AN ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF BANGSAMORO RAPID EMERGENCY ACTION ON DISASTER INCIDENCE (BANGSAMORO READI) IN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND DISASTER RESPONSIVENESS IN MAGUINDANAO A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College Cotabato State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Public Administration Major in Organizational Management 2022 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Natural disasters have become an increasingly prevalent problem globally, with the number of recorded disasters doubling over the past two decades. Nine out of every ten of these disasters have been climate related. The Philippines, located on the “Pacific Ring of Fire” and along the Pacific typhoon belt, is particularly vulnerable to natural hazards such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and fires. At the international level, the United Nations has emphasized the importance of disaster preparedness for effective response in light of the increasing trend of disasters related to climate change. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is the leading agency for disaster risk reduction at the global level, and it has developed a number of frameworks, strategies, and guidelines for disaster risk reduction. One of the key frameworks developed by the UNISDR is the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which is the global plan for reducing disaster risk and loss. The Sendai Framework emphasizes the importance of disaster preparedness and the need to build the resilience of communities to disasters. It also recognizes the link between disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, and it calls for the integration of disaster risk reduction into climate change adaptation efforts. Another important initiative of the UNISDR is the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which is the biennial global forum for disaster risk reduction. The Global Platform brings together governments, UN agencies, international organizations, and other stakeholders to share experiences, best practices, and innovations in disaster risk reduction. The United Nations also has several specialized agencies such as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) which also work on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation by providing technical assistance, capacity building, and funding to countries around the world. At the national level, the Philippines is highly prone to natural disasters due to its geographical location in the "Pacific Ring of Fire" and along the Pacific typhoon belt. The country has been constantly improving its disaster management structures and resources, including communication and coordination efforts, in response to the devastating impacts of past natural disasters such as Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. In 2010, the Philippine government signed Republic Act 10121, also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010, to further enhance the country's disaster management and response capacity. The law aims to promote a systematic, comprehensive, and proactive approach to managing disasters in the Philippines, and emphasizes the importance of reducing disaster risks and building community resilience. Under RA 10121, the government established the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), which serves as the country's main policy-making, coordinating, and administrative body for disaster risk reduction and management. The law also requires the establishment of Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices (LDRRMOs) in every province, city, and municipality, to ensure that disaster risk reduction and management efforts are implemented at the local level. Moreover, the law mandates the integration of disaster risk reduction and management into the development processes and policies of the government, ensuring that disaster risk reduction and management considerations are mainstreamed into the government's overall development agenda. It also encourages the participation and involvement of various stakeholders, including civil society organizations and the private sector, in disaster risk reduction and management efforts. At the local level, the Bangsamoro Government has recognized the importance of disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation as outlined in the Republic Act 11054, also known as the Bangsamoro Organic Law. The law provides that the Bangsamoro Government shall ensure and support the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among its residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of its inhabitants. In light of these efforts, the Bangsamoro Government has also established the Bangsamoro Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council and the Bangsamoro Disaster Risk Reduction Management Operation Center through an executive order. This thesis aims to assess the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro Rapid Emergency Action on Disaster Incidence (BANGSAMORO READI) in disaster preparedness and disaster responsiveness in Maguindanao. The study will be conducted in the context of the national and local disaster risk reduction and management policies and frameworks, as well as the legal basis provided by the Republic Act 11054 and the executive order on the organization of the Bangsamoro Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council and the establishment of the Bangsamoro Disaster Risk Reduction Management Operation Center. The study will evaluate how well the program is working, identify gaps, and make recommendations for future improvements. The study will specifically focus on the Bangsamoro READI program and its role in disaster preparedness and disaster responsiveness in Maguindanao. The program aims to improve the capacity of the Bangsamoro Government and local communities to respond to and recover from disasters through the development of emergency plans, early warning