Strategic Global Management Course Syllabus

SGMT 2200 A03 (3 CH)
Strategic Global Management
FALL 2023
115 Drake, M/W 1.00 – 2.15 Pm
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, OjiCree, Dakota and Dene people, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. We respect the Treaties that
were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate
ourselves to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and
Name: Alok Dua (He/Him)
Office: 372 Drake Centre
Phone: 204-474-8104
Office hours: T/R 10:00 -10.45 Am or by appointment
Alok Dua, MBM, MSc, B (Chem) E
Areas of Research Interest: Fuzzy and heuristic modeling in Operation management area
Areas of Teaching Interest:
Alok Dua has industrial work experience of over seven years in a fortune 500 company (Indian Oil
Corporation) where he was Senior Production Engineer in-charge of two petroleum refinery units worth
a capitalized cost of over a billion dollars. Alok was directly managing the effort of a team of eight
engineers and eleven technical operators.
Alok’s interest in teaching and training started in the year 2000 when he started giving seminars on safe
handling of hydrogen gas in petroleum refinery. Alok has been teaching regularly at Asper School Since
2002. He has won 7 teaching awards at Asper Business School. Alok has taught more than twenty
different courses in the field of Management that has given him a good overall rounded knowledge of
most aspects of business
Some personal Information:
Early childhood and all of schooling until grade 12 was done in Delhi. Lived in a one bedroom house with
mom dad and sister for most of his childhood. Alok’s parents having only limited resources decided to
spend the money on private school education of their children rather than on other comforts because of
that even today Alok feels he doesn’t need much to live.
Left Delhi in 1987 at the age of 18 to go to Calcutta India to study Chemical Engineering. From 1987 till
2007 only had one dream to go back to Delhi and settle there. After 2007 that dream died a prolonged
natural death as Alok realized that it was romanticizing of good old days.
Have been living in Winnipeg since May 2001.. Alok fells comfortable calling Winnipeg his home as this
is the city where he has lived the longest period of time.
Used to like to brag about a 4.5/4.5 GPA (may be still wants to ha ha).
Goals in life keep on shifting as Alok grows. Alok is really proud of losing 86 pounds in the year 2020 -22
some silver lining to otherwise a very dark year. For the first time in over a decade reached a weight of
less than 200 pounds which makes him happy every time he thinks about it. Though still far from the
dream of visible abs but is hopeful of 2022 summer end.
Alok has been supporting World Vision Canada for more than 18 years now and other charities off and
on. Lately Alok has a goal of some how financing and working with his own hands the planting of a
forest in area where there is too much heat and pollution, hopefully after retiring.
Other things in class ……..
Credit value
Group work
Final exam
IT skills
Written skills
Oral skills
Guest speakers(s)
Global view
Text, Peng, M.W. (2022). Global Business (5th edition). South-Western Cengage Learning:
OH, USA. You can purchase the E-book through the university BookStore
Please note that we do NOT use MindTap in the teaching, though the app is a useful
platform to facilitate your online learning, if you are interested in purchasing it with the ebook together. Note that older editions may be used but the student is responsible for any
discrepancies between older editions as well as the Global 4 textbook that was used in
previous years.
+ case package
Please respect copyright laws. Photocopying textbooks or other reading material is a violation of copyright
laws and is unethical, unless permission to copy has been obtained.
While providing citations, use the referencing style (APA)
The course will be organized into four units covering a total of 12 chapters in the textbook, three
chapters per unit, as shown in the class schedule.
After taking this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify and understand a range of important
social, cultural, legal, political, economic and
ethical issues associated with Globalisatio of
3. Evaluate and clearly communicate key
aspects of competitive advantages in a global
2. Explain important concepts and frameworks for
managing Global business, such as modes of entry,
value chain, and structure of multinational and
global organizations.
4. Apply the classical and modern theories of Global
business (e.g., FDI) in analyzing processes of
internationalization leading to globalsation
Develop sound Global strategy for a given firm.
