Head of the emba lmed Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin in the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square, Moscow. The photograph shows the mummy in its 1997 condit ion. A Death-Beyond Life-Lenin, Mao, Evita LUISA REIBLICH "The man is only sleeping!" shows, he was not disfigured. 3 Death had taken a man who was frail, but not old. Had he been old, his death The death of some people is experienced as too great might have been expected and would have been easier a loss to be able to live with it. These are people with to bear. His death was to be feared: "The loss of the such great charisma that ideas and passionate emo- function of Lenin, who had founded and guaranteed the tions gather around them. Some play an outstanding political identity of the young Soviet Union, posed the role in politics, but their enigma goes far beyond their threat of a new civil war and of the collapse of the political acts. If such a personality dies, the fascination Soviet regime." 4 Joseph Stalin, his successor in the task, remains, and possibly even increases, due to the cir- would not have been welcomed by the deceased, so cumstances of their death. The successors, whether in Stalin at a secret session of the Politburo allegedly con- the political office or just in life, are faced with the task sidered the idea of embalming Lenin as early as Octo- of controlling and directing the maelstrom of forces and ber 1923: "at least for as long as it takes for our minds the strong feelings surrounding the death of their pre- to get used to the idea that he no longer lives among decessor. If they are successful, they will have the us." The ensuing debate, which was not recorded in charismatic powers of the deceased at their disposal, writing, showed the conflict between the hope that the and much more so, since the dead can no longer speak, conservation of the corpse would compensate for the and can no longer interfere. Christian monarchical loss of the leader and the fear of transforming the rev- Europe developed tried and tested procedures for this, olutionary into a relic, a cult object as of the old, in the form of religious forms and rituals. Saints' bodies recently overthrown, order. Whether the debate took remained intact after death, and rulers were embalmed place or not, even if the speeches of the opponents before being buried in their family vaults. They were were perhaps just recreated, they still reflected the then of course invisible, yet had not disappeared, and basic problem in the face of the death of a revolution- their position was occupied by legitimate successors. It ary leader. It was problematic to consider how to honor was a political aim to secure continuity, and embalming personalities and their work in the true sense of the ide- and funereal customs were useful in attempting to ology, without borrowing from that which had been attain this goal. 1 overcome? 5 Stalin won, and the wishes of the dead man What would have happened, however, if someone himself, of his wife, and of his family were ignored. Rev- died who had destroyed this age-old order, setting in olutionary ideology, too, was ignored, with an eye on motion a hitherto unseen revolutionary fervor and, in the benefits that an embalmed Lenin and a posthumous the process, had unleashed an eddy of forces of "Lenin cult" brought to the regime. Modern science put unknown force? Could they also be tamed, perhaps the relic to work to connect the religious feelings of the even with the means and the rites of the consciously population as in an elderly society and make them sub- destroyed tradition? servient to the party, so that the deceased politician On January 21, 1924, Vladimir llyich Ulyanov, known could continue to "function''. as Lenin, died in Gorki. He was one of the theoreticians The time of death was helpful in this case: The Jan- of scientific socialism and the charismatic leader on uary chill of -30°C (-22°F) initially kept the corpse fresh. Russia's bloody path toward the dictatorship of the pro- In addition, Professor Abrikossov, the pathologist letariat. Lenin died at age 54, from common arte- charged with the autopsy and the emergency conser- riosclerosis.2 As a photograph of Lenin on his deathbed vation of Lenin, injected the aorta with six litres (1.6 gal- 174 I LUISA REIBLIC H Ions) of a mixture of formalin, alcohol, and glycerol, one corpse was then sutured back together and placed in a day after the death. The classic conservation liquids dis- rubber