systems, and capacity building for disaster risk reduction and management. The study will examine the effectiveness of the program in terms of its implementation, its impact on disaster preparedness and responsiveness in the region, and the challenges and opportunities for improvement. The research will include a review of existing literature on disaster risk reduction and management, as well as data collection and analysis through surveys. The findings of this study will contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program in disaster preparedness and disaster responsiveness in Maguindanao. It will provide insights into the challenges and opportunities for improving the program and will inform the development of future disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs in the region. Overall, the study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program in disaster preparedness and disaster responsiveness in Maguindanao, and to contribute to the improvement of disaster risk reduction and management efforts in the region. Statement of the Problem The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro Rapid Emergency Action on Disaster Incidence (BANGSAMORO READI) program in disaster preparedness and disaster response in the province of Maguindanao. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following research questions: 1. What is the level of effectiveness of the BANGSAMORO READI program in disaster preparedness in terms of: a. Disaster management planning b. Simulation exercises and disaster preparedness c. Search, rescue and retrieval resources 2. What is the level of effectiveness of the BANGSAMORO READI program in disaster response in terms of: a. Search, Rescue and Retrieval b. Distribution of emergency relief c. Disaster response rapid needs and damage assessment 3. Is there a significant relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response in the implementation of the BANGSAMORO READI program in Maguindanao? Hypothesis HO1. There is no significant relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response of the BANGSAMORO READI program in Nuro, Upi, Maguindanao. Significance of the Study The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the improvement of disaster risk reduction and management efforts in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and to promote the safety and well-being of its residents. The following are the specific agencies and stakeholders that may benefit from the findings of this research: 1. The Bangsamoro Rapid Emergency Action on Disaster Incidence (READI) program - The study can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the BANGSAMORO READI program in disaster preparedness and disaster response in Maguindanao. The program may use the findings to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance its disaster risk reduction and management initiatives. 2. The Bangsamoro Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (BDRRMC) - The study's findings can inform the council's policies and initiatives in disaster risk reduction and management in the region. The BDRRMC can use the research results to identify areas for improvement in their disaster preparedness and response programs and policies. 3. The Local Government Units (LGUs) - The study can also provide insights to the LGUs on how to enhance their own disaster risk reduction and management programs, and how they can collaborate with the BANGSAMORO READI and BDRRMC in disaster response efforts. 4. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) - The NDRRMC can also benefit from the findings of this study, as it can inform the national-level policies and programs on disaster risk reduction and management in the country, particularly in the Bangsamoro region. 5. Non-government organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) - NGOs and CSOs can use the findings of the study to identify areas where they can contribute to disaster risk reduction and management efforts in the Bangsamoro region. They can also use the research results to inform their advocacy and policy initiatives related to disaster risk reduction and management. 6. Academic and research communities - The study can also contribute to the academic and research communities by providing insights into the effectiveness of disaster risk reduction and management programs in the Bangsamoro region. The findings can serve as a basis for future research and scholarly work on disaster risk reduction and management. Overall, the study's findings can inform and guide disaster risk reduction and management efforts in the Bangsamoro region and contribute to the enhancement of the region's resilience to natural disasters. Scope and Limitation This study will focus on the effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in the areas of disaster preparedness and disaster response in the Province of Maguindanao. The study will be limited to respondents from Barangay Nuro, Upi, Maguindanao. Conceptual Framework INDEPENDENT VARIABLE The level of effectiveness DEPENDENT VARIABLE of The level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in the area of Bangsamoro READi in the area of disaster preparedness in terms of: disaster response in terms of: a. Disaster Management Planning. Rescue and Retrieval. b. Simulation exercise and disaster preparedness. c. Search a. Search, and equipment. rescue b. Distribution of emergency relief. c. Disaster response and rapid needs and damage assessment. Figure1. The Schematic Diagram of the study showing relationship between Variables The diagram shows the conceptual framework of the study, which describes the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable is "The level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in the area of disaster preparedness in terms of: a. Disaster Management Planning, b. Simulation exercise and disaster preparedness, c. Search and rescue equipment." This variable is considered independent because it is the factor that the