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MSE201 Thermodynamics & Phase Equilibria Syllabus

MSE201: Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria
Lectures: M,W,F 12-1 PM, L5
Tutorial: Th, 12-1 PM, L5
Instructor: Deepak Gupta
Contact Details: saboo@iitk.ac.in, x-7353, WL210
Office Hours: By appointment. Best way to seek appointment is by email, in which you clearly
mention a few slots when you are free. Or alternative is call my office number.
The class will be like regular classes that were before COVID. The reference books are:
1. Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials: David R. Gaskell
2. An Introduction to Thermodynamics: Y. V. C. Rao
Every week assignment will be given. Some of those questions, especially you want solved, will be
taken up in the tutorial. Otherwise, assignment will not have to be submitted. Most of the questions
will be from the back of chapters in Gaskell.
My advice will be that you solve all the problems assigned. Most of my examination questions will
be exactly from the assignment, especially I will pick those you asked me to solve. Take this
I have recorded lectures from 2016. The link to that folder is: https://iitkacinmy.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/saboo_iitkacin_onmicrosoft_com/EhIDIv_pQEROt4NPcQ1ijpABVn
K7r4hD7en2Jr7rRinmRg?e=WS7m6z. You welcome to use these also. In order to locate a topic you
want to see in the old videos, first check out the .jnt file (Microsoft Windows Journal), locate the
topic and the corresponding lecture number. Then you can watch that video.
Grading will be based on quizzes, mid sem and end sem, with tentatively 20, 30 and 50 % weights.
But, I am willing to reconsider the grading policy until the first quiz, if the class has a different
To attend the class or not, is up to you. If you can vote, you get to decide your life priorities too.
Cheating in examinations or by any other means: you are welcome to it, just don’t get caught. If
caught, consequences will be severe and immediate. No groveling and “sorry, sorry…” will be
Nonetheless, in Mid and End Sem examination, I will allow a “cheat Sheet”. Instructions on the
nature of these cheat sheet will be provided before the examination.
Approximate break up of topics to be covered is provided.