tub with a "balm" bath containing a succession infected and protected the body from frost damage; of solutions of potassium acetate alcohol, quinine chlo- however, they did not survive inside the body and the ride and phenol as disinfectants; acetic acid to prevent corpse was in danger of desiccating. After the transfer blemishes; hydrogen peroxide for a rosy skin, and water to Moscow, there were hardly any signs of decomposi- and glycerine. The latter bonds with water, and the tion that would affect the week-long pompous festivi- body, whose capacity for absorbtion was increased by ties, which included Lenin lying in state as thousands of making cuts in the tissue, regained its humidity after a mourners filed past. The leading party officials carried few weeks. Rubber bandages under the suit did, and the coffin from the main hall of the trade union building still do, help retain moisture. A chemical solution is still into the temporary oak mausoleum on Red Square, regularly injected underneath the bandages, which which was completed on January 27. It stood above a keeps the corpse flexible and facilitates its care. The pit that had been blasted from the frozen ground for chemicals used in the embalming also removed the Lenin's coffin. Despite natural conservation by cold, mould patches on the exposed areas of skin. The hands which was augmented by technology, gradually the and head are exposed and resemble Lenin as he was in first signs of pallor mortis, skin discoloration, and gap- life; collapsed tissue areas were injected with formalde- ing of the lips appeared .6 The part of the skull through hyde and the eyeballs were replaced with inserts to pre- which the brain had been removed also began to turn vent the eyelids from collapsing . The lips and eyes were brown. After long discussions in the Politburo about stitched invisibly. Lenin was transformed into his own suitable conservation methods and which experts posthumous portrait. After all, he was conserved in should be consulted, and after some resistance on the order to be displayed, not being embalmed for an after- part of the chosen expert, eventually, at the end of life (fig . 1). March 1924, Professor Vladimir Vorobyov, professor of The basic conservation took four months to com- anatomy in Kharkov and an experienced preparator, plete, but further continuous maintenance is necessary. was charged with the task of embalming Lenin, using The guardians of the body still paint all exposed areas the latest scientific methods. For this work he was given of skin twice a week with the usual solution, and every a private apartment and a remuneration of 50,000 18 months the mausoleum closes for two months, so rubles. Four assistants, including the biochemist Boris that the entire body can be unwrapped, carefully exam- llyitsh Zbarski and anatomy professor Petr Karusin, ined, and re-treated. The conservation involves vinegar assisted him in his task. The decomposition of the dead water rinses of the body cavities, the removal of mould man had continued unabated, and so the embalmers patches. an embalming bath, and the renewal of the were faced with a precarious. even dangerous task in skin color. The clothes are washed and ironed. Every ten the light of their clients' well-known modus operandi in years, Lenin is even given a new suit, since the conser- case of failure. vation chemicals cause the fabric to disintegrate. The preparation of Lenin began two months after The original wooden mausoleum was replaced by a his death, on a marble table in the mausoleum's cellar. second one, which lasted for five years. In 1930, a mag- The method consisted of the removal of organs, some- nificent structure of reddish-brown granite and Labra- thing that had already been recognized as useful in dor stone, with a stepped pyramid as a roof. replaced ancient Egypt, combined with modern knowledge of its wooden predecessors. It was home not only to Lenin, the biochemical action of conservation solutions. displayed in full daylight in a splendid glass and bronze Vorobyov employed the formalin technique, developed sarcophagus like a saint 7 (fig. 2), but also to a research in 1895 by Prof. N. F. Myelnikov-Rasvedenkov, patholo- laboratory and numerous scientists. Their task was the gist at Moscow University, and elaborated upon it. permanent protection of the body from decomposition, Vorobyov reopened the sutures from the first autopsy as well as fundamental biochemical research. In addi- and removed Lenin's organs. The body cavities