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Empathy & Define Self Notes Module

Self Notes
How to use Self Notes...
Think of this space as your personal notebook. Use it to write down your thoughts, feelings,
questions and comments on topics as you go through them at your own pace. You can also use
this space to compile your ‘insights and learnings’ from activities as submitted in the Intersection
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
INDEX- Empathy
Page Number
Introduction – Rhythm Name Game
Lesson 1 : The What and Who
By Listening to Know Each Other
Exercise – The Microlab
Exercise – Recall of Incidents
Lesson 2 : Why do we Empathise?
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
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Lesson 3 : How do we Empathise?
Exercise – River of Life
Exercise – Recall of Various Situations
Lesson 4 – Empathising with a Target Group
Exercise – Questionnaire
Additional Notes
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
Introduction - Rhythm Name Game
Write down your feelings and thoughts after playing the game.
From rhythm name game I understood that we have to be focused
mind. And we have to observe our surrounding peoples how they
are introducing themselves.
From rhythm name game we can learn and understand things
easily. It will help us to stay in concentrate and focus in our
activities or works.
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
1.1 - By Listening to Know Each Other
The importance of listening and responding..
Active listening allows us to understand problems and
collaborate to develop solutions. It also reflects our patience,
skill in any workplace.
Active listening will benefit us as we meet new people . Asking
questions, seeking clarification are all ways to learn more about
the people whom you meet.
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
1.3 - Exercise 2 : Recall of Incidents
Write down your experiences on recall of incidents and the emotions felt
When my friend got his new own
vehicle he was very happy .When he was describing about the situation ,his
tone was so loud .He is talking continuously without any stop .
During the result day of my 12th examination . My friend was so anxious
about his result. He is started walking continuously ,his heart beat also
increased .He was so scared.
My friend was expressing his sad incidents he had lost his grandmother .
He was so depressed when he was telling about the sad death of his
grandmother. At that time he was so much in pain .
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
1.2 - Exercise – The Microlab
Write down your experiences on sharing and receiving
When I was studying in 9th class ,there is a taluka-level competition of
science project presentation. In that compitation my team comes at first
place. It is the happiest memory in my life.
When I was studying in 12th class, my favorite subject is physics . I spent
more time for studying and working in that subject , but I got less marks in
final exam. And this is the saddest memory in my life.
Nikola Tesla is my inspirational hero. He is my inspiration because he was a
man with futuristic ideas, amazing designs. He loves his works in order to
achieve his goals. His main contributions to the society were the Alternating
Current, Induction Motor, the discovery of X-rays, and the Wireless
transmission of data and energy.
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
2.0 - Lesson 2 : Why do we Empathise?
Knowing the why, how does it help in various situations, especially those that are difficult and challenging kjio
If we have empathy we can understand what a person is feeling in a given moment .
Empathy helps us to communicate our ideas in a way that makes sense to others , and it
helps us understand others when they communicate with us.
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
2.1 - Exercise 1 : Navarasas
Write down what you felt while experiencing different emotions, draw your body outline and express if you recall where did you also
get body reactions. (for example while feeling sad, your face muscles are pulled in or while feeling anger, your body is taut..)
When I was studying in college, all my classmates gave a presentation of their subject, and when
my number came up, my mind was completely empty at the time. And I felt a lot of fear.
In my house, all the members of my family surprise me on my birthday. I was so happy at the
Fear is a very difficult feeling because our mind is completely blocked in that situation. Happiness
is the easy emotion for me.
Fear suffers in our minds. All of our bodies feel happy.
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
3.0 - Lesson 3 : How do we Empathise?
The actions, the responses, the connect and communication - eye, body, words and gestures..
she walk away middle of conversation because Balu didn't respond properly .
Before she talk about her problem or situation first she have to make some conversation with Balu about himself .
after that she can talk about her problem or emotions.
To stop Teja walking away from him , he could respond her emotions and problems as a friend , and he can give a
some suggestions to her.
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
1.0 - Lesson 1 : The What and Where
Learn and write down the what triggers and where do you recognise your empathy
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
3.1 - Exercise 1 : River of Life (1)
Paste your river of life image , in a legible way and that you can refer later .Write down your experiences while looking back at your
life and then sharing with others. What did you learn? What made you proud, what were your turning points and joys & sorrows..
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
3.1 - Exercise 1 : River of Life (2)
Paste your river of life image , in a legible way and that you can refer later .Write down your experiences while looking back at your
life and then sharing with others. What did you learn? What made you proud, what were your turning points and joys & sorrows..
