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Self-Awareness Essay: Personal Growth & Client Relations

Learning about myself is always something I appreciate and enjoy; because,
these objective evaluations help me understand myself in a way that inspires
growth; the questions and structure of the assessment resonated with my
true feelings, inciting reflection, and making me more transparent. Dissecting
my personality type has improved the understand of myself and others,
allowing me to appreciate my strengths more, and improve my weaknesses.
Self-awareness is a powerful mechanism for evaluating individual, group, and
organizational dynamics in and way that is enriching and positive. Who we
are is a direct result of our strengths and weaknesses, our drives and
personalities, our habits and values. Even when personal feedback is
presented to us, we are not always open to it because honest
feedback is not always flattering. Self awareness can improve our
judgment and help us identify opportunities for professional
development and personal growth. Unless I know myself, I will not
understand my clients. Unless my own bias’s, prejudices, personal
interests and emotional vulnerability, are understood, I will not be able
to understand why my clients behave or react as they do. To
effectively assist clients, I need to know myself well and continually
work for self assessment and personal development. In conclusion,
regular self assessment of me and my values will keep my behaviors
and emotions in check. To avoid any harm to the client, I need to
understand my own prejudices, bias’s, personal interests and