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Advanced Financial Accounting Syllabus - Brooklyn College

City University of New York - Brooklyn College
Summer II ‘23
Course Number: ACCT 4001 (3 Credits)
Section 2F
Code: 2581
Meetings: Fully Online M&W 1810-1900
Prerequisites: ACCT 3021 (5), numeracy, literacy
PROFESSOR: Frimette Kass-Shraibman, CPA, PhD
Office: Whitehead Hall 215b
Email: proffkass@gmail.com
Tel: 561-705-4653 (text only)
Advising Hours: By appointment, via phone, Zoom or BB Collaborate
Instruction: Fully Online and Asynchronous (Any Time) - Exams and Homeworks are online at Connect while Discussion
Boards are online at Blackboard.
Course Description:
The course covers the following advanced accounting topics: Earnings Per Share, Leases,
Pensions, Partnerships, Foreign Transactions and Statements. The focus is on identifying,
measuring and communicating financial information per FASB (USGAAP). Students will
also learn IFRS (IGAAP).
Course Objectives:
1. Provide a working knowledge of more complex topics of financial accounting and
2. Create student awareness and understanding of ethical behavior and complex decision
3. Prepare students for the CPA exams and the public accounting profession.
4. Update students on the convergence of USGAAP & IGAAP.
Required texts:
Intermediate Accounting, 11th Edition
ISBN10: 1264134525 | ISBN13: 9781264134526
By David Spiceland, Mark Nelson, Wayne Thomas and Jennifer Winchel
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Advanced Accounting, 15th Edition
ISBN10: 1264798482 | ISBN13: 9781264798483
By Joe Ben Hoyle, Thomas Schaefer and Timothy Doupnik
© 2024
You are required to have access to McGraw-Hill Connect for each of the two
aforementioned textbooks. If you previously had a Connect license for the Intermediate
Accounting textbook, that license should still be available for use during the current
semester. If you have any problems with your license, please call McGraw-Hill technical
support. There will be documents available on BlackBoard, under the ‘Syllabus’ tab with
instructions for joining the Connect sites for the class.
Recommended: Financial Accounting Exam Questions & Explanations
Gleim Publications Inc. www.gleim.com
Accounting for Leases
15/Intermediate Accounting
Accounting for Pensions
17/Intermediate Accounting
Dilutive Securities & EPS
19/Intermediate Accounting
Foreign Currency Transactions
9/Advanced Financial Accounting
Foreign Entity Statements
10/Advanced Financial Accounting
Segment and Interim Reporting
8/Advanced Financial Accounting
Partnerships: Formation & Change 14/Advanced Financial Accounting
Partnerships: Liquidation
15/Advanced Financial Accounting
Approx. after the second week of class
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Final exam
Connect Homework
Assessment valuations are subject to change
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Grade Distribution:
According to CUNY Requirements:
A-, A
B-, B, B+
C-, C, C+
D-, D, D+
= 90 to 99%
= 80 to 89%
= 70 to 79%
= 60 to 69%
= Below 60%
According to Accounting Department Requirements:
Students majoring in accounting must achieve a grade of C or better in all courses starting with
an accounting prefix. No accounting course may be taken more than three times by an accounting
major. Students taking a specific accounting course three times without achieving a grade of C or
better (this includes INC, W, WN, WU, WF, and ABS grades), may not take that course again and
will not be permitted to major in accounting at CUNY Brooklyn College.
Grade distributions according to Prof. Kass
Below 60
If towards the end of semester, you think your grade will be below a C, and you’d rather get an F
(so you can retake the course and get an F replacement), you must notify me before the final exam.
INC grades will not be considered except for catastrophic circumstances.
Excessive absences, poor preparations and/or missing homework will adversely affect the
student's grade. More than two absences will be considered as excessive, unless
reasonable circumstances exist. In a fully online class, the failure to complete an online
assessment by the posted deadline is considered to be an absence.
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University Policies:
Academic Integrity:
The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from
cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes
cheating and plagiarism, and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY
Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy
can be found at this site (as of the time of writing of this syllabus):
There are circumstances under which the faculty member MUST report the violation.
Accommodation of Disability:
In order to receive disability-related academic accommodation, students must first be
registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have documented
disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with
the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart­ Lovell, who
can be reached at (718) 951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for
Student Disability Services, please provide your professor with the course accommodation
form and discuss your specific accommodation need(s) with him/her. Be aware that you
may also ask for temporary accommodation of a temporary problem, without necessarily
having to register as being disabled.
If you have need accommodation, please let me know ASAP so that you can be
accommodated and be successful at learning. Please help me help you. If you request
extra time for exams, and do not have the proper paperwork submitted in a timely fashion,
I may not be able to accommodate you.
Religious Observance:
The New York State Education Law provides that no student shall be expelled from, or
refused admission to, an institution of higher education because he or she is unable to
attend classes or participate in examinations or study or work requirements on any
particular day or days because of religious beliefs. Students who are unable to attend
classes on a particular day or days because of religious beliefs will be excused from any
examination or study or work requirements on that day or those days. Faculty must make
good-faith efforts to provide students absent from class because of religious beliefs
equivalent opportunities to make up the work missed; no additional fees may be charged for
this consideration.