5. Bridging the gap between theory and practice of
Strategic Global Management by engaging in case
studies on all major topics.
At the Asper School of Business, we believe that an exceptional learning environment is sustained by
diverse perspectives, equitable opportunities, and inclusive spaces. We are committed to challenging
biases and confronting discrimination; nurturing openness, empathy, and active participation in our
collaborations; and creating inclusive communities that foster belonging for all students, staff and
faculty. Above all, we strive to embed principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in all elements of
business education, in our classrooms and beyond.
Report your EDI concerns here.
The self-declaration is in place of a sick note/supporting documentation, as per the Self-Declaration for
Brief and Temporary Student Absences Policy. No additional documentation is required.
Self-declaration form
If you miss a midterm exam for a valid reason (medical, compassionate or other as specified in Asper’s
Policy on Accommodations for Missed Undergraduate Term Examinations), your grade will be taken
over to the final exam, there will be no make up mid term exam.
Do not make travel plans before the Final Exam. I cannot let you take the exam earlier/later because you
made bookings for an earlier date. In the event you have to miss the Final Exam for a valid reason, a
request for a deferred exam must be made at your home Faculty’s Undergraduate Program Office
(, if you are an Asper student). Applying for a deferred exam does not
guarantee your request will be granted.
The Asper School has an approved list of events for which students are eligible for accommodation if
they miss a term exam/test.
The “Self Declaration Policy and fillable form” can be found here.
Late submission of summaries is not allowed without instructors permission. Classwork and homework
can be uploaded on time; or by the end of the term under the condition that students can’t ask the
instructor of what work was missed for that students will have to either come to class or rely on their
group members to let them know about the assigned class work.
For the sake of your own learning and the learning of your classmates, regular attendance and
participation in the course is expected. If you are experiencing a personal matter (health or otherwise)
that you expect will cause you to miss multiple classes, please reach out to me so we can figure out a
plan to make sure you are able to keep up with course material.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides supports for students with disabilities and to foster success
for your academic future. If you need help and support as a student please reach out to the SAS office.
Students with disabilities may have academic accommodations that include extensions on course work
and test deferrals. These accommodations are separate from the self-declaration for brief and
temporary absence policy. A student or faculty member can contact an Accessibility Coordinator to
discuss academic accommodations related to disability.
Students who wish to correspond with instructors or TAs directly via email must send messages that
originate from their official University email account. This protects the confidentiality and sensitivity of
information as well as confirms the identity of the student. Emails regarding course feedback should be
sent to the instructor.
This course will be taught in-person, unless there’s a directive from the university that requires us to move
to remote delivery. We will observe the health-related safety protocol mandated by the university.
The class will involve lectures, case discussions, quantitative exercises, and breakout activities in small
groups. To ensure that you and your classmates get as much value out of this course as possible, I expect
everyone to complete all readings, practice questions or other assigned preparation in advance of the
class session and show up ready to discuss this material.
Stay home when sick
In line with our commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe campus environment, we kindly remind
everyone to stay home when feeling unwell. We urge you to consider the well-being of others and be
respectful of their choices when assessing your own health and ability to attend campus. UM continues
to be a mask friendly space.
You can find the self declaration form here if you find yourself sick and need to miss
What to do if you become ill while at UM:
1. If you have a mask, please wear it and leave the classroom, lab, or workspace immediately.
2. Perform hand hygiene (soap and water or hand sanitizer) and avoid contact with others and
minimize contact with the physical environment.
3. Inform your instructor(s) or, if in residence, the appropriate individual.
4. Please remain off-campus and all UM facilities until cleared to return in accordance with selfassessment, testing results, and UM recommended isolation procedures.
