Uploaded by Alex Oredola

Youth Games Outline: Forgiveness, Love, Faith Activities

Games Outline
Day 1:
Theme of the day: Walk In Forgiveness
Biblical Story: The Unforgiving Slave
Free everyone on your team from their shackles before the other team does! Roll the die and if
it lands on a “1” that prisoner can break free from their shackles!
Ribbon like material (Streamers more than likely. Easy to break out of and cheap!)
Dice (Enough for each youth to have one, so around 15 total)
Cardboard square to roll dice on since well be in grass
Cut cardboard squares
Prepare sanitation station for dice
- Put everyone on each team in shackles except for the one who is rolling the die. Line them
up in a row facing the other team
- Die roller goes down the line to each prisoner and rolls until they get a “1”, which frees the
prisoner they’re facing. They then move onto the next and repeat until all prisoners have
been saved, or the other team does it first.
- The second round will have a twist! Each prisoner who is freed will join in rolling another die
(which raises the chance of getting a 1! Each subsequent freed prisoner will add to the die
rolling until all are freed! (This should go way faster than round 1). And then everyone rolls
until someone gets a 1, which ends the game.
Lesson: Forgive others as you are forgiven! Don’t just keep it to yourself. Take the gift that God
has given you and express it with others who need it as much as you did! Life is so much
better that way!
Sanitation Notes:
Dice need to be sanitized in between groups and can’t be exchanged between youth.
Day 2:
Theme of the Day: Walk in Love
Biblical Theme: Lost sheep, Shepherd leaves the 99
Balloon “sheep” will be scattered on the field. The goal is to use the sticks to pass the “sheep”
to the goal using teamwork.
White Balloons, (Four will have a piece of paper in it with a large amount of points and set
aside for the very last part of the game)
Hockey Sticks
Tape or Caution tape for dividing Field
Some Type of Goal
Divide Field
Set up goal
Blow up balloons
Prepare sanitation station
- Balloons are scattered amongst field which has been divided into four quadrants. Each
Youth can only stay in their own quadrant.
- The youth need to work together to get the “Sheep from the back of the field to the front and
into the goal. Each sheep is worth x amount of points. The points will be calculated at the
end. Time limit will be from 4-5 minutes.
- After everyone has gone, (4 games max) the points will be tallied and the entire team will be
given a choice of taking those points or to take a chance with the “one” which will give them
a mystery amount of points (It’ll always be more than what they earned).
Lesson: The shepherd went back for the lost sheep and left the 99 who weren’t lost. He
celebrated when he found the 1! In the same way, Jesus celebrates when you are found! He
doesn’t want to lose anyone and is overjoyed to have you come back to Him!
Sanitation Notes:
- Youth CANT cross dividing lines on field.
- Sticks need to be quickly sanitized when switching out youth
- Youth CANNOT touch balloons with their hands for sanitation reasons. If they do, the ballon
will be removed which means less points.
Day 3:
Theme of the Day: Walk in Faith
Biblical Theme: Jesus Raises Girl From the Dead
Red Light Green Light! When one of the youth reach the “traffic light”, everyone participating
and everyone watching will be able to spray the leader with water.
Water sprayers
Water Balloons
Fill water Balloons
Prepare water refill station
Make a goal line for the runners to cross
- Classic Red light, Green light rules. One Leader will be the traffic light and 3-4 youth will be
the runners.
- The youth will have sprayers, while each member of the audience will have a water
- If one of the runners is caught moving during the red-light by a referee (one of the leaders)
they will have to start again at the beginning. If a runner passes the line successfully, the
traffic light will then be assaulted with a watery armageddon by EVERYONE.
- If an audience member misses with a water balloon they CANNOT go retrieve it. So they
have to aim carefully!
- Broken balloons will be collected at the end of the game for points!
Lesson: Do you have faith so strong that you believe that God can raise someone from the
dead? Thats strong faith. Our lives can be so different if we understand that no task is too great
for God to accomplish, even if it seems impossible. Thats Faith!
Sanitation Notes:
- Sanitize Water sprayers between Youth
- No contact between runners and leader