were tion, an institute was charged with the painstaking rinsed, first with distilled water and then with acetic examination of the dead man's brain, which was dis- acid, and the tissue was fixed with formalin. Com- mantled into 30,000 separate components. The genius presses on face, body, and hands used the same anti- of the revolutionary leader was to be proven as a phys- septic solution to counter decomposition. The padded ical reality. A DEAT H -BEYOND LIFE-LENIN, MAO , EV ITA I 175 Th e mausoleum, guarded by permanent security, t hi s status also app li ed to the corpse. The body was became a p lace of p il grim age and a symbo li c ce nter of thoroughly restored aga in in 2003 and is st ill in the care the Soviet Union .8 During im portant festivities, the of severa l experts. Hard ly a v isitor to Moscow misses a mausoleum formed the bas is for th e party leadership's visit to Len in. On April 27, 2007, some 2,000 people p latform, so th at the successo rs qu ite literally stood on co mmemorated his 137 1h b irthd ay. In the meantime, the top of the now-mytho logized founding hero. It is, there- dead man has become a rel ic in the t rue sense, a fore, not surpris in g that during World War II , Sta lin remainder of an ideo logy th at has been overtaken by evacuated his va lu ab le predecessor like a precious history. He entered the realm of the in corrupt ibl e saints, work of art , t o Tyumen in Western Siberia, far from the albeit in th e service of a materialist wor ld v iew. Lenin's enemy. Of course the body was accompanied by a team body was not immortalized by th e sp iritual streng th of of scient ists, who made use of the time by thoroughly the sou l that inhabited him but by th e most advanced restoring their ward. It was there that he received his methods of conservation at that time. except io nally lifeli ke coloration. Thi s visib le c haracteristi c nurtured rumours that the corpse had been exchanged fo r a wax model. Only recently were the rumours contrad icted by an expe rt: " I perce ived that typical sme ll of corpse conservat ion . I am abso lutely 2 The embalmed Lenin in his g lass and bronze sa rco p hagus. "We know that the dead are pow erfu l rulers!" Th e v isib le success of the Lenin emba lm ers was not certa in that it is the real Lenin w ho li es t here in state." 9 w ith out consequences. Deceased heads of state in The Lenin Mausoleum comp lex, built sole ly to stage other communist states also enjoyed similar services th e venerat ion of a Comm uni st sa int, necessitated an from the team from Moscow. It was not un expected enormous financial out lay. It is reported that the main- that, after the death of its first Cha irman, the "sister tenance costs are up to 1. 5 million dollars a year. 10 The party" at the other end of the cont in ent, would ask the successor st ate of the Soviet Union was no lo nger wi ll- Russian special ists for advice. 13 Th e request from China, in g to pay such sums; in 1991, the mausoleum 's budget however, did not happen. Chin a had its own age-o ld tra- was c ut by 80% . A private fund filled the gapn In 1993, dit ion of mummies. A fter all, in 1971, during Mao's life- Boris Yelts in removed the guard of honor, lead in g to time, the " Lady of Dai", w ho had probably died specu lation that Lenin wou ld finally be bur ied. 12 Th e between 178 and 145 BC, was found. Th e deg ree of mausoleum was declared a UNESCO World Heritage preservation of this " mother o f all mummies" exceeded site in 1990, w hi c h raised the q uesti on as to whether the q ual ity of the mummies of Ancient Egypt. Its limbs, moistened w ith a reddi sh-brown liquid, we re movable, her sk in was soft, her arteries conta in ed blood, and the body sti ll had its interna l organs . It was decided to conserve Mao Zedong, who died in China, o n September 9, 1976. At that time, owing to relat ions with the Sov iet Union, Ch in ese researchers travelled to Moscow, in search of mumm ifi cation expert ise. Mao died at the age of 83 . Hi s deat h was expected; he had spe nt his final months su fferin g greatly. 