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Rant Speech Assignment Instructions

Rant Speech (25 points)
Time for your first graded speech. You get to rant and complain!
A rant is an opinionated speech about a current topic. It usually expresses a position
on how you feel about something, and sometimes involves taking a stance about
something important. Rants are usually witty, humorous, and entertaining ,
designed to leave a lasting impression about the topic. The point of a rant is to
communicate your frustration about a given issue. You do not HAVE to be negative
in your rant. You may choose to rant about the positive qualities of something or
explain why you really love something. Be as creative as you want!
What Makes a Good Rant?
1) Clearly structured intro that captures attention and quickly establishes the
topic of the rant.
2) Middle – Provides challenging statements that help the listener/viewer
recognize the main point(s) of the rant ….the “AHA!” moment.
3) End – Wraps up with a statement that leaves the listener with a deeper
understanding of the topic. It may contain a summary with a catchy final
statement. It may also suggest what people should do about the topic (a call
to action).
Your topic could be something most people can relate to— events in the media,
human behavior, new fads, etc. It does not HAVE to be. You can choose a topic that’s
totally personal (I don’t mean private, I just mean individualized) and specific to
Your topic should not be (a) threatening, (b) include profanity or (c) seriously harm
an individual or ruin organizations’ reputation. You cannot target any persons or
group based on qualities like age, gender, race, sexual orientation, economic status,
etc. Please see me or email me if you are concerned about your topic selection. I
reserve the right to cut off any rant that I feel might be offensive or discriminatory
towards any member of the audience.
Here’s a short WikiHow I found with some suggestions as you approach coming up
with your rant:
Don’t ever hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you might have!