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Korean History Timeline: Events Since 1897

Timeline of Events Pertaining to Korea
since 1897
It is necessary to begin so far back in History simply because of the significance of Japanese occupation on the
Korean peninsula.
Dates are of the format: year [ month ] [ day ]
M signifies a massacre, movement or war crime
Glossary, sources and further reading are found after the timeline
Korean names are written: <family name> <given name>. Kim and Rhee are family names.
1897 Imperial Korea is established, it will continue for 13 years. It is a feudal and very divided society.
1905 11 9-17 Negotiation on the Ulsa Five-Point Japanese-Korean Treaty to deprive Korea of diplomatic
Japanese Prince Itō Hirobumi orders Japanese troops to force and threaten the Emperor to sign the treaty.
Imperial Japan now oversees all Korean foreign affairs and trade through Korean ports.
With strengthening Japanese colonial rule, so strengthened is anti-Japanese / anti-colonial sentiment among
Korean lower classes. [Japanese Suppression]
M 1907 8-12 Underestimated statistics by the Japanese Empire show 3.6k Koreans killed by Japanese colonial
forces in this period.
M 1908 Underestimates from JE report 11.5k Koreans killed in this year.
1910 Korean Empire falls to Japan.
1910 8 22 Imperial Japan annexes the entire Korean peninsula and part of Manchuria, northeastern China, outright,
leading to vicious colonial rule of Korea and part of China by the Japanese Empire.
This was done illegally, by the Japanese-Korean Annexation Treaty of 1910, which was never signed by the Korean
Regent Gojong.
Feudalism is exacerbated in new Japanese Korea, falling hardest upon the plebeian Korean classes.
M 1910 11 JE launches large-scale "punitive operations" against Korean anti-Japanese organisations.
Countless volunteers and patriots are slain across provinces Hwanghae, Hamgyong and Kyongsang.
M 1910 12 Japan frames anti-Japan dissidents for a fabricated assassination attempt upon JE officer and politician
Terauchi Masatake, arresting, punishing and jailing more than 600 Koreans.
1912 4 15 Kim Il-sung is born in Mangyungbong, near Pyongyang, north-central Korea, to a Christian (Presbyterian)
M 1918 The number of Korean patriots arrested and imprisoned by colonial forces in this year is 10 times greater
than that of 1912.
M 1919 3 1 Sam-il movement is first public display of Korean resistance during Japanese colonialism.
1931 18 9 Japan frames anti-Japan Chinese dissidents for sabotage of a rail track, as pretext for invasion of
1931 18 9 Japan's Kwantung Army invades Manchuria, China.
1937 7 7 Japan invades mainland China, after causing the Lugougiao Incident / Marco Polo Bridge Incident.
An attempt to finish the Sino-Japan War in the shortest possible period and prepare for another war. Japanese
imperialists intensified the fascist oppression, the crackdown, and exploitation of Korean people as never before.
1938 Kim Il-sung presides over a meeting in Napaizi, northeastern China, held to tackle difficulties of the Korean
revolution and propose ideas for the continued upsurge in Korean revolution
1938 The Korean People's Revolutionary Army begins the Arduous March, from Napaizi to Korea.
1939 5 The KPRA's main unit crosses the River Amnok / Yalu River into the Korean peninsula.
1939 Cornered by the KPRA in Musan and Mt. Paektu in northern Korea, Japan launches a 200k-man strong
offensive, known as large-scale punitive operations.
1940 8 Kim Il-sung convenes meeting of KPRA military and political cadres at Xiaohaerbaling (West Ohal Ridge) (?).
1941 Kim Il-sung leads tens of thousands of Koreans who volunteered for the National Revolutionary Army and the
People's Liberation Army against the Japanese forces.
The communist-backed Korean Volunteer Army (KVA, 조선의용군, 朝鮮義勇軍) is established in Yenan, eastern
China, outside of the Provisional Government's control, from a core of 1,000 deserters from the Imperial Japanese
Army. After the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation, the KVA entered Manchuria. Here it recruited from the
ethnic Korean population and eventually became the Korean People's Army of the Democratic People's Republic of
They are supported by Chinese units, and USSR Red Army.
1942 2 16 Kim Jong-il is born in Mt. Paektu, northern Korea, near the Chinese border.
1943 USA presents to the British and French imperial forces the idea of a post-war trusteeship in Korea. Britain and
France decline, citing how such a far-reaching hand may weaken their own empires.
