William Beaty 35yrs Elect Eng, Tesla fanatic since 1973, built devices from Tesla patentsAuthor has 920 answers and 8.7M answer viewsUpdated May 12 Related Why isn't Nikola Tesla's wireless power used today? First, we really need to take a look into Tesla's patent-model for his system. Whaddaya know, it wasn't radio. Instead, in preparing for a visit by the director of the Patent Office, Tesla set up a pair of small resonant transformers in his lab, connecting each to ground, then connected the HV terminals together using ...a fluorescent tube! A long glass pipe which was pumped down to near-vacuum, and which formed plasma when one transformer was turned on. The second transformer stepped down the HV so it could run lights and AC motors. In other words, he was using a ‘neon sign’ as a power-line. Wireless! No wires. Just a glass tube full of plasma. And, this was a “ground-return” AC system, like the modern “Single-wire Earth Return” or SWER. That was his great invention. That was the model which the chief of the USPTO came to inspect in Tesla's NYC lab; the device which convinced him to allow Tesla's patent for wireless broadcast power to go forward. So, just as Tesla said, it had nothing to do with radio whatsoever. Inverse-square law does not limit it; does not even apply at all. Oh, his problems were much worse than that! Tesla was proposing to use enormous high-voltage to produce a vertical plasma stream which makes contact WITH THE VERY SKY ITSELF, MOO HOO HA HAAAA! No, seriously. Plasma is a conductor, and Tesla planned to ionize the sky (if it wasn't ionized already, and it turned out that it was.) Tesla apparently planned to produce a vertical conductive plasma stream, a tall column which would act like an enormous "wire" to connect a giant Tesla coil to the conductive ionosphere high above. Then, he'd power the ionosphere with megavolts of 5-10KHz AC power. And then, anywhere on Earth, people could lift up a metal plate on a wooden pole, connect it to a grounded resonant transformer, and power an electric clock and maybe some light bulbs. (Fluorescent tubes I mean. Not those wasteful inefficient carbon-filament bulbs from the Edison Electric Works.) For lots of info, see the Leland I. Anderson book containing Tesla’s extensive 1916 interview in the radio-patent court battle… Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP IV. Apparatus for Transformation by Condenser Discharges; Damped Waves Tesla This work [Fig. 31] was begun already in 1889. This type of apparatus is identified with my name as certain as the law of gravitation is with that of Newton. I know that some have claimed that Professor Thomson also invented the so-called Tesla coil, but those feeble chirps ne'er went beyond Swampscott. Professor Thomson is an odd sort of man; very ingenious, but he never was a wireless expert; he never could be. Moreover, it is important to realize that this principle is universally employed everywhere. The greatest men of science have told me that this was my best achievement and, in connection with this apparatus [referring to schematics of Fig. 31], I may say that a lot of liberties have been taken. For instance, a man fills this space [break D] with hydrogen; he employs all my instrumentalities, everything that is necessary, but calls it a new wireless system�the Poulsen arc. I cannot stop it. Another man puts in here [referring to space between self-inductive lines L L] a kind of gap�he gets a Nobel prize for doing it. My name is not mentioned. Still another man inserts here [conductor B] a mercury[-arc] rectifier. That is my friend Cooper Hewitt. But, as a matter of fact, those devices have nothing to do with the performance. Figure 31. Method of Transformation of electrical energy by oscillatory condenser discharges described in U.S. Patent No. 462,418 of November 3, 1891. Application filed February 4, 1891. Announcement of this invention was made in Tesla's lecture before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers at Columbia College, May 20, 1891, where it was predicted that this apparatus afforded vast possibilities and would play an important part in the future. Illustrated and described in T.C Martin book, Figs. 126 and 127, pp. 191-194. If these men knew what I do, they would not touch my arrangements; they would leave my apparatus as it is. Marconi puts in here [break D] two wheels. I showed only one wheel; he shows two. And he says, "See what happens when the wheels are rotated; a wonderful thing happens!" What is the wonderful thing? Why, when the teeth of the wheels pass one another, the currents are broken and interrupted. That is the wonderful thing that happens? The Lord himself could not make anything else happen unless he broke his own laws. So, in this way, invention has been degraded, debased, prostituted, more in connection with my apparatus than in anything else. Not a vestige of invention as a creative effort is in the thousands of arrangements that you see under the name of other people �not a vestige of invention. It is exactly like in car couplings on which 6,000 patents have been taken out; but all http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/nt_on_ac.htm#Section_7 I saw that I would be able to transmit power provided I could construct a certain apparatus -- and I have, as I