The members of the School Planning Team (SPT) will be in-charge for the process of monitoring and evaluation to help improve the performance and achieve good results. Its goal is to improve current and future outputs, outcomes and impact. The monitoring and evaluation will regularly conduct in the middle and at the end of the school year in order to check and compare the improvement of each project. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S IND ICA TO RS BASELI NE (20202021) PHYSICAL TARGET (20222028) MEANS OF VERIFICATION FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONS IBLE BODY M&E STRAT EGY Pillar 1:ACCESS INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME (IO) #1: School-age children, out-of-school children, youth, and adults accessed relevant basic learning opportunities SO1.1 % of Elem: Elem: LIS Yearly M&E SMEA Achieved at increas 0.11 1.07 Enrolment Focal e Data Persons/ least 1% JHS: JHS: MEA increase in -0.04 1.04 Performance Team total Key Members enrollment SHS: SHS: Indicators of school0.15 1.11 aged learners by 2028. SO1.1.1 Achieved at least 1% increase in total enrollment by 2028. % of increas e Elem: 0.11 Elem: 1.07 JHS: -0.04 JHS: 1.04 LIS Enrolment Data (target subject to data) M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team Members SMEA Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA Performance Key Indicators SHS: SHS: 0.15 1.11 IO1.1 All five-year old children in school SO1.2 % of LIS Enrolment Achieved increas Data at least 1% e increase in Performance enrolment Key Indicators of school21.16 22.12 aged Kindergarte n by 2028. Yearly IO1.2 All learners will stay in school and finish key stages. (all levels) SO 1.3 No. of LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E learner Data Focal s Persons/ Performance MEA 296 296 Key Indicators Team STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S SO 1.3 SO 1.3 SO1.4 INDICA TORS No. of learner s No. of learner s Simple Dropou t Rate BASE LINE (20202021) 226 427 PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 226 427 MEANS OF VERIFICATION LIS Enrolment Data Performance Key Indicators LIS Enrolment Data Elem: 0% Elem: 0% Performance Key Indicators LIS generated SF6 JHS: 0% JHS: 0% Performance Key Indicators FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Yearly Yearly Yearly SMEA RESPONS IBLE BODY M&E STRAT EGY M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA SMEA SMEA SHS: SHS: 0% 0% IO1.3 All learners transition to the next key stage (all levels) SO1.5 Increased number of learners who moved to the next higher level by 2028. SO1.5.1 Kinderg LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA arten Data Focal Transiti 78 78 Persons/ on Performance MEA Key Indicators Team SO1.5.2 Elemen LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA tary Data Focal Transiti 58 58 Persons/ on Performance MEA Key Indicators Team SO1.5.2 Elemen LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA 51 51 tary Data Focal Transiti on SO1.5.2 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S JHS Transiti on INDICA TORS Performance Key Indicators LIS Enrolment Data 77 77 BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) Yearly Performance Key Indicators MEANS OF VERIFICATION FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team RESPONSI BLE BODY SMEA M&E STRA TEGY Pillar 2 Equity Intermediate Outcome (IO) #2: School-age children and youth, and adults who are at risk of being left behind benefitted from appropriate equity initiatives (all levels) SO2.1 % Elem: Elem: LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA Dispari 1% 0% Data Focal ty in Persons/ Transiti JHS: JHS: Performance MEA on 1% 0% Key Indicators Team SO2.2 Gender Parity Index Comple tion SHS: 1% Elem: 1% JHS: 1% SHS 0% Elem: LIS Enrolment 1.03% Data JHS: 1% Performance Key Indicators Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA SHS: SHS 1% 1% IO2.1 All school-age children and youth and adults in situations of disadvantage are participating in basic learning opportunities and receiving appropriate quality education (all levels) SO2.3 % of Elem: Elem: LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA learner 98% 100% Data Focal in Persons/ situatio JHS: JHS: Performance MEA n of 99% 100% Key Indicators Team disadva ntage SHS: SHS 99% 100% SO2.4.1 %of Elem: Elem: LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA learner 70% 75% Data Focal STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S SO2.4.2 SO2.4.2 JHS: 73% JHS: 75% SHS: 73% SHS 75% INDICA TORS BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) %of learner Elem: 70% Elem: 75% LIS Enrolment Data JHS: 73% JHS: 75% Performance Key Indicators SHS: 73% Elem: 70% SHS 75% Elem: 75% LIS Enrolment Data JHS: 73% JHS: 75% Performance Key Indicators SHS: 73% SHS 75% %of learner Persons/ MEA Team Performance Key Indicators MEANS OF VERIFICATION FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA Pillar 3 Quality Intermediate Outcome (IO) #3: Learners complete K-12 Basic Education having attained all learning standards that equip them with the necessary skills and attributes to pursue their chosen paths SO3.1: Achieved 100% of K-12 Learners has pursued their chosen path by 2028 (SHS Only) %of College 90% 90% SHS Tracking Yearly Advisers, SMEA learners system M&E/ME pursued A Team Employmen t higher educatio n %of learner pursued employ ment 6% 6% SHS Tracking system Yearly Advisers, M&E/ME A Team SMEA