1945 7 25 Mussolini is deposed as the fascist Prime Minister of Italy, effectively ending Italy's campaign as an Axis
power in WWII.
Americans install a collaborator who carries on Mussolini-era policy, called by Italians "fascism without Mussolini"
/ "il fascismo senza Mussolini".
1945 8 9-20 The USSR launches the last campaign of WWII by retaking on behalf of China the Japanese puppet
state of Manchukuo (Manchuria, China).
1945 8 10 USA colonels Rusk and Bonesteel are ordered to divide Korea into two zones of occupation: one
American, one Soviet.
They choose the 38th parallel and give the capital Seoul to the Americans.
USSR demanded a Soviet occupation zone in northern Japan given Tokyo's surrender; USA refused.
1945 8 15 USSR defeats the Japanese Kwantung Army
USSR: 1.5 million troops, 27k artillery, 6k tanks, 4k aircraft
JE: 700k troops (most deserted), 5k artillery, 1k tanks, 2k aircraft
USSR losses: 13k
JE losses: 21k with many POWs and deserters
(Decisive Allied victory)
Liberation of Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and northern Korea, and collapse of Japanese puppet states there
Partition of the Korean Peninsula; Manchuria and Inner Mongolia are rightfully returned to China
1945 8 15 Japan declares unconditional surrender to the USSR.
1945 A final end is brought to Japanese colonialism, by the revolutionary uprising of the Korean people.
Korea is still one country and government at this point. "The heroic anti-Japanese armed struggle of the Korean
revolutionaries and people led by President Kim Il Sung achieved a brilliant victory, and thus Korea was liberated." Korea DPR
1945 9 Korean People's Republic, Korean government for Koreans, is founded in Seoul. It comes from Committee
for Preparation for Korean Independence, and the People's Committees (like Soviets) in the Korean countryside.
USA works to repress the new KPR because 1) it did not answer to Washington 2) it was strongly
1945 10 First US military occupation regime (planned from 1943) is installed, immediately widely unpopular with
"local residents... were tired of foreign occupation and wanted an independent, unified Korea, not an artificially
bisected one occupied in the south by a foreign power that was going to insist on having a major voice in Korean
affairs" - Gowans
In 2018, this occupation continues with some 30k USA troops on Korean soil.
1945 The Korean War begins for Koreans, with USA beginning to "smother the nascent local government." [Gowans
1946 1 USA general Hodge notes Korean anti-American sentiment is concurrent with anti-Japanese sentiment.
1946 USA President Truman sends Edwin Pauley to report on the Peninsula.
Pauley returns saying communism "could get off to a better start [here] than practically anywhere else in the
The Korean communists could just reuse Japanese infrastructure and means of production, unlike Soviets who had
to industrialise at length
1946 USA General Hodge recruits Korean veterans of the Japanese Imperial Army, and teaches them English at an
Officers' School
1948 Hodge finishes establishing a south Korean army led by these officers of the JIA.
Kim Sok-won is one such officer, decorated by Hirohito for anti-Korean tactics
1948 USA ushers in Japanese colonialism without the Japanese.
M 1948 4 3 Jeju Massacre on Jeju Island: ROKA (USA) kills 1/5th island population.
1948 8 15-17 First Republic of Korea is established by Rhee Syngman and backed by the USA and other Western
forces to form ROK Alliance ROKA.
1948 9 9 In response to consolidation of ROKA power, DPRK is established. Kim Il-sung is the President of the
1948 Last USSR soldiers leave Korean peninsula.
1948 Most villages in interior (southern) Korea are controlled by popularly supported KPRA / Chinese guerrilla
1948 10 KPRA and Chinese guerrilla forces liberate Yosu, causing rebellion in other towns.
1948 10-12 People's Committee is restored by Koreans in Seoul and alliance is pledged to northern forces.
Rebel (anti-USA) newspapers call for land redistribution, purge of Japanese collaborators from the government,
and a reunified Korea.
ROKA (USA military gov't) nominally allows left-wing organisations to grow.
ROKA local police regard rebel Koreans and leftists as traitors deserving prison or death.
1948 200k Korean rebels, leftists and northern sympathisers are taken into ROKA custody under USA-penned
National Security Law.
