Curtin AHEAD NETWORKING YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS When speaking to your networks, you don’t need to have a strategy, you just go with the flow. Your friends and family count as a part of your network. FA L S E TRUE Once you have got the information you need from a network, their job is over. FA L S E Over 80% of job seekers say that their network has helped with their job search. TRUE STEP 1. STEP 2. STEP 3. STEP 4. Identify your objectives Identify your current contacts Keep in contact with your networks Your networks can help you with a variety of situations The key to having a meaningful conversation is to plan what you want to ask them. Focus on questions which allow them to talk about their experiences. This will engage them and may lead to them be willing to help you. Make a list of all the people you know. You should include your friends and family. They might not be able to help you, but they might know someone who can. Touch base with your networks from time to time. They may change their contact details or change jobs. Keeping in contact will strengthen the relationship you have with them: you never know when you might need their help in the future. STATS YOU SHOULD KNOW 1 MINUTE When talking with your network for the first time, you have one minute to engage them. You will either gain their attention or lose it within this minute. 33 MILLION LinkedIn is an online professional networking site and currently has over 33 million users. Job seekers, professionals and students use this site to develop their career. Make tomorrow better. © Copyright Curtin University. CRICOS Provider Code 00301J. Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology Your networks can not only help you to find the information you need to make decisions about your career, they can also help you find work and can offer advice on other career related issues. Networking should be an essential element on your career development journey. Gordon, J. (2013). 50+ Job Search Statistics Successful Job Seekers Need to Know. Retrieved from 79% 79% of employers will search your name on the internet and they will make a judgement on you based on what they find. Everything you do over the internet leaves a trace. This is called a “DIGITAL FOOTPRINT”. 24% Most jobs are found through networking, but only 24% of a job seekers time is used to network. If you are looking for a job, dedicate time every week to speaking with people and keeping in touch with your networks.