Personal Philosophy Of Teaching That Is LearnerCentered I believe that learning more is by doing more. As John Dewey states that learning is doing. Students learn best when engaged in learning experiences rather passively receiving information that learning is inherently a social process due to it is embodiment within a social context as students and teachers work together to build knowledge. Furthermore, due to knowledge that cannot be directly imparted to students, the goal of teaching is to provide experiences that facilitate the construction of knowledge. The learning process takes place through discussions within the classroom where the students know their voices and ideas will be heard by peers and elders. Understanding how the individual learns and processes information in their own unique way is crucial to the individual learning experience. It is through this understanding we can adapt to a student guided practice, which purpose is to make sure each child is gaining value and knowledge through comprehension. Thus, it can be done much more through the help of the teachers way of teaching by acting as a catalyst of their build up knowledge from their previous thoughts. Adage says that three heads is better than one, it connotes that doing activity in groups gives a successful output than doing it alone. In this lesson plan, I applied a learner-centered teaching philosophy which is constructivism. In this lesson, I explained my lesson through an inquiry approach that would trigger the basic or stock knowledge of my students. I organized and sequenced as series of appropriate learning activities for each part of my lesson plan. In this lesson, my learners learned the general types of intermolecular forces in the properties of substance. It is very useful to students to know how importance is knowing and understanding how important is intermolecular forces in our daily life. It is very important for them to know that intermolecular forces are part of our living especially that we are using the applications, the properties towards other substances in either home or any workplace you may be. For me as a constructivist teacher, these skills are very essential that will help students in their everyday living DRRR LP Reflection Notes Constructivism aids students in acquiring 21st century skills including cooperation, creativity, and teamwork. Since they are being asked to identify the picture/s that demonstrate positive emotions or attitudes, the students will learn to collaborate in this part of my lesson. Furthermore, Piaget said that constructivism's prior knowledge component is what made balikaral and motivating questions a standard of my lessons. Because constructivism emphasizes learning via experience, I utilized photos in my lesson that reflected the disasters and risks that may be experienced by or being experienced by my learners. Constructivism has a concept known as cognitive disequilibrium, in which new information contradicts existing understanding but eventually makes sense. Additionally, my students will practice critical thinking in this section when they respond to the HOTS questions. To complete the assessment in this part, students will rely on both their past knowledge and new information. As students attempt to comprehend the situations in each number, they will also develop their logical and analytical skills. To my activities I solely act as a facilitator throughout this assessment. I'll let them decide on their own answer. Practical Research 1 LP Reflection Notes My teaching philosophy is founded on the concept that a good teacher knows and understands his or her pupils. I wholeheartedly agree that not everyone fits the pattern; thus, students must be provided with diversified activities and opportunities to learn in a variety of ways and at a variety of paces. As a teacher, I feel it is my obligation to accurately assess students' interests, talents, and past knowledge. Then, taking these into account, I must design learning activities that both challenge and empower each student to think and advance. With this approach, I must consider motivation, creative teaching methods, and the influence of social interactions on learning. Combining all learning theories, such as cognitivism, behaviorism, and reconstructionism, will result in cooperative learning. Because I want all of my students to succeed, I provide them with the best intervention and teaching technique for dealing with the least mastered competencies in my field. Monitoring and assessing students' learning and development on a regular basis is required to guarantee that no students fall behind. Because I recognize that the bulk of learning happens via social contact, I design learning such that students collaborate and cooperate constructively with one another throughout the majority of class time. All teaching aids and learning resources are the seasonings for making teaching and learning more dynamic and interactive. We are put to the test when confronted with varied situations and scenarios, such as these challenging times. There were a few teachers who were not completely computer proficient. They are, however, endowed with fresh information and abilities that they may employ in the classroom thanks to numerous trainings and webinars. Earth and Life Science LP Reflection Notes Progressivism is a student centered philosophy that believes that ideas should be tested by experimentation, and learning comes from finding answers from questions. This philosophy values the scientific method of teaching, allows individuals to have their own beliefs, and promotes the interaction of students as valuable to the learning process. I believe that the application of instructional videos will help the needs of the students to learn and will help to improve their Performance, particularly in time of the high precipitation rate in our school. Due to our school location that is in high risk of disaster the school sometimes call for postponement of classes. As a teacher, to maintain the learner centered teaching I use instructional videos to be sent to my students via messenger app. Having a subject that is in most need of guidance and facilitation-experimentation to be exact; one way of alternative is by giving them instructional videos. I was truly sincere in helping the learners progress in school which is why I work hard to look for a suitable and best instructional video intended for my learners in Grade 11. Having this kind of instructional video in the class could develop a better understanding of the lesson for all. After the videos the learners will be assess by answering the questions related with the video. In this regard, I believed that even if disasters occur, it will not prevent learners from receiving a high quality education. As teachers, we must develop teaching strategy that will help learners learn more effectively. .