elec1romagne1ic 1heory. The meas11remen1 of currenl from the SI defini1ion of lhe ampere is cumbersome, j usl as is the measuremenl of lemperature from the lhermodynamic 1emperature scale. Obtaining the volt and the ohm from the SI definition is also difficult. Consequently, practical standards are normally used in place of the SI definitions in order to obtain the voll and the ohm. Tradilionally, lhe praclical realizalion of the volt was a so-called standard cell, an electrochemical cell of relatively high stabilily. National standards laboralories mainlained 25 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement such cells as their voltage standards. By the early 1970s, however, the: superconducting Josephson junction effect, discovered in 1962, had displaced the standaid cell. Josephson junctions create voltages that are repeatable to about four puts in 1 0 10 , wh1ereas the voltages of standard cells had shown greater drift (27 ,28). The ultimate accuracy of the Josephson junction voltage is limited pri marily by the accuracy of the time standard. The traditional practical standard for the ohm was the standard resistor, typically" a specially alloyed wire held in an oil bath to stabilize its temperature. These: standard resistors have an accuracy of a few parts in I 07 , but were subject to aging and lo 1resistor-to-resistor variations. The quantum Hall effect, discovered in 1 980, quickly becmne an alternative resistance standard. The quantized Hall resistance allows the ohm to be determined directly from fundainental physical constants to a repeatability of about 2 puts in 1 09 (28). The Eighteenth General Conference on Weights and Measures declared that, from 1990 onward, the Josephson junction and lhe quantum Hall effect would be the practical standards for the volt and the ohm, respectively. The Conference alsc> standardized the values of the physical constants that characterize the Josephson junctiotn and the quantum Hall effec t, so that the saine volt and ohm would be obtained in any !al> using these devices. The resulting realizations of the volt and the ohm are believed to agree with the formal S I definitions to within a few p arts in 107 (7). 9 CONVERSIONS BETWEEN SYSTEMS OF UNITS Over 1he centuries, various systems of units have evolved. Five systems listed in Table 6. To be acceptabl e , each system of units must be compatible with the physical laws of the universe. If compatible with the laws of nature, the values expressed in one system must be con vcni ble to equally legitimate values in any of the other systems. Systems of units differ in their use of defined and derived units. This becomes most apparent in the English Engineering System's treatment of weight and mass. To see how this issue arises, let us consider Newton's second law: A particle acted upon by an external force will be accelerated in proportion to the force magni­ tude and in inverse proportion to the mass or the particle; the direction ol' the a=leration will coincide with the line-of-action or the foroe. Algebraically, F = ma {I) where F = the magnitude of the applied force, m = the mass of particle,4 and a = the resulting acceleration 4Cdutioo: Particular note should be made or the use lhrou1hout this text of the synnbols ··m·· and ··w." The synnbol m is used to ieprcscnt the magnitude or the dimension mass, and it canies u.nits of kilog""" (kg) or po•nd-mass (lbm). Weigh� w. which is a force, carries the units pountls·/on:e (lbO or ••ewtons (N). Note should also be made of the use of the symbol "m" to denote the unit of length. meter. Context should always make clear 1he in1ent. 26 TABLE 6: Systems of U nits . Four di me ns i ons are considered for each system, with derived units u nderscored. The English En gineering System assigns all fou r dimensions, res u lting in the need for a dimensional constanl not equal to unity. System N ..... E ng lish Engineering (mass, length, time) (mass, length, time) (force, mass, SI CGS Force meter (m) second (s) kilogram (kg) newton (N) centimeter (cm) second (s) gram (g) dyne Dimensional constant, &c 1 -N · s2 Quantity Length Time Mass kg · m 1 g · cm dyne · s2 -- foot (ft) length, second (s) pound-mass (lbm) pound-force (lbf) · ft 32 . 1 7 lbm lbf . 52 Absolute Technical foot (fl) foot (ft) second (s) slug pound-force (lbf) English English lime) (mass, length, time) (force, length, time) second (s) pound-mass (lbm) poundal I lbm · ft poundal s2 · slug · ft 1 tbf · s2 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement From experiment (29), we know that near the earth's surface a body ac!ed on solely by gravitational attraction accelerates at a race of about 32.2 ftls2 (9.8 1 m/s2 ). 5 In this situation, the acting force is weighl, w, which may be expressed in pounds-force (lbf), newtons, dynes, and so on, depending on the particular system of units that is used, and the magnitude of mass may be expressed variously as slugs, pounds-mass (lbm), kilograms, and so on. In any case, whichever system is used, a consistent, compatible balance of units must be maintained. Newton's inertial law is of particular interest in this regard because it demands a careful distinction between the units of force and mass. In the United States, it has long been the habit to use the abbreviation lb as the unit for both mass and force, except when a distinction is absolutely required; then the abbreviations lbm and lbf are used. This distinction shows how the English Engineering System differs from the SI System in its treatment of the unit of force. The SI System assigns the units of kilograms, meters, and seconds to the dimensions mass, length, and time, respectively. The unit of force. the newton, is a derived unit, equal to I kg · rn/s 2 . In contrast, the English Engineering System assigns the units pounds-mass, feet, seconds, and pounds-force. so that force has an assigned, rather than derived, unit. When the assigned units are applied 10 Eq. ( I), we must introduce a factor called the dimensional constant gc. which converts units of mass, length, and time 10 units of force. Equation (I) is modified as follows: (2) If we select the English System as an example and assume that I lbf acts on we know results in an acceleration of 32.2 ftls2 , then we fi nd that 2 Kc = ( I l bm)( 3 2 . 2 fi/s ) / ( I lbf) = 32.2 (lbm · I lbm, which fl /lbf · s 2 ) For the SI System, force is a derived unit: I N is defined as the force required lo accelerate I kg at I m 2/s. Hence, gc = ( I kg) ( I m/s2 ) / ( I N) = I (kg · m/N · s2 ) = I As a result, the factor 8c has the value unity in the SI System. The other systems in Table 6 use derived units of either force or ma�s. with the result that gc is also unity in those systems. Such systems are called "consistent.'' In the Technical English System, for example, the unit of mass is the slug. which is defined a� the mass that a force of I lbf accelerates al I ft/s 2 . In the CGS System (centimeter-gram-second system), the derived unit is that for force: the dyne, which is equal lo I g · cmls 2 . In the Absolute English System, the derived unit is again that for force, the poundal, <.'q Ual 10 I lbm · flls 2 . In the past, physicists have bee n partial lo the CGS System. whereas engineers have mainly used the English Engineering System and the Technical English System. Throughout this book, we shall use both the SI and the English Engineering Systems. All systems other than SI, however, are regarded as obsolete. 5The standard gravi1ational body fon:e ("acce tcracion due 10 gravi1y"l is lakcn as 9.80665 Of course, the actual value depends on the SP<-'Cific locali1y. 32. 174 flls2 . 28 m2/s (exaclly) or Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement EXAMPLE 1 Detennine the conversion factor between pounds-force and newtons. Solution The c onversio n factors between inches and meters and between pounds-mass and kilograms were given in Sections 4 and 5. I lbf = 3 2 . 1 74 lbm . ft/s2 = 3 2 . 1 74 (0.453 592 37 kg) ( 1 2 x 0.0254 m)/s2 = 4.4482 kg · m/s2 = 4 .4482 N EXAMPLE Z D. Water of densi ty P and dynamic viscosity µ, Hows with velocity V through a pipe of diameter Calculate the Reynolds number, Re , from the data supplied, using (a) the English Engi­ ri nee ng S ystem of units and (b) the SI System. Before making the numerical calculations, check the balance of uni ts. Re = P a nd its value is unitless and hence is independent of the system of u nits u sed : th us, we shou ld obtain the same umerical answers for both parts (a) and (b). n Data VDIµ D = 8.00 in. = 8/ 1 2 ft = 0.203 m p = 62 .3 lbm/ft 3 = 998 kg/m 3 = 4.00 ft/s = 1 .22 m/s V µ = 2 . 02 x 10- 5 lbf = 9. 67 x 1 0- 4 Solulion N · · s/ ft 2 s/m 2 1 . If we en ter the u n i ts for each of 1he separate quantities appearing in the equation for R e, we have (lbm/ft 3 )(fl/s)(ft)(f1 2 /lbf s)( I / gc) · or, entering the units for gc , (lbm /ft 3 ) ( ft/s)(ft)(fl 2 /lbf · s)(lbf · s 2 /lbm · fl) We see Iha! th e vari ous number is unilless. I n magnitude, Re = units cancel, confinning the s1a1emen1 ( 62 . 3 ) (4.00) (8/ 1 2)/(2.02 x that the Reynolds 5 1 0 - ) (32.2) "" 255,000 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement 2. In tcnns of SI units, we have ( kg/m 3 ) (m/s)(m) (m2 / N · s)( l /gc) or, when the units for 8c are entered, (kg/m3 )(m/s) (m)(m2 / N · s)(N · s2 /kg · m) Again, we see that the units cancel. The same result would be obtained by omitting 8c entirely and replacing the newton by its the definition (this is the usual practice in the SI System). In magnitude. using SI units, Re = (998)( 1 .22)(0.203)/(9.67 x 1 0 -4 )( 1 ) � 256,000 Note: The lack of exact numerical agreement in the final numbers results from inexact conversions 10 and rounding of the numbers. SUMMARY All measurements are based on defined standards, most of which have been established by internalional agreement and U.S. laws. A measurement consists of quantifying the dimensional magnitude of an unknown relative to that established by the standard. I. The SI System of units employs seven base units (meter, kilogram., second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela), a number of derived units, and various miultiplying factors (Section 3). 2. The standard of length is the meter, defined as the distance travelled by light in l n99.792,458 of a second (Section 4). 3. The standard of mass is the kilogram, defined by the International Prototype Kilogram (Section 5). 4. The standard of time is the second, defined as 9, 1 92,63 1 ,770 periods of hyperfine· transition radiation from a cesium atom (Section 6). 5. The operational (or "practical" ) temperature standard is the lntematiional Temperature Scale of 1990, defined with respect to the thennodynamic temperatures of specific states of mailer (Section 7). 6. SI electrical units are derived from the ampere. The ampere is defin·ed by the mechan· ical force present in a particular type of electrical circuit. Practical standards are normally used to obtain the volt and the ohm (Section 8). 7. Although SI is the preferred system of measurement, other systems are still commonly used. The most important of these is the English Engineering System (Section 9). SUGGESTED READINGS Many of the following publications may be downloaded from Web pages of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 30 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement Butcher, T., L. Crown, R. Suiter, and J. Williams (eds.). General tables or units or measurement. Appendix C or NIST Handbook 44: SpecificaJions, Tolerances, and Other Technical RequiremelllS for W<ighing and Measuring Devices. Gaithersburg, Md.: National nstitute or Standards I Technology, 2005. and Judson, L. V. Weights and Measures Standanls of the United States: A Brief History, Gaithersburg, Md.: National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication 447. March 1 976. Gaithersburg, Md. : Office or Weights and Measures/Metric Program. National Institute or Standards and Technology, Letter Circular The United States and the Metric System: A Capsule History. 1 1 36, October 1997. Preston-Thomas, H. The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Metrologia, 27:3- 10 and 107. 1990. Taylor, B. N. Guide/or the Use ofthe lntemalional System of Units (SI). Gaithersburg, Md.: National Institute or Standards and Technology, Special Publication 8 1 1 , 1 995. Taylor, B. N. (ed.) The Standards and Technol ogy, Special Publication /nlemalibnal System of Units. Gaithersburg, Md.: National Institute of 330. 200 1 . PROBLEMS 1. Determine the speed of light in vacuum in (a ) miles/hour ( b ) feet/s 2. Convert the fol lowing temperatures to equivalent temperatures i n K: ( a ) I OO"C (b) lOO"F ( c ) 595°R 3. Detennine the following temperatures in °R: (a ) Freezing poi nt of tin ( b ) Freezing point of aluminum ( c ) Freezing point of copper 4. 5. Calculate the force (lbf) necessary to accelerate a weight of 0.5 lbf at 5 ft/s2 . Determine the force (N) necessary to accelerate a mass of 200 g at 25 cmls2• What is the lbf? magnitude of this force in units of 6. Prepare a l ist of the best secondary standards that are available to you at present as cali­ bration sources for ( a ) Length ( b ) Time ( c ) Mass (d) (e) Temperature Pressure 31 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement 7. Deicrmine by calculation the rela1ionship for 1he following conversions: ( a ) Pressure in lbf/in. 2 unilS IO N/m2 unilS ( b) Viscosity in lbf . slft2 unilS 10 kg/m · s uniis ( c ) Specific heal in lcJ/kg · K u ni ls 10 B lu/lbm · ° F 8. 9. ( d ) Dyna mic viscosity in poise ( I dy ne · s/cm2 ) units to lbm/h · ft ( e ) Heal ftux in W/cm2 unilS lo B lu/h · fl2 Deicrmine the faclor for convening volume ftow ralC in cm3/s unilS 10 gaVmin. Express the universal gas constant of I 545 fl · lbf/lbm · mol · 0R in SI uniis. REFERENCES [ 1 ) Judson, L. V. Weights tory, Gaithersburg, March 1976. and Measures Standards of tile United States: A Brief His· National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication 447, Md.: (2) Units a/Weights and Measure. Gaithersburg, Md.: National Bureau of Standards, Misc . Publication 2 1 4, July 1 955. (3) Terrien, J. Scientific metrology on the international plane and lhe Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. Metrologia 1 (2): 1 5, January 1 965. (4) U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Bull. 26, April 1893. [SJ Cochrane, R. D. Measuresfor Progress, A History ofthe National Bureau ofStandards. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1966, p. 47. (6) United States Congress, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100-4 1 8 , Section 5 164. (7) Taylor, B. N. (ed.) Tiie International System of Units. Gai1hcrsburg, Md. : National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 330, 200 1 . [8] The United States and the Metric System: A Capsule History. Gaithersburg, Md. : Office of Weights and Measures/Metric Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Letter Circular 1 1 36, October 1 997 . [9] Taylor, B. N. Guidefor the Use ofthe lnternationul System of Units (SI). Gaithersburg, Md.: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 8 1 1 , 1 995. (10] Terrien, J. lnternnlional agreement on the velocity of light. Metrologia, 1 0:9, 1974. ( 1 1) Svenson, K. M., et al. Speed of light from direct frequency and wavelength measure­ ments of the methane-stabilized laser. Phys. Rev. Letters, 29( 1 9): 1 346-49, 1 972. ( 12) Documents concerning the new definition of the metre. Metro/ogia, 19: 1 63-1 77, 1 984. [ 13) Refinement of values for 1hc yard and 1he pound, Federal Register, Docu men t 59- 5442, June 25, 1 959. ( 14) Units and Systems of Weights and Measures: Their Origin. Development, and Present Status. Gaithersburg, Md.: National Bureau of Standards, Letter Circular 1035, Novem­ ber 1 985. 32 Standards and Dimensional Units of Measurement ( 15) Seyfried, P., and P. Becker. The role of NA in the SI: an atomic path to the kilogram. Metrologia, 3 1 : 1 67- 1 72, 1 994. [ 16) Quinn, T. J. Conclusions of the International Workshop on the Avogadro Constant and the Representation of the Silicon Mole. Metrologia, 3 1 :275-276, 1994. N. Determining the Avogadro constant from electrical measurements. Metrologia, 3 1 : 1 8 1 - 1 94, 1 994. (17) Taylor, B. [18) Taylor, B. 65, 1 999. N ., and P. J. Mohr. On the redefinition of the kilogram. Metrologia, 36:64- ( 19) Clemence, G. M . Time and its measurement. Am. Scientist, 40(2):260, April 1952. [20) Sullivan, D. B., et al. Primary atomic frequency standards at NIST. J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol , 1 06( 1 ):47�3. 2001 . (21) http:/ This National Institute of Standards and Tech­ nology Web page provides clear description of the NIST-Fl fountain clock, including animation. (22) Bejan, A. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley, 1 988. [23) Mangum, B. W., and G. T. Furukawa. Guidelines for reali4ing the International Tem­ pera/Ure Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Gaithersburg, Md.: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technical Note 1 965, August 1 990. (24) Preston-Thomas, H. The International Temperature Scale of 1 990 (ITS-90). Metrolo­ gia, 27:3- 1 0, 1 990 (with corrections in Metrologia, 27: 1 07 . 1 990). (25) Rusby, R. L., et al. Thermodynamic basis of the ITS-90. Metrologia, 28:9- 1 8 , 199 1 . (26) Driscoll, R . L., and R . D . Cutkoskey. Measurement o fcurrent with the National Bureau of Standards current balance. Natl. Bur. Stand. J. Res. . 60, April 1 958. (27) Taylor, B. N. New measurements standards for 1 990. Phys. Today, 23--2 6, August 1989. (28) Petley, B. W. Electrical units-the last thirty years. Metrologia, 32:495-502, 1994/95. (29) Cook, A. H. The absolute determination of the acceleration due to gravity. Metrologia, 1 (3):84, 1 965. ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 2 3 s 8 (b) 3 1 0.93 K (b) I , 680.23°R ().Q I 1 24 lbf I gal/min = 63.09 cm 3 /s Assessi n g a nd Presenti ng Experi menta l Data INTRODUCTION 2 COMMON TYPES OF ERROR 3 INTRODUCTION TO UNCERTAINTY 4 ESTIMATION OF PRECISION U N CERTAINTY S THEORY BASED ON THE POPULATION 6 7 THEORY BASED ON THE SAMPLE B STATISTICAL ANALYSIS BY COMPUTER 9 BIAS AND SINGLE-SAMPLE UNCERTAINTY 10 PROPAGATION OF UNCERTAI NTY 11 EXAMPLES OF UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS THE CHI-SQUARE (x 2 ) DISTRIBUTION 12 M I NIMIZING ERROR IN DESIGNING EXPERI M E NTS 13 GRAPHICAL PRESENTATIO N O F DATA 14 L I N E ATTI NG AND T H E M ETHOD OF LEAST SQUARES 1S SUMMARY INTRODUCTION "How good are the data?" is the first qu e st i o n put to any experi mentalist w h o draws a conclusion from a set of measurements. The da1a may beco me the foundation of a new theory or the undoing of an existing one. They may form a critical test o f a structural an ai rc ra ft wing that must never fail dur i n g operation. Before a data set can be used in an engi n eeri ng or sc ie nti fic appl icat ion. its qualily must be establ ished. member in The answer to the question revolves around the mean i ng we assi gn to the word good. Our first templation may be to call t he data "good" if they agree well with a theoretically derived result. Theory, however, is simply a model intended to m i m ic the behavior of the real system being studied; there is no guarantee that it actually doe.� represent the physical system well. The accuracy of eve n the m ost fu nda me n t a l theory, such as Newton's laws. is limited both by the accuracy of the dala from which the theory was developed and by the the data and assump1ions used when calcula1 ing with it. Thus, measurements should not be compared to a t heory in order to assess their quality. What we are really after is the actual value of the physical q u a n tiiy being measured. and that is the standard agai n st which data should be tested. The error of a measurement is thus d e fi ned as the difference between the measured value and the true phys i c al value of the quantity. The orig i n a l quest io n could be more c l earl y phrased as. "What is the e rror of the data'?" accuracy of 36 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data The definition of error is helpful, but it suffers from one major ftaw: The error cannot be calculated exactly unless we know the true value of the quantity being measured! Obviously, we can never know the true value of a physical quantity without first measuring it, and, because some error is present in every measurement, the true value is something we can never know exactly. Hence, we can never know the error exactly, either. The definition of error is not as circular as ii seems, however, because we can usually estimate lhe likelihood that the error exceeds some specific value. For example, 95% of the readings from one particular ftowmeter will have an error of less than l Us. Thus, we can say with 95% confidence ( 19 times out of 20) that a reading raken from that meter has an error of I Us or less, or, equivalently, rhat the reading has an uncertainry of 1 Us at confidence level of 95%. A theoretical result that disagrees with lhe reading by more than I Us shows a measurable inaccuracy; a theory within I Lis is supported by lhe reading at that level of confidence. Error or uncertainty may be estimated with statistical tools when a large number of measurements are laken. However, the experi mentalist must also bri ng lo bear his or her own knowledge of how the instruments perform and of how well they are calibrated in older to establish the possible errors and their probable magnitudes. This chapter describes how to estimate the uncertainty in a measurement and how to present the corresponding experimental data in an easily interpreted way. 2 COMMON TYPES OF ERROR We have defined the error in measuring a quantity x value, Xm , and the true value, XtJue : Error = £ as the difference between the measured = Xm - Xuue ( I) A primary objective in designing and executing an experiment is to minimize the error. However, after the experiment i s completed, we must tum our attention to estimating a bound on E with some level of confidence. This bo1111d is typically of the form -11 ::: t: ::: + 11 (n : I) (2 ) where 11 is the 1111certainty estimated at odds of 11 : I . In other words, only one measurement in n will have an error whose magnirude is greater rhan 11. This bound is equivalent to saying that Xm - 11 ::0 Xtrue ::0 Xm + u We would, of course, (n : I ) (3) give higher odds that the lrue value would lie wirhin a wider inrerval and lower odds !hat ii would lie wirhin a narrower interval. The first step in bounding a measurement's error is lo idenlify its possible causes. The specific causes of error will vary from experiment lo experiment, and even a single experiment may include a dozen sources of inaccuracy. But, in spite of !his diversily, most errors can be placed into one of two general classes [ I ]: bias errors and preciJion errors. Bias errors. also referred to as systematic errors, are !hose that occu r lhe same way each rime a measuremenl is made. For example, if lhe scale on an instrument consisrently reads 5% high, rhen the entire set of measuremcnls will be biased by +5% above lhe true value. Alternatively, the scale may have a fixed offset error, so that the indicated value for every reading of x is higher rhan rhe true value by an amount Xoffset · 37 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Precision errors, also called random errors, are different for each suc:cessive measu re­ ment hut have an average value of zero. For example, mechanical friction or vibration may cause the reading of a measu ri ng mechanism to ftuctuate about the true ·value, somet imes reading high and sometimes reading low. This lack of mechanical precision will cause sequential readings of the same quantity to differ sl ightly, creating a disb:ibution of values surrounding the true value. If enough readings are taken, the distribution of precision errors will ll>ecome apparent. The successive re ad ings will generally cluster about a central value and will extend over a limited interval surroundi ng that central value. In this situation, we may use statistical ana ly sis to esti mate the l i kely size of the error or, equ i vale ntly, the likely rainge of x i n which the true value l ies. In co ntrast, bias errors cann ot be treated using statistical techniques, because such errors are filled and do not show a distribution. However, bias error can be estimated by comparison of the instrument lo a more accurate standard, from our knowledge of how the instrument was c al i brated , or from our ellperience with instruments of that particular type. In prac tice , bias and precision errors occur simultaneously. The combined effect on repeated measurements of x is shown in Figs. l (a) and (b). In Fig. l(a), the bias error is larger than the typical precision error. In Fig. l (b), the typical precision error exceeds the bias error. In other situations, bias and precision errors may be of the same size. The total error in a particular measured Xm is the sum of the bias and prec is ion errors for that measurement. 2.1 Classification of Errors A fu l l classification of all possible errors as e i ther bias or prec i sion erro1: }YOu ld be conve­ nie nt but is nearly impossible to make, since categories of error overl ap and arc at times ambiguous. Some errors behave as bias error in one situation and as precision error in other situations; some errors do not fit neatly i nto either category. How•ever, for purposes of discussion, typical errors m ay be roughly sorted as follows: 1. Bias or systematic error (a) Calibration errors (b) Certai n consistently recu rri n g human errors (c) Certain errors caused by defective equipment (d) Loading errors (e) Li mi tations of system resolution 2. Precision or random error (a) Errors caused by disturbances to the equipment (b) Errors c aused by ftuctuating experimental conditions (c) Errors derived from insufficient measuring-system sensitivil.y 3. Illegitimate error (a) B l unders and mistakes d uri ng an e x periment (b) Computational errors after an e xperi men t 38 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Bias error I I 0 Precision error Measured value, Xm (a) Total error Measured value, Xm (b) FIGURE I : B ias and precision errors: (a) bias error larger than the typical pn.-cision error, (b) typical precision error larger than t he bias error. 39 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Actual response ---, Input, x,.., FIGURE 2: Calibration errors. For ideal response, Xmeasun:d = xuue. Actual response may include zero-offset error (Xoffsea) and scale error (/J 'F I) so that Xmeasurcd = fJxuue + xoffse•· 4. Errors that are sometimes bias error and sometimes precision error (a) Errors from instrument backlash, friction, and hysteresis (b) Errors from calibration drift and variation in test or environmental conditions (c) Errors resulting from variations in procedure or definition among ex peri men ters The most common form of bias error is error in calibration. These errors occ ur when an instrument's scale has not been adjusted to read the measured value properly. Typical calibration errors may be zero-offset errors, which cause all readings to be offset by a constant amount Xoffsea. or scale errors in the slope of the output relative to the input which cause all readings to err by a fixed percentage. Figure 2 illustrates these ty pes of error. Calibration procedures normally attempt to identify and eliminate these errors by "proving" the measuring system's readout scales through a comparison with a standard. Of course, the standards themselves also have uncertainties, albeit smal ler ones. 1 The impreciseness of any calibration procedure guarantees that some calibration-related bias error is present in all measuring systems. standard (the International PnMotype Kilogram) has by definition a 1The uniqueness or cenain prinwy srandanls makes them exa:plions to this swement. In panicular, the mass mass or exactly I kg. In the sense or practical applications, however, uncertainty will nevcnheless occu r. Even primary standards require the use of ancillary apparatus. whk:h necessarily inlroduces some unccnai nty. 40 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Human errors may well be sys te matic , as when an i ndiv idual experimenter consis­ te nt ly tends to read high or to ·�ump the g u n" when synchronized readings are to be taken. The equipment itsel f may introduce hui lt-in errors resulting from incorrect design, fabrication, or mai nten ance . Such errors resu l t from defective mechanical or electrical components, incorrect scale graduat ions , and so forth. Errors of this type are often con­ sistent in sign and mag n i tude , and because of their consistency they may sometimes be corrected by calibration. When the input is time varying, however, introducing a correction is more com plicated . For example, distortion caused by poor frequency response cannot be corrected by the u sual "static cal i brati on ," one based on a signal that is constant in time. Such frequency-response errors arise i n con ne<:lion with seismic motion detectors. Loading error is of particular importance. It refers to the influence of the measure­ ment procedure on the system be i ng tested. The measuring process inevitably alters the characteristics ofboth the source of the measured quantity and the measuring system itself; thus, the measured value will always differ by some amount from the quantity whose mea­ suremenr is sor1ght. For example, the sound-pressure level sensed by a microphone is not the same as the sound-pressure level that would exist at that location if the microphone were not pn:sent. Minimizing the influence of the measuring instrument on a measured variable is a major objective in designing any experiment Precision errors are also of several typical forms. The experimenter may be inconsis­ tent in estimating successive read i ngs from his or her instruments. Precision errors in the instrumentation itself may arise from outside disturbances to the measuring system, such as temperature variations or mechanical vibrations. The meas uring system may also include poorly controlled processes that lead 10 ran do m variations in the system output. Vari at ions i n the actual q uanti t y being measured may also appear as precision error i n the results. Sometimes these variations are a result of poor experimental design, as when a sy stem designed 10 run at a constant speed instead has a varying speed . Sometimes the variati o n s are an inherent feature of the process under study, as when manufactur­ i ng variations create a distribution in t he operating lifetimes of a group of l igh t bul bs. S trictly speaking, variation in the measured quantity is not a measurement "error''; how­ ever, it is poss ib le to apply the same stati st ica l techn iques to variations in the measured variable and lo treat them as if they were errors. In particular, if you wish lo find the mean value of the measured quantity. its variations may be averaged (together with the precision errors of the equipment), and the mean value may be calculated along with its uncertainty. Illegitimate errors are errors that would not be expected. These i ncl ude outrigh t mis­ takes (which can be eliminated through exercise of care or repetition of the measurement), such as incorrectly writing down a number, failing to tum on an instrument, or miscalcu­ lati ng during data reduction. Sometimes a stat ist ical analysis will reveal such data as bei ng extremely unlikely to ha ve arisen from prec i s ion error. Backlash and mechanical friction arc i m portant sources of variation in measuri ng systems. For example, friction may cause a mechanical element, such as a gal vanometer needle, to lag behind advances in its inlcndcd position, thus reading low while lhc mea­ sured variable is increased and reading h igh while the measured variable is decreased. Such hysteresis i s illustrated i n Fig. 3. Since this error depends on how a sequence of measure­ ments is taken, it may be have as either a bias error or a precision error. One means of detecti ng-and often correcting-this type of error is to make measurements while first 41 �/ Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Ideal response FIGURE 3: Hysteresis error. increasing and then decreasing the measured quantity, method of symmetry. an approach sometimes called the Drift of an i nstrument's calibration may occur if the response of an instrument varies in time. Often drift results from the sensitivity of an instrument to ternpernture or hu midity fluctuations. If changes in environmental conditions occur between the time an instrument is calibrated and the time it is used, a bias error may appear in the readings. Conversely, if the test duration is long, environmental cond i ti on s may fluctuate throu.ghou t the test, causing different calibration errors for each suceessive measurement. In this case, the nuctuations create a precision error. When an experiment is repeated using .different eq u ipm ent or by different experi­ menters, the bias errors of successive experiments are unrelated. If en ough different exper­ iments are performed, the bias errors are effectively randomized, andl they become another form of precision error in the set of all experiments. For example, the speed of light in vacuum has bee n measured by many experimenters, each using different techniques and apparatus to obtain what is supposedly a unique quantity. Each experiment included its own bias and preci sion errors; but taken together their results show a d ist ri but io n about a mean value, which may be estimated statistically (F i g. 4 ). In contrast, the randomness of precision error may sometime:s work against itself. For example, computer signal-processing techniques can extract des ired information from very noisy signal, as when photographs from satellites are enhanced to reveal planetary topography. In such cases, the systematic nature of the desired infonnation enables it to be separated from the completely random overlying noise. a 42 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 299.7800 299.7900 Meaiued speed , thousands ol kilometers per second 299 .8000 FIGURE 4: Measured values of the speed of light, 1947-1967 (Data from Froome and Essen (2]). Z.2 Terms Used In Rating Instrument Performance The following terms are often employed to describe the qualily of an instrument's readings. They are related to the expected errors of the instrument. • Accuracy. The difference between the measured and true values. Typically, a manu­ facturer will specify a maximum error as the accuracy; manufacturers often neglect lo report the odds that an error will not exceed this maximum value. • Precision. The difference between the instrument's reported values during repeated measurements of the same quantity. Typically, this value is determined by statistical analysis of repeated measurements. • Resolution. The smallest increment of change in the measured value that can be determined from the instrument's readout scale. The resolution is often on the same order as the precision; sometimes it is smaller. • Sensitivity. The change of an instrument or transducer's output per unit change in the measured quantity. A more sensitive instrument's reading changes significantly in response to smaller changes in the measured quantity. Typically, an instrument with higher sensitivity will also have finer resolution, better precision, and higher accuracy. Reading error refers to error introduced when reading a number from the display scale of an instrument. This type of error may sometimes be a bias error caused by truncation or rounding of the actual value to one within the resolution of the display. Reading error will also include error from inadequate instrument sensitivity if the instrument does not respond to the smallest fluctuations of the measured quantity. For example, a digital display may truncate an actual value of 10.4 to a displayed value or I 0. The reading error of the digital Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 10.4 ! display is thus ± of the last digit read. 2 This is a bias error in the sense that will always be displayed as 1 0. When many different values are to be read, the error may be thought of as a precision error if the many values have no particular relation to one another. For a needle display on a galvanometer or the scale on a micrometer one may be able lo estimate to ± or even of the finest graduation. Depending on the particular experimenter, such error may be either bias or p reci s ion error, as discussed previously. ! 3 ±! INTRODUCTION TO UNCERTAINTY When estimating uncertainty, we are usua l l y concerned with two types of error, precision and bias error, and with two classes of experiments. single-sample experiments and repeal­ sample experiments. A sample, in this sense, refers 10 an individual measurement of a specific quantity. When we measure the s1rain in a structural member several times under identical loading conditions, we have repeatedly sampled that particular strain. With such repeat sampling, we can, for example, statistically estimate the distribution of precision errors in the strain measurement. If we measure that strain only once, we have instead a single sample of the strain, and our result does not reveal the distribution of precision error. In that case, we must reson to other means for estimating the precision error in our result. Much of the remainder of this chapter is devoted to methods of estimating bias and precision error. Procedures for statistical analysis of precision error in repeal-sampled data are described in Sections 4-7. The estimation of bias uncertainty is covered in Section 9. The estimation of precision uncertainty for single-sample experiments is also considered in Section 9. Section 1 0 describes how uncertainty in measured variables leads to uncertainly in results calculated from those variables. Examples of uncertainty analysis are given in Section 1 1 . After determining the individual bias and precision uncertain i n a measurement of x, we must combine them to obtain the total uncertainly in our result for x. If the bias uncenainty is Bx and the precision uncertainly is P, , 3 then the two may be combined in a root-mean-square sense as (4 ) to yield the total uncectainty, Ux . Th e j usti fi cation for combining the two uncertainty· estimates this way i s largely empirical [ I ). However, the underlying assumption is that Bx and Px are associated with independent sources of error, so lhal the errors are unlikely to have their maximum values simultaneously. When B., and [', are each estimates for 95% confidence, then Ux is also a 95% confidence estimate; under the same conditions. ii turns out [ I ] lhal simply adding Bx and Px algebraically yields an uncertainly that roughly covers 99% of the data. 21t may be shown that 9S% or the ""'dinp ( 1 9 out or 20) ±O.S( l9/20) where t = ±0.47S "' will differ rrom the value displayed by less than ±0.S. The uncertainty is ±0.5 at 1 <1 : l odds. lThe precision uncertainty is evaluated in Section 6. In tenns defined later it has the value Px = r S, / .fii, is the l·SWis1ic. Si is lhe sample sundard devialion, and n is the sample size. 44 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 1 brass rod is repeated I y loaded to a fixed tensile load and the axial strain in the rod is determi ned usi ng a strain gage. Thirty results are obtained under fixed test conditions, yielding an average strain of e = 520 µ-strain (520 ppm). Statistical analysis of the distribution of measurements gives a preci sion uncertainty of P, = 21 µ-strain at a 95% confidence level. The bias uncertaint y is estimated to be B, = 29 µ-strain with odds of 19 : I (95% confidence). What i s the total uncertainty of the strain? A Solution The t ota l uncertai nty U, = ( for 95% coverage s; + Pl) 112 = is 36 µ-strain (95%) In other words, at a confidence leve l of 95% the true strain lies in the i nterval 520 ± 36 µ­ strain: 484 µ-strain !:: 6 !:: 556 µ-strain 4 ESTIMATION OF PRECISION UNCERTAINTY Two fundamental concepts form the basis for analyzing precision errors. The first is that of a distribmion of error. The distribution characterizes the probability that an error of a given size will occ ur. The second concept is that of a population from which samples are drawn. Usually, we have only a limited set of observations, our sample, from which to infer the characteristics of the larger population. error usually assumes a model for the distribution of errors or nonnal, distribution. Usi n g this assumed dis­ tribution, we may estimate the probable difference between, say, the average value of a small sample and the true mean value of the larger population. This probab le difference, or co1ifidence inten•a/, provides an estimate of the precision uncertainty associated with our Statistical analysis of in a populat i on, generally the Gaussian, measured sample. This sect ion and the next four examine some basic probability distributions, the char­ of a populalion that satisfies a Gaussian di s tributio n , and the accuracy with which the statistics of samp l es represent an underlying population. The I-distribution is i n troduced for treating small sam pl es . and the x -distribu tion is introduced for other statis­ tical purposes. These sections should provide y ou with sufficient bac kg rou nd to estimate the preci si o n u ncerta i nty in eleme ntary engineering experiments. acteristics 4. 1 2 Sample versus Population Manu facturing variations in a prod uct i on lot of marbles will create a distribution of diam­ To est i m ate the mean diameter, we may take a handful of marbles, measure them, and average the resull (fig. 5). The handful is our sample, drawn from the production lot, which is our population. No two samples from the same populat ion w il l yield precisel y the same average value; however, eac h s ho u ld approxi mate the average of the population to some level of eters. 45 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Random sample Bag ol maitlles FIGURE 5: Sample taken from a population. uncertain ty. The difference between the sample characteristics and those of the popula t i on will dec.rease as the sample is made larger. Because our handful of marbles inc lud es a number o f members of the population, it may be regarded as a repeated sample. By contrast, if we had drawn onl :y one marble, we would obtain a single sample , which would give no direct evidence of dl.e d ist ri bu tion of marble diameters. Experimental errors can a ls o be viewed in terms of population and sample. If we measure me d ia meter of a si ng le marble repeatedly, the set of measured d i ameters gi ves a sample of me precision error in measu ri ng the diameter. In this case, we could measure me diameter as many ti mes as we liked, and each measurement would i nclude a slightly different preci s ion error. Thus, the population of precision errors is t heciretically infinite. (Note, however, that this particular repeat sampl i n g of the prec i s io n error is performed on a s ingl e sample from the marble population.) The discussion of this and s ubseq uent sections applies to both of llhe following two classes of sampling: 1. A sample of si ze n is drawn from a finite popu lat io n of size p. used to The sample is estimate properties of the population. Additional data cannot be added to the population; for example, we assume that no more marbles can1 be added to the p arti cu l ar produc tion lot from the same source. Further, the sa mplt: size is assumed to be small compared to the population size: n « p. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 2. Ajinite number ofitems, n, is randomly drawn from what is assumed to be a populalion of indefinite size. The properties of the assumed populalion are inferred from the sample. An importanl qualification underlies this discussion: The sample mus1 be randomly selected from lhe populalion. If we selecl only the largest marbles from lhe bag, our sample will nol acc urately represenl the whole population of marbles. 4.2 'Probabllity Distributions Probability is an expression of lhe likelihood of a particular even! laking place. measured wilh reference IO all possible events. Specifically, suppose thal one of n equally likely cases will occur and lhat m of these cases correspond lo an evenl A. The probabilily lhal event A will occu r is m/n. A penny is lossed. The IOlal number of possible outcomes is tw�eads and lllils. If we choose heads (or !ails) as event A, then the probability of A is I in 2, or 50%. A slightly more complex example is that of throwing a pair of dice. One possible outcome yields a sum of 2, six outcomes yield a sum of 7, and lhe remai n ing outcomes are as distributed in Fig. 6. The bar chart used here is termed a histogram. If we divide the ordinate of lhe chart by the total number of possible outcomes (36). we obtain a graph of lhe probability distribution. For example, !he probability of rolling a 7 i s 6 in 36, or 1 6.6'l&. Olher distributions lhat will be considered in lhe following sect io ns are these: 1. The Gaussian, or normal, probability distribution. When examining experimental dala, lhis dislribulion is undoubledly lhe first !hat is considered. The Gaussian dis­ lribution describes the popula1ion of possible errors i n a meas u reme n l when many independent sources of error contribute simultaneously 10 1he 101al precision error in a measurement. These sources of error must be unrelated, random, and of roughly lhe 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sum of spolS for a pa ir ol lassed clce 10 11 12 FIGURE 6: Distribulion of resulls for a pair of lhrown dice. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data same size. 4 Although we will emphasize this particular distribution, you must keep in mind that data do not always abide by the normal distribution. For tabulation and calculation, the Gaussian distribution is recast in a standard form, sometimes called the z-distribution [see Eq. ( 1 1 ) and Table 2]. 2. Student's t-distribUlion. This distribution is used in predicting the mean value of a Gaussian population when only a small sample of data is available [see Eq. (2 1 ) and Tuble 5). 3. The x 2 -distribution. This distribution he l ps in predicting the width or scatter of a population's distribution, in compari ng the uniformity of samples, and in checking the goodness offit for assumed distributions (see Section 7 and Table 6). 5 THEORY BASED ON THE POPULATION From a practical standpoint, we are l imi ted to samples from which to extract statistical information. In most cases, it is either impractical or impossible to manipulate the entire population. Nevertheless, some useful and important results can be established at the outset by considering the properties of the entire population. Consider an infinite population of data, each datum representing a measurement of a single quantity, and assume each datum, x, differs in magnitude from the rest only as a result of precision error. Effectively, each time a different member of the population is randomly selected and measured, a value of x is determined and, a different precision error occurs. Some measurements are larger and some are smaller. The probability of obtaining a specific value of x depends the magnitude of .t, and the probability distribution of x-values is described by a probability densityfunction, / (x ) (Fig. 7). ' ' I ' ' I I I I 1 1 0'2& FIGURE 7: Norma l distribution curve. More precise data are represented by the dashed curve than by the solid curve. 4 Note 1ha1 the disuibution of pr«is;on errors accompanying experimen tal data and the distribution or dimtm· sional variations in manufacturing optfrllion.s are very similar. For example. a drawing may specify tolerances within which the diameter or a shaft is allowed to vary about a nominal value. 1be variations that actually exist w it hin a production lot are often found to be distribu&ed in nonnal, or Gaussian . manner. Quality conuol of machining is based on essentially lhc same 1heories as applied 10 dislribution or experimental error. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data n te an bea ee easuri Since the population is infinite, the probability density function, or PDF, is a con tinuous curve, unlike the previous bar-graph histogram describing rolled represents dice. Consequently the ord i a of the PDF must be carefully i nterpreted: It represents the prob­ ability of occurrence per unit ch ge of x. The probability of measuring a given x is not f(x) i tsel f; instead, the prob bi li ty of m ng an x in the i n r al tu = xi xi is the area under the PDF curve tw n xt and x2 Probability(x, -x?) p a ­ te v = ix, - (5) f(x) dx XI In any measurement, some value of x will be observed, so the total area under the PDF' curve is unity (i.e., the rob bi l i ty of measuring some x value is I00% ). PDFs come in a variety of shapes, which are determined by the nature of the data considered. Precision error in experimental data is often distributed according to the familiar bel l shaped curve given by the Gaussian, or normal, distribution (Fig. 7). Most of the remaining statistical discussion in this chapter is based on that premise. For an infinite population the mathematical e p sion for the Gaussian probability density function is - , whe re x res /(x ) = I -- u ..fiii [ exp - (x - µ)2 2u 2 --- ] (6) x = the magnitude of a µ. u particular measurement, the mean value of the entire population, and = the standard devi ation of the entire popu l at ion ear po ti = The mean value. µ., is that which would be obtained if every x in the pu la on could averaged together; for an infinite population, such averaging is cl l y impossible, and thus µ remains unknown. Since we assume that the various x 's differ as a result of precision error, µ. also represents the true value of the quantity we are attempting to measure, and the average sought amounts to averaging out all the precision errors. If a large number of easuremen are taken with equal care, then the arithmetic average of these n measurements, be m .t ts = Xt + x2 + n mv a e re d x- · · · + Xn (7) can be shown to be the most probable single 1•al11e for the q11antity, µ.. sample allows us to estimate the true al u . The amount by which a single e su = me nt µ. Averaging a large is in error is termed the deviation d: (8) Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 1 : Summary of Probability Estimates Based on the Nonna! Distribution Common Name for "Error" Level % Confidence That Deviation of x from Mean is Smaller Error Level in Terms of CT Odds That Deviation of x is Greater abt. I i n 3 Standard deviation ±CT 68.3 Two-si gma error ± 1 .960" 95.0 I in 20 99.7 I in 370 Three-s igma error ±3a The mean squared deviation, a 2 , is approximated by averagi ng the squared deviations of a very large sample5 : (9) a, The quantity, is called the standard deviation of the population; it characterizes both the typical deviation of measurements from the mean value and the: width of Gaussian distribution (Fig. 7). When a is smaller, the data are more prec i se. llue standard deviation is a very important parameter in characterizing both population s a nd sam p les . The actual deviation or error for a particular measurement is, of cou rse, never know n. However, the likely size of the error, or uncenainty, can be es ti mated with various levels of con fidence by using our knowledge of the distribution of t he popu l at io n . For example, if a population has a Gaussian distribution, then the probabi li ty that a single measurement will have a deviation greater than ±a is 3 1 .7%, or about one chance in three. For a single measurement, then, we can be 68% confident tha t the deviation is less than ±" . A deviati on greater than ± l .96a has a probability of5.0% ( I in 20); greatcr than ± :lo . about 0.27% ( I in 370); and greater than ±40' , about 0.0063% ( I in 16,000) . The most popular uncertainty estimate is that for 95% con fidence , ± I . 96a . Table 1 summarizes the various le ve ls of probability for the normal distribution. One common criterion for discarding a data point as illeg itimate is that the data poin t exceeds the 3a level : since the probability of an error larger than tln is is I in 370. such values are unlikely in modest-sized data sets. Such data are som etime:s called outliers. For purposes of tabulation, the Gaussian PDF may be trans fonmld by i ntroduc i ng the variable z : x - µ. z = -­ a Eq uation (6) is now a2 /(z ) = _1_ e-z'12 a J�::<x x or (z - µ)2. - µl' f(x ) Jx. This amounts ( 1 1) ..fii 5 Fonnally. the mean and lhe standard deviation may be calculaled asintegrals oflhe PDF: µ = ( 1 0) = f�:: xf(x) Jx: lo sununing the probable contribution to the obse""'d value of each Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Probability (area) listed in table z FIGURE 8: Standard nonnal distribution curve. Note that a and b are inftection points. which is the standard curve shown at the top of Table 2 and in Fig. 8. The table lists the areas under the curve between 0 and various val ues of z. Since the curve is symmetric about zero, the tabulation lists values for only half the curve. Bear in mind that the total area beneath the curve is equal to unity. This tabulation is s ometimes called the z-distribution. The following examples illustrate the nature and use of the tabulated data. EXAMPLE 2 (a) What is the area under the curve between z (b) What is the si gnificance of this area? Solulion = - 1 .43 and z (a) From Table 2, read 0.4236. This represents half the area is 2 x 0.4236 = 0.8472. area = 1 .43? sought. Therefore, the tota l (b) The significance is that for data following the normal distribution, 84.72% of the populatio n lies within the range - 1 .43 < z < 1 .43. EXAMPLE 3 What range of x will contain 90% of the data? Solulion We need to find z such that 90%12 = 45% of the data lie between zero and +z; the other 45% will lie between -z and zero. Reading from Table 2, we find zo.4 S "" 1 .645 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 2: Areas under the Standard Nonnal Curve 0 z 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1 .2 1 .3 1 .4 1 .5 1 .8 1 .7 1 .8 1 .9 0.00 0.0000 0.0398 0.0793 0. 1 1 79 0. 1 554 0. 1 9 1 5 0.225 7 0.2580 0.1881 0.3 1 59 0.34 1 3 0.3643 0. 3849 0 .4032 0.4 1 92 0.4332 0.4452 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.119 0.0040 0.0438 0.0832 0.0080 0.0478 0.0 120 0 .0 1 60 0.0 1 99 0.0596 0.0987 0. 1 368 0.1 736 0.0239 0.0636 0. 1026 0. 1406 0. 1 772 0.0279 0.0675 0. 1064 0. 1443 0. 1 808 0.03 19 0.07 1 4 0. 1 103 0.1480 0. 1 844 0.0359 0.2123 0.2454 0.2 157 0.1190 0.25 17 0.3023 0.30.5 1 0.33 15 0.2486 0.2794 0.3078 0.3340 0.1823 0.3106 0.3365 0.3577 0.3790 0.3980 0.4 1 47 0.4192 0.3599 0.3810 0.3997 0.4 1 62 0.4306 0.3611 0.3830 0.40 1 5 0.4177 0.43 1 9 0.4406 0.45 1 5 0.4608 0.4686 0.4 750 0.44 1 8 0.4525 0.4616 0.4693 0.4429 0.4535 0.4625 0.4699 0.4761 0.4803 0.4808 0.4 850 0.444 1 0.4545 0.4633 0.4706 0.4767 0. 1591 0.0871 0. 1 25 5 0. 1 62 8 0 . 1 950 0. 1 985 0.12 17 0.2291 0.261 1 0.2910 0.3 1 86 0.20 1 9 0.235 7 0. 2704 0.2939 0. 31 1 2 0.2673 0. 2967 0.3238 0.2088 0.2422 0.2734 0.1995 0.3164 0.3189 0.3508 0 .3729 0. 3925 0.2642 0.2054 0.2389 0.4207 0.4 2 22 0.42 36 0.4099 0.425 1 0.4345 0.4357 0.4370 0.4382 0.4394 0.4495 0.459 1 0.4505 0.4463 0.4938 0.4953 0.4965 0.4974 0.4981 0.4940 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 0.4987 0.4987 0.4990 0.4991 0.4993 0.4995 0.4997 3.7 3.8 3.9 0.2324 0 . 3888 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.4998 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 o.5000' 0. 1 700 0.3531 0.3749 0.3944 0.4 1 1 5 0.4265 0.4778 0.4816 3.5 3.6 0.0557 0.094 8 0. 1 33 1 0.3485 0.3708 0.3907 0.4772 0.4821 0.4861 0.4893 0.49 1 8 0.4995 0.4997 0.09 1 0 0. 1 293 0.1664 0.3461 0.4564 0.4649 0.4993 0.05 1 7 0.3438 0.3665 0.3869 0.4049 0.4554 0.464 1 0.47 1 3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 z Second Decimal Place In z 0.47 19 0.4864 0.4896 0.4920 0.4955 0.4966 0.4975 0.4982 0.4998 0.4998 0.4999 0 .4999 0. 3686 0.4066 0.4082 0 .4474 0.4484 0.4573 0.4656 0.4726 0.4664 0 .467 1 0.4732 0.4783 0.4788 0.4738 0.4793 0.487 1 0.490 1 0 .487 5 0.4830 0.4868 0.4898 0.4922 0.494 1 0.4956 0.4582 0.4834 0.4925 0.4943 0.4957 0.4967 0.4976 0.4982 0.4968 0.4977 0.4983 0.4987 0.499 1 0.4988 0.4991 0.4994 0.4995 0.4994 0.4996 0.4997 0.4997 0.4998 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0 .4838 0.4904 0 .492 7 0.4945 0.4959 0.4969 0.497 7 0.4984 0.4988 0. 4992 0. 4994 0.4996 0.4997 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 0. 4999 • For z :!: 3.90. the areas are 0. 5000 10 foor decimal places. 52 0.4599 0.4678 0. 4 744 0.4798 0.4842 0.4878 0.4906 0.4 929 0.2764 0.3154 0.3770 0.3962 0.4 1 3 1 0.4279 0.4846 0.4881 0.4909 0.4931 0.4756 0.4884 0.491 1 0.4932 0.4946 0.4960 0.4970 0.4978 0.4984 0.4948 0.4961 0.4971 0.4979 0.4985 0.4971 0.4979 0.4985 0.4989 0.4992 0.4989 0.4992 0.4994 0.4996 0.4997 0.4989 0.4992 0.4995 0.4996 0.4997 0.4998 0.4999 0.4994 0.4996 0.4997 0.4999 0.4999 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 0.4 999 0.4999 0.4949 0.4961 0.4 8 12 0.4 854 0.4887 0.49 1 3 0.4934 0.4951 0.4963 0.4973 0.4980 0.4986 0.4990 0.4993 0.0753 0.1 14 1 0. 1 5 1 7 0. 1 879 0.2224 0.2549 0.1851 0.3 133 0.3389 0.4 8 1 7 0.4857 0.4890 0.4916 0.4936 0.4952 0.4964 0.4974 0.498 1 0.4 986 0.4990 0.4993 0.4995 0.4995 0.4996 0.499 7 0.4997 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data (by interpolation). Hence, since z = the range (µ, - zo.4scr ) or 6 (x - µ.)fer , 90% of the population should fall within < (µ. - l .645er ) < x < (µ, + Z0.4ser ) ( 12) x < (µ. + l.645er ) THEORY BASED ON THE SAMPLE In any real-life situation, we deal with samples from a population and not the population itself. Typically, our objective is to use average values from the sample to estimate the mean or standard deviation of the population. Thus, we would calculate the sample mean • x; L.,, x = "°' n _ = xi + x2 + + x. · · · ----- n Isl ( 1 3) as an approximation to the popu lation mean µ. and the sample standard deviation S, = / (x1 - .i) 2 + (x2 - .i)2 + n- l V · · · + (x. - .i)2 = (L:'=t xt) - n.i2 n-l ( 1 4) as an approx i mation to the population standard deviation er. Here n is the number of data in the sample. The denominator of the standard deviation, (n - I), is called the number of degrees of/reedom. 6 The difference between population and sample values is emphasized by the use of symbols for each: different For Population For Sample Mean er or er, Standard deviation Na1urally, we'd like to have some assurance that the sample mean and standard devia1ion accurately approximate the corresponding values for the population; more specifically, we'd like to have an estimate of the uncertainty in approximating µ. and er by .i and S, . A second objective i s often to infer the probability distribution of the population from that of !he sample. As it turns out, these two objectives can be accomplished independently for large samples. Conversely, for small samples (n < knowledge of the distribution is assumed in est imatin g 1he uncertainty of .i . 30), 6Thc basis for the number of degrees of freedom is the number of independent discrete dala lhat arc being cvaluaicd. In computing the sample average, i, all • dala arc independent However, the Slandard deviation ascs lhc rcsull or the previous caJculalion ror i, which is not independent or the remaining data. Thus. the number of s, : We divide by (• - t) rather than n. In other inslances, lhe I); Ille nlllllber of dcgn:cs of freedom is then reduced by two or three. Thc number of degrees of freedom is often denoted as •· dala may have been used to calculate two or llm:e necessary quantities (sec Section 7 and Appendix degrees ol freedom is reduced by one in calculating 53 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 3: Results of a 1 2-Hour Pressure Test Pressure, p, In MPa Number of Results, m I 3 12 25 33 17 6 2 3.970 3.980 3.990 4.000 4.0 1 0 4.020 4.030 4.040 4.050 6.1 An Example of Sampling During a 12-hour test of a steam generator, the inlet pressure is to be held constant at 4.00 MPa. For proper performance, the pressure should not deviate from this value by more than about 1 %. The inlet pressure was measured 100 times during the te:st. Various factors caused the readings to Huctuate, and the resulting data are listed in Tabh: 3. The resolution of the digital pressure gauge used wa� 0.001 MPa. The number of resulw, m, is the number o f readings falling in an interval of ±0.005 MPa centered about the listt:d pressure. A first step in assessing the dispersion of the pressure readings m ight be to plot a histogram of the readings, as in Fig. 9.7 A clear central tendency is ;apparent, as is the approximate width of the distribution. To quantify these values, we can compute p and SP (Table 4) to obtain p = 4.008 M Pa Sp = 0.0 1 4 MPa Is the distribution of readings Gaussian"! A simple test is just to s ubstitu te p and Sp for µ. and a in Eq. (6) and plot the resultant curve over the histogram. as in Fig. 9. (The vertical scale for the distribution has bee n arbitrarily increased, for purpose of comparison.) An eyeball comparison indicates an approximate fit, albeit not a perfect one. How good must the fit be in order that we can claim a Gaussian distribution and apply Gaussian results? Goodness of fit is a legitimate concern, which is addressed further in Section 7. I . Assuming that the population o f pressure readings i s in fact distributed, with p � µ. and Sp � a , the results of the previous section can be used to estimate the interval containing 95% of the pressure readings: µ. ± l .96a � p ± l .96Sp = 4.008 ± 0.027 MPa One objective of the pressure test was to verify that the pressure did not deviate from 4.00 MPa by more than I % = 0.04 MPa. In terms of the standard deviation, 0.04 MPa � 2.86a . For a Gaussian distribution, the probability of a 2.86a Huc11aation is about one chance in 240. 7The choice of bin widlh is, on the one hand, aibill1lr}'. bul on lhc Olherhand, ii can grcJ>lly affecl lhe appearance of the resulting graph. An empirical rule for the nwnberofintervals io plOI, N, is lhc Stu"'is rut.: N = I + J . J log"· for n lhe IOlal number of points. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data I I 30 ,., .... I I I I I I z \ \ \ \ \ � 10 3.96 3.98 4.00 4.02 Pressure. MPa 4.04 4.06 FIGURE 9: Histogram of the pressure data. Two final comments should be made. First, these data do not separate measurement pressure; however, the actual pressure fluctuations are unlikely to be larger than the combined variation from measurement error and real fluctua­ tions. Second, the analysis tells us nothing about possible hias errors in the readings. error from actual variations in the TABLE 4: Calculation of Sample Mean and Standard Deviation Pressure, p, ln MPa Number of Results, m 3.970 3.980 3.990 4.000 4 .0 1 0 4.020 4.030 4.040 4.050 I 3 12 25 33 17 6 2 L. p = 400.770 n = L. m = IOO p = 400.77/100 = 4.008 MPa dz Deviation, d -0.038 -0.028 -O.o J 8 -0 .008 0.002 0.0 1 2 0.022 0.032 0.042 L, d2 Sp = J 1 858 x 1 44.4 78.4 32.4 6.4 0.4 14.4 48.4 1 02.4 1 76.4 x = 1 858.0 x 1 0- S 1 0- s 1 0- s /99 = 0.0 1 4 MPa Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 6.2 Confidence Intervals for Large Samples The example in Section 6. 1 showed how we can assess the dispersion of sample values about the mean value of the sample. However, it did not yield an estimate for the uncenainty in using i as an approximation to the true mean µ,. In fact, we obtained from that sample only a single estimate for the mean value. If the pressure test were repeated and another I 00 points acquired, the new mean value would differ somewhat from the first mean value. If we repeated the test many times, we would obtain a set of samples for the mean pressure. These samples of the mean would also show a dispersion about a central value. A profound theorem of statistics shows that if 11 for each sampl e is very l arge the distribution of the mean values is Gaussian and that Gaussian distribution has a standard deviation Uj = ( 15) u/,/n This theorem (the Central Limit Theorem) applies for very large samples even if the distri­ bution of the underlying population is 11ot Gaussian [3). Armed with this important result, we can attack the uncenainty in our estimate that Since i is Gaussian distributed, with standard deviation Uj, it follows that i "" µ,. ( 16) where z is the same z-distribution gi ven in Table 2. Hence, following Example 3, we can assert that c% of all readings of .t will lie in the interval µ. ± lc/2 .;n u In other words, with c% confidence, the true m ean value, about any si n gle reading of i : _ .t - a lc/2 .,/ii < ( 1 7) µ,, u µ, < X + Zc/2 ,/ii _ lies in the following interval ( 18) This interval is termed a c% co11fidence illterval. Th e confidence interval suffers from only one limitation: a is usually unknown. However, a reasonable approximation to u is Sx when n is large. Thus, for l arge samples, standard practice is to set u "" S, i n estimating the confidence interval for i : ( 19) Often, the statrdard deviatio11 of the sample meQll , Sx . is introduced in this context: (20) 56 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 4 Determine a 99% confidence interval for the mean pressure calculated in Sec tion 6. 1 . Solution First evaluate Zc/2 P or µP = 4.008 - = Z0.495 = 2.575 � Z0.49S ../fi < µP from Table 2 . Then, wi th u "" Sp, � < P + Z0.4YS ../fi 14 MPa = 4.008 ± 0.0036 M Pa ± 2.575 0.0r.;v:. " 100 (99%) Note that this interval is much narrower than the dispersion of the data itself. because we are focusing on the accuracy of the estimate of the popula l io n mean. Equation ( 19) is appropriate when we want the uncertainty in using the sample mean, i, as an estimate for the population mean, µ. In contrast. the approach of Table I a nd Section 6. 1 is appropriate when we desire an estimate of the width of the population distri­ bution or the likelihood of observing a value that deviates from the mean by some particular amounl For instance, in Section 6. 1 we used Table I 10 esti m ate the interval containing 95% of all individual readings of p; in the last example, we estimated an interval con tain i ng 99% of all measurements of p. The c% co n fidence in1erval for the mean value is narrower than that of the data by a factor of I/ .,/Ti, because 11 observations h ave been used 10 average out the random deviations of individual measurements. 6.3 Confidence Intervals for Small Samples Equations ( 1 8) and ( 1 9) provide confidence intervals for the sa mp le mean, i . when o is known or can be approximated by S. , The condition u "' S, will generall y apply when the sample is "large," which, from a practical viewpoint, means n � 30. U n fort u natel y. in many engi neeri ng experiments, n is substantially less t han 30, and the preceding intervals are really not much he lp. An amateur statistician, writing under the pseudonym Student, addressed this mailer by considering the distribution of a quantity t , · i-µ (2 1 ) t = -- S, / .,/fi which replaces u i n Eq. ( 1 6) by S, . Student calculated the probability disiribution of the t-statistic under the assumplion that the underlying populatio11 satisfies the Gaiwi011 distribution. This PDF, /(t ) , is shown in Fig. 10. Note that the distribu1ion depends on !he number of samples taken, through the degrees offreedom, v = 11 I . Th e t·distribution i s qualitatively similar to the z d is t ri butio n . Th e PDF is symmetric about t = 0, and the lolal area beneath the distribution is again un i ty. Moreover, since the t-dislribulion is a PDF, the probability that t will lie i n a g iven i nt erval 12 ti is equal to - - - 57 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data f(t) FIGURE 10: Probabi l i ty distribution the area be neat h the c u rve between 12 and I t . As approaches the standard Gaussian PDF; for n for the t-statistic. (or v) becomes large, the I-distribution n > 30, the two distributions are identical. By analogy to the previous treatment of the z-distribution, the area beneath the 1- 5. However, in this case, the area a between t and I -+ oo is listed; selected areas are given for a range of sample si:res. Thus the airea a corresponds to the probabi lity, for a sample si:re of n = v + I, that t will have a valu e greater than that given in the table [Fig l l (a)] . Since the distribution is symmetric, a is also the probability that t has a value less than the negative of the tabulated value [Fi g l l (b)]. Conversely, we can assert with a confidence of c% = ( I - a) that the actual value of t does not fall in the shaded area (i.e., if a = 0.05, then c = 0.95 = 95%). distribution is tabulated in Table Often, we want a two-sided confidence interval for the mean x of a small sample. so This interval fol.lows directly from that both upper and lower bounds on the mean are stated. the preceding intervals; with a confidence of c%, the true mean value li1:s in the interval - X - la/2. • � ..[ii < f.L < - X � + 1af2 .• ..[ii (c%) (22) = I - c and v = n - I [Fig. I l (c)]. This equation is the smaJll-samplc analog of Sometimes, a is referred to as the leve l of significance. This confidence i n terval defines the precision uncertainty in the value x. From (22), the precision uncertainty in x is where a Eq Eq. ( 1 9). (23) at a confidence level of c%. This precision uncertainty is that needed for Eq. (4). Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Confidence Interval 0 t..• (a) 0 FIGURE 1 1: (b) -1.12.•. (c) 1.12.• Confidence intervals for the I-statistic: (a) one-sided, right, (b) one-sided, l eft, (c) two-sided. With interval. Confidence Interval -t. .• a con fidence of c% = (I - a), the value of t lies in the unshaded Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 5: Studenl's 1-Dislribution (Values of la, • ) 0 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 00 lo.015, • 3.078 lo.OS,• 3 . 1 82 1.476 2.353 2. 1 32 2.015 1 .440 1 .4 1 5 1 .943 1 .895 1.397 1 .383 1 .372,. 1 .886 1 .638 1 .533 6.3 14 1 2 706 4.303 2.920 . 2.776 2 57 1 t., lo.OI,• 3 1 .82 1 6.965 4.541 lo.oos, . 63.657 9.925 5.84 1 3.747 3 . 365 4.604 4.032 1 .833 1 .8 1 2 2.447 2.365 2.306 2.262 2.228 3. 143 2.998 2.896 2 .82 1 2.764 3.707 3.499 3.355 3 .250 3 . 1 69 1 . 363 1 .356 1 .350 1 .796 1 .782 1 .77 1 1 . 76 1 1 . 75 3 2.20 1 2. 1 79 2 . 1 60 2. 145 2. 1 3 1 2.7 1 8 2.68 1 2.650 2.624 2.602 3 . 1 06 3.055 1 .337 1 .333 1 .330 1 .328 1 .325 1 .746 1 .740 2. 120 2. 1 IO 2. 1 0 1 2.093 2.086 2.583 2 . 567 2.552 2.539 2.528 2.92 1 2 . 898 2.878 2.86 1 2.845 1 .323 1 .32 1 1 .3 1 9 1 .3 1 8 1 .72 1 1 .7 1 7 2.080 2.074 2.069 2.064 2.060 2.5 1 8 2.508 2.500 2.492 2.485 2.8 19 2.807 2.797 2.787 2.056 2.052 2.04 8 2.045 1 .960 2.479 2.473 2.467 1 .345 1 .34 1 1 .3 16 I .860 1 .734 1 .729 1 . 72 5 1 .7 14 1 71 1 . 1 .798 1 .3 1 5 1 .3 14 1 .3 1 3 1 .706 1 .703 1.701 1 .3 1 1 1 .282 1 .699 1 .645 . 60 2.462 2.326 3.0 1 2 2.977 2.947 2.83 1 2.779 2.77 1 2 .7 6 3 2.756 2.576 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 00 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 5 Twelve values in a sample have an average of .i and a standard deviat ion of Si. What is the 95% confidence i n terval for the true mean value µ.? , Solution The required level of significance is a = 1 - 0. 95 = 0.05 and the degree o f freed om i s 11 = 1 1 . The necessary value of t is la/2. v = lo.02s . 1 1 = 2.201 (from Table 5). Hence, the 95% confidence i nterval i s x - � 2.20 1 .;n < µ. < x + 2.20 1 - � .;n (95%) EXAMPLE 6 !-. A si mple postal scale of the equal-arm balance type, is s u ppl ied with 1 -, 2-, and 4-oz machined brass weights. For a quality check, the manufacturer randomly selects a sample of 14 of the I-oz weights and weighs them on a prec ision scale. The results, in ounces, are as follows: 1 .08 1 .0 1 0.97 1 .03 0.96 0.95 1 .04 0.98 0.99 1 .08 1 .00 0.98 1 .05 1 .0 1 Question: Based on this sample and lhe assu mpt io n that the parent population is normally d is tribu ted , what is the 95% confide nce interval for the population mean? Us i ng the t-test, we first ca lc u l ate the sam ple mean and standard deviation, with n = 14. They are, respec1ively, Solution .i = 1 . 009 oz and S, = 0.04 1 78 = 2. 1 60. From Tab le 5, for 11 = n - I = 1 3, we find Cal cu lati ng the two-sided confidence limits, we have ± to.02s. 13 S, 11 1 / 2 = to.oi s. 1 3 ±2. 1 60(0 .04 1 78) ( 1 4) 1 /2 = ±0 .024 1 2 Hence we m;iy wri te µ. = 1 .009 ± 0.024 oz, with a confidence of 95%. 6.4 Hypothesis Testing for a Single Mean for a S mall Sample Size (n ::: JO) We often find i t necessary to employ statistics in order to make certai n decisions regarding a measurand. For ex am p le consider the pressure mcasuremenls listed in Table 3. These measurements re prese nt a si n gl e sample con1aining I 00 pressure measu reme n1s ob1ained during a 1 2 ho u r period which produce a mean pressure o f 400.77 MPa. If additional s amples were 1aken, and the mean pressure of each sam ple obtained, the mean pressure ca n be assumed to be n ormally distributed based on lhe Central Limit Theorem. Often we are concerned whether the press ures observed are representative of a set poin t pressure of 4.00 MPa. One of the most commonly used methods for making such deci s ions is h ypothesi s testi ng Typically there are two hypotheses in a h ypo1hes i s test One h y pothesi s is called t he n111/ hypothesis and the other is often referred lo as the altemate hypothesis. , - . . 61 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data The first step in setting up a hypoth esis test is too choose the null hypothesis. S ince the hy pothesi s testing often refers to a si mple mean (although it can be used for any parameter) it takes the form (24) Ho : µ = µo the where µo is some constant specified valu e. The second step in h ypot hes is testing involves speci fy ing an afternate hypothesis. The choice of alternate hypothesis should reHect on what we are attempting to show. There are three possibilities for the choice of the al ternative hypothesis . 1. Two-tailed test: If we are p ri m ari ly concerned with determining whether a popu lati on mean, µ, is di ffere nt from a specific value, µo, then the alternate hypothesis should read as (25) 2. Left-tailed test: If we are primarily concerned with determining whether a popu lation mean, µ, is less than a specific value, µo, it should read as (26) Ha : µ < µo Finally if we want to determine whether a pop•ulation mean. µ, is greater than µo, it should read as 3. Right-tailed test: (27) We can construct useful graphi ca l representations of h ypothes is testi ng :as sh ow n in Fig. 12. Reject : Ho : ---. . -t..n Do not reject Ho 0 Two telled : Reject : Ho ' t.i:i Reject : Do not reject Do ncll reject Ho : Reject Ho : � L �. Ho : -t. 0 0 Left tailed Pl lght tailed Confidence level = 1 - a 11 • degrees of freedom • n - 1 t"" s i - P-o s.1rn /Joo = value specified in Ho FIGURE 1 2: Criteria for the rej ection of the null h ypothesis . 62 I,, Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data For lhe applicalion of hypothesis testing, we must perform the following steps: I. Define bolh the null and alternate hypothesis. 2. Define a level of confidence, c%. 3. Calculate the value of lex p from the data. 4. From Table 5 determine the proper value of lex, • using lhe degrees of freedom v. S. If '•• P falls in the reject Ho region, we reject Ho and accepl the alternate hypolhesis H• . 6. I f '•• P falls i n lhe d o not reject Ho region, w e conclude that we d o nol have suffi­ cient dala to reject Ho at the level of confidence specified. (The strongest statistical scaccmenc occurs when we can reject Ho and accept Ha .) EXAMPLE 7 Using che data of Example 6, determine if the sample of 14 of the I -oz weights comes from a population of weights whose true mean weight is greater than 1 .00 oz, assuming a confidence level of 99%. Solution Ho : Ha : I up /.L /.L = l .OO oz � l .OO oz i - v = ( 14 la. • /.LO - Sx/Jn = - - 1 .009 1 .000 0 806 0.04178/v'f4 - . 1) = 1 3 lo.01 , CJ = 2 . 650 Since chis is a right tailed test and le•p falls in the do not reject Ho region, we conclude lhat the 99% confidence level lhat the population mean wa� not significantly differenl lhan l .OO oz. 6.5 Hypothesis Testing for a Single Mean for a Large Sample Size (n :::: 30) For a l arge sample size, the six steps listed in Section 6.4 are followed exactly excepl lhat la. . . is replaced by la and 10,p is replaced by i - µo = Sx/ Jn Zexp (28) Figure 1 2 can now be interpreted as the similar criteria for rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis when th e la . .. limits are replaced by Za · Assess ing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 8 From the pressures in Table 3, can we conclude that the experimental data obtained indicate a target press ure of 4.00 MPa at a confidence level of 99%? Solution : µ. 4.00 MPa : µ. f. 4.00 MPa i - 4.00 MPa 4.008 - 4.000 = Sx / 0.0 14/,/100 Ho = Ha Since n � = Zexp 30 we use ::l:Za/2 as our limits. From Table 2. Zar.z s = 2.575 I I I I I I -2.575 2.575 Reject Ho : Since l ex p is in the reject = 5.714 zo.oos = 2.575. : Reject Ho 5.714 Ho region, we reject Ho and accept H0 • indicate that the target pressure of 4.00 MPa is not being accurately Thus, the data con trol led based on a confidence level of 99%. 6.6 The t-Test Comparison of Sample Means If we wish to compare two samples solely on the basis of their me a ns , we can u se the following form of F.q. (2 1 ) (4): (29) in which i t . Si . n t and i2 . S2 , 11 2 are the means, standard deviations and sizes of the two respective samples. This value of t is compared to the i n ter va l which a is for an arbitrarily chosen confidence level ( I be approximated by the fol low i ng e x pressio n : II = where 11 is rounded down to the Section mea ns . ::l:t.. 12.u fou nd in Table 5, i n - a). Thc degn.."C of freedom 11 m ay ((sf /11 1 ) + (Si/112)) 2 2 (sf f n i ) 2 (sif 11 2 ) --- + --n1 - I 112 nearest i n tege r [4]. 6.4 can be used here to determi ne specific 64 (29a) -I test ing procedures of conditions regarding the two samp le The hypot hesis Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 9 An apartment manager wishes to determine if the lifetimes arc different, under similar conditions, for two major brands of l ig ht bulbs. In the following s am p l e data, the lifetime is i n months. Bulb A Bulb B Solulion 7.2, 7.6, 6.9, 8.2, 7.3, 7.8, 6.6, 6.9, 5.5, 7.4, 5.7, 6 . 2 7.5, 8.7, 7.7, 7.5, 6.7, 1 1 .2, 7.0, 10.7, 7.0. 8.6. 6. 1 . 6.3. 7.8, 8.7, 6. 1 ta ard deviations of each sample, we find When we calculate the means and s nd Bulb A Bulb B iA = 6.94 mo is = 7.84 mo SA = 0.82 mo Ss 1 .53 mo nA = 12 ns = 15 = Th e hypothesis t o be tested i s Ho : iA Ha : iA = is 1' is This results i n a two-tailed test as illustrated in Figure 12. From Eq. (29a) we detennine the degrees of freedom [(0.82)2/ 1 2 + ( 1 .53) 2 / 15] 2 [<0.82)2/ 12] 2 [(t .53) 2 /15] 2 + 12 - 1 15 - 1 "" 22 (rounded down) v= (29) we calculate.the test statistic 6.94 - 7.84 = J(0.82) / 1 2 + ( l .53)l/ t5 = I . 954 fc:xp 2 For a confidence level ( I a) = 0.95, we find the critical values of I from Table 5 to be and from Eq. - - ±10.os12.n = ±10. 02s.22 = ±2.074 e ec t Ho reg ion . we conclude that there is not a s ign i fic a nt difference in the l i feti mes of bu l bs A and B at a 95% confidence level. [For c om paring large sample means (v > 30), we simply replace I in Eq. (29) by z . I Since the val ue of '••P falls within the do not r j 7 THE CHI-SQUARE (x2) DISTRIBUTION A variable is considered to have a chi-square distribution if its distribution has the shape of a right-skewed curve as shown in Fig. 13. The tota l area under the curve is 1 .0: and as the degrees of freedom , v, becomes large, the chi-square d i stri but i on approaches a symmetric distribution which resembles the normal distribution. Table 6 presen ts the values of X 2 for various values of a and v. 65 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data FIGURE 13: Probabi l i ty distributions for the x 2 -statist ic . The chi-square goodness-of-lit-test statistic is defined as k x = L., i=L 2 where " (01 - E; E; ) 2 (30) = observed frequency = e x pected frequency k = total number of variables being compared O; E; v=k- 1 Since the chi-square statistic x 2 , is by de fi n i ti on a positive value, a right-tailed test is applied for hypothesis testi ng (see Fig. 14). Note that when the observed frequencies approach the expected frequencies the value of x 2 approach es zero. , Do nol reJecl Ho ' AejeCI ---1--- FIGURE 14: x 2 Criteria Ho for rejecting th e null hypothes is . Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 6: x 2 -Distribution (values xJ.• > a • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 xJ.99s 0.000 0.0 1 0 0.072 0.207 0.4 1 2 0.676 0.989 xJ.99 xJ.91S xJ.9s xJ.os xlois xJ.0 1 6.635 xJ.oos 7 .378 9.2 1 0 10.597 9.488 9.348 1 1 . 1 43 1 1 .345 1 3.2TI 1 1 .070 12.832 1 5.086 12 .592 16. 8 1 2 1 8.548 14.067 14.449 1 6.0 1 3 1 8.475 20.278 20.090 2 1 .666 23.209 2 1 .955 0.00 1 0.004 3 . 84 1 5.024 0.05 1 0. 1 03 5 . 99 1 0. 1 15 0.297 0.2 1 6 0.352 7.815 0.484 0.554 0.83 1 0.7 1 1 1 . 1 45 0.872 1 .239 1 .237 1 .635 1 .690 2. 1 67 0.000 0.020 1 .646 7.879 1 2.838 14.860 16.750 2. 1 80 2.733 1 .735 2.088 2.700 3.325 15.507 16.9 1 9 1 7.535 1 9.023 2. 1 56 2.558 3.247 3.940 1 8 . 307 20.483 2.603 3.074 3.053 3.57 1 4. 1 07 3.8 1 6 4.404 4.575 19.675 2 1 .920 23.337 24.736 24.725 26.757 5.226 26. 2 1 7 27.688 28.300 29.8 1 9 29. 1 4 1 30.578 3 1 .3 1 9 32.80 1 1 .344 23.589 25. 1 88 4.660 5.009 5.892 2 1 .026 22.362 5.229 5.629 6.262 6.57 1 7.26 1 23.685 24.996 26. 1 1 9 27.488 5 . 1 42 5.8 1 2 6.908 7.962 26.296 28.845 32.000 34.267 5.697 6.265 6.408 7.0 1 5 7.633 7.564 8.672 27.587 30. 1 9 1 33.409 35.7 1 8 8.23 1 8.907 9.380 10. 1 1 7 28.869 37. 1 58 36. 1 9 1 38.582 8.260 8.59 1 1 0.85 1 3 1 .526 32.852 34. 1 70 34.805 30. 144 3 1 .4 1 0 37.566 39.997 8.034 8.897 1 0.283 1 1 .59 1 32.67 1 35.479 38.932 4 1 .40 1 8.643 9.542 10.982 1 2.338 36.78 1 40.289 42.796 9.260 1 0. 196 1 0.856 1 1 .689 12.401 1 3.09 1 1 3.848 33.924 35. 1 72 36.4 1 5 87.652 38.076 39.364 40.646 4 1 .638 42.980 44. 1 8 1 45.558 44.3 14 46.928 38.885 40. 1 1 3 4 1 .923 43. 1 94 45.642 48.290 46.963 49.645 3.565 4.075 4.60 1 6.844 7.434 9.886 1 0.520 1 1 .524 13. 1 20 14.6 1 1 1 1 . 1 60 1 1 .808 1 2. 198 13.844 1 4.573 1 5.379 1 2 .46 1 1 3. 565 15.308 16.928 4 1 . 337 44.46 1 48.278 50.993 13.121 14.256 1 4.953 16.047 1 7.708 42.557 18 .493 43.773 49.588 50.892 52.336 16.79 1 45.722 46.979 1 3 .787 12.879 16. 1 5 1 53.672 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 1 0 A pair o f dice are tested t o determi ne if they are "true." W hen lhe dice ar e lossed, the face-up sum total i s read. After 360 such tosses. the results shown in lhe following table were obtained: Face-Up Sum Frequency 2 3 8 25 29 42 53 55 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 46 11 12 22 39 29 12 Determine if the d ice are tru e a t the 99 % confidence level. Solution In this case, the null hypothesis and alternate hy pothes is are Ho : Frequencies are the same Ha : Frequencies are different We can form the following table using the expec ted distribution shown in Fig. 6: Face-Up Sum Expected Observed Frequency Frequency 10 20 30 8 2 3 4 5 25 29 42 53 55 46 39 29 22 12 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 40 50 60 50 40 30 20 10 Th e experimental x 2 -statistic is 2 Xexp = (8 - J 0) 2 (25 - 20) 2 ( 0; - E; ) 2 � L., + _ •=• = 3.358 E-' JO 20 + ... ( 1 2 - J 0)2 + JO Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data For a 99% confidence level, a = 1 - I = 10. is v = k - Thus, since 7.1 0. 99 = 0.01 ; and the number of degrees of freedom Therefore the appropriate x 2 -statistic is = 23.209 x1xp < xJ.o1. to• the dice arc true at the 99% confidence level. Goodness of Flt Based on the Gaussian Distribution As staled previously, distribution of experimental data often abides by the Gaussian form expressed by Eq. (6). One must keep in mind. however. that this approximation is not always justified. For example, fatigue strength data for some metals approximate the so­ called Weibull distribution; other distributions are described in the Suggested Readings at the end of the article. Since a given set of data may or may not follow the assumed distribution and since, at best, the degree of adherence can be only approximate, some estimale of goodness offit should be made before critical decisions are based on statistical error calculations. In the following paragraphs, we discuss tests of fit that may be applied to the common Gaussian distribution, Eq. (6). Al the outset we advise the reader that there is no absolute check in the sense of producing some perfect and indisputable figure of merit. At best, a qualifying level confidence must be applied, with the final acceptance or rejection left to the judgment of the experimenter. The simplest method is simply to plot a histogram and to "eyeball" the result: Yes, the distribution appears 10 approximate a bell shaped one; or no, it does not. This approach can easily result in misleading conclusions. The appearance of the histogram can sometimes be altered radically, simply by readjusting the number of class intervals. A second method, which is relatively ea�y and much more effective is to make a graphical check using a 11ormal probability plot. This technique requires a special graph paper8 available from most boo kstores that deal in technical supplies. One axis of the graph represents the cumulative probability (in percent) of the summed data frequencies. The other must be scaled to accommodate the range of data values in the sample. The more nearly the data plots as a straight line and the more nearly the mean corresponds to the 50% point, the belier the fit to normal distribution. '!be fi nal detennination is subjective; it depends on the judgment of the experimenter. Considerable deviation from a straight line should raise serious doubts as to the value of any Gaussian-based calculations, particularly the significance of the calculated standard deviation. The following example demonstrates the procedure. EXAMPLE 1 1 We will illustrate the graphical method by using the data of pressures given i n Table Solution In treating these data we will arbitrarily center our class intervals, or bins, on the mean and will assume eight intervals. each 0.0 1 0 M Pa in width. Using these ground rules, we prepare Table 7. 8 Scc 3. re (erenc..-e (5), page 25, for directions for preparing one's own normal probability paper. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 7: Pressure Data or Table 3 Arranged ror a Nonna! Prob.ability Plot A 3.965 3.975 3.983 3.995 4.005 4.0 1 5 4.025 4.035 4.045 B c D I I 1 .0 1 3 4 25 16 41 12 33 17 6 2 r 4.04 1 6. 1 6 74 91 97 4 1 .4 1 74.75 9 1 .92 97.98 99 100 99.00 1'00.00 A = l..imics o n class intervals, arbiuarily Lake n as 0.010 MPa. II = Number or daca items lall in& within respective class inwvals. c = Cumulalive number or data items. D � Cumulalive number of data items ia percenL •A rule or 1humb often wed is to discard lllbittarily any dala !ailing oulSidc " ±3Sx limit. Theon:tically. di.scanling OUl-ol-tolerance items could make a ieadjusunent or lhe mean and lhe standard devillion necessary. In lllis panicular case, Ille changes would be so slight as IO make lhe additional wort unprofillble. The ordinate of the graph is in terms or the upper limit or each interval. This quantity correlates with the cumulative values, which are plotted as the abscissa. Data from column A are plotted versus the percentages in column D, yielding Fig. 15. To plot either 0 or 100% is impossible. For this reason, and also because either absence or presence of even one extra data point in the extreme intervals unduly distorts the plot, the two endpoints are generally given little consideration in making a final judgment. On the basis of Fig. I 5, we can distribution. Figure 16 say that the pressure data show a reasonalbly good Gaussian IM• discerned from a illustrates the general discrepancies that may non-straight-line normal probability plot and their c.auses. 2 Another common test for goodness of fit is based on the x -distrihution. Implemen­ tation of the method requires considerable data manipulation and, as with other methods, a judgment on the pan of the experimenter. ln addition, the method does not lend itself well to small samples of data. The usual practice is to divide the test data into a reasonable number of class intervals, or bins, to determine the number of observations O; in each interval, and expected number E; of data items. The expected a "standard," the source of which depends on the objective of the then to compare these numbers with an numbers are based on test. If the test is to determine the normalcy of test data then the standard is the normal probability distribution. On the other hand, the standard may simply be ;inother set of data that, in terms of an objective, is considered satisfactory; for example, how well do test data fit a standard norm? Definite limitations apply : I. The origi nal. experimentally determined values of 01 must be numerical counts. They arc integer freq11encies; fractional events do not occur. 70 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 4.04 4.02 3.98 - 3.96 - - - - - 0% ._........ .. .... ... ._... .. ...... ___..__..__.__._...._._ .. .._..__..__.___._.._..___.._.__. 0.01 0. 1 5 10 3 0 so 70 90 CUllUative % data items 98 99.8 99.99 FIGURE 1 5 : Normal probability plot of data listed in Table 7. Symmetrjc:al bu t w Hh too great a proportion of points dlslributed near the mean 1% 50% 99% FIGURE 16: Graphical effects of data skew and offset as displayed on a nonnal probability plot Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE B: Pressure Data of Table 3 Arranged for a x 2-Test Observed Frequency, Pressure, O; in MPa 3.965 Expected Frequency, E1 0.80 3.975 4. 14 3.985 12 12.57 25 20.06 33 31 .47 17 19.63 6 8.54 2 2.27 3.995 4.005 4.015 4.025 4.035 4.045 2. Frequency values for O; in each bin should be equal to or greater than to unity. There no unoccupied bins. The use of x2 is usually questioned if20% of the values in either the O; or the E; cells or bins have counts less than 5. Often the cells or b i ns can be combined to eliminate the problem. should be 3. For the data in Table 7 the "observed values," O; , are those in column B. To determine the "expected values," E; , we must define a Gauss ian distribution having a mean pressure, p, of 4.008 MPa and a standard deviation, of 0.014 MPa, which are the mean pressure and the standard deviation of the data. Now using the values of p, s,. and n with Table 2 we can compute E; shown in Table 8. Finally, because several of the 8 bins have fewer than 5 members, we combine the first two and the last two before computing x;.p . so that k = 6. Applying Eq. (30) and assuming a = 0.05 and v = k 3 = 3, Sp. - 2 Xexp _ - = � ( 0; L., i•I 4. 1 5 x; = xJ.ou .• - E; = E; ) 2 _ - (2 - 4.94)2 + 4.94 + . . . + (8 - 10.8 1 )2 I0.8 1 7.8 15 Since x;.p < x: with reference to Fig. distributed at the 95% confidence level. .•. 1 2.57)2 1 2.57 (12 - 14, we conclude that the pressure data are normally 72 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Of special importance is the fact that v = k - 3. This is because the number of bins, the mean, and the standard deviation were chosen from the experimental dala. 8 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS BY COMPUTER Slatistical analysis can often involve very large sets of dala or require the application of a broad range of statistical tests. Consequently, a number of statistical software packages have been developed to assist in data analysis. Commercially marketed versions include MINITAB9 and SPSS. 1 0 Packages such as these are available for use on machines ranging from mainframes lo personal computers. The slatistical methods of the preceding sections were developed in the last century to reduce the laborious calculations that would otherwise be required in drawing statistical conclusions from samples. These methods are possible largely because the population's probability distribution has been assumed known. However, the digital computer makes detailed slatistical computations easier. As a result, some current statistical research is directed toward using computer methods to relax lhe assumptions associated with classi­ cal slatistics. For example, can we determine small-sample confidence intervals without assuming that the population is Gaussian distributed? 9 BIAS AND SINGLE-SAMPLE UNCERTAINTY Precision error in repeat-sampled data reveals its own distribution, enabling us to bound its magnitude using slalistical me1hods. Bias error. by virtue of its syslematic nature, provides no direct evidence of either its magnilude or ils presence. The only direct method for uncovering bias error in a measurement is by comparison with mea�ufCments made using a separate, and presumably more accurate, apparatus. Unfortunately, a second set of apparatus is seldom used owing to cost and time conslraints. lns1ead, we rely on knowledge of our own equipment to make estimales for the likely sizes of bias errors. Es1imation of bias uncertainly relies heavily on experience and on an underslanding of calibration accuracy and dimensional tolerances. Even wilh such experience and underslanding. unexpected sources of bias error can be overlooked. Diligence, persisten ce, and careful examination of onc·s results are essential in identifying and eliminating such errors. Estimates of bias uncertainty should be accompanied by odds or a confidence level (6). Unlike slatistical confidence levels. odds for bias uncertainty cannot be rigorously deter­ mined. The level of confidence assigned is a product of our knowledge of the system, reftec1ing our assessment of the fraction of bias errors likely to land within the uncertainty interval. Sometimes lhe lerrn coverage is used in place of confidence to reflect lhe empirical na1ure of these estimales in contrast 10 those derived using s1a1is1ical methods. We have previously discussed general sources of bias error. Lei's look at a few in more detail. Dala reduction oflen requires knowledge of physical properlies , sys1em dimensions, or electrical characleristics. For example, a Oowme1er mcasuremenl may depend on the density of waler and a tube diameter; an amplifier gain may depend on l he value of a resistor. Differences between !he assumed values of these components and !heir actual values can systematically shift all data taken, creating a bias error. 9 MlNITAB is registcn:d to Minitab. lnc .. 308 1 Enlerprise Drive, State College, PA. t680 1 . I OsPSS is a n:gistercd tradematk of SPSS. Inc . . 444 N. Michigan Avenue. Chicago. IL. 606 1 1 . 73 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Reference standard (may involve a number of Identifiable uncartanties) RGURE 17: Proper matching System being I ndicaled readout (commonly involves ancillary apparatus) calibrated to be compared with Uia 'known' Input Block diagram showing calibration proc:edure. To find water's density, the temperature is specified and a tabulated handbook value is taken, giving. for example, 998 kg/ml . Inaccuracy or ambiguity in the specified temperature may cause a bias uncertainty in density of 2 kg/ml , for instance. This uncenainty may cover 95% of the temperature range we expect is possible for the system. This inaccuracy will :rysrematically affect all data reduced using the particular value of density. Similarly, the nominal diameter of a pipe may differ from lhe production diameter by a percent or so: and a manufacturer's rated value for a resistor can vary substantially from the resistor's actual resistance. For carbon resistors, the manufacturing lo.lerance may be ±5% or ± I 0%; for higher-quality, metal-film resistors, the tolerance may be: ±0.01%. Typically, these tolerances might represent 95% coverage-that is, the variation of95% of all resistors. Potential sources of error such as these remain unchanged for each meaisuremenl made with the system. lf lhe uncenainty related to a manufacturing tolerance is unacceptably large, taking our own measurement of the specific pan can usually reduce the uncertain1:y substantially. The uncenainty in a resistor's value can be reduced to the accuracy of the ohmmeter measuring it; or a pipe's diameter can be measured to the accur.icy of a set of calipers. Physical propeny data can also measured, if need be, although it is more common to trust the carefully determined handbook values. be Calibration uncertainty is another very common source of bias u ncenainly. Calibra­ tion requires a reference or standard against which system response can be compared. The reference may be fixed or one-valued, such as the triple point of waler or the other triple points and melting points used to define the practical temperature scak,. Alternatively, the standard may be capable of supplying a range of inputs comparable to the range of the system, as do various commercially available voltage references. Naturally, the uncenainty of the standard should be considerably less than that of the system being calibrated. A rule of thumb is that the uncertainty of the standard should be no more than one-tenth that of the system being calibrated. Figure 17 shows a typical calibration arrangement. Normally, the i ndicated readout is compared to the reference standard and a relation between the two is detennined. Sometimes the readout scale can be adjusted until agree ment with the standard is .ob·tained; sometimes a line lit is used lo relate the readout to the standard's value. In eith1�r case, additional uncenainty appears in the comparison and adjustment process. Instrument manufacturers often supply calibration data with their products, which can assist in estimating the uncenainty of the instrument. For example, a particular position transducer is rated al 0.8 V output per millimeter of sensor displacement. The manufacturer has not specified the calibration uncenainty directly. However, we might assume that the uncenainty is roughly 0.05 V/mm, since this is the apparent resolution of the calibration. The coverage is also unknown, but our experience using the device may :suggest that 90 to 74 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 95% coverage is a reasonable assumption. If necessary, we could reduce the uncertainly by conducting our own calibration. Examples of estimating bias uncertainty are given in Section I I . 9.1 Single-Sample Precision Uncertainty When only one, two, or three repeal observations are made, the confidence intervals calcu­ lated stalislically can be quite large. In that circumstance, you may delennine a narrower range for !he mean value by ucaling precision errors like bias errors and es1imaling a slandard deviation based on your knowledge of the instruments. For example, random varialions in lest conditions may cause a digital mullimeler (DMM) reading 10· ftuc1ua1e; bul if lhe reading is made only once, the random variation simply produces an overall range of uncertainly for the !rue value of !his variable. The uncertainly (at 19 : 1 odds) is twice 1he standard deviation of lhe lest condition. In olher words, ± 1 .960' :::::. ±2u will cover 95% (or 19 oul of 20) of !he readings made. If, on the other hand, lhe same measuremen1 is made several limes, !he random variations can be averaged oul, and stalislics can be used 10 place a narrower bound on the mean value. We can conslruct the single-sample estimate a little more fonnally. We begin by estimating u as a value (u,, say) that is based on our knowledge of lhe experimental system. Thus, we are assuming that u of the population is known, and, with Eq. ( 1 8), the precision uncertainty can be estimated as (3 1 ) With a single reading, n = I , so !hat no averaging is perfonned to reduce the uncertainly. · Taking a 95% confidence level, Z0.95/2 = 1 .96 and Px :::::. 1 .960', (95%) (32) The polential precision error underlying a single measuremenl of a random variable can usually be eslimated from your knowledge of how finely an insirumenl will resolve, of how precisely an instrumenl may repeal a reading, or of how much !he lesl condition ftuctuales. Often, these estimates can be made in advance of perfonning the experiment, in order to gauge !he expecled uncertainly in lhe result Section I I includes an example of single-sample uncertainty analysis. 10 PROPAGATION OF UNCERTAINTY Often several quanlilies are measured, and the results of those measurements are used to calculate a desired result. For example, experimental values of density are usually determined by dividing the measured mass of a sample by the measured volume of that sample. Each measurement includes some uncertainty, and these uncertain1ies will create an uncertainly in the calculated result. What is that uncertainly? Finding the uncertainty in a resull due to uncertainties in the independenl variables is called finding the propagation ofuncertainty. For uncenain1ies in !he independent variables, the procedure resls on a statistical theorem that is exact for a linear function y of several independent variables x; with standard deviations u; ; lhe theorem states that the standard 75 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 2 + . . (�an) 2 2 �a ) (�a1 ( ) axn ax2 2 ax, deviuioo of y is O'y = ... . + + (33) y Likewise, a calculated result is a func1ion of several independent measured variables, {xi . x1, , Xn ; for example, density is a function of mass and volume. Each measured wlue has some uncenainty, and these uncenainties lead lo an uncenainty in y, which we call • To estimate 1 , we assume that each uncertainty is small enough that a first-order Taylor expansion of y(x1 , . , Xn ) provides a reasonable approximation: y(1 1 + U J , ) {u1 , u2 , . . . , Un ) u xi, .12 + u2 , . . . , Xn + Un) "" y(x 1 . x2, . . . .. uy , Xn ) + ay ax1 -u 1 + ay ay axn ax2 u 2 + · · · + -Un (34) Under Ibis approximation, y is a linear function of the independent variables. Now we can apply the theorem, assuming that uncenainties will behave much like standard deviations: Uy = ( �u 1 ) 2 ax1 + 2 (�u ax2 2 ) + · · · ( )2 + � ax. un (n : l ) (35) Here, all uncertainties must have the same odds and must be independent of each other. This approach was established by S. J. Kline a nd F. A. McClintock in 1 95 3 [6). The uncertain t ies u;, may be either bias uncenainties or precision uncertainties. Nonnalty, the bias uncenainties and precision uncenainties in y are propagated separately. The overall uncenainty, U1 , is then calculated by combining 81 and Py using Eq. (4). Section 1 1 .2 illustrates this proced u re. Equation (35) can be simplified w he n y has ccnain common functional forms, as shown in lhe following examples. , EXAMPLE 12 Suppose that y has the form y = Ax1 + Bx2 arul lhai lhe uncertainties in xi and .<2 are known with odds of n : I . What is the uncenainty in y7 Solution Using Eq. (35), (n : I ) (36) For additive functions, the absolute uncertainties in each term are combined in root-mean­ square (rms) sense. 76 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 13 Suppose that y has th e form X 2 y = A -1_ m.ln and that the uncertainties in uncertainty in y ? x� x 1 , x2 . and x3 are k no w n with odds of n I. What is 1he Solution Using Eq. (35), Uy = (n : I ) so that, for this case, �= )' For ( )2 ( ) + (k -U3 ) 2 Ut m- "2 n- + -<2 .q 2 X3 (n : I) multiplicative functions, 1he fractional uncertain1ies are combined in an rms weighting factors, m, n, and k. in Eq. (37) and !heir sources . (37) sense. Note carefull y the Normall y, each source of error is independenl of !he 01her sources. The errors will 1heir maximum values simultaneously. For that reason, Eq. (35) combines 1he uncertain1ies in a root-mean-square sense. In so me situations, however, various sources of u nce rt ai nty are not independent. Dependent errors should be added together, before combining them in 1he rool-mean-square sense with other independent sources of error. no! all be of the same sign, nor will !hey 11 1 1 .1 all lake on EXAMPLES OF UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS Rating Resistors EXAMPLE 14 with color-cod�'<! bands t hat specify their nomi nal resistance. actual resistance of each resistor varies randomly aboul the nominal value, owi ng to manufac tu ring varialions. The percentage variation in the resistance of the population of Carbon resis1ors ar e painted The 77 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data resistors is referred to as the tolerance of the resistors. For commercial carbon resistors, this variation is 5, I 0, or 20%. A lab technician has just received a box of2000 resistors. As a result of a production error, the color-coded bands have not bee n painted on this lot. To determine the nominal resistance and tolerance, the technician selects I 0 resistors and measures their resistances with a digital multimeter. His results are as tabulated. Resistance (kS2) Number I 18. 1 2 1 7.95 18. 1 7 1 8.45 16.24 17.82 16.28 16.32 1 7.9 1 1 5.98 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Whal is the nominal value of the resistors? What is the uncertainty in that value? Consider both precision and bias uncertainty. Can you estimate the tolerance? Solution The precision error in the resistors can be averaged lo find a 95% confidence inte..Val. From the tabulated data, R = 17.32 k!:2 SR = 0.982 kQ The mean resistance, R = 17.32 kO, is clearly the apparent nominal value of the resistors. To find the uncertainty in this mean value, both the precision and the bias uncer­ tainties must be estimated. Consider the precision uncertainty first. From Table 5 with 11 = IO - I = 9 and a = ( I - 0.95)/2 = 0.025, Applying ta .• = to.025. 9 = 2.262 Eq. (22), the (unbiased) population mean, µ R , is in the range M = R - ± la, v .,(ii SR = 1 7.32 ± 2.262 0.982 r.;; " 10 = 17.32 ± 0.70 kO kO (95%) However, this answer accounts for only precision error, specifically, PR = 0.70 kO. What is the bias uncertainty in lhis result? The manual for the DMM describes its calibration; possible bias uncertainty (from temperature drift, connecting-lead resistances, and other sources) is rated as ±(0.5% of reading + 0.05% of full scale + 0.2 0) 78 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data The confidence is not given, but we shall assume it to be The full-scale readi ng of the meter is 20 kn, and after evaluating the tenns and summing, the meter's bias uncertainty can be estimated as 95%. BR = ±96 . 8 0 = ±0.10 (95%) 0.005 kO Notice that the reading error in the DMM scale is only kO, which is much lower than the actual uncertainty in the DMM reading! This DMM has relativel y high resolution and precision but much lower accuracy. The total uncertai n ty in the mean of the population is, from Eq. (4), UR = (BR + PR) ] 1/2 [(0.10)2 + (0 70) 0.7 1 (95%) UR = 0.7 1 (95%), 2 = = t/2 2 . 2 kO kO The uncertainty of the nominal value is kO or about The precision uncertainty in the mean is the major source of uncertainty. On the other hand, if a sample of 1000 resistors were used , the precision uncertainty would be reduced by a factor of ten (why?), and the bias uncertainty would be dominant. The tolerance of the resistors remains to be found. What we'd like is an estimate of the percentage deviation from the nomi nal value which includes, say, of the resistors. One approach is to note of a Gaussian population lies within of the population mean µ (see Table 1 ). On that basis, we could approximate O'R "' and "' R, so that that 95% Tolerance % = ±4%. 95%96a ±l. SR /LR l.96aR "' l.9�SR 1.96 · 0·982 0.111 17.32 /L R 10%, R = = that is, a tolerance of % (or about si nce that's the nearest production tolerance). In a manufacturing situation, e ng i neers are usually more interested in estimating an interval that is certain to contain at least some percentage b of the population. For example, the man ufactu rer might wish to report, with confidence, that b of resistors will have resistances within some specific range of resi stances . As it turns out, the approach used in the preceding paragraph is a very poor way to estimate such tolerance limits, because it ignores the inaccuracy of SR an d R as estimates of the population's O'R and Although of a Gaussian population lies in the interval ± that is not true of the interval R I For example, our estimate of the mean has a pr s ion uncertainty; this means that the interval likely to contain of the population should be broadened by something like an additional of R beyond R ± I A proper estimate of tolerance must allow for this uncertainty as well as that in O'R . More advanced statistical methods show that, at a confidence of the tolerance interval or the population is almost twice as large as th at estimated previously (i.e., the interval that is certain to contain at least µ ± turns out to be R After this extended disc uss ion, it may interest you to learn that the resistors actually tested were nominally kO with a tolera nce of 11 c% c = 95% /LR· 95% ± .96SR. [3) l.96a 18 = 95% /J.R l.96aR,4% eci ±4% 95% .96SR. 95%, 95% 95% ± 3.532SR). 10%. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 1 1 .2 Expected Uncertainty for Rowmeter Calibration EXAMPLE 1 5 Obstruction meters such as venturis and orifice plates are commonly u sed to measure the steady How rates of fluids. Tables of emp irical calibration coefficients, K, are avail able for use in theoreti cally based relationships. (38) This tec hniq ue provides a means of measur i ng llow rate in te rms of the pressure drop across the obstruction. The pu bli shed coe ffi cie nts w i l l yie ld approxi mate How rate s , but accurate measurement requires careful experimental determination of the coefficient for each specific i nstall ation Figure 1 8 shows a proposed arrangement for calibration of a thi n plate orifice meter. In this case, calibration consists of experimentally determ inin g the coeffici en t K in Eq. (38) by collecting the flowing fluid (water, in this ca se) in a weigh tank for some period of time. During the c al i bration period, the flow rate is held as c onstant as possi ble and the pressure di ffere nce, 6.P = Pi Pi. is recorded. The flow rate, Q, is the measured weight, W, d ivided by the liquid dens i ty p, and lhe elapsed time, t (Q = W/pt); the area, A 2 , is 1f D 2 /4, for D the orifice diameter. Substituting these values into Eq. (38), w e may solve fo r th e ca li bration constant, . - , - , K: K = 4 \V ;r fl"" 02 1 y 2PiJ' (39) Orifice meter --� Source of flow P, Weigh lllnk FIGURE 1 8 : Se t u p for calibrating an orifice. scale -+- Plalform·lype Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data By inserting the observed values of W, t, and 6 P, along with a measured value of D and tabulated data for p, the experimental value of K is obtained. Before undertaking this experiment, we'd like to estimate the expected accuracy of the result. We could, of course, make the following calculations after the experiment, but by doing it ahead of time, we can identify those parts of the experiment that contribute most of the uncertainty and, if necessary, improve them. Solulion Both bias and precision error should be considered. However, since we have no samples for statistical analysis, we can only estimate the expected size of potential precision errors, using estimates for the standard deviations. Thus this analysis is a single-sample uncertainty estimate. To proceed, we lirst estimate the single-sample precision and bias uncertainly in each measured variable and then propagate these uncertainties into K. The weight, W, is measured with a platform scale. What bias uncertainly exists in the scale measurement? Has the scale's calibration been checked? How recently and against what standard? Presumably, we have made some sort of check, at a minimum several point calibrations using reliable proof weights. If not, the user's manual should include such data. Let us say that, in our judgment, an uncertainty of is justified, with a confidence of about In practice, the bias uncertainty is undoubtedly dependent to some degree on the magnitude of the weight measured relative to the scale range; this effect could also be taken into account if warranted. Precision uncertainty in the weight measurement will be caused by reading error in the scale, and possibly by hysteresis, friction, or backlash in the scale mechanism. The size, or standard deviation, of the reading error will depend on how linely the scale is graduated; perhaps 0. 1 % error covers one standard deviation in the scale reading (so that ±0. 1 covers 68% of the reading errors). Hysteresis, friction, and backlash should be negligible if the scale is in good condition; however, if these effects are observed, their errors should also be taken into account. The diameter of the orifice must be determined. Assume that it is a sharp-edged orifice and that we have checked it with an inside micrometer. Did we check the micrometer against gauge blocks, or are we accepting its scale as is? How experienced are we in using a micrometer"! We i ntend to measure the orilice only once, using this value in all subsequent applications of the meter, so the diameter's uncertainty all appears as bias in the results. After these considerations. we estimate a 95% bias uncertainty of ±0.008 cm in the nominal 4-cm diameter (±0.2% uncertainty). How accurate is the determination of the period, t ? If a hand-operated diverter is used, precisely when did the How start and stop? That is, how well is the time period defined? If a stopwatch is used, how good is the synchronization between the diverter and watch actions'! ±I% 95%. % time Note that these time uncertainties are essentially precision errors, which are likely lo vary from run to run. If we carefully make a series of repeated runs of this particular procedure, we could accumulate enough data to perform a precision uncertainty analysis, were such accuracy required. In the present Clllie , we simply estimate the likely standard deviation to s; t he total time period is 5 min, the standard deviation of t is ± Bias error in the time determination may arise if the watch is fast or slow (probably a very small error in 5 min) or if we systematically stop or start the watch too soon. Without other information, we' ll assume that bias in the time reading is negligible compared to the precision error already discussed. be ±3 if I%. 81 Asse ssing and Presenting Experimental Data The density will be read from a handbook table at.the tempera1ture of the experiments. Between o•c and the density of water decreases by about Cl. Temperature may vary slightly between each experiment, leading to a precision en-or if only one value of density is used . However, if we use a thermocouple to measure the correct temperature for each experiment, precision error will still arise from the reading error of the temperature measurement. If standard deviation in temperature is ±0. 1 °C, then the corres ponding density variation is only 38°C, 7%. 0.002%. On the other hand, the bias error in the temperature reading may be higher. perhaps , and the resulting bias uncertainty in the density used would then be (again ). If we don't bother to measure the temperature, the bia� uncertainty would be larger C 95% ± I° at still, maybe ±0.02% 0.2% if we just assume a standard room temperature of 20°C. The value of t;. p is measured using a manometer. The dominant uncenainty is that in reading the difference in the heights of the manometer columns , essentially a precision uncenainty resulting from reading error. This uncertainty has relatively constant size, independent of the magnitude of t;. so that a percentage uncertainty is a bit misleading. At small /';. it may be but al high /';. it may only he To keep the uncenainty analysis simple, let's take a representative value of for the standard deviation in the pressure. Bias uncertainty in the manometer turns out to be substantially smaller, about at about confidence. 0.1 % P, P 3%, P, 0.1 %. ± 1% 95% Summarizing our results gives the following: Blas Uncertainty, Standard Deviation, 1% 0.2% "" o 0.02%. ' 0.2% t 0.1% 0.1% Weight, W Diameter, D lime, t Density, p Pressure, t;. • Ux/;r Bx/X (95%) Variable P � °' 1 .0% 0.002% 1% measured. is not measured. I C ternpellltu,. is t tr temperatur< K 2 + (- - ) ] (-) ( lld )l + ( -"') 2 ( -2' Up) p 2 [ Now we can apply Eq. U = K (37) to U '° 2 W K: t + 2D BK - [(Bw)2 ' - + t;. p U t;P 2 � (2 - ) ( -8' ) 2 ( -1 - ) + ( - ) ] t 2 t;.P 1/2 (1)2 (2 0 2) 2 (0)2 + G 0.02) G 0. 1 ) ] First., we calculate the bias uncenainty i n K : - K = = W [1.08% + 8, 2 + D + + Bp 2 p 2 2 x . + x (95%) 82 2 l /l - l 86 P 2 + x Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Likewise, the standard deviation of K -l.96uK is Our estimate for the single-sample precision uncertainty in PK K = K- = From Eq. (4), the total uncertainly in K is, from Eq. (32). = 1.96(0.0 112) 2.20% (95%) K is 2 i; [ ( �) \ ( � r [<o.010s)2 + (0.0220>2] 1 '2 2.45% (95%) = = r = Inspection of these results quickly reveals the parameters having the greatest con­ tribution to the uncertainty. Improvement of the timing and weighing procedures would improve the results the most. Improvement of the pressure and diameter measurements would contribute significantly less improvement. Most of the total uncenainty is caused by precision uncertainty. We can reduce that uncenainty considerably by repeating the calibration experiment several times and averaging the results. Since PK will decrease as .jn, taking n = experiments will reduce PK to about 1 .0%. Note that the density contributes almost nothing to the total uncenainty. Even if we don't bother to measure the temperature, the contribution of density uncenainty remains 4 0.2) 2 negligible; that is, (i · « We conclude that careful temperature measurement, in this case, would be a waste of effon. Are the various uncenainty estimates simply good guesses? To a degree, they are, but dismissing them as nothing but guesses would be flippant. The specific considerations leading to each estimate were not arbitrary; when properly made, such "guesses" have a strong foundation in the actual perfonnance of the equipment and the method of taking the data. Even the estimated confidence percentages (usually are a quantitative assessment of our expectation for the variability of the data, although they are essentially just educated guesses. But if we admit to guessing, why not simply guess the overall uncertainty and skip all the intermediate steps? In answer, the detailed analysis provides a means for evaluating the relative effect of each identifiable source of error, thereby separating the more imponant ones from the less imponant ones. Funhennore, one can evaluate the uncertainties of each of the individual variables with considerably more assurance than one could judge the total. (1)2• 95%) Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 12 MINIMIZING ERROR IN DESIGNING EXPERIMENTS · The best ti me to minimize experimental error is in the design stage, when an experimen tal procedure i s being deve l oped . First and foremost, one should perfo rm a si ngle-sample uncertai n ty analysis of the proposed experimental arrangement prior lo beginning con­ structi on , in order to determine whether the expected uncertainly i s acceptably smal l and lo iden tify the major sources of uncertainty. Some general precautions 10 observe when desi gning an experi me nt are as follows: I. Avoid approaches that require two large numbers to be measured in order lo determine the small difference between them. For example, large uncertainly is l i ke ly when meas uring 8 = (x 1 - .t2 ) i f 8 « .t t . unless .t1 can be measured with great accuracy. 