Entreprene urship STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S Middle level skills training %of learner pursued entrepre neurshi p INDICA TORS %of learner pursued middle level skills training 3% 3% BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 1% 1% SHS Tracking system MEANS OF VERIFICATION SHS Tracking system Yearly FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Yearly Advisers, M&E/ME A Team RESPONSI BLE BODY Advisers, M&E/ME A Team SMEA M&E STRA TEGY SMEA SO3.2 Maintained number of learners who completed in Grade 6/Grade 12. (elem & SHS levels) pls check formula for elem & SHS (5yrs ago) SO3.2.1 Grade 6 325 325 LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA Comple Data Focal tion Persons/ Performance MEA Key Indicators Team SO3.2.1 Grade LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA 12 Data Focal Comple Persons/ tion Performance MEA Key Indicators Team IO3.1 Learners attained Stage 1 learning standards of fundamental reading and numeracy skills SO3.3: Achieved specific percentage of learners attained nearly proficient level or better in stage 1 learning standards of (a) reading (English & Filipino), (b) Mother Tongue, (c) numeracy by 2028. *Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA) SO3.3.1 % of 60% 80% LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA learner Data Focal Persons/ Performance MEA Key Indicators Team SO3.3.2 % of 60% 83% LIS Enrolment Yearly M&E SMEA learner Data Focal SO3.3.3 % of learner 60% 80% Performance Key Indicators LIS Enrolment Data Yearly Performance Key Indicators STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S SO3.3.4 INDICA TORS % of learner BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 60% 75% MEANS OF VERIFICATION LIS Enrolment Data FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Yearly Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team RESPONSI BLE BODY SMEA M&E STRA TEGY M&E SMEA Focal Persons/ Performance MEA Key Indicators Team IO3.2 Learners attain Stage 2 (Grade 6) learning standards of literacy & numeracy skills and apply 21st century skills to various situations SO3.4: specific percentage of learners attained nearly proficient level or better in stage 2 (Grade 6) learning standards of (a) literacy (English & Filipino), (b) numeracy by 2028. SO3.4.1 % of 60% 60% ELLNA Yearly M&E SMEA learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team SO3.4.2 % of 60% 65% ELLNA Yearly M&E SMEA learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team SO3.4.3 % of 60% 60% ELLNA Yearly M&E SMEA learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team IO3.3 Learners attained Stage 3 (Grade 7-10) learning standards of literacy and numeracy skills and apply 21st century skills to various situations SO3.5: Achieved specific percentage of Grade 10 learners attained nearly proficient level or better in stage 3 (Grade 7-10) learning standards of (a) literacy (English & Filipino), (b) numeracy by 2028. S03.5.1 % of 60% 75% PHIL-IRI Yearly M&E SMEA learner RUNT Focal S03.5.2 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S S03.5.3 % of learner INDICA TORS % of learner 60% 80% BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 60% 65% PHIL-IRI RUNT MEANS OF VERIFICATION PHIL-IRI RUNT Yearly FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Yearly Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team RESPONSI BLE BODY SMEA M&E STRA TEGY M&E SMEA Focal Persons/ MEA Team IO3.4 Learners attain Stage 4 (Grade 11-12) learning standards equipped with knowledge and 21st century competencies developed in their core, applied, and specialized SHS tracks SO3.6 Improved percentage of Grade 12 learners attained nearly proficient level or better in stage 4 (Grade 11-12) learning standards equipped with knowledge and 21st century competencies developed in their chosen core, applied and specialized SHS tracks by 2028. Mathematic % of 60% 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA s learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team Language % of 60% 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA and learner Focal Communic Persons/ ation MEA Team Science % of 60% 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team Philosophy % of 60% 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team Humanities STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE S Media Information and Literacy % of learner INDICA TORS % of learner 60% BASE LINE (20202021) 60% 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 75% RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION RAM Yearly FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team RESPONSI BLE BODY SMEA M&E STRA TEGY M&E SMEA Focal Persons/ MEA Team Social % of 60% 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA Studies learner Focal Persons/ MEA Team SO3.7: Improved percentage of learners attained at least nearly proficient in all learning areas in the Regional Assessment measure (RAM) by 2028 Kinder % of No 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA learn baseli Focal er ne Persons/ data MEA Team Grade 1 Filipino % of No 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA learn baseli Focal er ne Persons/ data MEA Team MTB % of No 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA learn baseli Focal er ne Persons/ data MEA Team English % of No 75% RAM Yearly M&E SMEA learn baseli Focal er ne Persons/ data MEA Mathematics STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES % of learn er INDI CATO RS No baseli ne data BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Aral. Pan. % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly EsP % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly MTB % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 2 Filipino Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team RESPONSI BLE BODY SMEA M&E STRA TEGY M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA Aral. Pan. