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Creativity & Innovation Field Visit Report Template

GEC4304: Creativity & Innovation in Society
Individual Field Visit Report: (35%)
Part One:
Option (A) Select any device/furniture/electronic appliance/equipment or
services such as food delivery, Internet, or entertainment (“Subject”) at
home that you are interested in. OR Option (B) Select a district/street in
Hong Kong that interests you.
Examine and list out the different features of the Subject (A) OR
district/street (B).
Address the problems of the Subject (A) OR district/street (B) and
improve its design with creative thinking techniques. (e.g. what
problems/difficulties you identify on it?)
Part Two:
Apply the stages of design thinking
Address the problems of the district/ street and use design thinking
techniques to improve them
Reflect and explain how may you ensure your solutions are practicable
and how may design thinking technique make difference from other
thinking techniques.
General requirements:
• Work on the report template provided on pages 2-5.
• Submit your report (either in MS word document or PDF) to the Turnitin
system on or before the due date (see assessment deadlines).
• The report you submit should not exceed 5 MB in size.
• Make use of the available teaching materials (e.g. theories, concepts) to aid
your analysis.
• The assignment will be graded according to the criteria set by the ‘Assessment
Rubric for Field Visit Reports’.
• Please refer to student handbook section 5.3 for the penalty for late
submission without permission.
GEC4304: Creativity & Innovation in Society
Individual Field Visit Report
Name: ______________
Student No.: ______________
Programme (please specify): ____________
Name of tutor: ________________
Option chosen: Option (A) / Option (B) (Please circle)
Part One: Creative thinking
1. State what is the
Subject OR the district
/ street you are
interested in studying.
Describe its feature(s)?
(maximum 100 words)
Score: 3/35
2. Attach photos
(maximum 10) to show
the problems/
difficulties occurred
when using the Subject
OR living in the
district/ street. (each
photo should not
exceed 500KB)
Score: 2/35
Date: ____________
3. State the problem(s)
of the Subject OR the
district/street you have
(maximum 5 problems
and 100 words)
Score: 3/35
4. Applying creative
thinking skills acquired
from the module,
analyse the details of
the problems, and
propose improvements
with the support of
(maximum 300 words)
Score: 7/35
Part Two: Design thinking
*For Part Two, please employ design thinking techniques ONLY
1. Empathy: Who are
you solving the
problem for? (learning
about the audience for
whom you are redesigning for)
(maximum 100 words)
Score: 3/35
2. Define: What are
their needs?
(redefining and
focusing your question
based on your insights
from the empathy
(maximum 100 word)
Score: 3/35
3. Ideate: How will
you solve them?
(brainstorming and
coming up with
creative and practical
(maximum 150 words)
Score: 4/35
4. Prototype and Test:
(i) How would your
solutions solve the
problems? (ii) How
would you test the
effectiveness of your
solutions? (showing or
testing your ideas for
(maximum 150 words)
Score: 4/35
5. Conclusion: (i)
Evaluate how you have
used design thinking
techniques to solve the
problems of the
“Subject” OR the
district / street in Hong
Kong that you have
(ii) Would your
solutions be the same
or different if design
thinking techniques
were not employed?
Explain why.
(maximum 200 words)
Score: 6/35