Uploaded by Trevor Chun

Human Organization & Digestion Unit Test

Human Organization & Digestion Unit Test (2023)
M/C (40)
 4 Human organization (tissues, cavities, general body systems)
 8 diagrams (identify internal structures, function, secretes enzymes/hormones,
respond to the hormone)
 14 digestion (enzymes, mechanical, chemical, juice, bile)
 7 absorption (H2O, a.a., f.a., glycerol, villus/microvillus, L.I., S.I.)
 7 secretions (hormones, where it is made, what responds/target organ, what is
the response)
 Know your molecular structures from September (e.g. jellyfish, C 6H12O6, NH2CHR-COOH, etc…)
Written (6 marks)
1-2 questions (tie in to enzyme unit) based on the following options
 Graphing (you graph, include title, label axis, unit, scale,)
 Interpret data
 Organ “failure” – what happens to your digestion if _____ organ fails? Or what
organ must have failed if you experience the following symptoms?