1948 CIA publishes a report stating that southern Korea is «divided... between a "grass-roots independence
movement... in... the People's Committees" led by "communists who based their right to rule on the resistance to
the Japanese", and a US-supported right-wing that monopolized the country’s wealth and collaborated with
Imperial Japan.» [Gowans]
1949 In the south, 30k Korean communists are in jail and 70k are in concentration camps ("guidance camps").
Such crackdowns are organised by the USA.
1949 Despite ceding formal control over the south Korean military, command of the ROKA Korean military
remained with Washington by secret agreement.
In 2018, command of the ROK military remains with the US, especially in the event of war.
M 1949 12 24 Mungyeong massacre: ROKA (USA) kills 100 in Mungyeong, central ROK.
M 1950 10 9-31 Goyang Geumjeong Cave Massacre: ROKA kills 200 in Goyang, northwestern ROK.
M 1950 10 Namyangju Massacre: ROKA kills 500 in Namyangju, northwestern ROK.
M 1950 10 17 Sinchon Massacre: ROKA kills 40,000 in Sinchon, southeastern DPRK.
Koreans are beheaded by USA soldiers using Japanese samurai swords.
1950 USA invades (Southern part of) Korea, beginning the West's attention to Korea and the USA occupation that
A country cannot invade itself, anti-imperialist forces in the South and North alike resist USA invasion but the USA
builds an anti-communist force and invades further North.
1950 KPRA northern forces push below the 38th parallel and are met with popular Korean support.
1950 Kim Il-sung calls for restoration of People's Committees across the peninsula.
1950 Mao Zedong's China sends military support to the Korean guerrilla forces.
1950 Seoul is retaken from the Americans? and People's Committees are established by Korean residents for land
1950 US secures UN backing for "police action" because of USSR UN boycott
USSR boycott caused by UN refusal of Red China seat on UN Security Council.
M 1950 6 28 Hangang Bridge bombing: ROKA kills 1,000 in destroying a Seoul bridge full of 4,000 civilian refugees.
M 1950 7 26-29 No Gun Ri Massacre: 7th USA Cavalry kills 500 Korean refugees by deliberate bombing and firing
Bill Clinton issued a statement of regret in 2001 that "things happened which were wrong", but not that it was
M 1950 Bodo League Massacre: ROKA kill 200k Koreans, communists and civilians in Daejeon etc, ROK.
Uncovered in 1990s accidentally by construction workers
M 1950 12 December Massacres: ROKA kills thousands in Seoul after recapture of Pyongyang.
M 1950 12 National Defense Corps incident: ROKA force 406k Koreans to march without food; >100k die.
M 1951 Ganghwa massacre: 1300, Sancheong-Hamyang massacre 705, Geochang massacre 719; mostly women
and children, killed by ROKA.
1951 Since 1949, ROKA has murdered 452,000+ civilians in 12 massacres.
1951 China/DPRK alliance gains advantages; ROKA answers using illegal germ warfare, among other tactics.
M 1952 Chinese military members in DPRK report ROKA aircraft dropping "strange objects" like live spiders, flies,
bees, snakes, fleas, ticks, dead rats, and mosquitoes encased in U.S. military tubes; pork, dead crow / chicken
feathers, etc.
M 1952 Civilian smallpox and typhus outbreaks are reported across the DPRK and northeastern China, a direct
result of illegal biological warfare by ROKA / UN forces.
M 1952 ROKA bombshells the China/DPRK alliance with banned “poisonous gas shells”
M 1953 5 USA bombs irrigation dams that provide water to 75% of northern agriculture, a blatant war crime
1953 7 27 Fighting slows and a ceasefire (armistice) is reached between the ROKA and DPRK forces.
3 million Koreans or 1/5th the peninsula's entire population are killed by ROKA forces.
Every northern structure taller than 1 story is demolished by US bombing.
Korean survivors live in caves.
From 1950-53:
the USA has dropped more bombs on civilian Korean targets, than were dropped by *all participants in WWII
the USA dropped more napalm on Koreans than in the entirety of the Vietnamese Civil War.
1953 Last Chinese troops leave the DPRK.
1954 Washington introduces nuclear weapons into ROK arsenals.
1960 3 15 ROKA rigs ROK presidential elections to win by a landslide.
1960 4 19 University students and faculty rise up against the rigged election results, and are shot at by the ROKA
1960 4 25 Rhee Syngman flees the Korean peninsula.
1960 7 29 First ROK ends; first Western-style parliamentary elections are held in RoK due to Rhee's absence.
1960 7 Landslide Democratic Party election victory; Second Republic of Korea is established in the South.
