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Social Media Ranting & Emotional Well-being Thesis

A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty
Of the College of Arts and Sciences
University of Cebu
Cebu City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject
Birondo, April Diane
Bongcales, Pearl Jane
Caballero, Carl Vincent
Cabuga, Joann Fe
December 2021
This thesis entitled “Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional
Wellbeing”, prepared and submitted by April Diane Birondo, Pearl Jane Bongcales,
Carl Vincent Caballero, and Joann Fe Cabuga, in partial fulfillment of the course
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance
and approval for Oral Defense.
Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor
of Arts in Psychology
Comprehensive Exam:
Date of Oral Examination:
Our success of this valuable piece of work could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated.
Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. However, the
group would like to express our deep appreciation particularly to the following:
God Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom for His countless love, praises
and thanks for His divine providence, His shower of blessings all throughout this journey.
All Glory to Him!
Mr. Lloyd Vincent Sasil, our research adviser, for sharing his knowledge and skills
through constructive suggestions and ideas following the study's completion, as well as
for assisting us in effectively completing this research project. His guidance encouraged
the researchers throughout the course of the study's investigation and drafting. It was a
truly amazing joy and honor to complete the thesis under his kind supervision.
Mr. Rulthan P. Sumicad, our research instructor, an instructor in the College of
Arts and Sciences' Mathematics department who shared his experience with the
researchers and provided important information about the research, as well as valuable
guidance and frequent supervision. Overall, the success of this research project is due to
his constructive suggestions and guidance.
Dr. Ulysses B. Aparece, the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, for allowing
researchers to conduct study through the online and for remaining accessible despite a
busy schedule.
Mrs. Grace P. Pagobo, chairman of the panel, for her tremendous assistance and
approachability, which helped the completion of this thesis significantly.
Mr. Michael L. Lim, one of the panel members, for his insightful comments and
revisions to the thesis, which considerably improved the research study.
Ms. Mary Abegail R. Morilla, one of the panel members, who contributed
significant grammatical changes and suggestions for the study's improvement.
CAS Students, the study's informants, for their willingness to participate in the study
and for their cooperation in supplying researchers with valuable information.
Other Researchers, the researchers’ classmates and colleagues, for the time and
efforts put into everything, sincere support, and providing motivation and inspiration to
go through with the research study.
Researchers’ Family, for providing financial aid, continual inspiration, moral
encouragement, and spiritual support to all researchers.
This research is dedicated to our respective families, who have been a constant source of
inspiration and cared for, loved, and supported us throughout this challenging journey.
Keep your heads up; we'll make each of you proud sooner or later.
: Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional
: April Diane Birondo, Pearl Jane Bongcales,
Carl Vincent Caballero and Joann Fe Cabuga
: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
: University of Cebu - Main
: Mr. Lloyd Vincent Sasil
Date Completed
This thesis looked into the causes and effects of social media ranting on the mental
well-being of students in the University of Cebu - Main's College of Arts and Sciences
department. It went on to detail the underlying factors/reasons for the informant's use of
social media to vent, as well as the effects of social media ranting on students' emotional
The qualitative phenomenological research approach was used in this study.
Purposive sampling was used to choose the sixteen (16) informants for this investigation.
Interviews were conducted utilizing a semi-structured guide developed by the researcher.
Braun and Clarke's (2006) theme analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. Codes,
categories, and common themes were identified using the transcripts of in-depth
The responses of the informants elicited ten (10) emergent themes, which were
categorized into three (2) overarching themes that presented answers to the sub-problems.
The main informants' significant statements were used to extract the emergent themes. The
causes of the informants’ rants on social media, the overarching theme, Causes of
Informants to rants has five (5) emergent themes that were categorized as: Due to
Personal, Family, Social, and Political Concerns.; Relay Feelings and Connect with
Others.; Expressing Emotions and Feelings; A coping Mechanism that Provides Relief.;
and Avoiding Direct Judgement. The effects of social media ranting to informants’
emotional well-being, the overarching theme is Effects of Social Media Ranting has four
(4) emergent themes that were classified as: Diminish and Evokes Unwanted Emotions.;
Provide the Feeling of Social Support; Gain Sense of Sympathy.; Obtain Positive and
Negative Emotion through Feed backs.
The study's findings and recommendations were used to further our understanding
of how the causes of social media ranting can have a significant effect on students'
emotional well-being
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
Rationale of the Study
Theoretical Background
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Research Design
Research Environment
Research Informants
Research Instruments
Research Procedure
Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
Appendix A - Transmittal Letter
Appendix B – Research Instrument
Appendix C – Location Map
Appendix D – Gantt Chart
Appendix E – Transcription of In-depth Interviews
Appendix F – Coded Significant Statements
Appendix F.1-Formulation of Core Meanings
Appendix F.2-Development of Cluster Themes
Appendix F.3- Development of Emergent Themes
Appendix G – Diagram for Common Themes
Rationale of the Study
Social media expanded its usage and became famous because of the variety it can
accomplish to everyday human life. Social media is rampant concerning venting different
issues related personal and social life happenings. Usually, more immersed on social media
were students who find social media as their leisure when they have nothing to do. It is
seen that due to the amount of time students spend on social media, they could acquire an
influence that affects their well-being. Ranting issues as well as having so much time
reading various posts on social media can influence student’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Ranting is an act of speaking at length in an angry and impassioned way.
Moreover, ranting on social media in our local area isn't anything new. Local people
find comfort on social media and choose to express their thoughts, issues, and concerns
there. Even nationally, ranting on social media is more unrestrained and uncontrollable.
Not to mention that this act seems as a tempting solution as of the moment, considering the
current situation (pandemic) is keeping everyone trapped in their homes, alone with their
thoughts and glued to their phones. While globally, ranting in social media became the
arena of expression of other social media users hence, ranting is the new way of revealing
negative emotions which affected a person's emotional condition as well as their mental
The use of social media anticipated that underlying causes may vary and its effects
absolutely change emotions in some ways. Thus, the act of ranting online is something that
has been observed, if doing it could help a person feel alleviate or it make them more
triggered. Others express themselves on social media due to some causes such as
psychological, personal, and other social factors. When they tend to express it over online
it switches their emotions into different ways. Ranting in social media for some might be
helpful and might not to their emotional well-being. This research is timely and relevant
because nowadays a lot of people use social media and ranting online could elicit
undesirable outcomes. The study shows off importance in a sense that it would impart
knowledge and understanding towards people regarding the causes of ranting and its effect
on one's emotional state. In conducting this study, it will significantly provide an awareness
that promotes positive engagement of social media and be mindful of the behaviors
portrayed online. Thus, knowing the causes of ranting in social media and effects towards
emotional well-being is the focus of research study.
Theoretical Background
Social media has become part of our lives and it changes the behavior inside and
outside of the organization or within the person. Many studies have shown that social
media has become an arena for sharing information that gives back negative emotions.
Nowadays, social media has become a medium to rant or vent out on various issues and
showcasing how an individual is emotionally affected by their problematic life situation.
Most causes lie behind venting out on is to express their emotions regarding social,
psychological, and personal matters in their lives in connection to studies difficulties,
family problems and self-frustration. Besides, venting issues on social media brings
impact to student’s emotional well-being either in a positive or negative way. Furthermore,
several theories are introduced in this part to support the main problem and variables of
the study.
This study is anchored on Cognitive Neoassociation theory that was proposed by
American Psychologist Leonard Berkowitz. The theory proposed that the certain
experiences, or affects, can contribute toward the onset of aggressive feelings or behavior
and aversive events can produce negative effects (Berkowitz 1993). This theory stated that
ranting or venting can increase angry feeling, hostility and aggressive behaviors of a
person and venting basically is an act of practice behaving aggressively. Experiencing
feelings of being angry and venturing out to an innate object such as punching the things
around, swearing into a wall, beating the couches and throwing glasses will actually
change the emotional state of the person. Besides, the theory claimed that in the act of
venting this more likely activates the memory to have aggressive thoughts, feelings and
affect behavioral tendencies mainly when a person thinks the origin of their anger while
According to this theory, the act of expressing anger or aggression towards objects
has something to do with your emotional health. This will allow your anger to get out from
the cage inside of you. However, yelling takes a different form than what is being
simplified in the theory, and one we can associate is through social media as an arena of
rants of today’s time. However, according to Healthline Team (2017) interviewed Bennett,
Shoshana “people feel freer to sound offline” saying that ranting without an audience
looking is much more comfortable to unload as people are hidden behind the screen yet
still never a good thing to do online. It is because it could be emotionally destructive to
the person and can cause physical health issues. Ranting can be damaging to our emotional
health and it leads to more anger according to Ryan Martin, a psychology professor at the
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. This theory leads researchers to the possible outcome
of this study that ranting on social media can have a negative effect towards the emotional
well-being of a person.
A lot of people rant on social media due to different factors and according to
McNaughton-Cassill (2013) study suggesting that most people who rant online are more
likely to have anger issues in their personal life. She added as well that going through over
and over again of being mad does not reduce the anger emotion and even solving the
problem. Basically, this enables a person to acquire more intense emotions such as anger
and hostility that affects their emotional health which drowns them aggressively towards
themselves and to others. Furthermore, a research study titled Anger on the Internet: The
Perceived Value of Rant-Sites, published in (2013), found that not only does a reader’s
mood decline after reading a social media rant, but the writer’s anger only flares as well
after putting up their post. In the end, no one wins. Therefore, venting online will not give
you solutions or let you win a fight yet it does not have something to do but to worsen the
triggered emotion and makes individuals even more aggressive.
Another theory that is anchored in this study is Catharsis theory. This theory
catharsis is one of the well-known theories, stating that venting one’s anger will produce
a positive improvement in one’s psychological state. Graham (2008) expressing anger
could have a beneficial effect on mental health. It is common for people to feel relaxed
immediately after venting. According to this theory, viewing anger is an effective way to
purge angry and aggressive feelings. Social media ranting is one way to release negative
emotions. Going back to Sigmund Freuds’ definition of how catharsis approaches
significant to oneself to cope up with the emotional mess or issues repressed within
themselves. With regards to the proposal of Freud, he stated that one treatment of hysteria
is to discharge the emotional state previously associated with trauma or any aversive
situational experiences.
Study of which, examining the connections among Facebook use, disclosure
of negative feelings on Facebook (venting), and relationship maintenance behaviors) was
conducted, and the results from logistic regression analyses indicate that Facebook usage
and level of perceived stress are significant predictors for an individual's ranting behaviors.
Further, the results indicated that expressing negative feelings on Facebook mediates the
effect of an individual’s perceived stress on his/her online relationship maintenance
behaviors. Therefore, some people experiencing psychological and emotional problems
are much more open on social media of what is going on themselves. Instead of hurting
others physically they tend to look for other activities where they can place their anger and
frustration. One other way to avoid hurting others physically is much better expressing it
as a relieving area and social media could be an arena for venting. Additionally, the current
study included the assessment of anger, since anger is the emotional drive supportive of
reactive aggression (Averill, 1983; Blair, 2012). Anger is defined as an emotion
“characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately
done you wrong” (American Psychiatric Association, APA). Catharsis theory refers to
venting emotions, specifically anger, that helps reduce angry feelings and consequently
aggressive behavior. The catharsis theory has been the foundation of different therapies
(e.g., psychoanalysis, Freud & Brill, 1995; Schefft, 2001). However, other educators and
the usual public point of view that expressing emotion lessen hostile behavior, but the
statement does not have empirical basis (Bennett,1991). On the contrary, some studies
showed that venting anger emotion might be not effective and could even enlarge
aggression and hostility (Bushman, 2002). In relation to this, venting emotional issues is
not always as helpful as what we usually thought it is. However, the expressing of emotion
online does not always have a positive impact. In fact, the thinking of it might lower the
aggressiveness turns to the possibility that it can trigger one’s specific feelings or emotion.
In addition, negativity bias in online behavior has been identified in several studies
which have focused on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). eWOM refers to a “statement
made by potential, actual, or former customers about a product or company, which is made
available to a multitude of people and institutions via the Internet” (Hennig-Thurau et al.,
2004). Lee & Cude (2012), for example, have found out that consumers are highly likely
to use the Internet to express their dissatisfaction. The stronger impact of negative eWOM
compared to positive eWOM has been explained by arguing that negative information is
more diagnostic than positive information in terms of cognitive judgement and decisionmaking (Jones, 2009; originally Herr et al., 1991). People express negative emotions
online for several reasons. In consumer behavior research, three reasons have been
identified (Verhagen et al., 2013). Firstly, consumers ventilate for themselves. Thogersen
et. al. (2009) has found that consumers use negative eWOM for drawing attention to their
dissatisfaction to get a solution or compensation. Secondly, consumers ventilate for
helping others. This is the case when people disclose their negative experiences to prevent
others from suffering a similar incident (Litvin et al., 2008; Parra-López et al., 2011).
Thirdly, consumers ventilate for helping companies to improve their performance. Zaugg
& Jäggi (2006), for example, have identified that consumers complain “to assure that the
issue is structurally solved”. It has also been suggested that sometimes people run to rantsites for venting anger (Martin et al., 2013). Posted rants may act as catharsis in the sense
that people feel calm and relaxed after ranting.
Statement of the Problem
This study explored the causes of ranting in social media and its effect on the
emotional well-being of the College of Arts and Sciences students in the University of
Cebu-Main Campus, A.Y. 2020-2021.
Specifically, it sought to find answers to the following questions:
1. What causes the informants to rant on social media?
2. How does ranting affect the informants’ emotional well-being?
Significance of the Study
This study focuses on gathering data and information through conducting an
interview with the CAS students of University of Cebu-Main Campus regarding how
social media ranting can affect their emotional or psychological condition. The collection
and integration of information will be assessed by the researchers believing that it
significantly would impart great benefits to some and can lead to formulating of plans and
interventions that effectively provide fundamental purposive actions upon the concern.
This study is beneficial to the following: students, netizens, parents/guardians,
teachers, researchers and future researchers.
Students. The study is beneficial to students because this would help them to be
mindful in expressing their issues and be guided of what would be the effect of their action
towards themselves, this study also provides a deep understanding to students on what are
the pros and cons of venting issues online and how it can affect to their emotional wellbeing.
Netizens. This study provides information and awareness to the netizens regarding
online ranting. They will be given an understanding that people who rant in social media
are facing difficulties and to become more sensitive with their reactions and comments
towards certain posts online.
Parents/Guardians. The study is beneficial to the parents because they will
become more aware of their children’s emotional and mental well-being. It will also allow
them to monitor and guide their children in using social media platforms.
Teachers. The study is beneficial to the teachers in crafting activities that promote
social media awareness and positive social media engagement. This study helps teachers
to understand students’ individual problems in regards to school concerns and other issues.
Researcher. This study helps researchers to understand deeply regarding the causes
and effects of social media ranting towards a person’s emotional health. Through this, they
would be able to impart more knowledge to other people concerning the positive and
negative outcome of ranting online.
Future Researchers. This study is beneficial to the future researchers because this
can be used as related literature to support their research study in line to social media
ranting. This will provide information that would be beneficial to their study.
This section presented the process of how the research will be done, the techniques
and other procedures to be used in gathering, integrating, selecting and analyzing the data
and information on the research topic being set about. Besides, this section laid out the
research design, research environment, research participants and research instrument.
Research Design
This study utilized qualitative phenomenological research design. This approach
focuses on looking into the lived experiences, insights, and perceptions towards the life
situation of an individual within the world. The fundamental goal of the approach is to
arrive at a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2013). With
this kind of procedure, the researcher may establish the general meaning of the experience,
situation or events and come up with a profound understanding of phenomena. This will
be a part of an individual phenomenological study as this presents a further thorough
assessment and presentation of comprehensive analysis pertaining to the causes and effects
of social media ranting towards student’s emotional well-being conjoining with knowing
their experiences about how ranting online changes their emotional condition in many
ways. Obtaining its relevant information based will basically reflect on the research study.
Furthermore, the gathering of data in this research design may include interview questions
which can be answered with the informants’ personal ideas, concept as well as focusing
on academic experiences.
Research Environment
This study was conducted at the University of Cebu Main Campus specifically, in
the area of the College of Arts and Sciences- Department. The campus is located along
Sanciangko Street, Cebu City, Philippines with six (6) departments and the building has
seven (7) floors. The College of Arts and Sciences is one of the departments of the U.C
that is located at 2nd floor of Don Manuel Gotianuy Building which has offered four (4)
following courses: Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Social
Work, Bachelor of Arts in English, and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. The College
of Arts and Sciences is promoting hands-on and real world learning cooperative education.
Moreover, its faculty members are committed to help and guide students towards
inspiration of their passions, to discover students’ path as well as their liberation of
choosing the interest tracks and fields. The four (4) programs in this department aim at
one thing and that is to create experiences that link the world of intellect to the world of
practical and application. Just recent, the College of Arts and Ses was granted Level 3
Accreditation by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on
Accreditation (PACUCOA) as the department took and shows off great excellency on
improving the quality of education as well as nurturing growth and development of their
Research Informants
The informants of the study were the College of Arts and Sciences students from
the University of Cebu-Main Campus. The researchers obtained informants through a
purposive sampling method. The researchers had set qualifications in selecting informants
that were part of the research study, basically determining, who were those persons who
used to rant on social media. There were four (4) informants in each program from AB
Psychology, BS Social Work, AB Political Science and AB Literati. Thus, the significant
target number needed all will be sixteen (16) respondents coming from this department.
Research Instruments
The researchers created an interview guide questionnaire. The interview guide
questionnaires contained the main set of questions in gathering data from the informants.
Researchers conducted a semi-structured type of interview that entails open-ended
questions that are focused on knowing the causes of ranting in social media and its effects
towards students’ emotional health. The procedure of the interview, however, was done
virtually through the use of Google meet application as a medium in the research study.
After researchers were done initiating the interview guide questionnaire, it was passed to
the research adviser for approval. The researchers and adviser made sure that they had
thoroughly checked the guide questions fitted to the research study, as well as to the
research informants.
Research Procedure
This section had presented the process of how the data and information collected,
analyzed, and transcribed in order to come up to an accurate and comprehensive result of
the study. Additionally, the emphasizing of the ethical consideration was significant to
provide assurance to the institution and the people involved that whatever is being
disclosed was kept confidential and with utmost security. Specifically, in the procedure of
gathering data until coming up with the research results.
Data Gathering
The researcher asked permission to conduct the research study with the College of
Arts and Sciences office by sending a letter addressed to the Dean of the said Department,
Mr. Ulysses Aparece. Upon receiving permission from the Dean of the Department, the
researcher proceeded on the selection process of the informants in the study. The selection
of informants was done by using opportunistic or emerging samples which under
purposive sampling. But before identifying the certified informants, researchers purposely
identified students under different programs and were going to have a discreet manner of
asking questions of them whether they rant on social media or not. If that student rants
online, then humbly asks for their participation and has the interview right away. However,
the search for informants continued until the target number of informants was attained.
This is a way of knowing who those students are on social media and often venting out.
The researchers introduced them and explained the nature and objectives of the study, and
after identifying those target informants, the consent forms were distributed right away to
the informants to obtain their agreement to participate in the interview, which is the main
procedure in the said research study.
The data was collected from the informants through semi-structured interviews, and
the interview guide questions prepared by the researchers were open-ended questions. The
interview question process was carried out using the Google Meet application, and consent
was distributed via the Gmail account used for communication with participants.In the
interview process, the informants were interviewed virtually right away after it was
identified that they often rant on social media. The researchers screened video recordings
during the virtual interview process with the informant’s consent, reassuring them that the
inputs gathered were used solely for research purposes. The researcher conducted a virtual
interview for the purpose of making observations regarding how the informants behave
according to their responses. Through virtual interviews, researchers can ask follow-up
questions to clarify and to clear things out. Moreover, they were encouraged to give any
additional inputs or clarifications to further validate the data. Once the interview ends, the
researchers did thank the informants for participating.
Data Analysis
In the process of analyzing data, the method used is thematic analysis. Thematic analysis
is a procedure used in the analysis of qualitative data. This process was originally created
for psychological research by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clark. It is usually applied to a
set of words or texts, such as interview transcripts, which closely examines the data to
identify common themes—contents, topics, ideas, and patterns of meaning that come up
frequently. By using this method, the researchers acquired the data by integrating all the
answers from the interview and transcribed the informants’ audio/screen recordings made
during the interview. Researchers, together with the research adviser, evaluated the
collected data in order to grasp the information properly as well as translate it into more
coherent concepts to ensure the accuracy of the data and come up with a comprehensive
understanding of the findings.
Ethical Consideration.
Following the research ethics protocol, the researchers provided informed and voluntarily
consent to the informants to sign to indicate their agreement and willingness to be part of
the study. Informants will be aware of the purpose and process of the study. While
answering the interview questions, informants were given enough time to answer,
depending on their time availability. During the interview, informants were ensured of the
utmost confidentiality of their answers. Researchers asked for the informants’ approval
before conducting audio and screen recording devices during the interview to make sure of
an accurate transcription and informed them that information would be collected solely for
research purposes only. The researchers reminded the informants of their right to withdraw
if the questions made them uncomfortable. No harm would be done on the part of the
informants during the conduction of the study.
Trustworthiness of the Study
This section presented how research was conducted in many ways using various
approaches that ensure the security and safety of gathered data, provide accurate
interpretation, and use high-quality methods accordingly. The trustworthiness of the
research secured its credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability.
Dependability of Research
The data collected by the researcher was interpreted and transcribed. The responses
of the informants were reviewed and analyzed for more accurate and comprehensive
findings. Moreover, to guarantee a more precise and correct interpretation of the data,
interview recordings and other screen recordings will be reviewed thoroughly. The
researcher reassured them that the information gathered was aligned and based on the
respondents’ details and statements.
Transferability of Research
This research can be used by other researchers as a source of information to support
their research studies. The findings of this study can be applied to other situations and
provide recommendations to solve emerging problems, such as those related to ranting
issues on social media. Informants will be purposefully selected by the researchers who
can best inform the research questions and enhance understanding of the study. Through
it, this research is considered to be significant not just in one aspect of circumstances but
in all parts of the field.
Confirmability of Research
The findings of this study are the results of the causes of ranting on social media
and its effect on students’ emotional well-being rather than the characteristics and
preferences of the researchers. The research finding will be based on the gathered
information from the informants and the conclusion will stick to what is being collected,
not the researcher’s point of view or their own biases.
This section explained some of the terms of the research paper that might be difficult
to understand. The terms were intentionally defined for better comprehension of the
research study. The following terms will help readers to internalize how specific terms are
used in the study and grasp important key points regarding the content of the research.
Here are the following key terms that will help you out understanding the research
Causes of Ranting - These are the reasons or grounds of the user lies behind ranting on
social media.
Effects of Ranting - These are the results or consequences of the user after ranting on
social media. It may be a positive or negative result.
Social Media Ranting - It is a platform for users to transfer their repressed feelings or an
impassioned expression of feelings of the students towards social media which includes
the feeling of anger, sadness, and frustration that is emanated from psychological, personal
and other social issues and problems.
This chapter presented the findings from informant interviews and questionnaires, as
well as data analysis utilizing Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis, in order to
provide a more complete picture of the research study.
Presentation of Data
This qualitative study was based on an in-depth examination of the transcribed
responses. (Please refer to Appendix E for the Transcription Verification Form) for each
primary informant's transcribed responses by thoroughly reviewing the transcripts to
ascertain the general sense of their topic coverage. From the transcripts of the interviews
and questionnaires, the significant statement was extracted, documented, and encoded
using Microsoft Word. For efficient tracing, noteworthy utterances were appropriately
encoded with their assigned answer number and informant number. There were 96 major
statements (please include Appendix F for the Coded Significant Statements) that
represented College of Liberal Arts students' causes of ranting on social media and the
effects on their mental well-being.
The researcher developed meanings for all 96 key statements obtained from the
transcripts. There were 96 coded formulated meanings that explained the informant's
causes for ranting on social media and its effect on their emotions (Please refer to Appendix
F-1 for the Formulation of Core Meanings).
The formulated basic meanings that shared common conceptual and structural patterns
were grouped together. Cluster themes were assigned to these frequently recurring sets of
formulated meanings (Please refer to Appendix F-2 for the Development of Cluster
Themes). Twenty-four cluster themes were developed. After then, the cluster themes were
enhanced and rearranged into sub-themes, leading in the aggregation of two or more cluster
themes. The fusion of cluster themes resulted in the formation of 11 sub-themes. Finally,
the 11 sub-themes were grouped to establish the emergent themes (Please refer to Appendix
F-3 for the Development of Emergent Themes). There were ten (6) emergent themes that
represented the study's three (2) sub-problems' key issues.
After a lengthy and time-consuming process of core meaning construction utilizing
Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis, twenty-four (24) cluster themes were
developed and rearranged into eleven (11) sub-themes, which were further subdivided into
six (10) major emergent themes. The emerging topics were classified into three (2) major
categories that give context for the study's sub-problems. The following are the major
themes, together with their emergent counterparts:
I. Causes of Informants to Rant on Social media
1.Due to Personal, Family, Social, and Political Concerns.
2.Relay Feelings and Connect with Others.
3.Expressing Emotions and Feelings
4.Coping Mechanism that Provides Relief.
5.Avoiding Direct Judgement
II. Effects of Ranting to Informants Emotional Well-being
1. Remove Unwanted Emotions.
2. Provide the Feeling of Social Support
3. Gain Sense of Sympathy
4. Obtain Positive and Negative Emotion through Feed backs
Themes describe the study's answers to the study's questions. Each of the two (2)
major themes and any sub-themes that may have emerged are addressed in this section.
1. Causes of Informants
h the main themes described the reasons of venting out online, the urge to address feelings
and emotions, viewing social media as a comfort place, and the desire to express emotions
without being criticized. The descriptions also determined the informants’ experiences and
the underlying factors that caused them to rant on social media.
1. The following are the five (5) themes developed to describe the response of the
study’s key informants to Rant on Social media
The themes constructed witto the sub-problem number 1:
1. Due to Personal, Family, Social, and Political Concerns. The theme described the causes
of informant rants on social media.
Informant 9 was asked about his causes of ranting. He answered:
Why I rant on social media is because of academics because there are a lot
of responsibilities to do and the demand being an officer was pressured. Aside from
that I need to maintain my grades because I am a scholar under CHED so it’s quite
heavy since you have to maintain like you can manage everything. It came to the
point that I will get fully exhausted so I rant. I have also other responsibilities
outside the campus like a volunteer in our community at the same time SK official
so there is too much demand of responsibilities. Lastly, I rant also about family
problems because I feel the need to express what I feel and later on I would realize
it already ease my anger. IDI 9-2 SS50)
(Why I rant on social media is because of academics because there are a lot of
responsibilities to do and the demand being an officer was pressured. Aside from
that I need to maintain my grades because I am a scholar under CHED so it’s quite
heavy since you have to maintain like you can manage everything. It came to the
point that I will get fully exhausted so I rant. I have also other responsibilities
outside the campus like a volunteer in our community at the same time SK official
so there is too much demand of responsibilities. Lastly, I rant also about family
problems because I feel the need to express what I feel and later on I would realize
it already ease my anger.)
Informant 12 said:
Causes include as well my personal life aside from what I have mentioned
about politics and academic concerns. (IDI 12-2 SS68)
(Causes include as well my personal life aside from what I have mentioned about
politics and academic concerns.)
Informant 14 added:
The causes, because of what I’ve been through like ahm, stress at school,
stress at work stress at family because the only way I can relieve it is through social
media like ahh… what I’ve been through like someone scolded me though it’s just
a little mistake I feel the urge to rant it on Facebook like captioning “gamay ra
gani tung sayop unya mag ing-ana dayon” so yeah, then those were one of the
causes. Personal issues like I’m sad, I’m feeling angry, I post it on media as a way
of ranting. (IDI 14-2 SS80)
(The causes, because of what I’ve been through like stress at school, stress at work
stress at family because the only way I can relieve it is through social media like
what I’ve been through, like someone scolded me though it’s just a little mistake I
feel the urge to rant it on Facebook like captioning “gamay ra gani tung sayop unya
mag ing-ana dayon” so, then those were one of the causes. Personal issues like I’m
sad, I’m feeling angry, I post it on media as a way of ranting.)
According to these responses, researchers found out that because of the issues ranters have
encountered, it results in their ranting on social media.
2.Relay Feelings and Connect with Others. The theme described how ranters wanted to
express themselves and connect with others.
During the second one-on-one interview informant 1, stated that ranting could relate to
others, she answered:
Ahmm, aside from what I have said earlier that many people would relate,
it is also possible that the person causes why I was ranting would read it, and also
I was hoping that person should read it and make point out of it. (IDI 1-2 SS2)
(aside from what I have said earlier that many people would relate, it is also possible
that the person causes why I was ranting would read it, and also I was hoping that
person should read it and make point out of it.)
Informant 4 added:
I rant on social media due to my triggering point that you need to express
rather than keeping it to yourself. I am a type of person where I want someone to
know what is my feelings and I want someone to know my rants. (IDI 4-3 SS21)
(I rant on social media due to my triggering point that you need to express rather
than keeping it to yourself. I am a type of person where I want someone to know
what is my feelings and I want someone to know my rants.)
The informant responses stated that ranting usually happen whenever they experience
struggle in connecting with others.
1. Expressing Emotions and Feelings. The theme described how informants utilize
social media platforms to express their frustrations.
Informant 5, asked why he rant on social media and he said:
Most of my rants, especially on social media are not really intended to point
out names. So, Ahhhhh I just want to rant it out on social media so that I could let
it out the manner that it is not usual, hmmm because actually when I rant I just
want to let things out. ( IDI 2-3 SS9)
(Most of my rants, especially on social media are not really intended to point out
names. So, I just want to rant it out on social media so that I could let it out the
manner that it is not usual, because actually when I rant I just want to let things
3. A Coping Mechanism that Provides Relief. The theme described the informant's
rants on social media to cope with their problems and to feel relieved.
Informant 9, asked what the urge was for them to rant online, and he answered:
Uhm.. sometimes being a social work, socialization should be required
especially doing an activity which there is really socialization involved. However,
it suffocates me and I tend to isolate and once I isolated myself, it would trigger
and made me to start to rant. At some point it is like it helps to balance my social
aspect and personal self. I would feel the comfort. When I exposed to too much
with socialization, I begin to feel the migrain, sinusitis, that is what would I feel.
If that happen, I find a place to relax and ranting is one thing I do so that I can
vent out the negative energy that I absorb from other people. Aside from that,
when I am angry, I tend to rant, I feel calm. It provides me a way to cope up.
Once I coped up from undesirable feeling, from that I could think of a solution of
my problem after ranting. It is like to ease and resolve of the causes why I rant.
So, after ranting I just continue doing my stuff. I express and the feel relieved.
(IDI 9-6 SS54)
(Sometimes being a social work, socialization should be required especially doing
an activity which there is really socialization involved. However, it suffocates me
and I tend to isolate and once I isolated myself, it would trigger and made me to
start to rant. At some point it is like it helps to balance my social aspect and
personal self. I would feel the comfort. When I exposed to too much with
socialization, I begin to feel the migrain, sinusitis, that is what would I feel. If that
happen I find a place to relax and ranting is one thing I do so that I can vent out
the negative energy that I absorb from other people. Aside from that, when I am
angry, I tend to rant, I feel calm. It provides me a way to cope up. Once I coped
up from undesireable feeling, from that I could think of a solution of my problem
after ranting. It is like to ease and resolve of the causes why I rant. So, after
ranting I just continue doing my stuff. I express and the feel relieved.)
Informant 14 added:
Facebook, since I’m not that active on twitter and Instagram. So, as I’ve mention
since I cannot do it in real life like, I am a kind of person that is understanding or
I have patience like above average for me if I could rate myself. But if once I’m at
my height of anger or I’ll be trigger instead of shouting or destroying things I rather
go to social media and rant. So those are one of my coping mechanisms to relieve
my stress. (IDI 14-3 SS81)
(Facebook, since I’m not that active on twitter and Instagram. So, as I’ve mention
since I cannot do it in real life like, I am a kind of person that is understanding or I
have patience like above average for me if I could rate myself. But if once I’m at
my height of anger or I’ll be trigger instead of shouting or destroying things I rather
go to social media and rant. So those are one of my coping mechanisms to relieve
my stress.)
With the informant responses, researchers believed that ranting on social media could be a
coping mechanism and stress reliever.
4. Avoiding Direct Judgement. The theme described that informants rant on social
media to avoid being exposed and criticized personally though experiencing emotional
Informant 3 asked, what makes her decide to rant online. She answered:
I think it is because, hmmm. When someone portraying it in real life people really
bashes you in person, but in social media you can mask yourself as someone, like
you will not disclose yourself by using other identification. (IDI 3-3 SS15)
(I think it is because, when someone portraying it in real life people really bashes
you in person, but in social media you can mask yourself as someone, like you will
not disclose yourself by using other identification.)
Informant 6 replied:
Mine would be, on twitter I decide to rant on twitter it’s because there is no
judgmental person on twitter and they didn’t care and mind, they will not ask
questions and they don’t reply about your rants. Sometimes, unlike on facebook
there are a lot of people who will comment and they will take screenshots and make
it to use a gossip. I weigh everything, if I will rant and if I don’t like someone is
talking about it then I’ll rant on twitter and sometimes if I want someone that I can
talk to then I’ll post on facebook. (IDI 6-3 SS33)
(Mine would be, on twitter I decide to rant on twitter it’s because there is no
judgmental person on twitter and they didn’t care and mind, they will not ask
questions and they don’t reply about your rants. Sometimes, unlike on facebook
there are a lot of people who will comment and they will take screenshots and make
it to use a gossip. I weigh everything, if I will rant and if I don’t like someone is
talking about it then I’ll rant on twitter and sometimes if I want someone that I can
talk to then I’ll post on facebook)
Informant 8 added:
Mostly uhm, like your thoughts, thoughts or your experiences you like to
express, you will vent out there like venting out because no one will judge. Like you
don’t have someone you choose or can talk to through social media, through twitter
you vent out all your problems. (IDI 8-2 SS44)
(Mostly like your thoughts, thoughts or your experiences you like to express, you
will vent out there like venting out because no one will judge. Like you don’t have
someone you choose or can talk to through social media, through twitter you vent
out all your problems.)
The theme depicts the informants' responses to preventing themselves from being
bashed by their ranting behavior.
II. Effects of Ranting to Informants Emotional Well-being
This overall theme has four (4) emergent themes that describes the effects of and the
advantages and disadvantages of ranting on social media toward emotional well-being.
1. Remove Unwanted Emotions. The theme described the positive and negative
effects of ranting toward the emotional condition of the informant/s.
During the one-on-one interview informant 4, acknowledge the pros and cons
effects of ranting on emotional-well-being. When questioned, she answered.
Ahhmm, It could actually affect my emotion, anger will be never be absent.
Hmmmmm, But there are times you will feel guilty when ranting on social media
because maybe someone will be affected. (IDI 4-5 SS23) (It could actually affect
my emotion, anger will be never be absent. But there are times you will feel guilty
when ranting on social media because maybe someone will be affected.
In addition, informant 7 stated during the one-on-one interview that:
After ranting sometimes, I feel angry, like after. Later on I feel relieved or
somehow I able to released my anger through ranting. Because I able to express
what I want to express through social media, through ranting on social media like
that, I feel like I able to relieved my anger. Positive effect it’s because I was able to
vent out/express my opinion and what I feel. (IDI 7-4 SS 40)
(So, after ranting, somehow I feel like I’m relieved or somehow I can say that I had
shared my opinion, I feel like I was able to help at least by sharing an posts it makes
people see, they able to know my opinion or ideas on my rants it could also open
their mind so I feel like I helped others also to become aware of what’s happening.)
Informant 11 added:
For me the effect is both positive and negative because when others would
agree would me it affects me to get happy emotion but when others disagree it
affects me as well to become upset or feel unsatisfied. (IDI 11-6 SS66)
(For me the effect is both positive and negative because when others would agree
would me it affects me to get happy emotion but when others disagree it affects me
as well to become upset or feel unsatisfied.)
The responses of the informants stated that ranting on social media would elicit positive
and negative effect to one’s emotion.
2. Provide the Feeling of Social Support. The theme described that ranting give off
companionship and assistance that would relief the undesirable feeling.
During the one-on-one interview informant 1, admit that ranting on social media
feels having someone to talk with. When questioned, she answered:
It lightens myself, I am not aiming to release my anger, at least there is
someone who is willing to listen to me. (IDI 1-6 SS6)
(It lightens my self, I am not aiming to release my anger, at least there is someone
who is willing to listen to me.)
Informant 4 replied:
Of course after you rant you will feel relax and overwhelm because of those people
who will agree with you. (IDI 4-4 SS22)
(Of course after you rant you will feel relax and overwhelm because of those people
who will agree with you)
Informant 5 added:
It doesn’t really make difference but as I’ve said earlier it kind of makes me
feel like I’m talking to someone, I feel like even though I don’t share to my friends
and family I feel like I have someone to converse with and relieved my thoughts and
feelings. (IDI 5-6 SS30)
(It doesn’t really make difference but as I’ve said earlier it kind of makes me feel
like I’m talking to someone, I feel like even though I don’t share to my friends and
family I feel like I have someone to converse with and relieved my thoughts and
2. Gain Sense of Sympathy. The theme described how the informant receive sympathy
towards other people who could read the rants.
During the one-on-one interview informant 4, acknowledge that whenever he rants
on social media he could feel being sympathize and understood. When questioned,
he answered.
Ahhhmmmm, I rant on social media due to my triggering point that you need
to express rather than keeping it to yourself. Hmmm I am a type of person where I
want someone to know what is my feelings and I want someone to know my rants
(IDI 4-3 SS21)
(I rant on social media due to my triggering point that you need to express rather
than keeping it to yourself. I am a type of person where I want someone to know
what is my feelings and I want someone to know my rants.)
Informant 1 also explain his feeling being sympathize and said:
Hhmmmm Many of my friends would give sympathy, ranting on social media
makes lighter for me than talking with the professionals. My friends would also
build up my ego through commenting and liking my post or rants. (IDI 1-3 SS3)
(Many of my friends would give sympathy, ranting on social media makes lighter
for me than talking with the professionals. My friends would also build up my ego
through commenting and liking my post or rants.)
4. Obtain Positive and Negative Emotion through Feed backs. The theme described
how the informants’ emotions affected with regards to social media ranting feedback.
comments/feedback may lead to an argument and the feedback was negative, then it
impacted her emotions negatively.
Ahh, it depends on facebook after I rant on facebook there is a tendency that I have
an enemy after expressing I feel relieved and next thing I would feel angry because
I’ll get heated if I have someone debated but I don’t do personal is just like I’ll get
heated of our argument. I want to inform them that they are wrong, like that by
finding facts that supports my stands then on twitter I rant because i feel lonely and
I feel like I’m alone and I don’t have someone to talk about my personal problems
like that. (IDI 6-5 SS35)
(It depends on facebook after I rant on facebook there is a tendency that I have an
enemy after expressing I feel relieved and next thing I would feel angry because
I’ll get heated if I have someone debated but I don’t do personal is just like I’ll get
heated of our argument. I want to inform them that they are wrong, like that by
finding facts that supports my stands then on twitter I rant because I feel lonely and
I feel like I’m alone and I don’t have someone to talk about my personal problems
like that.
Furthermore, informant 10 stated that the emotion is determined by the reaction of the
rant's readers or viewers.
Uhmm When I rant, I would feel relieved and it lessens the negative feeling
but the negative feeling will trigger when someone is going to have an argument in
opposition to what you have posted and that argument is not even healthy.
However, when someone reacts negatively that touches your ego and it causes you
to pain at some point then it will make you switch to be unhappy. The negative
reaction creates anxiousness towards the self, thinking if your opinion or rants are
valid or not. So, you will get down again. The feedback of other people as well can
affect my emotion as I rant on social media. (IDI 10-5 SS59)
(When I rant, I would feel relieved and it lessens the negative feeling but the
negative feeling will trigger when someone is going to have an argument in
opposition to what you have posted and that argument is not even healthy.
However, when someone reacts negatively that touches your ego and it causes you
to pain at some point then it will make you switch to be unhappy. The negative
reaction creates anxiousness towards the self, thinking if your opinion or rants are
valid or not. So, you will get down again. The feedback of other people as well can
affect my emotion as I rant on social media.)
Analysis of Data
Qualitative research, according to Pritha Bhandari 2020, entails gathering and
analyzing non-numerical data in order to better understand concepts, opinions, or
experiences. It can be used to gain an in-depth understanding of a problem or to
generate new research ideas. Qualitative research is used to learn about people's
perspectives on the world and gain comprehensive view of a certain issues.
This study takes a phenomenological approach, which aids in understanding the
meaning of the informants' life experiences. It also concentrates on data analysis at a
thematic level. Thematic analysis is a systematic process for identifying, organizing,
and providing insight into patterns of meaning (themes) in a dataset, as defined by
Braun, V. et al. (2012). Thematic analysis allows the researcher to see and understand
collective or expressed interpretations and experiences by focusing on meaning across
a dataset.
The qualitatively significant data collected from informants' responses was
extracted and analyzed using Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis (2006).
The data was gathered, coded, divided, clustered, classified, and summarized in
such a way that the data set's central concepts were captured. The process involved
extracting 96 significant statements and 96 formulated meanings from the transcribed
responses of the informants. The solution then entails categorizing formulated
meanings into 24 cluster themes, each of which is further divided into 11 sub-themes.
Sub-themes were then classified and organized into nine major or emergent themes.
Themes were created to speak directly about Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and
Effects to Emotional Well-being.
This study aims to explore the causes of ranting in social media and its effect to
the emotional well-being and is anchored on Cognitive Neo-association theory that was
proposed by American Psychologist Leonard Berkowitz.
The primary theory used in this study is Leonard Berkowitz's Cognitive Neoassociation theory. According to the theory, certain experiences, or affects, can
contribute to the development of aggressive feelings or behavior, while aversive events
can have a detrimental effect (Berkowitz 1993). According to this theory, ranting or
venting can increase a person's anger, hostility, and aggressive behaviors, and venting
is essentially an act of practicing aggressive behavior. Feelings of anger and venting
them through an innate object such as punching things around, swearing into walls,
slamming couches, and throwing glasses will actually alter the person's emotional state.
Additionally, the theory asserted that venting more likely activates the memory for
aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavioral tendencies, particularly when a person
considers the source of their anger while venting.
The Catharsis Theory was also used to support this study. This is a well-known
theory that states that venting one's anger results in a positive change in one's
psychological state. Graham, G. (2008) While expressing anger may be beneficial to
mental health, it is common for people to feel relaxed immediately following an
outburst. According to this theory, observing anger is an effective way to purge one's
anger and aggression. One method of releasing negative emotions is through social
media ranting.
The participants play a critical role on knowing the causes of ranting on social
media and its effects on emotional well-being.
Theorist made an interesting suggestion regarding on methodologies to use on
this study about the social media ranting.
Furthermore, we were obliged to help the informants on making the right
decision about ranting on social media, but not everyone would listen due to the fact
that we have a freedom of speech and social media world is a free world.
Other theories and related studies were also cited to support the findings of this
study. Shown are the emergent themes derived from the responses of the informants
based on the sub-problems of the study.
1. Causes of Informants to Rant on Social media
There are five (5) emergent themes formulated that describes on the causes of
informants to rant, the factors of the rants, and the platforms where the informant rants.
1.Due to Personal, Family, Social, and Political Concerns. The theme described
some other problems that dwell person to rant on social media
The theme was supported by McNaughton-Cassill (2013), according to her a lot
of people rant on social media due to different factors and study suggesting that most
people rant online are more likely to have anger issues in their personal life. She added
as well that going through over and over again of being mad does not reduce the anger
emotion and even solving the problem.
As per informant, ranting on social results from various problems and circumstances.
2.Relay Feelings and Connect with Others. The theme described how ranters
wanted to show their feelings and gain connections towards other people.
The theme was supported by (Averill, 1983; Blair, 2012), stated that Anger is
defined as an emotion “characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you
feel has deliberately done you wrong”
Researchers may accurately state that informant rants on social media in order to
let someone who done wrong to you read the rants.
3.Expressing Emotions and Feelings. The theme described how informants utilize
social media platforms to express their frustrations.
The theme was backed up by Bushman (2002). Venting emotional issues is not
always as beneficial as we may believe. However, in line with the expression of
emotions online, it does not always have a positive impact. In fact, contemplating the
likelihood that it will provoke one's own sentiments or emotions can reduce
Researchers may accurately state that, informant rant on social media to express their
4.Coping Mechanism that Provides Relief. The theme described the informant rants
on social media to cope with their problems and to feel relieve.
The theme was supported by Graham (2008) expressing anger could have beneficial
effect on mental health, it is common for people to feel relaxed immediately after venting
According on this theory, viewing anger is an effective way to purge angry and aggressive
Researchers may accurately state that, informants rant on social media to cope with
anger and feel relieve.
5.Avoiding Direct Judgement. The theme described that informants rant on social media
to avoid being exposed and criticized personally though experiencing emotional struggles.
The theme was supported by Healthline Team (2017). “people feel freer to sound
offline” saying that ranting without an audience looking is much comfortable to unload as
people are hidden behind the screen yet still never good thing to do online.
The theme depicts the informants' responses to preventing themselves from being
bashed by their ranting behavior.
II. Effects of Ranting to Informants Emotional Well-being
This overall theme has four (4) emergent themes that describes the effects of and the
advantages and disadvantages of ranting on social media toward emotional well-being.
1.Diminish and Evokes Unwanted Emotions. The theme described the positive and
negative effects of ranting toward the emotional condition of the informant/s.
The theme was supported by (American Psychiatric Association, APA). refers
venting emotions, specifically anger, that helps reducing angry feelings and consequently
aggressive behavior. On the opposite, (Bushman, 2002). State that some studies showed
that venting anger emotion might be not effective and could even enlarge aggression and
The responses of the informants stated that ranting on social media would elicit positive
and negative effect to one’s emotion.
2. Provide the Feeling of Social Support. The theme described that ranting give off
companionship and assistance that would relief the undesirable feeling.
3.Gain Sense of Sympathy. The theme described how the informant receive sympathy
towards other people who could read the rants.
The theme supported by a study titled Anger on the Internet: The Perceived Value of
Rant-Sites, published in (2013), found that not only does a reader’s mood decline after
reading a social media rant, but the writer’s anger only flares as well after putting up their
Researchers may accurately state that, informant rants on social media to gain
sympathy toward the readers.
4.Obtain Positive and Negative Emotion through Feed backs. The theme described
how the informants’ emotions affected with regards to social media ranting feedback.
This section of the study summarizes the study's findings, conclusions, and implications.
This study explored the causes of ranting in social media and its effect on the
emotional well-being of the College of Arts and Sciences students in the University of
Cebu-Main Campus, A.Y. 2020-2021.
Specifically, it sought to find answers to the following questions:
1.What causes the informants to rant on social media?
2.How does ranting affect the informants’ emotional well-being?
This qualitative study used a qualitative phenomenological research methodology and
examined the causes and effects of social media ranting on the emotional state of
University of Cebu - Main Campus CAS students recruited using a purposive sampling
The study's informants were sixteen (16) students from the College of Arts and
Sciences. All of the informants were subjected to an in-depth virtual interview by the
researchers. The data was gathered using a semi-structured interview guide. To extract the
emergent themes, the data were transcribed, recorded, coded, clustered, and categorized
using Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis.
The responses of the informants established nine (9) emergent themes, which were
categorized classified into two (2) major categories that give context for the study's subproblems. The primary informants' significant statements were used to extract the emergent
1. For the informants’ involvement on social media ranting, with major theme Causes
Of Informants To Rant On Social Media has five (5) emergent themes that were
categorized as: Due to Personal, Family, Social, and Political Concerns, Relay Feelings
and Connect with Others, Expressing Emotions and Feelings, A Coping Mechanism that
Provides Relief and Avoiding Direct Judgment.
2. For the impact of the informants on social media ranting, the major theme Effect of
Ranting To Informant’s Emotional Well-Being has four (4) emergent themes that were
categorized as: Diminish and Evokes Unwanted Emotions, Provide the Feeling of Social
Support, Gain Sense of Sympathy, Obtain Positive and Negative Emotion through Feed
This research discovered a comprehensive qualitative report on the causes of ranting on
social media and the emotional responses it can provoke. Other factors that cause a person
to rant online include societal concerns, political issues, academic struggles, and family
concerns, all of which cause stress, frustration, and depression. Furthermore, a person
realizes that ranting online is a better way to vent because it gives them comfort and
lightens their feelings from an unpleasant mood. However, ranting online has a negative
side, and it has been found that ranting behavior at some point provokes their feelings and
causes them to become more worried. The emotional states of people are affected both
positively and adversely by social media rants. As a result of the study, it was shown that
ranting is not harmful, but it should be done in moderation. According to informants,
ranting initially brings relaxation and calmness, but afterwards it gives way to the opposite
feelings. Overall, it can be stated that in order to better grasp what a person is going through
emotionally, it is vital to first identify the cause of the emotion that made them rant online.
Implications for Future Research
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations, suggestions, and
proposed interventions are provided as solutions to the concerns and issues addressed in
this study.
Minimize Usage of Social media. To avoid negative emotional feedback, ranters should
limit their use of social media when ranting. As a result, ranters who spend less time on
social media can help them maintain a positive attitude on the utilized platform.
Ranting As a Coping Strategy. The majority of ranters are unaware of how ranting can
be used as a coping mechanism. Though ranting may temporarily make the ranters feel
lighter. However, with the right and proper way and alternative on how the ranting should
be dealt with, the ranter will feel better in the long run. Understanding the benefits of
ranting as a way of coping will provide ranters an avenue to properly vent out their
Awareness On Ranting and Its Effects. Venting out on social media can have positive
effect on the ranter’s emotion however it elicits negative effects as well. Providing and
informing them that ranting can have positive impact when used correctly
Unloading Emotions in A Proper Manner. Expressing one’s feeling and emotions can
be difficult if they don’t have someone to talk to. Learning how to express emotions
correctly would be easier if done correctly, especially when ranting on social media. The
proper expression of one's emotions can make them feel better and influence others on how
to properly unload emotions.
Ranting as a Means of Validating One’s Feelings and Emotions. Ranters may have
believed that ranting would help them feel better because of the sympathy they received
from the audience. Obtaining validations from others would satisfy the ranter and justify
their rants.
Implications for further research
The researcher recommends the following research topics for future study:
Anger on the internet: Impact to Viewers
Social media – An Arena for Venting Negative Emotions
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Appendix A
September 10, 2021
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
University of Cebu
Dear Dr. Aparece:
The undersigned researchers are undertaking a research entitled “SOCIAL MEDIA
partial requirement of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. In particular, this
study aims to propose an intervention or action plan as warranted by the findings.
We respectfully request from your office to allow us to conduct or administer the
questionnaire to all CAS students of University of Cebu- Main Campus. We assure you
that the identity of the informants will be treated with outmost confidentiality.
We are hoping for your kind approval.
Lead Researcher
Program Research Coordinator of the College
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Name of Researcher: Pearl Jane Bongcales
Degree Enrolled: AB Psychology
Title of Research: Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Well-being
Name of Evaluator: Mrs. Grace P. Pagobo Date Evaluated: September 19, 2021
Signature of Evaluator
RATING: Number of YES marks
( ) 10
( ) 8-9
Very Good
( ) 6-7
( ) 0-5
For Revalidation
To the Evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item
1. Introduction (purpose, confidentiality, duration, way of conduct) and
closing components (for additional comments) are provided
2. Informed Consent is included
3. Script is included/built in, so interviewer can introduce, guide and
conclude the interview in a consistent manner
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of
storytelling and narratives
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses:
avoiding close-ended questions which are answerable by yes or
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative
7. Probe questions are provided
8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority
questions first. Opinion questions follow information
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60 to 90 minutes. Not
exceeding 15 open-ended items (probes excluded), for every
research question, except for special cases
Name of Researcher: Pearl Jane Bongcales
Degree Enrolled: AB Psychology
Title of Research: Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Wellbeing
Name of Evaluator: Mr. Lloyd Vincent O. Sasil
Date Evaluated: September 19,
Signature of Evaluator
RATING: Number of YES marks
( ) 10
( ) 8-9
Very Good
( ) 6-7
( ) 0-5
For Revalidation
To the Evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item
1. Introduction (purpose, confidentiality, duration, way of conduct) and
closing components (for additional comments) are provided
2. Informed Consent is included
3. Script is included/built in, so interviewer can introduce, guide and
conclude the interview in a consistent manner
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of
storytelling and narratives
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses:
avoiding close-ended questions which are answerable by yes or
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative
7. Probe questions are provided
8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority
questions first. Opinion questions follow information
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60 to 90 minutes. Not
exceeding 15 open-ended items (probes excluded), for every
research question, except for special cases
Name of Researcher: Pearl Jane Bongcales
Degree Enrolled: AB Psychology
Title of Research: Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Wellbeing
Name of Evaluator: Mr. Michael Lim
Date Evaluated: September 19, 2021
Signature of Evaluator
RATING: Number of YES marks
( ) 10
( ) 8-9
Very Good
( ) 6-7
( ) 0-5
For Revalidation
To the Evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item
1. Introduction (purpose, confidentiality, duration, way of conduct) and
closing components (for additional comments) are provided
2. Informed Consent is included
3. Script is included/built in, so interviewer can introduce, guide and
conclude the interview in a consistent manner
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of
storytelling and narratives
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses:
avoiding close-ended questions which are answerable by yes or
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative
7. Probe questions are provided
8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority
questions first. Opinion questions follow information
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60 to 90 minutes. Not
exceeding 15 open-ended items (probes excluded), for every
research question, except for special cases
[Informed Consent for Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Wellbeing]
[Name of Principal Investigator: Pearl Jane Bongcales
[Name of Organization: University of Cebu-Main]
[Name of Proposal: Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Wellbeing]
This Informed Consent Form has two parts:
● Information Sheet (to share information about the research with you)
● Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you agree to take part)
You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form
PART I: Information Sheet
We, April Diane Birondo, Carl Vincent Caballero, Pearl Jane Bongcales, and Joann
Fe Cabuga 4th year AB Psychology students are humbly asking you to participate in our
research study entitled: “Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effect to Emotional Wellbeing”. In line with this, we are inviting you to be a participant of this investigation and
request you to spare a few minutes of your time for an individual discussion/interview at
your convenient time and place. However, you do not have to decide immediately whether
you will participate in this investigation since you are allowed to ask permission from
school authorities/parents/guardians or consult anyone in which you are comfortable with
the research. If there are contents in the interview guide that you do not understand and
find it ambiguous then feel free to contact and inform the researcher. Rest assured that all
the answers/responses that you will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Purpose of the research
Social media ranting online is rampant among all other social media users, such as
students which is the primary subject of this study. Thus, this study aims to investigate the
causes of social media ranting and its effects on emotional well-being.
Type of Research Intervention
This research involves an individual discussion/interview using online platforms such
as but not limited to Zoom, Google meet, Videocall, etc.
Participant selection
We are inviting College of Arts and Sciences students to be part of the study.
Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. Your decision to participate
will be acknowledged and will be respected.
Procedures and Protocol
In this investigation you will be invited to an individual online discussion/interview
and you will be asked prepared interview guide questions provided by the researchers
during your free and convenient time. In the online interview guide questions, the items
will be read clearly and loud by the interviewer and you can give the answer on those items
that you like to answer. English and vernacular responses are accepted. Furthermore, there
will be follow-up questions to be asked if necessary. If you wish not to answer some of the
questions, you can tell the interviewer to skip them and to move on to the next question.
The information recorded is confidential and no one else except the field interviewers and
researchers will have access to the copy of the transcript and audio recording, which will
be destroyed after 6 months.
To ensure that you will be able to have a full understanding of the purpose of the
study, the proponent will first explain the objectives of the study and the intended benefits
in participating in this investigation.
The duration of the research is three (5) months. During the data collection phase, the
field interviewers will request an appointment with you for an individual
discussion/interview at your convenient time and place. The interview will last for 40minutes to one (1) hour. Your engagement as a participant will only take place once.
During the individual discussion/interview the field interviewers will ask you about
your social media ranting experiences pertaining the causes of ranting on social media and
the effect it will give to your emotional health. You will not be forced nor required to
answer all questions that will be asked. If you do not like to answer some of the items
because you are not comfortable with them your decision will be respected and you do not
have to give reasons for not responding, or for refusing to take part in the individual
discussion/interview. Furthermore, be assured that the responses that you will provide will
not be shared.
There will be no immediate and direct benefits to you as a student. However, the
result of this research study will lead to understanding the causes that a person rant on
social media and the effects it could have to an individual's emotional well-being. Thus
knowing it all could bring to an action plan in addressing and giving everyone's positive
engagement in using social media.
You will not be provided with any payment or monetary remuneration if you will take
part in this research.
All the data and responses that you will provide in this investigation will not be shared
to other people and will be kept confidential. Your information and other information
collected from this research will be put away and no one, except the field interviewers and
the researchers will be able to have access to it. Any information about you will have a
number/code on it instead of your name. Only the field interviewers/researchers will know
your number/code. All the documents related to this investigation will be placed in the
cabinet with a lock and key and will not be shared with or be given to anyone except the
research proponents.
Sharing the Results
At the end of the study, the research results will be shared to the members of the group,
and to the research adviser.
A written report will also be submitted to our research instructor/subject teacher in
Psych 411- Research 2 as a final requirement of the completion of our degree in Bachelor
of Arts in Psychology in academic year 2021-2022. Moreover, these results will be
presented in a research conference and will be published so that other interested people
may learn from this research.
Where it is relevant, you may also share the results and a copy of the report will be
provided by the researcher. If you have a plan to do so, please include the timeline and
reason for sharing the information, including the details.
Right to Refuse or Withdraw
You may choose not to participate in this study. Your decision to participate will be
respected. Your decision to withdraw from participating will not affect you, or any other
involvement in your studies and in your school management. It is also of primordial
importance that you must know that you may stop from participating in an individual
discussion/interview at any time.
Who to Contact
If you have any questions, you can ask them now. You can also ask questions even
after the study has started. If you wish to ask questions later, you may contact any of the
Pearl Jane Bongcales - 09162491027
Dr. Renato Sagayno- 09212297427
UC Research Ethics Committee thru Dr. Juanito N. Zuasula- 233-5503
This research project has been reviewed and scrutinized by the technical panel of the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as part of the process in the Discovery- Applied
Research and Extension for Trans/ Inter- Disciplinary Opportunities (DARE TO) Grantin- Aid. If you have any questions, please contact the University of Cebu at 032-255-7777.
PART II: Certificate of Consent
I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the
opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions that I have asked have been
answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to participate in this research.
Print Name of Participant__________________
Signature of Participant ___________________
Date ___________________________
If Illiterate
A literate witness must sign (if possible, this person should be selected by the
participant and should have no connection to the research team). Participants who are
illiterate should include their thumb-print as well.
I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the potential participant,
and the individual has had the opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the
individual has given consent freely.
Print Name of Witness______________
AND Thumb Print of the Participant
Signature of Witness ______________________
Date ________________________
Statement by the researcher/person taking consent
I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to
the best of my ability made sure that the participant understands that the following
will be done:
1. individual discussion/interview
2. record the proceeding of the interview
3. manually record other responses/ answers during the interview
I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the
study, and all the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly
and to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into
giving consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.
A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant.
Print Name of Researcher/Person Taking the Consent_______________________
Signature of Researcher /Person Taking the Consent__________________________
Date ___________________________
Appendix B
I am____________ from University of Cebu, Undergraduate School. This research
pertains to the Social Media Ranting: Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Well-being. I
am going to give you information and invite you to be part of this research. You do not
have to decide whether or not you will participate in this research. Before you decide, you
can talk to anyone whom you feel comfortable with about this research. If there are
contents in the interview guide that you do not understand along in the interview process
and find it ambiguous then feel free to ask me. Rest assured that all your answers/responses
that you will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
1. What causes the informants rant on social media?
1.1 What are your experiences ranting on social media?
1.2 What are the causes why you rant on social media?
1.3 What makes you decide to rant it over on social media?
2. How does ranting affect the informants’ emotional well-being?
2.1 How did you feel after ranting on social media?
2.2 How can ranting on social media affect your emotion?
2.3 What are the effects of ranting in social media to your emotional condition?
Appendix C
Research Local
Appendix D
June, 2021 (3rd
Finalizing Research Title
June, 2021 (4thweek)
Working for Chapter 1
June, 2021 (5th week)
Checking Chapter 1 by Adviser for Correction
July, 2021 (2nd week)
Finalizing the Chapter 1
July, 2021 (3rd week)
Finalizing the cover page and introductory pages.
August, 2021 (4thweek)
Preparing for Proposal Hearing.
August, 2021 (4thweek)
Undergoing Proposal Hearing then Revising the Paper
in Accordance of Suggestions of the Panelists.
October, 2021 (3rd
Submission of Letter to the Respondent for approval.
October, 2021 (3rd
Starting the Data Gathering of the Respondent
November, 2021 (1st
Working for Chapter 2
November, 2021 (2nd
Checking Chapter 2 for Adviser for Correction
November, 2021 (3rd
Finalizing Chapter 2
November, 2021 (3rd
Working for Chapter 3
November, 2021(4th
Assigning the parts of Chapter 3
December, 2021 (1st
Checking Chapter 3 by Adviser for Correction
December, 2021 (1st
Finalizing the Chapter 3 & Making of Power point
December, 2021 (1st
Preparing for Dry Run & Finalizing the Power point
Presentation for Oral Defense
IDI - 1
Session Number
October 19, 2021
Time Started
3:00 PM
Time Ended
3:10 PM
10 minutes
Interviewed by
: Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Transcribed by
: Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Reviewed by
: Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Through, usually most common social media
IDI 1-1
platform nowadays, like twitter or facebook. I
always rant through these social media platform
aside from, it’s a form of stress reliever, it is also
break from academic stress, Also many people
would relate and be able to read my rants.
Ahmm, aside from what I have said earlier that
IDI 1-2
many people would relate, it is also possible that
the person causes why I was ranting would read it,
and also I was hoping that person should read it and
make point out of it,
Many of my friends would give sympathy, ranting
IDI 1-3
on social media makes lighter for me than talking
with the professionals. My friends would also build
up my ego through commenting and liking my post
or rants.
Ranting it out in social media would give myself a
relief, It also be a break from my academic stress.
It is a stress reliever for me.
IDI 1-4
It’s not really could give off my anger but it could
IDI 1-5
somehow lighten my mood.
It lightens myself, I am not aiming to release my
anger, at least there is someone who is willing to
listen to me.
IDI 1-6
IDI - 2
Session Number :
Time Started
October 20, 2021
9:40 AM
Time Ended
9:50 AM
10 minutes
Interviewed by
Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Transcribed by
Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Basically, my experiences, ahhhh, I don’t have
IDI 2-1
really a preference on what rant, unlike rant on
political views. It is really on a certain topic with a
certain person. I’m not really limited to one certain
issue. So, I basically rant basing on how the person
is, ahhhhh.. showing his/her attitude towards me.
Basically, annoying people, that’s really my trigger
IDI 2-2
point, specially when they use social media as well
to annoy me. So, I really just use the social media
but I also ahhh.. so yes that’s really the main cause,
the annoying people.
Most of my rants, specially on social media are not
IDI 2-3
really intended to point out names. So, I just want
to rant it out on social media so that I could let it
out the manner that it is not usual, because actually
when I rant I just want to let things out.
ometimes I would laugh at it, I feel like.. I feel
IDI 2-4
relieved actually you know, t olet thing out but not
to hurt someone, so it’s just a self-satisfactory.
Ahhhhh, In my daily, In my overall emotion a day
it doesn’t have a really big impact, because I do rant
on social media but it is not really die hard ranting
you know, like ahhhh, getting into an argument it’s
IDI 2-5
just a way of letting off, I’m just gonna feel like
some sort of happiness for a moment but it doesn’t
really affect my mood for the day.
Well, ahhh I’m really a jolly person, I’m not really
into like taking things like ahhhh, like taking
problems too seriously just to, because I try to
avoid stress .
IDI 2-6
IDI - 3
Session Number :
November 03, 2021
Time Started :
Time Ended
4:15 PM
4:25 PM
10 minutes
Interviewed by
Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Transcribed by
Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
.Ahhhhmmm, I often o ranting, especially in twitter.
IDI 3-1
Sometimes I encounter bashes from other people,
when they don’t accept my opinions. That is why they
bash my rants.
I think due to stress, then you will just project yourself
IDI 3-2
with other things, because you can not express it in
real life and you will just portray your social media
I think it is because, hmmm. When someone
IDI 3-3
portraying it in real life people really bashes you in
person, but in social media you can mask yourself as
someone, like you will not disclose yourself by using
other identification.
Sometimes relief, sometimes it makes you more stress.
IDI 3-4
But mostly it can relief the burdens you are having.
It makes enraged, actually it is not healthy but social
IDI 3-5
media is my escape but overall it makes me enraged.
Like I said enraged, instead of confronting my
emotion and to find solution of my whatsoever my
problem is, I chose ranting even though it not healthy
and it is exposed on social media. It is not good for me
but it becomes a habit. Even no ones pays attention, at
IDI 3-6
least I express my emotions and that affects me for
now with enraged but sometimes it gives me calmness.
Session Number
Time Started
Time Ended
IDI - 4
November 04, 2021
2:02 PM
2:12 PM
10 minutes
Interviewed by
Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Transcribed by
Carl Vincent A. Caballero
Reviewed by
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Actually, I have a lot of experiences on ranting, for
IDI 4-1
example about the issue of a policeman who shot
two persons in front of his daughter and in front of
the family he shot. It is unlawful and immoral for
me and that is why I rant it over on social media to
express my hatred towards that policeman.
Okay, I rant on social it is because of its coverage,
IDI 4-2
if you want to voice out your opinions, also you
have bigger audience and bigger interactions with
I rant on social media due to my triggering point
IDI 4-3
that you need to express rather than keeping it to
yourself. I am a type of person where I want
someone to know what is my feelings and I want
someone to know my rants
Of course after you rant you will feel relax and
IDI 4-4
overwhelm because of those people who will agree
with you
It could actually affect my emotion, anger will be
never be absent. But there are times you will feel
guilty when ranting on social media because maybe
someone will be affected.
IDI 4-5
In my viewpoint there is positive effect because
you are acknowledging you emotions, your
thoughts and something like that, also there is
negative effect, as we all know social media has
bigger audience and this audience will agree with
you it could affect the person who is the topic of
your rant.
IDI 4-6
Session Number
: IDI - 5
: October 19, 2021
Time Started :
8:04 PM
Time Ended
: 8:30 PM
: 25 minutes
: Google meet
Interviewed by
:April Diane C. Birondo
Transcribed by
:April Diane C. Birondo
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Personally, I don’t really rant on facebook and
IDI 5-1
instagram I do rant on twitter but it is private and it
is not public, followers are chosen and that’s why I
rant there like inner ahm inner thoughts like that but
it is not like revealing everything.
Well, maybe it’s my way uhm of venting, I don’t
IDI 5-2
really open with my friends and my family like that,
it is like my way of releasing of what I’ve feel it
feels like it’s my way of thinking that I have
someone I can talk to like that. Releasing what I’ve
feel, like that,
There is no deeper reason but like I just want to,
IDI 5-3
there is no deeper meaning or deeper reason why I
rant, yeah
Not really, there are times I know I feel like
IDI 5-4
somewhat I’d released what I’d feel but not fully. I
don’t really feel good after and I don’t also feel bad
either somewhat in the middle
Uhm, sometimes I felt guilty right after and regret
right after because I feel like it is wrong, it is not
worth to share in that platform somewhat like that,
sometimes I feel relieve, like that and relieve
through ranting on twitter
IDI 5-5
It doesn’t really make difference but as I’ve said
earlier it kind of makes me feel like I’m talking to
someone, I feel like even though I don’t share to
my friends and family I feel like I have someone to
converse with and relieved my thoughts and
IDI 5-6
IDI - 6
Session Number :
October 19, 2021
Time Started :
1:15 PM
Time Ended
1:31 PM
15 minutes
Google meet
Interviewed by
April Diane C. Birondo
Transcribed by
April Diane C. Birondo
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Uhm, before way back junior high school 9th grade or
IDI 6-1
10th grade I rant loudly on social media going SHS, I
rant loudly on social media. I make it as my diary and
rant anything that opposes to my stand, I post it.
Maybe because I don’t have friends to talk to and I don’t
IDI 6-2
have rant buddy so what would I do is I will post it in
social media and didn’t care if someone would like or
comment as long as I write my rant on social media
platform I chose to express myself and to release what
ive feel.
Mine would be, on twitter I decide to rant on twitter it’s
IDI 6-3
because there is no judgmental person on twitter and
they didn’t care and mind, they will not ask questions
and they don’t reply about your rants. Sometimes,
unlike on facebook there are a lot of people who will
comment and they will take screenshots and make it to
use a gossip. I weigh everything, if I will rant and if I
don’t like someone is talking about it then I’ll rant on
twitter and sometimes if I want someone that I can talk
to then I’ll post on facebook
At first I feel a little bit relieved because it seems like
nothing, it seems like I don’t feel the heaviness just
IDI 6-4
because I don’t have someone to talk to, so if I can rant
on my social media account I feel comfort and relieved.
I feel a little bit of happy because I am able to express
Ahh, it depends on facebook after I rant on facebook
IDI 6-5
there is a tendency that I have an enemy after expressing
I feel relieved and next thing I would feel angry because
I’ll get heated if I have someone debated but I don’t do
personal is just like Ill get heated of our argument. I
want to inform them that they are wrong, like that by
finding facts that supports my stands then on twitter I
rant because i feel lonely and I feel like im alone and I
don’t have someone to talk about my personal problems
like that.
Uhm, before like uhm probably last year I ranted on
facebook then before my account was locked I ranted,
there were some people I debated somewhat they take it
as personal and they really argue and it makes me
depressed before because they join forces it somewhat ,
its bully. It is called cyber bullying, somewhat I was
slightly depressed like not totally depressed but I was
IDI 6-6
sad, sad was the term I was sad because I was cyber
bullied. I decided to locked my account for someone
who doesn’t really know me would not be able to uhm,
would bully me on facebook. Somehow on twitter umm
it’s positive for me, for myself and I can say that I have
me time on my twitter account. Overall, it is negative
for me because the platform is huge, social media
platform like there are many people would see your
posts and there is a tendency that you be cyber bullied
because of your posts even though it is your personal
problem there is still a tendency you get cyber bullied.
: IDI - 7
Session Number
October 29, 2021
Time Started :
7:04 PM
Time Ended
7:12 PM
8 minutes
Google meet
Interviewed by
April Diane C. Birondo
Transcribed by
April Diane C. Birondo
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
So, usually I don’t really rant or direct my rant to
IDI 7-1
someone I usually rant through shared posts. There
are posts I share and I’ll put caption to it my rants or
about my opinions, about my beliefs, about posts,
about my disagreements like that. So actually its
random, there are politics or uhmm sometimes I see
injustice like that.
So, main thing is when a certain posts triggers me or
IDI 7-2
a certain posts shows injustice like abusive people
then of course as citizen or as a human you would
react somehow we defend and we react or we get
angry especially if there are belittled individual.
Usually, also the idea of posts is, like posts
information I ranted like that, usually I ranted it’s
because of disagreements.
Uhm, of course I wanted to express also my ideas
IDI 7-3
and opinions to show that I also care for the people
especially to those aggrieved people or belittled. So
I also want to inform them that they it not right like
So after ranting, somehow I feel like Im relieved or
somehow I can say that I had shared my opinion, I
feel like I was able to help at least by sharing an posts
it makes people see, they able to know my opinion
or ideas on my rants it could also open their mind so
IDI 7-4
I feel like I helped others also to become aware of
what’s happening.
Uhmm, quiet it doesn’t mean specific, it is mixed
IDI 7-5
emotion depends what kind of rant. Of course
sometimes emotional or sometimes angry especially
posts are sensitive when it comes to injustices. I’m
very insensitive to that, usually I got angry
After ranting sometimes I feel angry, like after. Later
on I feel relieved or somehow I able to released my
anger through ranting. Because I able to express
what I want to express through social media, through
ranting on social media like that, I feel like I able to
relieved my anger. Positive effect its because I was
able to vent out/express my opinion and what I feel.
IDI 7-6
Session Number
Time Started :
Time Ended
IDI - 8
October 30, 2021
1:55 PM
2:03 PM
: 08 minutes
: Google meet
Interviewed by
: April Diane C. Birondo
Transcribed by
: April Diane C. Birondo
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Uhm, my experiences on social media is mixed like it is
IDI 8-1
a one way of relieving your, relieving your stress or
your opinions. If you have opinion, you can share your
opinion in that thing through sharing and posting.
Mostly uhm, like your thoughts, thoughts or your
IDI 8-2
experiences you like to express, you will vent out there
like venting out because no one will judge. Like you
don’t have someone you choose or can talk to through
social media, through twitter you vent out all your
Uhm, it is my personal choice but of course you have to
IDI 8-3
be, you have to be careful also. You have to limit your
posts it’s because sometimes the information can easily
Uhm, you feel relieve like you are able to express it.
IDI 8-4
Affect my emotion, it changes your emotion like for
IDI 8-5
example if you didn’t rant that out its still heavy and
you’re sad but when you finally post it you feel like
Uhm, for me mostly I used twitter its positive for me
because there are only few people able to see, and few
people can see your posts unlike on facebook its
common and you don’t have privacy like that.
IDI 8-6
Session Number
October 23, 2021
Time Started
7:03 PM
Time Ended
7:45 PM
24 minutes
Zoom App
Interviewed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Transcribed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Reviewed by
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
I rant once ummh if things get too much or I feel
IDI 9- 1
burden with my loads or preoccupied with so much
things to do and along the run also I can realize that
hmm like it even made it worst especially when I think
that it is not right if I do too much ranting so I stop it
for a while. I would not use my twitter for how many
days. I will just get back to ranting when I feel the
burden again.
Why I rant on social media is because of academics
IDI 9- 2
because there are a lot of responsibilities to do and the
demand being an officer was pressured. Aside from
that I need to maintain my grades because I am a
scholar under CHED so it’s quite heavy since you
have to maintain like you can manage everything. It
came to the point that I will get fully exhausted so I
rant. I have also other responsibilities outside the
campus like a volunteer in our community at the same
time SK official so there is too much demand of
responsibilities. Lastly, I rant also about family
problems because I feel the need to express what I feel
and later on I would realize it already ease my anger.
Uhm so in twitter since that is the medium I used in
ranting and only few knew as to what I rant about
because ummhh of my personal, I have my integrity,
my reputation that has built in my community and the
IDI 9- 3
school society like I should not display that I am weak
because I was also looked up by other students. So, I
don’t have to rant in public, I just set aside everything
because it can really affect other people you rant to
especially if you have the same feelings with others.
When I rant to them they could tell the same thing so
id rather keep it on my own and we have different
experiences so no one could judge you if ever you
private your own rants.
Usually, when normal days I felt like I am not okay I
write pieces in my notepad and also rant it over on
social media. Once I write, it slowly ease the feeling
of being frustrated and it lower also my temper and
seems like it help me to get back to my normal
functioning. When I get back to normal functioning I
realized uhmm so okay this is what im done doing
hehehe but atleast minimal people only can see my
rant so I wont regret uhmm. At some point I am frank
person so I better to get off with people talking some
other things because I might cause something that
could affect them at somehow.
IDI 9- 4
uhmmm it has a positive impact to those people who
IDI 9- 5
don’t have someone to talk to because it is like a
medium where you can express on how you feel to
like ummh once we get tired same when you feel too
much you have to vent out to git rid the negativities
within yourself. Through social media I was able to
express my emotions, and what I feel I able to let it
out. It has a positive impact to myself and it doesn’t
cause negative feeling but it gets me to the realization.
After ranting, I able to express and later on realization
goes on in like better to work on than ranting.
Uhm.. Sometimes being a social work, socialization
should be required especially doing an activity which
there is really socialization involved. However,it
suffocates me and I tend to isolate and once I isolated
myself, it would trigger and made me to start to rant.
At some point it is like it helps to balance my social
and personal
I would feel
socialization, I begin to feel the migrain, sinusitis, that
is what would I feel. If that happen I find a place to
relax and ranting is one thing I do so that I can vent
IDI 9- 6
out the negative energy that I absorb from other
people. Aside from that, when I am angry I tend to
rant, I feel calm. It provides me a way to cope up. Once
I coped up from undesireable feeling, from that I could
think of a solution of my problem after ranting. It is
like to ease and resolve of the causes why I rant. So
after ranting I just continue doing my stuff. I express
and the feel relieved.
Session Number
October 23, 2021
Time Started
11:30 AM
Time Ended
11: 48AM
24:03 minutes
Zoom App
Interviewed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Transcribed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Reviewed by
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Uhmmm I rant about is more on movies, series,
IDI 10- 1
showbiz issues, and also I like to rant about politics
but it is only opinion-based. In ranting I would
discover that there are also other people out there who
have the same thoughts as mine as they responded to
my rants. They would respond and agree to my
statement. So, I could tell that it is not only me who
has this kind of thoughts but others as well. I rant also
regarding a government topic and there was this
random person who reacted and expressed his
opposing opinion about my tweet. I was totally
shocked because it feels like he’s really mad and upset
so I just laughed and what I did, I deleted my tweet. I
did not expect that my tweet could affect him that
much. It is just my opinion though and he told me that
I am not open minded, that I am childish. Starting that
time I decide to lessen the amount of opinions to be
shared online about politics but more on movies.
First, I rant because I can relate the topic. Second, is
that I just feel like sharing my opinion just also to
know if others do have the same opinion as mine.
Third, is to get relieved (pahungaw) from what I feel.
Mostly, as of now I rant about movies, kpop stars that
I idolized, uhmm korean stuff. I am invested with my
idol so when they have issues, I would really share my
opinion regarding it.
IDI 10- 2
It's better to rant it over on social media because I
IDI 10- 3
don’t have someone to talk to and can't share it to my
family that’s why I rant it over on social media. Mostly
my friends would react to my tweets concerning what
I tweeted on twitter. Like they would tell me as well
that they have the same feeling towards a certain issue.
They also expressed the same feeling like for example
Aljur and Kylie’s issue (showbiz). They would reply
and agree to my rants. Uuhmm… then later on it fell
to become a gossip of us with friends but it is more on
the showbiz issue itself. I am into the artist and express
my opinion on their life issues. And mostly the feeling
to rant is to exhaust the self from certain issues.
Uhmm honestly, sometimes I get to become anxious.
I rant over about the issue of one of my Korean artists
idol. I get anxious if I tweet my opinion right, I am
thinking if someone would react like he doesn't
believe him (Korean artist) because of his issue.
However, I received a lot of hearts and retweets. I told
to myself that we have the same thoughts and
opinions. I feel anxious sometimes especially I have
already an experience before when someone suddenly
IDI 10- 4
attack me with words. Overall, when you rant like
mostly negative feelings about showbiz issues, at least
it lightens up the feelings.
Uhmm When I rant, I would feel relieved and it
IDI 10- 5
lessens the negative feeling but the negative feeling
will trigger when someone is going to have an
argument in opposition to what you have posted and
that argument is not even healthy. However, when
someone reacts negatively that touches your ego and
it causes you to pain at some point then it will make
you switch to be unhappy. The negative reaction
creates anxiousness towards the self, thinking if your
opinion or rants are valid or not. So, you will get down
again. The feedback of other people as well can affect
my emotion as I rant on social media.
I can tell that the effects are positive because it makes
me happy voicing out what I feel in the moment,
through ranting I can help other people widen their
mind to a certain issue and they will learn something
about it and can relieve all the negativities I feel
because sometimes there are issues that you cannot
IDI 10- 6
talk with people and the only way to relieve it is
through ranting.
Session Number :
October 23, 2021
Time Started
8:03 PM
Time Ended
8:25 PM
15:33 minutes
Zoom App
Interviewed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Transcribed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Reviewed by: Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Uhmm… since before when I was a high school
IDI 11- 1
student I am really into ranting on social media.
It was a trend before, we post everything, every
content we want to post we post on social media.
My experience in ranting was all about school
work before and as I grew up social issues
already have been part of my rants such as
politics but just lowkey a bit on that issue. And
entertainments mostly. With regards to myself, I
don’t have that much to rant about.
uhmm… the reason why I rant on social media
is because of the audience, especially if the point
is a serious matter. I want everyone to know
about certain issues. The ranting is more on
encouragement not totally not always pure rants.
If I rant that revolves on social concerns. About
personal matters, I did not put on social media
anymore. I am particular social issues regarding
the thoughts of other people about the specific
issue like about uhmm depression, when people
don’t believe about it and as a psych major I
share specific post and I rant why people are like
this and that… second is I rant over about the
artist that I idolized who get bashed. With
regards to social issues, it is about the pandemic
IDI 11- 2
like mass testing and enough ayuda. I was able
to rant about it.
I think social media is a platform where we are
IDI 11- 3
free to express ourselves especially today, we
are using gadgets and our lives evolve in social
media and when there are some specific thing I
want to voice out I always rant it on social media
but I also make sure that I don’t rant everything
about my life, private matters since social media
has a huge audience like one wrong click it
could affect you and the people around you. I
can rant to a certain person but today when there
is social media and if I want to voice out my
thoughts, social media could be a nice platform
to use.
There are times that ranting gives you
satisfaction especially when you already voice
out your thoughts about a specific topic and
there times as well for example, I share my
opinion and they oppose my opinion and it feels
like there is a debate going to happen. That
IDI 11- 4
moment I would feel challenged and thrilled by
the person who has different thoughts about my
rant so I would do my best to encourage him that
this is my stand about the certain issue. But the
main emotion you could feel in ranting is
satisfaction that you were able to relieve your
Uhmm…. Ranting can affect my emotions. For
instance, I have this experience where I feel
upset about one post concerning cheating issues
and I give my thoughts. I get really upset while
typing my thoughts and the issue really
frustrates me. And after the ranting moment,
days after the ranting I looked back to my
timeline seeing that certain rant of mine It is
weird because you have a specific emotion to
feel for a moment and you rant it to social media.
Then days to come as you see it again, like the
emotions you have experienced at that moment
are already no more.
IDI 11- 5
For me the effect is both positive and negative
because when others would agree would me it
affects me to get happy emotion but when others
disagree it affects me as well to become upset or
feel unsatisfied.
IDI 11- 6
Session Number :
October 26, 2021
Time Started
12:02 PM
Time Ended
12:45 PM
20 minutes
Zoom App
Interviewed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Transcribed by
Pearl Jane Bongcales
Reviewed by
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
My experience since I rant about uhmm actually I am
IDI 12- 1
into ranting about politics as of now since the election
is getting near and also, I rant about uhm academics
because it stresses me out. Mostly my experience is
what I felt for the day. For example, I'm happy I rant
about it on social media like I share what I feel.
Ranting makes me happy just like that because you
were able to express your feelings.
Causes include as well my personal life aside from
IDI 12- 2
what I have mentioned about politics and academic
I wanted to rant about it on social media instead of
IDI 12- 3
telling some about it because there are some people
who would talk about talking about things over and
over again like they could tell that you are just always
telling how tired you are. So, because of that, it made
me to just rant it over on the social media for me not
to hear responses I am always talking the same thing
over and over again
I actually feel okay after ranting on social media. Not
to the extent you feel too much happiness but you
would just feel okay after you express what you feel. I
am relieved.
IDI 12- 4
It affects me emotionally like uhm for example I rant
IDI 12- 5
and the words I use if exaggerating then I actually feel
uhm like more of a relief and then emotionally I am
okay with it.
After ranting sometimes, I feel okay, sometimes I
don’t. Emotionally sometimes it can hurt like when I
read the things that I try to express to the social media
it will repeatedly come to my mind and when I visit on
my timeline and I keep seeing that post I feel sad about
it and emotionally I will get carried away with my
feelings and emotion. But it depends what content I
rant on social media. There is also sometimes I will
just never mind who would get upset with what I
posted. Just like that. And for me, ranting is positive
action because I was able to express what I feel and
then it’s a relief after I tried to express it to words.
IDI 12- 6
Session Number
IDI - 13
October 24, 2021
Time Started :
7:13 PM
Time Ended
7:26 PM
13 minutes
Google meet
Interviewed by
Joann Fe S. Cabuga
Transcribed by
Joann Fe S. cabuga
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
My experience ranting on social media ahh…about
IDI 13-1
online class. Then the experience is, based on my
experience in online class is it is struggle plus I don’t
have enough resources that’s why I rant like to bring
back the face-to-face hopefully soon. Ahm, there are
times I rant but eventually I delete it once I feel relief.
Miss, if I see that something wrong. The causes of my
IDI 13-2
ranting on social media is if I can see something that I
don’t like or against with the opinions of other miss.
Random topics like politics and online class.
Facebook miss, that’s the only social media account I
IDI 13-3
have. Because I’m not used to twitter and Instagram.
Guilty and then delete it later. Because, first miss before
IDI 13-4
I rant, I am not thinking about it. I am being impulsive
miss. And then later, I realized that I was wrong on
ranting without thinking.
Before ranting miss, I feel like I’m really against. Like,
IDI 13-5
I feel angry that’s why I can rant. Then after is I feel
guilt. Sometimes I could say that if am able to express
myself I feel satisfied. But then, I have this realization
that ranting is not always good, positive vibes only.
I am not comfortable if I rant because I will feel guilt
later on. It’s negative for me that’s why I stop it.
IDI 13-6
Because I realized that it is not good and it can ruin your
Session Number
IDI - 14
November 04, 2021
Time Started :
Time Ended
Google meet
Interviewed by
Joann Fe S. Cabuga
Transcribed by
Joann Fe S. Cabuga
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Ahm, in general ahh…my way of ranting is ahm,
IDI 14-1
somewhat a pave way to release stress as in IRL or
in real life I don’t really stress like ahm, destroying
things cause I do that in my mind but rather yeah,
instead I post or rant in social media making status
or make chat with my close friends about what I’ve
been through so that’s my way of ranting. But there
was one time that I made an issue in the school like
in third year high school, like I was so stress as a
class president at that time that the way I relieve
stress was a…I use my cousins Facebook account
then post about pretending that rest in peace
something like that. Like yeah, it was not un
intentional reaction towards how the people around
reacted. I just wanted to see what were their
reactions. But unexpectedly they believe then to the
point that many of them go to our house. It was a bad
experience for me. But in general, it felt somewhat
satisfying except that experience of posting fake
news about me passing away. But that experience is
a way of relieving stress for me.
The causes, because of what I’ve been through like
ahm, stress at school, stress at work stress at family
because the only way I can relieve it is through social
media like ahh… what I’ve been through like
someone scolded me though it’s just a little mistake
IDI 14-2
I feel the urge to rant it on Facebook like captioning
“gamay ra gani tung sayop unya mag ing-ana dayon”
so yeah, then those were one of the causes. Personal
issues like I’m sad, I’m feeling angry, I post it on
media as a way of ranting.
Facebook, since I’m not that active on twitter and
IDI 14-3
Instagram. So, as I’ve mention since I cannot do it in
real life like. I am a kind of person that is
understanding or I have patience like above average
for me if I could rate myself. But if once I’m at my
height of anger or I’ll be trigger instead of shouting
or destroying things I rather go to social media and
rant. So those are one of my coping mechanisms to
relieve my stress.
