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Internet of Things (IoT) Presentation: Definition, Benefits, Challenges

Eng. Amr Hassan Abd EL-Aziz Hussein
Definition of IOT
Benefits of IOT
Applications of IOT
Common Challenge In IOT Development
How to overcome the challenge
The Internet of things (IOT) is a system of interrelated computing
devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people
that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to
transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction.
A thing in the IOT can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm
animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-in
sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low or any other natural
or man-made object that can be assigned an IP address and is able to
transfer data over a network.
IOT is a sensor network of billions of smart devices that connect
people, systems and other applications to collect and share data.
There have been several international organizations and research
centers involved in the creation of common standards for the IOT. “If
we had computers that knew everything there was to know about
things—using data they gathered without any help from us—we would
be able to track and count everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss
and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or
recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best. We need to
empower computers with their own means of gathering information,
so they can see, hear and smell the world for themselves.”
Another definition of the IOT is “The basic idea of this concept is the
pervasive presence around us of a variety of things or objects –such
as Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, sensors, actuators,
mobile phones, etc. – which, through unique addressing schemes, are
able to interact with each other and cooperate with their neighbors to
reach common goals.”
Fig.1The smart world of the future using IOT
3- Benefits of IOT:
IOT offers a number of benefits to organizations, enabling
them to:
a. Monitor their overall business processes;
b. Improve the customer experience;
c. Save time and money;
d. Enhance employee productivity;
e. Integrate and adapt business models;
f. Make better business decisions; and
g. Generate more revenue.
4- Applications of IOT:
a. Artificial Intelligence (AI): “Data is the fuel that powers the
IOT and the organization’s ability to derive meaning from it
will define their long term success.”
b. Social, Legal and Ethical IOT: These include ownership of
data and the deductions made from it, algorithmic bias,
privacy and compliance with regulations such as the
deployment of an IOT solution demands that it’s not just
technically effective but also socially acceptable.”
c. Informatics and Data Broking: The theory of informatics
takes monetization of data further by seeing it as a strategic
business asset to be recorded in the company accounts.
By 2023, the buying and selling of IOT data will become an
essential part of many IOT systems.
d. The Shift from Intelligent Edge to Intelligent Mesh: The shift
from centralized and cloud to edge architectures is well
under way in the IOT space. These mesh architectures will
enable more flexible, intelligent and responsive IOT
systems although often at
e. Sensor
continuously through 2023. New sensors will enable a
wider range of situations and events to be detected.
f. New Wireless Networking Technologies for IOT:
IOT networking involves balancing a set of competing
requirements. In particular they should explore 5G, the
forth coming generation of low earth orbit satellites, and
backscatter networks.
g. Field Of Agriculture:
Fig. 2. The smart farming trends.
5- Common Challenge In IOT Development:
IOT development is intrinsically from other development
projects. It combines software programming and hardware
devices, which in itself is a challenge. But IOT development
also involves collection and transfer of data, and analysis. A
typical IOT project has a 7-layered stack.
a. Security:
Issue that needs to be addressed for IOT. Developers
working on your IOT programming are usually not
security experts, which opens your code to a range of
vulnerabilities and your devices to unauthorized access.
A few examples are
 Not encrypting data while transmitting it to the cloud.
 Having backdoor access to the device for development
purposes, and leaving it open in production.
To ensure security you need to engage with a security expert
and make sure the communication stack between the device and
the cloud as well as the backend stack is regularly tested for
vulnerabilities. Other security threats include using default
settings for devices that leave them open to brute force or DDoS
attacks, traditional encryption that is easy to break into, and
vulnerabilities in the cloud.
As IOT brings together several technological elements such as
hardware, software, data transfer and storage, network
connectivity, and more, there are several areas that can be
exploited to gain unauthorized access.
b. Costs
The infrastructure that IOT requires is expensive in itself, but the
overall costs often prove to be a surprise for most people. There
are invisible costs to every major undertaking, and IOT projects
are not an exception to this. The cost of updates, maintenance,
design, replacing outdated devices, and the technical skillsets
required can pile up very quickly. The costs of IOT development
are high because the infrastructure has not caught up with the
technology yet, and finding the right team with the required
expertise is very difficult. However, this is quickly changing as
more businesses invest in IOT.
c. Ease of integration
Development is ensuring that the IOT application can be
integrated with various platforms, OS, cloud services, and even
legacy systems. The failure to do so can result in a low-usability
product that may not survive the advancements in technology
and business practices.
d. Connectivity
IOT sensors can only collect and transfer data if the connectivity
is strong, and that is not always the case. Especially when the
devices are placed in remote areas, connectivity can become a
real issue. When you’re required to connect multiple cloud
servers, physical devices, and applications, connectivity is very
important for the success of your project.
e. Development Skillset
f. Reliability and Hardware
g. Quality control
h. Design
6- How to overcome the challenge
It is important to understand that planning ahead and management of
resources can help you overcome almost any challenges that you may
come across.
a. Vet the technology partners you outsource your work to. Look
for team members with expertise across the stack, a strong
portfolio, automation capabilities, device management, and
technical know-how.
b. Budget for security solutions. You may need to add security
solutions or additional security experts to the team depending
on your requirements.
c. Research the quality, durability, and reliability of the devices you
invest in. While there are a lot of cheap alternatives available,
they may end up costing you more in the long run.
d. If you are building an in-house team, budget for the skillsets
required. Investing in people will help you go a long way.
e. Ensure that the updates and maintenance are frequent and
f. User research is non-negotiable. It will help you build a strong
user experience and give you a better understanding of their
a. “Internet of Things Research Study”http://www8.hp.com/us/en/hpnews/press-release.html?id=1909050 [Hewlett Packard (2015)].
b. Anderson, P. and Mattson, L.-G. 2015. Service innovations
enabled by the “Internet of things”. IMP Journal 9 (1): 85– 106.
c. https://internetofthingsagenda.techtarget.com
d. Internet Of Things “Challenge, Advances, Application” Edit by
Qusay Hassan.
e. https://www2.deloitte.com/ng/en/pages/technology-media-andtelecommunications/articles/global-mobile-consumer-survey.html
f. https://www.newgenapps.com/blog/8-uses-applications-andbenefits-of-industrial-iot-in-manufacturing
g. https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/202339/Industry%2040%20eBook.
h. https://www.iotforall.com/iot-applications-in-agriculture .
i. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobmorgan/2014/05/13/simpleexplanation-internet-things-that-anyone-canunderstand/#ef2433f1d091