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY EsP % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly MTB % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 3 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA Aral. Pan. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY EsP % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 4 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly EPP % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 5 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly EPP % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 6 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly TLE % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 7 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly TLE % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 8 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly TLE % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 9 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly TLE % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly English % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Aral. Pan. % of No 75% RAM Yearly Grade 10 Filipino M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA EsP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES learn er baseli ne data % of learn er No baseli ne data INDI CATO RS BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM MEANS OF VERIFICATION Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY MAPEH % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly TLE % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Oral Communicatio n in Context % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly General Mathematics % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Earth and Life Science except for STEM % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Earth Science % of No 75% RAM Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA Grade 11 SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA for STEM only learn er baseli ne data Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics % of learn er No baseli ne data BASE LINE (20202021) 75% PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) RAM Yearly Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES INDI CATO RS Physical Education and Health 1 % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Reading and Writing Skills % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba 't-ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Statistics and Probability % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly 75% RAM Yearly 75% RAM Yearly SHS-Contextualized Subjects English for % of No Academic and learn baseli Professional er ne Purposes data Empowerment % of No MEANS OF VERIFICATION M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA Technologies ICT for Professional Tracks STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Research in Daily Life 1 learn er INDI CATO RS % of learn er baseli ne data BASE LINE (20202021) No baseli ne data Focal Persons/ MEA Team PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 75% MEANS OF VERIFICATION RAM Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand Introduction to % of No 75% RAM the World learn baseli Regions and er ne Beliefs Systems data Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ SMEA Yearly data Grade 12 Media and Information Literacy Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person M&E STRA TEGY Yearly Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track – Home Economics Food and % of No 75% RAM Yearly Beverage learn baseli Services (NC II) er ne Bread and Pastry Production (NC II) RESPONSI BLE BODY % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne 75% RAM Yearly SMEA SMEA SMEA data BASE LINE (20202021) MEA Team PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES INDI CATO RS Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Physical Science % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Physical Education and Health 3 % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Physical Education and Health 4 % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly 75% RAM Yearly SHS-Contextualized Subjects Research in % of No Daily Life 2 learn baseli MEANS OF VERIFICATION er ne data Pagsulat sa Filipino sa Piling Larangan % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Entrepreneursh ip % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Research Report % of learn No baseli 75% RAM Yearly RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA er ne data Persons/ MEA Team PHYSI CAL INDI STRATEGIC TARG MEANS OF CATO VERIFICATION OBJECTIVES ET RS (20222028) ACADEMIC TRACK - Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) BASE LINE (20202021) FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY Strand Creative Writing/ Malikhaing Pagsulat % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Sciences % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Creative