Ahm, there are some faces in my end like pre, during
and post ranting, like pre is I will think like what to
type and what to post something like that. I’ll make
a draft in my head so that’s the pre. Then my feeling
was that is the ahh… the anticipation. Then during,
is how I will make my draft like in my mind what
will I type then along the way I’ll edit, I will check
IDI 14-4
the grammar so I will not be embarrassed. Then post,
after ranting I feel satisfied it’s like my anger is lost.
With my experience I felt relieve watching the
reaction but there’s some regrets as well.
Okay this is quite difficult. Honestly, there is none
IDI 14-5
for me like ahm, there’s I have the same emotions for
me in pre and post because in pre ranting I get angry
but not to the point that I get suicidal something like
that. Then in post, for me is like it’s gone like myself
return to my normal self, way before I experience
It has negative views about other people’s reaction
since I made an issue about it like I mentioned
before. But in my end or emotional self it gave a
positive effect. So, if I’m to add up there are two
sides for me, like it’s the best and positive way for
me but it depends on the content of my rant it might
give a negative effect for other people.
IDI 14-6
Session Number
November 08, 2021
Time Started :
Time Ended
IDI - 15
7: 35PM
17 minutes
Google meet
Interviewed by
Joann Fe s. Cabuga
Transcribed by
Joann Fe S. Cabuga
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Ahm, actually it’s good, because you know I get to
IDI 15-1
release or vent out the negative energies or stress in
me that I’ve been keeping and then ahm, sometimes it
feels so good when ahm, the person that you wanted
to ahm, release your anger to is they understand so it’s
like that there’s a sense of fulfilment that (sigh) Thank
you like that. And sometimes it’s just ahm, on a
random day like I rant I think almost every day I rant
miss yeah but it’s just like my way of releasing my
emotion that’s it.
Hmm…causes? like when I have a bad day that’s
IDI 15-2
when I get irritated. Ahm, right now more on
academics like this teacher is like this and the
discussion could have been better if it’s like this. I rant
personal issues sometimes like about my friends
because I feel like I did not reciprocate the amount of
affection that I give to them. So that’s why I rant
because I don’t have any means to share my feelings.
Ahm, twitter because there nobody ahm, a few only
IDI 15-3
knows me in that account so I can just do whatever I
want. Most likely I only rant on twitter. It’s like my
diary in an online setting.
Ahm, first I feel ahm, relieve and there’s a sugar rush
while typing. Yes, and after once posting it like (sigh)
IDI 15-4
finally I feel relief that the memory or experience is
now gone and I can move on, like that.
Ahm, affect my emotion? Ahm, during ranting I feel
IDI 15-5
angry but like not in a state that is super angry as in
that you don’t have netiquette already something like
that. Ahh, I still construct my words that I want to put
out in the media because that is still media. And even
if I’m angry I still try my best to be appropriate enough
like I don’t curse I don’t do that. Ahm…I just let words
flow in until my anger vanishes away like that miss.
And once I get to upload it (sigh) finally ahm, yeah,
my anger seizes in me.
Effects, it made me ahm, it made me somehow reflect
miss my previous emotion. Like example looking
back scrolling back in my account I could realize and
reminisce the time I wasn’t in myself so if I were to go
back to this time, I should have done this or ahm, it
helps in my repress emotion to bring back the
memories. It also gives thrill. It is positive because at
the end of the day ahm, I don’t rant to attack other
people or like other. People always have negative
IDI 15-6
connotation about ranting like attention seeker
something like that. But ahm, for me it’s just like
expressing how my day went how devastating it is or
how randomly messed up it is so for me it’s positive
IDI - 16
Session Number :
November 10, 2021
Time Started :
7:14 PM
Time Ended
12 minutes
Google meet
Interviewed by
Joann Fe S. Cabuga
Transcribed by
Joann Fe S. Cabuga
Reviewed by :
Rulthan P. Sumicad, MA
Ahm, many times, like it’s not really many times
IDI 16-1
like I still could count cause I was never the type
before to rant on social media like, I just like to
keep it myself my own problem. But lately, I’ve
became comfortable now expressing on social
media. Maybe because also of the situation that I
am no longer you know having physical
conversation with my friends so that is why. Cause
before we could still physically talk to them but
now, we are all moving virtually. I rant before
pandemic but not virtually.
A lot, like there’s a variety of causes ahm, but the
IDI 16-2
overbearing reason why I rant on social media it
could be because of my academic situation,
academic responsibilities, academic stress.
Facebook and twitter, because in twitter ahm, I’m
much more comfortable ranting on twitter because
I have few mutual like there’s no bigger audience.
And in Facebook as well, ahm, in Facebook I have
many friends compare to my twitter but ahm, I am
comfortable cause it made me feel that there is
someone I could share to. Cause sometimes my
friends are busy and you need to let out your
emotions already that’s why.
IDI 16-3
Ahm, initially I really feel fine you feel like it’s less
IDI 16-4
burden because you let it out then right afterwards
like a few hours or a few minutes I usually feels
anxious, anxiety like what if my status is I was too
negative and then I have friends dealing with
problems as well then, they could read and they
might think of it also, I feel like I might spread
more negativity or negative vibe towards them so I
feel anxious. But then I would think that I might be
valid also cause I’m feeling negative as well. There
is really ahm, satisfaction after ranting.
mm, ahm… like ahm at this time like I’m in an
outburst, there is this one-time that I’m really peace
off and then I then turn to twitter to tweet about my
anger and then right after twitting miss my anger
subside like (sigh) ahh! finally. Before ranting
emotions are way too heavy like it’s too strong. But
if you let it out, it’s like when you’re updating your
status and it’s all about what were you feeling it is
like you’re expressing your emotions.
IDI 16-5
Ahh, for the most striking part it does make me feel
good honestly, cause it’s the same thing of like
telling people or making people aware of how I’m
feeling. Other people would say, (in my defense)
instead of ranting on social media why would just
share to people but for me, if there’s one certain
person you could share to and he’s not available at
the moment you lifted no choice. It does really
make me feel good at a certain point and it lightens
the mood the emotions that you’re feeling.
IDI 16-6
Ahh Through, usually most common social
IDI 1-1
media platform nowadays, like twitter or
facebook. I always rant through these social
media platform aside from, it’s a form of
stress reliever, it is also break from
academic stress, Hmm Also many people
would relate and be able to read my rants.
(IDI 1-1 SS 1)
platform nowadays, like twitter or facebook.
I always rant through these social media
platform aside from, it’s a form of stress
reliever, it is also break from academic
stress, Also many people would relate and
be able to read my rants.)
Ahmm, aside from what I have said earlier
IDI 1-2
that many people would relate, it is also
possible that the person causes why I was
ranting would read it, and also I was hoping
that person should read it and make point out
of it.
(IDI 1-2 SS2)
(aside from what I have said earlier that
many people would relate, it is also possible
that the person causes why I was ranting
would read it, and also I was hoping that
person should read it and make point out of
Hhmmmm Many of my friends would give
IDI 1-3
sympathy, ranting on social media makes
lighter for me than talking with the
professionals. My friends would also build
up my ego through commenting and liking
my post or rants.
(IDI 1-3 SS3)
(Many of my friends would give sympathy,
ranting on social media makes lighter for
me than talking with the professionals. My
friends would also build up my ego through
commenting and liking my post or rants.)
Ahhhh Ranting it out in social media would
IDI 1-4
give myself a relief, hmmmm It also be a
break from my academic stress. It is a stress
reliever for me.
(IDI 1-4 SS4)
(Ranting it out in social media would give
myself a relief, It also be a break from my
academic stress. It is a stress reliever for
It’s not really could give off my anger
IDI 1-5
hmmm but it could somehow lighten my
(IDI 1-5 SS5)
(It’s not really could give off my anger but
it could somehow lighten my mood.)
It lightens my self, I am not aiming to release
IDI 1-6
my anger, at least there is someone who is
willing to listen to me.
(IDI 1-6 SS6)
(It lightens my self, I am not aiming to
release my anger, at least there is someone
who is willing to listen to me.)
Basically, my experiences, ahhhh, I don’t
IDI 2-1
have really a preference on what rant, unlike
rant on political views. It is really on a
certain topic with a certain person. I’m not
really limited to one certain issue. So, I
basically rant basing on how the person is,
ahhhhh.. showing his/her attitude towards
(IDI 2-1 SS7)
(Basically, my experiences, I don’t have
really a preference on what rant, unlike rant
on political views. It is really on a certain
topic with a certain person. I’m not really
limited to one certain issue. So, I basically
rant basing on how the person is, showing
his/her attitude towards me.)
Basically, annoying people, that’s really my
IDI 2-2
trigger point, specially when they use social
media as well to annoy me. So, I really just
use the social media but I also ahhh.. so yes
that’s really the main cause, the annoying
(IDI 2-2 SS8)
(Basically, annoying people, that’s really
my trigger point, specially when they use
social media as well to annoy me. So, I
really just use the social media but I also . so
yes that’s really the main cause, the
annoying people.)
Most of my rants, specially on social media
IDI 2-3
are not really intended to point out names.
So, Ahhhhh I just want to rant it out on
social media so that I could let it out the
manner that it is not usual, hmmm because
actually when I rant I just want to let things
( IDI 2-3 SS9)
(Most of my rants, specially on social media
are not really intended to point out names.
So, I just want to rant it out on social media
so that I could let it out the manner that it is
not usual, because actually when I rant I just
want to let things out.)
Sometimes I would laugh at it, I feel like.. I
feel relieved actually you know, t olet thing
IDI 2-4
out but not to hurt someone, so it’s just a self
( IDI 2-4 SS10)
(Sometimes I would laugh at it, I feel
relieved actually you know, to let things out
but not to hurt someone, so it’s just a selfsatisfactory.)
Ahhhhh, In my daily, In my overall emotion
IDI 2-5
a day it doesn’t have a really big impact,
because I do rant on social media but it is not
really die hard ranting you know, like ahhhh,
getting into an argument it’s just a way of
letting off, I’m just gonna feel like some sort
of happiness for a moment but it doesn’t
really affect my mood for the day.
( IDI 2-5 SS11)
( In my daily, In my overall emotion a day it
doesn’t have a really big impact, because I
do rant on social media but it is not really die
hard ranting you know, like getting into an
argument it’s just a way of letting off, I’m
just gonna feel like some sort of happiness
for a moment but it doesn’t really affect my
mood for the day.)
Well, ahhh I’m really a jolly person, I’m not
IDI 2-6
really into like taking things like ahhhh, like
taking problems too seriously just to,
because I try to avoid stress .
( IDI 2-6 SS12)
(Well, I’m really a jolly person, I’m not
really into like taking things like taking
problems too seriously just to, because I try
to avoid stress .
Ahhhhmmm, I often o ranting, especially in
IDI 3-1
twitter. Sometimes I encounter bashes from
other people, when they don’t accept my
opinions. That is why they bash my rants.
(IDI 3-1 SS13)
(I often o ranting, especially in twitter.
Sometimes I encounter bashes from other
people, when they don’t accept my opinions.
That is why they bash my rants.)
Hmmmm, I think due to stress, then you will
IDI 3-2
just project yourself with other things,
because you can not express it in real life
and you will just portray your social media
(IDI 3-2 SS14)
(I think due to stress, then you will just
project yourself with other things, because
you can not express it in real life and you
will just portray your social media self.)
I think it is because, hmmm. When someone
IDI 3-3
portraying it in real life people really bashes
you in person, but in social media you can
mask yourself as someone, like you will not
(IDI 3-3 SS15)
(I think it is because, When someone
portraying it in real life people really bashes
you in person, but in social media you can
mask yourself as someone, like you will not
Sometimes relief, sometimes it makes you
IDI 3-4
more stress. But mostly it can relief the
burdens you are having.
(IDI 3-4 SS16)
(Sometimes relief, sometimes it makes you
more stress. But mostly it can relief the
burdens you are having.)
It makes enraged, actually it is not healthy
IDI 3-5
but social media is my escape but overall it
makes me enraged.
(IDI 3-5 SS17)
(It makes enraged, actually it is not healthy
but social media is my escape but overall it
makes me enraged.)
Ahhhhh, Like I said enraged, instead of
IDI 3-6
confronting my emotion and to find solution
of my whatsoever my problem is, hmmmm
I chose ranting even though it not healthy
and it is exposed on social media. It is not
good for me but it becomes a habit. Even no
ones pays attention, hmmm at least I express
my emotions and that affects me for now
with enraged but sometimes it gives me
(IDI 3-6 SS18)
(Like I said enraged, instead of confronting
my emotion and to find solution of my
whatsoever my problem is, I chose ranting
even though it not healthy and it is exposed
on social media. It is not good for me but it
becomes a habit. Even no one pays attention,
at least I express my emotions and that
affects me for now with enraged but
sometimes it gives me calmness.)
Hmmmmm, Actually, I have a lot of
IDI 4-1
experiences on ranting, like Ahhhh, for
example about the issue of a policeman who
shot two persons in front of his daughter and
in front of the family he shot. ahhmmm It is
unlawful and immoral for me and that is
why I rant it over on social media to express
my hatred towards that policeman.
(IDI 4-1 SS19)
(Actually, I have a lot of experiences on
ranting, like for example about the issue of a
policeman who shot two persons in front of
his daughter and in front of the family he
shot. It is unlawful and immoral for me and
that is why I rant it over on social media to
express my hatred towards that policeman.)
Okay, I rant on social it is because of its
IDI 4-2
coverage, if you want to voice out your
opinions, also you have bigger audience and
bigger interactions with otherrs
(IDI 4-2 SS20)
(Okay, I rant on social it is because of its
coverage, if you want to voice out your
opinions, also you have bigger audience and
bigger interactions with others.)
Ahhhmmmm, I rant on social media due to
IDI 4-3
my triggering point that you need to express
rather than keeping it to yourself. Hmmm I
am a type of person where I want someone
to know what is my feelings and I want
someone to know my rants
(IDI 4-3 SS21)
(I rant on social media due to my triggering
point that you need to express rather than
keeping it to yourself. I am a type of person
where I want someone to know what is my
feelings and I want someone to know my
Of course after you rant you will feel relax
IDI 4-4
and overwhelm because of those people who
will agree with you
(IDI 4-4 SS22)
(Of course after you rant you will feel relax
and overwhelm because of those people who
will agree with you)
Ahhmm, It could actually affect my
IDI 4-5
emotion, anger will be never be absent.
Hmmmmm, But there are times you will feel
guilty when ranting on social media because
maybe someone will be affected.
(IDI 4-5 SS23)
(It could actually affect my emotion, anger
will be never be absent. But there are times
you will feel guilty when ranting on social
media because maybe someone will be
Hhmmmmm, In my viewpoint there is
IDI 4-6
thoughts and something like that, hmmmm,
also there is negative effect, as we all know
social media has bigger audience and this
audience will agree with you it could affect
the person who is the topic of your rant.
(IDI 4-6 SS24)
(In my viewpoint there is positive effect
because you are acknowledging your
emotions, your thoughts and something like
that, also there is negative effect, as we all
know social media has bigger audience and
this audience will agree with you it could
affect the person who is the topic of your
Personally, I don’t really rant on facebook
IDI 5-1
and instagram I do rant on twitter but it is
private and it is not public, followers are
chosen and that’s why I rant there like inner
ahm inner thoughts like that but it is not like
revealing everything.
(IDI 5-1 SS25)
(Personally, I don’t really rant on facebook
and instagram I do rant on twitter but it is
private and it is not public, followers are
chosen and that’s why I rant there like inner
thoughts like that but it is not like revealing
Well, maybe it’s my way uhm of venting, I
DI 5-2
don’t really open with my friends and my
family like that, it is like my way of
releasing of what I’ve feel it feels like it’s
my way of thinking that I have someone I
can talk to like that. Releasing what I’ve
feel, like that
(IDI 5-2 SS26)
(Well, maybe it’s my way of venting, I
don’t really open up with my friends and my
family like that, it is like my way of
releasing of what I’ve feel it feels like it’s
my way of thinking that I have someone I
can talk to like that. Releasing what I’ve
feel, like that)
There is no deeper reason but like I just want
IDI 5-3
to, there is no deeper meaning or deeper
reason why I rant, yeah
(IDI 5-3 SS27)
(There is no deeper reason but like I just
want to, there is no deeper meaning or
deeper reason why I rant)
Not really, there are times I know I feel like
IDI 5-4
somewhat I’d released what I’d feel but not
fully. I don’t really feel good after and I
don’t also feel bad either somewhat in the
(IDI 5-4 SS28)
(Not really, there are times I know I feel like
somewhat I’d released what I’d feel but not
fully. I don’t really feel good after and I
don’t also feel bad either somewhat in the
Uhm, sometimes I felt guilty right after and
IDI 5-5
regret right after because I feel like it is
wrong, it is not worth to share in that
platform somewhat like that, sometimes I
feel relieve, like that and relieve through
ranting on twitter
(IDI 5-5 SS29)
(Sometimes I felt guilty right after and regret
right after because I feel like it is wrong, it
is not worth to share in that platform
somewhat like that, sometimes I feel relieve
like that and relieve through ranting on
It doesn’t really make difference but as I’ve
IDI 5-6
said earlier it kind of makes me feel like I’m
talking to someone, I feel like even though I
don’t share to my friends and family I feel
like I have someone to converse with and
relieved my thoughts and feelings.
(IDI 5-6 SS30)
(It doesn’t really make difference but as I’ve
said earlier it kind of makes me feel like I’m
talking to someone, I feel like even though I
don’t share to my friends and family I feel
like I have someone to converse with and
relieved my thoughts and feelings.)
Uhm, before way back junior high school
IDI 6-1
9th grade or 10th grade I rant loudly on
social media going SHS, I rant loudly on
social media. I make it as my diary and rant
anything that opposes my stand, I post it.
(IDI 6-1 SS31)
(Before way back junior high school 9th
grade or 10th grade I rant loudly on social
media going SHS, I rant loudly on social
media. I make it as my diary and rant
anything that opposes my stand, I post it.)
Maybe because I don’t have friends to talk
IDI 6-2
to and I don’t have rant buddy so what
would I do is I will post it in social media
and didn’t care if someone would like or
comment as long as I can write my rant on
the social media platform I chose to express
myself and to release what I’ve feel.
(IDI 6-2 SS32)
Maybe because I don’t have friends to talk
to and I don’t have rant buddy so what
would I do is I will post it in social media
and didn’t care if someone would like or
comment as long as I can write my rant on
the social media platform I chose to express
myself and to release what I’ve feel.
would be, on twitter I decide to rant on
IDI 6-3
twitter it’s because there is no judgmental
person on twitter and they didn’t care and
mind, they will not ask questions and they
don’t reply about your rants. Sometimes,
unlike on facebook there are a lot of people
who will comment and they will take
screenshots and make it to use a gossip. I
weigh everything, if I will rant and if I don’t
like someone is talking about it then I’ll rant
on twitter and sometimes if I want someone
that I can talk to then I’ll post on facebook.
(IDI 6-3 SS33)
(Mine would be, on twitter I decide to rant
on twitter it’s because there is no judgmental
person on twitter and they didn’t care and
mind, they will not ask questions and they
don’t reply about your rants. Sometimes,
unlike on facebook there are a lot of people
who will comment and they will take
screenshots and make it to use a gossip. I
weigh everything, if I will rant and if I don’t
like someone is talking about it then I’ll rant
on twitter and sometimes if I want someone
that I can talk to then I’ll post on facebook)
At first I feel a little bit relieved because it
IDI 6-4
seems like nothing, it seems like I don’t feel
the heaviness just because I don’t have
someone to talk to, so if I can rant on my
social media account I feel comfort. I feel a
little bit of happy because I am able to
express myself.
(IDI 6-4 SS34)
(At first I feel a little bit relieved because it
seems like nothing, it seems like I don’t feel
the heaviness just because I don’t have
someone to talk to, so if I can rant on my
social media account I feel comfort. I feel a
little bit of happy because I am able to
express myself.)
Ahh, it depends on facebook after I rant on
IDI 6-5
facebook there is a tendency that I have an
enemy after expressing I feel relieved and
next thing I would feel angry because I’ll get
heated if I have someone debated but I don’t
do personal is just like I’ll get heated of our
argument. I want to inform them that they
are wrong, like that by finding facts that
supports my stands then on twitter I rant
because i feel lonely and I feel like im alone
and I don’t have someone to talk about my
personal problems like that.
(IDI 6-5 SS35)
It depends on facebook after I rant on
facebook there is a tendency that I have an
enemy after expressing I feel relieved and
next thing I would feel angry because I’ll get
heated if I have someone debated but I don’t
do personal is just like I’ll get heated of our
argument. I want to inform them that they
are wrong, like that by finding facts that
supports my stands then on twitter I rant
because I feel lonely and I feel like I’m alone
and I don’t have someone to talk about my
personal problems like that.
Uhm, before like uhm probably last year I
IDI 6- 6
ranted on facebook then before my account
was locked I ranted, there were some people
I debated somewhat they take it as personal
and they really argue and it makes me
depressed before because they join forces it
somewhat, its bully. It is called cyber
bullying, somewhat I was slightly depressed
like not totally depressed but I was sad, sad
was the term I was sad because I was cyber
bullied. I decided to locked my account for
someone who doesn’t really know me would
not be able to uhm, would bully me on
facebook. Somehow on twitter umm it’s
positive for me, for myself and I can say that
I have me time on my twitter account.
Overall, it is negative for me because the
platform is huge, social media platform like
there are many people would see your posts
and there is a tendency that you be cyber
bullied because of your posts even though it
is your personal problem there is still a
tendency you get cyber bullied.
(IDI 6-6 SS36)
Before like probably last year I ranted on
facebook then before my account was
locked I ranted, there were some people I
debated somewhat they take it as personal
and they really argue and it makes me
depressed before because they join forces it
somewhat, its bully. It is called cyber
bullying, somewhat I was slightly depressed
like not totally depressed but I was sad, sad
was the term I was sad because I was cyber
bullied. I decided to locked my account for
someone who doesn’t really know me would
not be able to, would bully me on facebook.
Somehow on twitter umm it’s positive for
me, for myself and I can say that I have me
time on my twitter account. Overall, it is
negative for me because the platform is
huge, social media platform like there are
many people would see your posts and there
is a tendency that you be cyber bullied
because of your posts even though it is your
personal problem there is still a tendency
you get cyber bullied.
So, usually I don’t really rant or direct my
IDI 7-1
rant to someone I usually rant through
shared posts. There are posts I share and I’ll
put caption to it my rants or about my
opinions, about my beliefs, about posts,
about my disagreements like that. So
actually it’s random, there are politics or
uhmm sometimes I see injustice like that.
(IDI 7-1 SS 37)
So, usually I don’t really rant or direct my
rant to someone I usually rant through
shared posts. There are posts I share and I’ll
put caption to it about my rants or about my
opinions, about my beliefs, about posts,
about my disagreements like that. So
actually it’s random, there are politics or
sometimes I see injustice like that.
So, main thing is when a certain posts
IDI 7-2
triggers me or a certain posts shows injustice
like abusive people then of course as citizen
or as a human you would react somehow we
defend and we react or we get angry
especially if there are belittled individual.
Usually, also the idea of posts is, like posts
information I ranted like that, usually I
ranted it’s because of disagreements.
(IDI 7-2 SS38)
So, main thing is when a certain posts
triggers me or a certain posts shows injustice
like abusive people then of course as citizen
or as a human you would react somehow we
defend and we react or we get angry
especially if there are belittled individual.
Usually, also the idea of posts is, like posts
information I ranted like that, usually I
ranted it’s because of disagreements.
Uhm, of course I wanted to express also my
IDI 7-3
ideas and opinions to show that I also care
for the people especially to those aggrieved
people or belittled. So I also want to inform
them that they it not right like that.
(IDI 7-3 SS39)
Of course I wanted to express also my ideas
and opinions to show that I also care for the
people especially to those aggrieved people
or belittled. So I also want to inform them
that they it not right like that.
So after ranting, somehow I feel like I’m
IDI 7-4
relieved or somehow I can say that I had
shared my opinion, I feel like I was able to
help at least by sharing an posts it makes
people see, they able to know my opinion or
ideas on my rants it could also open their
mind so I feel like I helped others also to
become aware of what’s happening.
(IDI 7-4 SS 40)
So after ranting, somehow I feel like I’m
relieved or somehow I can say that I had
shared my opinion, I feel like I was able to
help at least by sharing an posts it makes
people see, they able to know my opinion or
ideas on my rants it could also open their
mind so I feel like I helped others also to
become aware of what’s happening.
Uhmm, quiet it doesn’t mean specific, it is
IDI 7-5
mixed emotion depends what kind of rant.
sometimes angry especially posts are
sensitive when it comes to injustices. I’m
very insensitive to that, usually I got angry.
(IDI 7-5 SS41)
Quiet it doesn’t mean specific, it is mixed
emotion depends what kind of rant. Of
course sometimes emotional or sometimes
angry especially posts are sensitive when it
comes to injustices. I’m very insensitive to
that, usually I got angry.
After ranting sometimes I feel angry, like
IDI 7-6
after. Later on I feel relieved or somehow I
able to released my anger through ranting.
Because I able to express what I want to
express through social media, through
ranting on social media like that, I feel like I
able to relieved my anger. Positive effect it’s
because I was able to vent out/express my
opinion and what I feel.
(IDI 7-6 SS42)
(After ranting sometimes I feel angry, like
after. Later on I feel relieved or somehow I
able to released my anger through ranting.
Because I able to express what I want to
express through social media, through
ranting on social media like that, I feel like I
able to relieved my anger. Positive effect it’s
because I was able to vent out/express my
opinion and what I feel)
Uhm, my experiences on social media is
mixed like it is a one way of relieving your,
IDI 8-1
relieving your stress or your opinions. If you
have opinion, you can share your opinion in
that thing through sharing and posting.
(IDI 8-1 SS43)
(My experiences on social media is mixed
like it is a one way of relieving your,
relieving your stress or your opinions. If you
have opinion, you can share your opinion in
that thing through sharing and posting)
Mostly uhm, like your thoughts, thoughts or
IDI 8-2
your experiences you like to express, you
will vent out there like venting out because
no one will judge. Like you don’t have
someone you choose or can talk to through
social media, through twitter you vent out all
your problems.
(IDI 8-2 SS44)
Mostly like your thoughts, thoughts or your
experiences you like to express, you will
vent out there like venting out because no
one will judge. Like you don’t have
someone you choose or can talk to through
social media, through twitter you vent out all
your problems.
Uhmm, it is my personal choice but of
IDI 8-3
course you have to be, you have to be careful
also. You have to limit your posts it’s
because sometimes the information can
easily spread.
(IDI 8-3 SS45)
(It is my personal choice but of course you
have to be, you have to be careful also. You
have to limit your posts it’s because
sometimes the information can easily
Uhm, you feel relieve like you are able to
IDI 8-4
express it.
(IDI 8-4 SS46)
(You feel relieve like you are able to express
Affect my emotion, it changes your emotion
IDI 8-5
like for example if you didn’t rant that out
its still heavy and you’re sad but when you
finally post it you feel like light
(IDI 8-5 SS47)
(Affect my emotion, it changes your
emotion like for example if you didn’t rant
that out its still heavy and you’re sad but
when you finally post it you feel like light)
Uhm, for me mostly I used twitter its
IDI 8-6
positive for me because there are only few
people able to see, and few people can see
your posts unlike on facebook it’s common
and you don’t have privacy like that.
(IDI 8-6 SS48)
(For me mostly I used twitter its positive for
me because there are only few people able
to see, and few people can see your posts
unlike on facebook it’s common and you
don’t have privacy like that.)
I rant once ummh if things get too much or I
IDI 9-1
feel burden with my loads or preoccupied
with so much things to do and along the run
also I can realize that hmm like it even made
it worst especially when I think that it is not
right if I do too much ranting so I stop it for
a while. I would not use my twitter for how
many days. I will just get back to ranting
when I feel the burden again.
(IDI 9-1 SS49)
(I rant once if things get too much or I feel
burden with my loads or preoccupied with
so much things to do and along the run also
I can realize that like it even made it worst
especially when I think that it is not right if
I do too much ranting so I stop it for a while.
I would not use my twitter for how many
days. I will just get back to ranting when I
feel the burden again.)
hmm… why I rant on social media is
IDI 9-2
because of academics because there are a lot
of responsibilities to do and the demand
being an officer was pressured. Aside from
that I need to maintain my grades because I
am a scholar under CHED so it’s quite
heavy since you have to maintain like you
can manage everything. It came to the point
that I will get fully exhausted so I rant. I
have also other responsibilities outside the
campus like a volunteer in our community at
the same time SK official so there is too
much uhmm demand of responsibilities.
Lastly, I rant also about family problems
because I feel the need to express what I feel
and later on I would realize it already ease
my anger.
(IDI 9-2 SS50)
(Why I rant on social media is because of
academics because there are a lot of
responsibilities to do and the demand being
an officer was pressured. Aside from that I
need to maintain my grades because I am a
scholar under CHED so it’s quite heavy
since you have to maintain like you can
manage everything. It came to the point that
I will get fully exhausted so I rant. I have
also other responsibilities outside the
campus like a volunteer in our community at
the same time SK official so there is too
much demand of responsibilities. Lastly, I
rant also about family problems because I
feel the need to express what I feel and later
on I would realize it already ease my anger.)