See the 2023– 2024Undergraduate Bulletin for more details:
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Attendance & Discussion Board Requirements:
For formal attendance requirements students are required to join at least one of
the three ‘Attendance Discussion Boards’.
During the course of the semester other discussion boards may be added.
Use of profanity or insulting remarks is strictly prohibited. Such behavior may
cause the student to receive a grade of F for the course.
Email Etiquette:
As a reminder, students should check their e-mail accounts frequently. When e-mailing
the instructor, type “ACCT 4001 2F” in the subject heading of your e-mail. The e-mail
address for the instructor of this course is frimette@brooklyn.cuny.edu.
There will be no reply to e-mails that lack this basic information.
Students must include full name and section number on any e-mails and attachments sent
to instructors.
Do not use the e-mail list on Blackboard for any purpose unrelated to this course.
E-mails in the course are a form of business communication. We expect students to
compose e-mails with the same attention to correct grammar and syntax, politeness and
professional tone that apply to all forms of business correspondence. Use of profanity or
insulting remarks in an email may cause a student to receive a grade of F for the course.
All communication will be via email. Please make sure that you read the email account that
you supplied when registering for this course. If the email in BB is not the appropriate email
you can change it on the main page for BB, on the lower left hand corner go to “tools’, in
‘Tools” go to ‘Personal Information’. There you can change your email address or other
personal information. Also, please upload a picture of yourself (or avatar).
If you send me an email send it to frimette@brooklyn.cuny.edu. You must include in the
subject: the course, the section and 2 or 3 words explaining what your email is about. I will
not answer emails that do not follow these guidelines.
Please only send emails when the nature of your question is personal. Questions about the
material or the course should be posted on the BB Discussion Board. A forum will be started
for general discussions. There will be separate forums for technical questions related to
each chapter.
You may text me at 561-705-4653 between the hours of 9AM and 6PM. Please make sure
to include your name and course.
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Web-Based Homework and Exam Manager – McGraw-Hill/Connect:
All students are required to use McGraw-Hill/Connect. This is a web-based homework
management system that enables students completing homework online, automatically grades
homework, offers instant feedback, and provides hints and other resources to enhance students’
learning experience. A feature that is particularly helpful to students is that it breaks a large
problem into smaller steps and provides guidance as students working through each step.
The access code to McGraw-Hill/Connect is often included with the textbook. If you bought a
textbook without the registration code, you can purchase a registration code online separately.
There will be homework assignments for each chapter comprised of problems. There will also
be a midterm and final. The Midterm will be on the Connect site for Intermediate Accounting.
The final will be on the site for Advanced Accounting.
There are sperate Connect sites for each of the two books. Registration information for the
Connect sites is posted separately under the ‘Syllabus’ tab on BB.
Useful tips for working on Connect:
Do one thing at a time. It is not possible to view past results while in the process of
answering a question, or to open two graded assignments at the same time.
To print an assignment, use the browser’s Print Preview and Page Setup options to get the
best result. Switch from Portrait to Landscape form factor and extend the margins as far
as possible often helps.
Use the "Next", "Back", "Jump To", and “Save my work” buttons often while you work on
the Connect. If there is no activity within 60 minutes, Connect will automatically log you
out without saving your work.
Click "Save and Exit" if you wish to work on your assignment at a later time.
Avoid using copy and paste to fill out your answers. Copy and Paste might enter hidden
characters in your answers and prevent you from getting a grade.
LearnSmart/SmartBook will be available for you on Connect. There are no grades for doing
these assignments, but they are a VERY useful learning tool.
For help, you can call McGraw-Hill Customer Experience Group at (800) 331-5094.
Student Bereavement Policy
Students who experience the death of a loved one must contact the Division of Student
Affairs, 2113 Boylan Hall, if they wish to implement either the Standard Bereavement
Procedure or the Leave of Absence Bereavement Procedure (see below). The Division of
Student Affairs has the right to request a document that verifies the death (e.g., a funeral
program or death notice).
Typically, this death involves that of a family member, in parallel to the bereavement policy
for faculty and staff. However, it is up to the discretion of the Division of Student Affairs to
determine if a death outside of the immediate family warrants implementation of the student
bereavement policy.
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Course Schedule:
For this course you will mostly be working independently. However, the following schedule
is suggested so that you maintain a pace in which the course is completed. Lecture times
will be ‘light’ lectures. However, if the class wishes we can skip lectures and review
Accounting for Leases
Accounting for
Dilutive Securities &
Midterm exam
Approximate lecture
M – 7/17
W – 7/19
M – 7/24
M - 7/31
W - 7/26
* For this class only the
times will be 1730-1830
W – 8/2
Foreign Currency
9/Advanced Financial
Foreign Entity
10/Advanced Financial
Segment and Interim
8/Advanced Financial
Partnerships: Formation 14/Advanced Financial
& Change
W – 8/9
M – 8/14
Final exam
15/Advanced Financial
M – 8/7
W – 8/16
*I will be watching Connect and available during the exam times
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