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Một biểu đồ lớp gồm các thành phần sau:
*Lớp (Class):
1. a rectangular block with three parts: class name, attribute, and method.
2. Class names are unique in the system and usually capitalize initials. Properties
are class member variables, which can have data types and accessibility (public,
private, protected).
3. Methods are class member functions, which can have return type, parameter
list, and accessibility
*Quan hệ (Relationship):
links between classes to represent the interaction or dependencies between them.
There are a lot of:
. kế thừa (inheritance)
. hiện thực (realization)
. kết hợp (association)
. tổng hợp (aggregation)
. thành phần (composition)
. sử dụng (dependency)
* class graph
Step 1: Find the expected Classes
Step 2: Find the properties and methods for the class
• Analyze information from available sample forms.
• operations that objects of this class can perform.
Step 3: Build relationships between classes and detect arising classes
Step 4: Class specification