~ ~0 - .5-cJo..S5 LEARNINGCENTRE WELDING PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT MODULE 4 Copyright © 2007 by The CWB Group· Industry Services Revised March 2007 All rights reserved. Although due care has been taken in the preparation of this module neither the CWB Learning Centre nor any contributing author can accept any liability arising from the use or misuse of any information contained herein or for any errors that may be contained in the module. Information is presented for educational purposes and should not be used for design, material selection, procedure selection or similar purposes without independent verification . Where reference to other documents, such as codes and standards, is made readers are encouraged to consult the original sources in detail. LEARNING CENTRE 7250 West Credit Avenue, Mississauga, ON L5N 5N1 Tel: 1·800·844·6790/905·542·2176 Fax: 905·542·1837, www.cwblearning.org @COf')'RIGI-fT20061 OVB LEARNiNG CENTRE <!> LEARNING CENTRE " COPYRIGHT 2006 1CW8 LfARN.NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Module 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON OBJECTIVES . ....... ....... . .. . .... .. . .. .. . ...... . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .4 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 INTRODUCTION TO WELDING PROCESSES Historical Background ............. . .. .. ....... . . • . .. .. . . .. . . . . ..... . . ... 6 Welding Terms and Definitions ........ .. • .. ..... . . .. . .. . .. .. .. ... . ... . . .. .8 Grouping of Welding Processes . . . .... .. ..... . . . .•••.........•...... . . .. .15 The Welding Arc . . ................. . ...... . . .•.• ..... . ..... . .. . . . ..... .16 Health and Safety . . . .................. ......... . . .. . . .. . .. • .... : . . .... 27 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) Principles of Operation .... . ... . . .. . .. . .. ... . . .. .. . ... .. ... . . . . . . . ... . . .. 30 Current and Equipment . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . ............... . . .. . .•.. . ...•. . .. 31 Welding Consumables ... . ..... ..... .. . . . .... . ..•. • ... . . . .. • •......•.. . .37 Applications and Limitations . .. . . . .. ...... .. . . . .••.... .. . . ..• • . .. .. . .... .42 Joint Design ... .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . . ..... .. . .. ........ .. . . .. •• . . . . . . ... . . .43 Arc Ignition (Starting the Arc) . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . ... . . • .. . . . . . . ... . .. .. . ..... .44 Welder Technique .. .......... . . ... •.... .. .. . • .... .. .. .. .. ..... . . •.... .45 Weld Quality ....... ..... . ........... . . .... .. ........ ...........• • .... .47 3. 3.1 3.2 3. 3 3.4 3.5 3. 6 SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) Principles of Operation .................... .. . ..... . .... . . . • ...... . •..... 50 Power Sources .. . . . .... ....... . . • • . . .. . ... . ...... ..... . • .......• . ... .. 51 Types of Electrodes . . .. .. ....... . ....... .... . .... .... ... •. ... .. . ... . ... 55 Classification of Electrodes . .. . ...... ........... . . .. ..... . •. . . ....• . . . ... 56 Applications and Limitations of the SMAW Process . . . ... . ..... . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .59 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels ... .. •. .. . . .. .... ... 61 1 e COP'YRJGHT 2006 1CWB LEMNING CENTRE <§> 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 LEARNINGCENTRE GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) Principles of Operation .......... .. ......•. ,' ........••... . ...... • ...... 74 Equipment . .... . ......... .. ...... ..... . .................... . ....... 76 Metal Transfer Across the Arc in GMAW .... . ................ . .. . ......... 80 Shielding Gases ........... . ...... . .............. ..• ......... .. ...... 90 Advantages and Limitations of the GMAW Process .... .. . . •....... . . . •..... 94 Electrode Wires for Gas Metal Arc Welding . ......................... •..... 96 Application of Gas Metal Arc Welding Process .. . . .. . . .. . ..•.. .. . . .. . .. . . . .97 Effect of Arc Welding Variables in Arc Welding Processes .... • . . ... . . . ... . .. 100 5. FLUX CORED ARC WELDING (FCAW) 5.1 Principles of Operation . . . .. . . .. . ..... . ................ . ..... . ... . . . .. .110 5.2 Equipment ........................... . ............. .. ......... . •.... 112 5.3 Advantages and Applications of the Cored Wire Processes . ... . . •• ...... . .. ... 113 5.4 Classification of Cored Wires .. . .. . ............ . .... . . . .• ••....... . ..... 114 5.5 Shielding Gases for Gas Shielded Tubular Electrodes ....•.. .. .. ..... •....... 121 5.6 Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels . . ... .. . .... . . ...... ... .. . ................ • ... . ... 122 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 SUBMERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) Principles of Operation ... . .............. .. . . ........ .. ...... . .•. . ..... 128 · Current Type and Equipment . ... . ... . . . . . ... . ..... . .. . . . .. . . ..... . . .. .. 129 Advantages and Applications of Submerged Arc Welding ....... . . ... . . . . . .... 130 Multiple Wire Submerged Arc Welding ................ .... .. .. .. . .•. . ... .. 133 Wires and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels .. . ...... . . ............. . ....... . ............. . ... ....... 134 6.6 Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels ..... . ... . .. .• ....... 138 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 RESISTANCE WELDING (RW) Principles of Operation ........ . .............. • ... . . . ..... . ..•....... .150 Process Parameters ... . .. .. ... .. ...... . .. . . . . .... ......... . .... . .... 151 Types of Resistant Welding Processes ....•...... • ......... . .... ........ 152 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 PLASMA ARC WELDING (PAW) Principles of Operation ........... . . . . ... .. .. .•. • ... . .. ... ..... . .... . .162 Process Variables ...... . ... .. . ... .... . . .. . . ... .... ...... . .. . . ... .... 163 Equipment for PAW ..... ... ... .. . . .. .... . .. . . .. . ... .. ... . . . . . . . ...... 164 Advantages and Disadvantages .. . ........................ . . .. ....... . .166 Applications ......... . ... .. . ........... . . . . • ...... .. .. ... . . ......... 166 2 {> COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWBLEARN"NG CENTRE <§> 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 LEARNING CENTRE ELECTRON BEAM WELDING (EBW) Principles of Operation ..................... .... .•............•....... 168 Equipment .... . . . ...... . ... .. . ... . .. . . . . . .. ........... . ....•....... 169 Advantages and Disadvantages .. ... ....•. .. . ... ...• .... . .. . . .. • ....... 170 Applications ..... . ................. . •• ..... . . . .••...... .. ........... 171 10. LASER BEAM WElDING (LBW) 10.1 Principles of Operation ............. .. ... ...... ...... .. .......• . . .. ... 174 10.2 Laser Types . .. .. . ...... . ... .. . . . . . . ... . . . . .... . .. . ................. 174 10.3 Advantages and Disadvantages .................. . ........ . .... ........ 177 11. ELECTROSLAG WELDING (ESW) 11.1 Principles of Operation .......................••...... . . ......•....... 180 11.2 Equipment ............ . ......... .. .•...................... •.... .... 181 11.3 Applications ... . . . .... . ........... . ... . ....................••....... 182 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 DIFFUSION WELDING (DFW) Principles of Operation ........ . .. . .... . .. Diffusion Welding Mechanisms .. . . ..... .. .. Bonding Variables .............. .. . ...• . . Applications ....... . ........... .. . .. ... . 13. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 EXPLOSION WELDING (EXW) Principles of Operation ..... . . . ........... ... ...... ..... . ............. 188 Explosion Welding Parameters and Variables ........•.........•.......... 188 Mechanisms of EXW ... ..................... ...• ........••• • •........ 189 Applications ..................... . ...... . .....•........•• •• ......... 189 14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 FRICTION WELDING (FRW) Principles of Operation ....... . ... . ..... . . . .. . ... . ........•••.. .. ..... 192 Process Variables ......... . . .... .. ..•........••.. ... ... •••.. . ....... 193 Metallurgical Parameters ..... .. .. .. .......... . ..... . ......•.••. . . ..... 193 Applications ............. . . . .. . .. ... ... . ... .. .. ..... . . . •• ••. . .... .. .194 . .... .. ... .. .... . .. .•. . .. . .. 184 .. . .. ... . .. .... . .. ..•.. . .... 184 . ... ...• • . .... . .....•.. .. ... 185 .... . ..... . .. ......• •. . ..... 186 15. THERMITE WELDING (TW) 15.1 Principles of Operation ..............• . .... . .•..........••... . ........ 196 15.2 Applications . ................. . ...• • ....... ... .......••............. 197 GUIDES AND EXERCISES ............ . ...........•....... . .. •.... ......... 199 TEST AND ANSWER SHEETS ......... ...... .. . . .. .... . ............ ..... ... 210 3 © COP"fRlGHT 20061 C¥IB LEARN NG CENTRE <!> LEARNING CENTRE WELDING PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT LESSON OBJECTIVES The objective of this module is to provide a general description of the major welding processes ava ilable, with emphasis on the arc welding processes. The intent is to provide the reader with a broad understanding of the principles of operation of the process, general process characteristics and equ ipment used. The processes covered in this module along with their letter designations are as follows: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) Other welding processes include: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Resistance Welding (RW) Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) Electron Beam (EBW) and Laser Beam Welding (LBW) Electroslag (ESW) Diffusion Welding (DFW) Explosion Welding (EXW) Friction Welding (FRW) Thermit Welding (TW) Important Notice: This module has been updated to reflect the new electrode designations listed in CSA Standard W48. The reader wi ll notice these changes throughout the module and should be aware of them during their study of the material. Examples of these changes are: Old Designation: SMAW E41010 E48018 GMAW ER480S-2fER49S-2 FCAW ' E480H-5-XX SAW E480A5-EM12K Designation in W48-06: E4310 E4918 ISO 14341-B-G 49A 3C G2 E49H-5XMJ E49A5-EM12K 4 ~ COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEMN,NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO WELDING PROCESSES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Historical Background .. . ....... . . . •... . ......... . ... . . • . ••..... . .... .. 6 Welding Terms and Definitions ......•.... . ...... . . . ........ . .. . ........ .8 Grouping of Welding Processes . . .... . . . ....•.. . . ... . . . ..• . ...... . . .. .. 15 The Welding Arc . . .. ................... ..•..... . . . ..•• ••............ 16 Health and Safety ... ; .• . ... . ... : .. . . ..........•........... . .••.... . .27 5 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1C\"I8lEARN'NG CENTRE ~) LEARNING CENTRE 1. INTRODUCTION TO WELDING PROCESSES 1.1 Historical Background Until very recently in the history of mankind, the only method available to join metals was by which requires two pieces of metal to be heated and then pressed or hammered together to develop a metallurgical bond between the two. Modern welding technology can trace its origins to the first half of the 19th century when advances in electrical technology such as the production of an arc between two carbon electrodes and invention of the electric generator took place. By the e,!1d of the 19th centy-ry, these advances had led to the development of three new welding processes; arc weldin ,resistance welding and oxyacetylene wel9iDR. The arc welding process in its numerous variations IS now lie most Important and widely used welding process. f~rge...Y!'elding The first major patent for arc welding was awarded in the UK to two Russians, ,bIikolas d~ Benardos and Stanislav Olszewski in 1885, who employed a carbon electrode as the positive pole to obtain an arc with the workpiece (negative pole). The arc heated the workpiece comprising two adjoining pieces of lead or iron so that they locally melted and fused with each other. Soon thereafter, in 1889, Lavianoff in Russia and Charles Coffin in the USA were able to substitute a metal electrode for the carbonelectrode. - - - - - - - - - -. -----A significant advancement in welding came with the use of a metal electrode. Carbon electrodes previously in use could not provide filler metal. Further advances and applications of the metal arc welding process depended on the development of improved metal electrodes for greater arc stability and means to shield the molten weld pool from contamination from the air surrounding the arc which embrittled the weld metal. The earliest effort in this regard was the application of coating or covering to the metal electrode. Oscar Kjellberg of Sweden applied the coating by dipping short lengths of iron wires in a thick mixture of carbonates and silicates, and then letting them dry. The British were the first to attempt application of the arc welding technology on a significant scale as a substitute for rivetting in the fabrication of ships. In the USA, around the same time at the start of World ' War I, German ships interned in New York harbour and scuttled by their crews were rapidly brought back into service by effecting repairs using arc welding. The first all welded ship, the Fulagar was launched by the British in 1920. During the 1920's, arc welding was applied for fabrication of heavy wall pressure vessels and buildings. In Canada, a 500 foot long, three span bridge having an all welded construction was erected in Toronto in 1923. However, widespread use of arc welding had to wait until 1927 when an extrusion process to economically apply covering to the electrode was developed . Electrodes for welding stainless steel, coverings that reduced the amount of hydrogen in the weld metal or that contained more easily ionized ingredients for arc stabilization were developed soon after. 6 f) COPYRIGHT 20061 CWSlEAAN:i\.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE In 1930, Robinoff was awarded a patent for submerged arc welding (welding under powder or flux, continuous wire without any covering) of longitudinal seams in pipes. Being a highly productive, mechanized process, it is still very popular for welding of thick steels . Use of externally applied gases instead of slag and gases formed from the electrode covering to shield the weld pool in arc welding had also been investigated. During the 1920s, Hobart and Devers in the USA experimented with argon and helium as shielding gases and this was a precursor to the development of the gas tungsten arc welding process used for welding of magnesium, aluminum and stainless steel , during World War II. Their work also demonstrated the use of continuous wire being fed through a nozzle for arc welding with external inert shielding gases and this was later developed into the gas metal arc welding process in 1948 at Battelle Memorial Institute. Availability of smaller diameter wires and constant voltage power sources made this process more popular for joining of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Application of gas metal arc welding to steels had to await the introduction of carbon dioxide as a shielding gas in 1953, and since then there have been numerous developments in regards to use of gas mixtures containing argon, helium, oxygen and carbon dioxide for gas metal arc welding of steels. Another significant innovation in the mid-1950's was the development of tubular wires that contained fluxing agents on the inside. The gases generated by the decomposition of the fluxing agents as well as an externally applied gas are used for shielding the pool from atmospheric contamination. Initially known as the Dualshield process, it is known as flux cored arc welding today. Other variations of tubular wires that have a significant usage today include self shielded flux cored arc welding wires (i.e., without using the external gas shield) and metal cored arc welding wires (only metal powder and some arc stabilizing materials inside and used with external shielding gas). Welding processes other than those using an arc heat for welding have also been developed over the years since the last part of the 19th century. Briefly, these can be summarized as follows: resistance welding and its variations (spot welding, seam welding, projection welding, flash butt welding) over the period 1885 to 1900; thermit welding for joining rails in 1903; electroslag welding during the 1950's; electrogas welding in 1961; plasma arc welding in 1957; electron beam welding in late 1950's. More recent developments in welding processes include friction welding and laser welding . 7 () COPYRIGHT 2OCl6 i ewe LEARNING CENTRE ~ 1.2 LEARNING CENTRE Welding Terms and Definitions Some of the terms frequently used in this module are briefly described below to assist the reader in better understanding the contents of this module. active flux (submerged arc welding) A flux formulated to produce a weld metal composition that is dependent on the welding parameters. especially arc voltage. alloy A substance with metallic properties and composed of two or more chemical elements of which at least one is a metal. al/oy flux A flux containing ingredients that react with the filler metal to establish a desired alloy content in the weld metal. (submerged arc welding) alternating current Current flow in an electrical circuit where its direction (and therefore, direction of electron flow) continually reverses itself, usually at a pre-determined frequency. arc blow The deflection of an arc from its normal path because of magnetic forces. arc force The axial force developed by an arc plasma. arc length The distance from the tip of the welding electrode to the adjacent surface of the weld pool. arc plasma A gas that has been heated by an arc to at least a partially ionized condition, enabling it to conduct an electric current. arc voltage The electrical potential between the electrode and the workpiece. arc welding electrode A component of the welding circuit through which current is conducted and which terminates at the arc. arc welding gun A device used to transfer current to a continuously fed consumable electrode , guide the electrode and direct the shielding gas and the arc. arc welding torch A device used to transfer current to a fixed electrode, position the electrode and direct the shielding gas (if used in the process) and the arc. 8 O COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB LEMNNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE arm, resistance welding A projecting beam extending from the frame of a resistance welding machine that transmits the electrode force and may conduct the welding current. autogeneous weld A fusion weld made without addition of filler metal. bare electrode A filler metal electrode that has been produced as a wire, strip or bar with no coating or covering other than that which is incidental to its manufacture or preservation. base metal The metal or alloy that is welded, brazed, soldered or cut . bevel An angular edge shape. bonded flux A granular flux produced by baking a pelletized mixture of powdered ingredients and bonding agents at a temperature below its melting point , but high enough to create a chemical bond, followed by processing to produce the desired partical size. (submerged arc welding) buildup A surfacing variation in which surfacing material is deposited to . achieve the required dimensions. cold crack A crack which develops after solidification is complete. consumable electrode An electrode that provides filler metal. covered electrode A composite filler metal electrode consisting of a core of a metal rod to which a covering sufficient to provide a slag layer on the weld bead has been applied. The covering may contain materials providing materials providing such functions as shielding from the ambient air, cleansing the weld metal, arc stabilization, source of metallic addition to the weld. crater A depression in the weld face at the termination of a weld bead. deposition rate The weight of material deposited in a unit of time. deposition efficiency The ratio of the weight of filler metal deposited in the weld metal to the weight of the filler metal melted, expressed in percent. direct current electrode negative (dcen) An arrangement of direct current arc welding leads in which the electrode is the negative pole and workpiece is the positive pole of the welding arc. 9 © COP'fRJGHT 2006! C\fI.'E LEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE direct current electrode positive (deep) An arrangement of direct current arc welding leads where the electrode is the positive pole and workpiece is the negative pole of the welding arc. drag angle The travel angle when the electrode is pointing in a direction opposite to the progression of welding . This angle can also be used to partially define the position of guns, torches, rods and beams . duty cycle The percentage of time during a specified test period that a power source can be operated at the rated output without overheating . electrode A component of the electrical circuit that terminates at the arc, molten conductive slag , or base metal. electrode extension The length of the electrode extending beyond the end of the contact tip . (flux cored arc welding, electrogas welding, gas metal arc welding, submerged arc welding) electrode extension (tungsten arc welding, plasma arc welding) electrode force (resistance welding) The length of the tungsten electrode extending beyond the end of the collet. The force applied by the electrodes to the workpieces in making spot, seam or projection welds . electrode setback orifice The distance the electrode is recessed behind the constricting of the plasma arc torch, measured from the outer face of the nozzle. electron beam gun A device for producing and accelerating ele ctrons (suitable for as a source of heat for welding ). filler metal The metal or alloy to be added in making a brazed , soldered or welded joint. fiat welding position The welding position used to weld from the upperside of the joint at a point where the weld axis is approximately horizontal, and the weld face lies in an approximately horizontal plane . 10 O COfYPJGHT 20061 CWB If.ARNING CENTRE use ~ LEARNINGCENTRE flux A material used to hinder or prevent the formation of oxides and other undesirable substances in molten metal and on solid metal surfaces , and to dissolve or otherwise facilitate the removal of such substances , friction speed The relative velocity of the workpieces at the time of initial contact. (friction welding) friction upset distance The decrease in length of work pieces during the time of friction welding force application, fused flux A granular flux produced by mixing the ingredients followed by melting, cooling to the solid state and processing to produce the desired particle size , (submerged arc welding) fusion (fusion welding) The melting together of filler metal and base metal, or base metal only, to produce a weld, heat-affected zone The portion of the base metal whose mechanical properties or microstructure have been altered by the heat of welding, brazing, soldering or thermal cutting, (HAZ) horizontal welding position (fillet weld) horizontal welding position (groove weld) The welding position in which the weld is on the upper side of an approximately horizontal surface and against an approximately vertical surface, The welding position in which the weld face lies in an approximately vertical plane and the weld axis at the point of welding is approximately horizontal. incomplete fusion (IF) A weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur between the weld metal and fusion faces or adjoining weld beads, inert gas A gas that normally does not combine chemically with materials, joint design The shape, dimensions and configuration of the joint. joint geometry The shape, dimensions and configuration of the joint prior to welding, joint penetration The distance the weld metal extends from the weld face into a jOint, exclusive of the weld reinforcement. 11 © COI'YRtGl-IT 10061 CV\IB lEARNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE keyhole welding A technique in which a concentrated heat source penetrates partially or completely through a workpiece, forming a hole (keyhole) at the leading edge of the weld pool. As the heat source progresses, the molten metal fills in behind the hole to form the weld bead. laser A device that produces a concentrated coherant light beam by stimulated electronic or molecular transitions to lower energy levels. Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emmission of radiation. manual welding Welding with the torch, gun or electrode holder held and manipulated by hand. mechanized welding Welding with equipment that requires manual adjustment of the equipment controls in response to visual observation of the welding, with the torch, gun or electrode holder held by a mechanized device. melting rate. The weight or length of electrode, wire, rod or powder melted in a unit of time. neutral flux A flux formulated to produce a weld metal composition that is not dependent on the weld ing parameters, especially arc voltage . (submerged arc welding) nonconsumable electrode An electrode that does not provide filler metal. nontransferred arc An arc established between the electrode and the constricting nozzle of the plasma arc torch or thermal spaying gun . The workpiece is not in the electrical circuit. open circuit voltage The voltage between the output terminals of the power source when no current is flowing to the torch or gun. orifice gas The gas that is directed into the plasma arc torch or thermal spraying gun to surround the electrode. It becomes ionized in the arc to form the arc plasma and issues from the constricting orifice of the nozzle as a plasma jet. overhead welding position The welding position in which welding is performed from the underside of the joint. 12 () cOPYRIGHT 20061 CWSlEAAN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE partial joint penetration weld A groove weld in which incomplete joint penetration exists. platen A member with a substantially flat surface to which dies, fixtures, backups or electrode holders are attached and that transmit the electrode force or upset force. One platen usually is fixed and the other moveable. (res is lance welding) porosity Cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment during solidification or in a thermal spray deposit. root face The portion of the groove face within the joint root. semi-automatic welding Manual welding with equipment that automatically controls one or more of the welding conditions. shielding gas Protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination. slag A nonmetallic product resulting from the mutual dissolution of flux and nonmetallic impurities in some welding and brazing processes. slope Quantitative measure of the incline of the power source voltampere cu rve . surface tension Force at the surface of liquid that tries to reduce its surface area and prevents area and prevents it from wetting the solid that it is in contact with. surfacing The application by welding, brazing or thermal spraying, of a layer or layers of material, to a surface to obtain desirable properties or dimensions, as opposed to making a joint. thermit crucible A container or a vessel in which the thermite reaction takes place. thermit mixture A mixture of metal oxide and finely divided aluminum with the addition of alloying metals as required . thermit mold A mold formed around the workpieces to receive molten metal. transferred arc A plasma arc established between the electrode of the plasma arc torch and the workpiece. 13 «J COPYRlGKT 2006 1CWB l EMNING CENTRe ~ LEARNING CENTRE travel angle The angle less than 90· between the electrode axis and a line perpendicular to the weld axis, in a plane determined by the electrode axis and the weld axis. undercut A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal. volt-ampere curve A graphical representation of the voltage - current relationship for a given power source when a steady load is placed on it. welding head The part of a welding machine in which a welding gun or torch is incorporated . welding leads The workpiece lead and electrode lead of an arc welding circuit. welding procedure The detailed methods and practices involved in the production of a weldment. welding procedure qualification record A record of welding variables used to produ ce an acceptable test weldment and the results of tests conducted on the weldment to qualify a welding procedure specification. (WPQR) weld metal Metal in a fusion weld consisting of that portion of the base metal and filler metal melted during welding. weld pool The localized volume of molten metal in a weld prior to its solidification as weld metal. weld reinforcement Weld metal in excess of the quantity required to fill a joint. weld root The points shown in cross section, at which the weld metal intersects the base metal and extends furthest into the weld joint. wefting The phenomenon wherby a liquid filler metal or flux spreads and adheres in a thin continuous layer on a solid base metal. wire feed speed The rate at which wire is consumed in arc cutting, thermal spraying or welding. work angle The angle less than 90· between a line perpendicular to the major workpiece and the weld axis. In a T-joint or corner joint, the line is perpendicular to the nona butting member. workpiece The part that is welded, brazed soldered, thermal cut or thermal sprayed. 14 © cOPYRIGHT 2006 \ CWS l EAANING CENTRE ~ 1.3 LEARNING CENTRE Grouping of Welding Processes There are many ways in which welding processes may be grouped and different countries have adopted various ways to classify them based on the application of heat, with or without external pressure, type of energy involved (mechanical, electrothermic, thermochemical) etc. The American Welding Society (AWS) groups welding processes based primarily on the mode of energy transfer, and secondarily on the influence of capillary action in effecting distribution of filler metal in the joint (as in brazing and soldering). AWS defines welding as, "a joining process that produces coalescence (i.e., growing together) of materials by heating them to the welding temperature, with or without the application of pressure or by the application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler material". In the AWS approach, welding processes are grouped into the following major categories: Arc welding (AW) ,.."oS f G 0,.,. rv--" "'Solid state welding (SSW) Resistance welding (RW) Oxyfuel gas welding (OFW) Soldering (S) Brazing (B) Other welding Allied processes (such as cutting, thermal spraying) Arc welding processes are, by far, the most commonly used in the welding industry and are, therefore, the main focus in this module. However, arc welding involves melting and most metals, when melted in air, become contaminated with oxides and nitrides through contact with the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. This contamination may result in a poor quality weld. Most arc welding processes have some means of shielding (protecting) the molten metal from the air or some other means of removing the harmful effects of oxygen and nitrogen. The two main methods of arc shielding are: Flux shielding Gas shielding Most of the arc welding processes are distinguished principally by the method of shielding or the way in which it is applied. The exact selection of an arc welding process for a particular application involves several considerations including: Is the process suitable for welding the metal or alloy involved? In the required thickness and position? 15 © COP'fRlGHT 2006 1ONB LEARN,NG CENTRE <!> LEARNINGCENTRE Would the welded joint have the required quality and physical (mechanical, corrosion) properties? Is it the most economical of the available choices? Are the equipment and skilled welders available for the chosen process? 1.4 The Welding Arc Most metals and alloys conduct electricity at room temperature due to the presence of free electrons. A considerable amount of heat can be produced due to the flow of the current in a circuit. Typical examples of this heating effect, also called resistance heating, are tungsten filament bulbs and heating coils in ovens. If sufficient energy is applied to a gas it can become conductive. When sufficient voltage is applied to a gas it can be ionized - changed into . positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. The electrons move in response to the applied voltage to produce a current flow and this movement of electrons allows the initiation of an arc. In comparison, gases like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. do not conduct any electricity at room temperature. The current flow causes resistance heating in the gas which promotes its further ionization and increasing current flow. As long as the voltage source is able to supply the necessary voltage and the current needed by the arc, it can be sustained in a stable manner and used for welding applications. Based on the above prinCiple, a conventional arc is formed between two non-consumable electrodes in a gas or gaseous medium when an appropriate voltage depending on the electrode material and gas phase is applied to the electrodes. As seen in Figure 1.1 , one of the two electrodes forms a positive terminal of the electrica l circuit and is called the anode; the negative terminal of the circuit is ca lled the cathode. When an arc is created, electrons are emitted from the cathode and transferred to the anode through the ionized gas in between. Flow of electrons is the same thing as flow of current or electricity. 16 © COPYRIGHT 2006 J CWB lEAAN r-..'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE I· Potential Drop /7 - to ()O'h . _ +++++++++ ~ ~ + ,---1 --::::::--;:::: Anode -;::::....- ~- - ~ - ", Cathode Electron Flow ~ ~ ~ I~ + - 01------------' Power Supply Current Figure 1.1: An Arc between Two Electrodes A welding arc is formed when a fairly high current (10 to 2000 A) is forced to flow across a gap between two electrodes at relatively low voltage (10 to 50 V). A welding arc is intensely hot with temperatures exceeding 30000°C (see Figure 1.2) and forms a concentrated heat source suitable for melting most metals rapidly. The intense heat of the welding arc causes the filler metal to melt and when added to the locally hot melted workpiece, it forms the weld fusion zone. Its subsequent freezing (solidification) produces the bond (weld) between the workpieces. Arc welding processes do not require application of pressure to cause fusion. Tungsten Cathode 200 A 12.1 V l----- 2420 W 18x 10'C 'V~I-I-u.:~---- 16 x 10' C 5 mm (0.2 in) -L-I~~~.........- 15x 10'C 14x10' C 13x 10'C 12x10'C 11x10'C 10x 10' C Figure 1.2: Temperature Distribution in a 200 A Arc in Argon. (from AWS Welding Handbook, Vol. I) 17 © COP'l'R1GHT 2006 1CWB LEAAN,NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE In welding, the arc may be established between an electrode and th e workpiece, or between two electrodes. In the latter case (for example, series arc submerged arc welding), the arc would be positioned close to the work pieces being welded, but the electric current would not be passing through the workpiece. When the workpiece is one of the electrodes of the electrical circuit, the other electrode may be consumable or nonconsumable. A consumable electrode is designed to melt and add filler material to the weld joint (SMAW, FCAW, GMAW, SAW processes). The tungsten electrode in gas tungsten arc welding is a nonconsumable electrode. When no additional filler metal is added during the welding operation, as may be the case in gas tungsten arc or electron beam welding, the weld produced is called an autogenous weld. :::I~---I 3 Phase6000V~:O:~lIfornnerl~----~ Tr Welding Power 250A 29V Figure 1.3: Transforming Electrical Power The electric current for welding is provided by a "power source" which draws high voltage electric power from the main transformer and converts it into higher current and lower voltage values suitable for welding (Figure 1.3). Power sources are broadly classified as constant current or constant voltage type, and the static volt-ampere output characteristics for these two types of power sources are shown in Figure 1.4. 