Nonfiction: The Literary Essay % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Philippine Politics and Governance % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship Culminating Activity % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly % of learn er No baseli ne data 75% RAM Yearly M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA SMEA PHYSI CAL INDI STRATEGIC TARG MEANS OF CATO VERIFICATION OBJECTIVES ET RS (20222028) Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track - Home Economics Cookery (NC II) % of No 75% RAM BASE LINE (20202021) learn er baseli ne data FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Yearly RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team M&E STRA TEGY SMEA Pillar 4: Learner’s Resiliency and Well-being Intermediate Outcome (IO) #4: Learners are resilient and know their rights and have life skills to protect themselves and claim their education-related rights from DepEd and other duty-bearers to promote learners' well-being SO 4.1: Displace 100% 100% Quarterly M&E SMEA d Focal learners Persons/ retained MEA in Team school Members SO 4.2: % of 100% 100% Certificate of Quarterly M&E SMEA learners zero bullying Focal cases Persons/ MEA Team Members SO 4.3: % of 100% learners SO 4.4 % of 100% learners SO 4.5: SO 4.6: IO4.1 Learners are safe and protected, and can protect themselves from risks impacts from natural and human induced hazards SO 4.7 % of Narrative Quarterly M&E learners Reports on Focal Earthquake Persons/ Drills MEA Team STRATEGI C OBJECTIV ES SO 4.8: INDICAT ORS % of learners BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 100% MEANS OF VERIFICATION Documentatio n of Constructed Perimeter Fence FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Quarterly RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team Members M&E STRA TEGY SMEA MOA with hired security guard IO4.3 Learners have the basic physical, mental, and emotional fortitude to cope with various challenges in life. (Separate ES to secondary if integrated school) SO 4.9: % of 80% Nutritional Quarterly M&E SMEA learners Status Focal Baseline and Persons/ End Line MEA results Team Members SO 4.10: % of 80% Quarterly M&E SMEA learners Focal Persons/ MEA Team Enabling Mechanisms – Governance and Management Enabling Mechanism #1: Education leaders and managers practice participative and inclusive management processes SO5.1: Improved SBM Level of Practice by 2028. SO5.1.1 SBM II II Quarterly M&E SMEA Level of Focal Practice Persons/ MEA Team Enabling Mechanism #2: Strategic human resource management enhanced for continuing professional development and opportunities SO5.2 Achieved very satisfactory or higher rating in the Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) and teachers’ Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) by 2028. SO5.2.1 O O OPRC Quarterly M&E SMEA Approved Focal Ratings Persons/ MEA Team STRATEGI C OBJECTIV ES SO5.2.2 INDICAT ORS BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) 100 100 MEANS OF VERIFICATION IPRC Approved Ratings FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION Quarterly RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E Focal Persons/ MEA Team Members M&E STRA TEGY SMEA O O Enabling Mechanism #3. Investments in basic education provide learners with the ideal learning environment SO5.4: Achieved an ideal proportion in a. functional library; b. connection to electricity; and c. connection to internet functional library by 2028. SO5.4.1 0 Funct Documentatio Quarterly M&E SMEA ional ns of Focal constructed Persons/ school library MEA and Team purchased Members resources SO5.4.2 With With Approved RCA Quarterly M&E SMEA Electr Electr ORs of paid Focal icity icity electricity bills Persons/ MEA Team Members SO5.4.3 With With Approved RCA Quarterly M&E SMEA Intern Intern ORs of paid Focal et et Internet loads Persons/ Conn Cinne MEA ection ction Team Members Enabling Mechanism # 4: Improve and modernize internal systems and processes for a responsive and efficient financial resource management SO5.6: Achieved very satisfactory or satisfactory rating in the Client Satisfaction Survey from the respective stakeholders (internal & external) annually. SO5.6.1. VS VS Contextualize Quarterly M&E SMEA d Client Focal Satisfaction Persons/ Survey Form MEA Team Members STRATEGI C OBJECTIV ES INDICAT ORS BASE LINE (20202021) PHYSI CAL TARG ET (20222028) MEANS OF VERIFICATION FREQUEN CY OF DATA COLLECT ION RESPONSI BLE BODY M&E STRA TEGY Enabling Mechanism #5: Key stakeholders actively collaborate to serve learners better SO5.7: Increased financial contribution from local and international partners by 2028. %increa 30% 50% Adopt-AQuarterly M&E SMEA se of School Focal SO contribu Reports Persons/ 5.7.1 tion MEA Team Members %increa 20% 30% Adopt-AQuarterly M&E SMEA se of School Focal SO contribu Reports Persons/ 5.7.2 tion MEA Team Members SO Utilizati 100% 100% Certificate of Quarterly M&E SMEA 5.7.3 on Rate 100% MOOE Focal Liquidation Persons/ from SDO MEA Accountant Team Members Financial Statements of Liquidated Received Funds SO5.8: Achieved functional School Governing Council (SGC) by 2028. (separate elem and secondary for integrated schools) refer to DO 26, s. 2022 sec. VII Monitoring and Evaluation, as to indicators of the functions of SGC SO % of 40% 100% SGC Quarterly M&E SMEA 5.8.1 complia Performance Focal nce/fun Monitoring Persons/ ctionalit Form MEA y Team Members