2. Design experi me nts or sensors that amplify the signal strength in order to improve sens it ivity. For examp le , a thermopile uses several thermocouples to resolve a s i ngle temperature, and a strain gage uses many loops of wire lo measu re a single slraiIL 3. Build "null des igns ." in· which the output is measured as a change from zero rather than as a change in a non zero value. This reduces both bias and precision error. Such designs often make the output proportional to the difference of two sensors. An excellent exam pl e of this approach is the W heats tone bridge circuit. 4. Avoid experiments i n which large "correction factors" must be applied as part of the data-reduction procedure . S. Allempt to minimize the inHuencc of the measuring system on the measured variable. 6. Cal ibrate entire systems. rather than ind ividual components, in order lo minimize calibra1ion-rela1ed bias errors. 13 GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION O F DATA According to 1he American Standards Association (7), used 10 present facts, interpretations of facts, or t heoret ical relation­ usually serves to communicate knowledge from the author to his readers, and lo help them visualize the features that he considers important . When s hips . a graph A graph should be u sed when it will convey information and portray s ig nifican t features more effici eml y than words or tabulations. A graph is nearly always the most effective formal for convey i ng the interrelation invaluable in co ns truc ti ng acceptable curve fits of experimental data and in iden ti fy ing outliers or erroneous measurements. Graphs are also use fu l in testing theoretical calculations against real ex perimental results and i n ide ntify i ng the conditions under which a theoretical model fails. The c lari ty i mparted by graph i ng data can be substantial. Table 9 shows the atmosphe ri c pressure measured in Cam bri dge, Massachusetts, during Hurricane Bob on August 19, 199 1 . In tabular form the trend is unclear. If, on the other hand, the data are graphed (Fig. 19) the progress of the storm is apparent. At mospheric pressure declined steadily until about 4:00 P.M . and then began 10 increase. The 1 1 :30 A.M. read ing lies well below the trend delined by the other data, and it can probably be assumed 10 be in error (some checking of the data reductions verified this conclusion). A faired curve has bee n of experi men ta l variables. Graphs are 84 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 9: Atmospheric Pressure during Hurricane Bob Time of Day IO:OO A.M. 1 1:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 3:40 P.M. 4:40 P.M. 5:40 P.M. Pressure (mbar) 1009.0 984.2 999.8 989.0 977.I 981.2 990.0 1 010 1 000 Pressure. p (mbar) 990 980 9:00 A M. 1 1 :00 1 :00 �M 3:00 5:00 Time of day FIG URE 19: Atmospheric pressure during Hurricane Bob. empirical ly sketched through the remaining data. 1 1 This curve may be used to estimate the pressure at limes other than those measured. 1 3.1 General Rules for Making Graphs By observing the following guidelines, you can help to ensure that your graph will be easy for your readers to understand. Figures 20(a) and (b) illustrate some of these points 171. 1. The graph should be designed to require minimum effon from the reader in under­ standin8 and interpreting the information il conveys. 1 1 fuirrd in lhis sense means smooth and without im:gulari1y: a draftsman's curve 1hrough the data. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 2.0 1 .5 g 0 ... � esl�te�m�p!:;e::;ra:.1u_. re �h� H�ig __� 1 .0 __J 0.5 0 1910 1920 1930 1940 (a) 1950 nme 1960 1970 1980 1 990 100 S2" � i � f t F e 50 20 10 5 2 1900 1 (b) o : Highest tem�l8t'llture - : Fitted 0 line 1 920 1980 1960 1 940 Year of discovery superconductor 2000 FIGURE 20: (a) A poor graph; (b) graph of Fig. 20(a) improved by following graphing guideline numbers 2, 3, 5, 8, I 0, and 12. 2. The axes should have clear labels that name the quantity plotted, its units, and its · symbol if one is in use. 3. Axes should be clearly numbered and should have tick marks for significant numerical divisions. "JYpically, ticks should appear in increments of I , 2, or unils of measure­ ment mu l tip lied or divided by factors of . . . ). Not every lick needs, to be numbered; in fact, using too many numbers will just clutter the axes. Tick marks should be directed toward the interior of the figure. 5 JO ( 1 ,10,100, 4. Use scientific notalion to avoid placing too many digits on the graph. For example, use x HY rather than 50,000. A particular power of I need appear on l y once 50 0 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data along each axis. Avoid co nfusi ng labels such as "Press ure, Pa x use units such as MPa instead. S. When ploning on semilog or full-log coordinates, use real logarithmic axes; do not Logarithmic scales should have plot the logarith m itself (e.g., plot not I tick marks at powe rs of and intermediate values, such as 6. The axes should usually incl ude zero; if you w ish 10 focus on a smaller range of data, include zero and break the axi s, as sh ow n i n Fig. 4. 7. The choice of scales and proponions should be commensurate with the relative impor­ tance of the variations shown in the results. If variations by increments of arc si gn ifica nt, the graph should not be scaled to e mphasi ze variations by increments of I . 8 . U se symbols such as Q , 0 , A , and 0 for data poi nts . D o not use dots O for data. Open symbols should be used before filled symbols. You may place a legend defining symbols on the graph (if space permits) or in the fi gure capti on. 106 ;" 50, 1.70). 12 10 IO, 20, 50, 00, 200, . . . . 10 9. Place error bars on data points to indicate the estimated uncertai n ty ofthe measurement or else use symbols that arc the same size as the range of uncertainty. 10. When several cu rves are ploued on one graph, different lines (solid, dashed, dash­ dot, . . . ) should be used for each if the curves are closely spaced. The graph should i nc lude labels or a legend identi fy i ng each c urve . Avoid usi n g colors to di fferen tiate curves, since colors are usually lost when the graph is photocopied . Theoretical curves should be plotted as lines, without showing calculated poi n ts. Curves fitted 10 data do not need to pass through every measurement l i ke a do1-to-do1 cartoon ; however, if a data point lies far from the lined curve, a discrepancy m ay be indicated [as for the lirst and the last three points in Fig. 20(b)). 1 1. Lettering o n the graph should be held to the minimum necessary for clarity. Too much 1ex1 (or too much data) creates crowdi ng and confusion. 12. Labels on the axes and curves should be orien ted 10 be read from the bouom or from the right. Avoid forcing the reader 10 rotate the figure in order to read it. 13. The graph shou ld have a descriptive but concise title. The t itle should appear as a caption to the ligure rather than on the graph itself. Good graphing software can hel p produce graphs that adhere to these gu ide l i n es. However, some graphing packages violate even the simplest of these rules. Discretion is advised ! 13.2 Choosing Coordinates and Producing Straight Lines The lirst step in making any graph is to decide which variables 10 p lot and on what scale to plot them. Four basic graphical scales occ u r frequently in engineering work (Fig. ). li11 ear coordi nates have a l i near variation of both the x - and y-scales. If a variable changes by several orders of magnitude or is ex ponen tial ly related 10 anot her variable, then a loga­ rithmically scaled axis may be preferab le . Graphs havi n g one logari thmical ly scaled axis and one linearly scaled axis are called semilogarithmic (or semi.log). Those for which both axes are logarithmic arc calledfall logarithmic (fall log, or log-log). When a quantity varies with an angle, polar coordinates prov ide a physica ll y suggest i ve formal for the data. 21 1 2An exceplion is made when lhc unit tkci/Mls is plotted. Assess ing and Presenting Experimental Data 10 8 2 1 .0 0.5 Displacement (mm) (a) 1 .00 <l' 0. 98 � ;s § 0.96 ., E!' i O .6. 0 0 94 . ct D = I in. 0 = 2 in. D • 6 in. D = B in. - Faired curve 0.92 1a4 FIGURE 2 1 : 1� ReynoklS number, Re0 (b) 1� 1 07 continued (a) Linear coordinates, (b) semilogarithmic coordinates. The choice of wh ich scaling to use is nonnally guided by your expectations for the physical behavior of the system being studied. You may also attempt to deduce the right scaling by studying a test graph made on linear coordinates. Often, the objective in selecting 88 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 100 10 0.1 0.01 �-----....__ _ _____._______.______� 5 10 20 Frequency, I (Hz) 50 (c) 1 00 continued FIGURE 2 1 : (c) Full logarithmic coordinates. a scaling is to find coordinates i n which the plotted data fal l on a straight line, because straight lines are the easiest curves to fit . Fig ure 22(a) shows a set of data that represent the cooling of a warm metal slug suddenly immersed in cold liquid. The difference between the slug's temperature and the liquid temperature was recorded at several tiOM:s artcr the slug was submerged. The graph has the fonn of an eitponential decay; indeed, heat transfer theory suggests that the cooling curve shou Id have the form (40) Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 90• '----'----"l.L....---'--'"""'---.W. ----'-----' O" 30 2D 1D 10 D Temperature rise, 20 30 40 •c (d) FIGURE 2 1 : (d) Polar coordinates. where 6 T is the measured tcmperarure difference at any time, 6 :ro is the temperature 1 .25 1 .00 t::., : Measurements Fitted curve 0.75 (:�) 0.50 0.25 0.00 �--��--�---�---� ---� 0 40 80 120 Time, l (s) 1 60 200 (a) FIGURE 22: Cooling data. (a) Linear coordinates. 240 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 1 .0 0.5 (:lo) 0.2 1 20 Tine, t (s) (b) FIGURE 22: Cooling data. (b) Semilogarithmic coordinates. ( Note logarithmic variation of ll.T/ll.To.) difference before the slug is immersed, and T is a time constant for the cooling. You may desire to find an experimental value for T, so that you can use Eq. (40) to estimate A T at values of t where you have no measurements. That task is not straightforward using the linear scaling of Fig. 22(a). Instead, you could plot log(ll. T/ti. To) as a function of t . Then the relationship between ll. T and t is log ( ) ll. T ti. To 0.434 3 t = - --- T (4 1 ) which is the equation of a line with slope - 0 .4343/T and intercept zero. 13 The graph is most easily made using semilogarithmic coordinates [Figure 22(b)], and t can be calculated from the slope of the line: _ 0 .4343/T = log [ll. T (ti ) / ti. Toi - log [ ti. T(12 )/ ll. To ] t i - ti (42 ) resulting in T = 98 s. Note that while ll. T/ ti. To is plotted on the logarithmic coordinates. log(ll. T/ ll. To) must be used in calculating the slope. llease 10 logarithms are slandanl in graphical work; log 1 0 • = 0.4343. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data TABLE 10: Straight-Line Transformations [8): y = /(JC) -+ Y = A + BX Variables to Be Plotted /(:r) y = a + b/JC y = l /(a + b:r) or l / y = a + bx y = JC/(a + b:r) or :r/y = a + bJC y = ab' y = acbx Y = a:r b y = a + bx" , if n is known y Straight-Une y x I /JC Intercept, A. a b l/y JC a b x/y x a b log y log y logy JC log JC y x" log a log a log a x Slope, B logb blogc b b a Semilog paper, full-log paper, and polar graph paper are available from most univer­ sity bookstores or drafting suppliers. Many computer spreadsheet and plotting programs can also generate these coordinate systems. Moreover, plotting software can expedite exper­ imentation with different scalings and coordinates, so that the most informative ones quickly identified. Logarithmic scaling is only one approach to creating straight-line representations of data. For example, the function b (43) y=a+­ x can be does not give a straight-line variation of y with x [Fig. 23(a)). However, it does give a straight-line variation of y with I/ x. The solution is to plot y a function of I/ x rather than of x itself: then a can determined as the intercept of resultant line and b as its slope [Fig. 23(b)). Table 0 offers a guide to straight-line transformations in which a function y = f (x) is transformed to as be I Y = A + BX by ploning an appropriate pair of modified variables, Y and X. 92 (44 ) Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data x (a ) 1/x (b) FIGURE 23: Plol of y = 1 .0 + (2.5/x ) as (a) y versus x and (b) y versus ( l /x). 93 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data y ,,.P' ,,,9... ""0 0 o""6 ,,. ... Ybias 0 0 ....,_ True line '---- -- 1C FIGURE 24: Bias and prec ision error in line fi lling. 14 1 4.1 LINE FllTING AND THE M ETHOD OF LEAST SQUARES Once the data are in a straight- l ine form, the correc t line m ust be passed 1hrough them and its slope and in tercep t determined. The s i mple st approac h is just to draw w hat appears 10 be a good straight line through the data. Whe n this approac h is used, the probable 1cndcncy is to draw a line that minimizes the total deviation of all points from the l i ne. Results obtained this way are often acceptably accurate, particularly ir the data set includes only a few po i nt s or if both x and y have significant error. The data plotted may include both bias and p recis ion errors. errors will tend to shift the entire data set away from the true line or, perhaps, to ch ange its slope. Precision errors will cause the data to scatter about the true l ine . E ither y or x may inc l ude both precisi on and bias error (Fig. 24) . The objective of a curve fit is to a••erage out the preci· sion errors by drawi ng a curve that follows the apparent central tend1incy of the scauered data. Curve fitting, like statistical analysi s of preci sion error, does m:>th ing to uncover or reduce b i as error. Bias errors in fitted curves must be identified by other methods, such as compari son to independent data sets. Least Squares for Line Fits When the prec ision error i n )' is substantially greater than that in x, the method of least squares, or linear regression, enables us to calculate a line, )' = " + bx, th roug h the Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data data (3). The method iden1ifies the slope b and intercept a that minimize the sum of the squared deviations of the data from the fitted line, s2 : si = E [y, - y(x, ))2 n (45) i=l Here, for the various measured values of x;, YI is the experimentally detennined ordinate and y(x; ) = a + bx; is the corresponding value calculaied from the filled line; n is the number of experimental observations used. The result is (46) Most scientific calculators incorporate programs for calculating leas! squares lines, a great convenience to the experimentalisL Consequently, least squares has become increas­ ingly popular as the methad for fitting lines. But to some degree this predominance has also promoted misuse of the method. The leas! squares method addresses only the precision error in y; ; poor results are obtained if x; also includes large precision error. Least squares assumes, in cffecl, that the experimemal x; are errorfree. To indicale the reliability of the lit, most pocket calculators and software packages return the correlation coefficient, r, along wilh the least squares results: r where 2 = explained squared variation about Ym (47) 10.tal squared variation about Ym Ym is the mean of the measured y; : Ym = I - n n L Yi (48) ial Th e explained squared variation results from the straight-line change o f y wi1h x : II L [ y(x; ) - Yml 2 i=l The total squared variation also includes the precision error: II ft i=I i== l " L.._., [y(X; ) - Ym JL.._., ()"; - ym ) 2 = · · · = S2 + " Thus, > (49) Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data If the sum of squared deviations S2 is assumed to result only from precision error, then a "perfect fit" occurs when S2 -+ O and r 2 -+ 1 . Hence, the nearer r is to ± 1 , the "better" the fit. Unfortunately, when the data look basically linear, one usually obtains lrl > 0.9; the correlation coefficient is n ot a very sensitive indicator of the precision of the data. It turns out that ( I - r 2 ) I /l is a better indicator of the fit's quality; the closer it is to zero, the lower the precision error in the data. The quantity ( I - r 2 ) t/l is roughly the ratio of the vertical standard deviation of the data about the line to the total vertical variation of the data. When both y and x have significant precision error, least squares should not be used; this case is usually identifiable by the highly scattered appearance of the data. In addition to eyeball estimates. various other semiempirical line-fitting procedures are available in that situation, as discussed in reference [ 1 0) . Conversely, if both y and x have precision errors, but these errors are small relative to the overall variation of the data, then least squares results may still be acceptably accurate. In this situation, the data will still appear to fall on a straight line. 14.2 Uncertainty in Line Fits Sometimes the real issue is to estimate an uncenainty for the slope o r intercept of a fitted line. Eyeball estimates of the uncertainty are often acceptably accurate; for e xample, you may be able to vary the slope of a hand-fitted line to determine what range of slopes will still fit the data with 95% confidence. Similar estimates can be applied to finding the intercept. This approach is best either when the sample is small or when both y and x have large precision errors. Statistical confidence intervals may also be derived. Another major concern in line or curve fitting is that of identifying outliers. Points well beyond the trend of the remaining data can often be identified by eye. When a particular point is in doubt. exclude it temporarily, and fit a new line through the remaining data. If that line shows a much belier fit, the point can probably be dropped. Again, within the restrictive assumptions of least squares, statistical tests can be applied; essentially, these consist of estimating a 3a band around the fitted curve. Sometimes, however, data deviate from a filled line because the actual relationship is rwt a straight line. One must always avoid forcing nonlinear data to fit an assumed straight-line form, since valuable information can be lost in the process. 14.3 Software for Curve Fitting Line fitting is actually a special case of the method of least squares; least squares can be generalized to fit polynomials of any order. Many other methods of curve fitting have been developed, some considerably more sophisticated than least squares. Good discussions of such methods can be found in most texts on numerical analysis. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data EXAMPLE 1 6 A c anti l ever beam de flec ts downward when a o is a fu n c t i on of the beam stiffness, K gravitational body force, g = 9.807 mis: mass is attached to its free end. Th e (Nim), applied mass, M (kg), and the (m), deflection, the To determine of a small cantilevered steel beam, a student places various masses on the end of the beam and measures the corresponding deflections. The deflections are measured using a scale (a ruler) marked in I -mm increments. Each mass is measured in a balance. His results are as follow: the stiffness Mll88 (g) Deflection (mm) 0 0.6 1 .8 3.0 3.6 4.8 6.0 6.2 7.5 0 50. 1 5 99.90 1 50. 05 200.05 250.20 299.95 350.05 401.00 The est i m ated preci si o n uncertainty in the measured mass, largely from reading error, is ±0.05 g (95%) and the bias uncertainty, largely from calibration uncertainty, is ±0.I g (95%). overall uncertainty i n the mass is UM = 0. 1 1 g (95%), corresponding to about 0.05% of typical load. the deflection, reading error is the most likely cause of precision uncertainty; the student est im ates th i s uncertai nty as ±0.2 mm (95%). The bias u ncertai n ty in the ruler, from is estimated at ±0. 1 mm (95%). The overall uncertainty in the deflection is typically 5-10% of the measured value. What i s the stiffness of the beam, and what is its uncertainty? T e stiffness can found by laki ng a least squares fit through the data, usi ng the deH ect ion as the y-variable, since it has a much greater prec i si on uncertainty than does the mass. Setting y = and x = M, we calculate the required sums (perhaps us ing a a Thus, the a For manufacturing error, Solution be h o pocket calculator subroutine that processes the entered dat ): n =9 L:> = 1801 g L x2 = 5 . 109 x 1Cl5 g2 L Y = 33.50mm E i = 1 19. 3 mm2 L XY = 9959 g mm · Assessing and P 1 0.0 res t e n i ng Experimental Data 8.0 f Least squares line Ii = 0.0 1 90 M - 0.076 s.o \ : ,, ' � ..-: .-". .-"'; QL.""'::--- � � ;io"' ,' ' , ' , ES11mateoj confidence interval br the line fit 2.0 0 200 1 00 q are The least s u Mass, M (g) FIGURE 25: 400 3()1) Beam deHection for various masse s. s results are then y = a + bx -0.0755 mm g b = 7< = 0.0190 mmlg = 0.995886 Fig. 25. The experimental stiffness of the beam is 9 807 = ! ;,,, · 0.0 190 = 516 Nim a = r The data and the line fit are shown in i aria n a b o eq i ene a t a ncert K b From th e figure, these data d o appear t o fall on a straight line. The correlation coeffic ient , r , is nearly unity, but a better test is to consider ( I - r2) 1 12 = This value i ndicates ut of that the ven cal standard deviation of the data (from precision error) is only the total venical v t io caused by the straight-line relationship between y and x . What i s the uncenainty in the stiffness? The answer i s u val : nt t o the unccnainty in the line's slope. One way to es ti m e this is just lo vary the lined l i by eye 10 see what range of slopes fit the data with vi n certainty. These bounds are shown in Fig. a variation in b of bo ut Thus, the u ain t y in K is also about ± 0.0906. 10%. 95% 95% 9% 25 gi g 10%. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 15 SUMMARY Every measurement includes some level of error, and th is error can never be known exac tly. However, a pro bable bound on the error can usually be esti mated . This bound is called 11ncertainty. U ncenai n ty should always be acc om pa nied by the odds (or confidence per­ centage) that a particular error will fall within this bound. When presenting data either graphically or numericall y, the uncertai nty should also be shown. 1. Errors can usually be classified as eit her bias error or precision error. B ias (or sys tem­ atic) errors occ ur same way for each measurement made . Precision (or rando m) errors vary i n size and sign with a zero average value. B ias u ncerta i nty must be est i m ated from our know ledge of the measuring equipment or by comparison to other, more accurate systems. Precision uncertai nty can be estimated stat istical l y (Sect ions L, 2). 2. The total uncenainty in a measurement includes both bias and precision error: The bias and precision uncenainty should have the same confidence level, ty pical ly 95% (Sections 3, L L). 3. 4. Random variables, such as precision error, may be c haracteri zed in terms of a pop­ ulation an d its distribiltion. The most common distribution for precision error is the Gaussian or normal distribution (Sections 4, 5). Properties ofa population are estimated by taking a sample from it. 'llte sample mean. sample standard are used to est i mate the population mean and popul atio n standard deviation. The prec isi on u nce rtai n ty in i is i, and deviation, S_., P, with 5. = ta/2. • S, ,/ii (c%) I - c and 11 = n - L (Sec ti ons 6, 1 1 ) . -d i stribut ion may be used to compare the d istri buti on of a sample to an expec ted a = The x 2 distribution. The accuracy with which a set of data lit the Gaussian distribution can be checked us i ng either the x 2 "goodness-of-fit" test or a normal probab il i ty plot (Section 7). 6. B ias uncenainty and single-sample precision u ncertai n ty k now ledge of t he measuring sy stem (Sections 9, I I ). 7. t i mated from our When ex perimental data are used to compute a final result, the uncertai nty of the data must be propagated to determine the uncertainty in the result: Uy = Here 11; I I ). 8. are es is eit her a ( ay - 11 1 a.q bias u ncertainty, )2 +... + ( ay iJx,, ;--- 11,, )i B; , or a prec i s i on uncertainty, P; ( S ect io ns I O, The accuracy ofex peri ments can be improved before they are conducted by ide nt ify i ng and e l i m i nating major sources of u ncertai n ty ( Sect i ons I 1 .2. 1 2). Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 9. Graphical presenlation of data is often the most effective way to convey your results a n d conclusions. Applying a few s im ple techniques when making yo u r graphs can he l p ensure that your readers will fully and easi l y understand your work (Section 1 3). 10. enable your results to lake an an alytica l form. Line fi ts also help to average out precision errors in data. The method of least squares wi ll yield good line fits when (a) the y prec is ion error is much larger than the x precision error or (b) both x and y precision errors are small compared to the overall variation of the dala. Line fits do not compensate for bias error (Section 1 4). L i n e fi ts SUGGESTED READINGS ANSUASME PTC 1 9. 1 · 1 985. ASME Perrormance Test Codes. Supplement on lnslruments and Apparatus. Part I, Measurement Uncenainty. New York. 1 985. This source conlains a mu hitude of valuable references. Barker, T. B. Quality by Experimental Design. 2nd ed. New York: Marcel Dek ker. 1994. Coleman. H. W., and W. G. S teele . £.xperi-ntalion mid Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers. 2nd ed. New York: Wilcy-lnterscicnce, 1 999. Collection or papers related to engineeri ng measurement uncertainties. Thins. A SME, J. Fluids Engrg. I 07. June 1 985. This source contains a multilude of valuable references. Johnson, R., I. R. Miller, and J. E. Freund. Miller and Fn!und's Probability neers. 7th ed. Englewood Cliffs. NJ.: Prentice Hall, 2004. and S1a1is1icsfor Enri­ Kline. S. J .• and F. A. McClin1ock. Describing uncenainties in sing le-sam ple experimenls. Mech. en,. 75: 3-8, January 1 953. Moffat, R. J. Conlribu1ions 10 t he theory of single-sample uncenainty analysi s . Tra11s. ASMI:.� J. Fluids £111rg. 1 04. June 1 982. Turte. E. R. Tlie Vi.sual Display of Qua111i1ari11e lliformalion. Chesire, Conn.: Graphics Press, 1 983. Weiss. N. A . • and M. J. H assett. Wesley. 1 999 . /t11roductory StaliSlics. PROBLEMS I odds). Nole: Ullless Olherwise specified, ( 19 : I. 5th ed. Reading. Mass.: Addison· al/ 11ncertainties are assumed 10 represem 95% coverage For a very large set o f data, the measured mean is found to be 200 w i th a standard deviation 20. Assuming the data to be normal l y distributed, determi ne the range within w hich of 2. 60% of the data are expected Lo fall. From long-term plant-maintenance data, it is o bserved 1hat pressu re downstream from a boiler in normal operation has a mean value of 303 psi with a standard dev i at ion of 33 psi . What is the probability that the pressure will exceed in normal Nole: 350 psi during any one measurement operation"! The following informalion should be helpful in solving Problems J-8. For pun! eleclrical eleme111s in series • Resistances add din."Ctly. • Reciprocals of capacitances add to yield the reciprocal of the overall capacitance. • Inductances add directly. 1 00 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data For pure electrical elements in parallel • 3. Rec i proca ls or resislances add IO yield the reciprocal or the overall resislance. • Capaci1ances add directly. • ,Reciprocals or induclanees add to yield the reciprocal or the overall i ndu ctance . (a) 68·k0 re sistor is paralleled with a 1 2-kO resistor. Each resistor has a ± 1 ()% tolerance. Whal will be th e nominal resis1ance and the u nce rtai n t y of the combina· A tion? ( b) If the values remain the same except 1ha1 the tolerance on the 68·kQ dropped 10 ±5%, what will be the uncertainly of the combination? resistor is 4. Five 1 00· 0 resisiors, each having a 5% tolerance, are con nec ted in series. W h at is the overall nominal resistance and tolerance or the combination? 5. Three 1000- 0 resistors are connected in parallel. Each resistor has a ±5% tolerance. What is the overall nominal resislancc and what is the besl estimalc or lhe tolerance of the combination? 6. A 47·0 resistor is connected in series with a parallel combination or a 1 00-0 resistor and a 1 80- 0 resistor. What is the overall resistance or the array and what is lhe best estimate of its iolerancc? ( a ) For individual tolerances equ al 10 1 % ( b ) Fortolerances of the 47-0 resislOrs equal lo 10% and for the 1 80-0 res i s tors equal I0 5% 7. A capac i lOr of 0 . 05 µF ± 10% is parallel with a capaciior of O. I µF ± 10%. (a) ( b) 8. 9. IO. What are the Whal would resulting nominal capacilancc and be uncertai nly '! the nominal capacit ance and u ncertai nty if the two clements were connected in series'! Two inductances are connected in parallel. Their values are 0.5 mH and 1 .0 mH. Each car· ries a tolerance or ±20%. Assu mi ng no mutual induc1ance. what is the no mina l inductance and uncertainty or the combination'! Power can be measured as / 2 R or V I . Using the dala or Problem 1 7. wh ic h mc1hod wil l give the most accurate measuremcm? The volume of a cylinder is to be delennined from mea surc mems of t he diameter and length. If lhe length and diameter are measured at four different locations by means or a micrometer with an u ncerta i n ty of 0.5% or reading. detenn ine the uncertainty in the measurement. Diameter Length (in.) 3.9920 3.9892 3.996 1 3.9995 4.4940 4.499 1 4.5 1 10 4.522 1 101 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 11. A tube of circular section has a nomi nal length of 52 cm ± O.S cm, a1A outside diameter of 12. A canti lever beam of circular section has a len gth of 6 20 cm ± 0.04 c m , and an inside diameter of 1 5 cm ± 0.08 cm. Determine the uncenainty in ca lcu l ated volume. ft and a di ameter of 2� i n. A Ibf is applied at the beam end, perpe ndicu lar to the length o f the beam. If the uncenainty in the length is ± 1.5 i n ., in the diameter is ±0.08 in., and in the concen trated load of 350 force is ±S lb f, what is the uncenainty in the ca lcu lated maximum bending stress? 13. If it is determined that the overall uncen ainty in the maximum bending stress for Prob­ lem 12 may be as great as. but no greater than, 6%, what maximum1 uncenainty may be tolerated in the diameter measurement if the other uncenainties rem:tin unchanged? 14. It is desired lo compare the design of two bolts based on their tensile st rength c apabi l itie s. The fo llow i ng lists the resu l ts of the sample testing. Is there a 15. 16. Group Failure Load Std. Devi ation Number of Tests A B 30 kN 34 kN 2 kN 6 kN 21 9 di fference between the two samples at lhe 95% confidence level? From a sample of 1 50 marbles having mean diameter of 10 mm and a standanl dev iation of ±3.4 mm. how many marbles would you expect to find in the rang1: from 10 to IS mm? During laboratory testing of a thin· wall pressure vessel. the cylinder di ameter and thickness were measured at 10 different locations; the resulting data were as follows: 75 = 1 0. 25 in. 'i = 0.25 in. So S1 = = 0 . 25 in. O.OS in. If the pressure inside the vessel is measured to be 100 psi with an estimated uncenai nty of ± 10 psi, determine the best estimate of the tangential or hoop stre ss in the vessel (Note: U9 = 17. PD/21.) In ordeno determine the power dis.•ipated across a resistor, the c u rrent How and resistance values arc measured separate ly. If I = 3.2 A and R = IOOO n are measured values, determine the uncenainty if the fol lowi ng instru me n ts are u sed : I n st ru me nt Vo ltmeter Re sol u tion Ohmmeter l .O mV 1 .o n Ammeter 0. 1 A U ncerta inty (% of reading) 0.5% 0. 1 % 0.5% 18. A total of 1 20 hardness measurements are performed on a large slab of steel. If, us i ng the 19. In order lo determine whether the use of a rubber backing material li>etween a concrete co mpre ssion sample and the platen of a testi ng mac hi ne affects the co mpressi ve strength. six samples with pac k i ng and six wi1hou1 were tested. The strengths are listed in the fo l lowing table. Determine if the packing material has any effect. US<: a con dence Rockwell C scale, the mea n of the measurements is 39 and the standard devi ation is 4.0, how many of the measurements un be expected to fall between the hardness readings of 35 and 45'! 99% fi level 1 02 Assessi ng and Presenting Experimental Data Tensile S1renglh MN/m2 Sample With Packing No. I 2 3 s 4 6 20. Without Packing 2.48 2.76 2.96 2.72 2.62 2.65 2. 1 8 2.48 2.38 2.00 2. 1 0 2.28 Resuhs from a chemical analysis for 1he carbon conlcnl of two materials are as follows: Carbon Content, % Material A Material B 93.52 92.38 92.8 1 93.2 1 94.32 92.55 93.77 92.05 93.57 92.54 93. 1 2 Determine if there i s a si gn i fi cant difference in carbon content at lhe 99% confidence level. 21. Figure 9 shows a histogram based on lhe values listed in Table 3. As suggested in Sec­ lion 6. 1 , prepare his1ograms represeming the data, based on (a) seven bins, (b) eight bins, and (c) ten bins. 22. The manufacturer of inexpensive outdoor 1hermometers checks a sample of len against a 68°F standard. The fol lowing results were obtained: 68.5 67.5 67 69 68 67 67.5 69 69. Using S1uden1's t-tcsl, calculate lhe range withi� which the population mean may be expected to lie with a conlidence level of 95%. 23. Spacer blocks are manufactured in quantity lo a nominal dimension of 1 25 mm. A sample of 12 blocks was selec1ed and lhc following measurements were made. 1 .28 1 . 26 1 .24 24. 1 .32 1 .26 1 .23 1 .29 1 .20 1 .26 1 .23 . 1 .29 1 .22 Using Studcnl's /-lest. determine the upper and lower tolerance values within which 1he popula1ion mean may be expec1ed to fall wi1h a signilicance level of 10%. In a laborJlory it is suspec1ed 1hat 1he resulls from 1wo different viscometers do not agree. Ten Ouid samples were tested using apparalus A and corresponding samples were tested using apparatus B. The resul1s are as follows: 1 03 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Viscosity (Dimensionless) I 26 . B 73 45 56 75 53 50 72 54 48 52 72 43 54 75 50 48 73 55 48 50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 25. Using Apparatus Using Apparatus A Sample No. Detennine whether there is a significant difference in the two systems al the 99% con fi ­ dence level. Consider the equation y = 1 .0 - 0.2.t + (0 :::: .r :::: 3) O.O l.r2 Detennine the maximum uncertainty in y roe :1::2 % uncertainty in the variable .r . Fo r t he fol lowi ng data determine the equation for y = y (.r) by graphica l analysis. 0.43 1 .54 0 1 .00 y 0.76 3.61 1.21 5.25 2.60 1 0.0 3.5 1 3.50 '1:1. For the following data, detennine the equation y = y(.r) by gra phi cal ana lys i s . 28. For the follow ing data. detcnnine the equation y = y(x) by graphi ca l analysis. 29. "' I 1.21 1 . 35 1 8.2 0.43 71 2.75 88.0 2.6 26 5. 1 325.0 2.9 19.5 8. 1 800 4.3 1 1 .5 The in fl uence of the size of the test spec i men on the tensile stre ngt h of an epoxy resin was determi ned by casting seven sam p les of each size and testi ng them accordingly. The experimental data are as follows: Spec imen Strengths (kN/m2 ) Sample or Small Specimens 3475 4326 2262 74 1 5 34 1 8 4404 3788 1 04 Samp le or Large Specimens 1813 3 1 45 4 1 40 6867 3842 3984 3053 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Determine whether there is a significant difference between the two samples at the 95% confidence level. 30. 31. In 200 tosses or a coin. 1 1 6 heads and 84 tails were observed. Determine if the coin is fair using a conlidence level or 95% or a significance level or 5%. A random number table or 100 d ig its showed the following distribution or the digits 0, I , 2, . . . , 9. Determine if the distribution or the di gi ts differs significantly from the expec ted distribution at the I % significance level. Digit 32. Observed rrequency 0 7 I 12 5 g 6 14 7 12 8 8 9 14 Observed Frequency 8 42 1 07 97 38 8 Are the beari ng diameters normally distributed at the 5% sign i ficance leve l ? Using the data of Problem 32, construct a normal probability plot. What conclusions can you determine from this graphical representation regard ing the nonnalcy o r the data? sample of 100 test specimens of a steel alloy provides the following breaking st rengths. Detennine whether the data are nonnally d istri buted at the I % sign ifi ca nce level if the meal'! breaki ng strength is 67.45 ksi and the standard deviation is 2.92 ksi. A Breaking St rength , ksi 59.5-62.5 62.5-65.S 65.5-68.5 68.5-7 1 .5 7 1 .5-74.S 35. 4 6 quality control engineer wants 10 dctennine if the diameters or ball bearings produced by a machine are nonnally distributed. From a random sample or 300 bearings. he deter· mines that the sample mean is 1 0.00 mm with a sample standard deviation of ±0. 10 mm. Moreover, he oblains the following frequency distribution for the diameters. Under 9.SO 9.80-under 9.90 9.90-under 1 0.00 I 0.00-u nder I 0. 10 1 0. 1 0-under 1 0.20 1 0.20 and over 34. 3 7 A Diameter. mm 33. 2 12 Observed Frequency IS 5 42 27 8 A company subcontracts the mass production of a die c ast i ng or fixed desi gn. Four primary types of defects have been identified and records have been kept providing a "standard" against which defect distribution for batches may be judged. For a g i ve n batch of 2243 castings the following data apply. Do t he batch data vary s i gni ficantly from the st andard'! 1 05 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data Percen t Ty pe A 7.2 1 2S 60 7S 4.6 Typc B 1 .9 0.9 Typc C Typc D Nonde fective 36. Results for Batch 2073 D i stri bution Defect Identification 31 8S.4 1 952 1 00.0 2243 A system is calibrated stati ca l l y. The accompanying table lists the results. Ou1pu1 Output Input (Inc reas i ng Input) (Decreasing Input) 0. 1 2 0. 1 7 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.46 1 .6 2.7 3.7 2.2 2.3 4.2 4.8 S.2 6.S 7.4 4.3 S.6 6.7 7.4 O.S3 0.64 (a ) Plot ou tput versus i npu t. (b) 3.2 3.9 Ca lcu late the best straigh t- l i ne lit, first for the increasi ng output, then for !he dec reas­ i ng output and finally for the combined data. ( c ) What is the maximum deviation in each case"! ( d ) If it is assumed that 1..ero input should yield zero out pu t, what is the zero offset (b ias) !hat should be assigned"/ 37. 38. The following data describe the temperature distribution along a length of heated pipe. Determ ine the be st straight- li ne flt to 1he data. Temperature, °C Distance from a Datum, cm 1 00 200 300 400 1 1 .0 19.0 29.0 39.0 so.s soo The fon:e-deHection data for a spring are given in t he fol lowi ng table. squares flt. Deflection. in. 0. 10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 1 06 Force, lbf 9 19 22 40 S2 S9 Determi ne a least Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 39. 40. Solve Problem 38 adding one more data point ---flllmely, zero deRection under zero load . The data in the accompanying tabu l ation (rrom several sources) provide the resist ivity of platinum al various temperatures. ( a ) Make a linear plot or the dala points. ( b) De1ermine lhe constants for a linear least squares fit or the entire data set. Plo1 the fitted line on your graph or lhe data. ( c ) Because 1hc resis1ivity is not a perfoc1ly l inear function or temperalure, a more accurate fit can be obtained by li m i ting the range of lemperature considered. Obtain !he cons traints for a li near least fit over the range or O"C to IOOO°C only. Plot the result on your graph. Tem perature, •c Resi stiv ity, n · cm 10.96 10.72 14. 1 1 4. 85 1 7.9 25.4 26.0 40.3 47.0 52.7 58.0 63.0 0 20 1 00 1 00 200 400 400 800 IOOO 1 200 1400 1 600 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. In constructing a s pring- mass system, a deRcction conslant of 50 lbf/in. is required. Four springs are available, two having deHection constants o f 25.0 lbf/in. with an uncertainty (tolerance) of ±2.0 lbr/in. and two having deRection constants of 100 lbf/in. with uncer­ tainties of ±4.0 lbflin. What combinations can be used for a system deRection constant of 50 lbf/in.'! What w i l l be the uncenainty in each case? Show th at y = a + bx" will plot as a straight line on linear graph paper when y is ploued as the ord i nate and x• is plotted as the abscissa. Show that the intercept is equal to a and the slope is equal to b. S h ow that i f I / ." versus l /.t is ploued on linear paper, the function x/(ax + b) (which may al so be written l/y = a + b/x ) will yield a straight line, wit h a as the intercept and b as the slope. y = tu:'" wi ll plot as a straight line on linear paper whe n log y is plotted as the ordinate and x i s plotted as the abscissa and that the inten:ept is equa l to log a and the slope is equal to b log e. Note that with the slope known, b and c may be found by Show that s i mul taneou s solution of the s lope equation and the origi nal equation wriuen for a selected (x; • Yi ) poi nt . Se lect a range for .< and make an x versus y plot of y = 1 2x213 on linear graph paper. Now transform the data to log y and log x and plot on li near paper. The second set of data should plot as a st r.iight line with a slope of and an intercept of log 1 2. j 1 07 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data 46. From 1960 10 1983, the slandard meter was de fi ned as 1 ,650.763.73 wavelengths of the light e mi tted during the transition between the 2p10 and the 5ds levels of the kiypton-86 atom. That emission li n.!' is slightly asy mmetric, and its wave leng th has a total uncertainty of about ±2.4 x 1 0-s A (68%). By the early 1 970s , laser technology permitted highly-precise determination of the speed of light, c, by using the relation c = >.f and measured values oflaser wave length, >., and frequency, /. Laser frequency measurements had at that time reached relative uncertainties of u t f/ = 6 x 10- 10 (68%). ( a ) Whal was the uncertai nty (95%) in 1he measured speed of light al that time? What factor limited the accuracy of this measurcmem? ( b) In 1 98 3 , the meter was redefined as "the distance t rave led by light in vacuum during a lime interval of 11299792458 of a second." How did th i s affect the u ncertainty in the speed of light (in meters per second)? REFERENCES (l) ANSI/ASME 1 9. 1 - 1 985. ASME Performance Test Codes. S u pplement on Instruments and Apparatus, (2) Part l, Mea.suremenl Uncertainty. New York, 1985. Froome, K. D., and L. Essen. The Velocity of lighl and Radio Wa�es. New York: Academic Press , 1 969. (3) M i l ler, I. R., J. E. Freund, and R. Johnson. Probability a11d Statistics for E11gineers. 4th ed . Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall. 1 990. (4) Weiss, N. A., and M. J. Hassett. lntrod11ctory Statisti<"s. 5 t h ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1 999 . [SJ Sc henk , J., Jr. Theories of Engineering Experime111atio11. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw­ Hill, 1968. (6) Kline, S. J., and F. A. McClintock. Describing uncertainties in single-sample experi· ments. Mech. E11gr. 75: 3-8, January 1 953. (7) Engineering and Scientific Graphs for 1'11blicatio11s, American Standards Association. New York: American S ociety of Mechanical E ng i nee rs. July 1 947. (8) Natre lla, G. Experimental S tat istic s . National 811rea11 of Standards Handbook 9 1 . Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Pri n ti ng Office, 1 963. M. [9) M<..-C lintock, F. A. Statistical Estimatio11: linear Regressio11 a11d tire Single Variable, Research Memo 274, Fatigue and P l ast i city Laboratory. Cambridge: M assac husetts In$tilUle of Tethnology, February 14, 1 987 . [ 10) Rabinowicz, E. Introduction to Experime11tatio11. Reading. M ass.: Addison-Wesley, 1 970. [ I I ) Hornbeck, R. W. Numerical Methods. New York: Quantum Publishers. 1 975. 1 08 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 1 83.2 to 2 1 6.8 3 (a) 10.2 4 2.24% 7 7.45% kQ ± 0.0863 kQ 10 1 .256% 12 ""' ± 1 0% IS ">:65 marbles 18 ,,.,93 19 Packing is significant 20 Significant difference at 99% confidence level 23 1 .239 < µ. < 1 .279 24 No significant difference 29 No difference 30 Coin not fair 32 Normally distributed at 95% confidi:nce level 35 Significant variation from siandard 38 Force = 28.8 + 30.7 x Deflection The Ana log M easu ra n d : Ti me-Dependent Cha racteristics I NTRODUCTION 2 SIMPLE HARMONIC RELATIONS 3 CIRCULAR AND CYCLIC FREQUENCY 4 5 AMPLITUDES OF WAVEFORMS 6 7 8 COMPLEX RELATIONS FREQUENCY SPECTRUM HARMONIC, OR FOURIER, ANALYSIS SUMMARY INTRODUCTION A parameter common 10 all of measurement is lime: A l l measurands have 1irne-rela1ed charac1eris1ics. As lime progresses. lhe magnilude of the mcasurand ei lher c han ges or does nol change. The lime variation of any change is oflen fu l l y as i m p orta nt as is any partic u l ar amplilude. In this sec lion we w i l l discuss 1hose q u antiti es necessary to define and describe various l i me- rel ated charac1eris1ics of m eas u ra nds. We cl assi fy time-relaled mcasurands as either l. 2. Slalic-<:onstanl i n time Dynamic-varying in lime (a) Steady-slate periodic (b) Nonrepelitivc or transient i. Si ngle-pulse or aperiod ic ii. Cont i n u i ng or random 2 SIMPLE HARMONIC RE LATIONS A functi on is said lo be a simple lwrmo11ic function of a vari able w hen its second derivat i ve is proportional lo 1he funct ion but of opposite sign. More o fte n 1han not. the i nde pe nde n t variable is lime 1. al t hou g h any 1wo variabl es may be rel ated harmonically. Some of the mosl common harmonic funclions i n m ech an ic al e n g i nee ring rela1e dis­ placemen t and .lime. I n cleclrical engineeri ng, many of lhe variable quan t i t i es in allernatin g­ current (ac) ci rcui l ry are harmon ic functions of time. The harmonic relation is quite basic From Med1a11ical Mrasun!mems. Sixth Edition. Thomas G. 13eckwith. Koy D. Mamngoni, John H. Lienhard V. Copyright © 2007 t>y Pea rson Education. Inc. Publish•d by 111 Prentice Hall. A l l rights rcs.rved. The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics to dynamic functions, and most quantities that monically. In its most elementary are time functions may be ex pressed har­ fonn, simple harmonic motion is defined by the relation (I) s = so sin cut where s = i nstantaneous d isplacement from equilibrium position, so = amplitude, or max i mum displacement from equilibrium posi t ion . cu = circular frequency (rad/s), I = any time interval measured from the instant whe n I = 0s A small-amplitude pendulum, a mass o n a beam, a weight suspended b y a rubber band-al l vibrate with simple harmonic motion, or very nearly so. By differentiation, the following relations may be derived from Eq. ( I ): 11 ".' di = sow cos wt (2) = sow (2a) ds and llU Also, dv a = di = -sow = -S(J)2 2. SID WI ( 3) (3a) In addition, ao = -sow2 (3 b) In the preced ing eq uat io ns , v = ve loc it y, 11Q = maximum velocity or velocity am p litu de , a = acceleration, ao = maximum accelerat ion or acceleration ampl it ude Equation (3a) satisfies the descri pti on of simple harmonic motion given in the first paragraph of this section: The acceleration a is proportiona l 10 the d i sp laceme nt s. but is of opposite sign. The proport ion a li ty factor is w2 . , 112 The Analog Measurand: Time-Oependent Characteristics 3 CIRCULAR AND CYCLIC FREQUENCY The frequency with which a process repeals ilself is called cyclicfrequency,/, and is lypically measured in cycles per second, or hem: I Hz I cyclels. However, lhe idea of circular .frequency, w, is also useful in sludying cyclic relalions. Circular frequency has unils of radians per second (rad/s). The connec1ion between 1he lwo frequencies is conveniently illustraled by 1he well-known Scotch-yoke mechanism. Figure I (a) shows lhe elcmenls of lhe Scolch yoke. consisting of a crank, OA, wilh a slider block driving lhe yoke-piston combination. IC we mea�ure lhe pislon displacement from its midstroke posilion, lhe displacement ampliludc will be ± OA . If the crank turns at w radians per second, lhen the crank angle () may be written as wt . This, of course, is convenient because it in1roduces lime t inlo lhe relationshi p. which is nol directly apparenl in 1he term (). Pislon displacemenl may now be written as = s = so sin wt which is the same as Eq. ( I ). One cycle lakes place when the crank turns through 21r rad, and, if f is the frequency in hertz, then Thus the displacement may w = 2irf s (a) (4) i ns lead be expressed in terms of cyclic frequency: (5 ) = so sin 2irft (b) FIGURE I : (a) The Scotch-yoke mechanism provides a simple hannonic molion pislon; (b) a spring-mass system thal moves wilh s i m p le harmonic molion. to the The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics FIGURE 2: Motions that are out or phase. The dashed curve lags the s;olid curve by a phase angle iP. Either displacement equation showslhat lhe yoke-piston combi nation moves in simple harmonic motion. Many other mechanical and electrical systems disp1lay simple harmonic relationships. The spring-mass sysmn shown in Fig. I (b) is such an example. If its amplitude and natural frequency just happened to match lhe ampli tude and frequency of the Scotch-yoke mechanism. then the mass and the piston could be made 10 move up and down in perfect synchronization. To pul it anOlher way,forel'tly simple l1armo11ic relationship, an analogous Scolch­ yoke mechanism may be devised or ;..,gi11ed. The crank length QA will represent the vector amplitude. and the angular 1-elocity w of the crank, in radians per second, will correspond to the circular frequency or the harmonic relation. If the nnass and piston have the same frequencies and simultaneously reach corresponding extremes of displacement, their motions are said 10 be in plrase. When they bOlh have the same frequency but do nol oscillate together, the time diffen:nce (lag or lead) between their motions may be expressed by an angle referred to as the phase angle, efl (Fig. 2). 4 COMPLEX RELATIONS Most complex dynamic mechanical signals, steady stale or transien.t, whether they are functions such as pressure, displacement. strain, or something else, may be expressed as a combination of simple harmonirn1mpooents. Each component will ha••e ils own amplitude and frequency and wi II be combined in various phase relations with th•! other components. A general mathematical statement of this may be written as follows: )'(I) = where Ao. A 0 • and 80 n = .�o T + " . �)A. cos11wt ± 80 sm 11wt) 11= 1 amplitude-delcnnining constants called lrarmoiiic coefficie111s, = integers from I to oc, called harmo11ic orders 114 (6) The Analog Measurand: Time-Depe ndent Cha racteristics When n is unity, the corresponding sine and cosine terms are said to befundamentals. 2, 3, 4, and so on, the corresponding terms are referred to as second , th ird, fourth harmonics, and so on. Equation (6) is sometimes called a Fourier series for y(t) . The variable part or Eq. (6) may be written in tenns of e i ther t h e sine o r the cosine alone, by introducing a phase angle. Con version is made according to the following rules: For n = Cuse /: For y = A cos x + B sin x , y = C cos( -x + tf>i) (6a) or Case II: For )' = A cos x - C sin(x + <t> 1 ) (6b) C cos(x + tf>i) (6c) y = C sin(-x + <t>1 ) (6d) y= B sin x, y= or In both cases , C = JAi + Bl; and <f>t and tf>2 are positive acute angles, such that and and <f>l, A and B are taken as absolu te values. Although Eq. (6) indicates that all harmonics may be present in defining the signal­ timc relation. such relations usually include only a l imited number or harmonics. In ract, all measuring systems have some upper and some lower frequency limits beyond which further harmonics will be anenuatcd. In other words, no measuring system can respond to an infinite frequency range. Although it would be utterly impossible to catalog all the many possi ble harmonic combinations. it is neverthe less useful to consider the effects of a rew variables such as relative amplitudes, harmonic orders 11, and ph ase relations If>. Therefore, Figs . 3 through 7 are presented for two-component relations, in each case showing the effect of only one variable on the overall waveform. Figure 3 shows the effect of relative amplitudes; Fig. 4 shows the effect of.relative frequencies; Fig. 5 shows the effect of various phase relations; Fig. 6 shows the appearance or the waveform for two components having considerably different frequencies; and Fig. 7 shows the effect of two frequencies that are very nearly the same. Note that in calculating <1> 1 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics (a) (b) �V 'V \J V y1 = 1 0 sin wl + 2 sln 2wl \J (\w \)(\ \) P"�---- \j p- .� (\ (\ - y, = 10 sin wt + 4 sin 2wl � _ I y3 = 10 sin wl + 6 sin 2wl � � I FIGURE 3: Examples of two-component wavefonns with second-harmonic component of various relative amplitudes. 116 The Ana log Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics y6 �v = 10 sin wt + 5 sin 2wl vvv� Jig = 10 sin wl + S sin Swl y10 = 10 sin wl + S sin 6wt FIGURE 4: E11amplc:; of two-component wu"l:forms with second tenn of various relative frequencies. The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics FIGURE 5: Examples of two-component waveforms with second harmonic having various degrees of phase shift The Analog Measuran d: Time-Dependent Characteristics y,6 (b) = 10 sin wt + 5 sin 1 0wt Y1 1 = 5 sin wt + 10 sin 1 0wt FIG URE 6: faamples of wavefonns with lhe lwo components having considerably different amplitudes. [V\fr'" "f\f' v0V1Mnv v VlJIH/ on IFV (b) 0 A 8 no • • • n 6 6 0 nrv v v v v v v l[vvlfv v v v n ••• n n A vv (c) Y20 = 2.S sin 1 0wt + S sin 1 1 wt 7: Examples of wa veforms with lhe two components having frequencies 1ha1 are nearly the same. FIGUR E The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics FIGURE S: Pressure-1ime rela1ion: P = 1 00 sin(!101 ) + 50 cos( l 601 - 7r/4). EXAMPLE 1 As an example of a relation made up of harmonics, lei pressure-lime funclion con sisting of 1wo harmonic terms: P = JOO sin 801 + 50 cos us anal y ze a rela1ively s i mple ( 1601 - i) (7) Solution lnspeclion of the equation shows 1ha1 1he circular frequency of 1he fundamental has a value of80 rad/s, or 80/27r = 1 2 . 7 Hz. The period for 1 hc pressure variation is lherefore I / 1 2.7 = 0.0788 s. The second lerm has a frequency 1wicc that of lhc fundamental, as indicated by its circular frequency of 1 60 racl/s. It also lags the fun d ame nta l by one-eighth cycle, or :n: /4 rad. In addition, 1he cqua1ion indicales that the am p l i tude of 1he fundamental, which is 100, is 1wice that of the second harmonic, which is 50. A plot of the relation is shown in Fig. 8. EXAMPLE 2 , As another examp le lei us analyze an acceleration-time rel at i o n that is expressed by the equalion { a = 3800 sin 24501 + 1 750 cos 73 501 - �) + 800 sin ( 36,7501 ) 3 (8) where a = an gu l ar acceleration (rad/s2 ) 1 = ti me (s) Solution The relalion consisls of three harmonic eomponenls hav i ng circular frequencies i n lhe ratio I to 3 lo 1 5 . Hence lhe co m po ne nt s may be referred to as the fundamental, t he lhird harmonic, and lhe fiflecnth harmonic. Corresponding frequencies are 390. 1 1 70, and 5850 Hz. 1 20 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics 4. 1 Beat Frequency and Heterodyning The situation shown in Fig. 7(a) is the basis of an imponant method of frequency measure­ ment. Here two waves of equal amplitude and nearly equal frequency have bee n added. If one wave has a cyclic frequency of /o and the second wave has a frequency of J1 = Jo + tJ.J , !hen the resultant wave is y= A sin(2rr/01) + A si n (211" ( Jo + tJ.f)t I ( = 2A cos 2rr tJ.J T ' ) ( · . sm Jo + J1 2rr ---1 2 high-frequency slowly beating amplilude ) (9) wave This wave undergoes slow "beats" where lhe amplitude rises and falls. Although the cosine term in the amplitude has cyclic frequency of tJ.J/2, we see that lhe amplitude itself has two minima per cycle of the cosine. Thus, beats occur at a frequency of tJ.J. This kind of wave addition happens when a tuning fork is used to tune a musical instrument. The tuning fork and lhe musical instrument produce nearly equal tones, and, when lhe two sou nd waves are heard together, a lower beat frequency is also heard. The instrument is adjusted until the beat frequency is zero, so !hat the instrument's frequency is identical 10 that of the tuning fork. When the difference frequency, tJ.J, is much smaller than Jo, addition of waves allows us lo measure tJ.J with less uncertainly than if we measured Jo and /1 separately and subtracted them. This technique for frequency measurement is called heterodyning. II is very important in radio applications and in laser-doppler velocity measurements. EXAMPLE 3 I012 Helium-neon laser light has a frequency of 473.8 THz (473.8 x Hz). A helium-neon laser beam is reflected from a moving large!. This creates a doppler shift in the beam, which increases its frequency by 3 MHz (3 x I 06 Hz). 1 The reflected beam is "added 10" an unshifted beam of equal intensity, by using mirrors to bring the beams together. Whal is lhe resulting signal? Solution From Eq. (9), with Jo = 473.S THz and Ji = Jo + tJ.J = 473.8 THz + 3 MH1� The amplitude has a cyclic frequency or 1 .5 x 1 06 Hz = 1 .5 M Hz, causing zeros in amplitude twice per cycle for a beat frequency of 3-MHz. This would be mani fested 1 A doppler shift is an apparcn1 change in 1he fn..oquency or a lighl or sound wave 1ha1 t.X.'t:urs when the wave sourc� and receiver arc in motion relative 10 one another. One 1ypical cxomplc is the change in pitch or a passing lrain's whis1le. 1 21 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics as a 3-MHz vari atio n between bright and dark at the point where the laser beams were added-a vari ation which could be detected by a sufficiently fast photodetector, such as a photo mul tipl ie r tube. N ote that the beat frequency is more than a 1 ()1[) million times smaller than the freque ncy of the original l i g h t To fi nd this difference betwetm /o and ft d irectly by subtraction, we wou ld have needed to measu re eac h frequency to an accuracy of better than part in 100 million ! As a result, the beats prov ide a much easier way to detennine A/. . I 4_2 Special Waveforms A number o f freque n t ly used spec i al wavefonns may be wri tte n as. i nfi n i te trigonometric series. Several of these are show n in Fig. 9. Table I lists t he co rrespondi ng eq uations . Both the square wave and the saw tooth wave are useful in cht:eking the response of d yn amic measuring systems. In addition, the skewed sawtooth form, Fig . 9(c), gives the voltage-li me relation necessary for driv i ng the horizontal sweep of a cathode ray oscillo­ scope. A l l these forms may be obtained as voltage-t ime relations from electronic signal, - or function, generators. FOr each case show n i n Fig . 9, all the terms in the in fini te are necessary if the prec ise waveform ind icated is to be obtai ned Of course, with incre i n g hannonic order, their effect on the whole sum becomes smaller and sma ller . :as . As an example, consider the square wave shown in Fig. 9(a). The complete series includes all t he terms ind ica ted in the re lat ion 4A y = 11" (. . I I . sm wt + - sm 3wt + - sm 5wt + · · · 5 3 . ) By plotti ng only th e tirst three terms, which include the fifth harmonic, the waveform shown in Fig. O(a) is o btained Fig ure IO(b) shows the resu l ts of p lotti ng terms through and including t he ninth harmo nic , and Fig I O(c) shows the form for the terms i nc l udi n g the fifteenth harmonic. As more and more ter ms are added , the waveform gradually approaches the square wave, which results from the infi n i te series I 4-3 . . Nonperiodic or Transient Waveforms In the foregoing exam p le s of spec ial waveforms, various combinati•Jns o f harmonic com­ ponents were used . In eac h case the result was a period ic re lat ion repeating i nde fi n i te ly in every detai l. Many mecha nica l i n puts arc not repct it ivc-- for exa m pl e consider the acceleration-time relation resu lti ng from an im pact lest [ Fig I l (a)). Although such a rcla· lio n is tra ns i e n t it may be th ough t of as one cyc le of a periodic relation in which al l other cyc les are ficl i tiou s [ Fig. l (b)] . On this basis, nonperiodic fu nctio ns may be analyzed in exactly the same ma n n e r as period ic functions. If the nonperiodic waveform is sampled for a time period T. the n the fundamental freq ue ncy of t he fi c t it ious period ic wave is f = I I T (cyclic) or w = 2rr / T ( c irc u lar) , . l . 1 22 , The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics FIGURE 9: Various special waveforms of harmonic nature. and the abscissa is wt . 1 23 In each case, the ordinate is )' The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics (b) (c) FIGURE I 0: Plot of square-wave function: (a) plot of first three terms only (includes the fifth harmonic); (b) plot of the first five terms (includes the ninth harmonic); (c) plot of the first eight terms (includes the fifteenth harmonic). I� 0 Time (a ) "' I \ I ' I -,_ I 'I -T I \ ' I -, I I .... .... _ T 0 2T (b) FIGURE 11: (a) Acceleration-time relationship resulting from shock test, (b) co nsideri ng the nonrepeating function as one real cycle of a peri odic relationship. 1 24 TABLE 1: Equations for Special Periodic Wavefonns Shown in Fig. 9 Figu re 9(a) 4A 9(c) 9(d) 9(e) I. I. I I ) ) I. I y = - SIR (J)l + - s1R 3wt + - s1R 5wt + · · · 3 5 ,, 9(b) (. ( (. y y = 2A - " 2A = - 7r y = A 2 - sin "'' + SIR WI 4A - - 8A (7r )2 ( ( - ( I - 2 I SIR 2wr + . '· · . - 3 sin 3wr + . ··· •· · 00 [ Equation• 4A = - 1: = - " 9( 1) y 9(g) 2A y = --- = SA (7r) 2 2 I 3 4 coswt + cos 3wt + cos 5wt ( 3) 2 (5 ) 2 I coswt a (7r - a ) ( oo L rr= I - slR ...,/ + - sm ,JW/ - - s1R 4wt + · · · I v = - sin wi - - sin 3Wl + sin 5wt - · · · (5) 2 (1')2 ( 3 )2 · [I ) 7r n=I 2A + I I 2 cos5w1 2 cos 3wr + ' (3) (5) . I n = ) 2A = . ] � - L... " n=I 00 [ (7r)2 •• I A = - 2 . I . ] [(-l)n+ I ] [ I n= I . --- sm nwt n ,, (2n [ - 1 )2 --- cos(2n - - (- 1 )•+ 1 --- sin(2n (2n - 1 ) 2 - l )wt I - L... --- cos n wt (>r) 2 (211 I )2 •= I � SA . sm 2a sm 2wt + - sm 3a sm 3wr + sm a sm wt + (3) 2 (2) 2 . - l)wr 4A 00 - 2 L 8A - 1: = +--· , - SIR nwt +··· ) ) I . -- sm(2n 2n - I • n as used in lhese equations does not necessarily represent the harmonic order. · · · ) ) ] L 2A °" = --a(7r - a ) •=I [ l )wt ] . I . 2 sm na sm nwi 11 ] The Ana l o g Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristic:> 5 AMPLITUDES OF WAVEFORMS The magni t ude o f a waveform can be described in several ways . The s i mp lest wave fonn is a sine or cosine wave: V (t) = Va sin 2n"ft waveform is v•. The peak-to-peak amplitude i s 2 V0 • On the other hand, we may want a t i me- average value of this wave. If we sim ply average it over one period, however, we obtain an uninformative result: The ampliwde of this laT -V = -I T o Va V0 sin 2Hft dt = - - (cos 27f - cos O) '= 0 2x area beneath. one period of a sine wave is zero. Thus i t is more' useful to work with a root-mean-square (rms) value: The net Vnns = I T Lo T V 2 (t) dt = . I {T . 2 27f/t dt V02 sm T lo =·.· = a V ( 10) For more complex wave form s . the freq ue ncy spectrum (Section 6) provides a c omplete description of the amplitude of each i ndi v id ual frequency component in the s ig n al . However, the spectrum can be c u mbersome to use. and a single time-average value is often more convenient to work with. For this reason, the rms amplitude is ge nerally applied to complex waveforms as well. 6 FREQUENCY SPECTRUM Figures 3 through 7 arc plot ted us ing time as the independent variablle. This is the most common and familiar form. The waveform is displayed as it would appear on t he face of an ordi nary oscilloscope or on the paper of a strip-chart recorder. A second type of plot is the frequency spectmm. in which frequency is the i ndependent variable and the ampli tude of each freque ncy component is displayed as the ordinate. For example, the freq uency spectra for the plots of Figs. 3(a) and (d) are s how n in Fig. 1 2. Spectra corresponding to F i gs. 4(a) and (c) are shown in Fig. 1 3 , and the frequ ency spectrum for the square wave is s h ow n in Fig. 14. Figures 12 th ro ugh 14 use circular freq ue ncy w; cyclic frequ ency f is ofte n used instead. The frequency s pec tru m is useful because it allows u s to ide n ti fy at a glance the freq ue nci es present in a signal. For example, if the waveform resul ts from a vibration test of a struct ure , we could use the freq uency spectrum to identify th•e structure's natural freq ue n ci es . The application of frequency spectrum plots has increased grea.tly since the devel­ opment of the speclrum analyzer and fast Fourier transform. The spectrum an a l yzer is an electronic device that displays the freq uency spectrum on a cathode - ray screen. The fast Fourier transform is a co mp u ter algorithm that calculates the freqUt� ncy spectrum from computer-acquired data (see Secti on 7. I ). 1 26 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics AGURE 1 2: (a) Frequency speclrum corresponding to Fig. 3(a), (b} liequency spectrum correspond ing to Fig. 3(d). ti (a) (b) ��-'-������� ���....� .. "' 2... Frequency Frequency FIGURE 1 3: (a) Frequency speclrum corresponding 10 Fig . 4(a), (b) frequency spectrum corresponding 10 Fig. 4(c). The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics ., FIGURE 7 14: 5., 1 7w 1 3w 9"' 21w Frequency Frequency spectrum for lhe square wave shown i n Fig. 9(a). HARMONIC, OR FOURIER, ANALYSIS In the preceding sections, we saw how known combinalions of waves could be summed to produce more complex waveforms. Jn an experiment, the task is reversed: We measure the complex waveform and seek 10 determine which frequencies are present in it! The process of determining lhe frequency spectrum of a known wavefonn is called hannonic analysis, or Fourier analysis. 2 Fourier analysis is a brnnch of classical malhemalics on which entire textbooks have bee n wriuen. More detailed discussions are available in the Suggested Readings for this chapter. The key to hannonic analysis is that the hannonic coefficicnls in Eq . (6) are integrals of the waveform y(I) An = B. = "'- 1 21</"1 - 12n'/w 11: 0 11: 0 W y(t) cos(w111) d/ II = 0. 1 , 2, . . . . ( 1 1) y(r) sin(wnt) dt II = 1 , 2, 3 , . . . . ( 1 2) . These relations are reciprocal to Eq. (6). When the harmonic coefficients arc already known, Eq. (6) can be summed 10 obtain y(t). Conversely, when y(I) is known (as from an experiment), the integrals can be evaluated to determine lhe harmonic coellicicnts. Eltperimentally, the waveform is usually measured only for a finite time period T . It turns out lo be more convenient to write lhe integrals in terms of 1his time period, rather lhan the fundamental circular frequency, w. Since w = 211: / T. 1hc integrals are just An = � for y(l)cos(2; n1) � for ( ; nc) Bn = y(t) sin 2 21be term SfMCtrol analysis is also used. 1 28 di 11 di 11 =- 0. 1 . 2 . . . . , ( 1 3) = I . 2, 3, . . . ( 1 4) The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics Discrete sample y( t) Lit 2.1t · · · · · · · · . . · · · .. · · · r .1t · · · · .... · · · · · . . · · · NLlt • T FIGURE I S : Discrete sampling or a continuous analog signal. The value or the signal is recorded at intervals A I apart for a period T. Practical harmonic analysis usually falls into o ne o r the following four categories: y(t) is known mathematical function. In this case, the integrals ( 1 3) and ( 14) can be evaluated analytically. 1. The waveform 2. The waveform y(t) is an analog signal from a transducer. In this case, the wavefonn may be processed with an electronic spectrum analyzer to obtain the signal's spectrum. 3. Alternatively, the analog waveform may be recorded by a digital computer. The computer will store y(I ) only at a series or discrete points in time. Integrals ( 1 3) and ( 14) are replaced by sums and evaluated, as discussed in Section 7. 1 . 4. The waveform i s known graphically, for instance, from a strip-chart recorder or the screen or an oscilloscope . In this case. y(t) may be read from the graph at a discrete series of points. and the integrals may again be evaluated as sums. 3 7.1 The Discrete Fourier Transform The case when y(I) is known only at discrete points in time is very important in practice because or the wide use or computers and microprocessors for recording signals. Normally, a computer will read and store signal i nput at time intervals of Al (Fig. I S). The computer records a total of N points over the time period T = N A t .4 Therefore, in the computer's memory, the analog signal y(t ) has been reduced to a series of points measured at times 1 = Al, 2 A I , . . . • N A1, spccifically. y ( 6 1 ) . y(261 ) , . . . , y(NAI). We can write this scries more compactly as y(I, ) by selling 1, = r lit for r = I , 2 . . . . • N . To perform a Fourier analysis o r a discrete time signal like this, the integrals i n Eqs. ( 1 3) and ( 1 4) must be replaced b y approximate numerical integration i n the fo rm or summations. Li kew i se. the continuous time t is replaced by the discrete time t, = r 6t, poi n t al / 3 An example of this approoch 4 Assume thal lhe = is given in 1 1 J. Sci:lion 7. 0 is not rel.'Ordt.-d and Ihat N 1 29 is even. N N2l!.-1 � The Ana log Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics anJ the period T is replaced by An = = (�nrl!. Nl!.1 1) l!.t. Making these substitutions in Eq. ( 1 3), we get L,, y(t, ) cos ra l N L Y(r l!.l) cos N r=I 2 l!.I (2irrn) N TI1us, the harmonic coefficients of a discretely sampled wavefonn are NL N L= 2 An = - 8,, N Y(r l!.t) cos r= I = 2 - N r . Y(r l!. t ) sm I N (2irrn) n = 0, I, . . , °"2� -(--n ) n = 1,2, . . . , 2. - I N . 2:ir r N N {15) ( 1 6) for N an even number. The corresponding expression for the discrete wavefonn y(t,) is y(t, ) = Ao N/l-I An cos + T ?; [ (2irrn) N + 8., SIR . (2:irrn)] N + AN 2 -; /- cos(irr) ( 17) &juations ( 1 5) and ( 1 6) are called the discrete Fourier transform (DFI} of y(t,) [2]. Equa­ tion ( 17) is called the discrete Fourier series. In practice, the discrete sample is taken by an a1ialog-10-digital cm1verter connected to a computer or a microprocessor-driven electronic spectrum analyzer. The computer or microproces.�or evaluates the sums, Eqs. ( IS) and ( 1 6), often by using the fast Fourier transfonn algorithm. S The result, which approximates the spectrum of the original analog signal, is then displayed. Like the ordinary Fourier series [Eq. (6)], the discrete Fourier se ries expresses y(I) as a sum of frequency components. In particular, N 2:irrn -- = 2ir ( -N t.1 ) n r l!.t = 21r (11 l!.f)t, for a fundamental frequency (in hertz) of ( 1 8) ;The fast four;., transform. or FFT. algorithm is special factorization or these sums he The that applies when N is FFT a power of 2 (N = 2"', for m an number of calcula1ions nonnally required 10 evaluate these sums log2 N. Thus. the is proponional to N 2 : w n the FFT algorithm is used. the number is proponional to N requires fewer calculations when N is large. 1 30 The Analog Measurand: Time-Oependent Characteristics and harmonic orders n = y(t ) = A° + 2 I , . . . , N /2. In other words, N/2- 1 L [ A,, cos (2ir n !:.ft ) + 8,, sin (2irn t:.ft)) ·�· ( 1 9) Note that the OFT yields only harmonic components up to n = N /2, whereas the ordinary Fourier series [Eq. (6)) may have an infinite number of frequency components. This very important fact is a consequence of the discrete sampling process itself. 7:1. Frequencies in Discretely Sampled Signals: Aliasing and Frequency Resolution When an analog waveform is recorded by discrete sampling, some care is needed to ensure that the wavefonn is accurately recorded. The two sampling parameters that we can control are rhe sample rate, Is = I/ t:.t, which is the frequency with which samples are recorded, and the number of points recorded, N. l)'pically, the software controlling the data-acquisition computer will request values of /, and N as input. Figure 16 shows two eitamples of sampling a particular wavefonn. In Fig. 16 (a), the sample rate is low (t:.t is large), and as a result the high frequencies of the original wavefonn are not well resolved by the discrete samples: The signal seen in the discrete sample (the dashed curve) does not show the sharp peaks of the original waveform. The total time period of sampling is also fairly short (N is small), and thus the low frequencies of the signal are missed as well: Ir isn 'I clear how often rhe signal repeals itself. In Fig. I 6(b), the sample rate and rhe number of points are each i ncreased, improving the resolurion of both high and low frequencies. The sample rate and total sampling rime period clearly determine how well a discrere sample represents the original waveform. What is the minimum sample rate needed to resolve a particular frequency? Consider the cases shown in Fig. 1 7 , where a signal of frequency f is sampled at increasing rares. In (a), when rhe waveform is sampled al a frequency of /, = f, rhe discrerely sampled signal appears to be constant! No frequency is seen. In (b). the waveform is sampled at a higher rate, between f and 2 /; the discrete signal now appears to be a wave, bur it has a frequency lower than /. In (c). the waveform is sampled at a rate /, = 2/, and the discrete sample appears to be a wave of the correct frequency, /. Unfortunately, if the sampling begins a quarter-cycle later at this same rate, as in (d), then the signal again appears lo be constant. Only when the sample rate is increased above 2/, as in (e), do we always obtain the correct signal frequency with the discrete sample. The highest frequency resolved al a given sampling frequency is determined by the Nyquist freque11cy, /Nyq f, =2= I 2 t:.t (20) Signals with frequencies lower than /Nyq = f,/2 are accurately frequencies greater than or equal to /Nyq are no/ accurately sampled and in the discrete frequencies sampled. Signals with appear as lower sample. 1 31 The Analog Measurand: Time-Oependent Characteristics (a) FIGURE 1 6: Effect of sa mple rate and number of sam p les taken: (a) undersamp led , both 100 low; (b) resolution of waveform is improved by raising the sample rate and number of po in ts . sample rate and number of points are The p he nomenon of a d isc retel y samp led signal taking on a different freq uency, as aliasing. 6 Al iasing occurs whenever the Nyquist frequency falls below the signal freq ue ncy. Furthermore, the phase ambiguity show n by Figs. l 7(c) and (d) prohibits sampling al the Nyquist freq ue nc y itself. To pre ve n t these problems, the sampling frequency should always be chosen lo more tlran twice a signal's h ighe st frequency, as i n Fig. 1 7(e). in Fi g. 1 7(b), is called be us h ow 10 correctly resolve the highest freq uenc ies of a OFT con tains only a finite number of freq ue ncy com ponen ts : Frequencies higher than the Nyquist are too fast 10 be resolved at the g i ve n sample rate. In a s i m i l ar fashion, we can de te rm i ne the lowest nonzero frequency found by the DFr and ex plain the discrete spacing of frequencies. Ir a waveform is to be resolved by discrete sampling, one or morefull periods of that waveform must be present in the discrete sampling period, as shown for one wave in Fig. I 8(a). S ince the period of s am p l i ng is The Nyquist frequency tel ls signal . It also tells us why the 6 An inco�ctly sampled signal lakes on a new identily, or alias. 1 32 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics (a) 15 = I FIGURE 1 7 : EITecl or vary i ng the sample rate, /,. on the apparent signal obtained by d iscrete sampling. (Con1i1111ed on nexr page) T = N t.r = NIf, . lhc frequency of th is wave is fioweSI I =T= I N 6.1 fs = N "' !!if (2 1 ) Thus the fundamental frequency of the DFf, !!if. is also 1ha1 of the lowest-frequency full wave Iha! fits within the sa m pl i ng period. No lower frequency (other t h an f = 0) is resolved. 1 33 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristiics Actual "'signal Appa�·h sJgnaJ (d) '· • 21 Iv FIGURE 17: continued The next-lowest frequency resolved is that for which two full waives lit in the sampling peri od [Fi g . 18(b)]: h=r 2 We can fs = 2 -;;; = 2 6/ continue adding full waves to show that the only frequencies: resolved by the DFf are 0, 6/, 2 6/, · . . , n 6f, · . N . , z 6f = /Nyq Note that although the Nyquist frequency itself is present in the DFr, it may not correctly represent the underlying signal, owing to phase ambiguity. The frequencies of the DFr are spaced in increments of 6/, and thus 6/ i s sometimes called thefreq11ency resolution of the DFr. If an analog signal contai1ns a frequency Jo that lies between two resolved frequencies, say n 6f < Jo < (n + I ) 6/, then this frequency component will "leak" to the adjacent frequencies of the DFr. The adjacent frequencies can each show some contribution from Jo. As a result, each frequenc)' component observed in the DFr has an uncertainty in frequency of approximately ±6//2 (95%) relative to the frequencies actually present in the original analog signal. We can reduce leakage and sharpen the peaks in the frequency spectrum by decreasing 6/. This discussion leads us to the following steps for accurate disi:rete sampling: 1. First, estimate the highest frequency in the signal and choose the Nyquist frequency to be greater than it. In other words, make the sample rate, f, , gr�aler t han twice the highest frequency in the signal. 1 34 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics .._----- T -------� (a) (b) FIGURE 1 8: Resolving low frequencies: (a) one run wave in the sampling period , (b) two run waves in the sampling period. 2. If limitations in the sample rate force you to pick a Nyquist frequency less than the highest frequency in the signal, then use a low-pass filter to block frequencies greater than the Nyquist frequency so that those higher frequencies will not be aliased into your results. 3. After the sample rate is chosen, estimate the lowest frequency in the signal or estimate the frequency resolution needed to accurately resolve the frequency components in the signal . Then choose the number of points in the sample, N, to yield the desired 6.f = f, /N at the previously determined value of the sampli ng frequency, /, . 7.3 An Example of Discrete Fourier Analysis Figure 19 illustrates a simple experiment. Each of three signal generators was set to produce sine waves and connected to a loudspeaker. Generator A was set to 500 Hz, generator B to IOOO Hz, and generator C to Hz. A microphone, which converts sound pressure to voltage, was used to measure the sound level. The sound level from each speaker was individually adjusted so that the microphone voltage displayed on the oscilloscope was 50 m V in amplitude. Then all three sources were run simultaneously, so that the three waveforms were mixed, and the voltage signal produced was recorded by the computer. 1500 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics c:J-<Jl)))) L::l-<J l)))) L::l-<J l)))) Signal generators Oscilloscope Microphone 1111111 Computer Loudspeakers FIGURE 19: Experimental setup in which pure tones from three sound sources are mixed, detected by a microphone, displayed on an oscilloscope. and recorded by a computer. not Note that the signal generators were in phase. The data acquired are shown in Table 2. The computer sampled the microphone voltage at a rate of Is = 9000 Hz, corre­ sponding to a Nyquist frequency or /Nyq in = 4500 Hz The lowest rrequency the signal was known to be 500 Hz, so 18 points were used in the OFT (N = 18) to yield a frequency of resolution !::./ = !!_ N = 500 Hz Thus, the samples were at intervals of 0. 1 1 ms (61 = I //, = 0. 1 1 ms), covering a · period of N t:.1 = 2.00 ms . The test data were analyzed using the computer"s fast Fourier transform program. The resulting hannonic coefficients are listed in Table 3. Only harmonic components up to n = N /2 = 9 can be determined with the DFT (or FFT). and the last of these is the Nyquist frequency component. which suffers from phase ambiguity. The first, second, and third hannonics were originally set to amplitudes of 50 mV. Since each wave is phase shifted [recall Eqs. (6a-d)), we consider the amplitude of the sum of sine and cosine waves at each frequency, C., = ./A� + BJ. This frequency spectrum . is shown in Fig. 20. For the first and third harmonic, the calculated amplitudes are within 10% of what we thought they should be. The second harmonic is 40% higher than we thought. Apart from the lack or precision of the data and any approximation introduced in the OFT calculation, the test condition itself may have contributed to this discrepancy. The test was run in a conventional laboratory environment, and sound reHections from the walls taken 1 36 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics TABLE 2: Experimental Data for Microphone Voltage Time (ms) Voltage (mV) 0. 1 1 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.56 IO 30 70 65 15 0.67 0.78 0.89 1 .00 1.11 -40 -50 15 100 1 35 90 1 .22 1 .33 1 .44 1 .56 1 .67 - 1 30 - 140 - 1 10 1 .78 1 .89 2.00 -50 - 10 0 -40 TAB LE 3: Calculated Harmonic Coefficients for the Data of Table 2 Harmonic Order, n Frequency, n A/, Hz 0 I 2 3 0 500 4 5 6 7 8 9 IOOO 1 500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 1 37 A., mv B. , mv c., mv - 1 .04 -29. 1 1 49.09 -2 1 .96 2.78 1 .97 -0.96 0. 1 5 -0.37 - 1 .08 0.00 46.83 52.70 -47.41 2 .23 -0.47 -0. 5 1 2.93 1 .04 55. 14 72.02 52.25 3.56 2 .03 1 .09 2.93 1.17 1 .08 -I.II 0.00 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics 80 60 > .§. 40 o• 20 1 000 0 2000 Frequency, IUSf (Hz) 4000 3000 FIGURE 20: Frequency specll'Um for data of Table 2. and ceiling may have also contributed to some distortion of the original signals. Ideal l y, the test should have been run in an anec hoic chamber. The sum of the measured harmonic components [Eq. ( 1 9)) is plotted together with the data in Fig. 2 1 . Visually, the computed curve appears to fit the data perfectly. The DFf calculation reconstructs the original signal to within th e accuracy of the original data. ," 1 00 > E /I \,,I 50 I 4 I ' ; \• I II \I I I t .... I 4 I ,'"'- ; I � \• I I \I I I I I •' ' ��.'"+��\ -i._�.,. � O t-�-i�,...-�,''"+�+\ -+��-,.f'��+; , , , , , , \ •/ +I p/ 1 -50 ' / \) .; ./ I I I I -50 Series I I I I I I I I• ,• p I I I ' 1 • Data •,.1 ' ' -150 �����....�� .. ....��'-... .. ....��· .. · -�� �....�� 0.00 1 .00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Time, ms FIGURE 2 1 : Comparison of the calculated Fourier series with the measu red test data. 1 38 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics 8 SU MMARY Mechanical and electrical measuring systems often produce time· varying output signals. We have seen that even fairly complex signals may be broken down and analyzed as a mixture of hannonic components, each having different frequency and amplitude. Keep in mind that all dynamic inpulS, those whose magnitudes vary will) time, are in reality only combinations of simple sinusoidal building blocks. I. Simple hannonic motion, such as s = so sin cut, is the most basic form of time· dependent behavior. The frequency of such motion can be described by either the cyclic frequency, f, or the circular frequency, cu = 27rf. The relationship orthese two frequencies may be visualized in terms of the Scotch-yoke mechanism (Sections 2, 3). 2. More complex waveforms can be represented by a sum of simple hannonic compo­ nents having different amplitudes and frequencies. Even fairly sharp waveforms, such as the square wave, can be described by such sums. These sums are called Fourier series (Sections 4, 4.2). 3. When two waves of nearly equal frequency are added, the resulting waveform under· goes periodic beats at a frequency of one-half the frequency difference of lhe original waves (Section 4.1 ). 4. When a nonperiodic waveform is recorded for a time interval T, the recorded por­ tion may be viewed as a periodic waveform of period T and frequency f = I / T (Section 4.3). S. The average amplitude of a complex signal is often described using the root-mean­ square, or rms, value (Section 5 ). 6. The frequencies present in a complex waveform may be described using the fre­ quency spectrum, which shows the amplitude of each frequency component present (Section 6). 7. The process of determining the frequency spectrum of a complex signal is called hannonic analysis or Fourier analysis. Several methods of hannonic analysis are available, depending on the nature of the signal being studied (Section 7). 8. When a signal is recorded by a computer, only discrete points are stored. The dis­ crete Fourier transform, or DFf, may be used to find the frequency spectrum of lhe recorded data (Section 7. I ). 9. Accurate discrete sampling can be ensured by selecting appropriate values of the sampling frequency, /, , and the number of sample points recorded, N. The correct values are determined by (a) the Nyquist frequency, /Nyq = /, /2, which must be greater than lhe highest frequency in the signal; and (b) the frequency resolution, t..f = Is / N, which is both the lowest frequency seen in the discrete signal and the spacing of frequencies in lhe signal's DFf (Section 7 .2). SUGGESTED READINGS Churchill, R. V., and J. W. Brown. Fourier Stries and Boundary Value Probltms. 1978. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, Greenberg, M . D. Oppenheim, A. N.J.: Preniice Foundations ofApplied Mathematics. Englewood Cliffs, V., A. S. Winsky. and S. H. Nawab. Signals Hall. 1997. & Systems. NJ.: Preniice Hall. 1 978. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River. The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics PROBLEMS I. The following expression represenlS thC displace ment of a point as a function of time: y(t) = 100 + 95 sin 1 5t + 55cos 15t ( a ) What is the fundamental frequency in hertz? ( b) Rewrite lhe equation in terms of cosines only. 2. Rewrite each of the following expressions in lhe 3. Construct a frequency ( a ) y = 3. 2 cos (0. 2t - 0.3) + sin(0.21 + 0.4) ( b ) y = 1 2 sin(t - 0.4) Construct a frequency spectrum for Fig. 9(c). S. Construct a frequency spectrum for Fig. 9(e). 6. 8. (6). spectrum for Fig. 9(a). 4. 7. fonn of Eq. Construct a frequency spectrum fo r Fig. 9(0. Construct a frequency spectrum for Fig. 9(g). Figure 22 represenis a trace from oscilloscope where lhe ordinate is in volts and the abscissa is in milliseconds. Determine ilS discrete Fourier transform and sketch iis frequency spectrum. Use a sampling frequency of Check for periodicity i n choosing your data window. an 2000 Hz. FIGURE 22: Oscilloscope trace for Problem 8. re1;ord as shown in Fi g. 23. Dctennine its rrequency spectrum. 10. Consider a pre5$un:-1irne ll. Solve Problem 8 using a sampling frequency o f I 000 Hz and compare your results with those of Problem 8. 9. If the signal of Problem 9 were 10 be sampled digitally for its discrete Fourier transform. what sampling frequency would you recommend? 1 40 . The Ana l og Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics Pressure '®�� 1234567 ' l(s) FIGURE 23: Press ure-ti me record for Problem 9. 12. Using the data files in Table 4, if t is in milliseconds and /(1 ) is in volts, determine lhe discrete Fourier transfonn for each set of digital data. (a ) (b) ( c) ( d) Use /1 (/ ). Use /2 (t). Use /3 (1). Use /4(1). ( e) Use /s (I). ( r) Use /6(1 ). 13. A 500-Hz sine wave is sampled at a frequency of 4096 Hz. A total of 2048 points are taken. ( a ) What is the Nyquist frequency? ( b) What is the frequency resolution? ( c ) The student making the measurement suspects that the sampled waveform contains several harmonics of 500 Hz. Which of these can be accurately measured? What happens to the others"/ 14. A 150-Hz cosine wave is sampled at a rate of 200 Hz. ( a ) Draw the wave and show the temporal locations al which it is measured. ( b ) What apparent frequency is measured? ( c ) Describe the relation of the measured frequency to aliasing. Give a numerical justification for your answer. IS_ ( a ) Suppose that a 500-Hz sinusoidal signal is sampled at 750 Hz. Dniw the discrete time signal found and determine the apparent frequency of the signal. ( b ) If a 200-Hz component were present in the signal of part (a), would it be detected? Explain. ( c ) If a 375-Hz component were present in the signal of part (a), would i t be detected? Explain. 141 The Analog Measurand: Time-Dependent CharacteriS'tics TABLE 4: Data for Problem 1 2 0 l 2 3 4 56 89 11 7 10 12 13 14 65 1918 21 1 1 17 20 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3536 /1 (1) /2(t ) /3 (1) 4.5.744 0.8 -- ..4 -- 68 - 48 - .4 0.3 08 4.5 74 4.74 0.1 08 - .7 --1..8.68 4 -1.0..428 4.74 . 88 4.19 4.4.6547 4.4.4066 1 0.2 1 0.0 3.01 - 1 .2 2 27 -2.4 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 7 -2 - 1 .2 - . 1 . 4 3. 1 - .2 -2.4 2 -2.4 1 -1 - 2. -2.7 -2 3.0 1 5.4 3 76 3. 3.73 3.6 3.55 89 l.98 3.35 2. 2.36 2.01 2.14 2.24 2 1 2..066 3...556 3. 6 3.88 4.19 4..06 3.3.565 5 2.386 2. 1 6 2 7 13 3 73 3. 7 3 73 3.3 2. 9 9.9.5873 9. 6 8.8.56 8. 7.89 .6 7.. 4 .56 7. 4 8.8.0478 99.8.94847 ..6 11.l1.2 .3 I1 I.I.2 10.87 10.0 65 1 .3 2 92 21 7 2 43 73 73 7. 7 . 1 10 3 10 1 0.9 1 11 1 1 .2 11 0.9 10 . 1 . 10.4 0 1 0.2 /4 (1 ) 4 2. 0.99 58 4.1.454 fs (t ) /, (/ ) JO.I -9.4 - .528 87. 52 -6. 5.57 2.52 4.1581 3 2.14 0.63 4.17.3 -1. -3 .4 8.52 -6. -5 6 2.57 6.66 8.45 8.46 0.2.3646 5.85 -6 3 ·-4.7.6 - 55 -8.3 .5 -1. 0 6 -5.6 ·-4.5 -4. -1 -2.1 0.06 5 - 1.. 83 -5 5.05 11 . . -6.7 2 -12-8.5 -2.4 10.6 .5 I0.5 -1 9.34 .3 0 3 -0 . .9 1 4. 1 1 1 .2 10 3 2 7 .4 .1 2.03 2. 1 1 7. 1 9 7.3 -7.9 -9 -9.9 -JO JI 0.9 -4 -II - JO -9. 4. -7. J - .9 3.05 3. 1 1 · - 1 .9 ·- 9 ·-9.3 ·- 9 ·-7.9 -3.9 1 - 15 - 1 - 10 49 9. 1 5 I 1 -3.7 6.59 24 0.7 7.94 9.04 9.87 I 0.4 7 1 .29 ·- 2 .7 . -11 ·-7 · 2 7 4 10. I -9 . 7 1 --9.4 The Ana l og Measurand: Time-Dependent Characteristics 16. An engineer is studying the vibrational spectrum of a large diesel engine. Her modeling estimates suggest that a strong resonance is likely at 250 Hz, and that weaker frequencies of up lo Hz may be exciled also. She has placed an accelerometer on the machine lo measure the vibration spectrum. She samples the accelerometer output voltage using her computer's analog-to-digital convener board. 2000 ( a ) What is the minimum sample rate she should use? ( b) To reliably test her model of the machine's vibration, she must resolve the peak resonant frequency 10 ± I Hz. How can she achieve this level of resolution? 17. 18. A temperature measuring circuit responds fully to frequencies below 8.3 kHz; above this frequency, the circuit attenuates the signal. This circuit is lo be used 10 measure a temperature signal with an unknown frequency spectrum. Accuracy of ± I Hz is desired in the frequency components. If no frequency components above 8.3 kHz are present in the circuit's output, what sample rate and number of samples should be used to sample the output? A cantilever beam of stiffness k supports a large mass m on its free end. The vibrational frequency of the beam approximately equal lo ! = .:..._ � 21r y ; In an experiment. this frequency was measured by attaching a strain gage to the beam to produce a waveform corresponding to the oscillating motion. The waveform was then discretely sampled using the lab computer, and the frequency of motion was obtained from an FFT of the waveform. For one particular case, the mass at the end of the beam was measured to be 60. I 0 g, to an uncenainty of ±0. 1 1 g (95%). The waveform was sampled at a rate of 128 Hz for 1 28 points, and a peak frequency of IO Hz was returned by the FFT calculation. ( a ) Calculate the beam stiffnes.� and its uncertainty (95% ). ( b ) What is the primary source of uncenainty in this result'! What is the best way reduce the uncertainty of the result? lo ( c ) The cxperimenter's disk is nearly full, so he does not wi sh Lo increase lhe number of points sampled when he repeats the experiment. If the sample rJte can be adjusted in increments of I Hz, what sample rdle would allow the lowesl uncenainty with the same number of point�·1 Estima1e the uncenainty in stiffness for that sample rate. REFERENCES ( 1) Beckwith, T. G., and R. D. Marangoni . Mechanical Measurements. 4th ed. Read i ng, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1 990. (2) Oppenheim, A. V., A. S. Willsky, and S. H. Nawab. SignaLv & Systems. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1 997. The Analog Measurand: lime-Dependent Characteristics ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 8 (a) 15/:br rad; (b) y(t) = 1 00 + 109.77 cos( 15r - 1 .046) V (t) � 6.7 cos(2026.8l) + 2.9 sin(3040.3t) - 0.9 cos(4053.7t) 12 (d) V( t) � l O sin wt + 4 cos (l)t - 2 sin 6 "'t 13 16 "' � 27r / .036 radls (a) /Nyq = 2048 Hz (b) 2 Hz (c) 1 000 Hz, 1500 Hz, 2000 Hz Is > 4000 Hz, N = 8000 pis. sampled Th e Response of M easuri ng Systems 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 INTRODUCTION AMPLITUDE RESPONSE FREQUENCY RESPONSE PHASE RESPONSE PREDICTING PERFORMANCE FOR COMPLEX WAVEFORMS DELAY, RISE TIME, ANO SLEW RATE RESPONSE OF EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM ELEMENTS SIMPLIFIED PHYSICAL SYSTEMS MECHANICAL ELEMENTS AN EXAMPLE OF A SIMPLE MECHANICAL SYSTEM THE IMPORTANCE O F DAMPING DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SIMPLIFIED MECHANICAL SYSTEMS SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SPRING-MASS-DAMPER SYSTEMS THE ZERO-ORDER SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS O F FIRST-ORDER SYSTEMS CHARACTERISTICS OF SECOND-ORDER SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS FIRST-ORDER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SIMPLE SECOND-ORDER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CALIBRATION OF SYSTEM RESPONSE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Quite s i m p ly, respo11se is a measure of a sy s te m ' s fide li ty to purpose. It may be defined as an evaluation of the system's abi lity to faithfully sense. transmit, and present all the perti n ent in formation included in the m cas u ra nd and to exclude all else. We wou ld like to know if the output i n format ion truly represents the i nput. I f the i n pu t i n formation is in the form of a sine wave, a sq u are wa ve , or a sawtooth wave, does the output appear as a sine wave. a square wave, or a sawtooth wave, as the case may be? Is each of t he harmonic com p o ne nts in a co m p l e x wave treated equally, o r arc s ome attenuated, completely ignored, or perhaps shifted t imew i se relative to the ot h ers '! These questions are ans wered by the response characteristics of the partic u l ar system-that is, ( I ) amplitude response, (2) frequency res po nse , (3) p h ase response, and (4) s lew rate. 1 46 The Response of Measuring Systems 300 o --- o� 200 \ 0 \ 1 00 0 1<r 1 0"'1 1 0-2 Input, e; {V) \ FIGURE I : Gain versus i nput vollage for am pli fier section of a commercially available strain meas uring system for a frequency of I kHz (gain = ou tput voltage/in put voltage). Z AMPLITUDE RESPONSE 3 FREQUENCY RESPONSE Amplitude response is governed by the system's abili ty lo treat all input amplitudes uni­ formly. I f an i nput of 5 units is fed i n to a system and an output of 25 indicator divisions is obtai n ed , we can ge nerally expect that an input of 10 units will resull in an output of 50 divisions. Although this is the most common case, other special n onl i near responses are also occ asi onally req uired . Whatever the arrangement, whether it be linear, expo nen tial , or some other amplitude fu nction , discrepancy between design expectations in this respect and actual perfonnance results in poor amplitude response. Of course no system exists that is capable of respondi ng faithfully over an unlimited range of ampli tudes . All systems can be overdrive n . Figure I shows the amp l i tude response of a voltage amplifier s ui table for connecting a strai n -gage bridge to an osc i ll oscope . The usable range of the amplifier is restricted to the horizontal ponion of the curve. The plot shows that for i nputs above about 0.01 V the ampli fier becomes overloaded and the ampl ific ati on ceases to be linear. Good frequency response is obtained when a system reacts to all freq uency components in the same way. If a 100-Hz sine wave w ith an i nput amplitude of 5 u n its is fed into a system and a peak-lo-peak outpu t of 2 ! cm resul ts on an oscilloscope scree n , lo"e can expect that a i 500-Hz sine-wave i nput of the same amplitude would also resull in a 2 cm peak- to-peak output. Cha ngi ng the frequency of the i nput si gna l should not al ter the system's output magnitude so long as the input ampl i tude remains unc h anged. Yet here again there must be a limit to the range over which good freq ue ncy response may be expected. This is true for any dynamic system, regardless of its q ual i ty. Figure illustrates the freq uency response relations for the same voltage amplifier used in Fig. Frequencies above about 1 0 kHz are atte nuated . Only inputs below this freq uency limit are ampl i fied in the correct relative proportion. I.2 1 47 The Response of Measuring Systems 300 Frequency response 1--����-1-���-+-��--1 ' x, 1 o' ' ·� Frequency, Hz FIGURE 2: Frequency response curve for amplifier section of a commen:ially available strain-measuring system; e1 = 10 mV. 4 PHASE RESPONSE S PREDICTING PERFORMANCE FOR COMPLEX WAVEFORMS Amplilude and frequency respo nses are i m pol'llln l for all types of i n pu l waveforms, whether simple or complex. Phase respo11se, however. is of primary imponance for lhe complex wave only. Time is required for lhe transmission of a signal through any meas uri ng system. Often, when a simple sine-wave voltage is amplified by a single stage of amplification. lhe output trails the input by approximately 1 80°, or one-half cycle (see Fig. 20). For two stages, the phase shift may be about 360°, and so on. The actual shift will not be an exact multiple of half-wavelengths but will depend on lhe equipment and the frequency. II is the freq uency dependence that defines phase response. For a single-sine-wave input, any phase shift would no rmall y be unimponant. The output produced on the oscilloscope screen would show lhe true waveform, and its proper parameters could be determined. The fact 1ha1 the shape bei n g shown was actually formed on lhe screen a few microseconds or a few milliseconds aficr be i ng generated is of no consequence. Lei us consider, however, a complex wave made up of numerous hann onics. If the phase lag is different for each frequency, then each component of lhc complex wave is delayed by a different amount. The hannonic com po n en ts !hen emerge from the system in phase relations different from when they entered. The whole waveform and i ts amplitudes are changed, a result of poor phase response . Figure 3 illustrates phase response chatacteristics for a typical vohage amplifier. Response characteristics of an existing system o r a component of a system may be deter­ mined experimentally by injecting as inpul a signal of known form. then detennining lhe 1 48 The Response of Measuring Systems 80 .. .. i! "' -3 j.. � 0.. / / I 60 / / 40 20 0 1 0' Frequency, Hz FIGURE 3: Phase lag versus frequency (phase response) for the same amplifier used in Fig. 2. output, and finally comparing the results. Of course, the most basic test waveform is the sine wave. If we know the sine-wave response of a device, can we use this information to predict how it will respond to a complex input, such as a square wave or one of the various sawtooth waveforms? The answer is yes, as we dllJllonstrate in the follow i ng example. EXAMPLE 1 Using a computer program and information given in Figs. 2 and 3. predict the form of amplifier output to be expected if a perfect square wave is the input. Do this for input having fundamental frequencies of 1000 and 2000 Hz and amplitude of I m V. Solution A square wave is defined by the infinite series 4A y= - 00 I L: --- sin [(2n I) Jr n ; I (2n - 1 )2irfl ) (I) We may modify Eq. ( I ) by introducing frequency and phase distortion factors: 4A )' = - r L: ir n;I ( whe e 00 Gn sin [(2n 2n - I ) - - 1 )2irft - <fl. I G n = an amplitude factor based on freq uency. <fin = a phase distortion factor 149 c l a) The Response of Measuring Systems ! 1 ii .. ,, 'i .. l a: -1 0 -1 21T 0 41T Dimensionless time, 21Tft 61T (a) - ! 61T - -- Ideal output -- Actual output - -, -1 15. E .. � S! 31 0 [ .. .. a: I -1 0 - _, 21T 41T Dimensionless time, 21Tft (b) 61T 81T - - - Ideal ou1pu1 -- Aclual outpul FIGURE 4: (a) Compuler-delennined res pon se to a 1 000- Hz square wave by the amplifier whose characteristics are shown in Fi gs . I through 3, (b) c om puter-determin ed response 10 a 2000- Hz square wave by the amplifier whose characteristics are shown in Figs. I through 3. (Ideal amplitude = 240 mV.) Magnitudes for G /1 and <Pn for e ac h harmonic order can be extracted from the respon se 2 and 3. For example, if n = 15, then (2n - I ) / = 29( 1000 Hz) = 29 kHz, a nd we read G 1 s = 200 from Fig. 2 and tf> i s = 30° from Fig. 3. 1be computer code can incorporaie tables of such frequency-response and phase-response data taken directly from the sine-wave response curves. The resulls of us i ng these data in Eq. ( l a) are plotted i n curves, Figs. Figs. 4(a) and ( h). 1 50 The Response of Measuring Systems We can make similar calculations for any wavefonn for which a hanno nic series can be written. In particular, lo investigate a measuring system's response to a wavefonn of interest, we can make a Fourier analysis of that wavefonn and investigate the system's response characteristics using sine-wave test results, as before. & DELAY, RISE TIME, AND SLEW RATE 7 RESPONSE OF EXPERIM ENTAL SYSTEM ELEMENTS Finally, a fourth type of response, which is actually another form of frequency response, is delay, or rise time. When a stepped or relatively instantaneous input is applied to a system, the output may lag, as shown in Fig. 5. The time delay after the step is applied, but before proper output magnitude is reached, is known as rise time. It is a measure of the system's ability to handle transients. Sometimes rise time is defined specifically as the time, 6.t, required for the system to pass from 10% to 90% of its final response. Alternatively, transient response may be characterized by the settling time required for the system response to remain within some small percentage of its final value. Slew rale is the maximum rate of change that the system can handle. In electrical terms. it is de/dt, or volts per unit time (e.g., 25 V /µ.s). When the voltages changes rapidly, the system can respond no faster than the slew rate. An experimentalist can usually avoid operating a measuring system under conditions when amplitude response or slew rate are limiting factors. For example, a solid-state amplifier System input SetUing lime FIGURE 5: Response of a typical system to a step input, showing rise time (6.r) and settling time. l,__ __ Sys-tem The Response of Measuring Systems Input V1n · _ Output element ____. v., = V,sln(211'"fl) f\AA v... v... = v. sin(211'"1t + d> ) FIGURE 6: Response of a system element to a sine-wave input. that is overloaded ty pically produces a. constant output of ±5 V i rrespecti ve of the input; such a cond i tion should be fairly obvious, and its result is clearly useless. Frequency- and phase-response limitation s are not so read il y apparent. One would prefer zero phase shift and flat frequency response for all frequenc ies of interest. However, because experimental i nputs often contain a w ide range of freq uencies , poor response to some subset of freque nc ies may go unnoticed. An evaluation proced u re is general ly necessary to establish a pan icu lar system's response. We have seen that a sine-wave test can provide the freque ncy and ph ase res ponse frequency by freq uency. The sine-wave response of a meas uri n g system e leme n t . such as a transducer or an amplifier, provides a fou ndation for eval uating the performance of the overall measurement system. Each element in the system transfers its input to an output (Fig. 6 ). The output can differ from the in pu t in both amp l i tude and phase. The ratio of ou t pu t amplitude to i n put ampl i tude is the gai n (or amplificati on) for that freq uency, and the vari ati on of the gain over all frequencies is what we h ave called frequ ency response, o G ( /) = V V; Similarly, we called the variation of th e ph ase shi ft with frequency the phase response, 4>(/). These are, of course, the functions shown in Figs . 2 and 3. t A complete measuring sys tem consists of a series of elements, from sensors and transducers to signal condi ti oners to record ing and d isplay devices. For any given frequency component, the system ' s gain is the produ ct of t he gains of all syste m elements at that frequency. Likewise, the sys tem ph ase shift is the sum of every stage ' s phase shift. To obtain an acceptable measurement, every measuring stage must have acceptab l e response over the frequency range of interest. If any si n gle stage does not respond properly. it will elision the signal and contaminate the entire measu rem ent . Figure 7 shows a ty pic al measuring system. A periodic measurnnd is detected by a sensor. This measurand might be a position, x. that oscillates at a freq ue ncy fx · The 1 The iuder who has studied sySlem dynamics will ttcognizc 1ha1 G(/) and t/l(f) an: 1he magnicude and phase. =peclivety, of lhc periodic cransrcr runccion. ll(jOJ), or a linear syscem It t. 1 52 The Response of Measuring Systems Amplifier Low-pass filter Computer system FIGURE 7: Measuring system composed of several system cl e men ts; the sig nal i s shown as il leaves each element. sensor produces an output voltage in millivolts, which varies with x. However, the sensor also picks up high-frequency electrical noise from nearby equi pmen t. Thus, the output of the sensor includes both the low frequency of the signal, fx . and the high frequency of the noise, J• . The sensor's signal is received by an am plifier (gain = 100), which raises the signal level to a value convenient for com pu ter recording. Apart from the added noise, both measuring stages respond faith fu l l y to the input s ig nal . Certain system elements are chosen spec i fi call y for the l im itations of their frequency­ response characteristics. In the case of Fig. 7, the measurand varies at a fairly l ow frequency, whereas the u nwan ted electrical n oi se is at a much hi g her frequency. Since the experimen­ talist has evaluated lhe output signal on an oscilloscope, she has a clear idea of which range of frequencies characterizes th e measurand and which range characterizes the noise. Thus, she inserted a signal-conditioning low-pass filter after lhe amplifier lo eliminate the noise. This filler has Hat frequency response al low fr�-quencies (such as fx ) and zero response at high freq uenci es (such as fn ) , as shown in Fig . 8. The s ig nal that the filler transmits lo the computer record ing system excludes the noise component. In contrast to the filter, a well-designed sensor or transducer should respond lo all frequencies eq ual ly. Unfortunately, most actual sensors and transducers do not. Instead, such dev ices are characterized by an upper or lower freq ue ncy beyond which response is attenuated (much like a filter) or by a high or low freq ue ncy al which the sensor resonates with the input, produc i ng an output that is ridiculously large. Determination of such l i mi ti ng frequencies is extre me ly important if a dynamic measurand is lo be accurately recorded. The frequency and phase response of a system element (or of the entire chain of e le me n ts) can be de termi ned in several ways. For simple elements, we may be able to construct a phys ica l model of the device that accurately predicts its response. For more complex systems, we may wish to tes t the response experimentally, for ex am ple, by using a s ine- wave lest. In other circumstances. wc may re l y on response data provided by the manufacturer. In any case, once we have determined lhc range of freq uenc ies for which the system responds accurately, wc will disregard frequencies outside this range , i f they can 1 53 The Response of Measuring Systems � -���-'-����- --'-��� o L- Frequency, f � FIGURE 8: Freq uency response for the low-pass filtt:r of Fig. 7. be identified, and we will take precautions to prevent such freque:ncies from entering the measuring chain. The remainder of this chapter is concerned with the identi fication of system response. Sections !I through 1 9 address the modeling of frequency and ph ase response for simple phy sica l systems. Section 20 return s to the matter of experim1mtal detennination and calibration of system response. 8 SIMPLIFIED PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Whal basic physical factors govern response ? In tenns of practical systems, we are con· fronted with two fundamental ty pes of construction: mechanical and electrical. The basic mechanical elements are mass, damping, and some fonn of equilibrium-restoring element, such as a spri ng . Corresponding electrical elements are i n duc tance , resistance, and capaci­ tance. Although many, if not most, devices and systems involve bod1 electrica l and mechan· ical elements, for our immediate purposes it is advantageous to con:iider the two separately. In the next several sections we will discuss some of the mechanical! aspects; and beginning with Section 17, we will consider the electrical . 9 M ECHANICAL ELEMENTS A d i sc uss ion of the d yn amic characteristics of an elementary mechamical system necessitates a short d escription of the elements com posing such a system. 9.1 Mass It is obvious that in all cases mass will be a factor. Under certain conditions, however, the masses making up the device or system will not affect its perfonn ance. We will consider such cases in Sections 14 and 15. By i t s very nature, mass must be distributed throughout some volume. In many cases, however, it is not only convenient but also correct, or nearly so, t•o assume that the mass 1 54 The Response of Measuring Systems of a member is concentrated at a point. Depending on the geometry of the member and its application, the point of concentration may or may not be the center of gravity. In cenain cases, the center of percussion may be the location of effective concentration. 9.2 Spring Force Many mechanical members deHect in direct proportion to the force exerted on them, that is, t;.F / t;.s = k = a constant, where t;. F is an applied force increment and t;.s is the resulting deHection increment. Most coil springs, beams, and tension/compression members abide by this relationship. II may be noted that the force is opposed to the deHection; that is, the resulting force always allempts to restore equilibrium. Torsional members commonly adhere to the relationship t;. T/ t;.(J = k, = a constant, where t;. T is an applied torque increment and t;.(J is the resulting torsional deHection increment. The constants k and k, are called spring constants, or thflection constants. Elasticity is not always the source of the restoring force, however. In certain cases, such as for a beam balance (see Section I 0), the restoring force may be supplied by gravity. When the motion of a concentrated mass is constrained by an equilibrium-seeking member [Fig. 9(a)], simple vibration theory shows that the combination will have a natural frequency (2) where "'• f = circular frequency in radians per sec ond = 21r f, = frequency of vibration in hertz, g0 = the dimensional constant A system of this sort is said to have a single degree offreedom; that is, it is assumed to be constrained in some way to oscillate in a single mode or manner, needing only one coordinate to fully describe its motion. m m (a) (b) FIGURE 9: Elementary spring-mass systems: (a) without damping; (b) with viscous damping. The R esponse of Measuring Systems Time ___ 0'191'Shoot ..._ FIGURE 10: lime-displacement relations for damped motion: (a) for damping greater than critical; (b) for critical damping; (c) for damping less than critical. 9.3 Damping Another factor important to the usefulness of any system of this type is damping [Fig. 9(b)). Damping in this connection is usually thought of as viscous. rather than Coulomb or fric­ tional, and may be obtained by fluids (including gases) or by electrical means. Viscous damping is a function of velocity, and the force opposing the motion may be expressed as (3) where { = the damping coefficient and ds /dt = the velocity. We can see that the damping coefficient is an evaluation of force per unit velocity. The m:gative sign indicates that the resulting force opposes the velocity. The effect of viscous damping on a freely vibrating single-degree-of-freedom system is to reduce the vibrational amplitudes with respect to time according to an exponential relation. Damping magnitude is conveniently thought of in terms of critical damping, which is the minimum damping that can be used to prevent overshoot when a damped spring­ mass system is deflected from equilibrium and then released (see Section 1 6. 1 for further discussion). This limiting condition is shown in Fig. 1 0. The value of the critical damping coefficient, {c. for a simple spring-supponed mass {c = 2 m is expressed by the relation f!: . (4) Damping is often specified in terms of the dimensionless damping ratio, � = i. {c Many measuring devices or system components involve elements constrained by gravity or spring force, whose deflection is analogous to the signal input. The ordinary balance scale is an example, as is the D'Arsonval meter movement. The same is true of most pressure transducers, elastic-force transducers, and many other measuring devices. 1 56 The Response of Measuring Systems If lh e syslem is a lranslational one, a spri ng-constrai ned mass may be i nvolved . A tire gage illuslrates the case in which lhe pislon and slem and a portion of the spring constitute the mass whose molion is controlled by lhe inleraction of the appl ied pressure and the s pring force. These devices depend on equilibrium for correc t indicalion. When equilibrium is disturbed by a change of inpul, the system requires l ime to rcadjusl to the new equilibrium, and a number of oscillations may lake pl ace before the new outpul is correctly indicated. The rale at which the amp l itude of such osci llat i ons decreases is a function of lhe system's damping. In add i ti on, the freq uency of oscillalion is a function of both damping and sensitivily. 10 AN EXAMPLE OF A SIMPLE M ECHANICAL SYSTEM Let us consider a sy mmetrical scale beam without damping (Fig. 1 1 ) . For simpl ificalion , we wi ll assume that lhe masses of the scale pans and the weight� bei ng compared are concentraled al points A and B and lhal they are also included in the mass moment of inertia /, which is refened lo the main pi vot point 0 . Further, we will assume that a small difference, l!i. W, exists belwecn the two weights being compared and lhat points A, B, and 0 lie along a straighl l ine. We define sensil ivi ly, 11. as the ratio of the displacement of the end of the poi nter lo the length of l he pointer, h, divided by l!i. W, or I I d 11 = - - = - tan e 6W h l!i. W FIGURE 1 1 : Schcmalic diagram o f a be am balance. 1 57 (5 ) The Response of Measuring Systems The system behaves as a compound pendulum, and it can be shown that the period of oscillation will be (6) where I = the mass moment of inertia, = the weight of the r = the distance between the center of gravity of the beam alone and pivot point 0 , wh beam With the weights applied, whi' sin 8 = �W L cos 8 or tan 8 L�W = -­ whi' (7) Hence, using Eq. (5), we find that ( I...) 2 (7a) Combining Eqs. (6) and (7a), we have 'I = !:. I 211' · gc = !:. I (-1-)2 211'/ · 8c (7b) where / = natural frequency. Equation (7b) indicates that the sensitivity is a function of T, tht: period ofoscilla!ion of the balance scale, with increased sensitivity corresponding 10 a long beam and low moment of inertia. In other words, the more sensitive instrument oscillates more slowly than the less sensitive instrument. This is an important observation having significant bearing on the dynamic response of most single-degree-of-freedom iinstruments. 11 THE IMPORTANCE O F DAMPING The importance of proper damping to dynamic measurement may be understood by assum­ ing that our scale beam in the previous example is part of an instrum•ent that is required lo come to different equilibria as rapidly as possible. Suppose that our scale beam has very low damping. When a disturbing force is applied, the scale will be caused to oscillate, and the oscillation wit I continue for a long period of time. A final balance will be obtained only by prolonged waiting, and thus the frequency with which the weighing process may be repeated is limitc:d. On the other hand, suppose considerable damping is provided--well above critical. An extreme example of this would be to submerge the entire scale in a c:ontainer of molasses. Balance would be approached at a very slow rate again, but in this case there would be no oscillation. Here, again, excessive time would be required before the next weighing operation could commence. II appears, therefore, that if we were lo design a beam-type scale for quickly deter­ mining magnitudes of different masses, the final form would necessarily be a result of 1 58 The Response of Measuring Systems compromise. We would like equilibrium to be reached as quickly as possible in order to get on with the job. It would seem that there might be an optimum value that should be used. Although lhis is not exactly the case because of other factors involved, damping of the order of 60% 10 75% of critical is provided in many instruments of this type (see Section 1 6.2 for further clarilica1ion of this point). Although damping will lend to decrease the frequency of oscillalion, it does not change 1he inherenl sensitivily of the device, which is related to the undamped natural frequency. However, some compromises must still be made in regard to sensitivity. Sensitivity i ncreases in proportion lo 1he undamped natural period, as shown in the previous section. Because a high natural peri od (or low natural frequency) usually corresponds lo a lessened frequency response. scnsi1ivi1ies grea1er than lhose required by lhe application should be avoided in 1hc interest of mainlaining adequale response. 