AI tools can be used to enhance learning and problem-solving skills, but they should not replace
independent thinking and learning. Students must exercise critical thinking when using AI tools and
acknowledge their use in academic work. Prohibited uses include generating or completing academic
work with AI tools without appropriate acknowledgement. Academic honesty is paramount, and
students should accurately represent their individual effort and knowledge. Faculty will provide
guidance on AI tool usage and incorporate discussions on AI ethics and academic integrity. Violations
may lead to disciplinary actions, including academic penalties or suspension.
Faculty Guidance and Awareness
Students are not allowed to use AI tools
In the event health mandates or the instructor falling sick for an extended period require switching to
remote delivery of classes, you will need a device enabled with a camera and microphone. Further, you
will have to be in a location with a stable Internet connection that is strong enough for streaming video.
For quizzes/exams that will be administered via the Respondus Lockdown browser, you will need a
device (computer or iPad; note that smartphones and Chromebooks will not work) with one of the
following operating systems:
Windows 10 or 8 (note: will not work with Windows 10S)
MacOS 11.1+ to 10.12
iPad iOS: 11.0+ (will not work with other tablets)
 Memory: 2 GB RAM
 Hard Disk Space: 200 MB of free hard disk space for program files
You will need the Chrome browser. Other browsers such as Safari will not work.
If you do not have a laptop computer or one that meets the above specifications, please make sure you
let your instructor know as soon as possible.
Please try to bring a laptop or smart phone with excel to the class. If any student does not have a laptop,
borrow one from CSA or Dafoe
There will be six components to the grading:
Case Summaries
First Exam
Second Exam
Class Participation
Class group presentation 7%
Third (Final) Exam
I will be using the following letter-grading scheme:
92 and above
82 – 91.99
76 – 81.99
72 – 75.99
66 – 71.99
62 – 65.99
50 – 61.99
Below 50
Letter Grade
(a) Mid-term exams: Two of them, May have multiple choice, True and false questions only or Multiple
choice plus fill in the blank plus true and false questions.
(b) Final Exam: The final exam might have multiple choice, short/long answer questions and some case
(c) Case summary: As you will be preparing for all the cases before coming to the class as
an added incentive you will be provided 1% mark for each summary submitted prior
to the start of the discussion in the class. This summary need only be 1 page hand
written notes. You have to submit all 8 summaries
(d) Group presentation (7% marks): will have to be made by all students
Presentation can be on any of the following topics:1 Globalisation any one or two negative aspect (maximum 2 groups)
2 Globalisation any one or two positive aspect (maximum 2 groups)
3 International Operation of any of the businesses in Winnipeg
4 Presentation on any project you have in mind, for setting up an International Business
5 Ethics and International Management (maximum one group)
6 Managing Workforce Internationally (maximum one group)
7Conducting Negotiations and Managing Conflict in International Environment (maximum
one group)
8 Presentation about culture of any country or city (only major cities)
9 International Medical Tourism (maximum 1 Group)
10 Any other related topic of your choice (you will have to get clearance from me)
(maximum 2 groups)
Presentation time per group will be around 10 minutes (tentative) all members of the group
are required to take part.
Class work and home work. (15 % of total marks): Will include both spoke and written classwork
plus written home work.
NOTE: As of writing of this course outline all exams are to be paperless (on umlearn through browser
lock down but you have to be physically present in the university at the exam location) so please bring
your laptop in the class for mid terms and examination hall for the final exam. All the class work and
homework will also have to be uploaded on umlearn
Please do not change your seats and keep your name card displayed at all times.
For in-person classes, you are encouraged to use a laptop or tablet for note-taking.
No audio/video recording is permitted.
I will communicate with you primarily through the Announcement feature on UM Learn. Check UM
Learn frequently and read all communication thoroughly. PowerPoint slides, project guidelines and
other helpful materials will also be posted on UM Learn.
I am also accessible via email, but I try to limit time spent answering emails outside of my work hours (84, Monday to Friday). Unless otherwise noted, I will respond to emails as per university policy of 2
business days. If I email YOU outside of YOUR “work hours”, do not feel you need to respond according
to my schedule.