Uhm so in twitter since that is the medium I
IDI 9-3
used in ranting and only few knew as to what
I rant about because ummhh of my personal,
I have my integrity, my reputation that has
built in my community and the school
society like I should not display that I am
weak because I was also looked up by other
students. So, I don’t have to rant in public, I
just set aside everything because it can really
affect other people you rant to especially if
you have the same feelings with others.
When I rant to them they could tell the same
thing so I’d rather keep it on my own and we
have different experiences so no one could
judge you if ever you private your own rants.
(IDI 9-3 SS51)
(In twitter since that is the medium, I used in
ranting and only few knew as to what I rant
about because of my personal, I have my
integrity, my reputation that has built in my
community and the school society like I
should not display that I am weak because I
was also looked up by other students. I don’t
have to rant in public, I just set aside
everything because it can really affect other
people you rant to especially if you have the
same feelings with others. When I rant to
them they could tell the same thing so id
rather keep it on my own and we have
different experiences so no one could judge
you if ever you private your own rants.)
Usually, when normal days I felt like I am
IDI 9-4
not okay I write pieces in my notepad and
also rant it over on social media. Once I
write, it slowly ease the feeling of being
frustrated and it lower also my temper and
seems like it help me to get back to my
normal functioning. When I get back to
normal functioning I realized uhmm so okay
this is what im done doing uhm… but atleast
minimal people only can see my rant so I
wont regret uhmm. At some point I am frank
person so I better to get off with people
talking some other things because I might
cause something that could affect them at
(IDI 9-4 SS52)
(Usually, when normal days I felt like I am
not okay I write pieces in my notepad and
also rant it over on social media. Once I
write, it slowly ease the feeling of being
frustrated and it lower my temper and it
helps me to get back to my normal
functioning. When I get back to normal
functioning I realized so okay “this is what
im done doing but atleast minimal people
only can see my rant so I wont regret. At
some point I am frank person so I better to
get off with people talking some other things
because I might cause something that could
affect them at somehow.)
uhmmm it has a positive impact to those
IDI 9-5
people who don’t have someone to talk to
because it is like a medium where you can
express on how you feel to like ummh once
we get tired same when you feel too much
you have to vent out to git rid the
negativities within yourself. Through social
media I was able to express my emotions,
and what I feel I able to let it out. It has a
positive impact to myself and it doesn’t
cause negative feeling but it gets me to the
realization. After ranting, I able to express
and later on realization goes on in like better
to work on than ranting.
(IDI 9-5 SS53)
(It has a positive impact to those people who
don’t have someone to talk to because it is
like a medium where you can express on
how you feel to like once we get tired same
when you feel too much you have to vent out
to git rid the negativities within yourself.
Through social media I was able to express
my emotions, and what I feel I able to let it
out. It has a positive impact to myself and it
doesn’t cause negative feeling but it gets me
to the realization. After ranting, I able to
express and later on realization goes on in
like better to work on than ranting.)
Uhm.. sometimes being a social work,
IDI 9-6
socialization should be required especially
doing an activity which there is really
suffocates me and I tend to isolate and once
I isolated myself, it would trigger and made
me to start to rant. At some point it is like it
helps to balance my social aspect and
personal self. I would feel the comfort.
When I exposed to too much with
socialization, I begin to feel the migrain,
sinusitis, that is what would I feel. If that
happen I find a place to relax and ranting is
one thing I do so that I can vent out the
negative energy that I absorb from other
people. Aside from that, when I am angry, I
tend to rant, I feel calm. It provides me a way
to cope up. Once I coped up from
undesireable feeling, from that I could think
of a solution of my problem after ranting. It
is like to ease and resolve of the causes why
I rant. So, after ranting I just continue doing
my stuff. I express and the feel relieved.
(IDI 9-6 SS54)
socialization should be required especially
doing an activity which there is really
suffocates me and I tend to isolate and once
I isolated myself, it would trigger and made
me to start to rant. At some point it is like it
helps to balance my social aspect and
personal self. I would feel the comfort.
When I exposed to too much with
socialization, I begin to feel the migrain,
sinusitis, that is what would I feel. If that
happen I find a place to relax and ranting is
one thing I do so that I can vent out the
negative energy that I absorb from other
people. Aside from that, when I am angry, I
tend to rant, I feel calm. It provides me a way
to cope up. Once I coped up from
undesireable feeling, from that I could think
of a solution of my problem after ranting. It
is like to ease and resolve of the causes why
I rant. So, after ranting I just continue doing
my stuff. I express and the feel relieved.)
Uhmmm I rant about is more on movies,
IDI 10-1
series, showbiz issues, and also I like to rant
about politics but it is only opinion-based. In
ranting I would discover that there are also
other people out there who have the same
thoughts as mine as they responded to my
rants. They would respond and agree to my
statement. So, I could tell that it is not only
me who has this kind of thoughts but others
as well. I rant also regarding a government
topic and there was this random person who
reacted and expressed his opposing opinion
about my tweet. I was totally shocked
because it feels like he’s really mad and
upset so I just laughed and what I did, I
deleted my tweet. I did not expect that my
tweet could affect him that much. It is just
my opinion though and he told me that I am
not open minded, that I am childish. Starting
that time, I decide to lessen the amount of
opinions to be shared online about politics
but more on movies.
(IDI 10-1 SS55)
(I rant about is more on movies, series,
showbiz issues, and also I like to rant about
politics but it is only opinion-based. In
ranting I would discover that there are also
other people out there who have the same
thoughts as mine as they responded to my
rants. They would respond and agree to my
statement. So, I could tell that it is not only
me who has this kind of thoughts but others
as well. I rant also regarding a government
topic and there was this random person who
reacted and expressed his opposing opinion
about my tweet. I was totally shocked
because it feels like he’s really mad and
upset so I just laughed and what I did, I
deleted my tweet. I did not expect that my
tweet could affect him that much. It is just
my opinion though and he told me that I am
not open minded, that I am childish. Starting
that time, I decide to lessen the amount of
opinions to be shared online about politics
but more on movies.)
First, I rant because I can relate the topic.
IDI 10-2
Second, is that I just feel like sharing my
opinion just also to know if others do have
the same opinion as mine. Third, is to get
relieved (pahungaw) from what I feel.
Mostly, as of now I rant about movies, kpop
stars that I idolized, uhmm korean stuff. I am
invested with my idol so when they have
issues, I would really share my opinion
regarding it.
(IDI 10-2 SS56)
(First, I rant because I can relate the topic.
Second, is that I just feel like sharing my
opinion just also to know if others do have
the same opinion as mine. Third, is to get
relieved (pahungaw) from what I feel.
Mostly, as of now I rant about movies, kpop
stars that I idolized, korean stuff. I am
invested with my idol so when they have
issues, I would really share my opinion
regarding it.)
It's better to rant it over on social media
IDI 10-3
because I don’t have someone to talk to and
can't share it to my family that’s why I rant
it over on social media. Mostly my friends
would react to my tweets concerning what I
tweeted on twitter. Like they would tell me
as well that they have the same feeling
towards a certain issue. They also expressed
the same feeling like for example Aljur and
Kylie’s issue (showbiz). They would reply
and agree to my rants. Uuhmm…then later
on it fell to become a gossip of us with
friends but it is more on the showbiz issue
itself. I am into the artist and express my
opinion on their life issues. And mostly the
feeling to rant is to exhaust the self from
certain issues.
(IDI 10-3 SS57)
(It's better to rant it over on social media
because I don’t have someone to talk to and
can't share it to my family that’s why I rant
it over on social media. Mostly my friends
would react to my tweets concerning what I
tweeted on twitter. Like they would tell me
as well that they have the same feeling
towards a certain issue. They also expressed
the same feeling like for example Aljur and
Kylie’s issue (showbiz). They would reply
and agree to my rants. Then later on it fell
to become a gossip of us with friends but it
is more on the showbiz issue itself. I am into
the artist and express my opinion on their
life issues. And mostly the feeling to rant is
to exhaust the self from certain issues.)
Uhmm honestly, sometimes I get to become
IDI 10-4
anxious. I rant over about the issue of one of
my Korean artists idol. I get anxious if I
tweet my opinion right, I am thinking if
someone would react like he doesn't believe
him (Korean artist) because of his issue.
However, I received a lot of hearts and
retweets. I told to myself that we have the
same thoughts and opinions. I feel anxious
sometimes especially I have already an
experience before when someone suddenly
attack me with words. Overall, when you
rant like mostly negative feelings about
showbiz issues, at least it lightens up the
(IDI 10-4 SS58)
(Honestly, sometimes I get to become
anxious. I rant over about the issue of one of
my Korean artists idol. I get anxious if I
tweet my opinion right, I am thinking if
someone would react like he doesn't believe
him (Korean artist) because of his issue.
However, I received a lot of hearts and
retweets. I told to myself that we have the
same thoughts and opinions. I feel anxious
sometimes especially I have already an
experience before when someone suddenly
attack me with words. Overall, when you
rant like mostly negative feelings about
showbiz issues, at least it lightens up the
Uhmm When I rant, I would feel relieved
IDI 10-5
and it lessens the negative feeling but the
negative feeling will trigger when someone
is going to have an argument in opposition
to what you have posted and that argument
is not even healthy. However, when
someone reacts negatively that touches your
ego and it causes you to pain at some point
then it will make you switch to be unhappy.
The negative reaction creates anxiousness
towards the self, thinking if your opinion or
rants are valid or not. So, you will get down
again. The feedback of other people as well
can affect my emotion as I rant on social
(IDI 10-5 SS59)
(When I rant, I would feel relieved and it
lessens the negative feeling but the negative
feeling will trigger when someone is going
to have an argument in opposition to what
you have posted and that argument is not
even healthy. However, when someone
reacts negatively that touches your ego and
it causes you to pain at some point then it
will make you switch to be unhappy. The
towards the self, thinking if your opinion or
rants are valid or not. So, you will get down
again. The feedback of other people as well
can affect my emotion as I rant on social
media. )
can tell that the effects are positive because
IDI 10-6
it makes me happy voicing out what I feel in
the moment, through ranting I can help other
people widen their mind to a certain issue
and they will learn something about it and
can relieve all the negativities I feel because
sometimes there are issues that you cannot
talk with people and the only way to relieve
it is through ranting.
(IDI 10-6 SS60)
(I can tell that the effects are positive
because it makes me happy voicing out what
I feel in the moment, through ranting I can
help other people widen their mind to a
certain issue and they will learn something
about it and can relieve all the negativities I
feel because sometimes there are issues that
you cannot talk with people and the only
way to relieve it is through ranting.)
hmm… since before when I was a high
IDI 11-1
school student I am really into ranting on
social media. It was a trend before, we post
everything, every content we want to post
we post on social media. My experience in
ranting was all about school work before and
as I grew up social issues already have been
part of my rants such as politics but just
lowkey a bit on that issue. And also
entertainments mostly. With regards to
myself, I don’t have that much to rant about.
(IDI 11-1 SS61)
(Since before when I was a high school
student I am really into ranting on social
media. It was a trend before, we post
everything, every content we want to post
we post on social media. My experience in
ranting was all about school work before and
as I grew up social issues already have been
part of my rants such as politics but just
lowkey a bit on that issue. And also
entertainments mostly. With regards to
myself, I don’t have that much to rant
uhmm… the reason why I rant on social
IDI 11-2
media is because of the audience, especially
if the point is a serious matter. I want
everyone to know about certain issues. The
ranting is more on sometimes mental health
awareness, encouragement not totally not
always pure rants. If I rant that revolves on
social concerns. About personal matters, I
did not put on social media anymore. I am
particular social
regarding the
thoughts of other people about the specific
issue like about uhmm depression, when
people don’t believe about it and as a psych
major I share specific post and I rant why
people are like this and that… second is I
rant over about the artist that I idolized who
get bashed. With regards to social issues, it
is about the pandemic like mass testing and
enough ayuda. I was able to rant about it.
(IDI 11-2 SS62)
(The reason why I rant on social media is
because of the audience, especially if the
point is a serious matter. I want everyone to
know about certain issues. The ranting is
awareness, encouragement not totally not
always pure rants. If I rant that revolves on
social concerns. About personal matters, I
did not put on social media anymore. I am
particular social
regarding the
thoughts of other people about the specific
issue like about depression, when people
don’t believe about it and as a psych major I
share specific post and I rant why people are
like this and that… second is I rant over
about the artist that I idolized who get
bashed. With regards to social issues, it is
about the pandemic like mass testing and
enough ayuda. I was able to rant about it.)
I think social media is a platform where we
IDI 11-3
are free to express ourselves especially
today, we are using gadgets and our lives
evolve in social media and when there are
some specific thing I want to voice out I
always rant it on social media but I also
make sure that I don’t rant everything about
my life, private matters since social media
has a huge audience like one wrong click it
could affect you and the people around you.
I can rant to a certain person but today when
there is social media and if I want to voice
out my thoughts, social media could be a
nice platform to use.
(IDI 11-3 SS63)
(I think social media is a platform where we
are free to express ourselves especially
today, we are using gadgets and our lives
evolve in social media and when there are
some specific thing I want to voice out I
always rant it on social media but I also
make sure that I don’t rant everything about
my life, private matters since social media
has a huge audience like one wrong click it
could affect you and the people around you.
I can rant to a certain person but today when
there is social media and if I want to voice
out my thoughts, social media could be a
nice platform to use. )
There are times that ranting gives you
satisfaction especially when you already
IDI 11-4
voice out your thoughts about a specific
topic and there times as well for example, I
share my opinion and they oppose my
opinion and it feels like there is a debate
going to happen. That moment I would feel
challenged and thrilled by the person who
has different thoughts about my rant so I
would do my best to encourage him that this
is my stand about the certain issue. But the
main emotion you could feel in ranting is
satisfaction that you were able to relieve
your emotion.
(IDI 11-4 SS64)
(There are times that ranting gives you
satisfaction especially when you already
voice out your thoughts about a specific
topic and there times as well for example, I
share my opinion and they oppose my
opinion and it feels like there is a debate
going to happen. That moment I would feel
challenged and thrilled by the person who
has different thoughts about my rant so I
would do my best to encourage him that this
is my stand about the certain issue. But the
main emotion you could feel in ranting is
satisfaction that you were able to relieve
your emotion.)
Uhmm…. Ranting can affect my emotions.
IDI 11-5
For instance, I have this experience where I
feel upset about one post concerning
cheating issues and I give my thoughts. I get
really upset while typing my thoughts and
the issue really frustrates me. And after the
ranting moment, days after the ranting I
looked back to my timeline seeing that
certain rant of mine It is weird because you
have a specific emotion to feel for a moment
and you rant it to social media. Then days to
come as you see it again, like the emotions
you have experienced at that moment are
already no more. For me the effect is both
positive and negative because when others
would agree would me it affects me to get
happy emotion but when others disagree it
affects me as well to become upset or feel
(IDI 11-5 SS65)
(Ranting can affect my emotions. For
instance, I have this experience where I feel
upset about one post concerning cheating
issues and I give my thoughts. I get really
upset while typing my thoughts and the issue
really frustrates me. And after the ranting
moment, days after the ranting I looked back
to my timeline seeing that certain rant of
mine It is weird because you have a specific
emotion to feel for a moment and you rant it
to social media. Then days to come as you
see it again, like the emotions you have
experienced at that moment are already no
more. For me the effect is both positive and
negative because when others would agree
would me it affects me to get happy emotion
but when others disagree it affects me as
well to become upset or feel unsatisfied.)
For me the effect is both positive and
IDI 11-6
negative because when others would agree
would me it affects me to get happy emotion
but when others disagree it affects me as
well to become upset or feel unsatisfied.
(IDI 11-6 SS66)
(For me the effect is both positive and
negative because when others would agree
would me it affects me to get happy emotion
but when others disagree it affects me as
well to become upset or feel unsatisfied.)
My experience since I rant about uhmm
IDI 12-1
actually I am into ranting about politics as of
now since the election is getting near and
also, I rant about uhm academics because it
stresses me out. Mostly my experience is
what I felt for the day. For example, I'm
happy I rant about it on social media like I
share what I feel. Ranting makes me happy
just like that because you were able to
express your feelings.
(IDI 12-1 SS67)
(My experience since I rant about actually, I
am into ranting about politics as of now
since the election is getting near and also, I
rant about academics because it stresses me
out. Mostly my experience is what I felt for
the day. For example, I'm happy I rant about
it on social media like I share what I feel.
Ranting makes me happy just like that
because you were able to express your
Causes include as well my personal life
IDI 12-2
aside from what I have mentioned about
politics and academic concerns.
(IDI 12-2 SS68)
(Causes include as well my personal life
aside from what I have mentioned about
politics and academic concerns.)
I wanted to rant about it on social media
IDI 12-3
instead of telling some about it because there
are some people who would talk about
talking about things over and over again like
they could tell that you are just always
telling how tired you are. So, because of
that, it made me to just rant it over on the
social media for me not to hear responses I
am always talking the same thing over and
over again
(IDI 12-3 SS69)
(I wanted to rant about it on social media
instead of telling some about it because there
are some people who would talk about
talking about things over and over again like
they could tell that you are just always
telling how tired you are. So, because of
that, it made me to just rant it over on the
social media for me not to hear responses I
am always talking the same thing over and
over again.)
I actually feel okay after ranting on social
IDI 12-4
media. Not to the extent you feel too much
happiness but you would just feel okay after
you express what you feel. I am relieved.
(IDI 12-4 SS70)
(I actually feel okay after ranting on social
media. Not to the extent you feel too much
happiness but you would just feel okay after
you express what you feel. I am relieved.)
It affects me emotionally like uhm for
IDI 12-5
example I rant and the words I use if
exaggerating then I actually feel uhm like
more of a relief and then emotionally I am
okay with it.
(IDI 12-5 SS71)
(It affects me emotionally like uhm for
example I rant and the words I use if
exaggerating then I actually feel uhm like
more of a relief and then emotionally I am
okay with it.)
After ranting sometimes, I feel okay,
IDI 12-6
sometimes I don’t. Emotionally sometimes
it can hurt like when I read the things that I
try to express to the social media it will
repeatedly come to my mind and when I
visit on my timeline and I keep seeing that
post I feel sad about it and emotionally I will
get carried away with my feelings and
emotion. But it depends what content I rant
on social media. There is also sometimes I
will just never mind who would get upset
with what I posted. Just like that. And for
me, ranting is positive action because I was
able to express what I feel and then it’s a
relief after I tried to express it to words.
(IDI 12-6 SS72)
(After ranting sometimes, I feel okay,
sometimes I don’t. Emotionally sometimes
it can hurt like when I read the things that I
try to express to the social media it will
repeatedly come to my mind and when I
visit on my timeline and I keep seeing that
post I feel sad about it and emotionally I will
get carried away with my feelings and
emotion. But it depends what content I rant
on social media. There is also sometimes I
will just never mind who would get upset
with what I posted. Just like that. And for
me, ranting is positive action because I was
able to express what I feel and then it’s a
relief after I tried to express it to words.)
My experience ranting on social media
IDI 13-1
experience is, based on my experience in
online class is it is struggle plus I don’t have
enough resources that’s why I rant like to
bring back the face-to-face hopefully soon.
Ahm, there are times I rant but eventually I
delete it once I feel relief.
(IDI 13-1 SS73)
(My experience ranting on social media is
about online class. Then, based on my
experience in online class it is struggle plus
I don’t have enough resources that’s why I
rant like I want to bring back the face-to-face
hopefully soon. There are times I rant but
eventually I delete it once I feel relief.)
Miss, if I see that something wrong. The
IDI 13-2
causes of my ranting on social media is if I
can see something that I don’t like or against
with the opinions of other miss. Random
topics like politics and online class.
(IDI 13-2 SS74)
(If I see that something is wrong. The causes
of my ranting on social media is when I see
something that I don’t like or against with
the opinions of others. Random topics like
politics and online class.)
Facebook miss, that’s the only social media
IDI 13-3
account I have. Because I’m not used to
twitter and Instagram.
(IDI 13-3 SS75)
(Facebook, that’s the only social media
account I have. Because I’m not used to
twitter and Instagram.)
Guilty and then delete it later because, first
IDI 13-4
miss before I rant, I am not thinking about it.
I am being impulsive miss. And then later, I
realized that I was wrong on ranting without
(IDI 13-4 SS76)
(Guilty and then delete it later because,
before I rant, I am not thinking about it. I am
being impulsive. And then later, I realized
that I was wrong on ranting without
Before ranting miss, I feel like I’m really
IDI 13-5
against. Like, I feel angry that’s why I can
rant. Then after is I feel guilt. Sometimes I
could say that if am able to express myself I
feel satisfied. But then, I have this
realization that ranting is not always good,
positive vibes only.
(IDI 13-5 SS77)
(Before ranting, I feel like I’m really against.
Like, I feel angry that’s why I can rant. Then
after, I feel guilt. Sometimes I could say that
if I’m able to express myself I feel satisfied.
But then, I have this realization that ranting
is not always good, positive vibes only.)
I am not comfortable if I rant bcause I will
IDI 13-6
feel guilt later on. It’s negative for me that’s
why I stop it. Because I realized that it is not
good and it can ruin your reputation.
(IDI 13-6 SS78)
(I am not comfortable if I rant because I will
feel guilt later on. It’s negative for me that’s
why I stop it. Because I realized that it is not
good and it can ruin my reputation.)
Ahm, in general ahh…my way of ranting is
IDI 14-1
ahm, somewhat a pave way to release stress
as in IRL or in real life I don’t really stress
like ahm, destroying things cause I do that in
my mind but rather yeah, instead I post or
rant in social media making status or make
chat with my close friends about what I’ve
been through so that’s my way of ranting.
But there was one time that I made an issue
in the school like in third year high school,
like I was so stress as a class president at that
time that the way I relieve stress was a…I
use my cousins Facebook account then post
something like that. Like yeah, it was not an
intentional reaction towards how the people
around reacted. I just wanted to see what
were their reactions. But unexpectedly they
believe then to the point that many of them
go to our house. It was a bad experience for
me. But in general, it felt somewhat
satisfying except that experience of posting
fake news about me passing away. But that
experience is a way of relieving stress for
(IDI 14-1 SS79)
(In general, my way of ranting is somewhat
a pave way to release stress in real life I
don’t really stress like destroying things
because I do that in my mind but rather
instead, I post or rant in social media making
status or make chat with my close friends
about what I’ve been through so that’s my
way of ranting. But there was one time that
I made an issue in the school like in third
year high school, like I was so stress as a
class president at that time that the way I
relieve stress was, I use my cousins
pretending that rest in peace something like
that. Like, it was not an intentional reaction
towards how the people around reacted. I
just wanted to see what were their reactions.
But unexpectedly they believe, then to the
point that many of them go to our house. It
was a bad experience for me. But in general,
it felt somewhat satisfying except that
experience of posting fake news about me
passing away. But that experience is a way
of relieving stress for me.)
The causes, because of what I’ve been
IDI 14-2
through like ahm, stress at school, stress at
work stress at family because the only way I
can relieve it is through social media like
ahh… what I’ve been through like someone
scolded me though it’s just a little mistake I
feel the urge to rant it on Facebook like
captioning “gamay ra gani tung sayop unya
mag ing-ana dayon” so yeah, then those
were one of the causes. Personal issues like
I’m sad, I’m feeling angry, I post it on media
as a way of ranting.
(IDI 14-2 SS80)
(The causes, because of what I’ve been
through like stress at school, stress at work
stress at family because the only way I can
relieve it is through social media like what
I’ve been through, like someone scolded me
though it’s just a little mistake I feel the urge
to rant it on Facebook like captioning
“gamay ra gani tung sayop unya mag ingana dayon” so, then those were one of the
causes. Personal issues like I’m sad, I’m
feeling angry, I post it on media as a way of
Facebook, since I’m not that active on
IDI 14-3
twitter and Instagram. So, as I’ve mention
since I cannot do it in real life like, I am a
kind of person that is understanding or I
have patience like above average for me if I
could rate myself. But if once I’m at my
height of anger or I’ll be trigger instead of
shouting or destroying things I rather go to
social media and rant. So those are one of
my coping mechanisms to relieve my stress.
(IDI 14-3 SS81)
(Facebook, since I’m not that active on
twitter and Instagram. So, as I’ve mention
since I cannot do it in real life like, I am a
kind of person that is understanding or I
have patience like above average for me if I
could rate myself. But if once I’m at my
height of anger or I’ll be trigger instead of
shouting or destroying things I rather go to
social media and rant. So those are one of
my coping mechanisms to relieve my
Ahm, there are some faces in my end like
IDI 14-4
pre, during and post ranting, like pre is I will
think like what to type and what to post
something like that. I’ll make a draft in my
head so that’s the pre. Then my feeling was
that is the ahh… the anticipation. Then
during, is how I will make my draft like in
my mind what will I type then along the way
I’ll edit, I will check the grammar so I will
not be embarrassed. Then post, after ranting
I feel satisfied it’s like my anger is lost. With
my experience I felt relieve watching the
reaction but there’s some regrets as well.
(IDI 14-4 SS82)
(There are some faces in my end like pre,
during and post ranting, like pre is I will
think like what to type and what to post
something like that. I’ll make a draft in my
head so that’s the pre. Then my feeling was
the anticipation. Then during, is how I will
make my draft like in my mind what will I
type then along the way I’ll edit, I will check
the grammar so I will not be embarrassed.
Then post, after ranting I feel satisfied it’s
like my anger is lost. With my experience I
felt relieve watching the reaction but there’s
some regrets as well.)
Okay this is quite difficult. Honestly, there
IDI 14-5
is none for me like ahm, there’s I have the
same emotions for me in pre and post
because in pre ranting I get angry but not to
the point that I get suicidal something like
that. Then in post, for me is like it’s gone
like myself return to my normal self, way
before I experience stress.
(IDI 14-5 SS83)
(Okay this is quite difficult. Honestly, there
is none for me like I have the same emotions
for me in pre and post because in pre ranting
I get angry but not to the point that I get
suicidal something like that. Then in post,
for me is like it’s gone like myself return to
my normal self, way before I experience
It has negative views about other people’s
IDI 14-6
reaction since I made an issue about it like I
mentioned before. But in my end or
emotional self it gave a positive effect. So,
if I’m to add up there are two sides for me,
like it’s the best and positive way for me but
it depends on the content of my rant it might
give a negative effect for other people.
(IDI 14-6 SS84)
(It has negative views about other people’s
reaction since I made an issue about it like I
mentioned before. But in my end or
emotional self it gave a positive effect. So,
if I’m to add up there are two sides for me,
like it’s the best and positive way for me but
it depends on the content of my rant it might
give a negative effect for other people.)
Ahm, actually it’s good, because you know
IDI 15-1
I get to release or vent out the negative
energies or stress in me that I’ve been
keeping and then ahm, sometimes it feels so
good when ahm, the person that you wanted
to ahm, release your anger to is they
understand so it’s like that there’s a sense of
fulfilment that (sigh) Thank you like that.
And sometimes it’s just ahm, on a random
day like I rant I think almost every day I rant
miss yeah but it’s just like my way of
releasing my emotion that’s it.
(IDI 15-1 SS85)
(Actually, it’s good because you know I get
to release or vent out the negative energies
or stress in me that I’ve been keeping and
then sometimes it feels so good when the
person that you wanted to release your anger
to is they understand so it’s like that there’s
a sense of fulfilment that thank you like that.
And sometimes it’s just on a random day
like I rant I think almost every day I rant but
it’s just like my way of releasing my
emotion that’s it.)
Hmm…causes? like when I have a bad day
IDI 15-2
that’s when I get irritated. Ahm, right now
more on academics like this teacher is like
this and the discussion could have been
better if it’s like this. I rant personal issues
sometimes like about my friends because I
feel like I did not reciprocate the amount of
affection that I give to them. So that’s why I
rant because I don’t have any means to share
my feelings.
(IDI 15-2 SS86)
(Causes like when I have a bad day that’s
when I get irritated. Right now, more on
academics like this teacher is like this and
the discussion could have been better if it’s
like this. I rant personal issues sometimes
like about my friends because I feel like I did
not reciprocate the amount of affection that
I give to them. So that’s why I rant because
I don’t have any means to share my
Ahm, twitter because there nobody ahm, a
IDI 15-3
few only knows me in that account so I can
just do whatever I want. Most likely I only
rant on twitter. It’s like my diary in an online
(IDI 15-3 SS87)
(Twitter, because there few only knows me
in that account so I can just do whatever I
want. Most likely I only rant on twitter. It’s
like my diary in an online setting.)
Ahm, first I feel ahm, relieve and there’s a
IDI 15-4
sugar rush while typing. Yes, and after once
posting it like (sigh) finally I feel relief that
the memory or experience is now gone and
I can move on, like that.
(IDI 15-4 SS88)
(First, I feel relieve and you feel there’s a
sugar rush while typing. Yes, and after
posting it like finally I feel relief that the
memory or experience is now gone and I can
move on like that.)
Ahm, affect my emotion? Ahm, during
IDI 15-5
ranting I feel angry but like not in a state that
is super angry as in that you don’t have
netiquette already something like that. Ahh,
I still construct my words that I want to put
out in the media because that is still media.
And even if I’m angry I still try my best to
be appropriate enough like I don’t curse I
don’t do that. Ahm…I just let words flow in
until my anger vanishes away like that miss.
