HEAD TO TOE CHECKOFF: Patient record & Verify Dr. Orders Assess for procedure need PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (gloves) Disposal of waste Knock, knock “Good afternoon. My name is ____________. I will be your student nurse for today. I will be doing a full head to toe exam. Is that ok?” “Great, I will wash my hands, gather my supplies and I will be right back.” tongue blade coffee beans tuning fork stethoscope penlight reflex hammer Cotton ball Eye Cover Otoscope Rosenbaum Chart Tape measure gloves ASSESS FOR ALLERGIES “Are you allergic to latex?” “Do you have any allergies?” HAND HYGIENE PROVIDE PRIVACY ASSESS FOR SAFETY Closes curtain PATIENT IDENTIFICATION “Can you confirm your first and last name?” “Can you confirm your date of birth?” ASSESS ORIENTATION “Do you know where you are right now?” “Do you know what today’s date is? How about the year?” Assess level of consciousness “do you know why you’re here?” “Patient is conscious, alert and oriented x4” VERBALIZE “Patient’s height, weight, BMI, and vital signs including temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure all within normal ranges and already in the chart” Note general appearance “height & weight are in portion to stature, body movements are voluntary, coordinated, smooth & even” Observe posture and positions “posture is erect, & position is relaxed” Note facial expression, mood /affect “pt. mood, affect, & facial expression appropriate for situation” Note hygiene, grooming, and dress “patient is clean, well-groomed, appropriate attire for season with no odors” Note mobility aids, medical equipment, dressings, and ostomies “Do you use mobility aids at home? No noted medical equipment, dressings, or ostomies” ASSESS FOR PAIN “Are you feeling any pain right now?” Test immediate, recent, and remote memory “I am going to say four words. I want you to repeat after me and remember them. In a few minutes I will ask you recall them: green, purple, money, and love” SKIN Inspect skin for color, hair distribution, lesions and wounds Inspect and palpate skin on arms, palpate down legs to inspect for edema, look at skin on legs Place back of hand on patient’s hand to check for temperature. Turn hand to posterior and inspect. “patient’s skin is uniform in color, unblemished, with no lesions, wounds or infestations. No edema noted. Even hair distribution on legs.” “Patient’s skin is smooth, moist and warm to touch PINCH SKIN FOLD OVER CLAVICLE TO CHECK SKIN TURGOR “normal skin turgor, and elasticity” Check for blanching on any reddened areas “no visible blanching” CHECK CAPILLARY REFILL “Capillary refill less than 3 seconds. No signs of clubbing in fingernails.” HEAD, FACE, NECK Inspect head for size and shape, placement of features and hair distribution “head size and shape is normocephalic, and face is symmetrical ” Sanitize hands Put on gloves Palpate skull and hair “there are no signs of infestation observed. Hair is thick, shiny, & evenly distributed” CN 5 - TRIGEMINAL ASK CLIENT TO BITE DOWN ASK CLIENT TO CLOSE HIS EYES AND REPORT LIGHT/SHARP TOUCH (3 places both sides of face, ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular) “TRIGEMINAL NERVE INTACT” CN 7 –FACIAL ASK CLIENT TO SMILE, FROWN, SHOW TEETH, RAISE EYEBROWS, PUFF CHEEKS “FACIAL NERVE INTACT” Examine neck Check for thyroid enlargement “thyroid does not appear to be enlarged” “Can you move your neck for me, so we can check range of motion?” PALPATE LYMPH NODES PRE AURICULAR (in front of ear) POST AURICULAR (behind ear) OCCIPITAL (behind head) ANTERIOR CERVICAL (top front of cervical) POSTERIOR CERVICAL (bottom back of cervical) TONSILLAR (below ear) SUB-MANDIBULAR (lower chin, top of neck) SUB-MENTAL (under chin) SUPRA-CLAVICULAR (above clavicle) INFRA-CLAVICULAR (below clavicle) AXILLARY (armpit) VERBALIZE