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Project Instructions FIN 3360 Fall 2022

Project Instructions
FIN 3360, Fall 2022
Statement of the Project Idea
Your first post on the discussion board should contain a proposal for an entrepreneurial
project. You may propose a product or a service – it is your choice, there are no explicit
restrictions. My main advice is, choose a realistic, doable project; something you could
see yourself working on, devoting a lot of time and attention to. Please stay away from
science fiction, wishful thinking, very abstract and hard to implement ideas. Please make
only one proposal per group.
Your report should include the following parts
1. Description of the main product of service; relevant industry characteristics; goals and
2. Current Team members and their roles in the firm
3. Discussion of strengths and weaknesses (SWOT analysis). Check VOS Indicator
questions, highlight those you find particularly relevant; you may also discuss what
score you might expect
4. Discuss the initial cost of setting up your production in as much detail as possible: assets
to be purchased, space to be rented or purchased, labor to be hired, etc.
5. Pro-forma financial statements. Typically, monthly forecasts are recommended,
planning for a few months ahead. You may also prepare a more brief annual version
6. Short-term cash management tables
7. Analysis of need for external financing. Discuss
a. Potential sources of capital
b. Types of contracts that you plan to sign with your investors
8. Valuation. Use several valuation approaches, discuss reliability of the valuation
I will post detailed instructions for each upcoming part of the analysis as the semester
progresses. Specific deadlines will depend on how fast we cover the material in class.