14 What happened afterward s was comparab le t o the events in Russia in 1924: the surv ivors were afra id of an ensuing power struggle, 15 so during the ni ght of his death, the Politburo argued about what to do w ith the corpse. Mao himself had given written orders that his body was to be cremated; however, t he party offic ial s wanted him emba lmed .16 They agreed on his ly in g in state. For one week, the Ch in ese people were permitted to say their farewells in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. This necessitated a bas ic "emergency" conservation, by inj ection w ith forma ldehyde. Even the init ia l care 176 I LUI SA RE IB LI C H proved difficult because Mao's body was severely in the re spective central squares, just like the relics of shrunken. The dead man's personal physician, Dr. Li old Christian Europe. They became secular saints, cen- Zhisui, was opposed to this undertaking, for good rea- tres of a cult of personality, which Communism, sons. He was charged with assembling a team of although expressly rejecting it, nevertheless busily experts around him as quickly as possible, and devel- employed. Visitors to the Mao mausoleum also doubt oping a method of conservation. Embalming methods the authenticity of the corpse, especially since rumors that had proved successful in early history, however, did describe the embalming process as insufficiently long- not offer any solutions for the Great Leader, who was, lasting; the mummy was said to be noticeably decom- of course, not to be interred like the ancient mummies. posing or to be a wax copy anyway. 18 Since it opened in In case the specialists could not succeed in preserving 1977, the mausoleum has recorded 158 million visitors . Mao, a wax copy was kept in reserve, which is said still The 30th anniversary of Mao's death was commemo- to be kept in the mausoleum. The physicians found the rated on September 9, 2006. The mausoleum was ren- solution in professional publications: the body would be ovated between March and September 2007, for the filled with formaldehyde, right up to the fingertips. The celebrations and to make a profitable display possible result of the introduction of 22 liters (5.8 gallons) of this for the future; an interment of the body was never solution during an hour-long procedure did, however, considered. not come up to expectations: "Mao's face was bloated and as round as a ball, his neck was as wide as his head. ... The ears were similarly swollen and stood away from "I will return and I will be million s!" the head at a right angle ." Massage and make-up Like Lenin and Mao, Eva Peron, the second wife of the returned the deceased to his original shape, as can be Argentine dictator Juan Peron, was also embalmed to seen in the photographs of the Great Chairman lying in remain among her people for ever, in a grand mau- state, seemingly peacefully asleep under a flag, without soleum , a protected monument, in the middle of the any traces of decomposition. 17 capital. As a result of the anti-Peron coup, no tomb was A more thorough conservation was begun after the period of lying in state. For one year, the body and the ever built, although the conservation of the body was completed. embalmers stayed in a laboratory in a subterranean Further aspects played a role in the events sur- complex . As with Lenin, the procedure was based on rounding this woman, who was fascinating even in the removal of the internal organs, in this case with the death. There was, first of all, the tragic death itself. The exception of the brain, and on the action of conserva- First Lady of the State, who was already ardently tion solutions; the body was stuffed with formalde- admired during her lifetime, died slowly, painfully and hyde-soaked cotton wool. A tube inserted into the neck very young . On July 26, 1953, she succumbed to uter- made it possible to pump more of the conservation ine cancer, at the age of only 33 years. Her life from Cin- solution into the body whenever necessary. derella to the glamorous paths of power were known far In the case of the Chinese revolutionary leader, beyond the borders of her country, and even the conti- discussions were held about where Mao should be dis- nent. Glamour and charisma endowed the woman with played. The successors decided on a mausoleum almost an almost mythical aura, even when she was still alive. 19 at the center of the capital, on Tiananmen Square, the In additional to everything else, she was very beautiful . Place of Heavenly Peace. Another suggestion was the Her death fulfilled all the prequisites for the unleashing actual heart of Beijing, the Forbidden City. There were, of the most romantic outpouring of emotions, strength- however, some arguments against that location; the ened by the intensity of Latin American Catholic atti- Forbidden City represented a place where a disap- tudes toward life and death. "The death of a beautiful proved, and therefore hidden, "kowtow to the old man" woman is without doubt the most poetic theme in the (such as, for example, before the rules of Feng Shui) was world." 