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Electricity Bill Estimation Assignment

CH3150 - Assignment I
Estimate the Monthly Electricity Bill for (a) Your Home and (b) Your Entire Hostel (in IITM)
Name of Appliance
Power Rating (W)
No. of Appliance
Usage (h/Day)
Washing machine
- - - (Add as required)
Total daily energy requirement (W h)
Monthly energy requirement (W h) = daily energy requirement x 30
Monthly electricity bill = Monthly energy units x Cost of a unit (in the respective state)
Perform the calculations using an Excel sheet
Per Day Energy
Consumption (W h)
CH3150 - Assignment I
• Due Date: Wednesday 16 August 2023, 8.00 pm.
• Upload answers (Excel or PDF file) in Moodle with file name: Roll No & Name
• e.g. “CH21B0XX_NAME_A1”