Lahore University of Management Sciences EE242 – Circuits 2 Spring 2011‐12 Instructor Ali Imran Shaikh Room No. TBA Office Hours TR 3‐4pm Email TBA Telephone TBA Secretary/TA TBD TA Office Hours TBD Course URL (if any) Course Basics Credit Hours 3 Lecture(s) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week 2 Duration 75 min each Recitation/Lab (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week None Duration N/A Tutorial (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week As needed Duration 60 min Course Distribution Core Y Elective N Open for Student Category Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics Close for Student Category COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a follow‐up course to Circuits 1 and is one time special offering for final year students to complete their core requirements. It is meant to cover a range of topics in circuit analysis and design, building on the material covered in previous courses to expose the students to advance circuit topologies and techniques in analog domain. This course will cover the concepts in filter circuits, network synthesis, feedback in circuits, differential and operational amplifiers, data converter circuits and phase locked loops COURSE PREREQUISITE(S) EE240 Circuits 1 EE340 Devices and Electronics COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Provide the students a gradual introduction to advance topics in analog circuits that build on fundamental concepts already covered. 2. Understand practical circuits used for selective processing of signals and encoding/decoding of information in transferring information from one place to the other or one domain to the other (Digital/Analog) 3. Build concepts to understand the role of various circuit building blocks and considerations for enhanced performance under limiting conditions Learning Outcomes Lahore University of Management Sciences 1. After this course, students should be able to understand the need and use of analog filters and be able to design them with for the required input and output conditions 2. Will be able to understand the use, analysis and design of feedback in circuits for stability and linearity 3. Will be able to understand, use and design operational amplifiers for operation under required conditions 4. Will be able to understand need of mixed signal design and be empowered to analyze and design converter circuits for required performance 5. Apply the concepts in understanding phase locked loops and develop circuits using PLLs Grading Breakup and Policy Assignment(s): Home Work: 06 10% Quiz(s): 7‐8 20% Class Participation: Attendance: Midterm Examination: 01 30% Project: Final Examination: Comprehensive 40% Examination Detail Yes/No: Yes Combine/Separate: Combined Midterm Duration: 03 hrs Exam Preferred Date: Exam Specifications: Closed book, closed notes, 1 A4 double sided, hand written help sheet, calculators Yes/No: Yes Combine/Separate: Combined Final Exam Duration: 03 hrs Exam Specifications: Closed book, closed notes, 1 A4 double sided, hand written help sheet, calculators COURSE OVERVIEW Recommended Objectives/ Week Topics Readings Application Sedra and Smith: Select topics Develop a uniform understanding Circuits and Devices: of basic concepts, tools and - Review of concepts 1. techniques - Passive and Active circuit 2. 3. components Filters - Basic Understanding – Transfer functions, poles, zeros, HP, LP, BP - Higher order filters - Network Synthesis Filters - Switched Capacitor Filters Feedback: - Basic Introduction Sedra and Smith: Chapter 16 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 16 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 10 Lahore University of Management Sciences 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Feedback: - Feedback in Circuits - - Signal Flow Graphs Feedback: - Example Cicuits with Feedback Analysis Transistor Amplifiers - Large Signal Behavior (DC analysis and Biasing) - Small Signal model and behavior of Single Stage MOSFET circuits Differential and Multistage Amplifiers - Current Source Design and Analysis - MOS Differntial Pair - Small Signal Model of MOS Differential Pair Differential and Multistage Amplifiers - Comparison with BJT circuits Differential pair + Current Source - Differential Amplifier with Active Load (Desirable) - Frequency Response of Differential Amplifier Midterm – 1 + Revision Opeartional Amplifier - Two Stage Op-Amp - 741-Cicuit Analysis - DC Analysis Opeartional Amplifier - Small Signal Analysis - Gain, Frequency Response and Slew Rate Data Converter Circuits - D/A Converters Data Converter Circuits - A/D Converters Phase Locked Loops (Desireable) - System Level Components - Circuit Understanding Phase Locked Loops (Desireable) - Circuit Understanding - Applications Sedra and Smith: Chapter 10 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 10 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 4, 5, 6 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 8 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 8 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 12 Sedra and Smith: Chapter 12 Handouts Handouts Handouts Handouts Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings Textbook: Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra and Smith 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005 Supplementary Reading: