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Property Surveys: Land Accretion, Alluvium & Titling in the Philippines

Alluvium– The soil deposited or added to the land
adjoining the bank of the river and gradually
received as an effect of the current of waters.
Accretion – The act or process by which the land
bordering a stream or body of water increases its
area by action of the river current or other natural
RA No.457 – To the owners of lands adjoining the
banks of rivers belong the accretion which they
gradually receive from the effects of the current of
the waters.
Riparian Owner – May ari ng gilid na lupa na katabi o
gilid ng ilog. Siya rin ang may ari ng alluvium. Take note that it should gradual or
inperceptible or dahan dahan nafform through the passage of time (Accretion). For a
riparian owner to have their title, it will go under the judicial titling.
RA No. 11573 of 2021 Sec 6. Amended Sec 14 of Presidential Decree No. 1529 – (1)…. (2) Those
who have acquired ownership of private lands or abandoned roverbeds by right of
accession or accretion under the provisions of existing laws.(3) Those who have acquired
ownership of land in any other manner provided for by LAW.
Judicial Titling (RA No. 1153)
- An act improving the confirmation process for imperfect land titles
- Judicial Proceeding
- Regional Trial Court
- Adversarial and speedy (there’s someone who will opposed who are interested in the
- PD 1529 and Rules of Court in suppletory character or manner (rules to be followed)
- In Rem (binds the entire world depending on the court whom they decreed to be the owner
of a property). A lawsuit against an item of property, not against a person (in personam).
In rem actions are permitted only when the court has control of the property or where its
authority extends to cover it. Meanwhile, In Personam, it is a lawsuit seeking a judgment
to be enforceable specifically against an individual person. An in personam action can
affect the defendant's personal rights and interests and substantially all of his or her
property. It is based on the authority of the court, or jurisdiction, over the person as an
individual rather than jurisdiction over specific property owned by the person. This
contrasts with in rem jurisdiction, or actions that are limited to property of the defendant
that is within the control of the court. A court with in personam jurisdiction in a particular
case has enough power over the defendant and his or her property to grant a judgment
affecting the defendant in almost any way.
- There must be a clear & convincing evidence for the judge to confirm a perfect title of
land(directing LRA to issue a decree and a certificate of land title)
Regional Trial Court
- Publication
- Mailing
- Posting
Before Hearing
- Proof of Publication
- Opposition
- Order of Defaut
Hearing Proper
- Speedy Hearing (90days to decide)
- Judgement confirming title
-Order LRA issued DECREE and to issue
a certificate of title under the applicant
Dried-up Riverbed
Abandoned Riverbed
-A dried-up riverbeds that did not change - Due to the natural
its course, a person interested is not change of course of
eligible to issue a certificate of title to the the
property since it is owned by the property (boy's) may
government. Anything is owned by the be
government under the Regalian Doctrine riparian owner will
not be the girl since
- If only it is declared by law that the the property that has
property is allienable and disposable by the been reduced belongs to the boy.
government, a person who is longing for Therefore, he can apply for a certificate of
possession is eligible to apply for a title.
certificate of title.
Partition of Property - is the separation, division, and assignment of a thing held in common
among those to whom it may belong. Registered owner of a land are more than one.
Step 1: Hire a licensed Geodetic Engineer to survey and divide the property into how
many partitions the client prefers.
Step 2: The engineer will provide a plan approved by the DENR.
Step 3: Each lot/s will have their own technical description since the mother title got
Step 4: Make a letter of request for the partition of the property addresed to the Register
of Deeds.
Step 5: ROD will require the client to make a Deed of partition. Wherein all the parties or
registered owners with their coresponding lots with TD are included in the document.
DOP must be made inside the office of a lawyer notary public with the presence of
registered owners to sign the document. The DOP will be notarized.
Step 6: Those documents will be to the ROD (Plan, TD, Letter Req, Plan)
Step 7: Pay for the corresponding fees
Step 8: Mother title will be process to be divided with the new registered owners.
Subdivision – happens when one owner wants to divide his/her property to less than 10
Step 1: Make a letter of request for subdivision of land with corresponding title.
Step 2: Survey and plan approval of the Geodetic Engineer.
Step 3: Submit the letter of request, plan and title to ROD
Step 4: Once released, all subdivided lots are still under the client’s name
What to know before buying a land that is covered of title under CLOA, FREE PATENT and
EP Title? – Learn about the restrictions and information of the land for sale.
1. Transfer certificate of title – From an original certificate of title and has a previous
transaction. Usually, there are no issues in the documents. Needs a confirmation
from a Geodetic Engineer to survey the area whether the measurements are correct
based on the title.
2. Certificate of Land Ownershi Award (CLOA) Title – Land brought by the government
from a land owner to let the farmers borrow the land. Farmers pays the land in a
span of 25 years at the Land Bank of the Philippines. If the owner, farmer beneficiary
wants to sell the land, covered by a CLOA title. (1) The title must exceed 10 years of
registration under the farmer's beneficiary name. 10 years after, we can buy the land
under CLOA Title, they’ve occupied the land more than 10 years the land can be
purchased already. Make sure to check if the amortization has already been paid
monthly in the Land Bank of the Philippines. The bank will issued a certificate of full
payment that the amortization has been paid for 25 years. If the amortization is not
yet fully paid, the buyer will shoulder the balance. After, secure clearance from
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in order for the land to be available for sale.
3. Free Patent Title – Agricultural lands that has no owner and was occupied or
“sinakahan” by a farmer for atleast 30 years. If the farmer is retiring and wanted to
sell the land, the requirement are: within 5 years they must occupied or “sasakahin”
or cultivated land and after 5 years, they are eligible to put the land on sale. The
date can be seen as when the free patent title was issued. If the new owner wants
to convert an agricultural land to a different type of land, residential or commercial
or indust etc., visit the accessor’s office of the municipality to convert or reclassify. DAR Clearance is required in every Agri-land.
4. Emancipation Patent Title – A public land that is owned by the government but other
farmer/s have “sinakahan” cultivated the land. They have been given a chance to
own the land under emancipation patent title. Lands under this kind of title are not
allienable and disposable since they are public land granted by the government, but
they can be transferred only to the heirs “tagapagmana” of the farmer beneficiary
who have cultivated the land.
Art. 725 of Civil Code. Deed of Donation – Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person
disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another, who accepts it.
Civil Code of the Philippines Art. 748 & 749 – immovable or movable properties.
Immovable Property
Movable Property
Refers to things that are fixed or cannot Refers to things that can be moved. Ex:
be moved. Ex: real estate, trees or plants jewellery, watches, computers, money,
attached to the earth, etc.
Importance of DOD to the Donor & Donee
Donor = Giver
Donee = Receiver
Surrendering your rights to give over Surrendering your rights to give over
your property or immovable property. your property or immovable property.
Donor can add conditions in the donated Donor can add conditions in the donated
What are the three (3) kinds of donation? There are three (3) kinds of donation under
Philippine civil law: inter vivos (during the lifetime); mortis causa (upon/after death or by
reason of death); and propter nuptias (by reason of marriage).
Types of Donation
Mortis Causa
When the donor intends that the donation Donations which are to take effect upon
take effect during his lifetime, though the the death of the donor partake of the
property shall not be delivered till after nature of testamentary provisions and
the donor's death, there is donation inter shall be governed by the rules
vivos. Both giver and receiver are alive. established under the law on succession.
(Art. 729 of the Civil Code)
(Art. 728 of the Civil Code)
WHO and WHEN can we use Deed of Donation?
Art. 735 of the Civil Code. – All persons who may contract and dispose of their property may
make a donation. (624). Make sure that all those properties are registered with proper
ownership documentation.
Art. 748 of the Civil Code – The donation of a movable may be made orally or in writing. An
oral donation requires the simultaneous delivery of the thing or of the document
representing the right donated.