1960 Kim Il-sung calls for a confederal Korea, garnering support from the general Korean population.
1961 5 16 End of the Second ROK.
1961 5 16 Park Chung Hee leads a military coup in RoK to repress progressive and cooperative politics
A 3-decade military dictatorship begins.
The '60-elected government of RoK asks the USA to help fight the coup.
Instead, Washington immediately recognises and aids the new military regime.
1961 Park bans RoK political activity, closes parliament, and adopts a policy of anti-communism, declaring itself an
enemy of all socialist countries, especially DPRK
1963 10 years pass since the ceasefire. Since then, industry in DPRK has grown by 25% per year. The north has
grown at a faster rate than the south since the '40s.
1964 Pyongyang angers Khrushchev's USSR by siding with China in the Sino-Soviet split, pausing Soviet aid to DPRK.
1970 Since 1965, Washington has given more than $1bn USD in mercenary payments to ROK, or about 8% ROK
GDP. [Gowans]
1970 This decade, Pyongyang runs into "debt trouble" from "buying turnkey factories from the West." [Gowans]
1972 Communiqué of 1972: ROK and DPRK leaders meet, agree that reunification would be undertaken without
outside interference, peacefully and in terms of a federal system, socialist in the north and capitalist in the south
1978 Since 1965, industry in DPRK has grown by 14% per year. [Gowans]
1979 10 26 "10.26" Incident: ROK military dictator Park Chung Hee is assassinated by USA-appointed ROK security
chief and KCIA director Kim Jae-kyu.
1980 Pyongyang, DPRK is one of the most efficient and well-run cities in Asia, with little homelessness. Seoul is a
"vast warren of sweatshops...", with a large homeless population. [Gowans]
1980 Kim Il-sung re-iterates to ROK and USA that idea of 1972. [Gowans]
1980 This decade, ROK's economy fairs better than DPRK's, even though the ROK/DPRK difference in living
standards is slight. [Gowans]
1980 CIA publishes a report which grudgingly states «the north’s various achievements: “compassionate care for
children in general and war orphans in particular; ‘radical change’ in the position of women; genuinely free
housing, free health care, and preventive medicine; and infant mortality and life expectancy rates comparable to
the most advanced countries until the recent famine.”» [Gowans]
M 1980 Gwangju Democratization Movement: ROKA kill 606 during a popular student-led uprising in Gwangju,
southeast ROK.
1987 DPRK builds a 30 megawatt nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, concurrent with Japanese and ROK nuclear
All three countries are seeking to reduce oil import dependencies.
Washington makes no noise about this for 5 years.
1990 This decade, a series of floods and droughts hit DPRK, along with 2018-effective sanctions from the West, and
drying up export markets.
DPRK becomes a major exporter of ballistic missiles, in order to pay for essential imports.
1991 USSR severely cuts oil trade with DPRK. [Gowans]
1992 Since 1988, USSR trade with DPRK has been halved thanks to Gorbachev's anti-communist wrecker efforts.
1992 USSR is toppled by Gorbachev and the USA.
1993 2 Nuclear crisis in Korea begins for Koreans when USA Strategic Command head Lee Butler announces
retargeting of weapons pointed at the USSR to point at the DPRK.
1993 3 Tens of thousands of ROKA combat troops take part in war games along DPRK borders and waters.
ROKA deploys American B-1s and B-52s, as well as warships with cruise missiles.
In 2018, the USA has more than 100,000 troops drilling and carrying out mock attacks on the peninsula.
1993 3 Nuclear crisis in Korea begins for USA when Pyongyang announces its withdrawal from Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty as a result of USA weapon retargeting.
1994 Washington agrees to a deal with DPRK that establishes an American embassy there, and also formally ends
the Korean War.
In 2018, Washington has yet to follow through with this agreement.
1994 7 8 Kim Il-sung dies of a heart attack at 82. Il-sung's son, Kim Jong-il, will become his virtual successor, but
hold less power than his father. The election of Jong-il is symbolic of the respect the Korean people hold for the Kim
family's liberation efforts.
2000 7 15 North–South Joint Declaration of 2000: Kim Jong-il (DPRK) and Kim Dae-jung (ROK) agree to open
borders, meetings of leaders, sports / cultural / economic exchange, and Olympic teams marching together in 2000,
2004, 2006, and 2018.
2001 9 11 3,000 Americans die when terrorists fly planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New
York City.