18 (0 COP'YfUGHT 20061 CWB lEARN'NG CENTRE ~2 LEARNING CENTRE ____ Open Circuit 80 ~~ Voltage (OCV) ~"", ..... ..... .... ' ......... .... \'''''' \ " '" ,/constant Current (CC) , " " .... \. \\ Voltage (Volts) .... " .... " " " " Open Circuit ", Voltage (OCV) \ '" " Constant Voltage ',(CV) ' ~~~~~~\~--~'~~'~~~~~-50 ~ ' \ ' .. Welding Current (Amps) Figure 1.4: Characteristic Volt-Ampere Curve for Welding Power Sources Arc Efficiency The welding arc provides the intense heat needed to locally melt the workpiece and the filler metal. In fact, all the electrical energy supplied by the power source is converted into heat (current x voltage). Some energy is lost in the electrical leads, and therefore the energy available for welding is the product of the current (I) and voltage drop between the electrode where the current enters it and the weld pool (V). For example, with 400 A current and 25 V drop from the contact tip to the weld pool , the arc energy is 10,000 Joules/second. This arc energy is partly used up in heating the electrode, melting the consumable electrode or the separately added filler metal in nonconsumable electrode process, and heating and locally melting the workpiece. The rest of the heat is lost by conduction, convection, radiation, spatter etc .. The proportion of the energy that is available to melt the electrode/filler metal and the workpiece is termed the ~rc efficiency,- 19 © COPYRlGKT 20061 CWB l EAANING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The arc efficiency for some of the commonly used arc welding processes is: Submerged arc welding Shielded metal arc, gas metal and flux cored arc welding: Gas tungsten arc welding 90 to 95% 65 to 85% 20 to 45% As will be seen later, the arc in submerged arc welding is under a flux cover and therefore heat loss to the surrounding atmosphere is minimized. In gas tungsten arc welding, some energy is used up in heating the nonconsumable electrode and does not contribute to melting of base metal or filler metal. Other open arc processes (SMAW, GMAW, FCAW) have arc efficiency in the middle range with values for GMAW being at the high end of the range and that for SMAW in the lower end of the range. For a given process, factors like welding in a deep groove, arc length, etc. also influence the arc efficiency. Higher arc efficiency usually means that for a given arc energy, a greater amount of weld metal is deposited and the workpiece cools at a comparatively slower rate. Voltage Distribution along the Arc In any welding set up, there is a continuous drop in voltage from the lower most point of contact between the contact tip and the wire, to the molten weld pool or the workpiece. Figure 1.5 schematically shows that this voltage drop occurs in four steps. contact~ Tube '" I Electrode Extension ____________l ___ _ -----rl ::hOde Drop Zone Cathode Spot __.I TAnode Drop Zone Anode _ Spot _ _J Figure 1.5: Voltage Drop in the Region of the Welding Arc 20 ({) COPYRIGHT 2006 1ewe lEARNING CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE First, there is a drop in voltage over the electrode extension, that is the length of electrode between the point of electrical contact with the contact tip, and its melting tip, also called cathode spot for the current flow direction shown in the sketch. The magnitude of this voltage drop depends on the electrode extension and the wire diameter as well as the current; longer electrode extension, smaller wire diameter and higher current, all increase the voltage drop over the electrode extension length. The voltage drop over the arc length, that is the distance between the cathode spot and the anode spot (molten weld pool surface in Figure 1.5) takes place in three steps. Right next to the anode and cathode spots are small thin, gaseous regions called the anode drop zone and cathode drop zone, respectively, and over these zones there can be a significant drop in voltage, in the range 1 to 12 V depending on the electrode material. Direction of Electron Flow Magnetic Field \ \ .". ~~~.::: ".... .. ...... .................... - ..... : :~:.~ ~: :, _ ............... . .......... ..... . ... . .... .... -, ' " ....... ................... . :::: .. ....... . ......... ..... -.... - , .... --_.- .......... . :::: ........ .... ........ .. . .... . , ,_ ........ - .- ..... ~~::::) Electrical Conductor Figure 1.6: Magnetic Field Surrounding a Current Carrying Conductor In between the two drop zones, there is the arc column with a relatively small drop in voltage, of the order of 1 to 2 V per centimetre length of the arc column. There is a jet like flow of the ionized gases in the arc column which gives it some stiffness and force (resistance to deflection). Th is enables the welder to manipulate the gun and direct the molten metal to be deposited at the desired location in the weld joint. Shorter arcs have greater stiffness than longer arcs. 21 @COP'(RlGHT2006ICWBlEARNINGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE \ o~er ""\-<- c<.'c- - "': 0:."'.ex ~~ ..:Jo\"'''5e.-- 11M'? ' ~oe s de ...J(\ Arc length is a critical and controllable parameter, which is directly related to the arc voltage . Arc voltage depends on the space between electrodes as well as electrode composition , diameter and extension , shielding gas composition , base metal thickness, joint design, welding position , etc. The voltage, measured at the power supply, is greater than the arc voltage. Output voltage represents the sum of arc voltage and the voltage drop in the remaining part of the electrical circuit. The longer the electrical cables the greater will be the difference between the voltage read at the power supply gauge and the actual arc voltage. Magnetic Field Associated with a Welding Arc When an electric current passes through a conductor a magnetic field is created which surrounds the conductor (Figure 1.6). Unless this magnetic field is balanced in all directions, the welding arc will tend to be deflected from its normal axial orientation in line with the electrode. This phenomenon is called arc blow. It is more likely to be present during welding of magnetic materials (steels) and can cause incomplete fusion types of flaws in welds. Some degree of imbalance in the magnetic field is always present. The path of the magnetic flux in the workpiece is continuous behind the arc and discontinuous ahead , due to the change in the direction of the current as it goes from workpiece to electrode (Figure 1.7). Since a shorter arc is more stiff, it is also less susceptible to arc blow. Magnetic "'Field '" Work Piece Lead Unwelded Joint Path of Current Figure 1,7: Imbalance in the Magnetic Field due to Change in the Direction of Current and Part Unwelded Joint 22 () COFYRlGHT 20061 CWBlfARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The magnetic field introduced by the cu rrent flowing in the electrode also plays a role in metal transfer. When the tip of the electrode melts, there are several forces that act at the molten tip . These include surface tension, gravity, plasma jet and electromagnetic pinch force. Surface tension tends to prevent the detachment of the liquid drop at the electrode tip, irrespective of the welding position . Gravity supports droplet detachment when welding in the flat (down hand) position and attempts to prevent it in the overhead position. The plasma jet in most situations tries to detach and propel the molten drop across the arc column to the work piece. The electromagnetic pinch force helps in the process of detaching the molten metal drops from the electrode tip . Generally, when there is some necking between the molten tip and the unmelted electrode, the magnetic field introduces a pinch force acting in both directions away from the neck (Figure 1.8). This helps to separate the drop from the electrode. Since th is pinch force increases as the square of the current, smaller and sma ller drops are detached as the curre nt increases. Magnetic Field'\.... ........ . I- Anode(+) ~L.J....~ _~~...J X ( ~ , \ ''\ M '-' I Cathode H <... _-- .... > ) Pinch force Aiding •.... . ................ . .... ............... ....... ....... . ... ::~ ........ ..;::::..... ..... . ........ ................. .. ::~ ........ ..;::::- Drop Detachment / Pinch Effect Figure 1.8: Detachment of Molten Metal Drop Due to Pinch Force Effect of Polarity The electric current used in a welding arc may be either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). Direct current flows constantly in one direction. Alternating current is continually changing direction. When direct current is used for welding, the welding electrode (consumable or nonconsumable) can be the positive pole or negative pole in the electrical circuit. The workpiece will have the opposite polarity. These two arrangements for current flow are called DC electrode positive (DCEP) and DC electrode negative (DCEN), respectively (Figure 1.9). The type of current selected and its polarity can have a significant influence on the shape of the weld bead. 23 () COPYRIGHr 20061 C'v'I8lEARNNG CENTRE (~) LEARNING CENTRE Anode (+) Eleclrode~ 1/ + Calhode (-) Eleclrode~ Contact Tube Contact Tube """"'I " Electron Flow Power Source Power Source + Anode (+) DC EN Figure 1.9: DCEP and DCEN Arrangements for Electrical Leads For example, in gas tungsten arc welding, a nonconsumable electrode welding process, direct current electrode negative (DCEN) is the polarity used most often. Electrons are easily emitted from the tungsten electrode (cathode) . When the electrons travel through the arc they accelerate to very high speed. About 70% of the arc heat is released at the workpiece (anode or positive pole) due to electrons striking the surface at high speed. This produces a weld bead with greater penetration. When the polarity is reversed (DCEP) the workpiece becomes the cathode . The weld pool cannot easily emit electrons because the molten pool is at a much lower temperature than the tungsten and will resist the release of electrons. While DeEP is helpful in cleaning the weld pool by removing the oxides, about 70% of the arc heat is now generated at the electrode (anode). This reduces the life of the tungsten electrode and the weld bead has reduced penetration. The use of alternating current provides arc characteristics that are average of those for DCEN and DCEP (Figure 1.10). 24 () COPYRJGHT 2006 1C'NB LEARNING CENTRE <§> LEARNINGCENTRE Current Type Electrode Polarity DC EN DCEP AC (batanced Negative Positive Work End: 70% Electrode End: 30% Work End: 30% Electrode End: 70% Electrode End: 50% Deep, Narrow Shallow, Wide Medium Electron and Ion Flow Penetration Characteristics Heat Balance in The Arc (approx.) Penetration Work End: 50% II/ "o.+e~!cOx Figure 1.10: Effect of Current Type and Polarity in GTA Welding (from AWS Handbook, Vol. 2) fj ..... I'=-. c(e.",-\'e.. The heat balance in consumable electrode processes differs from that in tungsten arcs. Thus, a greater amount of heat is generated at the cathode rather than the anode. When using the gas metal arc process, direct current electrode positive is the polarity of choice as it leads to greater heat generation at the workpiece (cathode) and therefore greater penelration. Conversely, DCEN polarity produces more heat at the electrode (cathode), and therefore increases the electrode melt-off rate and reduces penetration. Effect of Electrode Extension (Stickout) When an electric current flows through a conductor, a certain amount of heat is generated due to the current having to overcome the electrical resistance of the cond uctor. This is called resistance heating and it is proportional to I'R where I is the current and R is conductor resistance. The resistance, R, increases with the length of the conductor and decreases as the diameter increases. In continuous wire consumable electrode welding, the electrode extension represents an electrical conductor through which a fairly high welding current passes. When the electrode extension is increased, its resistance increases and therefore the magnitude of resistance heating also increases. As a result, for the same welding current, Ihe consumable wire me lis at a faster rate and thus increases the deposition rate for the same arc energy. However, this heating effect means that less heat is available to heat and mell the workpiece. Consequently, 25 © COf'YRlGHT 10061 CW8 LEARN J\,'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE penetration is reduced and the risk of incomplete fusion type of flaws is increased . Also, due to an increase in voltage drop over a longer electro'de extension, a higher voltage setting is usually needed to maintain a constant arc length as with the shorter electrode extension. The effect of electrode extension for individual arc welding processes is addressed later. Hydrogen in Weld Metals Invariably, there is some amount of hydrogen present in the solidified and cooled weld zone. This hydrogen is introduced by the arc heat breaking down the moisture present in and around the welding arc. Possible sources of this moisture include the electrode covering, flux, shielding gas, atmospheric humidity and condensation on the work pieces. When welding steels, absorbed hydrogen can cause cracking . Therefore, in welding carbon and low alloy steels, martensitic stainless steels, etc., an important consideration in selecting the welding process and filler metals is the amount of hydrogen that might be introduced in the weld zone . Non-ferrous materials react differently to hydrogen. Figure 1.11 shows the typical range for weld metal hydrogen content for different processes and filler metals. The gas metal arc and gas tungsten arc welding processes generally introduce the least amount of hydrogen since welding grade shielding gases have a low dew point « -40oC) and therefore little moisture. For the remaining processes, the amount of hydrogen introduced depends on the manufacturing process details and type of flux or electrode covering. Very low hydrogen Low hydrogen Non-hydrogen controlled Non-hydrogen controlled SMAW !~ • 5 10 15 20 25 Weld metal hydrogen content, mll1 00 9 of deposited metal Figure 1.11: Range of Weld Metal Hydrogen Levels for a variety of Welding Processes (after Coe) 26 €I COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB l£AAN'NG CENTRE 30 ~ 1.5 LEARN,NG CENTRE Health and Safety Like most manufacturing and fabrication processes, the welding operation presents various hazards to the health and safety of the welder and personnel working near a welding operation. These hazards include: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Electrical shock Arc radiation Smoke and fumes Compressed gases Other hazards related to specific processes, locations, etc. These hazards are well recognized and when proper precautions are taken, welding is a safe operation. It is therefore extremely important that before performing any welding operation, the operator be fully aware of these precautions as well as be knowledgeable about the equipment to be used and its operation. The reader is referred to Module 1 for detailed guidance on the health and safety aspects of welding, and it is strongly urged to have the knowledge therein before performing any welding. With the above introduction to welding processes, the following sections describe arc welding and other selected welding processes in greater detail. 27 @ COf'YRIGKT 2006 I CWBlEARNINGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 28 C> COP"l'R1GHT 20061 CWB LfARNNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 2 GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Principles of Operation .... . . ... . . ... .. ...... .. ......... . ........ . ..... 30 Current and Equipment .... .... . . . . .... .. . .....• •. ...... . . . . ......... .. 31 Welding Consumables .. ... ... . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . ••...... . . ............. 37 Applications and Limitations ... . •.........•. . .. . . ... . ..... . . ........... .42 Joint Design ........ . . . .. . .......... .. .. ... .. .. . ....... .•• .... . . ... .43 Arc Ignition (Starting the Arc) .. . ... ..... . . ..... .. •... . ..... ..•. .... . ... .44 Welder Technique . ...... ... . ................ . .. ... . . . .. .. . ...... . ... .45 Weld Quality .... . .. . ...... . . ... .. ... . . ....... . ... . .. ... ..• . . . ...... .47 29 @COPVRlGHT2006IONBlEARN1NGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 2. GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) 2.1 Principles of Operation Gas tu ngsten arc welding is a 'non-consumable electrode' arc welding process. As seen in the schematic sketch in Figure 2.1, the electric arc is established between the workpiece and a tungsten electrode which does not melt during the welding operation . The liquid weld pool, surrounding area and the tungsten itself are protected from the atmosphere by a blanket of inert gas. Inert gases, such as helium and argon do not engage in chemical reactions in the arc or with the molten weld metal. The most common inert gas used is argon. Active gases such as hydrogen are occasionally added to shielding gases used in the GTAW process. If no filler metal is added, the weld formed is called an autogenous weld and is common when thin materials are welded. For thicker materials, it becomes necessary to add filler material, however, it does not form a part of the main welding circuit. The molten filler metal is not transferred across the arc, rather, the arc heat simply melts and adds it to the weld pool. 0000 r Travel - Current Conductor Shielding Gas In Gas Nozzle Tungsten Electrode -- ?~----l7-+: I ~:~::fied Metal Figure 2.1: Schematic Sketch of the GTAW Process 30 © COP'fRIGHT lOO6! CWB lEAANlf\.'G CENTRE Weld ~ 2.2 LEARNING CENTRE Current and Equipment Current and Power Sources The welding circuit for GTA welding is shown in Figure 2.2. and its two main components are the power source with appropriate controls and a torch. The power sources used for GTAW are invariably constant current (see Figure 1.4). Transformer-rectifier type power sources are the most common. With recent advances in power source technology, inverters are now commonly used for GTAW. The 'constant current' characteristic of the power source helps to maintain a nearly constant welding current even if the voltage (or arc length) changes in the manual application of the process. Cooling Water Supply (may be deleted if torch cooled by gas) Inert Gas Supply GTAW Torch" 00 0 Filler Metal ~ Base Metal 0:0 "~--=:~,,,,-~/jtR~~==='in 00 Power 00 1-+++,,-; Foot Pedal (optional) Water Drain Source Gas orHeatt~==§EI~e~ct~ro~d~e~L~e~ad~==~ Exchanger Work Lead Figure 2.2: Circuit Diagram for GTAW Both alternating current and direct current of either polarity can be used depending on the application (see Figure 1.9). When direct current electrode positive polarity is used, a cathodic cleaning action takes place at the workpiece. This is most important in the welding of aluminum and magnesium alloys. The cleaning action removes the refractory aluminum or magnesium oxides formed at the workpiece surface. The heat produced at the electrode is very high, (see Figure 1.10) reducing the tungsten electrode life or requiring the use of a larger diameter electrode. Also, the penetration is relatively limited and therefore DeEP is used principally for welding of thin aluminum only, and for surfacing applications to limit melting of the base metal. 31 © COPYRIGHT 2C()61 CWB LEARNING CENTRE ~ [ LEARNING CENTRE Direct current electrode negative polarity is chosen most often for welding materials such as steels, titanium, copper, beryllium, etc. and also thick section aluminum since th is arrangemen t produces more heat at the workpiece and therefore provides deeper weld penetration (see Figure 1.10). Jf'Figure 2.3: Transformer/Rectifier Power Sources for GTAW f -f Fig 2.4: Inverter Type Power Source for Direct Current GTAW 32 © COPYRIGHT 21Xl6! CWBlEARN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Pulsing the dc current, as in Figure 2.5, between a peak value and a background current at 0.5 to 20 Hz considerably expands the application of the process. Some of the advantages of pulsed DCEN welding include reduced heat input and lower distortion while achieving good penetration and fusion, and the ability to (i) weld materials of different thickness, (ii) weld in all positions and (iii) weld over gaps. Using a higher frequency (approx. 20 kHz) in pulsed GTAW gives a very stiff and stable arc even if the average current is quite low. High frequency GTA welding is useful in automatic applications or applications requiring a high degree of precision. However, the power sources can be quite noisy depending on the exact frequency range. PUISeTime r r ' 11 4 H Cycle Time [ Current, A EI D r- I-- r- L....- .:.. L-- Time Peak Pulse Current ,.... r Background Current L...- DDO¢ Figure 2.5: CurrentlTime Relationship for Pulsed Current GTAW Alternating current is used when the advantages of DC EN polarity as well as the cleaning action of DCEP polarity are needed. As indicated in Figure 1.10, alternating current provides penetration and cleaning action that are a compromise between DCEP and DCEN. There are problems in the use of normal 60 Hz alternating current. Essentially, it can be visualized as switching between DCEP and DCEN, 120 times a second and going through an arc extinction/re-ignition step each time the polarity changes and current goes through zero as shown in Figure 2.6(a). When the polarity changes from DCEP to DCEN, the tungsten electrode is able to immediately emit electrons and reignite the arc. However, when the polarity changes next from DCEN to DCEP, the weld pool is not able to emit electrons as effectively due to its temperature and the presence of oxides . This leads to a delay in reignition of the arc which creates an unstable arc. This phenomenon is called partial rectification. 33 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB LEARNiNG CENTRE (~) LEARNING CENTRE DCEP Current .' .'.' - DCEN Time Detay Figure 2.6(a): Partial Rectification in AC Welding r Unbalanced Wave DCEP Current DCEN Figure 2.6(b): Inherent Rectification in AC Welding This problem was initially addressed by adding a high frequency generator to maintain a conductive (ionized) path while current flow changes direction. The next generation of power supplies were designed to supply a square wave output. Electronic switching is used to change very rapidly from the electrode negative to the electrode positive half of the cycle so that the time at low power is even shorter. The newest generation of power sources use an additional power supply within the main power source enclosure to deliver an accurately timed second output that is opposite in polarity to the main output, thereby virtually eliminating the time at zero power. While the above described approaches increase arc stability, the welding current is higher in the DCEN half cycle because the tungsten electrode, due to its high temperature, emits electrons at a very high rate as shown in Figure 2.6(b). In the DCEP half cycle, as noted earlier, the electrons are not emitted as effectively and therefore the current is lower. The resulting imbalance in the current amplitude wave is called inherent rectification. Modern day electronic power sources are able to correct and control the imbalance in the wave since in certain applications, one can emphasize the cleaning action or the penetration by setting the imbalance at a specific acceptable level as shown in Figure 2.7. 34 © COP'I'RIGHf 2O()f, I CWB LEAAN I'\'G CENTRf ~ LEARNING CENTRE Balanced Wave AC Balance 2;®,a o More Heat Into Workpiece - Electrode - 35% Positive Electrode Negative 65% Greatest Cleaning Action Ele ctrode Positive ---- o 10 Max. Penetration ..... 55% Elect(ode Negative 2:@.a - .... 10 Balanced 23~7a 1~9 45% o 10 Max. Cleaning Figure 2.7: AC Balance Control for Desired Weld Features GTAWTorch The GTAW torch conducts the electric current from the power source to the tungsten electrode and the arc, and also provides the shielding gas to protect the weld zone from atmospheric contamination. The torch may be gas cooled if its current carrying capacity is typically less than 200 A, or water cooled for higher currents . A cross section of a water cooled torch is shown in Figure 2.8. In a conventional torch , the flow of the shielding gas at a short distance after exiting the nozzle can become quite turbulent leading to ineffective gas shielding of the weld zone. Some nozzles are specially designed (internal streamlining, flared ends, elongated trailing section) to counter thi s, however, the use of a gas lens to provide laminar gas flow is the most effective. A gas lens is made up of multiple layers of fine mesh screening and is designed to fit around the tungsten electrode or the collet as seen in Figure 2.9. By providing a longer region of uniform gas flow, the gas lens allows the welder to use a larger nozzle-to-work distance and thus have a better view of the weld pool. Gas lenses are most appropriate for welding of reactive metals and materials for service in severe corrosion environments. 35 © COPYfUGHT 20061 CWBlEAR.N NG CENTRE @ LEARN,NG CENTRE r Shlelding·Gas Outlet , {Low Vetoerty) J / f I ,- ,~Co~et / ,- I edlet Hdder r- Collet Nut I :" ,r - T()(ch { Cap / ' .r"" ! ~" -- ... ---L J- 0;£Eb:>-- -' --" ~ ~;~ ~ -- '" ="-"-:J" ,':=:::;J T.:::~:.::::.: -', .~. . ~~-~-L- .~ , ,I -; '·L,WA \ 1. ',--- Nozzle \. ~; f ---~~~ /. C'L... ~ j 'I III . _I. .-+ t', I,~\ "'" " ".'\\ \ ~ \, \ \ \ ' - - Tungsten EIBCtrode \~ y",' ( \ Handle r .... \3>: ':~" _~\' ','," '~ " :.., '"' ,'_ - Water- Discharge Hose _ Cooling-WatH ,, ~(~~ :~ ';~~ ~'~~'( '.- :~ \, ~,~ .. , \ ~\\ '. ,-,,\~'., ~.... \ ":""\ . ';':."' /11 '< , 'Cooling Water Inlel. - - "-'lIcl PONcrCable I Shieldng-Gas Inlel - ' Figure 2.8: Schematic Cross-section of a Water Cooled GTAW Torch Collet Gas Streaming Patterns Collet Body Insulator Gas Cup ~ Gas Lens Integral with Collet Body / -- Torch with Gas Lens Electrode Figure 2.9: A Torch With a Gas Lens 36 © CQPrRlGHT 20061 GVB LEARNING CENTRE ~ 2.3 LEARNINGCENTRE Welding Consumables Tungsten Electrodes Tungsten electrodes are available with diameters ranging from 0.5 to 6.4 mm, and AWS Standard A5.12 makes provision for seven types of tungsten alloys for use as electrodes in the GTAW process. These alloys along with their AWS classification and application are shown in Table 2.1 . Table 2.1: Tungsten alloys for GTAW Alloy Pure tungsten (W) W - 1% thorium oxide W - 2% thorium oxide W - 0.25% zirconium oxide W - 2% cerium oxide W - 1% lanthanum oxide 94 .5% W, remainder specified by manufacturer Application AWS Classification AC & DC welding DC welding DC weldinQ AC welding AC & DC welding DC welding Specified by manufacturer EWP EWTh-1 EWTh-2 EWZr-1 EWCe-2 EWLa-1 EWG COlour Code Green Yellow Red Brown Orange Black Grey In general, alloyed tungsten electrodes have a higher current carrying capacity. At a given current density, alloy electrodes operate at a lower temperature than do pure tungsten eleclrodes . Also, the alloyed electrodes provide greater arc stability, easier arc starting and less weld metal contamination due to erosion of the tungsten electrode. The choice of the type and size of tungsten electrode for an application depends on the operating current and current type as shown in Table 2.2. 37 © COPYRIGHT 2C061 ewe LEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Table 2.2: Typical Current Ranges for Tungsten Electrodes of Different Diameters Electrode Dia. (mm) 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 DCEN (EWX-X) 70 - 150 150 - 250 250 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 750 750 - 1000 DCEP (E'M<-X) 10 - 20 15 - 30 25 - 40 40 - 55 55 - 80 80 - 125 AC Unbalanced W<Ne AC Balanced W<Ne EWP EWX-X EWP EWX-X 50 - 100 100-160 150 - 200 200 - 275 250 - 350 325 - 450 70 - 150 140 - 235 225 - 325 300 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 630 30 - 80 60 - 130 100-180 160 - 240 190 - 300 250 - 400 60 - 120 100 - 180 160 - 250 200 - 320 290 - 390 340 - 525 Excessive current causes electrode erosion, ("spitting" tungsten droplets across the arc) causing contamination of the weld metal. At very low current the arc will wander erratically at the electrode tip and will be difficult to control. An electrode diameter should be chosen to operate near the higher end of its current carrying capacity, without overheating. Aluminum and magnesium are usually welded with alternating current. A variety of electrodes can be used . Pure tungsten electrodes are quite common . The ends of pure tungsten electrodes always melt, forming a ball equal to or even larger than the original tungsten diameter. It is common to melt the end into a ball before use. This can be achieved by striking an arc on a piece of scrap or a copper block using AC or DCEP polarity. Large balls have a defocussing effect making it more difficult to make sound fillet welds in aluminum. To solve this, alloyed electrodes, which can be pointed, are increasingly in use. A few of the alloyed electrodes are used for AC welding. Electrodes with thoria (EWTh-1 or EWTh-2) additions can split when used with AC at high current levels and therefore are usually avoided. Since relatively high heat is developed at the electrode with AC, pointed electrodes can melt easily. The size of the hemisphere for alloyed electrodes should not exceed the electrode diameter as it may detach. The retention of a smaller ball is promoted through the selection of a larger diameter electrode and pOinting it. See Figure 2.10. The result is a smaller ball can be formed. 2,4mm Diameter 'Balled' Tungsten Figure 2.10: Tungsten Preparation for Aluminum Welding (Balled Tungsten) 38 O COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB lEAANlNG CENTRE Sharpened ~ LEARNING CENTRE Gas tungsten arc welding power sources are available with 'AC Balance ' control enabling the operator to adjust the heat released at the electrode during the electrode positive half of the cycle. This adjustment allows the use of pointed alloy tungsten electrodes without forming a "balled" end. Figure 2.10 describes the method of preparing a tungsten for welding aluminium and other metals which form a high temperature oxide , when using a conventional transformer/rectifier power supply. Inverter based power supplies are available which allow the use of a sharpened alloyed tungsten without a balled end. See Figure 2.11 for details of blunted end geometry used with inverters. Transistorized switching to create alternating current from direct current provides control over AC frequency. As the welding current frequency rises above 60 cycles per second, the arc begins to focus on the end of the electrode increasing penetration and control of the arc. Alloyed tungsten electrodes EWCe-2 and EWLa-1 are most commonly recommended . (See Module 5 for details of power supply operation .) Gas tungsten arc welding of steels and nickel alloys is performed using direct current, electrode negative polarity. The tip of the electrode is ground to the shape of a cone, with a smaller vertex angle for thin workpieces and larger vertex angle for thicker workpieces, and Figure 2.11 shows the recommended vertex angles for manual welding. The vertex angle can have a significant effect on the weld bead shape at high currents as shown in Figure 2.12, and therefore for mechanized applications involving high currents, close attention should be paid to the vertex angle for consistent results. The ground, tapered ends of tungsten electrodes can become contaminated with embedded metal particles if grinding stones or disks have been used for other purposes. To prevent this from occurring , grinders should be designated "Tungsten Electrodes Only". Figure 2.13 shows the recommended technique for grinding tungsten electrodes. End Blunted After Grinding to Reduce the Possibility of Tungsten Inclusion 2" d for Thinner Materials (22°) 1/'2 d for Heavier Materials (56°) ? 22° _ _--,1/32 t Vertex Angle Figure 2.11: Recommended Tungsten Electrode Tip Geometry for Manual Welding 39 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1ONB LEARNiNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE v v Weld Widlh (W) Penetration (P) 100 Amps 100 Am s 9 0' 0' 9 1200 Figure 2.12 : Effect of Tungsten Electrode Vertex Angl e (9) on Weld Width and Penetration a) hold lightly agai nst wheel b)grinding marks " ......\'<>.\ should be alo ng le ngth of tungsten d) WRONG c) blunt end slightly to complete prepa ration e) WRONG Figure 2.13: Preparing a tungsten by grinding. 40 () COP'l'RlGHT 20061 CWBlfARN NG CENTRE ~2 LEARNING CENTRE Shielding Gases Shielding gases used for GTA welding are completely inert since the presence of oxygen or carbon dioxide will oxidize the tungsten electrode and limit it's life. Inert gases commonly used are argon, helium and argon-helium mixtures at 99.9% purity or above. Gases do not normally conduct electricity and must be forced to do so. This is called "ionizing". Each pure gas requires a different amount of energy to cause it to become conductive, called "ionization potential", measured in electron volts. The ionization potential of some pure gases are: Table 2.3: Electron Voltages ArQon Hvdroaen Helium NitroQen Oxvaen 15.8eV 13.6 eV 24.9 eV 14.5 eV 13.6 eV Argon is normally the shielding gas of choice because of its: smoother and quieter arc; lower arc voltage for a given current and arc length , making it easier to weld thin materials without burn-through; greater cleaning action in welding aluminum and magnesium using alternating current; easier arc starting; lower flow rates for good shielding and better resistance to wind drafts; lower cost and greater availability. Helium, for the same arc length, requires greater voltage than argon leading to higher heat inputs as demonstrated in Figure 2.14. Pure helium is therefore used advantageously for shielding when welding materials with high thermal conductivity, for example copper or th ick alum inum. Helium is however lighter than air, and not used alone when welding other materials. More often, it is added in varying amounts to argon to achieve a combination of advantages gases of both. 35 r-----------------------~ 30 25 20 Arc Voltage, V 15 10 Helium ~ArgOn '-....._ - - - - - 5 00 100 200 300 400 500 Arc Current, A Figure 2.14: Effect of Shielding Gas on Gas Tungsten Arc Voltage 41 (D eOP'(RIGHT 20061 CWB l EAlWNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Argon-hydrogen mixtures are also used but mainly for stainless steels , nickel-copper, and nickel base alloys. These alloys are not prone to hydrogen cracking , however, the amount of hydrogen in the mixture needs to be controlled to avoid porosity. The optimum amount of hydrogen depends on the workpiece thickness and the joint type, and typically varies from 0.5 to 5%. Argon-hydrogen mixtures cannot be used for welding carbon steels. Filler Metals Filler meta ls when required are procured to the same specifications as those for gas metal arc welding con sum abies. For GTAW, these can be in th e form of continuous wire to be fed automatically, or individual rods for manual feeding into the weld pool. 2.4 Applications and Limitations Two main advantages of the GTAW process are : a high quality weld deposit which for carbon and low alloy steels is also low in hydrogen content; it can be used to weld virtually all weldable metals and alloys though it is not used extenSively for joining cast or wrought iron. The weld produced is smooth and attractive , requiring virtually no post weld cleaning such as removal of slag. Autogenous welds as well as welds with filler metal addition can be made in all welding positions, using manual, semi-automatic and completely mechanized modes of application. Travel speeds for automatic, autogenous appli cations can be very high . Also, heat input and filler material additions can be independently and reliably controlled. GTAW is the process of choice for welding all thin materials when weld quality requirements are demanding. As a result, it is used extensively in the production of aircraft and space vehicles. In the latter, applications include the shell structure, tanks, and tubing in rocket engines. Two of the common applications of GTAW are orbital welding of small diameter tu bes and pipes, and tube to tube sheet welds. In the former case, the entire process is automated and the welding head traverses circumferential butt jOints between two fixed pipes. The we lding position, 5G, continuously changes from flat to overhead (1 G to 4G), and vertical (3G) welding is done in both downwards and upwards progression (3 O'clock and 9 O'clock positions, respectively) . The weld can be thought of as a multi-layer but Single pass weld since after starting the arc in the root, there shou ld be no stops until the jOint is completely filled. For tube to tube sheet joints, the process is again automated, and the main differences with respect to pipe butt joints are in the different joint design and a constant welding position. Also, these automated applications generally use pulsed dc current that can be pre-programmed to change in a prescribed fa sh ion as the welding arc moves along the circumference and the welding position changes continuously. 42 E;) COP'fRIGHT 10061 CWBlEAIINNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The main disadvantages of the GTAW process are the special equipment needed for arc ignition and its low deposition rate in manual applications. As a result, it is seldom used to weld materials more than 10 mm thick. However, it is used to deposit root passes for circumferential welds in thick pipes because of control over underbead profile and weld soundness. Subsequent passes may then be deposited by other welding processes. When the GTAW process is automated, it is highly controllable and automated filler metal feed tremendously increases the deposition rate. Further increase in deposition rate may be achieved by preheating the filler metal wire (by an electric current) before it is fed into the weld pool. This variation of the process is called hot-wire GTAW, where deposition rates can exceed 5 kg/hr. Fig 2.15: Orbital GTAW GTAW is also used extensively for repair and maintenance of components made from tool and die steels, aluminum and magnesium alloys , or other critical components. 2.5 Joint Design The jOint design for GTAW depends on several factors including the base material to be welded and its thickness, absence or addition of filler metal, weld penetration requirements, etc., and therefore optimum joint designs should be confirmed by performing procedure qualification tests. 43 © COP"l'RlGHT 20C16 i ewe LEAANING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 2.6 Arc Ignition (Starting the Arc) Initiating an arc across a small gap wilhout the tungsten electrode touching the workpiece requires a high voltage, of the order of 300 V, which can be a safety hazard. Therefore, three other methods have been developed to help initiate the arc. These are: (i) Touch start: In this method, the torch is lowered to allow a momentary contact between the electrode and the workpiece which sends a surge of current and heats the electrode. Next, when the electrode is quickly pulled back and withdrawn, an arc is established as shown in Figure 2.16. Though the method is simple, there is a possibility of the electrode sticking to the workpiece, and causing electrode and weld zone contamination. (ii) High Frequency Start: Suitable for both ac and dc power sources, this approach adds a high frequency generator in the circuit which superimposes a high voltage ac output at radio frequency on top of the normal power source output shown in Figure 2.17. This high voltage enables the arc to be initiated but because of its nature, is not hazardous to the welder. However, the generator output can interfere with radio, electronic and computer equipment, and therefore such equipment should be used with due care following the manufacturers recommendations. High Surg e of Current --t~. + Figure 2.16: Touch Start Electrode Method for Arc Ignition 44 () COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB lfAAN'NG CENTRE (!