will show you later. I have constructed and patented a form of apparatus which, with a moderate elevation of a few hundred feet, can break the air stratum down. You will then see something like an aurora borealis across the sky, and the energy will go to the distant place. ...I came to the conviction that it would be ultimately possible, without any elevated antenna --- with very small elevation --- to break down the upper stratum of the air and transmit the current by conduction. -N. Tesla 1916 So then why didn't someone else do this, after Tesla had given up on ever getting funding? Someone tried, back in 1920. Here is their proposal below, as found in Electrical Experimenter magazine. It turned out not to work. Ultraviolet spotlights can't produce nearly long enough ionized pathways: PDF: Americanradiohistory.com 1920 Electrical Experimenter Compare the above with Tesla's publicity art below, dating from twenty years earlier. Note especially the dirigible with the plasma-conductor beams pointing upwards and downwards. Also note the city in the background, with similar giant "plasma antennas" projecting upwards. But didn’t everyone back then just assume that those were searchlights!? Yep, that's typical Tesla, preparing for future patent-battles by putting his technology out in the public eye, but where all the secrets are safe, because nobody knows what they're looking at. Heh, even Tesla's airplanes have plasma-beams. Makes sense if you're using the metal fuselage and wings as a capacitive pickup-plate, since the resonant coil inside any flying machine also needs a conductive connection to the ground. So, why didn't anyone fund this? Build a small version? Larry English here gets it exactly right. Nobody knows how to create Tesla’s beamed power: a hundred-megavolt, 30KM vertical glow-discharge. A giant fuzzy beam of continuous lightning. Anything smaller will not work. A "desktop model" won't work unless you also have a desktop model of Earth's atmosphere, including the insulating air and the conductive ionosphere above. Tesla never revealed how he was going to do it. It’s a lost breakthrough. Scientists today assume it's impossible. Interestingly, a reporter once questioned Tesla on this very point, asking whether his scheme was going to use lightning-bolts guided by ultraviolet beams. Tesla avoided the question. Later, in 1915, Tesla described the history of the invention, saying that for years he was trying to make it work via ultraviolet searchlights, but he utterly failed until he gave up on arc-lamps, and instead discovered a completely different method. He'd gone to Colorado for the high elevation and low air pressure, but then found a way to make it work fine at sea level. He claimed that his new method had let him light up the sky at night, as if it were a giant fluorescent tube. Did he actually do this? We'd need eyewitness accounts from the place it supposedly happened: 1899, Colorado Springs. He also might have had it working at Wardenclyffe, since he mentioned that if the local residents had stayed up late enough, they'd have really seen something. Seen what? 30KMtall plasma beams? Or giant aurora across the sky, as depicted below by Tesla's friend Hugo Gernsback in Electrical Experimenter (may 1913?) Or just seen that Tesla, standing around being all mysterious again. In the meantime, the Tesla Museum in Beograd recently released this artist's conception below, depicting the Tesla wireless system in action; powering ships at sea. Compare with the above two illustrations. When inventing beamed-power, "Hertzian" radio is just an unwanted loss-mechanism. It's all about teh Plasma Beams. Oh, one last note. Continental 3-phase power grid, what are the percentage losses? What losses would Tesla's system need to beat? I find various numbers quoted. For the USA power grid, apparently only 33–70% of the electrical energy from the dynamos makes it to the end user. <edit: must double-check this, don’t include turbine loss!> That's a lot of corona-loss, wire heating. This issue lets giant projects for megavolt DC lines become economical money-savers. Tesla claims that his measurements at Colorado Springs show 3% losses for his "World System" scheme. That’s the losses for a “power grid” large enough to cross oceans and cover all continents. Maybe that was exaggerated, or even totally wrong. It does line up with modern measurements of the “Q-factor” of the Schumann lines (where a Q of ten is the same as a few percent loss per pass around the planet.) But regardless, as long as his version had far less than ?66%? being wasted, he'd be doing pretty good compared to modern power distribution. About global VLF losses and Q-factor, searching now …I see that currently there’s even a Schumann app in Google play. Schumann resonances on-line - Climate monitoring GeoCenter.info VLF Openlab Observatories network many realtime plots RADIO WAVES below 22 kHz Schumann Resonance Apps In other words, Tesla was correct about electrical Earth-resonance all along, and it was five decades before conventional science made the same discovery. <edit: …I think those losses numbers come from thousand-kilometer cable runs, e.g. USA southwestern states. Over here in North America, many of the grid paths [see map] are longer than entire countries in Europe! The cable losses are a *bit* higher than over in the UK. Also, I heard numerous stories that in the recent past, population/ industrial growth has recently led to significant overloading of the lines, rather than any infrastructure-spending to add parallel paths etc. A properly done thousand-KM grid-path shouldn’t have 70% loss. I wonder how bad the losses became on the infamous Pacific Intertie, back before 1970 when they finally spent the big bucks to convert it over to highly-efficient Megavolt DC transmission? And today, is even their DC path getting too lossy?