2003 US SoS Colin Powell tells DPRK, "We won't do non-aggression pacts or treaties"
2005 1 ROK President Roh Moo Hyun complains that "families who fought for [Korean independence] were
destined... to poverty for three generations" while "families who sided with Imperial Japan and US empire have
enjoyed success for three generations." [Gowans 10]
2005 NYT publishes comments that "Some south Koreans say they may have…trouble working with the North
Koreans…because South Korea’s fiercely anti-Communist education taught them for decades that North Koreans
were dangerous and evil. In North Korea, by contrast, government education programs taught that while South
Korea’s government was an American puppet, its people were brothers and sisters." [Gowans]
2008 2 25 USA under Bush installs a new puppet ROK president Lee Myung-bak, eliminating cooperation and
escalating tension.
2011 12 17 Kim Jong-il dies of a heart attack at 70. His youngest son, Kim Jong Un, is granted a successive position
with less direct power than Il-sung or Jong-il ever had.
2017 5 10 Moon Jae-in is the President of ROK, more open to cooperation with DPRK peace requests
2018 Japan and the ROKA have still denied outright, or neglected to apologise for, the vast majority of their war
crimes and genocide in Korea.
Glossary of common terms
Korea - A small peninsula with a Russian border that lies between China and Japan, in the Sea of Japan and East
China Seas; it is 680mi / 1100km long north-south, and covers a land area of 85,000mi sq (220,000km sq). In 2012
its total population was 75m. The name is also used to refer to the nation of Korean people, and the political
economy of the entire peninsula at once.
ROK - Republic of Korea sometimes informally called "south Korea"
DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea sometimes informally called "north Korea"
38th Parallel - Dividing line between the two Korean states, drawn by the USA in 1945
JIA - Japanese Imperial Army
JE - Japanese Empire
USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1918-1992)
ROKA - Republic of Korea Alliance, usually used to refer to the imperialist USA and its puppet governments and
armies in ROK, and sometimes the UNSC / UNHCR as well
KP(R)A - Korean People's (Revolutionary) Army, though the Revolutionary such army came before the KPA
Sources and related links
General propaganda
* KJU is a a nice guy
* Tourist who took camera inside North Korea expecting to find 'really, really sad people' is shocked to discover a
happy country
* Western DPRK Propaganda: The Worst, Occasionally Hilarious, and Often Racist, Lies
* Anti-DPRK Propaganda War – a Cavalcade of Comedy
* Racist view
* Sexism and Culture in the South
* South Korean sentenced to prison for praise of North Korea, calling for end to ROK anti-communist National
Security Law
* SK Boosts Defector Reward to $800k USD http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39170614
* Yeonmi Park https://thediplomat.com/2014/12/the-strange-tale-of-yeonmi-park/
* Defectors keep returning
* Defector wants to return
* Why are defector testimonies often false
* North Korean Defector, ‘Treated Like Dirt’ in South, Fights to Return
General coverage
* Parenti http://michaelparenti.org/NorthKorea.html
* Gowans I http://www.globalresearch.ca/understanding-north-korea/3818
* Gowans II http://gowans.wordpress.com/2007/03/03/understanding-north-korea/
* Socialism https://return2source.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/korea-resilient-socialism-in-democratic-korea/
* Socialism II https://mltoday.com/how-to-think-about-socialism-in-korea/
* Kim Jong-Il in context http://www.fightbacknews.org/2011/12/21/korea-stands-strong-kim-jong-il-context
* Songbun https://rhizzone.net/articles/songbullshit/
* Orientalism
* Democracy in the DPRK http://www.lalkar.org/article/2654/the-democratic-structure-of-the-dprk
* Facts on Korea by WW https://www.workers.org/2017/04/26/korea-the-facts-please
* Misconceptions https://www.liberationnews.org/my-trip-to-north-korea-13-misconceptions-corrected/
* 1949 report by Anna Strong
* Work
* Understanding w WPK http://www.invent-the-future.org/2013/11/understanding-north-korea/
* VNG I https://archive.fo/BsI2L
* VNG II https://archive.fo/aMJCI
* KFA Constitution Page https://www.kfausa.org/dprk-constitution/
* KFA Resources https://www.kfausa.org/official-dprk-books-and-article-pdfs/
* Reading Guide I
* Reading Guide II https://dprkstudyguide.wordpress.com/2017/10/13/dprk-study-guide/ (mirror)
* Reading Guide III
* Reading Guide IV
* Thread https://www.facebook.com/groups/1790499791196199/permalink/1862542203991957/
* Biographies http://www.korea-dpr.com/biography.html
* Overview https://stalinsmoustache.org/2015/06/30/the-origins-of-the-dprk-from-division-to-reunification/
* Il Sung Archive https://www.marxists.org/archive/kim-il-sung/index.htm
* WPK establishment https://www.marxists.org/archive/kim-il-sung/1946/09/26.htm
* Deception archive1 https://archive.fo/GRi84 archive2
Missiles and War
* DPRK missile test is response to US provocations
* U.S. Bans Entry of S Korean Activists Opposed to War Threat in Korea
* ROKA continues training mock raids and bomb attacks near the DPRK border etc
* Expert Exposes US Biological Warfare During Korean War
* North Korea’s Nukes: The only reason it hasn’t become the Iraq or Afghanistan of East Asia
* Bodo League and USA-led Korean genocide
* Rise in China food exports to DPRK
* The truth about North Korea: it’s booming https://theduran.com/truth-north-korea-booming/
* How Bad is North Korea’s Food Situation?