study seeks to assess or measure, and it is assumed to influence the dependent variable. The dependent variable is "The level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in the area of disaster response in terms of: a. Search, Rescue and Retrieval, b. Distribution of emergency relief, c. Disaster response and rapid needs and damage assessment." This variable is considered dependent because it is the outcome that is expected to be affected by the independent variable. In other words, the level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in disaster preparedness is assumed to impact the level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in disaster response. The conceptual framework suggests that there is a relationship between the level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in disaster preparedness and the level of effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in disaster response. The study seeks to assess this relationship and determine the impact of disaster preparedness on disaster response. By doing so, the study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READi program and identify areas for improvement in disaster risk reduction and management in the region. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Disaster as a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction. Republic Act 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act of 2010 defined disaster as a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disasters are often described as a result of the combination of: the exposure to a hazard; the conditions of vulnerability that are present; and insufficient capacity or measures to reduce or cope with the potential negative consequences. Disaster impacts may include loss of life, injury, disease and other negative effects on human, physical, mental and social well-being, together with damage to property, destruction of assets, loss of services, social and economic disruption and environmental degradation. Disasters happen when a community is “not appropriately resourced or organized to withstand the impact, and whose population is vulnerable because of poverty, exclusion or socially disadvantaged in some way” (Mizutori, 2020). The BARMM authority has organized a separate DRRM agency, the Bangsamoro Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (BDRRMC) to replace the former Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office. Under Republic Act 11054, the Organic Law of BARMM, 2017, DRRM are under exclusive oversight of the Bangsamoro Government. At its inaugural meeting in July 2019, BDRRMC launched an emergency and disaster response office, the Rapid Emergency Action on Disaster Incidence (Readi-BARMM), based on BARMM Executive Order 12, which provided for the establishment of the BDRRMC and a DRRM operation center, the Readi-BARMM. Readi BARMM is also the information management facility and clearing house for reports on emergencies in BARMM. The BARMM Ministry on Interior and Local Government (MILG) serves a coordinating role, bringing together the ministers of the Bangsamoro Government, LGUs, and NDRRMC on programs and activities pertaining to disasters. In addition, MILG coordinates with OCD in monitoring and responding to displacements resulting from human-induced and natural disasters within BARMM. ( Disaster risk reduction and management is the systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, and operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved coping capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of disaster (RA 10121). Disaster preparedness, on the other hand, is the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions. Preparedness action is carried out within the context of disaster risk reduction and management with the aim of averting disaster. At the same time, preparedness aims to build the capacities needed to efficiently manage all types of emergencies and achieve orderly transitions from response to sustained recovery. Preparedness is based on a sound analysis of disaster risk and good linkages with early warning systems, and includes such activities as contingency planning, stockpiling of equipment and supplies, the development of arrangements for coordination, evacuation and public information, and associated training and field exercises. These must be supported by formal institutional, legal, and budgetary capacities. Disaster management planning is an overview that discuss the policies and institutional mechanisms that guide disaster management in the Philippines. These were based that emphasize the importance of community participation and a coordinated approach to disaster management, which are key objectives of the Bangsamoro READI program. Assessment of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Strategies in the Philippines. it provides an overview of the disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) strategies in the Philippines, particularly the policy and institutional framework that has been developed to mitigate and respond to disasters that relevant to the since it discusses the policies and institutional mechanisms that guide disaster management in the Philippines, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program. (Tung, 2019) Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in the Philippines, discusses the importance of community participation in disaster risk reduction and management. This is also relevant to the study since the Bangsamoro READI program aims to involve the community in disaster preparedness and response. It highlights the importance of community participation and ownership in disaster risk reduction and management, (Garcia, 2017) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in the Philippines, provides a comprehensive review of the DRRM policies and programs in the Philippines, particularly the legal framework and institutional mechanisms that support disaster management. It is relevant to the study since it provides a