> LEARNING CENTRE (iii) Electronic Touch Starting: This approach involves passing a low current through the electrode in contact with the workpiece. This low current preheats the electrode so that when it is lifted, an electronic control signal sends a surge of current for arc ignition. Within a fraction of a second the current is returned to a value set for welding. The short current surge is relatively low since the electrode tip is already preheated. While it eliminates the problem of tungsten electrode and weld zone contamination, the approach is suitable for dc welding only. 2.7 Welder Technique In manual application of the GTAW process, the welder technique is critical in obtaining sound, clean and porosity free welds. The main features of correct welder technique for manul GTA welding are: High Frequency Generator Power Source • Work Piece + Figure 2.17: High Frequency Generator for Arc Starting 45 @COPYRIGHT20'J6 ICVVB lfARN'NGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Once the arc has been initiated, develop the weld pool by holding the electrode vertical and applying a small circular or side to side motion. This should be possible within 3 to 5 seconds. If it takes longer, the arc is too cold and current needs to be increased. Similarly, if it takes less than 3 seconds, the arc is too hot and current needs to be decreased. To start welding, tilt back the torch slightly so that a travel angle of 5 to 15 degrees is maintained (Figure 2.18(a)). Excessive angle can cause air entrainment which could lead to porosity or other problems. A forehand/push technique is followed so that the electrode points in the direction of electrode travel. (See Section 1.3 for travel angle definition.) Filler rod, if used, is added by rapidly dabbing it in and out of the leading edge of the weld pool (Figure 2.18(b)) often rocking the torch towards the back of the puddle in time with filler metal additions, ensuring all the time that end of the rod always stays within the gas shield so that it does not oxidize, especially in the case of stainless steels, nickel or titanium alloys . ...---:,, ,, ,, ,, ,/~ ,,, ,, Tilt Torch Back Slightly Add Filler ~DO Travel .-------'"'<0..,..+"'·----, ~DO Travel 15' ,-------,'-,<, 'A-.'· - - - , r------I'---_'-./_-' (a) (b) Figure 2.18: Manual GTAW Technique To maintain adequate gas shielding, extension of the electrode beyond the gas cup should be minimized. Recommended values are 3 to 5 mm for thick materials and 8 to 10 mm for thin materials. A short arc length should be maintained and this is helped by keeping the standoff distance to less than the diameter of the gas cup (Figure 2.19). 46 e COf"'(RJGHT 20061 CWB LEARN NG CENTRE ® LEARNING CENTRE Minimize Extension of I Electrode Beyond the ________ Gas Cup ~ ________ Standoff Distance Should Not Exceed Diameter of Gas Cup Use a Short Arc Figure 2.19: Electrode Extension and Standoff Distance to Maintain Proper Gas Shielding When welding is to be stopped, the current is slowly decreased while the filler metal is still added. Otherwise, there will be an unfilled crater, and in susceptible materials like some aluminum alloys, crater cracking can result. 2.B Weld Quality As mentioned earlier, GTAW generally provides a high quality deposit. Nonetheless, weld metal flaws do occur in GTA welds. Some of the common ones encountered and their likely causes are: Porosity : Is usually caused by inadequate gas shielding, contaminated workpieces or contaminated filler material. Inadequate gas shielding may be due to inadequate gas delivery due to clogging, leaking in the gas system, or too high (causing turbulence and mixing with air) or due to wind and drafts. Tungsten inclusions : Particles of tungsten that are introduced into the weld metal from the tungsten electrode. Common causes of this are: the tungsten electrode touching the weld pool, or the filler metal, electrode size and type that is incompatible with the current level, and excessive extension of the electrode beyond the collet leading to overheating of the electrode. Solidification Cracking : These cracks commonly form along the centerline of the weld bead , especially in the craters. To minimize its incidence, it should be ensured that the correct filler metal is used, and that, in manual welding, it is added uniformly and not intermittently. Proper crater filling te chn iques and use of run-on, run-off tabs help minimizing this flaw. 47 () COPYRIGHT 20:)6 [ CWB LEARNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Electrode contamination: This may also be caused by inadequate gas shielding, excessive electrode extension or excessive torch angte. Dirty weld bead: Dirty weld beads are invariabty caused by contamination. Sources of contamination can be (inadequate) gas shielding, air and water leaks in the gas system and torch, inadequately cleaned workpiece or filler material, and electrode contamination. 48 © COPVflJGKT 2006 1CW8 LEAANrNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 3 SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Principles of Operation ... . . .. . . . .• •.. . .. . •........ .. ...... .. .. •...... .50 Power Sources ............ . .. . . .. . . . ....... .. . . . ... . ...... .• •. . .. .. .51 Types of Electrodes .... . ......... . .... .... .... .. . .. . • ...... . . ....... .55 Classification of Electrodes ............ .. . . . .. ... . . ......... . .. .•• . . , .. 56 Applications and Limitations of the SMAW Process .. . . . ...... . . . . .. .. . ..... .59 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels . . .. . . ..... . ...... 61 49 IV COPYRIGHT 2006 1C'NB LEARN NG CENTRE (~> 3. LEARNING CENTRE SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) or manually operated metal arc welding with covered electrodes is still a commonly used welding method. It allows the greatest amount of flexibility in terms of the range of materials and thicknesses that can be joined in all welding positions. However, there are other arc welding processes that provide higher depOSition rate, and for large thicknesses. the shield metal arc process becomes uneconomical. The knowledge of joint design, arc action, heat control and metal reaction gained from shielded metal arc welding has been of great value in developing all other variations of the arc welding process. 3.1 Principles of Operation In shielded metal arc welding, an arc is established between the end of a covered metal electrode and the workpiece to be welded. The heat of the arc melts the surfaces of the joint as well as the metal electrode . The filler metal is carried across the arc into the weld joint and mixes with the molten base metal. As the arc is moved at a suitable travel speed along the joint, the progressive melting of the metal electrode and the base metal provides a moving pool of molten metal which cools and solidifies behind the arc (Figure 3.1). Electrode Coating 1-- - -- - Electrode Wire Arc Protective Gas From Electrode Coating Molten Metal Slag ___ Solidified Weld Metal Metal Droplets --;-~-:~-------~:::;;;,';:::k~.2....T Base Metal Figure 3.1: Schematic Sketch of the Shielded Metal Arc Process 50 @COP'l'RIGKT2006ICWBLEARN't\'GCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The electrical circuit for shielded metal arc welding is relatively simple and is shown in Figure 3.2. It comprises a power source with electrical leads connected to the workpiece and the electrode holder. The arc characteristics, weld bead shape and weld metal soundness and properties depend on the selection of the type of power source, electrode, joint design, as well as welding parameters and welder skill. Electrode Holder Electrode Lead Electrode Base Metal -~+ Figure 3.2: Electrical Circuit for SMAW 3.2 Power Sources The power source used for SMAW is a constant current type, i.e., it has a drooping voltampere curve (see Figure 1.4). With such power sources, the welder sets the required current at the power source and the voltage is controlled by the arc length that the welder maintains during welding . The drooping power sou rce is preferred because there is a sma ll but continual variation in the arc length due to the manual nature of the welding process. This is reflected in a continual change in the arc voltage but due to the drooping characteristics of the voltam pere curve, the accompanying changes in the arc current, and therefore the electrode melt off and deposition rates are smal l. Figure 3.3 shows typical SMAW power sources. ~",,(......oR.r U>M-S~ ~ c..\.4,fT~Y \,}e~S 0" ~S. 51 C) COPYRIGHT 20061 CVI/B LEARN f\.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE .. ...... II---- \r ~, Different power sources however . .... .. . --.- , . . may have different slope (or . . . . . incline) for the volt-ampere curve, and some machines are designed to enable some adjustment of the slope. Figure 3.4 shows that when the voltampere curve is flatter, there is a greater change in current for a given change in voltage. The adjustment of the slope of the volt-ampere curve enables the welder to maintain better control of the weld pool and penetration in certain situations such as out of position welding (vertical or overhead positions) or depositing a root pass in a pipe over a varying gap. For example, by adjusting the voltampere curve to be flatter; an intentional increase in the arc length caused by a welder pulling the electrode away increases the arc voltage and decreases the current sufficiently to reduce penetration or risk of burn-through . Conversely, electrode sticking is Figure 3.3: Typical SMAW Power Sources also prevented when the rod is in near contact with the base material, the arc length and therefore voltage are reduced, and the current increases sufficiently to increase the burn off rate to prevent sticking . With a pure drooping (or vertical) volt-ampere curve, there would be no change in the current due to change in voltage or arc length. The welder would have no control over the electrode burn-off rate in this case. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... . . . .. '-." ,' 52 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWBlEARN'NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE 100 ~ Maximum OCV Lower slope gives a greater change in welding clJrrent for a given change ill arc voltage. Voltage 50 32 27 22 Long Arc } Normal Arc Length _+--I"~~___ Arc Short Arc Voltage Current, A 100J 15LL t;1 200 Figure 3.4: Change in Current Due to Change in Voltage in a Constant Current Power Source Power sources are available to provide direct current (DC), alternating current (AC), or both. Transformer or an alternator type of source is used for AC welding, and transformer-rectifier or motor generator type for DC welding. Some power sources (single phase transformer-rectifier or alternator rectifier type) can be used for AC and DC welding. Inverters are becoming' popular due to their portability and smooth operating characteristics. Figure 3.5 shows a typical inverter power supply. 53 @COf'YRlGHT2006IC'NBLEARNINGCENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE ~I I ! ! Figure 3.5: Portable Inverter Type Constant Current Power Source In addition to the type of power sources selected, adequate size in su lated electrode holders must be used together with suitable size cables to prevent excessive power loss during welding. A common type of electrode holder is shown in Figure 3.6, and recommended cable sizes are shown in Table 3.1. ~:=:lj[~~ii~'~I!'~"~~'~'~~~~~~ l Hing e Pin /) Return "" ,- 1----... ,/, , Spring--</u1 Cable Clamp - - --11-1 Handle Electrode --~II Figure 3.6: Example of an Electrode Holder 54 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB LEARN NG CENTRf ~ LEARNING CENTRE Table 3.1 : Recommended cable sizes for SMAW (from The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding published by The Lincoln Electric Company) cy~~~: % in Copper cable sizes for Cv ~ ~ 400 500 600 650 , . 20 20 30 50 60 20 30 60 60 60 60 60 (in ",ele,,) of 0'00" vud and Qound cable UP to 15 100 180 180 200 ,ul" o v I~ng!hs #B #5 114 1/3 #2 114 J I_3 1/1/0 1/2/0 #2/0 #3/0 #3/0 15 - 30 #4 #4 #4 113 1/2 113 113 30-45 #3 #3 #3 #2 #2 #2 1/2 111/0 1/1/0 #2/0 #3/0 #3/0 11410 11210 - 11210 #3/0 #3/0 45·60 112 #2 #2 111 #1 1/1 1/1 1/210 1/3/0 1/3/0 #4/0 • 60 -75 111 '. 111 #1 #1/0 11110 1/1/0 1/1/0 113/0 11410 1/4/0 .... • Use double strand of #2/0." Use double strand of 1/3/0. 3.3 Types of Electrodes Electrodes for shielded metal arc welding generally comprise a coated, solid electrode wire (core) of limited length. Occasionally, the solid electrode can be repla ced by a metallic sheath containing metal powders with the objective of adding specific alloying elements to the weld metal. The covering on the electrodes can be applied either by an extrusion process or by dipping, though extrusion is far more com mon . The covering itself contains several ingredients depending on the type of electrode. The function of these ingredients is generally one of the following : 55 © COP'YR!GHT 2006 1ewe lEMN I'.'G CENTRE <:§> LEARNING CENTRE provide a gas shield to prevent contamination of the weld metal by atmospheric gases; provide a slag cover to protect the hot weld metal from atmospheric contamination ; and controlling the bead shape; scavenge some of the impurities in the weld metal; stabilize the arc by promoting electrical conduction across the arc; this is especially important for AC welding where the arc effectively goes out and needs to be reestablished after each current reversal; provide a means to add alloying elements to enhance mechanical/corrosion properties, and iron powder to increase deposition rate. Each electrode classification produces different amounts of gases and slag to shield the weld metal. Electrodes that rely on slag to protect the metal can carry higher current and provide a higher deposition rate. Conversely, electrodes producing a smaller amount of slag and relying on the gas shield are stable to operate at lower currents and therefore are more suitable for out of position welding. All electrodes can be used with direct current though some are designed for use with AC also. Use of AC reduces arc blow and voltage drop in welding cables. Direct current (DC) power has certain advantages: ~ ~ ~ ~ easier arc initiation better arc stability good wetting action ability to maintain a short arc Direct current is especially useful for applications requiring small diameter electrodes and low currents, e.g., out of position welding, welding of thin materials, etc. When direct current is used for SMAW, DCEP polarity provides deeper penetration and DCEN polarity provides a higher electrode melting rate. 3.4 Classification of Electrodes Shielded metal arc welding electrodes are available for welding of carbon and low alloy steels, stainless steels , cast irons, and aluminum, copper and nickel and their alloys. However, electrodes for welding carbon and low alloy steels and for stainless steels are of greatest commercial significance, and systems for their classification as described in CSA Standard W48 are summarized here. For more details, see Module 6 - Electrodes and Consumables of the MLS Series. 56 © COP"l'RJGHf 2006 1CWBlEAAN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Carbon and low alloy steel electrodes The electrode designation comprises the letter E (for electrode) followed by 4 or more digits, e.g ., E4918 for metric designation (E7018 is used for imperial). The first two digits (metric) after E indicate the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal in increments of 10 MPa when used to make a welded joint in a prescribed manner. The first two digits detail tensile in ksi imperial designations. In complete penetration groove welds, the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal should normally be equal to, or slightly greater than the minimum specified tensile strength of the steel being welded. This is not essential for partial penetration groove welds or fillet welds as long as weld sizes have been determined in light of the service loads in accordance with CSA Standard W59 or other equivalent standards. The third digit indicates the welding position for which the electrode is designed with 1 meaning suitable for all welding positions (flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead), 2 suitable for horizontal fillet and flat positions only and 4 meaning suitable for vertical, downwards progression only. The fourth digit (metric) indicates the usability characteristics of the electrodes (type of coating, welding current type, etc.). Thus, 0 and 1 at the fifth digit position indicate cellulosic covering, 2 and 3 indicate covering containing rutile, 8 indicates low hydrogen, iron powder containing covering, etc. The first five digits may be followed by additional letters and digits which are usually indicators of weld metal toughness or alloy content. Further details about digits in the fourth position, suitable current type and polarity for each, etc. can be found in CSA Standard W48 or from electrode manufacturers. E 49 1 ' L'= ~-X -'1 Arc welding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ electrode Minimum tensile strength of deposited weld metal in megapascals (Mpa) Optional designator for improved notch toughness Electrode covering type and type of current Welding positions of useability - - - - - ' The usability characteristics of some of the more commonly used electrode types can be summarized as follows: EXX10 : high cellulose, sodium compounds for arc stability, dc electrode positive polarity; deeply penetrating arc; suitable for all welding positions; may be used for welding from one side with adequate back bead profile; 5 mm or smaller diameter electrodes used for all position welding; 57 if:I COP'fRIGKT 20061 CWB LEAAN f>..'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE EXX11 : high cellulose, potassium compounds for arc stability, AC or DC electrode positive polarity; otherwise similar to EXX 10 electrodes; EXX12: high titania with sodium compounds, ac or dc electrode negative polarity; medium penetrating, quiet arc; most often used for single pass, high speed, high current, horizontal fillet welds; EXX13: high titania with potassium compounds, similar to EXX12 type; used for sheet metal work for vertical down welding; provides better radiographic quality in mUltipass welds than EXX12 electrodes; EXX14: high titania and iron powder covering; AC or DC either polarity; similar to EXX12 or 13 but with iron powder providing a higher deposition rate; EXX15 : basic covering with sodium compounds; dc electrode positive polarity; limestone and other basic ingredients in the covering provide weld metal with good toughness and low hydrogen content; also suitable for welding high sulfur steels; usually 4 mm or smaller diameters are used for all position welding; EXX16: basic covering with potassium compounds; ac or dc electrode positive polarity; otherwise similar to EXX15; EXX18: basic, iron powder covering; similar to EXX15 or 16 but with iron powder in the covering thus providing higher deposition rates; most structural steels are welded with EXX18 type of electrodes; EXX22: iron oxide covering; ac or dc either polarity; used for single pass, high speed, high current flat and horizontal lap and fillet welds in sheet metal; EXX24: titania, high iron powder covering; AC or DC either polarity; similar to EXX14 electrodes but restricted to welding in flat and horizontal positions; used mostly for fillet welds; EXX28: basic, high iron powder covering; AC or dc electrode positive polarity; similar to EXX18 but with higher iron powder content; suitable for welding horizontal fillets and flat position welds only; EXX48: basic, iron powder covering; AC or dc either polarity; also similar to EXX18 but designed for welding in the vertical position with downwards progression. 58 © COPl'RIGHr 2006 1CWB LEARNNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE )JO e..-lec.-\-cde..s o\\. 6x..0...""Stainless Steel Electrodes Requirements for covered electrodes for welding stainless steels are included in CSA Standard W48. These electrodes are classified based on the chemical composition of the undiluted weld metal, the welding position and the type of welding current for which the electrode is designed. A typical designation can be represented as EXXXxx-XX where E represents electrode, and the next three digits and any letters immediately thereafter (e.g., 309L, E310M) indicate the weld metal composition . The last two digits are usually 15, 16, 17 or 26 where digit 1 indicates suitability for all position welding for electrode diameters up to 4 mm. Conversely, digit 2 indicates suitability for flat and horizontal positions only. The number 5 indicates that the covering contains calcium carbonate (limestone) and sodium silicate, and that the electrode is suitable for welding using dc electrode positive polarity. The letter 6 indicates the presence of titania and potassium silicate in addition to the calcium carbonate. The presence of potassium compounds makes the electrode suitable for AC welding. The 7 signifies an acid flux with a significant amount of silica which makes the slag more fluid . E 308 ·1~ "E" electrode ~ IL L alloy type - - - - - - - ' flux type positions of usability The EXXXxx-15 electrodes provide a more penetrating arc, and a convex and coarsely rippled bead. These electrodes are preferred for out of position welding since the slag solidifies quickly. The EXXXxx-16 electrodes provide a smoother arc, less spatter, and a finely rippled bead . These electrodes are less popular for out of position work because the slag is quite fluid. For more details, see Module 6 - "Electrodes and Consumables" of the MLS series. Handling and Storage of Electrodes The electrodes should be handled with care to ensure that the electrode covering does not chip off. Unopened boxes should be stored at 30C ± 1DoC with relative humidity being less than 50%. Cellulosic electrodes (EXX10, EXX11) are manufactured with a certain amount of moisture in the coating (3%-7%). The performance of these electrodes could be adversely affected if they are exposed to excessive amounts of moisture or have been dried out in an electrode oven. 59 Cl COf"l'RIGHT 20061 ewe lfARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Electrodes with basic (low hydrogen) coatings (containing calcium carbonate) are prone to moisture absorption from the atmosphere and therefore should be packaged in hermetically sealed containers. Once a box is opened, the electrodes should be removed from their packaging and stored in a holding oven at a temperature of about 120·C. Also, if the basic electrodes for welding carbon and low alloy steel have been exposed at ambient temperature for 4 hours or more, or if their packaging has been damaged, they are to be rebaked at a temperature (370° to 430°C) and for a time (1 to 2 hours) recommended by the electrode manufacturer. Cellulosic electrodes however should not be placed in holding ovens or rebaked. 3.5 Applications and Limitations of the SMAW Process The shielded metal arc welding process can be used to weld most metals and alloys of engineering significance. It has been extensively used to weld all types of steels (carbon and low alloy steels, stainless steels, etc.) in the fabrication of pressure vessels, oil and natural gas pipelines, field storage tanks, bridges, buildings, ships and offshore structures, railway cars, trucks and automobiles, nuclear power stations, and numerous other miscellaneous products including those made from cast iron. Amongst the non-ferrous alloys, the shielded metal arc welding process is used for welding nickel and nickel-based alloys and to some extent copper alloys, such as bronzes. Though electrodes are available, it is not popular for welding aluminum alloys. The process is also used for hardsurfacing various components exposed to wear, impact, corrosion and heat. The shielded metal arc welding process is usually the most appropriate for repair and maintenance welding since each job is usually a one-time-only situation, the amount of welding required is relatively small and in-situ locations are most suitable for the shielded metal arc process only. The process is also frequently the only one in shops where welding constitutes only a small portion of the complete manufacturing process. The shielded metal arc welding process is also generally the easiest to use in the field due to the simplicity of the equipment and its tolerance to the normal outdoor environment. Nonetheless, it is advisable to install protective enclosures when welding in the field in order to get protection from rain, wind, etc. The advantages of the shielded metal arc welding process thus include its applications to a variety of materials, and the ability to weld in all positions (vertical and overhead as well as flat and horizontal) and at most locations. As well the equipment required is easily portable and relatively inexpensive. The main limitation of the SMAW process is the necessity of frequent breaks as each electrode is consumed to about 50 mm of its original length and a new one used to re-initiate the welding operation. This frequent change of electrode along with the need to chip off the slag means that duty cycle (percentage of time that an arc is maintained for the purposes of welding) is less than 20% and the deposition rate is low. Also, the unusable electrode stubs add to waste and cost of the filler material. 60 riJ COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEARN NG CENTRE ~ 3.6 LEARNING CENTRE Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Joint Oesign For base metal thickness up to about 6 mm, a square groove with suitable root opening may be employed for a complete penetration groove weld provided that welding is performed from both sides and in the flat position. At the low end, a skilled welder can weld base metal as thin as 1.6 mm. For larger thicknesses, the base metal edges must be beveled, and in very thick sections, J- and U-grooves become more economical by reducing the weld metal volume required . The root gap for groove welds is typically equal to the electrode diameter in order to achieve complete penetration and the groove angle should be large enough to achieve side wall fusion and minimize slag entrapment. In assembling a joint for welding , the fit-up should be good enough to maintain the groove geometry within acceptable tolerances. Thus, too small a root gap or misalignment between the two members to be joined can locally lead to incomplete joint penetration. Fit-up tolerances and workmanship and some prequalified joint geometries given in CSA Standard W 59 "Welded Steel Construction" are shown in Table 3.2 and Figure 3.7, respectively. Table 3.2: Fit-up and Workmanship Tolerances for SMAW Groove Welds Root Not Gouged Root Gouged 1. Root Face of Joint :+:2mm Not limited 2. Root Opening of Joints: Without Steel Backing :+: 2 mm + 2 mm - 3 mm + 6 mm, -2 mm Not applicable + 10" , _5 " +10 " ,_5 " With Steel Backing 3. Groove Angle of Joint 61 @ COf'YRIGHT1OO6ICVVBlEAAN'NGCENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE / G ~----~ I/ G ~~____~ ____~ 1 J> IT L...--TT-\:::: ' ===7-T~---l----.!. -- G T Backing Strip m " m" =T = 10 /T(T[[I 8 G ~e IT 4 Backing Strip e G Positions 20· 30· 12 10 F. a only 45· 6 Fva 60· 5 F. v.a --+ G ~ Figure 3.7 - Typical Pre qualified Complete Joint Penetration Groove Welds for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding Process (SMAW) 62 (f) COPYR.IGI IT 2006 1CNB LEAAN NG CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE Welding Positions Though it is always preferable to perform welding in the flat position since less welder skill is required and higher deposition rates are possible, it is sometimes necessary to perform welding in vertical or overhead positions. In such situations, the SMAW process has the flexibility to be used for out of position welding since the force of the arc will propel the molten metal in a spray of globules in any direction required. However, a more skilled welder is generally required and the joint design may be somewhat different from that for welding in the flat position. Selection of Electrode Diameter and Current The classification and size of electrode, and the welding current for a given application are chosen in light of the thickness of the material to be welded, groove geometry and welding position. Generally, larger diameter electrodes are used for welding thick materials and in the flat position so that higher deposition rates can be achieved. Smaller diameter electrodes are generally needed for welding the root passes in V -grooves and for out of position welds so that the welder can have better control of the weld pool and the bead shape. For prequalified joints, CSA Standard W 59 "Welded Steel Construction" limits the maximum electrode size to 4 mm for welding in the vertical position (fillet and groove welds), and to 5 mm for groove welds in horizontal and overhead positions, and fillet welds in the overhead positions. Larger diameter electrodes are used for welding in the horizontal and flat positions only. Table 3.3 shows typical current ranges for satisfactory electrode burn off and stable arc conditions using steel electrodes of various diameters. However, the complete range of current may not be suitable for all situations. When welding on thinner material, the lower end of the range might be applicable. This would also apply when welding in the vertical or overhead positions. For example, 3.2 mm diameter E4310 electrode, according to Table 3.3 has a usable current range of 75 to 125 A. For joining heavy material in the flat position, it would be logical to use the upper part of the range, 100 to 125 A. But if welding is to be done in the vertical up position, the range might be 90 to 110 A. In practice, an attempt is made to position the work piece such that welding is performed in the flat position , where ever practicable, so as to permit the use of larger diameter electrodes and higher currents, thus providing a higher deposition rate. 63 © COPYR.lGI IT 2006 1CWS LfARN'NG CENfRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Table 3.3: Typical Current Ranges in Amperes for Electrodes of Different Diameters (from CSA Standard W48) Electrode E4XOO E4X 10 E4 X 11 Diameter, Mm 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 Electrode diameter, . 45 - 85 75 -125 110 - 170 155 -235 190 - 290 275 - 425 E4915 E4916 E4 X 12 E4 X 13 20-40 25-60 40 - 90 80 -140 110 - 190 155 - 265 225 - 360 300 -500 E4918 20-40 25 - 60 50 - 90 80 -130 105 - 180 165-250 225 - 315 320-430 E4924 E4928 80 -110 115-165 150 - 220 220 - 350 285 - 360 375 - 470 110-160' 140 - 190 180 - 250 250 -335 300 - 390 400 - 525' E4X22 E4 X27 E4914 . . . . - 90 - 135 110 - 160 150-210 220 - 300 295 - 375 390 - 500 110-160 140 - 190 200 - 410 380 - 520 - 125 160 230 270 375 - 185 240 330 380 475 E4948 mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 70 - 120 110 -150 140 - 220 200 -280 270 - 350 375 -475 80 - 140 150 - 220 210 - 270 - • These values do not apply to the E4928 classificalion. Deposition Rate Deposition rate for any arc welding process is the amount of weld metal deposited in a given period of time . For the shielded metal arc welding process, it equals the amount of electrodes used up in a given period of time less stub losses, and losses due to spatter and formation of slag. The melting rate of electrodes will depend on the current, size of electrode and type of coating. Some electrodes contain iron powder in the flux which increases the deposi tion rate for a given current. Arc Voltage has little effect on the melting rate as seen in Figure 3.8, but the melting rate increases approximately in proportion to the current. 64 () COPl'RlGHT 20061 cwe If.ARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE ----I ~_ I- Electrode Melting Rate Grams/Sec 1.20 1.00 0.8 0.6 - Variation of Melting Rille l'IiUI Vol/age _ _ Variation of Melting Rate with Current 200 Amperes -------- 0.4 0.2 0.0 a 10 20 30 40 Voltage a 40 I I 80 120 160 200 240 260 Current Figure 3.8: Effect of Current and Voltage on Electrode Melting Rate The deposition rates achieved with va rious electrodes for joining welda ble structural and pressure vessel steels are shown in Figure 3.9. 14 12 10 Depos ition Rate Il b/hr) B 6 4 2 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Welding Current AC (amp) Figure 3.9: Deposition Rates for Various Mild·Steel Electrodes 65 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CWR LEAIINNG CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE Welder Technique A welder has control over three aspects of the welding technique that influence weld quality and incidence of flaws such as arc strikes, undercut, porosity, slag inclusions, etc. These are: proper striking of the arc, and maintaining the correct work and travel angles (see Section 1.3 for definitions). Arc may be initially struck either by tapping the electrode on the workpiece along the joint or scratching the electrode along the workpiece (Figure 3.10) and quickly withdrawing it to be about 3 mm from the work surface. Once an arc is struck, the electrode should be held at the starting point of the weld until the weld pool begins to form and is about twice the diameter of the electrode. Then the electrode is moved along the joint at a speed that keeps the weld pool at a uniform size. Scratching Tapping ~ - - Electrode - Electrode ~ I I I I , *0 r-=:------~~ Plate Figure 3.10: Striking an Arc 66 © COP'fRIGHT 2006 1CWB LEARN ,'!G CENTRE ••• =~~p I ~ LEARNING CENTRE The travel angle for shielded metal arc welding is typically 5 to 10 degrees dragging though for electrodes with heavy iron coatings, it can be in the 10 to 30 degree range. Except for vertical up welding , the electrode should point in a direction opposite to the welding as seen in Figure 3.11 (drag or backhand technique); in the vertical up position, the electrode points in th e direction of we lding as shown in Figure 3.12 (push or forehand techn ique). Travel Angle - - 5° - 10° Travel I~ - - - Electrode D DOc) Figure 3.11: Electrode Travel Angle (backhand technique) 67 () COPYPJGHT 2006! C'NBlEMN'NG CENTRE <§> LEARNINGCENTRE Travel {[ o o o -------------------------7--- -~~-~-_______ 10 0 - 20 0 --~--~ ~'~~---------- Electrode Figure 3.12: Electrode Travel Angle in Vertical Up Welding (forehand technique) The work angle is typically 90 degrees for groove welds and 35 to 55 degrees for fillet welds depending on the welding position (see Figure 3.13). 90 0 Fillet Weld Groove Weld Figure 3.13: Work Angle in Groove and Fillet Welds in the Overhead Position 68 © COPYRIGHT 20061 ONB lEARNING CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE Examples of SMA W procedures CSA Standard W59 on "Welded Steel Construction", limits layer thickness in multipass groove welds to 6 mm for the root pass and 5 mm for subsequent layers. Similarly, the maximum prequalified single pass fillet sizes are 10 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm in flat, horizontal or overhead, and vertical positions, respectively. However, it may not always be desirable to employ a welding procedure that maximizes the layer thickness or the fillet weld size because the accompanying increase in current and heat input may adversely affect mechanical properties of the welded joint, especially its notch toughness. Typical welding procedure schedules for a butt joint in 40 mm thick G40.21 Gr 350WT steel in the flat position and for fillet welds in the horizontal position are shown Figure 3.14. Side 1 ~ 25 3 Sid82 ~ Sida1 Beads 1 & 2 Side 1 Side 2 Beads 3 & 4 Beads 5 10 Fill Side 1 Fill 4mm 5mm 4mm 5mm E4918 E4918 E4918 E4918 (E70181 (E7018) (E70181 (E7018) 165A 200A 2QOA 200A (a) Groove Weld Fillel Size 5mm 6mm 8mm Electrode E4918 (E7018) 4mm E4918 (E7018) 4mm E4918 (E7018) 4mm A emlmln 210 25 210 15 210 9.5 (b) Fillet Weld 3.14: Typical Welding Procedures for a Complete Penetration Groove Weld and Fillet Welds in Carbon Steel Weld Soundness The soundness of a shielded metal arc weld depends on the correct selection of the electrode type, electrode size and welding current, keeping in mind the welding position, workpiece thickness, joint design, etc. Out of position welding and thinner workpieces require lower currents to control the weld pool and avoid burn-through. 69 <O COPrRIGHT 20061 C'NB lEARN'NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Welder technique and skill is another important factor. Maintaining an appropriate travel speed and arc length, correct travel and work angles and suitable electrode manipulation are some of the factors in this category. Manual metal arc welding requires experienced welding operators. Simple welding operations may be taught in a few weeks, but an operator capable of making satisfactory welds in all positions, on a variety of metals, is a highly skilled artisan, usually of long experience. Some of the weld metal flaws that can be present in the weld are: Porosity: Holding a proper arc length and using proper current can help minimize porosity. Slag inclusions: Slag inclusions can be prevented by proper contouring of the weld bead surface before depositing the next pass, by proper welder technique that ensures that the arc stays at the leading edge of the pool and that slag does not run ahead, and by exercising care in interpass slag removal. Incomplete fusion! penetration: Depending on the exact situation, one or more of the following can help eliminate this flaw: smaller root face, larger root gap, larger groove angle, smaller diameter electrode, higher current, slower travel speed, smooth and cleaned surface before depositing the weld. Undercut: Lower current and shorter arc can help reduce undercut. Welder technique (electrode position, travel speed) are other factors influencing the occurence of undercut. Cracks: Cracking can occur at high temperatures (hot cracking or solidification cracking) during the welding operation, or at low temperature (cold cracking), sometimes several hours after weld completion. Preventing solidification cracking may require a change in filler metal composition, and change in preheat and interpass temperature, and possibly a reduction in the welding current. Cold cracking is avoided by ensuring that properly conditioned, low hydrogen electrodes are used and that the specified welding procedure (heat input, preheat and interpass temperature) are followed. See Module 10 - "Weld Faults and Causes" of the MLS Series for more information on weld defects. 