* North Korea is sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped wealth, and its neighbors want in
* Structure http://www.korea-dpr.com/economic.html
--”When Kim Il-Sung helped to create the DPRK, he became President of the Republic: this meant he was in charge of
the military, and was head of state. He also was head of government for some time, and was General Secretary of
the Central Committee, the highest body of the Workers' Party of Korea.
When he died, the position of President was abolished, as there was no longer a need for that position. So the
position's responsibilities were split up into the head of state, which was the new position of President of the
Presidium, and the Chairman of the National Defense Committee. As Kim Il-Sung had already divested himself from
being head of government, this position was left separate, as the Premier of the Cabinet.
Now, with separate positions, Kim Jong-Il can't have inherited all of them; in fact the only position he "inherited"
was Chairman of the NDC, appointed by the Central Committee. He was then elected General Secretary, but not of
the Central Committee, of the party instead. Whereas Kim Il-Sung was in charge of the CC, Kim Jong-Il was not. So
he had less power in this position than his father did, and his father had multiple positions.
When Kim Jong-Il died, the General Secretary of the WPK was retired as a position. His son then was elected to be
First Secretary, an new position in which he shares more power than his father did. Kim Jong-un then became First
Chairman of the NDC, as Chairman was abolished. Here again, he shares more power with people as compared to
his father.
In 2014, the NDC was abolished. Its replacement, the State Affairs Commission, is made up of the new head of
military, Vice Marshall Hwang Pyong-so (Kim Jong-Un is marshall but has not been running the military in any
capacity), the Premier of the DPRK, and commission members. Whereas the NDC answered to Kim Jong-Il, and later
cooperated with Kim Jong-Un, the SAC is not beholden to Kim Jong-Un's orders. It is a committee where every vote
In each successive step, power is diffused, with other members of the party having more of a say in how the DPRK
is run. Right now the main responsibility Kim Jong-Un has is helping to run the country; notice i said help, and not
This is completely antithetical to how monarchies work: in monarchies all power is consolidated and preserved, as
are property relations. The reason Kim Jong-Un gets these prestigious positions that lack power is because of the
respect the DPRK has for the Kim family and its contributions to liberating Korea. Kim Jong-Un may be the last of
the Kim family to hold such positions, and if this does happen, there are already mechanisms in place to replace
him. He doesn't have the power to roll back any of these reforms or give himself more power"
--Korea is one nation, and the Korean people are one. It is the United States who fights everywhere to prevent
peoples from determining their own fate, but Korea has resisted.
"Nothing is more precious than peace, but it is not something that can be achieved if one simply craves or begs for
it." - Kim Jong Un
"United, we stand; divided, we fall.
The independence and sovereignty of Korea on democratic lines can be achieved at an early date only if the
labouring masses are united as one and all the democratic forces are knit together.
The establishment of a unified party of the labouring masses is a decisive guarantee for accelerating the expansion
and strengthening of the democratic forces and for assuring the triumph of democracy. This has been confirmed by
the experience in north Korea where the fusion of the Communist Party and the New Democratic Party has been
realized with triumph in a short period of time.
Let us concentrate all efforts on the struggle for the unity of the labouring masses and the formation of a mass
party in south Korea!
Victory belongs to the Korean people who aspire to unity, national independence and democracy. Let us all march
forward confidently to victory!" - Kim Il-Sung