And once I get to upload it (sigh) finally
ahm, yeah, my anger seizes in me.
(IDI 15-5 SS89)
(During ranting I feel angry but like not in a
state that is super angry as in that you don’t
have netiquette already something like that.
I still construct my words that I want to put
out in the media because that is still media.
And even if I’m angry I still try my best to
be appropriate enough like I don’t curse, I
don’t do that I just let words flow in until my
anger vanishes away like that. And once I
get to upload it finally my anger seizes in
Effects, it made me ahm, it made me
IDI 15-6
somehow reflect miss my previous emotion.
Like example looking back scrolling back in
my account I could realize and reminisce the
time I wasn’t in myself so if I were to go
back to this time, I should have done this or
ahm, it helps in my repress emotion to bring
back the memories. It also gives thrill. It is
positive because at the end of the day ahm, I
don’t rant to attack other people or like
connotation about ranting like “attention
seeker” something like that. But ahm, for me
it’s just like expressing how my day went,
how devastating it is or how randomly
messed up it is, so for me it’s positive miss.
(IDI 15-6 SS90)
(It made me somehow reflect my previous
emotion. Like example looking back
scrolling back in my account I could realize
and reminisce the time I wasn’t in myself so
if I were to go back up to this time, I thought
of should have done this or it helps in my
repress emotion to bring back the memories.
It also gives thrill. It is positive because at
the end of the day, I don’t rant to attack other
people or like other. People always have
negative connotation about ranting like
“attention seeker” something like that. But
for me it’s just like expressing how my day
went, how devastating it is or how randomly
messed up it is, so for me it’s positive.)
Ahm, many times, like it’s not really many
IDI 16-1
times like I still could count cause I was
never the type before to rant on social media
like, I just like to keep it myself my own
comfortable now expressing on social
media. Maybe because also of the situation
that I am no longer you know having
physical conversation with my friends so
that is why. Cause before we could still
physically talk to them but now, we are all
moving virtually. I rant before pandemic but
not virtually.
(IDI 16-1 SS91)
(Many times, like it’s not really many times
I still could count because I was never the
type of person before to rant on social
media, I just like to keep it myself my own
comfortable now expressing on social
media. Maybe because also of the situation
that I am no longer having physical
conversation with my friends so that is why.
Because before we could still physically talk
to them but now, we are all moving
virtually. I already rant before pandemic
crisis but not virtually.)
A lot, like there’s a variety of causes ahm,
IDI 16-2
but the overbearing reason why I rant on
social media it could be because of my
responsibilities, academic stress.
(IDI 16-2 SS92)
(A lot, like there’s a variety of causes, but
the overbearing reason why I rant on social
media is because of my academic situation,
academic responsibilities, and academic
Facebook and twitter, because in twitter
IDI 16-3
ahm, I’m much more comfortable ranting on
twitter because I have few mutual like
there’s no bigger audience. And in Facebook
as well, ahm, in Facebook I have many
friends compare to my twitter but ahm, I am
comfortable cause it made me feel that there
is someone I could share to. Cause
sometimes my friends are busy and you need
to let out your emotions already that’s why.
(IDI 16-3 SS93)
comfortable ranting on twitter because I
have few mutual like there’s no bigger
audience. And in Facebook as well, in
Facebook I have many friends compare to
my twitter but I am comfortable because it
made me feel that there is someone I could
share to because sometimes my friends are
busy and you feel the need to let out your
emotions already that’s why.)
Ahm, initially I really feel fine you feel like
IDI 16-4
it’s less burden because you let it out then
right afterwards like a few hours or a few
minutes I usually feels anxious, anxiety like
what if my status is I was too negative and
then I have friends dealing with problems as
well then, they could read and they might
think of it also, I feel like I might spread
more negativity or negative vibe towards
them so I feel anxious. But then I would
think that I might be valid also cause I’m
feeling negative as well. There is really ahm,
satisfaction after ranting.
(IDI 16-4 SS94)
(Initially, I really feel fine. I feel like less
burden because I let it out then right
afterwards like a few hours or a few minutes
I usually feels anxious, anxiety like what if
in my status is I was too negative and then I
have friends dealing with problems as well
then, they could read and they might think
of it also, I feel like I might spread more
negativity or negative vibe towards them so
I feel anxious. But then I would think that I
might be valid also cause I’m feeling
negative as well. There is really satisfaction
after ranting.)
Hmm, ahm… like ahm at this time like I’m
IDI 16-5
in an outburst, there is this one-time that I’m
really peace off and then I then turn to
twitter to tweet about my anger and then
right after twitting miss my anger subside
like (sigh) ahh! finally. Before ranting
emotions are way too heavy like it’s too
strong. But if you let it out, it’s like when
you’re updating your status and it’s all about
what were you feeling it is like you’re
expressing your emotions.
(IDI 16-5 SS95)
(At this time like I’m in an outburst, there is
this one-time that I’m really peace off and
then I go to twitter to tweet about my anger
and then right after twitting my anger
emotions are way too heavy like it’s too
strong. But if you let it out, it’s like when
you’re updating your status and you share
Ahh, for the most striking part it does make
IDI 16-6
me feel good honestly, cause it’s the same
thing of like telling people or making people
aware of how I’m feeling. Other people
would say, (in my defense) instead of
ranting on social media why would just
share to people but for me, if there’s one
certain person you could share to and he’s
not available at the moment you lifted no
choice. It does really make me feel good at
a certain point and it lightens the mood the
emotions that you’re feeling.
(IDI 16-6 SS96)
(For the most striking part it does make me
feel good honestly, because it’s the same
thing of like telling people or making people
aware of how I’m feeling. Other people
would say, (in my defense) instead of
ranting on social media why would just
share to people but for me, if there’s one
certain person you could share to and he’s
not available at the moment you lifted no
choice. Hence, It does really make me feel
good at a certain point and it lightens the
mood and emotions that you’re feeling.)
most FM1-Twitter and Facebook
common social media platform are popular social media
nowadays, like twitter or facebook. platforms for ranting, and
I always rant through these social they serve to relieve strain
media platform aside from, it’s a or
form of stress reliever, it is also numerous
break from academic stress, Hmm such as academic issues.
Also many people would relate and
be able to read my rants.
(IDI 1-1 SS 1)
(usually most common social media
platform nowadays, like twitter or
facebook. I always rant through
these social media platform aside
from, it’s a form of stress reliever, it
is also break from academic stress,
Also many people would relate and
be able to read my rants.)
Ahmm, aside from what I have said FM2- Many people can
earlier that many people would relate to ranting, and it can
relate, it is also possible that the also address the person who
person causes why I was ranting provoked the ranter to rant.
would read it, and also I was hoping
that person should read it and make
point out of it.
(IDI 1-2 SS2)
(aside from what I have said earlier
that many people would relate, it is
also possible that the person causes
why I was ranting would read it, and
also I was hoping that person should
read it and make point out of it.)
Hhmmmm Many of my friends FM3- Sympathy is obtained
would give sympathy, ranting on by ranting, which lightens
social media makes lighter for me the mood and boosts the
than talking with the professionals. ego,
My friends would also build up my other people agree with the
ego through commenting and liking rants.
my post or rants.
(IDI 1-3 SS3)
(Many of my friends would give
sympathy, ranting on social media
makes lighter for me than talking
with the professionals. My friends
would also build up my ego through
commenting and liking my post or
Ahhhh Ranting it out in social
FM4- The act of ranting on
media would give myself a relief,
social media provides relief
hmmmm It also be a break from
and serves as a stress
my academic stress. It is a stress
reliever for me.
(IDI 1-4 SS4)
(Ranting it out in social media
would give myself a relief, It also
be a break from my academic
stress. It is a stress reliever for me.)
It’s not really could give off my FM5-
anger hmmm but it could somehow does
lighten my mood.
remove a ranter's wrath, it
does lighten the mood for a
(IDI 1-5 SS5)
(It’s not really could give off my
anger but it could somehow lighten
my mood.)
It lightens my self, I am not aiming FM6-When
to release my anger, at least there is ranter feels as if there is
someone who is willing to listen to someone open to listening,
which can help to ease the
(IDI 1-6 SS6)
(It lightens my self, I am not aiming
to release my anger, at least there is
someone who is willing to listen to
Basically, my experiences, ahhhh, I FM7- Ranter rave on social
don’t have really a preference on media about one specific
what rant, unlike rant on political problem, but it's frequently
views. It is really on a certain topic more about the ranter's
with a certain person. I’m not really dislike of other people.
limited to one certain issue. So, I
basically rant basing on how the
person is, ahhhhh.. showing his/her
attitude towards me.
(IDI 2-1 SS7)
(Basically, my experiences, I don’t
have really a preference on what
rant, unlike rant on political views.
It is really on a certain topic with a
certain person. I’m not really
limited to one certain issue. So, I
basically rant basing on how the
person is, showing his/her attitude
towards me.)
Basically, annoying people, that’s FM8-
really my trigger point, specially individuals drive the ranter
when they use social media as well to vent on social media.
to annoy me. So, I really just use the
social media but I also ahhh.. so yes
that’s really the main cause, the
annoying people.
(IDI 2-2 SS8)
(Basically, annoying people, that’s
really my trigger point, specially
when they use social media as well
to annoy me. So, I really just use the
social media but I also . so yes that’s
really the main cause, the annoying
Most of my rants, specially on social FM9- Ranting on social
media are not really intended to media is a way to express
point out names. So, Ahhhhh I just uncommon feelings and the
want to rant it out on social media so need to get things out.
that I could let it out the manner that
it is not usual, hmmm because
actually when I rant I just want to let
things out.
( IDI 2-3 SS9)
(Most of my rants, specially on
social media are not really intended
to point out names. So, I just want to
rant it out on social media so that I
could let it out the manner that it is
not usual, because actually when I
rant I just want to let things out.)
Sometimes I would laugh at it, I feel FM10-
like.. I feel relieved actually you satisfaction
know, to let thing out but not to hurt expressing himself without
self causing harm to others.
( IDI 2-4 SS10)
(Sometimes I would laugh at it, I
feel relieved actually you know, to
let things out but not to hurt
someone, so it’s just a selfsatisfactory.)
Ahhhhh, In my daily, In my overall FM11-
emotion a day it doesn’t have a generated by ranting will
really big impact, because I do rant pass quickly; the sentiments
on social media but it is not really will only be felt temporarily
die hard ranting you know, like which can not affect the
ahhhh, getting into an argument it’s entire mood of the ranter.
just a way of letting off, I’m just
gonna feel like some sort of
happiness for a moment but it
doesn’t really affect my mood for
the day.
( IDI 2-5 SS11)
( In my daily, In my overall emotion
a day it doesn’t have a really big
impact, because I do rant on social
media but it is not really die hard
ranting you know, like getting into
an argument it’s just a way of letting
off, I’m just gonna feel like some
sort of happiness for a moment but
it doesn’t really affect my mood for
the day.)
Well, ahhh I’m really a jolly person, FM12- The ranter did not
I’m not really into like taking things take things as seriously as
like ahhhh, like taking problems too he should have in order to
seriously just to, because I try to prevent stress.
avoid stress .
( IDI 2-6 SS12)
(Well, I’m really a jolly person, I’m
not really into like taking things like
taking problems too seriously just
to, because I try to avoid stress .
Ahhhhmmm, I often on ranting, FM13- Ranter frequently
especially in twitter. Sometimes I vents
encounter bashes from other people, encounters critics.
opinions. That is why they bash my
(IDI 3-1 SS13)
(I often o ranting, especially in
twitter. Sometimes I encounter
bashes from other people, when
they don’t accept my opinions. That
is why they bash my rants.)
Hmmmm, I think due to stress, then FM14- Because of stress,
you will just project yourself with people rant on social media
other things, because you can not and use it to depict their
express it in real life and you will feelings and selves.
just portray your social media self.
(IDI 3-2 SS14)
(I think due to stress, then you will
just project yourself with other
things, because you can not express
it in real life and you will just
portray your social media self.)
I think it is because, hmmm. When FM15-
Unlike ranting
someone portraying it in real life throughout person, ranting
people really bashes you in person, on social media avoids
but in social media you can mask being attacked and allows
yourself as someone, like you will for self-disclosure via a
not disclose yourself by using other dummy account.
(IDI 3-3 SS15)
(I think it is because, When
someone portraying it in real life
people really bashes you in person,
but in social media you can mask
yourself as someone, like you will
not disclose yourself by using other
Sometimes relief, sometimes it FM16- Ranting provides
makes you more stress. But mostly both relief and stress, but it
it can relief the burdens you are is primarily used to relieve
(IDI 3-4 SS16)
(Sometimes relief, sometimes it
makes you more stress. But mostly
it can relief the burdens you are
It makes enraged, actually it is not FM17- While ranting on
healthy but social media is my social media can be used as
escape but overall it makes me a means of escape, it is
toxic to one's emotional
(IDI 3-5 SS17)
(It makes enraged, actually it is not
healthy but social media is my
escape but overall it makes me
Ahhhhh, Like I said enraged, FM18- While ranting may
instead of confronting my emotion arouse negative emotions,
my ranters continue to rant
is, because it provides a sense
hmmmm I chose ranting even of calm when expressing
though it not healthy and it is emotions.
exposed on social media. It is not
good for me but it becomes a habit.
Even no ones pays attention, hmmm
at least I express my emotions and
that affects me for now with enraged
but sometimes it gives me calmness.
(IDI 3-6 SS18)
(Like I said enraged, instead of
confronting my emotion and to find
solution of my whatsoever my
problem is, I chose ranting even
though it not healthy and it is
exposed on social media. It is not
good for me but it becomes a habit.
Even no one pays attention, at least
I express my emotions and that
affects me for now with enraged but
sometimes it gives me calmness.)
Hmmmmm, Actually, I have a lot of FM19- Ranter use social
experiences on ranting, like Ahhhh, media
for example about the issue of a intense emotions about an
policeman who shot two persons in issue that violates personal
front of his daughter and in front of life morals and is illegal.
the family he shot. ahhmmm It is
unlawful and immoral for me and
that is why I rant it over on social
media to express my hatred towards
that policeman.
(IDI 4-1 SS19)
experiences on ranting, like for
example about the issue of a
policeman who shot two persons in
front of his daughter and in front of
the family he shot. It is unlawful
and immoral for me and that is why
I rant it over on social media to
express my hatred towards that
Okay, I rant on social it is because FM20- Rants on social
of its coverage, if you want to voice media allow people to air
out your opinions, also you have their opinions and interact
interactions with others
bigger with others.
(IDI 4-2 SS20)
(Okay, I rant on social it is because
of its coverage, if you want to voice
out your opinions, also you have
interactions with others.)
Ahhhmmmm, I rant on social media FM21- Ranters rant on
due to my triggering point that you social media to express
need to express rather than keeping triggering factors and to
it to yourself. Hmmm I am a type of gain sympathy from others.
person where I want someone to
know what is my feelings and I want
someone to know my rants
(IDI 4-3 SS21)
(I rant on social media due to my
triggering point that you need to
express rather than keeping it to
yourself. I am a type of person
where I want someone to know what
is my feelings and I want someone
to know my rants.)
Of course after you rant you will FM22- When others tend to
feel relax and overwhelm because of agree with the rants, it
those people who will agree with relaxes and overwhelms.
(IDI 4-4 SS22)
(Of course after you rant you will
feel relax and overwhelm because of
those people who will agree with
Ahhmm, It could actually affect my FM23- Ranting can affect
emotion, anger will be never be the ranters’ emotions in
absent. Hmmmmm, But there are different ways, such as the
times you will feel guilty when feeling
ranting on social media because concerns they may impart
maybe someone will be affected.
(IDI 4-5 SS23)
to others who read the rants.
(It could actually affect my emotion,
anger will be never be absent. But
there are times you will feel guilty
when ranting on social media
because maybe someone will be
Hhmmmmm, In my viewpoint there FM24-
is positive effect because you are ranting has both positive
acknowledging your emotions, your and negative consequences.
thoughts and something like that, It is positive in the sense
hmmmm, also there is negative that
effect, as we all know social media acknowledged, but it is
this negative in the sense that
audience will agree with you it rants may have an impact
could affect the person who is the on the subject of the rants.
topic of your rant.
(IDI 4-6 SS24)
(In my viewpoint there is positive
acknowledging your emotions, your
thoughts and something like that,
also there is negative effect, as we
all know social media has bigger
audience and this audience will
agree with you it could affect the
person who is the topic of your
Personally, I don’t really rant on FM25- Twitter is a more
facebook and instagram I do rant on popular
twitter but it is private and it is not venting than other social
public, followers are chosen and media platforms such as
that’s why I rant there like inner facebook and instagram, as
ahm inner thoughts like that but it is followers are only chosen to
not like revealing everything.
(IDI 5-1 SS25)
(Personally, I don’t really rant on
facebook and instagram I do rant on
twitter but it is private and it is not
public, followers are chosen and
that’s why I rant there like inner
thoughts like that but it is not like
revealing everything)
see the rants
Well, maybe it’s my way uhm of FM26-It's as if having
venting, I don’t really open with my someone to talk to on social
friends and my family like that, it is media has been a release
like my way of releasing of what channel
I’ve feel it feels like it’s my way of concerns.
thinking that I have someone I can
talk to like that. Releasing what I’ve
feel, like that
(IDI 5-2 SS26)
(Well, maybe it’s my way of
venting, I don’t really open up with
my friends and my family like that,
it is like my way of releasing of what
I’ve feel it feels like it’s my way of
thinking that I have someone I can
talk to like that. Releasing what I’ve
feel, like that)
There is no deeper reason but like I FM27- There's no reason to
just want to, there is no deeper rant on social media at all.
meaning or deeper reason why I
rant, yeah
(IDI 5-3 SS27)
(There is no deeper reason but like I
just want to, there is no deeper
meaning or deeper reason why I
Not really, there are times I know I FM28- Ranting will just
feel like somewhat I’d released what yield a neutral feeling. It
I’d feel but not fully. I don’t really can release feelings, but
feel good after and I don’t also feel they never last after the act
bad either somewhat in the middle.
(IDI 5-4 SS28)
(Not really, there are times I know I
feel like somewhat I’d released what
I’d feel but not fully. I don’t really
feel good after and I don’t also feel
bad either somewhat in the middle)
of ranting.
Uhm, sometimes I felt guilty right FM29- After ranting on
after and regret right after because I social media, one gets a
feel like it is wrong, it is not worth sense of relief and guilt.
to share in that platform somewhat
like that, sometimes I feel relieve,
like that and relieve through ranting
on twitter
(IDI 5-5 SS29)
(Sometimes I felt guilty right after
and regret right after because I feel
like it is wrong, it is not worth to
share in that platform somewhat like
that, sometimes I feel relieve like
that and relieve through ranting on
It doesn’t really make difference but FM30- The ranter feels as if
as I’ve said earlier it kind of makes they have someone to talk
me feel like I’m talking to someone, to through social media
I feel like even though I don’t share ranting, which helps relieve
to my friends and family I feel like I their thoughts and feelings.
have someone to converse with and
relieved my thoughts and feelings.
(IDI 5-6 SS30)
(It doesn’t really make difference
but as I’ve said earlier it kind of
makes me feel like I’m talking to
someone, I feel like even though I
don’t share to my friends and family
I feel like I have someone to
converse with and relieved my
thoughts and feelings.)
Uhm, before way back junior high FM31- Social media has
school 9th grade or 10th grade I rant evolved into a diary filled
loudly on social media going SHS, I with rants that oppose the
rant loudly on social media. I make ranter's point of view.
it as my diary and rant anything that
opposes my stand, I post it.
(IDI 6-1 SS31)
(Before way back junior high school
9th grade or 10th grade I rant loudly
on social media going SHS, I rant
loudly on social media. I make it as
my diary and rant anything that
opposes my stand, I post it.)
Maybe because I don’t have friends FM32- Due to the lack of a
to talk to and I don’t have rant buddy person
so what would I do is I will post it in ranters
social media and didn’t care if media, which serves as a
someone would like or comment as sounding board.
long as I can write my rant on the
social media platform I chose to
express myself and to release what
I’ve feel.
(IDI 6-2 SS32)
Maybe because I don’t have friends
to talk to and I don’t have rant buddy
so what would I do is I will post it in
social media and didn’t care if
someone would like or comment as
long as I can write my rant on the
social media platform I chose to
express myself and to release what
I’ve feel.
Mine would be, on twitter I decide FM33-Ranters
to rant on twitter it’s because there Twitter
is no judgmental person on twitter because it is judgementand they didn’t care and mind, they free.
will not ask questions and they don’t
reply about your rants. Sometimes,
unlike on facebook there are a lot of
people who will comment and they
will take screenshots and make it to
use a gossip. I weigh everything, if I
will rant and if I don’t like someone
is talking about it then I’ll rant on
twitter and sometimes if I want
someone that I can talk to then I’ll
post on facebook
(IDI 6-3 SS33)
(Mine would be, on twitter I decide
to rant on twitter it’s because there
is no judgmental person on twitter
and they didn’t care and mind, they
will not ask questions and they don’t
reply about your rants. Sometimes,
unlike on facebook there are a lot of
people who will comment and they
will take screenshots and make it to
use a gossip. I weigh everything, if I
will rant and if I don’t like someone
is talking about it then I’ll rant on
twitter and sometimes if I want
someone that I can talk to then I’ll
post on facebook)
At first I feel a little bit relieved FM34- Ranting on social
because it seems like nothing, it media
seems like I don’t feel the heaviness comforts
just because I don’t have someone particularly when there is
to talk to, so if I can rant on my no one to express with.
social media account I feel comfort.
I feel a little bit of happy because I
am able to express myself.
(IDI 6-4 SS34)
(At first I feel a little bit relieved
because it seems like nothing, it
seems like I don’t feel the heaviness
just because I don’t have someone
to talk to, so if I can rant on my
social media account I feel comfort.
I feel a little bit of happy because I
am able to express myself.)
Ahh, it depends on facebook after I FM35-
rant on facebook there is a tendency feelings, but it deteriorates
after when someone tries to
expressing I feel relieved and next debate.
thing I would feel angry because I’ll others have an impact on
get heated if I have someone feelings after ranting.
debated but I don’t do personal is
just like I’ll get heated of our
argument. I want to inform them
that they are wrong, like that by
finding facts that supports my stands
then on twitter I rant because i feel
lonely and I feel like I’m alone and
I don’t have someone to talk about
my personal problems like that.
(IDI 6-5 SS35)
It depends on facebook after I rant
on facebook there is a tendency that
I have an enemy after expressing I
feel relieved and next thing I would
feel angry because I’ll get heated if
I have someone debated but I don’t
do personal is just like I’ll get heated
of our argument. I want to inform
them that they are wrong, like that
by finding facts that supports my
stands then on twitter I rant because
I feel lonely and I feel like I’m alone
and I don’t have someone to talk
about my personal problems like
Uhm, before like uhm probably last FM36- Ranting on social
year I ranted on facebook then media
before my account was locked I emotional impact on the
ranted, there were some people I ranter when people who
debated somewhat they take it as read start to criticize, and it
personal and they really argue and it would outgrow bullying,
makes me stressed before because even though the rants just
they join forces it somewhat, its revolve around personal
bully. It is called cyber bullying, life.
somewhat I was slightly stressed
like not totally stressed but I was
sad, sad was the term I was sad
because I was cyber bullied. I
decided to locked my account for
someone who doesn’t really know
me would not be able to uhm, would
bully me on facebook. Somehow on
twitter umm it’s positive for me, for
myself and I can say that I have me
time on my twitter account. Overall,
it is negative for me because the
platform is huge, social media
platform like there are many people
would see your posts and there is a
tendency that you be cyber bullied
because of your posts even though it
is your personal problem there is
still a tendency you get cyber
(IDI 6-6 SS36)
Before like probably last year I
ranted on facebook then before my
account was locked I ranted, there
somewhat they take it as personal
and they really argue and it makes
me stressed before because they join
forces it somewhat, its bully. It is
called cyber bullying, somewhat I
was slightly stressed like not totally
stressed but I was sad, sad was the
term I was sad because I was cyber
bullied. I decided to locked my
account for someone who doesn’t
really know me would not be able
to, would bully me on facebook.
Somehow on twitter umm it’s
positive for me, for myself and I can
say that I have me time on my
twitter account. Overall, it is
platform is huge, social media
platform like there are many people
would see your posts and there is a
tendency that you be cyber bullied
because of your posts even though it
is your personal problem there is
still a tendency you get cyber
So, usually I don’t really rant or FM37- The context of
direct my rant to someone I usually ranting
rant through shared posts. There are personal beliefs, opinions,
posts I share and I’ll put caption to and disagreements.
it my rants or about my opinions,
about my beliefs, about posts, about
my disagreements like that. So
actually it’s random, there are
politics or uhmm sometimes I see
injustice like that.
(IDI 7-1 SS 37)
So, usually I don’t really rant or
direct my rant to someone I usually
rant through shared posts. There are
posts I share and I’ll put caption to
it about my rants or about my
opinions, about my beliefs, about
posts, about my disagreements like
that. So actually it’s random, there
are politics or sometimes I see
injustice like that.
So, main thing is when a certain FM38-
posts triggers me or a certain posts triggered by a specific issue
shows injustice like abusive people involving
then of course as citizen or as a publicly
human you would react somehow viewpoint
we defend and we react or we get platforms in order to spread
angry especially if there are belittled awareness.
individual. Usually, also the idea of
posts is, like posts information I
ranted like that, usually I ranted it’s
because of disagreements.
(IDI 7-2 SS38)
So, main thing is when a certain
posts triggers me or a certain posts
shows injustice like abusive people
then of course as citizen or as a
human you would react somehow
we defend and we react or we get
angry especially if there are belittled
individual. Usually, also the idea of
posts is, like posts information I
ranted like that, usually I ranted it’s
because of disagreements.
Uhm, of course I wanted to express FM39- Ranter uses social
also my ideas and opinions to show media
that I also care for the people express
especially to those aggrieved people others.
or belittled. So I also want to inform
them that they it not right like that.
(IDI 7-3 SS39)
Of course I wanted to express also
my ideas and opinions to show that
I also care for the people especially
belittled. So I also want to inform
them that they it not right like that.
So after ranting, somehow I feel like FM40- After ranting, it
I’m relieved or somehow I can say provides a sense of relief
that I had shared my opinion, I feel and expresses opinions that
like I was able to help at least by enlighten others' thinking.
sharing an posts it makes people see,
they able to know my opinion or
ideas on my rants it could also open
their mind so I feel like I helped
others also to become aware of
what’s happening.
(IDI 7-4 SS 40)
So after ranting, somehow I feel like
I’m relieved or somehow I can say
that I had shared my opinion, I feel
like I was able to help at least by
sharing an posts it makes people see,
they able to know my opinion or
ideas on my rants it could also open
their mind so I feel like I helped
others also to become aware of
what’s happening.
Uhmm, quiet it doesn’t mean FM41- Ranting on social
emotion media elicits a range of
depends what kind of rant. Of emotions
course sometimes emotional or depending on what kind of
sometimes angry especially posts rants it is all about.
are sensitive when it comes to
injustices. I’m very insensitive to
that, usually I got angry.
(IDI 7-5 SS41)
Quiet it doesn’t mean specific, it is
mixed emotion depends what kind
of rant. Of course sometimes
emotional or sometimes angry
especially posts are sensitive when
it comes to injustices. I’m very
insensitive to that, usually I got
After ranting sometimes I feel FM42- Through ranting on
angry, like after. Later on I feel social media the ranter is
relieved or somehow I able to able to express themselves
released my anger through ranting. and it has positive effect.
Because I able to express what I
want to express through social
media, through ranting on social
media like that, I feel like I able to
relieved my anger. Positive effect
it’s because I was able to vent
out/express my opinion and what I
(IDI 7-6 SS42)
(After ranting sometimes I feel
angry, like after. Later on I feel
relieved or somehow I able to
released my anger through ranting.
Because I able to express what I
want to express through social
media, through ranting on social
media like that, I feel like I able to
relieved my anger. Positive effect
it’s because I was able to vent
out/express my opinion and what I
Uhm, my experiences on social FM43- At times, ranting
media is mixed like it is a one way can be therapeutic and
of relieving your, relieving your allows the ranter to share
stress or your opinions. If you have his thoughts with others.
opinion, you can share your opinion
in that thing through sharing and
(IDI 8-1 SS43)
(My experiences on social media is
mixed like it is a one way of
relieving your, relieving your stress
or your opinions. If you have
opinion, you can share your opinion
in that thing through sharing and
Mostly uhm, like your thoughts, FM44- On social media
thoughts or your experiences you platforms, the ranter can
like to express, you will vent out express their opinions and
there like venting out because no thoughts without fear of
one will judge. Like you don’t have being judged.
someone you choose or can talk to
twitter you vent out all your
(IDI 8-2 SS44)
Mostly like your thoughts, thoughts
or your experiences you like to
express, you will vent out there like
venting out because no one will
judge. Like you don’t have someone
you choose or can talk to through
social media, through twitter you
vent out all your problems.
Uhmm, it is my personal choice but FM45- Ranting on social
of course you have to be, you have media is a personal choice.
to be careful also. You have to limit
your posts it’s because sometimes
the information can easily spread.
(IDI 8-3 SS45)
(It is my personal choice but of
course you have to be, you have to
be careful also. You have to limit
your posts it’s because sometimes
the information can easily spread.)