70 if) COPYRIGHT 20Cl61 CWB lEARNNG CENTRI <§> LEARNING CEN'RE Special Welding Techniques There are two other special shielded metal arc welding techniques that the reader should be aware of. These are: Gravity welding: Gravity welding is special "automatic" welding version of the shielded metal arc welding process where, using special feeders, and to 700 mm long and up to 6 mm diameter, E4327 or E4924 or E4928 type electrodes are automatically fed to the joint to be welded. The process is used for groove welding in the flat position and for horizontal fillet welds only. Higher welding current possible with the larger diameter and longer arc time possible due to the electrode length enable considerably higher deposition rates to be achieved. Also, a single operator can look after several gravity feeders at the same time thus further increasing productivity. The process was developed for welding of ships where the weld length to be deposited can be in kilometers. Vertical down welding : When performing welding in the vertical position, the weld progression is normally upwards. However, in certain applications, such as large diameter natural gas pipeline girth welds, the welding progression is downwards. In this orientation, gravity pulls on the molten weld pool and slag, and the welder must perform welding at a high travel speed so that the arc is at the leading edge of the pool and flaws like trapped slag inclusions or lack of interpass fusion are avoided. Cellulosic electrodes are commonly used for pipe welding though recently low hydrogen electrodes suitable for vertical down welding have been developed. 71 © COf"(PJGHT 20061 CVVillfARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE 72 e COP'fRIGHr 20061 CWO tEAANING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 4 GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Principles of Operation .... . ............ . . . ...... ...• ..... . ........ 74 Equipment ................... ... . . . . . . . . ..... . . . •....... 76 Metal Transfer Across the Arc in GMAW .. ..... ...... .. ...... . ...... .. 80 Shielding Gases ...... . . . ....... .. ............ .. ..... . .. ...... 90 Advantages and Limitations of the GMAW Process .. . . . . . . . • .... . ....... 94 Electrode Wires for Gas Metal Arc Welding .......... . ... . . .. ... . ...... 96 Application of Gas Metal Arc Welding Process ..... . ..... . .. . . .. . .... . .97 Effect of Arc Welding Variables in Arc Welding Processes ..... ..... . .. .. .100 73 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CW8 LEAAN!NG CENTRE ~ 4. LEARNING CENTRE GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) 4.1 Principles of Operation The gas metal arc welding process is shown schematically in Figure 4.1. Compared to the shielded metal arc welding process the metal electrode is bare (without any covering). The coiled wire electrode is fed continuously through the welding gun. The continuous wire feed improves the productivity of the process by allowing longer welds to be made without stopping. In SMAW, the length of weld that can be deposited is limited by the length of the electrode. The protection of the weld zone from atmospheric contamination is provided by a continuous stream of a gas or gas mixture. Solid Wire Electrode ~ Current Conductor Travel ~ ~ Shielding Gas In DDO¢ Wire Guide and Contact Tube Shield ing Gas ~ Molten Weld Metal Solidified _ Metal _ Gas Nozzle .' :.": : r====~~~~~~"-----l ~ _ Base _ __ Metal ~ ~ L -_ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ -' Figure 4. 1: Schematic Representation of the GMAW Process An arc is struck between a continuously fed bare consumable wire electrode and the workpiece . The heat generated by the arc melts the end of the electrode and part of the base metal in the weld area. The arc transfers the molten metal from the tip of the melting electrode to the workpiece where it combines with the melted base metal to form the weld deposit. The process was first applied to the welding of aluminum using inert gases for shielding the arc and the weld pool. The term MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding has been a popular name for 74 © CO?YRlGHT 21Xl61 CWB LEARNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE the process. However, for joining of steels, it is common to have carbon dioxide and/or oxygen present in the sh ielding gas mix. These two gases are not inert. Changing the proportions of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the shielding medium can influence the chemical composition and therefore the properties of the weld metal. The process therefore is sometimes referred to as Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding in Europe. In North America, a more generic description "Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) has been adopted. Th e equipment arrangement for the GMAW process is shown schematically in Figure 4.2. It comprises of a power source, electrode wire feeder and control system, the welding gun and a supply of shielding gas. • Flowmeter • Wire Feed Speed Control • Voltage/Amperage Output Adjustment 1....----+- . Output Selector (Ae. ee. eV) Gun • Shielding Gas Work Lead • = Va riables that must be selected for GMAW Figure 4.2 Equipment Arrangement for GMAW A constant potential (i.e., a constant voltage) power source and a constant speed wire feeder are generally used for GMAW welding, and current type is almost exclusively direct current with electrode positive (DCEP). In such an arrangement, the amperage controls the electrode melting rate (wire feed speed) and the power source tries to maintain a constant voltage at its present value by adjusting current output. Voltage is closely related to arc length . Should there be a change in the arc length (for example, due to welding over a tack weld or moving the gun towards or away from the workpiece), the power source responds by changing current output. Since current effects wire melt off rate, controlling current to keep the wire burning off at the same distance from the puddle will maintain an essentially constant arc length - 75 O COPrRlGHT 20061 ~ LEARN NG CENTRE (!> LEARNING CENTRE constant arc voltage. The power source is constantly responding to the changing demands of the arc, and fluctuating input power. In order for the process to operate in a stable manner the power source must be capable of responding the correct amount. The following describes a typical power source response. In Figure 4.3(a), the preset welding parameters are 400 A and 34 V, and let us assume that the corresponding wire feed speed is 400 inches per minute (one inch per minute per ampere welding current). When arc length increases, the power source responds by reducing current output and thereby slowing wire melt off rate . Figure 4.3(a) shows, that of arc voltage would increase to 37 V, the operating current and wire melt off rate would be 325 inches per minute . However, the wire feeder will still keep on feeding wire at 400 inches per minute. Since the wire feed rate rate is greater than the wire melt off rate, the electrode extension will increase and the arc length will progressively decrease, and the operating point will again move towards the initial setting. If the arc length were to shorten inadvertently, then the adjustment would be just reversed (see Figure 4.3(b». 56 52 48 44 40 Voltage 36 (Volts) 32 28 24 20 16 12 0 56r--r--~~--~~--~ 52 48 44 40 36 Voltage (Volts) 32 28 24 - - - - - - - -. - _________ I t _ 1(31,475) I New 20 Operating 16 I Point 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I 100 200 300 I I, o 400 500 600 Welding Current (Amps) 100 200 300 400 500 600 Welding Current (Amps) Figure 4.3(a) Shift in Operating Point Due to an Increase in Arc Length 4.2 - Figure 4.3(b): Shift in Operating Point Due to a Decrease in Arc Length Equipment The GMAW process is most often used in the semi-automatic mode, that is, a welder holding the gun moves and guides it along the weld seam while depositing the weld metal. This also gives him the flexibility to manipulate the gun to maintain appropriate weld pool shape and wetting and fusion along the side walls. A typical gun is 250 to 375 mm in length and provides the means to provide current, continuously feed the wire and supply the shielding gas to protect the arc and the molten weld pool (see Figure 4.4). Some guns rated for higher currents or higher duty cycles may also have provision for water cooling . 76 © COP'YfI.IGHf 20061 CWBl£ARN'NG CENTRE <!> LEARNING CENTRE 'Water Hoses Shielding Gas Hose Steel liner Gas Diffuser Protective Sheath Gas Nozzle Copper Contact Tip Gun Tri,nm>r_~ Figure 4.4: Schematic Sketch of GMAW Gun The direct current constant potential power sources used for gas metal arc welding can be engine driven generators, transformer rectifiers or inverters. The latter two types are more common since the generator type supplies respond slowly to changing arc conditions. It should be noted that though the power source recommended is a constant voltage type, the volt-ampere curve does have some slope instead of being a flat horizontal line. Also, the electric circuit in the power source has some inductance, a characteristic that controls the rate at which the current increases in the case of a short circuit. Slope and inductance together determine the dynamic characteristics of the power source and are key factors affecting the performance of a GMAW power source for semi-automatic applications. As a result of different slopes and inductance values, one power source may operate more smoothly for a 77 © COPYRIGHT 2IXl6i ewe Lf.ARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE given set of welding conditions than another. Some power sources are available with adjustable slope and inductance allowing them to provide smooth operation for a range of wire types and diameters. More information about these features can be found in Module 5 "Power Sources for Welding". In a conventional semi-automatic equipment set up, an analog constant speed wire feeder is used in conjunction with the constant voltage power source. The wire feeder's main components are drive rolls, guide tubes, gear box, variable speed motor, wire support and controls and metres. Figure 4_5 shows a four drive roll system which is more dependable than a two roll system. A grooved roll is usually combined with a flat roll for feeding solid wires. The groove is usually V shaped for carbon and stainless steel, and U shaped for softer aluminum wires. With the basic analog wire feeder and standard power source set up, the wire feed is adjusted by using an incremental dial on the feeder and checking the wire feed speed with a hand held metre. Alternatively, the dial may be adjusted to obtain a desired current reading. Although connected , the wire feeder and power source do not communicate with each other in this set up; the power source simply supplies the necessary power to burn off the wire as fast as it is fed into the arc. As a result, for the same dial setting , the actual wire feed speed can vary depending on the actual line voltage, slippage, etc. Therefore, unless the wire feed speed is verified on a regular basis, there will be variations in welding current and arc characteristics for no 'apparent' reason. 78 IV COP"fRfGHT 20061 CW8lEARN NG CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE r Pressure Adjusting Screws l Inlet Guide Tube Centre Guide Tube Wire Feed and Power Cable Consumable Inlet Guide Assembly Outlet Guide - Tube Idler Roll Drive Gear Figure 4.5: Four Drive Roll Wire Feed System 79 () COf"l'RlGKT 20061 C'YVB l EARNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Digital wire feeders having wire feed speed modulation capabilities, the target wire feed speed can be set directly. The feeder provides an accurate set-to-actual speed relationship through the use of better speed control on the feed motors, feedback of actual speed from tachogenerators, etc. Otherwise, there is no special communication between the feeder and power source. Digital wire feeders, compared to analog ones, result in better repeatability of procedures which positively affects the quality and economy of welding operations. The more recent GMAW equipment packages, some or all of the following features may be offered: synergic or "one knob" control of the welding output, pulsing capabilities, programming of weld schedules, programming of custom pulse programs, etc. In addition, the feeder usually must be matched to the power source in order that they may communicate properly. There is not yet an industry standard with regards to control methods or terminology for these types of machines. In each case, the relationship between the feeder and the power source and the actual arc control methods varies. These packages can be generally grouped by which part contains the control circuitry and interface, i.e., the wire feeder, the power source, or a combination between the two. Essentially, it is not important which part of the machine is the "brains" of the operations or how a given machine controls the arc, provided the desired arc characteristics and features can be provided. 4,3 Metal Transfer Across the Arc in GMAW The GMAW process is identified with a number of different modes of metal transfer depending on the welding parameters (current and electrode size), shielding gas composition, electrode chemistry and the type of power source. It was mentioned in Chapter 1 that once the tip of the electrode melts into a globule of molten metal due to the heat of the arc, one of the forces acting to detach it and propel it across the arc to weld pool is the electromagnetic pinch effect. The strength of the magnetic field, and therefore the pinch effect depends most strong ly on the current density (welding current divided by the cross sectional area of the electrode). Consequently, the rate and mode of droplet detachment also depends on the current density. The principal droplet transfer modes of interest in GMAW are: short circuiting, globular, spray, and pulsed where pulsed transfer is a form of spray transfer. 80 © COf'YIUGHT 20061 CWB l EAAN NG CENfRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Short Circuiting Transfer In the short circuiting mode (Figure 4.6), the current density, i.e., the amperage used in relation to the wire size, is relatively low. The wire therefore melts at the electrode tip but th e pinch force is not enoug h to detach it. However, the wire feeder keeps on feeding the wire and therefore the molten electrode tip comes into contact with the weld pool. When this happens, the constant voltage power source increases the amperage which in turn increases electrode heating and the magnetic pinch effect acting at the electrode tip. The magnetic forces pinch off the droplet which is then drawn into the weld pool by surface tension forces. The gap between the electrode and the weld pool is then recreated and the arc is reestablished. This process repeats itself very quickly, typically more than 100 times per second, so that the human eye does not notice the short circuits and the arc seems continuous. - I- r- Drop L --....... ".---Arc [ \ New Arc '2r No Arc \;::;V _ _r----~;r----~_~ Before Transfer During Short Circuit After Transfer Figure 4.6: Short Circuit Transfer 81 @COPYRlGHT2006 1C.WB LEAAN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE In the short circu iting mode of metal transfer, the amount and speed at which the current increases during the short circuit must be controlled for the process to operate smoothly. The amount by which the current increases is determined by the slope of the volt-ampere curve (Figure 4.7(a)). When the slope is too small, the current increases to a higher value and when the slope is higher, the short circuit current has a smaller value. Similarly, if the inductance is too low (Figure 4.7(b)), the current increases very rapidly and overshoots the optimum value for drop detachment whereas if there is more inductance in the electrical circuit, the current increases in a gradual fashion. When the short-circuiting current is too high (small slope, low inductance), the current (density) can be so high that the molten drop explodes causing spatter. The welding parameters (current and voltage) for short circuit welding, also called short arc or dip transfer welding, are relatively low and therefore it is best suited for welding of thin ferrous materials in all welding positions, and root passes of thicker steels. The short circuiting mode of metal transfer can be difficult to apply successfully to thicker materials because of the smaller diameters wires (1.2mm or smaller) and low currents (less than 200 A for 0.9mm diameter wire) and the resulting low heat input which can cause fusion problems (cold welding). Consequently, welding specifications for critical structural applications such as pressure vessels, bridges, naval vessels, etc, prohibit short circuit transfer mode if GMAW process is to be used. The shielding gases used for carbon-manganese steels are normally carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) or 75% argon - 25% CO 2 • Excessive Current High Spatter Curve A (Higher Slope) Curve B . Very Low Inductance Short Circuit Current Operating Point Vol lage. V Current, A ~ Desired CUrrent For Good Stability And Low Spatter Time, S Current, I Figure 4.7(a): Effect of Volt-Ampere Curve Slope on Short Circuiting Current Figure 4.7(b): Effect of Inductance on Short Circuiting Current The short circuiting mode of metal transfer can not be applied to non-ferrous metals and alloys. Cast irons are mostly welded in the short circuiting mode. 82 ©COP'l'RIGKT 20061 CVVB LEARNING CENTRE (~) LEARNING CENTRE "- "'" ~,-,..r " --"'" '" L , I - , - ~ ~ J ~~\ [ ~ 'i: ( U , - t-- - ~ J (}/~V:J Figure 4.8: Globular Transfer Globular Transfer Globular transfer occurs as the current and voltage increase beyond those for short circuiting transfer In this transfer mode (Figure 4.8), the molten drop of metal at the electrode tip can reach a diameter 1,5 to 3 times the wire diameter, This large drop of metal detaches from the electrode tip due to the force of gravity, It has an irregular shape, may have a rotational motion and takes an irregular path across the arc, The glob of molten metal splashes into the weld pool causing expulsion of some liquid metal (spatter), Globular transfer in GMAW tends to splatter and is usually avoided, Carbon dioxide as well as argon rich gas mixtures containing CO, or oxygen can provide globular transfer Very good penetration characteristics can be produced at higher current levels, The main drawbacks of globular transfer are spatter formation, irregular bead shapes and formation of numerous slag islands. 83 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB lEARN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Spray Transfer Spray transfer (Figure 4.9). also called axial spray, occurs at current and voltage levels above those for globular transfer, and when an argon rich (85% minimum) shielding gas mixture is used. The molten metal is transferred across the arc in a continuous stream of fine droplets, and the droplet diameter is typically less than the wire diameter. The arc is quite stiff so that the drops travel directly along the centerline of the electrode and into the weld pool, and therefore can be easily directed without affecting the arc behaviour. Figure 4.9: Spray Transfer The transition current (current at which the mode of transfer changes) for the change from globular to spray transfer (Figure 4.10) depends on the wire diameter, shielding gas composition, electrode composition and the electrical extension. At very high currents , above the range for axial spray, the line of metal drops begins to rotate about the electrode axis, and there is an increase in spatter. 84 o COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB lEARN t\'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Short Circuiting Transfer Voltage Globular Transfer 1 · ·. . . ·f·. . . . . . . . . . \.••• ~........ l (~\ I Transition Current - --.j I Spray Transfer Current (amperage) Figure 4.10: Transition Current for Globular to Spray Transfer Spray transfer is characterized by: minimal spatter; a relatively quiet and smooth arc; weld beads with good penetration and nice appearance. However. because of the high current and voltage levels. the weld pool is rather large and difficult to control for out of position welds . Spray transfer is therefore suitable for welding in the flat and horizontal positions. and welding of thick materials. Pulsed Transfer (GMAW-P) Pulsed transfer is a form of spray transfer. Its primary benefits are; All position capability for ferrous and non-ferrous metals More productive for thin material than GTAW No spatter even for difficult filler metals Larger diameter electrodes can be used 85 (l COP'(RIGI IT 2006 1C\NB LEARN.NG CENTRE (§> LEARNING CENTRE Pulsed spray transfer involves the use of a specially designed power source whose cu rrent output changes or "pulses" between a peak value and a background value at a rapid but controllable rate (Figure 4.11 (a)). Peak current surges to above the transition value for spray transfer then drops to a background level so that in each pulse a drop of metal is detached and transferred across the arc. Background current is sufficient to maintain the arc and keep th e electrode tip hot and ready to detach the next droplet during the next pulse. The average current is generally in the range for globular transfer. well below the spray transition value but the bead appea rance resembles that obta in ed with spra y tra nsfer. Also. the lower average current implies a smaller weld pool and lower heat input. thus enabling out of position welding and welding of thin materials. Pulse Peak J Current tp I ASpike @) , 0 Spray Transfer Current Range Current. ---~----------~--~---------~ A Globular Transfer ~ o 0 Background Current - ~C u rrent Range i Time Pulsed-Spray Welding Current Characteristics Drop Formation Figure 4.11 (a): Pulsed Spray Transfer 86 () COP,(RlGHT 20061 CWB LEARN NG CENTRE <!> LEARNING CENTRE Aluminum and other reactive metals are welded with pulsed spray transfer. Larger diameter electrodes improve feeding and reduce weld pool contamination to significant reduction in wire surface incorporated into the deposit. The length of electrode per kilogram(pound) greatly reduces as the electrode diameter increases. (Eg. 1 kg of 0.9mm diameter aluminum wire is 592m long. By comparison the same wire at 1.1 mm diameter is only 358m long. A reduction of about 40%.) An electronically controlled wire feeder with real-time wire feed regulation is used ensure wire feed speed always remains close to the set speed. Effects of Pulse Parameters Electronically controlled pulsed power supplies allow adjustment of a number of pulsing parameters; Pulse rate Pulse width Peak amperage Background amperage Pulse Rate Changes in wire feed speed are accompanied by changes in pulse frequency. As wire speed increases, the pulse frequency and therefore average current must increase so that wire feed speed and burn-off rate are continually matched. The increase in average current causes an increase in heat input. Pulse frequency can readily be used to control arc length . Pulse Width Pulse width is the time at peak amperage. Average amperage and heat input are directly effected by pulse width- both increase with increasing pulse width. Increasing pulse width also has some effect on increasing droplet size and widens the arc cone (bead width increases). Peak Amperage Peak current must be high enough to be above the spray transfer transition. Peak current detaches droplets and propels them across the arc. Peak current directly affects arc length arc length increases with increasing peak current. Some power sources produce a spike to promote droplet detachment from the electrode tip. 87 [) COPYRIGHT 2006 ( C'A'8 LEARNING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Background Amperage Co ntrol of current rise and fali during the pulse cycle is used to control droplet shape and to shape the electrode end in anticipation of the next droplet detachment. ltNV\J\J\ • !truuL • ltlVV\Jl• JtflllJUL• ltN\fVl • ltrvvvL • ltrvvvL • lfNVVl • Increasing Pulse Rate: Increase Pulse Rate (pulses per second) - increases arc length - increases heat inpu t Deuease Pulse Rato (pul ses per second) Increasing Pulse Width: - Increase Pulse Width (pul se peak time) increases increases increases increases arc length heat input penetration bead width Ocacase Pulse Rate (pulses per second) Increasing Peak Amperage: lnacase Peak Amperago - increases BUrn off rate - increases arc length - decreases droplet size Dcucase Peal<. Amperage Increasing Background Amperage : - increases increases increases increases arc length heat input penetration wetti ng action Oecrease B<lckground Amperag e Figure 4. 11(b): Summary of Effects of Pulse Parameters 88 © COP'fruGHT 10061 CWB lfAANlNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Modern power sources allow peak current (Ip), background current (Ib) and the pulse width (duration or frequency) to be pre-programmed for a given application (i.e., shielding gas, wire type and diameter) and changes in wire feed speed are accompanied by changes in pulse frequency. As wire speed increases, the frequency and thus the average current increases so that wire feed speed and burn-off rate are continually matched. Some power sources produce a spike to facilitate the droplet detachment from the electrode tip . With modern GMAW-P equipment there is a wide variation from one manufacturer to another in arc control methods and pulse programming. As a result, care must be taken in selecting appropriate equipment. Procedures which were successful with one equipment package may not be duplicated successfully on a different package and a certain amount of procedure development may be required for each case. Synergic power sources are electronically controlled power sources that can provide a variable pulse frequency that is proportional to wire feed speed. Synergic control is a "one knob" system which changes a number of interrelated variables at one time - simplifying operator control. Synergic power sources are commonly pre-programmed for 0.9, 1.2 and 1.6 mm diameter mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum wires . The systems are designed allow reprogramming or "fine tuning" of the pre-packaged programs . The pulsed spray mode of metal transfer can be substituted for any of the three transfer modes discussed in the preceding paragraphs. When developed and applied correctly, the pulsed spray transfer mode enables welding in all positions, and helps reduce heat input, distortion and spatter. The effect of metal transfer made on weld bead shapes is shown in Figure 4.12(a) and 4.12(b) which present cross sections of six bead on plate welds. Figure 4.12(a): Short Circuit and Globular Transfer 89 O COPYRIGHT 2006 1OVB LfAANING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Figure 4.12(b): Globular and Spray Transfer 4.4 Shielding Gas The following shielding gas or gas mixtures are normally used for welding of carbon and alloy steels: Carbon dioxide Argon - carbon dioxide Argon - oxygen Carbon dioxide is the least expensive of the shielding gases used for gas metal arc welding. Once ionized, carbon dioxide has a high thermal conductivity which helps to keep the arc plasma as a small, dense column under the electrode and the metal is transferred in either the short circuiting or globular mode. The arc is less stable and spatters. The deposited weld bead has a rough surface but deep and round penetration as carbon dioxide transfers the greatest amount of heat to the weld pool (Figure 4.13). 90 © COPYRIGHT 10061 C'IVB LEARN!NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Rough Bead Appearanc Cold, Peaked Bead From High Surface Tension Excessive Spatter Steel Finger-Like Penetrali From Axial Spray Round , Deep Penetration from Non-axial Transfer co, Argon Helium Figure 4.13: Effect of Shielding Gas on Weld Bead Shape Carbon dioxide is an active gas in the sense that at the arc temperature , it dissociates to produce carbon and oxygen, and the latter can oxidize the weld metal. The GMAW wires for use with carbon dioxide shielding gas therefore have sufficient level of deoxidizers like silicon, manganese, etc. to tie up the oxygen. As a result, the manganese and silicon contents. of the weld metal tend to be lower than those in the wire. Conversely, in the case of stainless steels, the weld metal can pick up some carbon which can make stainless welds more prone to corrosion. Argon has a low ionization potential which means that arc voltage and therefore the arc length can be smaller. Also, in the ionized form, argon has a low thermal conductivity. This causes the arc column to expand and extend upwards above the end of the electrode as the welding current is increased. The electrons hitting the electrode above the tip cause local heating and tapering of the electrode. This increases the local current density and the pinch force, causing small droplets to be easily detached and propelled at a high velocity to the weld pool in the form of a spray. However, the arc tends to be cold and unstable, and the weld bead formed is peaky with undercut and finger shape penetration (Figure 4.13). As a result, pure argon is not used for welding of steels. With higher conductivity gases such as carbon dioxide, the plasma column does not expand as much and therefore the electrons are restricted to striking the end of the electrode only. Therefore, no preheating of the wire end occurs and globular or short circuit transfer is promoted. Small additions of active gases like carbon dioxide or oxygen to argon lead to the formation of a small amount of iron oxide on the surface of the weld pool. The oxide is able to increase arc stability as it is a better electron emitter, and it also reduces the weld pool surface tension . Lower surface tension promotes weld pool fluid motion and helps to reduce the tendency toward lack of fusion type flaws. Carbon dioxide also transfers more heat to the base material 91 Cl COPYRlGHT 2006 1CWB LEARNNG CENTRE ~ o «'-,. .../ S-r \.e . LEARNING CENTRE nd promotes rounded rather than finger penetration. A popular argon-carbon dioxide mixture contains 75% argon and 25% carbon dioxide, common ly referred to as C-25 gas. This mixture provides better bead appearance and less spatter than straight CO, (Figure 4.14). It is gnerally used on mild and low alloy steels with short-circuiting or globular transfer. a 98% Argon 2% Oxygen (spray) 95% Argon 5% CO, (spray) {o 75% Argon 25% CO, (globular) 91 % Argon 5% CO, 4% Oxygen Figure 4.14: Effect of Argon Rich Shielding Gas Mixture on Weld Bead Shape Reducing the carbon dioxide content decreases the transition current for spray transfer, and therefore mixtures containing 15% or less carbon dioxide are more conveniently used for spray transfer. When the argon content is 85 to 92%, good penetration and smooth bead appearance are obtained. The current required for spray transfer is still reasonably high and the resulting higher arc energy and good penetration makes this gas composition range suitable for welding thicker materials. With further increase in the argon content of the gas mixture to 95%, stable spray transfer can be maintained at a lower voltage. As a result, the arc energy is somewhat lower and therefore these higher argon containing gases are more suitable for welding thinner material in the flat and horizontal positions though they can be used for thicker materials as well. Since argon is an inert gas, it does not influence the weld metal composition . Therefore as the amount of carbon dioxide, an active gas, is reduced in the argon-carbon dioxide mixture, a greater proportion of manganese and silicon present in the wire will be retained in the weld metal. As well, the weld metal will have a lower oxygen content and this can help to improve 92 © COP'fPJGHT 2006 1CWBlEARNlNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE the notch toughness of the weld metal. Thus, argon - 5% carbon dioxide is a commonly used gas mixture for welding of high performance naval steels where high notch toughness is very desirable. Argon with 1 to 5% oxygen also improves the bead contour and penetration profile (reducing the tendency to finger penetration) compared to that obtained with pure argon . Oxygen contents more than 5% adversely affect the weld metal toughness and also cause undercut. The addition of oxygen to argon reduces the transition current, and therefore argon-oxygen mixtures are used for welding carbon and stainless steels with the spray mode of metal transfer. Proprietary argon based gas mixtures are also available that have additions of both oxygen and carbon dioxide but with in the above ranges. For example, Ar-5% CO 2-4% O 2 and Ar-8% CO 2-2% 0 2 ' These mixtures offer the advantages of individual additions of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and in addition, allow spray transfer at low amperages which is important for pulsed current welding. Also, these mixtures may enable faster welding speeds and less spatter and fumes compared to argon-carbon dioxide mixtures. In some gas mixtures, a part of the argon can be replaced by helium, another inert gas. Pure helium has a high ionization potential. The greater arc voltage required therefore leads to a hotter arc and longer arc length . Like carbon dioxide, it has high thermal conductivity and therefore promoted globular transfer as opposed to spray transfer with pure argon . However, helium is much lighter than air and therefore to offer adequate protection of the arc and the pool from atmospheric contamination , higher gas flow rate is necessary with helium. For welding of carbon and low alloy steels, only small amounts of argon are replaced by helium (up to 30% helium is allowed as per CSA W48). Helium rich gas mixtures are more common for welding of stainless steels (90% He - 7.5% Ar - 2.5% CO 2 ), Hydrogen can also be added in small amounts to gas mixtures. Its influence on arc characteristics is similar to that of helium. Hydrogen is a reducing agent. It easily takes away and combines with oxygen present in oxides, and therefore leads to the formation of cleiln, un oxidized weld beads. However, hydrogen containing gas mixtures, for example, 96.25% Ar - 2.75% CO 2 - 1% H2 , may be used only for austenitic stainless steels since the hydrogen will cause embrittlement and cracking in ferritic and martensitic steels. For welding of metals and alloys other than steels and stainless steels, argon-helium gas mixtures are frequently employed, i.e., there are no additions of oxygen or carbon dioxide. Increasing the helium content to 50 to 75% range makes the arc hotter by virtue of the higher arc voltage and therefore is useful for welding heavy thicknesses of aluminum , magnesium, and copper. Argon with up to 5% hydrogen is used for welding nickel and nickel alloys. Also, argon-25% hydrogen mix is recommended for welding of thick section copper. Hydrogen also increases the arc heat due to the higher arc voltage needed and is therefore useful due to the high heat conductivity of copper. 93 o COPYRIGHT 2OJ6 iCWB LEARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Safety with Gas Cylinders The shielding gases and gas mixtures are normally supplied as compressed gases in cylinders. Whether in use or in storage, the cylinders must be secured and handled carefully since knocks or falls may damage the cylinder or the valve, and may cause a leak or an accident. Following precautions should be taken in the use of gas cylinders: Always properly secure the cylinders; While standing to one side, momentarily open the valve to clear any dirt present before connecting a regulator; After connecting the regulator, release the pressure adjusting screw and then slowly open the cylinder valve to prevent a high pressure gas surge in the regulator; The cylinder valve should be shut off and adjusting screw backed off when the cylinder is not in use. The cautions given above apply to all shielding gases, whether for use with the GMAW process or other gas shielded processes (FCAW, MCAW, GTAW) discussed later. For more details on Welding Safety, reference CSA Standard W117.2 "Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes" or Module 1 "Welding Health and Safety" of the MLS series. 4.5 Advantages and Limitations of the GMAW Process The main advantages of the GMAW process are its application to a wide variety of materials, higher deposition rate and productivity compared to the shielded metal arc welding process (Figure 4,15) and the better quality of the deposited weld metal. As well, with the recently developed advanced welding power sources and the availability of smaller diameter wires (0.9 and 1.1 mm diameter), welding procedures can be developed to apply the process in all welding positions, both in semi-automatic and automatic modes. 94 e> COPYRlGHT 20061 CYV8 L.EAAN i\.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 35r------------------------------------, 30 Typical for GMAW _1 .1 mm wire; stickout 19 mm 25 Deposition 20 Rate, 15 Iblh Typical SMA W Range of Sizes and Types 10 5 o o 200 400 600 Welding Current, A Figure 4.15: Comparative Deposition Rates of GMAW and SMAW The higher deposition rate results from the absence of electrode covering and higher current density (same current but smaller diameter wire). The higher productivity of this process results from: a higher duty cycle the time saved in not having to clean slag or flux from the deposited metal higher utilization of the filler metal The weld metal deposited using the GMAW process is generally cleaner (fewer non-metallic inclusions) and in the case of high strength structural steels, weld metal with superior toughness can be obtained with proper selection of shielding gas (Ar-5 to 15%). Such applications include girth welding of large diameter natural gas and oil pipelines, submarine hulls, etc. The "low hydrogen" nature of the process is an additional important characteristic, especially for welding of high strength steels. One of the main limitations of the gas metal arc welding process is its sensitivity to the welding parameters. Seemingly small changes in voltage, electrode extension, etc. can have a significant influence on the bead shape and penetration , and thus on the incidence of weld flaws such as incomplete fusion . Faithful reproduction of qualified welding procedures is therefore critical to obtain sound production welds . In this regard , matching wire feed speed between the qualification procedure and production situation is a good indicator that the 95 (0 COPYRIGHT 200(, I CWB L£ARNING CENTRE ~ LEARN,NG CENTRE correct procedure has been implemented. One must also be aware that air drafts can reduce the effectiveness of the shielding medium causing porosity in the weld metal. 