12 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SIMPLIFIED M ECHANICAL SYSTEMS 13 SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SPRING-MASS-DAMPER SYSTEMS By making certain simplifying modeling assumptions, we may place lhe dynamic charac­ leristics of most measuring syslems in one of several categories. The basic assumptions are that any restoring element (such as a spring) is linear, that damping is viscous, and that the system may be approximaled as a single-degree-of-freedom sysiem. Figure 1 2 shows a simple single-degree-of-freedom mechanical system. It is single degree because on ly one coordinale of motion is necessary 10 completely define the molion of lhe system. We will also assume a general form of cxcita1ion, F (I ), which may or may not be periodic. Forces acling on the mass will resull from the spring, damping, and lhe exlemal force, F(t ). Using New1on's second law, we can write ( ) ds m d2s F(1) - ks - s - = - dt g,. d12 (8) Nole lhat lhc spring force will always oppose the displacemcnl and that lhe damping is pro­ porlional to vcloci1y and oppusile lhe velocily direction. This relationship can be rearranged + s: T c::::=::!::;=::=� F = F(t) FIGURE 1 2 : Mechanical model of a force-exciled second-order syslem. The Response of Measuring Systems lo read I n bolh equalions, � [m (�:�)] + { (�) +ks = F(t) (8a) s = mass displacemenl from lhe equilibrium posi lion If we assume F(t) lo be periodic wilh lime, we can s ubst i tu te the appropriale Fourier series for F(t) or, in general. f(I) = A° 2 + oo L c. cos(n Q1 - �. ) (9) 11- 1 where Q = circular for:cing rrequency and c. = JA� + B; B. Ian � = A. and (9a) We will consider this general case in Seclion 16.3. Firs!, however, we will consider several special cases. 14 THE ZERO-ORDER SYSTEM A nearly lrivial case occurs if we remove the spring and damper. The vollage-dividing polentiomeler is an exampl e . In its si mples ! form lhis device is a single slide wire. Aside from the mass of lhe slider and any member allached 10 it, there is no apprec iabl e resislance 10 moveme nt . In particular, an equilibrium-seeking for:ce is not present and the oulput is i ndependent of lime, lhal is, Output = constant x input Dy n amical ly, the zero-order sysle m requires no further consideration. 15 CHARACTERISTICS OF FIRST-ORDER SYSTEMS If we ass ume the mass, m, in Fig. 12 and Eq. (Sa) to be zero, we obtain a.first-order system. S uch syslems have a ba lance between damping for:ces, t; ds/dt. res tori ng for:ces, ks, and exlemally applied for:ces, F(t). Among i ns trume nls . the mosl common first-order systems are temperalure-measuring dev ices. A temperature sensor usually responds as a first-order system because the rale of change of its temperature, d T. /dt, is pro portio nal 10 ils current temperature, T, . Obviously, a mercu ry- in -g lass thermometer or a thermocouple bears no physical resemblance lo Fi g . 12. However, the dynamic responses of the three systems are idenlical . For the first-order system we can write { dt ds + ks = F(t ) 1 60 ( I O) The Response of Measuring Systems 15. 1 The Step-Forced First-Order System Lei F(t) = O. for t < 0 Fo. for t � O and F(t) = For force equilibrium on the connecting element (which is assumed to be massless), ds { di + ks = Fo ( I I) where t = time, s = displacement, { = the damping coefficient, k = the deftection constant, = the amplitude of the constant input force Fo ' [' ds L dt = { (Fo ks) Then 0 from which we obtain Fo Fo The units of � E {I k - ks - ksA = --- e -tr/C = e-r/r ( 1 2) time constant. are seconds, and this quantity is known as the Equation ( 1 2) can be written s = s00[ I where ·'• - e-•l• J + SAe-11' = soo + [SA - s00)e -'1' s00 = Fo/ k = the final displacement of the system as I SA = the initial displacement at t = 0 ..... ( 1 3) oo, We have assumed that the first-order system represents any dynamic condition wherein the elements are essentially massless, the displacement constraint is linear, and a significant viscous rate constraint is present. Generally, Eq. P = Poo ( I or where ( 1 3) can be written e-11' ] + PM-t / r ( 1 4) P P00 PA the magnitude or any first-order process at time I , the limiting magnitude of the process as the initial magnitude of the process at 1 61 I ..... t =0 oo, The Response of Measuring Systems Although the basic relationship was derived in tenns of a spring-dashpot arrangement, other processes that behave in an analogous manner include: ( I ) a heated (or cooled) bulk mass. such as a tem perature sensor subjected to a step temperature change; (2) simple capacitive-resistive or inductive-resistive circuits; and (3) the decay of a radioactive soun:e with time. Figure 13 represents two different process-time conditions for the step-excited first­ order system: (a) a progressive process, wherein the action is an increasing function of time; and (b) the deca)•ing process, wherein the magnitude decreases with time. 6 P- = 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 3 I I I I I I I - - - - - -� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --! 2 0 -:_:-:.:-::;-;:.:-:.:-:.:-�·--- 0 I 1 .0 2.0 T 3.0 4.0 llr, Ratio of time to Ume constant 5 .0 (a) 6 �= 5 - - ---------------------------------- 4 Process 63.2% completed 3 I I I 2 --- -- -l--- - - - - - - - _ _ _::::_::_:-:_�-=-�--·-�---- ! I '---'--� T___.__,___...___.___,___, _,___,__�0 0 1 .0 2.0 3.0 4.0 llr, Ratio of time to time constanll 5 .0 (b) FIGURE 1 3: Characteristics of a first-order system subjected to a step input at t for a progressive process; (b) for a decaying process. 1 62 == 0: (a ) The Response of Measuring Systems Significance of the Time Constant, "C If we substitute the magnitude of one time constant for 1 in Eq. ( 14 ), P = Poo + ( P,1. - P00)(0.368) from which we see that (1 - 0.368), or 63.2%, of the dynamic ponion of the process will have been completed. TWo time constants yield (I - 0. 1 35) = 86.5%, three yield 95.0%, four yield 98.2%, fi ve yield 99.3%, and so on. These percentages of completed processes are imponant because they will always be the same regardless of the process, provided that the process is described by the conditions of the step-excited first-order system. It is often assumed thaJ a process is completed during a period offive time constants. EXAMPLE 2 Assume that a panicular temperature probe approximat� first-order behavior in a panicular application, that it has a time constant of 6 s, and that it is suddenly subjected to a temperature step from 75°F to 300°F. What temperature will be indicated 10 s after the process has been initiated? Solution Applying Eq. ( 1 4), we find that Poo = 300°F, P,.. = 75°F, I = 10 s, 6 P = 300 + (75 - 300) e- I0/ = 257°F EXAMPLE 3 Assume the same conditions as those of Example 2, but with a step from 300° F lo 75°F. Find the indicated temperature after 10 s. Solution Poo = 75°F, P 15.2 = Pt-. = 300°F, 75 + (300 - 75)e- 10'6 I = 10 s, = I 1 7°F The Harmonically Excited First-Order System Again referring lo Eq. ( 10), let us now consider the case of F(t) = Fo cos S'21 or s ds dt + ks = Fo cos S'21 ( 1 5) The Response of Measuring Systems where Fo = the amplitude of the forcing function, Q = the circular frequency of the forcing function in radians per second The solution of Eq. ( 1 5) yields ( 16) where At = a constant whose value depends on the initial conditions, T = the time co nstan t = f. t </I = the phase lag = tan- T= 211" 0 Q (" T 211" = tan - 1 T r, ( 17) = the period of excitation cycle in seconds We see that the first term on the right side of Eq. ( 1 6), the complementary function, is transient and after a period of several time constanlS becomes very small. The second term is the steady-state relationship and, except for the short initial period, we can write s= or Fol k ./1 s s, and + (rQ)2 cos(Qt - </I) t cos( O - </I) Ji + (rQ) 2 Sd - = --==== s, ./ I + (r Q )2 I JI + (2n/ T)2 where and . (IS) s4 = the m ax i m u m amplitude of the ( 19) periodic dy nam ic displacement Fo s, = T The q uant i ty s, is the static denection that would occur should the force amplitude Fo be applied as a static force. The ratio s,1 /s., is often called the am plification ratio. For analogous si tuati o n s. Eq. ( 19) may be written ( 19a) where P represents the magnitude of the applicable proces s . 1 64 The Response of Measuring Systems 100• eo• .,. 60" 40• 20" O" O.Q1 10.0 1 .0 0.1 I. 1 00 FIGURE 14: Phase lag versus ratio o fexcitation period t o time constant for the hannonically excited first-order system. pd P, 0.6 1------+-- 0.4 1-------+--+---,,,_--i 0.0 l-...J..-1.=6.l:::l:=t:::.L...L.J..L__J__LJ_L_L..._L_l.J 1 00 1 0.0 1 .0 0.1 0.01 T t FIGURE 15: Amplitude ratio versus ratio of excitation period to time constant for the harmonically excited first-order system. Figures 14 and 15 illustrate the relationships of the phase angle and the amplification ratio described by Eqs. ( 17) and ( 1 9a), respectively. By calculating the response: of the fim-order system to a sinusoidal input, we have in fact determined its frequency and phase response. To show this explicitly in the notation of Section 7, we can rewrite Eq. ( 1 9a) in terms of the cyclic forcing frequency, / = l / T: G( /) = PJ P, - I = -;===::., 1 65 ./1 + (2rr/ r )2 ( 19b) The Response of Measuring Systems Likewise, from Eq. ( 1 7), the phase response is (1 9c) Note that the ideal response (G -+ 1 and t{> -+ 0) is obtained at frequencies small enough that 211fr « I. From Figs. 14 and 15, we can see that this is cquivalenuo the statement that thefrequency and phase response ofa first-order system are best when the time constant of the system is small compared to the period offorr:ing, r « T, so that the system respollds rapidly in comparison to the variations it is measuring. In most mechanical systems, a moving mass exists and cannot be ignored. In such cases, the system is of second order and has characteristics that are discussed in subseq uent sections. However, for temperature-sensing systems, first-order response is usually a good model, and we can use this model to examine the response characteristics of temperature probes. EXAMPLE 4 A temperature probe has a time constant of 10 s when used to measure a particular gas flow. The gas temperature varies hannonically between 75°F and 300°F with a period of 20 s (i.e., with a frequency of 0.05 Hz). What is the temperature readout in terms of the input gas temperature? What time constant should the probe have to give 99% of the correct temperature amplitude? Solution (3 ; ) (3 ; ) G� ) G� ) In this case the temperature input can be expressed as Tps (I) = 00 75 + = 1 87 + 1 1 2 cos 00 75 cos i 1 From Eq. ( I 9a), we find that Td T, = ,/ Td = I + (211' x 10/20) 2 ' � = 34°F 33 . (211' ,:0 ) = From Eq. ( 1 7), we find that the phase lag for a forcing period of T ti> = tan- 1 211'(r / T ) = tan - 1 10 72.5 360 x 20 = 4 s A graphical representation of the situation is shown in Fig. 16. 1 66 20 s is tan - 1 71' = 72.5° (angle) or lime lag = = The Response of Measuring Systems 300 .0" Gas 221 .s• � 1 s1.s• ! :I i! 1 53.5° ! {!. ,. I -+I ,. �--- - - - _ _ - ' \ ,,_ \ ' E �-' ' I \ 1- - - - -+I \ - - -' ' �-Probe- 75.0" 0.0" 0 nme, t (s) FIGURE 1 6: Response of temperature probe for conditions described in Example 4. To obtain a 99% amplification ratio. we requi re I Td T, = ,/I + (2n /20)2 = 0.99 Solving, we find that the probe wou ld need a time constant of t' = 0.45 s. In that case, t' would be very small compared to 16 T. CHARACTERISTICS OF SECOND-ORDER SYSTEMS Figure 1 7 illustrates the essen tials of a second-order system. Thi s arrangement approx­ imates many actual mechanical arrangeme n ts including simple weighing systems, such as an el astic - type load cell supporting mass; D' Arsonval meter movements, including the ordinary galvanometers; and many force-excited mechanical-vibration systems such as a accelerometers and vibrometers. As w it h the firs t- order system, many excitation modes are po ssi ble , ranging from the simple step and simple harmonic functions to complex periodic forms. These modes approximate many actual situations, and , because all periodic i nputs can be reduced to combinations of simple harmonic components the l atter can give us insight into system performan ce when subject to most forms of dynamic input. 16. 1 The Step-Excited Second-Order System Referring to Fig. 17, we let and F = 0, when t < 0 F = Fo , when I ::: 0 The Response of Measuring Systems k • I s : m t F= F(I) FIGURE 1 7 : Schematic representation of a second-order system. Application of Newton's second law yields (20) where s "' displacement measured from the equilibrium position we assume underdamping, that is, (kgc /ml > general solution of Eq. {20) can be written as If (r;gc/2m) 2 (see Eq. (2 l a)), the (2 1 ) when: A and 8 are constants governed Wnd by initial conditions and = damped kgc m _ natural frequency ( r;gc ) 2 (2 1 a) 2m Note th at the ex po nen t ia l multiplier may be written as e-• / r , where the time constant T = 2m/r;gc. If we let s = 0 and ds/dt = 0 al t = 0 and evaluate A and 8, then by rearrange ment and substitution of terms, we can write Eq. (2 1 ) as An te !.... s, = �1 - e- t ""'' [-sin � w. r + cos ./ I � al rnative form is !_ s, = f3 = l - / I -l [ �] I- e-t.,,, r tan - 1 v 1 68 �2 �- COS{Wndl - {3), - l r] � w. (22) (22a) {22b) The Response of Measuring Systems where w,, l;c = ,/kgc/ m = the undamped natural frequency i n radians per second, = 2 ,/mk/8c = the critical damping coefficient, � = I; I /;c = the critical damping ratio, s, = Folk = the "static" amplitude, or the amplitude that is reached as t -+ oo Here again we may introduce the general idea of an analogous process, P. or p P, as For the overdamped condition, � = I;/ l;c s, > 1 , the solution of Eq. (20) can be written (23) Figure 18 shows the plots for Eqs. (22) and (23) for various damping ratios.2 When the system has a nonzero damping, il approaches a static condition with P/ P, . = 1 as the · transient dies out. ,,. .... 2.0 (\ €=0 I I I I I I I I € = 0.25 \ \ \ \ 1 .5 PIP, ' 1 .0 I / ' \ 0.5 2.0 6.0 4.0 8.0 "'•'· radians FIGURE 1 8 : Response of a second-order system to a step input at t = 0. 2 Nocc lhat the cases of zero damping and critical damping require special treatment. 1 69 1 0.0 The Response of Measuring Systems 1 6.2 The Harmonically Exdted Second-Order System Referring to Fig. 17, when F(t) = Fo cos cut we can write For u nderd am ped systems m d2s -2 8c d I ds + (" - + ks = Fo cos Ot the solution becomes s = e-((rd2mlt [ A COS <Und l + B sin Wnd l ) + ( J[ i - �:7 e:r ='=-=�=)= =''::("' o/=k=)=COl -;:=(=Fi= = e -1 / < A cos ./ 1 - �2 "'• ' + B sin � + (24) dt s, cos(Ot - �) ./Cl - (r2/cu,, )l]2 + [� (r2/cun)J2 "'•' ] + (25) (25a) where A and B arc constants that depend on particular initial conditions, and ] n = the frequency of excitation (rad/s), � = tan - I s, = Folk [ 2� '2 /cun I - ( n /cun ) 2 = the phase angle, (25b) We see that the first tenn on the right side of Eq. (25a) is transient and will disappear after several time constants. The second tenn is the steady-state relationship, for which we may write3 Sd °i; = pd = P, ./[ I - = the amplification ratio where sd 1 (r2/cu0 ) 2 ) 2 + [2� 0/w. J2 (25c) = the amplitude of the periodic steady-state displacement Figures 19 and 20 are plots of Eqs. (25c) and (25b), respectively, for various values damping ratio. � - The ratio s,/sd is none other than the frequ•ency response, G, of the system; we could write it in tenns of cyclic forcing frequency, J', by the su bstitution n = 27r/. of the 3Note lhat inasmuch as lhe complementary or homogeneous solution (transient) is nol involv.:d. this relationship is valid for under·. over-. llld critically damped conditions. 1 70 The Response of Measuring Systems 2.0 1.5 1 .0 .; 0.7 j 0.6 II o.5 j 0.4 0.3 0.2 I - -'/ i.--. � I // 0.3 1 - ....,,,. � � 0. 4 0.5 - - - ... v = ....... - ...... ' \,0.70 - - ......:..._ .... � ' I'\ " 2.0 '6 ' ""' ' \ :\\ ' ' -.. ' \. \ \\' 1.0 "'-.. "'-.. ., s.o " \. v \ "\ " " " " t'\. I , EsO � 0.1 0.1 rT 0 ;.. 0.20 "' I'\. "' 0.5 '\. Frequency ratio, w.... '\ 1 .0 �N I\ I\ � \. 2.0 �� 3.0 FIGURE 19: Plot of Eq. (25c) illustrating the frequency response to harmonic excitation of the system shown in Fig. 17. 180 150 : !;. 120 ...• � � Iii . • • f 90 60 30 2 3 Frequency ratio, °'"'• 4 5 FIGURE 20: Plot of Eq. (2Sb) illustrating the phase response of the system shown in Fig. 17. The Response of Measuring Systems The ratio Sd /s, is a measure of the system response to the frequency input. Normally, we hope that this relationship is constant with frequency; that is, we would like the system to be insensitive to changes in the frequency of input F (t). Inspection of Fig. 19 shows that the amplitude ratio is reasonably constant for only a limited frequency range and then only for certain damping ratios. We see that for a given damping ratio, ideal response (sd /s, = I ) may sometimes occur at only one or two frequencies. If the system is to be used for general dynamic measurement applications, rather definite damping must be used and an upper frequency limit must be established. Practically, if a damping ratio in the neighborhood of 65%-75% is used. then the amplitude ratio will approximate unity over a range of frequency ratios of about 0%-40%. · Even for these conditions, inherent error (sd/s, - exists, and a usable system can be had only through compromise. I) It should be made clear that the basic reason for optimizing the damping ratio is to extend the usable range of exciting frequency Q. Certain devices, notably piezoelectric sensors commonly possess such high undamped natural frequencies, "'•· that the range of normal operating frequency ratios, Q/w. , may extend from zero to only 1 0% or even less. In such cases, damping ratio magnitudes are of lesser interest. Inspection of Fig. 20 indicates that damping ratios of the order on 65%-75% of critical provide an approximately linear phase shifl for the frequency ratio range of 0%-40%. This approach is desirable if a proper time relationship is to be maiqtained between the harmonic components of a complex input. EXAMPLE 5 A particular pressure transducer consists of a circular steel diaphragm mounted in a housing. One side of the diaphragm is exposed to varying pressures, which cause the diaphragm to deflect. The elastic deflection of the diaphragm is sensed by a piezoelectric quartz crystal mounted within the housing. on the rear side of the diaphragm. This transducer is effectively a second-order spring-mass system. The elastic stiffness of the steel diaphragm provides the spring force. The effective mass of the vibrating diaphragm contributes inertia. Damping in the system is slight (� = 0.025). The diaphragm has a diameter of 1 2 mm and a thickness of I . 75 mm. The transducer is being considered for measuring combustion-engine cylinder pres­ sures. Will this transducer have adequate frequency and phase response at typical engine speeds of 3000 to 6000 rpm? Whal is the amplification ratio at the transducer's natural frequency? Solution The first step is to estimate the deHection constant of the diaphragm and its effective mass while vibrating. Appropriate elasticity calculations show that k "" 1 3 1 MN/m and m "" 3. 7 g. Thus 1 72 The Response of Measuring Systems or 29.9 kHz. The e ngine 's highest operaling frequency is n = (6000 rpm)(2n' rad/rev)/(00 s/min) = 628 rad/s or I 00 Hz. Thus n - = 0.0033 "'• From Figs. 1 9 and 20, we see that the transducer will perform with negligi ble phase shift and an amplification ralio or unity; subslilution of � and 0/wn i nlo Eqs. (25b) and (25c) verifies this conclusion. The transducer's response characteristics are well suiled to the applicalion. Ir the lransdu cer were subjected to pressure variations near its natural frequency, however, the ampl i fical ion ralio would be enormous; from Eq. (25c), PJ P.. = I Jo + c2<0.025>< 1 >12 = 20 This device is undoub1edly nol intended to operate at frequencies that high. 16.3 General Periodic Forcing (d2s) dt2 + (ds) We now relum 10 the general c ase of periodic forcing as suggesled in convenience we will restate Eqs. (8a), (9) and (9a) 111 g;: where F(t) and C. m = j dt oo A2 n;l . + 82 . and (26a) i nlo Eq. ( 26), we oblain 2 + (' + ks = F(t ) 2° + L c. cos(nOt A (dls) dt (ds) dt By su bs1 i1u 1 i ng Eq. g" = (' - Section 1 3. For - I/In ) Bn tan !/>. = An Ao � + ks = - + L... C. cos (n Ot - !/>. ) 2 n= t (26) (26a) (26b) (27) Allhough 1his expression appears quite formidable, we can easily recognize that it y ields a combination of the solulions given by Eqs. (2 1 ) and (25a). Using the reasoning 1 73 The Response of Measuring Systems that the cosine terms on the right side of Eq. (27) will give results similar to those of a harmonically forced system, we can write a solution for � < in the fonn . s = e-({ g</2m)r [A cos wndl + 1 00 B sin Wndl] + ro + L '• cos(nOI" - tl>n - '/10) n =I (28) where A ro = 2ko . rn = [ 1 - ( 0 ) ] + [ n0 ] 2 c. /k n Wn tan "'· = 2 2 -;:===================== � (�) 1 - (no)2 2f Wn Wn - It helps to recall that Wn = the undamped natural frequency = y{kg; -;;; As we discussed previously, the first tenn on the right side of Eq. (28) is transient and dies out after several time constants. The remaining tenns, then, represent the steady-state response. EXAMPLE 6 (a) Write an expression for the steady-state response of the sing le-degree-of-freedom system shown in Fig. 17 when subjected to the sawtooth forcing function. (b) Let m = I kg, or 2.2 lbm. k = 1000 N/m, or 5 .7 1 lbf/in., ' = 3 1 .6 N · s/m, or 0. 1 80 lbf · s/in., A = 10 N, or 2.248 lbf Using these data (the SI values). obtain computer-plotted wavefonns for input frequencies of 10. 30, and 50 rad/s. 1 74 The Response of Measuring Systems Solution (a) In general, the steady-slate response is given by s tan- 1 ( !: ) , [ (�) ] JA� + Bi, c. tan -1 � 1 - (:� r In this case, the forc ing function, F(t), is F(t) = L -nI sin(11 Qt) rr 2A 00 •= I so that both Ao = 0 and An = 0. Thus Tr -1 tf>. = tan oo = z · Cn = Bn = I ­ rr n 2A Therefore, s = 1 L rr k • = I n Z A co [ (110) 2] 2 [2; % ] ( cos n ot - i - .P.) - -========= I - "'• + n '2 2 The Response of Measuring Systems and "'• {,· = = � = 2 [fi; -;;; V { . = 31.6 1000 "'63.3 = v I 000 '°" 2v= = - - {,· = rad/s, 3 1 .6 [2 l 63.3 N · s/m, "' 0.50, � = � = l cm ' IOOO k x o s (�) . n �l.62 - ( 31.6 ) ( i ) - I: n-1 -========= [ I ( n O ) 2] 2 [ n1O ] 2 - 31.6 3 .6 ( - � - 1/t. ) 2 1/1. = tan - • s = 2 :n: = I oo cos no1 - n=I • - 1/I• + ========= ; � ;; --== [ · =_( ;.�6 r r + (;1�6 r °" cos 1101 I Note that s is in centimeters. The most practical approach to obtain i ng numerical resu lts for this part of the example is through the use of a computer. Computer-plolled results are shown in Figs. 2 1 (a) through 2 l(c). a From the foregoing d isc uss ions it is apparent that if simple measurements are to be made as rapidly as possible or. more importantly, if the i nput signal is continuous and com p lex , rather definite limi t t i o ns are im posed by the measu ri ng system. 17 ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS As we di scu ssed in Section 8, mos t measurement systems are c o mposed of a combination of mechanic al and electrical e l eme n ts Ve ry often the basic detecting element of the sen sor is mechanical and its output is immetliately transduced into an electrical signal by a secondary element. The signal conditioning that follows is largely by e lec tric al means; however termination sometimes requires convers io n lo someth i ng b icall y mech n ical such as a con trol ler a galvanometer-type recorder or ploue r, and so on II is clear, the n , that overall performance results from a co mb i n t i on of mechanical and electrical responses. In previous sections we ha ve discussed the response of simple, pu rely mechanical systems. In succeeding sect i ons we will look at the corresponding electrical elements. . . a 1 76 as . a , , The Response of Measuring Systems -1 411" 0 (a) 0/, Radians - - - - Forclng/k -- SY!ltam response 611" 10... Oltd. • 0.9486 8 .; [o .. .. ' a: -1 0 411" 211" (b) ' 8 .; [o • : ' a: -1 (c) • ' I ' 0 FIGURE 2 1 : ,, . 2w " ' •\ ' ' ' 01, Radians ' • ' I I ' . , , 611" 4,,. 01. 'I • 1 0... 0/010 = 1 .581 0 ' ' ' I '' - - - - Forcing/k -- SY!ltem response 611" '' ' ' ' ' , , ' - - - - Forclnglk -- System response 1 0... Radians Compulcr-plolled saWloolh wave response for the second-order system spec­ = IO rad/s; (b) for Q = 30 rad/s; (c) for Q = 50 rad/s. ified in the text: (a) for Q 1 77 The Response of Measuring Systems TABLE 1: Some Basic Electrical Quantities and Relationships Symbol Definition Unit E I Q Electric potential Electric curre nt Electric charge volt L c Electrical inductance Electrical capacitance R Electrical resistance (V) ampere (A) c ou lom b (C ) ohm (fl) henry (H) farad (F) Some defining relationships: For a capacitance: I = dQ/dt = C(d E/dt), E = Q/C For a resistance: E = (Ohm's law) For an inductance: E = I /dt) = L (d 2 Q/d1 2 ) IR L(d In preparation for the discussion that follows, Tab le I lists some fundamental electrical quantities and defining relationships. Table 2 lists certain mechanical-electrical analogies. For verification of these, the reader is referred to any basic electric circuits text (2) or physics n text (3 ]. I addition, at this point it is also useful to recall Kirchhoff's two laws for electrical circuits, namely, 1. The al gebrai c sum of all currents en teri ng a ju nction point is 1.ero, and 2. The algebraic sum of all voltage drops taken in a given d irect i on around a closed circuit is zero. 18 FIRST-ORDER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 22. Assume that the c apac i tor carries no in itial charge; then let the SPOT (single-pole, double-throw) switc h be moved to contact A, thereby insening the batte ry into the circuit. Now the capac i tor begins to c h arge ; what is the response of the circuit in terms of the voltage across the c apac itor"/ I� R + c FIGURE 22: Series resistance-capacitance circuit. 1 78 r TABLE 2: Dynamically Analogous Mechanical and Electrical System Elements Synibol m le lcr f1 F T Symbol Mechanical Quantity Mass. kg (Ihm) Momem of inenia, kg · m2 (Ihm . in.2 ) Deftection constant, Nim (lbf/in.) Ton.ional deftection constant, N · m/rad (lbf · in./Jud) Damping coefficient, N · s/m (lbf · s/in.) Torsional damping coefficient, N · m · s/m (lbf · in. • s/in.) Force, N (lbl) Tmque, N · m (lbf · in.) m (in.) JC Tnnslational displacemem, Angular displacement, rad dx/dt d9/dl Translational velocity, mis ( Angular velocity, rad/s (rad/s) 8 ll d2x/dr 2 d 28/d1 2 Electrical Quantity L lndUCWK:e, l/C Reciprocal of capacitance, F- 1 R Resistance, g E Voltage, V Q Charge, C H dQ/dl Current, A Forcing frequency, rad/s (rad/s) ll Forcing frequency, rad/s Translational acceleration, mts2 (inJs2) 2 Angular acx:eleralion, rad/s2 (rad/s ) d2 Q/dt 2 Rate of change of current, A/s uppemise C his long been used as the symbol fot Clp8Cilll!Ce . It hlS also been assigned as the symbol far lhe SI unit for elec:lric clwJI, the coulomb. Ullewise, n is the SI symbol far miSWICe, ohms. It Is also widely used IO iepn:sent an exciting fiequency in ndians per second. In 1his text we will let the symbols ielain each moaning. Should the coniext not moire clear the nanings inteaded, we include clarifying Nole: The Sta1Cmcnts. The Response of Measuring Systems , By employ i ng Kirchhoff's law of vo l tages we may write (29) bul dQ l = ­ dt he nce RC - �R = 0 dt + _g_ dQ Solving, we have Q = ( - cE I We define the circuit time constant as e-•/RC) (29a) t" = RC The voltage drop across the capacitor is Ee = Q/C; Ee = E In hence, {I - e -• I•) a similar manner, if the switch contact is may write (30) moved from A to B after the capacitor is charged, we IR + .f?.c = 0 (3 1) for which (3 1a) (10), It is appare n t, then, that Eqs. ( 14) and which apply to a mechanical system, hold equally well for the electrical circuit discussed here. Should the battery in Fig. 22 be replaced with a s in uso id al voltage source analysis would show that equations such as (17) and ( 1 9a,b,c) also apply to electrical systems. In each case, it is necessary to insert the appropriate time constant and to properly interpret the response variable. , EXAMPLE 7 , 23(a) shows a s imple circuit c onsist i ng of a capac i tor a resistor and a 5-kHz voltage source connec led in series. Delermine the amplitude and phase shift of the voltage appearing across 1he capacitor. Compare this to lhe voltage across the resistor. Figure Solution From Kirchhoff's law of voltages, we obtain dQ I Rdt + Q = Eo cos !lt C 1 80 The Response of Measuring Systems R = 1 200 0 C = 0.035 ,_.F I - (a) 4> = 53° 4>!0. = 2.9 x 1 0-a s 1� Eco - = 0.6 Ee (b) FIGURE 23: Resist or and capacitor i n series: (a) excited by a 5000- H z voltage source; (b) voltage across the capacitor for the ci rc ui t shown in (a). The angle </J is a phase lag. By analogy to Section 1 5.2 [ Eqs. ( 1 5), ( 17), and ( 1 8)), the steadycstate solution of this equation is Q = with EoC JI + (rQ) 2 cos(Ot - </J) and r = RC for T the period of the excit i n g voltage. The voltage across the capacitor is Therefore, the voltage amplitude across the capacitor i s Ec0 £0 = I Jr + (rQ) 2 JI + (21'{ t/ T) 2 Observe t hat these resu lts are i de n tical to those ploucd in Figs. 14 and 15. 181 Ee = Q/C. The Response of Measuring Systems Numerically, = 4.2 T = 1 200(0.035 x 10- 6 ) T = .!_ I x 10- 5 s. 4 = 2 x 10- s so Eco 0.6 Eo = and "' = 53° Figure 23(b) illustrates the resulting relationship. The resistor behaves somewhat differently. In term s or Q, the voltage across the resistor is E, = EoRCQ . dQ [- sm(Qt - </J)] Rdi = J I + (TQ)2 or E, = Eo T rl = cos( Q t + ir/2 - </J) Ji + (trl )2 Thus, the resistor voltage has an amplitude E,0 t" rl 2Tr T/ T Ea = Ji + (tQ)2 Jl + (2Tr T/ T)2 and a phase lead ofTr /2-</J. Note thal lhe resistor voltage amplitude is small when rI T «I (at low excitation frequencies), whereas the capacitor voltage is small when T / T » I (al high excitation frequencies). The contrasting behavior or the two elements is the basis ror this circuit's application to high-pass and low-pass filters. First-order ci rc u i ts may also be constructed using an inductor and a resistor. Similar results can be developed, the primary difference being that time constant is instead r = L/ R. 19 SIMPLE SECOND-ORDER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Figure 24 illustrates a circuit consi sti ng or R, L, and C elements in series with a voltage source. Referring to Table I for the voltage drop across each e le ment and then applying Kirchhoff's law or voltages, we can write ( dt ) ( ddtQ ) 2Q L d-2 - + - 1 82 + Q - c = Eo cos nt (32) The Response of Measuring Systems R c L FIGURE 24 : An RLC circuit We o i e this expression as having the same form as Eq. (24), and thus we can quickly write a solution : rec gn z Q= we . e-r/r [A cos w.JI + B sm w0Jf] + Eo cos(01 - fl) (32a) C,/[l/C - Lf22)2 + (Rf2)2 amp l tude across the capacitor, If, for example, we consider the steady-state voltage may write (see Tuble 1 ) Q Ee = C = C ,/[ l / C l Using the ana ogies in Table 2 we may write Wn = and i Eo - Lf22) 2 + (Rf2)2 (32b) fu (32c) (32d ) where a resonance f uency corresponding to the undamped natural frequency of the mechanical system, and Re = a critical resistance analogo s to critical damping By algebraic manipulation, Eqs. (32a) and (32b) may now be wriuen in the dimensionless forms, where Ee is the dynamic amplitude of the voltage across C; that is, Wn = req u Ee = Eo ,/[ I - (0/w.) 2) 2 + [2(R /Rc)(Q/w0 ) ) 2 I and (32e) (32 0 Except y l follows, electric ha have i for the s mbo s , we see that Eqs. (32e) and (320 are identical to Eqs. (25c) and (25b), respectively. lt then, that figs. 19 and 20 apply eq u l l well to the circuit t t we just nves tigated. ay 1 83 The Response of Measuring Systems :;;- ;:.. 11 G- G(O ) 1-------...:: I g ! g- u: Dynamic calibration Frequency, I 0 25: Comparison of s1atic and dy namic calibrations. In a stalic calibration, G(O) is measured and used 10 approx i male G(/) at h ig her frequencies. In a dy namic calibration, G ( /) ilSelf is measured. RGURE 20 CALIBRATION OF SYSTEM RESPONSE The final and positive proo f of a measuring system's performance is direct measurement of the actual syslem's response lo a completely defined and known input. Physical modeling of system response (as in Sections 8-1 9) provides importan l understanding of the device's essential characteristics, such as its time co ns 1 an t or natural frequency. However, if lhe device is too complex to model well or if the modeling assump1ions are lenu ous , greaier accuracy can be o b1ai ned 1hrough an experimental test of lhe sysle m ' s response. Such tesli ng is always required i n hi gh -accu racy ex peri men tati on . Testing a meas urin g sys1em 's response is really a process of calibration. Whal output is obtained for an i n put of given arnplilude and freq uency ? Can we experimentally evaluale the behav i or of the system when ii is con fronted with an input that is rapidly changing wilh lime? To do this effectively, we must also have a time-varying input, or calibration source, thal is precisely know n . Calibration sources h avi ng sinusoidal lime varia1ion are undoubtedly the easiest lo produce and lhe mosl used (recall Sec1ion 7). With electrical inpul sign als , commercial vollage sources are easily a pp l ied to th i s lask. Various classical complex waveforms, such as square waves or sawlooth waves, may also be employed. f'or exam p le , the response of many electrical componen1s can be judged through the use of square-wave inputs. A s ki l led technician can frequently pinpoint reasons for distortion by observing 1he lested apparatus's treatment of square-wave i npu 1 . 4 More importantly, such tests can identi fy limits beyond which system performance is q ue stion able . For some measurands, even a sine-wave test is relatively hard to implement: How do you create a well-defined sinusoidal variation in tem perature or H u id velocily? For such variabl�. slep inputs or pulse inputs arc often easier to produce, and they can also yield useful i n format ion about lhe syslem's rise lime, time constant , or resonant frequencies. In cases where any time variation of th e i npu l is too difficull or loo expensive to 4Square-wave testing is so useful in adjusting lhe frequency response of h()(-wirc anemometer bridges lhal many bridges � sold with built-in sqwue-wave generators. 1 84 The Response of Measuring Systems produce, constant i nputs are occasionally substituted. For example, we may measure the output of a temperature sensor at several different constant temperatures to obtain Tmeuuml as a function of Tac1ual . This tells us how the sensor responds to i nputs of different ampl itude. We would then assume that the measured amplitude relationship appl ied for all frequencies of interest. In this sense, we can distinguish two types of calibrations: static calibration and dynamic calibration. In Section 7, we noted that the frequency response of a system was the ratio of output to input amplitude at a given frequency: G(/) = V0/ Vi. In a static calibration, we measure V0 and Vi at zero frequency to obtain G(O). We then assume that G(/) ::::; G (O) over the frequency range of interest (Fig. 25). In a dynamic calibration, we measure V0 and V; over a range of frequencies to obtain G(/) itself. Static calibration approximates dynamic calibration at frequencies low enough that the dev ice 's frequency response is flat. Static calibrations must always be used with caution and an awareness of their inherent frequency limitations. 21 SUMMARY Response is a vital feature of a measuring system's ability to acc urately resolve time-varying inputs. I n this chapter, we have examined various important types of response, procedures for testing response, and simplified physical models of the response of instruments. 1. Amplitude response, frequency response, phase response, and rise time are each imponant aspects of measuring-system performance. Amplitude response is gener­ ally defined by the overload condition of an instrument. Frequency and phase respon se are considerations in determining the range of frequencies over which an instrument is accurate (Sections 2-7). 2. Each clement in a measuring system must have adequate frequency and phase response for the measurand at hand. Some system elements, like filters, are selected specifically for the limitations of their frequency response (Section 7). 3. Often, a physical model of a measuring device can identify the imponant character­ istics of its behavior. Mechanical models rely on the identification of masses, spring forces, and damping (Sections 8- 1 1). 4. Selection of the correct amount of damping is vital to obtai ni ng optimal frequency response (Sections 1 1 , 15, 1 6, 1 8). S. The spring-mass·damper system is a fundamental model of the dynam ic response of mechanical systems (Sections 1 2-16). Some systems behave as i f massless or first order, especially temperature sensors (Section 1 5). Other systems have mass and are second order; examples include accelerometers, elastic diaphragm transducers, and various moving mechanisms (Section 16). 6. Electrical-system response is similar to mechanical-system response. Models for electrical systems yield results analogous to those for mechanical systems (Sec­ tions 1 7- 1 9). 7. For a first-order system, the system's time constant, t , is of critical imponance to ils response. The time constant should normally be small compared to the period of forcing, T, i n order to obtain good response. First-order response to a step i n put 1 85 The Response of Measuring Systems is described by Eq. ( 14) and Fig. 1 3 ; response to hannonit: forcing is described by Eqs. ( 17) and ( 1 9a,b,c) and Figs. 14 and 15 (Sections 15, 1 8). 8. For a second-order system, both the natural frequency, "'n• and the critical damping ratio, t, m ust be considered. For most systems, good rei;ponse is obtained when the natural frequency is large compared to the forcing frequency, and when the damping ratio is 65%-75%. Second-order response to a sitep input is described by Eqs . (22) and (23) and Fig. 1 8; response to harmonic input is described by Bqs. (25a, b, c) and Figs. 19 and 20 (Sections 16, 1 9). 0, 9. Experimental determination of system res ponse , or calibral ion, is often required . A sine-wave test is sometimes useful (Sec tion 7). Other kinds of test signals, such as square-wave or step input, can also be applied. Static calill>rations (for f = 0) are occasionally used when dynamic calibrations (for f > 0) are too difficult (Section 20). SUGGESTED READINGS Dorf. R. C . • and R. H. Hall, 2004. B i shop. Modem Control Systems. 1 0th ed. Upper Saddle River, Floyd. T. L. Principles of E�ctric Circuits. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, Meriam, J. N.J.: Prentice N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2003 . L, L G. Kraige , and W. J. Palm. EngiMering Mechanics: �L 2-Dynamics. Sth ed. New York: John Wiley, 2002. Raven, F. Automatic Conrrol Engineering. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1 994. Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Marhemarics. 8 th ed. New York: John Wiley, 1 998. PROBLEMS 1. 2. 3. A temperature measuring system (assumed to be a Hist-order sy:stem) is e xci ted by a 0.25Hz harmonically varying i n put . lhhe ti me constant of the system is 4.0 s and the indicated amplitude is IO"F, what is the true temperature"! A mercury- i n- g lass thermometer i ni ti al ly at 25°C is suddenly im mersed into a liquid that is maintained at l 00°C. After a time i nterval of 2.0 s, the thermome:ter reads 76°C. Assuming a first-order system, estimate the time constant of the thermom1!ter. A 5-kg mass is statically suspended from a load (force) cell arid the load cell deflection caused by this mass is 0.0 1 mm. Est i m ate the natu ra l frequenci1 of the load cell. The Response of Measuring Systems 1000 lbl -1000 lb! >-- I+-- 0.002 s --+! FIGURE 26: Dynamic load for Problem 6. 4. If the load cell of Proble m 3 is assumed to be a second·order system with negligible damping, detennine the practical freq uency range over which it can measure dynamic loads with an inherent error of less than 5%. 5. has a damping ratio of 0. 707, determine the practical frequency range over which it can measure dynamic loads w ith an inherent error of less than 5%. 6. A manufacturer lists the specifications of a dynamic tension<ompression load cell as lf the load cell of Problem 3 actually follows: Undamped natural frequency = I 000 Hz Damping ratio = 0.707 Sensitivity = 10 mV/lbf Stiffness = 1 00,000 lbf/in. If a dynamic force as indicated in Fi g . 26 is applied to the load cell. determine the steady·state output voltage as a function of time . 7. 8. 9. Plot the voltage output of Problem 6 as a function of time using al leasl lhe first five terms. An RC c ircuit as shown in Fig. 22 is required lo have a time constant of I ms. Determine three dilfereru combinations of R and C lo accomplish this . A tank containing an initial volume of water Vo. discharges waler from an opening at the bottom of the tank. lf the discharge rate is directly proportional lo the volume of water in the tank, determine the time constant for this system. 10. For the tank of Problem 9, determine the time constant if the initial discharge rate is Q ll. A temperature sensor is expected to measure an input having freque ncy components as high as 50 Hz with an error no greater than 5%. What is the maximum time constant for the temperature sensor that will permit this measurement? 12. (liters/min). A thermocouple with a time constant of 0.05 s is considered to behave as a fir.i-order system. Over what frequency range can the thermocouple measure dynamic temperature lluctuations (assumed to be harmonic) with an error less than 5%? 1 87 f{I) The Response of Measuring Systems 1 00 1bl 0.10 S O.OS s 0.1 5 s FIGURE 27: Fon:ing for Problem 18. 13. A I 00-µF capacilor is charged to a vol1age or 100 V. Al li me t = O. ii is discharged lluoogh a 1 .0-MO resis1or. Detennine the lime for the vollage across the capacilor to reach 10 V. 14. A pressure lransducer behaves as a second-order system. Ir the undamped natural f're­ quency is 4000 Hz and the damping is 75% or critical. detennine the frequency range(s) over which the measurement error is not greater than 5%. 15. What will be the frequency range(s) for Problem 14 if the damping ralio is changed to 0.5? 16. Con sider the pressure lransducer or Problem 14 to be damaged such that its viscous damping ralio is unknown. When the lransducer is subjecled lo a harmonic input or 2400 Hz, the phase angle between the oulput and inpul is measured as 45°. With lhis in mi nd , detennine the error when the transducer is used to measure a hannonic pressure signal or 1 800 Hz. What is the phase angle between the input and output at lhis frequency? 17. A force transducer behaves as a second-order system. If the undamped natural frequency or lhe transducer is 1 800 Hz and its damping is 30% or critical, detennine the error in lhe measured force for a hannonic input or 950 Hz. What is the magnitude or the phase angle'! 18. Consider a second-order system wilh a damping ratio or 0. 70 and a undamped nawral frequency of 50 Hz. Ir the value of is 100 lbf/in., detennine the steady-slate OUlpUI if the forcing is as shown in Fi g . 27. k 19. Refer to Fig. 28. ( a ) What is the lime conslant if X = 200 µF and R= 10 kO? ( b ) Whal is the vollage across lhe resislor 0.5 s after the swilch is closed? 20. Refer to Fig. 28. ( a ) What is the time constant if X = 500 mH and R = l 0 O? ( b) What is the voltage across lhe resistor 0.02 s after lhe switch is closed? ( c ) What is the vollage across lhe resistor 0.05 s after lhe swilch is closed? 1 88 The Response of Measuring Systems E -=- FIGURE 28: Circuit for Problems · 1 9 and 20. REFERENCES (11 Dorf, R. C., and R. H. Bishop. Modem Control Systems. NJ.: Prentice Hall, 2004. [2) Floyd, T. L. Hall, 2003. Principles of Electric Cin:uits. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: [3) Halliday, D., R. Resnick, and J. Walker. New York: John Wi ley, 2004. ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS l 3 l .57°F f "' 1 60 Hz 4 35 Hz 9 T = Vo/m0 14 f ::::: 1 , 1 24 Hz 17 Error 19 = 10th ed. UpPc:r Saddle River, 27 .8%: <f> ::::: 24° (a) 2.0 s (b) e = 0.78£ volts Prentice Fundamentals of Physics. 11h ed., exlcnded. Sensors 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 INTRODUCTION LOADING OF THE SIGNAL SOURCE THE SECON DARY TRANSDUCER CLASSIFICATION OF FIRST-STAGE DEVICES VARIABLE-RESISTANCE TRANSDUCER ELEMENTS SLIDING-CONTACT DEVICES THE RESISTANCE STRAIN GAGE THERMISTORS THE THERMOCOUPLE VARIABLE-INDUCTANCE TRANSDUCERS THE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORMER VARIABLE-RELUCTANCE TRANSDUCERS CAPACITIVE TRANSDUCERS PIEZOELECTRIC SENSORS SEMICONDUCTOR SENSORS LIGHT-DETECTING TRANSDUCERS HALL-EFFECT SENSORS SOM E DESIGN-RELATED PROBLEMS SUM MARY INTRODUCTION The !irst conlacl th al a measuring s ysie m has wilh lhe measurand is lhrough the i nput sample· accepted by lhc detecting element of lhe first slage. This acl is u su ally accompanied by lhe immediate lransduction of lhe i nput inlo an analogous fonn. The medium handled is information. The detector senses the information input, fm. and then lransduces or conve rt s it to a more convenient form, foul · The relationship may be expressed as foul = /Uin l ( l a) furiher, Transfer e fficie ncy 1 92 = lout /in - ( l b) Sensors This cannot be more than unity, because the pi ckup cannot generate information but can only receive and process it. Obviously, as high a transfer efficiency as possible is desirable. Sensitivity may be expressed as dloui 11 = -­ dlu. ( le) Very often sensitivity approximates a constant; that is, the output is the linear function of the inpul 2 LOADING OF THE SIGNAL SOURCE Energy will always be taken from the signal source by the measuring system, which means that the information source will always be changed by the act of measurement. This is an axiom of measurement. This effect is referred to as loading. The smaller the load placed on the signal source by the measuring system, the better. Of course, the problem of loading occurs not only in the first stage, but throughout the entire chain of elements. While the first-stage detector-transducer loads the input source, the second stage loads the first stage, and finally the third stage loads the second stage. In fact, the loading problem may be carried right down to the basic elements themselves. In measuri ng systems made up primarily of electrical elements, the loading of the signal source is almost exclusively a func tion of the detector. Intermediate modifying devices and output indicators or recorders receive most of the energy necessary for their functioning from sources other than the signal source. A measure of the quality of the first stage. therefore, is its ability to provide a usable output without draining an undue amount of energy from the signal. 3 THE SECONDARY TRANSDUCER As an example of a system of mechanical elements only, consider the Bourdon-tube pressure gage, shown in Fig. I. The primary detecting-transducing element consists of a circular tube of approximately e11iptical cross section. When pressure is introduced, the section of the ftattened tube tends toward a more circular form. This in tum causes the free end A to move outward and the resulting motion is transmitted by link B to sector gear C and hence lo pinion D, thereby causing the indicator hand to move over the scale. In this exam ple, the tube serves as the primary detector-transducer, changing pressure into near linear displacement. The linkage-gear arrangement acts as a secondary transducer (linear to rotary motion) and as an amplifier, yielding a magnified output. A modification of this basic arrangement is to replace the linkage-gear arrangement with either a differential transformer (Section 1 1 ) or a voltage-dividing potentiometer (Sec­ tion 6). In either case the electrical device serves as a secondary transducer, transforming displacement to voltage. As another example, let us analyze a simplified compression-type force-measuring load cell consisting of a short column or strut, with electrical resistance-type strain gages (see Section 7) attached (Fig. 2). When an applied force dell.eels or strains the block, the force effect is transduccd to deflection (we are interested in the unit deflection in this case). The load is transduced to strain. In tum, the strain is transformed into an electrical resistance change. with the strain gages serving as secondary transducers. 1 93 Sensors t Pressure FIGURE I : Essentials of a Bourdon-tube pressure gage. Bonded wire slrain-gage elements FIGURE 2: Schematic representation of a strain-gage load cell. The block forms the primary detector-transducer and the gages are secondary transducers. Sensors Primary detector- Intermediate analogous I I I I signal ,___...___-! I I I I i- - - - - - -1 I I Input signal ...._ .. ....__ ... � I transducer I L_ ____J FIGURE 4 3: i- - - - - - -1 Secondary transducer Analogous driving I I signal t--1---''---<� I I L _____J Block diagram or a first-stage device with primary and secondary transducers. CLASSIFICATION OF FIRST-STAGE DEVICES It appears, therefore, that the stage-one ins1rumenta1ion may be or varying basic complexity. depending on the number or operations perfonned. This leads 10 a classification or firsl­ stage devices as follows: Class L First-stage element used as detector only Class II. F'Jl'St-stage elements used as detector and single transducer Class III. First-stage elements used as detector with two transducer stages A generalized first stage may therefore be shown schematically, as in Fig. 3. Stage-one instrumentation may be very simple, consisting or no more than a mechan­ ical spindle or contacting member used to transmit the quantity lo be measured to a sec­ ondary transducer. Or ii may consist of a much more complex assembly of elements. In any event the primary detector-transducer is an in1egral assembly whose function is ( 1 ) 10 sense selectively the quantity of interest. and (2) lo process the sensed information into a form acceptable 10 stage-two operations. It does not present an output in immediately usable fonn. More often than not the initial operation perfonned by the first-stage device is 10 transduce the input quantity into an analogous displacemcnl. Without auempting 10 for­ mulate a completely comprehensive list, lei us consider Table I as representing the general area of lhe primary detector-transducer in mechanical measurements. We make no auempt now lo discuss all the many combinations of elements listed in Table 1. In most cases we have referred in the table to sections where thorough discussions can be found. The general nature of many of the elements is self-evident. A few are of minimal importance, included merely 10 round out the list. However. we can make several pertinent observations at this point. Close scrutiny ofTable I reveals Iha!, whereas many of the mechanical sensors trans· duce the input 10 displacement, many of the electrical sensors change displacement 10 an electrical output. This is quite fortunate, for it yields practical combinations in which the mechanical sensor serves as the primary transducer and the electrical sensor as the sec ­ ondary. The two most commonly used electrical means are variable resistance and variable inductance, although others, such as photoelectric and piezoelectric effects, are also of considerable importance. Sensors TABLE 1: Some Primary Detector-Transducer Elements and Operations They Perform Element Operation I. Mechanical A. Contacting spindle, pin, or finger Displacement to displacement B. Elastic member I . Load cells a. Tension/compression b. Bending c. Torsion 2. Proving ring 3. Bourdon tube 4. Bellows S. Diaphragm 6. Helical spring 7. Torsional spring Fort:e to linear displacement Fort:e to linear displacement Torque to angular displacement Force to linear displacement Pressure to displacement Pressure to displacement Pressure to displacement Fort:e to linear displacement Torque to angular displacement C. Mass I. Seismic mass 2. Pendulum 3. Pendulum 4. Liquid column . Fort:ing runction 10 relative displacement Gravi1a1ional acceleration 10 frequency or period Force to displacement Pressure to displaccmenl D. Thermal I . Thermocouple 2. Bimaterial (includes meocury in glass) 3. Thermistor/RID 4. Chemical phase S. Pressure thennometer Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperalure E. Hydropneumatic Static a. Float b. Hydrometer 2. Dynamic a. Orifice b. Venturi c. Pitot tube d. Vanes e. Turbines to electtic potential to displacement to resistance change to phase change 10 pressure I. Fluid level 10 displacement Specific gravi1y to relative displacement Fluid veloci1y to pressure change Fluid vcloci1y to pressure change Fluid velocily to pressure change Velocity 10 force Linear to angular vclocily 1 96 Sensors TABLE 1: (continued) Element II. Electrical A. Resistive (Sections 5�) Operation I. Contacting Displacement to resistance change 2. Variable-length conductor Displacement to resistance change 4. Variable dimensions of conductor Displacement to resistance change lo resistance change Temperature to resistance change 3. Variable-area conductor 5. Variable resistivity of conductor B. Inducti ve (Sectio ns 10-12) I. Variable coil dimensions 2. Variable air gap 3. Changing core material 4. Changing core positions 5. Changing coil positions 6. Moving coil 7. Moving permanent magnet 8. Moving core Strain Displacement to change in inductance in inductance to change in inductance Displacement to change in inductance Displacement to change in inductance Velocity lo change in induced voltage Velocity to change in induced voltage Velocity to change in induced voltage Displacement to change Displacement C. Capacitive (Section 1 3) I. Changing air gap 2. Changing plate areas 3. Changing dielectric constant D. Piezoelectric (Section 14) Displacement Displacement to change lo change in capacitance in capacitance Displacement 10 change in capacitance Displacement to voltage and/or voltage lo displacement E. Semiconductor junction (Section 1 5 ) I . Junction threshold voltage 2. Photodiode current Temperature 10 voltage change Light i ntensity 10 current F. Photoelectric (Section 1 6) I. Photovoltaic 2. Photoconductive 3. Photoemissive G. Hall Effect (Section 17) • Also sensitive lo wavelength of light. Light intensity to voltage• Light intensity Light intensity Displacement lo resistance change' lo current' lo vollage Sensors In addition to the inherent compatibility of the mechano-electric transducer combination, electrical elements have several important relative advantages: I. Amplification or attenuation can be easily obtained. 2. Mass-inertia effects are minimized. 3. The effects of friction are minimized. 4. An output power of almost any magnitude can be provided. S. Remote indication or recording is feasible. 6. The transducers can often be miniaturized. Most of the remainder of this chapter is devoted to a discussion of electrical trans­ ducers. 5 VARIABLE-RESISTANCE TRANSDUCER ELEMENTS Resistance of an electrical conductor varies according to the following relation: pL R=­ A (2) where R = resistance(Q) , l = the length of the conductor (cm), 2 A = cross-sectional area of the conductor (cm ) , p = the resistivity o f material (Q · cm) Many sensors are based on changes in the factors determining resistance. Some exam­ ples include sliding-contact devices and potentiometers, in which l changes (Section 6); resistance strain-gages, in which L. A, and p change (Section 7); and thermistors, photocon­ ductive light detectors, piezoresistive strain gages, and resistance temperature detectors, in which p changes (see, respectively, Sections 8, 15 and 1 6). Probably the simplest mechanical-to-electrical transducer is the ordinary in which resistance is either zero or infinity. It is a yes-no, conducting-nonconducting device that can be used to operate an indicator. Here a lamp is fully as useful for readout as a meter, since only two values of quantitative information can be obtained. In its simplest fonn, the switch may be used as a limiting device operated by direct mechanical contact (as for limiting the travel of machine tool carriages) or it may be used as a position indicator. When actuated by a diaphragm or bellows, it becomes a pressure-limit indicator, or if controlled by a bi me tal strip, it is a temperature limit indicator. It may also be combined with a proving ring to serve as either an overload warning device or a device actually limiting load carrying, such as a safety device for a crane. switch 6 SLIDING-CONTACT DEVICES Sliding-contact resistive transducers convert a mechanical displacement input into an elec­ trical output, either voltage or current. This is accomplished by changing the effective 1 98 Sensors Slider or brush Resistance wire FIGURE 4: Variable resistance consisting of a w i re and movable contactor or brush . This is often referred to as a slide wire. length L of the conductor in Eq. (2). Some form of electrical resistance element is used, with which a contactor or brush mainlains electrical contact as it moves. In its ·simplest form, the device may consist of a s tretched resistance wire and s lider, as in Fig. 4. The effective resistance existing between either end of the wire and the brush thereby becomes a measure of the mechanical displacement. Devices of this type have been used for sensing relatively large displacements I I [. More commonly, the resistance element is formed by wrapping a resistance wire around a form, or card. The turns are spaced to prevent shorting, and the brush slides across the turns from one tum to the next. In actual practice, either the arrangement may be wound for a rectilinear moveme nt or the resistance clement may be formed in to an arc and angular movement used. as shown in Fig. 5(a). Sliding-contact devices are also made using conductive films as the variable-resistance elements, rather than wire.� [Fig. 5(b)]. Common examples include carbon-composition films, in which graph i te or carbon particles are suspended i n an epoxy or polyester binder, and ceramic-metal com pos i t ion films (or cermet), in which ceramic and precious metal powders are com bi ned . In each case. the th i n film is supported by a ceramic or p lastic (a) (b) FIGURE 5: Angular-mOlion variable resistance, or potentiometer: (a) wire wound, (b) carbon composition. Sensors backing. Conductive-film devices are less expensive than wire-wound devices. The carbon­ film devices, in particular, have outstanding wear characteristics and long life [2), although they are more susceptible to temperature drift and humidity effects. These dev ices are commonly called resistance potentiometers, ' or simply pots. Vari­ ations of the basic angular or rotary form are the multitum, the low-torque. and various nonlinear types (4). Multitum potentiometers are available with various numbers of revo­ lutions, sometimes as many as 40. 6.1 Potentiometer Resolution The resistance variation available from a sliding-contact moving over a wire-wound resis­ tance element is not a continuous function of contact movement. The smallest increment into which the w hole may be divided detennines the resolution. In the case of a wire-wound resistor, the limiting resolution equals the reciprocal of the number of turns. I f 1 200 turns of wire are used and the winding is linear, the resolution w i l l be 111200, or 0.09083%. The meaning of this quantity is apparent: No matter how refined the remainder of the system may be, it w i l l be impossible to divide, or resolve, the input into parts smaller than l/ 1 200 of the total po ten tiometer range. For conductive-film potentiometers, resolution i s negligibly small and variation of the slider's contact resistance is a more significant l i mitati on. 6.2 Potentiometer Linearity When used as a measurement transducer, a linear potentiometer is normally required. Use of the term linear assumes that the resistance measured between one of the ends of the element and the contactor is a direct linear function of the contactor position in relation lo that end. Linearity is never completely achieved, however, and deviation limits are usually supplied by the manufacturer. 7 THE RESISTANCE STRAIN GAGE Experiment has shown that the application of a strain to a resistance clement changes its resistance. This is the basis for the resistance strain gage. A resistance element, such as a fine wire, is cemented to the surface of a member to be strained. Assuming a tensile strain, the element lengthens and its cross-sectional area decreases. From Eq. (2), we see that both changes increase the wire's resistance. In addition, the wire's resistivity changes when the wire is strained. Thus, every factor in Eq. (2) varies simultaneously. This device is of sufficient importance in mechanical measurements to warra nt a more complete discussion than can be given at this point. 8 THERMISTORS Thermistors are .1!!5!:!a !. ll y sensitive variable resistors made of ceramic-like semiconduct­ ing materials. Ox ides of manganese, nickel, and cobalt are used in formulations having resi stances of 100 to 450,000 Q · cm. 1 U ro n nunalely. another entirely different device is also called a po1cntiomc1er. h is the \'oltage-measuring instrument wherein a slalldanl reference vollage is adjusled 10 counlerbalance !he unkoown volragc (see [31). The 1wo devices arc different and must not be confused. 200 Sensors These devices have two basic applications: ( I ) as temperature-detecting elements used for the purpose of measurement or control, and (2) as electric-power-sensing devices wherein the thermistor temperature-and hence resistance-are a function of the power being dissipated by the device. The second application is particularly useful for measuring radio frequency power. 9 THE THERMOCOUPLE two dissimilar metal s are in contact, an electromotive force ex i sts whose magnitude is a function of several factors, including temperature. Junctions of this sort, when used to measure temperature, are cal led thermocouples. Often t he j u nction is formed by twisting and welding together two wires. While Because of its small size, its reliability, and its relatively large range of usefulness, the thermocouple is a very important primary sensing element. 10 VARIABLE-IN DUCTANCE TRANSDUCERS Inductive transducers are based on the voltage output of an inductor (or coil) whose induc­ tance changes in response to changes in the measurand. The coil is often driven by an ac excitation, although in dynamic measurements the motion of the coil relative to a permanent magnet may create sufficient voltage. A classification of inductive transducers, based on the fundamental principle used, is as follows. I. Variable self-inductance (a) Single coil (simple variable reluctance) (b) Two coil (or single coil with center tap ) connected for inductance rat i o 2. Variable mutual i nd uctan ce (a) Simple two coil (b) Three coil (using series oppos it ion) 3. Variable reluctance with (a) Movi ng pcrmanem magnet iron (b) Moving coil (c) Moving magnet The inductance of a coil, L. is i n fl u e nced by a number of factors, including the number of turns in the coil, the coil size, and especially the permeabil ity of the magnetic flux path t hat passes through the center of the coi l. The mag ne tic Hux path forms a closed loop that ex tends outside the coi l. Ofte n , a magnetic material, such as iron, will be used in the Hux path, commonly in conjunction with one or more air gaps . Because the air gaps have a much lower magnetic permeab i l i ty than the iron, they control the inductance of the coi l . 1l1us, the variation in the th ic kness of an air g a p is often the primary mea.�urand sensed by a variable-inductance device. 201 Sensors Some coils are wound with only air as the core material. They are generally USed only with relatively high frequency excitation; however, t hey will occasionally be found in transducer circuitry. An express ion that may be used to estimate the inductance of a straight, cylindrical air-i:ore coil is as follows: (3a) where L = inductance (JLH) d = coil diameter (in.) n I = coil length (in.) = number of lums This expression appli es for I > 0.4d (5]. When the flux path includes both a magnetic material and an air gap, the inductance may be estimated as follows: where L hm ha L = = = µ.m = µ.. = n2 -h-,n--�h-.­ -µ._m_A_m + -µ..-A-a (3b) inductance (H) length of flux path in magnetic material (m) length of flux path in air gap (m) permeability or magnetic material (Him) = permeability or air = 4rr "" µ.o , permeabi l i ty or free space Am Aa = = n == x 10- 1 (Him) cross-sectional area of Hux path in iron (m2 ) cross-sectional area of flux path in air (m2 ) number of turns The quantities (Ir /JLA) in the denominator are called reluctances and have the same relation­ ship to magnetic Hux that resistance has to electric cunent. If additional gaps or magnetic materials lie in the Hux path, the associated values of would be added to the sum i n the denominator (6). In many instances, the permeability of the magnetic material is sufficiently high that only the air gaps need to be considered. In such cases, Eq. (3b) reduces to (h /µ.A) (3c) 202 Sensors When an ac exciiation is used, the inductive reactance and de resistance of the coil detennine the electrical response of the measuring circuit. The inductive reaciance is (4a) w here == inductive reac tance (Q) f == frequency of applied vol!age (Hz) L == induc!ancc (H) XL The total impedance of the coil is (4b) in which R i s the de resisiance. The highec the inductance of a coil relative to its resistance, the higher is said to be its quality, which is designated by the symbol Q XL/ R. In most cases, high Q is desired. Inductive transducers may be based on variation of any of the variables indicated in the foregoing equations, and most have been tried at one time or another. The fol lowi ng are representative. == 10.1 Simple Self-Inductance Arrangements When a s i mp le s i ng le coil is used as a transducer element, the mechanical input usually changes the reluciance of the flux path generated by the coil, thereby changing its ind uct ance. The change in induciance is then measured by suiiable c irc ui try, indicating the value of the input. The Hux path may be changed by a change in air gap; however, a change in either the amount or type of core material may also be used [7 ,8). The arrangement shown in Fig . 6 i ncl udes two air gaps whose thickness will vary in respon se 10 the movement of an armature. The flux path runs through the upper horseshoe of iron, across one air gap, through the iron armature, and back across the other air gap. Each of the four parts of the path contributes a re luctance, but those from the air gaps will likely dominate the total reluctance, owing to the low permeability of air relative 10 iron. Figure 7 illustrates a form of rwo-coil self-inductance. (This may also be thought of as a single coil with a center tap.) Movement of the core or armature alters the re lat i ve inductance of the two coils. Devices of this type are usual ly incorporated in some form of inductive bridge circuit in which variation in the induc!ance ratio between the two coils provides the output. 10.2 Two-Coil Mutual-Inductance Arrangements Mutual-inductance arrangements using two coils are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. Figure 8 il lustrates the manner in which these devices function. The magnetic flux from a power coil is cou pled to a pickup coil, which su pplies the output. Input information, in the form of armature displacement, changes the coupling between the c oi l s . In the arrangement shown, the air gaps between the core and the armature govern the degree of coupling. In other Sensors FIGURE 6: A simple self-inductance arrangement wherein a change in the air gap changes the pickup output. arrangements the coupling may be varied by changing the rela1ive positions of the coils and armature, either linearly or angularly. Figure 9 shows the detector portion of an electronic micrometer (9) . Inductive cou­ pling between the coils, which depends on the reluctance of the magnetic-flux path, is Nonmagnetic material Core or armalure of magnetic material FIGURE 7: TWo-coil (or center-lapped single coil) inductance-ra1io transducer. 204 Sensors To second-stage circtJitry 8: FIGURE A mutual-inductance transducer. Coil A is the energizing coil and B is the pickup coil. As the armature is moved, thereby altering the air gap, the output from coil B is changed, and this change may be used as a measure of armature movement. changed by the relative proximity2 of a permeable material. A variation of this has been used in a transducer for measuring small inside diameters [ 10). In that case the coupl ing is varied by relative movement between the two coils. -Excilallon v - Measured distance _l_ , ) ( � � lb stage·two cirwHry � FIGURE 9: Two-coil inductive pickup for "an elec1ronic microme1cr." 2Sensors that detect the prcselK."C or position or a nearby objc.;t are often called proximity 1�ruors. 205 Sensors Output voltage, e0 Displacement (al Input \IOllag &, e1 Input displacement (b) FIGURE I O: The differential transfonner: (a) schematic arrangement (b) section through typical transformer. 11 THE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORMER Undoubtedly the most broadly used of the variable-inductance transducers is the differential transfonner (Fig. IO), which provides an ac voltage output proportional to the displacement of a core passing through the windings. It is a mutual-inductance device making use of three coils generally arranged as shown. The center coil is energized from an ac power source, and the two end coils, connected in phase opposition, are used as pickup coils. This device is often called a linear variable differential transformer or LVDT. 12 VARIABLE-RELUCTANCE TRANSDUCERS In transducer practice, the tenn variable reluctance implies some form of inductance device incorporating a permanent magnet. In most cases these devices are limited to dynamic application, either periodic or transient, where the Hux lines supplied by the magnet are cut by the turns of the coil. Some means of providing relative motion is incorporated into the device. In its simplest fonn, the variable-reluctance device consists of a coil wound on a permanent magnet core (Fig. 1 1 ) . Any variation of the reluctance of the magnetic Hux path causes a change in the Hux. As the Hux field varies, a voltage is induced in the coil, according to Faraday's law: V = 206 d -n - CI> dt (5 ) Sensors Permanent magnet / N To lrequency merer or oscllloscope -0 s FIGURE 1 1 : A simple variable-reluctance pickup. where V = induced voltage (V) n = nu m ber of turns i n coil <I> = magne ti c Hux lhrough coi l (Wb) Since rhe rare of change of lhe flux depends direclly on lhc speed at w hich the teelh move past the magnet in Fig. 1 1 , lhe variable-reluclance transducer is sensitive to velocity, rather than displ ace me n t. Whereas the preceding arrangement depends upon changes of the reluctance of rhe mag n etic Hux palh, other devices separale the mag net from the coil and depend upon relarive movemenl berween lhe coil and the Hux field. 13 CAPACmVE TltANSDUCERS When a capacilor is fanned from a pair of parallel Hat plales, ils capacitance is given by 1he following equarion: C= EoKA d (6a) Sensors where C = capacitance (pf), Eo = permittivity of free space, 8.8542 pF/m. K = dielectric constant of med iu m between p lates ( d = separation of plate A = area of one side of one plate (m2), I for air) , surfaces (m) be obtained by using several capacitors in paralle l . This may n equally s paced p l ates in w h ic h alternate plates are connected to one another. For example, if five plates were slacked. plates I . 3, and 5 would be connected to one voltage, while plates 2 and 4 would be co nnected lo another. The Greater sensitivity can be accomplished with a stack of capacitance of such a stack is C= All the terms represented i n Eqs. EoKA(n (6), - I) (6b) d except possibly the number of plates, have been used in transducer applications [7,8). The following are examp les of each. Changing Dielectric Constant Figure 12 shows a device developed for the measurement of level in a container of liquid hydrogen [ 1 1 ) . The capacitance betwee n the cemrnl rod and the surrounding tube varies with changing dielectric constant brough t about by changing liquid readily detects liquid level even thoug h the difference liquid and vapor states may level. The device in dielectric constant between the be as low as 0.05. I _....., ...,.__ . _,, Liquid 18¥81 1 0-_ --_ � �� ; - FIGURE � -=- -=-- ---=- 12: Capacitance pickup for determining level of liquid hydrogen. 208 Sensors F\>s�ion of teeth for minimum value of capacitance FIGURE 1 3: Section showing relative arrangement of teeth in capacitance-type torque meter. Changing Area Capacitance change depending on changing effective area has been used for the secondary transducing element of a torque meter ( 1 2). The device uses a sleeve with teeth or serrations cut ax i al l y, and a matching internal member or shaft with similar axially cut teeth. Figure 13 illustrates the arrangeme nt . A clearance is provided between the tips of the teeth, as shown. Torque carried by an elastic member causes a shift in the relative positions of the teeth , thereby changi ng the effective area. The resulti ng capacitance change is calibrated in terms of torque. Changing Distance Varying the distance between the places of a capacitor is undoubtedly the most common method for using capacitance in a pickup. Figure 1 4 illustrates a ca paci t i ve- ty pe pressure transducer, wherein the capacitance between the diaphragm to which the pressure is appl ied and the electrode foot is used as a measure of the diaphragm's relative position [ 1 3- 1 5 ) . Flexing of the diaphragm under pressure allers the distance between it and the ekctrodc. 209 Sensors lJbe for clrculadng cooling water FIGURE 14: Section through capacillllcl e-1ype pressure pickup. 14 PIEZOELECTRIC SENSORS Cenain materi als can genera te an electrical charge when subje<:ted to mechanical suain or. converse ly, can cha nge dimensions when subjected to voltage [Fig. 1 5(a)). This is known as the piezoelectric3 effecc. Pierre and Jacques Curie are credited with its discovery in 1880. Notable among these materials are quartz, Rochelle salt (Potass ium sodium wtarate), prop­ erly polarized barium titanate, am mon i um di h ydrogen phosphalte, cenain organic polymers. and even ordinary sugar. Of a l l the materials that exhibit the effect, none possesses; all the desirable properties. such as stability, h i gh output, insensitivity to temperature exll'emes and humid ity, and the abi li ty to be formed into any desired shape. Rochelle salt provides a very high output, but ii requires protection from moisture in the air and cannot be used above about 45°C (I 1s•F). Quanz is u ndo ubtedly the most stable, but its output is low. B(:cause of its stability, quartz is commonly used for regulating electronic osc ill ators. Often the quartz is shaped into 1 thin disk with each face silvered for the attachment of elecll'odes. The th ickness of lhe plate is ground to the dimension that provides a mech an ica l resonance frequency to the desired electrical frequency. This crystal may then be i ncorporated i n an appropnate correspo�ing electron i c circuit whose frequency it controls. 3Thc prefix pi�r.o is derived from the Greek pieuin. meaning "lo press" or .-lo squcci.e ." 210 Sensors ~ Tlickness shear ltansverse chenge (a) c, (b) FIGURE IS: (a) Basic deformation modes for piezoelectric plates; electrodes (+ and -) shown; (b) equivalent circuit for a piezoelectric element. are Rather than existing as a single crystal, as many piezoelectric materials, barium titanate is polycrystalline; thus it may be formed into a variety of sizes and shapes. The piezoelectric effect is not present until the element is subjected to polarizing treatment. Although exact polarizing procedure varies with the manufacturer, the following procedure has been used [ 16). The element is heated to a temperature above the Curie point of 1 20°C, and a high de potential is applied across the faces of the element. The magnitude of this voltage depends on the thickness of the element and is on the order of I 0,000 V/cm. The element is then cooled with the voltage applied, which results in an element that exhibits the piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric polymers, such as polyvinylidene Huoride [ 1 7 ) , provide low-<:ost piezo­ electric transducers with relatively high voltage outputs. These semicrystalline polymers are formed into thin filnis, perhaps 30 �m thick, with silvered electrodes on either side 211 Sensors and are coated onto a somewhat-thicker Mylar backing. The resulting transducer is light, flexible, and easily manipul ated . Figure I 5(b) shows an equivalent circuit for a piezoelement, consisti ng of a cluuge generator and a shunting capacitance, C, . When mechanically strained, the piezoelement generates a charge Q (t ) , which is temporari ly stored in the element's inherent capacitance. As with all capacitors, however, the charge dissipates with time owing to leakage, a fact which makes piezodevices more valuable for dynamic measurements than for static mea­ surements. The voltage across the piezoelement at any time is simply v. <t> = Q(t ) c, (7a) Measurement of this voltage, however, requ ires a very high impedance circuit to prevent charge loss. A charge amplifier is nonnally used for this purpose. The voltage can alterna­ tively be ex pressed in tenns of the stress on the piezoelement, V0 = Ghu (7b) h is the thickness of the element between the electrodes and u is the stress. G is a constant equal to 0.055 Vm/N for quartz in compressive stress (thickness change) and 0.22 Vm/N for polyvinylidene ftuoride in axial stress (transverse change ) . Piezoelectric transducers are used to measure surface roughness, force and torque, pressure, motion, and sound. In addition, the piezofilm transducers are used to sense !henna! radiation. Since the film expands in response 10 temperature change, a c harge is developed when infrared radiation is absorbed (the pyroelectric e ffec t). Pyroelectric transducers are common elements in household motion detectors. Ultrasonic transd ucers may use barium titanate. Such elements are found in industrial cleaning apparatus and in underwater detection systems known as sonar. where material 15 SEMICONDUCTOR SENSORS The semiconductor revolution has profo u nd l y inftuenced measurement technology. In addition to digital voltmeters. comp uter data-acquisition systems, and other readout and data-processing systems , semiconductor technology has produced compact and inexpen­ sive sensors. A principal strength of semiconductor sensors is that they take advantage of microelectronic fabrication techn iq ues . Thus, the sensors can be quite small, mechanical structures (such as diaphragms and beams) can be etc hed into the device, and other elec­ tronic components (resistors, transistors, etc.) can be directly i mplanted with the sensor to form a transducer having onboard s ignal cond i t ioning. 1 5. 1 Electrlc:al Behavior of Semiconductors Semiconducting materials include elements, such as silicon and gennanium, and com­ pounds, such as gallium arsenide and cadmium sulphide. Semiconductors differ from metals in that relatively few free e lectron s are available to carry current. Instead, when a bound electron i s separated from a particular atom in the material, a positively charged hole 21 2 Sensors is formed and will move in the direction opposite the electron. Both negatively charged eleclrons and positively charged holes contribute to the How of current in a semiconductor. The number of charge carriers (electrons or holes) in a semiconductor, nc, is a strong function of temperature, T. Typically, nc = number per unit volumt: oc · T31, · exp ( ) -constant --T-- (8) Since the n:sistivity of a material is proportional lo I i 11.-. a semiconductor's resistance decreases rapidly with increasing temperalurt:. For silicon near room temperature, the resistivity decreases by about 8%/°C [ 1 8] . Greater control over a semiconductor's electrical behavior i s obtained b y doping i t with impurity atoms. Thest: atoms may be either elec1ro11 donors or electron acceptors. Electron donor atoms (such as phosphorus or arsenic) raise the number of free electrons in the material. Electron acceptor atoms (such as gallium and aluminum) hold electrons, thus raising the number of holes. Since the number of dopi ng atoms is usually large relative to the number offree electrons in the undoped material. the dopant sets the majority current carrier of the material. Specifically, doping with donor atoms c�ales a predominance of negative charge carriers (electrons), giving an n-type semiconductor. Doping with acceptor atoms creates a predominance of positive charge carriers (holes), giving a p-type semiconductor. Semiconductors, either doped or undoped, are useful as temperature sensors. For undoped semiconductors, the number of carriers increases rapidly with temperature [Eq. (8)), so that the resistance is a strongly decreasing function of temperature. Thermistors (Section 8) are based on this effect. Because such sensors have a negative temperature coefficient of n:sistance, they are some ti mes called NTC sensors. When semiconductors are heavily doped, the mobility of the carriers decreases with increasing temperature, so that the resistance increases with temperature; these positive-temperature-coefficient devices are called PTC sensors. Semiconductors also respond to strain. For example. a p-type region diffused into an n-type base functions as a resistor whose resistance increases strongly when it is strained (this behavior is called piewresistivity). Such resistors arc the basis of semiconductor strain gages, semiconductor diaphragm pressure sensors (Fig. 1 6). and semiconductor accelerom­ eters [ 1 9,20). 15.2 pn-Junctlons Most semiconductor devices involve a junctiu11, at which 11-lype and p-type doping meet (Fig. 1 7 ). Current flows easily from the p-typc 10 1he 11 -1ypc material. since holes (+charge) easily enter the n·typc material a nd electrons ( -charge) easily enter the p-type material. Current How in the opposite direction meets much greater resistance. Thus. this junction behaves like a diode. When a voltage is applied to the junction, the current through it varies as shown i n Fig. 1 8. When V is positive, we say that the junction is fonvard biased. The current becomes very large once the voltage reaches a threshold level. If the voltage is instead negative, the junction is rel"erse biased, and only a very small current Hows. As lhe reverse­ bias voltage is raised, the current quickly reaches a value - lo. which is nearly independent of V. The current lo is called t he reverse sa111ratio11 currelll. Typical values of lo are on the order of nanoamperes for silicon and microampcrcs for germanium. The reverse saturation 21 3 Sensors Diaphragm (0.001 in. typ.) Diffused strain gage MetallizatiOl1 Etched cavity Silicon constraint waler ..... Sealed reference vacuum FIGURE 1 6: Cross section of a semiconductor-diaphragm absolute-pressure sensor (Motorola, not to scale). External pressure change causes dia.phragm to deflect, sttain­ ing the gage. n-type p-type t I Metal ' elecbOde Junction v + II; FIGURE 1 7: 11 (a) /pn-junction diode J . �: J v (b) (a) pn-junction with applied voltage (b) circuit �epresentation as a diode. 214 Sensors .,.,_:-::: _:= _- --- ____ - lo v, v Forward bias Reverse bias FIGURE 18: Voltage-current curve for a pn-junction. lo is the reverse saturation curre nt and V, is the forward threshold voltage. current. is more nearly voltage-independent for germanium than for silicon, as a result of various secondary effects [ 2 1 ) . Th e voltage current curve i n Fig. 1 8 i s described b y the equation (9 ) which shows a strong dependence of current on temperature (q is the charge of an electron and k is Boltzmann's constant). The saturation current is also a function of temperature, roughly doubling with every l o•c increase in temperature for silicon and germanium diodes near room te mperatu re [ 1 8). When forward biased, the voltage drop (or threshold voltage), V, . across a silicon pn-junction l imits to about 0. 7 V at room temperature. This voltage drop decreases by about 2 m V /°C as temperature increases, and the changill'g voltage forms the basis of some semiconductor-junction temperature sensors. Through integrated-circuit techniques, junction-temperature dependencies have bee n applied to make linear-response, temperature­ sensing chips. One disadvantage of many semiconductor-junction sensors is that the operating tem­ perature must remain below about I 50°C to prevent degradation of the junction's electrical characteristics. 15.3 Photodiodes Semiconductorjunctions are sensitive to light as well as heat. If a junction is formed near the surface of a semiconductor, photons reaching the junction can create new pairs of electrons and holes, which then separate and ftow in opposite directions. Thus, the irradiating light 21 5 Sensors Dark charactenstic {H = OJ v H, Increasing H Reverse bias: i - -Ii. " -H aracteristic for various i ncident l ight intensities, ff. FIGURE 1 9 : Photodiode i· V ch produces an additional current, !,., at the j unction : i = Io [exp ( k� v) - 1 ] - 1;. ( 10) The photocurrent, /;. , is d i rec t ly proportional to lhe intensity, H, of the i ncomi ng light (in W/m2): h = constant x ff e expos�-d to light . The voltage­ where the constant is proportional to th area of the diode current characteristics of a photodi ode are shown in Fig. 19 [22 1. The photoc urre nt is typ ical ly on the order of m il l ia m peres and thus is much larger than the reverse saturation current ( h » Io). By operating a photodiode with a reverse­ bias vol tage, the output current is made directly proportional to the inc i dent light intensity (i "" - h oc - H J . Semiconductor junctions are most respons i ve to infra�-d wavelengths, but sensitivi ty can e tend lo vi s i ble wavelengths and near-ultraviolet wave le ng th s as well. Collllo ll n photod i odes are usually made from i nex pen sive si l ico n j u nction s, although several other semiconductors, suc h as gerrnanium, are also in use. The sens iti v i ty of a photod i ode is limited by its "dark urre nt ," which is the usual junction urren t with no incident l ight [i.e., Eq. (9)]. Since this current decreases with x c c 21 6 Sensors temperature, sensitivity can be improved by cooling the diode lo very low temperatures. For example, in high-perfonnance infrared sensing, photodiodes may be operated al liquid­ nittogen temperatures or even liquid-helium temperatures (- l 98°C or -269°C, respec­ tively) [23). Some bulk semiconductors, without a pn-junction, also respond to light. Photons create additional electron-hole pairs in the material, thereby reducing its resistance. Com­ mon examples of such photoconductive materials include cadmium sulphide (CdS) and cadmium selenide (CdSe). For h i gh - performance infrared sensing, low-temperature doped gennan ium may be used. Photodetectors are discussed further in the next section. 16 UGHT-DmCTING TRANSDUCERS Light-sensitive transducers, or photosensors, are used to detect light of all types: lhennal radiation from wann objects, laser light, light emitted by diodes, or even sunshine. These transducers may be categorized as either thermal detectors or photon detectors. The lhenna l detectors use a temperature-sensitive element which is heated by incident light. The photon detectors respond directly to absorbed photons, either by emitting an electron from a surface (the photoelectric effect) or by creating additional electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor (as discussed in Section 1 5 .3). Among the issues to be considered in selecting a photodetector are the wavelength the speed of response needed, and the sensitivity required. In general, ther­ mal detec tors are much slower than photon detectors but respond lo a broader range of wavelengths. For any detector, the speed of response will also depend upon the supporting circuitry. For visible and near-infrared light, semiconductor detectors are commonly used. Photoemissive detectors can be sensitive well into the ultraviolet range. To detect long-wave to be sensed, infrared light, which is the heat emitted by objects near room temperature, either thermal detectors or cryogenically cooled semiconductors may be used. 16.1 Thermal Detectors Thermal detectors create the detector. a tempemture change in the detecting clement when light heats Some other property of the detecting element changes in response to the temperature c hange , and that property is measured 10 determine the light intensity [24]. Some examples follow. Thermopile detec t ing elements use several thennocouples in series lo produce a volt­ age output proportional to the detector temperature. Pneumotic detecting elements use a When the gas is heated, its pressure rises, and the pressure is Bolometers use temperature-dependent electrical resistance as a sen sor. Pyroelectric detectors respond to temperature changes by generat­ ing an electric charge; they are widely used a� infrared motion sensors for automotic light switches and intruder alarms [ 24.25 ]. chamber containing a ga� . measured to dctennine the light intensity. Th e response times of typical thermal detectors range from a fe w milliseconds to several seconds, depending main l y upon the size and configuration of the detecting element. Specialized pyroelectric sensors can achieve response times below 21 7 1 ns. Sensors 16.2 Photon Detectors Photoemissive detectors (Type A, Tab le 2) consist of a cathode anode combi nation in an evacuated e nvelope made of glass or sy nthetic quartz. In the proper circuit (commonly requiring a de source of several hundred volts), l ig ht i mpi ngemen t on the cathode causes electrons to be emitted The electrons travel lo t he anode, thereby providing a small current. By addi ng several successi vely higher- voltage electrodes (or dyru;•des) to the envelope, substantial current amplification is obtained, producing a photomultiplier tube, or PMT. PMTs can be extraord i nari l y sensitive, to the point of detecting single ph otons, and they have rise times as short as 1 ns. Since the invention of smaller, cheaper semiconductor photoscnsors, these devices are used on ly in rather specialized applications that require extremely high sens itivi ty (26). Semiconductor sensors are of several types. In general, they perform best at near­ infrared wavelengths. The major classes of semiconductor photodetc:ctors are as follow. Photoconductive sensors (l'Ype B, Table 2) consist of a lay·er of semiconducti ng material between two electrodes. When the layer is exposed to l igh t, abs orbed photons create addi tional conductors in the semiconductor (electrons and holes), lowering its resistance. In conjunction with resistance-sensitive circuitry an output may be obtai n ed that is a function of the i ntensi ty of the l ight source. l'Ypical photoconducting detectors: use cadmium sulfide, cadmium selenide, lead sulfide, indium antimonide, or mercury cadmium telluride. Among these, inexpensi ve CdS and CdSe are probably most common ly used, although they are limited to visible and near-infrared waveleng ths and respond rather slllw l y (with typical rise times of 50 ms). Devices using In S h or HgCdTe can operate at far--infrared wave lengths and have rise t imes on the order of 100 ns. For best performance. these devices require coo l in g to li qu id nitrogen temperatures (27). Photodiodes (l'Ypes Cl, C2, and CJ. Table 2) u ti l i ze a pn-ju nclion and are similar to photoconduc tive detectors (see Sec tion 1 5.3). When operated w i th a reverse- bias voltage (Fig. 1 9), a p hotodi ode be haves as a l ight - sens i tive current source. Rise times may be as low as I ns. The pin · photod iodc differs from the common variety in that a layer of undoped (or intrinsic) semiconductor is sandwiched between the p and n laye rs . This increases both the speed of response and the sen s iti vi ty. Some pin - p hotod iodcs have ti mes below 0. 1 ns (28). Avalanche photodiodes are obtai ned by operating photod i odes with a reverse bias vol tage that approaches the diode's breakdow n vol tage (typically st:veral hundred volts). The result is that the current generated al a given l ig h t level is 10 lo 100 t i mes greater than that produced by a pn or pin - pho tod iode. APDs have the advan tages of hig h g ai n and fast response (rise ti mes down to 0. 1 ns), with the di sadvan tages of requ iring a stable voltage supply and a stable operating temperature. Phototransistors and photodarlingtons (Ty pes DI and 02, Tab le 2) are basically photodiodes fol lowed one or two stages of ampl ification incorporated iinto the same package to enhance the se n sitivity. Pholotransistors have gains similar to AP'Ds , but much slower rise times (tens of µs). Photodarl ingtons have higher gain , but with r i se times of hundreds of µs [29). 16.3 Applications Applications of photodetectors in mechanical measuremen ts are wide ranging. They include simple coun t i ng , where the interrupti on of a beam of light is used :strain measureme nts , 21 8 TABLE 2: Photon Detectors Type A. Photoemissive or pho«>multiplier B. Photoconductive (or photoresistive) Symbol and Typical Circuit ct:Jload ""u� Form of Output Relative Frequency Reaponae Cathode-uode in evacualed glass or uartz envelope. PMT gain can be U>3 to 1 • Bulky; requires high voltage. Highest sensitivity. J Current Very fast Resistance Extremely slow Light-sensitive resistor. Increased light i ntensi ty causes reduced resistance. Expensive types can be fast. Very fast Primary disadvantage is low output current. chsnge de C l . Phntodiode (p11-junction) C2. pi11- photodiode c[JLoad C3. Avalanche photodiode DI. Phototransistor 02. Photodarlington co load �load Current "Dllk c:um:nt" very low (nanoampere range), but Current Extremely fast Current Extremely fast not zero. has "intrinsic" layer between p layers, which creates faster response. pin diode APO is operated near breakdown voltage. and n Has much higher internal gain and is much more Current Slow I I Commenta Current Very slow sensitive than other pho todiodes. Produces much higher current for given input than photodiode does because of its amplifying ability. Base lead, i£ accessible, is seldom used. Much more sensitive than phototransistor. Sensors LED source can FIGURE 20: A photointerrupter consisting of an LED light source (often in frared) and a photodetector. Mechanical interruption of the l ight path be used for various purposes, such as counting, triggering, and synchronization. temperature measurements dewpoint controls, and a wide range of process monitors. In conjunction with lasers, they form the basis of fluid velocity measurement systems and vibration measurement systems. Photodetectors are available in one- and two-dimensional arrays, as well. These configurations allow the contruction of digital cameras, which reduce a visual image to a discrete set of photodctector voltages. Of particular importance are charge-coupled diode array s (CCD arra ys), which use silicon photodiodes to capture digital images. Arrays of photodetectors enable whole-field temperature detection, machine vision systems, ftuid flow visualization, and many other measurements. Other special packages include optointerrupters and optoisolators, in which a pho­ todiode and a light-emitting di ooe (LED) are packaged so that the light from the LED impinges on the photodiode (see Figs. 20 and 2 1 ). The interrupter is configured so that some form of mechanical mask may be used to break the light beam between the LED and the detector, thereby providing on off switching for counting or a variety of other purposes. �ocr= lotranslstor : , - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, I : I ....... I LED I : I Dip pad<age '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' FIGURE 2 1 : Th e essentials of a photoisolator, used fo r connecting low-impedance cur· rent circuits to high-impedance voltage cin:uils. The isolator is also useful for providing complete electrical isolation between cirucits, sometimes imperative in health-related elec­ tronics. 220 Sensors The optoisolator is used to match low-impedance current circuits to high-impedance voltage circuits, or vice versa. It also provides a high-impedance isolation between circuits, which is an important feature in some forms of health-related electronics (29). 17 HALL-EFFECT SENSORS The Hall effect is the appearance of a transverse voltage difference on a conductor carry ing a current perpendicular to a magnetic field (30). This voltage is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength. If the magnetic field is made to vary with the position of a nearby object, the Hal l effect can be the basis of a proximity sensor. In Fig. 22(a), a conductor carries current in the x-dircction, so that electrons How in the x-direction with a velocity VJ . The magnetic field runs in the y-dire<:tion. Because the electrons carry a charge -q, they experience a magnetic force Fs in the z-direction: Fs = -qv4 x B (a) IT FB t B • i FE + ... + + (b) FIGURE 22: The Hall effect: (a) A conductor carries current in a perpendicular magnetic field; (b) electrons arc driven upward by magnetic force, creating an opposing electric field. 221 Sensors Permanent magnet Hall oonduclOr Housing Lead wires (power and output) \ FIGURE N s (t \ 23: Hall-effect gear-tooth sensor [30). This force deflects electrons upward and so creates a negative charge along the top of the conductor and a positive charge along the bottom [Fig. 22(b)). This charge distribution in tum creates an electric field, E, whose force in steady state is equal and opposite the magnetic force on the electrons: FE = - q E = - FB From these relationships, the magnitude of the electric field is E = Vd B. Since the electric field is the gradient of voltage, the voltage difference across a conductor of height I is (11) This i s the Hall-effect voltage. The Hall beffect is present in any conductor carrying current in a magnetic field. but it is much more pronounced in semiconductors than in metals. Thus most Hall-effect transducers use a semiconducting material as the conductor, often in conjunction with an integrated-circuit signal conditioner. A permanent magnet may be built into the transducer to provide the needed magnetic field (Fig. 23). If a passing object, such as another magnet or a ferrous metal, alters the magnetic field, the change in the Hall-effect voltage is seen at the transducer's output terminals. Hall-effect transducers are used as position sensors, as solid-state keyboards actuators, and as current sensors ( 3 1 ) . Low-cost, ruggedly packaged versions are used as automotive crankshaft-timing sensors (32) . 1.8 SOM E DESIGN-RELATED PROBLEMS Accuracy, sensitivity, dynamic response, repeatability, and the ability to reject unwanted inputs are all qualities highly desired in each component of a measuring system. Many of the parameters that combine to provide these qualities present conflicting problems and must be 222 Sensors compromised in the final design. At this point we will discuss some additional design problems. 1 8. 1 Manufacturing Tolerances The conception or a component or system on paper is a necessary and imponant beginning; to be useful, however, the apparatus must be produced, and no manufacturing process can reproduce exact length or angular dimensions. Dimensions must always be assigned with some specified or implied tolerances. How can one predict the effect or such variations on perfonnance? The following example describes one approach to the problem. EXAMPLE 1 Suppose a spring scale such as that shown in Fig. 24 is to be designed. We will assume a force capacity of 50 N and a maximum deflection or 10 cm. This gives us a deOection · constant of 5 N/cm. Solulion Using conventional coil-spring design relations [33), we find that a spring made with a mean coil diameter Dm of 2 cm and a steel wire diameter of 2 mm will meet stress requirements prov ided we ensure against overload by including appropriate deflection limits or stops. The deflection equation commonly used K F y = - = for coil springs is E, D� 3-- 80,.n FIGURE 24: Common spring-type "fish" scale. 223 Sensors where K = the deHection constant (Nim), F = lhe design load (N), y = l he corresponding deHeclion ( m), E, = lhe torsional elaslic modulus (about 80 x 1 09 Pa for steel), n = lhe number of coils Using this relalion and the preceeding des ign values. we find that 40 coils are needed 10 provide the required deHeclion constant. If we apply reasonable tolerances, our specifica­ tions become D,. = 2 ± 0.0 1 mm, D,. = 2 ± 0.05 cm, n = 40 ± E, � coils, and = 80 x 106 ± 3.5 x 106 kPa Let us now consider how various uncertainties (manufacturing tolerances) may affect the deHec tion cons1ant, K . (We direcl allention to re ference (341 at this point.) We assume th at 99% of the coils will not exceed any of these tolerances; in other words, we take the tolerances to represent 99% uncen ai nty limils for eac h variable. Then, we have UK [( = = ( .o 4 x0 2 0.0895 "" l )2 + 9% or K Note that mm, cm, and m have (3 ( 0.33 ) 2 x 0.05 ) 2 2 + 40 (99% confidence) = 500 ± 45 Nim been used i n ( 3.5 ) 2 + so (99%) 1he preceding example: hence care must be . used in placing decimal points. We see then thal if we lay out 1he gradua1ions corresponding lo nominal values, a force of 50 N may actually be indicated as anything in lhe range from 45.5 to 54.5 N, depending on how the manufac1uring tolerances may fall. Should lhis resull not be salisfactory, our only recourse is ( I ) 10 provide belier control or the manufacturing tolerances or (2) to provide some means for adjusting calibration. Various melhods of calibration can be used, depen d ing on lhe inlended "quality" of the device. In this instance, two or three faceplates can be provided. each wi1h gradua1ions scaled lo cover a ponion of lhe calibra1ion r.mge. Al the lime of assembly, a simple calibration would delcrmine lhe most appropriate p late to use. 224 Sensors Al lhis point, it is appropriate to make an additional observation. Weight is basically a force; hence we should express the calibration in newtons rather than in kilograms. Should we wish a scale calibrated in kilograms, !hen, 10 be complelely correct we should include lhe assumed value of gravitational acceleration on the faceplate. 'The standard acceleration due lo gravity is 9.80665 m/s2 , and lhe kilogram range corresponding to our SO N range becomes 0 lo 50/9.80665 "" 5 . 1 kg. (Use of the non-SI symbol kgf is discouraged.) It should be clear that the procedures used in the preceding example are applicable to mosl elastic transducer configurations, as well as to many olher lolerance problems. 18.2 Some Temperature-Related Problems An ideal measuring system will reacl 10 lhe design signal only and ignore all else. Of course, this ideal is never complelely fulfilled. One of the more insidious adverse slimuli affecting instrumenl operation is temperalure. It is insidious in that it is almost impossible lo maintain a constant-temperature environment for a general-purpose measuring system. The usual solution is lo accepl the lemperature varialion and to devise methods to compensate for it. Temperature variations cause dimensional changes and changes in physical properties, both elastic and eleclrical, resulting in deviations (bias error) referred to as zero shift and scale error. [35). Zero shift, as the name implies, resul!s in a change in the no-input reading. Factors other than temperature may cause zero shift; however, temperature is probably the most common cause. In most applications the zero indication on the outpul scale would be made lo correspond to the no-input condilion. For example, the indicalor or the spring scales referred lo earlier should be set at zero when !here is no weight in the pan. If the temperature changes after the scale has been set lo zero, !here may be a differential dimensional change between spring and scale. altering lhe no-load reading. This change would be referred to as zero shift. Zero shift is primarily a funclion of linear dimensional change caused by expansion or contraction with changing lemperature. Dimensional changes are expressed in lcrms of the coefficient of expansion by the following familiar relalions: a = -- 1 t:.L t:.T Lo (12) and L r = Lo(! + a t:.T) ( 1 3) where a = the coefficient of linear expansion (ppm/deg temp. x 1 o-6), L/ Lo = the uni! change in length, t:. T = lhe change in tempcralure, Tr - To, Lo = lhe lcnglh dimension at the reference temperalure To, L 1 = lhe length dimension at any other temperature Tr In addition to causing zero shift. temperature changes usually affect scale calibration when resilient load-carrying members arc involwd. The coil and wire diamelers of our spring would be altered with temperature change, and so too would the modulus of elasticity 225 Sensors of the spring material. These variations would cause a changed spri n g constant, and hence referred 10 as scale error. changed load-deflection calibration, resulting in what is The thermoelastic coefficient is defined by the relations I 6£ Eo - c= ( 14) 6T and E1 = Eo( I +c 6 T) ( 1 5) where c = the temperature coefficient for the tensile modullus of elasticity 6 (ppm/deg temp. x 1 0- ) , t. E/Eo = the unit change in the tensile modulus o f elasticity, Eo = the tensile modulus of elasticity at temperature To. E 1 = the tensile modulus of elasticity at temperature T1 Similarly, the coefficient for torsional modulus may be written I t. E, 6T E,,, m = - -- ( 1 6) and E,, = £..., ( ! + m 6T) ( 1 7) where m = the temperature coefficient for the torsional modulus o f elas1ici1y 1 0- 6 ) , (ppm/deg temp. x t. E, / E,,, = the u n i t change in the torsional modulus o f elas11ici1y, Eso = the torsional modulus of elasticity at temperatm·c To, E,1 = the torsional modulus of elasticity at tem perature T1 Representative val u es of these quantit ies are given in Table 3. The manner in which temperature changes in elastic properties affect instrument performance can element in for which be demonstrated by the fol low ing example. Assume that a restoring an instrume n t is essenti al ly a single-leaf cantilever spri n ;g of rectangular section, the deflection equation al reference temperature To is F Ko = - = y 3Eolo -- 226 Li Eo wotJ = -- 4l� (18) TABLE 3: Temperature Characteristics for Some Materials Coefficient of Unear Expansion, u Coefficient ofTenslle Modulus of Elasticity, c• ppmf°C ppm/°F ppmf°C ppm/°F 7.93 ( 1 1 .5) 1 1 .6 (6.5) -220 ( - 1 22) 20.7 (30) 7.93 ( 1 1 .5) 12.2 (6.8) -260 ( - 145) Stainless steel, 1ype 302 19.3 (28) 6.9 ( 1 0) 1 6.7 (9.3) -439 (-244) Spring brass 1 0.3 ( 1 5) 3.8 20.2 (5.5) -39 1 (-2 17) 1 0 .3 ( 15) 4.3 (6.3) ( 1 1 .2) (9.9) 17.8 -380 ( -2 1 1 ) 14.8 (2 1 .4) 5.6 (8. 1 ) 1.1 (0.6) +48. 1 (+27) 1 8.0 ( 26) 6.3 (9.2) 7.2 (4) ( -20 to +7.3) 2.6 (3.8) 23 ( 1 3) Tensile Modulus of Elasticity, E Pa x 10- 10 (psi x 10-6 ) Torsional Modulus of Elasticity, E Pa x 10- 10 (psi x 10- 6 ) Chrome-vanadium steel Material High-carbon spring steel Phosphor bronze lnvart Isoelaslic t Aluminum 20.7 (30) 6.9 ( I O) • c may be used for torsional modulus also. tTrade names. -36 10 + 1 3 -270 10 -400 ( - 1 50 IO -220) Sensors where = the deflection c onstant Ko Io = the moment of inertia, , wo = the width of the secti.on at reference temperature, to beam pe = the thickness of the section at reference temperature, Lo = the length of the A second equation may be wri K1 _ - [ Eo( Thus we have ucn at the reference tem rature for any other temperature, Ti , as follows: l + c 6.T)J[UJo( I + a 4(lo( I + a fl Percent error in de ection scale = 6.T)J[to ( I 6.T)J3 ( Ko;0 K t ) = (1 - + a 6.T)] 3 ( 19) x 1 00 ( I + c 6. T)( l + a 6. T)) x 100 which we may simplify, by expanding and neglecting the second-order tenn, to read ri Percent scale error If our sp ng is made of spring brass, = - (c + a) 6. T x 100 (20) Percent scale error/°F = - ( - 2 1 7 + 1 1 .2) x 10-6 x 100 = 0.02 1% c g Hence a temperature han e of +50°F would result in a scale error of about + 1%. (This means that the reading is too high; our spring is too flexible, and a given load deflects the spring more than it should.) It is n te t ing to note that for our example the scale error is a function of material or materials. It should be clear that we are s a n of the load-deflection re l ation for resilient memhers in this connection and that this would not i c l members whose duty it is simply to transmit motion, such as the linkage in a Bourdon-tube pressure age A ltho ugh not a mechanical quantity, another item affected by t mpe ture change is electrical resistance. The basic resistance equation may be written in the fonn i res e pe ki g n ude g . e ra (2 1 ) w her R p t = he electrical resistance (Q), = the resistivity (Q · cm) , e cro -sec L = the l ngth of the conductor (cm), A = the ss tional area of the conductor (cm 2 ) 228 Sensors As temperalurc changes, a change in the resistance of an eleclrical conduclor will be noled. This will be caused by 1wo different faclors: dimensional changes due to expansion or contraction and changes in lhe currenl-opposing properties of the malerial ilSelf. For an unconstrained conductor, the taller is much more significant than the former, causing more than 99% of the toial change for copper (36). Therefore, in most cases it is not very important whether the dimensional effect is accounted for or not. If dimensional changes caused by 1emperature are ignored, the change in resistivity wilh temperature may be expressed as (22) or Pl ; Po(l + b 6 T) (23) where b ; the 1empera1ure coefficienl of resistivity [(Q · cm)/(O · cm · deg)) , 6T · ; the 1empera1ure change(deg). 6p /Po ; the unit change in resistivity, Po ; the resistivity at the reference 1empera1ure To(O · cm) . pi ; the resis1ivi1y al any temperalure T1 (Q · cm) I f we account for temperature-dimensional changes, Pl ; Ro A o -- Lo ( I + b 6 T)( l ; Po ( I + b 6 T)( I the equation reads + a 6T) + a 6 T) (24) Table 4 lists values of the cocfficienlS of resistivity for selected malerials. 18.3 Methods for Limiting Temperature Errors Three approaches to a solulion of the temperalure problem in ins1ntmen1ation are as follows: ( I ) minimization lhrough careful seleclion of materials and operating 1emperature ranges, (2) compe11satio11 through balancing of inversely reacling elements or effeclS, and (3) elim· ination through 1emperature control. Although each si1ua1ion is a problem unto i1self, thereby making specific recommendalions difficult, a few general remarks wi1h regard 10 these possibilities may be made. Minimization As we poinled out earlier, lemperalure errors may be caused by lhermal expansion in the case of simple mo1ion-1ransmiuing elemenls, by thermal expansion and modulus change in the case of calibra1ed resi lient transducer elements, and by thermal expansion and resistivity change in the case of electrical resislance transducers. All these effects may be minimized by selecting materials with low-temperature coefficients in each of the respective categories. Of course, minimum temperature coefficients are not always combined with other desirable features such as high strength, low cosl, corrosion resistance, and so on. 229 Sensors TABLE 4: Resistivity and Temperature Coefficients of Resistivity fo1r Selected Materials Resistivity at Material Aluminum Constantan • Copper (annealed) Iron Isoelastic• Manganin• Monet• Nichrome• Nickel Silver Composition (for alloys) 20°c {68°F) S2 · cm x 2.8 44 60% Cu, 40% Ni 99.9% pure 36% Ni, 8% Cr, 4% Mn, Si, and Mo, remainder Fe 9-18% Mn, I -4% Ni; remainder Cu 33% Cu, 67% Ni 75% Ni, 12% Fe, 1 1 % Cr, 2% Mn ! 106 ·Coefficient of Resistivity, b �!/ 9. . deg x 106 Per"C Per"F 3900 11 1 .72 3900 10 48 5000 470 2 1 70 .6 2 1 80 2800 260 44 II 6 2000 1 100 220 42 1 00 400 7 6400 1 .6 4000 3550 2250 Note: Values should be considered as quite approximate. Actual values d1:pend on exact composition and, in certain cases, degree of cold work. •Trade names. Compensation Compensation may take a number of d:ifferent forms, depending the basic characteristics of the system. If a mechanical system is being used, a form of compensation making use of a composite cons truc ti o n may be em pl oyed . If the system is electrical, compensation is generally possible in the e l ec trica l circuitry. An example of composite construction is the balance wheel in a watch or clock. As the temperature rises, the modulus of the spring material reduces and, in addition, the moment of inertia of the wheel (if of simple form) increases because of thermal expansion, both of which cause the watch to slow down. If we i ncorporate a bimei:al element of appropriate characteristics in the rim of the wheel, the moment of inertia dt:creases with temperature enough to compensate for both expansion of the wheel spokes and change in spring modulus. (See also Section 6 for a discussion of tem peratu re effects on linear measuring devices.) Electrical c ircu itry may use various means of compensating for temperature effects . The therm istor, discussed in some detail in Section 8, is quilt: useful for this purpose. Most circuit elements possess the characteristic of i nc reasing de resistance with rising temperature. The thermistor has an opposite temperature-resistance property, along with reasonably good stabili ty, both of wh i ch make it ideal for simple temperature-resistance compensation. Resistance strain gages are particularly susceptible to temperature variations. The actual situation is quite complex, involving thermal-expansion 1:haracteristics of both the base material and all the gage materials (support, cement, and grid ) and temperature· resi stivi ty properties of the grid material , combined with the f.act that heat is dissi pated by the gri d since it is a resistance device. Temperature compen1sation is very nicely hanon 230 Sensors died, however, by pitt ing the temperature effect output from like gages against one another subjecting them differentially to strain. This outcome is accom pl is hed by use of a resistance bridge circuit arrangement, which is used e x tens i vel y in strai n -gage work. In addition through careful selection of grid materials, so-called self-compensating gages have while been developed. Elimination The third method-el im inating the temperature prob lem by temper­ ature control-really requires no discussion. Many methods are possible, extending from the careful conirol of large environments to the maintenance of constant te mperatu re in small insirument enclosures. An example of the latter is the "crystal oven," often used to stabilize a frequency-<letermining quartz crystal. 19 SUMMARY We have in no sense exhausted the list of possible devices or princ ipl es suitable for sensing mechanical i n puts. In certain instances, we discuss others elsewhere in Table this book, and in I have attempted to reference some of these. For further information on basic sensing devices, we refer you to the Suggested Readings. 1. Sensors often include both a first, detecting stage and a second, transducing stage. Each stage may convert the sensed information into a different form, often resulting a fi nal electrical signal. Specific sensor design and selection is normally guided by the requ i rements of sufficient sens itiv i ty and minimal source loadi ng ( S ec t ions 1-4). 2. A wide range of transducers are based on changes in the resistance of a sensing e lemen t (Sections 5-8). Vari atio n s in inductance (Sect i o ns I 0- 1 2) and capacitance (Section 13) are also used frequently. 3. Some sensing e le ments are sel f-poweri ng . These i nclude thermocoup les (Section 9), which generate an electromotive force depe ndent upon temperature. and pi ezoelectric sensors (Section 14), which generate a charge w hen loaded. 4. Semiconductors devices are i nc reas i n g ly common among sensing elements (Sec­ tion 15). These sensors can take advantage of mi croe lec tronic fabricat i on tec h nology. S. L i g ht-detec ti n g transducers may be divided into thermal and photon device.•. A variety of photon dev i ce s are de scri bed in Sec ti on 16. Hall-effect sensors are often used in pos i t io n sensing and related applications (Sec­ 17). 7. Manufacturing tolerance and temperature errors must be cons idered when designing a sensing system . Often, the m agni tude of these problems can be est i ma ted in advance, using the methods of uncenainly a nal y sis (Section 1 8). Such estimates can provide gu idel i nes for improving iransduccr performance. 6. tion Sensors SUGGESTED READINGS /SA Directo ry of lnstrwnentation. Research Triangle yearly editions. Park, N.C. : Instrument Society of America, Gautschi. G. H. Piewel�crric St!nsorics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2002 . Juds, S. M. Photoekctric Sensors and Controls. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1988. Khazan. A. D. Transducers and Their Ekments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall, 1994. Kovacs. G. T. A. Micromachined Transducers Sorm:ebook. New York: McGraw-HiU, 1 998. Norton. H. N. The Handbook of Transducers. Englewood Clifl's. NJ.: Prentice HaU, 19119. Nunley, W., and J. S. Bechtel. Infrared Oproell!ctronics: Devices and App/ictJlians. New Yort: Marcel Dekker, 1987. Pallls·Areny, R .. and J. G. Webster. Sensors und Signal Wiley. 200 1 . Sydenham, P. Conditioning. 2nd ed. New Yort: Jabn H. (ed.). Handbook of Measurement Science. New York: John Wiley, 1 992. Tudd, C. D. Tlie Potentiometer Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1 975. Trietley, H. L. Transducers in Mechanical and Ekctronic Design. New York: Man:el Dekker, 1986. Wilson, J., and J. F. B. Hawkes. Optoelectronics: An Introduction. Jnl ed. Harlow, UK: � Hall Europe, 1 998. PROBLEMS I. Consider an i nduc ti ve displacement probe having a diameter of 0.25 in. If the probe is 2. It is desired to construct a dynamic compression force ce l l capable of measuring forces J. to a shaft, determine the probe sensitivity (mV/0.001 in. d i sp lacement ) when the probe is used as shown in the circuit shown in Figure 25. Assu me Eq. (3c) is valid here w i th n = 100 and that the excilation mquency is IOOO Hz. set al a "sland-off" d islance of 0.050 in. relative in the ra ng e of ± 1 000 N. If a quartz disk 1 .0 mm thick and 1 0 mm in diameter is used as t h e sensing element. determine the force cell sensitivity (mV/N). For a capacitive displacement transducer whose behavior can be represented by Eq. (6a). determi ne an ex press ion for the sensitivity transducer is used as shown in Fi g. 26. t I de0 /d (d) for an exci1ation frequency I iflhe 1 000 0 Displacement probe e1 = 1 0 V FIGURE 25: Circuit 232 for Problem I . Sensors R Capacltiw transducer FIGURE 26: Circuit for Problems 3, 4, and 6. 