> <another edit: today we know that the system-loss for planetary standing-waves is around 5%, this from the known Q-factor measurements. Five percent, pretty close to Tesla’s claimed 1899 measurement of 3%. In other words, the RF pulses will go around the entire planet roughly ten times, before decreasing to half. But this only works at frequencies well below 30KHz. At higher frequencies the ground losses are too high, and “broadcast power” cannot work. Marconi’s transmitters always ran at well above 100KHz, which Tesla openly derided as being too high, with no Earth-resonance at all. Poor Marconi, only trying to sell worthless Morse-code beeps, rather than futuristic mega-cities with fuel-less electric cars and flying machines! (But before Marconi appeared on the scene, Tesla’s main goal was worldwide Morse Code, plus telephone, music, fax, and future television. Only when Marconi succeeded with Morse Code broadcasts, did Tesla suddenly drop that issue, and instead start pushing teh Broadcast-Power instead! Heh.> Big list of Nikola Tesla answers on Quora, see… How do I become as much of a genius as Nikola Tesla? ( scroll way down) ALSO more answers (mostly electricity) QUORA ANSWERS: W Beaty Jim Murray and Paul Babcock gave a landmark presentation that really set a precedence for high COP production in an electrical circuit that was actually demonstrated in front of a live audience. The presentation covered the history of Tesla’s methods of using “reactive power” as an energy source. In reality, it is really “Reactive Watts” a term coined by Jim Murray – it is a power oscillation that produces real work. The SERPS machine is the Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply designed by Jim Murray and this particular replication was built by Paul Babcock using his patented 4-5 nanosecond switching technology. This machine drew a little over 1 watts from the power supply while producing over 50 watts in light and heat in two incandescent bulbs. The presentation will be available in about a week through A & P Electronic Media – so join the free conference newsletter to get notice when it is released. Here are some photos from the presentation and demonstration. This conference is considered by many to be the most important energy conference of the last 100 years. The Transforming Generator was invented by me several decades ago in order to study the difference between Voltage Potential and Electromotive Force (EMF). These are the two distinct manifestations of what most people simply call “Volts.” The Transforming Generator was issued patents in some overseas countries, but was blocked from being patented in the United States. If you have my presentation on my Dynaflux Alternator, which is one of the few low drag generators ever given a patent in the U.S., then you may have seen my lab tours where I demonstrate the Transforming Generator. Below is a video of this demonstration so you can see the machine we’re talking about. This video only demonstrates a small fraction of what this machine is capable of but at least you can get a taste. Although I give some rather simple explanations of this machine, it was not until the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference that I disclosed the inner workings of the machine for the first time to the general public. In some early testing with an early prototype, Guy Obolensky helped out and he figured out that he could add some capacitors in parallel with some of the windings in order to get it into a resonant mode, when I came back to pick it up, he hesitantly told me that he blew up my machine because it kicked into resonance and literally sped itself up to self-destruct speeds. The way the machine evolved eliminated the needs for capacitors because the coils themselves had capacitance but this was all an amazing journey of discovery with the Transforming Generator, which demonstrated the kinds of things you normally only see in the movies. Some of the tests were to take the output and directly feed it to mercury vapor lights. What we found was that we didn’t need the normal power supply and the light lit up just fine – in fact, it lit up so much that there was 200-300% more lumens per watt when it was powered by the Transforming Generator! Needless to say, the implications of this are astounding. Another interesting feature of this machine is that although it is a rotating device, it creates square waves and these square waves can actually be used as carrier waves that can transmit information. There are other unique properties that the Transforming Generator that I cover in my talk, Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator and I even give a brief explanation of how you can circumvent a $10,000 budget to build