4.6 Electrode Wires for Gas Metal Arc Welding Wire electrodes and deposits for GMAW of non-alloyed and fine-grained steels are classified and certified under CSA Standard W48 using the designations and classification requirements specified in CAN/CSA-ISO 14341 . A typical gas metal arc welding electrode designation is: ISO 14341 B-G 49A 3 C G2 (formerly ER49S-2) where : B G 49 A 3 C G2 is the system based on tensile strength and 27 J impact energy gas metal arc welding minimum weld metal tensile strength (in increments of MPa) tested in the as-welded condition impact test temperature _30 shielding gas CO 2 chemical composition of the wire electrode 0 For example, the wire designation above would have a minimum tensile strength of 490 MPa and that the wire contains nominal amounts of zirconium, titanium and aluminum for deoxidation purposes in addition to silicon and manganese. Such wires are capable of producing sound welds in semi-killed and rimmed steels, especially using the short-circuiting mode of metal transfer. Moreover, these wires can be used to produce acceptable welds even when there is some rust present at the steel surface. Further guidance on the optimum use of various carbon steel wires is given in the appendix to CSA Standard W48 . It should be noted that CSA Standard W48 certifies GMAW wires based on tests with 100% CO, shielding gas only. Certified wires are permitted to be used with argon rich gas mixtures but with certain restrictions on the CO, and 0 , contents. Argon rich gas mixtures cause an increase in weld metal manganese and silicon content while decreasing oxygen content. This occurs becasue of a lack of "active gas" in the arc atmosphere. Electrodes certified with CO 2 are purposely over alloyed with manganese and silicon to compensate for losses in a CO 2 arc environment. USing shielding gas mixtures containing only small amounts of oxygen and/or carbon dioxide will result in higher levels of these alloys in the weld. The additional amount of these alloys in the weld will increase its yield and tensile strength properties. This mayor may not be desirable depending on the type of load the weldment may be subjected to . 96 (l COP'YRlGHT 20061 CWB I.EAANING CENTRE ® LEARNING CENTRE The electrode diameters are commercially available in the range 0.9 to 1.6mm diameter. The largest diameter electrode that can be used depends partly on the steel thickness to be welded . It is usually 0.9mm diameter for workpiece thickness up to 10mm and 1.2mm up to 20mm thickness. Gas metal arc welding is treated as a controlled hydrogen welding process as long as due care is taken to ensure that the electrode and the jOint surfaces are clean. The shielding gas used must have a low moisture content. Moisture content is evaluated by the temperature at which condensation occurs. Welding grade gases usually have a dew point of -40 °C. 4.7 Application of Gas Metal Arc Welding Process Virtually all weldable materials can be joined with the GMAW process. Nonferrous alloys (aluminum, magnesium, copper, nickel, titanium and their alloys) are welded using spray or pulsed spray mode, and successful procedure development depends mainly on selection of the shielding gas and welding parameters. The filler metal is often designed to somewhat match the base material in composition . Due to the inert shielding gas, no significant changes in chemistry of the deposited weld metal should occur. There are exceptions of course; aluminum filler metals are formulated to prevent hot cracking and do not normally match the base metal chemistry. Gas meta l arc welding of structural steels on the other hand can be more complex. Considerations include filler metal composition, shielding gas and metal transfer mode, as well as the metal thickness, joint design and welding position. Similar jOint designs can be employed for gas metal arc welding as for shielded metal arc welding except that groove angles can be reduced due to the smaller diameter of GMAW wires . GMAW can be less forgiving than SMAW or FCAW particularly when using smaller wire diameters. Good penetration and fusion is easily obtained directly beneath the arc, however, in many cases increased oscillation is required to properly fuse into the sides of the joint, whereas for the same joint FCAW or SMAW can produce satisfactory results without oscillation. High argon content shielding gases create a directional penetration shape (finger penetration) which is prone to incomplete fusion. Typical penetration shapes are illustrated in Figure 4.16. 97 Cl COPYRlGHr lOO6 l CW8 L£AANING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Figure 4.16: Directional Penetration from High Argon Content Steels in thickness from about 1 to 3mm can generally be butt welded with square edges in one pass provided the gap is less than 3mm . For steel thickness ranging from 3 to 6mm, a complete penetration groove jOint can be obtained with square edge preparation by welding from both sides provided that there is adequ ate root gap (1 to 4mm). Above 6mm , it is custom ary to prepare the joint edges. Thicknesses greater than 6mm usually require multiple passes. Deposition rates achieved in gas metal arc welding using wires of various diameters are shown in Figure 4.17. 30r---,---.---,----.---.---, 12 25 10 20 Deposition 15 Rate 6 (Ib/hr) 5 - Deposition Rate (kg/hr) 2 °0~~1~00~~2~070~3~0~0--740~0~750~0~~600 Weldi ng Current (Amps) Figure 4.17: GMAW Deposition Rate for Different Diameter Wires 98 © COPYRIGHT 10061 CWB lEARN NG CENTRE <!> LEARNINGCENTRE Weld Soundness in Gas Metal Arc Welding Once an appropriate electrode and shielding gas have been selected, the soundness of weld beads deposited using the GMAW process depends on cleanliness of the joint, optimum setting of welding parameters (voltage, wire feed speed, electrode extension) and welder technique . Joint cleanliness is important in gas metal arc welding to avoid porosity. This is specially true for aluminum alloys where elaborate chemical or mechanical cleaning measures may be needed and time between cleaning and welding minimized in order to eliminate porosity. Inadequate shielding gas flow rate, shielding gas contamination and excessive electrode extension are other potential causes of porosity. Incomplete fusion is a common flaw, in root areas and along groove faces during short circuiting mode of metal transfer. There may be oxide islands present or the bead shape may be convex, and in both cases interpass cleaning and grinding may be required so that subsequent passes fuse completely. Narrow grooves, high travel speed, excessive electrode extension, improper work and travel angles, are other possible causes for incomplete fusion (see Figure 4.18). Typical GMAW Lack of Fusion Figure 4.18: Incomplete Fusion (Lack of Fusion) 99 o COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB LEARNING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Similarly, high travel speed, high voltage and current , improper gun angle, insufficient dwell time at edge, can all cause undercutting. 4.8 Effect of Arc Welding Variables in Arc Welding Processes Welding parameters influence weld bead shape and the creation of flaws in the weld zone. These variables can be divided into three categories: Primary Variables: current voltage travel speed These variables are adjusted most commonly to influence the weld characteristics and can be varied over wide ranges and influence bead shape and penetration, arc stability and deposition rate. Secondary Variables: tip to work distance travel angle work angle These variables influence the weld characteristics indirectly by changing the primary variables. Process Specific Variables: electrode type and size shielding gas composition (or flux) current type and polarity thickness and type of metal to be welded joint design welding position desired heat input and/or the deposition rate The effect of these variables is more or less similar in all of the continuous wire processes (including gas shielded FCAW and SAW presented in the following chapters). The following paragraphs describe the effects of these variables applied to gas metal arc welding . 100 © COFYRlGHT 20061 CVVB LfARNNG CENTRE ~> LEARNING CENTRE The effect of the three primary variables: current, arc voltage and travel speed on weld bead characteristics (penetration, bead width and depth) are shown schematically in Figures 4.19 to 4.21. Continuous wire processes using a constant potential power source and a constant speed wire feeder control current by wire feed speed . Qualified welding procedures should always state the wire feed speed, wire size, shielding gas, etc. When setting up equipment to implement a qualified welding procedure matching wire feed speed is the surest way to reproduce the approved procedure. Penetration -r=:-<K?1 T _ I ~ I ! Travel Speed (mm/sec) Arc Voltage (Volts) Welding Current (Amps) I Shallow / .. Deep Increasing Penetration Figure 4.19: Influence of Current, Voltage and Travel Speed on Penetration 101 © COPYRIGHT 2((161 C'NB LEAAN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE r= ~ 1-"" , , , , - Bead Width Travel Speed (mm/sec) ::I ~_ - Arc Voltage (Volls) Welding Current (Amps) Narrow - Wide Increasing Bea d Width Figure 4.20: Influence of Current, Voltage and Travel Speed on Bead Width I Bead Height or _~ Reinforcement ~ I {......, . . . ., '-" I ' ~' ~ I ~ I ,L ~ f- Travel Speed (mm/sec) I f- - - Arc Voltage (Valls) - - - ~ ~ - Weld ing Current (Amps) - - I Low High Increasing Bead Heigh t Figure 4.21: Influence of Current, Voltage and Travel Speed on Bead Height (Reinforcement) 102 @COPYRIGHT20061C'N8lEAAN!r-.'G CENTRE <§> LEARNING GENTRE Assuming that all other parameters stay the same, an increase in current increases the wire melt off rate (higher wire feed speed needed), deposition rate, heat input and penetration. Increasing current also increases the minimum voltage that can be used. If current (WFS) is increased too much, stubbing will occur indicating voltage needs to be increased. Excessive current produces convex beads. Very low current also leads to unsatisfactory bead shape and an unstable arc, and may also lead to incomplete fusion type of flaws. Arc voltage is measured between the tip of the unmelted electrode and the surface of the weld puddle. To some extent, it does depend on the welder technique . Provided voltage is within the specified range of an approved welding procedure, acceptable welds should be obtained. For a given current, too Iowan arc voltage (short arc length) leads to a convex and narrow bead. Conversely, excess arc voltage (longer arc) yields a wider, flatter bead (Figure 4.22) with a possibility of undercut, incomplete fusion and excessive spatter. In practice, arc voltage is the main tool used to control the shape of the weld bead. ....--......J r \ Arc Voltage 19 ! \ r---~~~------~~~--J Arc 34 Voltage th '-----1.. _ 11 -~ L_ Bead Width j ! \ \ -\ I.Bead Width.1 Ar c Len gth I Figure 4.22: Weld Bead Width Related to Change In Arc Voltage In the preceding paragraph, the term arc voltage has been used through out. It may be different from the reading on the metre on the power source because of voltage drop from the power source to the arc due to factors such as small diameter or long cable, loose connections , uncalibrated metres, etc. Welding machines should be checked for proper operation/calibration on a regu lar basis. 103 (l COf'YRJGHT 2006 1CVv'8lEMNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Travel speed is the rate at which the arc is moved along the weld joint. Manually, the welder determines the correct travel speed by judging the puddle size and keeping the arc at the leading edge of the weld pool. Travel speeds are naturally faster than those for the shielded metal arc welding process. Excessive travel speed (lower heat input) leads to narrower, convex beads with limited penetration and possibly undercut at the toes. However, too Iowa travel speed can also produce a (large) weld with limited penetration since the arc force is absorbed by the molten weld pool rather than the base materials at the leading edge of the pool. Low travel speed when used on thinner materials can also cause burn-through due to heat build up. Amongst the secondary variables, the Tip To Work distance (TTW) is the most important. Tip To work distance is the sum of the electrode extension and the arc length (Figure 4.23(a)). For a given preset voltage (arc length), an increase in Tip To Work distance means an increase in the electrode extension which is described in Chapter 1, increases the resistance in the circuit thus reducing the current (Figure 4.23(b)). Arc voltage is reduced because there is an increase in the voltage drop over the longer electrode extension and the total voltage is fixed due to the constant voltage output from the power source. Both these factors make the arc colder and reduce the penetration. Further, if the wire feed speed is increased so that the same arc current is maintained as with the smaller Tip To Work distance, then there will be an increase in the deposition rate. The effects of reducing the electrical extension will be opposite to those described above. The Tip To Work distance is suggested to be of the order of 6 to 13 mm for short circuiting transfer and 13 to 22mm for spray transfer. Electron Flow ...,.--·\111 TIp to Work Distance I / \ / 1 t ~ Electrode ExtenSion Arc Length Figure 4.23(a): Relationship Between Tip To Work Distance (TTW). Electrode Extension and Arc Length 104 () COPYRlGHT 20061 C'Y'I1l LF.ARN NG CENl RE <§> LEARNING CENTRE \ II Constant Wire Feed Speed Normal Distance Normal o Cold Vm =Total voltage across wire and arc (constant) Va =Arc vol tage (from lip or wire to work piece) A =Welding cu rrent Figure 4.23(b): Effect ofTip To Work Distance (TTW) on Arc Voltage and Welding Current In semi-automatic processes, the welder can make beneficial uses of these effects. The welder controls the tip to work distance by moving the gun away from or nearer to the work piece. When welding thin materials or over wider gaps, increased tip to work distance may lead to an irregular arc, undesirable bead shape and lack of fusion types of flaws . Conversely, a short electrical tip to work distance increases the current and can be helpful in ensuring a hot start. Welding with a short tip to work distance will give better penetration but may also lead to a build up of spatter in the nozzle. Travel angle is the angle that the electrode makes with a reference line perpendicular to the axis of the weld in the travel plane (Figure 4.24). When the electrode paints towards the start of the weld, the travel angle is said to be a drag (trailing, lag, pull) angle and the practice is referred to as backhand welding. When the electrode points in the direction of travel , then the travel angle is said to be a lead (push) angle and the practice is called forehand welding . The effect of travel angle on bead shape and penetration is shown in Figure 4.25. The effects of welding variables described above are to a large extent sim ilar for flux cored and submerged arc welding. Figure 4.26 displays fillet weld cross sections made using different travel angles. 105 () COf"fIUGHT 2006 1CWB L£ARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Drag Angle - Push Angle Push Angle --1 __ _ /l v' -t--- ~ _____ Drag Angle Axis of Weld Axis of Weld Figure 4.24: Travel Angle for Push and Drag Techniques Pulling Angle -30 ' -20' -10' 0' Pushing Angle +10' () \dtu@y PulllDrag Q ~ +20' +30' ~ I Push/Lead Increasing Penetration • Figure 4.25: Effect of Travel Angle on Weld Bead Penetration 106 © COI'YRlGHT 2006 1CW8 LEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 20'Push 20 0 pull Travel Angle Figure 4.26: Comparison of Push/Pull Travel Angles Work angle is the angle that the electrode makes with a vertical reference line in the work plane (Figure 4.27). The work angle is selected to help control the bead shape and place it at the required location in the joint, and to direct penetration. Figure 4.28 displays fillet weld cross sections made using different travel and work angles. Work Plane r························· ......._..................................-.. ~ ~/ _..-.--_ii Work Plane I ---I L •...... _ .•. _ .••.................___ ......................•••..•.•............. _... I _.1 ......................................." ..........""...."."".... "...1 Figure 4.27: Definition of Work Angle for Fillet and Groove Joints 107 @COP'I'RIGHT2006 iCWBlEARNNGCENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Work Angle (measured from horiz.) Figure 4.28: Comparison of Varied Work Angles 108 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB LEARNNG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTR' Chapter 5 FLUX CORED ARC WELDING 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Principles of Operation ....... . ....... ... .... . . . . .. ... ..... ..... ... .. 110 Equipment .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ...... .... ... ... . •• ...... .... . .112 Advantages and Applications of the Cored Wire Processes ... .. ...... .. .... 113 Classification of Cored Wires ........... . . .. ................... . . . .... 114 Shielding Gases for Gas Shielded Tubular Electrodes ...... . . . .. . . .. . ..... 121 Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels .. . .... . ............. . . ... . . . •...... . .... . ..... 122 109 e COP'fRIGHT 20061 CWRlfAAN f\,'G CENTRE <§> 5. 5.1 LEARNING CENTRE FLUX CORED ARC WELDING Principles of Operation The gas shielded flux cored arc welding process combines specific features from both the shielded metal arc and gas metal arc welding processes. A continuous filler metal electrode is used but it has a hol low core. The core is filled with flux and other ingredients that perform the same functions as the covering on the shielded metal arc welding electrodes, to stabilize the arc, generate gases and provide a slag cover to shield the arc and weld metal from atmospheric contamination, purify the weld metal, add alloying elements, shape the weld bead, etc. Further protection is provided by an externally supplied shielding gas. In operation, an arc is struck between the continuously fed tubular wire containing the fluxing and other ingredients (flux cored wire) and the workpiece (see Figure 5.1). As in the GMAW process, the heat generated by the arc melts the end of the electrode (the metal sheath and the ingredients inside) and part of the base metal at the weld seam . The arc transfers the molten metal from the tip of the melting electrode to the workpiece where it becomes the deposited metal. The arc travel along the weld seam can be mechanized (automatic welding) or manual (semi-automatic welding). Solidified Slag • Gas Nozzle Flux Cored Electrode Powdered Flux t:JOa ~ Direction of Welding Weld Pool Figure 5.1: Schematic Representation of the Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding Process 110 e COPYRIGHT 2006 1CNB LEARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Today, three groups of tubular electrodes are available for common use: The first group of wires are called gas shielded flux cored wires and these are meant to be used with an external gas shield foll owing the original developments in the mid 50's. The first major variation of the gas shielded flux cored wire was the self-shielded flux cored wire. With these wires, as the name implies, no external gas shield is used (Figure 5.2) and instead all the required shielding of the arc and the weld pool is provided by the gases formed by the break down of flux ingredients in the core and the slag cover on the weld metal. A certain amount of nitrogen pick-up from the atmosphere is unavoidable and therefore denitriders or nitrogen fixers such as aluminum are added to the core ·ngredients. Wire Guide and Contact Tube Wr Solidified Slag Tubular Electrode Powdered Metal, Vapor Forming Materials, Deoxidizers and Scavengers Arc Shield Composed of Vaporized and Slag Forming Compounds Arc and Metal Transfer t:JO/J C) Direction of Welding Weld Pool Figure 5.2: Schematic Representation of the Self-Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding Process Another group of tubular wires are called metal cored electrodes. These wires combi ne features of flu x cored and gas metal arc welding wires. The continuously fed wire is cored but does not contain fluxing ingredients. Instead the core only contains arc stabilizing compounds, deoxidizers and metal powders. The shielding is therefore provided only by the externally supplied shielding gas as in GMAW. Metal cored arc welding electrodes are grouped with flu x cored arc welding wires in Canadian Standard CSA W 48 but in the U.S., these wires are considered as a variation of gas metal arc welding process. 111 © COP'YRIGHT 20061 CWB lEARN NG CENTRE <§> 5.2 LEARNING CENTRE Equipment The equipment arrangement for gas shielded FCAW and MCAW is essentially the same as for GMAW and described in the previous chapter. It comprises a constant voltage power source, a constant speed wire feeder and control system, the welding gun and a supply of shielding gas. The power source and the gun of course must be rated for the current levels that are likely to be used with the selected electrode. Since the flux cored arc welding process may involve higher welding currents, guns for semi-automatic welding can be provided with an attached protective hand shield . Most electrodes are designed for welding with direct current electrode positive polarity. As in GMAW, the constant voltage power source and constant speed wire feeder enable a constant arc voltage/arc length to be maintained . In the case of self-shielded flux cored arc welding , the guns used are slightly different since there is no need for an external gas supply. Most self-shielded flux cored arc welding wires are designed for welding with direct current, electrode negative polarity and with longer electrode extensions. Due to the latter reason , an insulated extension guide is attached to the contact tube to ensure that the wire and the arc are directed at the intended location. Resistance heating of electrode Tip to Work Distance Figure 5.3 112 @COPYRJGHT21):)6 1CW8LEARNINGCENTRE ~ 5.3 LEARNING CENTRE Advantages and Applications of the Cored Wire Processes The cored wire processes offer a high quality weld deposit with higher deposition rate and productivity than the SMAW process. Higher productivity is a result of a high duty cycle, high deposition efficiency, and high travel speeds. Compared to GMAW, the cored wire processes are more tolerant to small deviations in welding current, voltage, tip to work distance, etc., and therefore are more likely to provide weld deposits free from incomplete fusion flaws. Among the three cored wire variations covered here, the self shielded flux cored wires are better able to tolerate air currents than the others and therefore are a more suitable candidate for field work. In automatic applications, very high travel speeds are possible with self shielded wires leading to high productivity. However, these wires should be properly selected since some formulations are not designed for multipass welds. Metal cored electrodes produce little if any slag or oxide similar to the GMAW process. However, the metal cored wires provide a higher deposition rate than does GMAW, and also a wider, more rounded bead shape when argon rich gas shielding is used (Figure 5.4). 16 19mm TTW 85% Ar, 15% CO 2 Shielding Gas 14 Metal Cored 12 10 8 Deposition Rate 6 ,#,# ~ ........ .'.' .' .' .'• .... ~ Solid Wire GMAW • (Ibs/hr) 4 2 o 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 Arc Current, A Figure 5.4: Comparative Deposition Rates for GMA and Metal .,,,.-"cored Wire Welding with 1.6 mm Diameter Wire ~r",~ ' ,fJl,,7 <" .....- &<'" OS '" Compared to GMAW, the main disadvantage of the cored wire processes is the amount of fume generation . Self shielded tubular electrodes produce the greatest amount of particulate fumes which in some cases may be more than covered electrodes. Gas shielded flux cored and metal cored electrodes normally produce less fume than covered electrodes but more than GMAW though th e rates can vary significantly from wire to wire. Secondly, there is a need for interpass slag removal with the flu x cored wires. Finally, the weld quality of gas shielded FCAW and MCAW welds ca n be impaired by the presence of air drafts as for GMAW. 113 Cl COPYRIGHT 20061 CW8 LEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Tubular electrodes are available for welding several of the commercially significant metals and alloys such as ca rbon and low alloy steels, stainless steels, nickel alloys, as well as for hardfacing and surfacing applications. Depending on the wire size and the type of ingredients in the core, cored wire processes can be applied for welding in all positions. The flu x cored arc welding process is a more productive substitute for shielded metal arc welding in most applications. It is commonly used for medium thickness workpieces which may be considered as relatively thin for optimum application of the submerged arc welding process and relatively thick for optimum application of sma ll diameter wire, gas metal arc welding with CO, gas shield. Such applications are quite common in the fabrication of construction equipment. General structural steel and industrial equipment fabrication (e.g., mach ine tool bases, ladles for the steel industry, etc.) are also a major user of the process. More recently, the flu x cored arc welding process is being used for pipe welds. Applications in the pressure vessel industry are also increasing gradually as newer wires provide lower weld metal hydrogen content, better toughness and better control over excessive strength (Figure 5.5). Still, the weld metal toughness can be adversely affected by thermal stress relief, and therefore weld tests should be performed to confirm that weld metal toughness is still adequate after stress relieving . 5.4 Classification of Cored Wires The requirements for carbon steel flux cored arc welding wires (both self-shielded and gas shielded) are described in CSA Standard W48 and with some differences, in AWS OJ 24 120 a - 110 a 30 'Vi 6100 ..- 0, c: 90 Min· 20 ~ ....................... ,................ § .c ~~ 'Vi ~ 80 15 r-"" 70 M.jn~ . ....... .... 25_ _~ 1994 g> o 10 iIi '--....L......................I_-' 5 1977 ~ 1977 1994 • Minimum value specified by CSA W48 for the E491T-9 Classification :5 20 iiiOJ 16 -g, 12 .s Max' ................................. e I Q) :0 "en € 8 o 4 '--_-'--'-.......-'-......1 1977 Figure 5.5: Improved control of Weld Metal Mechanical Properties and Hydrogen Content In Recently Developed E491T-9 Wires 114 () COPYRIGHT 2OCl61 CWBlEAAN NG CENTRE 1994 • Maximum value specified by CSA W48 for the E491T-9 Classification ~ LEARNING CENTRE Specification A5.20. Those for low alloy steels, stainless steels, and for surfacing are included in AWS Specifications A5.29, A5 .22, and A5.21 , respectively. Gas shielded carbon steel and low alloy steel flux cored wires are usually classified as rutile or basic, depending on the flux chemistry. Metal transfer using rutile wires is in the spray mode over a large operating current range and for all practical purposes, there is no globular to spray transition current (Figure 5.6) . The deposited bead is generally smooth with excellent penetration, and out of position welding capability is achieved by controlling the slag fluidity by suitably designing the core ingredient mix. Recent improvements in the design of rutile wires include lower weld metal hydrogen content and better notch toughness by microalloying the weld metal with titanium and boron . Basic flux cored electrodes have core ingredients rich in limestone and fluorspar, similar to the covering on basic (E4918) electrodes. These electrodes do not readily operate in the spray mode. Metal transfer occurs in the short circuiting mode at low currents and in globular mode at high currents (Figure 5.7). While the penetration characteristics are comparable to that of rutile wires, the arc is less stable with considerable spatter. More important, the slag is very fluid making it difficult to use basic wires for out of position welding. Due to the basic nature of flux ingredients, the weld deposit has relatively low hydrogen content and superior notch toughness compared to rutile wires (Figure 5.8). 85~o Ar, 15% CO 2 Shielding Gas I 350 I~ 250 0 0 150 100 190 ! - I C'?' I !j , - ! I J, i 150 - I 0 0 0 ~ I.. 200 ! ! ~ i! 300 Wire Feed Speed (in/min) i 19imm TTW 400 230 270 310 Current, (amperes) 350 - 390 Figure 5.6: Wire Feed Speed and Spray Transfer Mode with 1.6 mm Diameter Rutile FCAW Wire 115 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB l EAAN i\,'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 19 mmTTW i 85% Ar. 15% ¢02 . Spray ~ Shielding Gas! 400 Short Circuit ~ g 1:!GlnbUla~ ~ U L-...-.J ~ gF 300 Wire Feed Speed (in/min) 200 100 Usable Operating Range. 180 220 260 300 340 380 420 Current. (amperes) Figure 5.7: Wire Feed Speed and Metal Transfer Mode in 1.6 mm Diameter Basic FCAW Wire 160 0; o o 5 g '" 10 ~ 120 o -, -100 8 e is 11 5 r- 11 6 - 80 I- ~!!... " 40 ~ I ,g -11 8 @) ~ 60 ~ 4 " 118 r- o ~ iii0> 6 :0 'in ~ 140 I- 2 36 ~ r-- tl ~ 20 o J-.1...--.L......Jt.......JU Basic Rutile E o Basic (E492T-5) Rutile (E491T-9) rl Figure 5.8: Comparative Weld Metal Notch Toughness and Diffusible Hydrogen Levels In Weld Metals Deposited by Basic and Rutile Wires 116 {l COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB LEARN f\,'G CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE I 19mm TTW 400 i 85% A r, 15% CO 2 Shielding Gas Globular I Spray !~ : 10 Short Circuit ~ I 0 0 ~ 300 Wi re Feed Speed (in/min) I ~ ! 200 - t -- Transition Current 100 180 220 260 340 300 380 420 460 Current, (amperes) Figure '5.9: Wire Feed Speed and Metal Transfer Mode in 1.6 mm Diameter Metal Cored Wire Metal transfer in metal cored wires ca n be in any of the three modes - short circuiting, globular or spray, depending on the welding parameters and shielding gas (Figure 5,9). In practice , spray mode is used most often. Fo r out of position ap plications pulsed spray transfer can be used. Th e cored wire designation schemes followed in CSA Standard W48 and in AWS Specification A5.20 for classification purposes are shown in Figures 5.10(a) and 5.10(b), respectively. 117 © COf'YIUGHT 2o:l6 1CW8 LEAAN!NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE I ~ !I Electrode Slag System, Cu rrent, Potarity Shielding Gas The leiter M designates that the electrode is classified using 75 80'% argon , balance CO 2 or that the electrode is sel f-shielded. Minimum Tensile Strength Type of Wire: 43 = 430 MPa 49 = 490 MPa T C - XMJ x x E = Flux Co red Electrode = Metal Cored Electrod e HZ + Optional designator about controlled hydrogen ~ z" indicates the maximum diffusable hydrogen per 1009 of deposited weld metal. Z can be 2,4.8 or 16. Welding Pos ition§:: The letter J designates that the electrode meets the requirements for improved toughness of 27 J at 40°C. Absence of the letter J indi cates normal impa ct requirements as given in Table 16 = All Positions 2 = Flat & Flat & Horizonlal Fillets Figure 5.1O(a): Classification Scheme for Flux Cored Wires In CSA Standard 48 x E x XM T !I ~ Electrod e - HZ Slag System, Current, Polarity Shielding Gas Minimum Tensile Strength =60 ksi 7 =70 ksi Tubu larW ire 6 Welding Positions: a = Fl at & Horizontal 1 = A ll Positions I Optional designato rs about controlled hydrogen. The leiter M designates that the electrode is classified using 75 • 80% argon . balance CO2 shielding gas. When the le iter M designator does not appear. it signifies that either the shielding gas used for classification is 100% CO 2 or that the electrode is self-shielded . Figure 5.10(b): Classification Scheme for Flux Cored Wires in AWS Specification A 5.20 118 Cl CQPYRlGKf 1006 I CWB l£ARNI\'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The main differences between the two schemes are: Two digits are used in the GSA scheme to denote the minimum weld metal tensile strength (in increments of 10 MPa) as opposed to a single digit (equal to ksi/10) used in the AWS scheme; For the welding position indicator, GSA Standard uses the digit 2 to indicate suitability for flat and horizontal positions where as the AWS system uses 0 for the same purpose; Metal cored wires are included in GSA Standard tables of GSA W48 dealing with flux cored wires whereas in AWS, metal cored wires are included in tables GSA W48 dealing with solid wires for gas metal arc welding; The slag system, current polarity and shielding gas are shown in Table 5.1. 119 e COf'YIUGHT 2«161 CVY'B lEARN f\.'G CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Table 5.1 : Shielding gas, current/polarity and slag system for electrodes of different classification. CSAW48 Classification T·l" T-2" T-3 T-4 T-5" T·6 T-7 - - T·B T-S" T-l0 f-------r:11 -~ --T-~ - - - T-13 T-14 T-G T·GS - -C-3" -~- I- C-6" C-G C·GS .- Applicalion Slag Syslem Multiple Pass Rutile Rutile Fluoride, rutile Fluoride Lime, fluoride Basic oxide Fluoride Fluoride Rutile Fluoride Fluoride Rutile c) Single Pass Single Pass Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Pass Pass Pass Pass Multi~le Pass Multiple Pass ~ glePass ~lePass Multiple Pass ~glePas5 Single Pass Multiple Pass ~lePass Multiple Pass Multiple Pass Multiple Pass Single Pass CO- b) b) _ _ Nol applicable Not applicable Nol a~~licable Nol applicable -- Shielding Gas 'Current and Polari~ dc, electrode positive dc, electrode positive de , electrode positive dc, electrode positive dc, electrode positive dc, electrode positive dc, electrode nel1ative dc, electrode negative dc, electrode positive dc, electrode negative _ f- dc, electrode negative CO2dc , electrode positive None_ _ _~ectrode negative_ dc, electrode negative None a) a) a) --~ CO 2• Dc, electrode positive CO," Dc. electrode positive a) &...1a) a) CO," CO," None None CO," None None None CO," None _ _ None "The classificalion T-IM. T-2M . T-5M. T-9M. T-12M, C-3M and C-6M are po ssibl e if Ihe qualificalion lesls are made wilh gas mixlures of 75- BO % argon. balance CO,. (a) (b) (c) (d) As agreed upon between supplier and user. Slag syslem developed by Ihe manufaclurer for specific applicalions. Designed for root pass in pipeline girth welds. Designed for welding of galvanized and aluminized sheel sleels. The classification scheme for low alloy flux cored arc welding wires in AWS 5.29 Specification is similar to that for carbon steel wires, the main difference being the higher weld metal tensile strength and additional letters and numbers at the end used to indicate alloying elements present in the weld metal. Similarly, metal cored wires for low alloy steels have the same classification scheme as low alloy steel solid wires in AWS A5.28 except that S (denoting solid wire) is replaced by C (indicating composite or metal cored wire). In comparison, stainless steel flux cored arc welding wires are classified based primarily on the weld metal composition and the shielding medium used during welding . 120 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CW8 tEMN NG CENTRe ~ 5.5 LEARNING CENTRE Shielding Gases for Gas Shielded Tubular Electrodes Carbon dioxide can be the shielding gas used when required, for classification purposes. However, Argon-Carbon Dioxide (Ar-CO, ) mixtures are increasingly becoming popular as their use with rutile wires provides less spatter, smoother beads, and better wetting action and puddle control for out of position welding. Similarly, with basic wires, less spatter and smoother beads are obtained. Less fumes are generated when compared with 100% CO, shielding gas. Weld penetration is however reduced to some extent. For the reasons just mentioned, the last revision of the Standard CSA W48 allows for a M9 ("Mixed gas") designator in the classification which allows to classify the wires wiih gas mixtures having 75 80% argon, balance CO 2 , Metal cored wires are used mostly with Ar-CO, mixture as the shielding gas and welding with 100%CO, is rare . Since Argon (Ar) is an inert gas, it does not react with elements in the arc. Use of Ar-CO, mixtures as a shielding gas causes less oxidation of Manganese (Mn) and Silicon (Si) present in the wire , leading to higher Mn and Si content in the weld metal. This increases the weld metal tensile strength, and may also reduce the elongation values (Figure 5,11), Similarly, the amount of hydrogen retai ned in the weld metal can be larger compared with the use of CO, gas, The wires can be designed to avoid excessive increase in weld meta l streng th and impairment in elongation, and therefore the manufacturer should be consulted and/or procedure qualification performed before embarking on the use of Ar-CO, mixture with flux cored wires in fabrication . The shielding gas selected does not affect the deposition rate to any significant extent. 100 90 'in 2'S. ~ ~ 80 - 28 25 - 30 25 _ ?fi. .