4. Consider the capacitive displacement transducer in Fig. 26 to be governed by the following relationship: C = where C = capacitance (pF), 0.225A d A = cross-sectional area of IJ'anSducer tip (in. 2). d = air-gap diSlallce (in.) Determine the change in e0 when the air gap changes from 0.010 in. to O.O I S in. S. A capacitive displacement transducer as shown in Fig. 27 is constructed of two plates with area 2.0 in.2 separated by a distance of0.006 in. If air is the separating medium, determine the sensi ti vity of the transducer in picofarads per 0.001 in. change in x . ,_, L FIGURE 27: Transducer arrangement for Problem 5 . Sensors light � Incident Photodiode H v,,,. 0------0 + Rioad FIGURE 28: Circuit for Problem 8. 6. 7. If the transducer of Problem 5 is insened into the cin:uit of Fig. 26, determine the change in output voltage when x changes from 0.0 10 in. to 0.0 15 in. ls the sensitivity conslanl in this range? ( a ) A commen:ial fon:e sensor uses a piezoelectric quanzcrystal as the sensing eleme111. The quanz element is about 0.2 in. thick and has a cross S1:ction or about 0.3 in. by 0.3 in. The sensing element is compressed in the thicknesi; direction when a load is appl ied over its cross section. The output voltage is measured across the thickness. W hat is the output of the sensor in volts per newton? ( b) A polyvinylidene . fluorid e film is used as a piezoe lectri c load sensor. The film is 25 µm thick, 1 cm wide, and 2 cm in the axial direction. J!t i s stretched in the axial direction by the load. The output voltage is measured acrross the thickness. What is the output in volts per newton? 8. The cin:uit of Figure 28 may be used to operate a photod iode. Tiie voltage V, is a reverse­ bias vol tage large enough lo make diode current, i , �roponional 10· the incident light intensity, H. Under this cond it on , i / H = l µA/(W/m ). i ( a ) Show that the output voltage, V""" varies linearly with H . 2 = 1000 W/m , V, = 5 V, and an output voltage o r I V is desired, determine an appropriate va lue of R1oad · (b) IfH Sensors Assuming that the speci fications for Examp le 1 in Section 18. 1 are for a nominal temper­ ature of 20"C, calculate the nominal value for the deHection constant K for temperatures or (a) 40°C and (b) -20°C. (Use values for h igh-c arbon spring steel.) 9. REFERENCES [1) Knecn, W. A. A revi ew of the electric d i splaceme nt gages used in railroad car test i ng. /SA Proc. , 6:74, 1 95 1 . [2] Michael, P. C., N . Saka, and E . Rabinowicz. Burn i sh ing and adhesive wear o f an electrical ly conductive po lyester-c arbon film. Wear. 1 32 : 265-285, 1 989. [3) Beckwith, T. G., and R. D. Marangoni. Mechanical Measurements. 4th ed. Read i ng, Mass : Addison-Wesley, 1990, Section 8. [4) Todd , C. D. The Potentiometer Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. [5] Hutchinson , C. (ed). The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs. 78th ed. Newi ngton , Conn.: American Radio Relay League, 2000, p. 6.22. Rev ised annually. [6] Carl son, A. B., and D. G. Gisser. Electrical Engineeri11g. Reading, Mass.: Addison­ Wesley, 1 98 1 , Chapter 17. [7] Khazan, A. D. Transducers and Their Elements. En g lewood Cliffs, NJ.: 1 994, Chapter 3. Prentice Hall, [8] Pallls-Areny, R., and J. G. Webster. Sensor a1ul SigMI Conditioning. 2 n d e d . New York: John Wi ley, 200 1 , Chapter . [9] Electronic micrometer uses d u al coils. Prod. Engr. , 19: 1 34, January 1 948. [10) Brenner, A., and E. Kellogg. An e lectric gage for measuring the inside diameter of tubes. NBS J. Res. , 42:46 1 , May 1 949. [11) Low- temperature liquid-level i nd ic ator for conde n sed gases. NBS Tech. News Bull. , 38: 1 , January 1 954. [ 12) Heteny, M. Handbook of Experimental Stress Analysis. New York: John Wi ley 1 950, . p. 287. , (13) Sihvonen, Y. T., G. M. Rassweiler, A. F. Welc h and J. W. Bergstrom. Recent i m prove ments in a capacitor-type pressure transd ucer /SA J. , 2, November 1 955. , ­ . J. W., G. M. Rass weiler, A. F. We l c h , and Y. T. Sihvonen. Eng i ne pressure indicators, application of a capacitor type. /SA J. , 2, August 1955. [ 14) Leggat, (IS] Welch, Weller, Hanysz, and Berg strom . Au xil iary eq ui pment for the capacitor-type transducer. J. , 2, December 1955. /SA 235 Sensors (16) Flemi ng , L. T. A ceramic accelerometer of wide frequency range. /SA Proc., 5 :62, 1 950. ( 17) Kynar Piezo Film Technical Manual. Valley Forge, Pa.: Penwalt Corporation, 1987 . 1 1 ( 18) Carlson, A. 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Sensors ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 4 UK / K ':::: ±3% 11 UK / K ,,,. ±5.7% 13 K = 498 Nim Signal Cond iti o n i n g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 19 20 21 22 INTRODUCTION ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRICAL SIGNAL CONDITIONING MODULATED ANO UNMODULATED SIGNALS INPUT CIRCUITRY THE SIMPLE CURRENT-SENSITIVE CIRCUIT THE BALLAST CIRCUIT VOLTAGE-DIVIDING CIRCUITS SMALL CHANGES IN TRANSDUCER RESISTANCE RESISTANCE BRIDGES REACTANCE OR IMPEDANCE BRIDGES RESONANT CIRCUITS ELECTRONIC AMPLIFICATION OR GAIN ELECTRONIC AMPLIFIERS OPERATIONAL AMPURERS SPECIAL AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS FILTERS SOME FILTER THEORY ACTIVE FILTERS DIFFERENTIATORS AND INTEGRATORS SHIELDING AND GROUNDING COMPONENT COUPLING M ETHODS SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Once a mechanical quantity has been detected and possibly transduced, it is usually neces­ sary to modify the stage-one output further before it is in satisfactory form for driving an indicator or becoming the input to an electronic control or display. We will now consider some of the methods used in this intermediate, signal-conditioning step. Measurement of dynamic mechanical quantities places special requirements on the elements in the signal-conditioning stage. Large amplifications, as well a.• good transient response, are often desired, both of which arc difficult to obtain by mechanical, hydrau lic, or pneumatic methods. As a result, electrical or electronic elements are usually required. A n input signal is often converted by the detector-transducer to a mechanical displacement. It is then commonly fed to a secondary transducer, which converts it into a form, usually electrical, that is more easily processed by the intermediate stage. In some cases, however, such a displacement is fed 10 mechanical intermediate elements, such as l inkages, gearing, or cams; these mechanical elements present design problems of From Mecha11ica/ Measu,.ments, Si.ih Edition. Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard V. Inc. Published hy Prentice Hall. All right< reserved. Copyright «:I 2007 by Pearson Education. 239 Signal Conditioning considerable magnitude, particularly if dynamic inputs are to be handled. In the field of dy namic measurements, strictly mechanical systems are much more uncommon than they were in years past, largely because of several inherent disadvantages, which we will discuss only briefly. 1 Mechanical amplification by these elements is q uite limited. When ampli fication is req u i red frictional forces are also amp li fied, resulting in considerable undesirable signal loading. These effects, coupled with backlash and elastic deformations, result in poor response . lnenial loading results in reduced frequency response and in certain cases, depending on the panicular configuration of th e system, phase response is also a prob­ lem. 2 ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRICAL SIGNAL CONDITIONING As we have already seen, many detector-transducer combinations provide an output in elec­ In these cases, of course, it is conve nie nt to perform funher signal condi tioning ndi tioning may typically include converting resistance changes to volt­ age changes, subtracting offset voltages, increasing signal vol tages, or removing unwanted frequency components. In addition, in order to minimize friction, inertia, and structural flexibility requirements. we also prefer electrical methods for their ease of power amplifi­ cation. Additional power may be fed into the system to provide a greater output power than input by the use of power amplifiers, which have no important mechanical counterpan in most instrumentation. 2 Electronic signal c o n di t ioni ng is, obviously, always needed when the output is to be recorded or processed by a computer, electronic control, or digital display. trical form. electrically. Such co 3 MODULATED AND UNMODULATED SIGNALS Measurands may be "pure" in the sense that the analog electrical signal contains nothi ng the real-time variation of the mcasurand information itself. On the other hand, the signal may be .. mixed" with a carrier, wh ich consists of a voltage oscillation at some freq ue ncy h ig he r than that of the signal. A common rule of thumb is that the frequency ratio should be at least I 0 10 I . The signal is said to modulate the carrier. The meas u rand affects the carrier by vary i ng either i ts amplitude or its frequency. In the former case the Clllrier freq uency is held constant and its ampli tude is varied by the measurand. This process is k now n as amplitude modulation, or AM [Fig. l (a)). In the latter case the carrier amplitude is held constant and its freque ncy is varied by the measurand. This is known as frequency modulation, or FM [Fig. l (b ) ] . The most familiar use of AM and FM transfer of s i g nal s is in AM and FM radio broadcasting. When modulation is u sed in instrumentation, ampl itude modulation is the more com­ m on form . Nearly any mechanical signal from a passive pickup can be transduced into an analogous AM fonn. Sensors based on either inductance or capacitance require an ac exci­ tation. The differential transformer is an example of the former, whereas. The ca11acitive other than 11'he first and second editions or book oondilioning methods and problems. contain a more 1 horough discussion of stric1ly mechani cal sipal· 2 h is uuc hydraulic and pneumatic systems may be set up to increase signal power; however. their use is 10 relaiively slow-acting control appljcations. primarily in the fields or chemical processi ng and electric power generation. As in lhe cme of mcclumi cal systems. friction and inertia severely limit transient response of 1hc type required for measurement or dynamic inputs. limited 240 Signal Conditioning Modulaled signal RecUHed signal Oemodulaled signal (a) continued FIGURE I : (a) Ampli1ude modulation, whereby the envelope of the carrier contains the signal information; (b) frequency modulation, whereby the s ignal infonnation is contained in the fmiuency variation of the carrier. pickup for liquid level is an example of the lauer. In addition, some resistive- type sensors use ac excitation. Extracting the signal infonnation from the modulated carrie r is required. When AM is used, this operation may take several fonns. The simplest is merely to display the entire signal using an oscilloscope or osc i l lograph , and then to "read" the result from the en velope of the carrier. More common! y, the mixed signal and carri er arc demodulaled by rectification and filtering, as show n in Fig. l (a). FM demodulati on is a more complex operation and may be accomplished through the use of frequency discrimination, ratio detection, or IC phase-locked loops. Furt her discussion is beyond the scope of this text. 4 INPUT CIRCUITRY Electrical detector-transd ucers are of two general types: ( I ) passive, those requ i ri ng an auxiliary source of energy in order to produce a sig na l ; and (2) active, those that are self-powering. The simple bonded strain gage is an example of the fonner, whereas the piezoelectric accelerometer is an example of the lauer. 241 Signal Conditioning Unmodulated carrier �--------�- - - Modulated carrier -------�- Modulating signal (b) FIGURE I : Conti1111ed Whereas it may be possible to use an active, or self-powering, detector-{ransducer directly with a minimum of circuitry, the passive type, in general, requires special arrange­ ments to introduce the auxiliary energy. The part i cu lar arrangement required will depend on the operating principle involved. For example. resisti ve- ty pe pickups may be powered by either an ac or a de source, whereas capac i ti ve and inductive types, with an exception or two, requ i re an ac source. Although not al l inclusive, the following list c l assi fie s the most common forms ofinput circuits used in transducer work: ( I ) sim ple current-sensitive circuits, (2) ballast circuits, (3) vollage-dividing circ uits, (4) b ridge circuits, (5) resonant c i rcu i ts , and (6) ampli fier input circuits. Often. the input circuits will be followed by some type of filter circuit. These circuits are discussed i n the following sections. 5 THE SIMPLE CURRENT-SENSITIVE CIRCUIT Figure 2(a) illustrates a simple current-sensitive circuit in which the transducer may use any one or the vari o us forms of variable-resistance elements. We will let the transducer resistance be k Rr , where R, represents the maximum value or transducer resistance and k represen ts a percentage factor that may vary between 0.0 and 1 .0 (0% and I 00%) , depending on the magnitude of the input signal . Should the transducer element be i n the form of a sliding contact resistor, the value of k cou ld vary through the complete range of 0% to 242 Signal Conditioning Rm .--.i'Vl.N'--1 Current Indicator or recorder sensing output current, i0 Resistance-type transducer kR, (a) o.&O i-;.-....+----'...,._ .. +---+'"'""::-+:-- -----i �- 0.40 1---"<-+----'"'d--jl---""-..::::l--I 0.4 0.2 k (b) 0.6 0.8 1 .0 AGURE 2: (a) Simple current-sensitive circuit; (b) plot of Eq. (2), showing variation of current in terms of input signal k for a simple current-sensitive circuit. 100%. On the other hand, if R, represents, say, a thermistor, then k would fall within some limiting range not i ncludi ng 0.0%. We will let R,. represent the remaining circuit resistance, inc ludi ng both the meter resistance and the internal resistance of the voltage source. If i0 is the current flowing through the circuit and hence the current indicated by the readout device, we have, using Ohm's law, . 10 = kR, e; (I) + Rm Note that maximum current ftows when k = 0 , at which point the current i s imax Equation ( I ) may thus be rewritten as = e; / R,,, . (2) 243 Signal Conditioning Figure 2(b) shows plots of Eq. (2) for various values of resistance ratio. The abscissa is a measure of signal input and the ordinate a measure of output. First of all . it is observed that the input-output relation is nonlinear, which of course would generally be undesirable. In addition, the higher the relative value of transducer resistance R1 to Rm . the greater will be the output variation or sensitivity. It will al so he noted that the output is a function of imax. which i n !urn i s dependen t on e; . Thus careful control of the drivi ng vol tage is necessary if calibration is to be maintained. 6 THE BALLAST CIRCUIT Now let us look at a variation of the current-sensitive circuit, often referred to as the ballast circuit, shown in Fig. 3. Instead of a current-sensitive indicator or recorder through which the total current ftows, we shall use a voltage-sensitive device (some fonn of voltmeter) placed across the transducer. The ballast resistor Rb is i nserted in much the same manner as Rm was used in the previous circu it . It will be observed that i n this case, were it not for Rb, the i ndicator would show no change with variation in R1 ; i t would always indicate full source voltage. So some value of res is tance Rb is necessary for the proper functioning of the circuit. Two different situations may exisl. depending on the relative impedance of the meter. Firs!, the meter may be of high impedance. as wou ld be the case if some form of electronic voltmeter were used; in this case any current How through the meter may be neglected. Second, the meter may be of low impedance, so that consideration of such current ftow is required . Assu ming a high-impedance meter. we have, by Ohm's law, e'· . • = --- (3) Rb + k R, Then, if e0 = the vo l !age across k R, (which is indicated or recorded by the readout device), e,. = This equation may be wriuen as � e; . t (k R, ) = = --­ e;k R1 (4) Rb + k R, k R, / Rb (5 ) I + (k Rr / Rb) For a given circuit, e0/e; is a measure of the output, and k R1 / Rb is a measure of the input. Voltage Indicator or recorder sensing output voltage FIGURE 3: Schematic diagram of a ballast circuit. 244 Signa l Conditioning Defining we have '1 as the sens itivi ty, or the ratio of change i n output lo change in input, 'I = de0 e; RbR1 dk = (Rb + kR,)2 (6) We may change Rb by i nsert ing different values of resistance. In that case the sensitivity would be altered, which would mean that there may be some optimum value of Rb so far as sensitivity is concerned. By di fferen ti ation with respect to Rb, we should be able 10 determine this value: .!!.!!.._ = e1 R, (k R, - Rb) dRb (7) (Rb + kR1)3 The derivative will be zero under two conditions: ( I ) for Rb = oo, which results in minimum sensitivity, and (2) for Rb = kR, , for which maximum sensi tivity is obtained. The second relation indicates that for full-range usefulness, the value Rb must be based on compromise because Rb. a constant, cannot always have the value of k R,, a variable. However, Rb may be selected to give maximum sensitivity for a certain point in the range by sett i ng its value to correspond to that value of k R, . This circuit is occasionally used for dynamic appl ications of resistance-type strain gages ( I , 2]. I n this case the change in res istance i s quite small compared with the total gage resistance, and the relations above indicate that a ballast resistance equal to gage resistance is optimal. F igure 4 shows the relation between input and output for a circuit of this type as given by Eq. (5). 0 FIGURE 4: 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0 k Curves showing relation between input and output for a ballast circuit. 245 Signa l Conditioning FIGURE 5: It will be The vo ltage-d ivid er c i rc u i t . noted that the same disadvantages apply lo Ibis circuit as IO lhe curren1- sensitive circuit discussed previously-namely, ( I ) a percentage variation in lhe supply voltage, e1 , results in a greater change in output lhan does a si mil ar percentage change in k, so that very careful voltage regulation must be used; and (2) the relation between output and input is not linear. 7 VOLTAGE-DIVIDING CIRCUITS voltage divider (Fig. 5) i s a ubiquitous element of instrumentation circuits. Very e; , into a smaller output voltage, ea. If a negligible currem is d rawn from the output terminals. lhe current through the resistors follows from Ohm's law: The simply, this circuit uses a pair of resistors lo divide an input voltage, The output voltage meas u red across Ri is then ea = i R2 = R 1 R1 + i e; R (8) chapter. The ballast ci rcuit of the precedi ng [see Eq. (4)] i n which the fraction of input voltage al the output depends on the transducer resistance; bridge ci rcu its (Section 9) are essentially pairs of voltage dividers; and the noninvening a mpl i fier (Example 5) also incorporates a Voltage dividers appear throughout this section is essentially a voltage divider voltage divider. 7.1 The Voltage-Dividing Potentiometer Figure 6 is a very useful voltage-divider arrangement for sliding conlacl resistance trans­ voltage-dividing potentiometer circuit.. Note that the c ircuit is ducers. It is known as the connected not to the slider. resistance elemenL The as ii would be in the ballast circuit. but 1ermina1ing, or readout. device is c on nected R p determ i ned by k .. with this arrangement, dlepend i ng on the relatiw: impedance of the resistance element and the indicator-recorder. If the terminating instrU­ ment is of sufficiently high relative impedance, no apprec i able current will flow through ii. d rop across the ponion of res i st ance element across the complete lo sense the voltage Two different si1ua1ions may occur 246 Signal Conditioning T FIGURE 6: Simple voltage-dividing potentiometer circuit. The circuit then becomes a true voltage divider, and the indicated output voltage e0 may be determined from Eq. (8), k Rp e0 = -e; = k e; Rp or (8a) k=� e; On the other hand, if the readout device draws appreciable current, a loading error will result. 7.1. Loading Error The loading error may be analyzed as follows. Referring to Fig. 6, we find that the total resistance seen by the source of e; will be and ;= + e; (k Rp + RL) !!. = R k R � ( I - k ) Rp RL The output voltage will then be or ea ;; = I+ k (Rp/ RL ) k - ( Rp/ R L)k2 (9) If we assume the simpler relation given by Eq. (Sa) to hold, an error in ea will be introduced according to the following relation: [ [ +] I ] k ____ k ( I - k)(Rp/RL) k2 ( 1 - k) e = ; k ( I - k ) + (R1. / Rp) Error = e·' k - ____ 247 (10) Signal Conditioning k ng potentiometer cir­ FIGURE 7: Curves showing error caused by loading a vol tage-divid i cuit. [ k2(1 -k) J By comparing to the full-scale output, e; , this relation may be written as Perce nt error = k(I - k) + ( RL/ Rp) x 1 00 ( I I) Except for the en dpoin ts (k = 0.0 or 1 .0), where the error is zero, the error will always be on the negative side; that is, the measured value of vol tage will be lower than wou ld be the case if the system perfonned as a li near voltage divider. Figure 7 shows a plot of the variation i n error w ith slider position for various ratios of load to potentiometer resistance. Obviously, the higher the value of load resi stance compared with potentiometer resistance, the lower will be the error; thus high-input resistance is a desirable feature in voltage-reading devices. 7.3 8 Use of End Resistors II will be observed th at the nonlinearity in the relation between the potentiometer output and the i nput d isplace me nt k may be reduced if only a portion of the available potentiometer range is used. For example, a 1 000- 0 potentiometer may be selected, but the input could be limited to onl y a 500-'2 ponion of the total range. This limitation would reduce the potentiometer resolution and would be ge nerall y impractical; however, it would result in a reduction in the dev iation from li nearity. A similar result may be obtilined through use of what are known as end resistors (Fig. 8). When either an upper- or lower-end resistor, or both, is used. it is often possible to compensate for the reduced potentiometer output caused by the increased resistance by inc reas ing the voltage inpu t e; by a proportional amou n t. SMALL CHANGES IN TRANSDUCER RESISTANCE Some resistance transducers sh ow only very small changes in their resistance. For example, the resistance of a foil strain gage may vary by only about 0.000 1% during use! The 248 Signal Conditioning e, -+ FIGURE 8 : Method for i m provi ng linearity of potentiometer circuilS when low-impedance indicating devices are used. Res istors R, are termed end resistors. smallness of the re s is tance change has important ramifications for the choice of signal­ conditioning circuit. Suppose that a voltage-divider (or ballast) circuit is formed from a transducer of resistance Ri and a second resistor Rt [Fig. 9(a)). 1be resistances are initially made equal, Rt = Ri = Ro. so that the initial output voltage is e0 = Ri --- R1 + R2 e; = Ro Ro + Ro --- e; e; = - 2 (a) + (b) FIGURE 9: The use of voltage dividers in measuring small resistance changes. 249 Signal Conditioning If the resistance of the transducer then increases from Rz output changes to eo + A eo = = = (Ro + AR) Ro + (Ro + A R ) Ro + !!i.R e 2Ro + l!i. R ; e; =2 e; ( (l Ro 2Ro e; 1 + l!i.R/Ro 1 + AR/2Ro + e; ( )( AR/2Ro 2Ro 1 ) e 1 + A R/2Ro l!i. R =2+2 ) = Ro to Rz ; 1 + A R/2Ro = (Ro + AR), the ) Assuming that the resistance change is small, so that fl. R /2Ro « I , we can approximate the last factor on the right-hand side as unity; hence, eo + l!i.eo � � (� ) + 2 2 = eo + ( ) AR ( 12) 2Ro e; AR 4Ro ( I la) Thus, for small resistance changes, the output voltage shows straight-line variation with A R .3 S uc h variation is advantageous because it simplifies data reduction. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of this circuit become quite apparent when we look at the numbers. Taking the strain gage transducer as an example, a typical resistance change might be l!i. R = 240 µQ in a gage of initial resistance Ro = 1 20 Q. Hence, l!i.e0 e. = (l!i. R/4Ro)e; e; /2 = AR 2Ro = 10 -6 Since we measure the su m e0 + t.e0, we will need a meter with a resolution of better than one part in a m i l l ion in order to see any change in e0 at all. This excludes common voltmeters. which may resolve to only 0.0 1%, although it is within the reach of the very best commercial meters. An even more i m porta nt limitation is the stability of the input voltage, e; . If e; drifts slightly between the initial and final readings of the output (to e; + l!i.e;), then Eq. (12) shows that the output becomes eo + l!i.eo � e; + l!i.e; --2-- +( e; + l!i.e; --2-- � eo + - + -e; lie; 2 l!i. R 4 Ro )( ) l!i. R 2Ro 3 tn much the same way, end resiston in the voltage-dividing potentiomeu:r (Section 7.3) serve 10 make !he transduo:erresistano:echangc small relative 1olheolher resistances, creating an appro•imately slrllighl-line varialioa or the output Signal Conditioning Thus if e; drifts by even 0. 1 % (t.e; = 0.00 l ei ) , the change in 6e0 caused by voltage drift will be 0.00 l (ei /2)-a thousand times larger than the strain-induced voltage change (6 R/4Ro)ei = 1 0- 6 (ei /2) ! The difficulty, of course, is that we are ttying to resolve a voltage change which is a tiny fraction of the total output voltage, and it illustrates an important principle in mea­ surement: Avoid measurements based on a small difference between large numbers. Such measurements are limited by the accuracy with which the large numbers can be measured. In this case, the solution is to design a circuit having output voltage proportional to 6e0 itself, without the large offset voltage, e0 • We can do this by introducing another voltage divider with lixed resistors Ro [Fig. 9(b)), which has a midpoint voltage of e0• We now measure the difference between the midpoint voltages of the two dividers as the output voltage of the circuit: ( 1 3) The problems caused by the offset voltage, e0, are thus eliminated. This arrangement of two voltage dividers is, in fact, identical to the Wheatstone bridge circuit discussed in the next section; howeveT, the Wheatstone bridge is not always restricted to small resistance changes. 9 RESISTANCE BRIDGES Bridge circuits are the most common method of connecting passive transducers to measuring systems. Of all the possible configurations, the Wheatstone resistance bridge devised by S. H. Christie in 1833 [3, 4) is undoubtedly used to the greatest extent. Figure 10 shows a de Wheatstone bridge circuit consisting of four resistor anns with a voltage source (battery) and a detector (meter). In applications, one or more of the arms is a resistance transducer whose resistance is to be detennined. Typical resistance transducers used with a circuit of A + B D c .... - .... \ '+ 1 e• ..,,_____. .___.., , _ _ ... FIGURE t o: Simple Wheatstone bridge circuit. Signa l Conditioning this kind include resistance strain gages, resistance thennometers, or thermistors. Bridge circuits enable high -accuracy resistance measurements. These measurements are accomplished either by balancing the bridge-making known adju stments in one or more of the bridge anns until the voltage across the meter is zero-or by determining the magnitude of unbalance from the meter readi ng . If the circuit appears complicated to you, it may help to recognize that, when negligible current flows through the meter. the bridge is simply a pai r o f vol tage-divider circuits (ABC and ADC) with the output taken between the midpoi nts of the two dividers ( B to D). The great advantage of the bridge circuit is that the offset vol tages of the two dividers cancel, so that the bridge output voltage can be di rectly related to ch anges in transducer resistance (see Sec t ion 8). U s ing Fig. 10. we may analyze the requirements for balance. At balance, the voltage across the meter is zero and no cu rrent flows through it; hence, i1 = 0. In t hat case, we also know th at i 1 = i2 and il = i4. S i nce the potential across the meter is zero, i 1 R1 = i3R3 and iz R2 = i4 R4 . By elimi nating i 1 and i) from these relations, we obtain the condition for balance, namely, ( 14) or ( 14a) From these two equations we may formulate a statement to assist us in remembering the necessary balance relation. In order for the Wheatstone resistance bridge to balance. the ratio of resistcmces ofany two adjacent arms must equal the ratio of resistances of the remaining two arms, taken in tire same sense. (Note: "Taken in the same sense" means that if t he first resistance ratio is formed from two adjacent resistances reading from left to right, the balancing ratio must also be formed by reading from left to right, etc.) Basic bridge types are summarized in Table I . When a null bridge is used, the res istance of one u n known ann i s determined by finding values of the other ann s for which the bridge is balanced. Thus, some provision must be made for adjusting the resistance of one or two arms so as to reach balance . Some balancing arrangements are shown in Fig. 1 1 . An important factor in determining t he type lo use is bridge sensitiv ity. If large resistance changes are lo be accommodated, large resistance adjustments must be provided; thus one of the series arrangements would be most useful and could well be the type to use for sliding-contact variable-resistance transducers or thennistors. When small resistance changes are to take place, as in the case of resistance strain gages. then the s hunt balance would be u sed . In order to provide for a range of re si stances, a bridge with both series and shunt balances might be uti lized. When the deflection bridge is used, bridge unbalance, as indicated by the meter readi ng, is the measure of i nput . Usually, the deftection bridge is balanced initiall y and later change.� in transducer resi stance cause the unbalance. Manufac t uring variations in real res istors make it virtually i mpossible to obtain three resistors that will match the i nitial transducer resistance well enough to satisfy Eq. (I 4a) precisely; hence, provi s ion is gen- 252 Signal Conditioning TABLE Bridge Type Null balam:e bridge 1: Types of Electrical Bridge Circuits Bridge Features Adjustment is required to maintain balance. This becomes source of readout (e.g., a manually adjusled strain indicator). vs. Defl ect i on bridge Readout is deviation of bridge output from initial balance (e .g. , as required by a computer's analog-to-digital converter [AID)). Voltage-sensitive bridge vs. Curre n t-se ns iti ve bridge ac bridge Readout instrument does not "load" bridge; that is, it requires no current (e.g., electronic voltmeter or analog-to-digital con­ verter). Readout requires current (e.g., a low-impedance indicator such as a simple galvanometer is used). Alternating-current voltage excitation is used. vs. de bridge Direct-current voltage excitation is used. Constant voltage Voltage input 10 bridge remains constant (e.g., battery or voltage-regulated power supply is used). vs. Constant current Resistance br idge vs. Impedance bridge Current input lo bridge remains constant regardless of bridge unbala nce (e.g., current-regulated power supply is used). Bridge arms made up of "pure" resistance elemen ts . Bridge arms may include reactance elements. erally made for initial balanci ng by adjusting one or more arms, again using an arrangement from Fig. 1 1 . Fo r static inputs, an ordinary voltmeter may be used to disp l ay the output; for dy nam ic si gn als , however. the output may be displayed by an oscilloscope or the output may be fed 10 an analog - to -d i gi tal converter and a computer for display, recording, or immediate app l ic at ion . The output from a deflection bridge may be connecled to either a high- or a low­ impedance device. If the bridge is con nected to a simple D' A rsonval meter or most gal­ vanometers, the output circuit will be of low impedance, and an appreciable current (ig ) is drawn from the bridge. In most cases in which amplification or digital processing is neces­ sary, the bridge output will be connected 10 a high-impedance device and the bridge would supply esse n t i ally no current. Such is the case when either an an electronic voltmeter or an analog-to-Oigital convener is used. In the former instance the bridge is current sensitive; in the latter it is wltage se11si1ive. 253 Signal Conditioning (a) Series balance (b) Differential seneu balance (c) Shunt balance (d) Differential shunt balance FIGURE 1 1 : Arrangements used to balance de resistance !bridges. 9.1 The Voltage-Sensitive Wheatstone Bridge Let us consider the si mple st case first, in which the bridge output i s c'onnected directly to a high-impedance device, say an oscilloscope. Referring to Fig. I O, we see that the output voltage is the difference between the voltages at 8 and D and. making use of the voltage-divider relati o n [Eq. (8)]. we may write ( 1 5) ( I Sa) We will n o w assume that the resistance 254 R1 changes by an amou nt t:;. R1, or Signal Conditioning The relation may be si mplified by assuming all resistances to be initially equal to which case e0 = 0). Then R (in ( 1 7) Figure 1 2(a), plotted from Eq. ( 17), shows the relation for the output of a voltagc­ sensitive de flection bridge whose resistance anns are ini tial ly equal. Inspection of the curve indicates that this type of resi stance bridge is inherently nonlinear. In many cases, however, Plot of Eq. ( 1 7) 0.50 0.40 �- .,.o 0.30 0.20 0.10 0 ""I --0.10 --0.20 --0.30 --0.40 --0.50 - -- ./ -- -- --0.6 --0.4 --0.2 0 (a) 0.30 0.20 ....._.. ""I \ I\ 0. 10 r-... 0 --0.1 0 0.2 .d R,r'R �' I'. �� l!!i.. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0 Plot of Eq.(20) ... �� � -- --0.20 --- - � ......:::: R/R = 2 - 1 f::::: ::::::::- -;;;-� - 1 .0 --0.6 -0.2 0 0.2 0.6 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 (b) FIGURE 12: (a) Output from a voltage-sensitive deflection bridge whose resistance anns are initially equal; (b) output from a current-sensitive deflection bridge whose resistance arms are initially equal, plotted for different relative gal vanometer resi s tances. 255 Signal Conditioning the actual resistance change is so small that the arrangement may be assumed linear. This assumption applies Lo most resistance strain-gage circuits. In those cases, 6R2/2 R « I and lhe linearized output is ( 1 8) which is identical to Eq. ( 1 3). 9.2 The Current-Sensitive Wheatstone Bridge When Lhc deOection-bridge output is connected to a low-impedance device such as a gal­ vanometer. appreciable current flows and the galvanometer resistance must be considered in lhe bridge equation. Galvanometer current may be expressed by the following relation [5]: ( 19) where i1 = the galvanometer current, i1 = the input current, R8 = the galvanometer resistance The remaining symbols are as defi ned in Fig. 10. If we assume that an initial bridge balance is upset by an incremental change in resistance tl.R1 in arm R1 and all arms are of equal initial resistance R, we may write l:> ig i; = - t.. R i / R 4( I + ( R8 / R )) + [2 + ( R8 / R)J( t.. R 1 / R) (20) Figure 12(b) shows Eq. (20) ploued for various values of Rg/ R. 93 The Constant-Current Bridge To this point oor discussion of bridge circuits has assumed a constant-voltage energ izing source(a battery, for example). As the bridge resistance is changed, the total current through 1hc bridge will, therefore, also change. In certain instances, use of a constant-current bridge� may be desirable [6, 7 ] . Such a circuit is usually obtained through the application of a commercially available current-regulated de power supply, S whereby the total current How i; 1hrough the bridge (Fig. I 0) is maintained at a constant value. It should be noted lhal such a bridge may still be either voltage sensitive or current sensitive, depending on 1he rela1ive impedance of the readout device. "Tiie lem'I Whtatslonie-. as appl ied co bridge �in:uils. is common I)' lin\iced 10 the cons1ant-t10l1aae resistana btidg<. We shall abide by this convention and l'oid n:fening to the constant-current bridge as a Wheatstone bridge. Sc111111a111 cumnt is obtained by us ing the voltage drop across a series resistor in the supply-output line to pnwide a regulating feedback voltage. It may also be approximated by placing a large ballast resistor bcl1he bridg.le and the vollage source� lhe resistor is made large enough 1ha1 variations in the bridge resistors have a nqlipble elfCCI on i; . 256 Signal Conditioning Relationships for the voltage-sensitive constant-cu�nt bridge may be developed as follows. Referring to Fig. 10, we may write (2 1 ) or Substituting in Eq. ( 1 5a), we have (22) which is the basic equation for the voltage-sensitive constant-current bridge, provided that i; is maintained at a constant value. Ir the resistance of one arm, say Rz, is changed by an amount ll. R , then and For equal initial resistances (R1 = Rz tieo - i I· 9.4 [ ] = RJ = R4 = R), 6R 4 + (6 R/R) (24) The constant-current bridge has better linearity than the constant-voltage bridge, as is appar­ ent upon comparing Eqs. ( 17) and (24 ) . The AC Resistance Bridge Resistance bridges powered by ac sources may also be used. An additional problem, how­ ever, is the necessity for providing reactance balance. In spite of the fact that the Wheatstone bridge, strictly speaking, is a resistance bridge, it is impossible to completely eliminate stray capacitances and inductances resulting from such factors as closely placed lead wires in cables to and from the transducer, and wiring and component placement in associated equip­ ment. In any system of reasonable sensitivity, such unimentional reactive components must be accounted for before satisfactory bridge balance can be achieved. Reactive balance can usually be accomplished by introducing an additional balance adjustment in the circuit. Figure 1 3 shows how this may be provided. Balance is accom­ plished by alternately adjusting the resistance and reactance balance controls, each time reducing bridge output, until proper balance is finally achieved. 257 Signal Conditioning Indicator FIGURE 1 3: Circuit arrangement for balanc i ng an ac bridge. Compensation for Leads 9.5 Frequently a sensor and a bridge-type instrument must be separated by an appreciable Wires, or leads, are used to connect the two as illustrated i n Fig. l4(a), which shows the sensor as some type of resistance element such as a resistance thennometer or strain gage. ln addition lo the extra resistance introduced by lhe leads, temperalWe grad ie nts along lhe wires may, in cerlain cases, cause error. We can compensalc for lhis distance. Resistance· type sensor (a) Resistance­ type sensor Compensating lead (b) FIGURE 14: (a) Simple bridge wilh re motel y localed sensor; (b) circuil similar to thal shown in (a). a compensating wire. but with Signal Conditioning fl, FIGURE 15: Melhod for adj u sti n g bridge sensitivity th rou gh use of variable series 1ance, resis- R,. usin g a lhree- wire circui1 as ill ustrated in Fi g . 1 4(b). lnspccl ion shows thal the additional lead serves lo balance the total lead-wire lengths in the two adj acent anns, thereby eli minating any u nbalance from this source. 1ype of error by 9.6 Adjusting Bridge Sensitivity Adjustable bridge sensitivity may be desired for several reasons: ( I ) Such adjustment may be used to attenuate inputs that are larger than desired; (2) i i may be used to provide a convenient relation between system calibration and the scale of the readout i n s1ru men1 ; (3) ii may be used to provide adjustmenl for adapting individual transducer characleristics to precalibrated syslems (this method is used 10 insert the gage faclor for resistance strain gages in some commercial circuils); (4) ii provides a means for controlling certain extraneous temperature effects. A very simple method of adjusting bridge output is lo i n se n a variable series resi stor in one or both of lhe input leads, as shown in Fig. 1 5 . If we assume equal initial resistance R in all bridge arms, the resislance see n by the voltage source will also be R. If a series resistance is inserted as shown, lhen, trunking in terms of a voltage-dividing circuil, we see that lhe inpul lo the bridge will be reduced by the faclor inputs such as n We call n lhe which 10 bridge factor. = R -R + R, = I (25) I + ( R, / R) The bridge oulput will be reduced by a proport i on al amount, makes this melhod very useful for controlling bridge sensitivity. REACTANCE OR IMPEDANCE BRIDGES Reactance or impedance bridge configurations an: of the same general form as the Wheal­ lhat reaclive elements (capac i lors and induc1ors) are involved in one slone bridge, except �r more of the arms. Because such elements are inherently frequency sensitive, impedance bridges are ac excited. Obviously the mullitude of varia1ions 1ha1 are possible preclude more lhan a general discussion in a work of this nature; 1hus the reader is referred 10 more specialized works for detailed coverage (8, 9 ). Figure 16 shows several of the more common ac bridges, alo ng wit h t he lype of element usually measured and the balance rcquiremcnls. 259 Measures l or C Belance equations: R, = R, 'tI If inductive, L, • L, .. II capacitive, C,= � 1 R C•R;, Measures l (best lorwl,IR, < 1 0) Belance equations: L, = flo�C, N 0) 0 I R,v. . R = • flo � R, � �:;. A Resonant circuit Measures l (best lor wl/R, > 10) Betance equations: l = x R ' • flo R3 C, 1 +w2Cl R,2 w2C�R, flo R3 1 +w2Cl R12 R. A R. �� Wein, or RC, frequency bridge Hay circuit FIGURE 1 6: c• . c; !!i R, = flo Ro � Scherlng circuit �· ��il. Maxwel circuit Measures C Balance equations: Impedance bridge arrangements. Measures l or C (/known), f (l end C known) Balance equations: XL . Xe; or L f - .c � � 1 - 2ric Measures f Balance equations: f- 1 - 2:rrJR,R4C;iC4 �-� +� R• C3 flo Signal Conditioning l�I R L c Frequency (a) (b) RGURE 17: Parallel LC c i rc ui t with curve showi ng ou tpu t versu s freque ncy charac teristics. 11 RESONANT CIRCUITS Capac i tance - i nductance combinations present varying impedance, depending on their rel­ ative values and the frequency of the appl i ed voltage. When connected in parallel, as in Fig. I 7(a), the inductance offers small opposi ti on to current flow at low frequencies, whereas the capac itive reactance is low at high frequencies. At some intermediate freq ue ncy, the opposi ti on to current flow, or im peda nce , of the combination is a maximum [Fig. I 7(b) ]. A similar but opposi te variation in impedance is o btained in the series-connected combination. The frequency correspond i ng to maximum effect, k now n as the resonance frequency, may be de termi ned by the relati on f I = 2rr ./LC (26) where f = the frequency (Hz), = the inductance (H), C = the capacitance (F) L It is evident that should, say, a capacitive transducer e lem en t be used , it could be in combination with an i nducti ve element to form a resonant combination. Variation in capacitance caused by variation in an input signal (e.g., mechanical pressure) wou ld then alter the resona nce frequency, which could then be used as a measure of input. 11.1 Undesirable Resonance Conditions On occ as i on , resonance conditions that occur may introduce spu riou s outputs. Most cir­ cuits arc susceptible because they use some combi nation of inductance and capacitance and most are called on to handle dynamic signal in pu ts . In certain cases the capacirance 261 Signa l Conditioning and inductance may be not more than the stray values eitisting between the circuit com­ ponents, including the wiring. Hence there may be resonance conditions that can result in nonlinearities at certain input or exciting frequencies. Normally such situations are avoided in the design of commercial equip ment insofar as possible. However, the instrument designer is not always in a position to predict lhe exact manner in which general-purpose components may be asse mbled or the exact nature of the input signal fed to the equipment. As a result, it is possible to unintentionally set up arrangements of circuit elements combined with frequency conditions that result in undesirable resonance conditions. 12 ELECTRONIC AMPLIFICATION O R GAIN The ratio of output to input for an electronic signal-conditioning device is referred to vari­ ously as gain, amplification ratio (if greater than unity), or attenuation (if less than unity). It may be defined in terms of voltages, currents, or powers, that is, Voltage gain = voltage output/voltage input, Curren t gain = current output/current input, Power gain = power output/power input Another way of expressing power gain is through use of t he decibel. A decibel (dB) is one-tenth of a be/ and is based on a ratio of powers: Decibel (d B ) = 1 0 log 1 0 ( Po / P; l (27) where P0 = the output power and P; = the input power. both eitpressed in the same units. The average human ear can just detec t a lo udness change from an audio amplifier when a power ratio change of one decibel is made. It has also bee n observed that this is nearly true regardless of the power level. Solving Eq. (27) for the ratio ( P0/ P; ) corresponding to one decibel yields a ratio of 1 .26. In other words, for the average human ear to j u s t detect an increase in sound output from an amplifier (feeding some form of earphone or loudspeaker), an increase of approximately 26% in power is required. Some other useful power ratios, as eitpressed in decibels, are P0 = 2 x P; : Po = 1 0 x P; : Po = 100 x P; : 3 dB . 2° I Pu = l O dB . I Pu = P0 = 20 d B , I W OO I x P; : -3 d B . x P; : - l O dB, x P; : -20 d B The half-power point, - 3 dB, is often used in characterizing the frequency response of amplifiers and, especially, of filters. For a pure resistance, electric power may be expressed as Power = ei 262 = e2 / R = i 2 R Signal Conditioning where e = the voltage, i = the current, and R is a pure resistance. Substituting either of the last two fonns into Eq. (27) yields dB = 20 1og10 or R0, dB = 20 1og 10 (z) (io) i; - IO logto + 10 1og 1o (�;) (28) ( Ro); R zero. R; then the last tenn in each case reduces to Should R; = decibel lo power and voltage ratios is illustrated in Fig. 1 8 for (28a) The relationship of the = R0 • 1 00.0 80.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 15.0 .... � "!. � .2 � 1 0.0 8.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1 .5 1 .0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.1 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Decibels (dB) FIGURE 1 8: Rela1ionship of power and vohage to lite decibel. 40 Signal Conditioning One should remember that the decibel is fundamentally a power ratio and that "for. gelling" the R's in the preceding equations is strictly legitimate only if the two loads, with and without amplification, are equal. Nevertheless, outpulfinput ratios are often described using the decibel even when no load is directly involved, and one frequently sees voltage ratios eitpressed in decibels as dB = 20 1og 10 ( �) (28b) Another common use of the decibel is in constructing a Bode plot of frequency response. In such a graph, the gain in decibels is plotted against a logarithmic frequency axis, rather than showing e0/e; versus f on linear coordinates (compare Figs. 26 and 27). Amplification calculations based on the decibel offer two important advantages: ( I ) reasonably small numbers are involved, and (2) combining the effects of various stages of a system may be accomplished by simple addition. Voltmeters often carry a decibel scale. When using such a scale one must always be cognizant of three important factors: ( 1 ) in reality the measurement is not in decibels, but in voltage; (2) because the decibel is a ratio, the scale must be based on some reference voltage; and (3) reference to Eq. (28) shows that the scale must assume a reference load. Most voltmeter scales are based on a reference of l mW across 600 n, or el P = ­ R hence. e = (PR) tfl = (0.001 x 600) l /2 = 0.7746 V which means that zero on the decibel scale has been arbitrarily set to correspond to 0.7746 V. In some instances the references are indicated directly on the meter face. Often the abbre­ viation d B m is used lo indicate the aforementioned conventions. Why the 600-0 load rather than something else"! The answer is that this is a long-established industrial standard, preda1ing the field of electronics and originated by telegraph and telephone practices. Suppose we use a voltmeter to indicate decibels. Suppose also that the signal source imped ance is R, rather than R, , where the laner is the reference. What correction should be applied'? The following provides the proper result: dB (coirectcdl = dB(indicatcd) + I 0 log ( :: ) (28c) EXAMPLE 1 Suppose a reading of 50 dBm is obtained across a 16-0 load, using a voltmeter with scale referenced to 600 n. What is the true dB value? Solution dB (correctcd) = 5 0 + I O log 264 (�) = 65.7 dB Signa l Conditioning Corrections must be made to obtain true dB values when load and refere nce conditions differ. Very conveniently, however, ir we require only differences or changes in decibels, !hen we may not need corrections in individual readings. This situation exists if the loads remain unchanged during the actual m easuremen ts. 13 ELECTRONIC AMPUAERS Some form o f amplification is almost always used in circuitry intended for mecha n ical mea­ surement. ll is not the purpose of !his section to be concerned with eleclronics or electronic theory beyond the barest minimum required to make intelligent use of such equipment for the purposes of mechanical measurement. The following discussion, therefore, is brief and is directed primarily to applications rather than to specific lheory of operation. Electronic amplification originated wilh the invention of lhe triode vacuu m tube. Thomas Alva Edison discovered that elec!rons could How from a heated cathode to an anode in an evacuated space; hence the term Edison effect. Lee de Forest is credited with show ing that lhe How could be controlled by i nserti n g a third el ement , the grid, between lhe cathode and lhe anode. This resulted in the triode electron tube and, in various configurations, many with additional elements, provided the basis for electronic amplification. or course, vacuum tubes are little used in instrumentation today, having been almost and i ncreasin gly sophisticated semiconductor devices. Historically, lhe term electronic, as opposed to the word electrical, meant that in some part of the circuit electrons are caused to How through space in the absence of a physical conductor, thus i m pl ying the use of vacuum tubes. Today, lhe word electronics has taken on a broader meani ng, encompassing the solid-state devices most often used in instrumentation: diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, and the like. entirely superseded by less fragile, less costly, Electronic amplifiers are used in mechanical measurements to provide one or a com­ bination of the following basic services: (a) voltage gain ; (b) current gain, or power, gai n: and (c) impedance lransformations. In most cases in wh i c h mechanical or eleclrical trans­ duction is used, vol tage is the electrical output that is the analogous signal. Often the voltage level available from the transducer is very low; thus a voltage amplifier is used to increase the level for subsequent processing. Occasionally, the input si g nal must finally be used to drive another device, such as a control mechanical or mechanical indicator. In this case, voltag e gain may not be sufficient in itself because power must be increased; hence a current or power amplifier is needed. In cenain instances a transducer produces sufficient signal level but is accompanied " by an unacceptably high output impedance level. This is true of most piezoelectric-type lransd ucers, for example. High - i mpedance lines have the disadvantage of susceptibility to noise. If the s ig nal is to be lransmitted any appreciable distance (even a few inches i n some cases), the noise pickup from the environment may be unacceptable. Low-im pedance lines arc much less prone to this problem . Hence it may well be desirable to insen an impedance transformation in the form of an amplifier that will accept a high-impedance input but produce a low-impedance output. This type of ampl i fier is often called a buffer. There are several ge neral i ties that lronic am plifier: I. can be listed for the ideal {but nonexistent) elec­ In fi n i te input impedance: no input current, hence no load on lhe previous stage or device 265 Signa l Conditioning (+) Supply voltage, V.., lnvertln input Clutput �-----o Noninverttn Input (-) Supply voltage, v.. _L� Offset null adjust FIGURE 19: D i agram show i ng typical operat ional ampli fier C•Jnnec ti ons . 2. Infinite gain (lower gain can be obtained by adding attenuation c ircuits) 3. Zero output impedance ( low noise) 4. Instant response (wide frequency bandwidth) S. Zero output for zero in put 6. A bi li ty to i gnore or reject ex tra neous inputs A l th ough none of these aims can be completely realized, them, and their assumption simplifies circuit analysis. it is often possible to approach Today's amplifiers are most often constructed as integrated cin=uits. As the name implies, integrated circuits are groups of c irc u i t elements combined i1nto a s i ngle device. For the most part the elements consist of transistors, diodes, resistors, anid, to a lesser extent, capaci tors, all connected a nd packaged in co nve n i ent plu g- i n or surface:-mount u n i ts . They form the bui lding blocks used 10 construct more complex circuits: amp l i fiers , mixers (for combining signals), timers, filters, audio preamps, audio power ampli.fiers, vol tage refer­ ences, regulators and comparators, and many of the digital devices. Of particular importance to mec ha n ical measurements is the operati onal amplifier, or op amp. In the following para­ graphs we will discuss th is device in more detail. 14 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS The op amp is an integrated circuit that functions as a de differential voltage amplifier. By de we mean that it wi ll process input signals over a frequency range extend i ng down to and including a de vol tage. As a differential amp l i fier it accepts two inputs a nd responds to the difference in the vo l tages appl ied to the input terminals. One of these inputs, called noninverting, is conventionally identified with the (+) symbol (Fig. 19). The other, called the inverting i nput, carries the ( - ) symbol. The vo ltage at the output terminal, e0, is the product of the am pli fier gai n , G , and the voltage di fference : (29) 266 Signal Conditioning •• (e. Saturated - e_ ) SalUrated FIGURE 20: Op-amp output response. The output voltage is roughly limited to the power supply voltages, Vee and V,,, as the voltage difference increases; if the voltage difference becomes too large, the output saturates near one of these values and remains constant if the voltage differential increases further. Op-amp response is illustrated in Fig. 20. The op amp's differential characteristic has great importance in instrumentation because it eliminates offset voltages and noise signals common to both input tenninals. For eumple, nearby power lines may induce 60-cycle noise in the exteri or circuitry leading to the amplifier. Such line noise is often present in identical form at both input tenninals, and ii is thus canceled by the differential amplification. This be h av ior is known as common­ mode rejection. I f, instead. an op amp receives the output of a voltage-sensitive Wheatstone bridge, the common offset voltages of the two voltage dividers are canceled, and only the desired difference voltage is amplified. Figure 19 shows the configuration of the exterior circuitry of the op amp. Two power sources of equal magnitude but opposite polarity are general ly required ( - V,, = V.,). These voltages usually fall somewhere in the range of 5 to 30 V de. Quite often, common 9-V de batteries may be used. Op amps are usually packaged in dual-in-line package (DIP) form, one of the standard ''TO" cans, or in surface-mount packages [Figs. 21 (a), (b), and (c)). The op amp very nearly satis fies the ideal voltage amplifier characteristics of Sec­ tion 13 for the following rea�ons: 1. It has very high input impedance (megaohms lo teraohms). 2. It is capable of very high gain (I 05 - I 06 or I 00 dB- 120 dB). 3. It has very low output impedance (down to a fraction of an ohm with feedback). 4. It has very fast response or high slew rate (output can change several volts per µs.) 5. It is quite effective in rejecting common-mode inputs. One nonideal characteristic of most op amps is that they do not completely satisfy the differential amplifying property: With both inputs grounded, a residual output voltage Signal Conditioning (b) (a) (c) AGURE 2 1 : (a) 'fypical DIP (dual in-line package) integrated circuit; (b) typical TO integrated circuit package; (c) typical surface-mountable SOP (small outline package). remains. The multitude of transistors, resistors, and other elements within the op amp are never perfectly matched, so the amp output actually reaches zero at some small nonzero input voltage. To accommodate this input offset voltage, the commo n op amp is provided with pins marked "offset null" or "bal ance," which provide a means for adjusting the unwanted offset voltage toward zero (see Example 7). A second limitation is that the actual common-mode rejection is finite. If the two input signals each include a common-mode vo l tage , "cm • the op amp's actual output will be The finite common-mode rejection is characterized by the common-mode rejection (CMRR) in decibels: CMRR = 20 log 10 (.E.. ) G em ralio (30) 'fypical op amps have a CMRR of 60 to 1 20 dB; thus, the common-mode gain is typically lol to 106 times smaller than the differential gain. Obviously, a high CMRR is desirable. In addition, thermal drift can limit op-amp performance. Bo th internal and external circuit elements may be tempera tu re sensitive, and the design of each circuit usually includes compensating features. A wide variety of op amps are available, and their differences largely represent attempts to improve thermal stability, CMRR, offset voltages, or frequency response. Understandably, such refinements are reflected in cost. 1 4. t Typical Op-Amp Specifications Op amps are often designed to optimize those aspects of performance needed for a spec ific application. One common general-purpose amplifier is the LF4 l l . In comparison to more soph ist i cated op amps, the LF4 l I is quite simple; yet in a package the size of a finger· 1 nail, it incorporates 23 transistors, 1 1 resistors, 3 diodes, and 1 capacitor. Typical LF4 1 specifications are as follows: 268 Signal Conditioning Open- loop gai n Input i mpedance Input offset voltage Input offset voltage drift Input offset curre nt Input bias current CMRR Maximum output curren t Slew rate Maximum power supply voltages Power supply current Maximum input voltage range Maximum differential input Short-circuit output time 14.2 2 x I OS (depends on frequency) 10 12 n 0.8 mV 7 µVJ°C 25 pA 50 pA IOO dB 25 mA IS V /µ.s ±18 V 1 .8 mA ±IS V ±30 V Indefinite Applications of the Op Amp Operational amplifiers may be used as the basic components of linear voltage amp l i fiers, differential amplifiers, i n tegrators and differentiators, voltage comparators, function gen­ erators, fil ters, impedance transformers, and many other devices. They are not power ampl ifiers, nor do they have exceptionally wide bandwidth cap ilit ies . Undistorted fre­ quency response is typically limited lo about I MHz when the circuit gain is low, and it decreases as the gai n is raised. In general , an op amp's maximum voltage output is limited ab the supply voltage. Since the number of applications of the op amp to mechan ical measurements is almost limitless, we can describe here on l y a few. Yet this will give the reader some idea of the tremendous versa t ility of the device and will suggest additional uses (see also lhe Suggested Read ings at the end of the chapter). One feature common to most op-amp circuits is a negative feedback loop. Because op-amp gain is so high, even a s l igh t i npu t- voltage difference will drive the amplifier to saturatio n . To prevent this, a connection is made between the output terminal and lhe i nverti ng (-) terminal. With this connection in place, an increase in e0 w i l l be fed back to e_ , red uc i ng the in pu t voltage-dilTerence. The net effect is to produce a circuit that holds e_ "" e + , preventing saturation. Ex ample 2 describes a circuit with no feedbac k , and several subseque nt exampl es treat circuits h aving feedback loops. by EXAMPLE 2 The open-loop configuration6 has the following characteristic.�: I. No feedback loop. RL is the load resistance powered by e0• The circuit may be free O oat i ng or grounded. 2. Amplifier is run wide open: Any input other than zero will drive t he amp l ifier to saturation (i.e., a very small i n pu t will drive the output to the limit pcnnittcd power supply). by the 6 1t is conventional in op-amp circuil diagrams to show only 1hose terminals lhat are used in the particular configuration. Power supply inputs are always requin:d. whether shown or not Null adjustment is often 101 shown. allhough ii may be required for oplimal performance (see Example 7). 269 Signal Conditioning 3. It is seldom used: however, it may be employed as a voltage comparator With . different voltages app l ied to ( +) a nd ( - ), open-loop output polarity (positi 1 ve negative saturation) will be controlled by the larger input. For sinusoidal input, square-wave output would result. � 6; r e· =� Rl ·) ______ EXAMPLE 3 The voltage follower, or impedance transformer. has a feedback loop connecting the full output to the inverting i nput ;_ - 9>�· • ,_ +6; 1 l The feedback loop prevents saturalion by h old ing e_ "" e+. Since e; = e+ and e + . the output voltage is equal lo (follows) the in pu t voltage: e0 = e; . The circuit gain is G = I . This circuit capitalizes on the h i gh input impedancu o f the op amp: Since the inpul impedance is so large. the input current , is in nanoamps (nA) or even picoamps (pA). Source loading is minimized and can often be entirely nes;lected (i+ "" 0). In contraSt, the output terminal can deliver up to the maximum current o f the op amp. This circuit an impedance transfonner in that the input impedance is i n gigaohms, whereas the output impedance is a fraction of an ohm. e0 = e_ "" acts as i This example demonstrates lwo important rules of thumb op-amp circuit having negative feedback: that can 1. The input currents, i+ and L, are essentially zero: i +• L "" 0. 2. The input voltages, e+ be applied any and e_, are h eld equal by the: negative feedback: 270 e+ "" t- · Signal Conditioning EXAMPLE 4 inverting amplifier is one of the most used op-amp circuits. Feedback is provided throllgh resistor R2 . The + ;, _., + e; lBo l - = Since i+ "" 0, Ohm's law shows e+ = 0. Because negative feedback is present, e- = e+ = 0. The inverting input also draws no current, so that i 1 = i2 . Thus we can apply Ohm's law to resistors R 1 and Ri t o find th e relation between e 1 and e0: e1 - 0 . e1 1 1 = -- = R1 . 0 - e0 • 2 = -- = R2 or R1 eo - - Ri eo = - R; e; R2 The output is opposile in sign from the input (inverted, or 1 80° oul of phase), and the gain of lhe circuit is G = - R2 / R 1 . The resistor R3 is commonly made approximalely equal 10 the parallel value of R 1 and Ri, i.e., RJ "" R1 R2/( R 1 + R2 ). This choice provides nearly equal inpul impedances at lhe ( - ) and ( +) lerminals. EXAMPLE 5 The noninverring amplifier is as shown at lhe top of lhe next page. The inpul voltage is applied 10 the ( +) tenninal (e1 = e+); becaus� nega tive feedback is present, e- = e+ = e1 . The output voltage is related to lhe voltage at the inverting lerminal by the voltage-divider relation: e_ = Rearra nging, (� ) + 271 R1 R2 e0 Signal Conditioning R, Thus, lhe oulput and the i np u t are in phase and the circuit gain is G = (R1 + R2 )/ R i . Res i stor R1 serves the same purpose as in the inverting amplifier. EXAMPLE & In lhe differential, or difference, amplifier: I. If R 1 = R1 and RJ = R4, then e0 = - (R3/ R 1 ) (e;1 - e;2 ) (see Problem 23). 2. The need for offset null adjustmen t (see Ex ample 7) i s minimized by making input resistances al ( - ) and ( +) equal. 3. Precise resistor matching is necessary to achieve h i gh CMRR. EXAMPLE 7 An amplifier with o ffse l null adjustment is exemplified by the accom pany i n g diagram. I . The ci rc u i t allows trimming to zero ou1pu1 wit h zero input. 2. Specific example shown i llus trates pin numbering. 272 Signal Conditioning v.. H EXAMPLE I The voltage comparator has the following features: l. A small voltage difference between e1 and e,..r swings output to limit permitted by power supplies; erer is set to desired reference voltage. No feedback is used. 2. When e; > e.-.r. output is positively saturated; when e; < erer . output is negatively saturated. This provides output indication for the size of e; re lative to e,.r . For example, should e1 be gradually rising, when its value reaches e..,r the output polarity would reverse. This could be used to trigger external action. 3. Diodes serve to limit differential input. e, e.,, EXAMPLE 9 The summi11g amplifier shown has the fol lowing characteristics: l. ea = -[ei ( R4 / R 1 ) + e2 ( R4 / R2) + eJ( R4/R1)) (see Problem 24). 2. If R 1 = Ri = RJ = R, then e0 = - ( R4/ R)(e1 + ei + eJ). 273 Signal Conditioning 3. This circuit has application to digital-to-analog co nverters Also note the similari ty to the inverting am pl i fier (Example 4). . 15 15.1 SPECIAL AMPLIRER CIRCUITS Instrumentation Amplifiers In practice, transducer signal s are often small voltage differences that must be accuralcly amplified in the presence of large common-mode signals Simultan1eously, the current drawn . from the transducer must remain small to avoid loading the tran sducer and degrad ing its signal. Standard op-amp circuits, such as the differential amplifie r (Example 6), may not provide adequate input impedance or CMRR when high-accuracy nneasurements are neeckd. The instmmentation amplifier uses three op amps to remedy these problems (Fig. 22). The instrumentation amp is essentially a d i fferential amplifier with a voltage follower placed at each in put (this is easi ly seen if R 1 is temporarily removed) . The voltage followers increase the ( +) and ( - ) input impedances to the op-amp i mpeda.nces. The addi tion of Rt between the two followers has the effect of raising CMRR. Resistor match i ng is less critical for this circuit than for a differential op-amp circuit alone. Instrumentation ampli fiers may be bui l t from d i screte comiponents, or they may be purchased as single integrated circuits. The typical instrumentation amp may have CMRR reac hi ng 1 30 dB, input impedance of 1 09 0 or more, and circuit ;gain of up to 1000. 1 5.2 The Charge Amplifier The charge amplifier is used with piezoelectric transd ucers . Th·ese transducers are com­ posed of a h igh - impeda nce material that generates e lectric c Q(r) in response to a varying load. The charge amp produces an output proportional to l:he charge while avoiding the potential noise difficulties of a high-impedance source. The c:omplete circuit is shown in Fig. 23. The transducer, cable, and feedback capaci tances are C, , Cc. and CI • respectively. the large feedback resistor RI is ignored, the output of the circui1t can be expressed as eo - Q (r) = -----"-----C1 + (C1 + Cc + C1) / G If Signal Conditioning Differential 811l>lifle r Input stage (voltage lolloweis when R1 - 00) G= (1 + �R, x�) R• R,, = R3 = R4 � R5 = R1 FIGURE 22: An instrumentation amplifier circuil 7 l- - - - - - - -R - - - - - -I 1- - - - - - - - - - - -, I I I I I I Q(� I I I I1 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 Transducer Gable I I I I I >--+-+--<> •• I I !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Amplifier AG URE 2 3 : A charge amplifier circuit. Signal Conditioning I "'*" Center / rotloll frequency Cutoff or I ,, - '2 @ �----....__ � � frequency I • Bandwidth at .:idB down .dG/.dl, measured in dB/octave (where one octave corresponds to a doubling, or a halving, of frequency) Frequency f2 Frequency (a) f, (b) FIGURE 24: (a) Some tenninology as applied to a low-pass filter; (b) band-pass filter characteristics. where G is the open-loop gain of the op amp. Because op-amp gains are enormous, the second term in the denominator is usually negligible, and the effective output is just Q(t) ea = - -Ct Note that the charge amp's output is independent of cable and transducer capacitance ( I 01. The resistor RI limits the response of the charge amp at frequencies below f = l /27r RtC I · Such parallel resistance is often introduced to eliminate low-frequency con­ tributions to output; however, some parallel resistance is always present, owing to the finite resistances of real capacitors. Although the piezoelectric effect was known in the nineteenth century, it did not become technologically important until very-high-input-impedance amplifiers were devel­ oped in the 1950s and 1 960s. The charge amp itself was patented by W. P. Kistler in 1 950 and gained wide use following the development of MOSFET circuit< and high-grade electrical insulators such as Teflon and Kap ton [ 1 1 ) . 16 FILTERS As we have seen, time-varying measurands commonly consist of a combination of many frequency components or harmonics. In addition, unwanted inputs (noise) are often picked up, thereby resulting in distortion and maslting of the true signal. It is usually possible to use appropriate circuitry to selectively filter out some or all of the unwanted noise. Filtering is the process of attenuating unwanted components of a mcasurand while pennitting the desired components to pass. Filters are of two basic classes, actfre and passive. An active filter uses powered components, commonly configurations of op amps. whereas a passive filter is made up of some form of RLC arrangement. In addition. filters may be classified by the descriptive terms high-pass, low-pass. band-pass, and 1101ch or band-reject. In each case, reference is to the signal frequency; for example, the high-pass 276 Signal Conditioning filter permits components above a certain cutoff frequency to pass through. The notch filter auenuates a selected band of frequency components, whereas the band-pass filter permits only a range of components about its center frequency to pass. Figures 24(a) and (b) illuslrate certain terms applied in filter design and use. Similar terms are applicable to the high-pass and notch filters, respectively. 17 SOME FILTER TH EORY The simplest low-pass and high-pass filters are made from a single resistor and capacitor. Electrically, these passive RC filters are first-order systems. The RC low-pass and high-pass filters are shown in Figs. 25(a) and (b), respectively. Consider first the RC low-pass filter. Since a capacitor tends to block low- frequency currents and pass high-frequency currents, the basic effect of the capacitor in this filter is to short-circuit the high-frequency components of the input signal. To determine the frequency characteristics, we must find the filter output, e0, for a harmonic input voltage, e; : e; = V; sin(21f/t) If negligible current is drawn at the output, the currents through the resistor and the capacitor are equal, so that or (3 1 ) o ----NI'./' + oR e, i' 0 (a) c I I o+ e. 1 fc = 2,;fjC yg _ ____ v, - "' = fc = - yg_ , + (f/f,,)2 ,/1 tan" 1 (flfcl 1 21TRC (flf,j v, - \11 + (flfl if> = 90° - tan-1(//fc) (b) FIGURE 25: First-order RC filters: (a) low pa�s. (b) high pass. 277 Signal Conditioni ng Solution of this equation gives. e0 V'· V0 sin(2ir/t + </I) = = J i + (2ir RC/)2 sin(211Jt + I/>) (32) where the phase lag If>, is , (32a) Filter performance is normally characterized by defining a c14tofffrequency; k fc 5 I 2ir RC (33) In terms of fc . the frequency response (or gain), from Eq. (32), is V,, v; = I Ji + ( f/fc )2 (33a) and the phase response, from Eq. (32a). is (33b) Al the cutoff frequency, V0 V; = I v'2° a d n P0 I = 2 P; (33c) either of which indicates a -3 dB change in the signal strength (st:e Section 12). The frequency response is shown on linear coordinates in Fig. 26. Graphed this way, the filter response seems to change only slightly with frequency. However, the graph � v, 1 -12 0.5 --2 0 3 FIGURE 26: Frequency response of the RC low-pass filter ( linear coordinates). 278 Signal Conditioning 0 -10 !'R_ (dB) v, -20 -30 -40 O.o 1 0. 1 1 .0 10 1 00 "· FIGURE 27: Frequency response of RC low-pass and high-pass filters (Bode plot). shows only a factor-of-three increase in frequency, while, in practice, filters are used to separate freq uencies that may differ by orders of magnitude. A logarithmic graph, such as a Bode plot (Section 1 2), is needed to illustrate such variation. A Bode plot of the low-pass filter's response is gi ven in Fig. 27, illustrating the -3 dB reduction in signal at the cutoff frequency. The frequency range ploued spans four orders of magnitude, and the amplitude attenuation runs from 0 to -40 dB. For frequencies well below fc . the filler's response is flat and shows no signal reduction. The transition from the passband to rejection band occurs gradually with increasing frequency. In the rejection band iiself, al frequencies well above fc. the amplitude rolloff is -6 dB/octave (an octave being a factor-of-two change in frequency) or - 20 dB/decade (a decade being a factor of ten ). In addition to reducing amplitude, this filter also produces an increasing phase shirt as signal frequency rises (Fig. 28). At the -3 dB point, the output lags the input by 45°. ;i .t:. � .. .. m � � 45° 00 O.Q1 -45" FIGURE 28: Phase response of RC high-pass and low-pass filters. Signa l Conditioning The RC high-pass filter is obtained by interchanging the resistor and capacjl()[ [Fig. 25(b)]. Now the capacitor blocks low frequencies while pas si n g high frequencies. The results are quite similar: e0 = . V0 sm(2ir/r + <f>) , where the phase sh i ft . ,/I + (211" RCJ)l t/J, is now a lead (q, > 0) rather than a lag (<f> q, = 90° - fc + <f>) < 0) tan- I (211" RC/) The high-pass filter's cutoff frequency is identical to the In sm (2ir/t V; ( 2ir RCJ) = low-pass filter's: (34) I = 2'r RC terms of the cutoff frequency, the frequency response and phase lead are v. V; The -3 dB poi nt is again -20 dB/decade. = (fife) Jl + (f/fc>2 ' t/J = 90° (34a) - 1 (f) tan - (34b) fc. and the rolloff in the rejection band is again -6 dB/octave or The high-pass frequency and phase response are shown in Figs. 28. One common use of this filter is lo remove de (/ = 0) offsets. 27 and ( First-order RC filters have a fairly slow rolloff above the cutoff frequency not many d ec i bel s per octave), but their simplicity still gains can them wide use in situations where - the desired and undesired frequencies are widely separated. Similar high-pass and low-pass filters be made usi ng a single resistor-inductor pair. However, fi rst order Rl filters are se ldom used. EXAMPLE 1 0 e A transduc r output is responding t o a 5000- Hz signal {5 sin(2.7r · also picks u p 60 Hz noise. Th e resulting 60 · t) + 25 c os( 2ir - 5000 · t ) ) mV To remove the 60-cycle noise, a high-pass fi l ter with cutoff of i s the filtered output? Solution 1000 Hz is introduced. Whal The amplitude and phase shift are computed separately for each component: ( ) -- ,/1 (60/ 1000) 2 / 1 000) _ ( ) SOCIO ,/t (5000 -0 (5000/ 1000)2 - ( ,:0) - (�:) v. Vi v0 Vi 60 (60/ 1 000) + = t/J60 = 90° <Psooo = 90° - 0 060 . + tan- 1 tan- t 280 = . • 98 • 86.6° = 1 = 1 1 .3° = .5 1 rad, 0. 1 97 rad Signa l Conditioning Then eo = (0 . 3 sin(2ir 60 t + I .S I ) + 24.5 cos(2ir 5000 t + 0. 197 ) } mV · · · · The noise amplitude is reduced from 20% of the signal amplitude to o n l y 1 .2%. Note that the signal itself undergoes a slight amplitude reduction as well as a small phase shift. Such changes in the signal are undesirable, and they often motivate the use of more complex filters. Three desirable elements of filter performance are as follows: I. Nearly flat response over the pass and rejection bands; 2. High values of rolloff for low-and high-pass filters, as measured in decibels per octave; 3. Steep skirts for band-pass and band-rejection filters. Significant improvements in perfonnance are obtained by using combinations of sev­ eral capacitors, inductors, or resistors to produce second-order {or higher-order) electrical response. Such filters can have steeper rolloff and sharper transition from pass to rejection bands. In addition, such compound RLC arrangements can produce band-pass and notch filters. For example, Figs. 29(a) and (b) show an RC band-pass filter and its response: V0 V; = Jll 1 + R1 / R2 + C2/Ci ) 2 + [2ir R1 C2 / - ( l /211" R2 C1 /) ] 2 � R 1 (35) C1 o----+-----0 (a) ?, (dB) Frequency �og scale) (b) FIGURE 29: (a) A circuit for a simple band-pass filter; (b) performance characteristics of band-pass filter shown in (a). 281 Signal Conditioning Inductors and capacitors used toge!her allow resonant behav.ior, which can P!'OCh steeper filter skirts !ban are possible with first-order RC circuits. In fact, the resonaot� of Section 1 1 is someti mes used to build very narrow band-pass filtem known as tunedfiJte Some additional LC designs are shown in Fig. 30. Two practical issues influence !he design and use of passive filters. Fust, the fill considered here are all designed as if negligible current is drawn fro:m the oulput termiru If several filters are placed in series, to steepen rolloff, then the curr"Cnt drawn by one Iii Low pass High pass Band pass L-section L-sectlon L-section r-section r-section 1T·section 1T·SecilOl1 1]»� r-section ,,..section Frequency Frequency Frequency performance performance performance FIGURE 30: Examples of LC filter arrangements and their output characteristics. 282 Signal Conditioning Passlw filter network FIGURE 3 1 : Basic active filtt:r circuit. can alter the perfonnance of the filter that precedes it. To avoid lhis output loading, a voltage follower (Examp le 3) should be in trod uced as a buffer between each successive filter. The inductors lhemselves are the second problem. At lhe frequencies encountered in mechanical measurements, which rarely exceed 100 kHz, lhe required inductors may be quite large and bulky. In add ition, the optimal inductor values are not al ways easily obtained, happens in much less satisfactory in practice lhan lhey seem on paper. The usual way of avoiding these p ro blems is to employ an active fil ter, as described next. and lhe inductors may have substantial internal resistances as well. As often engineering, inductors can be ACTIVE ALTERS can be used to construct filter circuils without i nductors and without lhe problems These ac ti ve filters can also have very steep rolloff, arbi trarily Hat passbands, and even adjustable cutoff frequencies. Ac t i ve filters are a rich s ubject , and entire textbooks have been devoted 10 lheir design. The bas ic active filter is shown in Fig. 3 1 . Passive filler networks are linked to an op Op amps of output load i ng . amp, which provides power and improves impedance characteristics. The passive network is buil t from resistors and capacitors o nl y : Inductive characteristics are simply simulated by the circuit. Since lhe ou tput impedance is general l y low, these fillers can deliver an output current wi thout reduced performance. Some 1ypical active filters are shown in Fig. 32. of 80 dB/octave and more lhan 60 dB a11en­ ua1ion in the rejection band. H igh- oi:der ac ti ve fil ters are even sold as integrated circuits contained in a single DIP package . For furlher study, see the Suggested Readings al lhe end of lhis chapter. Active fillers are available w ith rolloffs DIFFERENTIATORS AND INTEGRATORS A final op-amp application is in circuits that respond to lhe rate of change or the time history of an input signal, called · differentiators and integrators, respectively [Figs. 33(a) and (b)). In the differentiator. lhe curn:nls through the resistor and cap aci tor are equal, and e_ = e+ = 0. Thus d C-e1 = dt ea R -- Signal Conditioning � (a) ,c = -121T A;. c; fl; "• - (b) � � R, c, 1< e, . 1 = 21TR1 C1 "• - R2 (c) I 1_ _ _ """ 21T R,, G.! � e, R, = -1q.._, 21TR1 C1 f "• c, FIGURE 32: First-order active filters: (a) low pass; (b) high pass, (c) band pass. or e0 = d - RC di e; (36) In the integrator, the capacitor charges in proportion to the time summation of e; . Again, the resistor and capacitor currents are equal : or eo = - I RC J e; dt + constant (36a) To prevent drift in the capacitor's charge over long time intervals, a l arge resistor, Rf. may be placed in parallel with it. In that case, the integrator circuit is restricted 10 s ig nal frequencies high enough that f » 2ir R ,c. 284 Signal Conditioning R - f, (a) c (b) FIGURE 33: (a) Op-amp differentiator; (b) op-amp integrator. 20 20.1 SHIELDING AND GROUNDING Shielding S hieldi ng applied to electrical or electronic circuitry is used for either or both of two related but different purposes: I. To isolate or retain electrical energy within an apparatus 2. To isolate or protect the apparatus from outside sources of energy An example of the former is the shielding required by 1he Federal Communications Commis­ sion lo minimize radio frequency radiation from computers. In the second case, shielding may be required to protect low-level circuitry from the entry of unwanted outside signals. A very common source of ouiside energy is the ubiquitous 60- Hz power l i ne . Sh ield ing is of two basic types: (a) elecuos1a1ic and (b) electromagnetic. Jn each case the shielding normally consists of some form of meta l lic enclosure; for example, metallic braid may be used lo shield signal-carry ing wiring, or circuitry may be partially or entirely enclosed in melal boxes. Only nonmagnetic metals may be used for electromagnetic shielding, whereas almosl any conduciing metal, such as steel, aluminum, or copper, may be used for electrostalic shielding. Circuits within a device oflen mus! be shielded from each other; however, connections must still be made between the subcircuits through use of special amplifiers or transformers. For example, power transformers are often provided with copper shielding between primary and secondary windings. The copper provides elecuostatic shielding 285 Signal Conditioning without hindering the transfer of electromagnetic power. .Some rules for shi eldin 8 follows [ l 2, 1 3 l : Rule I. Rule 2. Rule 3. 20.2 - as An ele trostatic shield enclo ure, to be ffec:tive, should be connected to the � � � zero-signal reference potential of any c1rcu •try contained within the shield. The shield conductor should be connected to· the zero-signal reference po1en1ial at the signal-to-earth connection. The number of separate shields required in a system is equal to the number of independent signals being processed, plus one for each power entrance_ Grounding When low-level circuitry is employed, some form of grounding is i nevi tably required. Grounding is needed for one, or both, of two reasons: ( I ) to provide an electrical refmnce for the various sections of a device, or (2) to provide a drainage path for unwanted currems. A grou11d reference may be either of two types, ( I ) earth ground, or (2) chassis ground. In the latter c a<e, chassis commonly refers to tht: basic mou nting structure (e.g.. the ground plane of a circ uit board) or the enclosure w i th i n which the circuitry is mounted. Conventional schematic symbols for the two are as shown in Fig. 34 . In a text such as this, only superficial coverage of this complicated topic is possible. However, cenain "rules.. and observations may be listed as follows: l. A n entire system can be "grounded" and need not involve earth at all. For example. 2. The c i rcuitry in aircraft and spacecraft are referenced to some common datum. word circuit need not imply wires or componemts. Each of the various elemenu in a device may, unless effectively shielded, possess capacitive paths to one or lllOR of the others. 3. Shielding can be at any potential and still provide shielding. 4. The assumption that two nearby poi nts are at the sarne potential is often invalid-not only earth points, but also points in any ground plane. 5. Potential characteristics of an clement are not the saJ111e at "radio" or high frequencies as they are at "power" or low frequencies. For example, a capacitance ex i sts betwcel a bonded strain gage element and the structure on1 which it is mounted . A l ck or low frequency, such capacitance may be unimponant, but at radio frequencies lhe capacitance may provide a ready electrical path. 6. A ground bus is protection against effects of equipment faulting. but it is source 7. All of zero potential for the solution of instrume:ntation processes. metal enclosures and housings should be earthed and bonded together. current should be permitted to How in these connections. Earth FIGURE 34: Chassis Conventional symbols 286 for g;round references. not lhe but no Signal Conditioning a. Good practice suggests that it is wise to i nsu l ate an equipment rack from the obvious ties. such as bui lding earths and conduit connections, so Iha< the rack can be ohmically connected to a potential most favorable to the instrumentation processes . 9. Rules that are applicable at one frequency range may be inadequate at another. 10. Safely practices demanded by various civil codes can seem to be in direct conflict with good instrumentation practice. 11. E.lecuostatic shields are s imply metallic enclosures that surround s i gnal processes . To be effective, these shields shou ld be tied lo a zero signal poten tial where the signal makes its external, or ground connection. To reiterate, shielding and grounding are very complex subjects, and often some degree of uial and error, coupled with experience , is required to find a solution. COMPONENT COUPLING METHODS When elecuical circuit elements are connected. special atte n tion must often be given to the coupling methods used. In certain cases, transducer-amplifier, amplifier-recorder, or other component combinations are inherently incompatible, malting direct coupling impossible at best, causing nonoptimal operation. Coupling problems include obtaining proper as damping. These prob­ lems are usually caused by the desire for maximum energy transfer and optimum fidelity of response. The importance of impedance matching, however, varies considerably from applica­ tion lo application. For example, the input impedances of most cathode-ray oscilloscopes and elec tron ic voltmeters are relatively high, but satisfactory operation may be obtained from directly connected low-impedance transducers. In th is case, vol tage is the measured quantity and power transfer is i nc i dental . In most cases, driving a high-impedance circuit component with a low-impedance source presents fewer problems than does the reverse. As a simple example of transfer, consider Fig. 35. Shown is a source of energy Es and a sink or load having impedance ZL . Zs is the so urce impedance. To simplify our example further, let the i mpedances be s i m ple electrical resistances, Rs and R L , respectively. Then the voltage across R1. wi II be or, impedance matching and maintaining circuit requirements such AG URE 35 : S imple circuit for demonstrat ing tranSfer concepts. ' I--i l 1---H--' ..--Signa l Conditioning Zs .___. (a) � (b) FIGURE 36: Impedance matchi ng (a) by means of a coupling transformer and (b) by means of a resistance pad. and the power delivered to RL is (37) To determine the values of Rl for maximum power transfer, set d P /d RL to zero and solve. We find that maximum power is transferred i f RL = Rs. Although this is not ieally a proof, in general terms, maximum power is transferred when ZL = Zs. In addition to, or instead of, opti m i zi ng power transfer. proper coupling may be important in providi ng adequate dynamic response. Three spec i al methods of coupling, depe nding on the circuit elements, are common; they utilize ( I ) matc h ing transfonners (discussed shortly), (2) i m pedance transfonning (see Example 3 ), and (3) coupling networks (discussed shortly). The problem is similar to that of connecting a speech amplifier to a loudspeaker. In both cases the output impedance of the driving power source in the amplifier is often higher than the load impedance to wh ich it must be connected. Transfonner coupling is generally used as shown in Fig. 36(a). Matching requirements may be ex pressed by the rel ation (38) where Zs = the source impedance, ZL = the load impedance, Ns/ NL = the turns rntio of the transformer General - purpose devices such as simple voltage ampli fiers and oscillators often incor­ porate a final amplifier stage, called a buffer, to s up pl y a low-impedance output. By reducing 288 Signal Conditioning the impedance source, one can minimize losses in the connecti ng lines and the possibility of extraneous signal pickup. Proper coupling may also be accomplished through use of malching resistance pads. Figure 36(b) illustrales one s imp le form. If we assume that the driver outpul and load impedances resistive, lhen the match­ ing requirements may be put in simple form as follows: The driving device, which may be a voltage amplifier, looks into the resistance network and sees the resistance R, in series with the paralleled combination of R L and Rp . Hence, for proper matching, are ;.1; • (39) where fl<I = the output impedance of the driver (Q), Ji!; : ! i!·-•. :J.' . Rl = the load resistance (Q), Rp = t he paralleling resistance (Q), .e.:;. · .� ' R, The connected = the series resistance (Q) e, driven device sees two parallel resistances, resistances R, and fl<I. Henc for matching, Rl = Solving fo r R , an d Rp , w e have and Rp = [ made up of Rp and Rp(R, + fl<I) R p + ( R, + fl<I ) Rl ( Rd R L Rd - R L the series­ (39a) )]1 /2 (40) (40a) Now if Rd and Rl are known, values of R, and Rp may be dc1ermined to salisfy the matching requirements by use of Eqs. (40) and (40a). In using resistive clements, a loss in signal energy is unavoidable. Such losses are often referred to as insertion losses. In genera l , however, by providing proper match, the network w i l l provide oplimum gain. 22 SUMMARY Electrical signal conditioning can serve many purposes: to convert sensor outputs to more easil y used forms (e.g., resistance change into voltage); to separate small signals from l arge offsets or noise; lo increase signal vohage: to remove unwanted frequency components from the signal : or to enable the signal to drive output devices. I. -e For resistance-type transducers, several simple signal-conditioning ci rcu i ts arc useful if the resistance change is re latively large. These include cu rrc nt s nsi1 i ve circuits, ballast circuits, and voltage-dividing circuits (Sections 5, 6. 7). 289 Signal Conditioning resata.:! 2. For small resistance changes, bridge circuits provide a more sensiti"Ve lllelbod detection , in which offsets are eliminated. Oulpul can vary linearl y with change, but when the resistance changes are too large, bridge circ uits beco111e non. linear (Sections 8, 9). 3. AC exc itation of sign al-condi tio ni ng circuits is necessary with inductive and Clplci. tive sensors. AC-excited circuits include reactance bridgc>S (Section 10) and resonan t circuits (Section I I ). 4. Decibels (dB) provide a co nven ie n t method of quanti fying gain or attenuation. The decibel is a logarithmic measure of signal power (Section 1 2). 5. Electronic ampl i fiers are ubiqu itous elements of signal -conditioning circuits. Ampli­ fiers serve to increase voltage, to increase power or curre,nt, or to change impedance (Section 13). 6. Operational ampl i fiers are among the most common elements in instrumentation cir­ cuits. Many different op-amp configurations are possible, with the choice depending on the characteristics of the specific sensor involved and the type of output � desired (Sections 14, 15, 18, 1 9). 7. Some signal -condition ing techniques app ly pri marily to• ti me-varyi ng measurands. These include carrier modulation (Section 3), filtering (Sections 16-18), and differ­ entiating and i ntegrating (19). 8. Filters allow unwanted frequency components to be removed from a signal . Filters1R characteri zed by a cutoff frequency (or -3 dB point) separating the pass and rejection bands and by the steepness of ro lloff from the passband! to the rejection band. RC filters are the simplest type of passi ve filter. Common appl ications of filters include noise removal, de-offset removal, and carrier demodulation (Sections 1 6- 1 8). 9. Shielding and grounding are essential considerations in building and using measure­ ment circuits. Shieldi ng for noise prevention is especially important when precise measurements are to be made ( Section 20). 10. Component coupling is often designed to maximize power transfer or dynamic response. If vol tage detection is of greater importance than power l:ransfer, however, it is ofien sufficient that a device's i nput impedance be large compared to the output impedance of the device driving ii (Section 2 1 ). SUGGESTED READINGS Carr. J. J. Otsigner's Handbook of lnsmunentmion and Control Cio'Cuits. Press. 199 1 . C lay ton. G . B . • and S . Wi nde r. Operalional Amplifiers. San Diego: Academic 41h ed. Boston: Newnes, 2000. Coughlin, R. F., and F. F. Driscoll. Operational Amplifiers and Une1lr Integrated Cin:uits. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice H all , 1998. Slh ed. Deliyannis. T., Y. Sun. and J .K Fidler. Continuous-lime Active Fihrer Design. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 1999. AL: Royd. T. L. Electronic Devices: Electron Flow W.rsion. 5lh ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Prentice Hall. 2005 . Royd . T. L. Principles of Electric Cirr:uits. 7th ed. Upper Saddle Ri>"er, NJ.: Prentice Hall, 2003. Hague. B., and T. R Foord . Alternating Curnnt Bridge Methods. 6th ed. London: Pitman, 1 97 1 . 290 Signa l Conditioning Horowitz. P. . and W. Hill. � Art of Electronics. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1 989. Kibble. B. P. . and G. II Rayner. Coaxial AC Bridges. B ristol , UK: Adam Hi lger, 1984. Morrison, R. Groundi11g and Shielding Techniques. 4th ed New York: Wiley-lnterscicnce, 1998. Newby. 8. W. G. Electronic Signal Corulitiomng. Oxfonl: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1 994. Ott. H . W. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, 1 988. Pallls·Areny. R . . and J . G. Webster. Sensors and Signal Coruliaoning. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley. 200 1 . Schaumann. R., and M . E Van Valkenburg. Design ofAnalog Fitten. New York: Oxford University Press. 200 1 . Stanley, W. D. Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Cirruits. 4th ed. I. N.J.: Prentice Hall. Zverev. A. 2002. Upper Saddle River, Handbook of Filter Synthesis. New York: John Wiley, 1 967. PROBLEMS ·,.'I ; L 2. 3. 4. A force cell uses a resistance element as the sensing elcmenL It is connected in a simple cunent-sensitive circuit in which the series resistance Rm is 100 S2, which is one-half the nominal resistance of the force cell. Determine the cunent for force i nputs of (a) 25%, (b) 50%, and (c) 7 5% of full range if the input voltage is JO V. If the force cell of Problem I is placed into a ballast circui t output vo lta ge for the conditions of Problem I . For the ballast circuit of Problem of full range. Equations 6. = R., ), determine the I , determi ne the sensitivity, "' for the three percentages (5) and (6) are deri ved on the basis of a high-impedance indicator. Analyze the circuit assuming that the indicator S. ( Rb For £, = 10 V and R, 0 < Ri < 200 S2. = resistance R., is 7 5 S2, use Eq. (37) comparable in magnitude to to plot P versus RL R,. over the range The c i rcuit shown in Figure 37 is used to determine the value of the unknown resistance Rz. If the voltmeter resistance, RL, is 10 MO and the voltmeter reads e0 = 4.65 V, what is the value of Rz? 100 S2 ::=: 12.0 v FIGURE 37: Circuit for Problem 6. Voltmeter Signal Conditioning FIGURE 38: Circuit 7. for Problem 7. The voltage-dividing potentiometer shown in Fig. S is modified as shown in fig. 38. Determine the relationship for e0/e1 as a function of le. Compare the R:$U(ts with F.q. (9). What advantages or disadvantages does this circuit have over the general voltage-dividing potentiometer? 8. 9. 10. 11. Write a spreadsheet template to solve Eq. ( I Sa), penniuing each term to be varied by a [Suggestion: Rewrite the equation, multiplying each tenn by (I + k), where le is the delta plus/minus term-for example, R1 ( l + k1 ).) delta amount. Fig. 10 is used to determine accurately the value of an unknown resistance R1 located in leg 1 . If upon initial null balance Rl is 127.5 Cl and if, when Rz and R4 are interchan ged, null balance is achieved when R3 is 157.9 n, what is the value of the unknown resistance R 1 ? A si mple Wheatstone bridge as shown in Consider the voltage-sensitive bridge shown in Fig. I 0. If a thermistor is placed in leg 1 or the bridge while Rz = R3 = R4 = R0• determine lite bridge output when T = 400°C if Ro = 1000 O at To = 27°C and {J = 3500. Plot the bridge output from T = 27°C to T = soo•c and detennine the ma xi mu m deviation from linearity in this temperawre range. Referring to Fig. 10, show lltat if initially R t = Ri = Ri = R4 = R and i f 6. Rt = - 6. Rz, lite bridge output will be linear. (Note: This bridge configuration is very commonly used when strain gages are applied to a beam in bending siwat i ons) . 12. 13. 14. Referring to Fig. 1 0, initially let R1 = Rz = R3 = R4 = R. In addition, assume that 6. R4 IR = - A R 1 / R. Demonstrate lite nonlinearity of the brid ge output by plotting to/t; over the range 0 < A R;/ R < 0. 1 . (Suggestion: Use a spreadsheet program.) A resistive element of a force cell forms one leg of a Wheatstone bridge. If the no-load resistance is SOO n and the sensitivity of the cell is 0.5 O/N, what will be the bridge outputs for app lied loads or 1 00, 200. and 35 0 N i r the bridge excitation is I 0 V and each arm of the b ridge is initially 500 O? 39 shows a differential shunt bridge con figuration . One or more or t he resistances. R1 , may be resistance-type trans du cers (thermistor, resistance thermometer. strain gage. etc.), with the remiining resistances fixed. Resistance R6 is a conventional vo���e­ dividing poten.tio meter. usually of lite multitum variety. It may be used either for 1ruual Figure 292 Signal Conditioning "• I FIGURE 39: Circuit for Problem 14. nulling of the bridge output or as a readout means. The variable k is a propollional term varying from 0 to (or 0% 10 100%); see Section 9. Rs is sometimes called a scaling resistor. Its value largely determines lhe range of effectiveness of R6. R1 is used to adjust bridge sensitivity. Devise a spreadsheet template lo be used for designing a bridge of this type. 15. Using lhe spreadsheet created in answer to the pn:ceding problem, determine the null­ balancc range of 6 R 1 that the bridge can accommodate if R1 Rz = 1 000 n (nominal), = RJ = R, = Rs = 1 0. ooo n. R6 = 1 2, 000 Sl, R1 = 0 Sl 16. 17. 18. 1 000 n (fixed), Using the spreadsheet from Problem 14 and the nominal res i stance values listed in Prob­ lem 1 5, investigate changes in measurement range of lhe bridge as affected by (a) changes in Rs and (b) changes in R6. Investigate the linearity of the circuit when used in lhe null-balance mode, using k as the calibrated readout. Referring to Problem 14, assume that the tolerances for resistances Rz, R3, and R4 an: ±5%. What will now be the effective null-balance range, 6 R 1 , lhatcan be accommodated? Figure 40 shows a shunt balance arrangement for nulling a Wheatstone bridge. Suppose that Rt = R3 = 1 20 n, Rinm = 1 27 n, and Rpoc = 1 0 kSl. Whal is lhe maximum value of Rz for which the bridge can be brought into balance by adjusting Rpoc'I Whal would be the maximum value if R1 = 1 1 9 Q and R3 = 1 2 1 Sl'I Signal Conditioning + FIGURE 40: Circuit for Problem 18 .. 19. 20. 21. 22. Derive the relationships for the Wien bridge circuit shown ilB Fig. 16. Derive the relationshi ps for the Maxwell bridge circuit shown in Fig. 16. Show that an inc rease of I dB corresponds to a power increase of about 26%. Also show that an increase of n dB corresponds to a power increase to approximately ( l.26)". Equation (28c) may be wri uen as K where = dB ( og c:om<U>dl = I + 1 0 t ( R,/ R,) dB (indi<:al<dl dB (indical<dl K dB(comc1ed) dB(indicaled) = = conection factor. conected decibels, = indicated decibels, R, = reference impedance, R, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. = source impedance Plot K versus R,/ R, for dB(iodicatodl = 50, 100, I SO, and 200. Make separate families of plots (a) for R, J R, ::: I and (b) for R, / R, � I . S how that the input-output relationship for the differential amplifier described in Exam· pie 6 is e0 = - ( R3/ R 1 ) (e;1 - e1, >. Show that the input-output relation ship for the summing am1plifier described in Example 9 is "• = -(e1 ( R4 / R 1 ) + e2( R4/ R2) + e3( R4/ RJ)) . The circuit shown in Fig. 41 is a voltage-to-current convcrtc:r. Determine the value of RJ for which it in milliamps equals e; in volts and find e0• The circuit shown in Fig. 42 accepts two input voltages, e1 and e2 . Detennine its oulpllt voltage, e0• 1be circui l shown in Fig. 43 uses a potentiometer to achie•e variable gain. By adjusting the potentiometer, the gain can be raised or lowered. The tol:al resistance of the pot is Rpo1 and the resistance of the pot between its movable wiper and ground is k Rpo1 for 0 ::: k ::: I . Fi nd e+ in terms of e; and k, and then detennine e0 and the gai n. 294 Signal Conditioning R, ,, --:---­ FIGURE 4 1 : Circuit for Problem 25. FIGURE 42: Circuil for Problem 26. e, R"°' > ·----1 FIGURE 43: Circuit for Problem 295 27. Signal Conditioning 28. 29. A noninverting amplifier (E><ample 5) is built using I -kn precision n:sisto111 R1, R2 and Rl · which have a tolerance of ± I %. DelCnnine the circuit's gain and the tolccance � 1he . gain. a semiconductor diode is related lo the voltage across ii by i ,. I), where /0 I x 1 0-9A, A = 1 . 17 x Hf / T , and T is the absolute 1emperature in kelvin. For T = 300 K and e1 on the order of one volt, show that 1he The cunenl tluough /0(exp(Ae) = - output of the circuit in Fig. 44 is proponional to the exponential of the input voltage. R FIGURE 44: Circuit for Problems 29 and 30. JO. 31. Show that, if the diode and the resistor in Fig. 44 are inlCrchanged, the circuit output is proportional to the logarithm of lhe input voltage. &.,,o-o-A-c: -��=-0-kil ii is in position B. _ _ _ Bl FIGURE 45: 32. 33. Lt>J _: Determine the output of the circuit in Fig. 45 when the switch is in position A and when ' ° '"___...__ _ e°8' Circuit for Problem 31. 46, a photodiode is reverse biased with a voltage e6• In this condition, i, which is proponional 10 the intensity, H, of the light which irradiates it: i k H. Determine the relation between the output voltage, "•• In the circuit of Fig. the photodiode generates a current. = and ff. For the summing amplifier of Example 9, e1 ez e1 and R1 = R2 = R4 if = 8.0 sin(4001) V. = 3.0 cos(4001 ) = - 2.0 sin(4001) V, V = 5 kil, and R1 = 2.5 kQ, what is lhe rms output voltage'/ 296 Signal Conditioning R, + . t1o o-�-K1����....�� - R, FIGURE 46: Circuit for Problem 32. FIGURE 47: Circuit for Problem 34. 34. Consider the filter circuit shown in Fig. 47. ( a ) What type of filter is this? Calculate its cutoff frequency in Hz. ( b) The following input signal is applied to the circuit: e;0 35. = (5 sin(211'200t) + 2.5 cos(211' 1 000t ) + L5 sin(2ir 100001 ) ) mV Determine e°"' . Consider the following data from an RC filter. From experimental testing . these data were obtained for a LO V sine-wave input. Frequency (Hz) 1 0.0 20.0 50.0 1 00.0 200.0 500.0 1 ,000.0 2.000 .0 5,000.0 1 0,000.0 If the capacitor C = tout (volts) LOO LOO 0.97 0.92 0.7 1 0.37 0.2 1 O. I O 0.04 0.02 0.033 µ,F, determine the value of the resistor R. 297 Signal Conditioning 1 0 kQ T:'':�?�/, .;" . •• 0.1 µF �· ..... -VVVV'- • <f" '"'' ·' k: FIGURE 48: Circuit for Problem 37. 160 0 e1 + o--..J\l\N"---<l>-----l e, 0.1 µF 5 kQ 320 0 FIGURE 49: Circuit for Problem 38. 36. A set of RC low-pa�s filters are buih from 1 00-kSl resistors and 0.0 1 -µF capaciiors. The resistors' tolerance is ± 10% and the capaciiors' tolerance is ±20%. Determine the cutoff frequency of these fillers and the tolerance of the cutoff frec1uency. 37. Consider 1he amplifier circuit shown in Fig. 48. Determine the amplitude e0 if •1 = 5 cos(40irr) if e; is in millivolts and t is in seconds. What is the amplitude e0 if e; = 3.0 sin(4000ir t )'! 38. Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 49. ( a ) Qualitatively speaking, what does this circuit do to am ac signal? ( b ) Make a Bode plot of the amplitude ratio 1•1 /e; I . ( c ) Add a Bode plot o f th e amplitude ratio 1•2/e; I to the graph o f p art (b). ( d ) Add a Bode plot of the amplitude ratio Je0/e; I to the graph of parts (b) Referring 10 Fig. 35 and Eq. (37), show that the maximum power is transferred when Rt R,. 39. REFERENCES [l) and (c). Geldmacher, R. C. Ballast circuit design. SESA Proc. 1 2( 1 ): 27, 1 954. (2) Meier, J. H. D i sc ussion of Ref. [I ), in same source, p. 33. = �:�\:�.' /·;t- �- 1 /'•t � · c_c: :��;���:;� : Signal Conditioning [3) Wheatstone, C. An account of several new instru ments and processes fo r detennining the constants of a vollaic dn:uit. Phil Trans. Roy. Soc. (London} 1 33:303, 1 843. '· . [4) !Stone's bridge. In En c vclopedia Britannica, vol. 23. Chicago: William Benton, Publisher, 1 957. p. 566. . ,. " }."� �.-::-· ;�. :; � [SJ Laws, F. A. Electrical Meas11rements. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1938, p. 2 1 7. (6) Bowes, C. A. Variable resistance sensors work belier wi th constant current excitation. Instrument Techno l .. March 1 967. (7) Sion, N. B r idge networks in transducers. Instrument Control Systems, August 1 968. [8) Hague. B .. and T. R. Foord. Alte rnating Current Bridge Methods. 6th ed. London: Pitman, 197 l . (9) Kibble, B. P., and G. H Rayner. Coaxial AC Bridges. Bristol, UK: Adam Hilger, 1984. (10) Gauischi. G. H. Piezoelec1ric Sensorics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2002, Chap. 1 1 . (11) Kistler Instrument Corporation. Kistler Piezo-lnstrumentation General Catalog. 1st ed. Arnhers1, N . Y. : Kistler Instrument Corp., 1 989. (12) Morrison, R. Grounding and Shielding Techniques. 41h ·ed. New York: lnlerscience. 1998. Wiley­ (13) On, H. W. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Syslems. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, 1988. ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS (k Rr / R s ) [k R r / RM + k Rr / R s + 1 1- 1 4 eo/e; 6 Rz = 63 Q 9 13 29 33 34 Rt = = 1 4 1 .9 Q For 100 N, 6eo = eo = 0.24 V R3 = I kn enns = 6.0 V (a) fc = 4.82 kHz Dig ita l Tech n i q ues i n M ech a n i ca l M eas u rements 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 INTRODUCTION WHY USE DIGITAL M ETHODS? DIGITIZING M ECHANICAL INPUTS FUNDAMENTAL DIGITAL CIRCUIT ELEMENTS NUMBER SYSTEMS BINARY CODES SOME SIMPLE DIGITAL ORCUITRY THE COMPUTER AS A MEASUREM ENT SYSTEM THE MICROPROCESSOR THE MICROCOMPUTER ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL AND DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERSION DIGITAL IMAGES GEmNG IT ALL TOGETHER SUMMARY INTRODUCTION In this chapter we discuss some basic uses of digital logic and circuitry as they apply to mechanical measurement�. but it must be understood at the outset that our purpose is not to cover digital electronics in depth: The subject is too large for such a treatment. Rather, our i ntent is to survey the subject sufficiently so that those in fields of engineering other than electrical will gain some appreciation for the advantages, disadvantages. and general workings of digital circuitry in the context of measurements. Most measurands originate in analog form. A n analog variable or signal is one that varies smoothly in time, without discontinuity. In many cases the amplitude is the basic variable; in others, the frequency or phase might be. A common example of a quantity in analog form is the ordinary 120-V ac, 60-Hz power- l i ne voltage ( Fig. l (a )) . An analog signal, however, need not be simple sinusoidal or periodic in fonn. The stress-time rela­ tionship accompanying a mechanical shock [Fig. I (b JI is considered an a log in fonn. The pressure variations associated with the transmission of the human voice through the air are also analog. The readout from the pointer-over-scale D' Arsonval meter is also considered analog because of the uninterrupted movement of the pointer over the scale. An analog scale can be compared to the range of brightness between black and white, including all the variations of gray in between. Digital information, on the other hand, would pennit only the time variation between the two extreme levels of brightness-black or white. 302 Digital Techniques in M echa n ica l Measurements ,, r\JV (\ ' (a) 1 byte Previous byte -l r- f(I) ;:! (b) _ , Next byte, etc. Bit interval - --, I I I I I I I -- I I I I I I I __L__ - - - - - Logic 1 I I I I I I I Logic 0 _ (c) , FIGURE I : Examples of voltage-time relationships for analog signals (a) and (b), and a digital signal (c). Digital information is transmitted and processed in the form of bits ( Fi g . l (c)), each bit being defined by (a) one or the other of two predefi ned "logic levels" and (b) the time interval assigned to it, called a bit interval. The most common basis for the two logi c states is predetermined voltage levels, say 0 and 5 V de. Current or shifts in carri er frequency are also u.'ICd. The time rate of the bits is closely controlled, commo nl y by a crystal-controlled oscillator (or clock). The information i s then carried by specific bit groupings, coded in predeterm ined sequences; for example, alphanumeric data may be handled by sequences of three, four, or more bits sent in the various possible combinations, with each combination or group forming a word of information (see Section 6). The term byte is ap pl ied to an 8 -bit word, whereas the term word may be applied to any unit of digital i n formation . A 1 6- bit word is two bytes i n length. A 4-bit word is sometimes referred to as a nibble. Figure l (c) shows one possible combination of bits grouped to form one byte. In this case, the sequence of bit values i s 1010 01 10. From this we see that a bit need not completed off/on/o ff sequence. Indeed a byte of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , in which case no bi t- lo- bit changes occu r throughout the byte. One bit corresponds to either of two different logic states held be a pulse in the sense that it must be a information could well be 0000 0000 or constant during the one-bit interval. Because most measurement in pu ts originate in analog form, some type of analog­ to-digital (NO) converter (or ADC) is usually required (Section 1 1 ). In certain instances it may also be desirable or necessary to use a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter (or DAC) somewhere in the measurement c hai n . A sophisticated example of digital information handling is pulse-code mqdulation (PCM) of the human voice, which is used in essen tial l y 303 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measuremenu all digital communication systems. For digital telephones, the spoken word is con\'Crted lo digital fonn for trans mi sio n over telephone circ its .and lhen onverted back to its ori ginat analog fonn al the rece1 V 1 ng end. Some of the mouvauons for this appare ntl y circul ar PIOCess � � � are � i scus�ed in S�tion 2. . PCM is also the basis of digit_al audio on �omputers, music CDs, . d1g1tal radio, and, m the visual context, of DVDs and d1g1tal telev151on. It is interestin g to note that when PCM was proposed by Alec Reeves, in 1 937 , digital semiconductor circui ts had not been developed . and his idea could not easily be implemented on the technologies of lhe day 2 ( I ] . I I was only in the late twe n t ieth century th at his invention came to full fruition. WHY USE DIGITAL M ETHODS? Over the past several decades, digital electronics have become u biquitous in both household and technical setti ngs . Students today may be surprised to learn that when many of their pro fessors were students, essent ial ly all instrumentation was analog and data were usu. ally recorded by hand. Voltmeters used ana log pointer-over-scale (D' Arsonval) displays, oscilloscopes used direct am p l i fication of the input signal to drive the cathode ray tube, storage of lhe oscilloscope signal was accomplished with a film-based camera, and com­ puter acquisition and processing of data would be found only in the best equipped research laboratories-if indeed it could be found at all ! The analog instruments that have been replaced by digital instruments were often very accurate, so we may reasonably ask why digital instrumentation has become predominant. A number of factors have contributed. First, di g i tal electronics are usually easier to design and fo bricate than analog g electron ics . Inte ra ted circuit technologies make it possible at low cost to mass produce relatively sophisticated ins tru ments . These devices can be quite small, and they generally operate in the range of 5 to 12 V de. This may be compared to the relative bulk of some analog devices ( for example, those requiring large, high-quality capacitors) and to the hig h opera ting voltages of some a nalog instruments (perhaps ranging to several hundred volts). A second factor, of course, is the ease of data recording, storage, and display. A digital voltmeter provides a direct numerical display of the voltage, often au tomat ical l y scaled into the proper range. The analog voltmeter had to be v isually interpolated if the pointer lay between adjacent g raduati ons of the scale. A digital voltmeter may also be direc tl y coupled to a computer for data recording and processing. Thus, good-quality graphs may be produced and printed w i t h ease-your professor may very well have used graph paper and a Fre nch curve to plot data when he was a student. Of equal importance is that many steps necessary in data reduction can be handled automatically. For example, temperatures and pressures acquired from a Huid-How process may be combined immediately and reduced to provide an on-the-spot overall result, the mass How rate perhaps. Further, data stored on a com puter can easily be rescaled and replotted so as to test various d i ffe re n t theories for its interpretation or to investigate th e cause of some anomaly. Digital instrumentation has another tremendous ad van tage : Digital signals are inhcr· The informational content of the digital signal i s not ampl i tude dependent. Ralher, it is dependent on lhe particular seq ue nce of on/off p ulses thal apply. Therefore, so long as the sequence is ide nti fi able , the true and complete Conn of the input ently noise resistant. remains unimpaired. Maintenance of accuracy, lack of distortion induced by signal pro· to analog cessi ng and noise pickup, and greater stability are all enhanced in comparison methods. The nature of the digital signal and circuitry permits the signal to be regenerated or reconstituted from point to point throughout the processing chain. The voltage ampli· 304 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements 1ude of lhe i n fonnalio nal pulses is commonly 5 V de. U n less noise pulses approach lhis magnilude-a highly unusual condition-they are ignored. This is of particular value i n lhe central conlrol of a l arge processing syslem, such as a refinery or power plant, where low-frequency si g nals might be relayed over relatively great distances, perhaps a mile or more. This advanlllge is even more obvious when radio links are used, as in lhe ground recording of signals originating from a space vehicle. On the level of con sumer electron­ ics. one reason Iha! lhe digital compacl disc format for music d i spl aced lhe earlier analog pho nograph record is lhat digillll sound reproduction is substainally less suscepli ble to the effects of dust, vibralion, and wear lhan is lhe magnelic phonograp h needle; and CDs are sma l ler and contain m ore music than did a vinyl LP. 3 DtGmZING MECHANICAL INPUTS To be processed digitally, analog measurands mu s1 be 1. Converted 10 yes/no pulses; 2. Coded in a form mean i ng fu l 10 lhe remainder of the system; and 3. Synchronized so as 10 mesh properly wilh other inputs or control or command signals. Meeting lhese three requ iremen ts is collectively referred to as intetfacing. When some fonn of computer is a part of lhe system, not only must lhe input be converted to digilal pulses, bul also lhe pulses musl be converted to lhe language used by lhe compu te r, that is, binary words. In addilion, of course, lhe compuler is unable 10 give undivided auen tion 10 any one signal source: It will also be receiving i npu ts from other sources, processing the i n putted dalll, and outputting data and conlrol commands. Input from any one source must wait its turn for attentio n . In olher words, all lhe inputs and outputs must be synchronized lhrough proper interfacing. Before attempting further coverage of computer data acquisition, however, we will discuss some of the fundame ntals and a few of the simpler types of digilal i nstrumentation . S i ng le di gi tal - type instruments whose end purpose is simply to display the magni­ tude of an input in digilal fonn (as opposed to an inpul to be inlerfaced inlo a syslem) often require o n l y lhal lhe i n put be transduced 10 a frequency. Convention al transducers may be u sed to sense the m agnitude of the measurand and 10 convert it into an analogous vol tage . The vo l lllge can then be amplified and, by a circuit cal led a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) [2), transduced to a proportional frequency. A frequency - measuring circuil (Sec­ tion 7.3) might then be ca li brated lo display the magni tude of the i nput . Many transducers in the field of mechanical measurements produce vol lllge ou1 puts (e . g . , s trai n - gage bridges, thermistor bridges , differenlial transfonners, thennocouples, etc.). In addition, mechani­ cal motion, both rotational and translational, may often be qu ic kly, easily, and c ompl ete ly converted to d i gi t a l vo l tage pulses by prox imity transducers, pho1ode1ec1ors, optical inter­ rupters, and so on. 4 4.1 FUNDAMENTAL DIGITAL CIRCUIT ELEMENTS Basic Logic E,lements An ordinary single-pole single-throw (SPST) switch [ Fig. 2(a)) is a digi ta l element in its simplest form. Whe n ac tu ated , il is capable of producing and con trolling an on/off sequence. It this sense, its output is binary. The ordinary electromechanical relay [ Fig . 