one by simply modifying an off the shelf motor. My hope is that this presentation will further your understanding of the unusual properties of the Transforming Generator and I’ll look forward to those of you who actually want to tackle this project and build your own. (Description by Jim Murray) Part of the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (92 mins downloadable video). http://dynafluxalternator.com - Get Jim's FULL demo, which you haven't seen yet! In this youtube video, Jim Murray & Paul Babcock talk about the SERPS device, which showed 2000% more energy dissipated than was drawn from the power supply That demo excerpt is here: • COP 20.0 (2000%) Reactive Power as En... (also included at the end of the interview). They also cover other details and Paul relays his experience on reverse engineering the SERPS and creating a working replication, which is very important. Topic: Jim Murray’s Drummond Island Experiment Replication Attempt (Read 4433 times) web000x Full Member Posts: 111 Jim Murray’s Drummond Island Experiment Replication Attempt « on: September 29, 2017, 03:03:05 AM » I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to replicate Jim Murray's original experiment that he conducted in Drummond Island, Michigan where he oscillated the power between an 800KVAR Synchronous Capacitor and the Local 6,000KW Diesel Powered Generating Station. This was the first time he achieved what he calls "Energy Resonance". This experiment was conducted during an ice storm where the main electrical power grid links were down and the synchronous capacitor (SC) was on an isolated circuit with the stand-alone diesel generator. Jim said that when he changed the reference frequency of the response on his SC regulator to ignore the line frequency and take an artificial frequency of twice line frequency that the load went off the generator while the town of Drummond Island still was lit up with power. A few years ago when I was working with Eric Dollard, I was inspired to build a machine for the purpose of experimentation with phase locked harmonics. The machine consists of an electric motor, timing belt, timing cogs and three alternators. See pictures. It would seem that this machine should be fairly effective at attempting to replicate Jim's Drummond Island Experiment. The alternators are all modified. The field-winding regulators have all been bypassed and I have direct access to the slip ring brushes to feed the field with whatever signal I would like. The rectifier sections on the outputs of the alternators have all by removed. All of the alternators are wired to generate from a three phase WYE configuration. The timing cogs are of differing harmonic gear ratios so that I can study the effects of phase locked harmonic modulation in systems. The cogs that I have allow me to investigate the first, second and third harmonics, and I have intentions of getting a cog that will allow me the fourth harmonic. These are all arranged and chosen according to the needs of the experiment. Each of the three alternators have individual functions. The first alternator is the Power Alternator (PA). This is used to simulate the generator at the power plant. The second alternator is the Modulation Alternator(MA). This is used as a source with which to modulate parts of the system with respect to the Power Alternator, such as Magamps or Synchronous Motors’ Field Windings. The third alternator is being used strictly as a Synchronous Motor. This synchronous motor is used in synchronism with the Power Alternator and modulated with various experimental harmonic signals with varying levels of DC Bias. In the Drummond Island Experiment, Jim supposedly changed the response of his Synchronous Capacitor's regulator to create a beat frequency of 120 Hz with the line. He said that as soon as he dialed in on this frequency that his friend running the generating station reported the instruments to indicate a no load condition at the diesel-motor generator’s shaft, this all while the town of Drummond was still consuming power. I wish there was a good write up on the internet about that experiment, but the only place I know the story to be told is on the Murakami/Lindemann conference videos. Unfortunately, that is not free information for the public. "Tesla's Hidden Discoveries" goes in the greatest details of the account. Maybe someone knows of an internet reference out there? I have been trying to replicate this phenomena but have not been met with success yet. I'm a little unclear on how Jim is actually modulating his system. In his Dynaflux Concept video, he says “created a beat with the line frequency of 60 cycles in such a manner to bring the total frequency up to 120 cycles”. But in his Tesla’s Hidden Discoveries video, he suggests that he is modulating the regulator with the second harmonic which would have to result in he main line current at the fundamental and third harmonic. The two different interpretations are as follows: #1) The synchronous motor is creating a beat in the main line current of 120 Hz. For this to happen, the synchronous motor's field winding would need to be modulated with another 60Hz wave. The lower and upper side band frequencies are as follows: Fbeat-LSB = F2 - F1 = 60Hz - 60Hz = 0Hz Fbeat-USB = F2 + F1 = 60Hz + 60Hz = 120Hz --- Second