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Tourism & Environment: A Rogerian Outline

Rogerian Outline
Planet earth continues to suffocate due to the excessive increase of temperatures,
initiating climate change and global warming. Unfortunately, human exploitation of the earth's
environment and resources primarily contributes to the emissions and menaces the atmosphere's
stability. Consequently, the human activities of tourism get involved in a debate about whether
these anthropogenic activities affect or benefit the environment. While many parties oppose the
spread of tourism entertainment, the other parties advocate active tourism engagement, all for the
environment's benefit. Ecological resolutions to the controversial idea of tourism can minimize
the environmental risks of endangering the earth's future species. Therefore, both parties must
reach a compromise to protect the planet from extinction. Although environmental changes
that cause global warming are jeopardizing planet earth, the constraint of tourism or the
advocation of spreading tourism is not the solution to these crises; instead, established
federal regulation allows better engagement of tourism activities while still preserving the
environment's health.
Body paragraphs:
Side A’s main Claim: Activities of tourism are threatening the stability of earth’s
Side A’s sub claim: Increasing tourism activities in Antarctica are disrupting the
continent’s wilderness. According to the article “Antarctica,” tourism’s accidental
chemical spills destroy the ideal environment for local Adele penguins colonies to breed,
obstructing the reproduction of the species (“Antarctica”). Consequently, many Antarctic
species will suffer from sudden environmental changes, which took them centuries to
develop adaptability. Therefore, the wilderness of Antarctica faces potential risks of
Side A’s sub claim: The violation of aviation, airflights, that erupt global warming risks,
correlate with the rise of tourism industry. In a research of the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Richard Hammond argues that the rise of
tourism transportation such as airflights contribute the largest emission of greenhouse
gases and predict the continuous growth on aviation violation without established
regulations (Hammond). The expansion of tourism generate detrimental gases that pollute
the earth’s natural fresh air. The rising temperature of global warming is a result of
trapped greenhouse gases, which the tourism industry can accelerate the risk. Pollution of
air causes health risks that also affect human and other species.
Side B’s main claim: Tourism activities engages in entertainment and brings
environmental benefits to the planet.
Side B’s sub claim: Tourism provides adequate funding that aims to protect endangered
species. According to Ruth Keesling, tourism's expansion in African countries provides
jobs and opportunities that develop independent incomes for the locals, preventing the
local's practices of poaching mountain gorillas (Keesling). National parks established by
tourism protect endangered species from illegal hunting. The funding can provides
restoration of the species natural habitats that are destroyed by the current deforestation
Side B’s sub claim: The preservation and restoration of rainforest is also a result of
tourism contribution. In the article “Ecotourism Can Help Save the Rain Forest,” Keith
Wilson proudly claims that the creation of Miki’s tourism jungle treks preserves 40
hectares of rainforests from deforestation (Wilson). The locals of poor villages often fell
trees and jungles to expand agriculture. However, effective tourism organizations bring
awareness and education on these environmental issues. Therefore, acts of deforestation
and harming rainforests are minimized by the locals.
Common Ground:
Tourism attract a expansion of populations that already presents potential risks and
danger to the environment. However, the growing industry of tourism provides stable income
jobs to prevent the nations poverty. The generated wealth also funds into programs and
organizations into protecting the environment. Therefore, the perspective of advocating
sustainable tourism satisfy both sides common goal of ensuring the health of earth’s
Compromise / Solution paragraph:
Although both perspectives provide well-supported validation for their stance of
argument. Tourism's activities can menace the fresh and natural resources of the earth's
environment, just like other anthropogenic activities. However, a new development in tourism
can also bring ecological benefits to planet earth by protecting the wilderness and nature. A
stricter federal regulation that enforces guidelines regarding tourism is the solution to maintain
the stability of the environment. Selfishness and irresponsibility of human activities continue to
neglect the crisis of devastating the earth's nature. For example, The International Association of
Antarctica Tour Operators reports that incidents like oil spills and accidents in the Antarctic
continent result from companies failing to obey tourism guidelines (Kratzmier). Therefore, the
compromise lies in federal authorities, proposing stricter laws and legal penalties if violating
them. By minimizing unnecessary tourism activities and promoting sustainable forms of tourism,
the solution satisfies both perspectives and shares the final goal of the overall issue.
Restating the thesis
Summarizing both perspect main ideas of advocating and abolishing tourism.
Redefine the common ground and the solution to protect the environment.
Call to action and presenting the consequences if not establishing federal
regulations for tourism