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
3.2 - Exercise 2 : Recall of Various Situations
Pause, recall the situations that made you think, feel various emotions, that you expressed, suppressed and maybe shared later
When i am at 9th standard we are all celebrating Teacher’s day . so there was tradition in our school that those students who are
interested can take a role of their favorite Teachers for a day they will be teaching rest of the students for the whole day . At that
time i took a my role of favorite teacher and i teached one small topic of my teachers subject . That time we realized how difficult
is teaching.
When i was sharing my happiness of getting a new laptop from my parents , with my best friends . when they saw my laptop they
were also very happy .
When i was joined a Bsc degree college out my native place , being fresher in degree college is most sensitive part. After few
days i make a friendship with my senior , when our friendship became stronger they were teached me a lot about life and
importance of education . That time i was so happy
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
4.0 - Lesson 4 : Empathising with the Target Group
Understanding on who is the target group, what could be their concerns, pain points, joys , goals and needs, overcome the fear
or tentativeness -Go to Intersection cafe’
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
4.1 - Exercise 1 : Questionnaire for Empathy Wall..
How to build and create a Questionnaire.. The steps and your points.. Go to Intersection cafe’
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
5.0 - Additional Notes
Pen down or write down your insights/takeaways on the Empathy Module , the importance and the changes that you may have
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
Reflections & Review
Great Work.. Add your quick reflections and module review and now
you move to the Define Module
Self Notes: Module 1 - Empathy
Self Notes
INDEX - Define
Page Number
A Quick Glimpse of learning outcome
Listen and Act
Lesson 1 : The What and Who
Lesson 2 : Stakeholder Persona Examples
Case Study
Taking Students Back to School
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
INDEX - Define
Page Number
Defining the Problem or Opportunity Statement
POV Statement - The What
Problem Statement
More Exercises
POV Statement Checklist
Additional Notes
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
What are insights on the Introduction ? Write your notes
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
A Quick Glimpse of Learning Outcome
These learning outcomes help you in understanding the purpose of the Define Module
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
Listen and Act
It is always important to listen to the voice of customer/stakeholder.. What did you experience in the exercise?
Help us capture how the stakeholder feels about the social problem.
From their insights we can get more information about social challenge.
It helps us know what problem they are facing in society.
Customers are contacting us about issues that our team has never even considered.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
1.0 - Lesson – The What and Who
Defining the problem is the most critical step of the 5 steps of Design Thinking, and this will guide the entire design process as you
move forward to the next three stages.Do write your notes raise on the questions on this lesson..
1 . The problem is that the leaves fall from the tree and the water spreads along the way.
2 . Students and teachers are affected by the problem.
3 . Students and teachers should take up this issue.
4 . The purpose of clarification is to ensure that the listener's understanding of what the speaker has said is
correct, reducing misunderstanding.
Reassure the speaker that the listener is genuinely interested in them and
is attempting to understand what they are saying.
5 . Balu and Teja were not prepared properly, they were nervous and they didn't make list questions to ask them.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
2.0 - Lesson 2 : The Stakeholder Persona Examples
Do write your notes on why is this Lesson 2 important, what do you learn and know ?.
Creating personas will help you to understand our users' needs, experiences, behaviours and goals.
Creating personas can help you step out of our problems.
It can help us to recognise that different people have different needs and expectations .
It will help to get more effective, focussed conversations with people.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
2.1 - Case Study
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
2.1 - Case Study : Taking Students back to School
What are the important aspects of the case study? Write your initial thoughts on the social challenge? is there one or more?
A case study is research method that involves in depth and detailed investigation of a subject . A case study
helps in bringing the understanding of a complex issue . Case study often generates lot of data from multiple
Social challenge refer to issues in which people interact with society or engage in general social behaviors.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
2.2 -Create Stakeholder Personas for the Case Study. Example 1
You would have created the Stakeholder Persona in the Lesson, do create a fair copy for your- self notes
Manjula ,12 year ,Female
Working father and mother is housewife.
Pain points
1 . School is far from her home ..
2 . There is no proper transport facility.
3 . She joined new school , she is didn't have new friends to communicate .
1. She want to study more .
2. She want to complete her degree in Medicine.
3. She was interested in to learn music.
1. Can use smartphones
2. Is a talented gardener
3. Playing music
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
2.2 -Create Stakeholder Personas for the Case Study. Example 2
You would have created the Stakeholder Persona in the Lesson, do create a fair copy for your- self notes
Shyam ,15 year ,Male
Father and mothers are farmers.