Harmonic in Main Line Current #2) The synchronous motor's field winding is being modulated at 120Hz, thus producing a beat on the line at both the first and third harmonic. Upper and Lower Sideband math: Fbeat-LSB = F2 - F1 = 120Hz - 60Hz = 60Hz --- First Harmonic in Main Line Current Fbeat-USB = F2 + F1 = 120Hz + 60Hz = 180Hz --- Third Harmonic in Main Line Current So it can be seen from above, that modulating the circuit with the first harmonic will give rise to a beat at the second harmonic. Modulating with the second harmonic will give beats at the fundamental and third harmonics. I am still very unclear on which Jim was actually using but have a couple of other sources that suggest the Odd Order Harmonic Series as being the route to investigate. In his Law of ElectroMagnetic Induction writings, Dollard suggested investigation of the second and fourth harmonics because the sideband frequencies produced by those harmonics line up naturally in the Odd Order Harmonic Series. Erfinder has also harped on the proper phasing of Odd Harmonics in order too achieve novel effects. A quote from Eric Dollard from the above reference: Quote Two particular harmonic modulating frequencies are of interest, the second harmonic and the fourth harmonic. For the condition of second harmonic modulation the frequency of the Lower Sideband is equal to the carrier frequency, these two combine in a resultant wave at the carrier frequency. The Upper Sideband is the third harmonic of the carrier frequency and super-imposed upon it creates a regular harmonic waveform. For the condition of fourth harmonic modulation the Lower Sideband gives the Third Harmonic of the carrier wave and the Upper Sideband gives the Fifth Harmonic of the carrier frequency. The odd order series, one, three, five exists here and again super-impose upon each other producing a regular harmonic waveform. All other harmonic modulating frequencies, three, five, etc, give rise to an irregular sequence and thus produce irregular harmonic waveforms. The depth of modulation as well as the Angle of Hysteresis both have a considerable effect on the resulting waveshape. This can give rise to very complex waveforms. It is to be noted that for large depth of modulation, and high orders of modulating harmonics, that the resulting E.M.F. can greatly exceed the E.M.F. of the reactance coil in reaction to the carrier frequency of the external A.C. current source. These processes are worthy of Experimental Research. So as it stands, I am spending most of my efforts looking towards the second harmonic modulation of the SC field. I want to try the fourth but have to get a cog and have it machined to fit the shaft of the alternator. I have tried various loads but have not seen any evidence of reduced power consumption by my prime mover for any of the modulating configurations. However, there is still room for investigation. I have yet to try a delta three phase generating configuration. There are different magnetic flux properties inside of the cores between the DELTA and WYE configuration so that is something for for experimentation. One of the drawbacks of this machine that I have built is that the Modulating Alternator is on the same drive belt as the Power Alternator. This makes differentiating between the loaded alternators a bit more difficult. The reason I didn’t worry about this during initial investigation is that if Jim was able to oscillate the power in a local system where the synchronous motor’s field was being energized by the very same electrical line that his synchronous motor was supposed to be regulating, then I might be able to get away with a small amount of modulating power from the Modulating Alternator and still see promising results. As it stands to get any sort of amperage modulation depth into the SC’s field winding, I must step the voltage up from the MA. The transformers I’m using are home-made and are kind of power hungry for what I’m getting out of them. I need to find a better transformer solution to this, otherwise it would seem like it takes more power to modulate the system than any additional gains found in the PA. One idea I had for this was to parallel resonate the field winding. Unfortunately, the inductance of the field winding to capacitance storage coefficient at resonance weren’t going to give me a very strong oscillation from the low voltage produced by the alternator. Again, I would need to step the voltage up in order to resonate with any sort of meaning. I have attached some diagrams that show scope shots with FFT analysis of the various modulating arrangements. You can see the various harmonics produced and distorted waveforms. Although I didn’t mention modulation with the third harmonic, I have attached an image showing the resultant waveforms from it since I had the cog lying around. If anyone out there has done any serious pondering on what Mr. Jim Murray was up to during that experiment, I’d love to hear about any ideas or insights you might have regarding it. I’d do my best to incorporate anything that sounds relevant and return my results to the forum. Two of the Tesla inspired icons have hinted at this direction with rotating apparatus so I’m going to continue plugging away, trying various loads and arrangements until I’m all out of ideas. More to come.. Dave