broader context for disaster management in the Philippines, it also highlights the need for a coordinated and integrated approach to disaster management, which is one of the objectives of the Bangsamoro READI program (Navarro and Adorable, 2018). The articles highlight the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to disaster management, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program in Maguindanao. Disaster preparedness trainings and simulation exercise, underscores the importance of community participation, capacity building, and training in disaster preparedness and response. This is relevant to the study since the Bangsamoro READI program aims to improve the disaster preparedness and response of workers and communities in Maguindanao. It highlight the need for active participation of local government, health care workers, and communities in disaster preparedness and response. In this context discusses the importance of community-based disaster preparedness and the role of local government in facilitating disaster preparedness training and simulation exercises. The study highlights the need for active community participation in disaster preparedness and response, which is a key objective of the Bangsamoro READI program (Fadriquela and Kanegae, 2016). Disaster preparedness and response training for health care workers in the Philippines that emphasizes and discusses the need for training and capacity building of health care workers to ensure effective disaster response (Balaba et al.,2019). The community-based approach to disaster preparedness and management. The study provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of community-based disaster preparedness and management, including the importance of community participation, awareness raising, and capacity building (Ebreo and Mangarin, 2018). The articles emphasizes the importance of community participation, capacity building, and training in disaster preparedness and response that are relevant to the study since they can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program in enhancing disaster preparedness and response in Maguindanao. This is highlighting the need for active participation of local government, health care workers, and communities in disaster preparedness and response, which are key objectives of the Bangsamoro READI program. Search, rescue and retrieval operations, provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of search and rescue operations in disaster-affected areas in the Philippines. This is relevant to the study since the Bangsamoro READI program aims to improve the effectiveness of search, rescue and retrieval operations in Maguindanao and the importance of timely and effective response, the logistics of disaster response, and the need for effective planning and management. In the study entitles critical Issues in Search and Rescue in the Philippines, provides a comprehensive review of the critical issues in search and rescue operations in the Philippines particularly the challenges and opportunities faced by responders in the context of disasters that is relevant to the study since it provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of search and rescue operations in disaster-affected areas in the Philippines, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program (Mantes et al., 2016). A review of the search and rescue operations during the 2013 Bohol earthquake in the Philippines. The review highlights the challenges and opportunities of search and rescue operations in disaster-affected areas, particularly the importance of timely and effective response (Figueroa et al., 2017). Humanitarian logistics in disaster response in the Philippines, the review highlights the importance of logistics in disaster response, particularly in search and rescue operations, and the need for effective planning and management (Bascuguin et al., 2018). In this article, discusses the challenges and opportunities of search, rescue and retrieval operations in disaster-affected areas in the Philippines that relevant to the research since they can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bangsamoro READI program in improving the effectiveness of search, rescue and retrieval operations in Maguindanao. The articles highlight the importance of timely and effective response, the logistics of disaster response, and the need for effective planning and management, which are key objectives of the Bangsamoro READI program. Disaster response is defined as the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected. Disaster response is predominantly focused on immediate and short-term needs and is sometimes called “disaster relief” (RA 10121). In the context of disaster response, the NDRRMC and LDRRMCs provide support functions to the affected LGUs. This includes coordinating the transition from immediate emergency response operations to early recovery functions undertaken by government agencies and the cluster system. The DRRM Act of 2010 stipulates that Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices (LDRRMO) be established in every province, city, and municipality under the LGU. LDRRMOs and LDRRMCs are responsible for organizing, training, and supervising local emergency response teams. Under this law, LGUs are also required to allocate at least 5% of their estimated revenue from regular sources to the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund. This revenue is used for pre- and post-disaster activities and programs including construction of dams or embankments to mitigate flood risks, risk assessment, training, life-saving equipment, relief items, shelter, alternative livelihood, and construction or rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure facilities and evacuation centers. (Disaster Management Reference Handbook) Chapter 3 METHOD This chapter represents the research design, locale of the study, participants of the study, sampling design, instruments, data collection and statistical treatment for the data gathered. Research Design The research method used in this study is descriptive-correlational design to assess and describe the extent of implementation of services of Bangsamoro READi in the Province of Maguindanao. The descriptive aspect described the implementation and approach in implementing plans, programs and activities. Descriptive design is a method of data gathering conducted by observing and describing the behavior of the subject without influencing it in anyway, thus describing the result based on the data gathered (Bhat, 2018). Research Locale The study will be conducted in the Province of Maguindanao where flooding incidents are recurring such as in Barangay Nuro, Upi, Maguidanao. Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study will be the employees Bangsamoro READi and clients served by Bangsamoro READi program. Research Instruments This study will use a survey questionnaire as the primary research instruments to assess the effectiveness of Bangsamoro READi in one of the Municipality of Maguindanao specifically in Barangay Nuro, Upi, Maguindanao based on two thematic areas of disaster risk reduction management namely disaster preparedness and disaster response. A survey questionnaire will be designed to gather information from clients served by Bangsamoro READi on their disaster preparedness and response. The survey questionnaire will include both closed-ended questions to gather quantitative data. The survey questionnaire will be pilot-tested before being administered to ensure its reliability and validity. The survey questionnaire will include questions on the following topics. 1. Disaster preparedness: This section will include questions on the respondent's level of preparedness for disasters, including their knowledge of emergency evacuation procedures, the availability of emergency supplies, and the presence of emergency warning systems in their community (Rodríguez, Donner, & Trainor, 2017). 2. Disaster response: This section will include questions on the respondent's experiences of the program's response to disasters, including the speed and effectiveness of the response, the availability of emergency aid and the provision of information and support (Anderson, Rodriguez, et al., 2007). 3. The relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response: This section will include questions to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the two thematic areas of disaster preparedness and disaster response. The survey will be administered to a sample of clients served by the program and a sample of community members in general, while the interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders such as program staff, government officials and community leaders. The sample size will be determined based on the statistical power analysis, ensuring that the results will be generalizable to the population of interest. Data collected from the survey questionnaires and interviews will be analyzed using statistical methods such as mean and Pearson r correlation to determine the relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response. The findings of the study will be used to identify the effectiveness of the BANGSAMORO READI program and to make recommendations for improvement. The data analysis will be conducted with the help of appropriate software such as SPSS, R or Excel. It is important to note that the data gathering procedure should be conducted in an ethical manner and that the informed consent is obtained from the participants. The consent form should clearly explain the purpose of the study, the data collection procedures, and the use of the data. Participants should also be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time. The survey questionnaire and interview guide will be developed based on the research questions and objectives of the study and will be reviewed by experts in the field of disaster risk reduction and management to ensure their relevance and validity. The survey will be administered to a sample of clients served by the program and a sample of community members in general, while the interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders such as program staff, government officials and community leaders. The sample size will be determined based on the statistical power analysis, ensuring that the results will be generalizable to the population of interest. Data collected from the survey questionnaires and interviews will be analyzed using statistical methods such as mean and Pearson r correlation to determine the relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response. The findings of the study will be used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the BANGSAMORO READI program and to make recommendations for improvement. The data analysis will be conducted with the help of appropriate software such as SPSS, R or Excel. It is important to note that the data gathering procedure should be conducted in an ethical manner and that the informed consent is obtained from the participants. The consent form should clearly explain the purpose of the study, the data collection procedures, and the use of the data. Participants should also be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time. Data Gathering Procedure The data gathering procedure for this study will involve the following steps: 1. Develop the survey questionnaire: The survey questionnaire will be developed based on the research questions and objectives of the study and will be reviewed by experts in the field of disaster risk reduction and management to ensure their relevance and validity. 2. Identify the study population: The study population will be clients served by the Bangsamoro READI program, as well as community members in general, in the Province of Maguindanao, specifically in the Barangay Nuro, Upi, Maguindanao. 3. Select the sample: A sample of clients served by the program and community members will be selected using a purposive sampling method. A sample size will be determined based on the statistical power analysis, ensuring that the results will be generalizable to the population of interest. 