Whenever you email me, please include “SCM 2160 [Your section]” in the subject line. This will make it
less likely for your message to get lost in my inbox.
Use APA style for referencing. You can learn the style hopefully on (e.g., librarian,, etc.…).>
Tentative class schedule
Sep 6
Chapter 6: FDI
Sep 11
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Sep 13
Chapter 2: Politics, Law and Economics
Sep 18
Chapter 3: Culture, Ethics and norms
Sep 20
Case: Larson in Nigeria Summary due
Sep 25
Sep 27; (Oct 2
NO class) Oct 4
(Oct 9 No
class) Oct 11
Oct 16
Oct 18, 23
Oct 24
Oct 30
Nov 1
Nov 6
Nov 8
Nov 20, 22
Nov 27
Dec 4, 6,11
Chapter 4: Resources and Capabilities
Chapter 5: International trade
Case: Chinese Firework summary due Oct4
Case: Intel Site selection decision Summary due
MT1: All chapters done so far included; class notes + notes on umlearn + book
Chapter 10: Foreign Market Entry
Cameron case 1 Summary Due
Cameron case 2; summary due
Chapter 7: Foreign Exchange
Chapter 8: Capitalising on global and regional integration
Chapter 11: Global competitive dynamics
Chapter 12 Alliance and Acquisitions
MT 2: includes ch7,8,10,11,12
Chapter 13: Strategy , structure ad learning around the world
Case: Samsung summary due; Case: Honey well: Summary due
Ch 17 Corporate social Responsibility
Note: Bring laptop to every class.
Mid Term 1
MT 2
VW date
Oct 16
Nov 8
Nov 21
Final exam
A list of all important dates and deadlines at the University of Manitoba can be found here.
Academic integrity is critical to the reputation of the Asper School of Business and for the degrees we
award. As the Faculty that helps create business and government leaders, we have a special obligation
to ensure that our ethical standards are beyond reproach. Therefore, the Asper School takes academic
misconduct very seriously and does what it takes to uphold the highest academic integrity standards.
You can find information on what constitutes academic misconduct on the University of Manitoba’s
Academic Integrity webpage. It is your responsibility to educate yourself on what’s acceptable and
what’s not. Ignorance is no excuse. When in doubt, talk to your instructor.
Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:
using the exact words from a published or unpublished source without quotation marks and
without referencing that source both in-text and in the Bibliography
reproducing a table, graph, or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source
paraphrasing someone else’s words without referencing the source both in-text and in the
using a paper (or parts of it) that was submitted in one course for an assignment in another
course, without discussion with both the instructors involved
getting your assignment done by someone else, either for payment or otherwise
using material available on file-sharing sites such as Course Hero, Chegg, etc. Uploading material
to such sites also constitutes academic misconduct depending on what is shared.
copying the answers of another student in any exam or assignment
providing exam answers or assignments to other students via any medium or obtaining them
from other students or websites
taking any unauthorized materials into an examination (crib notes), regardless of whether those
are used during the exam
recording exam questions using any method, regardless of whether those are shared with others
sharing exam questions with those who are yet to take the exam, including future students or
attempting to sell exam questions
impersonating another student or getting another person to impersonate you for the purpose of
attendance, earning class participation marks, submitting academic work, or writing an exam
changing any part of test answers after that test has been graded and returned
Group Projects and Group Work
Many courses in the Asper School require group projects. All group members should exercise special
care to ensure that the group project is free from plagiarism. Should a violation occur, group members
are jointly accountable unless the violation can be attributed to specific individuals.
Some courses, while not requiring group projects, encourage students to work together in groups before
submitting individual assignments. If it’s unclear whether it is allowed, students are encouraged to seek
clarification from the instructor to avoid violating the academic integrity policy.
In the Asper School of Business, all suspected cases of academic misconduct in undergraduate courses
are reported to the Dean's office and follow the approved disciplinary process.
See following table for typical penalties for academic misconduct in the Asper School.
