QUALITIES OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE Qualities of Community Health Nursing 1.INTEREST IN COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING. 2. GOOD IPR SKILLS. 3. INTERESTED IN PEOPLE. 4. EMOTIONAL STABILITY. 5. GOOD COMMUNICABILITY. 6. GUIDING & HELPING NATURE. 7. SENSITIVE OBSERVATION. 8. GOOD LISTNER. 9. A FRIENDLY DISPOSITION. 10. INITIATIVENESS. 11. RESOURCEFULNESS. 12. ENDURANCE & PATIENCE. 1. A qualified community health nurse is one who has undergone basic general nursing, midwifery training and postbasic education in community health nursing. 2. A community health nurse must have interest in people and in understanding human behavour. 3. Sincerity and ability to empathize are basic qualities required for a nurse. 4. A well poised nurse has a friendly disposition, honest, charitable,resourdeful,and cooperative and takes responsibilities with initiative. 5. Minimum essential skills of a nurse are observation, communication,interviewing,and bedside supportive and technical skills. 6. She must be sympathetic ,empathetic and understanding 7. She must be respectful , tolerant and patient 8. She must be tactful ,observant and cooperative 9. She must be able to adjust and work freely with different situations in the community. 10. She must appreciate the effort of all people and correct their mistakes tactfully. 11. She must create good interpersonal relationship with colleagues and other health workers and clients 12. She must be trustworthy , punctual and sincere with his/her work ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE Roles of community Health Nurse A. Client-oriented Roles 1. Caregiver • Uses the nursing process to provide direct nursing intervention to individuals, families, or population groups 2. Educator • Facilitates learning for positive health behavior change 3. Counselor • Teaches and assists clients in the use of the problem solving process 4. Referral Resource • Links clients to services to meet identified health needs 5. Role Model Demonstrates desired health-related behaviors 6. Advocate • Speaks or acts on behalf of clients who cannot do so for themselves 7. Primary Care Provider • Provides essential health services to promote health, prevent illness, • and deal with existing health problems 8. Case Manager • Coordinates and directs the selection and use of health care services to meet • client needs, maximize resource utilization, and minimize the expense of care B. Delivery-oriented Roles 1. Coordinator/Care Manager -Organizes and integrates services to best meet client needs in the most efficient manner possible 2. Collaborator - Engages in shared decision making regarding the nature of health problems and potential solutions to them 3. Liaison- Provides and maintains connections and communication between clients and health care providers or among providers C. Population-oriented Roles 1. Case Finder Identifies clients with specific health problems or conditions Geared toward awareness of populationlevel problems 2. Leader Influences clients and others to take action regarding identified health problems 3. Change Agent Initiates and facilitates change in individual or client behaviors or conditions or those affecting population groups 4. Community Developer Mobilizes residents and other segments of the population to take action regarding identified community health problems or issues 5. Coalition Builder Promotes the development and maintenance of alliances of individuals or groups of people to address a specific health issue 6. Researcher Conducts studies to explain health-related phenomena and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to control them Responsibilities of community health nurse 1. Planning ,identifying ,execution and evaluation of care 2. Providing ,comprehensive care to the individuals , families , and groups by teaching , counselling and guidance 3. Demonstrates and teaches skilled nursing care to family members of sick , chronically ill in the home 4. Cares for the chronically ill, handicapped and disabled in the community 5. Provides assistance to the families in improving environmental conditions 6. Help the families in the adjustment of social ,emotional aspects of health. 7. Provides preventive health care services like immunization , supplementary nutrition etc 8. Renders treatment and follow up care of mentally ill and elderly people as both of these groups are intended to become increasingly community based rather than which hospital based . 9. Development and utilization of other branches of health for welfare of community 10. Organizing ,planned group classes regarding the sanitation ,nutrition, child care family welfare services and parent craft to various members in the community. 11. Conducts epidemiological investigations in the field of communicable diseases and leprosy etc 12.Coordinates her work with other members of health team working in the community. 13. She revises the plans ,programmes in her area and collects the vital statistics ,conducts research ton study the existing health problems ,evaluates effectiveness of various health problems 14. She trains and conducts orientation and in-service training classes in her area to nursing students and other nursing staffs 15. She act as a coordinator between individuals and community 16. She act as a consultant and talks on behalf of individual or family with village leaders and other members of the health team 17. She plans the budget ,get the equipment required ,organizes primary health centre and to associated health centres 18. She manages various programmes ad campaigns in her area 19. She acts as administrator at different levels of community health nursing services to evaluate and puts all possible trails into practice to improve quality and quantity of care to the total community . 20. Supervise the work of MPHW, health visitors and dias. SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE MCH SERVICES SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES Specialised responsibilities GERIATRIC SERVICES OCCUPATIONAL SERVICES IMMUNIZATION SERVICES N A H T U O Y K