8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University (https://handbook.curtin.edu.au) Master of Engineering Management MC-ENGRMG Commencing 1 July 2022 Version 2 (1 Jul 2022 - onward) Other versions of this course Commencing 1 January 2019 Location Curtin Perth Duration 1 year 6 months Award code MEngMgmt(Curtin) CRICOS Code 109150C Course overview Master Degrees (Coursework) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for professional practice, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications. An engineering management role is the long-term function of many practising engineers. The need for engineering oriented management skills increases with career development. Many graduate engineers have received only an introduction to management topics at first degree level, some may have had none at all. Undergraduate management training provides a base, with an enhancement of management skills achieved by further post-graduate advanced study. The Master of Engineering Management program provides a balance between engineering and business skills and is jointly taught by staff from the School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Business and Law in a format that integrates the functions and skills needed by engineers in management. The engineer in a managerial role in industry has to utilise https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 1/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University a broad range of skills and competencies which are essential to the planning, coordination and control of engineering projects, contracts and plant. Curtin University’s Master of Engineering Management provides an ideal pathway for practising engineers into senior-management roles. Career opportunities Graduates may find enhanced employment prospects with their original employer and with other organisations seeking experienced engineers with the skills to manage engineering technology. Entry and completion details Applicants for a Master Degree (Coursework) are required to meet University academic and English language entry standards; details are provided at http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au (http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au). Subject to the duration of the course applicants usually require a Bachelor Degree or equivalent (and may require relevant work experience), Bachelor Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma. Any specific course entry and completion requirements must also be met. Specifically, applicants require a bachelor of engineering or an equivalent qualification in a recognised discipline of construction with at least one year of relevant work experience since graduation. Practical engineering experience will be beneficial. Credit for recognised learning Applications for credit towards a course are assessed on an individual basis. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to complete the course and may be granted for formal education qualifications, non-formal learning from non-award programs of study and informal learning through work experiences. Further information can be found at http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au/non-school-leavers/rpl.cfm (http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au/non-school-leavers/rpl.cfm) A student may, under specific circumstances, receive a waiver for a basic unit. In this case the student must substitute an alternative unit approved by the Head of Department. Equivalent units from other institutions may be acceptable if approved by the Head of Department or Course Coordinator. Pathway to further study Graduates may qualify for entry to Doctoral degrees. For further details, see the Graduate Research School website http://research.curtin.edu.au/postgraduateresearch/future-research-students/entry-requirements/ https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 2/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University (http://research.curtin.edu.au/postgraduate-research/future-research-students/entryrequirements/) Duration and availability The course is 1.5 years study full-time (three semesters of 100 credits each ). Students holding an International Onshore Student Visa must complete the course in a full-time mode. For those students permitted to study on a part-time basis, (over a minimum period of 36 months), are required to undertake a minimum of two units per semester (equivalent to the part-time program) and remain enrolled in consecutive years until the course has been satisfactorily completed. The Head of Department may grant leave of absence. Two intakes are offered each year in Semester 1 and Semester 2. Learning outcomes Master Degrees (Coursework) contain a series of units in a specialised area of study which may include compulsory (core), optional or elective units to cater for student preferences. They may also contain a range of majors/streams for students to choose from. Course learning outcomes 1. Integrate knowledge from a range of Engineering and Business sub-disciplines to coordinate and manage projects that require practicable, cost-conscious, sustainable solutions. 2. Acquire, evaluate and extend through post-graduate study, information to facilitate the coordination and management of engineering works. 