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Syllabus - MM 04 - PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT - June 2021

a. This course will make the students understand the concepts and processes
involved in product management and brand building.
b. This course aims to provide a theoretical framework for aspiring brand managers.
Module 1: Introduction to Product Management
Product Management: Meaning, Definition, Classification, Scope and
Importance, Challenges affecting Product Management – Role of Product
Manager – Product Mix and Line Decisions: Managing Line Extensions
Module II: Marketing Planning Process
Category Attractiveness Analysis – Competitor Analysis – Consumer Analysis –
Developing Product Strategy: Setting Objectives, Selection of Strategic
Alternatives, Differentiation and Positioning
Module III: Understanding the Role of Branding
Concept of Brand – Brand Awareness – Brand Image – Brand Association –
Choosing Brand Elements – Celebrity endorsements and Role of Brand
Ambassadors – Managing and leveraging secondary brand associations – Brand
Module IV: Concept of Brand Equity and Growing Brand Equity
Brand Equity Model (Aaker) – Consumer based brand-equity model (Keller) –
Kapferer Brand Identity prism – Brand Extension Decisions
Module V: Sustaining Brands and Measuring Brand Performance
Managing brands over time: Reinforcing Brands, Revitalizing Brands, Adjusting
Brand Portfolio methods – Brand Tracking – Brand equity measurement
1. Donald R Lehmann & Russel S Winer, Product Management, MGH EducationEurope, 2005
2. Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management, PHI, New Delhi, 2003
3. Jean Noel Kapferer, Strategic Brand Management, Kogan Page, London, 1997
4. David A Aaker, Building Strong Brands, The Free Press, New York, 1996
5. Kevin Lane Keller, M. G. Parameshwaran, Isaac Jacob, Strategic Brand
Management, PHI, New Delhi, 2011