4. Administer the survey: The survey questionnaire will be administered to the selected sample of Bangsamoro READi employees such as the Rescue Team Leaders and Regular Employees of Regional Operations Center including the clients served by the program such as the community leader. The survey will be administered either in person or online, depending on the preference of the participants. 5. Collect and analyze the data: Data collected from the survey questionnaire and interviews will be recorded and analyzed using statistical methods such as mean and Pearson r correlation to analyze the data and determine the relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response. 6. Review and interpret the data: The data will be reviewed and interpreted to identify patterns and trends that will help answer the research questions and objectives of the study. 7. Prepare the report: A report will be prepared that includes the findings and conclusions of the study, which will be shared with the stakeholders of the program and relevant government agencies. Statistical Treatment of the data This study will use mean to describe the implementation of the programs and activities and the level of effectiveness. The Pearson r Correlation will also be used in determining the significant relationship between disaster preparedness and disaster response. Name (optional):___________________________________________________________ Gender: Male Female Age:___________ PART I. Direction: for each statement in the survey, please rate the statements below by putting a check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers will be kept confidential and you will not be identified. (To be answered by the Bangsamoro READi employees). Scale: 1 Never Indicates that the implementation is Poor 2 Rarely Indicates that the implementation Needs improvement 3 Sometimes 4 Often 5 Always Indicates that the implementation is Satisfactory Indicates that the implementation is Very satisfactory Indicates that the implementation is Excellent 1. Disaster Management Planning a. The BARMM DRRM Plan is existing and updated. b. There is an existing and updated BARMM Contingency Plan per hazard. c. There are existing Contingency Plans per hazard in the level of Provincial and Municipal Government Units. 2. Capacity Building and Development: Most of the employees of Bangsamoro READi are capacitated in the following: a. DRRM Office Competency Building and Development b. Incident Command System c. LDRRM and LCCAP Planning d. Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment e. Basic Life Support f. Contingency Plan Formulation g. Hazard Mapping h. Flood and Swift Water i. Search and Rescue 1 2 3 4 5 j. High Angle Search and Rescue Operation k. Emergency Response l. Mountain Search and Rescue m. Basic and Advanced Emergency Technician n. Hazardous Materials Handling Medical o. Warehouse Management p. Financial Management q. Logistics Management r. Supply Chain Management s. Inventory Management t. Conduct of simulation exercises and multihazard drills 3. Quick Response Services 1 2 3 4 a. There are sufficient number of search, rescue and retrieval equipment available. b. There are sufficient number of rescue vehicles available for dispatch anytime. c. There are sufficient number of responders available anytime, when disaster occurs. d. There are sufficient number of food packs ready to be distributed to affected population. Thank you for your time and participation in this survey. Your input is valuable in understanding effectiveness of the services of BANGSAMORO READI in your area. 5 Name (optional):___________________________________________________________ Gender: Male Female Age:___________ PART II. Direction: for each statement in the survey, please rate the statements below by putting a check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers will be kept confidential and you will not be identified. (To be answered by the clients served by Bangsamoro READi). SCALE 1 Never Indicates that the implementation is Poor 2 Rarely Indicates that the implementation Needs improvement 3 Sometimes 4 Often 5 Always Indicates that the implementation is Satisfactory Indicates that the implementation is Very satisfactory Indicates that the implementation is Excellent 1. For the following statements, how would you rate the implementation of Search, Rescue, and Retrieval (SRR) operations by the Bangsamoro READi in terms of: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 a. Deployment of assets (manpower, logistics, and supplies) b. Involvement of line agencies/units in SRR operations c. Number of families/persons rescued d. Recovery of dead bodies e. Timely and efficient evacuation of families/persons 2. Regarding the distribution of emergency relief goods provided by the Bangsamoro READi for the affected families/persons after a disaster occurs, how often are they implemented with the following statement: a. The coordination among humanitarian actors was satisfactory b. The contents of emergency relief packs provided was sufficient c. The manner of relief distribution was wellorganized and convenient for clients. 3. The following statements are related to disaster response, rapid needs, and damage assessment. Rate how often they are implemented: a. Deployment of a local skilled professional team for disaster response, rapid needs, and damage assessment b. Identification of the most affected areas based on damage and the number of people affected c. Accuracy and usefulness of data and information collected for damage to infrastructure, housing, and public facilities, as well as the number of people affected and the types of assistance they need for disaster response, rapid needs, and damage assessment Thank you for your time and participation in this survey. Your input is valuable in understanding effectiveness of the services of BANGSAMORO READI in your area.