2(b)] is a 305 Digita l Techniques in Mechanical Measurem•�nts j ... ---...... I I I - _____ ----- __ (a) I I _ I (b) +5 V dc �---- --<> Output +5 V dc +S V de � o - o� Input (c) FIGURE 2: Digital swi tching devices: (a) a simple mechanically operated switch, (b) an electrically controlled relay, (c) a transistor-type switch. For the latter, when the input is "high" the transistor conducts, thereby effectively shorting the: output to ground, and hence providing near-zero or "low" output. When the input is low the transistor does not conducl, thereby providing near +5 V de at the output. Additional arrangements are possible if signal inversion is not desired. Slightly more advanced digital device in which an electrical input may be used to change the ou tpu t condition. A more sophisticated electronic switch is provided by the transistor [Fig. 2(c)). When properly biased, a transistor can be made to conduct or not to conduct. depending on the input signal. It is a near-ideal switching device. It can function al relatively low control voltages. is capable of switching at ra.tes of hundreds of GHz. can be made extremely small and rugged, and can be designed to consume relatively little power. Originally, discrete transistors were hardwired into the various circuits, usually as a replacement for vacu u m tubes. (Thus, one still hears the term transistor radio even though vacuum tube radios have virtually vanished.) Today, transistors are almost always fabricated together with other simple elements such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes as a single special-purpose device on a single semiconductor· c h i p-a so-called integrated circuit, or IC. A multitude of special-purpose IC chips are available to I.he electronic design engineer. Their variations and complexity have grown at an astonishing rate over the past decades. 306 Digita l Techniques in Mechanical Measurements ·�· A (a) B 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 ·y· A ·:Jlfj : (C) A B :-f:.; Em-y A� lB 0 0 1 1 (d) A (e) 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 AUB -y -y 0 1 1 0 (g) � � B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 B NOR OR ' · 1� ! ·· :! ' ·y· NOR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 �,. B 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 (b) OR A ·�· NANO AND (I) 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 FIGURE 3: Symbols for some common digital logic units. Also shown are the respective truth tables for the units. These range from very simple components such as op amps through a myriad of digital· circuit building blocks, such as logic gates and ftip-ftops (which we discuss shortly). through instrumenation circuits, such as voltmeters or frequency counters, up to highly sophisticated microprocessors. At the heart of most digiial devices are logic gates. These are simple circuits that involve just a handful of transistors and provide an output that depends upon two or more inputs. For convenience, these circuits are represented by special shorthand symbols. Fig­ ure 3 illustrates symbols for common logic elements used in various combinations to fonn many of the IC chips. Elements 3(a) through 3(0 are gates. Figure J(g) represents a simple inverter. Also shown are logic, or truth. tables, which list all the possible combinations of inputs and their corresponding outputs. Recall that basic digital operations are based on simple yes/no, on/off, 110, states. For example, the truth table for the AND gate shows that the output is high only if the inputs to both A and B are high, hence, th e AND rule: For the AND gate, any low input will cause a low output; that is, all i nputs must be high to yield a high output. 307 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements +5 V dc A B Out FIGURE 4: A schematic diagram showing the internal structure of a NANO gate. In like manner, we can also easily state rules for the other elements. Truth tables are of par. ticular importance to the circuit designer, especiall y when combinations of circuits increase their complexity. As a mailer of i nterest , the NAND gate actually contains four transistors, three resis­ tors, and a diode, as shown in Fig. 4. Suppose a chain of pulses is applied to input B of lhe AND gate. We can see that their passage may be controlled by input If is high, lhe chain will be permitted to pass; if low, the chain will be stopped. From this simple example the origi n and significance of the term gate is clear. The various gates may be expanded lo provide more than two inputs; see, for example, Fig . 5. The IC shown is a three-input NANO gate, for which a zero input level at any one of the input ports perm i ts the passage of pulses from any other port; in other words, all inputs m ust be high in order for the output to be low. With this arrangement, a combi nation of several control conditions must be met simultaneously to block passage of a signal. Integrated circuits are often characterized by the effective number of gates they incor· porate. The so-called MSI (medium-scale integration) chips incorporate 12 10 100 individ· A. A � ABC c 8 A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Out 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 FIGURE 5: NANO gate with three inputs and 23 = 8 possible input combinations. A NANO gate with eight inputs has 28 = 256 input combinations of which only one causes an output of logic 0. 308 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements · q' uaJ gates per chip. LSI (large-scale integration) chips contain 100 to 10,000, VLSI (very large-scale integration) chips contain l if to IOS gales, and so on. Combin ation of Logic Elements: The Fllp-Flop Figure 6(a) shows two NANO gates connected lo fonn a very useful circuil The circuit has two inputs. S and R, and two outputs, Q and Q, that are always meant to be opposite one another (one at l ogic I and the other at logic 0). As a simpl e Hip-flop, element A is called the S ET gate and element B the RESET gate. Consideration of the i nd iv idual bUth tables, along with their panicular interconnections, shows that the fol low i ng are the only workable conditions: Condition I Condition II Condition Ill Condition IV s I I 0 R I I I 0 Q I 0 I 0 Q 0 I 0 I Now suppose that both S and R are initially at logic 1 ; then either of Conditions I or II may exist, depending on random or programmed preconditions. If either of two outputs can correspond to a given input, the device is referred to as having bistable logic. In some contexts, the circuit is called a latch. us momentarily ground input S-thal is, impose logic 0. Condition III, called the SET condition, will result. This is true regard l ess of whether the circuit is initially in Condition I or II. Return o f S to the high state will cause no change in Q or Q: It is latched. Now, if R is momentarily grounded, Condition IV will be instituted, and this state will continue even when R is returned to logic I . This is called RESET, and we see that the outputs are caused to flip and flop between SET and RESET. Grounding both inputs simultaneously-setting both S and R to logic 0-would amount lo attempting SET and RESET simultaneously. This state is nonnally avoided. Because the changes in state occur when S or R is at low logic, this circuit is referred to as an active-low S-R latch. This ciruit has various important uses. For example , as a latch it may be used to hold (latch) a count in an electronic events counter, then await a RESET i npu t for initiating the next count. The n i p- flop is used as a memory cell, capabl e of holding one bit of infonnation for later use. It also provides the basis for the switch debouncer. When an ordinary electric switch depending on mechanical contacts is closed, numerous contacts are actually made and lost before solid contact is finalized. In a counting circuit, for example, this son of switch hash cannot be tolerated. By placing a flip-Hop or latch in the switch circuit [Fig. 6(b)] we cause the latch to respond lo that first momentary contact and then to ignore all that follows until a RESET signal reinitializes the circuit. 111ese arc only several of the uses to which the circuit may be applied; and the particular circuit discussed is only one of a number of different circuits referred to as flip-flops (3). 43 IC Families Several families of integrated-circuit chips are available. each of which has special char­ acteristics but, in general. all of which perfom1 essentially the same basic tasks. The 309 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurenn ents s -a R (a) +5 V dc NC dosed) (normally NO (normally open) To circuit l>elng controlled +5 V dc (b) FIGURE 6: (a) Two NANO gates configured to form a llii p - ll op, or latch; (b) a swi1ch­ debouncer circuit. most commonly used groups are the newer comp/emenlary metal oxide semiconductor, or CMOS, group, and the older transistor-transistor-logic, or 1m, group. In each family lhc various logic units are com bined to perform special functions. For example, the TJ1. family consists of more than 1 50 di fferent types of chips. Table 1 is a partial list. A l l have man: or l ess the same outward appearance but each is designed to pcrfonn a different funclion. Schematics of several of the 1m fa mily arc illustrated in Fig. 7. The circuits in Figs. 7(1), (b), and (c) are simple enough that the functional perfo rman ce sy mbols may be shown. The circuitry of Fig. 7 (d ), however, is so complex (because of the number of elements used) thal we h ave made no anempt to indicate the internal architecture. Application of most of the ch ips selected for listing in Table 1 is covered i n later sections of this chapter. All of these basic devices are also available as CMOS IC chips. Within each family of circuits, various subcategories are available, eac h wi th _ what different current, voltage, and speed characteristics. The subtype is usually mdicat by a set of letters that is placed between the 74 and the follow ing digits . For example. ld be an "advanced high speed" CMOS (AHC subtype) quad t wo- i nput AND gate wou design ated 74AHC08. Here, the word quad indicates that four separate gates aie on 1 � single chip . Id- ��OS CMOS c i rc u i ts are based on a different type of transi:>tor than the 111.. fam il y effect transistors rather than b i pol ar junction transistors), and for most purposes 31 0 (8) Quad 2·1nput AND gate. (The wonl 'quad" lndlcatea ttmt the chip Include& lour Independent AND gates.) (b) Hex Inverter (six Independent Inverter elements). Top view Top view (c) Dual 4-input NANO gate. (d) BCD lo 7-segment decoder-driver Top view Top view FIGURE 7: Diagram showing four typical IC chips: (a) quad 2-input AND gate, (b) hex inverter (six independent inverter elements), (c) dual 4-inpul NANO gate, (d) BCD (binary-coded decimal) to 7-segment decoder-driver. Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements TABLE Type Number 7400 7404 7408 74 1 4 74 1 6 7430 7432 744S 7447 7474 747S 7483 748S 7489 7490 7492 74 1 09 74 1 2 1 74 1 SO 74 1 S4 74 1 60 1: A Partial Listing of Tll.. IC Chips Description Quad two·inpul NANO gale Hex inverter Quad 1wo-inpu1 AND gate Hex Schmid! !rigger Hex driver, invening Eighl·inpul NANO gale Quad lwo-inpul OR gale BCD to decimal ( I -of- I 0) decoder driver BCD to seven-segment decoder driver Dual D-type Oip-ftop, positive-edge !rigger Quad latch Four-bit full adder Four-bil magnilude comparator 64-bit ( 1 6 x 4) memory Decade counier Base- 1 2 counler Dual J-K ftip-ftop, positive-edge trigger Monos1able multivibrator 1 -of- 1 6 dala selector/mul1iplexer l -of- 1 6 data distributor/demultiplexer Synchronous BCD decade counter with asynchronous �• circuits have subs1antially more desirable electrical charac1eristics than Tl1.. circuits. As • result, lhe CMOS family is used in mosl new circuit designs, and the entire 111. family is gradually becoming obsolele. 4.4 IC Oscillators and Clock Signals Figure 8 illustrates an interesting IC oscillator-the SSS chip. This chip contains 23 11111· sis1ors, IS resislors, and 2 diodes. The package is about half the size of a common posiagc stamp, has eight terminals, and costs less than a cup of coffee and a doughnut. Whcft configured with two or 1hree external resistors and a capacitor, ii can produce an osci111ling outpul 1ha1 switches back and fonh between two slates. In this 1ypc of astable lhe SSS is capable of yielding a square-wave oulpul covering a frequency range from 0. 1 Hz to over I 00 kHz. With additional outboard circuil elements. triangular and linear ralllP wavefonns can be obtained. In slill other configura1ions, 1his chip can produce a si ngle outpul pulse in response to an inpul (so-called monostable operation), and many have bee n devised (4 ). This IC oscillator is an example of the wide vcrsali lily f 1 smg oscillation. other. US: o . special-purpose integrated circuil. di�•·ia1 Chips such as lhe SSS are used 10 provide a time-base reference for a variety of 8 sys1ems, and so 1hey are sometimes referred 10 as timers. The oscillating signal 1 circuil can be used as a clock signal 10 synchronize the actions of several com ponents 1" n sys1em. In these synchronous sys1ems, the lime at which any su bcircuit's outpul ca chaRSC of u� 312 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements +5 V dc 8 4 7 OUlpUI S t---6 2 FIGURE 8: A SSS astable/monostable oscillator or multivibrator. is controlled by the clock signal. For example, flip-flop can be designed so that when an input is changed, the change in output is delayed until the clock signal changes; the D­ type and J-K flip-flops in Table I (7474 and 74 109, respectively) both have this feature. Synchronous operation usually simplifies circuit design. Circuits that are not synchronous are called asynchrono11s. The output of a SSS-based clock circuit may be stable to about I % or so but it is susceptible to drift. When higher accuracy is required, a quartz-crystal oscillator is used instead. The heart of such a circuit is a small piece of quartz cut to precise dimensions, which resonates at a highly stable frequency. Owing to the piezoelectric properties of quartz the resonating crystal is easily coupled to an electrical circuit. Quartz-crystal oscillators are available as off-the-shelf !Cs at low cost with frequencies from roughly I 0 kHz to I 00 MHz. Frequency stability to a few parts per million is easily obtained. These crystals are used in all microprocessors and microcomputer systems. Crystals resonating at 32.768 kHz are al the heart of digital wristwatches: When additional digital circuits are used to divide this frequency by 2 1 5 , the result is a I -Hz signal for counting seconds (5). Note that an error of I 0 parts per million in the crystal frequency would correspond to about one second per day of error in a watch. 4.5 Digital Displays In some situations we may require only simple, single lights for an indication or readout, perhaps to show that a device is powered or ready for use. In other cases we may use combinations of discrete lights or indicators to produce an alphanumeric display. Alphanumeric readout elements are usually of either the liquid-crystal diode (LCD) type or the light-emilling diode (LED) type. The l iquid crystal has a decided advantage in some cases, as, for example, in a digital watch requiring very low power consumption. 31 3 9: 'I)'pical solid-state numeric di splay. The +5 V de anode is common to all Grounding pin a, for example. through a suitable vol tage-droppi ng resistor lig h ts segment a . FIGURE segments. LCDs are t he usual choice fo r bauery-powered i nstru me nts . A d isadvantage i s th e n eed for illumination or a separate lamp for back.Ii ghting the display. The LED prov ides a bright d ispl ay, usually in red or green, but it consumes much more power. It is therefore more commonly used in i n stru men ta ti o n that c o nnec t:; to an external power source. Figure 9 shows an arrangement of a ty pi c al LED seven-segment digital di splay. Each segm ent consists of one or more LED e leme nts and with proper s witchi ng s uppl ied by an appropriate IC driver, each of the decimal digits, 0 through 9, can be formed. Commonly. the input sig n al and a 5-V de powe r source are all that is requ'ired for power. The operation of a digital displ ay requi res a proce ss of conve rting information between bi nary and deci mal forms. This process is known as e11coding when in format ion is converted to a binary form, and it is called decoding when information is converted out of a binaiy form. These operati ons clearly require some understanding of the binary and decimal number systems. In the next two sections. we look at n um b er systems and the common bi n ary codes. either proper ex tern al 5 NUMBER SYSTEMS Whether it i s in digital o r anal og form, a measurement signal conveys a mag n itude . Mag­ in numbers and numbers im pl y some sort of numbering system or structure. Digital devices with their high/low, y es/no. on/off s eq uenc ing suggest the use of a base 2, or bi nary, system for cou n tin g . In this section we w il l present the essentials of number systems other th an decimal that are pertinent to digitul o perations . We know that the position of each of th e digits in a decimal number is important. For ex am p le , consider the deci mal number 347.25. The 3 is the m ost s i gn i fican t digit and the 5 is the least significant digi t. We k now that the number can be expanded to read n itudes are expressed 347 .25 = 3 x ta2 +4 x 101 + 7 31 4 x IOO + 2 x 1 0- I +5 x 1 0- 2 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements It is clear that the various positions or the digits detennine the power to which the base, 10, is raised. For the binary number sysiem, only two different digits are required, a I and a 0. The digit may correspond to a high condition, say +5 V de, and the digit 0. to a low condition, say O V de. In the binary sysiem, as in the decimal system, position has meaning. Consider the binary number 1 10 10.01 2 . (We add the subscript 2 to make it clear that we are using the binary syslem.) The first digit, I, is the most significant digit and the last digit, l, the least significant. Each digit is called a bit in the sense that it supplies an elemental "bit" of information. Hence, the lerms most significant bit, or MSB. and least significant bit, or I.SB, are used. What conesponds to the decimal point in the decimal system is called the binary point in the binary system . I (l'i- , , · . r· · As we have observed, in a decimal number each position corresponds to an integral power of 1 0. B y the same token, in a binary number, each position corresponds to an iniegral power of 2. Whereas the coefficients for the decimal number could be anythi11g between 0 and 9, for the binary system we are limited to 0 and I . Let's convert the binary number written above to the equivalent decimal number. Equivalent, of course, means that the two numbers signify the same actual magnitude or quantity (it may be convenient to refer to Table 2). 2 1 1 0 1 0.0h = I x 24 + 1 x 23 + 0 x 2 + I x 2 t + 0 x 2° + 0 x 2- 1 + I x 2- 2 I = 16 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 4 = 26.25 10 TABLE 2: Decimal Values of Bases Raised to Various Powers' n -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 2" 4" 1/8 114 112 I 2 4 8 16 32 1/64 1/16 1/4 I 4 16 64 256 1 ,024 4 ,096 64 8" 1/5 1 2 1164 118 I 8 64 512 4,096 32,768 262, 144 16" 1/4096 11256 1116 I 16 256 4.096 65,536 1 ,048,576 1 6,777,2 1 6 • n i s both the power to which the base is raised and the positio11al weight. 31 5 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements We can see that the positional signi c �ce �f the Os. a �d l s lies in the integral powers to . which the base (also called the radu) IS raised. llus is true for both the binary and the decimal systems. � Two other systems are commonly used in digital manipulations: the or base 8 system; and the hexadecimal, or base 1 6 , system. These two systems have the advantage over the decimal system in the ease and convenience of their conversion, by either machine or human, to binary. octal, 6 marked BINARY CODES In addition to the binary number, which is, of course, limited in magnitude onl y by the number of positional bits that may be arbitrarily permitted, there are various binary codes. At this point we will consider several of them. 6.1 Binary-Coded Decimal Suppose we limit the number of positions to four, i.e., we provide only four on/offswitches or their equivalents. We are then limited to the decimal range of 0 to 15 inclusive. The result is what is known as the four-bit word, also referred to as a/our-level code. A modification of this code is known as binary-coded decimal, or BCD. Although BCD is also a 4-bit word, it arbitrarily makes illegal all words greater than 10012 , or 910. We see that the BCD code is useful because of its convenient relationship to the decimal digits 0 through 9. Table 3 lists the equivalencies. When the BCD code is used, each digit in a decimal number is processed separately as a 4-bit sequence. For example, the decimal number 875 10 translates to 1 000 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 in BCD. TABLE 3: Four-Bit Binary Numbers and Binary-Coded Decimal Decimal Digit Binary 0 I 0000 000 1 00 1 0 00 1 1 0100 0101 0 1 10 01 1 1 1000 1 00 1 1010 101 1 1 1 00 1 101 1 1 10 1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 31 6 BCD ()()()() 000 I 00 1 0 00 1 1 0100 0101 01 10 01 1 1 1000 1001 Illegal filegal lllegal lllegal lllegal lllegal Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measuremenu 6.2 Position Encoders and Gray Code Figure lO shows a schematic diagram of one type of binary displacement encoder based upon a 5-bit binary code. 1be "card" shown consists of five active tracks plus a reference track, which may or may not be needed. Pickups (not shown) sense the relative disp l acement of the card. One sensor is used per track. Optical sensors are most commonly used to detect the on/off status of of each track at a given position. The cards may be transparent or opaque for use with transmitted or reflected light, respectively. Printed-circuit methods may also be used. The output from the sensors is easily processed by on board or remote digital circuitry. A direct binary encoding such as shown in Figure 10 has an inherent disadvantage. When several bits are different between adjacent levels, the assoc iated position sensors may not all change at the exact same instant, leading to a drastic sensing error. For example, in going from the eighth to the ninth position, the binary encoder shown would change from a b c d e 8lnaty 00000 0000 1 000 1 0 000 1 1 00100 00101 001 1 0 001 1 1 01 000 01001 01010 0101 1 0 1 1 00 01 1 0 1 01 1 1 0 01 1 1 1 1 0000 1 0001 1 001 0 1 001 1 1 0100 1 0101 1 01 1 0 1 01 1 1 1 1 000 1 1 001 1 1 010 1 101 1 1 1 100 1 1 101 1 1110 11111 Declmsl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RGURE 10: Binary displacement encoder. 31 7 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements TABLE 4: Four- Bit Binary Numbers and Gray Code Decimal Digit Binary 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to II 12 13 14 15 000 1 00 1 0 001 1 0 1 00 OIOl Ol lO Ol l 1 1000 1 00 1 1010 101 1 1 100 l lOl 1 1 10 1111 0000 Gray Code 0000 000 1 00 1 1 00 10 0 1 10 0111 OlOI 0 100 1 100 1 101 1 1ll 1 1 10 1 0 10 101 1 ltJO l It:)()(} 00 1 1 1 2 to O IOOOi (i.e., from 7 10 to 8 10). If just one bit wem to change Loo soon or loo lale, lhe position could be sensed as 000002 or 0 1 1 1 1 2 , correspo0nding Lo either the first or the sixteenlh level ! Gray code is a binary code that el imi nates 1his ly pe of error, and it is thus preferred for use in position encoders. It is not a numeri ca l code, i n t he sense lhat there is no positional weight to the digits. Instead, t he digits of the code are sequenced so that only one bit changes in going from one level in the sequence to the next. If one 1:rack's sensor changes too early or too late, lhe error is no more than one level-the drastic errors possible with direct binll}' encoding are avoided. A 4-bit Gray code code is shown in Table 4. Figure 1 1 illustrates a 6.3 circular card for a rotatary shaft position encoder based upon four-bit Gray code. Alphanumeric Codes The preceding codes are for the transmission and processing of numeric data. Alphanumeric information must also include provisions for the Letters of t he alphabet and other symbols, such as punctuation marks. perhaps cenain pposed One of lhe simplest binary codes for transmission of general inform ation (as o to numeric data only) is the International Morse Code, which uses pulse-duration modu· lation, or PDM (also sometimes called pulse-Length or pulse-widlh modulation). The two different pulse widths, the "dot" and the "dash," are used in various combinations to inns· l mit the alphabet, the decimal digits, and certain olher special-purpose telegraphic sym s. � International Morse Code is an uneven-kngth code i n that various time intervals are requin:d for lhe transmission of t he various characters. A related <:ode teletypewriter, code, which is a live-unit, even-length code. 31 8 All is the Baudot, or common characters are formed by 8 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements FIGURE 1 1 : Circular encoder using Gray code. combination of five possible on/off states, each of uniform duration. These two codes are not especially important in mechanical measurements. The most welt-known code for alphanumeric data is the American St4ndard Codefor lnfonna1ion Interchange or ASC11 (6). This code is of 7-bit binary form, and it thus has 27 or 128 characters. Both the uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet, plus the decimal digits zero through 9 and certain other control symbols, are included (Table 5). ASCII originated as a 7-bit bit teleprinter code, essen tially as a more sophisticated successor to the 5-bit Baudot code. Thus, the first 32 characters and the final character are control codes that might govern such functions as carriage returns, line feeds, and form feeds-all handy for driving a printer. These codes are not associated with displayed characters, and so Ibey are omitted from the table. When writing the binary equivalents of the ASCII code, one generally divides the binary number into two groups of 3 and 4 bits each; for example, for lhe letter a, the binary equivalent is written t IO 000 1 . The lefthand binary digit is the MSB (most significant bil) and the righthand, the LSB. In processing, the ASCII number for a would appear as 319 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Displayable Characters of the American Standard Code for InfOrtnali on Interchange (ASCil) with Decimal, Binary, and Hexadecimal Numbering TABLE 5: Dec Binary 20 34 010 000 1 010 0010 010 00 1 1 21 22 36 37 010 0100 010 0101 010 01 10 010 01 1 1 40 41 010 010 010 010 1000 1001 1010 101 1 44 4S 46 47 010 010 010 010 1 100 1 101 1 1 10 llll 4B 49 50 51 01 1 0000 O t t 000 1 Oi l 0010 01 1 001 1 S3 Oi l 0100 0 1 1 0101 Oi l O l l O 01 1 01 1 1 56 S1 01 1 01 1 01 1 Oi l 42 43 52 54 SS S9 58 60 61 62 63 Oi l Oi l Oi l 011 1000 1001 1010 IOl l 1 100 1 101 1 1 10 1111 100 0000 40 6S 100 000 1 100 0010 100 00 1 1 41 42 4J @ A D E 46 ( ) . + 100 0100 1000101 1 00 0 1 1 0 1 00 Ol l i 44 70 71 72 73 74 1S 100 100 100 100 1000 1001 1010 101 1 48 49 - 76 n 78 I 79 100 100 100 100 1 100 1 101 1 1 10 1111 I 80 Space 010 0000 39 Dec Dee 3J 38 Char Char 32 3S Hex 64 Binary Hex 2J 24 2S 26 27 28 29 2A 28 2C 2D 2E 2P . # ! $ .,, &: 30 0 34 4 3S J6 s 6 32 31 33 37 38 39 38 3A JC JD 3E JF 3 2 7 8 67 66 68 69 81 82 83 BS 84 86 87 88 89 : ; 90 91 = 9J 9 < > ? 92 94 9S 4S 47 4A 96 1 10 0000 Hex 8 97 98 c 99 1 10 000 1 1 10 0010 1 10 001 1 62 • b • 100 IOI 102 103 1 10 0 100 1 10 0101 1 10 0 1 10 1 10 01 1 1 64 d p G 67 • I H 104 1 10 1000 1 10 1001 1 1 0 1010 1 10 101 1 68 h J I 48 K 40 M IOI IOI soS I p IOI 0100 0101 101 0 1 1 0 IOI Ol l l SS 101 101 101 101 SB S9 SA 0000 000 1 101 0010 101 00 1 1 IOI 1000 1001 1010 101 1 101 1 100 101 1 101 IOI 1 1 10 101 1 1 1 1 4C 4E 4f S2 S3 S4 S6 S1 SB SC SD SE SP a.. Binary 106 IOS 107 60 61 63 6S 66 69 6A 68 N 0 109 1 10 111 1 10 1 100 1 10 1 101 1 10 l l lO 1 10 1 1 1 1 Q 1 12 1 13 1 14 l lS Ill Ill 111 111 T u v w l l6 1 17 l l8 l l9 I l l 0100 . 74 1 1 1 0 101 1S 76 1 1 1 0 1 10 n 1 1 1 01 1 1 L 108 R s x y z [ \ I - " 0000 000 1 0010 001 1 120 121 122 12J 111 111 111 111 1000 1001 1010 101 1 124 125 126 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 101 1 1 1 1 1 10 6C 60 I j i k I 6F m n • 72 73 p q r s 6E 70 71 78 7A 78 19 7D 7E 7C I " y w • y I • I I I LO 000 1 . As a function of lime, ii would appear as shown in Fig. 1 2. ASCII does not include very many of the characters found for world's wriuen lan­ guages. By itself, ii is not even sufficient for the lang uages of Western Europe as it lacks accented characters such as �. ii, and 6. This defect was partially addressed by adding one more bi t to ASCII, creating an 8-bit extended ASCII hav i n g 256 characters. Unfortunately. several versions of extended ASCil were promulgated by di fferenl manufacturers. and no single standard exists under that name. 320 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements -- 1 I ., - - r - ., - I I I I I I ----· High logic I Low logic FIGURE 1 2: The ASCII logic sequence for lhe leller a. Subseque!JI work did lead lo slandardized 8-bil characler selS, which are very com­ monly used in coding Web pages. For Weslern European languages, including English, 1he mosl imponant of lhese is ISO 8859- 1 , lhe so-called Latin I character set (7). In lhe Lalin 1 encoding, the prinlable charac1ers below 12710 are lhe same as !hose in ASCII. Additional standard encodings are have been defined for olher families of languages. lnlernationalization of commerce and information exchange has grown dramatical! y in recent decades, and so ii is desirable to have character encoding syslems lhal need nol be changed whenever lhe language of application changes, or, more particularly, which can support lhe use of several different languages wilhio a single document. Further, the encoding system should ideally be lhe same for every piece of software. These needs have driven the development of the Unicode standard (8), which aims to assign a unique numerical code to every character in every language. When one considers that lens of thousands of characters are found in some Asian languages, such as Han Chinese, ii becomes clear lhat far more than 8 bilS are required. The early versions of Unicode ran to 32 bilS (facilitating up to 65,535 characters), but thal barrier was removed in subsequenl versions. Unicode 4.0 assigns unique numbccs to more than 90,000 characters. Serial and Parallel Transmission The lnternalional Morse and 1he Baudot codes are necessarily of a serial type, i.e .. the various on/off slates occur in sequence, one following another in "bucket-brigade" fashion. If they were transferred by an electrical conductor, only a single lransmission circuil would be required. In some cases, an alternative to serial lransmission, called parallel transnussion, is used. This means that lhe bilS in a single word are transmiued simullaneously. In its simplest form, this requires as many transmission circuits as there are code levels, but with the obvious benefit of higher speed . Parallel circuitry is often used within a single inslrument or device, whereas serial circuitry is used when long cables are involved, as, for example, when connecting a computer to lhe internet through a telephone modem. Parity and Error Detection We have previously noted that digital signal transmission is less susceptible 10 trans­ mission errors lhan analog signal transmission. Nevertheless, errors still occur, albeit with a low probability. Digital transmission systems are capable of sending many millions of bits per second, so even with a low probablility of occurrence, errors w i l l arise often e1ough that a means of detecting them is needed. One approach to !his problem is the parity method of detection. In this scheme, an extra bit is allached to each word of information. For example, a 7-bit ASCII code would have an eighth pariry bit auached to it, so that the transmiued word would have 8 bits. In an even parity method, the parity bit is selected so that the total number of ones in the 321 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurem1�nts word is even. If I bit in the received word is incorrect, the number of ones would be odd. thus enabling the receiver to determine that a transmission error has occurred . In an odd parity scheme, the total number of ones would be odd. The parity method clearly cannot w: detect errors in which 2 bits of one word are incorrect; howev1:r, in situations where ev en extremely improbable and is thus of li single bit error is improbable, a 2-bit error will be concern. 6.4 Bar Codes Everyone is familiar with at least some of the applications of bar codes. The familiar and black/white lines are arranged to codify data of various sorts-addresses, inventory, virtually any other information that can be put into a binary representation. A low-intensity laser may be reftected off of the bar pattern, with the signal received by an appropriate photodetector. The output is electronically processed and sent on to the cash register or inventory tracking system. A number of standards have been used to create bar codes, the most common being the Universal Product Code (UPC) and the European Articli• Numbering (EAN) system. In a typical implementation, a blac k line corresponds to I and a white line corresponds Seven lines are used for each character; however, the fitrst and last lines arc always opposite each other (black and white or white and black, respectively) in order that adjacent to 0. characters can be distinguished. The five remaining bits offor 32 possible combinations. but not all are used. Instead, only combinations yielding just t wo black bars and two white bars are employed, where a bar's width may be one, two, th<ree, or four lines. There are 20 such combinations. These combinations are assigned 1:0 the ten decimal digits from 0 to 9 in two different sequences, one "left handed" and the onher "right handed." only De pending upon the particular type of bar code, as many as 14 digits may be encoded. In addition to the bars for the digits, the codes usually include guard bars at left, center, and right. The numerical code itself is assigned to particular companies and products by a standardization agency. In addition to the basic one-dimensional bar code, various two-dimensional malrix style codi ng systems are also in use. These systems can encodt: greater amounts of alphanu­ meric data. They are sometimes used on shipping labels from c ommercial delivery services. 7 7.1 SOME SIMPLE DIGITAL CIRCUITRY Events Counter Figure 13 shows the outward simplicity of one form of digital events counter. 1\voconsec­ utive stages, or decades, are shown. Each decade consists of a seven-segment LED display, IC chips, and a few current-limiting resistors. The 7490 chip is called a decade counter 14 and sends as output parallel BCD pulses through pins d. c, b, and a, where d corresponds to the most signi ficant bit and a lo the least significant. In addition, this chip provides an output pulse at the tnd of the ninth input pulse. This pulse is available from pin 1 1 and can be used as the input two (see Table I ). It accepts input pulses in serial form through1 pin � to the next higher counting decade. We can see that additiomal decades may be easi l y. As we will note later, this arrangement obviously also provides a "divide-by- IO capability. 322 +S V dc +S V dc , , - I I /_a I I I 14 Til I 7447 ' g --- 11 d --- 7-segment display d c b b c 14 6 15 7e- - - -9 1 oc- - - 11 1 3b - - 12 1 8_ _ _ 13 c d 6 12 b t qe c 3 a 7 Count In , Parallel r-binary form ,. I d 8 4 BCD to 7-segment decoder driver 10 Bd- - - - TTL 7490 To next decade GNO 19 1 1 2 b a TIL 7490 14 Decade counter 5 +5 V dc FIGURE 1 3 : Schematic circuit fo r a simple digital events counter. Serial input --- 14 I 10 GND Digital Techniques in Mechanica l Measurements The BCD outputs from the 7490 chip are fed 10 a 7447 chip, cal led a BCD-to-seven. segment decoder driver (Table 1). This chip accepts the parallel BCD input, decodes the � npul-i.e. , converts ii 10 a unit decim� outp�l-and ac1i:a1es th� appropriate SC&me1Jls m the seven-segment readout, thereby displaying the required decunal d igit. nus sim le circuit i s c apable of counting al rates of up 10 about 100 kHz. In addition 10 this ' IC 7447 also prov ides control tenninals 3, 4, and 5, which may be used for funcli::O I. reselling the readout lo zero; 2. blanking unused leading zeros-e .g., making prov ision so that a five-decade display of the nu mber 25, for instance, would not show as 00025 but s imply as 25, with lhe unnecessary zeros blanked; 3. making provisions for d ispl ay i ng appropriate dec i mal points . Complete even t counter circ u i ts are avai l able as LSI ICs, u sual ly with addilional features which we describe next. 7.2 Gating Suppose the counter ci rc ui t shown in Fig. 13 is lo be used 10 count a sample of pulses stemming from a continuing sequence of pulses. Can we not use a simple mechanical switch to gate the input line? Probably not directly! When the contacts of the mechanical switch (or re lay ) are closed, there exists a period of indecision. The contacts touch, break, t ouch again, and so on, many times before a final and complete contact is establ ished . This is the source of switch hash, w h ich sometimes shows on the screen of an osci lloscope. The cou n ter is unable 10 distinguish between the "good guys" and the "bad guy s" and the speed of the counter is su fficie nt to count them all ! Under such circumstances it is necessary 10 use debo unc i ng circuitry ( Sec ti on 4.2) in the i n put, which recognizes the first con1act, latches, and then ignores the succeed i ng contac ts. 7 .3 Frequency Meter Elec tro n i c sw i tch i ng or gati ng would probably be used to switch the counting circuit on and off. Recall the AND gate [see Fi g . 3(a)] . The in pu t pulses may be conn ec ted to input A and a con trol i npu t 10 8 . The output will be high on ly when both A and 8 are h igh . This prov ides an essential part of a digital frequency meter. Suppose we introduce an unknown freq uency al A and co ntro l 8 wi th a square-wave osc i l lator (Fig. 14). W he n both inpu ts are high, the counter will count. Whe n 8 is low. cou n t i ng will stop. Obviously the acc uracy of the count will be depe nden t on the accuracy of the gated time interval. The oscil lator will probabl y be crystal co ntro l led , and crystals osc i llate at relative ly high rates. For i ns tance , the fundamental oscillator might have a freq uency of 5 MHz. The period of 0. 1 µ,s would certai nl y be 100 short for gating most mechanic al inputs. Recall, however. that we already have discussed a divide-by- I 0 IC. the IC 7490 used in the s im ple counter. By cascadi n g seven divide-by· IO ICs we can reduce the fu ndamental period 10 2 s, I s of which will be high and I s low. By u s i ng an AND gate as shown in Fig. 14, we can sample a second's worth of the i npu t. and the resulting count is thus the frequency in hertz. Obv i ousl y, with the cascade of di v ide- by - IO ch ips we can use panel-controlled switches for different gating times by simply lapping the cascade al other points in the chain. Other features can be added as requi red . 324 Digita l Techniques in Mechanical Measurements AND gate Simple events counter, e.g., as shown in Fig. 1 3 5-MHz crystal· controlled oscilator Cascade of seven divide-by-1 0 I C chips 1'2 Hz RGURE 14: Schematic diagram for a simple frequency meter circuit. 7.4 Wave Shaping Digital logic circuits prefer instant toggling from low to high and back again. Suppose we wish to feed the counter or frequency meter described previously with a sine wave or some other varying waveform. If the signal level is sufficient. our counter may work; but. if the peaks cannot easily be discriminated from the rest of the signal. the counter may miss or double count them. We can convert the sine wave to a square wave signal, or an irregularly varying wave into a sequence of high and low voltages. by using a Schmitt trigger (see 1TL 74 1 4 in Table l, for instance). The Schmill trigger accepts a gradually rising input but stays at low-output voltage until its "rising trigger level" is reached. It then switches to a high output voltage, and it will remain there until the signal drops below its "falling trigger level."' These two trigger levels arc made slightly different so that a signal that lingers near one of the trigger levels will not cause multiple transitions. We are therefore able to reshape the in pu t into a series of on/off pulses, much preferred by the common IC. 7,5 Integrated-Circuit Counter and Frequency Meter The close relationship of event counters, frequency meters, and period or time-interval meters allows all these functions to be incorporated on a single LSI chip. An example popular in 1he 1990s was the lntersil ICM7226A, an eight-digit, multifunction, fri;quency counter/timer chip. It incorporated a high-frequency oscillator. a decade time-base counter, triggers, an eight-decade data counter, and seven-segment display decoder/drivers in a single package. ll could function as any of the meters mentioned previously and could run an eight-digit LED display. It measured periods from 0. 1 µs to l 0 s and frequencies from de to 10 Mliz. 325 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements 7.6 Multiplexing and Demultiplexing Figure 15(a) illustrates an IC chip called a multiplexer, or a l -of- 1 6 data seleci« ( 1TL 74 1 50, Table I ). In mechanical terms it may be considured a selectable co111111 quite simply, it is similar to a si ng l e - pole , 1 6-position switch [Fig. 1 5(b)) . i n pu t (of up to 1 6) that is permitted to pass is determined by the binary number inserted 81 the d. c, b, and a ports, where d is the MSB and a is the LS B·. � The � The demultiplexer, or l -of- 1 6 data distributor, is s imil air but with reversed action (see 1TL 74 1 54, Tabl e I ). It accepts a digital signal through its one i n pu t and then routes it lO the particular output selected by the binary value at the control ports. +5 V de Ground Output - Control ports ( t byte) --- (8) -o � t � Output � � ---0 ---0 --0 "'-·-· '·-·'--, --Binary (yes/no) control ---0 - - - -0 {b) FIGURE 1 5 : (a) The 1TL 74 1 50 multipl exer or l -of- 1 6 sclc:ctor. Each of the 16 possible logic combinations of the dcba control pons is employed to select a corresponding signal input for connection to the output. (b) Illustration of a nearly •!quivalent mechanical switch­ ing arran geme nt . A difference , however. lies in the fact Ih a.I the mechanical device must switch through t he sequence in order, whereas the multiplex•!r need not. 326 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Ground -15 v de +S V dc i, :!? ;:!: • 0 1 � .5 ... ...J t. �.. - ...J '=- !!l .. .. J5 � - it!! :; z ?U! .0 "3 i! E ., = 111118rter � .. c Ground b a d � 3l J!l ::> � � ..__,.__, Selector bits FIGURE 16: A multiplexer-<lemultiplexer circuit. Why concern ourselves with multiplexers and demultiplexers? In many cases con­ tinuous monitoring or recording of a given data source is not necessary: Periodic sampling will suffice. We can see that by sequencing the binary control through 0 to 15, we can consecutively connect 16 different inputs to a given readout/recording/computing system. This approach is economical in many cases. Multiplexing may also be used, in certain instances, within the circuitry of a single instrument. Recall the events counter we discussed in Section 7. 1 . Each decade required a seven-segment decoder driver plus seven current-limiting resistors. More sophisticated counter circuitry uses a multiplexer-<lemultiplexer combination arranged so that each read­ out element is sequentially connecled lo a single driver-resistor combination. By time sharing in lhis manner we can reduce the number of circuit elements and realize quite a saving in cosl. The sequencing rate is sufficiently high thal the readout appears 10 be illuminated conlinuously. Data processing may take place at quite some distance from the data source, as in a large industrial complex such as a refinery or power planl. By using mulliplexer­ demulliplexercombinations, we may also use single, rather than separate, circuits toconnccl the lwo positions (Fig. 1 6). We hasten lo add that this may not be precisely the case because it would also be necessary lo synchronize our binary control circuits at the two locations. A simple solution is to run four additional wires connecting ports d, c, b, and a. Thus we would have 5 circuits instead of 16 (for the particular combination cited). There is, however, another possibility lhrough use of more sophisticated !Cs. The universal asynchronous receiver/trans mi Iler (UART) contains what amounts lo a multiplexer Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements and a demultiplexer-actually a set of two each-on a single chip. It is capable of con verting serial to parallel or parallel to serial data. The word asynchronous indicates that the openw need not be sy nchronized Actual ly, this is not entirely true. What is meant is that i nputs and outputs need not be perfectly synchronized: Approximate synchronization sa ±5%, is sufficient. This permits the use of separate control oscillators, or cloc the transmitting and receiving ends, whose frequencies are very close but not Reeessarily exactly the same. In this case, directly connected synchronizing circuits between the two locations are not necessary. . " 8 : b,M � THE COMPUTER AS A MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Computers have become u biqu i tous laboratory tools. They allow measurements to be recorded, processed, displayed, and printed with great ease. In some si tuations, sensors and transdu rs are connected directly to computers, which then take over the role of any additional instruments that might otherwise be required-voltmeter, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, and so on. Powerful soft ware packages are available to perform all such functions o n the computer, and they can transfer measurements to spreadsheet packages or other codes for data reduction and presentation. In the next several sections, we look at some of the details that underlie this convenience. ce Computers are, of course, digital systems. The frequency meter mentioned in Sec­ tion 7 .5 is an example of how digital instrumentation can be built from integrated circuits. However, the data received by that meter are esse n t ia ll y digital in character: All that is req u i red is to determine whether the input voltages are high or low. More often, we may need to deal with transducer s ig nals that are entirely analog, as when a thermocouple voltage is used to measu re temperature. In this case, we must convert the voltage to digital fonn if a digital device such as a computer is to process it. This trans formation is accomplished by an analog-to-digital converter or ADC (Section 1 1 ). A computer system used for recording analog s igna ls w i ll incorporate an ADC, either as an integ ral part of the computer or within the transd ucer that is connected to the computer. In every case, the sample rate and voltage range of an ADC must be chosen to avoid aliasing and other forms of signal distortion (Section 1 1 .3). Data from the ADC will be transferred to the computer's storage or central processing units a long one of the computer's w hi h are internal circuits for passing data and con trol signals. For most computer users, only the external bus (Section I 0.4) will be of concern. The external bus governs the operati on of the com pu ter s input and output pons, which connnect printers, remotely operated instru m n ts or controls, external data storage devices, modems, and other peri pherals Buses may use either serial or parallel transmission of data. Common types of buses include the IEEE 1 394 (Fire Wire), the RS-232C, the IEEE 488 (GPIB), and the Universal Serial Bus or USB . buses, . c e ' At the heart of most current computers is a V L S I in tegrated circuit called a micro­ processor (Section 9). The mic roprocessor is a collection of digital circuits that fonn the central processing unit, or CPU, of the com puter. The m icroprocesso r executes the instruc­ tions ofcomputer programs and controls the transfer of information between the input ports, memory, and the output ports. Computers using mi croprocessor CPUs are someti mes called microcomputers, even though today's m icrocomputers arc so powerful that the tenn micro may be a bit misleading! We describe the internal architecture of t he microcomputer in Section 10. 328 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements THE MICROPROCESSOR A microcomputer is built is around a microprocessor chip that acts as its central processing unit (CPU). The CPU serves as the control center for directing the flow of digitized infor­ mation. It is more than a traffic controller because it not only provides the organizational plan for the flow of elemental bits of information but also assigns the pathways, tempo­ rary "parking" spaces, and stop/go gating and can perform a limited manipulation of the traffic. It accepts inputs in digital form, either data or command instructions. and rou tes them to predetermined (programmed ) destinations over buses (path ways) to displays, mem ­ ories, controllable devices, and so on. Sources of the data or commands may he e x terna l memories, keyboards, transducers, or other devices. A wide range of CPUs are available, with many levels of complexity--4-bit. 832-bit, 64- bit, and so on. The CPU selected for a given purpose will de pend on the application. For some simple low-end dedicated uses a 4-bit or 8-hit CPU may suffice, whereas 32-bit or 64-bit CPUs may be selected for general-purpose or h igh -end microcomputers. For purposes of illustration, the 8- bit Motorola 6800 microprocessor serves very well. This chip is obsolete for most purposes, but the general principles of its · design are characteristic of most CPUs. bit. 16-bit, Figure 17 is a highly simplified schematic diagram of the external connections and some of the internal features of the Motorola 6800. The diagram shows the primary buses into and out of the processor plus some essential internal devices. To be functionally useful, the system requires additional s u pporting circuitry external to the CPU, including interfacing devices sometimes referred to as buffers, input/output (UO) facilities, synchronizing clocks, memory, and so on. Status AO Zl ! ,, � Index register � U) Program counter Stack pointer A12 A15 .5 .. ACC-A _,. A8 DO ACC-B A4 � +5 V dc Ground Arithmetic logic un� (ALU) 04 !I "' 0 07 Clock 1 Clock 2 Reset NM interrupt Halt Interrupt requesl 3-stale conlrOI Dara bus enable Bus available Valid memory address Read/write Ground AG URE 1 7 :. Simplified schemalic diagram of the Motorola 6800 microprocessor. 329 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements The Motorola 6800 microprocessor is a single integratc:d circuit chi housed . p dual-in- ine package (DIP). The dimensions, exclusive o the pins that provide e connections, are about 6 x 20 x 50 mm . The power requ1Temf:nt for this CPU by i lSclr is 0.6 to 1 .2 W at 5 V de-less than I % of the wattage of a large CPU today. � � � The figure shows the following: l. An address bus consisting of 16 parallel lines for accesi;ing (connecting to) 2 •6 = FFFF16 = 65,53610 different memory locations. The actual number available is, of course, dependent on what may be provided by supportin1g hardware. 2. A dara bus consisting of eight bidirectional lines for sim ultaneously handling 8 bils ( I byte) of data. This bus is a two-way street, and the direction of How is controlled by gating (Section 7.2). Eight bits provide for 28 = FF16 = 25610 combinations. 3. Various control and decode lines. Bus synchronization, cl osely akin to multipaiag­ demulliplexing (Section 7 .6), is controlled through use of two external clock signals. Additional lines are shown, and in many cases their titles provide a c.lue to their uses. Figure 17 also shows some of the internal structure of the 6800 chip. Various regis­ ters are used . These may be considered as temporary storage bins or momentary ''parking" locations for data, instructions, or addresses as they are being shunted from one location to another. Essentially, all data and instructions must pass through at least one of the accu­ mulators, A or 8, each having a I -byte (8-bit) handling capabil ity. Primarily for providing index register (I R) , program counter (PC), and stack pointer (SP) are added. manipulation of 2-byte ( 1 6-bit) addresses, the As illustrated in Fig. 1 7 , the stack consists ofthe registers as shown. Their contenls are stored in contiguous addresses, and the purpose of the sta1ck pointer is lo keep lrack (RAM). co11nter controls the sequencing of any program :1teps, including the starting point, and the index register, in addition to other functions, provides a channel through which 2-byte addresses may be handled in a program. The contents of the registm are of where the stack information is stored in the external random access memory The prog ram always available on command. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) has a relatively limited capability of manipulating numbers. It can add one byte to another or determine their diifference, or it can perform several logic functions, such as AND, OR, and EOR (Section 4. 1 ). To handle dala in magnitudes requiring several bytes, the add and subtract functions of the ALU may involve carryovers (for addition) or borrows (for subtraction). It is the responsibility of the status register (SR) (also called the condition code register) to monitor such requirements for possible further program use. Flags (primary data bits) in the status register are either set (made equal to I ) or not set (made equal to 0), depending on predetennined conditions. Ir an addition results in a carry over from one byte lo the next byte, a. bit momentarily indicating that fact, stored in the status register, will be added to the byte of the next higher order. Or, if the operation results in a zero, a zero flag in the SR may be used to trigger the decision to branch (or not to branch) to some other point in a program. These are only two of a number of powerful functions of the status register. For a more detailed discussion of microprocessors and for information on current designs, refer to the Suggested Readings at the end of lhe chap ter. 330 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements COMPUTER CPU 1--�����.-���.--��������.--... Contra bus 1----.,...� ...+ ��+-��.-+-���-+-���.-+-... Add�ss bus 1-..-<1-+�-.--+-+-�..,...+-+-�.... -+ .-+-��....-+-+-... Dam bus . 1.----' Bidirectional l/O polls Monitor Mouse Printer External buses Networ1< Disk Drives FIGURE 18: Typical microcomputer system. THE MICROCOMPUTER r.l ,. As noted previously, a microprocessor must be surrounded by a number of servants before it can claim to be a microcomputer. Figure 18 is a schematic diagram of a microcomputer system showing some of the essential components. The various peripheral devices com­ municate with the CPU through the three microprocessor buses mentioned in the previous section. 10.1 Read-Only Memory (ROM) · . .l'!>. ··: . �·, , ri : ROM is used lo store programs that direct the computer's operation at start-up and that guide basic video and keyboard communications. Collectively, these instructions are usually referred to as the system BIOS. or basic input-output system. When lhe computer is turned on, the BIOS will direct the computer to read and load the operating system software from the c omputer's hard disk drive. Data stored in ROM are usually semipennanenl, in the sense that they are preserved when the compuler is powered off but can be updated by the user from time to li me . 10.2 Random Access Memory (RAM) RAM is the "bank" that is used for te mporary deposits and withdrawals of data or infor­ mation required for the operation of programs. RAM may be both read and written, as program instructions are loaded, sent to the CPU, or replaced by other program instruc­ tions. All addresses in RAM may be accessed in any order-thus the term random. Random access memory is usually volatile-if the power is turned off or if the system is rebooted, all stored data are lost. Data can usually be accessed much faster when they are in RAM than when they are on a nonvolatile mass storage device such as a hard disk drive or CD-ROM. Thus, computers Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements will hold frequently accessed programs or data i n RAM so as to avoid havi ng 10 rec them from a mass storage device each time they are required. Hence, having a large .:::1: of RAM on a computer usually improves its performance. 1 0.3 Input and Output Ports (110 Ports) Input aild output ports are the portals through which the microprocessor exchanges data other devices. An output pon input port is essentially an address from which data are read, whereas 30 with is an address to which data are sent. Examples of devices that connect to inp ut ports include keyboards and mice. Examples of devices that connect to output ports include video monitors and printers. Some ports are bidirectional-<:apable of both sendi ng receiving data-including those associated with hard disk drives, network interfaces , computer-controlled instruments. 1 0.4 and and External Buses The computer's ports may connect to a wide variety ofdevices, and these connections in tum have a wide variety of possible fonnats and speeds for data transfer. The spec i fic interface arrangement is determined by the type of external bus or communications which the port reaches a particular device. Some common types Either serial or parallel data transfer (Section 6.3) are interface through listed in Table 6. may be used to connect measuring instruments or sensors to a computer. The speed of a serial connection is measured in bits of data transferred per second. The speed of a parallel connection is measured in bytes trans­ ferred per second; parallel connections are usually 8 or 1 6 bits wide; that i s , I or 2 bytes. Parallel cables generally have a large number of w ires , ra ngi n g from 24 to 68 i n most cases. Network and wireless connections are also used by some measuring devices (data transfer on these buses is serial). An instrument with a network interface has a network address that computers and devices on the network may use to obtain readings or send instructions. Like most other areas of digital technology, communications arrangements are con­ stantly evolving and the available speed of data transfer is constantly increasing. Recentl y, the IEEE 1 394 and USB 2 buses have become the most common serial standards for con· necting devices to computers. Older serial buses, based on RS-232C or USB I, are being phased out quickly. Parallel connections were standard but they are also being replaced by USB 2. In the for printers until the late 1 990s, past, m uc h effort might be required to establish proper connections of devices to computers, possibly involving a great deal of time soldering wires to RS-232 connectors and trial-and-error adjustment of software settings. com m un i cat io n over bid irection are better standardized and better inte­ A particular problem was the synchronization of two-way lines, a process called handshaking. Today's buses grated with computer operating systems, so that establishing two-way communication is usually as simple as plugging in a connector. 11 ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL AND DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERSION As we discussed in Section 3, some measurands originate i n digital form. Most mechan­ ical inputs, however, exist in analog form. Hence, before d i g i tal data processing can be accomplished, an analog-to-digital conversion is necessary. In a like manner, if a com­ puter's digital output is used to drive an analog device, a digital - to - an alog conversion must be performed. 332 Standard Maximum Speed • Serial Interlaces RS-232C RS-422A US B I - I O kbps I O Mbps 12 Mbps IEEE 1 394 400 Mbps US B 2 480 Mbps Parallel Interlaces Ce ntronics IEEE 488 IEEE 1 284 SCSI 1 50 kBps I M B ps 2 M Bps 320 MBps TABLE 6: Exiemal Buses.:: ' :: -. ·'.'"· �··" .;.:- ' . •( '·;�· .\r� ;.r� Comments Cables limited to 15 m. 9- or 25- pi n connectors. Was once vecy widely used. Up to 1 200 m cables at lower speeds. Universal Serial Bus. Also has 1 .5 Mbps speed. Up to 1 27 devices may be daisy-chained on a single port. Four-pin connector. Supcrceded by USB 2. Trade-named FireWire. Commonly used for digital video. Up to 63 devices may be daisy-chained on a single port. S ix-pin connector. Fast enough for digital video. Orignal PC parallel port connector. Output only. S peed often much sl ower than maxi­ mum. Up to I 0 m cable. 8 bit 25- and 36-pin coMectors. Obsolete. Developed by Hewlen Packard Corp. in 1960s as the HP-IB bus. Up to 14 instruments controlled b y one dev ice . Up to 20 m cable length. 8 bit. 24-pin coMectors. Also cal led General Purpose Interface Bus, or GPIB. Bidirectional successor to Centronics bus. Released in 1 994. Up to 10 m cable . 8 bit . 25- and 36-pin connectors. Small Computer System Interface. Many different vers ions exist, including 8 and 16 bit. 50- and 68-pin connectors. Up to 12 m cable. Up to 1 6 devices. Commonly used as hard disk drive bus. Network and Wireless Interlaces Dial-up modem ADSL madem Bluetooth IEEE 802-1 l b IEEE 802 . 1 l g IEEE 802 - 1 l a IEEE 802-3 56 kbps varies 3 Mbps I I Mbps 54 Mbps S4 Mbps IO Gbps Early modems were just 300 bps! Maximum speeds of several Mbps; actual speeds often a few hundred kbps. Wireless connection in 2.4-GHz band. 10 m range . Wireless etbemet in the 2.4-GHz band. Wireless ethemet in the 2.4-GHz band. Wireless ethemet in the 5 -GHz band. Ethernet. 10-Mbps and 100-Mbps networks are common. Higher-speed networks some- •l.�:�be=::�����--� �-u�se�op�u_·c� �������������������u-·mes •bps = bits per second; Bps = by tes per second. Digital Techniques in Mechanical MeasuremenU Analog-to-digital (AID) and digital-to-analog (DIA) conversions can be el!Cellled using a variety of different circuits. AID and DIA converters aire often. manufactwtc1 as integrated-circuit chips for incorporation into other devices, but they may also be obtailled as cards that plug into computers or as stand-alone data recording systems. The basic measures of perfonnance are the number of bits used and the spc::ed of processing. A wide range of designs exist for both AID and DIA converters. Here we describe only typical examples of each, leaving further development to the Suggested Readings. 11.1 A Digital-to-Analog Converter A simple DIA converter is based on the summing amplifier. Referring to Fig. 19, we see that the currents summed are controlled by a set of digital switches. Four basic elements are involved: = I V de). A ladder arrangement of summing resistors. For this 8-bit converter, eight ladder resistors are used. The resistance values increase in a sc:quence of powers of 2 from 2° R to 27 R. 3. A series of switches. These are not mechanical switches; ra.ther, they are solid-state gates [e.g., simple AND !Cs (Section 4. 1 )). The eight switches can be' activaled by digital inpu ts, so their operation may be controlled by the respective bits contained in a single byte of data. 4. Op-amp output circuitry. The op-amp output voltage is equal to - Ra times the sum of the currents from each ladder branch. The gain-controlling resistor, Ra, is selected to scale the output voltage, perhaps to a maximum magnitude of 10 V de. 1. A stable reference voltage (for instance, Erer 2. When a switch is closed, a current is delivered to the op amp in proportion to the power of 2 for that circuit's resistor: Switch 0 contributes io = Erer/ 1 28 R = r1 Erer/ R, switch I contributes ;1 = E,.r/64R = 2- 6 E,.r/ R, and so on. Hence, switch 0 corresponds Reference voltage, E,., Ra 7 1R 6 2R 2 32R l Solid-state switches (gates) 64R AGURE 1 9: A simple 8-bit DAC (digital-to-analog converter). 334 Output Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements to the least significant bit, bo ; switch 7 corresponds 10 the most significant bit, b-,; and so on. By closing selected switches, the output voltage can be made proportional to any particular 8-bit number. For example, if switches 0, 5 , and 6 are closed, the output voltage is proportional 10 0 1 10 000 1 2 (= 6 1 16 = 97 10). Since Ra sets the constant of proportionality, the output gain can be scaled lo provide an appropriate range of analog values. Additional output circuitry could be used to invert the signal or to add offset voltages. An Analog-to-Digital Converter One typical AID converter is the parallel encoder (Fig. 20). This circuit uses a set of voltage comparators and a series of resistors lo compare simultaneously an analog input signal to a £.., R Yollage comparators ,---A---.. Binary encoder ,---A---.. 7 R 6 R 5 R 4 R 3 R b, � � R 2 R FIGURE 20: A 3-bil parallel AID converter. 3-bil binary output Digital Techniques in Mecnanical Measuremenu Output blls / 111 110 / / I I I I +- Sab.nated 1 01 1 00 01 1 010 001 / , ooo �'�...___..__���������'--�.L-��� �E,,, 0 i Em � Em Analog Input voltage, E.n.1og FIGURE 2 1 : B i n ary output versus analog input voltage for the 3-bil parallel ND convener. c set of refe ren e vollages. The basic elements are as follows. l. A stable reference voltage (such as Erer = I V de). 2. A series of equal resistors. These resi stors fonn a voltage-dividing sequence between Erer and ground. For this l-bit convener, 23 = 8 resistors are used. The voltages at the nodes between resistors increase in i ncreme nts of (R/8R) · E,.r, specifically, ( j ) E,.r, ( j) E,.r, . . . , <l>E..r. J. A se t of voltage comparators. The analog voltage is simultaneously compared lo each node's voltage. A comparator's output voltage is high (on) when given reference voltage and low (off) when it is below. Seven (23 Eanaros is above a - I ) comparators are needed for the 3-bit conmter. 4. An encoder circuit. The encoder reads the comparator outputs (each a high or low vol tage) and produces a 3-bil binary output corres pon di ng 10 one of the eight poss ible on/off conditions of inputs I through 7. (Note that one condition is to have all seven comparators off.) For exam ple, if the input signal is tween <i>Erer and (a) E,.1, comparators 1-3 read high and 4-7 read low. The input stale is 3, corresponding 10 a binary output of all comparators read high and t he output is 1 1 1 2 ; and 01 1 2( =3 10). If Eana108 > all are low and the output is OOQi . The d i gita l output is shown as a if Eona1og < ( be <l>E..i, t) E,.r, fu nc ti on of Eana1og in Fig. 2 1 . 336 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Parallel AID conversion is particularly fast, since all bits are set simultaneously, for which reason it is sometimes called flash encoding. Other AID conveners may use a successive approximation technique that sets one bit al a time. Yet another type of AID converter uses a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) to conven voltage to frequency and a digital frequency meter to digitize the resulting frequency. If the output of an AID converter is sent to a binary-to-BCD encoder and from there to a BCD-to-seven-segment decoder/driver, and then to an LED display, the result is a digital voltmeter. Integrated-circuit technology allows all these functions, and others, lo be placed on a single (and inexpensive) chip, which might form the heart of a handheld instrument. 11.3 Analog-to-Digital Conversion Considerations High-quality analog-to-digital conveners are readily available to the experimentalist, so it may be tempting treat them as black boxes. They cannot, howevet, be used carelessly if accurate results are to be obtained. In the following, we outline some of the most important considerations for the end user of an ADC. Saturation Error The most obvious limitation of an AID converter is that it has definite upper and lower limits of voltage response. 'JYpical full-scale input ranges are 0 to I 0 V and - I 0 to +I 0 V. If the input signal exceeds the upper or lower limits of response, the converter saturate.� and the recorded signal does not vary with the input. This situation can be prevented by appropriate signal conditioning, such as amplitude attenuation or de offset removal. Resolution and Quantization Error As we have seen, an AID convenet responds to discrete changes in the input voltage. For example, the 3-bit parallel encoder's output steps correspond to changes in £analog of £,.c/2l (Fig. 2 1 ). Thus there is a smallest increment of voltage change that can be resolved by an AID convener. In general, the voltage resolution per bit, E v , depends on the full-scale voltage range and the number of bits of the convener: rs Ev = 2n 6V ( I) where 6Vc5 = the full-scale voltage range, and n = the number of bits of the AID convener Typical AID conveners have 8, 1 2, or 16 bits, corresponding to division of 6Vrs into a total of 28 = 25 6, 2 12 = 4096, and 2 1 6 = 65,536 increments. A 1 6-bit convener with a - 1 0 lo + 1 0 V range has a voltage resolution of 0.3 mV. The voltage resolution is a known value for a given ND convetter, and i t i s needed to process the digitized data. The finite resolution of the AID converter introduces error in the recorded values, since the actual analog voltage usually lies between the available bit levels. This is called quantization error (since the bit levels arc "quanti1.ed"), and it is en1irely analo­ gous to the reading error o f a digital display. An estimate for the quantization uncertainty 337 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements = &v /2 (95% ). Quantization errors may be reduced by usi1ng an AID convener is with more bits. uq Conversion Errors AID converters may also suffer from slight nonlinearity, zem-offset errors, scale errors, or hysteresis. Such errors are a direct by-product of the particular method of input quantization. For example, the conversion illustrated in Fig. 2 1 is, on the average, low by one-half of the least significant bit (the amount by which the solid c1urve lies beneath the dashed line). Normally, the manufacturer will provide specifications for the potential size of such conversion errors. Sample Rate The rate at which an AID converter records successive values of a time-varying input is called the sample rate. Each AID converter has a maximum posi;ible sample rate, of which typical values range from about 1000 Hz to more than 100 MHz. Software often allows the user to specify any sample rate up to this maximum value. Miasing andfrequency resolution are of particular concern. Signal Conditioning for AID Conversion To make the best use of an AID converter, conditioning of the analog signal is often required. The most important considerations are the prevention of aliasing, the minimization of quantization errors, and the prevention of saturation errors. Aliasi ng can be prevented by using a low-pass, or a11tialiasing, filter to remove frequencies of /.,1I11pl e/2 or more from the analog signal. Quantization error can be minimized by amplifying the signal to span as much of the full-scale range as possible. However, this approach som•:times conflicts with the need to avoid saturation errors. As an example, a hot-wire anemometer signal may include both a 3-V de component and important ac components ofonly 5 mV rms. Suppose that a ± I 0-V, 1 6-bitA/D converter is to be used for sampling. The ac components are near the AID converter's resolution (20 V/2t6 = 0.3 mV), but large amplification of the sum of the ac and de components will saturate the convener. To resolve the ac components accurately, a:n offset-and-gain (or "buck-and-gain") amplifier may be used. This amplifier subtracts (or "bucks") a precisely specified de voltage from the analog signal and amplifies the remaining ac signal by a gain of several hundred. The de offset voltage is recorded with one AID converter channel and the amplified ac component is recorded with another. In this way, both components can be ' digiti1.ed accurately. 1 1 .4 Dlgital Signal Processing Digital techniques make it possible to filter or enhance analog signals such as those carry ing sound or images in telecommunications systems, audio systems, and video systems. A digital signal processor, or DSP, is an integrated circuit that perfom1s functions such as filtering using digital algorithms. Upon combining an analog-to-digital converter, an digital signal processor, and a digital-to-analog convener, one obtains a circuit that can , say, filter noise out of a telephone signal while the users are speaking. 338 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Analog input signal t Analog � Anti-aliasing filter Digital signals + Recoostruction filter Analog signals � Analog OUlpUt signal FIGURE 22: A digilal signal processing system. How does this work'! Digitized data can be processed numerically, for example, by using the Fast Fourier Transform (l'FT). The FFT allows identification of the frequencies present in a signal. and with that information it becomes possible to filter the sign al digi­ tally: Numerical algorithms can used to eliminate unwanted frequenc ies or to enhance freque ncies of interest (9) . With sufficient computational power, these di gita l filteri ng tech ­ niques can prOduce sharp frequency cutoffs that would be very difficult t o obtain from the analog filters. Funhennore, digital filters are not subject to drift when the temperature shifts, as a nalog filters are, and they may be programmed to achieve different effects as required without changing any components in the circuit. be Figure 22 shows a schematic arrangement for a digital sign al processing system, all of which might reside on a single IC chip. An an alog signal is passed through an antialiasing filter to an AID convener. The DSP then processes the signal and sends the output to a D/A converter. The reconstructed analog signal is smoothed by a final low pass (or reconstruction) filter as i t leaves the chip. The DSP itself may be controlled by through an external 1/0 interface. !'or an audio DSP, this might enable varying levels of artificial reverberation to be added to the original signal, so as to simulate a concert hall sound for part of a music track. A DSP is essentially a specialized microprocessor, designed for high-speed numerical calculations. Like other microprocessors, as DSPs have become cheaper, smaller, and more powerful, their applications have multiplied. They are now found in cell phones, video recorders, CD players, computer sound cards, and digital television sets. DSP is used in medical image processing, as for magnetic resonance imagi n g (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scanning. DSP is essential to modem telecommunications sytems, where it provides echo reduction, signal compression, and sig nal multiplexing. DSP has found applic ation in speec h recognition systems, radar, sonar, sei smology, h igh-speed modems, MP3 players, and many other areas. Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measuremenu A particularly �levant aspec t of digital signal p�essing is that it has come 10 do111. . _ mate many areas o f signal processing lhat were trad11lonally done with analog tec h . especially filtering. This trend is likely to continue, and the results should continu 1 remarkable. : �� 12 DIGITAL IMAGES i�ital i �ages have become u quitous �wing to digital cam �ras, ��anal computers, and _ digital video recorders. In add111on to their apphcauon, d 1 g1 tal im ages and digi lal image processing are also powerful tools for data collection and analysis. In this section. we will briefly describe some basic aspects of lhis vast and important subj ect. More detailed information may be found in the Suggested Readings for this chapter. � �� An image, be it a camera photograph or an x-ray lilm, is digitized by dividing it into a rectangular grid of cells, called pixels. I n general, the pixel sizes must be small relative to the features in lhe image if the digital representation is to be accurate. When it is noc, the image takes on a jagged appearance that is sometimes referred to as pixehition. The number of pixels required to represent an image thus depends on both lhe physical size or the image and the amount of fine detail to be recorded. For an image digitized to a grid or 640 pixels by 480 pixels, a total of 640 x 480 = 307,200 pixels are required. Ir 1 600 by 1 200 pixels are used, the image has 19.2 million pixels ! Each pixel carries information about the intensity and color or the image at that poinL For a purely black-and-white image, only one bit is needed per pixel: 0 = black and I = white, say. For a grayscale image, 8 bits (or I byte) might be used to carry the in tensity, allowing 2 8 = 25 6 possible shades of gray to be applied to a single pixel. For color images. a common approach is to use three colors per pixel : red, green, and blue, or RGB. Each color has a different intensity in each pixel. If 8 bits are assigned to each or the three colors (for a total of 24 bits per pixel), then each pixel has 2 8 x 28 x 2 8 = 1 6.8 million possible mixtures of color. The total number of bits needed per image can thus be quite large. A black-and-white image at 640 by 480 pixels needs only 307,000 bits (or 38,400 bytes). The same image in a 24-bit color format would be 24 x 640 x 480 = 7.4 million bits (or 92 1 ,600 byteS). and a 24-bit color image at 1 600 by 1 200 pixels would require a total of 46 million bi1s (or about 5.8 million bytes). For comparison, the full text James Joyce's novel U/ysus can be stored in ASCII format in about 12 million bits (or 1 .5 million bytes) [ IO). Perhaps this gives added meaning to the saying "A picture is worth 1 000 words." A digital video is simply a succession of digital images, or frames, shown al high speed . A typical framing rale for normal viewing is 30 fram es/second . For purposes of measurement, much higher framing rates may be employed, ranging up to 1 00.000 frameslsecond or more, as when it is desired to record processes happe ning on m illisecond el or microsecond timescales. At 30 frameslsecond and a video image size of 640 by 480 pix 22 in 24-bit color, the rate of data transfer for recording or display is 30 x 640 x 480 x 24 = � 1 million bitslsecond. Comparison to Table 6 shows that connection of a v ideo camera 10 . CD . · We may compare video data rates to those for high-quality audio, as on a music s fn:que contain The CD must reproduce the full spectrum of human hearing, which up to 20 kHz, so it is sampled at 44. 1 kHz (giving a Nyquist frequency of 22 kHz). haS 1 re sample records the volume in a 1 6-bit format. Two-channel audio (stereo) merefo computer will require either a USB 2 or IEEE 1 394 bus. 340 = . Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements data rate of 1 .4 million bits/second. Interfacing audio signal to computers is clearly much lesS demanding of speed than is video. Similarly, audio files usually require less storage space than video files. Once an image has been digitized, computer software may be used lo manipulate it in various ways, perhaps to enhance dim features or to smooth out pixelation. One of the most common digital processes applied to images is inuige compression. Because much of data i n an image will be similar in adjacent pixels, it is possible to use numerical algorithms to reduce the amount of information that must be stored. A very common compression method for single images is JPEG compression; for video streams, MPEG compression is a typical format. ' Many other compression algorithms are in use. With appropriate compression, digital image or video files can be reduced in size by an order of magnitude with little apparent loss of clarity. Digital techniques may also be used to identify features and to extract measurements from images. The possibilities are almost limitless. To name just two, digital video may be used to record the motion of particles suspended in a liquid, and software may be used to locate the particles in the image and to compute the velocity field from the sequence of particle positions. A second example is infrared temperature measurement. An appropriate detector array can be used to photograph the infrared radiation from a surface, and soft­ ware can then be used to calculate the temperature at the location of each pixel giving the temperature distribution on the surface. Digital images can be produced by nonphotographic methods, such as computer graphics programs, but for photographic recording the essential detecting element is often a CCD array. The CCD array, or charge-coupled diode array. is a semiconductor device. It consists of an array of photodetecting cells that generate charge in response to photons they absorb [ 1 1 ]. A CCD array is situated behind the focusi ng lenses of a camera (in the place where one would have once found film). After the camera shutter is. opened and closed, the amount of charge accumulated is proportional to the intensity of l ight received. The charge is converter to voltage using a charge amplifier, and the voltages for each pixel in the array are digitized by an ND converter and recorded. The digital number associated with each pixel (or numbers, for color photography) define the intensity for th at cell of the digital image. 13 GEITING IT ALL TOGETHER The possibilities for pulling together a sophisticated d igi tal measurements system for a given project are entirely open ended. The degree of completeness is usually limited by resources. In many situations the de si gn and assembly or a complex system may be more costly in time and money than the project warrants. On the other hand. when great masses of data are to be collcctcd, requiring extensive computational lime lo digest, or when con1inuous monitoring and control is needed, funds and lime expended in putting together an "automatic" system may very well be cost-conservative. Figure 23 shows som.: of the tremendous possibilities for advanced data gathering and processing. It should be noted that the transducers and ND subsystem may be partially or entirely incorporated into some type or digital measuring instrument which connects 1 JPEG is an acronym for Joint Pbo1ographic F.xpcn:s Group. MPEG is an acronym for Moving Piclurc Experts Gtoup. These groups work in coordination with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) lo develop inremational standards in lheir respective areas. 341 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Aeal·time process Contact douures Keyboard Display Mouse Printout FIGURE 23: Hard disk drive To other computer systems CAT Printer, plolter A block diagram i l lustrati ng the potenti al o.f an integrated measure­ ment/control system. lo the computer Chapters. 14 via ;an appropriate external bus. We consider such instruments further SUMMARY In bringing this chapter to a close, we reiterate that it is presumpnuous to attempt to summa­ rize digital techniques in so few pages. We hope, however, that the material presented w il l serve as an introduction to further study. There is no doubt as tc• the value of the topic as it relates to mechanical measurements, and further developments are c ontinually increasing this importance. I. A digital signal has only two valu�n or off, 0 or I, yes or no, black or white, low voltage or hig h . Digital information may be composed of sets of bits , each of which takes one of the two possible values (Section I ). 2. Digital instrumentation has the ad vantage of direc t computer interfacing, i nherent noise resistance, low system voltages, and d irect numerical display of readings (Sec­ tion 2). Analog signals must be convened to an appropriate digital form to be pro­ cessed by a digital measu ring system (Section 3). 342 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements J. The basic elements of digital circuits are switches (transistors) and l ogic gates. These elements are the building blocks for more complex devices, such as fl ip-fl ops , innu­ merable integrated circuits, clock or timer circuits, and digital displays (Section 4). 4. Digi tal information, when expressed as a string of bi ts, may be i nterpre ted using the binary number system by assigning the values 0 and I to the bit levels (Section 5). Bi nary numbers, in turn, allow information to be expressed in di gi tal codes, such as bi nary -coded decimal (BCD), the American Standard Code for Information Inter­ change (ASCII), and the Latin I character set (ISO 8859- 1 ) . Digital patterns (strips of black and wh ite) may be used to encode positional information or product labels (Section 6). S. Sim p le di gital circuits include events counters, frequency meters, waveform - shapi ng devices, and multichannel s w i tches or multiplexers (Section 7). 6. The digital computer is a natural component of measuring systems, both for record­ ing and processing of data. The microcomputer is composed of a mic roproce ssor, permanent and temporary memory (ROM and RAM), input and output ports, and external buses or communications interfaces (Sections 8- 1 0). 7. Conversion of signals between analog and digital form is essential when analog trans­ ducers or devices are coupled to a digital computer or microprocessor. These oper­ ations are achieved using either analog-to-digital (AID) or digital-to-analog (D/A) converters. B y combi ni ng an AID and a D/A converter with a digital s ig n al processor (DSP), analog signals can be efficiently filtered, enhanced, and processed (Section 1 1 ). 8. Images may be digitized by breaking them into a two-dimensional grid of pixels. Each pixel is assigned a digital number or numbers that describe the i nten s ity and/or color at that point in the grid. Digi tal video is a succession of digi tal images played al h igh speed . Digital image and video files may be mani pu lated by com pu ter 10 extract measurements of various sorts. The associated files and data transfer rates can be relatively large (Section 12). SUGGESTED READINGS Balch. M. Complete Digilal Design. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2003. Brey, 8. B. The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 8018618()188, 80286, 80386. 80486. Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium Ill, and Pentium 4: Architecture. Programming. and Interfacing. Upper Saddle Ri ve r, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2003 . Floyd, T.L. Digital Fundamentals. 8th ed. Upper Saddle R iver, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2003. Gonzalez, R. C., and R. E. Woods. Digital ltnllge Processing. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River. N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002. Horowitz. P., and W. Hill. The An of Electronics. 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. 1 989. Komcev, V. V. . and A. Kiselev. Modem Microprocessors. 3rd ed. Hingham, Mass.: Charles River Media, 2004. Kularatna. N. Digital neers, 2003. and Analogue lnstTUmJ!ntation. London: The Institution or Eleclrical Engi­ Rathore, T. S. Digital Measurement Techniques. 2nd ed. Pangbome. U.K.: Alpha Science Interna­ tional. 2003. Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Smith, S. W. Digital Signal Procwing: A Practical Guide for Engineers Newes, 2002. and Scielllilts. Boetoa: Tooci, R. J., N. S . :Widmer, and R. L. Moss. Digital Systems: Principles and ApplicaJioru. . Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall , 2004. 9tb cd. PROBLEMS 1. 2. Wriie the following binary numbers as Wrile the rollowing decimal numbers as (a) (b) (c ) (d) 3. base 1 0 numbers. ( a ) 10101 1 1 ( b ) 1010 (c) I l ll ( d ) 101 1 1 0 1 1 binary numbers. 16 87 419 40 1 77 Use a 1ruth table 10 show that the output from the cin:uit in Fig. 24 is high except when the two inpu�� to either one or both or the AND gales are simultaneously high. FIGURE 24: AND/OR c irc u i t for Problem 3. 4. Use a truth table 10 show that the output from the circuit in Fig. both inputs of either of the OR gales are simultaneously low. 25 will be high only when Q Output FIGURE 25: OR/NANO circuit for Prob l em 4. 344 Digital Techniques in Mechanical Measurements Find the percent resol ution of each. ( a ) An 8- bit ND convener S. ( b) A 1 2-bit ND convener vary from 2.500 mV to 3.500 mV. If the signal is fed to a 1 2-bit ND converter having a ±5.0 V range, estimate the voltage increment represented by LSB. By what gain should the signal be amplified? 6. The output from a temperature sensor is expected 10 Each step of an 8-bil 0/A convener represents 0. 10 V. What will the output or the DIA 7. convener be for the following digital inputs? ( a ) 01 000 1 1 1 ( b ) 1 0 10 1 1 0 1 U se a truth table to detennine under what se t o f conditions the output from the three- i nput NANO gate shown in Fig. 26 will be low. 8. A 8 c D FIGURE 26: Circuit for Problem 8. 9. Compact disc d i gita l audio tracks are usually recorded using 1 6 bits to digi1i1.e the vo lu me of each sample on each of the two SICreo tracks. Samples are taken al a frequency of 44. l kHz. Some recordi ngs are made using 24-bit samples and sample rates of 96 kHz. ( a ) What Ille si1.e Cin bi ts) docs each fonnat require to record a three minute song? ( b ) What is the Nyquist frequency for each fonnat and how does it relate IO dte range of human hearing, wh ic h ends al about 20 kHz? ( c ) If the dynamic range compares the highest voltage amplitude recordable IO the lowest nonzero a mpli tude recordable, what is the dynamic range of each format in dB ? Assume that the DA convener driving the speakers i s noise free . How docs this compare to human hearing, which spans roughly 1 20 dB? REFERENCES ( 1 ) Robenson, D. Alec Reeves 1 902-1971. Sacramento, Calif.:, 2002. (2) Horowitz, P. • and W. Hill. The Art ofElectronics. 2 nd ed. Cambridge, U .K.: Cambridge University Press, 1 989, p. 240. (3) Floyd, T. L. Digital F11ndame11tals. 8 t h ed. Upper Saddle R ive r, NJ.: Prentice Hall, 2003. Chap. 8. 345 Digital Techniques in Mechanical MeasuremEmts [4) Berlin, H. M. The 555 Timer Application Source Book with Experimen1s. Derby, Conn . ·· E & L Instruments, Inc., 1 97 6 . [SJ Horowitz, P., and W. Hill. The Art of Electronics. 2nd ed. Cmnbridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press , 1 989, Section 5. 19. (6) American National Standards Institute. Coded Character Se•t-7-BitAmerican Nazional Standard Codefor Information Interchange (7-Bit ASC/l), ANSI X3.4- 1986. New York: ANSI, 1 986. (7) ISO 8859- 1 : 1 998. Information technolog�-Bit Single-8.yte Coded Graphic Charac­ ter Sets-Part /: Latin Alphabet No. I. Geneva, Switzerla1nd: International Otganiza­ tion for Standardization, 1 998. (8) Aliprand, J., et al . (eds.) The Unicode Standard. Version 4.0. Boston: Addison­ Wesley, 2003. (9) Oppenheim, A. V., and R. W. Schafer Digital Signal Proceesing. Englewood Qiffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall, 1975. (10) Joyce. J. Ulysses. Oxford, Miss.: Project Gutenberg Literary Foundation. 2002. (Online text available at http:l/ (11) Wilson, J., and J. F. B. Hawkes. Optoelectronics: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Harlow, U.K.: Prentice Hall Europe, 1 998, Section 7.3.7. ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 1 (b) 1 0 5 (a) e v / tJ. Vr, = � ·;,I., '.' . ·:· ... , ,.,·::- -f�J Ii ,�{ � �Strain and Stress: � ��� Me a surement and Ana lysis }i 2 3 4 5 . 6 ' '"·• · · '� . 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 INTRODUCTION STRAIN MEASUREMENT THE ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE STRAIN GAGE THE METAWC RESISTANCE STRAIN GAGE SELECTION AND INSTALLATION FACTORS FOR BONDED METALLIC STRAIN GAGES CRCUITRY FOR THE METALLIC STRAIN GAGE THE STRAIN-GAGE BALLAST CIRCUIT THE STRAIN-GAGE BRIDGE CIRCUIT THE SIMPLE CONSTAtn:-CURRENT STRAIN-GAGE CIRCUIT TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION CALIBRATION COMMERCALLY AVAILABLE STRAIN-MEASURING SYSTEMS STRAIN-GAGE SWITCHING USE OF STRAIN GAGES ON ROTATING SHAFTS STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIPS GAGE ORIENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS SPECIAL PROBLEMS FINAL REMARKS INTRODUCTION All machine or structural members deform to some extent when subjected to external loads or forces. The deformations result in relative displacements that may be normalized as percentage displacement, or strain. For simple axial loading (Fig. I ). dL Li - L 1 6. L L Li Li Ea = - � --- = - (I) where Eu = axial strain, L 1 = initial linear dimension o r gage length, Li · = final strained linear di mension More correctly. the term 11ni1 strain should be used for the precedi ng quantity and is generally intended when the word strain is used alone. Throughout the following discussion, when From Meclianical Measurtments. Sixth Edition, Thomas G. Heckwith, Roy D. Marangoni . John H. Copyri ght © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Prentice Hall. All ri ght s reserved. Lienhanl V. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis :�-.... / �-,....- \ --i.------..-----.--� 1 ' - - - "" I I I �I o,, I� I I I I I I L, - L, L, o, L, - L, Ea = ,L- .J 0,, - D, El = -o;- FIGURE I : Defin i ng rela1ions for axial and lateral strai n. lhe word strain is used, we mean lhe quanlity defined by Eq. ( I ). If the net change in a dime n s io n is required. the term total strain will be used. Because the quantity s1rain. as applied to mosl engineering materials, is a very small number, it is commonly multiplied by one million; the resu l ti ng number is then called microstrain, 1 or parts per million (ppm). The stress strain relation for a uniaxial condi1ion, such as exists in a simple tension test specimen or at the outer fiber of a beam in bending. is expressed by (2) 1 Considerable use or the lenn micn1l·trai1� will be made throughout viarion ,,.strain will often be used. 348 this chapter. For convenience. the :abbn:· Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis where E <Ta = = Young 's modulus, uniaxial stress, Ea = lhe strain in the direction of lhe stress This relalion is linear: that i s , E is a conslanl for most malerials so long as lhe stress i s kept below the proponional limit When a member is subjected lo simple uniaxial stress in the elastic range (Fig. I ), lateral strain resul ls in accordance with the fol lowing relation: -El v = -- (2a) Ea where v = Poisson's ratio, El = lateral strain A more general condition commonly exists on lhefret! surface of a stressed member. Let us consider an element subjecl to onhogonal stresses Ux and a1 as shown in Fig. 2. Suppose ,,., ,- - - - - - - - - 1 I 1---+--- u, �------.---� - - -L... .J FIGURE 2: An element laken from a biaxi a lly slrcssed condition with normal slresses known. 349 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis that th� stresses _ ax �d O"y are applied one at a time . If O"x is applied lint, there will be 1 . _ m the x-d1rect1on equal steam to O"x f E. At the same Ume, because of Poisson's ralio' there will be a strain in the y-direction equal to -VO"x/ E. Now suppose that the stress in the y-direction, a1, is applied. This stress will l"eSlll in a y-strain of a1/ E and an x-strain equal to - va1/ E . The net strains are then by the relations O'y - VO"x O"x --VO"y and Ex = --E ( 3) ey = --E -- exixesscc! If these rel atio ns are solved simultaneously for O"x and a1 , we obtain the equations (Ix = E (6x + VEy) I - v2 and (4) When a stress az exists , acting in the third orthogonal diJ1ection, the more general lluec­ dimensional relations are Ex = E (O"x - v (ay + a,)), I 6y = I [ay - v (a, + O"x >I. E I (S) Ez = E (a, - v(O"x + a1) ] 2 STRAIN MEASUREMENT Strain may be measured either directly o r indirectly. Modern strain gages an: i nherently sensitive to strain; that is, the unit output is directly proportional to the unit dimensional change (strain). However, until abou t 1 930 the common experimental procedure consisted of measuring the displacement tJ. L over some initial gag': length L and then calculating the resulting average strain usi ng Eq. ( ! ). An apparatus called a n v:tensometer was used. Th is device generally incorporated either a mechanical or <Jptical lever system and sensed displacements over gage lengths ranging from about 50 mm to as great as 25 cm (about 10 in.). The Huggenberger and the Tuckerman e xte nsometers are representative of the more advanced mechanical and optical types, respectively. Reference ( I ) prov ides a good summary of extensometer pract ices. Electrical-type strain gages are devices that use simple resistive, capacitive (2 , 31. inductive (4 ], or photoelectric principles. The resistive types are by far the most common and are discussed in considerable detail in the following s•::ctions. They have advantages. primarily of size and mass , over the other types of electr:ical gages. On 1he other hand. strain-sensitive gaging elements used in calibrated devices for measuring other mechanical quantities are often of the inductive type, whereas the ca.paci t i vc kind is used more for special-purpose applications. Inductive and capacitive gage:> are generally more rugged than resistive ones and better able to maintain calibration over a J ong period of lime. Inductive gages are sometimes used for permanent installations, suc:h as on rolling-mill frames for monitoring roll loads. Torque meters often use strain gages i n one form or another, includi ng inductive (5] and capacitive [2 ] . Strain and Stress: Measurement and Ana l ysis i·�i r.�T Other strain measuring techn.iques include optical methods [6), such asphotoelasticity, the Moire techn.ique and holographic interferometry. , HE ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE STRAIN GAGE Io 1 856 Lord Kelvin demonstrated that the resistances of copper wire and iron wire change when the wires are subject to mechanical strain. He used a Wheatstone bridge circuit with a galvanometer as the indicator [7]. Probably the first wire resistance strain gage was that made by Carlson in 193 1 [8). It was of the unbounded type: Pillan; were mounted, separated by the gage length, with wires stretched between them. What was probably the first bonded strain gage was used by Bloach (9]. It consisted of a carbon film resistance element applied directly to the surface of the strained member. lo 1938 Edward Simmons made use of a bonded wire gage in a study of stress-strain relations under tension impact [ 10]. His basic idea i s covered in U.S. Patent No. 2,292,549. At about the same time. Ruge of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conceived the idea of making a preassembly by mounting wire between thin pieces of paper. Figure 3 shows the general construction. During the 1950s advances in materials and fabricating methods produced the foil­ type·gage, which soon replaced the wire gage. The common form consists of a metal foil element on a thin epoxy support and is manufactured using printed-circuit techniques. An important advantage of this type is that almost unlimited plane configurations are possible; a few examples are shown in Fig. 4. Assembled gage FIGURE 3: Construction of bonded-wire-type strain gage. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis I (a) (c) (b) (d) FIGURE 4: Typ ic a l foil gages illustrating the followi n g types: (a) si ng le element, (b) two-elemenl (c) t h ree e le ment rosette, (d) one example of many different special-purpose gages. The l ane r is for use on pressurized diaph mg m s . rosette. 4 - TH E METALLIC RESISTANCE STRAIN GAGE The theory of o pe rali on of the me la l lic resislance strain gage is rel at ivel y simple. a l c n gl h of wire (or foil) is mechanically stretched, a longer When length of smaller sectioned c o nductor resuhs; hence lhe e l ec l r ical resislance changes. lf lhe lenglh of resistanceelemenl is imimalcly an ac hed lo a slrai ncd member in such a way that lhe ele ment will a lso be strained. then the measu red c h ange in resistance can be calibrated i n terms of suain. A general relation between the electrical and mechanical properties may be derived conductor length L, having a cross-sectional area CD2. ( In ge ne ra l the section need not be circular; hence D will be a sec t io nal dimension and C will be a proportionalily constanl. If the section is square, C I; if it is circular, C = "/4. e lc. ) If lhe co nd ucto r is strained axially in 1ension, thereby caus ing an increase in length. the lalcral dimension should reduce as a fu nct io n of Poisson's ratio. We w i l l start wi lh l h e rel al i on eq u at i on as follows: Assume an i n i t i a l = pl R=A= (6) pl CD2 ept for If 1he conduclor is s irai n cd we m a y assume that each o f 1 h e q u anl il ies in Eq. ( 6 ) exc C may change. Differentiating, we have dR C D 2 ( L dp + p dL ) - 2Cp L D dD (CD 2 ) 2 I dD = coi ( L dp + p dL) - 2pL = ( D 352 ) ( 7) Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis Dividing Eq. (7) by Eq. (6) yields dR = dL _ 2 dD + dp R L D p (8) which may be wriuen ( 8a ) Now and dL = T dD 0= . . Ea = axial stram, Ei . = lateral stram v = Poisson's ratio = _ dD/D dL/L Making lhese substitutions gives us the basic relation for what is known as the gage factor, for which we shall use the symbol F: dR/R = l + 2v + dp/p F = dR/R dL/L = dL/L Ea (9) This relation is basic for the resistance-type strain gage. Assuming for the moment that resistivity should remain constant with strain, !hen according 10 Eq . (9) the gage factor should be a function of Poisson's ratio alone, and in the elastic range should not vary much from I + = 1 .6. Table I lists typical values for various materials. Obviously, more than Poisson's ratio must be involved, and if resistivity is lhe only olher variable. apparently its effect is not consistent for all materials. Note the value of lhe gage factor for nickel. The negative value indicates that a stretched element wilh increased length and decreased diameter (assuming elastic conditions) actually exhibits a reduced resistance. In spite of our incomplete knowledge of the physical mechanism involved, lhe factor F for metallic gages is essentially a constant in the usual range of required strains, and its value, determined experimentally, is reasonably consistent for a given material. By rewriting Eq. (9) and replacing the differential by an incremental resistance change, we obtain the following equation: (2)(0.3) E = R I 6R - - F R (10) In practical application, values of F and are supplied by the gage manufacturer, and the user determines A R corresponding lo the input situation being measured. This procedure is lhe fundamental one for using resistance strain gages. TABLE 1 : Representative Properties of Various Grid Materials Grid Material Composition A ppprox. Gage Factor, F Approximate Resistivity Ohms per Micromil . foot ohm - cm A pproximate Temperature Coefficient of Resistance, ppml"C Maximum Operating Temp., °C (approx.) Nichrome V* 80% Ni; 20% Cr 2.0 108 650 400 1 100 Constantan*, Copel*, 45% Ni; 55% Cu 2.0 49 290 11 480 lsoelastic* 36% Ni; 8% Cr; 0.5% Mo; Fe remainder 3.5 1 12 680 470 Karma• 74% Ni; 20% Cr; 3% Al; 3% Fe 2.4 1 30 800 18 Manganin* 4% Ni; 1 2% Mn; 84% Cu 0.47 48 260 11 5. ! 24 42 1 37 240 7.8 45 6000 60 3000 Advance• Platinum-lri<!iYm Monel* 95% P!; 5% !r 67% Ni; 33% Cu Nickel 1 .9 - 1 2t Platinum 4.8 10 1 '\ C i\ l .t. JV 2000 815 1 t '"' l l VV Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis SELECTION AND INSTALLATION FACTORS FOR BONDED METALLIC STRAIN GAGES Perfonnance of bonded metallic strain gages is governed by five gage parameters: (a) grid material and configuration; (b) backing material; (c) bonding material and method; (d) gage protection; and (e) associated electrical circuitry. Desirable properties of grid material include (a) high gage factor, F; (b) high resistiv­ ity, p; (c) low temperature sensitivity; (d) high electrical stability; (e) high yield strength; (0 high endurance limit; (g) good workability; (h) good solderability or weldability; (i) low hysteresis; G) low thennal emf when joined to other materials; and (k) good corrosion resistance. Temperature sensitivity is one of the most worrisome factors in the use of resistance strain gages. In many applications, compensation is provided in the electrical circuitry; however, this technique does not always eliminate the problem. Two factors are involved: ( I ) the differential expansion existing between the grid support and the grid proper, resulting in a strain that the gage is unable to distinguish from load strain; and ( 2) the change in resistivity p with temperature change. Thermal emf superimposed on gage output obviously must be avoided i f de circuitry is used . For ac circuitry this factor would be of little importance. Corrosion at a junction between grid and lead could conceivably result in a miniature rectifier, which would be more serious in an ac than in a de circuit. Table 1 lists several possi ble grid materials and some of the properties influencing their use for strain gages. Commercial gages are usually of constantan or isoelastic. The former provides a relatively low temperature coefficient along with reasonable gage factors. Isoelastic gages are some 40 times more sensitive to temperature than are Constantan gages. However, they have appreciably higher output, along with generally good characteristics otherwise. They are therefore made available primarily for dynamic applications where the short time of strain variation minimizes the temperature problem. The gage factor listed for nickel is of particular interest, not only because of its relatively high value, but also because of its negative sign. It should be noted, however, that the value of F for nickel varies over a relatively wide range, depending on how it is processed. Cold working has a rather marked effect on the strain- and temperature-related characteristics of nickel and its alloys, and this feature is used advantageously to produce special temperature self-compensating gages (sec Section 1 0.2). Common backing materials include phenolic-impregnated paper. epoxy-type plastic for a Table 2 films, and epoxy-impregnated fiberglass. Most foil gages i ntended moderate range of temperatures (- 75°C to 100°C) use an epoxy fi l m backing. l ists commonly recommended temperature ranges. No particular difficulty should be experienced in mounting s trai n gages if the man­ ufacturer's recommended techniques are followed carefu lly. However, we may make one observation that is universally applicable: C/ea11/iness is an absolute requirement if con­ sislently satisfactory results are to be expected. The mounting area must be cleaned of all corrosion, paint, and so on, and bare base ma1erial musl be exposed. All !races of greasy film must be removed. Several of the gage suppliers offer kits of c l e aning materials along with instructions for their use. These materials are very sa1isfac1ory. MQSt gage installations arc not complete until provision is made to protect the gage from ambient conditions. The latter may include mechanical abuse, moisture, oil, dust Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis FIGURE 5: Ballast circuit for use with strain gages. If our indicator is 10 provide an indication for strain of, say, l µ.-strain, il must sensea4variation in 4 V, or 0.000 l 0%. This severe requirement practically eliminates lhe ballast circuit for static strain work. We may use il, however, in cenain cases for dynamic straia measurement when any static strain component may be ignored. [f a capacitor is insened into an output lead, the de exciting voltage is blocked and only the variable component is allowed to pass (Fig. 5). Temperature compensation is not prov ided; however, when only transient strains are of interest, this type of compensation is often of no importance. µ. V 8 THE STRAIN-GAGE BRIDGE CIRCUIT A resistance-bridge arrangement is particularly convenient for use with strain gages because it may be easily adjusted to a null for zero strain, and it provides means for elfecli11ely reducing or eliminating the temperature effects previously discussed (Section 5). Figure 6 shows a minimum bridge arrangement, where arm I consists of the strain-sensitive gage mounted on the te.�I item. Arm 2 is formed by a similar gage mounted on a piece of unstrained material as nearly like the test material as possible and placed near the test location so that the temperature will be the same. Arms 3 and 4 may simply be fixed resistors selected for good stability, plus ponions of slide-wire resistance, D, required for balancing the bridge. If we assume a voltage-sensitive deftection bridge with all initial resistances nominally equal, we have In addition, e = .!._ l>R i F R Then For e; = 8 V and F = 2, l>eo = 358 or ll R = (2)t 4+...., (2""")""" 8 x 2 x e FRt Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis l ! FIGURE 6: Simple resistance-bridge arrangement for strain measurement. If we neglect the second term in the denominator, which is normally negligible, then t:.eo = eo = 4E v or for e = I µ.-strain, e0 = 4 µ.V. We see that under similar conditions the output increment for the bridge and ballast arrangements is the same. The tremendous advantage that the bridge possesses, however, is that the incremental output is not superimposed on a large fixed-voltage component. Another imponant advantage, which is discussed in Section I 0, is that temperature compensation is easily auained through the use of a bridge circuit incorporating a "dummy," or compensating, gage. 8.1 Bridges with 1\No and Four Arms Sensitive to Strain In many cases bridge configuration permits the use of more than one arm for measurement. This is panicularly true if a known relation exists between two Slrains, notably the case of bending. For a beam section symmetrical about the neutral axis, we know that the tensile and compressive strains arc equal except for sign. In this case, both gages I and 2 may be used for strain measurement. This is done by mounting gage I on the tensile side of the beam and mounting gage 2 on the compressive side, a� shown in Fig. 7 (see also case F in Table 4 ). The resistance changes will be alike but of opposite sign, and a doubled bridge output will be realized. This may be carri ed funher, and all four arms of the bridge made strain sensitive, thereby quadrupling the output that would be obtained if only a single gage were used. In 359 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Anal)isis AGURE 7: Bridge arrangement with two gages sensitive to strain. this case gages 1 and 4 would be mounted to record like strain1 (say tension) and 2 and 3 to record the opposite type (case G in Table 4). Bridge circuits of these kinds may be used either as null ..balance bridges or as deftec­ tion bridges. In the former the slide-wire movement becomes the indicated measwe of strain. This bridge is most valuable for strain-indicating devi:ces used for static measure­ ment. Most dynamic strain-measuring systems, however, use a, voltage- or current-sensitive deftection bridge. After initial balance is accomplished, the output, amplified as necessaiy. is used to deftect an indicator, such as an oscilloscope beam or input to a digital recorder. In addition, the constant-current bridge may offer certain adv11ntages. 8.2 The Bridge Constant At this point we introduce the term bridge constant, which we shall define by the following equation: k=� 8 where k A 8 = = = the bridge constant, the aciual bridge output, the output from the bridge if only a single gage, sensing maximum strain, were effectiv·e ( 13} Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis In the example illustrated i n Fig. 7, the bridge constant would be 2. This is true because the bridge provides an output double of that which would be obtained if only gage I were strain sensitive. If all four gages were used, quadrupling the output, the bridge constant would be 4. In certain other cases (Section 1 6), gages may be mounted sensitive to lateral strains that arc functions of Poisson's ratio. In such cases bridge constants of 1 .3 and 2.6 (for Poisson's ratio = 0.3) are common. 8.3 g Lead-Wire Error When it is necessary lo use u nusually long leads between a strain gage and other instru­ mentation, lead-wire error may be introduced. THE SIMPLE CONSTANT-CURRENT STRAIN-GAGE CIRCUIT Measurement of dynamic strains may be accomplished by the simple circuit shown in Fig. 8. It is assumed that the power source is a true constant-current supply and that the indicator (an oscilloscope is shown) possesses near-infinite input impedance compared to the gage resistance. As the gage resistance changes as a result of strain, the voltage across the gage, hence the input to the oscilloscope, will be e; = i; R ( 14) and t:.e; = i; t:. R Dividing Eq. ( 1 4a) by Eq. ( 14), w e have t:.e; -;: Constanl· current power supply = t:. R ff Gage. R FIGURE 8: Single-gage constant-current circuit. ( 14a) Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis I nserting A R/ R in Eq. ( 1 0) gives us I A e; e = -­ F e; ( 14b) The oscilloscope should be set in the ac mode to cancel the direct de component, and. of course, the oscilloscope amplification capability must be sufficient to prov ide an adequa11: readout. 10 TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION As already implied, resistive-type strain gages are normally quite sensitive 10 tcmper.uUR Both the differential expansion between the grid and the tested material and the te mper.u� coefficient of the resistivity of the grid material contribute to the problem. It has been shown (Table I) that the temperature effect may be large enough to require careful consideralion. Temperature effects may be handled by ( I ) cancellation or compensation or (2) eval uation as a part of the data reduction problem. Compensation may be provided ( 1) through use of adjacent-arm balancing or com­ pensati ng gage or gages or (2) by means of self-compensation. 10.1 The Adjacent-Arm Compensating Gage Consider bridge configurations such as those shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Initial electrical balance is obtained when R4 R1 If the gages in arms I and 2 are alike and mounted on similar materials and if both gages experience the same resistance shift, A R, , caused by temperature change, then from Eq. ( 19) in Section 16 with 11 1 = e + er and e2 = er de0 F F - = - (£ 1 - E 2 ) = -E 4 4 e; We see that the output is unaffected by the change in temperature. When the compensatins gage is used merely to complete the bridge and to balance out the temperatwe component. it is often referred to as the "dummy" gage. 1 0.2 Self-Temperature Compensation In certain cases it may be difficult or impossible 10 obtain temperature compensation b! means of an adjacent-arm compensating or dummy gage. For exam ple. tem perature lfldi· 11 ents in the test part may be sufficiently great 10 make it impossible to hold any !WO gages similar temperatures. Or, in certain instances, it may be desirable to use the ballast ra� uon. than the bridge circuit, thereby eliminating the possibility of adjacent-arm compensa Situations of this sort make self-compensation h igh l y desirable. I The two general types of self-compensated gages avai l ab le are the selected-me t gaF and the dual-element gage. The former is based on the disc overy that manipulation of alloy and processing, particularly through cold worki ng, so�e con the temperature sensitivity of the grid material may be exercised. Throu gh this approac throUg� h� 362 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis t 400 1--�-+��-+��-t-��� 200 1--�-+��-+��--±= f l---�_._..... .. i -200 I-@ 0 0 50 1 00 1 50 200 Temperature, °F 300 400 FIGURE 9: Approxi mate range of apparent strain versus temperature for a ty pical selected- melt gage mounled on the appropriate material (e.g., steel at about 1 1 ppml"C). materials may be prepared that show very low apparent strain versus temperature c ha nge over certain temperature ranges when the gage is mounted on a particu lar test material. Figure 9 shows typical characteristics of selected-melt gages compensated for use with a material having a coefficient of expansion of 6 ppml"F, which corresponds to the coefficient of expansion of most carbon steels. In this case, practical compensation is accom p l ished over a temperature range of approximately 50"F-250°F. Other gages may be compensated for different thermal e xpansion s and temperature ranges. These curves give some idea of the degree of control that may be obtained through manipulation of the grid material. The second approach to se l f-compensati on makes use of two grid elements connected in series in one gage assembly. 1be two e le me nts have different temperature characteristics and are selected so that the net temperature ind uced strain is minimized when the gage is mounted on the specified test material. In general, the performance of this type of gage is similar to that of the selected-melt gage shown in Fig. 9. Neither the selected-melt nor the dual-element gage has a distinctive outward appear­ ance . One company uses color-coded backings to ass i st in identifying gages of different specifications - . 11 CALIBRATION Ideally, calibration of any meas u ring system consists of in troducing an accurately known sample ofthe variable that is to be measured and the n observing the system's response. This be realized i n bonded resistance strain-gage work because of the nature of the transducer. Normally, the gage is bonded to a test item for the simple reason that the strains (or stresses) are unknown. Once bonded, the gage can hardly be tra ns ferred to a known strai n situation for cali bration . Of course, this is not necessaril y the case if the gage or gages are used as secondary transducers app lied to an appropriate elastic member for the purpose of measuring force, pressure, torque, and so on. In cases of this sort, i t may be ideal cannot often perfectly feasible to introduce known inputs and carry out satisfactory calibrations. When the gage is used for the purpose of experi mental l y determining strains, however, some other approach to the cal ibrat ion prob le m is required. 