If the value of the personal property donated exceeds ₱5,000, the donation and the
acceptance shall be made in writing. Otherwise, the donation shall be void. (632a)
Art. 749 of the Civil Code – In order that the donation of an immovable may be valid, it must
be made in a public document, specifying therein the property donated and the value of the
charges which the donee must satisfy. The acceptance may be made in the same deed of
donation or in a separate public document, but it shall not take effect unless it is done
during the lifetime of the donor. If the acceptance is made in a separate instrument, the
donor shall be notified thereof in an authentic form and this step shall be noted in both
instruments. (633)
What are the requirements for DOD?
- know what type of donor or donee, description of the properties, conditions, and payment
of taxes.
Donee Tax Requirements for BIR:
1. Notarized DOD
2. TIN of Donor and Donee/s
3. Proof of claimed tax credit, if applicable
4. Duly Notarized SPA for the transacting party if the latter is not one of the parties to the
5. Official receipt/deposit slip and duly validated return as proof of payment
6. Copy of Tax Debit Memo used as payment, if applicable
For Real Properties:
1. Certified true copy/ies of the original/transfer/condominium certificate/s of title (front
and back pages) of the donated property, if applicable;
2. Certified true copy/ies of the tax declaration at the time or nearest to the date of the
transaction issued by the Local Assessor’s Office for land and improvement, if applicable;
3. Sworn declaration of No improvement by at least 1 of the transferees or certificate of No
improvement issued by the Assessors’s Office, if applicable
Ready For Occucpancy (RFO)
Difference Between Ready-For-Occupancy and Pre-selling
1. Financing
There are 2 ways to finance The developer gives several
Cash options to finance your
Payments or Bank Financing. purchase.(Cash,
With Bank Financing, buyer Cash, Bank Financing, PAGcannot loan the whole IBIG Financing, In-house
amount from the bank. The Financing). The PAG-IBIG
buyer must put up an equity and In-house Financing are
around 30%-40% of the total not as common. It depends
contract price. This can on the developer. With PAGchange depending on the Ibig Financing, usually for
value projects that are socialized
because the higher the housing
appreaised vaue, the higher housing projects which
the loanable amounts and have a price point of below
the lesser your equity. There 2M. The equity can also be
must be a prepared cash for paid over a span of 12
equity and tax payment
months or more, some are
45 months or more at no
interest. Longer equity since
the project are still ongoing.
2. Availability
Property is already available Units are not yet available
and often ready to move in. since the developer still has
Ideal for those who need ytto to construct the unit.
property There’s a waiting time
unless they have reopened
RFO, which sometimes
3. Amenities
4. Unit Condition & Finish
If the property is located
inside a gated and private
homeowner can also enjoy
the same amenities. If it is
outside a subdivision, then
amenities may not be
Usually comes with basic
amenities that homeowners
can enjoy(clubhouse, pool,
bball courts or parks and
playgrounds, 24/7 security).
developer. The more high a
subdivision is, the more
amenities it will have.
Units can be bare or fully
finished.For bare units,
buyers will shoulder the
cost of finishing. Most of the
economic housing units
have bare finish.
Units are usually fully
finished and can even be
semi or fully furnished as
well, so units can be brand
new, pre owned but well
maintained or they may need
renovations. RFO Listings are
built to live in by private
individuals. They’re usually
better and have higher
because homeowwners who
built the house to live in
often have a bigger budget in
terms of price per sqm and
are usually a lot more
particular with a built and
finish bc it’s their own home.
5 Things I would never do as an Estate Planning Professional
1. Never leave anything to my children absolutely, leave it in a trust which will benefit them and their
family for generations.
2. Never put my children’s name on the deed of my home to avoid paying care fees or inheritance
taxes. Instead, I would put my home into an asset protection trust and name my children as trustees
and beneficiaries of the trust.
3. Never put my children’s name on my bank accounts so they get use my money to pay my bills the
banks have a legal requirement to freeze the accounts if they think you’ve lost mental capacity.
Instead, I would name my children as my attorneyson my lasting power of attorney.
