Uploaded by Alexander Huang

Historical Events & Social Programs Document

31) After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the feelings of animosity in America against Japan
increased. By late 1945, the Allied leaders met in Germany with news of a secret new weapon,
called the atomic bomb, created by American scientists, that was powerful enough to destroy an
entire city. However, there were some feelings that the bomb was too powerful, and the leaders
chose instead to send the Potsdam Declaration to Japan warning them to surrender. The
Japanese military did not know about the atomic bomb and ignored the warning, so on August
6th 1945, an American bomber called the Enola Gay was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This
blast killed an approximated 70,000 people and destroyed more than eighty percent of the city,
but the Japanese still did not surrender. The US dropped a second atomic bomb, and after a
furious debate in the Japanese cabinet, the emperor of Japan announced a surrender. This day
on the 14th of August became known as V-J Day, for Victory over Japan.
32) a & b) The approach to bring discrimination cases before the courts that I would have
disagreed with most would have been using violence to gain attention. This approach only
caused an uproar that required law enforcement and resulted in injuries of many people.
Although it did bring attention, it brought the wrong sort of attention that they were seeking. The
courts possibly would have been less eager to see their cases after acts of violence, since it
only demonstrated rebellion.
33) a & b) President Lyndon Johnson proposed the development of a plan called the Great
Society, which was a plan with an ambitious goal to improve the standard of living of every
American. One of these important Great Society programs was Medicare. This plan helped to
pay the hospital bills of citizens over the age of 65. Similar to this program, Medicaid gave
states money to help poor people of all ages with medical bills. Along with this, he fought to help
Americans who lived below the poverty line. The Economic Opportunity Act was passed in 1964
to set up job-training programs for the poor. It also gave loans to businesses poor sections of
the cities and offered loans to poor farmers.