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Aldol Data Report Instructions

Aldol Data Report Instruction
Chem 420 S2021 (26pts)
Introduction (6pts)
1. Explain, with a reaction, why a Lewis acid is necessary in this aldol reaction.
2. Write the reaction scheme for your aldol experiment.
Experimental Results: (20pts)
3. IR peak assignments: Identify four significant peaks and assigned them to
functional groups. (4pts)
4. NMR peak assignments (8pts) assign all peaks to the correct protons;
(assignment of different aromatic peaks is not expected, only which are aromatic;
include integrations. The CHCl3 peak at 7.24ppm in the CDCl3 solvent is expected
and is not considered a contaminant. Identify major contaminants in your spectrum.
Contaminant may be learned by reviewing the experimental procedure. If no
contaminant, then say “no contaminants.” (An expansion of signal(s) from
diastereotopic protons will be used in the Aldol Analysis Report.)
5. Discussion of product purity by NMR.(6pts)
6. Attach all raw spectra (IR and NMR spectra).(2pts)
The report does not have to follow the JOC formatting guideline. Include the
following sections as described above,:
Experimental Resulta
Attached Spectra