Uploaded by Covi Del Rosario

Student Sleep Habits Survey

Survey Questions
1. What time do you usually go to bed on a school night?
o Before 9 pm
o Before 10 – 11 pm
o Between 11 pm and midnight
o 2 am or later
2. What is the reason you go to bed at this time on a school day?
o I finished studying
o I haven’t finished my school works
o I have to wake up early for school
o I feel sleepy, and tired
o Others: _______________
3. If you picked “I have to finish my school works”, what school subject/s are you
o _____________________
4. How many times a week do you stay past your bedtime?
o Once a school week
o 2-3 times a school week
o 4 or more times a school week
5. How long does it take for you to fall asleep on a school night?
o I fall asleep immediately
o I take about 10 minutes to fall asleep
o I take 20 or more minutes to fall asleep
6. When you wake up in the morning, what is the reason due to which you wake
o Alarm
o Parents wake me
o Pets wake me
o Any noise wakes me
o Others: ______________