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Omni M08 L01 Expanding To Amazon When to Start on Amazon

Expanding to Amazon
Video Title: When to Start on Amazon
In this lesson you are going to learn when to start on Amazon
and two paths for starting on Amazon.
This Lesson Includes:
1. When to Start on Amazon
2. Action Steps
1. When to Start on Amazon
What We’ll Cover
● When to start on Amazon
● Two paths for starting on Amazon
When Should I List My Product on Amazon?
● Common question that we get from Omni members
● Amazon is a global eCommerce giant
○ 38%+ US ecommerce
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● Makes sense to be eager
● So when is the right time to get started?
DTC Sales Going Well
● You are ready to expand onto Amazon if you are:
○ Consistently hitting $5k per day on Shopify
○ You have systems (and/or people) in place to maintain and grow Shopify
○ You have the inventory and cash flow available to match your website
volume on Amazon
● If this is you, what we will cover in the rest of this module is where you should
focus next
● If you’re not there yet, I would keep your focus on Shopify until it is stabilized
Struggling to Get Traction on Shopify
● If you’ve been struggling to get traction on Shopify…
● Feel like you have tested multiple angles, landing pages, and countless ads on FB
and other platforms…
● It might be time to test launching your product on Amazon as an alternative
● If this is you…
○ We recommend jumping into the Amazing Selling Machine course
○ Fast action tip: Start with the module on creating your product listing
What We Covered
● When to start on Amazon
● Two paths for starting on Amazon
Copyright © 2022 amazing.com
2. Action Steps
● Determine if you’re ready to get started on Amazon
Copyright © 2022 amazing.com