363 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analy:sis Resistance strain gages are manufactured under carefully controlled CoodiliOni, the gage factor for each lot of ga�es is provided by the manu fac�urer wilhi.n an tolerance of about ±0.2%. Knowmg the gage factor and gage resistance makes � '"1,k simple method for calibrating any resistance strain-gage syst1:m. The method coasisls determining the system's � ponse to t�e introduc�ion of a known small resistance at the gage and of calculaung an eqmvalent stram therefrom. The resistance chanae introduced by shunting a relatively high-value precision res is tance across the gage, 15 shown in Fig. I 0. When switch S is closed, the resistance of bridge arm I is changed byaa a small amount, as determined by the following calculations. � �� • Let R11 = the gage resistance, R, = the shunt resistance Then the resistance of ann I before the switch is closed equals .R8, and the resistance of ann 1 after the switch is closed equals ( R8 R,) I ( R8 + R,), as detem11i ned for parallel resistances. Therefore, the change in resistance is t!> R = R1R, (R8 + R, ) 2 - R1 = R: R1 + R, - -- - Now to determine the equivalent strain, we may use the relation given by Eq. (1 1): E= +..!.F. ( l!> Rg R1 By substituting !!. R for 6 R8 , the equivalent strain is found to be Ee = - l F R8 Rg + R, ) FIGURE 1 0: Bridge employing a shunt resistance for calibration. 364 (15) Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis EXAMPLE 1 Su ppose that Rg = 1 20 Q , F = 2. 1 , R., = 1 00 k Q (i.e., 100,000 Q) What equ ivalent strai n gage? Solution ��.f- ����� · ·�·--i ·I; ; . f�f:� · i ndicated when the shunt resistance is connected across the Ee = [ From Eq. ( 1 5 ), = ·;:�9.iie 12 will be I 1 20 - 2.1 100,0000 + 1 20 -570 jL-strain ] = - 0.00057 Dynamic calibration is sometimes provided by replacing the manual calibration switch with an electrically driven switch, often referred to as a chopper, which makes and breaks the contact 60 or 100 times per second. When displayed on .a oscilloscope screen or recorded, the trace obtained is found to be a square wave. The step in the trace represents the equivalent strain calculated from Eq. ( 1 5). There arc other methods of electrical calibration. One system replaces the strain­ gage bridge with a substitute load, initially adjusted to equal the bridge l oad ( 1 2]. A series resistance is then used for calibration. Another method injects an accurately known voltage into the bridge network. COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE STRAIN-MEASURING SYSTEMS Commerci all y available systems intended for use with metallic-type gages fall within three general categories: The basic strain indicator, useful for static, single-channel readings The single-channel system either external to or an integral part of a oscilloscope or a computer data acquisition system. J. Data acquisition systems whereby the strain data may be 1. 2. (a) displayed (digitally and/or by a video terminal) (b) recorded (on hard disk or hard-copy printout) (c) fed back into the system for control purposes The wide range of availability and divergence of such systems makes it impractical to attempt any but a superficial coverage in this tellt. Better sources of state-of-the-art details arc the brochures and technical "aids" provided by many of commercial suppliers. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis 12.1 The Basic Indicator Typically, the basic indicator consists of a manually or self-balancing Wheatsto ne with meter-type or digital readout, an ampli fier, and adjustments to accommodate bridge active-= �s a of gage factors. Provision is also common for handling bridges with a single two-gage, and four-gage con figurations. For fewer than four gages, the bridge loop . completed within the instrument The measurement process consists of zeroing the n: under initial conditions, then, after applying test conditions, rebalancing the bridge. difference between initial and final readings provides the strain increment. Such instrume nts are generally precalibrated to provide direct strain readout, often in digital Conn. Most strain indicators now have analog output tenninals 10 display dynamic strain data to oscilloscopes or computer data acquisition systems. 13 STRAIN-GAGE SWITCHING Mechanical development problems often require the use of many gages mounted tluough­ or necessary to pro. oul the test item, and simultaneous or nearly simultaneous readings are often necessary. course, if the data must be recorded at precisely the same instant, it will be vi de separate channels for each gage involved. However, frequently steady-state conditions may be maintained or the test cycle repeated, and readings may be made in succession until all the data have bee n recorded. In other cases, the budget may prohibit duplication of the required instrumentation for simultaneous multiple readings or recordings, and it becomes desirable 10 switch from gage to gage, taking data in sequence. For high-speed multiple strain measurement.�. the digital techniques described in are recommended, possibly including multiplexing methods or multichannel Chapter 14 AID converters. USE OF STRAIN GAGES ON ROTATING SHAFTS al least three different (3) by usc of slip rings. When a shaft rotates slowly enough and when only a sampling of data is required, direct connections may be made between the gages and the remainder of the measuring system. Strain-gage information may be conducted ways: ( I ) by direct connection, (2) from ro tat ing shafts in by wireless telemetery, and Sufficient lead length is provided, and the cable is permiued 10 wrap itself onto the shaft In fact, the available time may be doubled with a given length of cable if it is first wrapped on the shaft so that the shaft rotation causes it to unwrap and then 10 wrap up again in of lhe or automatic disconnecting arrangement may be provided. This the opposite direction. If the machine cannot be stopped quickly enough as the end cable is approached, a fast actually need be no more than soldered connections that can be quickly peel ed off. Shielded cable should be used to minimize reactive effects resulting from the coil of cable on the sh"aft. This technique is somewhat limited, of course, but should not be overlooked, because it is quite workable at slow speeds and avoids many of the problems inherent in the other methods. A second method is that of actually transmiuing the strain-gage infonnatio n through radio frequency transmitter mounted on the shaft and with the signal picked up by 3 receiver placed nearby. This method has been used successfully for a long ti me [ 1 3), and a a 366 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis Slip rings Input Complete strain-gage bridge mounted on rotating meni:Jer Output FIGURE I I : S l i p rings external to the bridge. diverse array of wireless ins tru mentation is commercially available. For strain appl i cati ons in panicular, digital te lemetry systems are avai labl e with onboard multiplexing that allows many sensors to be rou ted through a si ng le transmitler. Such a system is practical when the added cost can be j ustified . Undoubtedl y the most common m ethod for obtaining s trai n- gage information from rotating shafts is through the use of sl ip rings. Slip-ring problems are similar to swi tc h i ng problems , as discussed in the prec edi ng section, except t ha t additional variables make the problem more difficuh. Factors such as ri ng and brush wear and changing contact temperatures make it i mperati ve that the full bridge be used at the test poi nt and that the sl i p ri ngs be i ntrod uced externally to the bridge as shown in Fig. 1 1 . Commerc i al s l i p- ri ng asse mbl ies are avai lable whose performances are quite satisfac­ tory. Their use , however, presents a problem that is often difficult to solve. The assembly is nonnally self-contained, consisting of brush supports and a shaft with rings mounted between two beari ngs . The construction requires that the rings be used at a free end of a shaft, which more often than not is separated from the test poi nt by some form of beari n g. This arrangement presen ts the problem of gell i ng the leads from the gage located o n one side of a beari ng to the s l i p ri ngs located on the oppos i te side. It is necessary to feed t he leads through the shaft in some manner, which is not alway s convenient. Where this presents no panicular problem , the commercially available sl i p - ri ng assemblies are practica l and also probably the most i nexpe n sive solution to the problem. 367 Strain and Stress: Measurement a nd Analysis 15 STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIPS As previously stated . strain gages are generally used for one: of two reasons : to determine s ess cond i ti ons through strain measurements or to act as secondary transducers calibrated tr � n te�s of such qua� tities as force, pressure, di splacement, and _the like. In either case, use of stram gages demands a good grasp of stresiHtrain relationships. Know(. edge of the plane. rat her than of the general three-dimensional case, is usually su lliciau for strain-gage work bt.cause it is o n l y in the very unusual situation that a strai n gage is mounted anywhere except o n the unloaded suiface of a stressed member. m te lhgen t - 1 5. 1 The Simple Uniaxial Stress Situation e c in a t ns io n or om press io n member, the u1nloaded outer fiber is subject condition resul in a tria:Xial strai n condi on, we know t hat there will be lateral strain in addition to the strain in the direction of Sln:ss. Because of the si m p l i ity of the ordinary tensile (orcompressi·ve) situation and its prevalence (see Fi g . I ). the fundamental stress-strau1 relationship is based on il Young's modulus is defined by the relation expressed by Bq. (2), and Poisson's: ratio is defined by Eq. (2a). It is imponant to realize that th these defi ni tions are ma e on the basis of the simple o ne-direc tion stress system. For s it uations of th is sort, calculation of s s from strain measuremenlS is simple. The stress is detennined merely by m u lti pl yi ng the strain, i n the axial direction in microstrains, by lhc modulus of e lastic i ty for the test mate:rial. In hendi ng. or ts to a u niax i a l stress. However, this ti because c bo d tres m1easured EXAMPLE 2 S uppose the tens ile member in Fig. 6 is of a l.umi n um having a modulus of elasticity equal to 6.9 x 10 10 Pa ( 10 x 1 1>6 lb ffin . 2 and the strain measured by the gage is 326 µ-slrain. What axial stress exists at the gage? ) Solution a0 = Eea = (6.9 x 1 0 10 ) = 22.4 x x (325 x 10-6 ) 1 06 Pa (3250 lbffin.2 ) EXAMPLE 3 beam beam Strain gages are mounted on a as s hown i n Fig. 7. 1l1e is of steel having an est im ated modulus of e l as t i i ty of 20 . 3 x 1 0 10 Pa (29.5 x lbffi n . 2 ). If the total readout from the two gages is 390 -st rai n , what stress exists at the lo1ngitudinal center of the gage? Note that the bridge on s tan t is 2. Solution c c µ Clb = Eeb 106 = (20.3 x = 3958 x 1 0 10 ) x (390 x 1 0- 6 /2) 104 Pa (5700 l bffi n . 2 ) Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis y -4-.-- x 1 FIGURE 12: Eleme nt located on the shel l of a cy lindrical pressure vessel. 15.2 The Biaxial Stress Situation Often gages are used at locations su bject to stresses in more than one direction. If the test poi nt is on a free surface, as is usually the case, the c ondition is termed biaxial. A good example of this condition exists on the outer surface, or shell, of a cylindrical pressure vessel. In this case, we know that there are hoop stresses, acting circumferentially, tending to open up a longitudinal seam. There are also longitudi nal stresses tending to blow the heads off. The situation may be represented as shown i n Fig. 12. The stress-Slrain condition on the o uter s urface corres ponds to that shown in Fig. 2. The two stresses uL and uH are principal stresses (no shear in the l ongitudi nal and hoop directions) , and the corresponding stresses may be calculated using Eq. (4), i f we know (or can esti ma te ) You ng 's modulus and Poisson's ratio. EXAMPLE 4 Suppose we wish to detennine, by strain measurement, the stress in the circumferential or hoop direction on the outer surface of a cyl i ndrical pressure vessel. The modulus of el astic i ty of the material is 1 0.3 x t o 10 Pa, and Poisson's ratio is 0.28. By strain measurement the hoop and longitudinal strains (in microstrain) are detenni ned to be Solution l;ff v2 = 425 Using Eq. (3), we have <1ff = "L = 1 15 10.3 x 10 10 (425 + 0.28 )(" 1 1 5) x 10- 6 1 - (0.28)2 E(EH + VEL) I - and = 7 5. 1 1 x 1 0 Pa (7.42 x iol lbf/in.2) Although we may not be directly interested, we have the necessary information to determi ne the longi tudinal stress al so. as follows: "L = E(EL + veH> I - v2 10.3 x 1 0 10 c 1 1 s + 0.28 x 425) x 10-6 I - (0.28)2 7 = 2.6 1 x 10 Pa (3.8 x tol lbf/in.2 ) Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis It may be noted that the 2-to- 1 stress ratio traditionally expec ted for the lhio-walJ cylindrical pressure vessel does not yield a like ratio of strains. 11le strai n ratio is more nearly 4 to I . Use o f Eq . (4 ) pemtlts u s to detemtlne the stresses i n two orthogonal directio However, this information gives the complete stress-1>train picture only when the two angled directions coincide with the principal directions. I f we do not know the principal directions, our readings would only by chan(.-e yield the maximum stress. In gcneraI, if 1 plane stress condition is completely unknown, at least three strain measure ments must be made, and it becomes necessary to use some form of three-element rosene (see Fig. 4). From the strain data secured in the three directions, we obtain the complete stress-strain picture. Stress-strain relations for roseue gages are given in Table 3. Although only three strain measurements are necessary to define a stress situation completely, the T-delta rosette, which includes a fourth gage element, is sometimes used to advantage for the following reasons: ri;: 1. The fourth gage may be used as a check on the results obtained from the other three elements. 2. I f the principal directions are approximately known, gage d may be aligned wilh the estimated direction. Then, if the readings from gages b and c are o f about lhe same magnitude, it is known that the estimate is reasonably correct, and the principal stresses may be calculated directly from Eqs. (4 ), greatly simplifying the arithmetic. If the estimate of direction turns out to be incorrect. complete data are still available for use in the equations from Table 3. 3. If the four readings are used in the T -delta equations in Table 3, an averaging effect results in belier accuracy than if only three readings are used. In spite of the advantages of the T-delta roselle, the rectangular one is probably the most popular, with the equiangular (delta) kind receiving second greatest use. EXAMPLE 5 Figure 13 illustrates a rectangular rosette used to determine the stress situation near a pressure vessel nozzle. For thin-walled vessels, the assumption that principal directions correspond to the hoop and longitudinal directions is valid for the shell areas removed from discontinuities. Near an opening, however, the stress condition is completely unknown, and a roseue with at least three elements must be used. Let us assume that the rosette provides the following data (in microstrain): Ea = 72, Eb = 1 20, Ee = 248 In addition, we shall say that E= II = 0.3, 20.7 x 1 0 10 Pa Solution A study of the equation forms in Table 3 shows that for each case. the principal strain, the principal stress, and maximum shear relations involve similar radical terms. Therefore, in evaluating roseue data, it is convenient 10 calculate the value of the radical � 1 the first step. _ It will· also be noted that the second term in the principal s tress relations 5 370 TABLE 3: S1ress-Strain Relations for Rosette Gages• c b Principal strains, Principal s1resses, a 1 . a2 ./2(ea - Eb)Z + 2 (eb - Ec)Z 2eb - Ea - e" Eu - 1an W (I, 1 4, ! [ £• + ec ± _l _ x l+v 2 1-v ,/2(ea - eb)2 + 2(eb - e,-)2) E Tmax Ee I Si- Eb > � 2 � a --- x 2(1 + •,..>_______ Maximum shear. 0 < 8 < +90° Rectangular Hea + sc __ 2-+-2'""(± ./r eb_ e_ eb-)'"' l2] c .,. 2-(e-.-- e 1 , e2 • Rererenca r 8 - Type of Rosette t � � � � � ''\ 8 � _L ,, a Equiangular (Delta) j [sa + e11 + ec ± [ ,/2 (ea - Eb)2 + 2(eb - ec)2 + 2 (£c - £al2] E ea + e11 + £c - 3 1 -v I l+v ,/2(ea - £1>)2 + 2(eb - ec)2 + 2(£c - ea>t] ± -- x E + •) 2-+-"" .;"'i-(e-.--e11--e""' >2 +"""'2'"'<2 <-ee11-)... Zc --s-."' c >"' --- x 3( 1 ./3(ec - Eb) (2£11 - ta - Ee) Ee > lb t Note: 8 = the ansle of n:fereoce, """'5un:d posi1ive in the coun1erdockwise din:ction from the a-ll<ls of the lO 1he axis or the al&d>niically lalger stn:ss . 8 e £ H·+ 4 T·Delta ± /<ea - £ )2 + � (£11 - Sc)2 4 [ ! e• + e4 2 1-v /<ea E '- x ± - l+v £4 ) 2 + � (e11 - e..>2 ] ] >)--- --2( 1 + 1'"'..,..r J<ea - £d)2 + � (£b - ec)2 --- x 2 (£,- - Eb) .,/3 (ta - Ed) Ee > Eb Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis Flange Weld / •' / B �:---· - --· / / A Rectangular rosette FIGURE 1 3: Rosette installation near a pressure vessel nozzle. equal to the shear stress; thus arithmetical manipulations may be kept to a minimum ir lhc shear stress is calculated before the principal stresses are d•elenni ned. Hence, J2(e0 - Eb) + 2(6b - ec)'l and e1 = £2 = � (72 1 + 248 + 193) = J2(72 - 120):t + 2( 120 - 248)2 = 193 µ-strain = 256 µ-strain, . 2 112 + 248 - 193) = 63 µ-stram, 20 7 x 1010 ( 193) x 10- 6 = 1537 x !Cl4 Pa (2230 lbf/inh. fmax = 2(1 + 0.3) 20.7 x 1010 72 + 248 o-1 = x --- x 10 6 + 15'1 ' 7 x 1.. u ·.4 0.7 2 = (473 1 + 1537) x 10" = 6268 x 10" Pa (909 1 lbflinh. 0-2 = (473 1 - 1537) x 10" = 3 1 94 x 10" Pa (4632 lbf/in.2 ) To · detennine the principal planes, we have tan 28 = _(2_s_b_-_s_a_-_sc_) (Sa - Ee) (2 x 120) - 72 - 250 = (72 - 1 50) 205°, or 28 = 25° or 9 = 12.5° or == 102.5 ° 0.46. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis q1 • 62680 kPa :_ u, : __ ,- 31940 k� - - - - -- __ ,_ 12.3• �i�n� __ direction FIGURE 14: Stress conditions determined from data oblained by the rosette shown in Fig. 1 3 . measwcd counterclockwise from the axis o f element A . We must test fo r the proper quadrant as follows (see the last line in Table 3): e Ea + Ee 2 = 72 + 248 = l 60 2 es which is gr ater than Eb. Therefore, the axis of maximum principal stress does between 00 and 90° . Hence, 8 = 102° . Figure 14 i l l ustrat this condition. 16 GAGE ORIENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS not fall In a given situation it is often possible to place gages in several different arrangements to obtain the desired data. Often there is a best way, however, and in certain instances unwanted strain components may be canceled by proper gage orientation. For example, it is often desirable to eliminate unintentional bending when only direct axial loading is of primary interest ; or perhaps only th bending component in a shaft is desired, to the exclusion of tors io n al strai ns. e Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis The following discussion should be helpful in determining the proper posilioain r gages and interpretation of the results. We will assume a standard bridge 0 shown in Table 4, and the gages will be numbered � n the following examples according _ standard. When fewer than four gages are used, 11 1s assumed that the bridge configllrali on is completed with fixed resistors insensitive to strain. This equation evaluates bridge output e0 for a given input e; . namely, arrangeme! lo� ( 16) If we assume the resislance of each bridge deo = arm lo be variable, then aeo aeo aeo aeo -dR1 + -dR2 + -dR1 + -dR4 a� a� a� a� · (17) By using Eq. ( 1 6) we can evaluate the various partial derivatives and write deo -;; = R4dR3 R2dR 1 ( R 1 + R1)2 ( R3 + R4)2 + RJ � ( R3 + R4)2 (17a) where dR 1 , dR2, dR3 , and dR4 are the various resistance changes in each of the bridge arms. Ordinarily lhe gages used to make up a bridge will be from lhe same lot and Rt = R2 = RJ = R4 = R Each gage may experience a different resistance change: hence we must retain the subscriplS on the d R's; however, we can drop them from the R's. Doing so yields de0 dR 1 - dR2 - dR3 + dR4 e; 4R ( 17b) From Eq. ( I O), we have ( 18) where F = lhe gage factor. En = the main sensed by gage n Combining Eq. ( 1 8) and ( 1 7b) gives us ( 1 9) where the e's are 1he strains sensed by 1he respective gages. Equation ( 1 9) aids in the proper interpretation of the strain results obtained from the standard four-arm bridge in addition to assisting 1he stress analysl in lhe proper placemen! and oricnlalion of gages for experimental measuremenls. 374 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis TABLE 4: Slrlli n-Gage Orientation ':'�rd Bridge Configuration . Requuemem for null: le z:b / •'"'1-----"' ===----./.] v- k = I B = Bridge constant = Compensates RJ R1 i = 4 R R Output of bridge Output of primary gage for temperature if "dummy" gage is used in arm 2 or arm 3. Does not compensate for bending. Compensates for bending. k=2 1\vo-arm bridge does nol provide temperature compensation. Four-arm bridge ("dummy" gages in arms 2 and c ·&l---$9 / ..: 28 D E k = 2(1 + k= I J,,' .,!_ 18 Two-arm bridge compensates for temperature and bending. --" v) 2 3) provides temperature compensation. 1 ��-b Four-arm bridge compensates for temperature and bending. Temperature compensation accomplished when "dummy" gage is used in arm 2 or arm 3. Bridge is also sensitive to axial and torsional components of loading. 375 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis TABLE 4: Standard Bridge Configuration Conlinued Requirement for null: k = Bridge constant = F �-- - - - -� Rt R2 = R3 R4 Output of bridge Output of primmy gage Temperature effects and a>:ial and torsional eomponen1s are compensated. 2 G k =4 ./ H k = Four-arm bridge. Temperature effects and a:tial and torsional componenis are compensa.ted. '\ 2 a +b a �$ : Tempera.lure effecis and v ial and torsional components are compensated. 2 k= l+ G) · �··:v Temperature effects are compensated. Axial and torsional load componenis an: not compensated. 376 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis TABLE 4: _,. Standard Bridge Configuration Continued . Requirement for nuU: k = Bridge conslant = � I� R1 R = R.t3 R2 Output of bridge Output of primary gage Torsion J k=2 $=·ffi· fii}· "J'Wo.arm bridge. fimperature and axial load components arc compensated. Bending componenlS are K k=2 accentualed. Two-arm bridge. Temperature effcclS and axial load components are compensated. Relatively insensitive to bending. L k=4 Four-arm bridge. - _A � ' Sensitive to torsion only. '- Ii: (Gages I and 3 a re on opposite sides o f the shan from gages 2 and 4.) Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis For example, when only one active gage is used (gage I, say), FE1 = -;;-- 4 E.q. (19) reduces to deo In further discussions we will assume that the tenn bridge corutanl abides by the defi nition given in Section 8.2. EXAM PLE 6 The simplest application uses a single measuring gage with an external compensating gage as shown in Fig. 6 (also Case A, Table 4). This arrangement is primarily sensitive to axial strain; however, it will also sense any unintentional bending strain. The compensating gag.:, mounted on a sample of unstrained material identical to the test material, is located so that its temperature and that of the specimen will be the same. In Ibis case, Et = Ea + Eb + ET, E2 = E T , EJ = E4 = 0 ( a fixed resistor), 0 (a fixed resistor) where Ea Eb Er Solution = the strain caused by axial loading, = the strain caused by any bending component, = the strain caused by temperature changes Substituting in Eq. ( 1 9) gives us deu F =(Ea + Eb l 4 e; If the bending strain is negligible, de0 e; = Fea 4 and the bridge constant is unity. Note that any strains caused by temperature effects cancel. EXAMPLE 7 The arrangement shown in Case G, Table 4, uses gages in each of the four bridge anns . Gages I and 4 experience positive-bending strain components and gages 2 and 3 sense negative­ bcnding components. All gages would sense the same strains derived from axial load and/or temperature should these be present. In addition, should the member be subjected to an axial torque, gages I and 2 would sense like strains from this source, as would gages 3 and 4. All gages would sense strain components of like magnitude from any 378 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis torque acting about the lon gi tudinal axis or the member; however, strains sensed by gages I and 2 would be or opposite sign to those sensed by 3 and 4. Solation Substitution of all these effects into Eq. ( 19) yields de0 e; - = (F) - 4 (4Eb) = FEb We see that only bending strai ns will be sensed and that the bridge constant is 4. .16.1 Gages Connected In Series Figure IS shows a load cell element using six gages. three connected in series in each or the bridge arms I and 2. At first glance it might be thought that the three gages in series would provide an output three times as great as that from a single gage under like conditions. Such is not the case. for it will be recalled that it is the percentage change in resistance. or dR/ R, that counts, not dR alone. It is true that the resistance change for one ann, in this case, is three times what it would be for a single gage, but so also is the total resistance three times as great. Therefore, the only advantage gained is that or averaging to eliminate incorrect readings resulting from eccentric loading. The remaining two arms (not shown in the figure) may be made up of either inactive strain gages or fixed resistors. The bridge constant is I + 11. Force rn I FIGURE 15: Load cell em ploy ing three series-connected axial gages and three series­ connecled Poisson-ratio gages. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Ana lysis 17 17 .1 SPECIAL· PROBLEMS Cross Sensitivity � Strain gages are arranged with most of the strain-sensitive fi lament aligned with the sell$·_ live axis of the gage. However, unavoidably, a part of the grid is aligned transversely. transverse ponion of the grid senses the strain in that direction and its effect is superim. posed on the longitudinal output. This is known as cross sensitiviry. The error is Small seldom exceeding 2 or 3%, and the overall accuracy of many applications does not wu: rant accounting for it. For more detailed consideration the �eader is referred to [ I S), [ 16), and [ 17). 1 7.2 Plastic Strains and the Postyield Gage The average commercial strain gage will behave elastically t•:> strain magnitudes as high 85 3%. This represents a surprising performance when it is realized that the corresponding umaxial elastic stress in steel would be almost lbUi n. 2 (i f elastic conditions in the steel were maintained). It is not very great, however, when viiewed by the engineer seeking strain information beyond the yield point. When mild steel i:s the strained material, strains as great as I S% may occur immediately following attainmen1L of the elastic limit before the stress again begins to climb above the yield stress . Hence, the usable strain range of the common resistance gage is quickly exceeded. Gages known as posryield gages have been developed, extending the usable range to approximately 10% to 20%. Grid material in very ductile condition is used, which is literally caused to How with the strain in the test material. The primary problem, of course, in developing an "elastic-plastic" grid is to obtain a gage factor that is the same under bOlh conditions. Data reduction presents special problems, and for coverage of this aspect see references ( 1 8) and [ 1 9 ) . 1,000,000 1 7.3 Fatigue Appllcatlons of Resistance Strain Gages 17.4 Cryogenic Temperature Appllcatlons Strain gages are subject to fatigue failure in the same mamner as are other engineering structures. The same factors are involved in determining their fatigue endurance. In general, the vulnerable point is the discontinuity formed at the juncture of the grid proper and the lead wire to which the user makes connection. Of course, as with any fatigue problem. strain level is the most important factor in determining life. lsoelastic grid material performs belier under fatigue conditions than does Constantan; the carrier material is also an important factor. Figure 16 illustrates the effects or most or the factors just discussed. Strain measurement at extreme cryogenic temperatures must be done with an awareness or both thermal and materials-related problems. As previousl.y discussed, resisiance strai n gages are sensitive to temperature changes, and in this situation temperature compensation is essential. Dummy gages, as discussed in Section I 0, may lbe added to the bridge circ uit to cancel temperature effects on gage resistance. The dummy gage must be pl aced into the same thermal environment as the measuring gage, and it must experience the same temperature and noise level as the measuring gage. On the materials side or the problem. adhesives and backings can become glass-hard and brillle at these temperatu res. Whereas 380 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis a�� . ;JI: n1 5 - 1 0,000 Ji; i � 5000 6 - 4 :I, .; � �.. c i (/) 1 3 1 000 ' 2 01 II� 4 I 500 1 00 10 1� 1� 1� 1� 107 Reve rsed strain cycles FIGURE 1 6: Relationship of endurance limit lo strain level for gages of various materials and constructions (data from various sources including manufacturers' l iterature) . the mechanical properties of certain grid materials are drastically cunailed, those of others remain only slightly affected. Metal foil gages remain useful in cryogenic work. The bonding agent, typically an epoxy, should ideally have a thennal expansion coefficient similar to the gage back so as lo avoid thennally induced strains in the measurement (20). 17.5 High-Temperature Appllcatlons Maximum continuous-use temperatures for polyimide or Kapton backed gages range from about l oo•c to 250°C. Primary limiting factors are decomposition of cement and carrier materials. At these temperatures grid materials present no particular problems. For appli­ cations at higher temperatures (to 1 000° C) some fonn of ceramic-base insulation must be used. The grid may be of the strippable suppor1, free-element type with the bonding as described next, or the gage may be of the "weldable" type. Use of the free-element-type gage involves "constructing"lhe gage on the spot. Either brushable or flame-sprayed ceramic bonding materials are used. Application of the fonner consists of laying down an insulating coating upon which the free-element grid is secured with more cement. The process demands considerable skill and carefully controlled baking or curing-temperature cycling. Flame spraying involves the use of a plasma-type oxyacetylene gun (2 1 ) . Molten particles of ceramic are propelled onto the test surface and used as both the cementing and insulating material for bonding the grid element to the test item. In both cases, leads must be attached by spot-welding to provide the necessary high-temperature properties to the connections. Lead-wire temperature-resistance variations may also present problems. It is obvious that considerable technique must be developed to use either of these types satisfactorily. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis eal A weldable strain gage consists of a res is ance element surrounded by a ceramic­ th . The gage is applied by spot-weldia in sulat ion and encapsulated within a metal sh edges of the assembly to the test member [22 ]. (A novel laser-based extensometer :.:: usable !en� 1 900° C or higher and having an overall accuracy of ±0.0002 in. over a 0.3-in . g age is described in [23 ] . ) 1 7.6 Creep Creep in the bond between gage and test surface is a factor sometimes ignored in strain­ gage work. This prob lem is approximately diametrically opposite to the fatigue problem in oc a that i t is of i mportance only in static strain testing, pri m ari l y of the long-duration variety. For example, residual stTcSses are c asi on l ly determined by measuring the dimensional relaxation as stressed material is removed. In this case, eq a the g u once and once only. The loading cycle cannot be repeated. gage creep will result in direct errors strain is applied to u l to the ma nit de of the creep. ev be slow ly cycled, the creep w i l l appear as a hysteresis loop in the results. a function of several things but is primarily determined by the strain l used for bonding. 17.7 the gage loadffeccan Under these circumstances, If the This e t is el and the cement Residual Stress Determination ge l Occasionally it is necessary to determine the residual stresses ex i sting in a structure or h machine element. These stresses are rmi ne ra l y developed during mechanical forming pro­ e at treatment. These stresses can be dete ned by using the strain-measuring techniques previou s l y described, although they ge neral ly destroy the sb11c­ ture being analyzed. cesses, such as casting or Consider the pressure vessel of Example h 5. If i t is desired to esti mate the residual stresses near a pressure-vessel nozzle due to weldi ng, 1he rectangular rosette may be applied to the unpressurized vessel as shown. After t e various strain-gage lead wires are attached to strain readout equipment, the region of pressure vessel containing the rosette is removed (cut away) from the rest of the material, and the resulting change in strains from the gages is recorded. Using these data (note the change in sign), the residual stresses ex ist i ng in the unpress u rized vessel at this location may be e stim ated . (See Problem 30 for an example of th is process.) Most strain-gage manufacturers provide a s pec a i l strain rosette, whereby the strain­ gage elements are arranged in such a fashion that a single hole may be drilled, relieving the stresses in the reg i on and thus eli m i n ating the need to comp le tely cut away the material. 18 ANAL REMARKS In addition to being the key to experimental stress analysis, strain can be made an analog for p ra essentially any of the various mechanical inputs of interest to the engineer: force, torque, m displacement, pressure. tem e t ure , motion, and so on. For this reason strain gages are very widely and successfully used as secondary transducers in measuring syste s of all types. Their response characteristics are ex ce l len t, and they are liab le, relatively l inear. re and inexpensive. It is important, therefore, that the engineer concerned with ex perimenlal work be well versed in the techniques of their use and application. 382 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis SUGGESTED READINGS Dall y, J . W., and W. F. Ri ley. Experimental Stress Analysis. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1 99 1 . Doyle, J . F. Modem Experimental Stress Analysis. Ollches!er, England: John Wiley, 2004. Reed. Strain Gage Users ' Handbook . Bethel , Conn.: Society for Experi· mental Mechanics , 1992. Hannah. R. L., and S. E. Khan. A. S .. and X. Wang. Strain Meas,,rements and Stress Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Prenlice Hall. 2001 . Murray, W. M., and W. R . M il ler. The Bonded Electrical Resisrance Strain Gage: A n lmmducticn. New York: Oxford University Press , 1 992. Doyle, J. F., and J. W. Phillips. Manual on Experimental Stress Analysis. 5th ed. Bethel. Conn.: Society for Experimental Mechanics, 1989. �.':'�� ;. ci°?J.f'PROBLEMS _;_�-l<i.r�:' t. 2. A simple tension member with a diameter of 0.505 in. is subjected to an axial fon:e of 72 15 lbf. Strains of 1640 and -485 µ-strain are measured in the axial and trans\'erse directions, respecti"Vely. Assuming elastic conditions, determine the values of Young's modulus and Poisson "s ratio for the material. (Note: The diameter that is specified is commonly considered a "standard" for cin:ularly sectioned metal specimens. Do you know why?) A single strain gage is mounted on a tensile member, as shown in Fig. 6. If the readout is 425 µ- s tra in , what is the axial stress (a) if the member is of steel, and (b) if the member is of aluminum? 3. A strain gage is centered along the length of a simply supported beam carry i ng a centrally positioned , concentrated load. The beam is four gage lengths long. What correction factor should be applied to care for the strain gradients if the purpose of the measurement is 10 detecmine the maximum strain? 4. Referring to the previous problem, what correction should be applied if the beam canies a uniformly distributed load? S. Referring to Problem 3, what corrcction factor should be applied if, instead of bei ng simply su p ported, the beam has built-in ends? 6. A resistance·lype strain gage having a factorof2.00 ± 0.05 and a resistance of 1 2 1 ±2 n is used in conjunction with an indicator having an uncertainty of ±2%. What maximum uncertainty may be introduced by these tolerances? What probable uncertainty? 7. Four strain gages are located a.� shown in Fig. 17. The gages are connected in a full bridge (see Case G, Table 4). Their nominal resistances are 300 {2 and their gage factors are 3.5. 1£ the bridge is powered with a regulated 5.6·V de soun:e, w hat will be the voltage output •"Om:sponding to the maximum design load of 300/1 8 = 16.67 lbf? 8. 1\vo strain gages are mounted on a cantilever beam as shown in Fig. 7. If the total strain readout is 620 µ-strain, w hat are the outer fiber stresses (a) if the member is of steel, and (b) i f the member is of aluminum? Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis FIGURE 1 7 : Strain-gage/beam con figu ration dei;cribed in Problem 7. 9. Assume a system configured as shown in Fig. readouL I 0, usi n:g a conventional osciUoscopc for . ( a ) Make a list of variables that you feel will have a measurable effect on the o\'tnll uncertai nty of the system. Indicate those that you would expect to change with input magnitude and those that will be relativeli1 constant; see Eq. ( 1 1 ). Include the u ncertainty due to limits of resolution of the readout method and note Iha! some form of system calibration must be used, w ith its attendant uncellai111y. ( b ) Assign what you be l ieve to be reasonable u nci:rtain ties to each factor in your l i s t and determine the overa ll uncertainty in th.e final readout. Finally, divide the uncertaimies into two categories: those hav·ing a major effect on the overall uncertainty and those of minor importance. 10. A plastic spec imen is subjected to a biaxial Uy 1 1. = 605 lbf/in. 2 • Calculate stress con•dition for which u, = 1 380 and are e, = 1 780 and Ey = 1 39. Measured strains (in microstrain) Poisson's ratio and Young ' s modulus. Two identical strain gages are mou nted on a constant- m oment beam as shown in Fig. 1 8. They are connected into a Wheatstone bridge as shown in Fig. 18(b). Wi th no load on the beam the bridge is nulled with all anns having eq ual resistances. When the loads are applied, a bridge output of 650 µ,V is measured. Determine the gage factor for the gages on the bas i s of the following additional data: E 29.7 x IW lbf/in.2, Poisson's ratio = 0.3. and the gage nominal resistance is 1 20 !2. = 12. A two-element strain roseue is mounted on a s i mple tensile specimen of steel. One gage is a l ig ned in an axial direc tio n and the o t her in a transverse di rection . The gages arc connected in adjacent arms of the bridge. If the to tal bridge readout (based on single-gage 20 x 1 0 10 Pa (29 x ca l ibration) is 900 !-'-strain, what is the axial stress in pascal? E 106 lbf/in. 2 ) and 11 = 0.29. = 13. Each line in Table 5 represents a set of data correspondi1ng to a gi ven plane stress condi ­ tion. The first three colu mns are strains (in mic rostrain ) obtained using a three -elemenl rectangular rosette. The final two items are material properties. For a selected sci of data, determine the following: ( a ) The pri ncipal strains ( b) The princ i pal stresses 384 i[���-'-��0_2���_._��-' Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis . , (b) e1 s 10V FIGURE 1 8 : Detail o f arrangement described i n Problem 1 1 . ( c ) 1be maximum shear stress ( d ) Principal directions referred to the axis of gage a Also, sketch the following: ( e ) Mohr's circles for stress ( r) Mohr's circles for strain ( g) An element similar to that shown in Fig. 1 4 Use units corresponding t o those given for E. 14. Repeat Problem 1 3(a) through (g), assuming an equiangular rosette. 16. H a rectangular-type rosette happens to be aligned such that elements a and c coincide with the principal directions, then measured values of Ea and Ee will be £1 and £2 (or vice versa). Show that under these circumstances the strain sensed by will be (£1 + e 2 )/2. IS. b Devise a spreadsheet template ancVor a computer program IO evaluate the rectangular strain rosette relationships in Table 3. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis TABLE 5: Data for Problem 1 3 Ila llb - 320 1 585 1 250 - 1 020 2 10 470 -820 985 0 850 - 5 -5 1 0 E E 2220 0 - 10 1 0 -210 E E E · 17. 18. 19. 12 -£ E Ile 10 I «J6 lbf/in.2 0 29 106 lbflin.22 425 15 r<>6 lbf/in. -420 30 x 106 lbf/in.22 0 30 x 1 06 lbf/in. 680 x x x -990 1440 -212 E -E -E 1.5 x 1010 Pa 20 x 1010 Pa 10 x 1010 Pa E E E 11 0.29 0.3 0.28 0. 3 0.29 0.28 0.3 0.28 II II II Devise a spreadsheet template and/or a computer program to evaluate the T-delta strain rosette relationships i n Table 3. Devise a spreadsheet template and/or a computer program to evaluate the equiangular strain rosellc relationships in Table 3. Values of 11 and E must be used i n equations for converting strains 10 stresses. For steel, 11 = 0.3 and E = 30 x l o6 lbf/in. 2 are often assumed. In fact, however, for steel 11 may vary over the approximate range 0.27 10 0.32 and E may vary over a range of about 28 x 1o6 10 32 x lbf/in.2. Using the rectangular rosette strain values giw:n in Example 5 in Section 1 5.2, analyze the effects of variations in assumed values 11 and E on the calculated pri nci pal strains, stresses, and di rections . It is suggested that the spreadsheet te mplate (or program) wriuen for Problem 16 be used 10 minimize the dru dge ry of number crunchi ng. 106 20. 21. S how how strain gages may be mounted on a simple beam to sense temperature change while being insensitive to variations in beam loading. Pa and Poisson's ratio = Two strain gages are mounted on a stee l shaft (£ = 20 x 0.29), as s hown in Case J, Table 4. The gage resistance is n and F = 1 .23. When a 250,000- Sl resistor is shunted across gage a 3.4-cm upward shift is recorded on the face of the oscilloscope. When the shaft is torqued, a 5.7-cm shift is measured. For these conditions, and assuming bending and axi al loading may be neglected, 1, 1oto 1 19 (a) Calculate the max i mu m torsional stress. (b) What are the three pri nc i pal stresses on the shaft surface? (c) Plot Mohr's circles for stress. 22. (d) If a bending moment and/or axial load is present, how would the results be affected? Strain gages A, 8, C, and D g are mounted on a plate subjected to a simple bendin moment M and an axial load F, as shown in Fig. 19. Gages are to be i nserted into a standard bridge (see Table 4) in order to accomplish the following: 386 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis F F +: F �--F- M $- FIGURE 19: Arrangement of strain gages described in Problem 22. (a) To sense bending only and, under this requirement, provide maximum bridge output (b) To sense axial stress only (eliminating bending stress) each case, what will be the bridge constan� and will adjacent-arm temperature com­ pensation be accompli.•hed'! In 23. 24. 25. To determine the power transmitted by a 10 cm (3.94 in.) shaft, four strain gages are mounted as shown in Case L, Table 4. They are connected as a four-arm bridge and the output is fed to a chan recorder. Gage resistances are 1 1 8 '2 with a gage factor of 2. 1 . A 2 1 0,000 '2 calibration resistor may be shunted across one of the gages. Figures 20(a) and (b) show the calibration and strain records, respectively. The chait speed is 1()0 mm/s. The shaft is of steel with E = 20 x 1 0 10 Pa and Poisson's ratio = 0.3. Determine the extreme and mean values of transmitted power in watts. ! four axially aligned. identical strain gages an: equally spaced around a 1 -in. (3 1 .75mm)-diameter bar, as shown in Fig. 2 1 . The basic load on the bar is tensile; however, because of a small load ecenlricity a bending moment also exists. If the strain readings shown on the sketch are determined for the individual gages, what axial load and bending moment must exist? Also determine the position of the neutral axis of bending. four gages are mounted on a thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel. Two of the gages aligned circumferentially (these are gages I and 4 in the standard bridge, Table 4), and the remaining gages 2 and 3 are aligned in the axial direction. (Note that this is not necessarily an optimal configuration.) If the bridge output is 27.8 units when a 300,000· '2 resistor is shunted across gage I , and an output from the bridge of 47 units is teeorded when the vessel is pressurized. what is the circumferential stress? Use F = 3.5, R1 = 1 80 '2, E = 7 x 1010 Pa, and Poisson's ratio = 0.3. Assume that the conventional 2-to· I, circumferential-to-longitudinal stress ratio applies. are 387 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis t 30 mm Zero (a) 28 mm Zero (b) FIGURE 20: Recorder output for conditions of Problem 23. 1 (E1 • 989) 4 2 --++-���� + ����-+� · (£i! • 869) (� = 959) 4 2 FIGURE 2 1 : Configuration of strain gages described in Probl em 24. microstrain. Values of f are in Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis 26. 27. 28. Strain readouts from a rectangular strain rosette are Ea = 620, lib = -200, and Ee = 4 10 µ-strain. Assume that under the same conditions an equiangular roscne is mounted and that its a element is aligned with the direction of the a element of the original rectangular rosette. What readouts should be expected from the delta gage? Assume the same gage factor and resistances for both roseues. A strain gage having a resistance R1 = 120 Sl and a gage factor F = 2.0 is used in an optimum ballast circuit. Whal is the maximum error over a range of 0 < E < 1500 µ­ strain relative 10 a "best" straight line referenced to E = O? Analyze the effect of lead wire length and wire gage on the sensitivity or the following strain gage circuits: ( a ) Ballast circuit ( b ) Circuit shown in Fig. 6 ( c ) Circuit shown in Fig. 7 ( d ) A four-arm bridge such as shown in Fig. 19 The following data may be useful if a quantitative analysis is being made. Wire Size A.W.G.* Ohms per 1 000 ft 12 15 1 .62 3.25 6.5 1 1 0.35 26. 1 7 18 20 24 29. JO. 31. at 25°C • American Wire Gage. Analyze the uncertainly inherent in shunt calibration of strain-gage circuits. mechanical engineering student wishes lo determine the internal pressure existing in a diet soda can. She proceeds by carefully mounting a single-element strain gage aligned in circumferential direction on the center or the soda can, as shown in Fig. 22. After wiring the gage properly to a commercial strain indicator, she "pops" the Hip·lop lid, which relieves the internal pressure. She notes that the strain indicator reads -400 µ­ strain. If the can body is made of aluminum with a thickness of 0.0 I 0 in. and a diameter of 2.25 in., what was the original internal pressure of the scaled can? A Another student also performed the experiment described in Problem 30. Unfortunately, he did not have access 10 the commercial strain indicator, and instead he had to construct his own Wheatstone bridge circuiL His strain gage had an initial resistance of 120 Q and a gage factor of 2.05. He used the single gage as one leg of the bridge, which he powered with a 6- V battery. The bridge ou1put was fed to an amplifier (gain = I 000 ), and the amp's output was read by a voltmeter. The student balanced the bridge circuit before he opened the can. After the can was opened, the voltmeter indicated a voltage of - 1 .57 V. What was the measured strain for his can? Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis Ci rcumferential strain gage AGURE 22: lnsuumented soda can . REFERENCES (1) Hetenyi, M. Ha11dbook of Experimental Stress Analysis. New York: John Wiley, 1950. (2) Brookes-Smith. C. H. W., and J. A. Coils. Measurement of pressure, movement, accel­ eration and other mechanical quantities by electrostatic systems. J. Sci. Inst. (London) 1 4:36 1 . 1 939. (3) Carter, B. C., J. F. Shannon, and J. R. Forshaw. Measurement of displacement and strain by capacity mc:thods. Proc. Inst. Mecli. Eng. 152:215. 1945. (4) Langer, B . F. Design and application of a magnetic strain gage. SESA Proc. 1 (2):82. 1 943. [SJ Langer, B. F. Measuremc:nt of torque transmitted by rotating shafts. J. Appl. 67(3):A.39, March 1 945 . Mech. (6) Khan, A. S., and X. Wang. Strai11 Measurements and Stress A11alysis. Upper Sadd le River. N .J . : Prentice Hal l, 200 I . (7) Thompson, K . On the electro-dynamic qualities of metals. Phil Trans. Roy. Soc. (l.Dn· don) 146:649-75 1 , 1 856. (8) Eato n, E. C. Rcsistanc.: strain gage measures stresses in conc rete . Eng. News 1 07:6 1 � 1 6, Oct. 1 93 1 . Rec. . [9] Bloach, A . New methods for measuring mechanical stresses al higher freq uenc ies Nature 1 36:223-224, Aug. 1 9. 1 935. . [10) Clark, D. S., and G. Datwyler. Stress-strain relations under ten sion impact loading Proc. ASM 38:98- 1 1 1 . 1 938. 390 Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis [ll) Mills, D., III. Strain gage waterproo fing methods and installation of gages on propeller stnll of USS Saratoga. SESA Proc. 1 6( 1 ): 1 37, 1958. f [12) Frank. E. Series versus shunt bridge calibration. Instr. Automation 31 :648, 1 958. [13] Campbell, W. R., and R. F. S uit, Jr. A transistorized AM-FM radio-link torque telemeter for large rotati ng shafts. SESA Proc. 14(2):55, 1957. [14] Baumberger, R., and F. Hines. Practical reduction formulas for use on bonded wire strain gages in two-di mens ional stress fields. SESA Proc. 2( 1 ) : 1 33, 1944. [15) Perry, C. C., and H. R. Lissner. The Strain Gage Primer. 2nd ed. New York: McGrawHill, 1962, p. 1 57. [16] Meier, J. H. On the transverse sens i tivi ty of foil gages. Exp. Mech. 1: July 1 96 l . (17} Wu, C . T. Transverse sensitivity o f bonded strain gages. Exp. Mech. 2 : 33 8, Nov. 1962. [18) Plan, T. H . H. Reduction of strain rosettes in the plastic range. J. Aerospace Sci. 26:842, December 1959. [19) Ades, C. S. Reduction of strain rosettes in the plastic range. Exp. Mech. 2:345, Novem­ ber 1962. [20) Timmerhaus, K. D., and T. M. Flynn. Cryogenic Process Engineering. New York: Plenum, 1 989. [21) Leszynski, S. W. The development of flame sprayed sensors. /SA J. 9:35, July 1962. (22) Rastogi, V. • K. D. Ives, and W. A. Crawford. High-temperature strain gages for use n sodium environments. Exp. Mech. 7:525, December 1 967. (23) Kamie, A. J., and E. E. Day.A laser extensometer for measuri ng strain at incandescent temperatures. Exp. Mech. 7:485, November 1967. ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 2 8 11 20 23 v = 0.3 (a) u = 1 2,750 psi = 9300 ps i 1 .68 t!. e / ei = (F /4)(2er) Pmn = 53,800 watts (a) u. F = 0 Measu rement of Pressu re 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 INTRODUCTION STATIC AND DYNAMIC PRESSURES IN FLUIDS PRESSURE-MEASURING TRANSDUCERS MANOMETRY BOURDON-TUBE GAGES ELASTIC DIAPHRAGMS ADDmONAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS MEASUREMENT OF HIGH PRESSURES MEASUREMENT OF LOW PRESSURES DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PRESSURE-MEASURING SYSTEMS CALIBRATION METHODS I INTRODUCTION Pressure is the nonnal force exerted by a medium, usually a Huid, on a unit area. In engineering, pressure is most often expressed in pascal (I Pa = N/m2 ) or pounds-force per square inch (lbf/in. 2 , or psi). 'JYpically, pressure is detected as a differential quantity, that is, as the difference between an unknown pressure and a known reference pressure. Atmospheric pressure is the most common reference, and the resulting pressure difference, known as gage pressure, is of obvious importance in dctennining net loads on pressure vessel and pipe walls. In other cases, the reference pressure is taken to be zero (a complete absence of press u re), and the pressure measured is called absolute. In the English system of units, gage and absolute pressure are distinguished by writing psig and psia, respectively. Figure I illustrates these relationships. Pressure is often expressed in units of hydrostatic force per unit area at the base of a column of liquid, usually mercury or water. For example, standard atmospheric pressure ( 1 0 1 ,325 Pa or 14.696 psia) is approximately equal to the pressure exerted at the bottom of a mercury column 760 mm (or 29.92 in.) in height. 1 Therefore, one often finds standard atmospheric pressure specified as 760 mrnHg or 29.92 inHg, even though the fundamental unil of pressure is neither millimeters nor inches. Pressure measurement using l iquid columns is called manometry (see Section 4 ). An absolute pressure less than atmospheric pressure is often referred to as a vacuum. Vacuum is occasionally measured in terms of a negative gage pressure (so that - 7 psig When the vacuum is nearly complete, however, small variations in = 7 psi vacuum). •n.e pn:ssure is equal 10 pgh, for p the liquid dcnsily. g the local value of the gravita1ional body force, and h 1he column height Since liquid density varies with temperature. the precise height ror I atm pressure depends on both local gravily and ambient lcmperature. Inc. From Mechm1ical Measurrments. Sixth Ed i tion, Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard V. Copyright () 2007 by Pearson Education, Published by Prentice Hall. All righis reserved. 393 Measurement of Pressure !! ::J � Atmospheric pressure p- Gage pressure P1 (negaUve) P, 0 Barometric pressure -------- ------------ - Absolute pressure P1 Zero absolute pressure FIGURE I : Relations among absolute, gage, and barometric presSW"eS. TABLE 1 : Relation of Various Units of Pressu re to the Pascal [ I ). H20 at 4°C; Hg ll O"C. 1 microbar = 0. 1 Pa I µmHg = 0. 1 333 Pa 1 N/m 2 = 1 Pa 1 mmH 2 0 = 9.807 Pa 1 mbar = 100 Pa I mmHg = 133.3 Pa 1 torr = 133.3 Pa 2 I inH20 I kPa I ftH20 1 i n Hg I psi I bar 1 atm = 249 . 1 Pa = 1000 Pa = 2989 Pa = 3386 Pa = 6895 Pa = t<>5 Pa = 101 325 Pa atmospheric pressu re can produce large errors in the measured gage pressure. Hence. absolute pressure is always used to describe a high vacuum. The low absolute pressures of a high vacuum are sometimes expressed in u n its of torr ( 1 t orr = I mmHg) or micrometerS of mercury (µmHg). . High pressures are o fte n written in unit� of atmospheres ( I atm = 1 .01 325 x llP Pa), bar ( 1 bar = HP Pa), or megapascal ( I MPa = 1 06 Pa). Selected units of pressure measuremen t are summ ari zed in Table I . STATIC AND DYNAMIC PRESSURES IN FLUIDS When a fluid is at rest, a small press u re sensor in it will read the same static pressure at 8 given position in the fluid no matter how it is oriented. In other words, at any particular point in the fluid , the small surface experie nces the same pressure whether it faces upward or d ow nward or left or righ t . Gravitational force can produce a vertical pressure gradient. caus i ng a higher pressure at lower leve l s in the lluid, but at any particular level the pressure on the small surface remains independent of its orientation. . When the fluid is in motion, a surface placed in it may experience not only the stauc 394 Measurement of Pressure l!ll!l'li=i.'i��- Flow - - - A Pressure transducers 8 FIGURE 2: Impact tube, A, and static-pressure tube, B. Tube A senses the total or stagna­ tion pressure. pressure, but also a dynamic pressure. For example, if the surface is perpendicular to the direction of flow, the fluid must come to rest at the surface. This stagnation of the flow results in the conversion of kinetic energy into an additional pressu re on the surface, much like the pressure you feel when standing in the wind. On the other hand, if the surface is parallel to the How direction, the Huid is not stagnated and Hows along the surface without creating any additional pressure. Thus, a pressure transducer's reading in a moving Huid will depend on its orientation. In Fig. 2, two small tubes each sample the pressure in an air duct. Pressure tap B senses only the static pressure in the duct. Tube A, on the other hand, is aligned so that the How impacts against its opening, and it senses the total or stagnation pressure. The static pressure is identical to the pressure one would sense if moving along with the airstream. The stagnation pressure can be defined as that which would be obtained if the stream were brought to rest isenlropically. The difference between the stagnation and static pressures results from the motion of the Huid and is called the velocity pressure or dynamic pressure: Dynamic pressure = stagnation pressure - static pressure This pressure difference can even be exploited for measurement of the Huid's velocity. We see , therefore, that to obtain and interpret pressure measurements properly, How conditions must be taken into account. Conversely, to interpret flow measurements properly, the pressure conditions must be considered. Sound Pressure Sound waves propagate in an elastic medium as longitudinal pressure variations (along the path of propagation), with press ure H uctuating above and below the static pressure. The instantaneous difference between the pressure at any point and the time-average pressure there is called the sound pressure. Because sound pressures are normally relatively small, they are often expressed in units of m ic robar ( I µ.bar = 10- t Pa). Measurement of sound pressure is accomplished with microphones and related apparatus. 395 Measurement of Pressure 3 PRESSURE-MEASURING TRANSDUCERS Pressure measurement most often involves converting a pressure difference into a fi and t hen measuring that force. In some cases, the force may be measured dilectJ on:e c ompari n g it to the weight of an object or of a column of liquid . In o� casay force may be used to produce a deflection in an elastic mem ber, such as a Cllned 'tube or a d i aphragm . This deflection, in tum, may be measured either mechanically or by sccondafl:' electrical tran ucer, such � a strain gage or ind ucti�•e or capacitative sensor. 01her devices, a pressure · md uced stram may change the electnocal properties of the elas tic member itself, as when a piezoelectric material generates a ch arge in response to a load. Many ot her me1hods of pressure measurement have been devisec� particularly in connection with vacuum systems. � � � Pressure, as force per unit area, must ultimately be relall!d back to the staodanls of length, mass, and time which define force and area . There is no separate standard for pressure . The most common way to connect pressure to the standards is 10 use a calibrated mass subjected to a known value of gravity to create a force that is supported by the unknown pressure as applied to a carefully measured area. For example, the piston force balance or dead-wei gh t tester (Fig. 3) produces a constant pressure that may be used to calibrate other press ure gages. Masses sitti ng atop a piston are supported by the pressure of a fluid below. If the piston's area is known, the pressure is calculated easi ly using the known masses and the local value of gravity. These devices are commonly usedl by standards laboratories for high-accuracy calibration of other pressure sensors. When properly applied, they are accurate to belier than 100 parts per million (2). Similarly hi gh accuracy can be obtained by ba lanc i ng a pressure force against the hydrostatic pressure at the base of a column of liquid whose height is known; this is called manometry. Weights FIGURE 3: Dead-weight tester. Measurement of Pressure When then pressure to be measured varies rapidly in time (a dynamic pressure mea­ surement), the transducer used must have sufficiently high frequency response to track the signal. In general, only electromechanical transducers are adequate for dynamic pressure measurements, and then only if the associated elastic members are light enough to respond rapidly to changing conditions. In addition to the response of transducer itself, we must take account of the responsiveness of any connecting tubing or chambers between the transducer and the point at which pressure is to be measured. As an example, suppose that a diaphragm-type transducer were to be used for mea­ suring the pressu re at a specific point on an aircraft skin. In such an application, it may be undesirable 10 place the diaphragm Hush with the aircraft surface. Possibly the size of the diaphragm is IOO great in comparison with the pressure gradients existing; or perhaps Hush mounting would disturb the surface lo IOO great a degree ; or it may be necessary to mount the pickup internally to protect ii from large temperature variations. In such cases, the pressure would be conducted to the sensing element of the pickup through a passageway, and a small space or cavity would exist over the diaphragm. The passageway and cavity become, in essence, an integral part of the transducer, and the mass, elasticity, and damping properties of the passage and chamber contribute to the overall response of the system. It is obvious that it would be insufficient to consider only the transducer characteristics in assessing the frequency response. This issue is discussed further in Section 10. International conferences on pressure mea5urementare held periodically by the national standards laboratories of several dozen nations. The proceedings of those conferences should be consulted for detailed information on pressure measurement al the highest levels of accuracy [3, 4). 4 MANOMETRY Manometry refers to the measurement of pressure by comparison to the hydrostatic pressure produced by a column of liquid. The manometer is one of the mosl elementary measuring devices imaginable. It is simple, inexpensive, and relatively free from error, and yel ii may be arra nged to almost any degree of sensitivity. Its major disadvantages lie in its pressure ranges and in its poor dynamic response. II is nol very practical for measuring pressures greater than, say, 200 kPa (30 psi), and it is incapable of following any but slowly changing pressures. A simple well-type manometer is shown in Fig. 4. A force-equilibrium expression for the net liquid column is (P1a A - "2,, A) = Ahp (�) (I) .( ) ( l a) or ( Pia - "2,, ) = PJ = hp .!.. 8c Measurement of Pressure Fluid FIGURE 4: Well-type manometer. where Pia and Pia = ihe applied absolute pressures, = P.i = ihe pressure difference or differential pressure, p the density of the fluid (mass/volume), h = the net column height, or "head," g = the gravitational body force, and Be = the dimensional constant In practice, pressure P"lo is commonly atmospheric and (2) where Pig = the gage pressure at point 1 Perhaps it would be w ise at this point 10 make sure we understand the units to be used. In simpli fied form the preceding equations may be written as P.i = hp ( t) Substituting units in the right-hand side of the equation, we have, for the SI System, (m)(kglm3 )(mls2 )(N · s2 /kg · m) = N/m 2 = Pa 398 (2a) Measurement of Pressure Using the English system of units, we have (ft)(lbmtft3 )(ft/s 2 )(1bf . s2 /lbm . ft) = lbftft2 EXAMPLE 1 Calculate the pressure at the base of a column of water 1 m (3.281 ft) in height if the local gravity acceleration is 9. 75 mts2 (3 I .99 ft/s2 ) and the temperature is 200C (68°F). Solation Assume that the density of water at 20°C is 998.2 kgtm3 (62.32 lbm/ft3 ). Using SI units, we have Psi = (1)(998.2)(9.75/ 1 ) = 9732 Pa Using English unils, we have Piing = (3.28 1 ) (62.32)(3 1 .99/32. 1 7) = 203.3 lbflft2 = 1 .412 psi Because the fluid density is involved, accurate work will require consideration of temperature variation of density: The manometer possesses a cenain amount of temperature sensitivity. When the pressure Pia is atmospheric and the absolute pressure Pia is made to be zero (as by sealing and evacuating the top of the tube in Fig. 4 ), we obtain the ordinary barometer. In this case the fluid has traditionally been mercury. In recent years, health regulations have strongly discouraged the use of mercury in many settings, so that the traditional mercury barometer has become relatively uncommon. Figure 5 illustrates the function of the U-tube manometer. Pressures are applied to both legs of the U, and the manometer fluid is displaced until force eq uilibrium is attained. Pressures Pia and Pia are transmitted to the manometer legs through some fluid of density Pt , while the manometer fluid has some greater density Pm . In general, we See thai Pi a - Pi,,, = h (Pm - p, ) (t) (3) In many cases the density difference between the two fluids is great enough that the lesser density may be neglected (Pm » Pt )-when air is the transmitting fluid and water is the measuring fluid, for instance. In that case, we have what might be called a simple U-tube manometer, and Eq. (3) reduces to (3a) EXAMPLE 2 Suppose the manometer fluids in Fig. 5 are water and mercury. This situation might occur when a manometer is used to measure the differential pressure across a venturi meter through which water is flowing. We will consider both systems of units used in this book along with the following data: 399 Measurement of Pressure h Manometer ftuld with density� Pm FIGURE 5: U-tube manometer. h = 1 0 in. or i ft (0.254 m), Density of water = 62.38 lbm/ft3 (999.2 kg/m3 ), Specific gravities of H2 0 and Hg = 1 and 1 3.6, respectively, Standard gravity applies (32. 1 74 ftls2 and 9.80665 m/s2 ) Determine the differential press ure . Solution In the English system of units, Pia - Pi.a (5 ) = 6 ( 1 3.6 - 1 ) (62.38) ( 32. 1 74 ) _ 32 174 = 655 lbf/ft2 = 4.55 psi For the SI system of units, we have Pia - Pi.a = (0.254)( 1 3.6 - 1 )(999.2) = 3 1 ,360 Pa = 3 1 .4 kPa (9.80665 ) --1 It is left for the reader to show that the two answers represent lhe same physical quantil)' and that the unit balance is proper in each case. In general, a simple U-tube manometer will have a greater pressure range when a more dense measuring fluid is used and a greater sensitivity (change in height per unit change 111 Measurement of Pressure A = cross-sectional area 9 Fluid FIGURE 6: Inclined-type manometer. pressure) when a less dense fluid is used. From Eq. (3a), Se .. . ns1uv1ty h =-= t.. P 1 --­ (3b) Pm(g/gc ) Greater sensitivity may also be obtained through a displacement amplification scheme, two of which are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. For the single inclined leg (Fig. 6), in which h = L sin8, Pm (L sin 8)g Pl a = + Pia (3c ) gc so that Se L .. . ns1Uv1ty = - = ----­ t.. P Pm sin 8 (g /gc) P + ,dP p Y IP""...._"i'l u p, o --M-14-P2 ir.11;ai1ri'tirfaCi T" b Fluid level '1P applied Initial ftuld level h Final interface d FIGURE 7: Two-fluid manometer with reservoirs. (3d) Measurement of Pressure In the case of the two-Ouid type mano meter (Fig. 7 ), Sensitivity = ...! !.._ = t!.P 1 [ (d/D) 2 (P2 + Pt ) + (/>2 - P 1 ))(g/gc) (4) When the reservoir diameters arc l arge and the Ouid densities are similar, the sens itivity can be su bstantial (a micromanometer). In c o mpari s o n 10 the simple U-tube manometer, lhe deftection amplification, M, equals (4a) where p,. = the density of the Ouid in the s i mp le manometer a nd f>2 > Pl . An extensive survey of mi cromanometers has been given by Brombacher (5). For h igh -acc u racy measwements, special attention must be given to the measurement of the l iq u id level in the manometer. The most common means of locating the liquid surface is by direc t visual comparison to an adj acent scale. With appropriate lighting and lens arrangements, it is possible to obtain accuracies of several micrometers . For higher resolution, nonvisual tec h niques are used, including capacitative detection, interferometry, and ul tras ound [6]. 5 BOURDON-TUBE GAGES B ourdon-lube gages, like other elastic transducers, operate on the principle that the deftec­ tion or deformation accompanying a balance of pressure and elastic forces may be used as a meas ure of pressure. A tube, norm a l l y of o val section, is in i tial ly coiled into a circular arc of radius R, as shown in Fi g . 8. The i ncl uded angle of the arc is usuall y less than 360°; however, in some cases, when increased se nsitiv ity is des i red , the tube may be fanned into a helix of several turns . As a pressure is a pplied to the tube, the oval section lends to round out, becoming more circular in section. The inner and o uter arc l engths w i ll re m ai n approxim ate ly equal to their original lengths, and hence the only recourse is for the tube to uncoil. In the s imple pressure gage, the movement of the end of the tube is c ommun i c ated through linkage and gearing to a pointer whose movement over a scale becomes a measure of presswe . In other forms, the end of the tube may be linked to a p os i tio n transducer, such as an LVDT, in order to track the displacement. The mechanics of Bourdon-tube action were the subject of many analyt i c al studies pri or to the development of finite element computation [7], but the primary observation is that the lip d is place ment i ncreases nearly linearly with the pressure. 6 Bou rd on -t u be gages are available for a very wide range of pressures . Full-scale readings on commercially available gages range from 100 kPa or less to 1 50 MPa or more. Accuracy is typ i cal ly between 0.5 and 2 % of the full sc a le reading. Bourdon-tube gages are gene rally useful only when the pressure is static or sl owly changing. Friction and backlash in the li n kage or gearing may cause hysteresis in t he readings when the direction of pressure variati on c hanges . ELASTIC DIAPHRAGMS Many dynamic pressure - m easuring devices use an elastic diaphragm as the primary pressure transducer. Such diaphragms may be either Hat or corrugated; the Hat type [Fig. 9(a)) is 402 Measurement of Pressure FIGURE 8: Basic Bourdon tube. often used in conjunction with elecuical secondary uansducers whose sensitivity enables detection of very small diaphragm deflections, whereas the corrugated type [Fig. 9(b)) is particularly useful when larger deflections are required, perhaps for driving mechanical linkages. Diaphragm displacement may be transmiued by mechanical means to some form of indicator, perhaps a pointer and scale as is used in the familiar aneroid barometer. For engi­ neering measurements, particularly w·hen dynamic results are required, diaphragm motion is usually sensed by some form of elecuical secondary transducer, whose principle of oper­ ation may be resistive, capacitive, inductive, piezoelectric or piezoresistive, among other possibilities. Diaphragm design for pressure transducers generally involves all the following require­ ments 10 some degree: I. Dimensions and total load must be compatible with physical properties of the mate­ rial used. 2. Flexibility, and thus sensitivity to pressure change, must provide diaphragm deflec­ tions that match the input range of the secondary transducer. 3. Volume of displacement should be minimized to provide reasonable dynamic response. 4. Natural frequency of the diaphragm should be sufficiently high to provide satisfactory frequency response. 5. Output should be linear. 403 Measurement of Pressure Section A-A E��;� (a) (b) Section B--8 FIGURE 9: (a) Flat diaphragm, (b) corrugated diaphragm. 6.1 Flat Metal Diaphragms Deflection of Hat metal d iaphragms is limited either by stress rc'(! ui rements or by devia· tion from l inearity. A general rule is that the maximum deflec�ion that can be tolerated while mai n taining a linear pres sure-d isp lace ment relation is about 30% of the d iaphragm thic knes s. In certain cases secondary transducers fC"IUire physical connc:ction with the diaphragm at its ce n ter. This is ge nera l l y 1rue when mechanical l inkages are u1sed and is also necessary for cenain types of electrical secondary transducers. In additi on , auxiliary spring force is sometimes introduced to increase the diaphragm deflection const ant . These requirements make necessary some form of boss or re i n forcem ent at the cente'r of the diaphragm face, which reduces a di aphragm flexibility. When a central connect ion is made, a concentrated force will nonna lly be appl ied . In general , therefore, the diaphragm may be simultane· ously subjected to two de fl ect i on forces, the distributed pressure load and a central concen­ . tra ted fo rce . An u ndesi rab le characteristic of simp le Hat diaphragms that is often encountered is a nonlinearity referred to as oil cann in g. The tenn is derived from the action of the bottom of a simple oil can when it is pressed . A slight unintentional di m pl i n g in the assembly of a flat-diaphragm pressure pickup is d i fficu lt to eliminate unless special precautions are taken. D i aph ragm design is covered in detail in reference [8 ]. 6.2 Corrugated Metal Diaphragms Corrugated diaphragms are n orm ally used in larger diameters than the Hat types. Corru­ gati ons permit increased linear deflections and reduced stresses. Since the larger size and deflection red uce the dy namic response of the corrugated diaphra�:ms as compared with the H at type, they are more commonly used in static applications. Measurement of Pressure Two corrugated diaphragms are often joined at their edges to provide what is referred to as a pressure capsule. This is the type commonly used in aneroid barometers. Similarly, metal bellows are sometimes used as pressure-sensing elements. Bellows are generally useful for pre."5 ure ranges from about 3 kPa to 10 MPa full scale. Hysteresis and zero shift are somewhat greater problems with this type of element than with most of the others. 6.3 Semiconductor Diaphragms Diaphragms can be micromachined directly onto silicon chips. producing semiconductor diaphragm pressure sensors. Semiconductor diaphragms are usually instrumented with directly embedded piezoresistive or capacitative sensors that track their deflection (9). Bridge circuitry, amplification, temperature compensation, and other signal conditioning can be provided directly on the chip, using standard integrated circuit technologies. Some models are quite inexpensive. In others, the silicon clement may be isolated from the mea­ sured environment by a steel diaphragm to which it is coupled, providing a fairly rugged transducer. Because these sensors are rather small, with diaphragms of a few square mil­ limeters, their basic frequency response can be very high, exceeding I 00 kHz, although packaging requirements may lower the achievable value substantially. A wide range of commercial products now incorporate semiconductor diaphragm pressure sensors, includ­ ing the engine control systems of most automobiles and battery-powered handheld pressw-e transducers. Silicon-diaphragm pressure transducers are sometimes simply called "piezoresistive" transducers. Transducers with full scale ranges of as high as 100 MPa or as liule as 150 Pa are on the market. 7 ADDmONAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS A wide variety of pressure transducers are commercially available. Many are based on diaphragm deflection, and most electromechanical transducer principles have been applied to diaphragm-based pressure pickups. Other types of elastic deflection are also used to convert pressure 10 strain or displacement. The following examples are only representative of the possible variations. 7.1 Strain Gages and Flat Diaphragms An obvious approach is simply to apply strain gages directly to a diaphragm surface and calibrate the measured strain in terms of pressure. One drawback of this method is the small physical area available for mounting the gages; for this reason, gages with short gage lengths or of custom design must be used Special spiral grids may used in constructing the strain gage. Grids are mounted in the central area of the diaphragm, with the elements in tension. Ordinary strain gages may also be used by mounting them [ 10). When pressure is applied to the side opposite the gages, the central gage is subject lo tension while the outer gage senses compression. The two gages may be used in adjacent bridge arms, thereby adding their individual outputs and simul­ taneously providing temperature compensation. Some commercial transducers employ four-gage bridges made by depositing thick-film resistors directly onto the diaphragm. For new designs, the effect of gages on diaphragm stiffness and mass should be taken into account. . Measurement of Pressure Pressure Section A-A FIGURE 1 0: Loca1ion of strain gages on Hat diaphragm. Other designs involve connecling a bending beam to lhe center of the diaphragm by means of a rod. The strain gages are mounted on the beam. The rod serves to provide lhennal isolation of 1he gages from the diaphragm. S1rain-gage based pressure transducers are available in full-scale ranges from roughly IO kPa to 100 MPa. 7.2 Inductive Transducers Variable inductance is somelimes used as a Conn of secondary transduction with a diaphragm. Figure 1 1 illustrates one arrangemcm of this sort. Flexing of the diaphragm due to applied press ure causes ii 10 move 1oward one pole piece and away from the other, 1hereby aller­ ing lhe relative induclances. An inductive bridge circuil may be used, as shown. Variable inductance or variable reluctance transducers are fairly rugged and provide good sensitivity. As a resull of lhe need for ac excitalion and lhe surrounding coils, lhey are relalively bulky lransducers and perhaps bes1 suited for laboratory installations. Inductive transducers are available wi1h f\111-scale ranges as low as 20 Pa and as high as 70 MPa. 7.3 Piezoelectric Transducers Piezoeleclric transducers are typically constructed by placing several quartz columns behind a metal diaphragm with a compressive preloading. Aexion of the diaphragm stresses the quartz columns and creales a piezoelectric charge on them. By detection of this charge. the pressure is sensed. Because piezoelectric charge dissipates fairly quickly, these devices are bes1 sui1ed for dynamic pressure measuremenis. The high stiffness of these transducers Measurement of Pressure Differential pressure connections Signal output FIGURE 1 1 : Differential pressure cell with variable inductance secondary transducer. gives them very high natural frequencies, with values of 1 50 kHz being representative. On the low-frequency end, piezoelectric transducers are not usually suitable for cycle periods of more than a few minutes' duration. The sensitivity of these transducers is usually high. A charge-amplifier is used to convert the piezoelectric charge to voltage, but commer­ cial devices may incorporate this type of signal conditioning within the transducer housing. Piezoelectric pressure transducers have full-scale ranges from I 00 kPa to 1 GPa. They have a variety of applications, including measurements in internal combustion engine cylinders, hydraulic systems, and ballistic devices [ 1 1 ). Low-pressure piezoelectric sensors, capable of resolving 0. 1 Pa pressure variations, are used as microphones. 7.4 Capacitative Transducers Capacitative pressure transducers use a Hexible diaphragm as one pi ate of a capacitor. The change in capacitance caused by the diaphgram displacement is detected using either a capacitance bridge or the change in frequency of an electrical oscillator. Capacitative transducers may have extremely high sensitivity, and they are thus very useful for high­ resolution vacuum pressure measurements. Full-scale ranges from about 100 Pa to about 1 0 MPa are available. Drawbacks of capacitative sensors are temperature sensitivity and long-term drift [ 12, 13). Capacitative diaphragms a re also the basis of th e condenser microphone. 407 Measurement of Pressure 12: FIGURE Flattened-tube pressure cell that employs resistance strain gages as secondary transducers. 7.5 Strain-Gage Pressure Cells Any form of closed container will be strained when pressurized. Sensing the resulting strain with an appropriate secondary transducer, such as a resistance strain gage, will provide a measure of the applied pressure. The term pressure cell is sometimes applied to this type or pressure-sensing device, and various forms of elastic contaim:rs or cells have been devised. For low pressures, a pinched tube may be used (Fig. 1 2 ) . This arrangement supplies a bending action as the tube tends to round out. Gages may be placed diametrically opposite on the flattened faces, as shown, with two unstressed tem1perature-compensating gages mounted elsewhere. This arrangement completes the electrical bridge. 13. Probably the simplest form of strain-gage pressure transducer is a cylindrical tube such as that shown in Fig. In this application two activ•e gages mounted in the hoop direction may be used for pressure sensing, along with two temtperature-compensating gages mounted in an unstrained location. Temperature-compensating gages are shown mounted on a separate disk fastened to the end of the cell. Design r1elationships may be found in most mechanical design texts. ' The sensitivity or a pair of circumferentially mounted strain gages (Fig. factor F is expressed by the relationship2 6. R 2FRd 2 """P; = -E - 1 3) with gage [ 2 d2 ] - D2 - II 2Equation (5) is based on the l.aDll! equations ror heavy-wall piasun: cy linders. (5) See Problem 27. Measurement of Pressure Sensing gages Threads FIGURE 13: Cylindrical-type press ure cell. where AR = the strain-gage resistance change, R = the nominal gage resistance, P; = the internal pressure, d = the inside diameter of the cylinder, D = the outside diameter of the cylinder, E = Young's modulus, 11 = Poisson's ratio The bridge constant, 2, appears because two circumferential gages arc assumed. If a single strain-sensitive gage is to be used, the sensitivity will be one-half that given by Eq. ( 5 ). Of course, these relations are true only if elastic conditions are maintained and if the gages are located so as to be unaffected by end restraints. Improved frequency response may be obtained for a cell of this type by minimizing the internal volume. Thi s may be accomplished by use of a solid "filler" such as a plug, which will reduce the ftow into and out of the cell with pressure variation. Figure 14 shows the electrical circu itry used for a transducer of this type. Gage M is a modulus gage, used to compensate for variation in Young's modulus with temperature. The calibration and output resistors are adjusted to provide predetermined bridge resistance · and calibration. Measurement of Pressure Output resistance ad)usiment FIGURE 14: Strain-gage circuitry for pressure cells employing a modulus gage. 8 MEASUREMENT OF HIGH PRESSURES The high-pressure range has been defined as beginning at about I MPa (about 10 atm) and extending upward to the limit of present techniques, which is on the order of 100 GPa (about lo6 atm) [ 1 4]. Various conventional pressure-measuring devices, such as piezoelectric transducers for dynamic measurements and Bourdon-tube gages for static measurements, may be used at pressures as high as 500 MPa to I GPa. Bourdon tubes for such pressures are nearly round in section and have a high ratio of wall thickness to diameter. They are, therefore , quite stiff, and the deHection per tum is small. For this reason, high-pressure Bourdon tubes are often made with a 8.1 number of turns. Electrical Resistance Pressure Gages Very high press ures may be measured by electrical resistance gages, which make use of the resistance change brought about by direct application of pressu re to the electrical conductor itself. lbc sensing elemenl consists of a loosely wound coil of relatively fine wire. The length and cross-section of the wire affect its electrical resistance, and both dimensions vary with applied pressure at a rate determined by the bulk modulus of the material. The electrical resistance change may thus be calibrated against the applied pressure. Figure 15 shows a bulk modulus gage in section. In this particular gage, the sensing element does ·not actually contact the process medium but is separ!lted therefrom by a kerosene-filled bellows. One end of the sensing coil is connected to a central tenninal, as shown. while the other end is grounded, thereby completing the necessary electrical circuit. Assume: dR R = dl L 41 0 _ 2 dD D + dp p (6) Measurement of Pressure Kersoene-lilled bellows Terminal Sensing element FIGURE 1 5 : Section through a bulk-modulus pressure gage. where R = the electrical resistance, l D = = the length of the conductor, the wire diameter, p = the electrical resistiv i ty The wire will be subject to a biaxial slress condition because the ends, in providing electrical continuity, w i ll generally not be subject to pressure. Assuming that ux = uy = - P and u, = 0, we may write (7) and Ez = T = E dl Combining the above relations gives 2vP (7a) us dR R 2P E dp p - = -+­ (8) If t he resistivity were i ndependent of pressure, so that dp = 0, this would yield a linear relationship between resistance change and pressure. In practice, the resistance is belier represen ted by a second-order re l ation sh i p : dR = ko P - kt P 2 R where ko i s known as the pressure c oeffic ie n t of resistance. 411 (9 ) Measurement of Pressure Special alloys are nonnally used for resistance gages, particularly manganm, . is 84% copper, 12% manganese, and 4% nickel. For manganin, approximate 5 coeffic ents in (9) are ko = 2 x 1 0- /MPa and kt '°'. 2.5 x 10- t ofMPal. _. coeffictent ko 1 s somewhat sens111ve to temperature, which can complicate measuranen L In the range to 20 to 50°C, for example, /co for manganin increases by 0.02% per of temperature increase. A variety of other alloys have been ·examined for use in e resistance press u re gages, although most have either a sma1ller pressure coefficient than manganin or a greater temperature sensitivity. For examp:le, gold-2. 1% chromium has ko = I x 10- 5 /MPa and a resistance decrease of 0.08% per degree kelvin in the same temperature range. Despite these somewhat poorer numbers, gold�hromi um has found application in high-pressure hydrogen environments [ 14 ). � �· values� The� � � 9 MEASUREMENT OF LOW PRESSURES 9.1 The Mcleod Gage Atmospheric pressure serves as a convenient reference datum, and, in general, pressures below atmospheric may be called low press ures or vacuum5'. We know, of course, lha1 a positive magnitude of absolute pressure exists at all times, even in a vacuum. It is impossible to reach an absolute pressure of zero. In the older literature, absolute pressure in vacuum sy stems was often expressed in micrometers of mercury (µmHg}, equivalent to 0. 133 Pa. Units of torr (equal to I mmHg or 133 Pa) were also common. Today's practice is to use the SI unit pascal. Two basic methods are used for measuring low pressure: ( I ) direct measurement based on a displacement caused by the action of a pressure force, and (2) indirect or inferential methods wherein pressure is detennined through the measurement of certain other pressure-controlled properties, including volume and thermal conductivity. Devices i ncluded in the first category encompass most of those discussed in the earlier sections of this chapter, including manometers, Bourdon gages, and the various diaphragm-based electronic transducers. Since these have been discussed in the preceding pages, they need not be discussed funher here except to say that their use i'� generally limited to lowest absolute pressures in the range of I to 100 Pa. For measurement of lower pressures, one of the inferential methods is nonnally required. Operation of the McLeod gage is based on Boyle's law for the isothermal compression of a gas: P1 = P2 V2 Vt -- ( 10) where P1 and f'2 are pressures al initial and final conditions, mspectively, and Vi and V2 are volumes at corresponding conditions. By compressing a known volume of the low-pressure gas to a higher pressure and measuring the resulting volume and pressure, one can calculate the initial pressure. Figure 16 illustrates the basic construction and operation of one type of McLeod gage. Measurement is made as follows. The unknown pressul'C source is connected at point A, and the mercury level is adjusted to fill the volume reprei;ented by the darker shading. Under these conditions the unknown pressure fills the bulb B and capillary C. Mercury is then forced out of the reservoir D, up i nto the bulb and reference column E. When the Measurement of Pressure A (Pressure source) + Relerenc;e /; 0 1 2 3 - � c.= - + Barometer column 30' + Hg D t FIGURE 16: McLeod vacuum gage. mercury level reaches the cutoff point F, a known volume of gas is trapped in the bulb and capillary. The mercuiy level is then further raised until it reaches a zero reference point in E. Under these conditions the volume remaining in the capillaiy is read directly from the scale, and the difference in heights of the two columns is the measure of the trapped pressure. The initial pressure may then be calculated by use of Boyle's law. The pressure of gases containing vapors cannot normally be measured with a McLeod gage, for the reason that the compression will cause condensation. By use of instrumenlS of different ranges, a total pressure range of from about O.ot Pa to 10 kPa may be measured with this type of gage. 9.2 Thermal Conductivity Gages The temperature of a given wire through which an electric current is flowing will depend on three factors: the magnitude of the current, the resistivity, and the rate at which the heat generated in the wire by resistive losses is conveyed to the surrounding environment. The latter will be largely dependent on the conductivity of the surrounding media. As the density of a given medium is reduced below a cenain level, its conductivity will also decrease and Measurement of Pressure Measumg eel Compensating cell Power supply FIGURE 1 7 : The Pirani thermal conductivity gage. the wire will become hotter for a given current flow. The decrease in gas conductivity with pressure begins at about 1 30 Pa. Below about 1 Pa, heat loss by thennal radiation is dominant, and the gas conductivity effect becomes indetectably small. This phenomenon is the basis for two different forms of gages for measuring low pressures. Both use a heated filament but differ in the means for measuring the tempenuure of lhe wire. A single platinum filament enclosed in a chamber is used by the Pirani gage. As the surrounding pressure changes, the filament temperature, and hence its resislance, also changes. The resistance change is measured by use of a resislance bridge that is calibrated in terms of pressure, as shown in Fi g . 1 7 . A compensating cell is used to minimize variations caused by ambient temperature changes. A second gage also depending on thermal conductivity is the thermocouple gage. In this case the filament te mpera tures are measured directly by means of thermocouples welded to them. Filaments and thermocouples are arranged in two chambers, as shown schematically in Fig. When conditions in both the measuring and reference chambers are the same no thermocouple current will How. When the pressure in the measuring chamber is altered, changed conductivity will cause a change in temperature, which will then be indicated by a thermocouple current. 18. In both cases lhe gages must be calibraled for a definite press urized medium, for the conductivity is also dependent on gas composition. As noted ear lier, gages of these types are useful in the range from about I to I 00 Pa. 9.3 Ionization Gages For measurement of extremely low pressures--<lown to 10- 6 Pa-an ionization gage may be used. The m ax imum pressure for which an ioni zation gage may be used is about 0. 1 Pa ( I µ;mHg). An ionization cell for pressure measurement is very similar to the old-style triode electronic tube. II possesses a heated filamen t, a positively biased grid, and a negatively biased plate in an envelope evacuated by the pressure to be measured. The grid draws electrons from the heated filament, and collision between them and gas molecules causes 414 Measurement of Pressure Sealed reference cell To potentiometer / Thermocouples < To pressure source FHaments \ IJ""=:s:ii,,__... Calibrated resistances To voltage regWltor FIGURE 1 8: Thermocouple gage. ioni7.ation of the molecules. The positively charged molecules are then attracted to the plate of the tube, causing a current How in the external circuit, which is a function of the gas pressure. Disadvantages of the heated-filament ionization gage are that ( I ) excessive pressure (0. 1 to 0.2 Pa) will cause rapid deterioration of the filament and a short life; and (2) the electron bombardment is a function of filament temperature, and therefore careful control of filament current is required. Another form ofionization gage minimizes these disadvantages by substituting a radioactive source of alpha particles for the heated filament; these gages operate in the much higher-pressure range from 0.0 1 Pa up to atmospheric pressure [ 15). DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PRESSURE-MEASURING SYSTEMS Basic pressure-measuring transducers are driven, damped, spring-mass systems whose iso­ are theoretically similar to the generalized systems. In appli­ cation, however, the actual dy n am ic characteristics or the complete pressure-measuring system are usually controlled more by factors extraneous to the basic transducer than by the transducer characteristics alone. In other words, overall dynamic performance is dctennined less by the transducer than by the manner in which it is inserted into the complete system. lated dynamic characteristics When the transducer is used to measure a dynamic air or gas pressure, the compress­ ibility of the gas in any connecting lines or volumes can introduce natural frequencies that 41 5 Measurement of Pressure are substantially lower than that of lhe transducer itself. 'Mien liquid pressures are mea­ sured, lhe effective moving mass of lhe system will necessarily include some poni on of the liquid mass, often lowering lhe system's .natural frequency considerably. In botb cases, the damping of the system may be greater lhan that of lhe transducer itself. Co llllecliag tubing and unavoidable cavities in lhe pneumatic or hyd1raulic circuitiy lhus chaqge the dynamic characteristics of lhe measurement system, causing differences between lllCaSunld and applied pressures. Much theoretical work has been done in an attempt to predict lhese effects (16-19). Each application, however, must be weighed on its own individual merits; for Ibis rasoa only a general summary of some of lhe ractors involved is practical in this discussion. In general, efforts should be made to place the pressure transducer as close as possible to the pressure to be measured, and, when this is not possible, dynamic calibration of the complete system should be made ralher than relying upon the dynamic calibration of the transducer alone. 10.1 Gas-Fiiled Systems In many applications, it is necessary to transmit the presirure through some fonn of )185sageway or connecting tube. This is particularly true when lhe transducer is bulky or when the environment to be measured is harsh. Figure 19 illustnm:s typical cases. If the pressurized medium is a gas, such as air, acoustical resonances may occur in the same manner in which the air in an organ pipe resonates. If sympalhetic driving frequencies are present, nodes and antinodes will occur, as shown in die figure. A node, characterized by a point of z.ero air motion, will occur at the blocked end (assuming lhat the displacement of the pressure-sensing element, such as a diaphragm, is negligible). Maximum presswe variation takes place at Ibis point. Maximum oscillatory motion will occur at the antinodes, and the distance between adjacent nodes and antinodes equals one-fourlh lhe wavelength FIGURE 19: (a) Gas-filled pressure measuring system, (b) gas-filled pressure-measuring system wilh cavity. Measurement of Pressure of the reson ating freq ue ncy Theoretical resonant frequencies may be determi ned from the relation f = �(2n - 1 ) (11) 4L . where f = the resonance frequencies (i nc l udi ng both fundamental and harmonics), in henz, c = th e velocity of sound in the pressurized medium, in mis, L = the length of the connecting tube, in m, n = any positive integer (It will be no ted from the equation that only odd harmonics occur.) I n many cases a cavity is required at the transducer end to adapt the instrument to the tubing, as shown in Fig. 19(b). If we assume that the medium is a gas, and that the containing system, including the transducer, is relatively stiff compared with the gas, we have what is known as a Helmholtz resonator. The the mass of gas in the tubing together with the compressibility of that in the cavity form a spring mass system having an acoustical resonance whose fundamental frequency may be expressed by the relation (20] - f = where 2:/ V(L + :ma/2) ( 12 ) a = the cross-sectional area of the connecting tube. in m2, V = the net i nternal volume of the cavity, excluding the volume of the tube, i n m3 This equation is accurate so long as the tu bi ng vo l u me, a L, is smal l relative to the cavity volume, V. When the tubi ng volume is not small, the following approximation may i ns tead be used: f = 2: I V(L :aL/2) ( 1 3) More comph:te equations for long pneumatic tubes are give n by Andersen [ 19). Liquid-Filled Systems When a pressure measuri n g system is lilled with liquid rather than a gas, a co nsiderabl y different situation is presented. The li qu id becomes a major part of the total moving mass, thereby becoming a si gn ilicant factor in determ i n i n g the natural frequency of the system. If a single degree of freedom is assumed - , ( 14) Measurement of Pressure where f = the natural frequency, in hertz, m = the equivalent moving mass, in leg, = m1 + m2 , m 1 = the mass of moving transducer elements, in kg, m2 = the equivalent mass of the liquid column, in kg, k, = the effective transducer stiffness, in N/m ) By simplified analysis, White (2 1 ) has determined the following approximate relation for the effective mass of the liquid column: ( 4 A 2 m2 = 3 pal ; (IS) where p = the ftuid density, in kg/ml , a = the sectional area of the tube, in m2 , l = the length of the tube, in m, A = the effective area of the transducer-sensing element, in m2 area It will be noted that A is the effective , which is not necessarily equal to the actual diaphragm or bellows area but may be defined by the relation A= where AV Ay ( 16) AV = the volume change accompanying sensing-<:lement deftection, in ml , Ay = the significant displacement of the sensing element, in m Likewise, the transducer stiffness, k, , may be defined in terms of the pressure change, A P ( Pa), required t o produce the volume change, AV: AP · A k _ ' - AV/A ( 17) By substitution of Eq. ( 15) into Eq. ( 1 4), we have f = 2ir I k, m t + � pal(A/a)2 ( 1 8) In many cases the equivalent mass of the liquid, mz, is of considerably greater magni· tude than m 1 , and the latter may be ignored without introducing an appreciable discrepancy. By so doing, and writing a in tenns of the tube diameter, we get a = ir D2/4 , I = !!.. / D = tubing 1.0., in m, Jk, SA irpl 41 8 ( 19) Measurement of Pressure As mentioned before, pressure transducers involve spring-restrained masses in the same manner as do seismic accelerometers, and therefore good frequency response is obtain­ able only in a frequency range well below the natural frequency of the measuring system itself. For this reason it is desirable that the pressure-measuring system have as high a natural frequency as is consistent with required sensitivity and installation requirements. lnspeciion of Eq. ( 1 9) indicates that the diameter of the connecting tube should be as large as practical and that its length should be minimized. In addition, it has been shown that optimum performance for systems of this general type requires damping in rather definite amounts. White (2 1 ) gives the following relation for the damping ratio � of a system of the sort being discussed: 411' L11(A/a)2 (20) � = ---.;r;m 411'L 11(A/a) 2 where 11 (21 ) = the viscosity of the fluid. If we ignore m 1 and insert a = 11' D2 /4, we may write as the equation �= CALIBRATION METHODS 1 611A 02 J 3L 11'k,p (22) Static calibration of pressure gages presents no particular problems unless the upper pressure limits arc unusually high. The familiar dead-weight tester (Fig. 3) may be used to supply accurate reference pressures with which transducer outputs may be compared. Depend­ ing upon the specific design, testers of this type are useful to pressures exceeding 1 GPa ( 1 50,000 psi). Although static calibration is desirable, transducers used for dynamic measurement should also receive some form of dynamic calibration, so as to determine the transducer's frequency response. Since pressure transducers may often be modelled as second-order (spring-mass-damper) systems, dynamic calibrations may be used to find the transducer's natural frequency, damping ratio, and static amplitude for use in determining its amplifica­ tion ratio as a function of frequency, that is, to find the transducer's transfer function (22, 23). Dynamic calibration problems consist of ( 1) obtaining a satisfactory source of pres­ sure, either periodic or pulsed, and (2) reliably determining the true pressure-time relation produced by such a source. These two problems will be discussed in the next few paragraphs. Dynamic pressure sources may be periodic (steadily oscillating) or aperiodic (lran­ sienl). Some sources of dynamic pressure are as follows: I. Periodic pressure sources (a) (b) Piston and chamber Rolating valve Measurement of Pressure (c) Siren disk (d) Acoustic resonator n. A period ic pressure sources (a) Qu ick- release valve (b) Closed combustion bomb (c) Shock tube When a periodic source is used, the freque ncy of the so0urce may be varied so as to as to measure the transducer's frequency response directly. Wh0en aperiodic sources are used, additi onal calculations will be required. 1 1 .1 Periodic Pressure Sources Most periodic pressure sources are designed for gaseous media, and they are generally l i m i ted to relatively low frequencies and amplitudes, particularly if nearly sinusoidal fluc­ tuations are desired. At higher ampl itudes or frequenc ies , the pressure variations tend toward a sawtooth form owing to the nonlinear behavior of compressible gas flows (23, 24). One source of steady-state periodic calibration pressure is simply an ordinary pisroo and cylinder arrangement, shown schematically in Fig. 20. If the piston stroke is fixed, pressure amplitude may be varied by adjusting the cylinder volume. For a fixed volume, a known repeatable pressure variation can be ge n erated at a single frequ ency. Amplitude and frequency ranges wi l l depend on the mechanical design; however, peak pressures to 7 MPa and frequencies as high as 100 to 1000 Hz have been reported (22, 25). A method very similar to this has been used for microphone cal ibration . In this case req uired pressure amplitudes are quite small, and instead of the piston being driven with a mech an ical linkage, an electromagnetic sy ste m is used (26]. Similar approaches have used �=:::l.!ill.. li .._ A To pressure transducer bo�ing calibrated To pressure calibration standard FIGURE 20: Schematic diagram of a piston and cy l i nder peri odic pressure source. 420 Measurement of Pressure vibration test shakers as a source of piston motion or of periodic inenial loading, the latter method being adaptable to liquid media (23). Several pressure supplies have been based upon rotating valves that periodically switch the pressure sent to a transducer between high- and low-pressure supplies. The pressure signal is approximately rectangular in such systems if acoustic resonance can be avoided in the gas-containing volumes. Recent designs have been reported to work at up to 100 kPa and I kHz (27, 28). Figure 21 illustrates another method for obtaining a steady-state periodic pressure. A source of this type has bee n used to 3000 Hz with amplitudes to 7 kPa (29). A variation of Ibis method uses a motor-driven siren-type disk having a series of holes drilled in it so as alternately to vent a pressure source to atmosphere and then shut it off (30) . Sirens have bee n used at frequencies to I kHz and pressures to 200 kPa [22). Steady-state sinusoidal pressure generators consisting of an acoustically driven res­ onant system (sec Section 10. 1 ) have also been used. lYpical arrangements place a loud­ speaker at one end of a tube whose opposite end is closed by a movable piston; the piston position is adjusted to give a half-wavelenglh separation from !he loudspeaker. These systems are useable at frequencies up to a few kHz and amplitudes up to a few kPa [ 17, 23 J. All the methods suggested here simply supply sources of pressure variation, but, in lhemselves, they do not provide means for determining pressure amplitudes or time characteristics. They are useful, therefore, for comparing a pressure transducer having unknown characteristics to one whose performance is known. 1 1 .2 Aperiodic Pressure Sources Periodic sources used to determine dynamic characteristics of pressure transducers are limited by the amplitude and frequency that can be produced. High amplitudes and steady­ state frequencies are difficult to obtain simultaneously. For this reason, it is necessary to resort to some form of step change in pressure to determine the transducer's high-amplitude and high-frequency performance. Typically, the transducer's response to a step-changed pressure is recorded, and Laplace transform calculations are then used to determine the Connected to adjustable pressure supply el=i::ilfllill--- A To pressure standard To pressure transducer being calibrated Variable-speed sine-wave cam FIGURE 2 1 : Jet and cam steady-state pressure source. Measurement of Pressure transducer's dynamic characteristics. Various methods are used to produce the necessary pulse. One of the simplest is to use a fast-acting valve between a source of pressure and the transducer. These devices be configured so that the transducer is held in a high-pressure chamber which is vented to atmosphere or so that the transducer is kept in a small chamber at tow which is abruptly opened to a large chamber at high pressure. Rise ti mes, from o to 90% of final pressure, of l ms or less have been reported (22-24). Another source of stepped-pressure is the closed combustion bomb, in which a pres­ sure generator such as a dynamite cap is eKploded. Peak pressure is contro lled by net internal volume, and pressure steps as high as 5 MPa in 0.3 ms have been obtained (17, 22, 27 ). Undoubtedly the shock tube provides the nearest thing to a transient pressure stan­ dard (24, 3 1 ) . Construction of a shock tube is quite simple: h consists of a long IUbe, closed at both ends, separated into two chambers by a diaphragm, as shown in Fig. 22. A pressure differential is built up across the diaphragm, and the diaphragm is burst, cilher by the pressure differential itself or by means of an eKternally controlled mechanism or cutter. Rupturing the diaphragm causes a press u re discontinuity, or shock wave, to travel at very high speed into the region of lower pressure and a rarefaction wave to travel through the chamber of initially higher press ure. The reduced pressure wave is reflected from lhe end of the chamber and follows the stepped pressure down the tube at a velocity that is higher because it is added to the velocity already possessed by the gas particles from the pre5SIR step. Figure 23 illustrates the sequence of events immediately following the bursting of the diaphragm. A relationship between pressures and shock-wave velocity may be eKpressed as fol­ lows [32): 2k P1 2 - = I + -- (Mo - I ) (23) k+I Po min:? � where k P1 = the intermediate transient pressure, Po = the lower initial pressure, Mo = = the ratio of specific heats. the shock Mach number (shock speed divided by sound speed in region of low pressure) We see, then, thal if the gas properties are known, measurement of the propagation velocity will be sufficient to determine the magnitude of the pressure pulse. Propagation t;- -:if::::-::Jt:--2>; Pressure Diaphragm-piercing High-pressure end )' Diaphragm Low-pressure end FIGURE 22: Basic shock tube. 422 --- -� - · Measurement of Pressure length of lube (a) Before diaphragm ruptures J I I Rarefaction I! 1 - (b) After Nplure of diaphragm -+- P, - - (c) After reftection of rarefaction AGURE 23: Pressure sequence in a shock lube before and immedialely after diaphragm is ruplured. Abscissa represents longitudinal axis of lube. velocily may be determined from information supplied by accuralely posilioned pressure transducers in lhe wall of lhe lube. By lhis means, a known transienl pressure pulse may be applied to a pressure transducer or lo a complete pressure- m'easuring system simply by mounling lhe transducer in lhe wall of lhe shock lube. The response characlerislics, as delermined in lhis manner, may then be used lo calculate lhe response or transfer function of lhe device or syslem over a spectrum of frequencies. The rise lime of a shock lube corresponds to lhe time for lhe thin shock wave lo pass by and is generally well below I microsecond. The test duration is the lenglh of time lhat lhe inlcnnediate pressure, Pi . is suslained at the transducer. It is a function of lhe length of lhe shock tube and is lypically some number of milliseconds. Shock tubes are lhus used for calibrations in the frequency range above several hundred hertz. For lower frequency calibrations, a fast-acting valve is preferred (22, 24 ) . Shock tubes have been used for calibrations al up to 20 MPa. SUGGESTED READINGS ASME PTC l 9.2- 1 987. lnslrumenls and Apparatus: Part 2. Pressull American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1 987. Meas�ment. New York: Benedict, R. P. Fundamentals o/Temperru�. PllSSUll and Flow Measullments, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley-Inierscience. 1 984. 423 Measurement of Pressure Fowles. G. Flow, �I and Pressure Measurement in the Waler Industry. Oxford, U.K.: BulleiworthHeineman, 1 993. Gautschi. G. H. Piet.oekctric Sensorics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2002. Kovacs, G. T. A. Micromachined Transducers Soun:ebook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Peggs. G. N. (ed.). ers, 1 983. High-Pressure Measurement Techniques. L1Jndon: Applied Science Publish­ PROBLEMS l. 2. 3. 4. Slandard atmospheric pressu re is 1 .0 1 325 x IOS Pa. Wh1a1 are the equivalents in (a) new­ tons per square meter. (b) pounds-fon:e per square foou, (c) meters of water, (d) inches of oil, with 0.89 specific gravity, (e) millibars, (f) micmmelers, and (g) torr? Determine the factors for converting pressure in pascals to "head" in (a) meters of Wiiier; (b) centimeters of mercury. The following are some commonly encountered pressu1res (approximate). Convert each to the SI units, Pa or kPa: (a) automobile lire pressure of 32 psig; (b) household watu pressure of 120 psia; (c) regulation football pressure of 13 psig. rust in SI units and then in Eng l ish units, ( a ) Write expressions relating the height ofa Huid co.fumn in terms of a reduced gage pressure (a vacuum). ( b ) Under Slandard conditions of atmosphere and gra'lily, what is the maximum height 10 which water may be raised by suction alone? ( c ) Under similar conditions. 10 what height may a column of mercury be raised? 5. The common mercury barometer may be formed by sealling the upper end of a rube (e.g., Fig. 4 ). inverting it and filling it with mercury, then righting the rube into a mercury-filled reservoir. A vacuum is formed over the column and the lheight of the column is governed primarily by the pressure (air pressure) applied at the base. Under these conditions. is a true zero absolute pressure (a complete vacuum) formed over the column? Investigate the vapor pressure of mercury and detennine the degree of error introduced if it is ignored. 6. Rewrite Eq. (3) in terms of specific gravities. 7. Write a few sentences explaining the mechanics of "suc:tion." 8. Write a few sentences explaining the operation of a syp•hon. 9. Solve Problem 9 u sing English units. 424 10. Measurement of Pressure Figure 24 illustrates a manome1er installation . Write an expression for detennining the static pressure in the conduit in 1erms of h 1 . h2, and the other pertinent parameters. Conduit fluid (density = p2) atmosphlric Tubing Ambient pressure h:z --r h, Manometer fluid (density = p) FIGURE 24: Manometer arrangeme nt referred to in Problem 10. 1 1. For the cond itions shown in Fig. 24, if the manomeler Huid is Hg and the conduit Huid is H?O (both al 20"C), hi = 1 8.4 cm (7.24 in ), and h2 = 0.7 {II (2.30 ft), what pressure exists in the conduit? Solve u sing SI units. . 12. Solve Problem 1 1 using E ngli sh units. 13. Express the ratio of sensitivities of an i nc li ned manometer (Fig. 6) to that of a simple manometer in terms of the angle 9. For an i ncl i ned manometer six times more sensitive than a si mple manometer, what shou ld be the angle of inclination? 14. Veri fy Eqs. (4) and (4a). JS. Derive an expression for the two·Huid manome te r in Fig. 7, substituting reservoirs of d iameters 01 and Di for the like-sized reservoirs shown in the figure. Measurement of Pressure 16. A two-ftuid manometer as shown in Fig. 7 uses a combination of kerosene (specific gray. ity, 0.80) and alcohol-diluled water (specific gravity, 0.83). Also, d = in . (6.35 mm) and D = 2 in. (50.8 mm). What amplification ratio is obtained with this arrange111en1 as compared to a simple water manometer? What error would introduced if the ratio of diameters was ignored? ! be 17. 18. Confirm Eq. (Jc). Note that Eq. (Jc) is based on a moving datum-namely, the liquid level in the reservoir. Derive an equation for the differential pressure based on the movement of the liquid in the inclined column only. (Note 1ha1 a practical solution would be to make provi sion for adjusting the reservoir level to an index or "zero" line.) 19. Figure 13 shows a cylindrical pressure cell using two sensing strain gages. If !he cylinder may be assumed to "thin wall," then be Off = and For this case, show that Pd 21 Pd GL = 41 l!i.R P = [ FRd i - .!'. 2 Et ] where F = gage factor, R = gage resistance. E = Young's modulus, and 20. v = Poisson's ratio For a circulardiaphragm ofthe type and loading shown in Fig. 9(a), the maximum normal stress occurs in the radial direction at the outer boundary, expressed as follows (33 1: a, = � (7)2 p Greatest linear deflection occurs al the center and is equal 10 I:': .... = (2-) ( Pa4 ) 16 where P = £1 3 ( I _ vz) pR.5sure, a = radius, E = Young's modulus, and v = Poisson's ratio 426 Measurement of Pressure For a in. (6.35 mm), E = 30 x 1<>6 psi (20.68 x 107 lcPa), and " 0.3, and for a design stress or9 x IO" psi (6.2 x !OS JcPa), what maximum deftection may be expected · ir P = 300 psi (2.07 x HP kPa)? =! = 21. Solve Problem 20 using SI units and reconcile the two answers. 22. A pressure transducer is constructed rrom a steel tube having a nominal diameter or 15 mm (0.59 in.) and a wall thickness of 2 mm (0.0787 in.). ( a ) Ir the design stress is limited to 2.75 x Io' Pa (3.99 x IO" psi), what maximum pressure may be applied to the transducer? ( b ) For the maximum pressure calculated in part (a), determine the circumferential and longitudinal strains that should be expected. Use E = 20 x 10 10 Pa(29 x 106 psi) and v = 0.3. 23. For so-called heavy-wall cylinders, a simplified assumption leads to error. The following, more complex relations, often referred to as the Lame equations, must be used: P( 0 2 + d2 ) 02 d2 on the inner surface. 2 P d2 UH = 02 _ d2 on the outer surface, P d2 UL = 02 - d2 ' u, = - P on the inner surface uH = All are • _ principal stresses. ( a ) For a design stress of 2.75 x J08 Pa (3.99 x 1 04 psi), d = 2 cm (0.787 in.), and D ·= 5 cm ( 1 .968 in.), what is the maximum pressure that may be applied' ( b ) If the maximum pressure is applied, what circumferential and longitudinal strains should be expected on the outer surface? Use 0.3 for Poisson's ratio and 20 x J0 10 Pa for Young's modulus. 24. 25. Solve Problem 23 using English units. Derive Eq. (5). Note that this equation is based on the Lame equations for heavy-wall pressure vessels. Sec Problem 23. 427 26. Confinn Eq. (8). 27. The speed Measurement of Pressure of sound in an ideal gas. c, may be expressed by the relation [32) where c = .ffifi' k = lhe mioof specific heats ( 1 .4 for air), R = lhe gas constant (287 Jlkg·K for air), and T = absolute temperature (in kelvin) Using the above equation and Eq. ( 1 1 ), de1ermine the change in frequency in pen:an, conesponding to a 1empera111re change from lO"C to 40"C. 28. A pressure-measuring system inwl..,. a -in.-diameler lll be, 24 in. long, connecting a pressu re source to a U'8JISducer. Al the transducer end there is a cylindrical cavity in. in diameter and in. long. Proper perfonnance requires that the lnquency or app lied pressures be such as to avoid RSOnance. Calcula11e the resonance frequency or ! } ! the system. Assume that the 24-in. connecting rube used in Problem 28 is reduced to zero length. What will be the resonance f'Rquency? [Use Eq. ( 1 2), letting L = 0.) 29. A Helmholtz resonator consists of a spherical cavity to which a circularly sectioned tube is attached. It may be considered as approximating the tu be and cavity of Problem 28. The resonance frequency of a HelmbollZ resonator may be estimated by the relation (32) JO. f= c fa 2rr •(vi The symbols have the same mr.aning as in Eq. ( 1 2). Use this equation to estimace the resonance frequency of lhe system described in Proble m 28. REFERENCES [1] Taylor, B. N. Guide to tht Use oftht International System of Units (SI). NIST Spe­ cial Publication 8 1 1 . Gaithmbllrg, Md.: National lnstitul•e of Standards and Technol­ ogy, 1995. (2) Benedict, R. P. Fundamentals o[Ttmptrature, Pressure a.'Ul Flow Measurements. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley-lnterscience, 1 984. (3) Proceedings of CCM third international conference: Pre:;sure metrology from ultra­ high vacuum 10 very high pressURS -10-7 lo 1 09 Pa. Merrologia 36(6), 1999. 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ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 1 1 P2 - Pi = 1 6.65 kPa 13 0 = 9 . 