AND POINT INGUINAL (groin) VERBALIZE AND POINT “No swollen lymph nodes noted” CN 11 – SPINAL ACCESSORY “ASK CLIENT TO TURN HEAD TO EACH SIDE AGAINST RESISTANCE” PRESS HAND AGAINST CHEEK AND SHRUG SHOULDERS AGAINST RESISTANCE EYES “eyebrow & eyelashes are evenly distributed” “sclera appears white, with no inflammation of bulbar conjunctivae. Iris intact” Retract lower lids to note palpebral conjunctivae “palpebral conjunctivae are pink, shiny, smooth” “No drooping of the upper lids or sagging of the lower lids” CN 3 – OCCULOMOTOR ASK PT. TO OPEN/CLOSE EYES, & RAISE EYELIDS SHINE LIGHT ONTO EACH PUPIL TO TEST FOR PERRLA “We are going to shine a light into each pupil to check for constriction. Look straight. Pupils Equal Round and Reactive to Light and Accommodation. Pupil size 3” CN 3, 4, 6 – OCULOMOTOR, TROCLEAR, ABDUCENS CHECK EXTRAOCULAR MOVEMENT /SIX CARDINAL FIELDS OF GAZE “Follow the penlight with your eyes.” CN 2 – OPTIC TEST VISUAL ACUITY SNELLEN - (20 ft away) ROSENBLUM- (14 inches away) “PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING LINE” “PT. HAS 20/20 VISION” “I would do the same for the other eye” “No eye muscle weakness noted” “Test recent memory: do you remember the four words I told you earlier can you repeat them again” EARS, NOSE, THROAT “Ears are symmetrical with no visual discharge” Palpate pinna and tragus “No tenderness of the pinna or tragus” CN VIII – ACOUSTIC (Vestibulocochlear) TEST HEARING WITH WHISPER, RINNE, & WEBER Close one ear, whisper, have patient repeat Close other ear, whisper, have patient repeat Weber test on top Rinne test—hold against bone on back of ear, tell patient to let me know when they no longer hear it, and move to front of ear. “I would do this to both ears. Air conduction is two times longer than bone conduction. Sound heard equally in both ears” INSPECT INNER EAR WITH OTOSCOPE, ASSESS TYMPANIC MEMBRANE. “tympanic membrane is pearly grey, no signs of wax” “nose is aligned, with no discharge” Use penlight up nose “septum is midline” “nares are patent with pink nasal mucosa” Palpate frontal and maxillary sinuses “no tenderness notes on frontal or maxillary sinuses” CN 1– OLFACTORY ASK PATIENT TO IDENTIFY FAMILIAR SMELLS “OLFACTORY NERVE INTACT” “close one nostril and sniff, close the other and sniff” CN 9 and 10– GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL AND VAGUS CHECK GAG REFLEX (verbalize) ASK PT TO SWALLOW “GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL & VAGUS NERVE INTACT” CN 12- HYPOGLOSSAL “STICK OUT YOUR TONGUE AND MOVE IT RIGHT AND THEN LEFT” “HYPOGLOASSAL NERVE INTACT” “lips are pink and moist, open mouth, oral mucosa, gums, teeth, tongue, and uvula all intact” RESPIRATORY: Ask about trauma, surgery, and other conditions that affect respiration “have you had any previous trauma, surgery or other conditions that would affect respiration?” “patient is not on any oxygen” “thorax is symmetric with no deformities” “no labored breathing” INSPECT, PALPATE AND PERCUSS OVER ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR CHEST PALPATE POSTERIOR CHEST PERCUSS SIDE TO SIDE Check lung expansion with hands on back, breathe in, breathe out “lung expansion symmetrical” Check for tactile fremitus “I am going to have you say the number 99 for me three times” Diaphragmatic Excursion: “breathe in and out. Hold” Percuss down from apices to rib 6, mark “deep breath in and hold” Percuss down from rib 6 to 10 and measure “Diaphragmatic excursion is 4 cm, within the normal 3-5 cm range” USE DIAPHRAGM OF STETHOSCOPE TO AUSCULTATE OVER ALL LUNG FIELDS ASCULTATE SIDE TO SIDE “Lungs clear and equally bilateral” OBSERVE FOR JUGULOVENOUS PULSATION AND DISTENTION (JVD) (PATIENT SHOULD BE LYING IN BED WITH HEAD 30-45 DEGREE) “turn your head to the side, turn your head this side” “JUGULAR VEIN