<: 70 l- " 60 I- 20 Co ~ 50 15 g> rn ~ 'in ~ o " ~ 40 - 10 iIi 5 C25 100% CO, C25 100% CO, Figure 5.11: Effect of Shielding Gas on Weld Metal Strength and Elongation 121 O COPYRlGHT 20061 CVVB LfARNING CENTRE <§> 5.6 LEARNING CENTRE Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Joint Design For groove welds, thicknesses up to 13 mm may be welded without edge preparation. Greater thicknesses require beveled preparation. Self shielded electrodes do not penetrate as deeply as gas shielded wires . Therefore the thickness that may be welded without bevel edge preparation is limited to about 6 mm. The groove angles are usually smaller than those for SMAW due to the smaller diameter of the FCAW wires compared to covered electrodes. Joint designs for welding with the gas shielded flux cored and metal cored arc welding process are similar to those used for the SMAW process. Suitable prequalified joint designs for use are included in CSA Standard W59 and AWS 01 .1. Electrode Diameter and Welding Position For prequalified joints, CSA Standard W59 "Welded Steel Construction" limits the maximum electrode size to 4 mm which in any case is the largest diameter electrode commercially available. For welding in the vertical position, the electrode diameter is typically 1.6 mm or less, and electrode selection limited to rutile electrodes since basic and metal cored electrodes are not suitable for out of position welding with standard constant voltage power sources . More recently however, pulsed power sources (see Figure 5.12) have enabled these electrodes to be used for out of position welding . Additional advantages with pulsed power sources are reduced spatter, reduced welding fumes and improved weld profile. In metal cored electrodes, transition current increases with the electrode diameter as in the GMAW process. Therefore the electrode diameter must be matched to the thickness of the material being welded. For example , a 1.6 mm diameter wire with Ar-25% CO 2 gas needs to operate at 300 A to achieve spray transfer. Burn through would be a problem unless the material or root face had sufficient thickness . Welding parameters The principle welding parameters are; wire feed speed (or current), voltage and tip to work distance . Other parameters controlled by the welder in semi-automatic operation include travel speed , work angles, and the electrode position with respect to the joint. The effect of these variables on weld bead characteristics is similar to that described for the GMAW process. 122 © COPYRIGHT 10061 CWBlEAAN f\.'G CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE 19 mm TTW 75% Ar, 25% CO, Shielding Gas Standard Power Source Globular/Short Circuiting Pulsed Power Source Spray Type Transfer 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Current, (amperes) Figure 5,12: Spray Transfer Over a Wider Current Range with Pulsed Power Source (1,6 mm diameter Wire, Metal Cored Wire) Table 5,2 shows typical current and voltage ranges for rutile wires using direct current electrode positive polarity, CO, shielding gas, and the current - wire feed speed relationship for a 1.6 mm diameter wire is shown in Figure 5.13. As current or wire feed speed increase, voltage is also increased to maintain a constant arc length. Current and voltage values also depend on the tip to work distance as explained in the previous section. Typical tip to work distances for various electrode diameters are shown in Table 5.3. Increasing tip to work distance without changing other settings decreases cu rrent as well as penetration. Arc instability and spatter may increase, and gas shielding effectiveness may decrease. However, as a result of the accompanying resistance heating of the longer electrode extension, moisture and lubricants on the wire are reduced leading to some reduction in the weld metal hydrogen content. 123 © COP'fRJGHT 20061 CW8 LEAAN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Table 5.2 : Typical current ranges for rutile wires. Wre Diameter Mm (inches) 1.1 (0.045) 1.6(1/16) 2.0 (5/64) Flat Position Vertical Position Current, A 120 - 300 175 - 375 250 - 400 Voltage, V 24 - 33 25 -29 26 - 33 2.4 (3/32) 350 - 525 26 -35 Current, A 125 - 200 150 - 200 Not recommended Not recommended Voltage, V 22 - 25 21 - 24 Not recommended Not recommended Table 5.3 : Typical tip to work distance (mm) for rutile wires VIIire Diameter, mm Inches 1.1 (0.045) 1.6 (1/16 2.0 (5/64 2.4 (3/32 350 300 Wire Feed Speed (In/min) Flat/Horizontal 12 15 15 20 - 20 25 25 30 Vertical 12 - 20 12 - 20 Not applicable Not applicable 75% AI, 25% CO, Shielding Gas 25mmTIW 250 200 150 100'---'--'-..J--L.--l_.l.-.-'--'---l.---,'--.l.-.-'---'---' 150 190 230 270 310 350 390 Current, (A) Figure 5.13: Wire Feed Speed - CUrrent Relationship for a 1.6 mm Diameter Rutile FCAW Wire 124 () COPYRIGHT 20061 cwo lfARN f\.'G CENT RE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The deposition rate achieved with rutile wires at various current levels is shown in Figure 5.14. The deposition rate is not affected significantly by changes in voltage. However, in selecting current and electrode diameter, it should be kept in mind that for prequalified joints, CSA W59 standard limits single pass fillet size to 12 mm in the flat position and 10 mm in the horizontal position . In groove welds , the layer thickness is restricted to 6 mm , except for the root and surface layers. Split layer technique must be used when the groove width at the root exceeds 12 mm or if the layer width exceeds 22 mm in mU ltipass welds. These restrictions do not apply to the surface layer. Finally, the effect of heat input on weld metal and heat affected zone properties which varies from wire to wire and steel to steel, is also a consideration in selecting the parameters. I I I I I I I I 14 12 3.2mm 10 8 Deposition Rate (kgfhr) 6 4 2 0 I 0 I 200 I I I 400 J I 600 I 800 Welding Current. (A) DCEP Figure 5.14: Deposition Rate for Steel Flux Cored Wires Welding Technique Travel angle when welding with rutile and basic gas shielded flux cored electrodes is normally 20 to 30 degrees using a drag or backhand technique . Metal cored wires use a 10-20 degree forehand or push technique . The work angle for groove welds is typically 0 degrees for all wires though it can be increased to 15 degrees when placing a weld pass against the groove face. For fillet welds, the work angle is typically 40 to 50 degrees. (See Fig 4.24 and 4.27) 125 CD COPi'ruGI rr 2006 1CWB LEARNING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Weld Soundness As with other semi-automatic manually applied arc welding process, welder skill in manipulating the weld pool by properly directing the arc to the required location, and adjusting the travel and work angles are of key importance in obtaining sound welds. Still, flaws can be present in the welds due to other factors . These flaws and means to avoid them are: Porosity: Potential causes include too high or too Iowa shielding gas flow rate; presen ce of wind drafts; too long a tip to work distance; clogged nozzle; leaks in the gas line; inadequate workpiece and/or wire cleanliness. .~ . Worm tracks: Caused by trapped hydrogen between slag and the weld metal, possibly due to poor wire storage conditions and/or high humidity at the time of welding. It may be reduced by decreasing current and voltage, switching to CO 2 shielding gas instead of Ar rich gas mixtu re, and by increasing the tip to work distance. Unused portions of coils or spools should not remain exposed to ambient conditions for extended periods of time. Lubricants on the surfaces of some products readily pick up moisture. Incomplete fusion/penetration: Incidence of incomplete fusion/penetration can be minimized by proper interpass cleaning and by grinding/gouging, if necessary; by ensuring that current setting is not unnecessarily low; reducing tip to work distance and switching to CO 2 instead of Ar rich gases, especially for small diameter electrodes and thick workpieces. Cold (Hydrogen) Cracking: Cold cracking is countered by maintaining weld joint cleanliness and ensuring that specified welding procedure (heat input, preheat and interpass temperature) are followed. Electrode storage and selection (rutile or basic) strongly influences diffusable hydrogen content. 126 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlfARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 6 SUBMERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Principles of Operation . ... ....... ... ..... . . ......................... 128 Current Type and Equipment ... ....... ........ ... ........... . . ....... 129 Advantages and Applications of Submerged Arc Welding .......... . ........ 130 Multiple Wire Submerged Arc Welding . ................... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .133 Wires and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels . ...... . ................. . . ........ . . .... 134 Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels .... .. .... . •.. ..... 138 127 () COPYRIGHT 20061 C'vV8 LfAAN'NG CENTRE ~ 6. LEARNING CENTRE SUBMERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) 6.1 Principles of Operation The submerged arc welding process is shown schematically in Figure 6.1. Compared to the shielded metal arc welding process, the flu x to provide shielding is laid in granular form on the unwelded seam ahead of the bare metal electrode. The electrode is fed continuou sly from a coil, thus avoiding the interruptions inherent in the SMAW process to change electrodes. The flux is quite effective in preventing the atmosp here from contaminating the molten weld metal and no external shielding gas is required. / FluxFeed Electrode Arc Cavity DDO¢ Molten Flux Direction of Welding Slag ~ Granular Flux Blanket Solidified Weld Metal -~\ Ba se Metal - 1L2'.f.L.CLL'LL.C1.LfiI.'.f.L.CLL'LL.C1.LCLL'LL.C1.LfLI.'.f.L.CLLLLJ Molten Weld Metal Figure 6.1: Schematic Representation of the Submerged Arc Welding Process The arc is struck beneath the flux between the bare electrode and the workpiece, which melts a small amount of the flux. Although a non-cond uctor when cold, the flux becomes highly conductive when molten (about 1300· C) providing a current path to sustain the arc between the conti nuously fed metal electrode and the workpiece. The heat generated by the arc melts the end of the electrode, the flu x, and part of the base metal at the weld seam. The arc transfers the molten metal from the tip of the melting electrode to the workpiece where it becomes the deposited metal. As the molten flu x combines with the molten metal, certain chemical reactions occu r which remove some impurities and/or adjusts the chemical compositlon of the weld metal. While still molten, the flux which is lighter than the weld metal, rises to the surface of the weld pool and protects it from oxidation and contam ination. On further cooling, the weld metal solidifies at the trailing edge of the moving weld pool, and the weld bead usually has a smooth surface due to the presence of the molten glass-like slag (molten flux resulting from all the 128 e COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlfARN J\,'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE chemical reactions) above it. The slag freezes next and continues to protect the weld metal as it cools. Frozen or solidified slag is readily removable, sometimes popping off the bead spontaneously. Excess, unmelted flux can be recovered and reused after proper processing. The complete welding operation takes place beneath the flux without sparks, flash or spatter, and it is for this reason that the process is called "submerged" arc welding. As a result, the welding operator does not normally need a protective shield or helmet. Since there is a need to lay granular flu x along the weld seam and the molten weld pool can be quite large and fluid , submerged arc welding is best performed in the fla t position, and if needed , in the horizonta l position. Also, since the operator can not see the arc or the weld seam, submerged arc welding is best suited for situations where long welds with little or no geometric variation are to be made in the flat position. The process can be mechanized or used in a semi-automatic mode. 6.2 Current Type and Equipment The equipment set-up for single wire submerged arc welding is shown in Figure 6.2. In addition to the power supply, a submerged arc welding system requires a wire feeder to maintain a continuous feed of the electrode wire through the torch. For single wire submerged arc welding. direct current electrode positive (DeEP) is used for most applications as it provides better control of bead shape , ease of arc initiation, and deeper penetration welds with greater resistance to porosity. Wire Reel Flux HOpper\ -Electrode Wire Control System Electrode Lead ~Torch II Power Source =11=~~~~~j) ~ Direction of Travel ¢:XJOO Base Metal- /. ~==::::::::==::~==~w~or~kJL~e~ad~~ Figure 6.2: Equipment Set-up for Single Wire Submerged Arc Welding 129 Q COPYRIGHT 2006 \ CVv'B LEARN.NG CEN TRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Direct current electrode negative (DCEN) polarity is also occasionally used to provide a greater deposition rate, However, penetration is reduced and there is some increased risk of lack of fusion-type flaws, From a practical point of view, a change from DCEP to DCEN may necessitate an increase in voltage of about 2 to 3V if a similar bead shape is to be maintained, Both constant voltage and constant current (drooping voltage characteristics) power sources can be used, Constant potential power sources , used in conjunction with constant speed wire feeders, the arc length self-adjusts to a nearly constant value depending on the voltage, as in GMAW, Wire feed speed and electrode diameter control welding current and the power source controls voltage, By comparison, a constant current power source tries to simulate a manual welder. Essentially, a voltage sensitive relay in a variable speed wire feeder constantly adjusts the wire feed speed to maintain the target arc voltage and, therefore, a constant arc length, The power source controls current, and arc voltage depends on wire feed speed and electrode diameter. Modern power sources are available which operate in either constant voltage or constant current mode, Power sources are available that can deliver up to 1500 A. However, direct current is usually kept below 1000 A since there can be excessive arc blow, Alternating current can be used to reduce arc blow in high current applications, and other situations prone to arc blow, e,g" multiwire and narrow gap welding , Alternating current power sources are usually constant current type with a nea rl y square wave output voltage to assist in arc ignition at each polarity reversal. Sq uare wave constant potential power sources have also become available that provide both voltage and current in square wave form and therefore have less difficulty in arc re-ignition at polarity reversals , The weld bead penetration obta ined with alternating current is in between that for DCEP and DCEN , A coil and a hopper attached to the welding head respectively, provide a continuous feed of the metal electrode from the coil through wire straighteners and a contact tip to the workpiece, and flux in front of the metal electrode feed, The welding head is usually mounted on a carriage where it moves at a predetermined travel speed, thus enabling complete mechanization of the welding process, Alternatively, the welding head can be fixed and the workpiece moves beneath it at a predetermined speed , 6,3 Advantages and Applications of Submerged Arc Welding By far, the greatest advantage of the submerged arc welding process is its high productivity, resulting from high deposition rate and a high duty cycle, The high deposition rate is a consequence of the mechanized nature of the process as it enables use of higher travel speeds, and larger diameter wires and therefore higher currents than possible with semiautomatic processes, Variations such as use of multiple wires, addition of controlled amount of iron powder to weld seams along with the granular flux can further increase depOSition rate, 130 @COPYRIGHT 2OJ61 CWBlEARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE The weld deposit is considered to be a 'controlled hydrogen' type provided due care has been taken in storage and handling of flux and wire. Heated flux storage units, similar to electrode storage ovens are often used. Little fume is generated in the process and arc radiation and spatter are generally not a problem. When the weld joint design is appropriate and welding parameters are chosen correctly, sound welds with a smooth, uniform finish are easily obtained. The main limitation of the submerged arc welding process is that it is limited to welding in the flat and horizontal positions only. The mechanized nature of the process implies more expensive equipment and greater set up time. Most submerged arc welding applications are for carbon and low alloy steels. The process is also used for joining stainless steel and nickel based alloys. However, the fluxes are proprietary in nature and flux manufacturers must be consulted for optimum flux selection. Because of the mechanized nature of the process, it is most effectively used when numerous similar welds are to be made (splicing of plates and panels in shipyards, fabricated structural shapes, welding longitudinal or spiral seams of large diameter oil and natural gas pipelines (see Figure 6.3) and when the thickness to be welded is large (circumferential and longitudinal seams in thick wall pressure vessels) . Other applications of submerged arc welding include overlaying (stainless steel overlay .on chromium-molybdenum steels for high temperature, high pressure hydrogen applications) and rebuilding and hard surfacing. 131 © COP'l'RIGKT'20061 CW8 LEARNiNG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Figure 6.3a - Double submerged arc welding of spiral seam in large diameter line pipe - inside (Weiland Pipe Inc.) Figure 6.3b - Double submerged arc welding of spiral seam in large diameter in line pipe - outside (Weiland Pipe Inc.) 132 e COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWS l EAANiNG CENTRE ~ 6.4 LEARN,NG CENTRE Multiple Wire Submerged Arc Welding One of the great advantages of the submerged arc welding process is its adaptation to the use of multiple electrodes fed into the same weld pool thus considerably increasing the deposition rate. Some of these configurations (Figure 6.4) for multiple wire submerged arc welding are: Parallel Electrode Welding : Also called twin wire welding, two electrode wires are connected in parallel to the same power source. Both electrodes are fed by means of a single wire feeder and through the same welding head. Welding current is the sum of currents for each electrode and a single deep penetrating weld pool is obtained. Multiple Arc Welding: Also called tandem welding, two (or more) electrodes can be connected to individual power supplies and fed by separate drive rolls through separate contact tips . The lead electrode in such cases is connected to a DC power source and the trailing electrode to an AC source in order to reduce interaction between the magnetic fields of the two arcs. It is important to ensure that the spacing between the arcs is not too large. The trailing arc is usually positioned close enough to the leading arc that the slag cover does not solidify between deposits. The total current in multiple wire welding can be as high as 2000 A though in most applications it does not exceed 1200 A. Series Arc Welding: The two electrodes fed through separate guide tubes are connected in series. Separate sets of drive rolls and contact tips, insulated from each other need to be employed. The current path is from one electrode to another, through the weld pool. The weld bead has relatively shallow penetration, making this arrangement useful for overlay welding. + + Sin gle Wire Twin Wi re Parall el Electrod es Ta ndem El ectrodes Series Arc Figure 6.4: Submerged Arc Weldiing Process 133 © COf'YRIGHT 20061 C'NB LEARN NG CENTRE ~ 6.5 LEARNING CENTRE Wires and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Traditionally, solid wires similar to those for GMAW have been used for submerged arc welding. The electrode size tends to be larger and the composition may be different since one must consider the influence of the flux and the greater dilution from the base metal on the weld metal composition. For this reason consumables for submerged arc welding are selected as a wire-flux system rather than on an individual basis. More recently, composite wires (tubular wires with alloy powder and other ingredients in the core) are being used for submerged arc welding. The advantages of a tubular electrode is the wide range of deposit chemistry possible and the ability for increasing travel speeds. 50% Filler Metal 50% Base Metal ~~~~------~ L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20% Filler Metal 80% Base Metal 70% Filler Metal 30% Base Metal Figure 6.5: Dilution Ratios of Some Common Weld Joints Fluxes for submerged arc welding can be categorized on method of manufacture or effects on weld metal composition. There are two types of fluxes : fused fluxes and bonded fluxes. The manufacture of fused fluxes involves melting together of various ingredients to provide a homogeneous mixture which is then allowed to sOlidify by pouring onto a large chilling block. The glass like, solidified particles are crushed, screened for sizing and then packaged for use. The main advantages of fused fluxes are their chemical uniformity irrespective of the flux particle size, resistance to moisture absorption and easy recycling without changes in particle size or composition. The disadvantage of fused fluxes is that it is difficult to add deoxidizers and ferroalloys. These compounds tend to oxidize during the melting process. 134 f) COPYRIGHT 20061 cwo lEARN NG CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE In comparison, bonded fluxes are made by finely grinding the individual components of the flux, mixing them in appropriate proportions and then adding a binder, typically potassium and/or sodium silicate. The wet mixture is then baked at a relatively low temperature and ground to size for packaging . The main advantage of bonded fluxes is that it is easier to add deoxidizers and ferroalloys. On the negative side, such fluxes are prone to moisture pick up, and to local changes in composition due to segregation or removal of fine mesh particles. Fluxes that significantly influence the composition of the weld metal through slag/metal reactions are termed active fluxes. Typically, these fluxes add manganese, silicon and chromium to the weld metal. The extent of this addition increases with arc voltage since higher arc voltage leads to increased flux consumption (Figure 6.6). Very active fluxes may be used to deposit single or two pass welds only since the increase in the Si and Mn content of subsequent passes may be sufficiently large to impair the weld metal ductility and also make it more prone to hydrogen cracking. Certain active fluxes termed as alloy fluxes add elements such as Ni and chromium . Such fluxes enable the welding of weathering steels (containing chromium, nickel or copper) using carbon steel wires, and compensate for the loss of chromium from the wire by oxidation when welding stainless steels. 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 Silicon Weld Metal % Flux B 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 20 24 28 32 36 40 Arc Voltage Figure 6.6: Effect of Arc Weld Metal Silicon Content for Two Active Fluxes 135 @COPYRlGHf 2lXl6lCW'8lEARNNGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Neutral fluxes also participate in slag-meta l reactions but the changes in silicon and ma nganese are smaller and not dependent on arc voltage (Figure 6.7). There is little build up of elements and such fluxes are therefore well suited for multi pass welds. 1.2 1.0 0.8 Silicon Weld Metal % FluxC 0.6 0.4 Flux D 0.2 0 20 24 28 32 36 40 Arc Voltage Figure 6.7: Effect of Arc Voltage on Weld Metal Silicon Content For Two Neutral Fluxes Fluxes are also referred to as chemically basic, neutral or acidic. Chemically basic fluxes have Ca lcium Oxide (CaO) and Magnesium Oxide (MgO) as the major ingredients. Chemically acidic flu xes have Silicon Oxide (SiO,) as the main ingredient. When the ratio of basic oxides to acidic oxides present is greater than 1, the flu x is chemically basic and when it is less than 1, it is chemically acidic. Ratios near 1 imply a chemically neutral flux. Basic fluxes transfer smaller amounts of Si, Mn and oxygen to the weld metal, and therefore are preferred for critical applications. Requirements and selection for carbon steel wires and fluxes providing weld metal with minimum specified ultimate strength of 490 MPa are detailed in CSA Standard W48, and for higher strength weld metals, one can consult AWS Specification A5.23 . Submerged arc welding wires are classified based on their composition whereas fluxes can only be classified in conjunction with a welding wire and their classification indicates the weld metal strength and toughness. The classification scheme for flux-wire combinations is shown in Figure 6.S. Thus, flux-wire combination conforming to the designation F49A5-EM12K indicates that: (i) the electrode wire has a medium (M) manganese content, nominally 0.12%C (12) and is made from a silicon killed steel (K); and, (ii) when used with the specified flux in a standardized test , will provide weld metal that in the as welded condition (without post-weld heat treatment) will meet the requirements of minimum 490 MPa ultimate tensile strength, and minimum 27 J Charpy Vee notch impact strength at -50·C. 136 () COPYRIGHT 10061 CWB lEARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE . - - - - - - - - Designates a flux . The first two digits indicate the minimum . - - - - - - tensile strength of the weld in increments of 10 MPa. ~--- The next letter indicates the heallrealment condition; "A" for Has·welded~, ~P" for the post-weld heat-treated condition. The fourth digit indicates the temperature at which the impact strength of the weld metal meets the requirements. A "Z" indicates that impact testing is not requ ired . An "8" indicates that the flux/electrode is suitable for single pass only. r T~ --r F XX X X ·E Designates an electrode. L XX X For solid electrodes, "L" indicates a low manganese (Mn) (0.60% maximum), "M" indicates a medium Mn (1.25% _ _ _ _ _ _ _---l maximum), and "H" indicates high Mn (2.25% maximum) content of the electrode. "e" indicates a composite electrode. For solid electrodes, these one or two digits indicate the nominal carbon content of the etectrode. For composite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.J electrodes, they indicate the chemical analysis of the weld metal made with a specific flux. For solid electrodes, a "K" indicates that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J the electrode is made of silicon killed steel. Figure 6.8: Classification System for Submerged Arc Welding Wires and Fluxes (as per CSA W48) It is important to note that as a result of the above classification scheme, a particular flux can assume a different designation when used in conjunction with another wire. Another consequence of the joint effect of wire and flux on weld metal properties is that once a specific flux-wire system has been approved to a particular classification, then no other flu x or wire of the same designation but different trade name may be substituted for it without a complete new series of tests to demonstrate that all the requirements are still met. For more details on submerged arc welding consumables, see Module 6. 137 C> COPYRIGHT 2006 \ ewe LEAlWNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Flux Usage Following are some of the precautions that should be taken in the storage and use of fluxes: Fluxes can absorb moisture and thus compromise the controlled hydrogen characteristics of the process. It is therefore important that once a flux bag is opened, it is stored in a dry environment. If there is any doubt of its condition, the flux should be baked before use, following the manufacturers recommendations. Fluxes look alike and therefore if a flux transferred to a different container for proper storage, it should be properly identified. In recovering and reusing flux, it should be ensured that particle size distribution is maintained. Too many fines in the flux make it difficult to feed, and loss of fines may change the flux composition which may change the chemistry of the deposit. When active or alloy fluxes are used, the specified welding parameters must be followed diligently otherwise the weld deposit properties will be different from those expected. Do not use an active or alloy flux where a neutral flux is required , and vice versa . 6.6 Submerged Arc Welding of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Joint Design Because of the high currents and deep penetration possible with submerged arc welding, steels up to 12 mm may be welded in one pass without any edge preparation. With edge preparation, stee ls with thickness up to 25 mm are weldable in one pass. However, it assumes that the joint is suitably designed to prevent burn-through and that the weld zone mechanical properties achieved are acceptable. Figure 6.9 shows some joint designs that are prequalified for use as per CSA Standard W59 subject to certain procedural constraints. 138 © COPl'RIGHT 20:)6.1 CWB lEARNING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE 82-2 / s7S 60' Effective Throat =T RF =6mm (1/4") G=O B-U2b-8 Figure 6.9 - Prequalified joint from eSA Standard W59 for submerged arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels We/ding Parameters and Deposition Rate Recommended current ranges for electrodes of various diameters are shown in Table 6.1. Approximate deposition rates obtained at various welding currents on mild steel with different submerged arc welding arrangements are shown in Figure 6.10. Direct current electrode negative polarity leads to higher deposition rates compared to dc electrode positive polarity. Although reduced penetration increases susceptibility to incomplete penetration/fusion type of flaws . 139 e COPYRIGHT 20061 C'N8 LEARNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 96 Tandem Are, AC·AC 1/8" to 3/16" 90 84 78 72 Twin Arc DC 3/32" to 1/8" 66 60 54 Deposition Rate (Ib/hr) 48 42 36 30 24 18 Single Electrode DC 5/54" to 7/32" 12 6 o L-~ o __ L-~~ __ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~~~ 200 400 600 8001000120014001600180020002200 Amperes Figure 6.10: Approximate Deposition Rates of Various Submerged-arc Welding Process Variation (Upper line in each band is for DCEN polarity; lower line for DCEP polarity and larger diameter wire) Table 6.1 : Current range for wires of different diameter Electrode Diameter, mm 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.B 5.6 6.4 Current Range, A 200 - 500 300 - 600 300 - BOO 400 - 900 500 -1200 600 - 1300 600 - 1600 140 <9 COPYRIGHT 2006 1CNO l EAANING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE The deposition rate can be further increased by employing a longer electrode extension, commonly referred to as 'longer electrical stick-out' . In effect, it implies a longer tip to work distance (Figure 6.11). The approach relies on resistenace heating in the electrode extension to increase the wire melt off rate. Typical tip to work distance employed with dcep is roughly 8 times the wire diamter, i.e., for a wire diameter of 4 mm, it is usually about 32 mm. Inlonger stick out applications, it may be as high as 75 mm. Very long stick-out lengths create problems with the electrode wandering unpredictably on and off the joint. 27.3 kg (60 Ib) DC -7" Slickout 22.7 kg (50 Ib) DC- 5" TTW DC - Normal TTW 1B.2 kg (40 Ib) Deposilion Rale (Ib/hr) 13.5 kg (30 Ib) DC + Normal TTW 9 kg (20 Ib) 10lb 0L-~ o __-L__~__L-~__-L__~ 500 600 700 BOO 900 400 Currenl Figure 6.11: Effect of Polarity and Tip to Work Distance (TIW) on Deposition Rate The resistance heating effect is more pronounced in smaller diameter electrodes than in larger diameters. Wire diameter has only a small effect on deposition rate when using electrodes = > 2mm in diameter. Two small diameter electrodes (2 mm diameter) used in twin wire (parallel wire) configuration will provide higher deposition rates than a single 4 mm diameter wire carrying the same welding current (see Figure 6.12). 141 () COPYRIGHT 10061 CWB l..EAAN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 50 40 Deposition Rate Twin 2 mm Diameter Wires (Ib/hr) 30 ~ngle 10'--- - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - L - - - ' 600 800 1000 1200 Single 4 mm Diameter Wire Amperes Figure 6.12: Deposition Rates for Single and Twin Wire Submerged Arc Welding The influence of other welding parameters like current, voltage, etc. on bead shape is similar to that discussed earlier for GMAW process. The effect of changes in a single parameter can be summarized as follows: High welding current increases penetration, and also requires higher wire feed speed (deposition rate); Excessive current can lead to a deep narrow bead prone to solidification cracking; DCEN polarity increases deposition rate but DCEP increases penetration; Increasing arc voltage (increased arc length) produces a flatter, wider bead, increases flu x consumption and effects pick up of alloying elements from the flux; Increasing travel speed reduces heat input and penetration . High travel speeds at constant heat input increase susceptibility to solidification cracking. Slow travel speed also reduces penetration as the arc is cushioned by the molten weld pool. The width and depth of the flux layer at the weld seam is another secondary variable that may influence weld quality. Too deep a flu x layer gives a ropey bead surface. The weld bead surface may be distorted by entrapped gases unable to escape the flux burden. Conversely, too shallow a flux layer allows the arc to flash through the flux. The flux layer, being too thin is unable to protect the weld pool. Spatter and porosity are potential consequences in such a case. 142 @ COPYRlGI-IT1OO6ICWBlEARNNGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE In case of multiple arc (tandem) welding, the spacing between the electrodes is another important variable. If the spacing is less than about 50 mm, alternating current is used for the trail electrode in order to avoid arc blow due to the interaction between the magnetic fields. If spacing is more than 50 mm, direct current may be used for both electrodes. However, too long a spacing can lead to slag entrapment as the second arc is not completely able to melt through the slag layer from the first arc. Welding Procedures For welded construction in accordance with CSA Standard W59, the following limitations are specified for pre-qualified joints: fillet welds up to 12 mm may be deposited in a single pass in the flat position; in the horizontal position, the maximum single pass fillet size is 8 mm; in any case, the current must not exceed 1000 A for the single electrode and 1200 A for the parallel electrode variation of the process; in order to prevent burn-through, either appropriate backing bars should be used or the root face must be at least 6 mm; for root face less than 6 mm, a shielded metal arc weld pass may be manually deposited on the back side ; the largest wire that may be used for submerged arc welding is 6 mm; in groove welds, current for the root pass should be less than 10 times the groove angle; this is to control the bead shape and dilution so as to reduce the likelihood of weld metal solidification (centerline) cracking; for subsequent passes, welding parameters should be chosen so that in cross section, the depth of the weld bead or its width at any point along its depth does not exceed the surface width of the weld bead; W<O (b) (a) Figure 6.13 143 CI COPYRIGHT 10061 CWB LEARN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE with a single electrode wire, the layer thickness in groove welds is limited to 6 mm except for the root and capping passes; this limitation does not apply to welds made with parallel electrodes; also, split passes are required when the root opening is more than 13 mm, or when the layer width exceeds 16 mm in multipass welds. The limitations for multiple arc welds are slightly different; a fabricator can design welding procedures outside the W59 limitations as long as a procedure qualification test is carried out to demonstrate the adequacy of the welded joint. As mentioned earlier, the submerged arc welding process is treated as a controlled hydrogen process subject to proper storage and conditioning of the electrode and flux. Due to its mechanized nature, it is capable of providing a sound weld deposit of uniform and consistent properties. Taking advantage of these two process characteristics in some cases, allows for the elimination of preheating. Minimum size fillet welds for steels of different thickness and carbon equivalent, that may be deposited without preheat and without hydrogen induced heat affected cold cracking are shown in Table 6.2. The minimum fillet size represents a certain a minimum heat input that, depending on the steel thickness and carbon equivalent, is expected to keep the heat affected zone hardness below a critical level for cold cracking. Plate Thickness (t), mm T< 12 welded to > 40 T> 12weldedtot>40 'Carbon Equivalent 0.35 OAO 8 8 8 8 Carbon Equivalent" 0.45 0.50 8 10 10 10 0.55 10 12 0.60 12 16 = C + (Mn + Si)/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni+Cu)/15 Table 6.2 : Minimum single pass submerged arc filiet weld sizes to eliminate preheat (from CSAW59) When joining quenched and tempered steels, caution must be exercised in using high heat inputs (high deposition rates). The accompanying slower cooling rate can adversely affect the weld joint mechanical properties. Table 6.2 is not applicable to quenched and tempered steels. Welding parameters for certain jOints are shown in Figure 6.14. 