6° 20 Ymax = 3.4 x 10- 3 in. 23 EH = 322 µ. strain; SL 29 f = 3400 Hz 30 / = 3 1 0 Hz = 76 µ. strain Measurement of Fl u i d Flow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 INTRODUCTION FLOW CHARACTERISTICS OBSTRUCTION METERS OBSTRUCTION METERS FOR COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS ADDITIONAL FLOWMETERS CALIBRATION OF FLOWMETERS MEASUREMENTS OF FLUID VELOCITIES PRESSURE PROBES THERMAL ANEMOMETRY DOPPLER-SHIFT MEASUREMENTS FLOW VISUALIZATION INTRODUCTION Fluid flow encompasses a wide range of si1uations. The flowing medium m ay be a liquid. a gas, a granular solid, or any combinalion !hereof. The flow may be laminar or 1urbulen1, sleady slale or 1ransien1. The desired measuremenl may be lhe velocily al a poin� lhe ralc of flow through a channel, or simply a picture of lhe enlire flow field. Each of lhcse faclo rs affects lhe seleclion of an appropriale measurement technique, and many different me1hods have been developed for the various situations. This chap1er, therefore, will prcscnl o nl y an oulline of some of the more imponanl aspecls of lhe general topic. The mosl direct way to measure flow rate is 10 caplure and record the volume or mass lhat flows during a fixed time inlerval (a primary measurement of flow rale). More often, some other quantity, such as a pressure difference or mechanical response, is used to infer lhe flow rate (a seconda ry measurement). We may also make a distinclion be1ween Flowmeters delermine volume or mass now rales (e.g., Howmelers and velocity sensors. liters per minule or kilograms per second) through tubes and �hannels, whereas velocity­ sensing probes measure fluid speed (e.g., mclers per second) at a po i n l in lhe now. Although velocily-sensing probes can be used as building blocks for flowmelers, 1he converse is rarel y lrUe. In addilion,ftow-visualization techniques are sometimes employed to obtain an i mage of lhe overall flow field. A categorizalion of How-measurement melhods is as follows: I. Primary or quantily melhods (a) Weigh! tanks and so on (b) Volume ·1anks gradualed cylinders, bell provers, and so on From Mechanical Measu�ments, Sixth Edilion, Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard V. Copyright Cl 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. 431 Measurement of F l u id Flow 2. Flowmeters (a) Obstruction meters (respond i ng to pressure differentials) i. Venturi meters ii. Flow nozzles iii. Orifices iv. Variable-area meters (b) Volume flowmeters (responding to volumetric flow rates) Turbine and prope l ler meters Electromagnetic flowmeters (liquids only) iii. Vortex shedd ing meters iv. Ultrasonic fl ow meters v. Positive-displacement meters i. ii. - (c) Mass flowmeters ( respondi ng to mass flow rates) i. ii. iii. 3. Coriolis meters Critical How venturi meters Thermal mass flow anemometers Vel oc i ty probes (a) Pressure probes i. Total pre ss u re and Pilot-static tubes ii. Di rect io n sen si ng probes - (b) Hot-wire and hot-film anemometers (c) Doppler-shift methods i. ii. Laser-Doppler anemometer Ultrasonic-Doppler anemometer (liquids only) (d) Partic le- image ve loc i metry 4. Flow-visualization techniques (a) (b) (c) (d) Smoke trails and smoke wires (gases) Dye injection, chemical preci pitates, particle tra•cers ( liqu ids) Hydrogen bubble technique (liquids) Laser-induced fluorescence (e) Refractive-index change: interferometry, schlie�en, shadowgraph Measurement of Fluid Flow The preceding outline does not exhaust the list of flow-measuring methods, but it does attempt to include the most common types. Obstruction meters are probably those most often used in industrial practice. Application of some of the methods listed is so obvious that only passing note will be made of them. This is particularly true of quanlity methods. Weight tanks are especially useful for steady-state calibration of liquid flowmeters, and no particular problems are connected with their use . FLOW CHARACTERISTICS We may measure the flow through a duct or pipe using its mass flow rate, m, perhaps in kg/s, or its volume flow rate, Q, perhaps expressed in m3/s. These two quantities are related through the density of the Huid, p in kglm 3 , by I / •· t f.1 .;.· : ·.' ,i,-.:.:�.\: �s/ .. , . . We may also define the average velocity, area of the duct, A: ( I) V, of the fluid in· the duct using the cross-sectional · .n Q V = - = - pA A (2) When fluids move through uniform conduits at very low velocities, the motions of individual particles are generally along lines paralleling the conduit walls. The particle velocity is greatest at the center and zero al the wall, with the velocity distribution as shown in Fig. l(a). Such a flow is called laminar. As the flow rau: is increased, a point is reached where the particle motion becomes turbulent, showing unsteady, random vonices throughout the pipe. In this case, we think of the lime-average velocity distribution, which has the appearance shown in Fig. I (b ). The approximate velocity at which this change occurs is called the critical velocity. c:::11:: :: ::] (a ) (b) AGURE I : Velocity distribution for (a) laminar flow in a pipe or tube and (b) turbulent flow in a pipe or tube. Measurement of Fluid Flow Experiments have shown that the critical velocity is a function of several factors that may be put in a dimensionless fonn called the Reynolds number, Reo , 1 as follows: Reo = pVD -­ µ. (3) where D = the diameter of the pipe (or hydraulic diameter if the pipe is not circular),2 p = the density of the Huid, V = the average velocity of the Huid, µ. = the dynamic viscosity of the Huid The critical Reynolds number for pipes is usually between 2 1 00 and 4000. Below this range, the How will be laminar. Above this range, it will be turbulent The volume flow rate, Q, through a pipe or duct is just the integral of the velocity distribution, V (x , y) , over the cross-sectional A: Q = l area V (x, y) dA (4) Aowmeters measure Q and/or V, while velocity probes measure V (x , y ) . The output of a velocity probe can be integrated to obtain Q . Changes i n fluid velocity o r elevation produce changes i n pressure. For example, if an incompress ible fluid flows from a section of large area at point I into a section of smaller area at poi nt 2 (Fig. 2), its average velocity must increase, according to Eq. (2). The corresponding pressure change is given by Bernoulli's eq uation for incompressible ftow3 as (5 ) FIGURE 2: Section through a restriction in a pipe or tube. 1The unilS for dynamic viscosily, µ,, arc kg/m · s or lbf . sifl2, depending on Jhc syslem of uniJs used. We see dJa! althou1h the fonn or Eq. ('.!) .. written is most common. inclusion of lie is requir<d to obtain a proper unit balance in the English engineering syslem. 2The subsaip1 D is used 10 indicaJe nominal pipe diameler. When a Reynolds number is based. for example. on lhc lhroal diameter of a vcn1uri or an orifice, a lowercase d is commonly used (e.g., Red). l Bcmoulli's equation applies to steady lossless How along a streamline, expressed in 1crms of local velocity. II may be applied approximalely in terms of the average velocity in a due� so long as the losses are negligible. 434 Measurement of Fluid Flow e wh re P = pressure N/m2 (or Pa) kg/m3 , = densi ty , V = linear veloci ty , Z = elevatio n , g = acceleration due to gravity , 8c = dimensional constant p mis m 9.807 m/s2 l kg . m/N . s2 lbflrt2 lbm/ft3 ft/s ft 32. 17 ft/s2 32. 17 lbm . ft/lbf . s2 As wrinen here, the relationship assumes that there is no mechanical work done on or by the fluid and that there is no heat transferred to or from the Huid as ii passes between i nts l and 2. This equation provides the basis for evaluati ng the operation of H ow - m uri ng d v ices gene rally classified as obstruction meters and of veloci ty sensors classified as pressure probes. po eas 3 e OBSTRUcrtON METERS Figure 3 shows three commoi:i forms ofobstruction meters: the venturi tube, the flow nozzle, and the orifice. In c h case, the basic meter acts as an obstacle placed in the path of the ftowi ng fluid, causing localized changes in velocity. In conjunction with the velocity change, the pressure will c ang as illustrated in lhe figure. At points of maximum restriction, hence maximum velocity, minimum pressures are found. The difference between this minimum pressure and the upstream pressure is measured so as to determine the velocity. A certain rtion of the pressure drop through an obstruct ion meter is irrecoverable owing to dissipation of kinetic energy; therefore, the output pressure will always be less ea h e, po than the input pressure. As the figure indicates, the venturi, with its guided reexpansion, is the most efficient. In contrast, losses of about 30%-40% of the differential pressure occur through the orifice meter. 3.1 Obstruction Meters for Incompressible Flow For incompressible fluids, with Eq. (2), P1 = P2 = P h d d and m = pA 1 V1 = pA2 V2 w ere poi nts 1 and 2 are as in icate in Fig . (A2/A 1 ) V2 in to Eq. (5), we obtai n Pi - p Pi = Vi - V12 2gc 3. If we lei Z 1 = Zz and su bs t i tute V1 = Vi 2gc [I _ ( A2 )2] A1 (6) which treats the How as ideal (without any pressure losses). Solving Eq. (6) for Vi. we may compute the mass flow rate: m;dcaJ = pA2 V2 = [ ,/I A2 ] - (A2/A 1 > 2 ,/2g,p( P1 - />i) (7) For a given m t r, A 1 and A 2 are established values, and it is often convenient to cal­ c ulate a velocity of approach factor, E: ee (7 a ) 435 Measurement of Fluid Flow JP (b) -- - - - - ----- ­ =====! JP (c) FIGURE 3: (a) A � �------ --=$- venturi tube, (b) a flow nozzle, and (c) an orifice ftowmeter. For circular sections, lhe area = rr(diameter)2 /4; hence E= where fJ 1 --- � =D d and d = the smaller diameter, D = lhe larger diameter (7b) Measurement of Fluid Flow To account for losses through the obstruction meter, the discharge coejJicienl, C, is introduced: (7c ) The discharge coefficient, C, is occasionally combined with the velocity of approach factor, E, to define the flow coefficient, K. K = CE = c _ __ (7d) � ci nt K is used simply as a matter of convenience. The flow coe ffi e Therefore, we may write mac1ua1 = CEA1,/2gcp( P1 = KA2 ,/Zgcp(P1 and, with Q..,,ual = - - m-.a1/p, "2) (8a) f'i) (8b) (8c) 3.2 Venturi Tube Characteristics international standard is available for three types of venturi tube flow meters [ I ). The standard includes detailed pecifica ion for their Dimensions common 10 these are indicated in Fi g . 4. An designs s t s construction. Divergent ooUet Li ;? D or L1 � CM + 250 mm) L1 = d " = 0.5d z = 0.50 1 • +1 ----- a1 = 21 ° ± 1 ° 7° S a2 S 1 5° FIGURE 4: Reconunended proportions of standard venturi tubes. Specifications for the transition radii (R1 , R2 . RJ) and pressu re tap diameters, c!, are given in the ISO standard ( 1 ). the Measurement of Fluid Flow TABLE 1: Discharge CoefficienlS for Slandard Venturi Range Type 100 mm ::; D ::; 800 mm 0.3 :::: fJ :::: 0.75 2.5 x !OS :::: Reo :::: 2 x 106 As cast Machined Rough welded sheet iron 50 mm ::; D :::: 250 mm 0.4 :::: fJ :::: 0.75 2 x ! OS :::: Reo :::: I x 106 200 mm :::: D :::: 1200 mm 0.4 :::: fJ :::: 0.7 2 x ioS :::: Reo :::: 2 x 106 Tubes [ 1 ) c 0.984 ± 0.7% 0 .995 ± ! % 0.985 ± 1 .5% Standard venturi tubes are hig h-efficiency devices with discharge coefficients very near the ideal value of C = I . T le I gives the discharge coeffic ie nlS for the tluee standard designs, together with their uncertainties and the s peci fied range of operation for each design. OulSide the specified range of operation, the discharge coefficient may differ by a few percent. ab 3.3 ra Flow-Nozzle Characteristics Figure 5 illu st tes two types of flow nozzle, with the dimensions set by the relevant intema· tional slandard [2 ]. The approach curve must be proporti oned to prevent separat ion between the flow and the wall, and the parallel section is used to ensure that the flow fills the throat. The discharge coefficient may be calculaled to an uncertainty of 2% with the fol l owing relationship, as given in the international standard: c = 0.9965 - 6.53 r;t;; (9) This equation applies for 0.2 :::: fJ :::: 0.8 and 1 04 :::: Reo :::: 107• The usual range of discharge coefficients is shown in Fig. 6. Observe that the flow nozzle has greater losses than the venturi, especially at low Reynolds numbers. 3.4 Orifice Characteristics The primary variables in the use of flat-plate orifices are the ratio of orifice to pipe diameter and the pressure lap locations. Figure 1 illustrates typical orifice insiallations. Three lap locations are indicated: ( I ) flange taps, (2) " I D" and D" taps, and (3) comer taps. These are al l shown in composite fashion in Fig. 1; however. onl y one set woul d be used for a given instal l at ion . As for the other obstruction meters, an international s1andard specifies the proper dimensions and positioning of the orifice meter (3). As fluid flows through an orifice, the necess ary transverse velocity components imparted to the ft uid as it approaches the obstruction carry through to the downstream si de. As a result, the mi ni mu m stream section occurs not in the plane of the orifice, but "! 438 Measurement of Fluid Flow (a) High rdo 0.25 s f3 s o.a (b) Low ratio 0.2 s f3 s o.s FIGURE S: Dimensional relations for standard long-radius Dow nozzles [2]: (a) high ratio 0.25 :s fJ :s 0.8; (b) low ratio 0.2 :s fJ :s O.S,3 mm :s t2 :S O. I S D , r � 3 mm for D > 6S min; else t � 2 mm . 439 Measurement of Fluid Flow 1 .00 0.98 c 0.96 0.94 0.92 1 0• 4 2 FIGURE 6: R 6 8 1115 Red 2 4 6 8 1o' ange of discharge coefficients for long-radius ftow nozzles. j- O and % taps -J r- 0 I c::=::::=:::l l. � ' -+---..+-- Flange taps � � �·L:=====i T --.. - o - - - d - _j_ Conier taps FIGURE 7: Locations of pressure taps for use with orifice meters; l = 25.4 mm. Measurement of Fluid Flow Vena conllBcta. Tiie ftow profile section of minimum dimension (a) 0.8 fJ 0.6 0.4 0.2 o ._�_._�_.��-'-�-'-�-'-��.._ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0 1 .2 Pipe diameters from upstream face of orifice (b) FIGURE 8: (a) Diagram illustrating vena conlracta location for an orifice; (b) guide for locating vena contracla as measured from orifice face. somewhat downstream, as shown in Fig. 8(a). The term vena conlracta is applied to the location and conditions of this minimum stream dimension. This is also the location of minimum pressure. A guide for the location of the vena contracta is given in Fig. 8(b ). The formation of the vena contracta is sensitive to the shape of the orifice, which must therefore be manufactured with care 10 obtain accurate measurements. The downstream face of the orifice must be beveled at an angle of approximately 45° if the plate thickness is greater than 2% of the pipe diameter. Similarly, in order to dissipate the effects of pipe bends or valves, substantial lengths of straight pipe may be required upstream of the orifice (many tens of diameters, typically); and sufficient straight length is required downstream 10 avoid interference with the vena contracta. The standard should be consulted for further details [3]. The discharge coefficient of an orifice meter with comer lappings may be calculated from the following equation (3. 4]: C = 0.5961 + 0.026 1 /j2 - 0. 2 1 6/j 8 + 0.0005 2 1 ( to6p)0.7 Reo - 35 + (0.01 88 + 0.0063A)/j · Ol (�) . Reo ( 10) Measurement of Fluid Flow in which A= oa ( 19, 000/J ) . Reo 00.) This rather formidable result should be coded (into a spreadsheet, say) if repetitive c:.lcu· lations are to be made. The equation applies for 0. 1 � tJ � 0.75 {5,000 000, 1000 and Re o :'! 1 6• ooop 2 5 for tJ � 0. 6 for tJ > 0.56 ( I Ob) with d :'! 1 2.5 mm and 7 1 . 1 2 nun � D � nun . The uncertainty of Eq. (10) is 0.St. for 0.2 � tJ � 0.6 and Re o :'! 1 0, rising to as much as 1 .25% outside these ranges. For other tapping arrangements or smaller values of D, additional terms enter Eq. ( 10), amounting to a few percent. Figure 9 shows the orifice discharge coefficients given by Eq. ( 1 0) as a function of Reynolds number for several values of /J. An orifice plate is vulnerable to damage caused by pressure surges, entrained debris. and the like. An estimate of the maximum stress due to differential pressure may be found from the following. The relationship is adapted from a rather co.mplex equation (5) and assumes Poisson's ratio = 0.3 (as is typical of steels). FD2 t:.P tTnw = --,2-- ( 1 1) 0.64 0.63 "l 0 .s! .II 0.62 .. § 0.61 i5 0 . 60 .. E!' .. £ 0.1 0.59 1 04 1115 1 oS Reynolds number, Re0 107 y FIGURE 9: Range of discharge coefficients for Hat-plate orifices with comer tappings as given b Eq. ( 10) for several values of tJ. 442 where Measurement of Fluid Flow umu = max i m um nonnal stress (radial direction at the clamped edge), t = plate thickness, l!.P = differential pressure across the plate, F = a factor, the value of which may be estimated from the following : fJ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 F 0. 1 8 0. 17 0. 1 5 0. 1 2 0.09 0.06 0.04 According to the standard, the plate thickness should lie in the range 0 .005 0 !:: t !:: O.OSD. EXAMPLE 1 An orifice meter with corner taps is placed into a horizontal 200-mm-diameter (7.874 in.) line that carries 30 Us (475.5 gal lo ns per min.) of water. If the throat diameter is 1 20 mm (4.724 in.), what differential pressure may be expected across the pressure taps? The water femperalure is 20"C (68°F). Solve the problem (a) using SI units and {b) usi ng the English engineering system. Solulion (a) For water at 20°C, the density and dynamic viscosity are 3 = 998.2 kg/m µ. = 1 0.05 x 10-4 Pa . p The areas of the pipe, A i . and the ori fice , Ai, are A t = 0.03 142 mi and s A i = 0.0 1 1 3 1 m 2 and the diameter ratio and ve loc i ty of approach factor are fJ = d o = 1 20 200 = 0·600 1 E = -- = 1 .072 ,/ 1 - p4 The velocity in the pipe, Vi , is Vi = Q = A1 The Reynolds number is Re o = p Vi D µ. = 30 x 10- 3 0.03 142 = 0.9548 m/s (998.2)(0. 9548)(0 .200) 10.05 x I 0 -4 443 = 1 . 897 x l<>5 of Fluid Flow Substituting for /J and Re0 in Eqs. ( I Oa) and ( 10), we 6nd 1\ = 0. 1055 and Measurement C = � o.? 0.5961 + 0.0261 (0.6)2 - 0 .216(0.6)8 + 0.0005 21 ( La6 (0.6 . 1.897 x I ) ) 0.3 0. 1 + (0.0188 + 0.0063(0. 1055) ) (0. 6) 3 6084 ·5 ( 1 .897<>6x LOS " = so that K = CE remembering that = (0.6084)(1.072) = 0.6522. Be = l in the SI System: P1 - Pz = = (b) For water al 68°F, Finally, we may rearrange (JL 2Be . ) 2 )2 (.!... [ (KA0.6522)(0.0l 30 10-1 ] 2 [ '998.2 ] l 31) . 2(1) Eq. (Be), x = 8255 Pa = 8.26 kPa 62.32 Lbmlft3 and µ. = 2.099 x m- s lbf . s/ ft2 In addition, Q = 475.5 gpm = 1 .060 ft 3 /s, A t = 0.3382 fl:!, A1 = 0. 1217 ft2 , and 4 4. 72 = fJ = 7 . 874 0·600 1 E = r.--7J = 1.072 v L - fJ4 p = The velocity in the pipe, Vi , is V1 1.060 = 3. 1 34 fl/s = o.3382 Be in this case: p V1 D (62. 32)(3. 134 )(7. 874/ 12) = 1 . 898 x l a5 = Re o = 8c /J. (32. 17)(2 . 099 x 10-S) fJ As before, substitution of and Reo into Eqs. (10a) and (10) yields C = 0.6084 and K = 0.6522. Finally, The Reynolds number must include - Pz = ((1 .060)/(0.6522)(0. 1217))2 ((62:.32)/2(32. 17)) 1 72.7 lbf/ft2 = 1 .203 lbf/in.2 See Problem 6 for. the case o f a vertical pipe. P1 = Measurement of Fluid Flow 3.5 , Relative Merits of the Venturi, Flow Nozzle, and Orifice Good pressure recovery and resistance to a brasion are the primary advantages of the venturi. They are o ffset however, by considerably greater cost and space requirements than with the orifice and nozzle. The orifice is inexpensive and may often be installed between existing pipe flanges. However, its pressure recovery is poor, and it is especially susceptib le to inaccuracies resulting from wear and abrasion. It is also quite sensitive to upstream flow disturbances requiring e i ther flow conditioning or significant lengths of s trai gh t pipe upstream. The flow nozzle possesses the advantages of the venturi, except that it has lower pressure recovery, and ii has the added advantage of shorter physical length. II is expensive compared with the orifice, is relatively difficult lo install properly, and is the least accurate of the three meters. A major disadvantage of these meters is that the pressure drop varies as the square of the flow rate [Eqs. (8)]. This means that if these meters are to be used over a wide range of flow rates, pressure-measuring equipme nt of very wide range will be reqµired. In genera l, i£ the pressure range is accommodated, aC:curacy al low flow rates will be poor: The small pressure readings in that range will be limited by pressure transducer resolution. One solution would be to use two (or more) pressure-measuring systems: one for low flow rates and another for h ig h rates. 4 , OBSTRUCTION METERS FOR COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS When compressible fluids flow through obstruction meters of the types discussed in Sec­ tion 3, the density does not remain constant during the process; that is, P t -F Pl · The usual practice is lo base the energy relation, Eq. (5), on the density at cond i tion I (Fig. 2) and 10 introduce a dimensionless expansion/actor; Y, into Eq. (8a) as follows: ( 12) The value of Y is less than or equal 10 unity, with Y = I correspond i ng to i ncompressi b le flow. The expansion factor, Y, may be determined theoretically for gases fl owi ng through nozzles and venturis and experimentally for gases in orifice meters. For nozzles and venturi s Y may be calculated from this isentropic-ftow relationship [ I ) : y = in which [( Pi ) 2/k ( - ) ( k Pi k I I _ ( f'i / Pi )ck - 1 )/t I ( P2 / P1 ) )( I _ p' I - f14 (/'2 / P1 ) 2 / k )] , 1 /2 ( 1 2a) k = specific heat at constant pressure speci fic heat at constant volume Approximate values of the specific heat ratio, k, are gi ve n for various gases in Table 2. For orifice meters, the following empirical relation should be used [3]: y = [ 1 - 0.35 1 + 0.256/14 + 0. 93 JJ 8 ] [1 - (�) ] l/k . ( 1 2b) Measurement of Fluid Flow TABLE 2: Approximate Specific Heat Ratios at 20°C Gas AI, He, Kr, Xe Air, CO, H2 , N2 . 0i Cff.t, C02 Specific Heat Ratio, k 1 .67 1 .4 1.3 Th e uncertainty o f this correlation, i n percent, i s 3 . 5 ( 1 - Pi/ Pi ) when Pi! P1 :?: 0.75. In both of these equations, absolute pressures must be used. Expansion factors, Y, for venturis and nozzles with k = 1 .4 are shown plotted against pressure ratio in Fig. l O(a). Similar values for orifice meters are given in Fig. lO(b). From these graphs, we see that compressibility become significant when ( P1 - Pi)/ P1 :=::; 0.0 1 . 1 .00 0.95 0.90 0.85 y 0.80 0.75 l---1----1--�1--�1-----1�,..._:>..d-,..._---rl...,.:>...,.-=..,;. o;;-; .20.4 -" 0.5 0.6 0.65 --1----1--i---�i---4-'>,,_..,._._.._.-I 0.7 0.70 10.75 o.n5 0.65 1---1---1----1---�1---+---+-,..._-"I 0.8 0.82 0 t____J'---_ ---1.__...J.__ ... -L.__J____J�----1.--� 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (P1 - P�)IP, 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 (a) FIGURE 1 0: Expansion factors for k = 1 .4: (a) venturis and nozzles [6] ; (b) ori ficc meters. 446 Measurement of Fluid Flow ).. 0.960 I i 0.940 1----+---+---1"<::"""-""<:"""';:-'l"'<:::"""ea-..:::--1 0.1 I w 0.920 M 1----+---<>---�---< 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.25 0.900 >------�--< 0.00 (P1 - P2YP, 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (b) FIGURE 10: Co111i11ued EXAMPLE 2 An orifice with fJ = 0.6 is used to measure flow of 30°C air through a 0.25 m diameter circular-sectioned duel. Estimate the flow rate if the differential pressure between vena contracta taps is 80 kPa and the upstream absolute pressure P1 is 400 kPa. Solution Assume that the density and dynamic viscosity is at 1 atrn. The density, but not the viscosity, must be corrected for the higher pressure in the duct: Pl = = Patmos ( p,Pi almos ) l 1 . 14((400 x 103 )/( 1 0 1 . 325 x 1 03 )] kg/m = 4.50 kg/m l 1L 1 = 1 .85 x 10- s Pa · s Using the given information, we compute E = I r.--oJ v l - /J4 = 1 .072, 1 A 1 = 0.04909 m , and 2 A1 = 0.0 1 767 m 447 Measurement of Fluid Flow We may find Y from Eq. { 12b) with k Y [ = 1 .4: = 8 4 1 - 0.35 1 + 0.256(0.6) + 0.93(0.6) = 0.94 1 1 ][ 1 - (400� ) ] - 80 1 / 1 .4 a To determine C from Eq. ( 1 0) requires the Reynolds number, which cannot be com pulcd until we determine 1he How rate; however, the terms involving the Reynolds number are smal l for high Reynolds numbers, so for now we may es m .te C by neglecting them: 2 8 c � 0.596 1 + 0.0261 (0.6) - 0.2 1 6(0.6) = 0.6019 ti Using Eq. ( 1 2), and noting that gc ,;. 1 in the SI System, w e have: = (0.60 1 9)( 1 .012>co.0 1161)(0.94 1 1 = ­ = 9. 105 kgls h/20 J <4.50J<SO x 1 03 ) The value of Reo may now be calculated and the accuracy e>f our estimate of C deter­ mined. V1 Re o = = = -Pl A 1 ,;. = P1 V1 D1 9. 105 04 ()1) = 4 1 . 2 1 m/s 9 ) (4 . 50)(0. JL l (4.50)(4 1 .2 1 )(0.25) s 1 .85 x 6lo2.506 x 10 Rec omput i ng C using al l the terms in Eq. ( 1 0) yields 0.6045, which is within 0.5% of the value we estimated previously. Greater refinement is not warranted. 4.1 Choked Flow and the Critical Flow Venturi Meter One particular issue necessitates caution when considering the How of compressible Huids. The pressure difference across a constriction (such as 1he throat of a nozzle) drives How through it, as shown in Fig. 3. As flow rates are increased, p erhaps by decreasing the downstream pressure, the How velocity through the constric1ion eventually reaches the speed of sound (Mach number = 1 .0). W hen this occ urs, downstream press ure changes cannot propagate lhrough the nozzle to affect the upstream How. Any further decrease in pressure downstream of the constriction has no inHuence on the mass How rate. The condition of Mach nu mber equal to unity at a constriction is called chokedflow (7]. The critical raJio at which choked flow occurs ma:y be expressed in terms of the upstream total pressure. P, 1 and the throat pressure, Pz, as pressure !:!_ P1 1 = (-z-)k/(k -1) k + l ( 1 3) Measurement of Fluid Flow (see Section 8 for a discu.�sion of total pressure). So long as the pressure ratio Pi/ P1 t is greater than the value given in Eq. ( 1 3), the ftow may be predicted by Eq. ( 1 2). However, when the pressure ratio given by Eq. ( 13) is reached, the ftow is choked and the mass ftow rate cannot be increased by lowering the pressure ratio further. For air, k = and this ratio is 0.528. Choked ftow conditions can be used for very precise measurement of mass llow rate. Specifically, once sonic ftow is reached i n the throat of a venturi nozzle, the mass How rate of a perfect gas is given by 1 . 4, ,;, = 2 __1 1 .jk ( -- ) (k+l)/2(k-ll __ .,fTIT;j . CA p, 2 k+ I ( 1 4) for C the dischargecoefficientofthe nou.le in question, A2 the throat area, R the gas constant for the particular gas, and T, t the total temperature. For ftow-metering applications, toroidal or cylindrical throat venturi nou.les are used [ 8]. The discharge coefficients of properly designed nozzles are about 0.99, with a weak dependence on Reynolds number. Additional corrections may be applied to account for the fact that real gases are not perfect. Critical ftow venturi meters have the advantages of very high precision (with uncer­ tainties potentially well below 1% ), of a linear relationship between mass llow rate and upstream pressure, and of independence from downstream pressure. They have the dis­ advantage of relatively l imited range. They have primarily been used for laboratory and calibration applications. 5 ADDITIONAL FLOWMETERS The preceding discussion covers ftowmeters that directly detect ftow-induced pressure dif­ ferentials. Many other physical phenomena can be adapted to the measurement of ftow rate, most of which produce a response proponional to either volume ftow rate or mass ft ow rate. Several of these devices are of high accuracy, especially the belier turbine, Coriolis, and positive displacement meters. With the exception of the Coriolis meter, the ftowmeters discussed in this section have a linear response to ftow rate. This means that their resolution is the same at both high and low ftow rates, which is an advantage over the obstruction meters. Table 3 summarizes the characteristics of various common llowmeters. 5.1 Turbine Meters The familiar anemometer used by weather stations to measure wind velocity is a simple form of free-steam turbine meter. Somewhat similar rotating-wheel ftowmeters have long bee n used by civil engineers to measure water ftow in rivers and streams ( 1 0). Both the cup-type rotors and the propeller types are used for this purpose. In each case the number of turns of the wheel per unit time is counted and used as a measure of the ftow rate. Figure 1 1 illustrates a typical adaptation of these methods to the measurement of ftow in tubes and pipes. Rotor motion is sensed by a variable reluctance-type pickup coil. A permanent magnet is encased in the rotor body, and each time a rotor blade passes the pole of the coil, change in permeability of the magnetic circuit produces a voltage pulse which is received by the meter's signal processing electronics. The turbine blades are designed so as to make the rotation rate linearly proponional to the volume llow rate over some Characteristics of Common Flowmeters [4, 9). Wider Ranges Are Available for Some Meters If Lower Accuracy ls Acceptable. Specialized Designs May Allow Broader Application of Some Types of Aowmeter TABLE 3: Type Differential Pressure Sensing Venturi Aow nozzle Orifice Variable area Gae Liquid Slurry Dirty Accuracy Range y y y y y y y y y y y M M M VL S: I S: I S: I 10 : I y y l!i. P Coat M M MIH H I.JM M L M I.JM L MIH L I.JM M Volwne Flow Ratt Sensing § Turbine Electromagnetic Vonex y Ultrasonic Positive displacement y y y y y H . y y y M M M H 10 30 100 10 20 10 : : : : : : 1 (1) l (g) I I I 1 (1) M/H M M/H M/H Measurement of Fluid Flow A: Turbine rotor B: Bearing support and A straightening vanes reluctance pickup (see Secllon 6.12) C: Variable AGURE 1 1 : Turbine Howmeter. range of flow. Low accuracy models may use the rotor 10 drive a wonn-gear connected to a mechanical councer; these types are sometimes used as water or gas meters. Turbine meters can be among the most accurate of How metering devices. High accuracy models may have uncertainties of 0.25% to 0.5% for liquid How and 0.25% to 1 .5% for gas flow. Bearing wear makes periodic recalibration necessary. Turbine meters lose accuracy al low flow rates, which limits their range of operation. Maximum 10 mi ni mum flow rates are about I 0: I for liquids and about 30: 1 for gases. These meters are less accurate in unsteady flow conditions. - 5.2 Electroma gnetic Flowmeters Electromagnetic flowmelers are based on Faraday's law of induc�-d voltage for a conductor moving through a magnetic field, expressed by the relation e = SBDV x 10- 4 ( 1 5) where the induced voltage, in volts, the sensitivity coefficient for the particular meter, B = the magnetic ftux density. in gauss, D = the length of the conductor, in m, V = the velocity of the conductor, in mis e = S = The basic ftowmeter arrangement is as shown in Fig. 1 2. The flowing medium is passed through a pipe, a short section of which is subjected 10 a transverse magnetic Hux. The ftuid itself acts as the conductor having dimension D equal 10 pipe diameter and velocity V roughly equal lo the average ftuid velocity. Fluid motion relative 10 the field causes a voltage lo be induced proportional 10 the Ouid velocity. This emf is detected by electrodes placed in the conduit walls. An alternating magnetic Hux is usually used, with 451 Measurement of Fluid Flow (a) • + (b) FIGURE 1 2 : (a) Schematic arrangement of an electromagnetic Oowmeter; (b) section showing electrodes and magnetic field. both sine-wave and square-wave excitation being common. The output is detected and processed by appropriate circuitry. For a uniform magnetic ftux and a uniform velocity, the sensitivity S = I ; in practice, neither B nor V is uniform, and the value of S is determined by calibration [ 1 1 ]. For most applications, the ftuid need be only slightly electrically conductive (com· parable to tap water), and the conduit must be lined with a nonconducting material. The electrodes are placed flush with the i nner conduit surfaces and make direct contaet with the Rowing ftuid. With purely sinusoidal excitation, eddy currents and induced voltages may cause drift in the signal at zero ftow rate. By the use of either square-wave excitation or signal conditioning circuitry, most modern meters provide acc urate accurate output down to zero flow. Commercial electromagnetic flowmeters have rated accuracies of0.5% to 2% . They are particularly useful for corrosive liquids and slurries, due to the absence of moving parts. and they are useful for homogeneous gas-liquid flows at low void fraction. The calibration is generally not sensitive to the particular liquid being metered. 5.3 Corlolls Flowmeters Coriolis flowmeters measure the mass flow rate by detecting the Coriolis force on a section of the tube carryi ng the fluid when the tube is oscillated. This force is proportional to 452 Measurement of Fluid Flow the product of the mass How rate and the frequency of oscillation. The force is generally detected from the ben.ding or Hexion that it causes in the tube. Coriolis meters can be very acc urate, although the accuracy varies over the range of the meter. Values of 0.4% to I % are typical. The range of How rates spanned by a specific meter may be 100: I . Coriolis meters are suitable for both gases and liquids, and they are not directly sensitive to viscosity, density, or temperature. Vortex Shedding Flowmeters Vortex shedding meters are based on the fact that when a blulT body is placed in a stream, vortices are alternately formed, first to one side of the obstruction and then to the other (Fig. 13). The frequency of formation, f in Hz, is a function of flow rate: I = (�) v ( 1 6) where St = the Strouhal number, V = the flow velocity, in mis, D = the dimension of the obstruction transverse to the flow direction, in m The Strouhal number is approximately constant over a broad range of Reynolds numbers, giving a vortex shedding frequency that is proportional to velocity [ 12). The value of St may be regarded as a calibration constant for the meter. Various schemes are used to sense the frequency of vortex formation. The obstructing body may be mounted on an elastic support and the support oscillation sensed by one of a number of means. Heated thermistors downstream, with one to each side of the obstruction, and the Hexing of diaphragms have been used to detect the vortices. Another technique makes use of an ultrasonic beam that is amplitude modulated by pulses. In another scheme, a differential piezoelectric pressure transducer is implanted in the rear of the bluff body. Commercially available vortex shedding meters are accurate to 0.5% to 1 .5% of How rate. They are used for both gas and liquid Hows. Thecalibration is relatively insensitive to viscosity, although the Reynolds number based on pipe diameter should generally be above 2 x 1 04 • FIGURE 1 3 : Vortex shedding caused by bluff body in flow stream. Measurement of Fluid Flow FIGURE 14: Ultrasonic flowmeter. 5.5 Ultrasonic Flowmeters Ultrasound refers to acoustic waves at frequencies wel l above human hearing. Ultrasound can be used for time-of-travel measuremenlS of mean How velocity. A pair of piezoelectric or magnetostrictive transducers are located on the outside of a conduit a few inches apart (Fig. 14 ). One serves as a sound source and the other serves as the pickup. As the sound wave travels from the source to the receiver, its ordinary velocity in the stationary fluid, c, will be either increased or decreased due to the fluid velocity V. For example, if the sound wave crosses the pipe at an angle 8 relative to the flow direction. then the effective velocity of the wave is c ± V cos 8, depending on whether the wave moves upstream or downstream. Since a wave travels more slowly in the upstream direction than in the downstream direction, the flow velocity can be determined from the difference in travel time or the relative phase shift between upstream and downstream waves. To obtain both upstream and downstream waves, the function of the two ultrasonic transducers is reversed periodically. The flow rate is obtained by multiplying the measured velocity V by the pipe's cross­ sectional area, as if V were uniform over the cross section. This assumption is appropriate for turbulent flow. In flow-metering applications in gases, ultrasonic frequencies may range from tens to hundreds of kilohertz. In liquids, where the sound speed is greater, the frequency is higher, from hundreds of kilohertz to several megahertz, so as to keep the wavelengths short. Particles-and bubbles in particular--<:an auenuate the sound waves, interfering with the transit time measurement; thus, this type of ultrasonic meter is best suited to clean, single-phase fluids. Ultrasonic flowmeters have typical accuracies ranging from a fraction of a percent to about ±5% [ 1 1 ) . 5.6 Positive Displacement Flowmeters Positive displacement meters have many forms and variations. Common exam ples are the water and gas meters used by suppliers to establish charges for services. Basically, dis· Measurement of Fluid Flow placement meters are roiating hydraul ic or pneumatic chambers whose cycles of motion are recorded by some form of counter. The volume displaced on each cycle is known with great accuracy, allowing either the volume How rate or the total volume passed to be detennined. Only such energy from the stream is absorbed as is necessary to overcome the friction in the device, and this is manifested by a pressure drop between inlet and outlet. Many of the configurations used for pumps have been appl ied to metering. These include reciprocating and oscillating pistons, sliding-vane arrangements, various types of gears and rotors, the nutating (or nodding) disk, helical screw devices, Hexing diaphragms, and so forth. Posi tive displacemen t meters have the advaniages of high accuracy (from 0.2% to 2%), a very wide range of How rate (perhaps 100 : I i n a given meter), the ability to retain acc uracy at very low rates or during on/off How conditions, and a general insensitivity to the viscosity or velocity profile of the Huid. These meters have the disadvan tage of requiring very c lean Huids (since particulates may cause wear or jamming), of the potential to create blocked lines (should they jam), and of i nducing How pulsations. 5.7 The Variable-Area Meter The variable-area Howmeter is shown in cross section in Fig. 15. This instrument is also known by the trade name Rotameter. 1\vo parts are essential, the Hoat and the tapered tube in which the Hoat is free to move. The termfloat is somewhat a misnomer in that it must Pipe �t Glass w t� FIGURE 1 5: Vari able - area 455 Oowmeter. Measurement of Fluid Flow be heavier than the liquid it disp laces . As fluid flows u p ward thro1ugh the tube, � fO!tles act on the float: a downward gravity force, and u pward pressure, and viscous drag fortes For a gi ven flow rate, the float assumes a position in the tube where the forces acting · it are in equilibrium. The total drag is dependent on flow rate and the annular the float and the tube, and, for a gi ve n tube taper, the flo t 's position will be determined by the flow rate alone. A basic equation for the variab le-area meter has been developed in the · following a form [ 1 3) : Q = AwC [2gvf (Pf - A JPw Pw ) ] area� l /2 (17) whe re Q = the volumetric rate of flow, vI g = the volume of the float , = acceleratio n due to pf = the float density, gravity , p., = the liquid density, A I = the area of the float, C = the d isc harge coefficient, Aw = the area of the annular orifice = G) D = th e di am [(D + by) 2 - d2 ] , eter o f the lube when the float is a t the zero position, b = the change in lube diameter per unit chan ge in height , a d = the maximum diameter of the float, y = the height of the float above zero pos i tion Norma lly, the values of D, b, and d will be selected to produce an essentially linear variat ion of A ., w i t h y. Thus, the flow rate is a l inear function of the reading. Cert in di sadvan tages of the variable-area meter are that: the meter must be installed in a vertical position; the float may not be visible w he n opaque fl u1 ids are used; i t cannot be used with liquids carry i ng large percentages of solids in suspensi on; for high pressures or tempe rat ures , it is expensive; il usually does not prov ide electronic readout; the calibration is affected by Hu id density; and it i s not te rri b l y accurate. Advantages inc l ude the following: there is a uniform flow scale over the range of the instrument, wi th the pressure loss fixed at all How rates; the capacity may be changed with relative ease by ch g ing float and/or tu be ; many corrosive fluids may be h and led without com pl ication ; the cond i tion of flow is readi l y visible; and model s are avai lable for ve ry low flow rates. Variable-area meters are typi cal ly accurate to no better than of full scal e and may have accuracies of only 1 0% or so. an 2% 6 CALIBRATION OF FLOWMETERS Facilities for producing standardized fl ows are required for flowmeter calibration. Fluid at known rates of flow must be passed through the meter and the rate compared with the meter 456 Measurement of Fluid Flow readoul. When the basic How input is determined through measurement of time and either weight (mass How) or linear dimensions (volumetric How). the procedure may be called primary calibration. After receiving a primary calibration, a meter may then be used as a secondary standard for standardizing other meters through comparative calibration. In general, higher accuracy may be obtained for liquid calibrations than for gas calibrations, owing to the low densities and handling difficulties associated with gases [ 1 1 ). Primary calibration is usually carried out at a constant How rate by measuring the tolal How for a predetermined period of time. Primary calibration in terms of mass is commonly accomplished by means of a weigh tank, in which the liquid is collected and weighed. Although the latter method is nonnally used only for liquids, with proper facilities it may also be used for calibration with gases. Volumetric displacement of a liquid may be measured in terms of the liquid level in a carefully measured tank or container. For gases, at moderate rates, volume may be determined through use of a bell prover, which consists of an invened bell that creates a gas chamber above a liquid; the lower rim of the bell lies beneath the liquid surface (see Fig. 1 6). Gas is pumped into the chamber through a pipe leading to the Howmetcr being calibrated; as the gas flows in, the bell rises funher above the liquid, maintaining a constant pressure within the chamber. The bell's displacement provides the measure of volume [ 14 ). Figure 17 illustrates a method obviating the requirement for direct mass or volume measuremenl A standpipe of known capacity (diameter) is used as a collector. We see that the pressure or head at the base is the analog of the mass or volume as it is collected. 0 Pulley Counterweight Flowmeter - FIGURE 16: The bell prover for gas How calibrations. 457 Measurement of Fluid Flow Alternate ftow path (constant back pressure) Flow source Meter being calibrated Standp1pe r- - Rate Pressure valve cell FIGURE 17: Standpipe e mpl oyed for flowmeter calibration. Calibrations wilhin 0. 1 % for meters handli ng 20 to 300,000 kglh have been reported ( 15). The accuracy of lhis approach will clearly depend upon accurate knowledge of lhe liquid's densi ty. Secondary cal i brati on may be acco mpl i s hed by simply plac i ng a secondary standard in series with the meter to be c al i b rated and compari n g !heir respec t ive readouts overlhedesired range of flow rates. Hig h- accu racy meters, s uc h as tu rb i ne meters and positive displacement meters, are generally used as secondary s ta ndards. It is clear !hat this procedure requires careful consideration of meter i nstal l ations, m in i mizing interactions or olher disturbances such as might be caused by nearby line obstructions, like elbows or tees. Flow strai ghteners may be placed upstream of the standard meter for this purpose. Standard meters are often used in pairs , in order that dri ft in one of t he standard meters will appear as a difference between them. For obstruction meters that are designed to meet an I SO or other standard, a cali bralion may be done by measuring the relevant dimensions of the meter and using !he corresponding equations for the discharge coefficient or flow coeffi c ient as given in the governi ng standard. This approach shou ld lead to uncertainties of to 2%. Changes in the viscosi ty and density of the fluid be i ng metered will affect lhe calibra­ t ion of a meter, i nsofar as they will affect lhe Reynolds n umber and olher parameters !hat may i n fl uence the meter's per formance. These properties depe nd not on ly on lhe particular fluid, bu t also on its temperature and pressure. Liquid viscosity is especially sensitive to temperature. In general, cal ibration should be done using the specific fluid to be metered at lhe expected operating temperature and pressure. Corrections may be applied to move a cal i bratio n to other conditions or fluids, provided lhat one knows how (or whether) lhese propenies affect the meter's response. 1% 7 MEASUREMENTS OF FLUID VELOCITIES l p l vl Often velocity per se is Flow ra te is ge nera ly roportiona to some flow e ocity ; hence, by measuring the velocity, a measure of flow rate is obtained. desired, eilher 458 the velocity oflhe Measurement of Fluid Flow TAB LE 4: Velocity Measurement Techniques. Response and Resolution Are Representative Values. Frequency Response in Panicular Will Differ Depending Upon Probe Design, Operating Conditions, and Ancillary Hardware; for example, Panicle Image Velocimeter (PIV) Resolution Can Reach O. l µm when Combined with Microscopy. Frequency Spatial Response Resolution (Hz) (mm) Device Cost Pilot tube Hot-wire anemometer Laser-Doppler anemometer Ultrasonic-Doppler anemometer Particle image velocimeter < 0. 1 Low Moderate 1 0,000 High 100 Moderate High 30 5 I 0. 1 10 1 Reversing Flow? No No Yes Yes Yes fluid itself or the velocity relative to a fluid. An example of the latter is an aircraft moving through the air ( 1 61. The following sections deal with measurement of the absolute and relative veltJcities of fluids. The instruments considered measure local velocity-at one point-rather than a spatially averaged velocity. We shall refer to the local velocity as V for simplicity of notation. Fluid velocities may vary in time, either as a result of unsteadiness in the flow system or as the result of turbulence. In the case of turbulent flow, the velocity fluctuates in time about a mean value. The frequency of these fluctuations may reach some number of kilohertz, depending upon the flow conditions. The velocity to be measured may be either a time-average velocity or an instantaneous velocity. For the lauer, of course, we must consider the frequency response of the velocity sensor. Table 4 lists several common techniques for measuring fluid velocity, together with typical frequency response and spatial resolution; the ability to measure a flow that reverses its direction is also noted. We shall discuss these devices in the sections that follow. 8 PRESSURE PROBES A common reason to measure pressure at some point in a fluid is to determine flow conditions at that point. The flowing medium may be gaseous or liquid in a symmetrical conduit or pipe or in a more complex configuration such as a jet engine or compressor. Point measurement of pressure is accomplished by the use of tubesjoining the location in question with some form of pressure transducer. A pressure probe is intended insofar as possible to obtain a reliable and interpretable indication of the pressure at the measurement point. Therein lies a difficulty, however, for the mere presence of the probe will alter, to some extent, the pressure being measured. Many different types of press ure probes are used, with the selection depending on the information required, space available, pressure gradients, and constancy of flow magnitude and direction. Basically, pressure probes measure one or both of two different pressures (Fig. 1 8). Specifically, P, = P, + P. ( 1 8) Measurement of Fluid Flow - Static Total pressure, P1 pressure, 1'1 Differential pressum transducer, senses P. = P1 - P,, FIGURE 1 8 : Total and static pressure probes. where P1 = the total pressure (orten called the P, = the static pressure, and 8.1 Pu = the velocity pressure stagnation pressure), Incompressible Fluids Referring to Eq. (5) for incompressible fluids, we may write 2 P1 = P, + 2Ee pV where p = the fluid density, V = the fluid velocity, and Ee = the dimensional conversion constant for English units (g,, = I in SI units) Solving for velocity, we obtain 6.P V = g 2 c ( P, - P, ) p = /2gc(flP) p ( 1 9) = P, - P, . From this we see that velocity may be detenni ned simply by where measuring the difference between the total and static pressures. When velocity is used to measure flow rate, consideration must be given 10 the velocity distribution across the channel or conduit. A mean may be found by traversing the area 10 determine the velocity profile, from which the average may be calcula11ed, or a multiplication constant may be determined by calibration (see Problem 26). Measurement of Fluid Flow 8.2 Compressible Fluids For high speeds, the compressibility of gases must be accounted for in de1ermining the velocity from pressure measurements. At the probe lip, an isenttopic compression of the gas occurs as 1he pressure changes from P, to P, , provided 1hat flow is subsonic. If the flow is supersonic, a shock wave will be produced ahead of the probe. Under subsonic conditions, the equations of isenttopic flow (7) lead to the following relationship between velocity and pressure: v 2 ( --) ( ) [( k k - 1 p' Ps - I + -) t, p <k- 1 )/k P, ] - I 8c ( 1 9a) where k = p, = the ratio of specific heats (see Table 2), and the density of the flowing gas (the static density) This equation should be used for when 1he flow speed is berwcen 30 and 100% of the speed of sound, that is, for Mach numbers between 0.3 and I . For supersonic flow, an additional correction is required to account for the shock wave. The speed of sound in an ideal gas is given by c = ,,/k RT, where R is the gas constanl for lhe gas in question and T is the absolute 1emperature. 8.3 Total-Pressure Probes Obtaining a measure of total or stagnation pressure is usually somewhat easier than getting good measure of static pressu re, except in cases such as a jet of air issuing into an open room, when a barometer reading provides the static pressure. The simple Pitot tube (named for Henri Pilot) is usually adequate for determining slagnation pressure. More often, however, the Pilot tube is combined with static openings, constructed as shown in Fig. 19. This is known as a Pilot-static tube, or sometimes as a Prandtl-Pitot tube. For steady-How conditions, a simple differential manometer, often of the inclined type, suffices for pressure measurement, and P, - P, is determined directly. When variable conditions exist. some form of pressure transducer, such as one of the diaphragm types, may be used. Of course, care must be exercised in providing adequate response, particularly in the connecting tubing. A major problem in the use of an ordinary Pilot-static tube is to obtain proper alignment of the tube with flow direction. The angle formed between the probe axis and the How streamline at the pressu re opening is called the yaw angle. This angle should be zero, but in many situations it may not be constant: The flow may be fixed neither in magnitude nor in direction. In such cases, yaw sen.�itivity is very important. The Pilot-static tube is particularly sensitive to yaw, as shown in Fig. 20. Although sensitivity is influenced by orientation of both stagnation and static openings, the latter probably has the greater eITect. 461 Measurement of Fluid Flow Total pressure, p1 �I equallyspaceddia.* Static pressure, P, a holes 0.04 free from burrs fe in. dia t I I ± Section A-A �==��� f 1 .T 5 1n. dla. L 22 1 I on . . s f in . -I a dia. ' t s s 5 in. � FIGURE 19: A Pitot-static tube. 1 6 dia. ----.tM The Kiel tube, designed lo measure total or tag atio n pressure only (there are no static openings), is shown in Fig. 2 1 . It consists of an impact tube surrounded by what is essentially a venturi. The curve demo trates the stri king insensitivity of this type of probe to variations in yaw. Modifications of the Kiel tube make use of a cylindrical duct, beveled at each end, rather than the streamlined venturi. This appears to have little effect on the performance and the co ns truc t ion much less expensive. 8.4 makes n n Static-Pressure Probes Static-pressure probes have been used in many different forms ( 1 7). Ideally, the simple opening with normal to How direction should be satisfactory. However, slight burrs or yaw introduce appreciable e rrors. As mentioned previously, in many situations the yaw angle may be continually changing. For these reasons, special static-pressure probes may be used. Figure 22 shows several probes of this type and the corresponding yaw sens itivities. As mentioned earlier, the mere presence of the probe in a pressure- How situation alters the parameters t o be measured. Probes interact with other probes, with their own supports. and with duct or conduit walls. Such interaction is primarily a function of geometry and relative dimensional pro portions ; it is also a function of Mach number. Much work has been conducted in this area (see, e.g . , [ 1 8, 462 1 9)). Measurement of Fluid Flow +2 ! 'ii­ � a. v..? - 0 r--.... ·1 � -2 y I/ - " / ,_Total ' I\ v 1/1 Slalic head head ' ' \ \ \Dynamic head \ --8 4 0 20: 12 8 Yaw, degrees 16 20 FIGURE Yaw sensitivity of a standard Pilot-static tube. (Counesy: The Airfto Instru­ ment Company, Glastonbury, Connecticut) � T�-I+ o i· 0.1 60" +l Kiel probe (approxlmate dimensions) I 0.019· ( ( -0.2 --0.3 -80 ' ..... r---.. ....... --40 \ \ l - Pitch Yaw -20 0 20 Yaw and pitch angle 40 60 80 FIGURE 2 1 : Kiel-type total-pressure tube and plot of yaw sensitivity. (Courtesy: The Airflo Instrument Company, Glastonbury, Connecticut) 463 Measurement of Fluid Flow ti -... ... -20 -15 -10 Yaw --ll!!l �!!l!ll!lla•lli Prandll tube -5 0 5 angle, II, degrees 1 0· 15 FIGURE 22: Angular characteristics of certain static-pressure-sensing elements. (Courtesy: Instrument Society of America, Research Triang le Park, North Carolina) 8.5 Direction-Sensing Probes Figure 23 il lu strates two fonn s of direction-sensing or yaw -angl·e probes . Each of these probes uses two impact tubes. In each case the probe is p laced transverse to flow and is rotatable around its axis. The angular position of the probe i:s then adj us ted until the pressures sensed by the openings are equal. When this i s the cas.!, the flow direction will correspond to the bisector of the angle between the openings. Probes are also available with a third open ing midway between the other two. The additiCJnal hole, when properly aligned, senses maximum s tag n ation pressure. EXAMPLE 3 A Pitot-static tube is used to determine the velocity of air al ihe center of a pipe. Static pressure is 1 24 kPa ( 1 8 psia), the air temperature is 26.7°C (80°F), and a di fferential pressure of96.5 mm of water (3.8 in.) is measured. What is the air velocity7 Perfonn the calculations usi ng: (a) the SI system of units; and (b) the English sy stem . Solution (a) Using the SI system of units, we find from Table I. that the density of air is kglm3 at standard atmospheric pressure of 1 0 1 .325 kPa. At 124 kPa, P26.7 = 1 . 153 P26.7 = ( 1 24/ 1 0 1 .325) x 1 . 1 5 J I mm H20 = 9.807 Pa (from Table I ), t.P = 96.5 x 9.807 = = 946.4 Pa, 1 .4 1 1 kglm3 , P, = P, + t.P = 1 24, 000 + 946.4 = 1 24.946 kPa, k = 1 .4 464 Measurement of Fluid Flow -10 0 50 -5 Yllw angle, 6, degrees 10 15 FIGURE 2 3 : Special direction-sensing elemenlS and their yaw characteristics. (Courtesy: Ins1rument Sociery of America, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) Using Eq. ( 1 9a) wilh gc = 1, we have V= <0 4 4 j 2(1 .4/0.4)( 1 24, 000/ 1 .4 1 1 )( ( 1 24, 946/ 1 24, 000) . / 1 . l - 1 ) = 36.57 mis (b) Using 1he English engineering system of units, 3 0.0735 lbm/fl al a pressure of 14.7 psia. At 1 8 psia, we x 1 find from Table 1 1ha1 P80 P80 = (0.0735)( 1 8/ 1 4.7) = 0.0900 lbmlft3 , l in. H2 0 = 5.202 lbf/ft2 t:.P = 3.8 x 5.202 = 19.77 lbf/ft2 , P, = 18 x 144 = 2592 lbf/ft2 • P, = P, + t:. P k = 1 .4 = 2592 + 1 9.77 = 26 1 2 lbf/ft2 , SubslilUting in Eq. (l9a) gives us v = = jz 0 4 l 4) ( l .4/0.4)(2592/0.090)((26 1 2/2592)< . / . - l) x 32. 1 7 1 1 9 fl/s (or 36.4 mis) Close scrutiny of the arilhmetical manipulations required in lhis example clearly shows lhat calculation errors of considerable size may easily resull from lhe fact thal P, and 465 Measurement of Fluid Flow P, are qu ite common ly of very nearly the same magnitudes: Calculation of the ratio must be quite precise. To determine !he effect of neglecting compressibility, we may substitute the values for part (a) of thi s example directly into Eq. ( 1 9), obtaining v = J2 x I x (946.4) / 1 .4 1 1 = 36.63 mis Essentially the same answer is obtained. In this case, the flow is nearly incompressible because the Mach number is low: The sound speed in air at this temperature is about 347 mis. At higher flow speeds, the agreeme nt would be much worse. (Problem 24 also bears on thi s matter.) 9 THERMAL ANEMOMETRY A heated object in a moving stream l oses heat at a rate that increases with the fluid velocity. If the object is electrically heated at a known power, i t will reach a temperature determined by the rate of cooling. Thus, its temperature will be a measure of the velocity. Conversely, the heating power may be controlled by a feedback system to hold the temperature constanL In that case, heating power is a measure of velocity. These relations are the basis for thermal anemometry. The most commonly used thermal velocity probes are !he hot-wire and hot-film anemometers. The hot-wire anemometer consists of a fine wire supponed by two larger­ diameter prongs; an electric current heats the wire to a temperature well above the fluid temperature (Fig. 24 ). Ty p ically, the wire is 4 to 10 µ.m in diameter, is I mm in length, and is made of platinum or tu ngsten . These fine wires are extremely fragile, so hot-wire probes are used only in clean gas flows. In liquids, or i n rugged gas-flow applications, the :S Is::::ii:i T T Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic ___ ,____ lnconel �-----------· ---------, � r � -·------------------·--· ..------ Position of fine wire � lnconel wire : (a) iE:: i! : x:f T f Cerarric Position of fine wire T Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic lnconel Ceramic i ---�------------- · ··------. :___,_�-------�------------! (b) FIGURE 24: 1Wo forms of hot-wire anemometer probes: (a) wire mounted normal to probe axi s , (b) wire mounted parallel to probe axis. Measurement of Fluid Flow hot-film probe is used instead. Here, a quanz fiber is suspended between the prongs, and a platinum film coaled onto the fiber sunace provides the electrically healed element. The fiber, with a diameter of 25 lo 150 µ.m, has much greater mechanical s1rength than fine wire. Hot-wire and hot-film probes are most often operated at constant temperature using a feedback-controlled bridge (Fig. 25). The probe fonns one leg of a voltage-sensitive deftection bridge. Curren! ftowing 1hrough 1he bridge provides heating power to the wire. The resistance of !he wire is a function of temperature, and any increase in How velocity tends to lower the wire's temperature, reducing its resistance and causing bridge imbalance. The vollage imbalance drives a feedback amplifier, which increases the voltage and current supplied to the bridge; the added current increases the heating power, thus raising the wire temperature and resistance and resioring bridge balance. The voltage supplied to the bridge also serves as lhe circuit oulput. High-quality bridges are available commercially; alternatively, acceptable bridges can be built at minimal cost (20]. The relation between flow speed and bridge outpul is obtained by equating the elec­ trical power to the heat loss. The heating power in watts is . Eleclncal power -� ( --) = ( = e eo R,., 2 Feedback amplifier •a = = R., R0 + Rw e0 )2 1 - Rw Rw ( Ro + Rw) 2 .:l e + >----->-----o + Output •• RGURE 25: ConslanHemperature-anemometer bridge circuit. 467 Measurement of Fluid Flow where the voltage across lite wire (V), ew = Rw = lite wire resistance R0 = lite upper leg's resistance (Q), and e0 = lite output voltage (Q) (V), Heat loss from the wire is mainly by convection to the fluid: Thermal radiation is negligible, and conduction 10 lite supporting prongs may be accounted for by calibration. The rate of heat loss in waits is given by Rate of heat loss = Awh(Tw - Ti > where Aw = lite wire surface area T., = lite Tt h = lite ftuid temperature = (m2), wire temperature (K), (K), and convective heat transfer coefficient (W/rn2 K) The heat transfer coefficient for small-diameter wires is given by h = A + B /PV where A and B = constants lhat depend on the wire diamet<:r, lite fluid, and lite temperatures; p = density of the ftuid (kg/m3 ); and V = velocity of lite fluid approaching the wire: (mis) Upon setting lite electrical power equal 2 ((Ro + Rw)2 e0 = Rw 10 lite rate of heal loss and solving, we obtain (T., - Tt )Aw )( A+B (20) J�) pV Since lite bridge holds lite wire temperature and resistance constant, the resistances and temperatures may be lumped with A and B into new constants, C and D: (20a) This result is usually called King 's law (2 1 ). Hot wires and hot films must be calibrated before use. comparison to a Typically, a side-by-side secondary standard, such as a Pilot tube, is made over a range speeds. The results are used to fit the values of C and D. or ftow By us i n g a p air of hot-wire o r hot-film probes oriented a l an angle t o one another, two components of the flow velocity vector may be measured. Since the wires are typically oriented al ±45° to the probe body, such an arrangement is called! an X-wire probe. Measurement of Fluid Flow Significant complications arise if the fluid temperature varies. Small changes in T1 may be corrected for by placing a line-wire resistance thermometer (a cold-wire probe) adjacent to the hot wire, so as to measure the temperature difference in Eq. (20). Larger temperature changes necessitate a further modification of Eq. (20), in which A and B become functions of temperature [22, 23). The primary value of the hot-wire anemometer lies in its high frequency response and excellent spatial resolution. The frequency response of a hot wire can easily reach I 0 kHz; if loss of spatial resolution [24) is unimportant, hot wires can be applied at frequencies several times higher. On the other hand, owing to their relatively high cost and inherent fragility, hot wires are usually justifiable only when their fast response is essential to the measurement at hand. The most common situation requiring high-frequency response is the measurement of the fluctuating velocity in turbulent flows. Themwl ftowmeters are also available. These devices measure flow rates in tubes or pipes. In one form, a section of a pipe wall is electrically heated; the resulting increase in fluid temperature, downstream, is proportional to the mass-How rate in the pipe. Some auto­ motive fuel-injection systems use a type of thermal flowmeter as part of the engine control system. A hot-film sensor is located in the intake manifold; this sensor is of relatively rugged construction, lowering its frequency response in favor of improved reliability. The hot-film signal identifies p V; when the latter is mul tiplied by the manifold cross section, the total mass-flow rate is obtained. A temperature sensor is incorporated to compensate for changes in environmental conditions. The measured mass-flow rate enables a microprocessor to set the fuel injectors for the correct fuel mixture. Hot-wire and hot-film anemometers have been studied extensively, and a large body of literature is available on their performance and use (23, 25). 10 DOPPLER-SHIFT MEASUREMENTS When light or sound waves of a given frequency are scattered off of particles in a moving fluid, they undergo a frequency change or Doppler shift. The Doppler shift of the scat­ tered waves is proportional to the speed of the scauering particle. Thus, by measuring the frequency difference between the scattered and unscallered waves, the particle or How speed may be found. The wave sources most often used in fluid velocimetry are laser light and ultrasound. The Doppler shift is responsible for the familiar change in pitch as a moving source of sound passes, such as that heard in a siren or car horn. The size of the Doppler shift in a wave scallered from a moving particle depends on the particle's direction relative to the incident wave, as we l l as the observer's position (Fig . 26). A calculation shows that the frequency shift observed is (26): 6f = (2;) cos tJ sin (i) (2 1 ) lndicenl wave, f Measurement of Fluid Flow 111 s -,;= V A/ I I I I I I I I I I I /Bisector Q � Observer AGURE 26: When an incident wave of frequency f is scauered from a particle moving al speed V, the observer sees a scauered wave of frequency f + Af, where Af is the Doppler frequency shift (Eq. 2 1 ). where A/ = lhe Doppler frequency shift (Hz), V = the particle velocity (mis). .\ = the wavelength of the original wave before scallering (m), {J = the angle between the velocity vector and the bisector of the angle SPQ, a = the angle between the observer and the axis of the incoming wave For the purpose of flow measurement, the important aspect of the Doppler shift is its proportionality to the particle velocity. If we can measure the shift, we can find the particle speed; and if the particle moves with the flow, this speed should equal the fluid speed. Because laser light and ultrasonic waves have relatively high frequencies, the Doppler shift is only a small fraction of the original wave's frequency. For example, the fractional frequency change in scauercd laser light may be only I / I OS. The Doppler frequency is usually resolved by heterodyning the scattered wave with an unshifted reference wave lo produce a measurable beat frequency. 10.1 Laser-Doppler Anemometry The original laser-Doppler anemometer (LOA) used separate scauering and reference beams to create an optical heterodyne at a pholodetector [Fig. 27(a)]. The light scattered by particles in the flow interfered with the light from the reference beam to produce beats al a frequency of one-half the Doppler shift. Unfortunately, these systems were fairly difficult to align because the intensity of the reference beam must nearly equal that of the sc•uered light in order to achieve an acceptable heterodyne. Consequently, reference beam systems have largely given way to the differential Doppler approach shown in Fig. 27(b). The differential Doppler system splits the laser into two equal intensity beams, which are focused into an intersection point. A particle passing through the intersection scatterS 470 Measurement of Fluid Flow Test section window 0 Flow with particles (a) 0 0 Test section window Scattered light Laser 0 Beam splitter Flow with particles (b) FIGURE 27: Laser-Doppler optical systems: (a) reference-beam arrangement; (b) differential-Doppler arrangement. l ight from both beams, and this light is collected by a photomultiplier tube (PM11 . The Doppler shift for eac h beam is equal and opposite, by virtue of their different angles, but the intensities of the two scaltcred waves are now identical. The resulting beat frequency al the detector is equal in magni tude to lhe Doppler shift of lhe beams. Figure 28 shows a commercial LOA lransmiuer/receiver arrangement. · The signal detected b y a differential LOA may also be interpreled i n terms of the light and dark interfennce fringes prod uced at the beam crossover point (see Fig. 28). The distance between these fringes may be shown to be 6= >. --- 2 sin(9/2) 471 (22) Measurement of Fluid Flow i Particle flow Laser velocimetry optics 0 Cdlection angle -� � Photodetector Signal wire oulput Waist � t� ... .5 Interference lringe pattem Beam crossover nme - Scatter Intensity piol (particle signal) FIGURE 28: LDA transmitter and receiver packages. (Courtesy: David Carr, Acrometrics Inc., Sunnyvale, California) where li A. 9 = the fringe spacing (m), = the laser wavelength (m), = the angle between the two bearns A small particle crossing the fringe pattern produces a burst of sGattered light whose intensity varies as the particle crosses each fringe (Fig. 28). The frequf:ncy of this Doppler burst is just the particle velocity divided by the fringe spacing: Yx (2 Vx) . ( 2 ) lo = -;; = T where sm 9 (23) ID = the Doppler-burst frequency (Hz). Yx = the particle velocity in the direction nonnal I•> the fringes (mis) Nole that the Doppler burst frequency depends only on the ve:locity component normal to the plane of the fringes. Also note that the burst frequency is independent of the position of the photomultiplier tube. The PMT signal is processed digitally to find the frequency, /0, and thus the particle velocity, One common scheme identifies the Doppler frequency . by calculating the Yx. 472 Measurement of Fluid Flow Fourier transform of the burst signal, and others use digital time-corre lation techniques [ 27 J. beam The intersection volume can be quite small, depe nding on the focusing optics. These probe volumes are elliptical, with a major axis of O. I to I mm and fringe spac i ngs mea­ sured i n micrometers. 1be scattering particles are usually seeded into the flow. For l iq uids , . natural impurities may provide acceptable seed particles; if not, addi n g small pol ys tyrene spheres or even a little milk will work. In gases, an aerosol of nonvolatile oil can be used. For good signal quality, the scattering particles should ge nerally be of d iameter smaller than the fri nge spacing; seed particle diameters of about I µ.m are common for gas flows. Particles in the flow cross the probe volume at random time intervals, and, as a res u l l, the data con si st of a sequence of individual veloc i ty measurements that must usually be analyzed statistically. An additional consequence i s that the freque nc y response of LDA systems depends primarily on the rate al which particles cross the intersection poi n t, rather than on the optical or electronic configuration. Frequency responses can reach hundreds of hertz with good seeding conditions. . The actu al i ntensity of the scattered l i ght depends upon the an g le from which the scattering particle is viewed as well as the ratio of the laser wavelength to particle diameter and the particle's index of refraction [28]. 1be strongest signals are obtained when the scattering particle ' s diameter is several times the wavelength and when the probe volume is vi ewed using a small collection angle (see Fig. 28). However, the collection angle may be increased up to 1 80" i f space is limited and weaker signals can be tolerated. Finally, it should be noted that ordi n ary LDA cannot distingui sh the fl ow direction : Positive and negat ive values of Vx will produce the same Doppler shift. This difficulty additional, known frequency shift to one of the laser beams. This causes the fringe pattern to move at the shift frequency, so that a stationary particle would scatter l ight at the shift frequency. For a m ov i ng part ic le. the shift frequency is increased or decreased by the amount of the Doppler shi ft. The measured burst frequency no longer passes through zero when the flow direction changes; instead, it becomes larger or smaller relative to the shift frequency. With freq ue ncy shift, LDA becomes one of the few velocimeters capable of measuring flow reversals. Fu rthermore, if additional pairs of laser beam s are used, LDA can measure two or three components of velocity simultaneously. is overcome by apply ing an Commercial LDA sy stems are very expensive, and their use is just ifi ed only when local and nonintrusive measurements are absolutely i mperative. Ifintrusion can be tolerated and if flow reversal or flowborne particulates are not an issue, thermal ane mometers are a more economical al tern ative . 10.2 Ultrasonic-Doppler Anemometry Ultrasonic waves in the range of tens of kilohertz to several megahertz have been applied The ultrasonic tra nsm itter and receiver may be piezoelectric and are often designed to be clamped to the outside of a pipe. to Doppler flow measurements in fluids. Like LDA, ultrasonic-Doppler anemometry requires that particles be present in the flow. In industrial settings , fluids are often clean, and del i berate seed i ng may very unde­ sirable. As a result, ultrasonic-Doppler systems have found greatest application lo the measureme n t of slurries and dirty liquids which already include particulates. Ultrasonic­ Doppler flowmeters are accu rate no better than 2%, and they can be q u ite susceptible to misinstallation errors [ 1 1 ]. 473 Measurement of Fluid Flow Because ultrasonic beams tend to be relatively large (measured in centimeters per. . haps), the spatial resolution of ultrasonic Doppler systems is poor. One conseq that ultrasonic-Doppler lacks laser Doppler's ability to measure the Ouctuating velociti of turbulent Oow, which are generally of much smaller scale. uei:ce 11 = FLOW VISUALIZATION Many Oows are so complex that the designer may have difficulty predicting their form. An experimental visualization of the How field then becomes an integral part of the design process. For example, an understanding of the Oow past an automobile is essential 10 determining drag and improving fuel efficiency, particularly for the Oow toward the rear of the car and in its wake. Normally, a scale model of the proposed auto body design is tested in a wind tunnel. Smoke trails introduced upstream of the car are used to make the Oow visible as it passes the model. The designer can then identify regions of separated Oow and adjust the body contour to reduce the drag. The advantage, of course, is that Oow visualization can illustrate an entire Oow field whereas velocity probes yield information at only a single point. Regions of separation recirculation, and pressu re loss may be identified without detailed (and more expensive) velocity measurements or calculations. Techniques of Oow visualization are widely varied Some methods introduce a visible material, such as particles or a dye, into the Oow. In other cases, density variations (and thus refractive index variations) in the Ouid itself may be rendered visible . The following lislS a few of the common techniques. Further discussion may be found in the Suggested Readings for this chapter. : wire visualization: A thin steel wire (-0. 1 mm) is coated with oil and placed in an air How. An electric pulse resistively heats the wire, causing the oil to fOOJ) smoke. The thin line of smoke is carried with the Oow, showing the Ouid pathlines. 1. Smoke 2. Hydrogen bubble visualization: A very fine wire, often platinum of 25 to 100 µm diameter, is placed in a water How. A second, Hat electrode is placed nearby in the Oow. When de power of about 100 V is applied to the wire, a current passes through the water. causing electrolysis at the wire surface. Tiny hydrogen bubbles are created. These bubbles are too small to experience much buoyancy, and they instead follow the water as a visible marker (29). 3. Panicu/ate tracer visualization: ReOective or colored particles make the How pattern visible. In liquids, particles of near-liquid density are preferred; diameters of 25 to 200 µm are typical. Examples are polystyrene spheres, hollow glass spheres, fish scales, and aluminum or magnesium Hakes. In gases, very-small-diameter particles must be used, since larger particles tend to settle out of the How. Smokes of hydro­ carbon oils or titanium dioxide (which are composed of particles 0.01 to 0.5 µ m diameter) have been used, as have oil droplelS, various hollow spheres, and even helium-filled soap bubbles [30, 3 1 ). 4. Dye injectio11: A colored dye is bled into a liquid flow through a small hole or holes in the surface of a test object. The dye track shows the path taken by the liquid as it passes the object. S. Chemical indicators: A chemical change is produced, often electrolytically, to cause a solution to change color or to cause formation of a fine colloidal precipitate. For 474 Measurement of Fluid Flow example, a hydrogen-bubble electrical arrangement may al ternatively be used to cause a th ymol - b lue solution to change color from orange to blue. 6. laser-induced fluorescence: Fl uorescence is the tendency of some molecules to absorb light of one color (or frequency ) and reemit light of a di ffere nt color (a lower freque ncy ) . Fluorescent dyes are added to water, as in regular dye i njection, but a now thin sheet of laser ligh t is used to excite the dye in a specific plane of lhe flow. The resul ti ng lluorescence provides visualization of the flow in that plane alone. 'fypical dyes for use w ith a blue- gree n argon -ion laser include rhodamine (fluoresces dark red or yel l ow ) and fl uoresceine (fluoresces green). Laser-induced lluorescence can be adapted to gas flows as well [321. 7. Refrac1ive-i11dex-change visualizations: A ll uid 's refractive index changes with its de ns i ty (or lemperature). Variations in refractive index will dellect or phase-sh i ft light pas sing throug h a fluid; and with an appropriate optical arrangement, these effects can be made visible. For example, the abrupt density change al a shock wave deflects light and can be made to appear as a thin shadow in a photograph (a shadowgraph). Smaller de nsity changes in compressible Hows or temperature gradients in buoyancy-driven flows may also be visualized (and quantilalively measured) using refractive-index methods such as the schlief'l!n technique and holographic inteiferometry [33]. Digital image processi ng is a useful adjunct to many of the preceding methods. For exam ple, a time series of digitized images can be processed to trace the time history of particle motions, y ie lding a whole-field velocity measurement. This technique i s know n as particle-image velocimetry, or PIV [3 1 , 34) . PIV systems are commerc ially avai l able. SUGGESTED READINGS H.-E. Albrecht, M. Borys, N. Damaschke, and C. Tropea. laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Mea­ sul'f!menr Techniques. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2003. Baker, R. C. An l111roJuctory Guide lo Flow Measumnenl (ASME Edition). New York : ASME Press. 2003. Baker, R. C. Flow Meusuromenr Handbook . Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Bruun, H. H. Hot- \Vire Anemometry: Principles and Signal Analysis. Oxford. U.K.: Oxford Univer· sity Press. 1 995. Goldstei n. R. J. Fluid Mechanics Measurements. 2nd ed. Washington. D.C.: Taylor and Francis, Lynn worth, L. C. Ultrasonic Measul'f!menls for Prrx:ess Control: Theory. Techniques. tions. San Diego: Academic Press, 1 989. 1996. . and Applica­ Merzkirch. W. Flow Visualiltltion. 2nd ed. Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press, 1987. Miller, R. W. Flow Measuroment Engineering Handbook. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Raffcl, M. , C. E. Willert, and J. Kompenhans. Particle Image Vtlocimetry. Verlag, 1 998. Yang, W.-J. (ed.) cis, 2001 . Handbook of Flow Berlin: Springer- Visualization. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Fran­ 475 Measurement of Fluid Flow PROBLEMS I. 2. Check Eq. (5) for a balance of units using (a) the SI system of units and (b ) the English system. A section ofho rizontally oriented pipe gradual ly tapei:s fror� a diameter of I 6 cm (6.3 in.) _ lo 8 cm (3. 15 m.) over a length of 3 m (9.84 ft). Oil having a specific gravity of 0.85 flows at 0.05 m3/s ( 1 .77 ft3/s). Assuming no energy lo:;s, should exist across the tapered section? Check unit balanc:e. what pressure differential Problem 2 using Eng lish units. 3. Solve 4. 2 is oriented into a vc'rtical position with the larger at the lowest point, what differential pressure across the section should be found? Solve (a) using SI units and (b) using English uni l:s. (c) Check the two ariswers for equivalency. (d) Would there be a difference if the smaller diameter is at the low· est position? If the conduit described in Problem diameter S. Show that Eq. (Sc) may be wriuen as follows: = the differential pressure across the meter, measured in the "head" of lhe Rowing fluid. Check the unit balance. where h 6. When an obstruction meter is placed in a vertical run of pi pe (as opposed 10 a horizontal run), what precautions must be made in measuri ng the differential pressure? 7. Prepare a spreadsheet template for solving 8. A machined venturi meter is placed in a horizontal run of 8-in., schedule 40 commercial 9. Solve Problem venturi tube proble ms . pipe (10. = 7.98 1 in. (202.7 mm)] for the purpose of metering medium heating oil as it is pumped into a large storage tank. The throat diameter of the venturi is 6.00 _in. ( 1 52.4 mm). If the differential pressure is held 10 2.54 ps i ( 1 75 kPa) for one-half hour. how many gal lons (liters) of oil should have been pumped? The oil temperature is 60"F ( 1 5.6°C) and its specific gravity is 0.86. 8 using SI units. 476 Measurement of Fluid 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Flow Water at I S°C and 6SO kPa llows through a IS x 10 cm ( I S-em pipe and 10-em throat diameter) as-east venturi tube. A di fferential pressure of 2S kPa is measured. Calculate the flow rate (a) in kg/min and (b) in m1 /h. A rough-welded venturi meter with a 40-em ( I S.7S-in.) d iameter throat is used to meter IS°C (S9°F) air in a 60-em (23.62-in.) duel If the differential pressure is measured to be 84 mm (3.3 1 in.) o f water and the upstream pressure (absolute) is 12S kPa (18. 1 3 psi), what is the fl ow rate i n kgls? I n m 1/s? Solve Problem 1 1 using Engl ish u n i ts. Prepare a spreadsheet template to be used for solving comer-tapped orifice meter prob­ lems. Use the spreadsheet template prepared in answer to Problem 1 3 to check the calcu lations in Example l(a). A comer-tapped orifice meter is used to measure the ftow of kerosene in a 7S-mm (2.9S­ in.) diameter line. If {J = 0.4, what differential pressure may be expected for a ftow rate of 1 .3 m 1tmin (47.67 ft1fmin) when the temperature of the fl uid is IO"C (SO"F)? Solve Problem I S using English units. A comer-tapped orifice meter is used to measure the flow of 60°F water in a 4-in. l.D. pipe. Prepare a p lot of differential pressure readout (inches of H20) versus {J over a range 0.2 < {J < 0.7S if the flow rate is fixed at 230 gaVmi n . (Note: A spreadsheet solution is recommended.) A comer-tapped orifice meter is to be used in a 4- i n . ID pipe carry i ng water whose temperature may vary between 40-F and 1 20-F. The range of How rate is from I SO to 600 gaVmin. The differential pressure across the orifice will, among other th ings, depend on the value of {J. To minimize losses, it is desirable to use as large an orifice diameter as is feasib le. Investigate and speci fy the type of differential pressure sensor to be used . Con­ sidering sensitivity limits, determine the largest prac tical value of {J that wi l l salisfy your specifications. Write a statement e xp lai ning the selections you have made. It is suggested that a spreadsheet be used. If the steel plate used for a k ·in. thick orifice plate in a 5-in.-diameter pipe has a yield - strength of 45,000 lbflin. 2 and {J distortion may be expected. = O.S, estimate the di ffere n ti a l pressure above which Direct secondary calibration is used to determi ne the ftow coefficient for an orifice to meter the flow of ni trogen. For an orifice inlet pressure of 2S psi a ( 172 kPa), the ftow rate determ i ned by the primary meter is 9 lbmlmin ( 1 9.8 kgfm) at 68°F (20-C). If the differential pressure across the orifice being calibrated is 3. 1 in. (7 .87 cm) of water, the conduit diameter is 4 in. ( 1 0. 16 cm), and fJ = 0.S, what is the value of (K x Y)? (Use p = 0.0726 lbmfft1 at 68°F and standard pressure . ) Solve using En g lish uni ts. Solve Problem 20 using SI units. Using Eq. ( 13), plot Pi/ P1 1 versus k over a range of k = I to 1 .4. A Pi lot-static tube is used to measure the veloc ity of 20-C (68°F) water ftowing in an open channel. If a differential pressure of 6 cm (2 . 36 in.) of H2 0 i s measured, what is the corresponding How velocity"? Check the result by usi ng English units and comparing your answer to the SI resu lt . 477 Measurement of Fluid Flow Pilot-static lube is used to measure lhe ve locity of an aircraft. If lhe air lelll)Jenluie and pressure are 5°C (4 1°F) and 90 kPa ( 1 3.2 psia) , respectively, what is the ain:ral\ ve loc i l y in km/h if lhe differential pressure is 450 mm ( 17-5 in.) of waler? (a) SolYe using Eq. ( 1 9), lhen (b) using Eq. ( 1 9a). 24. A 25. Solve Prob lem 24 using English units. 26. The ve loci ty profile for turbulenl How in a smoolh pipe is sometimes given as (35] = lhe pipe diameter, r = lhe radial coordinale from lhe cenier of the pipe, and in val ue from aboul 6 to 10, depending on lhe Reynolds number. For n = 8, de1ennine lhe value of r al which a Pitot tube should be placed to provide the velocity v... such lhat Q = A v••. where D 11 ranges 27. Like a Pi tot- stati c tube, a hot-wire probe may also suffer from angular misalignment Figure 29 de fi nes lhree possible angles lhat the probe may have relative to ilS desired alignmenL Describe separately what error is incurred when each angle is nonzero. Give qualitalive answers and assume lhat the angles remain less lhan 45°. errors. .,, c.b z v D;) +f . . "' y = Roll angle I/I • Pitch angle <I> = Yaw angle 8 FIGURE 29: Angular orientati on of a hot-wire probe. 478 Measurement of Fluid Flow REF ERENCES (II ISO 5 167-4:2003 Measurement offluid flow by means of differential devices inserted in a circular cross-section running full-Part 4: Venturi tubes. Geneva: International Organization for Standatdization, 2003. (2) ISO 5 1 67-3:2003 Measurement offluidflow by means of differential devices inserted in a circular cross-section running full-Part 3: Nozzles and Venturi nozzles. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization, 2003. (3) ISO 5 167-2:2003 Measurement offluidflow by means of differential devices inserted in a circular cross-section running full-Part 2: Orifice plates. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization, 2003. (4) Baker, R. C. An Introductory Guide to Flow Measurement (ASME Edition). New York: ASME Press, 2003, App. 4.3. [SJ Roark. R. J. Formulas for Stress and Strain. 4 th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965, p. 22 1 , Case 1 7 . (6) AS M E PTC 1 9.5, Application-Pt. II o f Fluid Meters: Interim Supplement on Instru­ ments and Apparatus, 1972, p. 232. (7) Thompson, P. A. Compressible-Fluid Dynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1 972. (8) ISO 9300: 1995 Measurement of gas flow by means of critical flow Venturi nou;les. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization, 1 995. (9) Miller, R. W. Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw­ Hill, 1 996. ( 10) Nagler. F. A. Use of current meters for precise measurement of How. ASME Trans. 57:59. 1935. (11) Baker, R. C. Flow Measurement Handbook. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. 2000 . ( 12) Lienhard I V. I. H., and J. H. Lienhard V. A Heat Transfer Textbook. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Phlogiston Press, 2003, Section 7 .6. (13) Schoenborn, E. M., and A. P. Colburn. The How mechanism and performance of the rotameter. Trans. A/ChE 35(3):359, 1 939. [14) Wright, J. D., and G. E. Mattingly. NIST Calibration Services for Gas Flow Meters: Pisto11 Provers and Bell Prover Facilities. Gaithersburg, Md.: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 250-98, 1 998. ( 15] Jarre t , F. H. Standpipes simplify Howmeter calibration. Control Eng. 1 :37, Decem­ ber 1 954. ( 16) Gracey, W. Measurement of aircraft speed and altitude. NASA Reference Pub. I 046 : 1980. [ 17) Gracey, W. Measurement of static pressure on aircraft. NACA Tech. Note 4184: November 1 957. [18) Gettelman, C. C., and L. N. Krause. Considerations entering into the selection of probes for pressl!re measurement in jet eng i nes. ISA Proc. 7 : 1 34, 1 952. ( 19) Krause, L. N., and C. C. Genelman. Effect of interaction among probes, supports, duel walls and jet boundaries on pressure measurements in ducts and jets. /SA Proc. 7: 1 38, 1 952. 479 Measurement of Fluid Flow [20) ltsweire, E. C., and K. N. Helland. A high-perfonnance low-cost constant-lemperallft hot-wire anemometer. J. Phys. E: Sci. lnstrum. 1 6:549-553, 11983. R (21) King, L. V. On the convection of heat from small cylinders iin a stream of fluid, with applications to hot-wire anemometry. Phil. Trans. oy. Soc. (London) 2 1 4, 1 4, Ser. A:373-432, 1 9 1 4 . (22) Lienhard V, J. H. The decay of turbulence in thennally stratified flow. Doctoral dis­ sertation, University of California, San Diego, 1 988, Chapter 3. [23) Bruun, H. H . Hot- Wire Anemometry: Oltford University Press, 1995. Principles and Signal Ana/y.ris. Oxford, U.K.: (24) Wy ngaard , J. C. Measurement of small-scale turbulence structure with hOI wires. J. Phys. E: ScUnstrum. 1 : 1 105-1 108, 1 968. [25) Freymuth, P. Bibliography of Thermal Anemometry. 2nd ed. St. Paul, Minn.: TSI, Inc., 1 �3. [26) Drain, L. E. The Laser Doppler Technique. New York: John Wiley, 1980, Chapter 3. [27) H.-E. Albrecht, M. Borys, N. Damaschke, and C. Tropea. Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2003. [28) Van de Hulst, H. 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Measurement of Fluid Flow TABLE 1: Temperature degrees C (F) 5 (4 1 ) 1 0 (50) 15 (59) 20 (68) 25 (77) 30 (86) 35 (95) 40 ( 104) 45 ( 1 1 3 ) 50 ( 1 22) ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 2 19 23 l> P = 39.35 kPa l> P = 530 psi V = l .085 mis Propenies of Water: SI System Absolute Viscosity Pa s · 15. 1 9 x 10- 4 1 3.08 1 1 .40 10.05 8.937 8.007 7.225 6.560 5.988 5.494 Density kg/m3 1000 999.7 999 . 1 998.2 997.0 995.7 994 . 1 992.2 990.3 988 . I Tem peratu re M easu rements 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 INTRODUCTION USE OF THERMAL EXPANSION PRESSURE THERMOMETERS THERMORESISTIVE ELEMENTS THERMOCOUPLES SEMICONDUCTOR-JUNCTION TEMPERATURE S ENS ORS THE LINEAR QUARTZ THERMOMETER PYROMETRY OTHER METHODS OF TEMPERAT\JRE IN D ICATIO N TEMPERAT\JRE MEASUREMENT ERRORS M EASUREMENT O F HEAT FLUX CALIB RATION OF TEMPERAT\JRE-MEASURING DEVICES INTRODUCTION Temperature change is usually measured by observing the change in a temperature-dependent physical property. Unlike the direct comparison of other fundamental physical quantities to a cali brated s tan dard (as mass is measured by comparison to the Internat ional Prototype Ki logram) , direct comparison of an unknown temperature to a reference temperature is relatively difficult. I n formal thermodynamics, this comparison is made by connecting a Carnot engine between two systems at different temperatures. In practical thermometry, temperature is instead gauged by its effect on quantities such as volume, pressure. electrical resistance, or r.idiated energy. The International Practical Temperature scale (ITS-90). assigns values of temperature to a few highly reproducible states of matter, such as certain freezing points and triple poinl�. These defined reference temperatures then provide calibration points for various special thermometers, which are used to interpolate between the reference points. The interpolating thermometers undergo a change in some other physical property, such as pressure or electrical resistance, as their temperature changes, and the value o f that property is used to infer the corresponding temperature. In a sense, temperature itselfis never directly sampled in practical thermometry. In this chapter, we survey a selection of common temperature-sensing techniques. These thermometers are based on changes in a broad range of physical properties, among which are the following: From Mecl1anicul Measuremen1s, Sixth Edition, Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard V. Copyright O 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Prentice Hall . All rights reserved. 483 Temperature Measurements I. Changes in phy sical dimensions (a) Liquid-in-glass thermometers (b) Bimetallic elements 2. Changes in gas pressure or vapor pressure (a) Constant-volume gas thermometers (b) Pressure thermometers (gas, vapor, and l iq uid filled) 3. Changes in electrical properties (a) Resistance thermometers (RID, PRT) (b) Thermistors (c) Thermocouples (d) Semiconductor-junction sensors 4. Changes in emitted thennal radiation (a) Thermal and photon sensors (b) Total-radiation pyrometers (c) Optical a nd two-color pyrometers (d) Infrared pyrometers s. Changes in chemic al phase (a) Fusible indicators (b) Liquid crystals (c) Temperature-re fere nce (fixed-point) cells Of these methods, electrica l sensors are perhaps the most broadly used. particularly when automatic or remote recording is desired or when temperature sensors are incorpo­ rated into control systems. Bimetallic elemen ts are used in vario us low- acc uracy, low-cost applications . Radi an t sensors are used for noncontact temperatu re sen sing , either in high­ temperature applications like com bus tors or for infrared sens i ng at lower temperatures; since radiant sensors are opti cal in nature, they are al so adaptab lle to whole-field tempera­ ture measurement-so-called thermal i magi ng. The familiar l iqu id - in-glass thermometer c onti n ues to appear in both l aboratory and household situations, primarily because of its ease of use and low cost. Changes in c hem ica l ph ase are somewhat less often applied in engi neering work. Table I outli nes approximate ranges and u nce rtai n ties of various temperatu re-measuring devices. The values listed in the table are o n l y approximate, and many untabulated factors will cause dev iations from the values listed. Among those factors are the precise form of electrical s ignal conditioning employed, the inHuence of man u facturer's and/or laboratory calibration techniques, and ded icated efforts to extend the operati ng range of a particu­ lar sensor. 484 Temperature Measurements TABLE 1: Characteristics of Various Temperature-Measuring Elements and Devices (Data from Various Sources) Type Uqaill In Glass Mercury filled Pressuriud mercury Alcohol BinutaJ Pnssure Systems Gas {laboratory) Gas {induslrial) Useful Range• 32o•c Umlts of Uncertainty• -37 to -35 to 600° F o. 1•c -37 to 6S0°C -lS 10 1200°F o. 1°c -75 to ! 30°C - 100 to 200° F o.s•c -65 to 4 30°C -80 10 800° F o.s 10 1 2•c oo•c -210 10 t -450 to 2 1 2°F -270 10 760°C -450 10 1400° F 0.2°F 0.2°F 1°F Comments Low cost. Remote reading not practical. Lower limit of mercury-filled thermometers dctennined by freezing point of mercury. Upper limit determined by boiling poinL Rugged. Inexpensive. I to 20°F 0.002 to o.2•c o.oos to 0.5°F o.s 10 2% o f full scale Very accurate. Quite fragile. Not easily used. Used as an interpolating s1andard for ITS-90 (see Section 7). Bourdon pressure gage used for readout Rugged, with wide range. c Liquid (except mercury) -90 10 310°c - 1 25 10 700°F 1° 2°F Liquid {mercury) -37 to 630°C -35 to 1 200°F 0.5 10 2% of full scale Vapor pressu re -7S to 340°C - 1 00 to 6S0°F 10 2% of full scale 485 o.s Relative elevations of readout and sensing bulb are critical. Smallest bulb. Up lo 3 m { I 0 fl) capillary. Same as above. Fast response. Nonlinear. Lowest cost Temperature Measurements TABLE Type Thtrmocoupks General 1: continued Useful Range• Umlts of Uncertainty* -210 to noo•c -454 to 4200°F ::1:1 10 2•c ::1:2 to 4°F Comments Extreme ranges. USllly ll inexpensi"W:. Small size. Type 8: Pt/30% Rh (+) vs. Pt/6% Rh ( ) - 870 to 11oo•c 1600 to 3 I00°F ±0.5'*1* Not ror reducing atmos phele . Use nonmetallic sheath. Prefened to types s ml R abow 1200°C. Type E: Cluomelt (+) vs. Constantant ( -J -250 to 900°C -420 to 1650°F ±0.5%* Type J: Fe (+) vs. Constantant ( - ) O to 760°C 32 to l400°F ::l:0.75%+ Type K: Chromelt (+) -250 to 1260°C -420 to 2300°F Most atmosphen:s. Popular and inexpensive. Calibrations less consislent. vs. Alumelt (-) Type N: Nicrosilt Highest OUlpUt or common thermocouples. Not for reducing or 111CWm atmosphere. 8e5I common type for cryogenics. ::l:0.75%+ Oxidizing or inen atmosphere. Less oxidation than types E. J, and T. Mosl linear (+) vs. Nisilt (-) -250 to 1260°c -420 to 2300°F ::1:0.75%* type. Popular. Higher slability and oxidation resistanCC lhan types E. J, K. and T above I OOO"C. Oxidizing or inert atmosphere. Type R: PV1 3% Rh (+) vs. Pt ( -) Type S: Pt/10% Rh (+l vs. Pt (-) -5o to 143o•c -50 to 2700°F -so to 1480°C -so to 2100°F for reducing ::l:0.25%+ Not ::l:0.25%* Not for reducinl aunosphel'CS- Use nonmetallic sheath- atmosphere. Most siable iype. Use heathnonmetallic s Temperature Measurements TABLE 1: Type 'fype T: Cu ( +) vs. Constantant (-) Useful Range• -200 to 31o•c -330 to 700°F continued Umlta of Uncertainty• :l::0 . 7S'll·t Comments All atmospheres. Stable. The high thermal conductivity may cause errors. WIS% Re (+) vs. W/26-. Re (-) RWlance Platinum Nickel 400 1o 231o•c 150 lo 4200°F -260 1o 980°c -43S 1o 1soo°F ± t .0%* 0.02 1o o.2•c 0.04 to 0.4°F -180 to 320°C -300 to 600°F 0.3°C o.s•F Thermistor (doped germanium) -273 to -173°C 459 to -280°F o.03°C o.os°F - 487 High repeatability. Nonlinear. Produces g ate resi stance change per degree than does Pt. Sensor can be as far as I SOO m (SOOO ft) from readout re r to - I SO lo 600° F - 100 31s•c i High repeatabil ty. Linear. Used as an interpolating device for JTS-90 (see Seclion 7). Sensor can be used as far as I SOO m (SOOO ft) from readout oxide) Thermistor (metal No standards. Not for oxidizing or reducing atmospheres. Highest temperature limit of all lhennocouples. Negative temperature coefficient Highly nonlinear. Less stable than metal types. High repeatability. Nonlinear. Negative temperature coefficient. Cryogenic sensor. Temperature Measurements TABLE Type Useful 1bennis1or Semiconductor Junction Diode (silicon, GaAIAs) Linear integrated circuit continued Umlts of' Uncertainty• o.os•c -212 10 50°C -458 lo 1 25°F (calbon-glass) o.1°F - 272 to so•c -457 to 125°F o.o5•c 0.1°F -so to o.5°C 15o•c -60 to 300° F J °F Comments High rcpealabilily. No nlinear. Negative tempera111re coelficienL Cry9genic sensor. Nonlinear. High accuncy requires calibralion. Cryogenic sensor. Inexpensive. Linear. Easily integrated into electronics. Limited temperature range. Pyrometers Tuial radiation Spectral Range• 1: band Disappearing 6Jament 200 10 2000°c 400 10 3600° F 250 10 3000° C 500 lO 5400° F 800 10 4200°C 1 500 to 7600° F •Approximate values. Actual values depend on Rugged. Leasl complex O.S to J % !1 More sensitive 0.5 to 2%'1 Requires manual lype. lhan lolal radiation type. manipulation operator. -1s to 2soo0c - 1 00 10 4500°F Infrared 0.75 10 2% § 0.5 10 2%·1 by Particularly useful ror low temperatures. many factors such llS sheathing and insulation, physical size of sensor or thermocouple wire gage, purity of materials, calibration employed, etc. "fypes such as thermocouples and resisiance thermometers require add iticmal signal-conditioning apparatus; values given arc for sensors cmly. Unsuiiable ranges of ceriain thermocouple types are omiued. tTrade names of alloys. *1n higher ranges. Percentages rcrer to temperature in I For measurement of blackbodies with e = error may be much larger. •c. I . For surfaces of lower or poorly known emissiv ity. lhe Temperature Measurements 2 z.1 USE OF THERMAL EXPANSION Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers The ordinary thermometer is an example of the liquid-in-glass type (Fig. 1 ). Its essential elements are a relatively large bulb at the lower end, a capillary tube with scale, and a liquid filling both the bulb and a ponion of the capillary. In addi tion , an expansion chamber is generally incorporated at the upper end to serve as a safety reservoir when the intended temperature range is exceeded. As the temperature is raised, the greater expansion of the liquid compared with that of the glass causes it to rise in the capillary or stem of the thermometer, and the height of rise is used as a measure of the temperature. The volume enclosed in the stem above the liquid may either contain a vacuum or be filled with air or another gas. For the higher temperature ranges, an inen gas at a carefully controlled initial pressure is introduced in this volume, thereby raising the boiling point of the liquid and increasing the total useful range. In addition, it is claimed that such pressure minimizes the potential for column separation. Main scale Auxlllary scale [ { - lnvnersion line - Contraction chamber - Bulb AGURE 1: Liquid-in-glass thermometer. Temperature Measurements High -grade liquid-in-glass thermomelers may include several additional fealures An immersion line may be inscribed on the thermometer to indicate the depth lo which it s (d be submerged inlo the measured enviroment. A contraction chamber may be provided to shorten the overall length of capi l lary needed and to prevent bu bbles from being formed •.nt lhe bulb when lhe thermomeler is cooled. Finally, an auxiliary scale may be provided fi 0 checking calibration points outside the main range of the thermomeler, such as O" C or Several desirable properties for the liquid used in a glass thermometer � as follows: � 100"� 1. The lemperature--d imension rel ation shi p should be linear, permiui ng a linear ins1ru­ men1 scale. 2. The liquid should have as large a coefficienl of expansion as poss ible. For this reason, alco hol is better lhan mercury. Its larger expansion makes possible larger capil lary bores and hence prov ides easier reading. 3. The liquid should accommodate a reasonable temperalure range without change of phase. Mercury is limiled at the low-temperature end by its freezing point, -37.97"F (or -38.87°C), and spiri ts are limited al the high-lemperature end by their boil­ ing points. 4. The liquid should be clearly visible when drawn into a line lhread. Mercury is obviously acceptable in this regard, whereas alcohol is usable only if dye is added. 5. Preferably, the liquid should nol adhere to the capillary wal ls. When rapid temperature drops occur, any film remaining on the wall of the tube will cause a reading thal is 100 l ow. In thi s respecl, mercury is better than alcohol. Within its te m perature range, mercury is u ndou b1edl y lhe best liq u id for l iq uid- i n· glass thermometers and is generally used in lhe higher-grade instruments. Alcohol is usually satisfaclory. Other liquids are also used, primarily for the pu rpose of ex lending the usefu l ranges to lower lem peratu res . 2.2 Calibration and Stem Correction High-grade liquid-in-glass t hermomelers are made w ilh lhe scale etched direclly on lhe thermome 1er slem, thereby maki n g ii mech an i cal l y impossible lo shift the scale relalive to the slem. The care wilh which !he scale is laid oul de pend s on the intended accuracy of lhe i nstru men t (and to a large exten1 governs its cost). The process of eslabl i sh i ng marks from wh ic h a scale is determined is known as pointing, and 1wo or more marks or points are required. In spile of contrary intenlions, a particu lar thermometer will exhibit some degree of n onl i nearily. Th is may be caused by nonlinear 1e mpera1ure--di me ns ion characlcristics of liquid or g l ass or by the nonu ni form ity of the bore of !he column. In the si mplest case. two poinls may be eslablished, such as the freezing and boiling points of water, and equal divisions used 10 in 1crpo la1e ( and e xtrapo lale ) lhe com plele scale. For a more accurate scale, addilional po i n ls-someti mes as many as live-are used . Calibration points for lhis purpose are ob1ained through use of known phase-eq u il i br i um 1empera1ures, as discussed be11ch in Section 12. Grealest sensi 1iv i ty to temperatu re is al the bul b , where the largest volume of l iquid is conlained; however, all p ortio ns of a glass th ermometer are tempera1urc-sensitive. With temperature vari at io n , !he slem and upper bulb will also change dimensions. thereby allering lhe avai l ab le l iqu id space an d hence the thermometer read in g. Thus, if max im um accuracy Temperature Measurements is to be attained, it is necessary to prescribe how a glass thennometer is to be subjected to the temperature. Greatest control is obtained when the thennometer' s total measuring length (to within a few divisions of the top of the liquid column) is immersed in a unifonn temperature bath. Often this is not possible, especially when the medium is liquid. A common practice, therefore, is to calibrate the thennometer for a given partial immersion, with the proper depth of immersion indicated by a line scribed around the stem (the immersion line). This technique does not ensure absolute uniformity because the upper portion of the stem is still exposed to the ambient temperature. Thennometer accuracy is prescribed only for the specified partial immersion and a specified ambient temperature. Thennometers are called total immersion thermometers in the Conner case and partial immersion thennometers in the latter case. If some part of the stem is at a condition different from that used for calibration, an estimate of the correct reading may be obtained from the following relation [ I , 2): (I) where the correct temperature, the observed temperature reading, Ti = stem temperature specified for calibration of a partial immersion thennometer or the bath teinperature of a total immersion thermometer, T2 = the temperature of emergent stem (this may be detennined by attaching a second thermometer to the stem of the main thermometer or approximated by the ambient temperature surrounding the emergent stem), k the differential expansion coefficient between liquid and glass (for mercury thermometers, commonly used values are 0.00009 for the Fahrenheit scale and 0.000 1 6 for the Celsius scale), n = number of scale degrees equivalent to the length of the emergent stem T = robs = = The value n is determined as follows: For a total immersion thermometer, n should be the number of scale degrees between the point of emergence and the top of the liquid column. For the partial immersion thennometer, n should be the number of scale degrees that fit in the distance between the scribed calibration immersion line and the top of the liquid column. Another factor influencing liquid-in-glass thennometer calibration is a variation in lhe applied pressure, particularly in pressure applied to the bu l b. The resulting elastic defonnation causes displacement of the column and hence an incorrect reading. Normal variation in atmospheric pressure is not usually of importance, except for the most precise work. However, if the thermometer is subjected to system pressures of higher values. considerable error may be introduced. 491 Temperature Measurements 2.3 Blmetal Temperature-Sensing Elements When tw� metal strips ha�ing different thermal expansion coeifficients _ a change m temperature will cause a free defteclion of the assennbly [3). � 1ini7.C;d ·� Sut:li �Sin·.' � fonn the basis for control devices such as the analog home heating sysrem Th">'. are a_I� used to some extent �or tempe�ture ��nxnt the . laaer c:ist, the to a sunple helical spring As the temperature changes, the free end of the helix rotates (the diameter oflhe helix ei....; sensmg stnp 1s commonly wrapped mto a helical form, smulair � increasing or decreasing due to the differential action). The 1:otational motion indicated by the movement of a pointer over a circular scale. is diiecdy Thermometers with bimetallic temperature-sensitive elements are often used because of their ruggedness, their ease of reading, their low cost, panicular fonn. 3 (See Problem 4.) and the convenience of their PRESSURE THERMOMETERS Figure 2 i l lustrates a simple constant-volume gas thermometer. Gas, usually hydrogen or mercury column, B, is adjusted so that mfemice point C is maintained. In this manner, a constant volume of gas is held in the bul b and adjoining capillary. Mercury column h is a measure of the gas pressure llllld can be calibrated in 1e1ms helium, is contained in bulb A. A of temperature. In this fonn the apparatus is fragile, difficult to use, ancll restricted to the labontory. It does, however, illustrate the working principle of a group of practical instruments called pressure thermometen. Figure 3 shows the essentials of the practical pressure thermometer. The necessary B, press ure-sensing gage C, and some sortoflilling medium. Pressure gas filled, or vaporfilleci, depending on whether the filling medium is completely liquid, completely gaseous, or a combination of a liquid and its vapor. A pri mary advantage of these thermometers is than they can provide sufficient force output to pennit the direct driving of recording and controlling devices. The pressure­ type temperature-sensing system is usually less costly lhan 011her systems. Tubes as long as I 00 m (330 ft) may be used successfully. pans are bulb A, tube thermometers are called liqu idfilled, B --r J h _ __ FIGURE 2 : Skelch illustrating the essentials of a constant- volume gas thermomeler. 492 Temperature Measurements FIGURE 3: thermometer. Schematic diagram showing lhe operation of a practical pressure Expansion (or contraction) of bulb A and the contained Huid or gas, caused by tem­ perature change, alters the volume and pressure in lhe syslem. In lhe case of lhe liquid-filled sys1em, the sensing device C acls primarily as a differenlial volume indicator, wilh lhe vol­ ume increment serving an analog of temperature. For lhe gas- or vapor-filled systems, lhe sensing device serves primarily as a pressure indicator, wilh the pressure providing lhe measure of temperature. In bolh cases, of course, both pressure and volume change. as Ideally the tube or capillary should serve simply as a connecting link between the bulb and lhe indicalor. When liquid- or gas-filled systems ace used, the tube and ils filling are also temperalure·sensitive, and any difference from calibration conditions along the tube introduces output error. This error is reduced by increasing the ratio of bulb volume to lube volume. Unfortuna1ely, increasing bulb size reduces lhe time response of a sys1em, which may inlroduce 'problems of anOlher nature. On lhe other hand, reducing tube size, wilhin reason, does not degrade response particularly because, in any case, flow rale is negligible. Another source of error lhal should not be overlooked is any pressure gradienl resulting from difference in elevation of bulb and indicalor nol accounted for by calibration. Temperature along lhe tube is not a factor for vapor-pressure systems, however, so long as a free liquid surface exisls in lhe bulb. In lhis case, Dalton's law of vapors applies, which states that if both' phases (liquid and vapor) ace present, only one pressure is possible for a given 1empera1ure. This is an important advantage of lhe vapor-pressure sys1em. In many cases, !hough, lhe tube in this type of syslem will be filled wilh liquid, and hence the sys1em is susceptible 10 error caused by eh!vation difference. 493 Temperature Measurements 4 THERMORESISTIVE ELEMENTS The electrical resistance of most materials \laries with temperature; this supplies a trouble­ some extraneous input to the output of strain gages. It can only follow that this relation which proves so worrisome when unwanted, should be the basis for a good method temperature measurement. of Historically, resistance elements sensitive to temperature were first made metals generally considered to be good conductors of electricity. Examples are nickel, copper, platinum, and silver. A temperature-measuring device using an element of this type is commonly referred to as a resistance thermometer, or a resistance temperature detector abbreviated RTD. Of more recent origin are elements made from semiconducti ng materi: als having large resistance coefficients. Such materials are usually some combination metallic oxides of cobalt, manganese, and nickel. These devices are called thermistors. of of One important difference between these two kinds of material is that, whereas the resistance change in the RTD is small and positive (increasing temperature causes increased resistance), that of the thennistor is relatively large and usually negative. In addition, the RTD has a nearly linear temperature-resistance relation, whereas that of the thermistor is nonlinear. Still another important difference lies in the temperature ranges over which each may be used. The practical operating range for the thermistor lies between approximately - IOO"C and 300°C ( - 150°F to 575°F). The range for the resistance thermometer is much greater, being from about -260°C 10 1 000° C ( -435° F 10 I 800°F). Finally, the metal resistance elements are more time-stable than the semiconductor oxides; hence they provide better reproducibility with lower hysteresis . 4.1 Resistance Thermometers of Evidence the importance and accuracy of the resistance thermometer may be obtained by recalling that the International Temperature Scale of 1990 specifies a platinum resistance thermometer as the interpolation standard over the range from -259.35°C 10 96 1 .78°C. Certain properties are desirable in a material used for resistance thermometer ele­ ments. The material should have a resistivity permiuing fabrication in convenient sizes without excessive bulk, which would degrade time response. In addition, its thennal coeffi­ cient of resistivity should be high and as constant as possible, thereby providing an approx­ imately linear output of reasonable magnitude. The material should be corrosion resistant and should not undergo phase changes in the temperature range of interest. Finally. it should be available in a condition providing reproducible and consistent results. In regard to this last requirement, it has been found that lo produce precision resistance thermometers, great care must be exercised in minimizing residual strains, which requires careful heat treatment subsequent to forming. As is generally the case in such matters, no material is universally acceptable for resistance-thermometer elements. Platinum is undoubtedly ihe material most commonly used, although others sucti as nickel, copper, tungsten, silver, and iron have also been employed. The specific choice normally depends upon which compromises may be accepted. Temperature Measurements The temperature-resistance relation of an RTD must be determined experimentally. For most metals, the result can be accurately represented as R(T) = [ Ro I + A(T - To) + B(T - To> 2 ] (2) where R(T) = the resistance at temperature T, Ro = the resistance at a reference temperature To, A and B = temperature coefficients of resistance depending on material Over a limited temperature interval (perhaps 50 K for platinum). a linear approxima­ tion to the resistance variation may be quite acceptable, R(T) = Ro [ ! + A(T - To > J (2a) but for the highest accuracy, a polynomial fit is required [4]. The resistance element is most often a metal wire wrapped around an electrically insu­ lating support of glass, ceramic, or mica. The latter may have a variety of configurations, ranging from a s imple flat strip. as shown in Fig. 4, to intricate "bird-cage" arrangements (5). The mounted element is then provided with a protective enclosure. When permanent instal­ lations are made and when additional protection from corrosion or mechanical abuse is required, a well or socket may be used, such as shown i n Fig. 5. More recently, thin films of metal-glass slurry have been used as resistance elements. These films are deposited onto a ceramic substrate and laser trimmed. Film RTDs are less expensive than the wire RTDs and have a larger resistance for a given size; however, they are also somewhat less sta,ble [6). Resistance elements similar in construction to foil strain gages are available as well. The resistance grid is deposited onto a supporting film, such as Kapton, which may then be cemented to a surface. These sensors are generally designed to have low strain sensitivity and high temperature sensitivity. FIGURE 4: Section illustrating the construction of a simple RTD. Temperature Measurements Connecting head AGURE 5: Inslallalion assembly for an indus1rial-1ype re!:istance thermometer. Table 2 describes characteristics of several lypical commercially available resistance thermometers. 