Uhm, you feel relieve like you are FM46- Ranting on social
able to express it.
media provides a sense of
(IDI 8-4 SS46)
(You feel relieve like you are able to
express it.)
Affect my emotion, it changes your FM47- After expressing,
emotion like for example if you ranting on social media
didn’t rant that out its still heavy and
you’re sad but when you finally post helps to relieve and lighten
it you feel like light
(IDI 8-5 SS47)
(Affect my emotion, it changes your
emotion like for example if you
didn’t rant that out its still heavy and
you’re sad but when you finally post
it you feel like light)
Uhm, for me mostly I used twitter FM48-Because
its positive for me because there are different audience, Twitter
only few people able to see, and few seems
people can see your posts unlike on medium for ranting than a
facebook it’s common and you Facebook account.
don’t have privacy like that.
(IDI 8-6 SS48)
(For me mostly I used twitter its
positive for me because there are
only few people able to see, and few
people can see your posts unlike on
facebook it’s common and you
don’t have privacy like that.)
I rant once ummh if things get too FM49- Ranting on social
much or I feel burden with my loads media usually occurs when
or preoccupied with so much things the ranter is unable to bear
to do and along the run also I can all of the burdens that have
realize that hmm like it even made it been handled.
worst especially when I think that it
is not right if I do too much ranting
so I stop it for a while. I would not
use my twitter for how many days. I
will just get back to ranting when I
feel the burden again.
(IDI 9-1 SS49)
(I rant once if things get too much or
I feel burden with my loads or
preoccupied with so much things to
do and along the run also I can
realize that like it even made it worst
especially when I think that it is not
right if I do too much ranting so I
stop it for a while. I would not use
my twitter for how many days. I will
just get back to ranting when I feel
the burden again.)
Uhmm… why I rant on social media FM50- Ranting on social
is because of academics because media may occur as a result
there are a lot of responsibilities to of
do and the demand being an officer social pressure, or family
was pressured. Aside from that I issues.
need to maintain my grades because
I am a scholar under CHED so it’s
quite heavy since you have to
maintain like you can manage
everything. It came to the point that
I will get fully exhausted so I rant. I
have also other responsibilities
outside the campus like a volunteer
in our community at the same time
SK official so there is too much
uhmm demand of responsibilities.
Lastly, I rant also about family
problems because I feel the need to
express what I feel and later on I
would realize it already ease my
(IDI 9-2 SS50)
(Why I rant on social media is
because of academics because there
are a lot of responsibilities to do and
the demand being an officer was
pressured. Aside from that I need to
maintain my grades because I am a
scholar under CHED so it’s quite
heavy since you have to maintain
like you can manage everything. It
came to the point that I will get fully
exhausted so I rant. I have also other
responsibilities outside the campus
like a volunteer in our community at
the same time SK official so there is
responsibilities. Lastly, I rant also
about family problems because I
feel the need to express what I feel
and later on I would realize it
already ease my anger.)
hm so in twitter since that is the FM-51 Using social media
medium I used in ranting and only to vent one's frustrations is
few knew as to what I rant about a way for ranters to keep
because ummhh of my personal, I their personal matters out of
have my integrity, my reputation the public eye and avoid
that has built in my community and being seen as negative
the school society like I should not individuals.
display that I am weak because I
was also looked up by other
students. So, I don’t have to rant in
public, I just set aside everything
because it can really affect other
people you rant to especially if you
have the same feelings with others.
When I rant to them they could tell
the same thing so I’d rather keep it
on my own and we have different
experiences so no one could judge
you if ever you private your own
(IDI 9-3 SS51)
(In twitter since that is the medium,
I used in ranting and only few knew
as to what I rant about because of
my personal, I have my integrity,
my reputation that has built in my
community and the school society
like I should not display that I am
weak because I was also looked up
by other students. I don’t have to
rant in public, I just set aside
everything because it can really
affect other people you rant to
especially if you have the same
feelings with others. When I rant to
them they could tell the same thing
so id rather keep it on my own and
we have different experiences so no
one could judge you if ever you
private your own rants.)
Usually, when normal days I felt FM52- The ranter can lower
like I am not okay I write pieces in their aversive feelings and
my notepad and also rant it over on return to his\her sensations
social media. Once I write, it slowly through ranting on social
ease the feeling of being frustrated media.
and it lower also my temper and
seems like it help me to get back to
my normal functioning. When I get
back to normal functioning I
realized uhmm so okay this is what
im done doing uhm… but atleast
minimal people only can see my
rant so I wont regret uhmm. At some
point I am frank person so I better to
get off with people talking some
other things because I might cause
something that could affect them at
(IDI 9-4 SS52)
(Usually, when normal days I felt
like I am not okay I write pieces in
my notepad and also rant it over on
social media. Once I write, it slowly
ease the feeling of being frustrated
and it lower my temper and it helps
me to get back to my normal
functioning. When I get back to
normal functioning I realized so
okay “this is what im done doing but
atleast minimal people only can see
my rant so I wont regret. At some
point I am frank person so I better to
get off with people talking some
other things because I might cause
something that could affect them at
uhmmm it has a positive impact to FM53-
those people who don’t have ranting is beneficial as it
someone to talk to because it is like helps the ranter to express
a medium where you can express on himself and find a great
how you feel to like ummh once we solution to problems.
get tired same when you feel too
much you have to vent out to git rid
the negativities within yourself.
Through social media I was able to
express my emotions, and what I
feel I able to let it out. It has a
positive impact to myself and it
doesn’t cause negative feeling but it
gets me to the realization. After
ranting, I able to express and later on
realization goes on in like better to
work on than ranting.
(IDI 9-5 SS53)
(It has a positive impact to those
people who don’t have someone to
talk to because it is like a medium
where you can express on how you
feel to like once we get tired same
when you feel too much you have to
vent out to git rid the negativities
within yourself. Through social
media I was able to express my
emotions, and what I feel I able to
let it out. It has a positive impact to
myself and it doesn’t cause negative
feeling but it gets me to the
realization. After ranting, I able to
express and later on realization goes
on in like better to work on than
Uhm.. sometimes being a social FM54- This could have
be seemed that ranting on
required especially doing an activity social media is a great way
which there is really socialization to unwind and reflect. It
involved. However, it suffocates me assists the individual in
and I tend to isolate and once I coping
isolated myself, it would trigger and which is necessary in order
made me to start to rant. At some to think of better ways to
point it is like it helps to balance my resolve conflicts.
social aspect and personal self. I
would feel the comfort. When I
socialization, I begin to feel the
migrain, sinusitis, that is what
would I feel. If that happen I find a
place to relax and ranting is one
thing I do so that I can vent out the
negative energy that I absorb from
other people. Aside from that, when
I am angry, I tend to rant, I feel
calm. It provides me a way to cope
undesireable feeling, from that I
could think of a solution of my
problem after ranting. It is like to
ease and resolve of the causes why I
rant. So, after ranting I just continue
doing my stuff. I express and the
feel relieved.
(IDI 9-6 SS54)
(Sometimes being a social work,
socialization should be required
especially doing an activity which
involved. However, it suffocates me
and I tend to isolate and once I
isolated myself, it would trigger and
made me to start to rant. At some
point it is like it helps to balance my
social aspect and personal self. I
would feel the comfort. When I
socialization, I begin to feel the
migrain, sinusitis, that is what
would I feel. If that happen I find a
place to relax and ranting is one
thing I do so that I can vent out the
negative energy that I absorb from
other people. Aside from that, when
I am angry, I tend to rant, I feel
calm. It provides me a way to cope
undesireable feeling, from that I
could think of a solution of my
problem after ranting. It is like to
ease and resolve of the causes why I
rant. So, after ranting I just continue
doing my stuff. I express and the
feel relieved.)
Uhmmm I rant about is more on FM55- On social media,
movies, series, showbiz issues, and ranting is a way to express
also I like to rant about politics but thoughts
it is only opinion-based. In ranting I social/showbiz issues and
would discover that there are also politics in a way that can
other people out there who have the help alleviate feelings.
same thoughts as mine as they
responded to my rants. They would
respond and agree to my statement.
So, I could tell that it is not only me
who has this kind of thoughts but
others as well. I rant also regarding
a government topic and there was
this random person who reacted and
expressed his opposing opinion
about my tweet. I was totally
shocked because it feels like he’s
really mad and upset so I just
laughed and what I did, I deleted my
tweet. I did not expect that my tweet
could affect him that much. It is just
my opinion though and he told me
that I am not open minded, that I am
childish. Starting that time, I decide
to lessen the amount of opinions to
be shared online about politics but
more on movies.
(IDI 10-1 SS55)
(I rant about is more on movies,
series, showbiz issues, and also I
like to rant about politics but it is
only opinion-based. In ranting I
would discover that there are also
other people out there who have the
same thoughts as mine as they
responded to my rants. They would
respond and agree to my statement.
So, I could tell that it is not only me
who has this kind of thoughts but
others as well. I rant also regarding
a government topic and there was
this random person who reacted and
expressed his opposing opinion
about my tweet. I was totally
shocked because it feels like he’s
really mad and upset so I just
laughed and what I did, I deleted my
tweet. I did not expect that my tweet
could affect him that much. It is just
my opinion though and he told me
that I am not open minded, that I am
childish. Starting that time, I decide
to lessen the amount of opinions to
be shared online about politics but
more on movies.)
First, I rant because I can relate the FM56- When a ranter can
topic. Second, is that I just feel like relate to the subject and
sharing my opinion just also to feels compelled to share
know if others do have the same their thoughts in order to be
opinion as mine. Third, is to get relieved,
relieved (pahungaw) from what I occurs.
feel. Mostly, as of now I rant about
movies, kpop stars that I idolized,
uhmm korean stuff. I am invested
with my idol so when they have
issues, I would really share my
opinion regarding it.
(IDI 10-2 SS56)
(First, I rant because I can relate the
topic. Second, is that I just feel like
sharing my opinion just also to
know if others do have the same
opinion as mine. Third, is to get
relieved (pahungaw) from what I
feel. Mostly, as of now I rant about
movies, kpop stars that I idolized,
korean stuff. I am invested with my
idol so when they have issues, I
would really share my opinion
regarding it.)
It's better to rant it over on social FM57- It's a form of release
have to rant on social media,
someone to talk to and can't share it particularly when there is
to my family that’s why I rant it over no one to speak to in
on social media. Mostly my friends person.
concerning what I tweeted on
twitter. Like they would tell me as
well that they have the same feeling
towards a certain issue. They also
expressed the same feeling like for
example Aljur and Kylie’s issue
(showbiz). They would reply and
agree to my rants. Uuhmm…then
later on it fell to become a gossip of
us with friends but it is more on the
showbiz issue itself. I am into the
artist and express my opinion on
their life issues. And mostly the
feeling to rant is to exhaust the self
from certain issues.
(IDI 10-3 SS57)
(It's better to rant it over on social
someone to talk to and can't share it
to my family that’s why I rant it over
on social media. Mostly my friends
concerning what I tweeted on
twitter. Like they would tell me as
well that they have the same feeling
towards a certain issue. They also
expressed the same feeling like for
example Aljur and Kylie’s issue
(showbiz). They would reply and
agree to my rants. Then later on it
fell to become a gossip of us with
friends but it is more on the showbiz
issue itself. I am into the artist and
express my opinion on their life
issues. And mostly the feeling to
rant is to exhaust the self from
certain issues.)
Uhmm honestly, sometimes I get to FM58- While ranting on
become anxious. I rant over about social media provide relief,
the issue of one of my Korean artists the reaction of other users
idol. I get anxious if I tweet my to the rant segment can
opinion right, I am thinking if affect the emotion in a
someone would react like he doesn't variety of ways.
believe him (Korean artist) because
of his issue. However, I received a
lot of hearts and retweets. I told to
myself that we have the same
thoughts and opinions.
I feel
anxious sometimes especially I have
already an experience before when
someone suddenly attack me with
words. Overall, when you rant like
mostly negative feelings about
showbiz issues, at least it lightens up
the feelings.
(IDI 10-4 SS58)
(Honestly, sometimes I get to
become anxious. I rant over about
the issue of one of my Korean artists
idol. I get anxious if I tweet my
opinion right, I am thinking if
someone would react like he doesn't
believe him (Korean artist) because
of his issue. However, I received a
lot of hearts and retweets. I told to
myself that we have the same
thoughts and opinions.
I feel
anxious sometimes especially I have
already an experience before when
someone suddenly attack me with
words. Overall, when you rant like
mostly negative feelings about
showbiz issues, at least it lightens up
the feelings.)
Uhmm When I rant, I would feel FM59-
relieved and it lessens the negative relieves stress and negative
feeling but the negative feeling will emotions, the reaction of
trigger when someone is going to others matters and can
have an argument in opposition to affect their emotions.
what you have posted and that
argument is not even healthy.
However, when someone reacts
negatively that touches your ego and
it causes you to pain at some point
then it will make you switch to be
unhappy. The negative reaction
creates anxiousness towards the
self, thinking if your opinion or
rants are valid or not. So, you will
get down again. The feedback of
other people as well can affect my
emotion as I rant on social media.
(IDI 10-5 SS59)
(When I rant, I would feel relieved
and it lessens the negative feeling
but the negative feeling will trigger
when someone is going to have an
argument in opposition to what you
have posted and that argument is not
someone reacts negatively that
touches your ego and it causes you
to pain at some point then it will
make you switch to be unhappy. The
thinking if your opinion or rants are
valid or not. So, you will get down
again. The feedback of other people
as well can affect my emotion as I
rant on social media. )
I can tell that the effects are positive FM60- Ranting on social
because it makes me happy voicing media is beneficial because
out what I feel in the moment, it provides another outlet
through ranting I can help other for unspoken thoughts and
people widen their mind to a certain feelings when no one is
issue and they will learn something present to listen.
about it and can relieve all the
sometimes there are issues that you
cannot talk with people and the only
way to relieve it is through ranting.
(IDI 10-6 SS60)
(I can tell that the effects are
positive because it makes me happy
voicing out what I feel in the
moment, through ranting I can help
other people widen their mind to a
certain issue and they will learn
something about it and can relieve
all the negativities I feel because
sometimes there are issues that you
cannot talk with people and the only
way to relieve it is through ranting.)
Uhmm… since before when I was a FM61- Social media has
high school student I am really into been a platform used for
ranting on social media. It was a posting different topics to
trend before, we post everything, be aired online and has also
every content we want to post we been a medium for rants
post on social media. My experience with
in ranting was all about school work issues and concerns.
before and as I grew up social issues
already have been part of my rants
such as politics but just lowkey a bit
on that issue. And also including
entertainments mostly. With regards
to myself, I don’t have that much to
rant about.
(IDI 11-1 SS61)
(Since before when I was a high
school student I am really into
ranting on social media. It was a
trend before, we post everything,
every content we want to post we
post on social media. My experience
in ranting was all about school work
before and as I grew up social issues
already have been part of my rants
such as politics but just lowkey a bit
on that issue. And also including
entertainments mostly. With regards
to myself, I don’t have that much to
rant about.)
uhmm… the reason why I rant on FM62-Due to social issues,
social media is because of the personal
audience, especially if the point is a political
serious matter. I want everyone to ranters rant on social media.
know about certain issues. The
ranting is more on sometimes
always pure rants. If I rant that
revolves on social concerns. About
personal matters, I did not put on
particular social issues regarding the
thoughts of other people about the
specific issue like about uhmm
depression, when people don’t
believe about it and as a psych major
I share specific post and I rant why
people are like this and that…
second is I rant over about the artist
that I idolized who get bashed. With
regards to social issues, it is about
the pandemic like mass testing and
enough ayuda. I was able to rant
about it.
(IDI 11-2 SS62)
(The reason why I rant on social
media is because of the audience,
especially if the point is a serious
matter. I want everyone to know
about certain issues. The ranting is
more on sometimes mental health
totally not always pure rants. If I
concerns. About personal matters, I
did not put on social media
anymore. I am particular social
issues regarding the thoughts of
other people about the specific issue
like about depression, when people
don’t believe about it and as a psych
major I share specific post and I rant
why people are like this and that…
second is I rant over about the artist
that I idolized who get bashed. With
regards to social issues, it is about
the pandemic like mass testing and
enough ayuda. I was able to rant
about it.)
I think social media is a platform FM63-
where we are free to express nowadays have their own
ourselves especially today, we are gadgets, and as a result,
using gadgets and our lives evolve their lives have evolved to
in social media and when there are include social media, where
some specific thing I want to voice expressing oneself is far
out I always rant it on social media
but I also make sure that I don’t rant faster than doing anything
everything about my life, private else online.
matters since social media has a
huge audience like one wrong click
it could affect you and the people
around you. I can rant to a certain
person but today when there is
social media and if I want to voice
out my thoughts, social media could
be a nice platform to use.
(IDI 11-3 SS63)
(I think social media is a platform
where we are free to express
ourselves especially today, we are
using gadgets and our lives evolve
in social media and when there are
some specific thing I want to voice
out I always rant it on social media
but I also make sure that I don’t rant
everything about my life, private
matters since social media has a
huge audience like one wrong click
it could affect you and the people
around you. I can rant to a certain
person but today when there is
social media and if I want to voice
out my thoughts, social media could
be a nice platform to use. )
There are times that ranting gives FM64-
you satisfaction especially when gives ranter satisfaction of
you already voice out your thoughts being able to express his
about a specific topic and there feelings and emotions about
times as well for example, I share a particular issue.
my opinion and they oppose my
opinion and it feels like there is a
debate going to happen. That
moment I would feel challenged and
thrilled by the person who has
different thoughts about my rant so
I would do my best to encourage
him that this is my stand about the
certain issue. But the main emotion
you could feel in ranting is
satisfaction that you were able to
relieve your emotion.
(IDI 11-4 SS64)
(There are times that ranting gives
you satisfaction especially when
you already voice out your thoughts
about a specific topic and there
times as well for example, I share
my opinion and they oppose my
opinion and it feels like there is a
debate going to happen. That
moment I would feel challenged and
thrilled by the person who has
different thoughts about my rant so
I would do my best to encourage
him that this is my stand about the
certain issue. But the main emotion
you could feel in ranting is
satisfaction that you were able to
relieve your emotion.)
Uhmm…. Ranting can affect my FM65- Internet ranting can
emotions. For instance, I have this have a positive or negative
experience where I feel upset about effect on one's emotions,
one post concerning cheating issues depending on the response
and I give my thoughts. I get really received from others, that
upset while typing my thoughts and could provide satisfaction
the issue really frustrates me. And or discouragement.
after the ranting moment, days after
the ranting I looked back to my
timeline seeing that certain rant of
mine It is weird because you have a
specific emotion to feel for a
moment and you rant it to social
media. Then days to come as you
see it again, like the emotions you
have experienced at that moment are
already no more. For me the effect
is both positive and negative
because when others would agree
would me it affects me to get happy
emotion but when others disagree it
affects me as well to become upset
or feel unsatisfied.
(IDI 11-5 SS65)
(Ranting can affect my emotions.
For instance, I have this experience
where I feel upset about one post
concerning cheating issues and I
give my thoughts. I get really upset
while typing my thoughts and the
issue really frustrates me. And after
the ranting moment, days after the
ranting I looked back to my timeline
seeing that certain rant of mine It is
weird because you have a specific
emotion to feel for a moment and
you rant it to social media. Then
days to come as you see it again, like
the emotions you have experienced
at that moment are already no more.
For me the effect is both positive
and negative because when others
would agree would me it affects me
to get happy emotion but when
others disagree it affects me as well
to become upset or feel unsatisfied.)
For me the effect is both positive FM66-
and negative because when others ranting has both positive
would agree would me it affects me and negative consequences.
to get happy emotion but when When the ranter's feedback
others disagree it affects me as well is positive, it elicits happy
to become upset or feel unsatisfied.
(IDI 11-6 SS66)
(For me the effect is both positive
and negative because when others
would agree would me it affects me
to get happy emotion but when
others disagree it affects me as well
to become upset or feel unsatisfied.)
My experience since I rant about FM67- Ranters used to rant
uhmm actually I am into ranting about politics and academic
about politics as of now since the pressures. Ranting makes
election is getting near and also, I
rant about uhm academics because it the person feel at ease and
my comforted.
experience is what I felt for the day.
For example, I'm happy I rant about
it on social media like I share what I
feel. Ranting makes me happy just
like that because you were able to
express your feelings.
(IDI 12-1 SS67)
(My experience since I rant about
actually, I am into ranting about
politics as of now since the election
is getting near and also, I rant about
academics because it stresses me
out. Mostly my experience is what I
felt for the day. For example, I'm
happy I rant about it on social media
like I share what I feel. Ranting
makes me happy just like that
because you were able to express
your feelings.)
Causes include as well my personal FM68- The ranter rants
life aside from what I have concerning personal and
and academic issues which they
academic concerns.
are dealing with in life.
(IDI 12-2 SS68)
(Causes include as well my personal
life aside from what I have
academic concerns.)
I wanted to rant about it on social FM69- People find social
media instead of telling some about media a safe place to vent
it because there are some people because they know their
who would talk about talking about emotions
things over and over again like they invalidated by the people
could tell that you are just always they normally interact with
telling how tired you are. So, in person
because of that, it made me to just
rant it over on the social media for
me not to hear responses I am
always talking the same thing over
and over again
(IDI 12-3 SS69)
(I wanted to rant about it on social
media instead of telling some about
it because there are some people
who would talk about talking about
things over and over again like they
could tell that you are just always
telling how tired you are. So,
because of that, it made me to just
rant it over on the social media for
me not to hear responses I am
always talking the same thing over
and over again.)
I actually feel okay after ranting on FM70-
social media. Not to the extent you someone feel good, and by
feel too much happiness but you expressing it online, it helps
would just feel okay after you alleviate
express what you feel. I am relieved. unhappiness.
(IDI 12-4 SS70)
(I actually feel okay after ranting on
social media. Not to the extent you
feel too much happiness but you
would just feel okay after you
express what you feel. I am
It affects me emotionally like uhm FM71- Ranting can affect
for example I rant and the words I the ranter emotionally, but
use if exaggerating then I actually it usually relieves and calms
feel uhm like more of a relief and the ranter's emotions.
then emotionally I am okay with it.
(IDI 12-5 SS71)
(It affects me emotionally like uhm
for example I rant and the words I
use if exaggerating then I actually
feel uhm like more of a relief and
then emotionally I am okay with it.)
After ranting sometimes, I feel FM72okay,
don’t. mixed emotions, but it is
Emotionally sometimes it can hurt always a way of expressing
like when I read the things that I try one's thoughts and feelings.
to express to the social media it will Positive
repeatedly come to my mind and feelings and giving relief.
when I visit on my timeline and I
keep seeing that post I feel sad about
it and emotionally I will get carried
away with my feelings and emotion.
But it depends what content I rant on
sometimes I will just never mind
who would get upset with what I
posted. Just like that. And for me,
ranting is positive action because I
was able to express what I feel and
then it’s a relief after I tried to
express it to words.
(IDI 12-6 SS72)
(After ranting sometimes, I feel
Emotionally sometimes it can hurt
like when I read the things that I try
to express to the social media it will
repeatedly come to my mind and
when I visit on my timeline and I
keep seeing that post I feel sad about
it and emotionally I will get carried
away with my feelings and emotion.
But it depends what content I rant on
sometimes I will just never mind
who would get upset with what I
posted. Just like that. And for me,
ranting is positive action because I
was able to express what I feel and
then it’s a relief after I tried to
express it to words.)
My experience ranting on social FM73- Ranter experience
media ahh…about online class. ranting on social media
Then the experience is, based on my about schoolwork online
experience in online class is it is and deleted the rants after
struggle plus I don’t have enough being relieved.
resources that’s why I rant like to
hopefully soon. Ahm, there are
times I rant but eventually I delete it
once I feel relief.
(IDI 13-1 SS73)
(My experience ranting on social
media is about online class. Then,
based on my experience in online
class it is struggle plus I don’t have
enough resources that’s why I rant
like I want to bring back the face-toface hopefully soon. There are times
I rant but eventually I delete it once
I feel relief.)
Miss, if I see that something wrong. FM74- Social media rants
The causes of my ranting on social regarding
media is if I can see something that academic
I don’t like or against with the personal opinions.
opinions of other miss. Random
topics like politics and online class.
(IDI 13-2 SS74)
(If I see that something is wrong.
The causes of my ranting on social
media is when I see something that
I don’t like or against with the
opinions of others. Random topics
like politics and online class.)
Facebook miss, that’s the only FM75- The Facebook app is
I have. used account in ranting.
Because I’m not used to twitter and
(IDI 13-3 SS75)
(Facebook, that’s the only social
media account I have. Because I’m
not used to twitter and Instagram.)
Guilty and then delete it later FM76-
because, first miss before I rant, I provide relief, but guilt will
am not thinking about it. I am being follow as a result of being
impulsive miss. And then later, I impulsive
realized that I was wrong on ranting without thinking.
without thinking.
(IDI 13-4 SS76)
(Guilty and then delete it later
because, before I rant, I am not
thinking about it. I am being
impulsive. And then later, I realized
that I was wrong on ranting without
Before ranting miss, I feel like I’m FM77- Ranting relieves and
really against. Like, I feel angry satisfies, but it also causes
that’s why I can rant. Then after is I guilt.
feel guilt. Sometimes I could say
that if am able to express myself I
feel satisfied. But then, I have this
realization that ranting is not always
good, positive vibes only.
(IDI 13-5 SS77)
(Before ranting, I feel like I’m really
against. Like, I feel angry that’s why
I can rant. Then after, I feel guilt.
Sometimes I could say that if I’m
able to express myself I feel
satisfied. But then, I have this
realization that ranting is not always
good, positive vibes only.)
I am not comfortable if I rant cause FM78- Ranting is not good
I will feel guilt later on. It’s negative and can negatively affect
for me that’s why I stop it. Because self-reputation.
I realized that it is not good and it
can ruin your reputation.
(IDI 13-6 SS78)
(I am not comfortable if I rant
because I will feel guilt later on. It’s
negative for me that’s why I stop it.
Because I realized that it is not good
and it can ruin my reputation.)
Ahm, in general ahh…my way of FM79- The way ranters rant
ranting is ahm, somewhat a pave on social media is paving
way to release stress as in IRL or in the way for stress relief. It is
real life I don’t really stress like escaping from unpleasant
ahm, destroying things cause I do feelings. To feel satisfied
that in my mind but rather yeah, and relieved from the stress
instead I post or rant in social media of life's ups and downs.
making status or make chat with my
close friends about what I’ve been
through so that’s my way of ranting.
But there was one time that I made
an issue in the school like in third
year high school, like I was so stress
as a class president at that time that
the way I relieve stress was a…I use
my cousins Facebook account then
post about pretending that rest in
peace something like that. Like
yeah, it was not an intentional
reaction towards how the people
around reacted. I just wanted to see
what were their reactions. But
unexpectedly they believe then to
the point that many of them go to
our house. It was a bad experience
for me. But in general, it felt
somewhat satisfying except that
experience of posting fake news
about me passing away. But that
experience is a way of relieving
stress for me.
(IDI 14-1 SS79)
(In general, my way of ranting is
somewhat a pave way to release
stress in real life I don’t really stress
like destroying things because I do
that in my mind but rather instead, I
post or rant in social media making
status or make chat with my close
friends about what
I’ve been
through so that’s my way of ranting.
But there was one time that I made
an issue in the school like in third
year high school, like I was so stress
as a class president at that time that
the way I relieve stress was, I use
my cousins Facebook account then
post about pretending that rest in
peace something like that. Like, it
was not an intentional reaction
towards how the people around
reacted. I just wanted to see what
unexpectedly they believe, then to
the point that many of them go to
our house. It was a bad experience
for me. But in general, it felt
somewhat satisfying except that
experience of posting fake news
about me passing away. But that
experience is a way of relieving
stress for me.)
The causes, because of what I’ve FM80been through like ahm, stress at academic
school, stress at work stress at stress, and family problems
family because the only way I can are the causes of social
relieve it is through social media media ranting.
like ahh… what I’ve been through
like someone scolded me though it’s
just a little mistake I feel the urge to
rant it on Facebook like captioning
“gamay ra gani tung sayop unya
mag ing-ana dayon” so yeah, then
those were one of the causes.
Personal issues like I’m sad, I’m
feeling angry, I post it on media as a
way of ranting.
(IDI 14-2 SS80)
(The causes, because of what I’ve
been through like stress at school,
stress at work stress at family
because the only way I can relieve it
is through social media like what
I’ve been through, like someone
scolded me though it’s just a little
mistake I feel the urge to rant it on
Facebook like captioning “gamay ra
gani tung sayop unya mag ing-ana
dayon” so, then those were one of
the causes. Personal issues like I’m
sad, I’m feeling angry, I post it on
media as a way of ranting.)
