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EEC 111 Homework 3: Diodes, Rectifiers, and Regulators

EEC 111 Spring 2022 Homework #3
Rajeevan Amirtharajah
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Davis
Issued: April 17, 2023
Due: April 24, 2023, 11:59 PM by Canvas upload.
Reading: Sedra and Smith, Chapter 4 [1].
Ideal Diode
Problem 1.1 Sedra and Smith 4.2
Problem 1.2 Sedra and Smith 4.4(a), 4.4(f), 4.4(h), 4.4(i)
Problem 1.3 Sedra and Smith 4.7
Diode Models
Problem 2.1 Sedra and Smith 4.21
Problem 2.2 Sedra and Smith 4.35. You may use a graphing calculator, spreadsheet, or
other computer program (e.g., Python, MATLAB) to plot the diode characteristic and load
Problem 2.3 Sedra and Smith 4.36
Voltage Regulator and Rectifier Circuits
Problem 3.1 Sedra and Smith 4.69
Problem 3.2 A full-wave rectifier is driven by a sinusoidal input Vin = V0 cos !t, where
V0 = 3 V and ! = 2⇡ · 60 Hz. Assuming VD,on = 750 mV, determine the ripple amplitude
with a 1000 µF capacitor and a load resistance of 33 ⌦.
Figure 1: Two series diodes circuit.
Figure 2: Diode circuits.
Problem 3.3 In Figure 1, the reverse saturation currents of the two diodes are IS1 and IS2 .
(a) Calculate IB , VD1 , and VD2 in terms of variables VB , IS1 , and IS2 . (b) If we wish to
increase IB by a factor of 100, how much should we increase VB ? Hint: use the exponential
model for the diodes.
Problem 3.4 Find the value of Vout in each of the circuits in Figure 2 for Vin = 1.8 V and
Vin = 5 V. Assume a constant-voltage model with VD,on = 0.6 V for the diodes. For the
circuit in Figure 2a, VB = 0.9 V, R1 = 1 k⌦, and R2 = 2 k⌦. In Figure 2b, R1 = 1 k⌦, and
R2 = 3.9 k⌦.
[1] A. S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, T. C. Carusone, and V. Gaudet, Microelectronics, 8th ed. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2020.