144 @COPYRIGHT2006 ICWBlEARNNGCENTRE ~ LEARNINGCENTRE Weld Soundness Possible flaws that can be present in submerged arc welds include: Undercut: Caused by excessive voltage, incorrect electrode position or by too slow a travel speed; Porosity: Caused by trapped gases in the weld. Can be avoided by removing all rust and contamination from the joint area and ensuring that flux is clean and dry. Changing flux can also be helpful as some fluxes are better at controlling this problem; Slag inclusions : Caused by insufficient interpass cleaning or a highly convex bead shape. Bead shape may be improved by increasing voltage, by increasing speed or by reducing current; 145 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWB LEARNING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE I 25mmr r"<- ~ 25mm (5 mm diameter y,irej Side 1 Bead 1 Am ps Vollage Travel Speed 800 34V Side Amps Voltage Travel Speed Bead _,_ , 40 cmfmin . I T 50 emlmin 50 emlmin ~ 27 450 27 I 2 \. t ( 1.6 mOl diameter wire) ~ ( 10mm (ons pass) 57mm 330101 7mm '\ 17mm ~ Conrlguration Parallel Electrodes Amps Venage Travel Speed l ead Two 2.5 mm Oia. Trail Two 2.5 rom Dia. 900 750 32 34 150 cm/mi~ 150 cmfmin Wire Dia: 4mm, Lead: DC + VE. Trail: AC ,, 550 3-12 700 Lead 2 15-18 Side Bead Amps Vollage Travel Speed '-2 800 Trail Side 1 -[ r 2 550 19-22 700 lead 800 trail 28 29 34 30 em/min 75 emlmin 28 40 Em/min 2. 34 75 em/min - - - 60mm IOG mm l 7mm Side 1 3 Tm L--.....I'---'-=--'------.J_ Bead Amps Voltage Travel Speed 1 1· 12 800-920 30 40 - 60 em/min ~ac k gouging 2 , , 13·42 43-60 920 920 30 33 40 . 50 emlmin -2 -- 40 emfmin , 4mm 4 mm 800 800 --~ 8 mm t~mm -r S;,.2 ~ 60· Side Bead Wire Dia . Amps to sound weld metal) 4mm -.! X 20m{t Side 2 Two Parallel Electrodes, 3.2 mm Diameter Side \!7 Vol tage Trave! Speed 35 35 80~~ 50cm/min (NO backgouging to sound metal on second side) Figure 6.14: Typical Welding Parameters for Selected Joints 146 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEAAN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Incomplete fusion/penetration: Normally submerged arc welding has sufficient penetration to melt out small irregularities; possible causes include improper alignment of electrode with the joint, not grinding or gouging to sound metal from Ihe second side, use of DC EN polarity and/or long electrical stick out; Bu rn-throug h: Burn-through is a consequence of excessive penetration. Can be countered by redu cing gap or increasing root face, by decreasing current or increasing travel speed, using SMAW in the root or providing a backing bar or flux back-up , etc. Pock marks: These are oblong surface irregularities near the vertical toe of the fillet welds caused by back pressure of the gases trapped between the molten weld pool and the freezing slag; the solutions to counter porosity also apply to pock marks. Higher current and/or lower travel speed may also be helpful by increasing the heat input and allowing the slag to stay molten for a longer time; Solidification cracking: Located at weld centerline, it is more prevalent in deep narrow beads as well as weld passes deposited over large gaps; possible solutions lie in improved fit-up, reducing current, reducing travel speed, and increasing groove angle. DC EN polarity can also be helpful as dilution from the 'relatively higher carbon containing' base material is reduced; Hydrogen cracking : Caused by hydrogen absorbed by weld metal. Important precautions are clean and dry flux and wire, and application of the stipulated preheatlpostheat. Special Variations of Submerged Arc We/ding Some of the special variations of the submerged arc welding process include: Strip Welding : Here the electrode is in the form of a continuous thin strip of metal; it is used for surfacing applications where the deposited weld bead has essentially the same width as the strip electrode (typically 25 to 100 mm). The main advantage of the strip electrode is the deposition rate when large surface areas to be overlayed, for example, the inside surface of certain carbon steel and Cr-Mo steel vessels with stainless steel;. Iron Powder Addition : Also referred to as bulk welding, iron powder or iron base ingredients are added to the joint under the flux. The heat of the arc melts these additions and adds to the deposited weld metal thus increasing deposition rate. Alloying elements can also be added to the weld metal in this manner. The cooling rate is increased to some extent and this can improve mechanical properties. The additions must be carefully selected to avoid the introduction of unwanted elements (high oxygen) in the weld pool. Hot wire addition : In this variation, used more frequently for gas tungsten arc welding, an electric current is used to heat a separate wire which is fed into the normal submerged arc arc/molten metal. The hot wire is not a part of the submerged arc welding equipment electrical circuit. DepOSition rate can be increased by 50% or more without impairing the weld metal properties. 147 © COP"fRJGHT 20061 CW8 LEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 148 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEAAN I','G CENTRe <§> LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 7 RESISTANCE W ELDING (RW) 7.1 7.2 7.3 Principles of Operation ............... ..... . ......... . . .......... '..... 150 Process Parameters ......... . ... . ... .. ... . •......... . ......... . •. . .. 151 Types of Resistance Welding Processes ..................•.............. 152 149 © COPYRIGHT lOO6 1ewe LEAAN NG CENTRE ~ 7. 7.1 LEARNING CENTRE RESISTANCE WELDING (RW) Principles of Operation Resistance welding is a process in which faying surfaces held together under force are joined in one or more spots by the heat generated due to the resistance to the flow of electric current through the workpieces (see Figure 7.1). The degree of resistance depends primarily on the nature of the materials joined, and the air gap at Ihe weld interface. It differs from arc welding in that an external pressure is applied , and fluxes or filler metals are generally not used. (No arc should be created.) Force ; Welding Temp. End of W," ... Water "m'j____ _ II ,empera ture /' T Water ...::; / t•• ACJ' Contactor Welding Transformer Force Figure 7.1: Resistance Welding Principle The maximum amount of heat will be generated at the point of maximum resistance. Under ideal conditions, maximum resistance will be created at the surface between the parts joined. Heat is also generated at the contact between the non-consumable copper welding electrodes and the work. The amount should be small since the resistance between the high conductivity electrode material and the work is low. In most applications, the electrodes are water cooled to minimize the effect of heat generated at the contact points. Materials that are eas ily welded with this process include carbon steels, stainless steel. Aluminum, brass and copper can be resistance welded but with greater difficulty. The difficulties encountered are due to low resistiVity and effects of surface compou nds. 150 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB lEARNNG CENTRE ~ 7.2 LEARNING CENTRE Process Parameters There are four main controllable process variables involved in making resistance welds : current that flows through the-workpieces . pressure that the electrodes deliver to the work the length of time the current flows through the work the cross-sectional area of the electrode tip in contact with the work A high current (up to 100,000 amps at low voltage) generates enough heat at the faying surfaces (highest resistance point) such that the metal reaches a molten state. The force applied before, during and after the current flow forges the heated parts so that coalescence occurs. Pressure is maintained throughout the entire welding cycle to ensure a continuous electrical circuit and help re fine the grain structure of the weld . The amount of current and time to generate coalescence is related to the heat input required to increase the temperature of the metal to the welding temperature and the amount of heat losses from the weld zone. The cross-sectional area of the electrode tip is proportional to the level of current used and size and type of weld required. Figure 7.2: Cross-section of a Typical Resistance Spot Weld 151 C> COPYFUGHT 20061 C\'VBlfARN1NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 7.3 Types of Resistance Welding Processes There are six main variations of the resistance welding process: Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) Resistance Projection Welding (RPW) Resista nce Seam Welding (RSEW) Flash Welding (FW) Upset Welding (UW) Percussion Welding (PEW) Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) Resistance spot welding is the most widely used resistance welding process. The contacting surfaces in the region of current concentration are heated by a short time pulse of low voltage. high amperage current to form a fused nugget of weld metal under applied force. When the flow of current ceases, the electrode force is maintained while the weld metal rapidly cools. The electrodes are then retracted after each weld cycle. A typical RSW set-up and joint type are shown in Figure 7.3. Figure 7.3: Resistance Spot Welding Process 152 © COP'fPJGHT 20061 CWB LEARN NG CENTRf <:§> LEARNING CENTRE The equipment required for RSW can be simple and inexpensive or complex and costly depending on its size and the degree of automation. It consists of a transformer power source, two or more electrodes for conducting welding current, a controller/contactor, and in most instances, means of applying necessary welding force. The equipment can be considered in two categories: single-spot and multiple-spot machines. Single spot machines, range from simple manually operated ones to stationary horn or rocker arm types. Simple hand held single impulse manual machines rated at 2 kVA with a short circuit current of 6000 A are capable of welding thin carbon steel up to 20 gauge. More exoti c multiple impulse machines have extremely complex controllers that include steady or pulsed current, preheat current , post heat current, varying levels of pressure for different time periods, and other features. Examples of a single impulse and a multiple impulse resistance welding program are shown in Figures 7.4 and 7.5, respectively. Electrode Force ,,[:.--r Welding-Cu~~t\ // ".---- /// AAAAAAAA AAA rvv VVVVVVVV Squeeze Time Weld Time !Hold Off i !Time!Time! ~~~------~·~~----------~ · ~ !~l Welding Cycle ! Cycle Repeats ~.~----------------~-------------. i~~~--------------.~ Figure 7.4: A Single Impulse Resistance Welding Program 153 Q COP'fRIGKf 20061 CWB lEARN NG CENTRE ® LEARNING CENTRE Forge Force /"--------' o I' 1/ ~-------------L.. Forg e Delay Time .. i . §/ I I I I t' ~/ OJ/ I ,\ Tempering Current \ -L--~~~~~HT~~~~~L---~~----- I ~! :~ : ! i squeeze! Preheat . Upslope! Weld !~! Weld! ~i Weld! ~ 1Quench ~Temper i Hold ! : Time : Time : Time i Time !I=! Time !I=! Time ! ~ :Time iTime : Time ! ~-----" j "'" ,i " .. ,~:'u' g ~g!..---..i ~ ~ ~i-------"i~ , U :01=' . , : ! Preweld Interval ! Weld Interval .. !,..... Pos tweld Interval J" ~ .. !.... II ! :.. Welding Cycl e ..!' Figure 7.5: A Multiple Pulse Resistance Welding Program The joint type most commonly used for RSW is the lap joint. There is a minimum requirement for joint overlap which is related to the nugget size. The distance from the centerline of the nugget to the edge of the sheet should be at least 1.5 times the nugget diameter. The separation between the sheets to be welded should not exceed 10% of the thinner sheet before pressure is applied. The weld integrity is evaluated by pulling the joined parts apart. If the nugget pulls out of the base metal it is considered a good-quality spot weld. The weld has shown a greater strength than the surrounding base material. Many specifications require pull tests to be made after a prescribed number of welds to test the consistency of weld quality, High quality welds though require continuous maintenance of the electrode tip contour and must be redressed often to maintain the proper shape. RSW is extensively used in the automotive industry because of its high operating speeds and its suitability for robotics and automation. It is also used widely for furniture , domestic appliances, building products , and enclosures. The main disadvantages of this process is the material thickness that can be welded. The general thickness limit for carbon steel is about 3mm. Also , regular maintenance is required on the electrodes to maintain weld quality. 154 © COPYRIGHT 20061 cws lEARN',,-'G CENTRE ~) LEARNING CENTRE Resistance Projection Welding (RPW) In this variation of resistance welding, current flow is induced at one or more points of contact at predetermined protrusions, embossments, and interfaces on either one or both parts being welded. These extensions, or projections are used to concentrate heat generation at the point of contact. The process typically uses lower currents, lower forces, and shorter cycle times than does the similar spot welding application . Typical joint configurations for this process are shown in Figure 7.6. (a) Spherical Projeclions (b) Elongaled Projeclions (c) Annular Projections (d) Pyramidal Projeclions Figure 7.6: Typical Projection Welding Configurations Equipment used for RPW is sim ilar to that for spot welding with the exception of the electrode contour. Large flat electrodes are most commonly used with the contact surface of the electrode having the same diameter as the contact surface on the adjoining metals. The major advantages of this process over spot welding is the increased electrode life because of the larger contact surfaces used and the precise location of each weld. Applications of this process include sheet-to-sheet joints, cross wire welds , annular attachments, and nut or stud welds. 155 CI COPYRIGHT 20061 CWSlEARN.I\.'G CENTRE (§> LEARNING CENTRE Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Resistance seam welding is employed to produce a continuous or non-continuous seam joint between faying surfaces. In RSEW, a series of spot welds are generated using two electrode wheels, a combination of one wheel and one flat bar type electrode , or a wire feed system in which a copper wire is fed into a groove in the electrode wheel to provide a new surface for contact with the work metal. The spot welds may be continuous to form a pressure type seal or intermittent. The equipment is similar to other resistance welding machines other than the shape and configuration of the electrodes. Three types of seam welds are made with the RSEW process: Lap Seam Weld, Mash Seam Weld, and Butt Seam Weld . Examples of these three welds are shown in Figure 7.7. 156 cwo LfARN t\'G CENTRE (l COPYRIGHT 2006 1 ~ LEARNING CENTRE 0/ Radiused "00",'.. ~ --.J: / o ~ I Front View Overlapping Weld Nuggets ..,. Travel Side View (a) Lap Seam Weld I"'l/ U o Wide. Flat Electrodes ..... .... ...... ...... .... C===~;::=;S;li~9~htlY LapCpe=d=~SS;;;==w=e: ld Nuggets Sheets After Welding Before Welding (b) Mash Seam Weld n u / Two Abutting Sheets I Beveled Electrodes a Before Welding o o After Welding (c) Butt Seam Weld (Front View) Figure 7.7: Types of Resistance Seam Welds 157 © cOP'(RlGHT 2OCI6 i CWB lEARNNG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE As with other resistance welding processes, weld speed, level of current, current waveform, cooling , and electrode configuration and force must be chosen appropriately to obtain a quality weld . Advantages of this process are that leak proof seals can be accomplished, seam widths are smaller than for spot welds, high speed welds are possible, and tooling costs are lower. However, seam length and configuration are limited by the welding machine dimensions and obstructions encountered along the electrodes path of travel. Applications for this process include flange welds, and watertight joints on tanks. Flash Welding (FW) Flash welding is a process in which a weld is produced in a butt joint by flashing action and the application of pressure . This process gets its name from the dramatic expulsion of molten material from the joint when the workpieces are moved slowly together and make contact. The action is the result of high current densities at small contact pOints between the adjoining interfaces. The FW process is shown in Figure 7.8. The equipment most commonly used in this process is a single phase AC welding power source. Finished Flash Weld Stationary Clamp Moveable Clamp I ------ I ;t-, Upsetting Y Pressure Welding Transformer-==:,~~~~..J A.C. Power -~~~-II 'tIO~OO i Contactor Figure 7.8: Flash Welding Process 158 " COPYRIGHT 1CC61 CWBlEAAN:-"'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE High electrical resistance is introduced when two square surfaces being flash welded are slowly forced together and current flow is through points of isolated local contacts only. The heat is generated by the flashing action and is localized in the area between the two parts. The surfaces are brought to the melting temperature and expelled through the abutting area. After this material is flashed away, another small arc and continued until the entire adjoining surfaces reach the welding temperature . A higher degree of pressure is then applied and the arcs are extinguished when upsetting occurs. Some common applications of this process include chain links, wire joining operations, roll form line, aircraft landing gear, band saw blades, aluminum-to-copper electrical transition for power transmission , and mitre joints for automotive frames . Upset Welding (UW) Upset welding looks similar to flash welding but there are several differences between the two. In upset welding (a) force is applied before the welding current is switched on, (b) typically no melting occurs, (c) only parts with interfaces equal in cross-sectional area can be joined, and (d) higher quality clean joints are required for adequate resistance heating. Deformation occurs in the softened material when heated to the welding temperature and when the upsetting force is applied. Generally, upset welds are solid state welds and if melting does occur at the interface due to excessive heat, it is extruded out of the joint area during upset pressure. The material expelled from the joint usually contains a large amount of oxides and therefore the upsetting process is a cleaning action. The equipment used for UW is similar to other resistance welding processes, utilizing a stepdown transformer with high current and low voltage (typically less than 10 volts). The output can be either alternating or direct current. A typical UW set-up is shown in Figure 7.9. 159 © COFYRlGHT 2<Xl6 iCWB LEARNNG CENTRE <~) LEARNING CENmE Finished Upset Weld {~-~CJ-"-! -~f o Upsetting Pressure Zone j-~~t=~ Welding TranS!Ormer·-==::. Contactor ~ A.C. II ~ Power =~~~~~~~~dJ Figure 7.9: Upset Welding Process Advantages of this process include its ease of control and simple equipment, short welding times, few weld defects, and enhanced weld properties. Percussion Welding (PEW) In percussion welding, an arc is produced by a rapid electrical discharge across a decreasing air gap and pressure is applied "percussively" during or immediately after the discharge of electrical energy. This process is similar to flash and upset welding in that interfaces with similar cross sectional areas are used . The advantage of this process is that the depth of heating is shallow and the time cycle is proportionally short, but it is applicable to parts with modest cross sectional areas . 160 © COPYRlGHT lOO6 (CWB lEARNING CENTRE ~ LEARN'NG CENTRE Chapter 8 PLASMA ARC WELDING (PAW) 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Principles of Operation .... . . ... ... . . . . .. ... . . ..... . . . . Process Variables ............. .. .. . ...... ... . . . . .. . . . Equipment for PAW ............. .. . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . Advantages and Disadvantages .......... . . . . . . ... . . . .. Applications ....................... . .... .. ....... ... . .... .. .. . ... .162 ... ... . . . ..... 163 .. . . .. .•...... 164 .. . . ...••.. . .. 166 .... .. . . .. .... 166 161 co COP"ffIJGHT 20061 C\IVB LEARNING CENTRE <:§> 8. LEARNING CENTRE PLASMA ARC WELDING (PAW) 8. 1 Principles of Operation Plasma arc welding, like GTAW, is a nonconsumable electrode process where the heat required for welding is generated by an arc established between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece (transferred arc) or between the electrode and the constricting nozzle (non-transferred arc). The weld pool is protected from atmospheric contamination through a shielding gas exhausted from an auxiliary source or supplemented by the ionized gas issuing from the torch. DC Plasma Welding The most common transferred arc or melt-in mode, utilizes a high frequency pilot arc struck between a tungsten electrode and a copper alloy orifice within the torch. When the torch is brought close to the work piece an electrical circuit is completed between the negative electrode and positive workpiece thus initiating the selected welding current. The plasma gas, most commonly argon, is fed through the torch at high pressure which becomes ionized by the welding current forming a column of hot plasma. The orifice in the copper nozzle restricts the high pressure column, forcing the hot ionized plasma towards the base material at high velocity in the form of a jet. A weld pool is respectively formed and manipulated in a similar manner as in the gas tungsten arc welding process, where filler metal may be added to the pool to make the weld. The plasma arc welding process is shown schematically in Figure 8.1. 162 @ C()P'(RIGHT2006ICWBLEARNI'.'GCENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE Direction of Travel DODQ 1- - - - Nozzle Constricting Nozzle G~ as,-=:::::::___ _'.'P",laiSlsmrJla,,-,: ~- Oriface to Constrict Arc -1-1'-'--/-/- - - - r Coolant Shielding Gas Tungsten Electrode Base Metal ~~~l Molten Weld Melal J Figure 8.1: Schematic Sketch of the Plasma Arc Welding Process 8.2 Process Variables There are two distinct modes of operation in the PAW process: transferred and non-transferred arc. Transferred arc (melt-in mode) is used in a manner similar to the GTAW process but the PAW process is more efficient in comparison . The reason for this is the higher temperature of the plasma or constricted arc, and the higher velocity of the plasma jet that increases heat transfer rate when compared to the GTAW process for the same current, resulting in faster welding speeds and deeper penetration. In the keyhole mode of welding, the plasma jet completely penetrates the workpiece and forms a concentric hole through the thickness known as a "keyhole". Due to surface tension forces, the 'molten metal flows around and into the keyhole as the torch traverses the workpieces, and upon solidification forms the weld . This method can only be used where the plasma can penetrate through the joint and is affected by base metal composition and the welding gases. Typical thickness ranges that may be welded using keyhole plasma are 1.6 mm to 12 mm for carbon and alloy steel and up to 19 mm for aluminum. 163 e COPYRlGHT 2006 1C'NB LEARN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE One variation to the PAW process is Plasma MIG welding which is a combination of gas metal arc welding and plasma arc welding. This process utilizes a modified plasma torch which consists of a contact tip inserted in the centre of the torch with the tungten electrode placed slightly off to the side. A continuous wire is fed through the contact tip and into the nozzle with the plasma gas. The wire electrode and its arc are contained within the ionized plasma using two separate power supplies, one for the plasma and the other for the electrode wire. In some instances the wire is fed into the plasma column without a gas metal arc established. This variation is used to join thinner materials when lower heat inputs are required . 8.3 Equipment for PAW Basically, the PAW system consists of a power source, a plasma control console, a water cooler, a welding torch, and a gas supply for the plasma and shielding gas. A typical PAW setup is shown in Figure 8.2. Cold Water Supply Drain ( l' - Shielding Gas Plasma Gas 1 Plasma Console [m • . 0 0 1= Torch "-' ~ ~ LJ Filler Rod Base Metal ~, / 0 000 00 0 ~ 00 00 00 ~ "tle dl 'C::! Fool Pedal (optional) Power Source Gas Source Work lead Figure 8.2: Circuit Diagram for Plasma Arc Welding The power source, which supplies the main power for the system, is usually the constant current type with an open circuit voltage of at least 80 V to ensure reliable arc ignition and maintain arc current transfer. It is in most instances supplemented with a sequence controller and a control console. PAW power sources commonly operate on steady state or continuous DCEN current. With power source developments/advances in recent years pulsed DCEN current as well as Variable Polarity Plasma Arc (VPPA) with DCEN and DCEP cycling are also employed. The VPPA is typically used when higher currents are employed for keyhole modes and also when welding aluminum. The electrode positive component of the VPPA promotes cathodic cleaning when welding aluminum alloys , allowing good weld pool flow characteristics. 164 O COf"YRIGHT 2006 1CWB l EARN ING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE The sequence controller controls the timing of gas flow, arc initiation, main welding current control, and any slope parameters. Gas flow for shielding and the plasma, as well as the high frequency pilot arc are incorporated into the plasma control console. Like most welding torches , PAW torches come in several types (manual or mechanized) and sizes (different power ratings). In each case the design principles are the same. A cross section of the basic torch is shown in Figure 8.3. The tungsten electrode, contain ing 2% thorium oxide or additions of rare earths, is held in place by a collet within the torch body. The electrode assembly is located in the plenum chamber where the plasma gas flows . The copper nozzle is situated at the front of this chamber which contains the constricting orifice. Shielding gas flows in a chamber surrounding the constri cting orifice which is contained by an insulated ceramic gas nozzle. All hoses that supply the plasma and shielding gases, and the torch coolant, are connected to the body and handle of the torch . The torch is electrically connected to the power source which forms the negative pole of the electrical circuit for DC welding. Electrode Collet Electrode Cap Plasma Gas Shielding Gas .. ................. ........................... Water In 1====#...::::::.---- Current (+) ~waterout ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Current (-) Nozzle ~Handle· Constricting Nozzle / Figure 8.3: Schematic Cross Section of a Plasma Torch Head 165 © COf>YRIGHT 2006 1O'VB LEARNING CENTRE ~ 804 LEARNING CENTRE Advantages and Disadvantages The main advantages of this process are: In the keyhole mode, greater thicknesses can be penetrated in a single pass, compared with other processes, such as GTAW. Square butt jOints thus may be used for steels up to 12 mm thick leading to savings in jOint preparation costs. The process can produce welds with the same quality as GTAW but in shorter times and at lower costs. Heat affected zones are smaller than GTAW welds, and the welds tend to have more parallel sides which in turn reduce angular distortion. The torch to work distance is not as critical as in GTAW, giving the welder more freedom to observe and control the weld in manual operation. The main disadvantages of the PAW process are: There is a greater capital cost for equipment when compared to the GTAW process. Due to the constricted arc and more narrow welds, joint fit-up and alignment is critica l. The PAW torch requires more maintenance due to the greater number of parts and complexity of the torch design. The set back of the electrode tip with respect to the nozzle orifice must maintain accuracy to produce consistent results . The torch itself is slightly larger than a GTAW torch and can limit access in tight areas. 8.5 Applications The PAW process is used to weld carbon and alloy steels, stain less steels, aluminum alloys, titanium , copper and nickel alloys, zirconium, and tantalum. Some of the more common applications includ e but are not limited to: welding thin sheet, manufacturing of pipe and tubing using longitudinal and transverse welds, and welding aeronautic fuel containment cells. 166 Cl COP'fR/GHT 20061 CWB LEARN (\''G CENTRE ~ "ARNING CENTRE Chapter 9 ELECTRON BEAM WELDING (EBW) 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Principles of Operation . . ...................... . ...... . . . ............ 168 Equipment ...... .. ... . .. . . .. .................•. . .... . . .... .. ... .. .169 Advantages and Disadvantages ... . ... . • .. . ............••..... . ... .... 170 Applications ....................... • ... ... . . ... . ...••............. 171 167 C>COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB l EARN I\'G CENTRE <§> 9. LEARNING CENTRE ELECTRON BEAM WELDING (EBW) 9.1 Principles of Operation Electron Beam Welding is a high-energy density fusion process that produces coalescence between materials by the heat generated from a focused beam of high velocity electrons. The process was developed in the 1950's initially for welding refractory and reactive metals for nuclear applications. Since then, commercial units have been in use and improved over the years. A typical high voltage electron beam welder is shown in Figure 9.1. Insulating Gas Electrical Feedthrough High-Vollage Cable High Voltage Insulator High-Vacuum Chamber Cathode Assembly Ie :]C? _- --- r: 18I181'i~18I _ ---- ------it:~-~',,;. Beam Deftection Coils Beam Column Cutoff Valve Effluent Gas Standoff Distance - ~~~__-+. To Vacuum Pumps L " Anode (at ground potential) To Vacuum Pumps Magnetic Lens rI~~~~==:~: :} cc §g'\I) , To Vacuum Pumps i- Electron Beam jI///#///.~\\\\\~\1} Figure 9.1: Schematic Sketch of the Main Components of an Electron Beam Welding Gun The electron beam is formed by accelerating under high voltage electrons emitted from a hot cathode(-) filament through an anode(+) in a vacuum chamber at velocities ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 times the speed of light. The cathode is usually tungsten or a tungsten alloy which is heated to above its thermionic emission range. The beam is focussed to diameters ranging from 0.25 to 1.3 mm as it passes through the magnetic lens (also known as an electromagnetic focusing coil). The heat (thermal energy) is generated when the high velocity electrons locally impact and penetrate into the workpiece resulting in almost instantaneous melting of the weld seam. The beam vapourizes a small column of metal at the jOint. The area immediately adjacent to the beam melts. As the beam is moved along the joint, capillary action draws the liquified faces of the joint together forming the fused area. 168 Cl COPYRlGHT 20061 CW8l£ARN.NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Electron Beam ~ Beam focal point • Small vapourized column of base metal along joint Figure 9.2: Electron Beam Welding is most commonly done in a high vacuum chamber with vacuums better than 10-torr. Medium and non-vacuum systems have also been developed over the years due to the demand for faster part production. In these systems, the electron gun is maintained under high vacuum, and the electron beam is allowed to exit into medium vacuum or into the ambient air where the workpiece is placed. In non-vacuum systems, the standoff distance is very small to minimize electron scattering by the air, and the thickness that can be welded is limited. 9.2 Equipment All electron beam welding systems employ a gun, power supply, control system, one or more vacuum pumping systems, and work handling mechanisms. Electron beam welders can be designed as low-voltage systems (15-60 kV), or as high-voltage systems (100-200 kV) . The low-voltage systems operate at higher currents with a typical beam current of 500 mA, whereas the high-voltage systems operate at lower currents with a typical beam current of 40 mA. 169 co COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlfARNlNG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Low-voltage equipment is most commonly used in vacuum chambers and can weld material up to 150 mm thick at a standoff distance (the distarice from the exit of the electron beam to the work) as far as 660 mm. High-voltage systems are most suitable for non-vacuum welding and are generally used to weld material less than 25 mm thick at a standoff distance of 37 mm. Welding speeds are generally lower for high-voltage systems but the size of the work is is not limited by any vaccum chamber, work motion is easier, and vacuum does not have to be redrawn as each weld is completed. However, if the components are welded in air, protective shielding must be maintained to protect operators and personnel from potential radiation. 9.3 Advantages and Disadvantages The major advantage of EBW is its ability to make full penetration welds in workpieces of large thickness. It produces narrow parallel sided welds with heat affected zones much smaller than those of any arc welding process, thus greatly minimizing distortion compared to most other processes. Almost all metals can be welded including super-alloys, refractory metals, reactive metals, stainless steels, and in some instances dissimilar metal combinations. The main disadvantage of EBW is the high capital cost for equipment and operating expenses, due to the high maintenance required on the vacuum pumps. Fit up of thick joints must be precise and beam alignment must be perfect due to the characteristic narrow nail head shaped weld as shown in Figure 9.4, and the potential for the electron beam to miss the joint seam over a part of the thickness. A potential problem when welding carbon steels with the vacuum process is weld porosity caused by the release of gases. Gas levels can be reduced if a deoxidizing filler material can be added. Other potential flaws include: shrinkage cavities, cracking, undercut, and cold shuts. Photo courtesy of Nu- Tech Precision Metals tnc. Figure 9.3: EBW Weld 170 © COPYRIGHT 10J6 1CWB LEAI\.N,NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE } Figure 9.4: Typical Nail Head Profile of EB Welds, and Potential for Missed Joint Seam 9.4 Applications EBW is used to produce joints with extremely high quality welds and enormous penetration. Because of the high cost of equipment. this process is usually used in situations where standards are high such as the nuclear and aerospace industries. Typical applications for EBW are: nuclear fuel elements. pressure vessels for rocket propulsion systems, special alloy jet engine components, and hermetically sealed vacuum devices. Figure 9.5: Turbine Blade Repair Photo courtesy of Nu· Tech Precision Metals Inc. 171 , >COPYRIGHT 2006 1CNB LfAANING CENTRE ~ LEARN'NG CENTRE 172 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CVV8lEAANING CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 10 LASER BEAM WELDING (LBW) 10. 1 Principles of Operation ............. . . . ... . .. . .•.. . . ..... . .. . .... .. .. 174 10.2 Laser Types ......... . ............... . ... . . . .... . . . . . ..... . .... . .. 174 10.3 Advantages and Disadvantages .... .. ..... .. . .... •. ... .. . . ....... .. ... 177 173 O COP'l'RlGHT 2(()6 1CW8 tEMN'NG CENTRE ~ 10. LEARNING CENTRE LASER BEAM WELDING (LBW) 10.1 Principles of Operation Laser beam welding is a process that utilizes a beam of coherent optical light focused to create a small spot of intense heat suitable for welding metallic and non-metallic materials. "Laser"" is an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." The laser was first conceived in 1951 and the first laser device was demonstrated in 1960. Basically, a laser beam is generated when a solid or a gas is excited through some means of energy discharge which in turn excites its atomic particles. When allowed to return to their original state, the atomic particles (either electrons or CO, gas molecules depending on the laser type) emit active photons. Mirrors, one totally reflective and one partially transmissive, are placed on both ends of the photon containment. The reflective mirror reflects the photons thus transmitting them to the partially transmitting mirror through the unsilvered section resulting in a focused beam. The beam impinges on the surface of the workpiece with such concentration of energy that the surface is melted. In laser welding of metals, the beam is focused at the surface or slightly below into the joint interface, causing the metal to become molten. The molten metal takes on a radial configuration known as "melt-in welding" which at high power densities forms a keyhole, the same as in plasma or electron beam welding. This provides for deep penetration, and gives the laser weld its characteristic high depth-to-width ratio . 10.2 Laser Types There are two main types of lasers used in welding: the solid-state lasers which use a solid med ium and gas lasers which use a CO, gas medium in a tube. 10.2.1 Solid-State Lasers There are three types of solid-state lasers: (1) synthetic ruby laser, (2) glass laser, and (3) the ND:YAG laser. The ruby laser utilizes a synthetic ruby with chrom ium in aluminum oxide as the lasing medium. The ruby is made into a rod approximately 300 mm in length and 25 mm in diameter. Both ends are ground flat and parallel, and polished to extreme smoothness. Both flat ends are then covered with mirrors to reflect light; however one end has a small opening to allow the beam to exit the rod. The rod is surrounded by a high intensity light source, usually a fl ash tube which when flashed excites the rubys' electrons. The flash lasts approximately 2 milliseconds emitting an intense pulse of light which excites a high intensity beam of coherent light from the opening at one end of the ruby rod. The burst of laser light is 174 @COPYRlGHTlOO6l OVB lEARN'NG CENTRE <:§> LEARNING CENTRE proportional to the flash, approximately 2 ms, and occurs each time the flash tube is flashed . A continuous beam is not possible with this type of laser equipment because flashing the flash bulb too fast will cause the ruby crystal and flash bulb to overheat. The glass laser, which uses neodymium in glass, and the Nd:YAG laser, which uses a crystal of yttrium aluminum garnet doped with neodymium, operate in the same manner as the ruby laser system above. A typical solid-state ruby laser system is shown in Figure 10.1 . Power Supply Totally Reflecting \ Mirror r \ Partially Reflecting Mirror Laser Beam Figure 10.1: Schematic Sketch of a Ruby Laser 10.2.2 Gas Lasers The gas laser utilizes a gas for its medium, mostly CO, . The basic CO, laser system is shown in Figure 10.2. 