20 Public empathy with her suffering developed mixed with ideologically conformist points of view. into the cult of a martyr. The candles in front of images Therefore, not only were the events surrounding the of Evita were never allowed to go out; a mass was read deaths of the party leaders in Russia and China similar, with a million participants; thousands prayed inces- but also the images. In each case, the the mummified santly and passionately for her recovery, and many founders of a new order lay on display, in glass coffins wanted to die for her. When the inevitable finally hap- A D EAT H- BEYOND LI FE-LEN IN, MAO, EV ITA 3 The mummified Eva Peron, historic photograph . I 177 pened , the entire country plunged into an abyss of glamorous woman's body. He examined Eva, who was mourning. The Vatican received request s to canonize barely alive, with a view to her politically desirable her when people were worried about the "Angel of mummification, which was commissioned by Juan Compassion." 21 While she lay in state in a glass coffin, Peron seven weeks before she died. He was shocked: from July 27 to August 9, 12 million mourners filed she smelled badly and had wounds. Eva's skin was through the hall of the ministry; some had to be pre- burned by radiation; her facial features were sunken, vented from committing suicide at the catafalque. For her body wa s emaciated; and she weighed ju st 33 kg such an extended farewell, the body had to be con- (72.75 lbs). 25 Ara's prescription. treatment of the burns served. Whether Eva Peron herself had the desire to be with healing oils, was certainly aimed at alleviating preserved, is unknown 22 ; however, since she expected Eva 's pain, but Ara was probably also looking ahead to to be lying in state, she did order a discreet nail polish the future embalming process, which was, of course, as part of her manicure. supposed to restore Evita's beauty. The night she died, The physician who was finally consulted, Dr. Pedro Ara immediately injected conservation liquid s into the Ara, honorary cultural attache at the Spanish Embassy still-warm body of the deceased so that it could with- in Argentina, had already made a name for himse lf as a stand the lengthy mourning rituals without sustaining preparator. 23 On October 17, 1952, during a speec h any damage. Ara oversaw the presentation of the body made by Eva Peron, Ara got close enough to Eva to look in the glass coffin and forbade it to be opened; an air for signs of illness: "But I stand here and can see her vent was installed to prevent the glass from fogging. breathlessness well, and even the accelerated pulse Afterward, the transformation of the deceased into an under the delicate skin of her thin neck." 24 His attitude idol began. In the magnificent trade union building, a toward first the living, and then the dead, woman gift from Evita to the workers, Peron set up a superbly- revealed a certain obsession: perhaps he was lured not equipped, secure laboratory where, according to one of so much by the fee of 100,000 dollars as by the attempt hi s colleagues later on, Ara worked on the "Spanish to test his skills against the decomposition of such a mummification". 26 He injected a formalin solution into 178 I LUI SA RE IBL IC H Eva's arteries and rinsed the in side of the body w ith for - Koening. For the Lieutenant Co lonel, it meant an adven- malin und zinc ch loride, whi le so me parts were fill ed ture of a very special kind, and for the deceased Ev ita, with paraffin . Th e interna l o rgans were left intact and a novel-like odyssey. There was talk of sec ret trans- wrapped in para ffin thread s, which dist inguished this portati on; hide-outs; three wax copies intended to mi s- mummy from most of the o t hers. Ara also se lectively lead a ll pursuers of the one genuine co rpse; of the empl oyed carbolic acid, borate, and mercury ch loride. "c urse of the mummy", bring in g bad luck and death t o Finall y, Ara covered the co rpse with a hard layer of wax . all t hose involved in removing the body; of a major w ho After one yea r of basic conservation, a se lect aud ience shot hi s w ife because of her; of Koen in g 's life long was all owed to adm ire the eterna l Evita in a chape l near necrop hiliac obsess ion and of nocturnal burials. For a the laboratory, resting like Snow White on white sil k, long time Eva was hidden in a wooden box with the under a g lass cover, alm ost as if floating. Every day, Ara in sc ription " La Voz de Cordoba" (The Voice of Cor- dedicated himse lf to her care: organs were adju sted doba), w hi ch was not w ithout a certa in irony since Eva and the body was periodically placed into a co nserva - Peron owed her rise to radio broadcasts. New images tion bath. As ca n be seen in a photograph of the and idea s joined those engendered by the living Evita: mummy (f ig . 