4. Never make my kids go through probate and wait a year to get access to the money that I want to
leave them. Instead, I would settle a lifetime trust to put my assets into it.
5. I would not leave this world without a good plan to protect my family.
Set the tripod over the point and place the TS on the top of the tripod
Once the TS is set on the top of the tripod, tighten it below to secure
Check in the viewfinder if the instrument is directly over the point; if not,
Take two of the legs and look into the viewfinder, and lift the tripod (keep one leg on
the ground)
Once set, step on the legs and embed the tripod into the ground
Level out the bubble by stepping the leg and loosen screw then raise or lower till leveled
and tighten screw
Open the power button of the TS
Adjust and level 3 knobs
Once levelled, check the viewfinder if the instrument is directly over the point
If not over the point, loosedn the TS screw a little bit and adjustover the point and
tighten screw
Check again the bubble and adjust
Conjugal Property – refers to property owned by the spouses jointly
Exclusive Property – refers to the property owned exclsively by one of the spouses.Before
it was (1) Paraphernal Property (kapag sa asawa na babae), (2) Capital Property (kapag sa
asawa na lalaki) both exclusive property nila yan. But wala na yan under the Family code of
the Philippines either will be called as exlusive property.
Kailan nagiging exclusive property? If the spouses before they got married, had signed a
contract that their property regime is separation of property. Ang nag asawa na walang
prenup at anong property ang maggovern sakanila. Under the Family Code, once married,
on or after August 03, 1988, we are governed by the rule on absolute community of property
under the family code. “What is yours is mine” Property ng pagkabinata/dalaga it will
become a conjugal property.
Before marriage, if one was donated or minana ang property, kapag kinasal na ay magiging
conjugal property na ito.
During the marriage, if one of the spouses received a donation from parents or strangers
or may minana sa kanilang magulang through hereditary succession or testate succession
this will be an exclusive property.
1. Gratuitous Transfer – a transfer of property freely given, such as a gift from a donor
or a bequest from an estate or through hereditary succession (testate or intestate
When is a property considered conjugal property?
If the donation is made in favor of BOTH spouses, then the property belongs to the
conjugal property.
When can the other spouse make a claim on the exclusive property?
If the exclusive owner spouse dies ahead of the other spouse during the marriage. The
other spouse that is living will be the compulsory heir under the rule of legal succession.
Usapang Mana: Paano nga ba ang hatian?
Decedent – taong namatay
Estate – pag ang namatay ay may property;If married, under conjugal property 50% sa
naiwang asawa. Ang another 50% will be alotted for the payment of estate tax. Payment
to creditors (sa mga inutangan) and for division to the heirs.
The direct descending line is the priority than
the ascending line.
Not a relative but that person is a compulsory
heir = the spouse of the dead spouse.
Scenario #1:
If ililipat na lahat sa anak by donation, the amount to be paid will increased. Donation issue
+ estate settlement issue. Estate tax will be paid because that estate came from Jane (died
spouse) the 1 share for Jj + 50% of her conjugal property is donated. Ang babayaran ay para
sa donation issue (donor’s tax) at estate settlement issue (estate tax)
Scenario #2
Scenario #3
Scenario #4:
Scenario #5: The priority is the descending line.
Bakit may SPOUSES at MARRIED TO sa titulo ng lupa? (what is the difference?)
Yes, there are differences between the two since the property relations ng mag asawa ay
governed na ng “Family Code of the Philippines” that was effective since 1988 till present.
If a married couple doesn’t have a Prenuptial Agreement before their marriage regarding
their properties, then they will have shares with one another’s properties.
If bumili ang mag asawa ng property(under the Familiy Code of the Philippines), nakalagay
sa title ay “SPOUSES”. Meaning the property is under a conjugal property. One cannot sell
the property without the consent of the other.
If “MARRIED TO”, not all the titles are all conjugal. If a land was donated to one of the
spouses from a relative or stranger, it will become an exclusive property of only one of the
spouses(receiver/donee). It is not a conjugal property. The only reason why “Married To..”
was included in the title is solely for the purpose of establishing the civil status of the
receiver/donee. Not automatic if conjugal property, need to recheck the documents.