175 C> COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB lfARN.NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE /II CO 2 Laser Gas Supply Power Supply and Control Gas Exhaus t ;'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ;f. ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'. U TotallY\ Reflecting Mirror U CO 2 Lasing Medium >- ;1 i ~ >- Laser Beam Partially Reflecting Mirror Figure 10.2: Schematic Sketch of a CO2 Laser Excitation of the CO, molecules is by means of high-voltage low current electric power. The gas mixture is contained in a tube, which has mirrors on each end, one of which is totally reflective while the other is partially reflective with a small transmissive area to allow the beam to exit. Upon electrical discharge, the CO, molecules become excited and increase activity. When allowed to return to their original state they emit photons which build up in the tube cavity. The freed photons travel between the mirrors exciting the CO, molecules, starting a chain reaction of photon emission. The photons form a continuous stream which exits through the unsilvered opening in the one mirror in the form of a beam. The out-put of the gas medium lasers range from 2 to 20 kW of power and can be run in continuous wave or pulsed mode. 176 ([} COPYfijGHT 20C161 CWB LEARN I\.'G CENTRE <§> 10.3 LEARNINGCENTRE Advantages and Disadvantages There are several advantages to the LBW process, the most significant ones are: By using mirrors, the user beam can be delivered to locations considered inaccessible for other welding processes . The characteristic of the laser welds are similar to those of electron beam welds viz., narrow and deep shape, narrow HAZ. Welds can be made in a magnetic field. All metals can be fused. Distortion is minimal due to the narrow welds and heat affective zones produced. Any flaw that occurs during laser welding can be repaired by the same system by rewelding over the defective area, thus eliminating the need for other welding equipment. The laser weld can be monitored by remote television which enables the use of adaptive control tracking systems . Welding is done in air ie., no vacuum is required . The main disadvantages of the laser beam welding process are: Cost of the equipment is high . Welding is limited to an upper limit in material thickness of 20 mm for steel. 177 © COPYRIGHT 20(6 ) CWB l EARN NG CENTRE ~ "ARNING CENTRE 178 © cOPYRIGHT 20061 CWB lEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNINGCENTRE Chapter 11 ELECTROSLAG WELDING (ESW) 11.1 11.2 11 .3 Principles of Operation ... . • •. ...... .. . . .... .. . .... ... .. . . .... . . . ... .180 Equipment . .... . .... . .. . ..•.... .. . ... ••. .................. . . .. .. :181 Applications .. . .... .. . . ... .. . . .. . • • .. . . •...... .. . . . .... . . . ... 182 179 C> COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWBlEAANING CENTRE <§> 11. LEARNING CENTRE ELECTROSLAG WELDING (ESW) 11. 1 Principles of Operation In electroslag welding, the heat required to produce coalescence between two materials is generated by the electrical resistance of a molten slag pool. The heat generated is sufficient to melt the surfaces of the base materials as well a consumable filler. An electrode is fed through a guide tube to the bottom of a vertical joint where the side walls of the jOint are parallel to the axis of the electrode. An arc is initiated under a bed of flux as the electrode makes contact with a starter tab, causing the conductive flux to become molten which generates a slag bath . The arc extinguishes once the molten slag bath is formed. Current continues to flow from the electrode through the molten slag and to the base material creating extreme resistive heating. This causes the edges of the base metals, the electrode, and in some instances a consumable guide tube to melt, fusing the two side walls as the filler solidifies between copper shoes on each side. The copper shoes are usually water cooled, and their shape is determined mainly by the joint type and final shape and size of the weld . The process proceeds as the electrode is continually fed into the slag pool progressing the weld up the joint as the gap fills. Due to its buoyancy, the slag floats on top of the molten filler metal and progresses to the top as the joint is completed. The weld is considered finished when the joint is filled. Used mainly for carbon and low alloy steels and some stainless steels , the main disadvantage with this process is that mechanical properties of completed joints are in most instances mediocre. This is because the extreme heat involved with ESW allows the base metal and weld to cool very slowly, thus resulting in large grained weld metal and heat affected zone . 180 (I COPYRIGHT 20061 CNB LEARN'NG CENTRE @ 11.2 LEARNING CENTRE Equipment The equipment used for ESW consists of a direct current type constant voltage power source. a constant speed wire feeder, a guide tube (non-consumable or consumable), and copper shoes. The non-consumable guide method utilizes a welding head which moves up the joint as the weld is made. Backing shoes move along the joint and rise with the welding head, see Figure 11.1. Drive Unit Moved Up By Rack and Pinion Drive Unit _ _ Guide Tube ~ BaseMetal~ Electrode Moving Water~cooled Backing Shoes Molten Flux Molten Weld Metal Solidified Weld Metal Water Out-~ ~ Water In Figure 11.1 Non-consumable Guide (upward moving head) Electroslag Welding 181 (l COPYR.IGHT 2iXl6 1CW'8 LEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNINGCENTRE The consumable guide tube method uses backing shoes that are usually fixed and the welding head is mounted on the work on top of the joint, see Figure 11 .2. Electrode BaseMetal~ Moving Water-cooled Backing Shoes ~_ Consumable Guide Tube Molten Flux Molten Weld Metal Solidified Weld Metal Water Out------"")....:oWater In Figure 11.2: Electroslag Welding Consumable Guide In both methods, multiple electrode systems which can oscillate back and forth across the width of the joint, may be employed for large thicknesses. The oscillating electrode method requires additional equipment which moves the electrode(s) across the joint. 11 .3 Applications Because of ESW's extremely high deposition rates, its major use has been in heavy plate fabrication . Essentially, low volume joints between thick parts can be made in a single pass. Single electrode processes can weld materials 75 mm in thickness, and up to 300 mm thickness may be welded with two oscillating electrodes. Typical applications of ESW are: cladding, subassemblies for steel buildings, joining of large electric motor housings, and manufacturing of frames, bases, and metal working machinery. 182 @COI'YRIGKT 20C16 I CWBLEARNINGCENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 12 DIFFUSION WELDING (DFW) 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Principles of Operation ...... .. ..... . ......... ... ....... . . . .... . . . ... 184 Diffusion Welding Mechanisms ...... . .. .. ... . . •. ............. . ..•.... 184 Bonding Variables ...... .. .. . ...... . •...... . ........... • •......•.... 185 Applications ....... ... ..•.. . ...... ..... .. ...•... .. .. . . ... ... . ..... 186 183 Cl CQPYRJGHT 20061 OVSlEARN I'.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTR' 12. DIFFUSION WELDING 12.1 Principles of Operation Diffusion welding is a solid state joining process (no melting of the parts occurs) that produces an atomic bond between two surfaces through the application of pressure and heat. The bond is considered complete when cavities and voids at the interface have fully closed. The following conditions must be met to produce a diffusion weld: joining must occur at temperatures below the melting point of the materials (usually .5 to .75 Tm where Tm is the melting point in degrees Kelvin) coalescence of contacting surfaces is produced at loads insufficient to cause macrodeformation and brittle surface oxides are removed to allow significant atom migration across the bond interface 12.2 Diffusion Welding Mechanisms In diffusion welding. coalescence occurs through a 3- stage metallurgical sequence, see Figure 12.1. Each stage is associated with a particular metallurgical mechanism that makes the dominant contribution to the bonding process. These stages begin and end gradually because the mechanisms overlap in time. (a) Initial Contact During the first stage, the contact area grows to a large fraction of the joint area by localized deformation of the contacting surface or asperities largely due to the contact pressure . At completion of this stage the interface boundary is no longer planar, but consists of voids separated by intimate areas of contact. In these areas of contact. the joint becomes equivalent to a grain boundary between the grains on each surface. (b) Fig. 12.1: Diffusion Welding 184 ()coP'tRIGHT 20061 CW8 LEARN f\,'G CENTRE First Stage: Deformation at Surface Roughness ~ LEARNING CENTRE During the second stage, two changes occur: all the voids at the interface shrink or disappear and the interfacial grain boundaries migrate out of the plane of the joint. Creep and diffusion mechanisms are important during the second stage as they aid in the elimination of interfacial voids. (c) Second Stage: Diffusion of Atoms From one Grain to Another During the third stage, grain boundaries move and engulf any small voids still present between the materials at the interface. After the final stage is complete, the only possible route for diffusion is through the volume of grains themselves. (d) Third Stage: Volume Diffusion of Atoms to Voids Figure 12.1: Diffusion Welding 12.3 Bonding Variables There are three main process variables associated with diffusion welding: time, temperature, and pressure. Other variables that affect the quality of the bond are surface roughness and contamination. Time As time increases, the distance to which atoms diffuse increases. Time allows the three mechanisms of diffusion to occur. Joint efficiencies may be poor if sufficient time is not allowed. Temperature Temperature is the most important variable in diffusion. As temperature rises, the grains at the interface are able to deform easily thus increasing the contact area. Also, the atoms are able to diffuse much faster, thus reducing the time required to achieve an adequate bond. Pressure The degree of pressure determines how the first stage of deformation will function. If deformation is insufficient due to inadequate pressure, large voids will remain present at the interface and atoms will be unable to migrate across these. 185 if) COPYRIGHT 20Cl61 CWB LfARN NG CCNTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Surface Roughness Surface roughness is a variable that determines the time required to collapse voids during the second stage. The rougher the surface, the longer it will take to acquire full contact at the interface. Surface Contamination Films of water, oil, or grease are injurious to the strength of diffusion welds . Non-oil-based cleaners such as acetone should be used to pre-clean surfaces. Oxide films, as found naturally on stainless steel , aluminum, and titanium , are hard and brittle and prevent complete bond formation. During the deformation stages, the hard brittle oxide continually fractures and reforms preventing the atoms from migrating across the interface. Any oxide can be removed through ion bombardment immediately before being placed in the bonding atmosphere. The bonding environment should consist of a vacuum or inert gas chamber to eliminate the chances of re-oxidation at the elevated temperature needed for diffusion welding. 12.4 Applications Diffusion welding has been substituted for processes such as electron beam welding due to its low equipment costs. Because a vacuum is generally required during the bonding process, it has been considered for use in outer-space to make repairs on space stations and to personnel carriers such as moon buggies. The most common applications for diffusion welding involve titanium, nickel, and aluminum alloys as well as several dissimilar metal combinations. Some items that have been welded thus far are: The engine mount on the space shuttle had 28 diffusion welded titanium components ranging from large frames to interconnecting boxes. This structure was designed to withstand three million pounds of thrust. Light weight cylindrical cases of titanium alloys for jet engines. Dissimilar joints with metal combinations such as copper to aluminum, copper to titanium, mild steel to stainless steel, and stainless steel to zirconium alloys. 186 (l COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB lEAAN'NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 13 EXPLOSION WELDING (EXW) 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Principles of Operation .. . .. . ............. .. .. . . . . .. •... . . . . ...... .. .188 Explosion Welding Parameters and Variables . . . . ... . ... .. ... .... .. .. . . . .188 Mechanisms of EXW . . .. .. . . . ..... . ... .. .... .. ......... . ...•. . . . . .. 189 Applications . . . ..... . . . .. •..... ... . • . ... .. . ... .. . .. . . . . . ... . . . .... 189 187 © COP'rRIGHT 2006 1CWBlEAANNG CENTRE ~ 13. LEARNING CENTRE EXPLOSION WELDING (EXW) 13.1 Principles of Operation Explosion welding is a solid state process in which coalescence is produced through high speed impacting of two or more materials by controlled detonation. The explosion forces the materials together at extremely high speed and pressure (velocity of detonation is about 5000 m/s [17000 IUs]). Bonding is achieved from the dynamic plastic interaction (flow of material) and jetting at the interface. Unlike fusion-welding processes, there is no extreme heat transfer involved in this bonding process and therefore no metallurgical changes take place at the interface thus minimizing changes in mechanical properties. However, due to the plastic deformation at the bond interface, this region can have a higher hardness than the base material. 13.2 Explosion Welding Parameters and Variables The set-up for EXW consists of a base component, a flyer plate (prime component), explosive material, and a source of detonation as shown in Figure 13.1. The basic parameters involved are flyer plate velocity, collision point velocity, and collision angle. Process variables that affect these parameters are detonation rate, explosive quality and mass, flyer plate mass, and standoff distance which controls the angle of impact. Each of these variables are obtimized from trial and error bonding sessions, and through the interpretation of suitable inspection and mechanical test methods. Detonation • Explosive Material Flyer Plale Standoff I ,u---L.--f-- - - -...., Gap Base '--~I=~====~I Component ' - -_ _ _ _ -' Flyer Plate Figure 13.1: Schematic Diagram Showing Explosion Cladding Setup 188 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEAAN NG CENTRE ~ 13.3 LEARNING CENTRE Mechanisms of EXIN The explosive, commonly ammonium nitrate based, is the energy source in this process. Energy is released through detonation in a very specific manner starting at the detonator progressing at sonic velocities into the undetonated explosive (also known as velocity of detonation). The characteristics of the detonation are controlled by the explosives composition, particle size, packing density, layer thickness, moisture content, and in some cases age. The explosive material is distributed over the top of the prime component and is detonated such that the detonation front progresses over the length of the prime component in a tangential manner. Detonation accelerates the prime component across the standoff gap colliding it into the base component. This acceleration is the result of a high pressure shock front and trailing shock waves produced in the explosion. Upon collision, the surfaces of the materials being joined locally deform and flow in the immediate region of impact. Because of the angular geometry of the collision, a jetting action accompanies the surface layer deformation which removes the surface material containing oxides and contaminants that inhibit this solid state joining process. Most of this heat is carried out of the joint interface, and the weld has a wavy cross-section . 13.4 Applications Typical applications of EXW include the cladding of corrosion and wear resistant materials to steel and stainless steel, and of transition joints for joining dissimilar metals (steel to aluminum transition bars for ships). EXW is limited to flat and cylindrical surfaces and to materials with suitable ductility and fracture toughness. 189 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB l (MNING CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 190 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEARN1'.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 14 FRICTION WELDING (FRW) 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Principles of Operation . ... . . .. .... . . .. . .. .... .. . ...... . ... . . . .. .. . .. 192 Process Variables . . ... . .. .• .. . .. ... . .. .. . . ... .. . . . . .. .... .. . .. . . ... 193 Metallurgical Parameters .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. . . . . . .•. . . . .. .... . . .. . ... 193 Applications . ... . . . . ... . .. . . .... .. . . . . . . . .. . ..... . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .194 191 Cl COf'YPJGHT 2006 1CWB lEARNlt'>.'G CENTRE (!> LEARNING CENTRE 14. FRICTION WELDING (FRW) 14.1 Principles of Operation Friction welding is a process that uses frictional heat generated by the relative motion of two materials in contact under compressive forces to form a solid-state metallurgical bond . It is used to join a wide range of similar and dissimilar materials, ie. metals, ceramics, composites, or polymers. There is no heat applied from any external means and the equipment used is relatively simple. The process involves two materials, whose adjoining ends are machined flat and parallel to each other. The pieces are inserted into a machine resembling a lathe. Usually, with one material rotating and the other stationary, the two are brought together under constant or gradually increasing compressive forces to transform mechanical energy into thermal energy by means of friction. Once a suitable welding temperature has been reached, the rotational motion ceases and an upsetting force is applied and held allowing atomic diffusion to occur forming a metallurgical bond between the parts. Figure 14.1 illustrates the friction welding process. Rotating """-I"""-#"• :' :'11 ~ .. . Non Rotating Non Rotating . '. "·';1 , ':.l ~ Pressure Healing at Interiace on Contact <oj : , ~ Pressure Non Rotating ~ Pressure \1 . t,/ ..... " ~ Pressure Figure 14.1: Friction Welding Process Because of the localised heating and rapid cooling at the interface of adjoining metals, mechanical properties may be sufficiently altered requiring post weld heat treatment to restore ductility and strength. 192 Cl CQPYRIGHT 2Ol6 1CW8 LEARN 'NG CENTRE ~ 14.2 LEARNING CENTRE Process Variables There are two variations of the friction welding process: the conventional method, as described above, and the inertia method. The inertia method stores the required energy for joining in a flywheel system. The flywheel, connected to a motor, rotates one of the pieces to be joined, until a predetermined speed is reached. The motor is disengaged and the pieces brought in contact at a predetermined pressure and time and the kinetic energy of the flywheel is converted into frictional heat at the jOint interface. The flywheel rotation ceases when the required joining temperature is reached and an upset pressure is applied to complete the weld. Rotational speed, axial pressure, and welding time are the principle variables in both variations of the process and each varies depending on the material type, composition and size. These parameters must be precisely adjusted to ensure sufficient heating of the materials into their plastic range where welding takes place . The heat generation is proportional to the square root of the applied pressure and power dissipation is independent of speed . High speeds give more rapid welding and narrower heat affected zones . 14.3 Metallurgical Parameters There are two main requirements for materials to form a quality friction weld. First, the material should be capable of being forged, and second, the material should be able to generate sufficient heat at the interface required for welding. The first factor eliminates brittle materials such as ceramics , cast irons, etc., because these materials cannot support the load from the upsetting force. The second factor eliminates materials that contain elements which provide dry lubrication such as free machining steels, alloys containing substantial amounts of graphite, and lead alloys . The heat generated by friction results in a weld without a weld metal region with characteristic solidification structure. The process therefore avoids many of the problems associated with certain weld metal solidification structures such as hot cracking . 193 «> COPYRIGHT 10061 CWB lEA.Fl.N~NG CENTRE ~ 14.4 LEARNING CENTRE Applications Similar metals are friction welded mainly because of economical considerations (short welding times, high production rates for volume production), and the process has been used to produce high quality joints in material such as copper, brass, bronze, low alloy steel, tool steel , stainless steel, nickel, tantalum, titanium, etc. FRW has been used to join dissimilar metals as an alternate route to other welding methods but mainly because no other methods can be used. Typical dissimilar metal joint combinations include copper to 1018 steel , tool steel to 1045 steel , type 302 stainless steel to 1020 steel, and aluminum 6061 to type 302 stainless steel. The parts that are joined by friction welding usually have an axis which can be rotated perpendicular to the surface to be joined. 194 © cOPYRIGHT 2006 1cwa lfARNING CENTRe <!> LEARNING CENTRE Chapter 15 THERMIT WELDING (TW) 15.1 15.2 Principles of Operation . . ...... ..... . .. ... . .... .. . . .....•...... ..... .196 Applications .. ...... . ... ......... . •. .... .....•..... . ........ ...... 197 195 () COPYRIGHT 2006 1CWBlEARNNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 15. THERMIT WELDING (TW) 15. 1 Principles of Operation The thermit welding process uses the heat generated in a chemical reaction to join with or without the application of pressure, see Figure 15.1. Slag Super Hot Steel Crucible Slag Tapping ---~'\P" Device Crucible Parts to be Welded Preheated to Red Heat Figure 15.1: Thermit Welding Process Heat as well as molten filler metal for welding are generated as a result of an exothermic reaction between aluminum and iron oxide (thermit powder): 8 AI + 3Fe 30 4 9Fe + 4 AI,03 + Heat (Filler metal) The reaction occurs in a crucible mounted on top of a mold built around the parts to be welded. In the example above, the parts to be welded are prepared with a square groove joint and a predetermined root opening. A pre-calculated amount of thermit powder sufficient to fill the joint and which may also contain appropriate alloying elements is added to the crucible. It is then ignited by a special ignition powder producing a temperature of 1300C that is required for the exothermic reaction to start. Once started, the temperature quickly increases to 2500C, almost twice the melting temperature of steel. Due to gravity, this molten metal flows to the bottom of the crucible where it is tapped off into the mold and melts the edges of the joint. An aluminum oxide slag produced in the reaction floats to the top, protecting the molten metal from atmospheric contamination. Heat losses cool the molten metal causing it to solidify thus forming a weld with a composition that depends on the alloying elements present in the thermite powder. 196 © COPYRIGHT 20061 CWB LEARN NG CENTRE ~ 15.2 LEARNING CENTRE Applications Rail welding is the most widely used application of thermit welding . It is used to join rails , replace rail defects, weld insulated joint assemblies into the track, and to make electrical connections between rails for railway signal systems. Other applications have included welding of ship frames , making large crankshafts, welding thick I-beams, welding reinforcing bars, and joining copper and aluminum conducters for the electrical industry. Fig 15.2: Thermit Welding of Copper 197 C COf'YRIGHT 2006 1CV'I8 LF.ARNNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE 198 () COPYRIGHT 20061 CWSlEAAN I\.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE GUIDES AND EXERCISES MODULE 4 WELDING PROCESSES AND EQU IPMENT 199 © COPYRIGHT 20061 ewe LEARN NG CENl RE @ LEARNING CENTRE Guides and Exercises To obtain maximum benefit from this module, we suggest that you follow this guide and complete the exercises as indicated. It is important that you work through the text methodically, studying each section thoroughly before moving on . The exercises are designed to give you an indication whether you have learned the material and can move on or whether you need to go back and study the section again. Do the exercises honestly. They will not help you unless you take them seriously. If you get a question wrong , go back through the text until you understand where you have gone wrong and know the correct answer. The length of time required to complete the module will vary from student to student. Find your own pace. Do not rush. Remember you are trying to teach yourself something, not win a race. Some people like to underline sections when they read a text. We suggest that you use caution when you do this. What you think is important first time you read it may be different after reading it three times. We suggest you read a section three times thoroughly before highlighting anything. The last exercise is designed to give you an indication of whether you are ready to take the CWB Learning Centre closed book examination. The exercise questions are similar to the official examination. Do not take the examination until you feel you are ready and you may wish to study several Modules before taking the examination for each. If you have difficulty with this module, do not hesitate to ask for help by contacting us at 1-800844-6790/905-542-2176. 200 {)COPYRIGHT 20061 CW'BlEARNiNG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Guide 1 Carefully read Chapter 1 and answer the following questions: 1. Welding is a joining process that by definition requires: (a)the application of both heat and pressure (b)the application of either heat or pressure (c)the application of both heat and filler metal (d)the application of both pressure and filler metal (e)all of the above 2. Name the two main methods of arc shielding. 3. In which direction do the electrons flow in an electrical arc? From anode to cathode, or cathode to anode? 4. In arc welding, the electric arc is intensely hot with temperatures exceeding: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 20000· C 30000· C 33000·C 40000· C 50000· C 5. Which arc welding process has the highest arc efficiency? And what is its approximate value? 6. How do the arc voltage and arc stiffness change when the arc length is increased? 201 tO COPYRIGHT 20061 ~ LEARN NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Guide 2 Carefully read Chapter 2 and answer the following questions: 1. What is the generic name for the electrode used in GTAW and does it melt to provide filler metal for the weld? 2. In the GTAW process what type of penetration and weld width can be expected when using D.C. electrode positive? 3. Which polarity is chosen most often for direct current GTA welding of steels and why? 4. Why must the shielding gas for GTAW be completely inert? 5. State two advantages of the GTAW process. 202 () COI'YIUGHT 2006 1CWBl£AAN NG CENTR,E ~ LEARNINGCENTRE Guide 3 Carefully read Chapter 3 and answer the following questions: 1. What does SMAW stand for? 2. Why is SMAW a very common ly used welding process? 3. True or false? Constant voltage power sources are preferred for SMAW. 4. Why is care necessary in proper storage and handling of electrodes for welding steels? 5. True or false? Larger diameter electrodes are preferred for we lding the root passes in V grooves and for out of position welds . 203 © COf'YRlGHT 2006 j CWBlEAP.N NG CENTRE §> < LEARNING CENTRE Guide 4 Carefully read Chapter 4 and answer the following questions: 1. True or false? Constant voltage power sources is generally used for GMAW. 2. Which metal transfer mode in GMAW would be applied for welding (a) cast iron, (b) aluminum alloy? 3. Between 100% CO, and Ar-5%CO,. which shielding gas will you chose to ensure spray transfer in semi-automatic welding of carbon steel? 4. State three advantages of the GMAW process over the SMAW process. 5. Which welding parameter is used most reliably to ensure that a welding procedure developed with one machine is accurately duplicated on another machine? 204 (l COf"l'RJGHT 20061 CWB lfAAN 'NG CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Guide 5 Carefully read Chapter 5 and answer the following questions: 1. True or false? Welding equ ipment for gas shielded flux cored arc welding is essentially the same as for gas metal arc welding. 2. The most common gas used with gas shielded flux cored arc welding is: (a) (b) (c) (d) Pure Argon Pure Helium 75% Argon/25% CO 2 Argon with 10% hydrogen 3. Which type of cored wire is most suitable for open air field work? Gas shielded flux cored wire? Self shielded flux cored arc wire? Metal cored wire? 4. True or false? Gas shielded flux cored wires with basic ingredients in the core are ideally suited for out of position welding. 5. Which technique - drag (backhand) or push (forehand) - is used for semi-automatic welding with gas shielded flux cored arc welding? 205 © COPYRIGHT 20061 ewe l EARN NG CENTRE <:§> LEARNING CENTRE Guide 6 Carefully read Chapter 6 and answer the following questions: 1. True or false? In the submerged arc welding process, granular flux is placed on the unwelded seam behind the consumable electrode. 2. What is the effect of change in polarity from DCEP to DC EN on a submerged arc weld deposit? 3. State the greatest advantage and disadvantage of the submerged arc welding process? 4. True or false? Fused fluxes are prone to moisture pick-up. 5. What are the effects of increasing the arc voltage when using an active flux for submerged arc welding of carbon steels? 206 o COPYRIGHT l1Xl61 OVB LEAAN NG CENTRE <§> LEARN,NG CENTRE Guide 7 Carefully read the remaining chapters and answer the following questions: 1. What is the source of heat in the resistance welding process? (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. Which of the following arc welding process(es) is (are) non-consumable electrode type? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 3. Wide, deep penetrating welds and heat affected zones Narrow, deep penetrating weld and heat affected zones Narrow, shallow penetrating welds and heat affected zones Wide, shallow penetrating welds and heat affected zones In thermite welding, what is the name of the reaction from which the required heat and molten metal is obtained? (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. GTAW SMAW GMAW FCAW SAW PAW The electron beam welding process results in: (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. An electric arc External pressure Resistance of the copper electrode to electron flow Electrical resistance of the workpieces Exothermic Duo Thermic Interthermic Endothermic In electroslag welding , what is the usual cooling medium used on the copper shoes? (a) (b) (c) (d) Dry ice Air Oil Water 207 () COPYRIGHT 20061 cwo lENWNG CENTR.E (§> LEARNING CENTRE Answers Guide 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (b) Flux shielding and gas shielding. Cathode to anode. (b) Submerged arc welding. 90 top 95%. Arc voltage increases and arc stiffness decreases. Guide 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tungsten electrode. It does not melt during the welding process and that is why GTAW is a "non-consumable electrode" arc welding process. Shallow penetration and a wide weld . Direct current electrode negative . More heat is produced at the workpiece leading to deeper weld penetration. Presence of active gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide will oxidize the tungsten electrode and limit its life. It gives high quality deposits, and the process can be used to weld virtually all metals and alloys. Guide 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shielded Metal Arc Welding It provides great flexibility in terms of the broad range of materials and their thicknesses that can be joined in all welding positions. False. Improperly stored electrodes can pick up moisture leading to increased weld metal hydrogen content and therefore increased risk of cold cracking in the weld zone . False. Guide 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. True. (a) Short circuiting mode, (b) Spray. Ar-5%CO,. High deposition rate, greater percentage of arc time due to infrequent electrode changing, more economical use of filler metal in the absence of stub losses, potential for cleaner, higher quality weld metal with low hydrogen. Wire feed speed. 208 Cl COPYRIGHT 20061 CW8 LEARN i".'G CENTRE @ LEARNING CENTRE Answers Guide 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. True. (c). Self shielded flux cored wire . False. Drag (backhand). Guide 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. False. The deposition rate will increase, however, the penetration is reduced and the risk of lack of fusion type flaws in groove welds is increased. Greatest advantage is very high productivity possible due to high duty cycle (mechanized process) and high deposition rate (multiple wires and high currents) . The main disadvantage is that the process is not suitable for out of position welding. False. Increase in arc voltage increases the flux consumption and in the case of active fluxes, the Mn and Si content of the weld metal is increased. As a result, such fluxes should be used with caution for mUltipass welds since there is a potential for build up of Mn and Si in the we ld metal, thereby decreasing the weld metal ductility and increasing the risk of hydrogen cracking. Guide 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (d) (a) and (f) (b) (a) (d) 209 (l COI"1'RIGHT 20061 ewe LEMN NG C£t-JTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE Module 4 Test This test is designed to determine whether you are ready to attempt the formal examination. Complete the ANSWER SHEET and compare the results with the test key. If you have a mark less than 70%, you are advised to re-study the material. 1 .with a tungsten are, most of the current across the arc is carried by: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. The ch ief feature of an electron beam weld is: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 3. a smooth fillet weld high sh rinkage very shallow penetration and wide heat affected zone a very narrow weld and heat affected zone a high deposition rate Which gases are used with the GMAW process? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 4. electrons ions nuclei molecules of inert gas there is no current no gases are used any gas including CO" hydrogen , fluorine, etc. only CO" hydrogen and fluorine argon and CO, and their mixtures in various proportions only helium Which of the following processes is a non-consumable electrode process? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) SMAW SAW GMAW GTAW FCAW 210 (;) COP'fRIGHT 20061 CW8 LEARN f\.'G CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE Module 4 Test 5. Projection welding is a resistance spot welding process in which: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 6. Which of the following processes is not used in the overhead position? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 7. SAW GMAW SMAW FCAW GTAW Which of the following shielding gas (mixtures) is suitable for spray transfer when welding with 1.1 mm diameter GMAW wire? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 8. the parts are projected towards each other under high pressure the current is localized by using a projection or embossment on the part to be joined the weld is made in a projection of the piece which is removed after the current is localized using a high magnetic field extra long electrodes are used 95% CO, - 5% Ar 75% CO, - 25% Ar 50% CO, - 50% Ar 25% CO, - 74% Ar 5% CO, - 95% Ar The deposition rate of some SMAW electrodes is increased by including which of the following in the flux coating: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) basic fluxes aluminum deoxidants iron powder fluorides 211 O COPYRlGHT 20061 CW8 LEARNING CENTRE <§.> LEARNING CENTRE Module 4 Test 9. The electrode in flux cored arc welding is: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10. a a a a a tubular wire containing gases solid wire with flux coating hand held rod with flux in the core flux cored tungsten electrod e tubular wire containing flux or other ingredients What would be a typical current range for a 4mm (5/32") E4918 (E7018) electrode: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 25 - 70 amperes 150 - 220 amperes 2.5 - 7 amperes 15 - 22 amperes 650 - 875 amperes 212 10 COPYRIGHT 20061 CWBlEARN NG CENTRE ~ LEARNING CENTRE CWB Learning Centre Answer Sheet - Module 4 Complete the "Answer Sheet" and compare the results with the "Test Key". If you have a pass mark less than 70%, you are advised to re-stud y the materi al. Please circle only ONE letter corresponding to the answer you think is most correct. QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b ANSVVERS c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d e e e e e e e e e e The answer key below is provided for your use in the event that you wish to retest yourself. QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a a a a a a a a a a ANSVVER c b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d e e e e e e e e e e 213 O COPYRIGHT 2006 1CVY'8 LEAANING CENTRE <§> LEARNING CENTRE eWB Learning Centre Test Key - Module 4 Compare your answer sheet to this key. QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANSIJI.ERS , a a a a Ibl a a c c c c c c c c c c b b b b 9 a a a b b b b 10 a Uj 1 214 © COPYRIGHT 2006 1OI'1B lEARN,J\,'G CENTRE d d -,3 d ~ 0 -4, d d d e e e e e e ~e 0 1 e d d ~ e