3), t he p hysician created a sleeping "Now she had become a dol l for dreams, a dead beauty wit h f lawless feature s and red lip s; it on ly object." 27 She finally disappea red, into the O ld World, sound ed a litt le hollow when touc hed. No trace of the with th e assistance of the Vati ca n, finding peace in a deadly d isease marred the image. grave in Europe that remained undi scovered for a long Under the care of the emba lm er, the peace of Sleep- time. Al l t he whi le, the Neo-Peroni st s searched for the ing Beauty nearly lasted for a long time, but during th e deceased and therefore immortal, eternal ly young and 1955 anti-Peron coup, leaders mi stook the beautiful beautifu l Evita. Although Juan Peron still lived in exile mummy in a remote part of the bu il ding to be a doll, in Madrid, they were looking not for a po liti c ian, but for and not worth keeping . Medical assessment of th e the embodiment of a myth. The Neo -Peron ists pressed body, revealed that "Th e Virgin Mary of the Poor" was Aramburu, then ki ll ed him because he could not revea l still present, and perhaps almost more dangerous dead where Ev ita was buried-yet another person who had than ali ve, sin ce she was a sec ret center of her cu lt. died in the serv ice of th e beautifu l lady. Aramburu 's Destruction of the mummy would have led to uprisings, death made it poss ibl e for the mummy to be found; he so the new president, Aramburu , ordered that Eva be had received the soug ht-after information in a sea led given a Christ ian burial. The burial had to be undertaken envelope, which he deposited w ith a notary, w ithout sec retly at an untraceable locat ion, so that her grave first reading it. When the enve lope was opened it would not become a shrin e for pi lgrimage. On Novem - revealed the truth: Evita lay buried under the name ber 24, 1955, "O peration Evasion " began, under the Marla Maggi de Magistris in a cemetery in Milan. In 1971, direction of Lieutenant Co lone l Car los Eugenio Moori she was exhumed and taken to her hu sband in Spain; A DEATH- BE YO N D LIF E- L ENIN . M AO, EV ITA Juan Peron was not pleased with the arrival of Eva's mummified body, since he had remarried. Without doubt, Dr. Ara showed more enthusiasm about the reunion with his most famous work; he confirmed its identity and physical integrity. Eva's sisters, however, had also traveled to Spain, and reported serious damage to face and body. Peron hid the resilient Eva in the attic of his villa, 28 and did not take her back home when he took power a second time. She was finally returned to Argentina by Isabel , Peron's third wife and Argentina's President after his death, who wanted to make use of Evita's undiminished popularity for her own ends. On October 17, 1974, an airplane returned the beautiful body to Buenos Aires. In the palace, Dr. Domingo Tellechea immediately began restoration of the mummy, which included combing Eva's hair, giving her a manicure, and dressing her in a new set of clothes. The customary military coup ended the presidency of Isabel Peron, and led to the return of Evita. On October 22, 1976, Erminda and Blanca Duarte were finally able to bury their sister. Today Evita lies in the elegant cemetery of La Recoleta, in the tomb of her brother-in-law's family. A bronze plaque commemorates the powerhungry and compassionate angel of the descamisados ("the shirtless ones", followers of Peron). Her final resting place is a compulsory stopover on any tourist's visit. The guides explain about the thick concrete plates under which Evita was buried. It is said that she is protected this way because of fear of theft, 29 but the dead whose return is feared, and which must therefore be prevented, have been buried in the same way. I 179 Edited by Alfried Wie czorek Wilfried Rosendahl .. ... 11: * * * * *• PRESTEL AMERICAN Munich • Berlin • Lo nd on • New York EXHIBITIONS, IN C. rem I Curt-Engelhorn-Stiftung fiir die Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Re iss-Engelh o rn -Museen