If the student is from another Faculty and the academic misconduct is committed in an Asper course,
the student’s Faculty could match or add penalties beyond the Asper School’s.
F-DISC on transcript indicates the F is for disciplinary reasons.
Cheating on exam (copying from or
providing answers to another
Sharing exam questions
electronically during exam
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
Possession of unauthorized
material during exam (e.g., cheat
Altering answer on returned exam
and asking for re-grading
Plagiarism on assignment
Submitting paper bought online
Inappropriate Collaboration
(collaborating with individuals not
explicitly authorized by instructor)
Group member had knowledge of
inappropriate collaboration or
plagiarism and played along
Signing Attendance Sheet for
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
F-DISC in course
Suspension from taking Asper courses for 18
Attempting to sell exam
Notation of academic misconduct in transcript
Academic accommodation for religious, Indigenous or spiritual observances multi-faith calendar.
The Spiritual Care and Multi-Faith Centre (SCMC) supports students as they navigate through the highs
and lows of academic life, helping to piece together and make sense of the troubling, confusing, and
exciting parts that make up their lives.
Spiritual health services are available to all, whether you identify as spiritual, atheist, religious or agnostic.
We recognize, affirm and work with your existing values and beliefs.
The University of Manitoba provides many different services that can enhance learning and provide
support for a variety of academic and personal concerns. You are encouraged to visit the below websites
to learn more about these services and supports.
If at any time you feel that your personal safety is in jeopardy, you can contact Security Services for a
variety of supports.
Empower Me (free for U of M students) 1-844-741-6389
Klinic Crisis Line (24hrs) 204-786-8686 or 1-888-322-3019
Emergency Contact
o 555 from any university phone or #555 from MTS or Rogers Wireless
204-474-9341 from all other phones
Any emergency phone on campus
Non-Emergency Contact
o Safewalk/Fort Garry Campus: 204-474-9312
Winnipeg Police Services
Contact this service if you feel concern for your safety, or if you would like to make a report of criminal
o Winnipeg Police (emergency line) 911
o Winnipeg Police (non-emergency line) 204-986-6222
More resources
Reporting discriminatory behavior by another
university member
Tech-related issues with UM Learn or
Admission, Registration, Tuition Fees, Important
Dates, Final Exams, Graduation, and Transcripts
Academic policies & procedures, regulations, Facultyspecific information, degree and major requirements
Help with research needs such as books, journals,
sources of data, how to cite, and writing
Tutors, workshops, and resources to help you improve
your learning, writing, time management, and testtaking skills
Support and advocacy for students with disabilities to
help them in their academic work and progress
Copyright-related questions and resources to help you
avoid plagiarism or intellectual property violations
Student discipline bylaws, policies and procedures on
academic integrity and misconduct, appeal
Policies & procedures with respect to student
discipline or misconduct, including academic integrity
Students’ rights & responsibilities, policies &
procedures, and support services for academic or
discipline concerns
Your rights and responsibilities as a student, in both
academic and non-academic contexts
Speak Up
Information Services &
Registrar’s Office
Academic Calendar
Library Resources
Writing and Learning Support
Student Accessibility Services
Copyright Office
Academic Integrity
Student Discipline
Student Advocacy
Your rights and responsibilities
Medical services for any physical or mental health
Information on health topics, including
physical/mental health, alcohol/substance use harms,
and sexual assault
Mental health, including anxiety, stress, depression,
help with relationships or other life concerns, crisis
services, and counselling.
Support services available for help regarding any
aspect of student and campus life, especially safety
Resources available on campus, for environmental,
mental, physical, socio-cultural, and spiritual wellbeing
Help with any concerns of harassment, discrimination,
or sexual assault
Concerns involving violence or threats, protocols for
reporting, and how the university addresses them
University Health Service
Health and Wellness
Student Counselling Centre
Student Support Case
Live Well @ UofM
Respectful Work and Learning
Violent or Threatening