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Ronald Takaki's Hiroshima Essay: Atomic Bomb Decision

12/30/23, 3:14 PM
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Ronald Takakis Hiroshima
2111 Words
5 Pages
Although WW II ended over 50 years ago there is still
much discussion as to the events which ended the War in
the Pacific. The primary event which historians attribute
to this end are the use of atomic bombs on the cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although the bombing of these
cities did force the Japanese to surrender, many people
today ask “Was the use of the atomic bomb necessary to
end the war?” and more importantly “Why was the
decision to use the bomb made?” Ronald Takaki
examines these questions in his book Hiroshima.
The official reason given for dropping the bomb was to
bring a quick end to tht war and save American lives.
However, Takaki presents many different explanations as
to why the decision to use the bomb was made. He
disagrees with the popular belief that the decision to use
the bomb was made solely to quickly end the war in the
Pacific and to save American lives. Takaki presents
theories such as international concerns, American
sentiment, and racism
in anDocument
attempt to more fully explain
why this decision was made.
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Ronald Takakis Hiroshima - 2111 Words | 123 Help Me
Truman’s Horrible Mistake to Use the Atomic
2960 Words | 6 Pages
The war was coming to a victorious conclusion for the
Allies. Germany had fallen, and it was only a matter of
time until Japan would fall as well. Secretary of War
Henry L. Stimson was at the forefront of the American
war effort, and saw atomic weaponry as a way out of the
most monumental war ever. As discussed in Cabell
Phillips’ book, The Truman Presidency: The History of a
Triumphant Succession, Stimson was once quoted as
saying that the atomic bomb has “more effect on human
affairs than the theory of Copernicus and the Law of
Gravity” (55). Stimson, a defendant of dropping the bomb
on Japan, felt that the world would never be the same. If
the world would change after using atomic weapons,
could it possibly have changed for the better? One would
think not. However, that person might be weary of the
biased opinion of White House personnel. He or she
should care more for the in depth analytical studies done
by experts who know best as to why America should or
should not have dropped the atomic bomb. As more and
more evidence has been presented to researchers, expert
opinion on whether or not the United States should have
dropped the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki has also changed. More and more researchers
seem to feel that the Open
bomb should never have been
used (Alperovitz 16). Despite several officials’ claims to
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Ronald Takakis Hiroshima - 2111 Words | 123 Help Me
decision to drop atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki during World War II. The controversy
remains of whether or not atomic bombs should have
been used during the war. After studying this text, it is
clear that the first atomic bomb, which was dropped on
the city of Hiroshima, was a necessary military tactic on
ending the war. The second bomb, which was dropped on
Nagasaki, however, was an unnecessary measure in
Read More
ensuring a surrender from the Japanese, and was only
used to seek revenge.…
Atomic Bomb Dbq
1981 Words | 4 Pages
The United States of America’s use of the atomic bomb
on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has
spurred much debate concerning the necessity,
effectiveness, and morality of the decision since August
1945. After assessing a range of arguments about the
importance of the atomic bomb in the termination of the
Second World War, it can be concluded that the use of the
atomic bomb served as the predominant factor in the end
of the Second World War, as its use lowered the morale,
industrial resources, and military strength of Japan. The
Allied decision to use the atomic bomb not only caused
irreparable physical damage on two major Japanese cities,
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but its use also minimized the Japanese will to continue
fighting. These two factors along…
Prompt And Utter Destruction Analysis
1521 Words | 4 Pages
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12/30/23, 3:14 PM
Ronald Takakis Hiroshima - 2111 Words | 123 Help Me
The Atomic Bombs
734 Words | 2 Pages
As World War 2, came to a close, The United States
unleashed a secret atomic weapon upon the enemy nation
of Japan that was quickly recognized as the most
powerful wartime weapon in human history. They
completely destroyed the entire Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and essentially vaporized
countless innocent Japanese lives. Some historians
believe that it was a foolish, brutal decision to use the
atomic bomb on a weakened Japan, and that the civilians
of the country did not deserve that kind of massannihilation. On the opposite side, other historians assert
that dropping the bomb saved countless American and
Japanese lives by ending the war faster than a regular
invasion would have. What is undisputed is that this sad
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event dramatically changed the course of human
Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan
684 Words | 2 Pages
In May of 1945, with Germany’s surrender, the Allied
forces achieved victory in Europe. However, World War
II was not over, and fighting continued against the
Japanese in the Pacific. To finally end the war, United
States president at the time, Harry Truman, made the
decision to drop the newly invented Atomic Bomb on two
navel bases in Japan:Open
and Nagasaki. Although
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Ronald Takakis Hiroshima - 2111 Words | 123 Help Me
end the war before it was necessary to carry out a full
scale invasion. New developments in science had made it
possible for the United States to weaponize the atom, and
the consequent bomb created was dropped on Hiroshima
and later Nagasaki at the approval of President Harry S.