NOT DISTENDED, PATIENT SHOULD BE LYING IN BED WITH HEAD 30-45 DEGREES” CAROTID PULSE: LISTEN FOR BRUIT USING BELL OF STETHOSCOPE BEFORE PALPATES (ONLY ON ONE SIDE AT A TIME) “no bruits noted” AUSCULTATE OVER FIVE CARDIAC LANDMARKS WITH BELL & DIAPHRAGM AORTIC (right 2nd intercoastal space) PULMONIC (left 2nd intercoastal space) ERBS (left 3rd intercoastal space) TRICUSPID (4th intercoastal space, left sternal border) MITRAL (5th intercoastal space, midclavicular) “ALSO WHERE WE MEASURE THE APICAL PULSE AND PMI” “I WOULD COUNT FOR 60 SECONDS” “rate is within normal range, rhythm is regular and quality is strong” “S1 heart sound is when the AV valves close at the apex” “S2 heart sound is when the semi-lunar valves close at the base” ASSESSES PERIPHERAL PULSES: COMPARES BILATERALLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. TEMPORAL CAROTID BRACHIAL RADIAL FEMORAL POPLITEAL POSTERIOR TIBIAL DORSALIS PEDIS “PULSES ARE BILATERIALLY REGULAR, & STRONG” ABDOMEN FOLLOW SEQUENCE OF INSPECTION, AUSCULTATION, PERCUSSION, PALPATION Observe contour from two angles “abdomen appears flat, symmetrical, with no lesions, scars or hair” “no inguinal or umbilical hernias noted” AUSCULTATE BOWEL SOUNDS IN FOUR QUADRANTS (starts at ileocecal valve-RLQ, listen to each quadrant for 1 minute) “ACTIVE BOWELS SOUND IN ALL FOUR QUADRANTS” “I would listen for 3 to 5 minutes in each quadrant, if abnormal I would listen for 5 minutes.” Using bell of stethoscope, auscultate abdominal aorta for bruit “no noted bruits of the abdominal aorta” Percuss four abdominal quadrants PERCUSS AND MEASURE LIVER SPAN PERCUSS STARTING AT T2, DOWN TO T5 WHEN YOU HEAR DULLNES, MARK START AT SPACE 12 AND PERCUSS UP TO 10 (WHEN YOU HEAR DULLNESS), MARK AND MEASURE LIVER SPAN LIVER SPAN SHOULD BE SPACE 5 TO 10, ABOUT 7 CM “LIVER SPAN 7 CM, WITHIN NORMAL RANGE” Palpate four abdominal quadrants “ARE YOU FEELING ANY ABDOMINAL PAIN?” “no lumps, masses, or tenderness” Check for rebound tenderness in right lower quadrant (for appendix) “no rebound tenderness observed” VERBALIZES TO CHECK FOR COSTOVERTEBRAL-ANGLE(CVA) TENDERNESS OF THE KIDNEYS BY THE 12TH RIB ON THE BACK. PLACE HAND AND POUND WITH FIST “NO PAIN OR TENDERNESS NOTED” MUSCULOSKELETAL Inspect overall appearance of musculoskeletal “muscles equal on size both sides of the body, smooth coordinated movement” OBSERVE SPINE FROM LATERAL AND POSTERIOR VIEWS FOR NORMAL CURVATURE “BEND AND TOUCH YOUR TOES” “spine is vertically aligned” Palpate along spine “no sign of scoliosis” “I am going to test muscles strength of all limbs.” Push palms up against resistance Push hands out against resistance “Muscle strength is 5 on a scale from 0 to 5. I would do these for the legs also.” Test range of motion of all limbs Arms “to move arm away from body, then towards the body” “to bend arm, then extend” “to rotate arm in a circle” “I would perform these on the lower limbs as well” Palpate skin, joints, and muscle groups of upper and lower extremities “no lumps, masses, or tenderness” NEUROLOGICAL “do you remember the four words I told you earlier can you repeat them again” “to test for remote memory I would ask what you did before starting the program?” Perform Romberg’s test for balance “Close your eyes with you arms out” “Walk in a straight line, heel to toe to test your balance and motor function” TEST DEEP TENDON REFLEXES BICEPS (C5&C6)- SUPPORT PT. FOREARM, PLACE THUMB ON BICEP TENDON, HIT HAMMER TO THUMB TRICEPS (C7 &C8)-WHILE SUSPENDING UPPER ARM “TELL PT. TO JUST GO LIMP” STRIKE TRICEP TENDON WITH HAMMER PATELLAR- ASK PT. TO DANGLE LEGS” HOLDING ABOVE KNEE, STRIKE TENDON ACHILLES- HOLDING TOES, DORIFLEX FOOT, TAP TENDON WITH HAMMER “2+ NORMAL REFLEXES” “I would document according to facility policy and verbalizes any abnormalities, which there were none” Wash hands