3. Communicate effectively to all stakeholders using appropriate (engineering project) management tools and techniques in the control of engineering works 4. Identify and use suitable and appropriate (engineering project) management tools and techniques in the control of engineering works 5. Practice engineering management with a global perspective, apply appropriate international standards, and ensure project realisation embraces cultural and environmental diversity 6. Demonstrate leadership, professional behaviour and ethical practice in the context of managing engineering projects Additional course expenses Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks and other essential study materials. https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 3/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University Course structure Year 1 Semester 1 Complete the below Code Title Credits CSEN6001 (/units/unit-pgengineeringeconomics-andwhole-costmanagement-csen6001v2) Engineering Economics and Whole-Cost Management (/units/unit-pg-engineering-economics-and-wholecost-management--csen6001v2) 25 CSEN6003 (/units/unit-pgengineeringquality-assuranceframeworks-andapplications-csen6003v2) Engineering Quality Assurance Frameworks and Applications (/units/unit-pg-engineering-qualityassurance-frameworks-and-applications--csen6003v2) 25 MKTG5002 (/units/unit-pginternationalmarketing-formanagers-mktg5002v3) International Marketing for Managers (/units/unit-pginternational-marketing-for-managers--mktg5002v3) 25 MGMT5007 (/units/unit-pgmanagement-andorganisationalbehaviour-mgmt5007v1) Management and Organisational Behaviour (/units/unit-pg-management-and-organisationalbehaviour--mgmt5007v1) 25 Semester 2 https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 4/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University Complete the below Code Title Credits CSEN6005 (/units/unit-pgengineeringprojectmanagement-csen6005v2) Engineering Project Management (/units/unit-pgengineering-project-management--csen6005v2) 25 CSEN6002 (/units/unit-pgengineeringstrategicmanagement-csen6002v2) Engineering Strategic Management (/units/unit-pgengineering-strategic-management--csen6002v2) 25 ENEN6000 (/units/unit-pgenvironmentalengineeringmanagement-enen6000v1) Environmental Engineering Management (/units/unitpg-environmental-engineering-management-enen6000v1) 25 FNCE5008 (/units/unit-pgfinancialprinciples-andanalysis-fnce5008v1) Financial Principles and Analysis (/units/unit-pgfinancial-principles-and-analysis--fnce5008v1) 25 Title Credits Year 2 Semester 1 Complete the below Code https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 5/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University Code Title Credits CSEN6000 (/units/unit-pgengineeringcontractslegislation-andquality-csen6000v2) Engineering Contracts, Legislation and Quality (/units/unit-pg-engineering-contracts-legislation-andquality--csen6000v2) 25 CSEN6004 (/units/unit-pgengineeringmanagementproject-csen6004v1) Engineering Management Project (/units/unit-pgengineering-management-project--csen6004v1) 50 ECON5012 (/units/unit-pgglobal-managerialeconomics-econ5012v2) Global Managerial Economics (/units/unit-pg-globalmanagerial-economics--econ5012v2) 25 Curtin University reserves the right to alter the internal composition of any course to ensure learning outcomes retain maximum relevance. Any changes to the internal composition of a course will protect the right of students to complete the course within a normal timeframe and will not result in additional cost to students through a requirement to undertake additional units. Location and delivery For start dates, please view the academic calendar (https://students.curtin.edu.au/essentials/academic-calendar/). Curtin Perth 2022 2023 Semester 2 Semester 1 Internal Internal Semester 2 https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 6/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University Internal 2024 2025 Semester 1 Semester 1 Internal Internal Semester 2 Semester 2 Internal Internal The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once Information for international students If you are an international student studying on a student visa, you must undertake a full-time load in each study period. There may be additional admission criteria that must be met. For more information, you can refer to the International Students’ (https://international.curtin.edu.au/) website. If you do not hold a student visa or are studying outside of Australia, you have the option to study full-time, part-time and/or fully online depending on course and unit availabilities as well as your incountry visa requirements. Acknowledgement of inherent requirements I understand that all Curtin courses have compulsory and other core capabilities that are essential for demonstrating the achievement of course learning outcomes and graduation. If I am unable to meet or demonstrate those requirements, now or in later during my studies, reasonable adjustments will be sought by the University wherever possible to facilitate alternative ways of achieving of those requirements. If reasonable adjustments cannot be accommodated, Curtin will discuss study options to find an alternative course of study or an exit degree. Student rights and responsibilities As a Curtin University student, you are part of the Curtin community and as such, you have rights and responsibilities. Some relate to your work as a student, such as academic integrity and copyright. Others relate to your use of resources and the way you behave around other students. Students are expected to abide by the University’s statutes, rules, by-laws, policies and procedures (https://policies.curtin.edu.au/legislation/statutes_rules.cfm) as amended from time https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 7/8 8/24/22, 1:10 PM Handbook | Curtin University to time. You can find further information about your rights and responsibilities (https://students.curtin.edu.au/essentials/rights/) on the Student Essentials website. Disclaimer of liability You can access the full disclaimer of liability (https://www.curtin.edu.au/disclaimerof-liability/) on the Study website. https://handbook.curtin.edu.au/courses/course-pg-master-of-engineering-management--mc-engrmgv2 8/8