Truman and his advisors. In years to come, Truman would
have to face questions over the merit of his actions.
Although some may believe the atomic bomb was needed
because it ended WWII, it was unnecessary to drop the
nuclear bomb because of the alternatives that existed, the
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effect it had on the Japanese people, and because of the
unethical reasons for dropping it.…
Why We Dropped The Atomic Bomb Dbq
1272 Words | 3 Pages
Following Germany’s surrender to the Allied powers on
May 7, 1945, Americans were hoping that Japan would
surrender as well. However, after the Yalta Conference
and promising the USSR many conditions if they helped
America beat the Japanese, the Americans knew that they
had to bring the Japanese to surrender before the Russians
joined the war in two or three months. Then on July 16,
1945, the first atomic bomb, a weapon that could
guarantee Japanese surrender, became a reality when it
was tested in the New Mexico deserts successfully, was
revealed publically to Russia and Britain at the Potsdam
Conference, and was used publicly just one month later
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on August 6 and 9 on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. Although some would argue…
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Ronald Takakis Hiroshima - 2111 Words | 123 Help Me
depiction if it was necessary or not. To an extent, the use
of these bombs was necessary to save many American
lives, but it was not necessary when thinking just about
vengeance for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Walker also
explains in the book, that there might have been other
solutions in the war to bring it to an end, without the use
Read More
of these bombs, and provides substantial evidence
supporting these “solutions.”…
Justification Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki
931 Words | 2 Pages
The moral and military necessity of the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombings has been a subject of debate for
almost half a century. Most revisionists emphasize the
victimization of Japan during the attacks. They often
forget the military realities and the historical context
while judging whether it was necessary for America to
use nuclear weapons against the two Japanese cities. It is
important to note that Japan was the aggressor. Japan
triggered the war that led to the bombing of its two cities
with its sneak attack on America’s Pearl harbour in 1941.
Subsequent systematic and flagrant violation of several
international agreements and norms through employment
of chemical and biological warfare and mistreatment of
prisoners of war and civilians aggravated the situation[
Gar Alperovitz, The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
and the Architecture of an American Myth. (NY: Knopf,
1995), 89]. A response was needed to deal with increased
aggression from Japan. Allied military planners had to
choose between invading Japan and using the US atomic
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12/30/23, 3:14 PM
Ronald Takakis Hiroshima - 2111 Words | 123 Help Me
941 Words | 2 Pages
The Atomic Bombs
734 Words | 2 Pages
Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan
684 Words | 2 Pages
Atomic Bomb Morality
1771 Words | 4 Pages
Ethical Decisions: The Bombing Of The Atomic Bomb
1978 Words | 4 Pages
Why We Dropped The Atomic Bomb Dbq
1272 Words | 3 Pages
The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki
1721 Words | 4 Pages
Argumentative Essay On The Atomic Bomb
901 Words | 2 Pages
Justification Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Bombings
931 Words | 2 Pages
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