Pain points
1. He was not interested in studies .
2. He is little slow in grasping mathematics.
1. He feels comfortable working with his father .
2. He want to help his father in his work.
Traits/ Skills
1. Can operate mobile .
2. Is a talented gardener.
3. He is good in sports.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
3.0 - Lesson 3 : Defining the Problem or Opportunity Statement
The Apollo Mission-- What new situation emerged ? Have you experienced any similar situations? Your insights, copy and paste
from the lesson notes .
Apollo 8 was the first mission to take humans to the Moon and back and the crew had one photographic mission:
To capture detailed images of the moon’s surface.
Earth was not only for its serene beauty from this perspective but also for its apparent fragility. The only lifesustaining planet in our solar system is dwarfed by the vast emptiness of space.
The Apollo 8 astronauts inadvertently sparked a spontaneous reframing of the environmental problems
threatening our planet. we are no longer on a vast planet with endless resources , but a small , very limited life
boat in an infinite universe.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
3.0 - Lesson 3 : Defining the Problem or Opportunity Statement
The Apollo Mission-- What new situation emerged ? Have you experienced any similar situations? Your insights, copy and paste
from the lesson notes .
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
4.0- POV Statement - The Who, the What & Why?
Why do you need to reframe ? How do you think it helps?
The essential idea behind reframing is that the frame by which a person sees the situation determines their
perspective. When that frame is changed, the meaning changes and the thinking and behavior often changes
with it.
The purpose of reframing is to help a person experience a different frame of their actions, their beliefs, and so on.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
4.1: Problem Statement-Exercise..
Role Play is assigning the stakeholders in your team, who constitute, the online gamers, parents, friends etc.. and then reframing the
Initial Problem Statement.. to a POV statement as per the methodology.. make your notes after the group work in the Intersection
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
4.2 - Point of View Statement for any two scenarios
(More Exercises)
Make your notes after the group work in the Intersection Cafe- what kind of insights did you get when you expanded the Initial
Problem Statement
Users > Children, Parents
Needs > They need assistive walking device to help them to walk.
The designed prototype is safe to be used.
The designed prototype have to test cerebral palsy child.
There is protected to prevent falls.
Can maintain body balance when used.
Insights > Most of the these devices are so expensive .
Difficulty to balance the body.
Most of prototypes are heavy weighted
Users > Children, Parents , community
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
4.3 - The Point of View Checklist
Write for yourself how the checklist was useful and any additional notes
Checklists can help us stay more organized in our work.
They are easy to use and effective.
By having a checklist we can complete repetitive tasks more quickly and efficiently,
Checklists helps us to take action and complete tasks.
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
5.0 - Additional Notes
Overall about the Define Module and Key learnings
Self Notes: Module 2 - Define
Self Notes
INDEX- Ideate
Page Number
Lesson 1 : The System Perspective- IDEF0
Lesson 1 : The systems perspective - Cause and Effect
Lesson 1 : The systems perspective - Input, Process and Output
Lesson 1 : The systems perspective - Past, Present and Future
Lesson 1: The Case Study
Lesson 1 : The System Perspective - Apply System Perspective to your Social
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
INDEX - Ideate
Page Number
Lesson 2 : Brainstorming
Lesson 2 : Brainstorming - Video & Its Rules
Lesson 2 : Expanding the power
Lesson 2 : SCAMPER Technique
Lesson 2 : Six Thinking Hats
Lesson 2 : Idea Generation To Your Social Challenge
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
INDEX - Ideate
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Lesson 3 : Idea Evaluation - Approach 1
Lesson 3 : Idea Evaluation - Approach 2
Lesson 3 : Idea Evaluation - Approach 3
Additional Notes
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
1.1 Lesson 1- The System Perspective- IDEF0
Your Insights from the above topic?
1 . It contains a massive information and connect other parts together to show their impact on
the process.
2 . The diagrams are easy to follow and read even without technical background.
3 . The resulting IDEF0 models are well-defined, well-structured, easy to understand, easy to
modify and use, and can be extended to any depth of detail.
4 . IDEF0 enables us to see the value of the process output to make sure that the design is
What did I learn?
1 . It simplifies strategic plan development.
2 . It gives us an overview of the process which allows us to ensure the solution is practical.