4.2 Instrumentation for Resistance Thermometry Some form of electrical bridge is normally used to measure the resistance change in the RTD. However, particular auention must be given to the manner in which the thermometer is connected into the bridge. Leads or some length appropriate to the situation are required, and any resistance change therein due lo any cause, including temperature, may be credited to the thermometer element. It is desirable, therefore, that the lead resistance be kept as low as possible relative to the RTD resistance. In addition, some modification may be made to the circuit so as to compensate for variations in lead-wire resistance. Figures 6(a), (b), and (c) illustrate three different bridge arrangements used to min­ imize lead error. Inspection of the diagrams indicates that arms AD and DC each contain the same lead lengths. Therefore, if the leads have identical properties to begin with and are subject to like ambient conditions, the effects they introduce will cancel. In each case the battery and vohmeter may be interchanged without affecting balance. When the Siemens arrangement is used , however, no current will be cairried by the center balance. This may be considered an advantage. lead at The Callender arrangemenl is useful when thermometers are used in both arms AD and DC to provide an output proportional TABLE 2: 'I)'pical Properties of Resistance-Thermometer ·Elements - -- -----Y-em pemure � ..... Type of E lament case Material Platinum (labo1810ry) Pyrex glass - Platinum (industrial) Stainless steel -200 10 Platinum (film) Ceramic coaling Rhodium-iron Alumina glass Copper Brass Nickel Brass *'J'Ypical values. and Temperature Ranga, •c <·F> 1 90 to S40 ( - 3 1 0 to 1000) Raalamr-, a coefftclent, A, Ol(a . •c> (approx.) Limits of Error" , K RaeponM,t • 25 at 00C 0.00385 1 25 (-325 10 260)* - 18 to S40 (0 10 1000) 1 100 11 0°c 0.00385 ±1 ±2 I O IO 30 IO IO 30 -SO to 600 (-60 to I.JOO) 100 11 o•c 0.00385 ±0.3 -1 -272 10 200 (-458 to 390) 21 at o•c 0.0037 ±0.04 -75 10 120 (- 100 to 250) I O at 25°C 0.0038 ±0.S 20 10 60 O to 120 (32 to 250) 1 00 at 200C 0.0067 ±0.3 20 I0 60 IOO at OOC ±0.01 tnme required 10 detect 90'll> of any temperatun: change in water moving at 30 cm/s. The lower value is for the thermometer case only, when:as the higher value is for the thermometer in a protective well. Actual values vary considerably with sensor paclcaging and flow conditions. Respon&e in gases will be · much sl0wer than in liquids; n:sponse will be faster at higher flow speeds. *Low range. lffigh range. Temperature Measurements (a) Siemens lead anangmant (b) Callander lead arrangmant (c) Four�aad arrangmant __.,. ; -i=O Current source R( T) v... -i= O (d) Four-wire constant-currant circuit FIGUR E 6: Four methods for compensating for lead resistance. t o temperature differential between the two thermometers. Th e four-lead arrangement is used in the same way as the one with three leads. Provision is made, however, for using any combination of three, thereby pennitting checking for unequal lead resistance. By averaging readings, more accurate results are possible. Some fonn of this arrangement is used where highest accuracies are desired. The general practice is to use the bridge in the null-balance fonn, but the deflection bridge may also be used . In general, the null-balance arrangement is limited to measurement of static or slowly changing temperatures, whereas !he deflection bridge is used for more rapidly changing inputs. Dynamic changes are most conveniently recorded rather lhan simply indicated, and for this purpose either the self-balancing or the deflection types may be used, depending on time rate of temperature change. When a resistance bridge is used for measurement, current will necessarily flow heating of the through each bridge arm . An error may, therefore, be introduced by i2 R Temperature Measuremenu resistance lhcnnomcler. For resistance lhennometers, such an error will in general be small because lhe gross effects in individual arms will be largely balanced by similar effects in lhe other arms. An estimale of lhe overall error resulting from ohmic heating may be had by making readings at different cunent values and exttapolating to zero current Figure 6(d) shows a four-wire constant-current circuit for RID resistance measure­ ment. In lhis case, lhe current source holds i constant. irrespective of changes in either lead or sensor resistance. The output voltage, V..,., is read wilh a high-input-impedance meter, so that no current is drawn through lhe output leads and no voltage drop occurs along them. Thus, the output voltage is a linear function of sensor resistance, V001 i R(T), and it is independent of lhe lead resistance. However, because this circuit is essentially a ballast-type circuit, it lacks a bridge circuit's sensitivity to small resistance changes. Also, ohmic heating effects are still present. = 43 Thermistors The lhennistor is a lhennally sensitive variable resistor made of a ceramic-like semicon­ ducting material. Unlike metal resis(IJICe thermometers, thermistors generally respond to an increase of lemperature with a decrease in resistance. This happens because increasing lemperalUre usually tiiakes more charge carriers available in a semiconductor. Figure 7 shows typical lemperature-resistance relations for thcnnistors in relation to that of a typical RID. 107 1 o' 1 115 10" g c 1 a3 1 <>2 .,; 101 � 1oO j 11r1 i Ul \ \ \ \. "' i'.,,_ Grade 1 lharmlstor , � ....... ....... Gl!lda 2 thermistor� � ...... -.....;: 1 0-2 1 0-3 1 o-4 Platinum 1 0-S 1 0-S 1 0-7 -1 00 0 1 00 200 Temperature, •c 300 400 FIGURE 7: Typical lhennistor temperature-resistance relations. Temperature Measuremenu Thennistors are often composed of oxides of manganese, 1lickel, and cobalt in for­ mulations having resistivities of 100 to 450,000 Q · cm. In cryo11:enic applications, doped gennanium and carbon-impregnated glass are used. Thenniston; are available in various fonns, suc h as shown in Fig. 8. Some types are packaged for specific applications, such as air and waler lemperature sensors for aulomobile engines or as surface mountable chips for printed c ircu i t boards. Table 3 l ists some typical properties o.f commercially available · thennistors. The temperature-resistance function for a thermistor is given by the relationship (3) where R Ro {J = the resistance at any temperature T, in K,, = the resistance at reference temperature = Tei, in K, a constant, in K The constant {J depends on the thermistor material; for meull-oxide thennistors, {J is · t y pical l y in the range of 1000 lo 5000 K. Disk type with leads washer lype ---<a--.._ Bead type �'Contact spri�l Fiber insulator Thermlslor (washer) pin Heavy Washer lhermlst0< assembly .. ,Ji -+-Copper tlA>e Disk thermislOr Lead washer wilh tin rolled on Disk lhermiistor asserOy Ol FIGURE 8: Various thennistor forms commercially available. Temperature Measurements Represe ntalive Metal-Oxide Thennistor Specificalions. Resislallees Is Available in Any Specific Shape TABLE 3: Res ista nce A Wide Range of Approximate Maximum Continuous Temperature, •c Type (see Rg. 8) At o•c At 2S°C Bead Glass-coaled bead 1 65 kQ 60 kQ 25 kQ 8.8 kQ 3 . 1 kQ l .3 kQ Washer 28.3 Q IO Q 4. 1 Q 1 50 Washer 3270 Q IOOO Q 360 Q 1 50 150 At so•c 300 Rod 1 03 kQ 3 1 .5 kQ I l .3 kO Rod 327 kQ IOO kQ 36 k0 1 50 Disk 283 0 100 0 40.7 0 1 25 When a lhennistor is used in an electrical circuil, current nonnally flows lhrough it, resulting in ohmic heating. The temperalure of the thermistor is lhen raised, by an amount depending on the resistance to heat dissipation. For a given configuration and a given ambient lemperature, a specific thermistor temperature w i ll be obtained together with a specific electrical resistance. Through proper application of thermal analysis and electrical circuit analysis, thermistors may thus be used for both measurement and control of temperature. In addition, they are quite useful for compensating electrical circuitry for changing am bient temperature-largely because the decreasing electric resistance of the thermistor is in contrast to increasing resistance of other most electrical components when temperature rises. Also, thermistors can facilitate time-delay actions through proper balancing of electrical and heal transfer conditions. Figure 9 illustrates typical lhennislor self-healing response charac1eris1ics. Of course, the environment (the heal transfer condition) is a major factor in an aclual application. Thennistors can be qui1e small (a few millimeters in diameter), so their response to changes in ambient temperature may potentially be very rapid. The inherently high se ns i t i vity possessed by thermistors pennits the use of very simple electrical circuitry for temperature measurement. Ordinary oh mmeters may be used wilhin the limits of accuracy of the me1er itself. More often one of the various forms of resistance bridge is used, eilhcr in the null-balance fonn or as a deflec tion bridge. Simple ballast circuits are also usable. In some cases, special linearizing circuits arc used to obtain an output voltage that varies linearly with temperature . Through use of the thermistor's temperature-resistance characteristics alone, or in conjunction with controlled heat transfer, thennistors have been used for measurement of many quantities, including pressure, liquid level, and power. They arc also used for temperature control, timing (through use of their delay characteristics in combination with relays), overload protectors, warning devices, and so on. 501 Temperature Measurements I 1 50 40 / I 10 0 E = 80 V ,,,,.... 70 V v 60 V I / f1 / I ) �0 0 i..- so v / / 2 ,,,,. 40 V � --- 4 3 Time, -- 5 30 V .....-- 6 7 8 s AGURE 9: fypical current-time relations for thermistors. Thermistors can also be made to have large positive temperature coefficients. These PTC sensors can be made from semiconductor oxides having barium titanate as the main component; they can also be made with heavily doped silicon. PTC sensors show an enormous increase of resistance with increasing temperature; this resistance change can be tailored to occur abruptly at a given temperature, which makes PTC thermistors useful as temperature-controlled switching elemenls. In conjunction with ohmic self-heating, they are also applied as current-limiting devices. 5 THERMOCOUPLES In 1 82 1 , T. J. Seebec k discovered that an electric potenlial occuis when 1wo different metals are joined inlo a loop and the two junctions are held at different tempera1ures (71. Subsequently, this potential was shown 10 be caused by an electromotive force present in any conduc1or experiencing a temperature gradient (Fig . IO). This Seebeck emf is a vol1age difference between lhe two ends of the conductor thal depends on the lemperature difference of the ends and a ma1erial property called the Seebeck coefficient, u : £(T2 ) - E(Tt ) = 1 T1 T1 u (T) dT (4 ) If lhe ends of the wire have the same tempcralure, no emf occurs-even if the middle of 1he wire is honer or colder. When wires of two different materials, A and B, are connected as shown in Fig. 1 1 . the emf that occurs depends on the temperatures of free ends of the two wires and the lemperalure of the junction be1ween the two wires. In particular, if the two free ends haVC a temperature T..t and the junction has a temperature Tm , th e voltage difference beiween Temperature Measurements ,- - - - - - - - , I I I I r - - - - - - - -, : I 1 I r, I I I I £( T,) I I I I I l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J I I T2 £( T, ) I I l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J FIGURE 1 0: Seebec k emf between the ends of a wire of varying temperature. lhe free ends is E= = (T• flA dT lrrcr + {T"" Jr. as dT [£A (T,. ) - £A (Tn:r)) + [£s (T..,r) - Es (T., ) ) = [£A ( Tm ) - Es ( T,. ) J - [£A (T..,r) - Es ( T..,r) ] lf we define the relative Seebeck enif of materials A and 8 as £As (T) "' £A ( T > - Es (T), · · then (5) For any given pair of materials, the relative Seebeck emf can be measured and tabu­ lated as a function of temperature. Moreover, if the composition of the wires is carefully controlled, this emf is highly reproducible and provides a reliable means of temperature measuremenL For example, in the circuit of Fig. 1 1 , if the temperature Tn:r is known, a measuremen t of E allows detennination of the unknown temperature T,. using tabled values of EAs ( T) and Eq. (5). r - - - - - - - -, I I 8 : A r-------1 I I E I r,.. ________ _J : T,. l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J FIGURE 1 1 : Net voltage when different conductors are connected. 503 Temperature Measurements Figure 1 1 is the simplest type of IMrmocouple circui L Note particularly that such circuits always involve junctions al two temperatures . In general, one junction senses the unknown temperature; this one we shall call the hot or m.�asuring junction. 11te oilier j unction(s) will usually be maintained at a known temperat1ure; these we shall refer 10 15 cold or reference junctions. Apan from the Seebec k e ffec t, two other thermoelecuic phenomena are known, the (8) and the Thomson effect (9). B oth are associated with the ftow of electrical current. The Peltier effect causes heating or cooling at the j u nction of two metals when a Peltier effect curre nt flows through it. The Thomson effect causes heating or cooling of a nonisothenna1 conductor through which a current ftows. The Peltier and Thomson effects are usually negligible in thermocouple thennometry because electrical current is deliberately minimized in thermocouple circuits. Current flow i s undesirable because it causes resistive voltage drops that produce errors in the circuit emf. Thennocouples should be used in an open circuit configuration , and their emf's should measured only with high-input-impedance devices. 5.1 be Application Laws for Thennocouples thermocouple behavior can be prov•en by integrati ng the Seebeck emf around the circuits described [l 0). Law of intermediate metals. Insertion of an interm1:diate metal into a ther­ The following laws for mocouple circuit will not affect the net emf, provided that the two junctions introduced by the third metal are at identical temperatures. from Eq. (4), since a wire whose ends have the same temperature Ti ) produces no net emf. Applications of the law are s:hown in Fig. 1 2. In part (a) of the figure, a third metal C is introduced within the circuit. I.f the two new junctions r and s have the same temperature, wire C will create no additional potential and the net voltage E of the circuit will be unchanged. Pan (b) of the figure shows that the third metal may even be placed in at the measuring junction, so long as the junctions r and s are both at temperature Tm . Th is makes possible the use ofjoining mater.ials, such as soft or hard solder, in fabricating the thermocouple junctions. In addition, a lhe:rmocouple may be embedded directly into the surface or interior of either a conductor or 11onconduc1or without altering This law follows directly ( T2 = the thermocouple's usefulness. The following law may be proven using Eq. (5). Law of intermediate temperatures. If a simple thermocouple circuit (Fig. 1 1 ) develops an e m f Er,, r1 when its junctions are al temperatures Tm = Ti and T,.r = Ti , and it develops an em f Er3.r2 when its junctions are at temperatures Tm = TJ and Trer = Ti , then it will develop an emf Er:1.r, = (Er,.r, + E1,.1, ) when its j u nc t i ons are at temperatures Tm = TJ and T.-er = T, . This law makes ii possible to correct for reference junction s whose temperatures may be known but not controllable. It also makes possible the use of thermocouple tables based on a standard reference temperature (usually Tref = 0°C) in those cases when the reference junctions are not at the standard temperature. 5.2 Thermocouple Materials and Construction . Theoretically, any two unlike conducting materials could be used to form a thermocouple In practice, of course, cenain materials and combinations aire belier than others, owi ng 10 504 Temperature Measurements r-------1 l (a) I I i l c 8 E I I I l T,.. l r - - - - ----, (b) I I I I + FIGURE 1 2: '--- A 8 E I I I I T.., I I ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ,- - - - - , .,____.____ . s I L ------------1 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I I I I I I 8 + o---+--+-I A -- - -- - -, I I ! I I I - -' r---- ----, I I r . I I I I Tm I I I I I s I I ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. c Diagrams illustrating the law of intermediate metals. higher or more smoothly varying voltage, belier resistance to oxidation, higher temperature limits, or other desirable attributes. Table I lists the most common types and some of their characteristics. The letter types are ANSI standard thermocouples. Thermocouple wire is available in spools or as part of a complete probe assembly. When using spooled wire, the thermocouples may be prepared by twisting the two wires together and brazing, or preferably welding, the junction (Fig. 1 3). The wire may be sold with a TeHonjacket, or, for higher temperatures, a glass-fiber jacket may be used. The jacket of the negative thermoelement is color-coded red for all thermocouple types. When bare wires are used, electrical separation of the leads can be maintained with ceramic separating clements (Fig. 1 4). Thermocouples are often housed in a closed-ended tube, either to form a more rugged probe or as protection against high temperatures or corrosive environments. Probe sheaths are commonly made from stainless steel, inconel, or a hard-fired ceramic. The thermocouple may be separated from the sheath by a mineral-oxide powder or a ceramic insulator. Many different probe configurations are commercially available. Figure S shows a section through one typical protective tube. In certain instances, it is desirable to know precisely where within a thermocouple junction the indicated temperature occurs. This is especially important when either the size of the junction or the temperature gradient through it is large. This effective location is indicated in Figs. 1:3 and 14 as the point j. Usually, a heavier wire size is needed when the operating temperature of the thermo­ couple increases. This helps minimize the effect of corrosion on the thermocouple voltage. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) provides standards for wire gauge 505 Temperature Measurements : For gas, eleclrl\:, and arc welding ;� ,...__ ...-- For resistance welding, large wires For forming noble-metal wil'llS electllc arc welding for FIGURE 13: Common forms of thermocouple construction. as a function of operating temperature ( 10). As the wire size increases, however, so does the mass of the measuring junction; hence, the t i me required to change the junction's tem­ perature increases. Protective tubes also reduce thermocouple response markedly. Some compromise between time response and durability is usually required. � c::========================= Bare etemen, Element with bead insulators Element with dOIAlle-bore insulators Element with ceramic·tubilg Insulators FIGURE 14: Methods of separating thermocouple leads. 506 Temperature Measurements 5.3 Values of the Thermocouple EMF The magnitude of the thermoelectric emf is actually quite small, generally a value in milli· volts. The output varies among the different types, always increasing with the temperature, as shown in Fig. 1 :5 . A few numerical values of voltage are given in Table 4. More detailed data for type K thermocouples is given in Table :5. In each case, the voltage E is obtained from Eq. (5) with Trcr = 0°C. Full tables of thcnnocouple emf for the letter-designated types are published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology [ I I ) . Those tables list the emf to five or six digits at increments of I 0C over the full temperature range for each thermocouple type; they also provide polynomial functions for the voltage as a function of temperature. The tables are adopted as standards by ANSI and ASTM. For purposes of data reduction or computer data processing, some of the NIST poly­ nomials are given in Tables 6 and 7. Table 6 lists the exact NIST reference functions for E as a function of Tm . Table 7 lists NIST's approximate inverse functions (Tm as a function of E) and their maximum errors. Polynomials for other thermocouple types and temperature ranges are given in reference [ I I). 70 60 50 > g "' 40 30 .s { 'S Q. 8 20 10 0 Measuring junction temperature, Tm (0C) FIGURE 1 5: 'Thermocouple voltage versus temperature for reference junctions at 0°C. Voltages are shown only for the recommended range of use. 507 Temperature Measurements TABLE 4: Thermocouple Voltage E in Millivolts versus Temperature Tm for Reference Junc tions at Tref = O"C. Values Are Limited to the Recommended Range of Use [ 1 1 ) Thermocouple Type Temperature · c (" F) -200 (-328) -150 (-238) -100 (-148) -50 (-58) 0 (32) 50 ( 1 22) 100 (212) 150 (302) 200 (392) 300 (572) 400 (752) 600 (l l l2) 800 (1472) 1000 ( 1 832) 1200 (2 192) 1400 (2552) 5.4 Chromel vs. Constantan E -8.825 -7.279 -5.237 -2.787 0.000 3.048 6.3 19 9.789 13.42 1 2 1 .036 28.946 45.093 61.017 Chromel vs. Pt/10% Rh Iron vs. Copper vs. v s. Platinum Constantan Alumel Constantan K J s T -5.891 -4.9 1 3 -3.554 1 .889 - 0.000 2.585 0.000 2.023 4.096 5.269 8.010 10.779 16.327 6. 138 8. 1 39 1 2 .209 2 1 .848 1 6.397 33. 102 24.906 33.275 4 1 .276 48.838 - 5 . 603 -4.648 -0.236 0.000 0.299 0.646 1 .029 1 .44 1 2.323 3 .259 5.239 7.345 9.587 1 1 .95 1 1 4.373 -3.379 1.81 9 0.000 2.036 4.279 6.704 - 9.288 1 4 . 8 62 At a given temperawre, type E thennocouples have the highest output voltage, but even this is less than 70 millivolts. The temperature sensitivity of thennocouples is also relatively low. For example, Table 4 shows the type E volltage 10 increase from 6.3 1 9 lo 13.421 mV between 100°C and 200°C. The average change per degree Celsius is only 71 µ.V! Because of these factors, thennocouples require accurate and sensitive voltage measurement, and in practice cannot resolve temperature clhanges less than about 0. 1 •c. Measurement of Thermocouple EMF Historically, thermocouple emf was measured using a voltaige-balancing potentiometer and a fixed voltage reforence, the standard cell [I OJ. Today, a high-quality digital voltmeter is sufficient for all but the most exacting measurements. In fact, digital voltmeter circuitry is ofien combined with a microprocessor and LED 10 produc:e a thennocouple thermometer that directly displays the measuring-junction temperature. A very simple thermocouple measuring arrangement is shown in Fig. 16. Here, the measuring junction senses a temperature Tm . The reference junctions are located where the thermocouple wires meet the input tenninals of the vcollmeter. If we assume that the meter's two input terminals have the same temperature. Tree. this circuit is identical to that in Fig. I I and the voltage detected will be E = &A a ( Tm ) -- £11B ( Tn:r) . 508 Temperature Measurements TABLE 5: Vollage E in Millivolts versus Temperature Tm for Type K Thennocouples Having Reference Junctions at Trer = o•c [ 1 1 I Type K ·c -200 - 1 75 0 5 10 15 20 -5.89 1 -5.8 1 3 -5.354 -5.730 -5.550 -5.029 - 3.997 -5.642 -5. 1 4 1 -4.542 -3.852 - 150 - 1 25 -5.454 -4.9 1 3 -4.276 - 100 -75 -50 -3.554 -2.755 - 1 . 889 -3.400 -2.587 - 1 .709 -3.243 -2.4 1 6 - 1 .527 -3.083 -2.243 - 1 .343 -2.920 -2.067 - 1 . 156 -25 -0.968 -0.778 -0.586 -0.392 -0. 197 0 25 50 75 0.000 1 .000 2.023 3.059 0. 198 1 .203 2.230 3.267 0.397 1 .407 2.437 3.474 0.597 1.612 2.644 3.682 0.798 1 .817 2.85 1 3.889 1 00 1 25 150 4.096 5 . 1 24 6. 138 1 75 7. 140 4.303 5.328 6.340 7.340 4.509 5.532 6.540 7.540 4.7 1 5 5.73 5 6.74 1 7. 7 39 4.920 5.937 6.94 1 7.939 200 8. 1 39 9. 1 4 1 8.338 9.343 10.357 8.739 8.940 9. 747 9 . 950 1 1.382 8.539 9.545 10.56 1 1 1 .588 10.766 1 1 .795 1 0.97 1 12.624 1 3.665 1 2.832 13. 8 75 13.040 14.7 1 3 1 5 .764 14.923 1 5 . 1 33 16. 1 86 -4.793 -4. 138 225 250 275 10. 153 1 1 . 176 300 1 2.209 325 350 1 3 . 248 1 2.4 1 6 1 3.457 14.293 15.343 14.503 1 5.554 375 -5.250 -4.669 1 5.975 -4.4 1 1 -3.705 1 2.002 14.084 To make use of the voltage reading, T,.r must be measured using a temperature sensor located at the meter's input tenninals. In digital thermocouple thennometers, this second sensor might be an integrated-circuit temperature sensor (Section 6) or a calibrated thennistor (Section 4.3) coupled to the microprocessor. In old potentiometers, it was simply a good liquid-in-glass thennometer. The reader may well ask why the thennocouple is needed at all-why not just use the second sensor measure Tm ? General answers to this question include the very broad temperature range of thennocouples, their ruggedness, their small size, and their potentially fast time response. 509 TABLE 6: Polynomial Expansion for 1bennocouple Output E in Millivolts as a Function of Measuring Junction Temperature Tm in Degrees = ao + a 1 Tm + a 2T� + · · · + a. T,:: . For Type K, add ao exp(a1 (T ,. - 126.9686)2 } 10 the polynomial. Reference junctions at o•c 1 1 1 1 Celsius: E E Type Tempeniture Range � 0 ao <1 1 "2 .... .., <13 "6 a7 •8 "9 .. . . <1 10 a 12 <1 1 3 -21ooc to o•c O"C to 1 000" C 0.000 000 000 0 0.000 000 000 0 5.866 550 870 8 x 10- 2 x 10- S 5.866 550 871 O x 1 0-2 4.S41 097 7 1 2 4 -7.799 804 868 6 )( 10- 7 -2.580 016 084 3 )( 1 0 - 8 -S.94S 258 305 7 x 10- I O -9.32 1 40S 866 7 x 1 0- 1 2 I x 1 0- 16 - 1 .028 760 5S3 4 x 10- I J -8.037 0 1 2 362 -4.397 949 739 x 10- 1 1 0 - 1 .64 1 477 635 5 x 1 0-2 - 3.967 36 1 95 1 6 x 1 0 - 23 -5 .582 7 3 2 872 1 x 10- 26 I -3.465 71!4 20 1 3 x 10 - 29 K J x 1 0-s 2 x 10-8 4.S03 227 SSS 2 2.890 840 n1 -3.30S 689 665 2 )( 1 0- 1 0 6.502 44 0 327 0 x 1 0 - 1 3 - 1 .9 1 9 749 sso 4 )( 10- 16 - 1 .253 660 049 7 )( 1 0- 1 8 2. 148 92 1 756 9 )( 1 0-2 1 - 1 .438 804 1 78 2 )( 10- 24 3 .596 089 948 I x 10-28 -210"C to 7IO"C 1 1 8 781 S x ox 106 S72 0 )( 0.000 000 000 0 5.038 3.047 S83 693 -8.S68 1 0-s 1 0-2 10-8 1 .322 8 1 9 529 5 )( 10 - 1 0 - 1 .705 29S 833 7 )( 1 0- 1 3 2 .094 809 069 7 )( 10- 16 - 1 .2S3 839 S33 6 x 10-19 1 .563 172 S69 7 )( 10-23 T O"C to 1 372°C - 1 .760 04 1 368 6 )( 3.892 120 497 5 x I .SSS an 003 2 -9.94S 1S9 287 4 1 0-2 10- 2 10- S x 1 0 -8 x 3 . 1 84 094 S 1 1 ' 9 )( 1 0- 1 0 9 x 10- 1 3 5.607 SOS 90S 9 x 1 0 - 1 6 - 3 .202 o n ooo 3 " 1 0- 1 9 9 . 7 1 S 1 1 4 7 1 5 2 x 10-23 - 1 .210 472 127 5 )( 10-26 -S.607 2 84 488 ao a1 = = 1 . 1 8597 6 x 1 0 - 1 - 1 . 1 8343 2 x 10-4 o•c to 400" C 0.000 000 000 0 3.874 8 1 0 636 4 3.329 222 788 0 x x 1 0-2 10-S 2.061 824 340 4 )( 10-7 -2. 1 88 22S 684 6 )( 1 0 -9 10 - 1 1 )( -3.08 1 S7S 877 2 x 4.S47 9 1 3 529 0 x 1 .099 688 092 8 -2.7S l 290 167 3 1 0- 1 4 1 0- 1 7 x 10-20 TABLE 7: Polynomial Expansion of Measuring Junction Temperature Tm in Degrees Celsius Millivolts: Tm = Type co + c 1 E + ci E2 + · · · + Cn E" . Reference Junctions at O"C [ 1 1 ) as a Function of Thermocouple Output K E Temperature Range EMF Range UI .... .... -:ZOOO C to O"C o•c to 1 ooo• c -2oo•c to ll"C O"C to !ClO"C SOO"C to 1 372°C -8.825 mV to 0.0 mV o.o mv to 76.373 mV -5.891 mV to 0.0 mV 0.0 mV to 20.644 mV 20.644 mV to 54.888 mV 0.000 000 0 co <i -4.35 1 497 0 <4 -9.2SO 287 I x io- 2 ,, C) cs <6 'i <8 c9 Maximum Error 1 .697 728 8 x 1 0 1 x - 1 .585 969 7 x io- 1 1 0- 1 -2.608 431 4 x 1 0- 2 io- 3 - 3 .403 403 0 x io-• -4. 1 36 019 9 x - 1 . 1 56 489 0 x :i:0.03°C 1 0 -5 0.000 000 0 1 .705 703 s 101 10- 1 6.543 SSS S x 10- l -7.356 274 9 x 10- s - 2 .330 1 75 9 x - 1 .789 600 x I x 1 0-6 x io-9 8.403 6 1 6 s x 1 0-8 - 1 .373 587 9 1 .062 982 3 x 1 0- 1 1 -3.244 708 7 x I 0- 1 4 :1:0.02°c 0.000 000 0 2 .5 1 7 3 46 2 - 1 . 1 66 287 8 x - 1 .083 363 8 -8.977 354 0 x -3.734 237 7 x -8.663 264 3 x - l .04S OS9 8 x -5. 1 92 057 7 x :i:0.04°C 101 10- 1 10- 1 to-2 10-2 1 04 0.000 000 0 2 . S OB 3 5 5 7 .860 106 -2.503 1 3 1 x 101 x 10-2 x 10- 1 8.3 1 S 270 x 10- 2 - 1 .228 034 x 1 0 - 2 9.804 036 x 10-4 1 .057 734 x x I0-6 I0- 8 -4.4 1 3 030 x to-s - l .OS2 1SS :1:0.os•c - 1 .3 1 8 058 4.830 222 - 1 .646 031 x 1 <>2 x 1 01 73 1 x io- 2 x io-• 8.802 193 x 10-6 S.464 -9.650 7 1 5 -3. 1 1 0 8 1 0 )( 10- 8 ±0.06°C E in ��·��·: ��:.i.��;."D-),i��.i-�·· Type ,.....,.... R8111111 � N EMF Rmge co •• ., •4 <2 <5 q ., .. "' Muinwm Enor TABLE 7: continued " N O"C to 7IO"C IOD"C to 1300"C s T 2511"C to 1 200"C -200"C to O"C O"C to 400" C o.o mv to 42.919 mV 20.113 mv to 47.513 mv 1 .874 mV to 1 1 .llliO mv -1.1113 mv to o.o mv 0.0 mV to 20.972 mV 1 .978 425 IC -2.001 204 IC l .036 969 " -2.s49 687 " 3.58S 153 " -5.344 285 IC 5.Q99 890 " 3.300 943 IC -3.915 1S9 IC 9.ass 391 IC - 1 .274 37 1 IC 7. 767 On " 1.466 298 863 IC - 1 .534 7 13 402 IC 3.145 945 973 -4.163 2S7 839 " 3.117 963 771 IC - 1 .291 637 500 IC 2.183 475 0l7 IC - 1 .447 379 51 1 IC 6.21 1 272 125 " 2.594 91!1 2 IC IO I -2.1 31 696 7 IC 10-1 7.901 1Mi!1 2 " 10-1 4.252 m 1 " 10- 1 2.592 IOO IC 101 -7.602 961 " 10-1 4.637 791 IC 10-2 0.000 000 101 10-I 10-2 10-4 10-6 10-1 10-10 :t0.Cl4"C 1 .972 485 IC IOI 101 10-I io-3 10-4 10-7 :t0.04°C 1.291 Sf11 177 IC 101 :l:0.01°C 1112 101 10- 1 10-2 10-3 10-5 10-7 10-' 0.000 000 0 1 . 330 447 3 IC 10- 1 2.o24 144 6 " 10-2 l .2M 817 l 1C 10-s :l:O.Cl4"C 0.000 000 -2. 16S 394 IC 10-J 6.o48 144 x 10-S -7.293 422 IC 10-7 :l:0.03°C Temperature Measurements 1il mperature sensor for deteminlng Trt1 8 2.759 mV T ,., A Measuring junction Olgltal 1.oltmeter FIGURE 1 6: Simple arrangement for measuring thermocouple emf. EXAMPLE 1 Suppose that the arrangement shown in Fig. 16 uses a type K thermocouple (chromel­ alumel) and has a reference junction temperature of 20°C. If the voltmeter reads 2.759 m V, what is the measuring junction temperature? Solution Because the readout is for reference junctions at 20°C while the TC tables are referenced to O"C, we must use the law of intermediate temperatures to correct the displayed emf, as follows: Er• .o = Er.,.20 £20.0 + Here, Er,..o and Er., .20 are the emf's for the unknown temperature referenced to 0 and 20°C, respectively, and £20. 0 is the emf for 20°C referenced to o•c. From Table 5, we read £20.0 = 0.798 mV; hence, Er,.. o = 2.759 + 0 798 = 3.557 mV . Interpolation of the tabulated values yields T,,, = 87°C . To illustrate the use of the polynomial relationships in Tables 6 and 7, let us check the value obtained in Example I . What temperature does the equation give for a type K thermocouple with reference junctions at o•c and an emf of 3.557 mV? T,. =0.000 + (2.508355 =86.96°C x 1 10 ) x (3.557) + (7.860106 x 10- 2 ) x (3.557) 2 + · · · °C Therm<X.-ouple wire is relatively expensive compared to most common materials, such as ordinary copper. To. help reduce costs, thermocouple circuits are often constructed using cheaper lead wires between the thermocouple and the recording instrument. An arrangement of this type is shown in Fig. 17. As before, we shall assume that the input terminals of the voltmeter are at the same temperature, Tmeter· The reference junctions of this circuit are where the thermocouple wires meet the copper leads. In order foc the lead wire arrangement to work, these two junctions must also be at a common temperature, T,.r. Temperature Measurements A I I I I I I r.., I l_ _ _ _ _ J Cu I + '-----1-o E Vohmeter at r_ FIGURE 17: Extension wires used in a thennocouple circuit. The output of the circuit is easy to calculate by summing the Seebeck emrs of each wire: E = [Ecu(T..,r) - t'cu C Tmeter)) + [E.t (T., ) - E.t (T..,r)J + [Es ( T,.r) - Es (T., ) ] + [Ecu ( Tme1erl - t'cu (T,.r)) =EAs(T., ) - l'.tB(T,.,r) (6) In other words, because the two copper leads have the same endpoint temperatures (T,.r and Tm-J. their Seebeck emf's cancel. The circuit's output voltage is identical to that for the circuits in Figs. 1 1 and 16. For laboratory work, the reference junction temperature is usually carefully con­ trolled. A very common arrangement places the reference junctions in an ice-water mixture held in a Dewar flask, as shown for two cases in Fig . 1 8 . The ice bath remains at O"C (32°F) while the ice melts. The voltage of both circuits shown is Ice bath references can be very accurate when they are used carefully; however, if the ice at bouom of the Dewar melts, the remaining water can warm to as much as 4°C while ice still floats at the top of the Dewar. This may create a significant error. (See Section 12 for further discussion of ice baths.) EXAMPLE 2 During an experi ment, a thermocouple circuit has i ts re ference junctions i n an ice bath and The experiment lasts several hours and much of the ice in the Dewar melts, leaving the reference junctions in 4°C water at the bottom of the Dewar. If the experimenter nevertheless assumes that the junctions are at 0°C, what will be the error in his measurement? its measuring junction in a duct carry ing wann air at 40°C. 51 4 Temperature Measurements (8) Digital wltmetar -..... 10 - ===-2.235 mV ] F QQ=OO =OO �OO =El=El= OO=oo � l.=:=====�+J Fe r _ Cu Cu r,., Reference junctions In Ice bath (b) Digital wltmeter gggggg EIEIEIEIEIEIEIEI Tm•er Fe Fe Constantan r,., Reference junction in ice bath FIGURE 18: Systems using an ice bath to fix the reference junction temperature. 51 5 Temperature Measurements Solution The actual output voltage will be E40,4. According to the law of intenneclilte temperatures, E40,o = E40,4 + E4,0. Thus , E40,4 = E4o.o - E4.0 = 1 .6 1 2 - 0 . 1 5 8 = 1 .454 mV from Tu.ble 5. The experimenter is assuming this voltage represents which corresponds to Tm Er,..o = 1 .454 mV = 36. 1 °C. Thus, he will report a te mperature of 36. l "C rather caused a -3.9"C than the com:ct temperature of 40°C. The melting of the ice balh has error. EXAMPLE 3 nitrogen is in temperalUre of 77 K. A warm copper block is dropped into the Dewar, where it cools. The block has a type K thennocouple embedded at its center, and the ends of the thermocouple connect to copper lead wires outside the block in the nitrogen (Fig. 19). How does this circuit work, and what is the block temperature when the output of the thermocouple ·circuit is 0.579 my? A Dewar flask contains liquid nitrogen. Because the upper s urface of the contact with warmer air, the nitrogen tends to remain near its boiling point Solution The reference junctions are those where the copper wire joins the thermocouple wire. The liquid nitrogen acts as a fixed-lemperature bath holding the reference junctions 77 K = - l 96°C while the copper block cools. To find lhe temperature for an output of 0.579 mV, we: must correct for refeR11Ce junctions that are not at 0°C, as we did in previous examples: at Er,..- t96 = Er,.,o + Eo. - 196 = Er• . o - .E- 196,0 Nole thal the reference and measuring junctions were interchanged in the last term, changing its sign . 1 From Table 5, we find E - 196,0 = -5.829 mV. Thus, Er,..o = 0.579 + (-5.829) = -5.250 and from lhe table we read Tm = 5.5 mV - 1 65°C. Electronic Instruments As previously mentioned, digital circuits can be used to build e lectronic thermocouple ther­ mometers. These devices connect directly to the thermocouple wires or probe using no external reference junction control. A microprocessor converts the voltage of the thermo­ couple wires to a displayed temperature, using, for example, programmed NIST polynomial equations. The refercnce junction voltage, at the thennometer's input tenninals, must also be accounted for. 1 Specifically, Eo, - 1 96 = £oA1(0) - £oA1 ( - l 96) = - l£oA1 ( - 1 96) - £oA1(0JI 51 6 = - E - 196.0 · Temperature Measurements .. E Cu Cu Copper block Liquid nitrogen FIGURE 19: -Copper block with thennocouple in liquid nitrogen. Reference junction compensation in electronic thennometers may be accomplished in several ways. A calibrated temperature sensor may be incorporated at the input tenninals to the thennometer and linked to the microprocessor. Alternatively, an electronic circuit may be used to mimic an icepoint reference junction. Such electronic icepoints produce a stable emf equivalent to that of a 0°C junction for the particular thermocouple type [ 12). Integrated cir­ cuits including cold-junction compensation and amplification aie also available at low cost. 1)'pical specifications for a digital thermocouple thermometer are as follows: Range Resolution Response time Input impedance Selectable display scale - I OO to lOOO°C 0. 1 or 1°c Less than 2 s l OO MQ •c or °F These thermometers arc available as handheld, panel-mounted, or benchtop units. They are often restricted to a single wire type, owing to the incorporation of specific temperature�mf and ice-point relationships. Temperature Measurements 5.6 Thennopiles and Thermocouples Connected in Parallel Thermocouples may be connected electrically in series or in parallel, as shown in Fig. 20. When connected in series, the combination is called a thennopi/e, whereas the paqlld. connected arrangement has no particular name. The total output from n thermocouples connected 10 form a thermopile [F'"ig. 20(a)) will be equal 10 the sums of the individual cmf's, and if the thermocou ples are identical, the total output will equal n limes the emf of a single thermocouple. For example, the thermopile in Fig. 20(a) has five thermocouples and an output of 5[£AB( T1 ) - £.u(Tl)). The purpose of using a thermopile rather than a single thermocouple, of c ourse, is to obtain a more sensitive element. The thermocouples in a thermopile should usually be clustered together as closely as possible, so as lo measure the temperature at only a single point. On the other hand, the junctions must remain electrically separated in order to avoid short-circuiting the individual thermocouple emf's. The fabrication of compact thennopiles has bee n greatly improved by modem circuit-manufacturing techniques that deposit fine-featured metal films onto (a) - , _�--''---<II � -�,'--�����-_-_-_-_-_ - - - - - + E 2 r, 3 4 5 (b) I_ _ _ _ _ l e..;:r ;: ----------=� = -§lil-...-+ - E 1 _ _ _ _ _ I I I I I I I I I 1 FIGURE 20: (a) Series-connected thermocouples forming a thermopile; (b) patallel· connected thermocouples. 51 8 Temperature Measurements suilable substrates. Such thin-film thennopiles are used in heat flux gauges (Section 1 1 ) and pyrometers (Section 8). Parallel connection provides an averaging of the thennocouples ' temperatures, which is advantageous in certain cases. This arrangement is not usually referred to as a thermopile. Similarly, a series-connected thermopile with junctions spread over an area can provide a spatially averaged temperature. 6 SEMICONDUCTOR-JUNCTION TEMPERATURE SENSORS The junc tio n between differently doped regions of a semiconductor has a voltage-current curve that depends strongly on te m peratu re (see Section 1 5). This dependence has been harnessed in two types of temperature sensors: diode sensors and monolithic integrated­ c i rcui t sensors [Fig. 2 1 (a)). Like many semiconductor sensors , these devices have maximum operati ng temperatures of 100 to 1 500C. Both types can be small , having dimensions of a few millimeters. ' Semiconductor diode sensors, when properly calibrated, are the more accurate. The diode is powered with a fixed forward current of about 10 µ.A, and the resulting forward voltage is measured with a four-wire constant-cu rrent circuit [the diode replaces the resistor in Fig. 6(d)). The diode's forward voltage is a dec reas ing function of temperature, known from the calibration [Fig . 2 1 (b)). Diode sensors can be accurate to about 50 mK for temperatures between 1 .4 K and 300 K [ 13). l)'pical temperature-sensing diodes are made from either silicon or gallium-aluminum-arsenide, and they are often applied in cryogenic tem peratu re measurements. Precision diodes are rel ati vely expe nsive . Monolithic integrated-circuit devices use silicon transistors to generate an outpu t current proportional to absolute temperature. A modest voltage (4 to 30 V) is applied to the sensor and the current through the circuit is monitored with an ammeter [Fig. 2 1 (c)). One suc h sensor is the Ana log Devices AD590, which produces a c urre nt in microarnperes numerically equal to the absolute temperat ure in kelvin (e.g., 298 µA at 298 K or 25°C). Because the device is a current source, it s su scepti bility to voltage noise and lead-wire errors is minimal. IC temperature sensors are inexpensive (a few dollars). They are applied as sensors for control c i rc u i ts, as temperature-compensation elemen ts in precision electronics , and even as electro nic icepoints for thermocouple circuits. Accuracy is about 0.5°C. 1 THE LINEAR QUARTZ THERMOMETER The relationship between temperature and the reson a ti ng frequency of a quartz crystal has long been recognized. In general , the re l at i onsh i p is n on l i near, and for many appl icati o ns very considerable effort has been expended in allempts to minimize t he frequency drift caused by temperature variation. Hammond ( 1 4 ) discovered a new crystal orientation called the "LC" or "linear cut," which provides a temperature-frequency relation ship of 1000 Hz/°C with a deviation from the best straigh t line of less than 0.05% over a range of -40°C to 230°C (-40°F to 446°F). This l i nearity may be compared with a value of 055% for the plati n u m - resi sta nce thennometer. The nominal resonator frequency is 28 MHz. and the sensor output is compared to a re fere nce frequency of 28.208 MHz supp l ied by a reference oscillator. The frequency d i fterenc e is detected, converted to pulses, and passed to an electronic counter, which prov ides a digital display of the tem pe rature magnitude. Various probes are avai l able, all with time cons ta nts of I s. Resolution is dependent on repetitive readou t rate, with a value of 0.000 1 °C attainable in 1 0 s. R eadou ts as fast as four per second may be obtained. Absolute 51 9 Temperature Measurements � sensor (a) 1.8 1.6 Average slOpe - .._ -26 mVIK 1 .4 � 1.2 '\. • � 1.0 g I {l \. 0.8 ' �r-.... � ....... 0.6 '\. \ 0 ..... � '\. 10 I'- ['...., 20 30 50 60 10 !'-. ....... Average slope ..... ..... -2.3 mV/K 0.4 40 0.2 ...... ...... ..._ � ....... 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 300 2 IO 19 mperature (b) (K) 400 (c ) :Z t : (a) Semiconductor junction sensors. (Courtes:y: Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc., and Analog Devices, lni:.); (b) diode forward voltage ver.;us temperature (Lake Shon: Standard Curve 1 0); (c) typical AD590 measuring ciccuit. FIGURE 520 Temperature Measurements B accuracy is rated at ±0.040°C. Remote sensing to 3000 m is possible. PYROMETRY The term pyrometry is derived from the Greek words pyros, meaning "fire," and metron, meaning ''to measure." Literally, the tenn means general temperature measurement. How­ ever, in engineering usage, the word has historically referred to the measurement of tem­ peratures in the range extending upward from about 500°C ("'=' 1 000° F). Although cenain thermocouples and resistance-type thennometers can be used above 500°C, pyromelly nor­ mally implies thennal-radiation measurement of temperature without contacting the object being measured. Electromagnetic radiation extends over a wide range of wavelengths (or frequencies), as illustrated in Fig. 22. Pyrometry is based on sampling the energies in cenain bandwidths of this spectrum. At any given wavelength, a body radiates energy of an intensity that depends on the body's temperature. By evaluating the emitted energy at known wavelengths, the temperature of the body can be found. Pyrometers are essentially photodetectors designed specifically for temperature mea­ surement Like ordinary photodetectors (Section 16), pyrometers are of two general types: thermal tktectors and photon detectors. Thennal detectors are based on the temperatwe rise produced when the energy radiated from a body is focused onto a target, heating it. The target temperature may be sensed with a thermopile, a pyroelectric element, or a thennistor Gamma and cosmic rays 10"4 10""' X rays 104 Ullraviolet Visible 100 ... J: �.. " er ! IL 1112 1 0• 106 1o' Infrared E "- j Short radio waves .!! I Commercial TV and FM radio AM raclo 1010 Long radio waves 1 012 10 1 4 l(Hz) x A (µm) •3 x 1 0 1 • p.mfs = 3 x 108 mts FIGURE 22: The electromagnetic radiation spectrum. 521 Temperature Measurements or RTD. Photon detectors usually use semiconductors of either the pho!oconducti'VC or ph todiode type. In those devices, the sensor responds directly to the intensity of radiated 1 by a corresponding change in its resistance or in its junction curren t or voltage. Pyrometers may also be classified by the set of wavelengths measured. A to tal. radiation pyrometer absorbs energy at all wavelengths or, at least, over a very broad rang of wavelengths. A spectral-band pyrometer (or optical pyrometer) measures radialede idered over a narrow band of wavelengths; the band will often be narrow enough to be cons 1 single wavelength. A wide-band pyrometer uses a broader range of wavelengths, usually in order to obtain a stronger signal. The infrared pyrometer is a type of wide- band pyrometer used for measurements near room temperature, where radiation is weak and mainly on infrared wavelengths. The two-color pyrometer compares the radiated energy at two specific wavelengths in order to determine the temperature. Because infrared pyrometry can be used at or below room temperature, it overturns the traditional perception of radiation pyrometry as a strictly high-temperature technique. In fact, the Greek meaning of pyrometry, mentioned before, is no longer so inappropriate. Irre­ spective of the temperature range, however, radiation pyrometers retain the distinguishing feature of finding an object's temperature without directly contacting it. Ii; � 8.1 Radiation Pyrometry Theory All bodies at temperatures above absolute zero radiate energy. Not only do they radiate or emit energy, but they also receive and absorb it from other sources. We all know that when a piece of steel is heated to about 550°C it begins to glow (i.e., we become aware of visible light being radiated from its surface). As the temperature is raised, the light becomes brighter or more intense. In addition, the color changes from a dull red, through orange to yellow, finally approaching an almost white light at the melting temperature ( 1430°C to 1 5400C). We know, therefore, that through the range of temperatures from approximately 550°C to 1540°C, energy in the form of visible light is radiated from the steel. We can also sense that at temperatures below 55QoC and almost down to room temperature, the piece of steel is still radiating energy or heat in the form of infrared radiation, for if the mass is large enough we can feel the heat even though we are not touching the steel. We know, then, that energy is radiated through cenain temperature ranges because our senses provide the necessary information. Although our senses are not as acute at lower temperatures, on occasion we can actually "feel" the presence of cold walls in a room because heat is being radiated from our body to the walls. Energy transmission of this son does not require an intervening medium for conveyance; in fact, intervening substances may interfere with transmission. The energy of which we are speaking is transmitted as electromagnetic waves or photons traveling at the speed of light. As our discussion of hot steel shows, the wavelength of this radiation depends upon the temperature of the radiating substance. It also depends upon the physical propenies of the substance. Let us consider these propenies funher. Radiation striking the surface of a material is partially absorbed, partially reftected, and partially transmitted. These ponions are measured in terms of absorptivity (a), reflec­ tivity (p ) . and transmissivity ( r ), where (7) a+p+r = I For an ideal reflector, a condition approached by a highly metal polished surface, P 522 � I. Temperature Measurements In many cases, gases represent substances of high transmissivity, for which r -+ 1; for opaque materials, on lhe olher hand, r = 0. A small opening into a large cavity approaches an ideal absorber, or black body, for which a ..... I ; !his is because a photon entering lhe cavity is very unlikely to be reflected back out lhe opening. A body in radiative equilibrium wilh its surroundings emits as much energy as it absorbs. It follows, lherefore, !hat a good absorber is also a good radiator, and it may be concluded that the ideal radiator is one for which the val ue of a is equal to unity. In olher words, a black body is both a perfect absorber and a perfect emitter of radiation. When we refer to emitted radiation as distinguished from absorption, the tcnn emissivity (E) is used ralher than absorptivity (a). However, the two are direc t ly related by Kirchlwff's law, E=a In general, each of lhe propenies a, p, r, and E is a function of wavelenglh, temperature, and the angle wilh which radiation approaches or leaves the surface. Fonunatcly, for angles wilhi n about 500 of lhe normal to the surface, lhe angular dependence is weak enough to be ignored . Pyrometers are generally used wilhin Ibis range of angles. For opaque bodies, wilh r = 0, Kirchhoff's law and Eq. 7 show that a and p can be detennined if E is known. Table 8 lists values of emissivities for cenain materials, averaged over all wavelengths.2 As we mentioned earlier, lhe radiated color changes with increasing temperature. Change in color, of course, corresponds to change in wavelength, and the wavelength of maximum radiation decreases wilh an increase i n temperature. A decrease in wavelength shifts the color from lhe reds toward the yellows. Steel al 540°C has a deep red color. At 8 15°C the color is a bright red, and at l 200°C the color appears white. The corresponding radiant energy maximums occur at wavelengths of 3.5, 2.6, and I . 9 µm, respectively. If we should heat an ideal radiator to various temperatures and detennine the relative intensities at each wavelength , we would obtain the energy-distribution curves shown in Fig. 23. Not only is the radiation intensity of a higher-temperature body increased, but the wavelength of maximum emission is also shifted toward shoner wavelengths. The intensity distribution, or spectrum, for an ideal radiator (black body) may be expressed as follows [ 1 5 ): (8) l Kin:hhoff's law is srric1ly valid only at any panicular wavelength. When a is averaged over all wavele�lhs, lhe value may di!fer fiom lhe wavelength-averaged e if lhe body is absort>ing radiation from a much holler or colder body ( 1 5). In lhe parlance or radiation lheory, values at a single wavelength an: called sptctral •'Glues. whereas !hose averaged o-er all wavelengths an: called total values. 523 Temperature Measurements TABLE B: Total Emissivity for Certain Surfac•es (15) Temperature, •c Surface Polished silver Polished aluminum Platinum wire Heavily oxided aluminum Rusted iron Rolled sheet steel Roofing paper Plaster Rough red brick Rough concrete Smooth glass Water, :::_0. 1 mm deep 200 200-600 40-1370 90-540 40 40 40 40-260 40 40 40 40 Black body Emlsalvity 0.01--0.04 0.04--0.06 0.04--0. 19 0.20--0.33 0.61--0.85 0.66 0.9 1 0.92 . 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.96 l.00 1 0-< 0.1 FIGURE 0.3 1 .0 23: Radiation intensity as a function or black body, wi th s = I . 3.0 Wllll8tanglh, A (µm) 1 0.0 of wavelength and temperature for an ideal 524 Temperature Measurements where Eu = the energy emitted by a blackbody at wavelength .\, in W/m2 · µ.m, T = the absolute temperature, in K, .\ = the wavelength, in µ.m, C1 C2 = 374 . 1 8 MW . µ.m4 /m2 , = 1 4388 µ.m · K The wavelength of peak i nte nsity for a particular temperature is given by the Wien displace­ menl law: Amax T = (8a) 2897.8 µ.m · K For a nonideal body, the intensity distribution must be multiplied by the value of the emissivi ty, e(.\), that is appropriate to the wavelength considered EA e(.\)C1 - e(.\) E b )., - ,\S (eCz/AT - l ) ( 8b) where E,. denotes the spectrum of a nonideal body. These relations are the basis for spectral-band and two-color pyrometers. Optical fi l ters arc used to eliminate all but the wavelengths of interest, whose intensities are then measured. The body's temperature is calculated from the measured intensity, using Eq. (8b) e(.\). Note that u ncertain ty in e (.\ ) leads directly to uncertainty in the and the value of measured temperature. For total-radiation pyrometers, no filters are used and radiation from all wavelengths is sampled. Thus, the detector receives energy from the source at a rate proportional to the total radiant energy, q, emined by the surface, as given by the Stefan-Boltvnann law: (9) where q = radiant heat ffux emitted by the source, in W/m 2 , e (.\) = the emi ssivity of source at wavelength .\, e = the emissivi ty of source averaged over all wavelengths, T = absolute temperature of source, in K, cr = the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.6704 x 10- 8 W/m 2 K4 q is focu sed onto the detector, whose temperature rise is measured. With a knowledge of the source's emissivity, e, the source temperature can be calculated from Eq. (9). A calibration test is required to establish the relationship between the detector's temperature rise and q . The radiation 525 Temperature Measurements Particular attention must be given to the optical system of a radiation pyrome te appropriate optical glasses must be selected 10 pass the necessary range of wa ve1 Pyrex glass may be used for the range of 0.3 to 2.7 µm, fused silica for 0. 3 to 3 .8 µm, :.: and calcium fluoride for0.3 to IO µm. Thus, while Pyrex glass may be used for high -tem perature m��rement based on short wavelengths, ii is practically opaque to the long-wavelen gth rad1ation oft ow-temperature sources, say, those below 550°C. By choosing calcium fluoricl e and adding appropriate filters, a radiation pyrometer may instead be made to sense o nly longer infrared wavelengths (2 to IO µm, for instance). Although radiation pyrometers may theoretically be used at any reasonable distance from a targel, some practical limi1ations should be mentioned. First, the size of target will largely detenni ne lhe degree of temperature averaging, and in general, the greater the distance from the source, the greater the averag ing. Second, the nature of the intervening atmosphere will have a decided effect on the pyrometer reading. If smoke or dust is present, or if certain gases or solids, even though they may appear to be transparent, are in the path, considerable energy absorption may occur. This problem will be particularly troublesome if such absorbents are not constant but vary with time. Third, heat radiated from surrounding bodies may be reflected from the measured object into the pyrometer, particularly if the measured body has a low emissivity. For example, if the steel discussed previously is located inside a furnace, radiation from the walls of the furnace may be reflected from the steel to the pyrometer. In other cases, reflected sunlight may cause errors. For these reasons, minimum practical distance is advisable, along wi1h careful selection of pyrometer sighting arrangements. For all pyrometers, calibration is essential 10 accoun1ing for the effects of lhe optical system, the detector response, and, when it is unknown, the source emissivity. 8.2 Total-Radiation Pyrometry Figure 24 shows, in simplified form, a thermal-detector total-radiation pyrometer. F..ssential parts of the device consist of- some light-direcling means, shown here as baffles but which are more often lenses, and an approximate blackbody receiver with means for sensing temperature. Although the sensing element may be any of 1he types discussed earlier in this chapter. it is generally some form of thermopile or pyroeleclric sensor; occasionally, a thermistor or gas-pressure thermometer is used. A balance is quickly established between the energy absorbed by lhe receiver and that dissipated by conduction through the leads radiation emitted to the surroundings. The receiver equilibrium temperature then becomes the measure of source temperature, with the scale established by calibration. and Figure 25 shows a sectional view of a commercially available pyrometer. Although total-radiation pyrometry is primarily used for temperalures above 550°C, the pyrometer shown is selected to illustrate an i nstrument sensitive to very low-level radiation (50"C to 375°C). The arrangement, however, is typical of general radiation pyrometry practice. A lens-and-mirror system is used to focus the radiant energy onto a thermopile. The ther­ mocouple reference temperature is supplied by maintaining the assembly at constant tern· perature through use of a heater controlled by a resistance thermometer. In many cases compensation is obtained lhrough use of temperature-compensating resistors in the electri­ cal circuit. As previously noted, a knowledge of the radiating body's emissivity is required in order to find the temperature. Handbook data may be used i f accurate values are available 526 Temperature Measurements FIGURE 24: A s impli fied form of total-radiation pyrometer. for the particular surface being measured. Alternatively a calibration may be done by com­ paring the pyrometer readout with that of some standardized device, such as a thennocouple, attached to the radiating source. Often a single poi nt calibration suffices. Mechanisms for , - Resistance lhermometer windings calcium flourlde _..J,....-+-t-�- 1 lens Thermopile mirror FIGURE 25: Section through a commercially available low-temperature, total radiation pyrometer (Courtesy: Honeywell, Inc., Process Control Division, Ft. Washington, Penn­ sylvania). 527 Temperature Measurements adju sti ng a total-radiation pyrometer's calibration include the following: I. Microprocessor- based adj ustmen t of the sensing circuitry or display; 2. Variable aperture area at the thermopile or lens; 3. Movable metal plug screwed into the thennopile housi ng adjacent to the hot junction which acts as an adjustible heat sink; 4. Movable concave mirror reftecting varying amounts of enurgy back to the thermopile of a lens-type pyrometer (see Fig. 25). The error in temperature due to error in the estimated emissivi ty !for a total radiation pyrom. etcr is given by ( 1 6] ( 10) For example, a 10% overesti mate of " leads to a 2.5% u nderes�imate of the absolute tem­ perature . 8.3 Spectral-Band Pyrometry Spectral-band, or optical, pyrometers measure radiant intensity ut only one or two specific wavelengths , which are isolated by use of appropriate fil ters. The intensity is found either by usi ng the output of a calibrated thermal or photon detector or by visual comparison to a calibrated source. The temperature depe ndence of the intensity d i sbibution, Eq. (8), provides the necessary relation between measured i nten sity and 11emperature. In typical systems, a wavele ngth of 0.65 µm to 0.85 µm is s1:l ec ted by an optical filter. The rad iatio n is detected by a silicon ph otodiode whose output i:; processed eleclronically (Fig. 26). These devices are ge neral ly used with high temperature sources, above about T Display Sampled area _l_ Signal processor Detector FIGURE 26: Sc hematic diagram of a spectral-band pyrometer. Light rays are shown leaving on edge of the sampled area 10 illustrate that the field stop limits the image size whereas the aperture stop limits the amou nt of light collected. Similar rays may be drawn from any point in the sampled area. 528 Temperature Measurements SOO"C. The source emissivity must be known at the wavelength used , and the appropriate value of e(;I.) is input to the pyrometer's microprocessor. These devices are less sensitive to uncertainties in the emissivity than total radiation pyrometers. The relationship of temperature error and emissivity error is ( 16) --:r = - c2 7 AT ;l.T A e ( 1 1) for C2/;l.T > 2. Since typical values of C2/AT are 10 or more, a l 0% overestimate of e leads to I% or smaller underestimate of the absolute temperature. In addition, the radiation emitted at a single, shon wavelength varies more rapidly with temperature than the total radiation, making spectral-band pyrometers more sensitive to temperature change than total-radiation pyrometers. The disappearing filament pyrometer is an example of the visual comparison type (Fig. 27). The intensity of an electrically heated filament is varied to match the source intensity at a particular wavelength. In use, the pyrometer is sighted al the unknown temperature source at a distance such that the objective lens focuses the source in the plane of the lamp filament The eyepiece is then adjusted so that the filament and the source appear superimposed and in focus to the observer. In general, the filament will appear either hotter than or colder than thC unknown soun:e, as shown in Fig. 28. When the battery current is adjusted, the filament (or any prescribed ponion such as the tip) may be made to disappear, as indicated in Fig. 28(c). The current indicated by the milliammeter to obtain this condition may then be used as the temperature readout. A red filter is generally used to obtain approximately monochromatic conditions, and an absorption filter is used so that the filament may be operated at reduced intensity, thereby prolonging its life. The filaments are typically tungsten and can be calibrated to high accuracy. The disappearing filament pyrometer has, however, largely been replaced by electronic spectral-band pyrometers. Objectiw lens Lamp Eyepiece � Obserwr �� !'! ! g_ ::J tfl E Red lllter � Battery Millianmeter AGURE 27: Schematic diagram of a disappearing filament pyrometer. 529 Temperature Measurements (a) Filament too hot (b) Filament too cold (c) Filament and source at same �,. FIGURE 28: Appearance offilament when (a) filament temperature is too high, (b) filament temperature is too low, and (c) filament temperature is correct. Two-color pyrometry is an adaptation of spectral-band pyrometry that mi nimiz:es the inftuence of the emissivity. Specifically, two-color pyrometers measure the source intensity at two adjacent wavelengths, At and A 2 . I f the wavelengths are close and the emissivity is not too rapidly varying, then the emissivity will be nearly the same for each wavelength. Hence, the ratio of measured intensities depends only on temperature: E(A 1 ) E,., "" E>., E>., e(A2 ) E,., ( A2 = A. ) s (e C2 />-2T (e C2/>-1T -- 1) I) 1\vo-color pyrometery is particularly useful for situations in which the source emissiv­ ity varies in time, such as during the processing of steel and aluminum [ 1 7). The two-color pyrometer can also be used with small objects that do not fill the instrument's field of view, since only the ratio of intensities is required. Color-ratio pyrometry is the defining temperature standard for ITS-90 in the range above 1234.93 K (4). 8.4 Infrared Pyrometry The infrared region begins al a wavelength of about 0. 75 1tm-where the visible region ends-and extends upward to wavelengths of about I 000 1tm. Infrared pyrometry is simply an adaptation of spectral-band pyrometry to sensing a range of infrared wavelengths. The benefit of infrared sensing is found in Wien 's displacement law (Fig. 23). which shows that the peak radiant intensity of low-temperature bodies occurs in the infrared. For example, a body at 25°C (298 K) radiates at a peak wavelength of 9.7 1tm. Thus, infrared deteetion is essential to radiant measurements of near-room-temperature objects. Common infrared detectors use optical filters to isolate some portion of the interval between 2 and 14 1tm. This interval corresponds to peak radiant temperatures between about 200 and 1 400 K. However, this interval is also dictated by the need lo avoid infrared absorption by air and water vapor between the source and the detector: atmospheric absorp­ tion is al a minimum in several bands between 2 and 5 µm and in the interval from 8 lo 14 1tm. Most commercial infrared pyrometers are centered on one of these transmitting bandwidths. Specialized devices, such as satellite-based far-infrared detectors, may respond to wavelengths up tu 100 µm; however, detectors for such long wavelengths generally must be operated at cryogenic temperatures. Detectors for infrared pyrometers are often thermopile heat ftux sensors of the Gar­ don gage type, as described in Section 1 1 . Pyroelectric materials are also quite useful as 530 Temperature Measurements broadband IR (infrared) sensors. These materials have an intrinsic electrostatic polariza­ tion that decreases with an increase in temperature. Pyroelectric elements, then, act as thennal detec tors that respond to a change in temperature by developi ng a charge, in much the same way that piezoelectric materials respond to strain. Pyroelectric materials include ferroelectric crystals, such as tri g l i sine sulfate (TGS) and lithium tantalate (LiTaO:J), and some organic polymer films, such as polyvinylidene Ouoride (PVDF) ( 1 8). Like piezoelectric charge, pyroe lect ric charge d issi pates in time. To obtain meas11re­ ments of steady temperatures, a rotating "chopper" may be used to interrupt the radiat ion periodically, producing a square-wave signal whose peak amplitude is related to the tar­ get temperature ( 1 9). Electrical sig na l cond i tioni ng requ irements are otherwi se similar to those of piezoelectric devices. Apart from their use in temperature measurement, pyroelec­ tric sensors are commonly used i n motion sensors for light switches and burglar alarms. Focusing optics for infrared applications are complicated by the pooc infrared trans­ missivity of ordinary glasses. Infrared lenses and windows are sometimes made from calcium Ouoride or germanium, which have high IR transmissivi ty. Mirrors are usually of the first-surface type, having the reOective coating on top rather than beneath a layer of glass [ I 9). When low temperature levels are to be detected, background radiation from the pyrometer's own mirrors, lenses, and windows may be comparable to that from the source. Here, rotating c h oppers are ag ai n useful in periodically removing the �ource radiation, so that the background sign al may be identified and subtracted As with other pyrometers, IR pyrometers depend upon a knowledge of the emissivity . . Equation ( 1 1 ) may be used to estimate uncertainties for these devices. Errors in temperature due to errors in emissi vi ty tend to be larger for infrared pyrometers, owing to the l onger wavelengths involved. 8.5 Thermal Imaging One important app l icati on ofinfrared pyrometry is to whole-field tem peratu re mea.�urement, called thermal imaging or infrared thermography. Infrared thermography is used in medical imaging, in tes t i ng buildings for heat leakage, in satellite surveys, in ni ght ti me surveillance, and in measuring temperature distributions in electronic equipmen t . Many devices operate by scanning the image across a single, cooled photon detector. More recent desig ns take advantage of the CCD (c h arge-cou pled diode) array technology deve loped for digital video cameras. Here, a two-dimensional array of detectors is posi tioned behind a came ra lens to record the thermal image of the field viewed. At present, arrays of photoconductive sensors arc u su ally employed. Surprisingly, photon detectors (suc h as silicon diodes) are not currently used in IR arrays; this is because the candidate materials either lack broadband se nsi ti vity above 1 µm ( li ke silicon) or are difficult to fabricate as detector arrays. Uncertainties in the emissivity can be a particular problem for thermal imaging sys­ tems because the emissivity may vary across the field of view. 9 OTHER METHODS OF TEMPERATURE INDICATION One method of temperature measurement given in the introduction to thi s chapter has not bee n referred to in the intervening pages. It is the application of changes chemical state or phase. Several techn iq ues based on this pri nciple should be menti oned [20). 531 Temperature Measurements Seger cones have long been used in the ceramic industry as a means of Checki a temperatures. These devices are simply small cones made of an oxide and glass. When g predetermined temperature is reached, the tip of the cone softens and curls over, providing the indication that the temperature has been reacho!d. Seger cones are made in a standard series covering a range from 600°C to 2000°C. Somewhat similar temperature-level indicators are available in the forms ofcrayonlike sticks, lacquer, and pill-like pellets. Each may he calibrated at temperature intervals through a range of about 50°C to I 1 00°C. The crayon or lacquer is stroked or brushed on the pan whose temperature is to be indicated. After the lacquer dries, 1it and the crayon marks appear dull and chalky. When the calibration temperature is reached, the marks become liquid and shiny. The pellets are used in a similar manner, except that they simply melt and assume a shiny liquidlike appearance as the stated temperature is reach•::d. By using cray ons, lacquer , or pellets covering various"temperatures within a range, the maximum temperature attained during a test may he rather closely determined. Liquid crystals are perhaps the most colorful of tempierature indicators. The liquid crystal is a meso-phase state of certain organic compounds that shares properties of both liquids and crystals. As temperature increases past a threshold, liquid crystals successively scatter reds , yellows, greens, blues, and violets until an upper threshold temperature is reached. By changing the crystal composition, the entire colcor change can made occur over an interval of as much as 50°C or as little as l •c. Liquid crystals are useful from roughly - 30°C to 1 20°C; they may resolve temperature changes as small as 0. 1°C. Liquid crystals are available commercially in various temperature ranges and pack­ agings. They may he encapsulated into tiny pellets which are suspended into a liquid slurry for later use. They may also he coated in a thin film over a blackened plastic or paper sheet that makes the scattered light more visible; the sheet is then affixed to a surface whose tem­ perature distribution is to he observed. High-accuracy meas1llrements using liquid crystals usually employ a digital camera to record the color pattern on a surface. The digital image is analyzed on a computer to determine the temperature disu·ibution. the� 10 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ERRORS The number of potential sources of error associated with temperature measurement is unlim­ ited. However, several are significant enough to warrant special note. These will be dis­ cussed in the next several pages. 10.1 Errors Associated with Convection, Radiation, and c:onduction Any temperature-measuring element senses temperature because heat is transferred between the surroundings and the element until some kind of equilibiium condition is reached. As an example, consider the use of a thermocouple tc• measure the gas temperature in a furnace. When a thermocouple probe is inserted through1 the wall of a furnace (assume it to he gas-or coal fired), heat is transferred to it from the immersing gases by convection. Heat also reaches the probe through radiation from the furnace walls and from incandescent solids such as a fuel bed or those carried along by the swirlin1� gases. Finally, heat will flow from the probe by conduction through any connecting leads or supports. The temperature indicated by the probe therefore will be a function of all thE:se environmental factors, and consideration must be given to their effects to interpret or control the results intelligently. 532 Temperature Measurements Convection Effects When the temperature of a gas or liquid is to be measured, we rely on heat flow by convection to bring the probe to the fluid temperature. The rate of heat transfer between the fluid and the probe is described by the following relationship: . Q = where h A (Tf - T,), ( 1 2) Q = the heat transferred, in W, h A Tt = the heat transfer coefficient, in W/ml K, = = the surface area of the probe, in m l, the fluid temperature, in K, and 1i = the probe temperature, in K The heat transfer coefficient, h , may be predicted using using correlations or equations appropriate to the particular situation at hand ( 15). However, several factors should be noted. Heat transfer coefficients are generally higher in flowing fluids than in fluids at rest, and they rise as the fluid velocity increases. Heat transfer coefficients in liquids are typically one to two orders of magnitude greater than in gases, other things being the same. In addition, heat transfer coefficients are generally higher for small objects than for larger ones. Representative ranges of h are as follows, for gases and nonmetallic liquids: 5-25 W/ml K 1�200 W/m l K 5�2000 W/m2 K 1 00- 10,000 W/ml K Gases at rest Flowing gases Liquids at rest Flowing liquids EXAMPLE 4 A 5-mm-diameter thermistor sits in a 4 mis air flow. It shows a resistance of 40 kQ, corresponding to a temperature of 30.0"C. If the sensing current is I mA and the heal transfer coefficient is h = 1 10 W/ml K, what is the air temperature? Solution The electrical power dissipated in the thermistor must be removed by convection. Hence, Q = so h A( Tt1ierm - Tair) = l i R that Tair = Tlhenn ;lR h (rr 0 ) ( 1 0- 3 ) 2 (40 - --2 = 30.0 - = 25.4°c x 103 ) ( l lO)rr(0.005) 2 The error, 4.6 K, may be reduced by lowering the current to the thennistor. 533 Temperature Measurements Radiation EITects Radiation between the probe and any source or si n k of different � . function of the difference in the fourth powers of the absolute temperatures. It a true, therefore, 1ha1 radiation becomes an i ncreas i ng ly i mportant source of tCDlpelature as the temperatures increase. As discussed in Section 8. 1 , radi ant-heat transfer is also function of the emissivities of the objects involved. For th i s reason, a bright, shiny less affected by t hermal radiation than is one tarnished or covered with soot. Calculation of radiation heal exchange generally req u ires consideration of the geo­ metric configuration of the objects involved. One simple case is particularly important, however: that of a small object exchanging radiation with a large isothermal enclosure (IS). In this case, we may estimate the radiation heat transfer as follows: is� � probe� (13) where Q = the heat transferred from the probe, in W, e = the emissivity of the probe, A = the surface area of the probe. in m2 , a = the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.6704 T, x 10-8 W/m2K4, = the temperature of the enclosure; in K, and T, = the probe temperature, in K This equation will apply when the surface area of the probe is small compared to the surface area of its enclosure. EXAMPLE 5 A thermocouple is located within a large exhaust duct . The thermocouple has an emis­ sivity of e = 0.5. The walls of the duct have a tem pera ture of 400 K. The thermocou­ ple reads 470 K. If the heat transfer coefficient between the air and the thermocouple is h = 80 W/m 2 K, what is the air temperature"! Solution The thermocouple gains heat from the air heat by convection and loses heat by radiation to the the walls. Thus. Qconv = Q ,;u1 h A (T3;, - 7ic) = eAa(1;� - T�111) Hence, Tair = = h(T,c - Twanl + 7ic 0 . 5(5.6704 x 10-8) ((47 £ (] 4 4 80 = 478.2 K 534 0)4 - (400)4 ) ) + 470 Temperature Measurements Radiation error may be largely eliminated through the introduction of radiation shield­ ing. This consists of placing reftective barriers around the probe, which prevent the probe from "seeing" the radiant source or sink, as the case may be. For low-temperature work, such shields may simply be made of sheet metal appropriately formed to provide the nec­ essary protection. Aluminum is a common choice, because its very low emissivity sharply limits radiation heat transfer. At higher temperatures , metal or ceramic sleeves or tubes may be used. In applications where gas temperatures are desired, however, care must be exeicised in placing radiation shields so as not to cause stagnation of ftow around the probe. As pointed out earlier, desirable convection transfer is a function of gas velocity. Consideration of these factors led quite naturally to the development of an aspirated high-temperature probe known as the high-velocity thermocouple (HVT) (2 1 ) . Figure 29 illustrates an aspirated probe with several types of tips. Gas is induced through the end, over the temperature-sensing element, and either is exhausted to the exterior or, if it will not alter process or measurement functions, may be returned to the source. A renewable shield provides radiation protection for the element, and through use of aspiration, convective transfer is enhanced. Gas mass-ftux past the element should be not less than 20 kg/m2 s for maximum effectiveness. When a single shield is used, as shown in Fig. 29(b), the shield temperature is largely controlled by convective transfer from the aspirated gas through iL Its exterior, however, is subject to thermal-radiation effects, and thus its equilibrium temperature, and hence that of the sensing element, will still be somewhat influenced by radiation. Maximum shielding may be obtai ned through use of multiple shields, as shown in the lower two sections of Fig. 29(b). Thermocouples using multiple shielding are known as multiple high-velocity thermocouples (MHVTs) (2 1 ]. The effectiveness of both the HVT and MHVT relative to a bare thermocouple is illustrated in Fig . 30. Our discussion of radiation effects has been centered largely on the high-temperature application of thermocouples. It should of course be clear that the principles involved apply to any tem perature- measuring system or situation. Radiation may introduce errors at low temperatures as well as at high ones, and it will present similar problems to all types of sens i ng elements. When the fl uids are liquid rather than gaseous, the problem is essentially eli mi nated because most liquids, and to some degree water vapor in air, act as strong absorbers of thermal radiation. Conduction Effects . In general, if heat is conducted through the region of a temperature sensor, temperature gradients will be present. These gradients may lead to differences between the sensor's reading and the temperature that is desired. Consider a temperature-measuring probe that is placed into a warm fluid. This probe will require a mechanical support, and, in genera l some connection must be made to an external readout or recording device. These supports and connections provide paths through which heat may be conducted to cooler walls or surroundings. Ideally, convection between the fluid and the probe will hold the probe at the Huid's temperature. But if heat is steadily cond uc ted out of lhe probe by the suppons. the sensing element may remain at a temperature somewhat below the ftuid. In the language of heat transfer, such a probe is said to behave as a heat conducting "fin" [ 1 5 ) . Such fin effects can be minimized b y introducing a nonconductive separator into the probe's s upporti ng structure (a so-called thermal break) or by having a sufficiently long 535 Thermocouple 2 hOla Insulator (a) (b) "°"'lain protection tuba 0.200" OD, 0.150" IO, 1 2" Lg Oetall ol Thermocouple Assembly Temperature Measurements \,'- sI!! � 2500 1---;---;---t---i:---::---:M==-t 2000 J!! ! 1500 � 1000 1----+---+---+-+-,E----1�--1 1----+--T-J<'-4--+---i---I 1---+--->t<--I---+---� 500 1000 Observed 1500 2000 gas t�ature, °F 2500 3000 FIGURE 30: Graphical representation of the effectiveness of the high-velocity thenno­ couple (Counesy: Babcock & Wilcox, Barberton, Ohio) probe. Assuming that the sensing element of the probe (a thennocouple junction, say) is at the tip of the probe and that the base of the probe is attached directly to a wall, fin conduction errors will be miminal if the length of the probe satifies the following relationship: L -> 5 '/{kA; hi' where L = the probe length from sensor to wall , in m, P = k = ( 1 4) h = the heat transfer coefficient between probe and fluid, in W/m2 K, Ac = the perimeter of the probe (e.g., :rr times its diameter), in m, the cross-sectional area of the probe, in m2 , and the thennal conductivity of the probe, in W/m K · In the case of a probe whose cross section includes several different materials, such as a stainless steel jacket with a powered filler inside, the product kAc should be computed for each pan of the cross section, and the results added to together to get an effective value of k Ac for the probe. For example, in the case just described, (kA c)effoai"" = (kAclstee1 + (k Adfiller· The perimeter is based only on the outside surface of the probe, in contact with the fluid. Conduction effects are also of concern for surface temperature measurements. If a thennocouple is affixed to a hot surface and the lead wires of the thermocouple extend into 537 Temperature Measurements cooler air, then heat may be conducted out of the surface through the w ires of the lhermo­ couple. The result may be to cool the surface in the vicinity of the thermocouple, .,.._; ftft a measurement error (22). This kind of error can be especially sigificant if lbe � � a poor conductor of heat or if the thermocouple is separated from the surface by a of low-conductivity cement One way to minimize such errors is to run the thennoeoup1e w ires along the surface for some distance away from the location of measuremenL The cooling effect will thus be moved away from the junction to the poi nt where the leads depart from the surface. Similar problems can arise if a thermocouple is embedded within an object at some distance below its surface with the aim of measuring the surface temperature. If heat ftows through the surface, then a temperature gradient is present in the object, which leads 10 a difference between the surface temperature and that ' registered by the embedded sensor. Such errors are greater for nonconductive materials or for high rates of heat transfer. ..; 10.2 Measurement of Temperature in Rapidly Moving Gas When a temperature probe is placed in a stream of gas, the Row will be partially stopped by the presence of the probe·. The lost kinetic energy will be converted to heat, which will have some bearing on the indicated temperature. 1\vo "ideal" states may be defi ned for such a condition. A static or true state would be that observed by instruments moving with the stream, and a stagnation or total state would be that obtained if the gas were brought to rest and its kinetic energy completely converted to heat, resulting in a temperature rise. A fixed probe inserted into the moving stream will indicate conditions lying between the two states. For exhaust gases from internal combustion engines, we find that temperature differences between the two states may be as great as 200°C [23]. An expression relating total and static temperature for a movi ng gas may be written as follows (24 ): y2 T, - T, = 2Cp (15) This relation may also be written T, - = 1 T, 1 + - (k - l ) M2 2 (!Sa) where T, = the total or stagnation temperature, in K, V = the velocity of How, in mis, T, = the static or true temperature, in K, cp = the specific heat at constant pressure, in J/kg · K, k = the ratio of specific heats, M = the Mach number, V/(sound speed) The effectiveness of a probe in bringing about kinetic energy conversion is described by the ratio T; - T, r = --T, - T, 538 ( 1 6) Temperature Measurements where T; = the temperature indicated by the probe, in K, r = the recovery factor, which is proportional to the energy conversion If r = I , the probe would measure the stagnation temperature, and if r = 0, it would measure the static or true temperature. Experiment has shown that for a given instrument used under adiabatic conditions, the recovery factor is essentially a constant and is a function of the probe configuration. II changes l iule with composition, temperature, pressure, or velocity of the flowing gas (24]. In practice, however, heal losses due to thermal radiation and heat conduction will cause some probes to become more sensitive to variations in flow speed (25] . Combining Eqs. ( 1 5 ) and ( 1 6), we obtain , y2 T, = T; - � ( 1 7) p or T, = T; + ( 1 - r) V 2 ---- 2cp ( 17a) The recovery factor, r, for a given probe may be determined experimentally (23, 25). However, this approach does not generally provide sufficient information to determine either the true or the stagnation temperature. Inspection of Eqs. ( 17) and ( 1 7a) indicates that in addition to knowing the indicated temperature T; and the recovery factor r, we must know the stream velocity and the specific heat of the gas. When these values are known, the relations yield the desired temperatures directly. In many cases, however, it is particularly difficult to determine the flow velocity, and further theoretical consideration of the situation is required. For sonic velocities, with M = I , ( 1 8) where 4' = k+I -2-+-r(_k__ _I_) ( 1 9) One solution to the problem or temperature measurement in high-velocity gases has been to make the measurement at Mach I , through use of an instrument called a sonic-flow pyrom­ eter. Such a device is shown in Fig. 3 1 . The basic instrument comprises a temperature­ sensing element (thermocouple) located at the throat of a nozzle. Gas whose temperature is to be measured is aspirated (or pressurized by the process) through the nozzle to produce critical or sonic velocity at the nozzle throat. Under these conditions, Eqs. ( IS) and ( 1 9) apply, and in this manner determination of How velocity need not be made. It is still nec­ essary to know the ratio of specific heats, but these can usually be determined or estimated with sufficient accuracy. 539 ' Temperature Mea surements \� juJe Radiation Bl\ : t �·59 � I Thermocouple lnsluator FIGURE 3 1 : Schematic diagram of a sonic-flow pyrometer. (Co1urtesy: National Institute of Standards and Technology (24)) 10.3 Temperature Element Response An ideal temperature transducer would faithfully respond to fluc:tuating inputs regardless of the time rate of temperature change; however, the ideal is ncit realized in practice. A time lag exists between cause and effect, and the system seldom, if ever, actually indicates true temperature input. Figure 32 illustrates dramatically the rn8j!:nitude of errors that may resul t from poor response. 3000 .L .. �L...��L2��....4��-1 �L_��-2L.� 6��-18�·�__!10��-112��-:'14 O (Ignition) Time, s FIGURE 32: Temperature- ti me record made from two thermoco1uples of different size and location du ri ng the stan i ng cycle of a large jet engine. (Courtesy: Instrument Society of America (26)) Temperature Measurements The time lag is detennined by the particular heat transfer circumstances that apply, and the complexity of the situation depends to a large extent on the relative imponance of the convective, conductive, and radiative components. If we assume that radiation and conduction are minimized by design and application, we may equate the energy absorbed by the probe per unit time to the rate of heat transfer by convection [ 15 ): me ( d:: ) = h A ( Tg - Tp) (20) or r dt (dTp ) + Tp = T1 (20a) where Tp T1 = the temperature of the probe, in K. = the temperature of the surrounding fluid, in c = the K, specific heat capacity of the probe, in J/kg · K, m = the mass of the probe, in kg, t = the timt;, in s, h = the convective heat-transfer coefficient, in W/m2 • K, A = the surface area of the probe exposed to fluid, in m2 , r = me/ hA = the time constant, in s If the probe is initially at a temperature T,,. when it is put in contact with the fluid, we may = {T lrPO write Eq. (20a) as follows: [' dt lo Solving gives us f ..:!!.e_ _ T, - Tp (20b) If we let then (2 1 ) This relation describes the response when a probe a t temperature TPO is suddenly exposed to a fluid temperature T,. This would be approximated if the probe were quickly inserted through the wall of a furnace or immersed suddenly in a liquid bath. The quantity r will be recognized as the time constant or characteristic time probe, or the time in seconds required for 63.2% of the maximum possible change T8 for the - TPO · Temperature Measurements Obviously, r should be as small as possible, and inspection shows, as should be expected, that this condition corresponds to low mass, low heat capacity, high transfer coefficient, 8lld large area. Probes with low time constant provide fast response, and vice versa. In response to a steady sinusoidal variation in fluid temperature of angular frequency temperature will oscillate with reduced amplitude and will lag in phase and ti me. To obtain faithful response, we would want wr « I . ''" the probe It must be remembered that the time constant for a given probe i s not detennined by the probe alone. The convec ti ve heat transfer coefficient is also dependent on the character of the fluid How. For this reason, a given probe may show different time constants when su bjected to different conditions. For example, a particular probe will usually respond much faster in a liquid How than in a gas How. Although practical probe response characteristics m ay, in many cases, be closely approximated by the application of Eq. (21 ), in many other cases the response is complicaled by the presence of other objects that absorb or transfer heat. The correspond ing temperature response may be characterized by multiple time constants. For example, the case of the common thermometer in a well or a thermocouple or resistance thermometer in a protective sheath (Fig. 5) may be better approximared by a two-time-constant model (27, 28). Both probe and jacket will have characteristic time constants. Let us analyze this situation as follows. We wil l assume that a probe-jacket assembly (Fig. 33) at temperature T1 is suddenly inserted into a medium at temperature T2 • In the manner of Eq. (20), we may write two relationships, as follows: (22) 1j Jacket Jackel temperabJ111 = Probe Probe temperabJre = Tp Al I < 0, all temperatures equal temperature of lhe surrounding medium = T1 At I � o, temperature of surrounding medium = T2 FIGURE 33: Temperature probe in jacket subjected to a step change in temperature. 542 Temperature Measurements and (22a) where subscripts j and p refer lo the protective jacket and the probe, respectively. The relationships may be rewrinen as (23) and (23a) Simplification may be obtained if we assume that the last term in Eq. (23) may be neglected. This assumption will be legitimate if hpAp h J· A J- « l When this assumption is made, Eqs. (23) and (23a) may be combined, to yield 2 dTp d Tp rjrp dif" + (rj + rp) dt + Tp = T2 The solution to lhis equation is T2 - Tp where T2 - Tt = ...E...._ ll.Tmax = (--) ' { - I e -•/{ rp - (-1-)1 { - (24) e -•l<p (25) fl. T = the momentary difference between lhe actual and indicated temperatures, 0. Tmax = the difference between the temperature of the medium and lhe probe temperature at I ' = "!1. = 0, rp Characteristics for various values of { are shown in Fig. 34. It is seen that for { = 0, Eq. (25) reverts lo Eq. (2 1 ). In addition, as lhe time constant for the jacket is increased, lhe overall lag is increased, as one would suspect it should be. 1 0.4 Compensation for Temperature Element Response Time lag in electrical temperature-sensing elements, such as thermocouples and resistance thermometers, may be compensated approximately by use of digital signal processing tech­ niques or by the introduction of appropriate electrical networks. The digital approach involves taking a Fourier transform of a measured time-series of temperature and per­ forming an appropriate convolution lo correct for the time-lag (29, 30). This melhod is 543 Temperature Measurements 1 .0 0.8 ...M... .:! r.,,.. 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 3 4 5 Vt,. 8 ---9 11 10 FIGURE 34: Two-time constant problem: Plot or /!J. T /l!J.Tmu. versus t/rp for various ratios or � = Tj /fp . very appropriate to measurements in turbulent fluid flow, where high frequency response is needed and for which digital signal processing is almost univers:11ly applied. The electrical technique involves selecting a type of filter whose electrical-time char­ acteristics complement those of the sensing element [3 1 , 32]. Fig:ure 35 illu strates a simple form of such a compensator. In the example illustrated, therrnoo:ouple response drops off with increased input frequency (as shown in terms of multiples of time-<:onstant recipro­ cals). By proper choice or resistors and capacitance, satisfactory combined response may be extended approximately 100 times. Both approaches require that the sensor's time constant be: accurately known under the conditions in which it is used. In general, however, the best practice is to minimize the sensor's time constant so that compensation will not be required. 11 MEASUREMENT OF HEAT FLUX Heal flux is the rate or heat flow per unit area . The coltllnon units are W/m 2 or Btu/h · ft2 • We can write an expression for heat flux as follows: dT q = -k­ dx where q = heat flux, in W/ml, k = the thermal conductivity of the material, in 'WIm T = temperature, in K, (26) · K, x = materi al dimension in the direction of heal llow, in m Knowledge of heat flux rather than temperature is of particular value in designing systems to avoid excessive temperatures. Examples might involve supersonic aircraft, gas Temperature Measurements 10 0.001 : Q �· : 't s R.c �--�---�-� 0.01 0.1 10 1 00 Frequency, multiples of 1/t FIGURE 35: Curves illustrating compensati ng action of a simple Instrument RC network. (Courtesy: Society, of America) turbine blades, combustor walls in rocket motors, and similar situations where heat loads are of concern. ftux gages are of several fonns (33], of wh ic h three have particular importance: type (Fig. 36); the foil or membrane type (Fig. 37), which is also known as the Gardon gage; and the thin-film layered type (Fig. 38). As shown in Fig. 36, the essentials of the slug-type meter include a concentrated Heal the slug FIGURE 36: Section through a slug-type heat ftux sensor. Temperature Measurements FIGURE 37: Section through a foil- or membrane-type heat flux sensor (Gardon gage). mass or slug that is thennally insulated from its surroundings and a temperature sensor, commonly a thennocouple. As heat flows in, the thennal isolation of the slug produces a temperature differential between the slug and its surroundings. The governing relation is q A iap where = me dT dt + Q1ou (27) Atop = the surface area of the top of the slug, in m2 , m = the mass of the slug, in kg, c = the specific heat capacity of the slug, in J/kg T = the slug temperature, in K, r = the time, in s, • K, Q1oss = the rate of heat loss through the thennal insulation, in W Slug temperature is measured by the sensor and, through calibration, its derivative is the analog of flux. The slug should have a high thennal conductivity so that its temperature FIGURE 38: Thin-lilm layered heat-flux gage (vertical scale exaggerated). . Temperature Measurements will be unifonn, and Q1oss must be mini mized A primary disadvantage of the gage is that it is not useful for steady-state conditions. This gage is also called a thennal capacitance calorimeter. Construction of the Gardon gage [34), or asymptotic calorimeter, is shown in Fig. 37. It consists of an embedded copper heat sink, a thin membrane of constantan, and an integral thennocouple. The nature of the qinslruction provides two copper-constantan thennocouple junctions, one at the center of the membrane and the other at the interface between the membrane and the heat sink. Thennocouple output, therefore, is a function of the temperature differential between the center and the periphery of the membrane. This, in t um is a function of the rate of heat flow from the membrane into the sink. The governing relationship is , q =4 ( :Z) •H = Ce (28) where t = the membrane thickness. in m, k , = the thennal conductivity of the membrane material, in W/m · K, R = the membrane radius in m, t::. T = the temperature difference between the center and the edge, in K C = a cal i bration constant, in W/m2 • K · mV, e = the output of the thennocouple, in m V With microfabrication technology, it is possible to create a large number of thermo­ couples, connected as a thennopile, on a membrane just a few millimeters in diameter. Gages of this type can be packaged as a TO-can. They are very widely used as sensors in infrared heat detectors (see Section 8). The layered gage is shown in Fig. 38. Here temperature sensors are attached to the upper and lower surfaces of a thin, thennally resisting layer. The heat flux is obtained directly from the measured temperature difference by approximating Eq. (26): dT t::. T q = -k dx "' k T where (29) k = the thennal c onducti vi ty of the resisting film, in W/m · K, t::. T = the temperature difference between the upper and lower e surface, in K, o = th thickness of the resisting film, in m The temperature sensors are usually either RTDs or thermocouples. Because the temperature di fference across the thin barri er is very small, a differential thermopile may be used to obtain t::. T. As many as I 00 or more thermocouple junctions are onnected in series, with successive junc tions located on opposite sides of the film. c 547 Temperature Measurements Layered gages became capable of high - frequency respo1Bsc only wi th the ad of microfabrication technology, which made i t possible to deplsi t thin-fi lm tempera sen sors (0. 1 to 0.5 µm thick) onto relatively thin (1 to 75 µm) ·thermal barriers . In s ome applications, the sensors are deposited onto each side of a Kapton film (35] ; i n other des igns, the sensors and the thermal barrier are sequentially sputtered onto a s upporting cerami c s u bstrate [ 36]. Th i s technology i s co n ti nui ng to evolve rapidly. :: Calibration of heat flux meters can i nvo lve radiant, conductive, and convective heat transfer and generally depends upon both the type of gage and its specific application [33]. One common approach uses thermal radiation from a ature to heat the gage with a known heat flux (37). 12 black body so urce at known temper­ CALIBRATION OF TEMPERATURE-MEASURING DEVICES If a meas u rement is to be meaningfu l , the measuring procedure a nd apparatus must be prov­ able. This statem ent is true for all areas of measuremen t, but for some reason the impn:ssion seems prevale n t that it is less true for temperature- measuri ng s ystems than for other sys­ tems . For example, it is generally tho ught that the on ly limitation in the use of thermocouple tables is in satisfying the requirement for metal combination indiicated in the table heading. Mercury-in-glass scale divisions and resistance- thermometer characteristics are commonly accepted w i thou t question. And it is assumed that once proved , the calibrations will hold · i ndefi n itely. Of course, we know that dependent these ideas are i ncorrect . Tht:rmocouple output is very on puri ty of elementary metals and consistency and homogeneit y of alloys. Alloy s of supposedly like characteristics but manufactured by different companies may have te m peratu re-em f relations sufficiently at variance to require di fferent tables. In add ition, alter thermoco u ple outputs. Resistance-tht:rmometer stabil ity is very freedom from residual strains in the element, and comparat ive results from ag i n g with use will dependent on like elements require very careful use and control of the metallurgy of the materials. Any calibration of a te m perature measuri n g system must be traceable to the Interna­ 1 990 (ITS-90). Direct calibration on this scale uses the fixed phy sical condi tion s ( mel ti ng po i n ts, triple points, etc.). S uch cal i brat ions are done almost excl us i ve ly at standards laboratories. Thermometers so cal ib1 rated are primary standard thermometers, and other th ermometers are calibrated by some t:ype of comparison to them. tional Temperatu re Scale of In general practice, therm ometers are c al ibrated by puttii ng the thermometer known-temperature enclos ure and reading its outp ut . The into a enclosure temperature, in tum. is known either because another calibrated thermometer is i n it or becau se the enclosure is held at a known of freezing or me lti ng point temperature. Kn ow n -tem perature enclosures are of two general types, one of whic h , the fixed­ p oi nt enclosure, has already been mentioned. A fixed-point endosure might house a quan­ tity of a material whose freezi ng point is known; often, t h is is a material whose tem­ perature is ass ign ed by ITS-90. Glass is used for the contaiiner material for the lower tem perat u re s and graphite is used for the higher tem perat ures . I ntegral heating coils are e mployed. To use the fixed-point cell, the temperature sensor to be calibrated is placed in a well extend i ng into the center of the container. The heater is then turned on, and the temperature carried above the melti ng poi n t of the reference substance and held un� l _ 15 melti ng is completed. The cell is then permitted to cool , and when the freezing point 548 Temperature Measurements reached, the temperature stabilizes and remains constant at the specified value as long as liquid and solid are both present. This period may persist from several minutes to several days. depending on the particular cell. Accuracies of approximately 0. 1 K may be easily auained and, if great care is exercised, accuracies of beuer than 1 mK may be reached (4). The other class of calibration enclosures are the variable-temperature enclosures, which include furnaces for high-temperature work, stirred liquid baths for use from about -50 10 600" C , and cryostats for very-low-temperature work (38). These are more com­ monly used than fixed-point cells, for reasons of lower cost and greater flexibility. With a variable-temperature enclosure, it is possible to obtain calibration data at a number of adjacent temperatures, which may then be used to adjust the coefficients of an appropriate output-10-temperalure equation [e.g., Eq. (2).) The simplest possible calibration enclosure is the icepoint bath, which consists of crushed ice and water held in an insulated container, such as a Dewar flask or an expanded­ polystyrene box. The ice-point provides a convenient way to check the calibration of any temperature sensor whose range includes O"C. Properly done, an icebath can produce a temperalure of 0°C to an accuracy of better than 10 m K. The most important guidelines for malcing an icepoint are the following ( 17). • Clean water should be used to make the ice and for the water that is added. Distilled water is best. Salts or organic contaminants should be carefully avoided, as these may depress the freezing point temperature. For low-accuracy work, tap water may be sufficient, although it should have an electrical resistivity above O.S MO · m. • The ice should be shaved or crushed to pieces no larger than S mm diameter. • The ice should be tightly packed into the container and then filled with water. The mixture must make good contact with the sensor. • Liquid that accumulates at the bottom of the container should be siphoned off peri­ odically. In addition to the primary fixed points established by lTS-90 and the icepoint, numer­ ous secondary fixed points have been tabulated (see, for example, [39)). Some. examples include lhe sublimation point of carbon dioxide or dry ice (- 78.5°C), the triple poi nt of n-docosane (43.9°C), the boiling point of water ( 100°C), and the freezing point of lead (327 .5°C). Fixed-point cells based on both primary and secondary materials are commer­ cial! y avai table. Cal ibration of liquid-in-glass thennometers is discussed in detail in (40). SUGGESTED READINGS ASME 1 9.3- 1 974 (R 1 998) Ttmperature Measurrtment. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1 998. serie s MNL 12. Philadelphia: 4th ed. ASTM manual American Socic1y for Tusti ng and Materials, 1 993. ASTM. Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature MeasuremelU. B entley, R. E. (ed.) Handboo/c o/Tempera1ure Measuremen1. Vols. 1-3. Singapore: Springer-Verlag, 1 998. Bums. G. W., and M. G. Scroger. Tempera1ure·Elec1romo1ive Fon:e Reference Functions and Tables for Leiter-Designated Thermocouple Types Based on 1he ITS-90. NIST Monograph 1 75. Washing­ lon. D.C.: U.S. Departmenl of Commerce, Nalional lns1i1u1e of Slandards and Technology, 1993. (Supen:edes NBS Monograph 1 25) Temperature Measurements and H. D. Chang. Measwement of Tempera111re and Hat Tramra: Chapter 16 of Rollscnow, w. �·· J. P. Hartnell, and Y. I. Cho (eds.), Handboolr. of Heai T-.fcr: Goldsrein, R. J., P. H. Chen, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1 998. Lawton, 8., and 0. Klingenberg. Tnuuienl Temperature Oxford University Pre&s, 1 996. Lienhard IV, J. H., and J. Phlogiston Press , 2003. H. Lienhard V. A Hall in Engineering and Sdentt. New Yort: Transfer Tatbook. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Mas. : Mangum, B. W., and G. T. Furukawa. GuideUnes for RealWng IM lmemarional TemperatwrJ Salk of 1990 (ITS-90). NIST Technical Nore 1 265. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Depanmen1 of Conunen:e, National lnslitule of Standards and Technology, 1990. McGee. T. D. Principles and Methods a/Temperature MeaJurement. New York: Jolut Wiley, 1988. Michalski. L., K. Wiley. 1 99 1 . Eckersdorf, and J. McGhee. Tempemture Measurement. New York: John Nicholas, J . V., and D . R . While. Traceable Temperalures: A n lnttr>duction to Temperature M-. ment and Calibmrion. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, 200 1 . Preston-Thomas, H . The International Temperallft Scale o f 1 990 (ffS-90). Me1rolo1ia 27:3-10. 1990 (with coneclions in Metmlogia 21: 107, 1990). PROBLEMS I. At what remper:ature readings do the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales coincide? , 2. The remperature indicated by a "total immersion" mercwy-in-glass thermometer is 70"C ( I 58°F). Actual immersion is to the s•c (4 1 "F) mark. What correction should be applied ID account for the partial immersion? Assume ambient remperatun: is 20"C (68°F). 3. The uncertainty of a thermometer is stated ID range is -20"C ID be ± I % of "full scale." thermometer's range. 4. be used ID derenninc ftat at remperatun: To: The following relation [3) may bimetal strip that is initially r- t{3( 1 where t m If !he thennomerer I 20°C, plot the uncertainty as a percentage of !he reading over lhe the radius of curvature, r, of a + m)l + ( I + mn )[m 2 + ( l /mn))} 6(ai - a 1 )( T - To) ( I + m)2 = !he combined thickness of !he two strips, = !he ratio of thicknesses of low- to high-expansion components, n = !he ratio of Young's modulus values of low-ID high-expansion components, a1 and a2 = coefficients of linearexpansion, with a 1 < a1. T = !he temperature, in a1 and a2 (a ) Devise a spreadsheet temp •c or •f, depending on the units for liite ID solve for r, using the preceding equation. 550 Temperature Measurements S. 6. Search the literahlle for the range of values for the constants A and B i n Eq. (2) for commonly used resi stance thermometer materials. (See the Suggested Readi ng s) 1be circuit shown i n Fig . 39 is used to drive a p lati num whose temperature response is given resistance thermometer, R(T), by Eq. (2a). If the temperature varies over a range of t;.T = ±10 K, show that the current i through the sensor i s approximatel y constant and that the output voltage is approximately gi ven by e0 = (A · e; /2 1 0 1 ) t;.T, where A is the temperatu re coefficient from Eq. (2a). + 9; 1 000 R0 Bo + FIGURE 39: Circuit for Problem 6. 7. used by the various automobile manufacturers for measuri ng displaying engine temperatures. What accuracies do you think are obtained by the Investigate the techniques and various systems? 8. Devise a sim ple thermistor calibration facility consisting of a variable- te mperatu re envi­ accurate resistance-measuring means that avoids ohmic heati ng of the ele­ ment. and a reliable temperature-measuring system to be used as the "standard." Cali­ brate several the rmistors and evaluate their degree of adherence lo Eqs. (3). (Avoi d the ron ment, an problems implied in Problem 1 2.) 9. Prepare spreadsheet 1cmpla1es for Eq. (3) 10 solve (a ) for R when T. To. Ro. and fl are given ; ( b ) for {J when T. To, R, and Ro are g iven . 551 Temperature Measurements 10. The following are data for the calibration of a thennistor. Temperature, 78 76 72.5 68 65 61 58 54 50.5 47.5 °F Resistance, �:n 3. 1 6 3.23 3.89 4.24 4.47 �76 5.3 1 5.77 6.37 6.80 For each line of dala, calculate the value of /J, using Eq. (3), and To and Ro corresponding to the values of 68°F (20°C) . Some spread in the results will be found; however, use the average of the calculated va lues as the magnitude of fJ. (Use of the spreadsheets prepared in answer to the previous problem is n:commended.) 1 1. 12. Write Eq. (3) using the value of fJ found in answer to Problem 10, and plot the result over the range of dllla. Spot-<: heck several points. A small insulated box is consuucted for the purpose of obtaining temperature calibration d8la for thermistors. Provision is made for mounti ng a thermistor within the box and bringing suitab le leads out for connection to a commercial Wheatstone bridge . The bulb of a slandardized mercury-in-glass thermometer is insened into the box for the purpose of determining reference temperatures . A small heating element (a miniature soldering iron tip) is used as a heat source. After the heater is turned on, thermistor resistances andl thennometer readings are periodically made as the temperature rises from ambient 10 a maxi mu m. The healer is the n turned off and further data are taken as the temperature !falls. It is quickly noted. however, that there is a very consi·derable discrepancy in the "heating" resistance-temperature relationship compared with the corresponding "cool­ ing" data. Why should this have been expected? Criticize the design of the arrangement described above when used for the stated purpose. How wou1ld you make a simple lab­ oratory setup for obtaining reasonably accurate calibration d ata for a thermistor over a temperature range of, say, 80°F to 400°F? 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. Prove the law of inte rmed i ate metals for the situation shown in Fig. 1 2(a) using Eq. (4). Prove the law of intermediate temperatures using Eq. (5). Show that the output of the circuit in Fig. 1 8(b) is £ = £F<Co (T,. ) - £Feeo (O"C). An ice-bath reference junction is used w i t h a copper-constantan thermocouple. For four different conditions, millivolt ou tpu ts are read as follows: -4.334, 0.00, 8. 1 33. and 1 1 . I 30. What are the respective junction tem pe ratu res (a) in degrees C and (b) in degree s F? Chromel-alumel thermocouples are used for measuring the 1en1peratures at various poiDIS in an air conditioning uniL A referencejunction temperature of 22.8°C i s recorded. Jftbe following e m f oulpUts are suppl ied by the various couples, ckterrnine the corresponding temperatures: - 1 .689, - 1 . 1 08, -O. I J 3, and 3. 1 85 mV. A K-type thermocouple circuit (Fig. 40) has its reference junction in liquid niuogen 81 I at m pressure (77 K). The output voltage is measured to be 1 .340 mV. (a) What is the tem pera ture of the measuring junction? 552 Temperature Measurements (b) What would the output voltage room temperature air (20"C)? be i f the measuring junction were now placed in (c) What would the output voltage be if the reference j unction were placed in room temperature air (20°C) while the measuring j unction remained at the temperature of part (a)? Alumel E Alumel Chrome! 77K FIGURE 40: Circuit for Problem 18. 19. 20. 21. Using the equation for E versus T for type K thennocouples given in Table 6, spot­ check at least five points in Table 5 to satisfy yourself that . !he tabulated and calculated values agree. Select a lhermocouple type and write a computer program or spreadsheet that calculates measuringjunction temperature as a function of circuit emf, assuming that the reference ju nction temperature is O"C. If you will be performing experiments with thermocouples, select the thermocouple type used in your lab. Take the appropriate eq uation from Table 7. Write a spreadsheet (or other computer program) that calculates thennocouple outputs using the equations in Tables 6 and 7. ( a ) Write the software to find temperature as a function of emf for each type in Table 7. ( b ) Write the software to find emf as a function of temperature for each type in Table 6. Spot-check your results against the data in Table 4. 22. Use appropriate equations from Table 6 to calculate the emf's that are expected for the following situations, assuming a c irc u i t such as that shown in Fig. 16. If you wrote a thermocouple spreadsheet, you may use it in your calculations. Temperature at the Reference Junction, TC Type ·c E E J K 0 20 0 80 T 1 00 553 Temperature at the Measuring Junction, ·c 500 750 650 1 1 50 3 15 Temperature Measuremenu 23. Use appropriate equations from Tables 6 and 7 10 calculate the temperature 11 the mea­ suring junction for each of the following situations. Assume a cin:uil such as !hat shown in Fig. 1 6. If you wrote a thermocouple spreadsheet, you may use ii in your calculations. Temperature at the Reference Junction, TC Type ·c emf, mV E E J 0 90 15 280 0 700 60.63 -4.36 1 6.30 - 1 1 .78 29.79 -8. 14 J K K 24. type N thermocouple has its reference junctions al O"C. Plot the measuring junction temperature as a function of emf over the range 0.0 mV to 45.0 mV, using equations from Table 7. If you have written a thermocouple spreadsheet, you may use it to do the job. A i_- I i�-1>- ------1I e1 ,...----A1u_ m__ -._' -+ 1 __c ____ ... _u __.. 'Alumel Chrome! ! L _ _ _J � T�, + - E ! I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _j I Tm111r o•c AGURE 4 1 : Circuit for Problem 25. 25. Consider the thermocouple circuit shown in Fig. 4 1 . Copper extension wires are con­ nected to the thermocouple circuit. Suppose that the extension wire junctions are also at 0°C. Show that the output voltage is unchanged when the second piece of alumel (marked • ) is eliminated and the copper lead is directly connected 10 the chromel wire. 26. The temperature difference between two points on a heat exchanger is desired. The mea­ suring and reference junctions of a chromel-alumel thermocouple are embedded within the inlet and outlet tubes, I and 2, respectively. and an emf of 0.381 m V is read. Why does this reading provide insufficient data to determine the differential temper.nure accu· rately? What additional information must be obtained before the answer may be found? 27. Show that the output voltage of the thermopile in Fig. 20(a) is 5(£ ) - £ ( Tz)]. 28. thermopile is constructed from three type K thermocouples (Fig. 42). The measuring junctions each have different temperatures (T1 , T2, and T3), and the reference junctions are all at O"C. A ( a ) Whal is the output emf, E, of the thermopile when T1 = 20"C, Tz = 25"C, and T3 = 30°C? ( b) If the user of the thermopile were to assume that all 1hn.-e temperatures were equal, · what temperature would he or she calculate? How does this compare 10 the actual average of the three temperatures? 554 Temperature Measurements r. -= r - - - - -, ===:::=----;-o + E :I I I I I I I ere: I I r, L. _ _ _ _ _ _, FIGURE 42: Circuit for Problem 28. 29. ( c ) IrinSlead, T1 = 800°C, T2 = IOOO"C, and T3 = 1200°C, what temperature would the user calculate? How does this compare to the true average temperature? Thermocouple wire is generally manufactured to meet ASTM tolerance.� that vary by wire type. For commercial-grade type E thermocouples between 0°C and 900" C , this tolerance i s :!:: I. 7"C or :!:0.5% (whichever is greater). The tolerance is a bound on the bias enor of the thermocouple's temperature as calculated from the measured emf using the NIST standards. The actual siu of the bias enor for any specific thermocouple is unknown. To measure temperature to an accuracy better than the standard tolerance, the thennocouple must first be calibrated. (a) A type E thermocouple probe using an electronic icepoint is calibrated by compar­ ison to a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT). Both sensors are placed into a well-stirred temperature-controlled liquid bath. The following readings obtained. PAT Temperature, •c Thermocouple emf, mV 25.0 35. I 50.2 63.5 74. 9 1 .526 2. 146 3.09 1 3.94 1 4.68 1 are Use these data to find an equation for the thermocouple's temperature as a runction of its emr. Temperature Measurements ( b ) S u ppose that the calibrated thermocouple is now used to •neaswe a temiieralwe. The thermocoupl e circuit has the same electronic icepoint but now uses a lower­ quality voltmeter. Discuss the u ncenai nty in that me&SWl:ment and estimate its si ze (at 95% confidence). You may assume the following uncertainties in the equi pment used. Calibration Equipment PRT Voltmeter Liqu id bath ±0.05°C (bias, 95%> ±0. 00 1 mV (bias, 95%) temperature fluctuations are small and random Electronic ice poi n t ±0.25°C (bias, 95%) ±0.005 mV (precfaion, 95%) Thermocouple Equipment Voltmeter 30. To eliminate high-frequency electrical noise, a low- pass filter is connected to a type K thermocouple c ircuit, as shown in Fig. 43. "The ou tput is displa:1ed on an oscilloscope having 1 MQ input impedance. The thermocouple circuit's output is steady (i .e., a de voltage), and the filter's cut-off frequency is known to be appropriate. 1 8 MQ Al Al Low-pass filter fc= 0.09 Hz nK FIGURE 43: Circuit for Problem 30. When the voltages arc read from the scope and convened to temperatures, the results arc c learly wrong: The apparent value of Tm is close to 77 K, when it shou ld be much higher. E x pl a i n why, and describe a better filter. 31. 32. Plot the error i n measured temperature as a fu nc tion of te mper.ature for the following types of pyrometers, assuming a I 0% error in emissivity: a to�il radiation pyrometer. a spectral-band pryometer operating at 0.9 µm; and an infrared pyrometer sensitive to wave lengths from 8 to 14 µm. Use a range of 200°C to 2000° C. Referri ng to Eq. (I 5a). plot the ratio of static 10 total temperatun:os versus Mach number over the range o f M = 0 to 3 and for k = 1 . 3 , 1 .4, and 1 .5. 556 Temperature Measurements 33. 34. Referring to Eqs. ( 1 8) and ( 1 9), plot the ratio of indicated to static temperatures versus = 1 . 3, 1 .4, and 1 .5. the recovery factor over the range of r = 0 to I , for k The following temperature-time data were recorded after a probe was placed in a warm environment: (a ) ( b) {c) ( d) {e) 35. 36. 37. Time, s Temperature, •c 0 4 8 12 20 30 40 50 20 83 123 1 52 1 82 1 94 201 203 Plot the data points. From the plot, determine a time constant for the system. Write a response equation assuming first-order process. Calculate sufficient points to plot the theoretical curve. Decide, on the basis of the plot, whether or not the process may be considered a single time·constant first-order type. A "two time-constant" temperature transducer has time constants in the ratio { = 4/ 1 , where rp = 1 .5 s . I f the transducer, initially at a temperature o f 80°C, i s suddenly immersed in a 500"C environment, what will be the temperature indicated after 3 s? If the transducer in Problem 35 is initially at 500°C and is suddenly immersed in an 80°C environment, what temperature will be indicated after 3 s"! The perfonnance of a temperature-measuring system approximates that dictated by two time-constant theory: rp = 10 s and ri = 25 s. If the system is subjected to the tem­ 44, we see that the probe will not have sufficient time to produce a readout approximating If, however, at the end of the 1 8-s pulse, the system indicates 135°C, what must be the value of Tm.,.'! perature input shown in Fig. t Tmax · 1s•c - - ­ ao•c -, - - - - - - - - - -· l! t � I I Os ._ ___ 25 s rune - FIGURE 44: Temperature-time relationship for Problem 37. 557 Temperature Measurements 38. 1be behavior of a iemperature-measuring system approximates two lime-coosiani theory with fp = 6 s and fj = 1 4 s. ffthe systemexperiences a penurbation as sbown in Flg. 4S � what will be the indicaledlemperarure al / = 1 5 s? Al l = 25 s? At 25 s the iem the same; however, on the assu mption that both of the probe and the jacket will not be are at probe iemperarurc, estimale the indicated temperature at 60 s. Will the calculated value be too high or too low? State your reasoning in answering the last question. t j t F Tmp - - - �-------. 75°C - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - � 1 ----1 1 1 1 1 1 18s Os Time - FIGURE 45: Temperature-time relationship for Problem 38. 39. We wish to have both a continuous record and an instantaneous readout of energy flow rate from each healed water passing through a pipe. Temperature, prcssuie. and rale of flow vary over a range of values. { a ) Analyze the problem and prepare a block diagram 40. ( b) of the various measurements and functional problems that must be solved. Insofar as you can, detai I the sleps to a solution. A thin-film layered heat-flux gage consists of a Kapton film with a single thin- foil ther­ mocouple junction coaled on either side (Fig. 38). The fi l m has a thickness of 25 µm {± I µm at 95% confidence) and a conductivity of 0.20 W/m · confidence). · K (±0.01 W/m · K at 95% { a ) If the thennocouples operate in a range where their output is 40 µV f°C, and if the tlicnnocouplc voltage can be measured to ± I µV {at 95% confidence), what is the smallest heat flux that can be measured to an uncenainty of no more than 10% {at 95% confidence)? ( b ) Describe how the hcat-llu x gage could be modified to measure a heat fl11x one-tenth as large as that found in pan {a) with the same percentage uncenainty. ( c ) Thermocouple junctions may have systematic error of up to 2°C. What should be done to ensure accurate heat flux readings with this gage? 558 Temperature Measurements REFERENCES [I] Wise, J. A. NIST Measurement Services: Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Calibra1ion Service. NIST Special Publication 250.23. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Com­ merce, National Institute of Standard s and Technology, 1989. (2) Horrigan, E. C. 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