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Free Healthcare: Pros, Cons, and Social Impact

Free health care is a debatable issue that needs to be resolved. Some people are against it,
and some are in favor. It is a topic which concern us all because being alive implies the need for
health care. Unfortunately, we must ask ourselves how and if the economic cost of receiving health
care has affected us. If so, is free health care a solution?
Free health care would with no doubt be a solution for our less privileged people, especially
the homeless. The homeless have been citizens forgotten by the government throughout the
decades. Although according to the government of Puerto Rico, in the year 2007, the law 199 was
passed for the provision of services to the homeless, I’ve heard stories about hospitals not accepting
these people’s cases because they lack money. Expecting the homeless to have an economic
income is respectfully, a nonsense. They do not even have a safe place to rest. Sadly, these people
live in a constant exposure to danger in all aspects. Health is one of them. Therefore, health care
being provided for free would make a way to wellness for the less privileged.
In the second place, one of the greatest ways to protect the old people is to have a system
of free health care. In Puerto Rico, there are cases of the elderly abandoned by their families. Some
are abandoned in purpose while others, according to NotiCel, have their sons dead or in jail. These
old people probably never worked or never even requested a government medical insurance. At
this point in their lives, most of them do not have the knowledge or the energy to apply for one.
Our old people can be protected by the provision of a free health care service.
Besides, free health care is a motivation to keep fighting for our countries. Through the
news we can see and read how the decisions taken by the government affect the different countries.
This causes some people to give up hope of a better tomorrow. They feel forced to leave and look
for a place that brings them better opportunities. If a free health care system is implemented people
would feel motivated to stay when they see the improvement.
By the other hand, giving a free health care service can have some negative implications.
Doctors and nurses’ mental health can be negatively affected by the increase of patients in
hospitals. This could make the personal more tired and drained. The anxiety and depression would
be more likely to develop. During the pandemic, we had a glimpse of it. According to Steve Ford
for Nursing times, a survey was made and the 26% said their mental health was “bad” while 7%
described it as “very bad”. The other percentages were distributed as follows: a 3% said “I don’t
know”, the 24% said “good”, a 36% “neither good nor bad”, and just the 7% said “very good”.
The many daily cases they have been attending are ridiculous. The same would happen in a free
health care system. Consequently, their mental health would go downwards.
There would also be a decrease in the salary of health professionals if their service was
given for free. The necessary funds would not be accessible to give them the actual money they
are working for, and that they deserve. According to Castillero, a doctor spends approximately 11
to 12 years studying the career or even a few more, while according to Voccia, a nurse depending
on the degree they want to obtain; they could be 4 to 6 years studying. Once they’re on the labor
field, they spend hours and hours treating patients. This means it would not be fair at all because
of the many years spent preparing to successfully serve to the community and the enormous
number of hours spent working. Free health care service will lower Doctors and nurses’ salary.
At the same time, the waiting time in a hospital would increase by having a free health care
system, and doctors would have to reduce the time spent seeing a patient. Thus, the quality of the
service would lower. Since the medical attention is free, emergency rooms will be full on capacity
because whoever needs it will go to receive it. The large waiting lists would cause doctors to not
spend the necessary time with patients.
Concludingly, free health care encompasses many aspects and topics that need to be
objectively discussed. It is a hope for the homeless, and a protection for our old people.
Nevertheless, it would also cause some struggles. The mental health of doctors and nurses will get
affected as well as their salary. Due to the long lists, the waiting time would be very high, and the
time spent seeing an only patient will be reduced. However, health care is a need, and should be
equally provided and accessible for all.