Facebook, since I’m not that active FM81-
on twitter and Instagram. So, as I’ve expressing
mention since I cannot do it in real personally,
life like, I am a kind of person that social
is understanding or I have patience become a strategy to cope
like above average for me if I could with and alleviate anxiety.
rate myself. But if once I’m at my
height of anger or I’ll be trigger
instead of shouting or destroying
things I rather go to social media
and rant. So those are one of my
coping mechanisms to relieve my
(IDI 14-3 SS81)
(Facebook, since I’m not that active
on twitter and Instagram. So, as I’ve
mention since I cannot do it in real
life like, I am a kind of person that
is understanding or I have patience
like above average for me if I could
rate myself. But if once I’m at my
height of anger or I’ll be trigger
instead of shouting or destroying
things I rather go to social media
and rant. So those are one of my
coping mechanisms to relieve my
Ahm, there are some faces in my FM82- Ranter developed
end like pre, during and post the emotion of anger and
ranting, like pre is I will think like that
what to type and what to post changed, improving after
something like that. I’ll make a draft he
in my head so that’s the pre. Then relieved of the need to
my feeling was that is the ahh… the express it on social media.
anticipation. Then during, is how I
will make my draft like in my mind
what will I type then along the way
I’ll edit, I will check the grammar so
I will not be embarrassed. Then
post, after ranting I feel satisfied it’s
like my anger is lost. With my
experience I felt relieve watching
the reaction but there’s some regrets
as well.
(IDI 14-4 SS82)
(There are some faces in my end like
pre, during and post ranting, like pre
is I will think like what to type and
what to post something like that. I’ll
make a draft in my head so that’s the
pre. Then my feeling was the
anticipation. Then during, is how I
will make my draft like in my mind
what will I type then along the way
I’ll edit, I will check the grammar so
I will not be embarrassed. Then
post, after ranting I feel satisfied it’s
like my anger is lost. With my
experience I felt relieve watching
the reaction but there’s some regrets
as well.)
difficult. FM83- After experiencing a
Honestly, there is none for me like negative emotion, social
ahm, there’s I have the same media ranting assists the
emotions for me in pre and post
because in pre ranting I get angry
but not to the point that I get suicidal emotion in returning to a
something like that. Then in post, normal state.
for me is like it’s gone like myself
return to my normal self, way before
I experience stress.
(IDI 14-5 SS83)
Honestly, there is none for me like I
have the same emotions for me in
pre and post because in pre ranting I
get angry but not to the point that I
get suicidal something like that.
Then in post, for me is like it’s gone
like myself return to my normal self,
way before I experience stress.)
It has negative views about other FM84-
people’s reaction since I made an ranting has a positive effect
issue about it like I mentioned on the ranter’s emotions.
before. But in my end or emotional
self it gave a positive effect. So, if
I’m to add up there are two sides for
me, like it’s the best and positive
way for me but it depends on the
content of my rant it might give a
negative effect for other people.
(IDI 14-6 SS84)
(It has negative views about other
people’s reaction since I made an
issue about it like I mentioned
before. But in my end or emotional
self it gave a positive effect. So, if
I’m to add up there are two sides for
me, like it’s the best and positive
way for me but it depends on the
content of my rant it might give a
negative effect for other people.)
FM85- Ranting can increased a FM85sense of fulfillment through letting increased
out the negative energy stored fulfillment through letting
within the self.
out the negative energy
stored within the self.
Hmm…causes? like when I have a FM86- Ranting is a way of
bad day that’s when I get irritated. expressing
Ahm, right now more on academics relation
like this teacher is like this and the concerns,
discussion could have been better if relationships, and random
it’s like this. I rant personal issues feelings.
sometimes like about my friends
because I feel like I did not
reciprocate the amount of affection
that I give to them. So that’s why I
rant because I don’t have any means
to share my feelings.
(IDI 15-2 SS86)
(Causes like when I have a bad day
that’s when I get irritated. Right
now, more on academics like this
discussion could have been better if
it’s like this. I rant personal issues
sometimes like about my friends
because I feel like I did not
reciprocate the amount of affection
that I give to them. So that’s why I
rant because I don’t have any means
to share my feelings.)
Ahm, twitter because there nobody FM87-
ahm, a few only knows me in that application used by the
account so I can just do whatever I ranter because it has lesser
want. Most likely I only rant on audience
twitter. It’s like my diary in an friends.
online setting.
(IDI 15-3 SS87)
(Twitter, because there few only
knows me in that account so I can
just do whatever I want. Most likely
I only rant on twitter. It’s like my
diary in an online setting.)
Ahm, first I feel ahm, relieve and FM88- Ranting on social
there’s a sugar rush while typing. media could help the ranter
Yes, and after once posting it like feel relief.
(sigh) finally I feel relief that the
memory or experience is now gone
and I can move on, like that.
(IDI 15-4 SS88)
(First, I feel relieve and you feel
there’s a sugar rush while typing.
Yes, and after posting it like finally
I feel relief that the memory or
experience is now gone and I can
move on like that.)
Ahm, affect my emotion? Ahm, FM89- Ranting on social
during ranting I feel angry but like media does not give off the
not in a state that is super angry as anger feeling but somehow
in that you don’t have netiquette after expressing, it tone
already something like that. Ahh, I down the enraged emotion.
still construct my words that I want
to put out in the media because that
is still media. And even if I’m angry
I still try my best to be appropriate
enough like I don’t curse I don’t do
that. Ahm…I just let words flow in
until my anger vanishes away like
that miss. And once I get to upload
it (sigh) finally ahm, yeah, my anger
seizes in me.
(IDI 15-5 SS89)
(During ranting I feel angry but like
not in a state that is super angry as
in that you don’t have netiquette
already something like that. I still
construct my words that I want to
put out in the media because that is
still media. And even if I’m angry I
still try my best to be appropriate
enough like I don’t curse, I don’t do
that I just let words flow in until my
anger vanishes away like that. And
once I get to upload it finally my
anger seizes in me.)
Effects, it made me ahm, it made me FM90-
somehow reflect miss my previous ranting has a positive effect
emotion. Like example looking on
back scrolling back in my account I because it allows them to
could realize and reminisce the time express and reflect on their
I wasn’t in myself so if I were to go feelings.
back to this time, I should have done
this or ahm, it helps in my repress
memories. It also gives thrill. It is
positive because at the end of the
day ahm, I don’t rant to attack other
people or like other. People always
have negative connotation about
something like that. But ahm, for me
it’s just like expressing how my day
went, how devastating it is or how
randomly messed up it is, so for me
it’s positive miss.
(IDI 15-6 SS90)
(It made me somehow reflect my
previous emotion. Like example
looking back scrolling back in my
reminisce the time I wasn’t in
myself so if I were to go back up to
this time, I thought of should have
done this or it helps in my repress
memories. It also gives thrill. It is
positive because at the end of the
day, I don’t rant to attack other
people or like other. People always
have negative connotation about
something like that. But for me it’s
just like expressing how my day
went, how devastating it is or how
randomly messed up it is, so for me
it’s positive.)
Ahm, many times, like it’s not really FM91-Because
many times like I still could count pandemic and a lack of
cause I was never the type before to physical contact with one
rant on social media like, I just like another and to talk to,
to keep it myself my own problem. ranting on social media has
But lately, I’ve became comfortable become therapeutic.
now expressing on social media.
Maybe because also of the situation
that I am no longer you know having
physical conversation with my
friends so that is why. Cause before
we could still physically talk to
them but now, we are all moving
virtually. I rant before pandemic but
not virtually.
(IDI 16-1 SS91)
(Many times, like it’s not really
many times I still could count
because I was never the type of
person before to rant on social
media, I just like to keep it myself
my own problem. But lately, I’ve
expressing on social media. Maybe
because also of the situation that I
am no longer having physical
conversation with my friends so that
is why. Because before we could
still physically talk to them but now,
we are all moving virtually. I
already rant before pandemic crisis
but not virtually.)
A lot, like there’s a variety of causes FM92-
ahm, but the overbearing reason situations,
why I rant on social media it could responsibilities,
academic academic stress have all
situation, academic responsibilities, been causes to rant.
academic stress.
(IDI 16-2 SS92)
(A lot, like there’s a variety of
causes, but the overbearing reason
why I rant on social media is
because of my academic situation,
academic stress.)
Facebook and twitter, because in FM93twitter
more facebook are social media
twitter platform used for ranting
because I have few mutual like because through it, it allows
there’s no bigger audience. And in ranter feel he has someone
Facebook as well, ahm, in Facebook to share and express with.
I have many friends compare to my
twitter but ahm, I am comfortable
cause it made me feel that there is
someone I could share to. Cause
sometimes my friends are busy and
you need to let out your emotions
already that’s why.
(IDI 16-3 SS93)
(Facebook and twitter, I am more
because I have few mutual like
there’s no bigger audience. And in
Facebook as well, in Facebook I
have many friends compare to my
twitter but I am comfortable because
it made me feel that there is
someone I could share to because
sometimes my friends are busy and
you feel the need to let out your
emotions already that’s why.)
Ahm, initially I really feel fine you FM94-
feel like it’s less burden because you ranting initially relieves the
let it out then right afterwards like a ranter, but later it causes
few hours or a few minutes I usually anxiety about how certain
feels anxious, anxiety like what if rants affect others who may
my status is I was too negative and read them.
then I have friends dealing with
problems as well then, they could
read and they might think of it also,
I feel like I might spread more
negativity or negative vibe towards
them so I feel anxious. But then I
would think that I might be valid
also cause I’m feeling negative as
satisfaction after ranting.
(IDI 16-4 SS94)
(Initially, I really feel fine. I feel like
less burden because I let it out then
right afterwards like a few hours or
a few minutes I usually feels
anxious, anxiety like what if in my
status is I was too negative and then
I have friends dealing with problems
as well then, they could read and
they might think of it also, I feel like
I might spread more negativity or
negative vibe towards them so I feel
anxious. But then I would think that
I might be valid also cause I’m
feeling negative as well. There is
really satisfaction after ranting.)
Hmm, ahm… like ahm at this time FM95-
like I’m in an outburst, there is this feelings on social media
one-time that I’m really peace off shifts the emotion from one
and then I then turn to twitter to of heavy feelings to one of
tweet about my anger and then right relief
after twitting miss my anger subside burden afterwards.
like (sigh) ahh! finally. Before
ranting emotions are way too heavy
like it’s too strong. But if you let it
out, it’s like when you’re updating
your status and it’s all about what
were you feeling it is like you’re
expressing your emotions.
(IDI 16-5 SS95)
(At this time like I’m in an outburst,
there is this one-time that I’m really
peace off and then I go to twitter to
tweet about my anger and then right
after twitting my anger subside like
finally. Before, ranting emotions are
way too heavy like it’s too strong.
But if you let it out, it’s like when
you’re updating your status and you
share your feelings and expressing
your emotions.)
Ahh, for the most striking part it FM96- Ranting on social
does make me feel good honestly, media will improve your
cause it’s the same thing of like mood.
telling people or making people emotions
aware of how I’m feeling. Other lighter.
people would say, (in my defense)
instead of ranting on social media
why would just share to people but
for me, if there’s one certain person
you could share to and he’s not
available at the moment you lifted
no choice. It does really make me
feel good at a certain point and it
lightens the mood the emotions that
you’re feeling.
(IDI 16-6 SS96)
(For the most striking part it does
make me feel good honestly,
because it’s the same thing of like
telling people or making people
aware of how I’m feeling. Other
people would say, (in my defense)
instead of ranting on social media
why would just share to people but
for me, if there’s one certain person
you could share to and he’s not
available at the moment you lifted
no choice. Hence, It does really
make me feel good at a certain point
and it lightens the mood and
emotions that you’re feeling.)
FM25- Twitter is a more popular platform 1. Students vent their frustrations on social
for venting than other social media media channels such as Facebook and
platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, Twitter. These applications have been
as followers are selected to see the rants.
chosen for their types and features that
enable students to express themselves
over honestly about what leads them to feel
Facebook because it is judgement-free.
undesirable feelings. Additionally, these
are the only applications they have that are
FM48-Because of its different audience,
Twitter seems to be a better medium for
ranting than a Facebook account.
FM75-The Facebook app is used account
in ranting.
FM87- Twitter is the application used by
the ranter because it has lesser audience
and mutual friends.
active and accessible.
FM93- Twitter and facebook are social
media platform used for ranting because
through it, it allows ranter feel he has
someone to share and express with.
FM17- While ranting on social media can 2. Social media ranting has a positive effect
be used as a means of escape, it is toxic to on students’ emotional states because it
one's emotional health.
allows them to express thoughts and
emotions that help alleviate being stressed,
FM24- Social media ranting has both frustrated, and anxious in the face of an
positive and negative consequences. It is unpleasant stimulus. However, it can
are negatively impact students who rant
acknowledged, but it is harmful in that encounter
rants may impact the subject of certain reputation destruction from others, which
can exacerbate the emotion. Instead of
feeling feel better, it may aggravate
FM34- Ranting on social media relieves
and comforts the ranter, particularly when
there is no one to express with.
FM36- Ranting on social media has a
negative emotional impact on the ranter
when people who read start to criticize, and
the feelings.
it would outgrow bullying, even though the
rants just revolve around personal life.
FM42- Through ranting on social media
the ranter is able to express themselves and
it has positive effect.
FM70- Ranting makes someone feel good,
and by expressing it online, it helps
alleviate feelings of unhappiness.
FM72- Ranting evokes mixed emotions,
but it is always a way of expressing one’s
expressing feelings and giving relief.
FM76- Ranting may provide relief, but
guilt will follow as a result of being
impulsive and acting without thinking.
FM78- Ranting is not good and can
negatively affect self-reputation.
FM84- Social media ranting has a positive
effect on the ranter’s emotions.
FM90- Social media ranting has a positive
effect on ranters’ emotions because it
allows them to express and reflect on their
FM96- Ranting on social media will
improve your mood. It makes the emotions
and feelings lighter.
FM1-Twitter and Facebook are popular 3. Some students regard social media as a
social media platforms for ranting, and haven
they serve to relieve strain or stress caused circumstances. Social media has evolved
by numerous circumstances such as into an arena for the various topics that
academic issues.
each social media user is drawn to do
FM61- Social media has been a platform
used for posting different topics to be aired
online and has also been a medium for
rants with regard to various issues and
FM3- Ranting obtains sympathy, which 4. Students use social media to vent or
lightens the mood and boosts the ego, express themselves in hopes of gaining
particularly when other people agree with sympathy. It will result in an improvement
the rants.
of feelings and a lightening of emotion.
FM21- Ranters rant on social media to
sympathy from others.
FM5- Although ranting does not entirely 5. Students' acquired emotions as a result
remove a ranter's wrath, it does lighten the of ranting will not last permanently. There
mood for a time.
will be a sense of relief immediately after
that, but the original feeling will eventually
FM11-The emotion generated by ranting return to its original state.
will pass quickly; the sentiments will only
temporarily, which can not affect the entire
mood of the ranter.
FM89- Ranting on social media does not
give off the anger feeling but somehow
after expressing, it tones down the enraged
FM6-When ranting, the ranter feels as if 6. Students believe that ranting on social
there is someone open to listening, which media is equivalent to conversing with
can help to ease the tension.
someone attentive to their rants. Social
FM26-It's as if having someone to talk to connection
on social media has been a release channel alleviate mental distress.
for emotional concerns.
FM30- The ranter feels like they have
someone to talk to through social media
ranting, which helps relieve their thoughts
and feelings.
Due to the lack of a person to speak with,
ranters vent on social media, which serves
as a sounding board.
FM7- Ranter raves on social media about 7. Students face a variety of challenges and
one specific problem, but it's frequently difficulties in their daily lives. These
more about the ranter's dislike of other situations lead them to rant on social media
about social anxiety, the tension caused by
the aversive presence of other people.
FM8- Annoying individuals drive the
Another is personal concerns, such as
ranter to vent on social media.
internal conflict over self-expression,
FM14- Because of stress, people rant on
social media and use it to depict their
feelings and selves.
values, and viewpoints. Following that is
politics, in which students express their
thoughts and ideas in response to political
controversy. It could occur as a result of
FM19- Ranter use social media to express academic stress, duties, expectations,
their intense emotions about an issue that family concerns, and the urge to express
violates personal life morals and is illegal.
emotions when things have gotten too
much. These are just a few of the reasons
FM37- The context of ranting is more why students frequently rant online.
about personal beliefs, opinions, and
FM49- Ranting on social media usually
occurs when the ranter is unable to bear all
of the burdens that have been handled.
FM50- Ranting on social media may occur
as a result of academic concerns, social
pressure, or family issues.
FM56- When a ranter can relate to the
subject and feels compelled to share their
thoughts in order to be relieved, ranting
action occurs.
FM62-Due to social issues, personal
ranters rant on social media.
FM67- Ranters used to rant about politics
and academic pressures. Ranting makes the
person feel at ease and comforted.
personal and academic issues which they
are dealing with in life.
FM80- Personal issues, academic stress,
work stress, and family problems are the
causes of social media ranting.
FM92- Academic situations, academic
responsibilities, and academic stress have
all been causes to rant.
FM9- Ranting on social media is a way to 8. Social media has been another form of
express uncommon feelings and the need venting emotion. Some would prefer
to get things out.
venting with people or expressing through
the act of throwing stuff. But, ranting is
FM55- On social media, ranting is a way to another way to reduce anger, stress, or
express thoughts about social/showbiz emotional distress. By ranting online,
issues and politics in a way that can help negative feelings subside, and the student
alleviate feelings.
FM57- It's a form of release to rant on
social media, particularly when there is no
one to speak to in person.
FM79- The way ranters rant on social
media is paving the way for stress relief. It
is escaping from unpleasant feelings. To
feel satisfied and relieved from the stress of
life's ups and downs.
is relieved of stressors and problems.
FM86- Ranting is a way of expressing
emotions in relation to academic concerns,
social relationships, and random feelings.
FM10- Ranter derives satisfaction from 9. The effects of raving on social media
expressing himself without causing harm resulted in a highly emotional outcome
to others.
among students. The students feel satisfied
when they are ranting, find it highly
FM23- Ranting can affect the ranters’ therapeutic, and attain serenity and relief.
emotions in different ways, such as the Students report less tension, a sense of
feeling of guilt and concerns they may completion, and a sense of lightness in
impart to others who read the rants.
their feelings. However, the results are
occasionally contrary since, in addition to
FM41- Ranting on social media elicits a
range of emotions and feelings depending
on what kind of rants it is all about.
FM43- At times, ranting can be therapeutic
and allows the ranter to share his thoughts
with others.
relaxation, there will be a sense of guilt.
Even so, the ranting helps the emotion
gradually return to normal.
FM52- The ranter can lower their aversive
feelings and return to his\her sensations
through ranting on social media.
FM71- Ranting can affect the ranter
emotionally, but it usually relieves and
calms the ranter's emotions.
FM73- Ranter experience ranting on social
media about schoolwork online and
deleted the rants after being relieved.
FM74- Social media rants regarding
politics, academic issues, and personal
FM82- Ranter developed the emotion of
anger and that certain emotions changed,
improving after he was satisfied and
relieved of the need to express it on social
FM83- After experiencing a negative
emotion, social media ranting assists the
emotion in returning to a normal state.
FM85- Ranting can increased a sense of
fulfillment through letting out the negative
energy stored within the self.
FM91-Because of the pandemic and a lack
of physical contact with one another and to
talk to, ranting on social media has become
FM95- Expressing feelings on social
media shifts the emotion from one of heavy
feelings to one of relief and lightens the
burden afterwards.
FM12-The ranter did not take things as 10. Student is prioritizing not to get
seriously as he should have to prevent stressed.
FM13-Ranter frequently vents on Twitter 11. Student rant on social media are
and encounters critics
FM16-Ranting provides both relief and 12. Students' moods benefit from ranting
stress but is primarily used to relieve on social media. It brings relief, tranquility,
and contentment. When students use social
media to express themselves, it helps them
FM18-While ranting may arouse negative become more enlightened and find a
emotions, ranters continue to rant because solution to their problems. The student's
it provides a sense of calm when unspoken thoughts and sentiments will aid
expressing feelings
FM40- After ranting, it provides a sense of
relief and expresses opinions that enlighten
others' thinking.
FM46- Ranting on social media provides a
sense of relief.
FM47- After expressing, ranting on social
media helps to relieve and lighten feelings.
in their escape from the prison of burdens.
FM53- Social media ranting is beneficial
as it helps the ranter to express himself and
find a great solution to problems.
FM58- While ranting on social media
provide relief, the reaction of other users to
the rant segment can affect the emotion in
a variety of ways.
FM60- Ranting on social media is
beneficial because it provides another
outlet for unspoken thoughts and feelings
when no one is present to listen.
satisfaction of being able to express his
feelings and emotions about a particular
FM88- Ranting on social media could help
the ranter feel relief.
FM15- Unlike ranting throughout person, 13. Ranting could be a secure place for the
ranting on social media avoids being students' identity to be exposed without
attacked and allows for self-disclosure via being stigmatized or criticized personally.
a dummy account.
FM44- On social media platforms, the
ranter can express their opinions and
thoughts without fear of being judged.
FM20- Rants on social media allow people 14. Ranting is a way for students to
to air their opinions and interact with express, address, and relate to one another.
FM2- Many people can relate to ranting,
and it can also address the person who
provoked the ranter to rant.
FM22- When others agree with the rants, it 15. Emotion is affected immediately after
relaxes and overwhelms the ranter
the act or ranting and by the responses of
those who read the rants. When a student
FM35- Ranting relieves feelings, but it rants and receives feedback or comments,
deteriorates when someone tries to debate.
Responses from others have an impact on the emotion depends on whether the
feelings after ranting
response is positive or negative. If the
feedback is positive, the student will most
FM59- While ranting relieves stress and likely develop positive emotions; however,
negative emotions, the reaction of others if the feedback is negative, the student will
matters and can affect their emotions.
FM65- Internet ranting can have a positive
or negative effect on one's emotions,
depending on the response received from
others that could provide satisfaction or
FM66- Social media ranting has both
positive and negative consequences. When
the ranter's feedback is positive, it elicits
happy emotions; when it is negative, it
elicits dissatisfaction.
FM94- Social media ranting initially
relieves the ranter, but later it causes
anxiety about how certain rants affect
others who may read them.
most likely develop negative emotions.
FM27- There's no reason to rant on social 16. A student expresses himself on social
media at all.
media for no apparent reason.
FM28- Ranting will yield a neutral feeling. 17. The emotion associated with ranting
It can release emotions, but they never last will be elicited neutrally. When a student
after the act of ranting.
feels happy immediately after ranting,
negative feelings arise.
After ranting on social media, one gets a
sense of relief and guilt.
FM77- Ranting relieves and satisfies, but it
also causes guilt.
FM31- Social media has evolved into a 18. Students utilize social media to keep a
diary filled with rants that oppose the journal of their thoughts.
ranter's point of view.
FM38- Ranter was triggered by a specific 19. Students rant with the aim of raising
issue involving injustice and publicly intends to encourage others.
expressed a viewpoint on digital platforms
in order to spread awareness.
FM39- Ranter uses social media to educate
and express compassion for others.
FM45- Ranting on social media is a 20. The student's decision to rant on social
personal choice.
FM-51 Using social media to vent one's 21. Students frequently rage on social
frustrations is a way for ranters to keep media to avoid unwanted public criticism.
their personal matters out of the public eye
FM54- This could have seemed that 22. Using social media to vent is a coping
ranting on social media is a great way to method for dealing with pressure and
unwind and reflect. It assists the individual stress. Also, to overcome via problemin coping with problems, which is solving techniques.
necessary in order to think of better ways
to resolve conflicts.
FM81- Instead of expressing frustration
personally, ranting on social media has
now become a strategy to cope with and
alleviate anxiety.
FM63- Many people nowadays have their 23. Phones are the most commonly used
own gadgets, and as a result, their lives device, social media has become the
have evolved to include social media, students' go-to.
where expressing oneself is far faster than
doing anything else online.
FM69- People find social media a safe 24. Students felt validated by their feelings
place to vent because they know their on social media, so they preferred to rant
emotions will not be invalidated by the online.
people they normally interact with in
their Utilizing social media as a
frustrations on social media venting place
channels such as Facebook
chosen for their types and
themselves honestly about
what leads them to feel
Additionally, these are the
only applications they have
Expressing emotions and
18. Students utilize social
media to keep a journal of
their thoughts.
23. Phones are the most
social media has become
the students’ go-to.
16. A student expresses
himself on social media for
no apparent reason.
2. Social media ranting has Ranting
because it allows them to
emotions that help alleviate
being stressed, frustrated,
and anxious in the face of
It diminishes and evokes
on unpleasant emotions and unwanted emotions.
students’ emotional states provokes feelings.
However, it can negatively
impact students who rant
and reputation
destruction from
which can exacerbate the
emotion. Instead of feeling
feel better, it may aggravate
the feelings.
9. The effects of raving on
social media resulted in a
highly emotional outcome
students feel satisfied when
they are ranting, find it
attain serenity and relief.
Students report less tension,
a sense of completion, and a
sense of lightness in their
contrary since, in addition
to relaxation, there will be a
sense of guilt.
11. Student rant on social
media are rebuked.
17. The emotion associated Students found emotional
with ranting will be elicited balance by ranting both
neutrally. When a student positively and negatively
feels happy immediately online.
feelings arise.
acquired The students’ emotions
emotions as a result of presented their ranting
last are fleeting.
permanently. There will be
immediately after that, but
the original feeling will
eventually return to its
original state.
14. Ranting is a way for Students
express, ranting
in Relay Feelings and to
convey Connect with Others.
address, and relate to one emotions towards others.
19. Student rant with the
aim of raising intends to
encourage others.
8. Social media has been Ranting on social media is
Provide the Feeling of
another form of venting comparable to conversing
Social Support
would with someone.
prefer venting with people
or expressing through the
act of throwing stuff. But,
ranting is another way to
reduce anger, stress, or
feelings subside, and the
stressors and problems.
3. Some students regard
social media as a haven
from their problems and
media has evolved into an
arena for the various topics
that each social media user
is drawn to do online.
6. Students believe that
ranting on social media is
equivalent to conversing
with someone attentive to
their rants. Social media has
mental distress.
13. Ranting could be a Hides personal identity in Avoiding
the ranting.
students' identity to be
stigmatized or criticized
rage on social media to
7. Students face a variety Personal, family, social, Due to personal, family,
and and political issues are social,
difficulties in their daily some of the problems concerns.
lives. These situations lead vented online.
them to rant on social media
about social anxiety, the
aversive presence of other
people. Another is personal
concerns, such as internal
viewpoints. Following that
controversy. It could occur
as a result of academic
stress, duties, expectations,
family concerns, and the
urge to express emotions
when things have gotten too
much. These are just a few
of the reasons why students
frequently rant online.
20. The student’s decision
to rant on social media
4. Students use social media Emotions to be recognized Gaining
express and accepted.
themselves in hopes of
gaining sympathy. It will
result in an improvement of
feelings and a lightening of
24. Students felt validated
by their feelings on social
media, so they preferred to
rant online.
10. Student is prioritizing Ranting provides students Serves
not to get stressed.
12. Students' moods benefit
from ranting on social
media. It brings relief,
introspection in dealing Mechanism that Provides
life circumstances.
students use social media to
express themselves, it helps
enlightened and find a
solution to their problems.
thoughts and sentiments
will aid in their escape from
the prison of burdens.
22. Using social media to
vent is a coping method for
dealing with pressure and
stress. Also, to overcome
15. Emotion is affected Feedbacks
ranting Obtain
immediately after the act or affects the emotions of the Negative
the students.
responses of those who read
the rants. When a student
rants and receives feedback
through Feedbacks
or comments, the emotion
depends on whether the
response is positive or
negative. If the feedback is
positive, the student will
however, if the feedback is
negative, the student will
negative emotions.
Social Media Ranting:
Its Causes and Effects to Emotional Well-being
Due to Personal,
Family, Social,
and Political
Relay Feelings
and Connect
with Others.
Emotions and
Diminish and
Provide the
Feeling of Social
Validation of
Feelings and
Gain Sense of
that Provides
Avoiding Direct
Obtain Positive
and Negative
through Feed
: April Diane C. Birondo
City Address
: Mambaling, Cebu City
Home Address
: Naba Alaska Mambaling Cebu City
E-mail Address
: aprilbirondo10@gmail.com
Contact Number
University of Cebu- Main Campus
Bachelor of Art in Psychology
3rd Year
Sanciangko St., Cebu City 6000
Senior High School
Cebu Technological University- Main Campus
Strand: HUMSS
Alaska Elementary School
: Pearl Jane Bongcales
City Address
: Sudlon Lahug, Cebu City
Home Address
: Looc, Ginatilan, Cebu
E-mail Address
: pearljane24@gmail.com
Contact Number
: 09551724816
University of Cebu - Main Campus
: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Year Level
: 3rd Year
Guiwanon National High School
Strand: General Academic Strand
Guiwanon Elementary School
: Carl Vincent A. Caballero
City Address
: Deca Homes Tisa Cebu City
Home Address
: Pitalo San Fernando, Cebu
E-mail Address
: carlcaballero12@gmail.com
Contact Number
: 09452589895
University of Cebu - Main Campus
: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Year Level
: 3rd Year
University of Cebu- Pri
Strand: HUMSS
Pitalo Elementary School
: Joann Fe S. Cabuga
City Address : Aznar Sub. Laguna, Basak, Pardo, Cebu City
Home Address : Bualan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte
E-mail Address : cajfs@gmail.com
Contact Number : 09078885027
University of Cebu - Main Campus
Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology
Year Level:
3rd Year
Arsenio A. Quibranza National High School
General Academic Strand
Bualan Elementary School