IN LOVING MEMORY OF CHADWICK BOSEMAN Health Assessment NURSING SCHOOL CHEAT SHEET Head-to-toe Assessment VITAL SIGNS Blood pressure Pulse Temperature RR Oxygen saturation Ht/Wt Neurological Reflexes Visual acuity PERRLA (pupils are equally round & reactive to light & accomodation) Cranial nerves CARDIOVASCULAR Heart rate/rhythm Auscultate S1 and S2 Inspect lower extremities for edema Capillary refill time gastrointestinal RESPIRATORY Last BM? color? formed/loose? Diet? Inspect abdominal contour Auscultate Bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants Palpate for distention, tenderness, and masses Respiratory rate, depth, & rhythm Inspect for equal bilateral chest movements Auscultate Lung sounds INTEGUMENTARY GENITOURINARY Urine color & amount Inspect & palpate for distended bladder Continent or incontinent? Foley? Condom Cath? Any vaginal/penile discharge? LMP (women of childbearing age) Inspect skin color, turgor, moisture, temperature Any wounds? Rashes? Abrasions? IV site Safety MUSCULOSKELETAL Call bell within reach Personal items within reach Side rails up Bed in lowest position & locked Assess ROM & muscle strength Any issues with mobility/gait? Physical exam techniques REST IN WAKANDA FOREVER, CHAD Thank you so much for downloading this freebie! Check out my social channels for more creative content, resources, and products to help you thrive in nursing school! STAY CONNECTED WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! THENURSESAM.COM