Iligan City National High School School Year 2022-202 Grade 11 Daily Lesson Plan School ICNHS Grade Level 12 Teacher Teaching Dates and Time HERRA THESA M. BANAAG November 3,8,10,15 8:00AM-5:00 PM Learning Area Semester HOUSEKEEPING 1st NOV.03,08 2022 NOV. 10,15, 2022 I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a valet/butler service. The learners independently perform understanding of the duties and responsibilities of valet/butler service. C. Learning Competencies/Objectives LO2: Care for the guest property Value the set ethical standards for guest security and confidentiality 1. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References Ethical Standards for guest security and confidentiality LO1: Display professional valet standards 1. Follow standard operating procedures in keeping laundry area clean in accordance with the establishment standards. 2. Prepare reports and endorsements of valet service provider Procedures in performing valet services 1. Picking up Laundry 2. Checking laundry for possible damage 3. Sorting, endorsing, and delivering of laundry Procedures in keeping laundry area clean in accordance with the establishment standards Reports and endorsements of valet service provider Urbiztondo, Laarni A. Housekeeping. Rex Book Store, Inc. 2016 Urbiztondo, Laarni A. Housekeeping. Rex Book Store, Inc. 2016 TLE_HEHK9-12VS-IIIa-j-2 TLE_HEHK9-12VS-IIIa-j-1 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 2. Learner’s material Pages 3. Textbook Pages pp 104-105 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) portal B. Other Learning Resources worksheets worksheets Laptop, OHP, speaker, laundry bags, forms IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing Previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Teacher recalls basic darning and mending for clothing and linen. Then, introduce Ethical Standards for guest security and confidentiality. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson Show a video clips D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills E. Developing Mastery F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson Do you have any experiences that deal with confidentiality and security in an establishment? How do you manage it? The teacher discuss the Ethical Standards for guest security and confidentiality Reflection: “As a valet or butler one may sometimes find themselves in a position where being dedicated to a guest means they cannot be dedicated to what the venue requires them to do”. In your own opinion: 4. What area of being a valet or butler do you find some difficulties or weaknesses? 5. Describe the weaknesses or difficulties. 6. Are there solutions to these conditions? What do you propose? Teacher recalls Ethical Standards for guest security and confidentiality. Then, introduce Procedures in performing valet services, Procedures in keeping laundry area clean in accordance with the establishment standards Show a video clips Have you ever noticed how dirty laundry never ends? The teachers discuss the Procedures in performing valet services, Procedures in keeping laundry area clean in accordance with the establishment standards. Role playing. Divide the class into small groups with four or five members. Then, plan a roleplay or dramatization showing the Procedures in performing valet services, Procedures in keeping laundry area clean in accordance with the establishment standards. MATCHING TEACHING AND LEARNING Let the other group observe the play then give feedback/observation of their Direction: fill in the matrix to match teaching and performance. learning. If you are going to check-in in a hotel, how important Your clothes are the first thing people notice about you, so caring for them is your security and confidentiality? properly is important. After all, no one wants to go out in public with dirty As a student, do you value personal files of you clothes. classmates? The students will be asked what learning insights they have in mind after the discussion. H. Evaluating learning Conduct a formative test Conduct an oral recitation I. Additional activities for application or remediation “Hotel tour” In a group of 5 members, do the following: Plan a visit or tour in a hotel. Get first-hand knowledge by personally observing the roles played by a valet or butler. Report to class you observation. Conduct a tour of a large dry cleaning plant where hotel goods and uniforms are processed. Based on this tour , form four small groups and each group should make a short presentation with photos of the learning experience acquired during the tour. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A. # of learners who earned 80% on the formative Assessment. B. # of learners who require additional activities for remediation. C. Did the remediation lessons work? # of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. # of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching Strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which may principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? PREPARED: HERRA THESA M. BANAAG TEACHER 1 CHECKED: JACQUELYN SUZZANE A. ESCALANTE TVL-Department head OIC