Conjugal Partnership of Gains
referred to as the CPG, it is one of the property relations between the spouses, under which
the husband and wife place in a common fund the proceeds, products, fruits and income
from their separate properties and those acquired by either or both spouses through their
efforts or by chance, and, upon dissolution of the marriage or of the partnership, the net
gains or benefits obtained by either or both spouses shall be divided equally between them,
unless otherwise agreed in the marriage settlements. In other words, the following are
placed in a common fund:
1. the proceeds, products, fruits and income from their separate properties; and
2. those acquired by either or both spouses through their efforts or by chance.
The property relations of conjugal partnership of gains applies only when the future
spouses agree to it in the marriage settlement, if any. It also applies to conjugal
partnerships of gains already established between spouses before the effectivity of the
Family Code, without prejudice to vested rights. This is the default property relationship
under the Civil Code, which was changed to that of absolute community of property under
the Family Code.
Easement - A right granted by the government to cross or otherwise use someone else's
land for a specified purpose.
An easement is a legal right to occupy or use another person’s land for specific purposes.
The use of the land is limited, and the original owner retains legal title of the land. A legally
binding easement must be made in writing, the exact location stipulated in the property’s
deed. Easements most commonly grant utility companies access for the purpose of
installing and maintaining power, phone, and cable lines, as well as for water drainage
An easement may also be granted to allow the owner of a neighboring property to install
an access driveway. In most cases, even when the land in question changes hands, the
easement remains in effect and subsequent owners are required to allow the easement
owner to continue using the land as specified. To explore this concept, consider the
following easement definition.
There are different kinds of easements under Philippine legal system
1. Right of Way
2. Easements relating to waters
3. Light and view
4. Part wall
5. Drainage of building
6. Intermediate distances
7. Easement against nuisance
8. Lateral and subadjacent support
Dominant Estate - is a parcel of real property that has an easement over another piece of
Servient Estate - is a parcel of land that is subject to an easement.
The court will be guided with the Article 649 Civil Code of the Philippines to request for a
right of way.
Dominant Estate is surrounded by other estates
No adequate outlet to a public highway
That the isolation was not due to the acts or fault of the owner of the dominant
The right of way claimed is at the point least prejudicial (nakakasira/istorbo/hindi
lugi/less damage sa property niya) to the servient estate.
The distance from the dominant estate to a public hughway may be the shortest
According to Supreme Court, convinience is not the basis for granting an easement of
right of way. Because it is a burden on the part of Servient estate.
A granted right of way is not given for free.
There will be a Payment of Proper Indemnity. Rules:
1. For Permanent Passage – Value of the Land and amount of damage caused to the
servient estate
2. Temporary Passage(Gather crops) – Payment of Damage
There was no sale involved, since it is only for beneficial use. In an easement of right of
way there is no alienation or sale on the land of right. The payment of the value of the
land or permanent use of the easement does not mean an alienation or sale of the land.
In fact under the law, Article 650 unlike in the purchase of property, should the right of
way no longer be necessary because the owner of the Dominant Estate has joined into
another abutting on a public highway.
Payment of the value of the land for PERMANENT use of the easement does not mean
an alienation of the land occupied.
The payment of indemnity is merely for the USE of the right of way and not for its
If you are the buyer, REMINDER:
1. Have the Easeent of Right of Way be
Annotated on the Title(to be opened
to the whole world na ay may
agreement sila)
2. You
easement of right of way without
expectation of being reimbursed
3. You
proportionate Real Property Tax to
be given to Servient Estate
4. You can recover the amount paid for the indemnity but without interest. You cannot
recover the damages paid.
5. You may be required to sign some documents to cancel the annotation of Easement
of Right of Way annotated on the Title. Affidavit of cancellation of the annotation of
right of way or SPA or authority for me to have it cancelled as Dominant Estate.