3 . It can be used in almost every possible context, industry or technology area.
4 . It helps to solve the problems in a systematic manner.
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
1.2 - Lesson 1 : The systems perspective - Cause and Effect
1 . From the game we can understand that cause and effect show how one thing can affect
2 . This structure uses the process of identifying potential causes of a problem or issue in
an orderly way.
3 . It is often used to identify problems that we are facing .
1 . Understanding the cause/effect is essential in learning the basic way of solving the
2 . Cause-and-effect thinking, allows us to make inferences and reason about things that
happen around us.
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
1.3 -Lesson 1 : The systems perspective - Input, Process and
A Process is defined as a sequence of activities that convert inputs into a desired output. So, a process can start when the right
inputs are given that triggers an activity to deliver an output.
1 . It is the analysis of performance and processing systems that assumes raw materials
or inputs are transformed by internal system processes to generate results or output.
2 . Functional graph that identifies the inputs, outputs, and required processing tasks
required to transform inputs into outputs
3 . The inputs represent the flow of data and materials into the process from the outside.
The processing step includes all tasks required to effect a transformation of the inputs.
The outputs are the data and materials flowing out of the transformation process.
1 . It gives brief information about what are the input we need , what are process to be done
and finally it gives the output as per the inputs and process .
2 . It provides a way to understand how perform, and how to maximize performance.
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
1.4 Lesson 1 : The systems perspective - Past, Present and
1. From this we can learn our work should be applicable not only for present but future also. It must give benefit for long time.
2. We have to work not only for presents but future also.
3. The technology is improving therefore we have to increase our innovative ideas for better solution.
1. Our technology is improving more and more as compared to our past.
2. Our thoughts and visual must affect our future technology.
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
1.5- The Case Study
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
1.6 - The System Perspective - Apply System Perspective to
your Social Challenge
Systems Perspective - Cause & Effect, Input-Process-Output, Past-Present-Future
On ‘Taking Students Back To School’- Please see the LMS
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
2.0 - Lesson 2 : Brainstorming
1. Because Brainstorming is a group activity technique, by which a process is set for the group to generate ideas for
the problem. It is a spontaneous and systematic activity with contribution by all the group members.
2. Because to see what are all problems they are facing.
3. Is the systematic method to solve the problem easily in group.
4. School teachers , students , gardener and sweeper .
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
2.1 - Lesson 2 : Brainstorming - Video & It’s Rules
Write down your insights and learning from the video
1. Brainstorming is a method of generating ideas and sharing knowledge to solve a perticular
2. In Brainstorming participants are encouraged to think without interruption.
3. Brainstorming is a group activity where each participant shares their ideas as soon as they
come to mind.
1. Brainstorming combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem solving with lateral thinking.
2. It encourages people to come up with thoughts and ideas that can help to slove problems.
3. Some of these ideas can be crafted into original, creative solutions to a problem, while others can spark even more
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
2.2 - Lesson 2 : Expanding the Power
Write down your insights and learning from the video
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
2.3 - Lesson 2 : SCAMPER Technique
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
2.4 - Lesson 2 : Six Thinking Hats
A creative technique to evaluate and generate new ideas is Six Thinking Hats. It is an exercise in creativity and how a group can
understand a situation in multiple ways and then produce creative ideas.
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
2.5 - Lesson 2 : Idea Generation To Your Social Challenge
1. Weekly maintenance of water tanks.
2. Fixing the water purifiers at water supply center .
3. Making awareness to Panchayat for pure drinking water.
4. Providing a low cost and high quality filters at every homes from the panchayat.
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
3.0 - Lesson 3 : Idea Evaluation - Approach 1
Evaluate your ideas through the 1st Idea Evaluation Tools - Factors versus Suitability
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
3.1 - Lesson 3 : Idea Evaluation - Approach 2
Evaluate your ideas through idea Evaluation tools along with Resource Availability
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
3.2 - Lesson 3 : Idea Evaluation - Approach 3
Ease of Effort Versus Impact
effort matrix is a decision-making tool that assists people to manage their time more efficiently.
effort matrix is that it forces teams or individuals to prioritize tasks based on what will most help them achieve their needs.
1. Help teams identify the most fruitful ways to spend their time.
2. We learn how to complete our task in a systematic way
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
3.3 - Assessment
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate
Reflections & Review
Great Work.. Add your quick reflections and module review and now you
move to the Prototype Module
Self Notes: Module 3 - Ideate