Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL ACTION PLAN S.Y. 2023-2024 CRITICAL OBJECTIVES INCIDENT Brigada Eskwela to prepare and improve school Coordinator facilities, landscape, and ground to identify and prioritize school facilities and equipment that requires repair to promote BAYANIHAN among stakeholders Enrollment to increase enrollment Parents and Student’s Orientation on To inform the Parents/Stakeholders on the School Policy and Guidelines Construction of to identify the strengths and the Diagnostic Tests weaknesses of the students regarding the topics to be ACTIVITIES TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED EXPECTED OUTPUT 1. Caravan/Bandilyo Brigada Eskwela 2. Brigada Eskwela Kick-off Program 3. Brigada Eskwela Scheduling of Stakeholders August 14, 2023 prepared classrooms and improved school facilities, landscape, and ground narrative report with pictures attendance sheets BE Accomplishment Reports 1. House-to-House Enrollment 2. Dissemination of Enrollment Forms 1. Call up Letter to Parents August 7 to August 26, 2023 Parents Barangay Officials Learners Teachers Government and NonGovernment Organizations Parents Learners Teachers Parents Learners Teachers Volunteers 1. Formulation of TOS 2. Construction of Diagnostic Tests Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 August 17, 2023 August 22-25, 2023 Teacher School Head increased enrollment per grade level enrollment forms informed the Parents on School Policy and Guidelines Minutes of the meeting/orientation Narrative Attendance Pictures TOS diagnostic test questionnaires Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL discussed for the first to fourth quarters. to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the students regarding the topics to be discussed for the first quarter to evaluate student learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success at the conclusion of an instructional period Construction of Pre-tests Construction of Summative Tests Grade Level Advisory to formulate HRPTA and strengthens the parents participation in School. Crafting of SIP/AIP Projects 2022 to document goals, strategies, and action steps that aim to improve the quality of education students receive to inculcate in the minds of the teachers the importance of handin-hand crafting of SIP Election of SSG officers to encourage learners in learning about democracy and leadership, 3. Conduct of Diagnostic Test Questionnaires 1. Formulation of TOS 2. Construction of Pre-test 3. Dissemination of Pre-test 4. Questionnaires 1. Formulation of TOS 2. Construction of Summative Tests 5. Dissemination of Summative Test Questionnaires 1. Conduct Senior High School PTA Meeting 2. Election of HRPTA Officers 1. Teacher’s Orientation on SIP and AIP 2023 2. Formulation of Project Team 3. Stakeholder’s Meeting on Revisiting the ESIP for CY 2022-2025 4. Revisit the ESIP/AIP Projects 1. Election of SSG Officers Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 Every quarter Teacher School Head TOS Pre- test questionnaires Whole Year Round Teacher School Head TOS summative test questionnaires September 8 2023 Parents Teachers School Head Whole Year Round Teachers School Head minutes with pictures attendance sheets complete set of newly elected HRPTA officers well-crafted SIP/AIP Projects July 2024 Learners Teacher Election of SSG Minutes and Narrative report Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL Monitoring of Student’s Academic Performance and working in partnership with school management for the benefit of the school to encourage learners in organizing and facilitating activities for the enjoyment of their classmates to exercise their right to suffrage. to improve student’s academic performance to formulate appropriate interventions for struggling learners to report learner’s progress to show support and encouragement for learners Conducting Home Visitations Formulating Test Item Analysis To monitor students’ Performance To determine the Least Learned Competencies of the students to improve student’s academic performance To Reinforce students based on the Least Learned Competency/ies (LCC) Formulating Interventions 1. Checking written and performance outputs 2. Formulation of Intervention for Struggling Learners 1. Once a Week Home Visitation 2. Documentation of Conducted Home Visitation 1. Check the Diagnostic Test / Summative Test 1. Formulation of Appropriate Interventions 2. Implementation of the Interventions Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 Every Quarter Teacher School Head Whole Year Round Teacher School Head Every Quarter Teacher Every Quarter Teacher School Head satisfactory academic performance learners tracking form interventions solved issues and concerns home visitation form with pictures Determine Least Learned Competency/ies effective interventions applicable to all learners narrative report with pictures Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL 3. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Conducted Interventions 1. Recognition per Quarter 2. Documentation of the Conducted quarterly Recognition 1. Daily Reading Activity following the scheduled time Conducting of Recognition to motivate learners to do their best to value their hard work Reading Program to develop the reading skill of every students Updating SBM Records To update the school records throughout the year activities To monitor Stakeholders’ Participation on every School Initiated projects and activities 1. Stakeholders Meeting on School Programs and Projects 2. GPTA Meeting Whole Year Round Teachers School Head Stakeholders School Improvement Plan To identify Priority Improvement Areas (PIA) addressing the school need To update the school Programs and Projects To formulate and Craft SIP/AIP 2022 1. Teachers’ Orientation on SIP Projects 2. Meeting with SPT (School Project Team) 3. Hazard Mapping w/ SPT 4. SIP Review Process with stakeholders 5. Presentation of Approved School Projects Whole year round SPT Teachers School Head Stakeholders Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 Every Quarter Whole Year Round Teacher Learners Parents School Head Teacher Learners School Head narrative report, attendance and Photos narrative report with pictures attendance of participants schedule of the reading activities Updated SBM Records/Documents Stakeholders’ Participation Attendance Minutes of the Meeting Photos Identified PIAs Updated School Programs and Projects Formulated/Crafted SIP 2022 Minutes of the meetings, Attendance, photos Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL Child Friendly School (CFSS) To update the school records on CFSS throughout the school year activities/Programs To monitor Stakeholders’ Participation on every School Initiated projects and activities To create inviting atmosphere for conducive learning environment 1. Faculty Meeting 2. GPTA/ HRPTA Meeting 3. SSG/SPG Action Plan on Proposed Project and Programs 4. Classroom Evaluation 5. School Readiness 2023 6. School Improvement Whole year round Students/Pupils Parents Stakeholders Teachers School Head Program Coordinator To make flow of the programs in every school activity. 1. Make flow of the Programme 2. Make Program Invitations Whole Year Program Coordinator Teachers School Head Communication In-Charge To make communication letters. 1. Make a letter request, Invitations, etc. 2. Make Certificates To facilitate and oversee the 1. Assist collection and successful completion of projects submission of reports , and and events in Junior High School. Meetings To perform specialized tasks and managing the team. To create professional learning 1. Initiating evaluation and communities that will help teachers assessment of result of LAC to have a wider scope of teaching for improvement. Whole Year Round Comm.In-charge Teachers School Head JHS Teachers School Head JHS Coordinator LAC Coordinator content and methodologies. Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 Whole Year Round Whole Year JHS Teachers School Head Updated CFSS Records Minutes of all the Meetings, Attendance, photos SSG/SPG Accomplishment Report Classroom Evaluation Result School Readiness Result Narrative Reports/Activity Designs Narrative Reports Activity Design Program Invitation Attendance and Photos Communication Letters Transmittal of received copy Accomplishment Report LAC PLAN Accomplishment report Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL YES-O Coordinator to actively lead, coordinate and monitor the establishment of the YES-O in school and the implementation of its thrusts and activities. To inspires and trains diverse youth to impact environmental issues through community action projects and campaigns; skills training in leadership, environmental education, civic engagement, and community organizing; and knowledge that sustain our communities and future. 2. Conduct SLAC Session based on the need or Schoolbased problems encountered 1.Conduct Tree Planting and Clean-up drive 2. Conduct Symposium on Plastic Free Environment Prepared by: Whole year SSG/YES-O Officers Teachers School Head Students Activity Design Accomplishment Reports Noted by: GERRY CHEL L. AGA Teacher III Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 VIVIAN V. CAMASURA School Head Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL MONITORING ON THE CONDUCT OF FIRST QUARTER EXAM -JHS S.Y. 2022-2023 Date: October 26, 2022 TIME NAME OF TEACHER Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 SUBJECT ACTIVITY SIGNATURE Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL 7:30-8:30 8:30-9:30 10:00-12:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-5:00 Prepared by: GERRY CHEL L. AGA Teacher II Noted by: VIVIAN V. CAMASURA School Head MONITORING ON THE CONDUCT OF FIRST QUARTER EXAM -SHS S.Y. 2022-2023 Date: October 26, 2022 TIME NAME OF TEACHER Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 SUBJECT ACTIVITY SIGNATURE Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL 7:30-8:30 8:30-9:30 10:00-12:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-5:00 Prepared by: GERRY CHEL L. AGA Teacher II Noted by: VIVIAN V. CAMASURA School Head MONITORING ON THE CONDUCT OF FIRST QUARTER EXAM -ELEMENTARY S.Y. 2022-2023 Date: October 26, 2022 TIME NAME OF TEACHER Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 SUBJECT ACTIVITY SIGNATURE Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL 7:30-8:30 8:30-9:30 10:00-12:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-5:00 Prepared by: GERRY CHEL L. AGA Teacher II Noted by: VIVIAN V. CAMASURA School Head STRUCTURE OF SCHOOL GOVERNANCE COUNCIL GERRY CHEL L. AGA Designated CoChairperson HON. ROSE NIÑA S. JUAN Elected Co-Chairperson VIVIAN V. CAMASURA Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 MAY ANN C. PAYOT 0950-275-0295 School Head Elected Secretary Chairperson Council Members Perlita L. Oliva Rialyn S. Cortez Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL Approved by: Sgd. MYRNA S. LAURON, PhD District In-charge CLEANEST AND GREENEST SECTION OF THE WEEK DAILY MONITORING TOOL Date:_________________ GRADE LEVEL Proper waste segregation (50%) Total Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 Beautification (25%) Total Backyard Gardening (25%) Total Total Points Rank Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Region Schools Division of Surigao del Sur CARPENITO INTEGRATED SCHOOL DAY ELEMENTARY Kinder Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 SECONDARY Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Garde 11 Grade 12 1 2 3 4 5 1 Poblacion, Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur, 8308 0950-275-0295 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5